Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Wordpress SEO Mastery: #1 Step-by-Step SEO Optimisation" |
"Every concept is said, what it's? why it should be done? when it is to be done? how it should be done? based on the research graphs which is shown for each & every concept. I'm simply blown away!""This course will help you toMaster Technical SEO factors The entry ticket to search EnginesMake your website load in less than a second. The interesting part of this section is, your page speed insights score will up to 100 /100 for desktop and 100 / 100 for mobileGet indexed by search engines fasterImplement the best User experience for your visitors/customers The future SEO factor. Reduce user abandonment rate and increase users time spent on your siteLearn Keyword Research in SEO - Get targeted traffic to your site, by using the chosen transactional/informative long-tail keywordsAll backlink myths demystified - Learn the important attributes of backlinks and ignore the ones that don't work anymoreProtect your website against Negative SEO Its not a black hat SEO. This is your line of defense against negative SEO attacksLearn everything from Positive SEO factors to Negative SEO factors, master them and implement on your website to get top ranking in search engines.Though SEO is not rocket science. Its not that easy to grasp the impact of various terminologies used in SEO like Doorway pages, keyword stuffing, bounce rate, etc.Thats why, for each and every SEO factor, not only youll learn what that SEO factor is, but also youll learnWhy is that an SEO factor?When and how to use them?Ive also given a justification, several examples and the proof and how to implement it on your website.Negative SEO is a must-know section for every WordPress owner, because you may rank #1 in top pages of Google search, for your popular keywords now.What if, Google penalizes your website and you lose ranking for your popular keywordsWhat if, your invisible/unknown competitor attacks your website with Negative SEOWe have covered everything regarding Negative SEO attack, how to recover from it etc., in this course.Now you should have realized, this course is not just a collection of information, its highly efficient, streamlined and it will give you the solid results, you have expected.If you have ever dreamed of getting to the top #1 position in Google search results, then you've come to the right course. Click on 'Take this course' green button on the top-right corner to enroll now.Once you rank #1 in GoogleYour brand name will be popularYou will be invited for exclusive product releases in your nicheYour business/ad revenue will grow 2X to 100X based on your current positionYour unique visitors per day, subscribers will increaseAnd Much More"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Email Marketing Mastery Course: Build Your Email List Fast" |
"HELLO, WELCOME TO THE ULTIMATE COURSE OF EMAIL MARKETING, In this course you will Learn email marketing best practices from creating a strategy to building a list to tracking results. You know The first marketing email was sent in 1978, and it got resulted in over $13 million in sales, and kicked off the most highly used marketing channels even to this day. Email isnt dead. Its one of the few marketing channels we can use to build an authentic connection with the humans that keep our businesses alive. i am going to show you how you can use email marketing to build relationships and profits. in this course we are going learn1) how to create an email marketing strategyyou know in the day to day life each of your customer will recieves 100+ emails That means, if you dont take the time to develop a strategy, your emails will get lost in crowded inboxes, or worse, be sent to the spam folder. send emails that people actually want to read. It needs a strategy to send highly effective emails2) Choosing an email marketing servicein this course ill show you how you can use an email marketing service called mailchimp. which is a web-based email marketing service. It helps you design email newsletters, share them on social networks, integrate with services you already use, and track your results. It is great for people who are just starting out, as it is easy to set up and it provides an intuitive user interface.3) How to grow you email listWhat most people do when they want to build an email list is to put an optin form on their website and hope that people sign up. Unfortunately, this strategy usually doesnt work very well.To grow your email list, you need to attract people with a compelling offer. You need a lead magnet. ill show you the popular lead magnets out there in the course.4) Automating Your MailsAn autoresponder is a sequence of emails that are automatically sent to a segment of people on your email list and is triggered by a specific event, such as joining your list, downloading a PDF, or buying a product.The content of an email autoresponder series is created in advance and set up to send at the appropriate time with the help of your email marketing software.5) How to analyze your Email Marketing ResultsAs marketers, we love to analyze everything. It helps inform our marketing decisions and justify our work to the rest of the the course i am goint to show you the best ways to analyze the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns.6) Email Marketing Tips and best practicestips like hot to make a great subject line, email personalization, responsiveness, context and body and lot more will cover in the coursethese are the steps that were going to cover in this course. lets get this done in a step-by-step process and see you in the course."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Music Production in Cubase Pro 10" |
"Start producing music in Cubase Pro 10 - One of the best DAW in the industry!This course guides you step by step on how create a song from scratch in Cubase Pro 10 using some of its powerful virtual instruments libraries such as HALion, Retrologue and Prologue. To make it fun we are producing a remake of the famous song 24K Magic by Bruno Mars. Instead of having to watch a video to know how to use an specific function of the software, we start to build the song from scratch choosing the best sounds available and learning the main tools along the way to get a very similar and professional sound. ""Cubase is one of the most powerful music creation software packages in the world. With its unrivaled range of flexible tools, you can create any kind of music quickly and intuitively. It comes packed with a wide range of virtual instruments, effects and thousands of sounds. Whether youre a professional composer or a music production beginner, Cubase provides you with everything you need for turning your ideas into music.""About MeI am an enthusiastic Audio Engineer, Electronic Engineer and Music Producer with over twelve years of experience in recording, mixing, post-production, sound design and business skills.I worked in Soho Sonic Studios in London recording, mixing and mastering audio for well-known acts. Some of my high-profile clients included Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Lisa Stansfield, Keane, Mica Paris and David Hentschel. In audio postproduction, I have worked VO sessions for brands such as Samsung, KPMG, British Museum, DHL, Habitat, Charlie&Wolf and Major Lazer TV series.Since 2016, Im a certified trainer of Steinberg software and hardware products such as Cubase, Nuendo and Wavelab. Also, I'm a lecturer for the audiovisual production department of a well know university, teaching subjects including: Digital Audio, Digital Signal Processing, Sound Design, Audio Production and Acoustics.Let's get in touchAs a music producer and educator, I'm happy to answer to all your questions and direct messages."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Entry Level Chinese Brush Painting #1" |
"0We'll take you starting with a complete zero foundation to understand and learn how to paint Chinese brush painting.After you finish your studies, you will learn to draw simple and interesting Chinese brush paintings.Through Chinese painting, you will also learn about the old and interesting stories and history behind it"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"UiPath - Advanced Enterprise Robotic Process Automation" |
"Robot Process Automation (RPA) is the next step in the evolution of technology. Until recent times businesses have been spending a lot of time and resource on automating back-end systems. And now, the focus of automation has bubbled up to the front-end!Tools like UiPath have made it very easy to get started with building front end automation.But like all fields, RPA isn't without its challenges. Sure, we can build an automation or two. But the efficiency of any system is dictated by how easily it can be organized, built and managed on a large enterprise scale.In this course, we'll take a demonstrative look at how to organize, build and manage RPA processes for the Enterprise using an open-source Enterprise RPA (ERPA) Framework. We'll start by discussing the current methods of managing automation and justify the need for the new approach.Regardless of the scale of your business or practice, be it a one man shop, a small business or a large organization, this course demonstrates how you can build and manage your RPA processes with an enterprise-like approach.Join me in taking small steps to a larger goal!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan Zirveye - Teknik Analiz Eitim Serisi" |
"Bu kurs;Sfr bilgiye sahip olan kiilerden, orta seviye analiz bilgisine sahip analistlere kadar hazrlanm mfredatnn yan sra harmonik formasyonlar blm ile ileri seviye teknik analiz bilgisini de barndrmaktadr.Size tam zamanl traderlarn krl, tutarl ve istikrarl sonular elde etmek iin nasl analizler yaptklarn ve ileme girip-girmeme kararlarn nasl verdiklerini reteceim. Profesyonel yatrmclar tarafndan kullanlan analiz yntemleri ve teknikler konusunda mkemmel bir anlay edineceksiniz.Kiilerden bamsz, kendi al-sat kararlarnz verebilmenin yolunu aacaz. Grafikleri analiz etmede farkl bir yaklam izleyeceksiniz. Doru ekilde yaplrsa, trade ok krl olabilir. Bu noktada en nemli husus formasyonlarn tehisini doru koyabilmek, doru izebilmek ve doru hedefleri bekleyip, kurallara uygun zarar durdurma seviyelerini tespit edebilmektir.Dolaysyla, hisse senetlerinde, borsada, forexte, altkoinlerde ve bitcoinde bilinli trader olmak isteyip istemediinize karar verin.Bu kurs tam size gre."
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"Unity C# 2D Oyun Gelitirme Eitimi" |
"2D oyun gelitirmeye ilginiz var ve bunun iin kaynak aryorsanz bu kurs sizin iin hazrland!Kursumuzda temel bir C# eitimden balayarak giderek zorlaan ve daha detayl bir hale gelen birbirinden farkl projeler gelitiriyoruz. Her blmde farkl ve yeni bilgiler renip bunlar daha sonraki blmlerde kullanyoruz.Projeleri gelitirmeden nce ihtiyacnz olan gerekli kaynaklar ve dosyalar derslerden nce sizlerle paylayorum.Kurs sresi boyunca gelitireceimiz oyunlarda genellikle elenceli ve eitim srasnda bizleri skmayacak tarzda oyunlar ele almaya altm. Burada rendiimiz bilgileri farkl fikirlere uyarlayarak ok sayda oyun gelitirebiliriz. Amacm kursun sonuna geldiinizde rendiiniz tm bilgileri kendi fikirleriniz ve kendi projeleriniz zerinde kullanabilir hale gelmeniz.Hazrsanz balayabiliriz"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"3 Secrets d'un Th naturel, dlicieux et bon pour la sant" |
"Dans ce cours vous allez apprendre prparer un dlicieux th, naturel et bon pour votre sant.Egalement vous allez connaitre les 3 secrets qui rendent un th porte votre connaissance que ce th a t prpar dans la nature mais vous pouvez galement le prparer la maison car le lieu de prparation ne cre pas la diffrence ; mais sont les matires utiliser dans la prparation qui cre la diffrence."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Powerful Instagram Course" |
"Struggling with getting more followers, collaborations and sales?Let me tell you one thing: you need a strategy! I believe, that you are trying to make your best content and maybe even tried to promote your account. But without overall knowledge of the Instagram opportunities and marketing strategy basics you are very likely to fail (sorry, but I had to mention that). Only after right marketing research (dont worry, its not that difficult!) and relevant content planning you can start your successful Instagram account filling and promotion. This course is aimed at making your Instagram journey easy, fun and effective (please read a Course content :)). This course is for you if:you want to build a successful business through Instagram;you want to become a social media influencer in demand;you want to be a highly-skilled SMM manager for yourself or for any other person/business."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Impara ad usare FileMaker con lo Starter Kit FMGuru" |
"Cos un database e in cosa si differenzia da un foglio elettronico?Come si articola la piattaforma FileMaker?In questo corso partirai da zero e creerai il tuo primo applicativo FileMaker.Approfondirai linterfaccia utente, da sempre uno dei punti forti dellambienteImparerai a gestire dati e a fare ricerche semplici e complesseScoprirai come importare e esportare dati da altri ambienti ed esplorerai il motore di calcolo per imparare a sfruttare calcoli e funzioniImparerai come operare sui formati, sia su desktop che ottimizzati per dispositivi mobileUn applicativo nulla senza la reportistica: stampe, report con dati raggruppati, lettere, etichette non avranno pi segretiAvrai esempi pratici gi pronti da usareIl corso alterna sessioni che forniscono le nozioni teoriche e esercitazioni pratiche che applicano immediatamente quanto imparato.Cosa troverai all'interno del nostro Starter Kit: FileMaker da 0 - U-demy edition?Il corso Primo giorno su FileMaker per realizzare nella pratica il tuo primo semplice applicativo FileMakerIl primo passo del nostro PER-CORSO Base - Cos' FileMaker per capire il contesto in cui FileMaker si colloca e quali sono le basi teoriche che devi avere per iniziare a svilupparePrimo passo del PER-CORSO Costruisci il tuo applicativo - BONUS! Per creare la tua prima anagrafica da 0 e tutte le tabelle di servizio del tuo nuovo applicativo.Tutti i materiali e gli esempi subito disponibili!Oltre 400 euro di materiali, ad un prezzo esclusivo per gli studenti di U-demy!Vuoi sbloccare un anno di licenza FileMaker gratuitamente? Acquista su U-demy e poi fai l'upgrade alla versione completa sul nostro sito!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Selezione del Laboratorio di scripting FileMaker di FMGuru" |
"In questa selezione del Laboratorio di scripting FileMaker di FMGuru imparerai come gli script possono migliorare il tuo sviluppo FileMaker, rendendo le tue applicazioni pi versatili e facendoti risparmiare molto tempo.Nel Laboratorio di scripting FileMaker affrontiamo in maniera capillare e applicata gli argomenti pi importanti che ti trovi ad affrontare ogni volta che sviluppi in FileMaker e che, se applicati correttamente, ti permetteranno di fare un salto importante nelle tue capacit di sviluppoLe pi importanti funzioni del motore di calcoloI segreti dei campi contenitore (si, esistono e possono essere davvero utili)Nuovi modi per affrontare molte operazioni ricorrenti (dalla dichiarazione di una variabile al calcolo complesso)Istruzioni ""universali"" come InseriscidaURL, eseguiSQL, le funzioni multiple e molte altreIn questa selezione troverai:- la base teorica dell'ottimizzazione degli scripting FileMaker- imparerai ad usare EseguiSQL- imparerai ad usare While- Imparerai ad usare l'istruzione Salva record come snapshot link- Imparerai a creare script incatenati- Imparerai ad usare la funzione RicavaAttributoOggettoFormatoNon ti basta? Scopri il laboratorio di scripting FileMaker sul sito di FMGuru! 25+1 appuntamenti pratici dove vedere come gli script possono migliorare il tuo sviluppo FileMaker, rendendo le tue applicazioni pi versatili e facendoti risparmiare molto tempo."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"4 week Guide to Navigating the Gym" |
"Explore how to use free weights, body weight and machines to build your very own workout programs. Course includes FOUR exercise guides to take with you to the gym!Learn and study fitness vocabulary words that will help improve the effectiveness and intensity of your training regime. Discover exercises that you can do in any gym that will target your upper body, lower body and core. After completing this course, feel confident in creating and building a program of your own."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"5 lezioni per correggere l'iper-lordosi lombare" |
"5 lezioni a didattica progressiva per portare il movimento correttivo dalla profondit alla superfici passando dalla comprensione, dalla consapevolezza corporea, dall'attivazione dei muscoli pi profondi del pavimento pelvico ai muscoli pi superficiali che controllano i grandi movimenti.L'intensit sar quindi moderata al'inizio per lasciare al corpo il tempo di assorbire le informazioni pi sottili per aumentare progressivamente verso la quinta lezione. Compreso il percorso, potrete tenere la quinta lezione come la pratica diretta per prendervi cura e stabilizzare la correzione dell'iper-lordosi. Potrete anche estrarre dalla lezione una parte che ritenete la pi appropriata al vostro benessere."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Teams and OneNote Essentials for Educators" |
"You will learn how to create classes in Microsoft Teams Creating an assignment in MS TeamsCreating a Quiz using Microsoft FormsDistributing, grading and exporting of grades in Excel How to set up Class Notebook in Microsoft OneNoteDistribution of content using Microsoft OneNoteHow to use Immersive Reader option in Microsoft OneNoteHow to use Math option in Microsoft OneNoteProcess of integration of simulations/interactive materials in Microsoft OneNote How to use Microsoft WhiteboardWill be able to help you to start remote learning sessions"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Criar Landing Pages com o Elementor mais fcil do que voc imagina. Com esse plugin do WordPress possvel criar desde Landing Pages bsicas at utilizar recursos avanados de personalizao e integrao.Existem diversas ferramentas de Landing Page no mercado. Se voc j utiliza o WordPress, criar Landing Pages com o Elementor pode ser uma sada interessante e que dispensa custos adicionais.Curso para Iniciantes do bsico ao Avanado na utilizao do VirtualBox, preparando o ambiente para Instalao do"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Pool Billiards - Poolbillard Praxis Kurs mit Charly Gde" |
"Deutsch/ EnglishOnline Billard Kurs der Extra Klasse!Hier ist deine geniale wie komfortable Mglichkeit, vom 71fachen Berliner Meister und deutschem Vizemeister Charly Gde, in die Faszination des Billard Sports eingeweiht zu werden! Du bekommst nicht nur das ntige Wissen, um sofort super spielen zu knnen, sondern lernst mit diesem Kurs wirklich einen wahren Schatz an Tipps und Tricks kennen, die dich und deine Zuschauer in Staunen versetzen werden! Viel Spa beim ben und vielleicht sieht man sich mal bei einem der nchsten Turniere!Inhalt:6 Powerpakete voller geballtem Billardwissen2 Bonuspakete vollgepackt mit erstklassigen Tricksten und ihrer AusfhrungOnline billiard course of the extra class!Here is your ingenious and comfortable opportunity to be inaugurated by the 71-time Berlin champion and German vice champion Charly Gde, in the fascination of billiard sports!Not only do you get the knowledge you need to play awesome right now, but with this class you really get to know a treasure trove of tips and tricks that will astonish you and your audience!Have fun practicing and maybe we'll meet at one of the next tournaments!Content:6 power packs full of concentrated billiard knowledge2 bonus packages packed with first-class trick shots and their execution"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Apprendre crire un article pour internet ou pour un blog" |
"Vous avez un blog mais l'criture ce n'est pas votre truc ?Vous adorez crire, pourtant le format web vous dstabilise ?Vous tes face votre page blanche depuis des mois ?Si vous appartenez une de ces personnes, alors vous tes tomb sur la bonne formation. L'objectif de ces cours est de vous permettre de rdiger des articles simples, clairs et percutants.En partant de vos ides et de vos mots cls, nous allons dterminer prcisment votre problmatique. A partir de ce moment, vous pourrez exprimer librement votre crativit. Les ides viendront se coucher sur votre feuille comme par magie.Afin que cette magie opre jusqu'au bout, nous construirons ensemble des titres forts et accrocheurs. Pour enfin rdiger notre article qui jusque-l n'existait que dans nos rves.Et cerise sur le gteau : je vous offre une correction de votre article la fin de la formation."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master Lightroom and Photoshop for Photo Editing" |
"Do you want to become a professional at editing picture? Look no further. With this course you will learn all Lightroom tips and tricks to speed up your workflow and edit pictures professionally. You will also learn how to use photoshop to add or remove objects from your pictures, add highlights/vignettes and more. Enroll now in the course and dominate Lightroom in no time. From not knowing anything to professional. This course is for all leves, good to improve your editing if you already know the basics, or perfect to go from knowing 0 to 100.With this course I will also include some of my professional presets for you to edit your pictures, as well as all the presets we create in the course. I hope to see you in the course!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Finde den perfekten Job" |
"Dein Weg zum Traumberuf - Herzlich willkommen!In diesem Videokurs erfhrst Du, wie Du den Weg aus dem beruflichen Hamsterrad findest. Du erhltst in 12 leicht verstndlichen Lektionen eine Schritt-fr-Schritt Anleitung, wie Du Deinem Traumjob nherkommst und Deine Berufung findest.Um die bestmglichen Ergebnisse fr Dich zu erzielen, arbeitest Du die Lektionen und die Arbeitsbltter in der Reihenfolge nacheinander durch."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Ads para quem tem pouco dinheiro para anunciar" |
"EX-PROFESSOR UNIVERSITRIO REVELAEstratgia inovadora e lucrativa para anncios no Facebook""Quero compartilhar com voc como a estratgia publicada, pela primeira vez, em 1921 nas tirinhas de uma revista em quadrinhos americana, est tornando meu negcio online ainda mais lucrativo"" Gustavo Freitas.Se voc est procurando uma maneira de fazer seu negcio online crescer com anncios no Facebook, certamente j deve ter passado por uma dessas situaes: Suas campanhas no vendem, ou vendem com ROI negativo Sua conta do Facebook foi desativada quando tudo estava comeando a funcionar As estratgias que os GURUS ensinam, a preo de ouro, no funcionam para vocEnto se est pensando em desistir, desanimado em tentar, tentar, tentar... e no sair do lugar, fique tranquilo que vou te mostrar, em detalhes, como essa estratgia funciona.Quero te adiantar que essa estratgia no revolucionria... mas ela eficaz. O ponto principal est na gerao de pblicos EXCLUSIVOS para meus anncios. Enquanto a maioria tenta vender para o mesmo pblico, essa estratgia me permite gerar pblicos diferenciados, mesmo em nichos altamente competitivos.VEJA EXATAMENTE O QUE VOC VAI APRENDER AO ACESSAR O TREINAMENTOComo escolher o nicho certoAprenda a encontrar o nicho ideal para trabalhar e tambm a escolher os infoprodutos certos nas plataformas de afiliados.Como criar o Gerenciar de NegciosSe sua primeira vez no Facebook Ads, vou te mostrar como criar e configurar o Gerenciador de Negcios.Criao da fan page para annciosA maneira correta de criar uma fan page focada em fazer vendas com anncios e como cresce-la rapidamente.Como criar e configurar o pixelSe voc acha que trabalhar com pixel um bicho de sete cabeas, isso vai terminar nessa aula.Como criar pblicos EXCLUSIVOSAprenda a criar pblicos personalizados e semelhantes e, depois, a gerar pblicos EXCLUSIVOS para seus anncios.Criando o primeiro anncio focado em memesHora de fazer a mgica acontecer. Voc vai aprender como criar os anncios da maneira certa para gerar os pblicos EXCLUSIVOS e como analisar as mtricas desses anncios.Como criar sua estrutura prpria rapidamenteAprenda a criar sua estrutura prpria e como usa-la para gerar pblicos EXCLUSIVOS de clientes que saem do Facebook para pginas de vendas.Como escrever artigos para gerao de pblicos EXCLUSIVOSVou te mostrar o tipo de artigo que utilizo na minha estratgia para gerar os pblicos perfeitos para voc fazer anncios de venda.Como criar anncios de conversoE, por ltimo, a cereja do bolo. Aqui voc aprende a fazer anncios de converso utilizando os pblicos EXCLUSIVOS gerados na estratgia para comear a fazer vendas dirias atravs de infoprodutos ou produtos fsicos."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Geometric Abstract Painting Fundamentals" |
"In this course, well take a unique approach to painting expressive geometric abstracts using a method I call freedom with boundaries. Through the use of simple geometric forms and unconventional tools, well build form, depth and color through glazes. I welcome beginners just learning to paint, as well as seasoned artist looking for new ways to create. I can teach you the language, but the expression is your own"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Excel VBA fr Einsteiger - Anschaulich Programmieren lernen" |
"Wenn du das Programmieren lernen mchtest oder bereits Programmierkenntnisse hast und VBA lernen mchtest, bist du hier genau richtig! In diesem Kurs wirst du problemorientiert das Programmieren lernen. Das Bedeutet, dass du in jeder Lektion vor eine Aufgabe gestellt wirst, die du derzeit noch nicht lsen kannst. Wir werden dann gemeinsam einen Weg finden, das Problem zu lsen und du wirst so anschaulich das Programmieren lernen. Im Anschluss an einen theoretischen Input zu jedem neuen Thema, wirst du immer die Mglichkeit haben anhand von einer Aufgabe das gelernte zu ben. So wirst du mit Variablen, Schleifen und vielen anderen Grundlagen vertraut.Am Ende des Kurses wirst du in der Lage sein, ein aufwndiges Produktverwaltungstool zu programmieren. Die Entwicklung des Tools werden wir gemeinsam angehen und du wirst so einige Tipps und Tricks von mir mitnehmen. Nach dem Abschluss dieses Kurses und Projekts, kannst du von dir selbst behaupten, dass du Programmieren kannst! Du wirst in der Lage sein mit VBA kleine und groe Makros zu programmieren. Der Einstieg in andere Programmiersprachen wird dir durch diesen Kurs viel leichter fallen."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"College Volleyball Recruiting" |
"This is a step by step guide for the high school or club volleyball player that is looking to play college volleyball. This takes you through every step to bring you to your perfect fit school. We help you to narrow down colleges, contact coaches, get that official visit, and walk you through how to commit and how to sign. We take you from today to Signing Day. (No offer is being made for a college scholarship. We do not guarantee an offer or college scholarship. We just help you get there)"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Certified Scrum Master / PSM Exam Prep : Practice Tests" |
"This course does not content the study material. This course contains Certification Scrum Master / Professional Scrum Master questions. This course is useful for practice tests for Certified Scrum Master / PSM questions related to Scrum Ceremonies, Scrum Artifacts, Scrum Roles, Agile principles. Useful for Software Developers, Executives and Leaders, Managers, Directors, Development, QA, and Infrastructure ManagementProgram and Project ManagersProduct and Product Line ManagementPortfolio Managers, PMO, and Process Leads"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"How To Paint a Realistic Bird in Watercolor Course Barn Owl" |
"This video takes you through the whole process of painting this beautiful Barn Owl in fine detailed watercolour I have filmed the entire painting in real time as I have worked on the Barn Owl and have narrated the entire process so that you understand and can follow every stage.I try to avoid jargon so that just about anyone can follow my instructions and can create their own version of the painting that they will be proud of. We take the process in a methodical, step by step manner, gradually building the layers and details we need to create a realistic painting.What you will learnIn this course I will guide you all the way through from the beginning to the very end, instructing you on numerous watercolour techniques from wet in wet, dry brush effect, stippling, working with layer, painting realistic eyes, how to paint feathers, working with a mottled wet background, how to use masking fluid, the watercolor materials I use and much more.Let me help you avoid the mistakes I've made over my 40+ years of painting experience.Work at entirely your own pace!Learn to paint wildlife, all from the comfort of your own home!Tutorials available to watch anytime 24/7, so you can choose and paint at your own pace!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Paint a Realistic Tiger in Watercolour, Step by Step!" |
"Learn how to paint this Tiger with just under 4 hours of professional real time watercolour video tuition.My video tutorial guides you through the entire process of painting this Tiger, you will be able to watch me in real time and listen to my guidance on every aspect. I explain things in an easy to follow non-jargon way, and we work step by step through the entire process together. I will teach you my methods using techniques such as wet in wet, washes, layering, fine detail, painting detailed and realistic eyes and even using watercolour white. The methods and techniques, once learnt, will help with the painting of any animal with fur.Let's get those brushes wet!Paul"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Paint a Realistic Otter In Watercolour, Step by Step" |
"Learn to paint this Otter while you are guided step by step through a range of watercolour techniques. These will include preparing your colours and how to paint fur using layers. In addition, we will use and remove masking fluid. And for a realistic looking painting we will focus on creating a wet looking nose and sparkly eyes. All this alongside a range of other watercolour techniques.Work at your own speed! You can dip in and out of the content, spend time studying the fine details and you can practise the various techniques as often as you like.Download the reference photo and the outlines drawing before you start, most of all have fun!Go on, give it a go, this Otter has popped up its head and is all ready for you to paint.Paul"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Watercolour Bird Painting - How To Paint a Realistic Wren" |
"Learn to paint this Wren while you are guided step by step through a range of watercolour techniques. These will include how to work with detailed layers to create realism within your paintings. In addition, we will focus on mixing the correct colours and adding wet in wet washes. Also, you will learn how to use your brush strokes to create shape and form. I am also hoping that you will understand about paint opacity when you have completed the lesson too. All this alongside a range of other watercolour techniques.You also have the reference photo and the outline drawing as well to help you along the way, all in nearly four and a half hours of real-time video tuition!What you will learnIn this course I will guide you all the way through from the beginning to the very end, instructing you on numerous watercolour techniques from wet in wet, dry brush effect, working with layers, painting realistic eyes, how to paint feathers, mixing colours and much more.Let me help you avoid the mistakes I've made over my 40+ years of painting experience.Work at entirely your own pace!Learn to paint wildlife, all from the comfort of your own home!Tutorials available to watch anytime 24/7, so you can choose and paint at your own pace!Go on, give it a go, this Wren is so cute how can you resist putting brush to paper?!Paul"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Paint a Realistic, Detailed, Butterfly in Watercolour" |
"Learn to paintPaint this lovely Painted Lady Butterfly using masking fluid, layers, wet in wet, washes, stippling and dry brush. We will start by applying a background and will then move on to the exquisite detail and muted colours within the wings. I will guide you through each step to ensure that you understand how all the elements fit together in order to produce this finished painting. All this alongside a range of other watercolour techniques.Work at your own speedFirstly you can dip in and out of the content. Secondly you can spend time studying the fine details and practise the various techniques as often as you like. Take your time by having the ability to stop, rewind, make time notes and come back to any video at any time! Learn to paint wildlife, all from the comfort of your own home! How perfect is that, to be able to sit in your favourite chair, and paint in a very familiar environment. I will guide you through every step of the painting from start to finish. I take you through the entire process from the drawing out stage right through to the final brush strokes!Learn from my 40+ years of experienceI've been painting for over 40 years and have taught through videos, in person for group and written many magazine tutorials. Due to this I do have a very good understanding on how I can help you learn this fantastic medium.A fast track way to learn!Yes, I've made many mistakes whilst painting of these many years, but because of this I can help you avoid making the same ones! I really like to focus on the watercolour techniques needed to create a realistic painting. Likewise, I love sharing this style of painting through my video tutorials and hope I inspire others to create detailed wildlife portraits too.Now, let's get those brushes wet!Paul"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Paint in Watercolour a Realistic, Cute Harvest Mouse!" |
"This delightful harvest mouse will be a joy to paint, with the tiny eyes, smooth fur, pink little legs and all standing on wheat! You will learn numerous techniques from the drawing out stage, wet in wet washes, how to work with shapes, assessing the details and how to apply those fine lines. All that for the mouse and then you will be guided through the ear of wheat.So let's make a start on the cute little mouse and get those brushes wet!Paul :-)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Watercolour Bird Painting Lesson, Paint a Realistic Kestrel!" |
"I simply love painting birds and the Kestrel has to be one of my favourites (mind I say that for nearly every bird I paint!) I will guide you through the entire process from start to finish on how to paint this stunning bird of prey. My aim is to show you how to paint a realistic eye, a strong looking beak and detailed feathers, using a variety of techniques as we go through the process.So let me show you how to paint the Kestrel and let's get those brushes wet!Paul :-)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |