Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Como Desenhar Mang em 5 Passos" |
"Desenhar no precisa ser mais problema para voc. Aprenda o mtodo que vai te possibilitar desenhar qualquer tipo de personagem em estilo Mang.Transforme seus desenhos em Obras de Arte e impressione seus amigos e familiares. Aprenda como desenhar:1 - A cabea de um personagem de Mang; 2 - Olhos e elementos do rosto de um personagem; 3 - Tronco;4 - Braos e Pernas; 5 - Acabamento e finalizao do desenho"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Lightning Flow Builder - The Complete Guide" |
"Learn the fundamentals of Salesforce Lightning Flow Builder through 10 challenges taken directly from real world examples.My goal is to deliver a 100-to-1 return in value on your purchase so that you can get a raise at your job, level up your career, or help your clients in a new way.I'm an eleven time certified Salesforce Admin and Developer (including Platform Developer II) and I've taken 10 real world flows I've built for my company and turned them into learning examples for this course. When I began learning flow builder I felt confused on how to use the tool and wished there was an easier way to learn it. In this course, we'll cover everything from the beginning concepts to the most advanced processes in order to make you a Salesforce Lightning Flow Builder master.We'll cover:Embedding flows in Lightning ComponentsEmbedding flows in Lightning PagesLaunching flows from a ButtonUsing flows with Data LoaderScheduling flows to run on a nightly basisAssign a task to a user using a picklistUsing loops, decisions, assignments, get, create, and update elementsUsing formulas in flows to control outputUsing the flow debug toolWorking with screen flowsSend emails with flows ...and more!Familiarity with Salesforce Lightning is recommended, however no experience is required to take this course.**Stay tuned for updates coming for the Summer '20 flow builder release**"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Deep Learning Course" |
" , This course is focus on the theoretical aspects of the recent deep learning methods.### . ###Section 1: Introduction to Machine learning & Deep learning Lecture 1: Introduction to Deep learning Brief history of Deep learning Motivation Lecture 2: What is Machine Learning? Machine leaning Definition Traditional Programming vs Machine learning AI vs Machine learning vs Deep learning Lecture 3: Types of Machine Learning Supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning Classification vs Regression Clustering and dimensionality reduction Lecture 4: Machine Learning & Deep learning Applications Lecture 5: Steps to Build a Machine Learning System Data collection, feature extraction, modelling, estimation, and validation. for example, how to develop an image categorization system. Lecture 6: K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) ModelSection 2: Linear Regression Lecture 7: Univariate Linear Regression Lecture 8: Cost Function Intuition Lecture 9: Gradient Descent Algorithm Lecture 10: Linear Regression with Multiple VariablesSection 3: Logistic Regression Lecture 11: Introduction to Logistic Regression Lecture 12: Cost function Lecture 13: Multi-Class ClassificationSection 4: Neural Networks Lecture 14: Introduction to Neural Networks Part 1 Definition of Neural Networks Artificial Neuron Types of Activation Functions Lecture 15: Introduction to Neural Networks Part 2 Neural Network Architectures Capacity of Single NeuronNeural Network Multi-layer Neural Networks Softmax Activation Function Lecture 16: Biological Neural NetworksUnpublished Section: Backpropagation Algorithm Convolutional Neural Networks Deep Belief Network AutoEncoders Generative Adversarial Network Recurrent Neural Networks Long short-term Memory (LSTM)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Didtica e Planejamento" |
"Esse curso pensado para todos aqueles profissionais da rea docente que precisam ou precisaro de um refgio para organizar ideias e persistir na profisso mais desafiadora j feita: Ser Professor.Ns vamos mudar o mundo e por isso que precisamos nos ajudar!No Curso de Didtica e Planejamento teremos: * 4 aulas expositivas acerca das maiores dvidas e inseguranas dos docentes com base em pesquisas reais com estudantes de licenciatura e professores j formados.* Ideias inovadoras para parte prtica do dia a dia na sala de aula.* 4 Aulas divididas em:- 3 aulas de disposio, planejamento e organizao.- 1 aula de didtica em sala de aula e teorias pedaggicas."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Certified Reiki Healer Practitioner - Level 1" |
"This course is designed to help you understand Reiki, what it is and how to use it. Reiki is a natural holistic healing technique that anyone can learn. Reiki is non religious and does not discriminate your background, who you are, or where you come from. Everyone has access to the special and important gift. Reiki is a technique to harness the life force energy that has been used for centuries to realign mental, physical, and emotional energies.The course is split into unique, easy to follow parts covering Reiki Level I which has been written with the absolute beginner in mind. The course covers such topics as the Origins of Reiki, the Benefits of Reiki treatment and the Correct positions required for a Reiki treatment. You will also learn about receiving Universal Energy.This course includes an in depth manual covering all aspects of Reiki 1. Every course you take on Reiki no matter who is the instructor should always include a manual for you to refer back to. The course also includes example videos for when you are still just not so sure if you're using the hand positions correctly. There are also meditations, a 21 day initiation that will begin when you complete your course and have received your distant Attunement, however you will receive your certificate upon completion of the course. The initiation is not required but is HIGHLY recommended.By learning Reiki you will learn how to bring healing to yourself and others. It is also a gentle way to work through traumas and blocks so that you can begin to live your best life today! With a Reiki level 1 certificate you will then be eligible to start your own Reiki business, give effective healings, and will meet the requirements to learn Reiki 2 and eventually Reiki Master Teacher level."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Realizzare body elasticizzato con manica lunga" |
"Il corso ti permette di costruire e modificare il cartamodello con le misure standard e personali, realizzare il body di tessuti elasticizzati: lycra, pizzo, rete..Confezionare e rifinire il body in modo professionaleUsare come base per creare abiti da ballo, costume da bagno, body danza e ginnastica.Potrai scaricare: tabelle misure, costruzione, disegni con modellazione, cartamodello in grandezza naturale, consigli utili per le cuciture ed modi di rifinitura"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Realizzare corpetto con le coppe e stecche" |
"Come costruire il corpetto su misura con la tecnica del Moulage, disegnare il modello, confezionare di pizzo, realizzare ed inserire le coppe, inserire le stecche, decorare ed arricchire il corpetto.Questo corpetto la base per creare abiti da cerimonia e da sposaIl cartamodello si pu usare per modellare e creare diversi capi"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Le frange per abiti da ballo. I tipi e modi da cucire" |
"Tecniche, consigli, trucchi, idee per come creare e cucire, tagliare, rifinire, decorare gli abiti da ballo, costumi danza, carnevale con le frange di diversi tipi:- frangia-nastro elasticizzata e non elasticizzata-frangia di tessuto: a tubo, spirale, strisce, a fascia - ciuffi e nappine- frangia di paillettes, paiettoni - frangia di perline, tubicini, canottiglie - frangia decorativa, passamaneria"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Le tecniche di bordature e rifiniture sui tessuti elastici" |
"In questa lezione faccio vedere le tecniche di bordature e i modi per rifinire le curve degli abiti da ballo e costumi in modo professionale da avere un bell'aspetto e resistenza. I modi principali che rendono le cuciture elastiche e forti, non impediscono il movimento e non si strappano. Si pu realizzare usando overlock - tagliacuci o la macchina lineare con le cuciture elastici"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Power BI - Da obteno dos dados at a publicao" |
"Se voc pretende aprender ou aperfeioar os seus conhecimentos no Power BI, que a melhor plataforma de Analytics e Business Intelligence do mercado, sem enrolao ou slides chatos, esse o curso feito para voc.No estresse voc mesmo! Dedique o tempo que voc pode dedicar ao curso de Power BI. No existem datas para entregas de exerccios nem tarefas obrigatrias. Partimos do princpio de que cada aluno tem sua prioridade e expectativa, portanto, voc define se quer investir mais ou menos tempo nos estudos.Este curso vai te ensinar sobre manipulao, anlise de dados, desenvolvimento de indicadores, mtricas, grficos, relatrios e painis usando o Power BI Desktop e Power BI Pro."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Family Tree Made Easy - with Family Echo" |
"Family Trees Made Easy is a beginner course for people who want to create a digital version of their family tree. All that is needed is a computer (Mac, PC, or Chromebook), access to the internet and a personal email address. The free online software introduced in this course makes creating your family tree extremely easy. It will help you organize your information, make revisions, add additional details as you think of them or discover them for the first time. The software also allows you to easily collaborate with others. In the end, this work will also leave you with a better understanding of who you are and where you come from. It will also better equip you to share your family history and stories with others."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to Design Brands People Remember and Love" |
"We live in a world where consumers have more power than ever, curating their own personal brands like weve never seen before. Some brands improve our lives in very personal ways, but in order for them to lead the way, they must first connect with us on a deep, intrinsic level. Its also important to understand that a brand is not just a logo or a business name.In this class I will show you my process of coming up with a memorable brand that will engage customers.The class is geared towards:Creatives who work in any type of Creative or Marketing AgencyGraphic Design, Branding or Marketing studentsEntrepreneurs who want better clarity for running their businessNo prior knowledge is required for this classWhat you will learn:My process for defining the How, What and Why of a businessWhat are Brand Values, how to create them, and why they are important in BrandingHow to reference Human Needs to create a brand that connects with your customersHow to create a Positioning Statement and Tagline and why they are vital for your brandYour Assignments will involve creating a Positioning Statement, as well as a Tagline for either a personal brand or another business of your choosing, using the Brand Worksheet I personally use to brainstorm and ideate a brands essence. The completed Brand Worksheet is the foundation for crafting a memorable and meaningful brand."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"More Than a Logo: Design a Brand Identity System" |
"In this class Im thrilled to share my Overarching Brand Visuals process with you that has allowed me to sustain a virtually 100% approval rate from clients, for the last 3 years and over 20 major rebrand projects.My process is a result of more than a decade of tweaking and strengthening my approach to designing and presenting logos and identities. I have stopped having to defend designs for individual items, or nitpick at a logo, because I focus on delivering Overarching Brand Visuals that support a cohesive Brand Story.If youve ever presented logo options to a client only to receive criticism or confusion, or go through an insane amount of revisions for something as basic as a business card, then this class is for you.In some of my previous classes I focused on providing a lot of theoretical knowledge behind approaching design work.However I want to shift gears a little and focus on the practical side of creating visuals for a brand.I invite you to go behind the scenes with me and see how I put together concept visuals for a real client of mine, while I talk you through my thought process.Key Takeaways:Learn how to consider Brand Positioning in your logo designsLook at the advantages of designing an Overarching System rather than just a logoExplore what components should be considered for a cohesive Visual SystemLearn how to establish which application examples should be presentedA hands-on, behind the scenes lesson of creating Overarching Visuals for a real client"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Mailchimp: Design Beautiful Branded Emails" |
"Email Marketing is still a huge part of an overall Digital Media Strategy for any brand.No doubt that if you want to stay engaged with your customers, you will need to be sending emails. But sometimes a simple email is not enough you want to promote brand awareness and brand recognition to stay top of your customers minds.Your emails need to be on brand. They need to be an extension of your Brand Identity and be a beautiful representation of it.Why I created this class:Lots of entrepreneurs and business owners feel like they need expensive software and a team of designers and marketing professionals to help them send newsletters and campaigns. This is not true!This class is a practical step-by-step guide that anyone can do. Regardless of how much experience in design or email marketing you have. Working with many SME owners in the past 15 years I found that the most effective way to create emails is just to build them directly within an email platform! That means that we wont be designing the entire email in Photoshop, but rather start by planning out our email goals, create a wireframe and then build our email templates directly in Mailchimp.Are you ready to create your own email templates?So if you have a brand to work with and some components that make up your Brand Style Guide, and now need a step-by-step guide for applying it to something practical, like an email template this class is for you.As always, I happily share and commentate my thought and decision making process along the way."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Outdoor Gardening" |
"Learn all the fundamental basics to become an expert level gardener! Dive into plant biology and soil sciences. Understand pruning methods and the different styles of gardening. Learn about shade gardens, pollinator gardens and how to maintain a deer-resistant garden. Discover how planning, maintenance, and good watering habits help you to achieve the professional look without the high cost!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Indoor Gardening" |
"Learn all about indoor gardening. We go over a range of topics, everything from houseplants to plant care, pests and diseases to growing vegetables inside! We even discuss methods of pruning, repotting and even propagation. The goal of this course is to teach you how to garden indoors, year-round and to keep your plants happy and healthy!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Produccin de Hip hop en Ableton" |
"Quieres aprender a producir tus tracks con calidad profesional? Este es un curso 100% prctico donde trabajaremos sobre una produccin real desde cero.Me acompaarn desde la creacin de una idea musical hasta la mezcla de un tema completamente terminado.Las habilidades que aprenders son aplicables a cualquier gnero! Algunos de los temas que desarrollaremos son:BeatsLoopsSidechainLeadsAutotune (T-pain effect)AutomatizacinMezclaMasteretc.. Ventajas de tomas este cursoA diferencia de Youtube, no necesitas estar buscando entre decenas de videos. Toda la informacin est en un solo lugarPuedes acceder al curso desde cualquier lugar del mundo, las 24 horas del da, los 7 das de la semanaAtencin personalizada Si el curso no te gusta, te regresamos tu dinero"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"10 formas de mejorar tus canciones" |
"La enseanza musical es fascinante, pero puede llegar a ser abrumante y en ocasiones desalentadora para aquellas personas que requieren soluciones prcticas a problemas inmediatos y concretos. En este curso pretendo mostrar que utilizar las mismas herramientas que usan los compositores y arreglistas profesionales, no tiene que ser tan complicado.A travs de ejemplos sencillos y prcticos aprenders los 10 recursos musicales ms importantes para llevar tus canciones y composiciones al siguiente nivel, sin necesidad de tener aos de entrenamiento musical.Si eres msico profesional o cuentas con educacin musical, este curso te ayudar tambin a aplicar y entender mucho de tu conocimiento ya adquirido en situaciones reales y concretas. Ventajas de tomas este cursoA diferencia de Youtube, no necesitas estar buscando entre decenas de videos. Toda la informacin est en un solo lugarPuedes acceder al curso desde cualquier lugar del mundo, las 24 horas del da, los 7 das de la semanaAtencin personalizada Si el curso no te gusta, te regresamos tu dinero"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Bodyweight Workout" |
"Con questo manuale si vogliono diffondere anni di esperienza e lavoro sul campo per permettere a chiunque di allenarsi dove si vuole e come si vuole, anche restando comodamente nelle vostre case.Questo corso pratico e diretto.Vi mostra un grandissimo numero di esercizi che si possono svolgere a corpo libero, con e senza l'ausilio di attrezzi di facile reperibilta', come Trx o elastici. Troverete anche delle sedute di allenamento gia pronte.Inoltre ci saranno lezioni dove saranno spiegati i principi dell'allenamento, cos da sfruttare il gran numero di esercizi a vostra disposizione per potervi creare da soli i vostri allenamenti in base al vostro livello, i vostri gusti, alle vostre esigenze; troverete anche dei principi base per una corretta alimentazione.Gli istruttori del corso sono certificati e qualificati."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"IELTS BAND 7+ Full Course (All Modules)" |
"Are you a non native English speaker? Do you want to speed-up your immigration process with good IELTS Band 7+? In need of professional guidance to secure Band 7+?Then our course is just for you as it will cater all components of IELTS exam: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking.Are you taking separate courses for every module? Get one course fit for allThis course is specially designed for you, if:You are afraid of securing Band 7+?You are a non native speakerYou cant take physical classesYou have very limited time for preparationYou are afraid that your vocabulary is not goodYou are afraid that your English speaking is not goodYou are afraid of taking too many different courses to prepare for IELTS - Why not go for just one complete course?YOU ARE AT THE RIGHT PLACE. 90% of students who are going to appear in IELTS exam are worried of these areas.This course will cover IELTS Academic and General exam guide along with sample tests practice."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Overtuigende teksten schrijven voor meer verkoop" |
"Jij schrijft online teksten. Voor je site, nieuwsbrief, blog of social media. Maar er komen weinig klanten uit. Of niet de klanten die jij zoekt. Je trekt bezoekers aan, maar ze klikken niet. Wat nu? Waar gaat het mis? Je hebt er zoveel tijd ingestokenGeen zorgen, wij helpen je hierbij. Als professioneel tekstschrijvers liepen we hier ook tegenaan. We weten nu wat niet werkt, maar vooral wat wl werkt. En we delen dit graag. In trainingen, workshops en coachingssessies. Weinig tijd? Onze kennis, tips & tricks vind je nu ook in deze praktische online schrijfcursus. Je volgt hem waar en wanneer jij dat wilt. En kunt direct aan de slag. Wel zo makkelijk.Waar ga je mee aan de slag?Helder krijgen: wat wil je dat je klant dot?In beeld brengen wie je ideale klant is.Een slimme opbouw en structuur van je tekst.Tips en oefeningen om je tekst lekker leesbaar te maken.Bewezen trucs om je klant met woorden te overtuigen.Reken op een praktische schrijfcursus. Per onderdeel zorgen we natuurlijk voor een stukje theorie. We lichten dit altijd toe met treffende voorbeelden. Ook geven we handige tips & tricks die bij onze eigen klanten erg succesvol bleken. Je gaat zelf aan de slag met opdrachten. Om je daarbij te helpen staan er een aantal handige checklists voor je klaar.Heb je de cursus afgerond? Dan weet jij hoe je overtuigende, scanbare online teksten kunt schrijven. En zo meer ideale klanten (=omzet) binnenhaalt.Voor wie is deze cursus teksten schrijven?Werk jij in de marketing of communicatie? Of ben je ondernemer en wil je meer uit je online marketing halen? Dan is deze cursus jou op het lijf geschreven! Wat je leert, pas je direct toe op bijvoorbeeld je webteksten, social media en nieuwsbrieven.Wat vinden anderen van deze cursus teksten schrijven?De inhoud van de cursus is mooi en duidelijk opgebouwd. De cursus heeft mij goed geholpen om beter te weten hoe ik teksten moet schrijven, maar ook voor wie, waarom en hoe ik zorg dat mensen op een bepaalde knop gaan klikken. Door deze cursus heb ik een andere kijk gekregen op teksten en nu weet ik hoe ik meer klanten binnen kan halen en mijn website, social media kanalen en nieuwsbrief kan aanpassen.Zeer toegankelijke cursus om effectief te leren schrijven. Door het gebruik van voorbeelden en checklists direct toepasbaar op mijn eigen teksten. Ik kan deze cursus zeer aanbevelen voor iedereen die in korte tijd veel wil leren over goede teksten schrijven."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"zel Ders Formatnda Franszca Eitim Seti" |
"Franszca renmeye nerden, nasl balayacanz bilemiyor musunuz ? zel kurslara ya da fiziksel kurslara para harcadnz ama bir trl olmas gerektii gibi franszcay size retemediler mi ? Sayemizde ksa srede Franszcay renen yzlerce kiiden biri olmanz iin bu eitime siz de katln. lk bir ay koulsuz, sorgusuz iade hakknz da var ! Kaybedecek hibir eyiniz yok !Bu Eitim ile Sfrdan balayarak, franszcanz ileri seviyelere (A2) kolayca tayabilirsiniz. renmeniz gereken bilgiler, pratiklerini yapmanz gereken konular, hepsi bir araya topland. Eitim sresince sizlere internet zerinde kolaylkla eriim salayabileceiniz ve franszcay en doru ekilde renilmesi gereken konularda sizlere yardmc olabilecek siteleri de eitimimiz boyunca gsteriyoruz.Neden rgn Deil De, Online Eitim ?Uzman eitimcilerimiz tarafndan salanan eitim ortamnda; sizler sadece saati belirliyorsunuz. rgn eitimden farkl olan bir dier nemli madde de; istediiniz kadar pratik eitimine sahip olabiliyor olmanzdr. Online eitimde sizlere retilecek eylerin bir snr bulunmamaktadr. Biz en ok da online eitimin bu ynn ne kartmaya alyoruz. Online Franszca kursu olarak tercih edebileceiniz en iyi sistem 2011 ylndan itibaren sizlerle. Yaklak 9 yldr, bu sektrde ayakta kalabilmek iin var gcmzle Franszca renmek isteyen bireylerin ilerini kolaylatrmaya alyoruz.Udemyde hazrladmz eitim setinde sizlere franszcay nasl reteceiz ?Dilediiniz zaman dilediiniz dersi tekrar tekrar izleme ansnz olacak.Her konuda danabileceiniz uzman eitmenlerden destek alabiliyor olacaksnz.Ders srasnda dikkatinizin dalmamas iin zel teknikler kullanlmtr ve videolarn sreleri en ideal ekilde hazrlanmtr.Sizler iin kurduumuz Akademimize kayt olarak Eitmenlerinize dilediiniz zaman sorularnz sorabilecek, cevap bulabileceksiniz !Eitimden en yksek verimi alabilmeniz iin sizlere tavsiyelerimiz olacak :Her Blm Birer hafta arayla izleyin. Eitime baladnz gn btn videolar bir anda bitirerek Franszcay renmeniz ok zor olacaktr. Yaptmz aratrmalara ve edindiimiz tecrbelere gre, Her Blm arasnda Birer hafta bulunmas, eitimin sonunda en yksek verimi almanz salayacaktr.Her gn, bir nceki gnk videolar tekrardan izleyerek eitime balaynEitim videolarnn yansra, sizler ile paylatmz farkl web sitelerindeki egzersizleri de yapmay unutmaynKendinize asla krmamanz gereken bir zincir oluturun ve 1 ay boyunca her gn en az 1 saat Franszca aln.Birlikte balayp, yine birlikte bitireceimiz eitimin sonunda, Eer ki sizden istediimiz btn egzersizleri yaparsanz, anlamadnz konularda Akademide bulunan eitmenlerinizden yardm isterseniz, Tm videolar eksiksiz bir ekilde izlerseniz Franszcanzn ok gelitiini ve artk Franszca dilinizi kendi banza gelitirebileceinizi greceksiniz !Beklediiniz verimi alamadnz taktirde ilk bir ay iinde koulsuz iade hakknz bulunduunu da unutmaynz. Bu kez kaybedecek hibir eyiniz yok !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
fingramotnost |
". , , , . , , , , ."
Price: 1799.00 ![]() |
"AWS Machine Learning Certification Exam2020 Complete Guide" |
"Update 01/02/2020: Section #13 on Machine Learning Implementation and Operations is released. Machine and Deep Learning are the hottest tech fields to master right now! Machine/Deep Learning techniques are widely adopted in many fields such as banking, healthcare, transportation and technology. Amazon has recently introduced the AWS machine Learning Certification Speciality exam and its quite challenging! AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty is targeted at data scientists and developers who design, train and deploy AI/ML models to solve real-world challenging problems.The bad news: this exam is a very challenging AWS exam since it tests the candidates knowledge on multiple aspects such as (1) Data Engineering and Feature Engineering, (2) AI/ML Models selection, (3) Appropriate AWS services solution to solve business problem, (4) AI/ML models building, training, and deployment, (5) Model optimization and Hyperparameters tuning. You need to answer these questions in order to pass the exam:o How to select proper ML technique to solve a given business problem?o Which AWS service could work best for a given problem?o How to design, implement and scale secure ML solutions?o How to choose the most cost-effective solution?The good news: With over 500+ slides and over 50 practice questions, this course is by far the most comprehensive course on the market that provides students with the foundational knowledge to pass the AWS Machine Learning Certification exam like a pro! This course covers the most important concepts without any fillers or irrelevant information."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Your Successful Morning Ritual: Start Your Day The Right Way" |
"Did you feel energized and excited when you woke up this morning? Or did you feel tired, stressed out with no energy to start your day? If you're like most, then you likely felt tired with no energy...Let me tell you that if you don't have an empowering morning ritual that you do on a daily basis then you are missing on the most powerful routine that fills you with energy, excitement, joy and fulfillment. Spending just 10 minutes or more every morning can radically transform every area of your life!Celebrities and successful people all have a powerful morning ritual. Tony Robbins, Benjamin Franklin, Richard Branson, Mark Zuckerberg, Oprah Winfrey, Steve Jobs, or Bill Gates all have a specific morning routine that they do on a daily basis to put them in the right state.When I've started doing a morning ritual on daily basis, every area of my life has become better. I've woken up with more energy, confidence and productivity and I've been feeling really good about myself. I've been able to focus on my goals more clearly and I've started to remind myself that I can achieve anything I set my mind to.This course will teach you solid steps to:Create your own successful morning ritual that will fill you up with energy, excitement and joy.Begin to take time to appreciate the blessings you have in your lifeTake charge of your own thoughts and emotionsStart your day proactively so your body, mind and soul are ready to help you achieve your dreams and goalsContentsI made this course to inspire you and help you to create your own successful morning ritual that will increase your energy, confidence, productivity and your attraction to the opposite sex.Spending just 10 minutes or more every morning can bring you more happiness, joy and you will be able to enjoy your life to the fullest. Remember, you become what you do on everyday basis."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Inversin en Bolsa (Trading)" |
"Siempre has tenido curiosidad por saber que significan esas barras de colores de las grficas?Oyes noticias sobre tipos de inters, ndices bancarios... y te gustara interpretarlas en un grfico?Se puede vivir del trading? Cuantos aos necesito para ello?En este Curso de Trading Online aprenders todos los secretos del trading, dirigido a todos los niveles y para que todo el mundo saque provecho de ello. Con clases tericas online donde se seguir un temario para poder adquirir conocimiento en los mercados financieros y que puedas operar sin ningn tipo de ayuda y seal de terceros.Incluye 6 sesiones tericas y sesiones durante todo el curso donde vers como se opera en directo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"(Android+Kotlin+Firebase) Arabic" |
". Kotlin, Android 10 ."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Self Management and Personality Development" |
"This course provide you with the best practice, experience, and guidelines for developing your self and personality in terms of thinking, feeling, and behaving in an efficient matter in order to success in the life. How to make change in your self and abilities in order to improve personality and self confidence. The main course outlines : 1- How to improve personality 2- How to get rid of negative thinking 3- How to identify and control feelings 4 How to improve self confidence 5- How to reprogram unconscious mind . The main idea of this course is to improve decisions and actions in the life based on improving thinking style. This course focus on best practice and experience but not theories. The value of this course is how the participants of this course can change their thinking style in order to improve feelings and emotions for better and efficient decisions in their life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"12 Tage, 3 Ebenen, ein schwieriges Gesprch, das gelingt!" |
"Es gibt Gesprche, die alle Fhrungskrfte frchten: schlechte Nachrichten zu berbringen, ber ein sensibles oder ""politisches"" Thema zu diskutieren oder ber ein Projekt sprechen zu mssen, das schief gelaufen ist.Beim bloen Gedanken and das Gesprch luft dir ein Schauer ber den Rcken. So sehr, dass es dich sogar von der Arbeit ablenkt."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Loss of Parent: A Healing Journey" |
"Heart Centered Loss of Parent is a journey.A journey to accepting loss as part of your story, and going deep into your unique experience, so you can begin to heal and honor loss along your path in life.In a world where we showcase our best selves, highlighting the good parts of our lives. We can feel the need to hide the low, hard, and messy part of our life. Where can we turn? My goal is that this course can be one of the tools, and places you can turn too. To connect to your loss, and all that comes with it. A course that helps you understand how loss has changed you, where you can begin to heal, and how you can honor your parent moving forward.This Course Is For You If:You are struggling living with your lossYou feel unsure of where to begin with your healingYou have feelings of loneliness, shame, or embarrassment around your lossLoss has changed you and has left you confused and stuckYou are looking for guidance, and support around honoring your parent and your lossYou are ready to confront your loss and the many aspects of itHere I honor your process, not trying to ""fix"" but empower you within your unique experience.""The reality is that you will grieve forever. You will not 'get over' the loss of a loved one; you will learn to live with it. You will heal and you will rebuild yourself around the loss you have suffered. You will be whole again but you will never be the same. Nor should you be the same, nor should you want to"" Elizabeth Kubler-RossWhat This Course Will Provide:A step by step guide to discovering the many aspects of your loss, and how you can begin to healGuidance in nurturing emotions, pain, and griefWays to honor your parent and connect with them moving forwarddownloadable PDFs, audios, videos, and meditationsMy goal is that by the end of the course you feel more supported and empowered in your healing. That you understand your loss in new ways and have the tools to cope with the ups and downs that arise.What This Course Is Not:This course is not for the use of therapy or counselingI am not a psychiatrist, therapist, or counselorThis course does not focus on the difficult aspects of your relationship with the parent you lost. I advise seeking professional guidance in this areaIt is not meant to be anything but support along your unique pathProviding new perspective around loss and empowering you in your healing along the wayWhy Work With Me:Loss came into my life at the age of 12. When I lost my mother to ovarian cancer.Since then, I have been on a 18+ year journey in healing my loss.I learned from a very early age, that I was forever changed. But felt I was unable to express this, feeling shame around talking about my loss, and the many stages I was going through.I have learned a lot along the way. What was helpful, what wasn't. But most importantly that everyone's experience is different. That our relationship with loss can change overtime, go up and come back down, and we can use tools to ride the waves.So I decided that I was going to use my past, my present, and my future to create something for you. From my heart to yours.In a futile attempt to erase our past, we deprive the community of our healing gift. If we conceal our wounds out of fear and shame, our inner darkness can neither be illuminated nor become a light for others. Brennan Manning"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Revit - Direto ao ponto" |
"Direto ao ponto, sem rodeios! Esse curso apresenta as ferramentas fundamentais para o uso do Revit como porta de acesso tecnologia BIM, metodologia de concepo, quantificao, precificao, gerenciamento e uso de obras e edificaes dominante no mercado da Arquitetura, Engenharia e Construo.Organizado em 15 captulos + 1 bnus, voc utilizar as ferramentas fundamentais desse software, contando com minha experincia de mais de duas dcadas com arquitetura, sendo dez anos tambm dentro da sala de aula, aprimorando a forma de ensino e cooperando com a aprendizagem de muita gente."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |