Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Math Gr 3 - the fun and easy way!" |
"Math Gr 3 covers the content that is taught at Primary School Gr 3 (Prime syllabus) and Gr 4 (South African CAPS) level. This course is ideal for learners that would like to revise the Math concepts taught in Gr 3 or who would like to gain a good understanding of the concepts before/during their school year. Adults pursuing basic numeracy are also welcome to join in the fun!"
Price: 300.00 ![]() |
"Sukses Percaya Diri 30 Menit - Kapanpun, Dimanapun!" |
"Percaya diri, mengapa itu begitu penting? 3 hal ini menyadarkan Anda akan pentingnya rasa percaya diri.1. Meningkatkan keberanian Anda untuk menjadi seseorang yang Anda impikan 2. Membuat Anda bisa melakukan apapun yang Anda inginkan & layak Anda dapatkan.3. Mendorong Anda gigih meraih hal-hal yang Anda harapkan. Kemudian mewujudkannya menjadi kenyataan. Pertanyaannya bagaimana caranya? Inilah dahsyatnya memiliki rasa percaya diri. Membuat Anda berani bersikap tanpa takut salah. Cerdas menghadapi penolakan. Dan berani mengambil keputusan di setiap kondisi, sesulit apapun itu.Di training online ini, saya mengajak Anda melakukan 4 hal yaitu :1. Mengetahui penyebab yang sebenarnya2. Memetakan permasalahannya3. Mempraktekkan setiap langkah demi langkah lengkap dengan caranya.4. Merasakan perubahan & dampaknya baik di pekerjaan maupun kehidupan Anda sehari-hariSetiap materi yang Anda pelajari & praktekkan, membuat Anda semakin penasaran. Dan tidak sabar untuk melakukan hal-hal berikutnya. Tumbuh tekad untuk menembus batas, meraih cita-cita, mencapai tujuan & menjadi seseorang yang Anda impikan.Yuk buktikan sekarang. Sampai ketemu di training online bersama saya!"
Price: 280000.00 ![]() |
"Construindo um Fliperama - Marcenaria do Gigante Gue-Hero" |
"Este curso mostra como construir um gabinete arcade sem precisar de moldes ou plano de corte. Vamos criar um plano de corte para um gabinete com tela lcd de 19 polegadas. Usando as tcnicas apresentadas neste curso, voc ser capaz de modificar as medidas para fazer com telas de outros tamanhos. Vamos abordar as ferramentas e materiais utilizados. Este um curso essencialmente prtico, mas recomendo que voc assista todas as aulas antes de comear o seu projeto."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Personal Success Strategy" |
"What is your BHAG? I learnt the term BHAG years ago (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) on a training day and it's something I have never forgotten. In fact it set the wheels in motion to start my own coaching practice. Setting and achieving real goals, and not just the goals around things we can do, or think we can do, is a great way of enhancing your life and accelerating your journey to success. 'All progress takes place outside of the comfort zone' - Michael John BobakOnce we had identified our BHAG, we were asked how we would achieve it. The answer? The same way you eat an elephant. ELEPHANT BURGERS! Make the big goal lots of manageable actions. Today, people have the BHAG of being a 'success', but many don't really have an idea of what that is, or how to get there. In this course we look at the core theories, tools and mechanisms for making lasting change to achieve your personal definition of success. Drawing on evidence based practices and the work of scientists, therapists and authors you will have all the underpinning knowledge to start, and continue, the cycle of change that is ever present. The tutorial videos are loaded with information and are direct and to the point. The course covers topics such as:Effective goal settingYour current life situationWhat your key resistors areYour key motivatorsAssess the risks associated with your goalThe cycles and curves of change and successHow to reduce resistance Your personal 'forcefield' How to failBeliefsStates of BeingHabits and more...We look at real life examples of commitment and persistence to help you deepen your understanding of what is required to achieve your outcome. There are also worksheets and download-able resources to help you with your learning as well as templates for practical support as you start to define your objectives and make goals. 30 Day Money Back Guarantee - You can try this course for 30 days risk free with the Udemy 30 day money back pledge. I hope you will find it worth the investment, but if you don't you can get your money back no questions asked. Rise to the challenge that you always tell yourself you will...someday. Do it today!Good LuckSymon Who is this course for?It's for you if you are currently struggling to get the results you want in your life or if you feel that you are not living your full potential. If you are struggling with goal setting models and are not making progress on the list of goals you have already attempted.If you feel that there is something that 'should' be happening in your life but you can't quite define what that 'should' is. If you want to know more about the modelling of success and value in your life"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Este curso foi elaborado levando em considerao as maiores dificuldades encontradas por mim em centenas de microempreendedores de diversos ramos que tive a oportunidade de orientar pessoalmente. Este curso aborda de maneira prtica cada um dos conceitos e faz com que qualquer pessoa saiba como coloca-los em prtica para conseguir melhores resultados nas suas empresas.Nele sero abordados aspectos como:- O que Mei- O que voc deve saber antes de abrir um Mei- Formalizao- Quais as vantagens- Quais os requisitos para ser Mei- Como solicitar autorizao para emitir nota- O Mei que contrata empregado- Como tirar licena de funcionamento- O que deve ser feito quando o Mei desenquadra automaticamente- Alm de contar com um pdf para enriquecer seu conhecimento!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Introduction au langage VHDL : 34 Exercices corrigs" |
" Le VHDL est un langage de description du matriel utilis en lectronique numrique. Ce cours va vous permettre de s'initier ce langage. Si vous avez dj suivi un cours sur les bases du VHDL mais que vous ne vous sentez pas encore totalement en confiance pour rsoudre des problmes par vous mme et que vous aspirez une carrire dans le domaine des systmes embarqus, Alors vous tes au bon endroit . Durant cette formation nous allons rsoudre EN VIDEO un pack de 34 exercices en VHDL avec plusieurs solutions proposes. Chacun des exercices vous y dans un premier temps prsenter et on vous invite chaque fois mettre en pause la vido pour le raliser ,On propose ensuite nos solutions en vido ,On explique les tapes pas pas et on prends le temps pour faire des rappels sur les points qui sont importants, et vous aurez le support en PDF des exercices avec les solutions dans les ressources . Pour suivre cette formation vous devez avoir des connaissances en langage VHDL ,l'important dans ce cours ce n'est pas tant de trouver la solution car vous verrez souvent en final que les solutions ne sont pas si complexes que a, ce qui important c'est surtout le cheminement, la rflexion et l'analyse du problme qu'on vous pose, mme si vous ne trouvez pas la solution tout les exercices l'important c'est d'acqurir la capacit analyser un problme car c'est souvent a qui nous manque quand on commence le mtier . Je vous souhaite la bienvenue dans ce cours et BON APPRENTISSAGE ! "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hotel Front Desk" |
"Everything you need to know about successful Front Office Operations. This course will teach you all details, reports, transactions, skills you need to operate Front Office Department.Course is designated in the manner that after completion you will be able to open a Hotel Front Office Department or know exactly what must be done to improve and build efficiency in the current one. Course is designed with driving results and focuses on key performance indicators so that learning can be transitioned to results and results transformed to achievements and wins."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Digital Marketing Certification: Master Digital Marketing" |
"No prior experience in digital marketing necessary. Start learning the tips and tricks as well as tested methods that will make you an expert in digital marketing and online advertising. About this course:No prior experience in Digital Marketing necessaryMore than 100.000 satisfied studentsUnconditional 30 day money-back-guarantee: My personal promise that you will learn every secret of digital marketingStep by step guide for every subjectFull, free lifetime access to the course. The knowledge that this Digital Marketing Course provides is really advanced:BloggingSocial MediaMonitoringGoogle AdsSEOGoogle AnalyticsE-commerce OptimizationConversion OptimizationEach section of the course is a step by step guide that not only gives you useful instructions about the topic it addresses but also tried methods that you can easily use to bring profits to your business and to be a successful digital marketing professional. After completing your course you can get your Digital Marketing Certification by following the instructions here:"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Customs Inward Processing Suspension Authorisation" |
"An in depth journey into the Operation and Management of this important Customs Economic Procedure from the viewpoint of the manufacturing entity will give students a strong understanding on how Inward Processing Suspension interacts with the International Supply Chain and Manufacturing bringing significant Customs Import Duty savings. Whether you are a Customs Broker, Customs Consultant or part of an International Manufacturing Supply Chain, this course can help you to manage and operate an Inward Processing Suspension Authorization from simple to complex scenarios Support and detailed notes will be available post lectures."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"An Introduction to EU Customs and Compliance" |
"An overview into many of the main aspects of EU customs to give a working understanding of the various different areas involved in EU customs complianceRanging from Customs Clearance to Transit, AEO to a Customs Warehouse Bond and everything in between, students will learn a wide ranging overview on EU Customs that is not focused specifically on any one area"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Email Marketing with Mailchimp- Marketing Automation" |
"Learn Email marketing from basic to advanced level, with a very basic level of understanding the email system and making you understand the email marketing system set up, monitoring, managing and learn by step by step process of doing your first email campaign confidently. The course will enable you to do your email marketing campaign successful and you will help in growing your business"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Learning ZBrush! Creating The Wintery Snowman" |
"Have you ever wanted to Learn ZBrush, but found the software or other courses intimidating? Introducing Learning ZBrush! Creating The Wintery Snowman. Featuring easy, fun training that's simple to understand and makes Learning ZBrush a pleasant experience.This exciting new course by ZBrush expert, Michael Ingrassia, features fun, easy to follow lessons that will teach you the tools and techniques that Michael uses on a daily basis. You'll find yourself creating this whimsical snowman in no time, with professional looking results.Michael not only shows you his proven sculpting techniques, but his easy to follow explanations and methods will make learning fun.In addition to demonstrating effective sculpting techniques, Michael also covers Polypainting to help you texture your completed model for a finished looking portfolio piece.Techniques taught in this course will work in all versions of ZBrush. We recommend any version from ZBrush (4r8) 2018-up to 2020."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Chatbots con Inteligencia Artificial IA con IBM Watson2020" |
"El presente curso tiene un objetivo bastante claro:Aprenders a desarrollar tu primer Chatbot Wordpress, y otras plataformasReforzars (o aprenders) los conceptos principales de un chatbotAprenders como funciona la plataforma de IBM para el desarrollo de chatbots ( IBM Watson )A introducir en tu pgina web o negocio el chatbot que tu mismo has creadoAutomatizaras tu negocio y te pondrs por delante de la competencia.En resumen:Aprenders muchos conceptos importantes, todos relacionados con las tecnologas antes mencionadas.Y lo mejor es que al final del curso podrs publicar tu propia versin para as automatizar tu negocio."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Scrum Master Certification 2020 Exams" |
"La certificacin PSM I demuestra a la industria su nivel fundamental de dominio de Scrum.Este curso pretende ayudarlo a prepararse para la evaluacin y obtener una mejor comprensin del examen Scrum. Piense que aqu puede fallar las veces que quiera!Este simulador de exmenes de Professional Scrum Master I es para cualquier persona que est buscando un material de estudio y preparacin del examen que proporcione lo siguiente: 400 preguntas reales: Tiene 5 conjuntos de pruebas de prctica de PSM1 con 80 preguntas NICAS y un lmite de tiempo de 60 minutos para cada conjunto (Al igual que el examen de certificacin real). SIMULA EL EXAMEN SIN RIESGO: Imita el entorno del examen de certificacin de Professional Scrum Master I (PSM I) para ayudarlo a aprobar y as obtener el examen de SCRUM.-----------------------Disclaimer - The terms Scrum Open, Professional Scrum, Professional Scrum Master, Professional Scrum Product Owner, PSM, PSM I, PSM 1, PSM 2, PSM II, PSPO I, PSPO 1, etc. is the protected brand of Scrum . org. This course, quizzes, course materials, and practice exams are neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Scrum . org or Scrum Alliance."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Numerology 101" |
"This course will give you tools for a more in-depth understanding of yourself or others.After taking this course, you will be able to complete a simple numerology chart for yourself and others. You will benefit from this course if you are on a path of self-discovery or for professionals who strive to help others such as Energy Workers, Yoga Teachers, Reiki Masters, Crystal Healers."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA Security+ (SY0-501) Certification Bootcamp" |
"The job market for knowledgable Cybersecurity professionals is booming with an increase in regulations, and a desire to secure corporate networks. One of the best ways to exhibit Cybersecurity knowledge to employers is through gaining certifications.The primary goal of this course is to educate the student on Cybersecurity in preparation for the Security+ certification exam from CompTIA.WHAT OUR STUDENTS ARE SAYING:""Fantastic Course! Jon is an excellent instructor and covers the essentials for passing the Security+ exam. The visuals really help with learning the core concepts of the exam. I highly recommend you add this course to your learning arsenal of tools so you confidently pass Security+ exam!"" - James F.""Jon does a great job of breaking down each section. I feel it is easy to grasp the concepts and I did not lose interest while watching this course."" - Joe W."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"BMT Fitness Prep Course:" |
"If youre hoping you can go to basic training without being 100% physically ready beforehand, youll find out quickly that thats not the case.This BMT prep course is intended to get you physically fit and ready for basic training. Preparing you and giving you everything you need to accomplish numerous amounts of push-ups and sit-ups and to run for 30 to 40 minutes at a time.This course teaches you the foundation youll need to succeed and not have a grueling suckfest for your entire Air Force BMT experience.IN THIS BMT PREP COURSE, INCLUDED IS A..- Structured workout plan to follow with how-to guides for your stretches and workouts.- Weekly workout rep chart to know exactly how many reps you should do.- An 8-week calendar to keep track of your upcoming workouts and pt tests.- A growing number of bonuses, giving you insights into basic training.WHAT YOU'LL LEARNYoull learn a handful of the same exercises and stretches youll be doing at BMT.So youll have a head start doing them and look like a natural. Instead of catching your military instructors attention and getting called out.Youll learn all the fundamental pieces it takes to strengthen your body and pass the pt test.From stretches to warm up and prevent injury, to bodyweight exercises and running to build a full-body arsenal of strength and endurance, to how to properly pt test and not lose points in the process due to bad form.WHO THIS COURSE IS FORIf you're going into the Air Force or thinking about joining and you don't know where to start with your BMT workout training, this course is for you.Taking this BMT prep course, you'll come out with the confidence and assurance knowing that you are ready for basic training.It covers everything you need to get ready for your ship out date. From stretching, bodyweight workouts, running, to pt testing.At the end of 8 weeks, you'll feel like you're ready to crush BMT.The Air Force is continually driving its airmen to live a fit and healthy lifestyle. So what are you waiting for? The best time to start was yesterday.Start getting Air Force fit and make your BMT experience a breeze."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"ASP.NET Core From Scratch [Arabic]" |
"ASP.NET Core . 1996 . Entity Framework Core . ASP.NET Core. ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Emergency and risk control" |
"Emergency and risk control (course)safety Practitioners (officers, supervisors, managers, consultants).Top Management team members (including Financial or legal affairs, and HR).students to pass examCourse contentsThis course consists of five sections as the following:Section (1): Emergency control includes (three lectures):Emergency Emergency planMajor hazard installation Section (2) Risk control system includes (two lectures): Risk control strategiesselection of Risk control strategyRisk control systems at workplace.Section (3) Cost benefit analysis & workplace precaution includes (tow lectures):Cost benefit analysisWorkplace precautionsSection (4) safe system of work and permit-to-work includes (three lectures):-Nature, requirements and components of safe system of work.-The developing and implementing a safe system of work.-Permits-to-workSection (5) The reliability includes (two lectures):-Failure Analysis and Human Analysis .-Assessment of system reliability"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Curso Manuteno de Ps2" |
"Ganhe dinheiro consertando e revendendo consoles com defeito! Aumente sua renda e aprenda um novo hobby!Neste curso voc ir aprender a identificar principais defeitos do ps2, realizar manuteno preventiva, limpeza, manuteno corretiva, noes bsicas de eletrnica aplicadas ao console, dicas e segredos de s quem trabalha na rea h muito tempo pra poder ensinar!Atualmente, um console ps2 com defeito custa no mximo 80 reais, podendo ser revendido por at 300, gastando muito pouco com peas de reposio."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"SketchUp Bsico Aprenda fazer projetos em 3D" |
"Um curso bsico mas direto, aprenda a fazer modelagens em 3D de forma fcil e direto, um curso onde voc ira aprende a fazer um casa em 3D de forma profissional e pronto pra entregar ao seus clientes, Voc ser capacitado a fazer projetos em 3D e poder prestar servios a arquitetos, engenheiros ou poder a fazer publicidades do ramo de imoveis."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to Start a Home Food Business the Right Way" |
"How to Start a Home Food Business the Right Way: Key Lessons for Home Food Processors and Cottage food Operators is a new course for anyone interested in learning about the process of making foods from the home kitchen. The course covers the 12 steps to start a home-based food business and includes information on cottage food rules and requirements, the Food Freedom Laws, and the Microenterprise Home Kitchen Operation currently allowed in California. Are you ready to start your home-based food business?Let's take a deep dive into the following:Verifying your product Using a home kitchen for processing Safely producing foods Licensing and zoning Safe water requirements Developing a business plan Labeling requirement The rules and processes for starting your food business Promotion of your products Finding your target audience Taking your product to market Social media basics and best practicesThe course is comprehensive and designed to walk you through the introductory stages of home food processing. I encourage you to return, ask questions and get help with the development of your home-based food business. See you in class!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Kick Depression & Anxiety" |
"Hello Beautiful Souls, Welcome to this course Kick Depression, & I feel that if you follow this program your mood will shift dramatically! From low energetic vibrations such as guilt, shame and fear to one of the high emotional vibrations such as peace, love, and joy. In this course, you will understand the importance of water, Kick depression, about fasting, about Keto, about Sleep, following your passion & a lot more."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Rapid Self Realization Program" |
"Dr Lee's Rapid Self Realization course is a 30-day program designed to help you see a significant shift in your thoughts, emotions, actions, and your life. The Rapid Self Realization practice once learned, should take about an hour of your time each morning. It will unleash the power that is contained within you and transform your life into your highest destiny."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Snowflake cloud data warehouse fundamentals." |
"/*********Update 16 Sep 2020(Section 28 Bonus section)************/> Added snowflakespark docker image. It's preconfigured to connect with snowflake with all necessary drivers.> You can query data in snowflake from spark shell using this image.> It also comes pre configured with aws cli , snowsql etc. /*********Update 01 Aug 2020(Section 1)************/> Added docker image preconfigured with SNOWSQL , AWS CLI , SNOWFLAKE PYTHON CONNECTOR. With other unix file utilities./*********Update 01 Jul 2020***********/> Added section on Materialized views> Added Quiz for first 5 sections./******* Update 01 Jun 2020 ************/> Loading data from azure - Section-12Explains how to configure snowflake with Azure blob storage.We will learn to load and unload parquet file from azure storage to snowflake.> continuous data load in snowflake - Section-24Demo showing , how to load data continuously using Snow pipe , Streams and Tasks./******* Update Apr 2020 ****************/> Performance tuning and DB characteristics. We will discuss about performance tuning in snowflake. We will understand how update transaction and query optimization works./******* Update 01 Mar 2020 ************/> Streams in snowflake - Section 23 We will discuss about stream feature in snowflake. Types of streams and using streams to automate SCD type 2.> Scheduling in snowflake(TASKS) - Section 22 We will have good understanding about Task feature in snowflake to schedule SQL queries. We discuss about it's limitations./******** Update Jan 2020 ***************/> Data sharing in snowflake - Section-17 Data sharing techniques in snowflake. We will understand how to create reader account and data share. We will see difference between normal view and secure view. We will discuss about Data share significance.In this course you will get detailed insight into snowflake architecture. Once we are familiar with snowflake architecture we will leverage the knowledge to understand some of the very important features of snowflake like, time travel, clone or zero copy , drop and undrop and copy commands.We will see different methods to load data and unload data from snowflake. Configuring snowflake with aws s3 and google gcs blob storages. We will do data load and unload from aws s3 and google gcs. We will also see how to execute queries on data stored in aws s3 and google gcs from snowflake.We discuss best practices to create development databases using snowflake sampling techniques and different sampling algorithms of snowflake.At the end of this course we will discuss some of the best practices that should be followed while using snowflake database."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Master Oracle Basics - Over 250 Million GDP Generated" |
"Deep Dive Into Oracle RAC, Oracle RMAN, Oracle Demantra, Oracle Web Logic Clustering, OAM-OHS-IM ERP Integration, OBIEE, R12 Upgrade,Deep Dive IO. It is important to learn the technology behind the scenes which empower the cloud Architecture. We have trained over 10,000 Graduates since 2006 making the core concepts super strong for people from all walks of life who have taken this course and have seen a huge impact in their Oracle lifepath."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"NEURO-MARKETING & NEURO-VENDITE - Tecniche di Persuasione" |
"Aggiorna te stesso/a con le Tecniche Pratiche e Strategie pi innovative, basate sulle NeuroScienze, psicologia, semiotica, antropologia, marketing e comunicazione e ovviamente altre esperienze di importanti esperti di vendita a livello mondiale.MIGLIORA SUBITO LE VENDITE ED IL MARKETING DEL TUO PRODOTTO, SERVIZIO O TE STESSO.Il NeuroMarketing l'applicazione di alcune tecniche di Neuro-Scienza nel campo del marketing. Analizza quali processi mentali influenzano il comportamento del consumatore, il processo decisionale, d acquisto, l'empatia, le relazioni, la comunicazione, i processi di vendita e il servizio clienti. Le NeuroVendite possono aiutare a commercializzare qualsiasi prodotto o servizio"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
projects-in-illustrator |
"- . : - - - - - -"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Survival Chinese" |
"Hello everyonewelcome If you are watching this ""Survival Chinese"" course, it means you have already planned to learn Chinese. This course is designed for beginners . It is a scenario-based language course, and the content is from easy to difficult . In this course, you will learn the most practical Chinese in different scenarios: Greetings Self-ntroduction Asking the name of objects Asking for directions Go shopping In the restaurant In the hotel In the hospital After you have completed the course, I believe that you will have the confidence to chat with Chinese people and maybe you could go to China and deal with some situations all by yourself."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Design Thinking Masterclass Series" |
"Hi, my name is Daniel Ling.Back in 2010, I was rejected as a young designer from an organisation who think nothing of design, and resigned without a job. My world came crashing down- but in a space of a year- I picked myself up, started a design company and learned some of the most important skillsets in the 21st century- that made me one of the most sought-after professionals in the industry today.I faced a problem as a professional back then I didnt give myself opportunities to learn and grow to meet organisational needs I didnt know what are the important skillsets that organisations crave for I thought that my current skillsets are enough for my organisation!And thats the reason why I get outcasted and rejected in my first job. Then, I decided to learn Design Thinking, put down everything I know, take a birds eye view and restrategize my game.I'm not here to promise you the world- sell you get-rich-quick schemes and e-commerce seminars-and ask you out of your full-time jobs- you have family to feed.My job is to get you to thrive and be successful in your full-time jobs with some of the most crucial skills in the 21st century. I want to make passive impact to you and empower you to be the best in your professional work.3 most important skills (according to Forbes) in the 21st century:- Critical Thinking (solve problems with solutions)- Creativity (think outside the box)- Collaboration (working with others)All these with DESIGN THINKING. And I tell the whole world about it. I started to run workshops, speak in conferences, and train government professionals. I have then authored a book on COMPLETE DESIGN THINKING GUIDE FOR SUCCESSFUL PROFESSIONALS- and sold worldwide across Amazon, Kino and iTunes.I have got headhunted twice and now head an Experience Design Team. Here's what you'll discover:?Secret #1 - How to Fully HANDS-ON and END-TO-END PROBLEM SOLVE with CRITICAL THINKING in a 5-Step Action Plan?Secret #2 - How to BE A PRO in THINKING OUT OF THE BOX and BE CREATIVE (Even if You are Neither Creative nor Innovative)?Secret #3 - How to COLLABORATE and get PEOPLE ON YOUR SIDE with Design Thinking techniques and more..Some other details:Design thinking is a powerful thinking tool which could drive a brand, business or an individual forward positively. It is also a part and parcel way of thinking that designers go through in their minds in every single design project.This comprehensive certification masterclass makes you think like a designer to transform the way organization develop products and services on the front end, while improving processes and strategy to the backend. You can learn the way to simply thinking and ideating on a solution to address a problem or better meet a customer need.Daniel Ling will guide you through simple and step-by-step design thinking process to make you a better design thinker and a success in the marketplace.From the program you will: Understand key concepts of Design Thinking 5 Action Phases of Design Thinking Empathize- Understand your customers Define- Define project / business objectives Ideate- Explore ideas and solutions Prototype- Build and visualise ideas Test- Review and decide best idea"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"lmalerei fr Einsteiger" |
"Das Ziel des Kurses ist es, Grundkenntnisse zu vermitteln, die in Zukunft dazu beitragen werden, selbststndig eine Landschaft zu malen.Eine Meereslandschaft mit einem schnen, zarten Geschmack - dies ist eine Gelegenheit, dem Betrachter zu zeigen, wie sich die zarten Blau- und Grntne kombinieren! Im Vordergrund steht die Freude und Begeisterung an der knstlerischen Arbeit. Sie werden in der Lage sein, Meereslandschaften in l zu gestalten und genau zu verstehen, wie dies geschieht. Durch die Kombination aller Blau- und Grntne erhalten Sie ein realistischeres Bild.Herzlich eingeladen sind alle, die Freude an lmalerei haben, ob Anfnger oder auch Gebte."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |