Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"No Despertar da Mediunidade" |
"Nesse curso voc ir compreender de forma ampla e prtica como funciona a mediunidade na prtica, pois alm das aulas tericas e tambm onde conto minha histria e experincia pessoal com a mediunidade, ser proposto pra que cada aluno se conecte com sua prpria Egrgora (Guias Espirituais) pra que tambm comece a canalizar utilizando a arte."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Curso Tcnico de Odoo Starter Nivel 1" |
"Con este curso aprenders los cimientos claves para desarrollar aplicaciones (modulos) de Odoo.Aprenders a personalizar tanto modelo como vistas de Odoo(Las personalizaciones son necesarias para adaptar Odoo a tus necesidades o la de tus clientes) Manejo del ORM (Buscar, eliminar, campos calculados, dominios, etc)Tambin aprenders a desplegar Odoo en diferentes ambientes, desarrollo y produccin"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Tcnico Odoo 12 en Espaol Advanced Nivel 2" |
"Quieres aprender Odoo desde Cero y no sabes como empezar?La informacin de Odoo esta muy desorganizada y obsoleta, incluyendo la documentacin Oficial del propio editor, es por eso que hemos creado este curso de mas de 8 horas intensivas para ayudar a profesionales como t empezar en este mundo.Con este curso te convertirs en un desarrollador completo desde cero, hemos tomado en cuenta todos los pasos fueron necesarios para que se geste el curso mas completo que puedas encontrar en la web.Todo lo que necesitas para ser un desarrollador Full, con videos tutoriales prcticos aplicables en proyectos reales, aplicables en tan solo 3 semanas intensivas. Aqui no enseamos teora, te compartimos nuestra experiencia real para que sea aplicada desde el minuto 1y puedas trabajar y recuperar la inversion del curso, Aseguramos y te acompaamos en tu aprendizaje garantizado!IMPORTANTE! Si quieres ms contenidos, mas horas de curso decirte que,el curso Full Full esta disponible en nuestra web de cursosOdoo . net (425$) que contiene ms mdulos como:* creacin de Wizards* Instalacion Odoo con Proxy + SSL* Infomes Qweb* Crear y Ejecutar Python Hooks, etc etc.Eso ya depende de tu presupuesto ;)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"FL Studio 101 - Introduction to Music Production" |
"In this course, you will learn the basics of music production and how to use one of the worlds most popular Digital Audio Workstation (DAW). After taking this course, you will be comfortable enough to create a complete music track (instrumental) and also be able to customize the music creating software (FL Studio) to your personal taste for maximum results."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Desenvolvimento Android Completo - Do Zero Ao Avanado" |
"Curso Completo 11 Mdulos de ensino, mais de 100 aulas em vdeos. Vai aprender a criar Apps do Zero ao Profissional 100% passo a passo, no precisa ter conhecimentos em programao. Vai aprender a trabalhar com as melhores ferramentas de desenvolvimento do mercado internacional confira as diversas vantagens do nosso curso: Aprenda a criar Apps bsicos e Apps avanados.Trabalhar com imagens, vdeos, sons.Componentes de interface.Servidores como: Firebase do Google e o Parse.Orientao a objetos.Fundamentos da programao Java.Aulas sobre a moderna linguagem de programao Kotlin.Diferentes tipos de layout.NavigationDrawer.Listas personalizadas.Aprenda a publicar os seus Apps na loja da Google Play, e muito mais.... Voc ainda vai aprender como ganhar dinheiro com os seus aplicativos, eu mostro tudo isso pra voc na prtica. Voc quer iniciar nessa carreira de desenvolvedor de aplicativos? Venha conhecer o nosso mtodo de ensino 100% Garantido e Comprovado! Pblico alvo: Para qualquer pessoa que tem vontade de aprender a criar aplicativos."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Shopify Dropshipping - Make 2k a day with consistent profit" |
"""How To Start & Scale An Ecommerce Business To 6 Figures A Month From Scratch in 2020""99% of people fail in eCommerce, even though it's growing at an unstoppable rate all over the globe. Why? Well, its simple:#1: People spend too much time following the wrong advice, bouncing around from guru to guru without taking the time to build the right skills necessary to succeed.#2: People don't have ANYONE around them that has similar goals or aspirations, let alone anyone who could actually help them.This is what lead to the creation of the Shopify Financial Freedom Program.The Shopify Financial Freedom Program is an immersive proven and tested online course that teaches you step by step how to start and scale a profitable eCommerce business.Beginner Friendly A-Z Content:The course comes with step by step training that teaches you all the skills necessary to succeed. You will learn:The best methods to find massive winning productsHow to create a professional, high converting storeAlgorithmic Targeting RoadmapAutomatic & Manual Bidding BootcampHow to create engaging video ads that will get viewers hookedHow to launch profitable Facebook ads campaigns with consistent results - Secret Scaling StrategyHow to scale your store quickly and profitablyHow to set up back-end systems to automate your store"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Stock Market Investing for Beginners" |
"Have you ever wanted to commence trading on the stock market but weren't sure where to start? I have encountered endless conversations with family, friends, and co-workers who are all keen to get involved in the stock market but find it confusing and don't know where to start. This course will break down common terms used within the stock market, and includes examples of how to trade (BUY/SELL) and what it means to be a shareholder."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"System Administration for Creative Studios and AWS cloud." |
"You will learn Windows and Linux command line. You will become fluent on Macs, PCs and Linux servers in the studio and AWS cloud. You will understand creative technologies like Adobe Photoshop, Premiere as well as 3D applications like Autodesk Maya, which are used to create Hollywood blockbusters. As a final project we will build a Linux server in Amazon AWS cloud."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Simulating Power Electronic Circuits using Python" |
"For a student of electrical engineering or for a practicing electrical technician, getting started with simulating electrical circuits can be challenging. Even more so in the case of power electronics where circuits are non-linear. This course introduces the process of simulation and also provides basic theory lectures to help you understand how simulations can be used to learn how power converters work.This course uses only free and open source software. The course will have lectures to show you how to download and install each software. All software are compatible with Windows, Linux and Mac OS and you can follow this course whatever operating system you prefer to use. The course also has a basic tutorial on Python programming to help you with writing control code for electrical circuits. The course uses the free and open source circuit simulator Python Power Electronics. You can use other simulators if you are already using them. However, all examples in this course will use Python Power Electronics as I would like all students registered for the course to be able to access a circuit simulator and not all simulators are free to use.This course is not a comprehensive course on power electronics. I will not be covering a vast number of power converters. Instead, this course focuses on depth. The lectures will have code along sessions where I will be building simulations from scratch and will be switching back and forth between theory presentations and simulation results to understand how circuits work. The course will not be heavily mathematical but on the contrary will use fundamental concepts of Physics to understand how power converter circuits.In order to successfully complete this course, a student is required to have some basic electrical knowledge. This implies basic network laws - Kirchoff's Voltage Law, Kirchoff's Current Law, Ohm's Law. These would be taught in first year of electrical engineering. Other than that, you do not need to have prior knowledge of power electronics or analog electronics. A student will also be required to have some basic knowledge of programming. This course uses Python. However, if a student has used any other high level language such as C, C++, Java etc, that would do as well. Expert knowledge of programming is not necessary. This course however, should not be a student's very first time coding."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"lgebra Paso a Paso + Teora + Demostraciones + Aplicaciones" |
"EL presente curso para un adecuado aprendizaje del alumno y que se logre el objetivo de incrementar sus conocimientos, est estructurado a travs de 5 pilares fundamentales:Conocimiento Previos de cada tema acerca de sus orgenes , sus principales investigadores Detalle de los conceptos iniciales de la parte terica y que son importantes para su aplicacin en el desarrollo del curso.Explicacin de las Demostraciones de las propiedades y las formulas de los temas utilizando la teora y conceptos previos.Acciones previas al desarrollo de un ejercicio o problema a travs del Anlisis.Seminarios propuestos para el desarrollo de cada alumno y posteriormente comparar con lo que publicar de manera personalizada.El Contenido del Curso se presenta de la siguiente manera:Introduccin al lgebra: Orgenes, Historia y su formacin.Introduccin a las Leyes de Exponentes.Propiedades de las Leyes de Exponentes: Aplicaciones y Demostraciones.Ejercicios nivel avanzado de Leyes de ExponentesSeminario propuesto de Leyes de Exponentes nivel intermedio y avanzado (para el desarrollo del alumno)Ecuaciones de Primer Grado o Lineales, sus propiedades y Aplicaciones.Ejercicios nivel avanzado de Ecuaciones de Primer Grado o Lineales.Ecuaciones de Segundo Grado : Mtodo de Aspa Simple y sus Aplicaciones.Ecuaciones de Segundo Grado: Mtodo de la Formula General: Aplicaciones y la Demostracin de como se obtiene.Operaciones de un Binomio: Demostraciones de como se obtiene un Binomio al Cuadrado, Binomio al Cubo y Binomio a la ""n"".Triangulo de Pascal: Demostracin y Aplicaciones.Trinomio al cuadrado: DemostracinSeminario propuesto de Ecuaciones Cuadrticas nivel intermedio y avanzado (para el desarrollo del alumno)Valor Absoluto: Introduccin, definicin y Aplicaciones.Ejercicios nivel intermedio y avanzado de Valor Absoluto.Seminario propuesto de Valor Absoluto nivel intermedio y avanzado (para el desarrollo del alumno)Sistema de Ecuaciones: Demostracin y Aplicacin de los 3 Mtodos de Solucin.Polinomios: Introduccin Polinomios: Grado Absoluto y Grado Relativo: AplicacionesEjercicios nivel intermedio y avanzado de Grado Absoluto y Relativo de un PolinomioPolinomios: Tipos segn su estructura y caractersticas: Homogneos, Idnticos, Idnticamente Nulo, Valor Numrico y Cambio de Variable + Ejercicios nivel avanzado para cada caso."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
YouTube |
"LumiYouTube1100YouTube5,000123,000WebYouTube1100YouTubeYouTubeYouTubeSNSYouTubeYouTubeNG1,000YouTube 2121"
Price: 4200.00 ![]() |
"WordPress Page Speeds Google Will Love!" |
"Did you Know?Site speed is used to rank pages on Google.Page speed is important - 97% of customers will not buy if they are not satisfied with the website performance.By increasing your page speed you will improve your marketing strategies, provide a delightful online experience and increase your chances for more customers and sales.The Solution?A short, easy-to-do course, using FREE plugins."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Learn English Naturally: Complementary (B1) Intermediate" |
"We designed this course to improve your: listening skillswriting skillsgrammar speakingSign up to our course! Take class with us! We will help you improve your listening skills with our clear accents and help you to understand British Natives with real conversation. We are two teachers in Spain that together have over 12 years teaching experience. Each section has 2 parts: Conversation Grammar in UseIn the first part you can follow our conversations with subtitles and transcripts and in the second part you will hear us use grammar in action. We also focus activities to improve your listening, understanding, writing and vocabulary. Sign up to our course and speak better!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Batan Sona Uygulamal Figma Eitim Seti" |
"Bu set Trke dilde hazrlanm ilk Figma eitim setidir.Figma, tamamen UI / UX tasarmclar iin gelitirilmi bir arayz tasarm ve prototipleme aracdr.Eitim setinin ilk blmnde Figma'nn temellerini renecek ve tasarm oluturabilmenin ilk admlarn atacaz.Sonrasnda tm bu rendiklerimiz ile uygulamalar gelitireceiz.Son blmde ise sfrdan, bir mobilya firmas iin ""Mobil Uygulama Tasarm"" yapacaz.Bu tasarmmza Figma'nn prototype zelliini kullanarak herhangi bir nc parti yazlm kullanmadan hayat vereceiz.Kursu belirtilen ders srasna gre izlemeniz faydal olacaktr.Herhangi bir sorunuz olduunda mesaj atarak eitmenden cevap alabileceksiniz.Bu seti hazrlarken fikirleriyle destek olan arkadam Serta ONAY'a teekkr ederim."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Matemtica Financeira com o Uso da HP12C e do MS-Excel" |
"Este um curso para quem quer aprender Matemtica Financeira de uma vez por todas. Todo o raciocnio empregado para reconhecer o valor do dinheiro no tempo construdo de modo a no restar dvidas sobre a aplicao da matemtica financeira no dia a dia.Ao final deste curso voc ser capaz de:Compreender o comportamento de um fluxo de caixa, com a percepo do valor do dinheiro no tempo.Dominar o processo de capitalizao.Entender as aplicaes dos juros simples e compostos em operaes de crdito e financiamento.Calcular os descontos bancrios aplicados em duplicatas e boletos.Comparar o volume de juros includos nos sistemas de amortizao SAC e Price.Interpretar o clculo de financiamento imobilirios, feitos por bancos.Alm das aulas de exposio dos raciocnios, tambm esto includos aulas de resoluo de exerccios e materiais extras para apoio do entendimento da Matemtica Financeira."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Mantenimiento y Reparacin de Computadoras Desde Cero" |
"Iniciaremos el curso explicando el funcionamiento del Computador y sus partes.Luego iremos avanzado hasta poder Desarmar y Armar un Computador totalmente, instalar Sistemas Operativos, Drivers, Instalar Programas Esenciales, Acelerar el Computador, realizar Mantenimientos Preventivos y Correctivos, Solucionar Fallas Comunes, Eliminar Virus, como iniciar tu propio Negocio de Reparacin de Computadoras y mucho ms.Es un curso actualizado en donde aprenders lo que realmente necesitas saber, no perders tu tiempo en temas tericos y obsoletos que no sern de tu utilidad.Al finalizar el curso estars en capacidad de solucionar cualquier falla que se presente en Computadoras de Escritorio."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"PID Kontrol ve Algoritmas" |
"PID kontroln anlatld neredeyse tm kaynaklarn fazlasyla teorik olduu bir gerek. Ancak ben, PID kontroln analitik dnebilen herhangi birinin i gdsel olarak anlayabilecei bir kontrol metodu olduu dnyorum. Bu nedenle PID kontrol neredeyse tm teorik hesaplamalar ve simlasyon programlarnn kalabalndan kurtararak, Arduino ile hazrladm gerek bir eitim dzenei ve C# arayzn kullanarak aama aama anlattm. Kaynak kodlarn da sizlerle paylatm arayz kullanarak, PID ile ilgili tm parametreleri birlikte ayarlayacaz ve gerek zamanl olarak gerek bir sistemin tm PID davranlarn gzlemleyip yorumlayarak PID algoritmamz birlikte mkemmel hale getireceiz."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"( ( Public Speaking Skills (in Arabic)" |
"( (- - Short course in which students learn public speaking skills and some supporting skills"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Interaktywna mapa w przegldarce internetowej z Leaflet" |
"Kurs obejmuje tworzenie mapy webowej opartej na open-sourcowej dokumentacji Leaflet. Krok po kroku poka jak przygotowa map, dokadajc kolejne elementy, takie jak:- zoom- pomiar odlegoci- rysowanie,- legend,- dodawanie podkadw jpg, png,- dodawanie dostpnych podkadw mapowych,- dodawanie nowych warstw z moliwoci ich wczania/wyczania i nadania im stylw,- dodawanie przyciskw,- dodawanie paneli tzw sidebarw,- tworzenie popup,- zamieszczanie zdj,- geolokalizacjUdostpnione zostan wszystkie pliki na ktrych pracowalimy w ramach kursu wraz z komentarzami, aby w atwy sposb mg przyswoi sobie wiedz a w przyszoci mia moliwo szybkiego powrotu do poznanego kodu."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Build your first 2D game with Unity & C# in 2019" |
"Hi my name is Sam, your course instructor and I am here to help you to develop your first 2D game using Unity a well known and the most popular game engine in the game industry and we will be using C# the powerful code language to make this game.In this you will learn:Learn how to move a characterHow to collect a game Game object inside the gameHow to add a score into the gameHow to add an FXHow to write C# code for the gameAnd learn many more game concepts to build your first game"
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"Matemticas para selectividad (I): lgebra" |
"En este curso aprenders a operar con matrices, determinantes y sistemas de ecuaciones, practicando con abundantes ejercicios de los que suelen aparecer en las pruebas de acceso a la universidad. Podrs ver resueltos problemas paso a paso, y practicar a continuacin con abundantes ejercicios resueltos. Adems te propondr otros tantos, y te ofrecer la posibilidad de corregrtelos e interactuar conmigo."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Winning Upwork: A 2020 Guide To Make Career In Freelancing" |
"Hello everyone, welcome to the course, ""Winning Upwork"".I started freelancing in 2013 along with my regular 9-5 job. At that time it was nothing but a time pass hobby. In 2016, I started a business and at the end of 2017, it collapsed.I lost every penny I have ever saved, and on the top, I got a huge debt on me. I was totally broke.That time I took Upwork seriously, and within 1.5 years I managed to pay all my debts. I can tour twice a year now and live a happy life with my family.The freelancing business allows me to grow that fast and Upwork has a great contribution to it.In this course, I will share my experiences, all my techniques and strategies with you I have ever learned. In this course you will learn:How to set up your mind for freelancing business (This is something, no one wants to say).Upwork business, its reality & algorithm.Understanding the psychology of high-paying clients and how to find them.How to design a niche-oriented business.How to create & optimize your profile to get endless invites.How to create a portfolio even you have no experience.How to find appropriate jobs using advanced filters.How to write persuasive proposals and get hired.How to answer an invitation & screening questions.How to raise the hourly rate without fear.How to get repeat businesses to make consistent monthly revenue on Upwork.21 videos & 4.5 hours of focussed contents derived from my personal experience to help you achieve success on Upwork."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Expression crite pour enfants" |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Plano A Coaching - Sucesso Profissional" |
"Ol! Sou Alessandra Mingotti e quero compartilhar com voc o motivo pelo qual eu resolvi criar esse treinamento. Eu tenho um intenso desejo de que as pessoas possam usufruir das conquistas proporcionadas por uma CARREIRA e um TRABALHO prazerosos no momento presente, e no tenham que esperar por um futuro distante e incerto. Por essa razo desenvolvi esse programa de coaching que vai te ajudar a identificar qual seria essa CARREIRA IDEAL, na qual voc tenha alegria, disposio e leveza para trabalhar. Voc vai descobrir quais so seus maiores talentos e vai conseguir EQUILIBRAR VIDA PESSOAL E VIDA PROFISSIONAL e viver o verdadeiro SUCESSO.Nos meus 16 anos de experincia profissional passei por variadas posies, corporativas e negcios prprios. 13 anos foram em cargos corporativos, passando por Grandes bancos como Nossa Caixa , Bradesco, Unibanco Fininvest; alm de atuao em outros ramos de mercado, como Consultoria de Recursos Humanos, Consultorias em Gesto e Contabilidade. Todo esse tempo convivendo com profissionais de todos os nveis e posies, pude perceber que a grande maioria no era feliz no trabalho. Estavam sempre ESPERANDO ANSIOSAMENTE PELA SEXTA FEIRA. E o pior de tudo, SONHANDO COM A DISTANTE APOSENTADORIA. Se voc se identificou com algum desses pontos, relaxa! Voc no est sozinho (a) e esse treinamento ir te LIVRAR DESSE TORMENTO.E o melhor!!! A metodologia extremamente simples de seguir, voc ter um PASSO A PASSO bem detalhado e os vdeos so curtinhos e bem objetivos.E para sua segurana e certeza do resultado que te prometo, tudo isso partiu de muito estudo e dedicao da minha parte. Tenho formao superior em Administrao com nfase em Marketing e Propaganda; Coaching com certificao internacional nas reas de Professional, Life, Leader & Team Coaching, pela COHE INSTITUTE ; Certificao em Professional & Advanced Coaching, pela Associao Brasileira de Coaching ABRACOACHING & Polozi Coaching. Anlise Comportamental pela COHE INSTITUTE; Certificao internacional em Traditional and Clinical Hypnosis (Hipnose Tradicional e Clnica) pela COHE INSTITUTE. Anlise Comportamental em metodologia Profile Disc pela SOLIDES. Alm de participao em inmeros workshops e palestras com temas relacionados a rea."
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"Excel para el manejo profesional de datos" |
"Excel tiene cientos o quiz miles de herramientas, funciones y sub funciones. Aprenderlo todo, no tiene sentido y lleva aos de tiempo y esfuerzo.Con mi experiencia de casi 10 aos creando soluciones a la medida para empresas del Fortune 500 y adems como instructor de Excel para empresas como Amazon, he compilado las mejores y ms relevantes herramientas que tiene Excel, para que seas un usuario avanzado en poco tiempo. A lo largo de 5 secciones, vamos a abarcar todo lo que se necesita para impresionar a tu jefe cuando crees visualizaciones que se actualizan de forma automtica. O cuando les ensees a tus colegas los trucos ocultos de Excel o bien una frmula avanzada que resuelve el problema que tenan desde hace semanas, en 5 minutos!Si ya sos un usuario bsico y quers ir al siguiente nivel, ste curso es para vos.Preprate para recibir superpoderes en Excel!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Invest in a Heartbeat: Simple Steps to a Stocks Portfolio" |
"Whether you are new to investing or just lacking in confidence, this is just the course for you. In this course, I use my personal framework called BEAT to take you from basics through to placing the final trade. Not just that, I also work on your mindset at the same time so that not only do you acquire the skills of an investor, but also a mindset to match! By the end fo this course, you will be able to find your own unique investment style - a BEAT that is unique to you. Welcome to Invest in a heartbeat!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How To Sell Physical Products on Etsy Without Any Inventory" |
"This course walks you through the exact process I used to earn thousands of dollars on Etsy in a matter of months. I show you how to set up an Etsy shop, create or find designs and put them on products to sell them on Etsy. I also teach you how to optimize your listings titles, tags, and descriptions to get more people to see your products and how to host your own sales."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Music Fundamentals in 5 Hours" |
"Discover your passion for music theory and turn it into a skill in under 5 hours. These lessons are packed with useful information, delivered in a concise and understandable way. I have modelled the syllabus specifically to make learning complicated concepts, not only manageable, but easy.To help your learning you get over 60 pages of notes, worksheets and answer sheets which are sure to get you immersed, and help you use what youve learnt later."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Gerenciamento Global" |
"Baseado em experincias pessoais e em diversos livros e textos, esse curso mostra uma ampla viso do gerenciamento e liderana de empresas. O Prof. Maurilio Lubeno mostra desde a cultura organizacional at questes pontuais, como por exemplo, o organograma de trabalho. O captulo final ainda trata da motivao da equipe."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Intro to Shopify Theme and Store Development with Liquid" |
"""The course moves at a great speed. Learned a lot to assess websites and be able to start customizing real Shopify stores."" - Nick""this is a very in-depth tutorial and it helps you set up shopify super fast."" - Ronald H.Intro to Shopify Development and Customization with Liquid: Learn How to Create Shopify Stores like the Professionals. I am here to help you succeed. If you feel that any lecture is not in depth enough for you, please let me know in the Q&A or message me directly and I will help you anyway that I can to further explain the topic. In this course you will learn:1. Why Shopify is so Popular? 2. Opening a Shopify Partner's Account (Why it is super important to know your Partner Dashboard).3. Connecting the Shopify Store to your computer using ThemeKit.4. Understanding the folder structure of a Store (Layout, Templates, Sections, Snippets, Assets, and Locales).5. Learning the Liquid Templating Language (For loops, if statements, Shopify Objects and Filters).6. How to edit the code of your Shopify Store and create custom Pages and Sections using Blocks. 7. Where to go to learn more and the next steps to mastering the platform (Developing Shopify Apps and React Frontend). Liquid is an open-source template language created by Shopify and written in Ruby. It is the backbone of Shopify themes and is used to load dynamic content on storefronts.Liquid has been in production use at Shopify since 2006 and is now used by many other hosted web applications such as:ShopifyMailblastEmailOctopuseLocalMephistoHarmonyChameleonCashboardCarmatecAdobe Business CatalystVoogZendeskYikeSite (CMS)Simplicant (Applicant Tracking System)3scale (API Management System)ChaptercoreScreenSteps LivePokerAffiliateSolutionsDesk .comRoninAboutOneRailsCarmaRightScaleMenumillMoxie SoftwareSansOffreMobileRusicDevelopment SeedpeerTransferNationBuilderPronto AvenueDevice MagicSpiceworksPufferPages (CMS)PaspartoutTrackGridJekyllOctopressVndaLeadFormanceCrystalCommerceRackspaceHacks DeutschTalent TechnologyWebKiteAdam RalphQuadernoLocomotiveCMSCustomerMixtureMakePlansPlanning Center ServicesPlanning Center ResourcesRoQuaEvroneLiquid .asOpen Liquid500pxVTEXXorcodeMobiCheckin (registration forms)Educative-Games .orgGiftFoldReamazeYtblasterSitebox .ioStunningVero (Email Marketing Software)GoDaddySendOwlFOX21Bright SitesMode AnalyticsHelpjuiceFreshdeskContinuity ControlMitinguFestimentUnsound Music FestivalYondoAppboyDiscoLavoWebDediConceptLucidFedoraJumpsellerOpenbaySayan's BlogIndustry MailoutGrowing with the WebMercury FlightArpith's BlogDripSixty ASThinkificdotmailermeowboxEmbulkLabs64 NetLicensingSingleOpsHuginnVirtoCommerceGrabSilverfinSyngencyKajabiTouristedMoonMailDotNest (Orchard CMS SaaS)UscreenmicroappsMONEIBookingSyncHandshakeRegistriaTaxi for EmailSorry for Status Page ThemingFlipkartCarnival .io by SailthruInSalesplatformOS"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Romeno |
"O curso para pessoas que querem comear a aprender esse lindo idioma. So os primeiros passos para o aprendizado da lngua, ou seja, o primeiro contato. O romeno uma lngua falada exclusivamente na Romnia e na Moldvia. como o portugus uma lngua latina, vamos ver no curso uma introduo: primeiras palavras, frases e textos simples para qualquer pessoa que quer saber como aprender, ler e entender um pouco do idioma."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |