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"How To Paint a Dog in Watercolour - Painting Fur in Detail!" |
"I like to paint dogs; the full coat of fur, the wet nose and glassy eyes means there are few subjects that can beat a dog portrait!With this tutorial I will show you how to paint fur! But don't forget the whole tutorial is from the start to finish on how to paint this Red Fox Labrador, not just the fur. I will carefully show you the various techniques needed to complete this and many other painting you may do which include fur. You also have the reference photo and the outline drawing as well to help you along the way, all in nearly four and a half hours of real-time video tuition!What you will learnIn this course I will guide you all the way through from the beginning to the very end, instructing you on numerous watercolour techniques from wet in wet, dry brush effect, working with layers, painting realistic eyes, how to paint fur, mixing colours and much more.Let me help you avoid the mistakes I've made over my 40+ years of painting experience.Work at entirely your own pace!Learn to paint wildlife, all from the comfort of your own home!Tutorials available to watch anytime 24/7, so you can choose and paint at your own pace!Become a more confident artist!Discover your own style with practice.Go on, give it a go, this Wren is so cute how can you resist putting brush to paper?!Paul"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Bird Watercolour Painting - How To Paint a Realistic Puffin" |
"In this video I will guide you from start to finish on how to paint this brightly coloured Puffin in watercolour.These are such b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l birds to paint and one I intend on guiding you through all the way.Let me show you how I first do the drawing out stageHow to use masking fluidPaint a wet in wet mottled backgroundFeathers - using my wet in wet foundation washesApplying the layers details over the top giving a deep feel to the feathersHow to paint wet and slippy looking sandeels!Using watercolour or Gouache whitePlus many more techniques along the way!So come on....let's have a go at painting this wonderful bird together!It's time to get those brushes wet!Paul"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Self Evaluation Assignment course for HR (0-10Yrs Exp) India" |
"An HR Professional with high aptitude and relevant knowledge, armed with the right tools and ability to use them efficiently, will never struggle to find the right jobAccording to market research, over 95% of the candidates find difficult to get a good HR job or promotion due to a lack of practical knowledge on core HR activities.Self Evaluation Assignment course for HR Professionals & Freshers (India) is designed to help HR professionals (0-10yrs Exp) to get an understanding, Where they stand in terms of practical knowledge & skills as an HR professional so that they can use it for their career growth or can do the needful up-gradation and add more skills & knowledge if required."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
watercolortrees |
". , , . - -, , . : . , , . , . : 18 - 24 , ( 5, 4, 1), 180-300 , HB 2B, , , , . : (Ultramarine light), (Gold ochre), (Yellow deep), (Blue), (Madder lake red), (Green deep), (Sap green), (Raw Sienna), (Mars brown), (Burnt Sienna), (Raw umber) , . . !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cmo mejorar tu relacin de pareja" |
"Muchas parejas que podran ser felices tienen problemas que al no saber solucionar se acaban rompiendo. Y es una autntica pena que por falta de las herramientas necesarias esas parejas acaben separndose. Por eso me decid a crear este CURSO ONLINE DE CMO MEJORAR TU RELACIN DE PAREJA. Para daros todo el material que necesitis para poner a punto vuestra relacin en las bases ms importantes, con informacin para haceros analizar vuestros puntos fuertes y vuestros puntos dbiles para que salgis fortalecidos de los problemas que pueda ir ocurriendo a lo largo de la vida de la pareja, y seis mucho ms felices juntos.TEMARIOEste curso online est compuesto por 9 CLASES que incluyen:1 HORA DE VDEOS MOS INDITOS adems del vdeo de presentacin.Ms 4 TEST que podris aplicaros a vosotros mismos, que os darn mucha informacin de cmo se encuentra vuestra relacin.5 ARTCULOS CON MUCHA INFORMACIN MUY TIL con ejemplos y ejercicios prcticos en formato pdf que os podris descargar o ver en lnea.Y un CLASE EXTRA donde os cuento aquellos comportamientos txicos que debemos evitar en nuestras relaciones de pareja y cmo modificarlos.Tanto los test como los artculos estn en cada leccin en RECURSOS. Ahora est en tu mano mejorar tu relacin y trabajar en ella. Es increble la de problemas que podemos evitar con la informacin necesaria, y poder ser ms felices."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Affinity Photo IPad - Einsteiger Kurs" |
"Der Affinity Photo Einsteigerkurs fr das IPad.Wenn du dich fr diesen Kurs entscheidest, werden wir in einzelnen Lektionen Schritt fr Schritt die Funktionen der App kennen lernen.Angefangen bei den einfachen Grundlagen arbeiten wir uns durch die ntigen Basisfunktionen des Bildbearbeitungsprogramms, so dass wir ein Verstndnis fr die Benutzeroberflche und dessen Tools entwickeln.Da man am besten lernt durch das praktische mitmachen, werden wir sobald wir die Grundfunktionen durch gegangen sind, gemeinsam einige Bilder von Anfang bis Ende selbst bearbeiten.Beim bearbeiten der Bilder und erstellen der Effekte, werden sich zum einen die Grundlagen festigen, da sie hierdurch immer wieder praktisch angewandt werden, zum anderen erlernst du hierdurch auch viele neue Funktionen und Arbeitsablufe die sich bei der Bildbearbeitung oft hneln.Wir beginnen mit dem einfach Zuschneiden und drehen von Bildern und arbeiten uns ber die Belichtungseinstellungen, Ausschneide und Freistellungs-funktion von Objekten hin zu interessanten Bild Effekten wie dem Pop Out oder dem Bild Splitter Effekt.Du wirst lernen ungewnschte dinge aus Bildern zu entfernen, durch Funktionen wie das Restaurieren oder das Klonen. Nur um ein paar der Lektionen nennen.Whrend der Lektionen werden alle Arbeitsschritte genau erklrt und auf dem Bildschirm gekennzeichnet.Alle Bilder die ich in den Lektionen bearbeite, stehen natrlich auch fr dich zum Download bereit.Die Lektionen in der bersicht:- Grundlagen- Bilder Drehen und Zuschneiden- Layer (/Ebenen) erklrt- Belichtung- Texte- Zeichenstift- Pinsel- Farbauswahl- Freistellen (/ Ausschneiden)- Restaurieren- Bild in Text Effekt- Unschrfe Effekt- Klonen- Sky Replacement- Bild Splitter Effekt- Color Key- Pop Out Effekt- Paint Brush Effekt- Insta Post Pop Out Effekt"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Blender 2.8 - Der Komplettkurs fr Einsteiger" |
"In diesem Kurs nutzen wir das Interface, welches mit der Version Blender 2.8 eingefhrt wurde.Dieses Interface hat sich mit der Version 2.9 nur relativ geringfgig gendert. (Am besten den Kurs mit der Version 2.8 (/2.83) durch arbeiten und anschlieend auf 2.9 umstellen. Modellieren, Texturieren, Animieren das alles und noch vieles mehr, ist mit Blender mglich und in diesem Kurs lernst du wie es funktioniert.Angefangen bei den Grundlagen, arbeiten wir uns durch die ntigen Basisfunktionen des 3D Programms, so dass wir ein Verstndnis fr die Benutzeroberflche und dessen Tools entwickeln.Am besten Lernt man natrlich beim Praktischen mitmachen, daher werden wir sobald wir die Basics durchgegangen sind, gemeinsam einige Objekte von Anfang bis Ende selbst erstellen.Beim 3D Modeling, bearbeiten und Animieren der Objekte, werden sich zum einen die Grundlagen festigen, da sie hierdurch immer wieder praktisch angewendet werden, zum anderen erlernst du hierdurch auch viele neue Funktionen und Arbeitsablufe die sich beim Arbeiten mit Blender oft hneln.Wir beginnen mit den Basics und arbeiten uns durch die wichtigsten Grundfunktionen des 3D Programms, ber unser erstes erstelltes Objekt, hin zu Texturierung von Objekten, coolen Animationen und dem Kamera Tracking, wobei wir erstellte Objekte in echte Videoaufnahmen einbauen.Whrend des gesamten Kurses werden alle Arbeitsschritte genau erklrt und alle Tastatur und Maus-eingaben auf dem Bildschirm optisch dargestellt.Alle Materialien, wie Bilder und Videos, die ich whrend dem Kurs verwende, stehen natrlich auf fr dich zum Download bereit."
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"Womb Wounds" |
"We are NOT our parents! We are NOT their stories! We are NOT their traumas!As children we do not have much control over what happens to us. We are dependent on our parents and/or other caregivers to take care of us, mold us and guidance us. In most cases, they try to do the best they can. However what we do not realize until we become adults, is that our parents, our caregivers, other adults in our lives did the best they could to provide for and guide us within the lens of surviving or living through their own personal traumas. Is this an excuse? No, it just fact!Our parents, caregivers and other adults in our lives came into this world just as we did, through the lens of someone else's traumas and life experiences. Depending upon how those traumas or experiences were managed, determined how they shaped our mama, daddy, caregivers and other adults. Because the negative intergenerational cycle or what we sometimes refer to as ""curse"" may not have been broken, these unhealthy narratives were passed down to us. Well My's the good news! As adults, we have control over our lives! We have the control to change the narrative and to create a new story! We have the power to discard those things, experiences, people, etc. that are no longer serving us. We have the power to release ourSelves. But how do we do this, you ask? We do it breaking the healing our womb wounds."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Unpacking and Healing Your -ish!" |
"Solet me guess, you click on the link because youre ready to heal right? Youre finally fed up, tired of crying, feeling overwhelmed, feeling incomplete and worthless! Youve decided that enough is ENOUGH! Youre ready to move forward with your LIFE, but dont know where to begin. Well, I have amazing news for YOU! Youre in the right place AND its the right time! The universe has answered your call to heal!When we experience a trauma, on any scale, it takes a toll on our soul. Negative thoughts, attitudes, patterns and beliefs that develop as a result or in response to our trauma (s), often lead us to engage in self-sabotage, risky behaviors, addictions, etc. All of these things can affect our self-esteem, physical and mental health, relationships, careers, finances, etc. Additionally we when are experiencing life through the lens of trauma, it makes it extremely challenging to operate from our higher SELF! It also makes it impossible to live our best life! This is why it is extremely important to heal our trauma (s).My Beloved, its time to unpack the bag of trauma(s) that has been weighing you down for far too long! Its time to commit to healing yourself!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Specialist" |
"--- ---Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Specialist1. EMAIL MARKETING BEST PRACTICES 15%2. EMAIL MESSAGE DESIGN 13%3. CONTENT CREATION AND DELIVERY 18%4. MARKETING AUTOMATION 19%5. SUBSCRIBER AND DATA MANAGEMENT 29%6. TRACKING AND REPORTING 6%Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Specialist609065%Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Specialist1.(30)2.(60)Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email SpecialistSalesforce Go Go Go"
Price: 600.00 ![]() |
"Squat ve buttwink problemi" |
"reneceklerimiz:Gnmzde spor salonlarnda ve evlerde en sk yaplan egzersiz olan squat aslnda grld kadar kolay bir hareket deildir. Ayak ba parmandan tutun el bileinize kadar esasnda vcudun bir ok noktas ile iliki ierisinde olmasndan dolay bir blgede oluan bir problem dier blgelerde de problem yaratabilmektedir. Bunun sonucunda kiide performans kayb olabildii gibi ilgili ve balantl olduu dier eklemlerde yaratlan stres sonucunda sakatlk ve yaralanmalara yol aabilme riski vardr. Squat esnasnda en ok grlen problemlerden bir tanesi buttwink yani trke evirisi ile gz krpmas dr. Bu isim, squat esnasnda kiiye yandan baklrken pelvis/leen kemiinin saat ynnn tersine doru dnmesi sonucunda gz krpmaya benzetilmesinden dolay verilmitir.Buttwink, squat esnasnda en sk karlalan problem olmasna karn kiiler squat yaparken (veya eitmenler tarafndan yaptrlrken) hatalarnn farkna varmadklar iin bu durum gz ard edilmekte ve ilerleyen zamanlarda kiiler ben spor yapmama ramen sakatlandm ifadelerine yol amaktadr. Squat bahsedildii gibi basit grnen (ki olduka basit olan) ancak insan mekanii asndan zellikle modern yaantda uzun sreli oturma gibi snrl bir kullanm ierisinde kalan bizler, doann en temel kanunu olan kullanmadn kaybedersin dncesi ile kar karya gelerek aslnda squat yapma becerimizi kaybetmekteyiz. Squat, bir ok bilim disiplini tarafndan incelenmesinden dolay literatrde Squatoloji kavram ortaya kmtr. Bu durum bizlere squatn aslnda dndmz kadar basit bir egzersiz olmadn, bir ok faydasna karn bu faydalar kazanrken kas-iskelet sistemi salmz kaybetmememiz asndan squat konusunda bilinlenmekte fayda vardr.Bu eitimde;Buttwinkin ne olduunuButtwinke neden olan teorileriButtwinkin sakatlk ile ilikisiniButtwinkin esneklik egzersizleri ile nasl dzeltileceiniButtwinkin masaj egzersizleri ile nasl dzeltileceiniButtwinkin kuvvet egzersizleri ile nasl dzeltileceiniButtwinkin motor kontrol egzersizleri ile nasl dzeltileceini greceksiniz.Literatr asndan buttwink ok fazla aratrmaya tabii tutulmam ancak yaplan aratrmalar ise yabanc kaynakl olmaktadr. Bu bakmdan Trkiyede buttwink konusunda yeterli miktarda trke kaynak bulunmamaktadr. Bu eitim sonrasnda squat performansnz artrmak ve sakatlk riskinizi azaltmak adna karlatnz buttwink problemini ortadan kaldrma konusunda Trkiyenin en geni kapsaml ve tek trke aklamal eitimini alacaksnz.Bu eitimin en byk avantaj, Yabanc ve gvenilir kaynaklardan yaplan detayl aratrmalarmzn derlenip, daha sonrasnda trke hale getirilip, basit, anlalr ve kullanl hale getirilerek buttwink konusunda bilinlenmenizi salamaktr.Udemy platformunda yaymlanan bu eitimimizde;Eitim videomuzu defalarca dinleyebilirNot tutabilirVerilen kaynaklar aratrabilirSorularnz bizlere iletip danabilirsiniz."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"The Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp 2020" |
"The Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp 2020 is designed to give students the fundamental skills required to become a talented, confident, full-stack web developer in 2020. Together, we will leave no stone unturned and cover each topic in detail. The course has over 31+ hours of high-quality, modern content. Topics include:HTML 5CSS 3Front-end Web DevelopmentThe CSS Box ModelResponsive Design FlexboxJavaScriptDOM ManipulationAnimations jQueryPHP mySQLDatabasesA CRUD Applicationand more! During the course we will build some cool projects together such as 'Imperial Donuts' a static website for a fictional donut company and we will make our own CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) Application. We will start with the very basics, learning HTML and the foundations of web development before moving onto CSS where we can apply styling to our web pages to make them look beautiful and elegant. Once we have learnt HTML & CSS we will then build a full website from scratch called 'Imperial Donuts' which will include a navigation bar, image grids, a header and a footer. After that we will learn all the fundamental concepts in JavaScript such as the primitive data types, variables, control flow, loops, if statements, DOM manipulation etc. so that we learn how to achieve functionality in web applications. We will also learn jQuery so that we can apply nice fade affects to webpages and create our own custom animations. After that we will move onto PHP which is a server-side language that powers 79% of websites today. Then, we will learn how to 'talk to' or query a database using mySQL. Once we have mastered all the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP & mySQL we will then build a CRUD application where the user can create, read, update and delete data. When you have finished 'The Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp 2020' you will be a talented, confident, full-stack web developer and the great news is the course will be consistently updated with new content. Darragh"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Animate Dialogue For Beginners" |
"Animating dialogue is an important skill to master because it plays a big part in expressing your characters personality. Learning how to animate dialogue can be very frustrating especially if you dont know the fundamentals of animating dialogue. Thankfully we have created an easy course that will teach you the fundamentals of animating dialogue.Introducing How to Animate Dialogue for Beginners animation course. This course will show you the process of turning your voiceover into a beautifully animated dialogue scene.We will start off by learning about the Preston Blair mouth chart. This chart will help you to choose the correct mouth shapes that will be in sync with your voiceover.After going through the chart, we will begin to animate our very own animated scene by drawing the mouth thumbnail and syllable charts. We will use these charts to guide us as we are animating our scene.In Lesson 4, we will use the mouth thumbnail chart to help us draw the key poses that we need for our characters performance.After drawing the key poses, we will show you how to use both the mouth thumbnail and syllable charts to create a believable dialogue scene.Finally, we will wrap up the course by showing you how to smooth out the lip sync animation by drawing the in-betweens.By completing this course, you will be able to animate dialogue scenes that will wow your audience. Discover the secret to animating dialogue like a boss by enrolling in this course today.Course Requirements1. You will need to have a professional animation program like Toon Boom, Flash, or TV paint. These animation programs contain an audio scrubber tool that we are going to use throughout this course.2. You will need to download both the Resource Folder & The Lip Sync Animation Pack in order to fully comprehend the lectures that you will be learning in this course."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Holistic Happiness" |
"Debt, divorce, and disappointment await the average person with average thoughts. Fortunately, we can achieve happier outcomes in our lives by developing a ""better than average"" understanding of money, relationships, time and ethics. HOLISTIC HAPPINESS offers a journey into that awareness. Within this course, voyagers will explore the post-school world of ""free choice""--dating, careers, ""Love,"" investing, ""Attraction,"" personal identity, and more--using insights from numerous decision-making research disciplines, including finance, philosophy, and evolutionary psychology. Journal reflection questions follow each gathering, allowing you to personalize the knowledge and credibly advance to a happier, more fulfilling life."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Westlicher Obertongesang in drei Gesangs-Techniken" |
"Seit meinem ersten Obertongesangs-Workshop 1994 habe ich verschiedene Anstze des Obertongesangs in der Praxis erprobt und meine eigene Methode des Unterrichtens immer weiter optimiert.Als gelernter Pdagoge, Musiker und Stimm-Coach habe ich so ber die Jahre eine effektive Methode herauskristallisiert, mit der ich nun seit vielen Jahren Menschen erfolgreich in das Obertonsingen hineinbegleite.Diese Stimmlabor-Methode besteht aus einer Reihe von systematischen bungen, die durch ihre genaue Reihenfolge und die systematisch aufeinander aufbauende Struktur den Zugang zu den Obertnen, einfach, effektiv und entspannt gestaltet und schnelle Erfolgserlebnisse bringt.Diese Methode ist mittlerweile in Seminaren und im Einzelunterricht europaweit an ber tausend begeisterten Menschen erprobt. Ich bin mir darum sicher, dass mit dieser Methode das Obertonsingen von wirklich allen motivierten Menschen - also auch von Dir - leicht und erfolgreich erlernbar ist."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Programming with Scala - Part 1" |
"Scala is an ideal first programming language, which permits programming in multiple paradigms, and enables developers to be more productive with modern computing infrastructures such as distributed environments. In this course, you will learn foundational aspects of Scala programming. The complexity of the material will be similar to that of a typical first programming course for college students."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Programming Interviews [1-10]" |
"Data Structures and Algorithms skills are highly sought after skills in hi-tech companies such as Google, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, LinkedIn, Netflix, etc. Also these are mandatory skills for very high paying software engineering jobs in these companies. Anyone having sound problem solving skills in Data Structures and Algorithms together with design skills can comfortably land jobs. In this series, we discuss programming interview problems and solutions, primarily related to Data Structures and Algorithms. And this course covers first ten such items."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Salesforce DX and Visual Studio Code" |
"In this course you will understand how the world looked before Salesforce DX and What were challenges and pain points resulting in creation of this new tool by Salesforce. We will also talk about features of Scratch Orgs and Non-scratch Orgs. Also, we would go through difference between metadata Vs source file formats and where scratch org fits in development paradigm.Repeatable , Scriptable and Traceable these are the pillar of enterprise modular development. In this course we will also talk about Modular Application Development Using Unlocked Packages and How a we can create our own plugins with the help of Salesforce CLI.This course is designed for Salesforce Developer, Admin and Architect. Where Developer will learn about how to use Command Line , Admin will learn how to take advantage of SFDX with the help of VsCode and Architect will learn about enterprise modular development using unlocked package."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to Teach Reading&Spelling With 20MinutePhonemicTraining" |
"Parents who have children they home school, Intervention Specialists, Reading Specialists, and Tutors learn how to teach a child with dyslexia or just a struggling reader and speller to read faster, with greater accuracy AND to write more with better spelling? This course offers a different approach that gets results.This course walks with you and your child/student as you work day by day and week by week to your child's improved reading fluency and spelling skills in the span of a step by step individualized plan to identify specific student needs to improve reading fluency and spelling skills in authentic easy way to plan and prepare lessons in less time.a structured approach for delivering mini lessons to improve reading fluency/accuracy and spelling accuracy.provides progress monitoring data as part of the lesson so no additional time to record progress is needed when the lesson is over.includes testing materials and lesson materials.This course is for people who want to improve their student's [son or daughter's] literacy skills using less time both within the school day and outside of the school day.A high percentage of public schools are finding literacy development challenging. 25% of the population in the United States read below 4th grade level. Schools are increasing budgets, adding intervention specialists and reading tutors to address the problem, and the specialists are vying with classroom teachers for time to provide remedial instruction. The result is that everyone is frustrated by constantly changing, complicated daily schedules and limited success for their efforts.Teachers, Intervention Specialists and Reading Tutors are spending increasing amounts of time outside of the school day planning, preparing materials and reviewing student progress. Parents are frustrated by slow progress. Homeschooling parents are searching for ways to help their children become more fluent readers and writers.Everyone working with struggling readers and writers hope to find a streamlined answer showing them how to improve their student's reading fluency, writing skills and spelling accuracy to grade level. Here you will learn a proven approach to increasing reading rate, improving reading accuracy and improving spelling accuracy."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Ortografa:cmo evitar los errores ms frecuentes" |
"Con este curso se pretende que sea cual sea el motivo por el que tienes que escribir, lo hagas sin cometer ni un error ortogrfico. Nuestra imagen depende de ello. Por eso ya seas estudiante, extranjero que necesita aprender espaol ortogrfico, blogger o ests creando tu pgina web, este curso te ayudar en lo ms bsico de una manera rpida y sencilla. Tendrs ms de una hora de vdeos, recursos descargables y enlaces por si necesitas seguir aprendiendo o tener tu propio material. No es un curso de nivel pero s necesario para empezar a corregir aquello que necesitamos."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Master Storyboard Skills for Commercials & Video Games" |
"Hi, my name is Mo. I'm a veteran storyboard artist with +12 years of experience working in Hollywood. I had the honor to work on projects such as Nike, Call of Duty, Clash of Clans, Ford, and Google to name a few. Today, I'm here to share all the basic storyboarding skills with you so you can transform into a storyboard artist and live your passion. This online class cover:The Secret purpose of StoryboardingKey Design Elements and PrinciplesComposition MasteryCamera 101: shots/moves/lensesPerspective 101Tricks on how to draw faster and betterMy confidential Storyboard creation processTricks on how to draw ""realistic"" styleReal Time drawing tutorialDownloadable goodiesPlus more...Whether you are a graphic designer, concept artist, or animator, storyboarding skills will give you an edge over your peers for you'll see all projects as a storyteller first. I'll invite everyone to enjoy this class, broaden your artistic toolbox, and enjoy storytelling with a sense of wonder.Best,Mo"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Unity Game Development Master Class" |
"In this Unity course we start from the very basics and cover all topics from complete beginner C#, Unity User Interface and will continue to explore advanced Unity features such as Animations, Animation Blending, Inverse Kinematics, Shaders, Post-Processing and even Multiplayer Networking (UNET) in the final classes.This course contains 230 videos with over 19 hours of video learning content with an average video length of 5 minutes.During this course you will learn how to create 15 different games of various game genres while learning the core features of Unity Game Development.These game genres include:Basic PlatformerTop Down ShooterTop Down Shooter with AIBasic MOBAThird Person PlatformerPlatformer with Loading & SavingLocal Multiplayer ArenaMain Menu, Localization & Game LoadingThird Person ShooterProcedural World Generation using Unity Editor ExtensionsExploration Game with Advanced VisualsFirst Person ShooterTop Down Networked MultiplayerFirst Person Shooter Networked Multiplayer2D Action GameDuring the creation of each game every step of the development process is shown and explained.All scripts which are written an demonstrated are shared with the viewer in order to solve any potential bugs or issues.This course has been taught at ShanghaiTech University to over 60 students and several graduate students have started their Game Development Careers as a result of this course."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Recherche d'emploi : Russir ses entretiens d'embauche" |
"Vous devez passer des entretiens de recrutement, des entretiens pour des grandes coles ? Ce cours est fait pour vous ! A partir de son exprience en cabinet de ressources humaines, Florent Baraton vous propose cette formation complte avec des mthodes, des conseils et astuces pour russir vos diffrents entretiens professionnels. Une simulation d'entretien en fin de formation vous permettra galement de mieux comprendre le droulement de cet exercice qui n'est pas toujours vident aborder."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Gitara dla pocztkujcych- naucz si gra na gitarze" |
"Wiele osb chce nauczy si gry na gitarze, ale rzadko im si to udaje. Dlaczego?Nie maj talentu?Nie maj suchu muzycznego? Nic bardziej mylnego. Kady jest w stanie opanowa gr na gitarze. Jak to zrobi?W tym kursie dowiesz si wszystkiego co niezbdne podczas nauki gry i nie zamcz Ci zbdnymi informacjami. Pokochasz gitar tak jak ja i obudz w Tobie pasj do muzyki!"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"How to save time cooking" |
"This course is for you ifYou spend hours at your kitchen until the dinner is readyYour grocery shopping takes too much timeYou spend too much money for dinner at the restaurantsYou through away food from the fridgeThe course consists of theoretical and practical part. After the course you will never ever spend hours thinking about what to cook. You will have a cooking plan for several days in advance including the recipes that take maximum 20 minutes of your time. You will learn how to love cooking and your kitchen while saving time and money invested in your nutrition.You should join this course because cooking at home is cheaper than ordering food or going to a cafe!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"ANSA beginner to intermediate level" |
"A course for beginners in ANSA to significantly accelerate their learning curve by guiding through step by step on an example showing the best practice. What you will know after completion of this course:GUI handling of ANSAProper settings of CAD translatorClean up and healing of geometrySurface mesh preparationVolume mesh creation"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
how-to-start-podcast |
" ( )"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Bebs 0 a 3 meses. Estmulo adecuado en el momento oportuno." |
"Mi sueo es contribuir a crear un MUNDO lleno de posibilidades para las futuras generaciones, donde todo lo que proponemos es posible si cultivamos pensamientos positivos. En definitiva, los adultos somos el producto final del nio que ramos.Siempre me acuerdo de las palabras del querido profesor Th. Hellbrgge: El mayor milagro del mundo es el ser humano, por lo que sigo aprendiendo de mis mejores maestros, los bebs, descubriendo lo que les divierte y les interesa. Los nios solo aprenden aquello que les divierte, por lo que nunca lo olvidarn."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Packet Capture Analysis - What You Really Need To Know" |
"Learn how to use Wireshark and packet capture analysis to solve performance and connectivity problems. This course is not bloated with every possible menu item and repetitive examples. I will show you the key features and techniques that I have used routinely to solve hundreds of problems.You will solidify your knowledge through quizzes and practice assignments using real-world packet captures.This course assumes a basic IT familiarity (e.g., entry level technician) and no prior experience with Wireshark or packet capture analysis."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"UiPath-Robotic Process Automation (Robotik Sre Otomasyonu)" |
"UiPath - Robotik Otomasyon Srelerinin Gelitirilmesi iin gerekli alt yapy salar.Bu alanda kullanlabilcek dier vendor lar iinde klavuz niteliindedir.Kurs sonunda irket alanlar gnlk ilerini kolaylatracak seviyeye gelir,Ayrca i d zel ilerinizide otomatize edebilecek hale gelirsiniz.Bu eitim sonunda zamannz efektif kullanlarak i srelerinizi gelitirebilirsiniz. Temel dzeyde programlama bilgisine sahip kiiler dahi rahatlkla renebilir.Bu eitimde verilen bilgiler sadece IT sektrnde deil,bilgisayarn girdii btn sektrlerde kullanlabilir."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Boyutlu Uzayda Analitik Geometri" |
"Bu ders niversitelerin analitik geometri dersine yardmc olmak iin hazrlanmtr. Halihazrda lise rencileri de bu videolardan yararlanabilir. Bu dersin sonunda uzayda nokta, doru ve dzlem kavramlarn aklayp, bu kavramlar ile ilgili ilemleri anlamlandracaksnz. Bu kursu almadan nce iki boyutlu uzay ( dzlemde ) analitik geometri hakknda bilgi sahibi olmanz konuyu daha kolay anlamanz salayacaktr. Bu dersin ierii ve videolar niversitelerin kalkls 1, kalkls 2 ve diferansiyel denklemler derslerini ve derslerin ieriklerini kolay anlalabilir ekilde sralanmtr."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |