Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Beschwerdebrief der telc-Deutsch-B2-Prfung" |
"Auf Basis der Prfungsanforderungen und Prfungsrichtlinien der telc GmbH erwerben Sie in diesem Kurs Schritt fr Schritt die Fhigkeit, einen (halbformellen) Beschwerdebrief im Rahmen einer telc-Deutsch-B2-Prfung zu schreiben. Neben dem typischen Aufbau eines Beschwerdebriefs werden der bentigte Wortschatz sowie eine ntzliche Strategie besprochen. Anschlieend knnen Sie diese neuen Kenntnisse anhand eines authentischen Prfungsbeispiels selbstndig anwenden. Zum Abschluss wird ein Modell-Beschwerdebrief Schritt fr Schritt erstellt."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Maya for Beginners: Complete 3D Animation Fundamentals" |
"Get ready to do your own 3D animations in Autodesk Maya!Learn and master everything you need to know to get started in animation - taught by a Bafta award winning animatorMaya is the essential industry standard 3D animation software. Maya is a must in the film and the video games industry. In this course, you'll learn how to master the fundamentals and principles of animation to give you a solid foundation when starting your animations from scratch.What will you learn?- Maya Animation Interface Introduction- Manipulators and Camera Movement- How To Create Custom Hotkeys- How To Create A Playblast- The Graph Editor- The Motion Trail Tool- IK (Inverse Kinematics) FK (Forward Kinematic)- Principles_Of_Animation- Key Poses And Breakdown Poses- Why Is The Bouncing Ball An Absolute Fundamental To Master- Exercise Bouncing Ball- Exercise Bouncing Ball Squash And Stretch- Exercise Light Bouncing Ball- Exercise Editing Exisitng Animation Heavy Bouncing Ball Exercise- Anticipation And Overlap- Overshoots- Exercise The Pendulum- Upper Body As The Pendulum- The Arm As A Pendulum Exercise Lecture- Exercise Hips And Legs Upper Body Exercise (The Jump Exercise)- Introduction To Walks- The Importance of Arcs And Paths Of Action- Planning And Blocking- Exercise Blocking Walk Cycle - Hips And Legs- Exercise Splining Walk Cycle - Hips And Legs- Exercise Polishing Walk Cycle - Hips And Legs- Exercise The Walk- Exaggeration, Weight And Balance- The Importance Of Reference- Exercise Side Shift Of Weight- Exercise Picking Up Heavy Weight Shifting Exercise- Games Industry Standard Default Animation Set- What We Will Animate From The List- Exercise - In Game Idle Animation- Exercise - In Game Run Animation Exercise- Exercise - In Game Walk Animation Exercise- Creating a Showreel For A Job- Networking- Applying For JobsLearn what the professionals are doing!There will be exercises throughout the course that you can follow at your own pace and then we will apply these fundamentals and principles to real life industry standard exercises.What to expect when you enroll?- 10+ hours of animation tutorials and related lectures.- Support from me through the course Facebook page and email.- Downloadable Rigs so you don't have to worry about modelling and rigging. You can focus on animation 100%.- Bonus section on how to create a appealing showreel, networking and applying for jobs.30-day 100% money-back guarantee!In the unlikelihood of you not being satisfied there is a 30 day money back guarantee.Why learn from Opi?Opi has over 15 years experience in film and video games animation. He has worked on award winning game titles and triple AAA games.He has work on titles such as Heavenly Sword which starred Andy Serkis (Gollum) as the boss in the game. He has worked on Bafta award winning Lego games and a list titles below:- The Bourne Conspiracy- Rift (MMO game)- Motorstorm ApocalypseReady to have fun?I am looking forward to seeing you on the course! Remember animation is all about having fun too. The learning curve may be steep but it's just a curve and we can all get over it. Have fun along the way!!Who is the course designed for?- For beginners who want to master the fundamentals of animation.- Anyone that wants to learn 3D animation.- This course is designed for anyone who wants to master the fundamentals and use it as a propel to the next tier."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Integration Architecture Designer Practice Tests" |
"This is Day 2-7 of becoming a Salesforce Certified Integration Architecture Designer in 7-Days challenge.Updated with Winter '20 questions, these practice tests offer the best group of questions to prepare you for the exam.Practice exams will mimic the real exam and cover the following topics:Salesforce Integration Capabilities: 28%Salesforce Integration Patterns: 17%Enterprise Integration Architecture Concepts: 15%Salesforce Integration Testing: 10%Integrating with Salesforce Security: 15%Tools: 10%Monitoring: 5%NEXT: Make sure to take the Salesforce Integration Architecture Designer Exam."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"SFDC Identity and Access Management Designer Assessment Sets" |
"Updated with Winter '20 questions! This is Day 1 of becoming a SFDC Identity and Access Management Designer in 7-Days challenge. In this 21-question assessment test, SFDC Guru helps you weigh your skills on:Identity Management Concepts: 28%Accepting Third-Party Identity in Salesforce: 22%Salesforce as an Identity Provider: 23%Access Management Best Practices: 15%Salesforce Identity: 7%Community (Partner and Customer): 5%Once you successfully complete this test, you will be suggested study materials to look into. You need to spend 1 hour on these for each section above to get ready for Day 2.Note: Day 1 requires 1-6 hours of studyingNEXT: Day 2-7 require purchase of SFDC identity and Access Management Designer Practice Sets"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Certified App Builder Assessment Sets" |
"Updated with Winter '20 questions! This is Day 1 of becoming a Salesforce App Builder in 7-Days challenge. In this 34-question assessment course, SFDC Guru helps you weigh your skills on:Salesforce Fundamentals: 8%Data Modeling and Management: 20%Security: 10%Business Logic and Process Automation: 27%Social: 3%User Interface: 14%Reporting: 5%Mobile: 5%App Development: 8%Once you successfully complete this test, you will be suggested study materials to look into. You need to spend 0.5 hour on these for each section above to get ready for Day 2.Note: Day 1 requires 1-16 hours of studying depending on your readinessNEXT: Day 2-7 require purchase of Salesforce Certified App Builder Practice Sets"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SFDC Certified Community Cloud Consultant Assessment Sets" |
"Updated with Winter '20 questions! This is Day 1 of becoming a Salesforce Certified Community Cloud Consultant I in 7-Days challenge. In this 34-question assessment test, SFDC Guru helps you weigh your skills on:Implementation: 22%Sharing and Security: 20%Community Setup: 18%Community Builder: 12%Community Management: 11%Content: 9%Templates and Use Cases: 8%Once you successfully complete this test, you will be suggested study materials to look into. You need to spend about 1 hour on these for each section above to get ready for Day 2.Note: Day 1 requires 1-10 hours of studying depending on your readinessNEXT: Day 2-7 require purchase of SFDC Certified Community Cloud Consultant Practice Sets"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Gmail Email Unclutter, Automate Work with Multiple Accounts" |
"I will start with a basic Gmail account. I teach you how to set up labels and organize your account. Then we learn how to automate the process so it is done for you when the emails come in, thus keeping it organized.Then we will learn how to organize even more by using Windows 10 programs that allow us to add multiple email account and have even better filters. This will be more advanced and helpful for people with many large email accounts. These are some great programs that will enhance Gmail usage, and speed sorting, merging of email lists and more.I will show you have to add Gmail to ZOHO Mail, eMail, Thunderbird email, Mailbird Email programs. You will watch live as we add Gmail accounts to these Email Clients. Learn how to install them and how they look and feel.Compare the programs, install the programs, set up Gmail on the programs and use them all."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AP Calculus AB" |
"I've been teaching AP calculus for 6+ years and i've digitized my entire curriculum. This is great for those of you who are preparing for the AP exam or are homeschooled and are wanting to challenge the AP Calculus AB exam. This will also be great for college students who want a refresher on Calculus topics for any degree that requires it.Just a heads up, I use a TI nspire so if you want to get one of those please feel free."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learning Russian/ Aprender ruso" |
"On the course, you will learn the letters, tenses, numbers, dates, food, how to go to see a doctor, the pharmacy, to the cinema and to the store, express your opinion and tell about yourself, to ask people about them or about the way. You have a lot of exercises for practice. En el curso, aprenders las letras, tiempos, nmeros, fechas, comida, cmo ir al mdico, a la farmacia, al cine y a la tienda, expresars tu opinin y contars sobre ti mismo, para preguntarle a la gente sobre ellos o sobre el camino. Tienes muchos ejercicios para practicar."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Kundalini Yoga for Strength & Power" |
"Welcome to your 40-day Kundalini Yoga journey!I've combined Kundalini Yoga, Vinyasa flow, power yoga, and strength-building exercises designed to build power and strength in your body and mind. This program consists of a specific Kundalini Yoga meditation to follow every day for 40 days while incorporating other styles of movement. This is a vigorous practice that will challenge you however, anyone can do this, even if you're a complete beginner to yoga and Kundalini Yoga. Follow my instructions given in the intro video and just do whatever you can!I'll be guiding you in each of the videos you'll be following during these 40 days as you'll experience yourSelf getting stronger and stronger each day. Following this practice every day for 40 days will bring about AMAZING results in your Life! Clarity of mind, increased strength and toning of your body, renewed sense of inner power, immense sense of peace, strong intuition and enhanced ability to take actions toward your true dreams and visions.What is Kundalini Yoga and why practice it daily?A daily morning practice in Kundalini Yoga is called Sadhana. Sadhana is a Sanskrit word for daily spiritual practice. By having a daily Sadhana practice, you'll be re-shaping your inner world and replacing old patterns and thoughts with new ones. These new patterns then trickle down to your cells, changing the vibration of your entire being and the signals you send out into the universe.Kundalini Yoga recognizes every soul as perfect, pure and Divine at the start. There is nothing to redeem or purify at the soul-level. The soul is complete and beautiful as it is. But Life is based on your habits which you've developed at a very young age; some of them serve your highest destiny, some of them do not. By your habits, you either live in peace and happiness or misery and pain. A habit is a subconscious chain reaction between the mind, the glandular system, and the nervous system. By doing a 40- day sadhana (or longer), you can rewire that chain reaction and develop new, deeply ingrained habits that serve your highest good. When you have a daily practice, you work on your signals to the universe by chipping away at your subconscious identity and blocks and moving towards the higher Self and neutrality of the mind.Kundalini Yoga is a very special technology relating to habits. Every single kriya or meditation in Kundalini Yoga changes you in very specific ways. If you practice a kriya a few times, you receive wonderful benefits. But if you want to change your habits permanently and realize the full effects of the kriya, practice particular kriya every single day. When you change your habits, everything around you changes...You dont have to be spiritual or believe in God or higher spirits to have a daily practice. We all have access to the Kundalini energy (Lifeforce) - a hidden treasure of power which is found at the base of your spine. This Life force energy can only be fully activated AND utilized when it gets connected with the energies of empowered consciousness. When that connection occurs, it creates an immensely energized force which can take one to an amazing physical and spiritual journey while balancing the forces of negativity and positivity to create a harmonious state within the body-mind-soul.Kundalini energy is not something to fear and it does not bring any harm to anybody in any way. All it does is help one define his/her true desires and purpose of this Life, helps one identify the real meaning of their existence, detoxifies the impurities in our body and mind, and creates a state of immense Bliss."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cours Amazon FBA: Comment Vendre sur Amazon- Guide 2020" |
"Vous vous demandez comment vendre sur Amazon? Que diriez-vous de vendre sur Amazon? Vous avez dj une marque et des produits, mais vous souhaitez apprendre dmarrer une entreprise Amazon FBA? Que vous souhaitez apprendre la stratgie d'arbitrage de produits de dtail ou crer votre propre marque de distributeur et utiliser Amazon FBA ... c'est le cours Amazon le mieux valu et tout compris qui a fait ses preuves!REJOIGNEZ LES PLUS DE 500 ENTREPRISES QUE J'AI CONSULT DANS LE E-COMMERCE ET AUGMENT LEURS VENTES VIA AMAZON!Trois raisons de suivre ce cours ds maintenant!Vous obtenez un accs vie tous les supports du cours.Vous pouvez me poser des questions et me voir rpondre chacune d'elles de manire rflchie dans la section des discussions de cours!Ce que vous apprendrez dans ce cours est original, test et trs dtaill! Dcouvrez les stratgies de vente d'Amazon que j'implmente quotidiennement pour les clients, y compris par o commencer, quels produits vendre, comment les acheter, comment les acheminer vers Amazon, puis comment obtenir le classement de vos produits en premire position! Ce cours expliquera galement comment optimiser vos listes de produits Amazon et vous permettra d'atteindre n'importe quel type de mot cl pour ce produit! Pourquoi vous encombrer de crer un nouveau site web pour votre boutique de commerce lectronique et de gnrer du trafic vers celle-ci? Utilisez le moteur de recherche eCommerce le plus GIGANTESQUE au monde ... Amazon! Les gens vont sur Amazon avec une chose en tte ... ACHETER! Apprenez gagner de l'argent en utilisant Amazon partir d'aujourd'hui!Dans ce cours, vous apprendrez comment vendre sur Amazon du niveau dbutant au niveau avanc! Nous vous enseignons l'arbitrage Amazon et la vente de marques prives (via des comptes marchands et pro Amazon FBA)Vous pourrez optimiser vos annonces Amazon pour augmenter les ventes et rduire les cots publicitaires. Vous pourrez trouver les produits les plus vendus et les acheter vous-mme pour les vendre sur Amazon. Vous apprendrez de mes erreurs afin que vous soyez aux commandes pour faire plus de 236 000 euros que j'ai fait ma premire anne! Vous pourrez dvelopper votre marque actuelle ou votre nouvelle marque de distributeur via le trafic de masse fourni par Amazon!Rejoignez ce cours maintenant pour apprendre vendre sur Amazon et commencer gagner un deuxime revenu!FAITES UN PAS DANS LA BONNE DIRECTION AVEC VOTRE VIE ET VOTRE ENTREPRISE.APPRENEZ COMMENT AMAZON PEUT VOUS OFFRIR LA LIBERT FINANCIRE QUE NOUS CHERCHONS TOUS!INSCRIVEZ-VOUS MAINTENANT!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Learn Oracle Financial Reporting Studio from scratch in 2 hr" |
"This course gives you thorough knowledge of building reports using Oracle Financial Reporting Studio (FRS).Key highlights: Learn how to install the software and avoid common mistake done by most during installationBuild a simple report with row,column and calculationEnhance the report to enable expansion of parent valuesUnderstand how to enable drill-down from report to the transactionPreview the report in designed or through the application"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Transition from ERP Smart View Novice to Expert in 1 hr" |
"You will be able to lean the steps to install, configure and build adhoc reports quickly. Once you have understood the basic reporting then you can see the advance chapter to build more complex report. By building reports in Excel, you have the power of Excel and security of the database to build amazing reports quickly. Smartview covered in the course is related to what you can do within Oracle Fusion ERP."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Digital Portraits - Illustrating Photos into Abstract Art" |
"Unleash a unique illustration style and create a character portrait you'll fall in love with!Lark Aakarshan, Digital Artist, Magician and Creative Entrepreneur shares his personal process for creating colourful, stylised portraits in his signature character illustration style. From first sketch to final colour, youll learn how to use a photo as your foundation for your portraiture process, giving you the freedom to flex your creativity and experiment with a whole new illustration style.His inviting, step-by-step lessons include:Choosing a great reference photo.Creating a Skeleton Sketch.Laying Foundations with Base Colours.Abstracting Highlights and Shadows.Building Finer Details.Finetuning.Manipulating Texturing.Whether youre an accomplished artist looking for an exercise to challenge yourself or just joining the world of digital illustration, this class will provide you with simple, effective techniques that youll return to again and again.When youre done, youll have a stylised portrait of you or someone you love, perfect to give as a gift or hang as a custom art piece!I cant wait to see what you will create. So let's begin."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Yoga Journey into the Self" |
"Let me take you on a journey. A journey to yourself. A journey out of stress, anxiety and limitations. A journey to your own inner peace, calm and serenity, so you can show up to life from your best self.I'm Ema and I'm here to guide you. I'm an advanced Yoga teacher, certified with Yoga Alliance, trained at Sattva Yoga Academy, in Rishikesh, India.This Sattva Yoga Journey combines ancient Himalayan practices and wisdon such as asana (postures) with pranayama (breathwork) and Kryia (moving meditation). Whether you're completely new to Yoga, or are looking to add new layers of your practice, this is the session for you.~ What you'll find ~This journey takes around one hour and consist of four parts.In the first part, we ground and set ourselves for meditation and movement. In second part, we harness the power of your breath to create energy flow, followed by a moving meditation session and an integrative final practice.Homework will be more exploration of your own inner self.~What you'll need ~ A quiet space where you feel comfortable Laptop/phone with previously adjusted volume. Bluetooth headphones work really well with this course Yoga mat Optional: pillow/blanket to support posture Optional: waterDisclaimers: This class is designed for you to practice. This class doesn't cover Yoga history and philosophy, or full explanation of benefits of every technique. I am more than happy to answer any questions around any particular exercise that resonates with you. Stay tuned for other videos for more content :) By undertaking this class you are taking full responsibility for your own body and rhythm. As you listen to instructions, watch your own body's alignment, reactions and responses.If you are differently abled, or currently having difficulty standing, you may still practice the seated part of this journey (meditation and Kryia). Meet me on the mat and dive deep into your own heart!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Lettura della Mano" |
"Ci sono cose che accompagnano da sempre lumanit grazie al loro fascino millenario.Linterpretazione delle linee della mano certamente una di queste.E un dono senza et che oggi puoi far tuo per accrescere la tua consapevolezza.Se credi sia impossibile imparare, sbagli!Impara La Mano lunico videocorso in italiano che ti guida dalla A alla Z nello studio dellinterpretazione della mano.Voglio rivelarti una cosa: chiunque abbia voglia di studiare e applicarsi pu diventare esperto in lettura della mano. una questione di tecnica, pratica ed onest intellettuale.Grazie al video corso di specializzazione in lettura della mano sarai guidato attraverso le varie teorie e le tecniche pi conosciute al mondo.Impara La Mano, inoltre, anche unesperienza attraverso te stesso e verso la tua realizzazione perch affronta temi profondi e stimolanti riguardanti ciascuno di noi, la chance per diventare la persona che hai sempre voluto essere."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Breathwork for Daily Life" |
"Transform The Way You Breathe. Transform The Way You Live.Discover The Easy Way To Harness The Power Of Your Breath To Rapidly Reduce Stress, Manage Your Emotions, And Strengthen Your Immune System.Breathing for 99% of the population is automatic.But your breath can do so much more than just sustain life.It can, with the right techniques, reshape life.With a single conscious breath at a time, you can dissolve stress, boost your confidence, bulletproof your immune system, strengthen your inner resolve, and thrive in all areas of life and it may just be the single most accessible and powerful tool you have right now for living a long and fulfilling life.The Simplest, Most Affordable Way To Melt Your Stress Away In A Matter Of Minutes.As personal growth practices such as meditation and yoga gain mainstream popularity, more and more people are turning to them to improve every aspect of their lives. While effective, these practices are not always as accessible when you need them most. Breathwork on the other hand, can be used anytime, anywhere. All you need is your breath.Problem is Most people only ever view the way they breath as a response to a stimulus such as stress or physical exertion.What people dont always realize is that the converse is also true.You can, with the right breathing techniques, directly influence both your parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system, to decrease blood pressure and reduce stress levels, or elevate your energy levels respectively. More than this, you can also improve your lung capacity, the greatest predictor of health and longevity.Heres How The Breathwork For Daily Life Course Can Empower YouDiscover a range of science-based breathing techniques that are easy to pick up and perfect for everyday use. Whether youre looking to level-up your performance at work, stay calm and focused in stressful situations, or even establish a deeper connection with yourself, these tools will help you overcome lifes many challenges.Stress-ReliefDeeper Self-AwarenessBoost Energy LevelsStrengthen Immune SystemImprove FocusAccelerate HealingEmotional BalanceSpiritual GrowthRejuvenating SleepCourse outline:* 30-seconds Universal practice Cleansing Breath* Conscious practice 4D Breath* Breathing to improve your immune system: 3 Zones and Jar exercises* Breathing for energy boost* Breathing for stress relief* Regaining balance* Breathing for relaxation* Bonus: Turning Breathwork into a habit"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Performance Management" |
"Inspiring someone to be their best is no easy task. Just how do you manage for optimum performance? How do you create a motivating environment that encourages people to go beyond their best? How do you measure and manage your team's performance? This one-day workshop will prepare you and enable you to master those essential skills. Welcome to Performance Management!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Blockchain y tokenizacion" |
"Ms all de criptomonedas arriba, criptomonedas abajo la tecnologa que ha permitido la creacin de estos activos digitales se llama blockchain. Y blockchain no solo son criptomonedas, tambin son los cimientos de una nueva economa que posiblemente sustituya a todos los elementos financieros que conocemos hoy en da. Acciones, deuda, mercados de futuros, mercados de divisas, todo esto se digitalizar. O mejor dicho, se tokenizar. La tokenizacin es el mecanismo, pero el vehculo se llama token de seguridad.En este curso veremos desde lo conceptos ms bsicos hasta profundizar bastante en que es esto de la tokenizacin y de los tokens de seguridad. No solo veremos los tipos de tokens, sino tambin porque tokenizar activos, que tipos de activos hay, que usos, recursos, soluciones y beneficios podemos dar con el token de seguridad, cual es el estado de las regulaciones, caractersticas del mercado, de las plataformas para operar con estos activos, vamos a ver tambin los componentes que lo estructuran, veremos los tipos de protocolos o estndares propuestos para los tokens de seguridad, decenas de proyectos y empresas que cohabitan ya en el mercado, los sectores del mercado, empresas que lo componen, veremos como funcionan los orculos en las redes de tokens de seguridad, veremos como tokenizar deuda, acciones, derivados, como se fijan la valoracin de estos activos, etc, etc."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"D Ticarette Riskler ve Risk Ynetimi" |
"D Ticaret ilemlerinde taraflar hangi risklerin bekledii,karmza ne tr risklerin kabilecei hakknda yaanm rneklere yer verilerek aklamalar yaplmtr. Uluslararas ticaret ilemlerinde bu risklerin alabilmesi ya da en aza indirilmesi konusunda,hangi nlemlerin alnabilecei,risk ynetiminde nelere dikkat edilebilecei konusunda detayl bilgilere yer verilmitir. Katlmclara d ticaret ilemlerinde karlalabilecek tm riskler hakknda verilen bilgiler nda, bu riskleri ynetmenin nasl gerekletirilebilecei ve risk ynetiminin nemi hakknda bir farkndalk oluturulmas hedeflenmektedir.D Ticaret firmalarnda grev yapan operasyon elemanlar, firma sahipleri, bankalarn d ticaret operasyon kadrolar, d ticarete yeni balamak isteyen kiiler ve niversitelerin ilgili blmlerindeki renciler eitimden faydalanabilirler. Konu hakknda herhangi bir sorunuz olmas halinde bizimle ''mesaj'' kutusundan iletiime geebilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"D Ticarette deme Yntemleri" |
"Uluslararas ticarette var olan deme yntemlerini tm ayrntlaryla inceledik. Ayrca yaanm olaylardan rneklerle konunun daha da anlalabilir olmasn saladk. Amacmz demeler konusunda katlmclar bilinlendirerek operasyon srelerini gelitirmektir. D Ticaret firmalarnda grev yapan operasyon elemanlar, firma sahipleri, bankalarn d ticaret operasyon kadrolar, d ticarete yeni balamak isteyen kiiler ve niversitelerin ilgili blmlerindeki renciler eitimden faydalanabilirler. Konu hakknda herhangi bir sorunuz olmas halinde bizimle ''mesaj'' kutusundan iletiime geebilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Digital Marketing Analytics - Advanced Attribution using R" |
"Do you want to know how much revenue your digital marketing campaigns produce for your organization? Are you curious to understand the impact of each and every one of your digital channel's touch points on your bottom line? Well, you are in the right class! With only a handful of FREE tools you can do that immediately upon completion of this course in just a few hours!This is a live lecture session broken out into different sections that will teach you the skills and programming templates you need to calculate the true bottom line ROI of your digital marketing campaigns beyond just first/last touch attribution. Focused on practicality more than theory, upon completion of this course you will be able to apply your knowledge immediately with minimum experience in Data Science. In addition, learning a statistical analysis tool like R could give you a major edge in the marketing field!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AWS Solutions Architect Associate Practice Exam New 2020" |
"For everyone who want to pass latest AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Exam (SAA-C01) Feb 2018 With updated questions of March 2019 exam which is based on exam from Feb 2018. These AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate practice tests are the final step in your test preparation and help you assess and ensure that you are fully prepared for the final examination.If you cleared, AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate You must earn Based on our 2018 IT Skills and Salary Survey, the average salary for those holding AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Level in the United States and Canada is $117,773.Therefore, we can get a clear idea about how much it is very important in our days.This course :1- very simulated A actual exam environment2 - Detailed Explanation and Reference links.3 - Updated weekly - Based on student feedback from the real exam4- Multiple-choice and multiple-answer questions5- More than 500 Questions - Questions are 100% scenario-based6-30-Day Money-Back Guarantee from Udemy.7-Success in the AWS Solution Architect Associate exam can make a lot of difference in your career especially if you are IT professional.8-Test Reports.9-Q&A Discussion Board with Responses from the InstructorThe AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Certification exam objectives is:Exam Duration :130 minutesNumber of Questions : 65 (may vary)Registration Fee : 150 USDExam Format : Multiple-choice and Multiple-answer questionsExam Language : English, Korean, Japanese, and Simplified ChineseRenewal : Every 2 yearsThese AWS Solutions Architect practice exams tests are designed as per the official guidelines on using specific domains as defined below,Design Resilient Architectures (34%)Choose reliable/resilient storage.Determine how to design decoupling mechanisms using AWS services.Determine how to design a multi-tier architecture solution.Determine how to design high availability and/or fault-tolerant architectures.Define Performant Architectures (24%)2.1 Choose performant storage and databases.2.2 Apply caching to improve performance.2.3 Design solutions for elasticity and scalability.Specify Secure Applications and Architectures (26%)3.1 Determine how to secure application tiers.3.2 Determine how to secure data.3.3 Define the networking infrastructure for a single VPC application.Design Cost-Optimized Architectures (10%)4.1 Determine how to design cost-optimized storage.4.2 Determine how to design cost-optimized compute.Define Operationally-Excellent Architectures (06%)Choose design features in solutions that enable operational excellenceThese domains cover the following topics:1- Networking : VPC - security groups, NACLs - CIDR - Bastion - NAT gatway - NAT instance - public and private subnets-VPC endpoints -Cloud Front as CDN - Route 53 - ELS - ALB - NLB .2- Storage: S3- EBS- Instance store- EFS- Glacier - EBS volume types - Burst performance and I/O credits -S3 storage classe with lifecycle policies, static website hosting, versioning, Pre-Signed URLs for both upload and download, CORS- Storage gateway.3-Compute: EC2 - Auto Scaling and ELB, with High Available and Scalable solution- EC2 various purchase types Lambda and serverless architecture- ECS - Elastic Beanstalk.4-Databases: RDS- DynamoDB- Aurora -Aurora with read replicas and replication of data across AZs -RDS with Read Replicas for scalability, Multi-AZ for High Availability, Automated Backups etc - DynamoDB with latency performance, DAX and provisioned throughput for Read/Writes - ElastiCache.5- Analytics: Redshift - Kinesis6- Security: IAM - IAM Role - IAM identity providers and federation - MFA - encryption services like KMS and S3 with SSE,SSE-C,SSE-KMS - Disaster Recovery whitepape -different recovery types with impact on RTO/RPO.7-Management Tools:CloudWatch monitoring - EC2 metrics - CloudTrail for Audit- basic of CloudFormation and OpsWorks.8-Integration Tools: SQS - SNS - MQ - SWF -APIQuestions in this course cover all these in depth to understand the correct answers and check your knowledge of these concepts.Best of luck for your test and Be sure that you will pass the exam on very first attempt."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Cuanto Vale Tu Trabajo? Presupuestos para cada meta personal" |
"En el presente curso, podrs aprender e implementar una metodologa de anlisis financiero, para presupuestar, el valor a cobrar por tu trabajo.De esta manera podrs tener control integral, del recurso humano, suministros, herramientas, y dems factores que puedan influir en la prestacin de tu servicio; de modo pues que puedas tener proyectado la utilidad a percibir.Con esto podrs soportar la propuesta econmica a tu Cliente, en caso de que lo solicite, as como tambin poder tener un medio de verificacin y control del gasto duracin la ejecucin del proyecto o servicio que te haya sido adjudicado."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Doing Money God's Way" |
"Why not take financial management advice from the most popular book of all time! It turns out the Bible has a lot to say about money and its principles are just as relevant today as when they were written. We'll dive into what the Bible says about money and in the process learn how to create a budget, stick to a budget, live in financial harmony with our spouse, create an emergency fund, save for college, save for retirement, pay off the mortgage, invest and give along the way. Let's jump into this journey and learn what it means to start Doing Money God's Way."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Free From Emotional Eating Program" |
"Have you often begun each day saying I am only going to eat healthy food and lose weight, only to find yourself giving into junk food, like burger and fries or chocolate even though you promised yourself you wouldn't eat them?Then you feel bad thinking you are weak and a failure when that is not the case at all, however that bad, guilty feeling makes you eat even more bad food.It is a vicious circle which the Free From Emotional Eating Program will break for good.How? With two elements1. Online Hypnotherapy Sessions2. Nutrition lessons from detox to proper nutrition plansThe program- 1. Increase Motivation and Cheer Yourself On!Installing your own best Cheerleader is fun, amazing and will get you wired for success. We will build a solid foundation for your health and confidence!- 2. Inner Nurturer (Skill 1&2)In these sessions you will develop a supportive inner voice, coping skills and you will break free from your emotional eating habits.- 3. Detox10-21 day detox to eliminate all toxins and inflammation from your body, manage your stress levels, introduce healthy nutritious foods and start intuitive eating. - 4. Hypnosis 1 Free From Emotional EatingRapid Transformational Therapy treats the root cause of your issues, not just the symptoms. RTT works on freeing you from the belief that created that issue from the beginning.- 5. Cut out the criticism and install praise!You give yourself confidence after you start communicating with yourself this way!- 6. Wellness Mapping In this session we will help you setting your goals, keeping track of your progress and help you improve your lifestyle.- 7. Break free from overwhelm & procrastinationIn this session, we will tackle the procrastination you are facing in your daily life.- 8. Boost Your Self-Worth & Feel Good Enough!We will teach you how to ditch perfectionism and embrace being good enough.BONUS Cell Command Therapy Havening technique Reading materials How to overcome perfectionism!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Cut Out The Criticism and Install Praise" |
"It is simple but so powerful! Today I am going to teach you how to let praise in and how to let go of criticism. The best way to boost your self-esteem is through praise, not only your energy changes after receiving praise also the person given it will have a positive change in energy.Your mind believes everything you tell it. By praising yourself your mind gets a different belief. But this also means when you are critical to yourself you will let it right into your mind. Your brain thinks the same about everything, I mean why would you lie to yourself?Over and over again I see people accepting criticism but they can not accept praise because praise is unfamiliar. And, unfortunately, criticism is very familiar.In this session, you will develop very powerful tools of self-praise and you will learn how to deflect destructive criticism.We all know that praise will boost self-esteem. No one can ever make you feel bad about yourself unless, of course, you let the criticism in and believe the words they say to you!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Increase Motivation and Cheer Yourself On!" |
"Learning to love yourself with all your flaws, celebrate your small and big milestones, and learning to be kind to yourself is an art that is worthy of learning.And learn to identify and change your Negative Self Talk kick that obnoxious roommate out of your head.Installing your own best cheerleader is fun, amazing and will get you wired for success. During this program we will build a solid foundation for your health and confidence!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Boost Your Self-Worth & Feel Good Enough!" |
"In a world where were constantly exposed to everyone elses successes (physical, professional and sentimental) on social media, its easy to feel like were falling short on something, like were not good enough.So why do so many of us feel like were not good enough? And how do we deal with this familiar feeling? The feeling of not being good enough may have started in childhood with a demanding parent or teacher.The best way to effectively deal with the feeling of not being good enough is to recognise that it comes from within, and to train our mind to stop engaging in negative thoughts.In Hypnotherapy we go to the root cause of this not enoughness and we shift the feeling, belief with NLP and CBT techniques.This powerful transformational process helps you to make space for new positive suggestions of being enough!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Maths for class 12th" |
"Most Important Maths Sums For Std 12th SciSolid Strategy For New Pattern 2019-20Most Important Math Sums Of Std 12th Ncert , With Proper Explanation 4 Marker And 6 Marker From Which 70% Sums Could Be Asked In Board ExaminationThis Video Includes :- 3 Hour Approx On Demand Videos 46 Sums With Full Explanation And With Full Solution Support Files Full Lifetime Access Access On Mobile, Desktop And Tv Cost 198 Rs. For Both Videos 100% Free You Can Learn Math Online , On Skype . For This Contact:- 9825885187What Will I Learn ?1. Relation And Functions2. Inverse Trigonometeric Functions3. Matrices4. Determinants5. Continuity And Differentiability6. Application Of Derivatives7. Integers8. Applications Of Integers9. Differential Equation10.Vector Algebra11.Three Dimensional Geometry12.Linear Programming13.ProbabilityDescription :- How To Pass And Get Good Marks In 12std Math Examination?This 2 Hour 45 Minute Video Includes Perfect Explanation Of 46 Difficult Sums And Also Its Full Solution From This Important Sums And Guideline Many Students Were Able To Score Above 90 In Math ExaminationYou Can Also Learn Maths By Online With Me On Skype Contact:- (+91)9825885187Also You Can Download More Than 2500 Mcqs For Jee From My Website Mentioned Below, Which Is 100% Free. Conversation Language Is Hindi And EnglishAnd Heres What You Get Inside Of My Every SectionAs I Solve Problems For Every Single Math Issue You Will Encounter In Class . We Start From The Beginning I Will Explain The Problem Steup And Why I Set It Up That Way, The Steps I Take And Why I Take Them, How To Work Through The Yucky, Fuzzy Middle Parts, And Hoe To Simplify The Answers When You Get It.Notes:- The Notes Section Of Each Lesson Is What You Find The Most Important Things To Remember . Its Like Eliff Notes For Books, But For Math. Everything You Need To Know To Pass Your Class And Nothing You Dont.Heres What Some Student Of Shayona Academy Of Math Have Told Me :-Wonderful Course So Far,Most Of Asked Questions In Board Exam (2019) Were The One You Taught- Ashay JainI Swear I Was Illiterate Before In Math But No Longer.Thakkar Sir Makes Most Things Understandable And If I Dont Understand Something First Time, I Just Replay It Another Time To Understand It Deeply.- Nihar PatelThe Instructor Is Great Very Good And Easy To Understand Instruction- Harshit PariharVoce Is Crisp, Blackboard Is Clear Knowledge And Overall Presentation Are Excellent- Raj PatelYoull Also Get- Lifetime Access to Std 12th Most important Math Ncert Video Friendly Support In The Q And A Section .Enroll Today:-I Cant Wait For You To Get Started On Ncert Std 12th Most important Math VideoRequirements:-We Will Start The Course By Talking About Different Kinds Of Numbers So All You Need To Know To Get Started Is Only Most Important Of Our Chapters Of Std 12th Ncert 4 Marker And 6 Marker Only"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Digital Strategy & Transformation for Business Executives" |
"This course will help you get started on your Digital Strategy and Transformation journey. It addresses the key foundations of developing a digital strategy and sets you up to think like a digital strategist. It is especially curated for Non-IT, Operations, Sales and Business professionals who want a to-the-point and holistic understanding of what it takes to implement a Digital Strategy. You will:Grasp the basic foundation of a Digital StrategyAppreciate the difference between a Digital Strategy and TransformationUnderstand the Strategic perspectiveExplore key Digital TechnologiesLearn steps to design a Digital StrategyKey considerations for any digital initiative"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |