Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Applied Travel & Tourism" |
"This course will tackle the following subjects: Tourism Terminologies (Accessible Tourism, BSP, GDS, GSA, Pitch, Single Supplement...), Destination Terminologies (Anse, Azulejo, Ko, Navette, Platz, Tapas, Wat...), Major Transportation, Selling Multi-Destinations, Essentials of Spa and Skiing, Honeymoon, Luxury, and Seasonal Travel, the must know about cruises and as well special fares."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Principles of a Picture-perfect Honeymoon" |
"This course deals with the main components that one needs to establish owing to prepare a perfect honeymoon. It starts by stating the four main classes of honeymooners, then moves on stressing the importance of marketing for travel agents, afterwards it discusses the passionate packages which are services to be arranged by the hotel and alike, then it moves on to tackle the romantic recipes which are services/activities to be secured in the destination and ends in stating basically main hotels, trains and boats that serve honeymooners."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Principal Amenities for the Luxury Traveller" |
"This course will tackle the basics of marketing in terms of the luxury sector. It will also cover the room amenities and other areas of the hotel in relation to the services to be provided to the luxury traveller. This course will provide so many examples about luxury activities to be done in various destinations such as experiencing 3 star Michelin restaurants, luxury streets and luxry transportation. It will also provide many examples of renowned hotels, trains, cruises that cater to the luxury market. This course will provide opportunities for upselling/crossselling initiatives...Included in this course as well a list of top luxury hotels in Asia by the instructor..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"365 Days Non-stop Selling for your Tourism Business" |
"This course ensures that travel services are constantly selling no matter when during the year. It will ensure that through tackling subjects as 12 months trip timing (providing examples about events happening in different months specially in Europe and Asia) , season and weather tips, Halloween destinations, Christmas markets, skiing and more..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende VBA Excel desde cero" |
"Este curso te brindar las herramientas y conocimiento necesario para que aprendas a programar con VBA y sacarle el mximo provecho a Excel, de esta manera logrars posicionarte dentro de t mbito laboral como una persona creativa y eficiente as como ofrecer soluciones a los procesos secundarios en tu trabajo.No es necesario que tengas conocimientos de programacin ya que iremos explicando los conceptos bsicos para que puedas entender el lenguaje y te proporcionar de los comandos mas tiles para que logres programar de una manera muy sencilla y rpida.Este curso ser totalmente prctico, por lo que desarrollando una aplicacin con la cual estaremos cubriendo varios temas que seguramente sern de tu inters aprenders a crear formularios, automatizaremos tareas, trabajaremos con varios archivos Excel realizando conexiones entre ellos y con outlook para envo de mails, aprenderemos a utilizar la grabadora de macros, trabajaremos con bases de datos, desarrollaremos procesos para generar formatos y plantillas de forma masiva integrando funcionalidad para su impresin y su digitalizacin, creacin de un expediente digital, integraremos barras de progreso, as como procesos de backup y su mantenimiento y disearemos un tablero de control el cual integrar toda la informacin generada por los exceles para generar la estadstica del proceso.Estoy seguro que mas de un proceso te ser til en tu trabajo y al concluir nuestro curso podrs darte cuenta de las enormes posibilidades de aplicativos que puedes desarrollar e impulsar de esta manera tu carrera laboral.Recuerda que actualmente el manejo de Excel se ha vuelto una necesidad y que mejor que potenciarlo integrando Visual Basic Aplicaciones (VBA)."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"The 4 Figures Daily Revenue Shopify DropShipping Mastery" |
"Accel Ecom Academy Brings You Insights to E-commerce Shopify DropshippingIn this course, I am doing A-Z SCREEN RECORDING How I Generated consistent 4 Figure Daily Revenue Shopify DropshippingBasically we are using the SSA (Search, Sell, Automate) Formula that I developed through the years. With just this 3 simple steps, it can generate you a 4 figure daily revenue in dropshipping. We SEARCH for winning product and winning niche with our WINNING SYSTEM criteria selectionWe SELL the winning product through Shopify with the help of Oberlo (One-Click Product Import App)We Automate our Shopify e-commerce store and build it into a BRAND to segregate us and our competitors Other than this, I am very particular with article copy writing, you need to know we are market it to people and we are talking to people. In this course, I am going to show you HOW to write KILLING copy writing that can sell. Not only this, I'm going to teach you how to TAP into Emotional part of their mind with our awesome SCRIPT.The best part of this course outcome is that you will attain a Passive Income just by setting this ONE online store CORRECTLY!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Finanas Empresariais I" |
"Nesse primeiro curso sobre Finanas Empresariais, faremos uma abordagem bsica sobre o assunto, onde conceituaremos as Fontes de Recursos de uma organizao e que financiam suas operaes. Daremos ainda uma viso de negcio a partir dessas fontes. Aprofundando mais o assunto, abordaremos e iremos comparar os custos dos recursos dos proprietrios (TMA), os custos dos recursos de terceiros e os custos dos financiamentos dos negcios (CMPC),Em seguida, detalharemos as destinaes em capital de giro e fixo, os financiamentos do capital de giro, alm da sua necessidade.Por fim, fecharemos o curso abordando o Ciclo Financeiro, comparando-o com o ciclo operacional, demonstando ainda a influncia da necessidade de capital de giro e os reflexos na capacidade de gerao de caixa.Como brinde final, Disponibilizamos uma ampla Viso de Finanas empresariais, onde sero abordados temas como matemtica financeira e os critrios para avaliao de investimentos (Valor presente lquido - VPL, Payback e Taxa Interna de Retorno - TIR), alm de realizarmos uma anlise de viabilidade de negcios.Venha se capacitar conosco."
Price: 519.99 ![]() |
"Simplifying Scrivener 3" |
" Simplifying Scrivener 3 Section OneVideos 1 Welcome and Introduction to the course. Its source and purpose.Video 2A realistic look at this great software from the geniuses at Literature and Latte; its strength as well as its difficulties.Why writers find it difficult to use and how breaking it down into step by step format remedies that. How to streamline it so that you can harness it and make it work for you to simply publish both e-book and print books without going into its maze of components.Video 3Establishing a starting point by identifying and labeling the components necessary to make it do what we want it to do.Video 4Relating the unusual sounding component names to an actual printing press so that we understand what each component actually does and how we need to bring them together and use them for our purposes. Breaking the task up into manageable segments and label them for a clearer understanding of their individual job.Video 5Bringing everything together so we can start the process to print your manuscript. Section Two-Video 6 Templates and how to use them, aligning our chapters and pages, getting ready to compile.Video 7 Formatting and Layouts: channeling it all to the compiler.Video 8 Customizing; modifying templates to your specification. (Optional) Section ThreeVideo 9 Create (compile) an eBook from your manuscript.Video 10 Drilling DownVideo 11 Creating a customized, Table of Contents for your eBook. (optional)Video 12 Creating a Table of Contents for your Print Book.Video 13 Preparing photos, graphics, clip art and charts for inclusion in your eBooks and Print Books so they will meet the publishers specifications for publication. Checking for errors.Video 14 Creating your Print Book. How to make only slight modifications to the eBook template so you can use the same manuscript to publish your Print Book. Using the PDF preview to check your manuscript before printing it out. Video 15 Conclusion Video 16 Addendum/Bonus"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Create a messaging guide to grow your small business!" |
"Have you ever wondered how some brands suck you in? Through every interaction, they sing the siren song that keeps you coming back and buying their products time and again. It's as if they got inside your brain and read your mind.They did! Well sort of. What seems like magic to the untrained eye is actually a repeatable science. In this course, I will show you the secrets the experts use to attract premium customers.During the course, you will learn five core concepts. These core concepts build a foundation for you to create a one-page messaging guide called the Brand Compass.The five core concepts are:Identifying Your Ideal CustomerPositioning: Make Your Competition IrrelevantProductize Your ServiceCreate Processes To ScaleEstablishing Your WhyAfter you have a solid grasp of these five concepts, you will complete the Brand Compass messaging guide. You'll use the messaging you craft in this course to create a marketing strategy that will inform your marketing plan. Creating an ideal customer profile, also known as a customer avatar, will help you reach customers through social media marketing, digital marketing, paid advertising, and converting customers through your website.It is impossible to attract the perfect customer if you can't get inside their head. Let me show you how to read the minds of your prospects, so you can turn strangers into paying customers.This course is a precursor to SEO, social media marketing, copywriting, or email marketing."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Project Management - il corso completo" |
"Un percorso snello, chiaro, pratico per conoscere e applicare il Project Management sul lavoro. Rivolto ai Capi progetto, ai Team di progetto e anche a chi realizza progetti da solo o con poche persone.Particolarmente adatto a chi vuole avvicinarsi a questa metodologia, a chi vuole iniziare a gestire in modo strutturato i suoi progetti, a chi ha maturato esperienze sul campo e sente la necessit di consolidarle il suo approccio e le sue conoscenze.Questo corso online ti far uscire dalla tua zona di comfort, perch ti metter alla prova! composto da diversi moduli; video, questionari e casi in cui cimentare le tue capacit e le tue conoscenze.Il percorso progettato da esperti in materia, ma con un linguaggio semplice, concreto e diretto!Aggiornamenti gennaio/febbraio 2020Il percorso di Project Management viene costantemente aggiornato con nuovi contenuti.Nei mesi di gennaio e febbraio sono stati aggiunti:- 4 Infografiche (Perch un progetto fallisce, le 4 fasi del Project Management, Pianificare in 4 fasi, La gestione dei rischi);- 5 strumenti operativi (Mappa stakeholders, La scheda progetto, La gestione dei rischi, la definizione del Budget, Il piano di comunicazione);- 4 Check-list interattive; (Concezione, Pianificazione, Monitoraggio e controllo, Chiusura);- 5 articoli (Come mappare gli stakeholders, I 7 livelli di gestione, Project Management Maturity Model, Come determinare la durata delle attivit, Il monitoraggio dei costi); - Manuale del partecipante (slides con i contenuti principali del percorso)."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"La Negoziazione e la Gestione dei conflitti" |
"Questo percorso si sviluppa in due moduli, entrambi riguardano la dimensione relazionale.Il primo modulo approfondisce le dinamiche negoziali, in cui tutti noi possiamo trovarci sia sul lavoro sia nella vita personale.Spesso negoziamo con il nostro capo, o con i colleghi, con un cliente o con un fornitore. Ma anche nella vita personale negoziamo con il partner o con i figli, oppure quando stiamo acquistando qualcosa.In questo percorso potrai apprendere le logiche di preparazione di una trattativa. Scoprirai come investigare gli interessi espliciti e impliciti e come avere influenza sui criteri decisionali dellinterlocutore. Potenzierai le tue capacit per gestire le principali dinamiche negoziali.Il secondo modulo approfondisce le relazioni conflittuali. Spesso tutti noi ci ritroviamo coinvolti in una conversazione difficile, oppure in un conflitto con un'altra persona. Non sempre semplice riuscire a gestire queste situazioni, coinvolgono le emozioni delle persone. Alcuni conflitti sono ricorrenti e sembra difficile riuscire a cambiarne gli esiti.Nel secondo modulo allora potrai scoprire come aumentare la tua self-confidence nelle relazioni, anche quelle pi difficili. Acquisirai conoscenze di alcune delle strategie di gestione delle emozioni e delle conversazioni difficili, per ridurre la conflittualita relazionale."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Portre Sanatnda Ustalamak - Yeni Balayanlar in izim" |
"Bu kurs portre izimine yeni balayanlar iin hazrlanmtr, kurs ierii her yatan renci iin uygundur.Burada temel portre izim teknikleri ksaca anlatldktan sonra resimden/fotoraftan veya canl modelden resim kadna nasl portre izildiini anlatyorum.izim yapmak isteyen ama nereden nasl balayacan bilmeyen rencilere bu kursta rehberlik yapyorumDerslerde snavlara hazrlk veya akademik bilgi verme amac gdlmemitir."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Prova MS-100 Microsoft 365 identity and services simulado" |
"Neste simulado voc ter acesso a 70 perguntas da prova MS-100 da Microsoft. Com este simulado possvel passar na prova atual em ingls da Microsoft assim como eu passei usando ele.Assim como na prova foi definido um score minimo de 70% para que voc seja aprovado. As perguntas contidas aqui so perguntas reais do simulado e com ele eu consegui passar na prova e estou disponibilizando aqui para que outros profissionais da rea tenham o oportunidade de conseguir esta certificao."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop 2020 For Cat Lovers!" |
"In this hands-on course you will learn a powerful photo-editing software in a fun way. And the best thing about it... It's cat-themed! This course combines 2 of my greatest loves- cats and design (and I have over a decade of experience in both subjects)... I've had a lot of fun creating it and I hope you will have fun learning it. You will learn how to repair images that were taken with your phone or your camera and create ""realistic un-realistic"" images (like a cat with wings!). You will learn aboutt cropping, layerings, blending, masking and so much more...Exercise files included! More bonus videos will be added in mid-December."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Faa e Venda Doces" |
"Precisa de faturamento alto e rpido? Est precisando de uma idia inovadora. voc vai aprender a fazer bolos de pote, cajuzinho, cone de chocolate, , lindos e deliciosos, muito fceis de fazer, at mesmo para quem no tem a menor experincia conseguir preparar. Ou prepare os mais deliciosos e belos boloes e doces para toda famlia alm de tambm poder faturar uma grana vendendo o que voc faz.Bullets. Quando voc se inscrever, aqui vai o que ir descobrir. 1 - Voc pode faturar mais trabalhando pra voc mesmo. 2 - Vai ficar chocado em descobrir como os bolos de pote, e doces so desejados e bem aceitos em todos os lugares. 3 - O que realmente importa e o que no, quando tem a receita certa. 4 - Como voc pode ir em dias, de um confeiteiro(a), desconhecido a um confeiteiro respeitado. 5 - Um jeito rpido de preparar os mais deliciosos bolos e doces. 6 - Minha tcnica prova de erros para voc pegar o jeito bem fcil sem errar o modo de fazer."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Tcnicas da Saboaria" |
"Ol, meu nome Andrea Marques e a 6 anos venho estudando todas as tcnicas da saboaria e vendendo produtos da mesma. Neste curso, voc aprender como fazer sabonetes, quais materiais utilizar, cheiros, aromas, essncias, frmas e todo o produto da melhor qualidade para a manufatura dos sabonetes. Alm disso, ir aprender do incio ao fim at adquirir o produto final para venda. Ir aprender tambm o passo a passo gravado de como fazer sabonetes criativos e bonitos, com todo seu detalhe, sendo uma tima opo de renda extra. Aqui voc ir aprender tambm como calcular os lucros e receber um bnus no fim do curso."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Scambio File di eBay per Negati" |
"Scambio File ad oggi l'unico modo per inviare massivamente i propri prodotti nel proprio Negozio eBay GRATUITAMENTE.Esistono certamente altri modi per mandare le nostre inserzioni online, ma sono tutte soluzioni a pagamento dove devi pagare una fee mensile e sei dipendente da quella piattaforma.Scambio File invece ti permette di Inviare, Modificare ed Eliminare migliaia di inserzioni per volta, senza dover dipendere da nessuno e farlo in completa autonomia. Grazie a questo corso riuscirai a fare le seguneti cose:Benefit 1: Saprai navigare all'interno di Scambio File CenterBenefit 2: Saprai scaricare il Modello della tua Categoria da Scambio FileBenefit 3: Saprai correggere gli errori dei file scaricatiBenefit 4: Saprai recuperare le informazioni necessarie per lavorare con Scambio FileBenefit 5: Saprai leggere i campi di Scambio FileBenefit 6: Saprai creare e modificare la tua STRINGA DI SCAMBIO FILE correttamenteBenefit 7: Saprai inviare il file CSV a Scambio File senza fare erroriBenefit 8: Saprai leggere i File Response dei caricamenti sulla piattaformaBenefit 9: Saprai individuare gli errori che ti impediscono di caricare il tuo file CSVBenefit 10: Saprai scaricare la lista delle inserzioni attive nel tuo profiloBenefit 11: Saprai modificare le inserzioni gi presenti nel tuo negozio massivamenteInsieme al Corso riceverai i seguenti BONUS che potrai scaricare durante le varie lezioni:10 STRINGHE DI SCAMBIO FILE GIA' PRONTE IN DIVERSE CATEGORIELA BARRA DEI PREFERITI EBAYUNA SESSIONE DI CONSULENZA CON MEGRUPPO FACEBOOK DEDICATO A CHI HA FATTO IL CORSOGARANZIAVuoi sapere qual' la mia Garanzia? Se il corso non ti basta o non trovi le Soluzioni ai tuoi problemi, puoi ""convertire"" il costo del Corso in una Soluzione Personalizzata per il tuo lavoro con eBay.Questo equivale a dire che di fatto come avere avuto il Corso Gratuitamente."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Lean Mindset - Guia completo e prtico de como aplicar lean" |
"Muito tem se falado de Lean atualmente... Nesse curso voc aprender que Lean no apenas sinnimo de eliminao de desperdcios e entrega de valor ao cliente, mas algo muito alm disso. Com diversos exemplos, esse curso trar de uma forma resumida e interessante, como os princpios, ferramentas e conceitos desse sistema de gesto podem ser aplicados profissionalmente e no seu dia a dia, mudando a maneira como executa suas tarefas rotineiras."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Gesto da qualidade para Concursos/ Empresas/ Vida pessoal!" |
"Nesse curso de gesto da qualidade ns veremos vrios temas, dentre eles est os Gurus da qualidade e as ferramentas criadas por eles, ISo 9000, PMI, Alm de conhecimentos tericos e prticos.Os alunos desse curso sero preparados para desenvolver a gesto da qualidade na empresa ou na vida pessoal.Excelente curso para quem gosta de aulas eficazes e direto ao ponto."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Tech School 201 - Online Business" |
"Do you have an idea for an online business ?Do you run for the hills at the thought of creating a web site ?Have you tried to create a website but given up because you couldn't get past something ?Do you despise tech with every fiber of your being ?Well come on in, gorgeous.This is a course for beginners which follows on from Tech-101 and introduces you to WordPress and building your business web site - to continue building up your experience and confidence with online business tech.This online course covers WordPress basics:Building your WordPress elements (Pages, Posts, Editing, Removing, Cloning)An introduction to themesAn introduction to the Media LibraryCreating your own brand and graphicsUse of Stock Images and CopyrightIntegrating social mediaScheduled PostingWidgets and MenusWhat makes this course different is that I hope to bring with it my personal experience - I've been through pitfalls and bugs and can therefore offer that perspective that will hopefully prevent you from throwing your arms up and giving up - which we've all done!As always, I hope to make it fun and approachable for you to learn this stuff at your own pace. This knowledge should be available to all, not just a select few!Much love,Sammy Dee"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Tech School 401 - Self Publishing" |
"Would you like to earn an extra income using Amazon?Do you present Workshops or Classes?Would you like to showcase your services using a publication?Then this course is for you! I will teach you how to design and collate your very own workbook, planner or journal and sell it on Amazon. From conception to an actual Amazon listing.A friendly and approachable Instructor who is a Life Coach and a twenty-year tech pro!If you're ready to start earning in 2020, I'll see you on the inside!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Plan Your Life: Dream It, Plan It, Do It - Life Planner" |
"Are you feeling a bit direction-less?Not sure what you want in life any more?Do you feel like you're in a bit of a rut?Are you feeling like you want to be free from something?Have you experienced a drastic change lately which has made you re-think things?Yep, been there! The key to changing something is knowing where you are right now!A life plan is like a map that people use, which shows them where they are, and where they're going and most importantly instructions on how to get there. This course will guide you through a set of questions on the subject of seven main areas of YOUR life:- Social and Family Relationships- Money & Personal Finances- Education and Career- Life's Routine Responsibilities- Community & Giving Back- Mental, Spiritual and Emotional Health- Health, Recreation & DowntimeThis course will give you the free space to design your ideal life, using mind-maps, goals and tasks which you can act upon, so that YOUR dream becomes YOUR reality. At the end of this course you will have:Established a clear vision of what you want to achieve with your life (Dream It)Developed a plan for achieving this vision (as its pointless having ambitions if you dont know how to reach them) (Plan It)Know how to stay motivated by putting your plan into action (as the goals you set are personal and meaningful to you, based on what you want) (Do It)Monitor and review your progress, take appropriate action steps and stay focused on your end goal/s (as its easy to get distracted by lifes everyday challenges)Individuals who design their lives by intent are more likely to achieve the things they want than those who do nothing, or just hope for the best. The goals that you set in this course will point towards your final destination. ""A dream becomes a goal when action is taken toward its achievement"" - Bo BennettGoals are just well-defined targets that give you the direction and motivation needed for making effective progress in life. The goals you set within will become your road-map to personal success (that is, what YOU consider being a success), and a personal guide to your ideal future."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Hayat Kolaylatran Google rnleri" |
"Google' sadece bir arama motorundan ibaret sanyorsanz, yanlyorsunuz. Google aslnda yzden fazla rn olan ve her rnyle farkl ihtiyalara zm bulan bir irket. Eminim ki bu rnlerin bir ounu rendiinizde aracaksnz ve i hayatnzda faydalarn fazlasyla greceksiniz. Siz de tek bir kurs ile bir ok rn renebilir ve kendinizi gelitirebilirsiniz."
Price: 329.99 ![]() |
"Psychic Shielding" |
"Psychic shielding is an essential skill for empaths, but can be equally important for anyone interested in protecting themselves from the energies and intentions of others. In this course, you'll learn how to create shields for yourself, extend those shields to others, and empower objects as shields so you can protect yourself and your property."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Energy Work For Everyone" |
"In this course, your will learn to tap into the Universal Energy Well and then use that energy for your magical purposes. First, you'll learn how to tap into the Universal Energy Well and raise energy for your own purposes and intents. Then, you'll learn to use energy work for shielding, healing, charging, and clearing."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Chakra Clearing, Balancing, and Energizing via Visualization" |
"This workshop is designed to give you the ability to clear, balance and energize your chakras from the comfort of your own home. Each video is aligned in color, sound, and content to the individual chakra you are working on. The visualization will take you through the process of clearing, balancing, and energizing your chakras. This workshop is an excellent accompaniment to the Energy Work and The Chakras Course.When you purchase this workshop, you are getting lifetime access to chakra clearing, balancing, and energizing that you can complete in the comfort of your own home instead of paying per session for someone else to do this work for you."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Energy Work and the Chakras" |
"This course will help you understand what the chakras are, where they are located, and how you can work with them to improve your life. The Chakra Clearing, Balancing, and Energizing Workshop available here is an excellent accompaniment to this course as it includes guided visualizations to help you work directly with your own chakras."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"30 Dates to a Better Relationship" |
"This course will help you, through the use of daily activities, to better connect to your partner, communicate with them, demonstrate your appreciation of them, and over-all improve your relationship. You'll have the opportunity to assess your relationship as it is now and again at the end of the course to see your improvement empirically, but you'll know in your heart that you have built a happier, healthier relationship as soon as you commit to completing the activities with your partner. What if you could nurture and revive your relationship with only 30 dates? What if by following a plan of connective activities, you and your partner could find the happiness that once brought you together and nurture that happiness into a happier and healthier relationship? With the 30 Dates to a Better Relationship Program, I share with you 30 separate activities designed to help you reconnect with your partner in Eight areas, including:CommunicationConnectionHaving Fun TogetherGratitudePraise and AppreciationRomantic GesturesDate Night ActivitiesSexual Activities"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Nonprofit Branding Techniques" |
"Are you thinking of starting a nonprofit or assuming a branding role within a company, then this course will provide you fundamental information and tools you'll need to manage a new or existing brand. The course starts with a brief history of branding and quickly moves to branding definitions. From there, the course focuses on how to create a new brand or how to enhance and existing one. The course also includes visualization of a brand through color symbolism and emotions and helps the student understand the importance of selecting one or more brand colors. The course concludes with the discussion of creating a brand manual to guide and enforce brand standards."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Go: Mastering Google's Go (Golang) Programming" |
"Welcome to this course: Go: Mastering Google's Go (Golang) Programming. Google's Go is an very important programming language. It is the language of the Internet age, and the latest version of Google's Go comes with major architectural changes. Go is a statically-typed programming language first developed at Google. It has firmly established itself as a favorite for building complex and scalable system applications. It is derived from C with additional features such as garbage collection, type safety, dynamic-typing capabilities, additional built-in types, and a large standard library. With its ecosystem growing in size and its stable architecture, Go offers a strong library for building scalable and high-performance web services and apps. Today, Go is gaining more and more popularity, and becoming an attractive skill as well."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Speak Chinese Language in 9 hours with a structured method" |
"Who is this course for?Beginner who doesn't know how to speak Chinese.Intermediate student who is struggling in using Chinese.What you will gain from this class: The ability to speak Mandarin Chinese with confidence and freedom. Just apply the Master Formula to any sentence you want to say and you will get an accurate sentence.Use over 180 most important Chinese words as the best foundation to start learning Chinese, and to be able to converse in most everyday situations. Get to conversational level FAST! You don't have to learn grammar after grammar! You just need the Master Formula to speak Chinese accurately.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Have you ever wondered the Chinese language is too difficult to learn?You may start off searching the internet but quickly feel overwhelmed by the large amounts of information, the large amounts of grammar and characters.You may turn to some structured books or courses, but are struggling to use Chinese correctly, let alone speak Chinese fluently.You feel like you are putting in a lot of effort, but seeing very few results.What if I told you that learning Chinese shouldn't be too difficult?What if I told you that there is a method that saves you all the wasted time and energy and gets you immediate results?I created a structured course based off of multiple successful methods that will help you achieve Chinese fluency fast.This course has successfully helped many absolute beginners get to conversational level after 23 classes or less. This means if a student chooses to take 2 classes per week, they can get to conversational level within 3 months.This course is made to help my students show immediate results from the get-go.They will have the ability to walk into any store and buy stuff using full Mandarin Chinese just after 10 classes, or can confidently use accurate Chinese after merely 2 classes.My course includes:1. The Master Formula of Chinese grammar. Just 1 formula of grammar to capture 90% of chinses grammar. A powerful tool to build ANY Chinese sentences accurately.2. Most important conversational words.A list of hand-picked most versatile and useful words, to help you conversate freely in most everyday situations.3. Clear examples and sufficient practices.Every new word comes with clear examples and 2 sentence practices, every class also concludes with a special grammar practice.4. Real-life simulation.After a couple of classes, we will simulate real-life scenarios to practice and to show real results.Bonus! - Travel words.Most important travel words to aid you in your travels.If you are unsure, feel free to shoot me a message!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |