Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Riscos ocupacionais - Vibrao" |
"Curso desenvolvido para entender como o agente de risco ambiental, vibrao, age nas atividades desenvolvidas pelos trabalhadores, como avaliar a exposio a este agente, como calcular a exposio.Conhecer os termos utilizados e suas definies, os procedimentos para realizao de medies, critrios e medidas de controle.Neste curso voc poder ainda aplicar um exemplo de clculo da exposio a vibrao na prtica, atravs de um exerccio que realizar durante o decorrer do curso."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Real-Time Data Stream Processing In Azure" |
"In this course, I will give you the insight on thinking of data as an ever flowing river of events instead of thinking of it as a data island locked away in databases. With live labs, I will bring you up to speed with Azure event hubs. I will show you how to write c# console applications to send and receive data from event hubs. You will learn how to capture & archive event hub data to an Azure data lake. I will show you how to provision an Event Hub, a Data Lake and a SQL Server database in azure. You will get a deep understanding of Azure Stream Analytics and we will write an Analytics job to stream live data from an event hub to a Sql Server database."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Neuro Ventas para profesionistas y freelaneces" |
"Aprenders paso a paso el uso de las diferentes disciplinas relacionadas con el comportamiento humano enfocadas en generar estrategias efectivas de comunicacin aplicadas a las ventas. Tendrs a tu disposicin horas de videos, formatos, audios y manuales para ir, paso a paso, descubriendo cmo funciona la mente del consumidor y lo que necesitas hacer para vender MS.Este contenido est basado, adems de mi experiencia y la de otros, en disciplinas especializadas como las Neurociencias, la Antropologa, la Etologa, la PNL, la Neurosemntica y la Hipnosis Ericksoniana.Tendrs acceso a la plataforma online cada vez que lo desees y podrs beneficiarte de un contenido que estaremos actualizando de forma continua para tu propio beneficio.Qu obtendrs?AutogestinAutogestionarte para tener la mejor mentalidad y los mejores estados anmicos a la hora de presentar y vender tus productos/servicios.HerramientasHerramientas que te permitirn tener ms recursos y estar preparado para saber ofrecer tus servicios o productos de forma directa u online.TcnicasUn mtodo paso a paso para disear las mejores estrategias de venta acordes a la mente de tu pblico ideal.AplicacinLo que aprendas en este curso podrs irlo aplicando inmediatamente despus de conocerlo."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Accorder sa batterie" |
"Ami(e)s Batteurs(euses),Cette formation est faite pour vous rendre Justice !Les guitaristes ont la chance d'avoir une pdale d'accordage mais Vous ???? Ces mme guitaristes qui se moquent parce que votre batterie ne sonne pas un caramel ... les ingrats !Avec ces 8 vidos, vous allez tre en mesure d'accorder votre batterie pour les rptitions, les concerts et aussi et surtout pour les sances studio !Alors amusez-vous bien !"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"IELTS Writing Task 2: 7 Super Structures for Band 7+" |
"If you want a 7+ in IELTS Writing, you need these structures.Task 2 counts for two-thirds of your Writing Score in IELTS!There are 7 types questions you might see on exam day for IELTS Writing Task 2. We have crafted the perfect structure for each question type, and we train you to use them in this course. On test day, you will breathe a big sigh of relief when you see your Task 2 essay question, because you will immediately know which structure to use and how to plan your essay.The 7 Structures are:1. Agree or Disagree2. Problem Solution3. Advantages and Disadvantages4. Advantages and Disadvantages + Opinion5. Discuss Both Views6. Discuss Both Views + Opinion7. Double QuestionNo matter what question you receive, you also need to write an essay that is strong in the 4 areas the examiners check when they mark your essay. So this course also includes a special lesson for each of the 4 scoring criteria:Scoring Criteria:1. Task Achievement (Do you answer the question well and develop your main points?)2. Coherence and Cohesion (Did your essay have a good structure, good paragraphing, and a smooth flow?)3. Lexical Resource (Did you use appropriate vocabulary words and phrases to clearly and effectively communicate your point?)4. Grammatical Range and Accuracy (Did you use a wide variety of grammar forms accurately?)The course also includes lessons on General Essay Structure, The Perfect 2-Sentence Introduction, Complex Sentences, and Paraphrasing.NOTE: This course does not include essay corrections."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Corso di Dog/Pet Sitter Professionale - Ufficio e Marketing" |
"La nostra serie di Corsi per Dog e Pet Sitter vuole aiutarti a diventare un Dog e Pet Sitter Professionista, offrendoti tutte le informazioni e tutti gli strumenti necessari per avviare la tua attivit di Dog/Pet Sitting.Insegnato da Carlo Costa - Dog Sitter da quasi un decennio e fondatore dell'Asilo per Cani Lecco - il Modulo Ufficio e Marketing stato disegnato per mostrarti come iniziare, promuovere e gestire efficacemente una attivit di Dog e Pet Sitting!In questo Modulo imparerai: seguire efficacemente gli ordini mentre al parco o fuori casa; effettuare colloqui con i proprietari dei pets; gestire le chiavi dei clienti in totale sicurezza; mantenere in maniera corretta i contatti con i proprietari di pets; promuovere la tua attivit di Dog/Pet Sitting; effettuare il recupero crediti e la fatturazione; preparare e organizzare un ufficio in casa;In aggiunta ai 21 Video mettiamo a tua disposizione: I Moduli, Contratti e Formulari specifici per il Dog Walking e Pet Sitting Un File Gestionale per aiutarti con gli Ordini, il Recupero Crediti e la Fatturazione Esempi di Email per restare in contatto con i proprietari dei pets in diverse situazioni File da usare durante il tuo lavoroIl Video Corso online offre una struttura flessibile. Puoi seguire le lezioni al tuo ritmo su PC, Smartphone o Tablet. Puoi scegliere quando e dove seguire le lezioni, adattando il corso intorno alle tue esigenze ed alla tua vita."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Corso di Dog/Pet Sitter Professionale - Camminate e Visite" |
"Con questo corso vogliamo aiutarti a diventare un Dog e Pet Sitter Professionista, offrendoti tutti gli strumenti per avviare la tua attivit di Dog/Pet Sitting.Insegnato da Carlo Costa - Dog Sitter da quasi un decennio e fondatore dell'Asilo per Cani Lecco - il Modulo Equipaggiamento e Gestione dei Pet spiega nel dettaglio come gestire pi cani al parco, organizzare efficacemente il lavoro e l'equipaggiamento corretto da avere in ogni circostanza. Con questo Corso potrai trasformare la tua passione per gli animali in un lavoro!In questo Modulo imparerai: trasportare pets in maniera sicura; gestire ed organizzare le camminate al parco; tenere e controllare i cani; pianificare ed organizzare una visita di pet sitting; prevenire e affrontare situazioni di emergenza; l'equipaggiamento da avere per ogni circostanza; somministrare medicinali;Con 26 video di corso imparerai tutti i trucchi ed i segreti usati da Dog e Pet Sitter professionisti, come Organizzare il Lavoro, quali Attrezzature ed Equipaggiamenti avere, come Gestire Camminate e Visite, gli Errori da evitare, come non Farsi Cogliere di Sorpresa in diverse situazioni, cos via!Il Video Corso online offre una struttura flessibile. Puoi seguire le lezioni al tuo ritmo su PC, Smartphone o Tablet. Puoi scegliere quando e dove seguire le lezioni, adattando il corso intorno alle tue esigenze ed alla tua vita."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Corso di Dog/Pet Sitter Professionale - Masterclass Completo" |
"Con questo corso vogliamo aiutarti a diventare un Dog e Pet Sitter Professionista, offrendoti tutti gli strumenti per avviare la tua attivit di Dog/Pet Sitting.Con 47 video, pi di 6 ore di corso e 8 risorse scaricabili, imparerai tutti i trucchi ed i segreti usati da Dog e Pet Sitter professionisti e potrai scaricare tutti i Contratti specifici per Dog e Pet Sitting che ti serviranno per iniziare la tua attivit e trasformare la tua passione per gli animali in un lavoro!Insegnato da Carlo Costa - Dog Sitter da quasi un decennio e fondatore dell'Asilo per Cani Lecco - il Masterclass unisce i moduli di Gestione dei Pet e di Ufficio e Marketing, offrendo un quadro completo di tutto ci che serve per iniziare, promuovere e gestire una attivit di Dog e Pet Sitting.Con questo corso imparerai: gestire ed organizzare le camminate al parco; pianificare ed organizzare una visita di pet sitting; prevenire e affrontare situazioni di emergenza; trasportare pets in maniera sicura; tenere e controllare pi cani insieme; seguire efficacemente gli ordini, il recupero crediti e la fatturazione; effettuare il colloquio con il cliente; gestire le chiavi in maniera corretta; il marketing per dog/pet sitters;In questo Corso imparerai tutti i trucchi ed i segreti usati da Dog e Pet Sitter professionisti, come Organizzare il Lavoro, le Attrezzature ed Equipaggiamenti da avere, come Gestire Camminate e Visite, gli Errori da evitare, come non Farsi Cogliere di Sorpresa in diverse situazioni, come Gestire gli Ordini e Rapportarsi coi Clienti e cos via!Inoltre insieme al Corso potrai scaricare: I Moduli, Contratti e Formulari specifici per il Dog Walking e Pet Sitting Un File Gestionale per gestire gli Ordini, il Recupero Crediti e la Fatturazione Esempi di Email per aiutarti a restare in contatto con i clienti in diverse situazioni File da usare durante il tuo lavoro"
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"7 Steps to Vegan" |
"Go Vegan? Doing Veganuary?You want to go vegan, but you dont know where to start? Youre afraid it might be difficult? You have your doubts and lots of questions? You dont know how to save money by going vegan?Welcome to the 7Steps course the Beginners guide to going Vegan.the most important questions about veganism.2 ways to do the course: Student and Explorer3- 30 day meal plans to choose from, including a transition planHow to save money by going veganHow the body worksWhy veganism is good for the planet and for society & the economyThorough research, with references to the experience of qualified vegan nutritionists and doctors.Step 1 - Understanding what is vegan and why it's a good choice for your health and the worldStep 2 - How to eat a balanced diet, get all the nutrients (including iron and protein), and control weightStep 3 - How to eat vegan, how the body digests food and how to save money on a vegan dietStep 4- Three 30 Days Meal Plans - Transition, Full and Raw 80% & 100% (two options for raw)Step 5 - Living a Vegan Lifestyle, sharing it with family & friends, eating out, raising vegan kids, keeping the lifestyle in the long run, and veganizing clothing, activities and shoppingStep 6 - The Raw Vegan Diet and DetoxStep 7 - Vegan Recipes and Cooking tips including how to make your food taste like meat, cheese, eggs, Asian, gourmet and exoticAnswers to 100 Questions, Questions like:What are the 8 ways to save money on a vegan diet?What is the difference between vegan, vegetarian and other plant based diets?How do you get the same foods for less money?What are the 6 easy methods to control your weight?How come certain people eat the exact same foods, but it affects them completely differently?Where do you get protein, iron, calcium and b12?How do animal products hurt poor people, or cause global warming and climate change?Why don't vegans eat dairy or eggs?How do you tell friends and family that you are going vegan?How do you eat out as a vegan?How do you raise vegan kids (and how do you bring vegan into your own home)?How do you deal with the 10 challenges of remaining vegan in the longrun?What is detox? And Why do raw vegans not cook their food?EasyThe course is simple and easy to follow, designed to take you from basic understanding and making sure you get everything you need to make your vegan path not only knowledgeable, but delicious and enjoyable."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Corso Base di Videomaking" |
"In questo corso Edoardo, videomaker professionista di Gorilla Gang, ti aiuter a comprendere in modo semplice e veloce i principi fondamentali della produzione video.Dalla scrittura del soggetto all'esportazione finale, con un particolare occhio di riguardo per i novizi, Edoardo ti preparer ai passaggi fondamentali che dovrai affrontare per portare a termine il tuo video.Che tu voglia realizzare il tuo primo cortometraggio, o che tu voglia fare del videomaking il tuo lavoro, non fa alcuna differenza: questo corso quello adatto alle tue esigenze."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"In this Course I teach you what to look for & the common mistakes that Small Business Owners make. I teach you the Accounting behind the QuickBooks Entry so You can understand how QuickBooks works and the reports it generates.What You Will Learn in this Course:>How to Identifying & Clean Up Balance Sheet Accounts>Clean Up the Chart of Accounts- Correcting Account Types>Accounts Receivable: Create Credit Memos, Invoices, Apply Payments >Accounts Payable: Apply Bill Payments, Create Credits>Fix the Undeposited Funds Account>Book Interest for Loan Accounts>Understand the Equity Accounts>Correctly Allocate personal Expenses>Bank & Credit Card Reconciliation Clean Up>Change Accounts Associated to Items>Write Off Small Balances>Identify & Fix Overstated Revenue >Merging Accounts/Vendors/Customers with same names>Inactivating Chart of Accounts/Vendors/Customers>Clean Up Uncategorized Income or Expenses>Voiding Checks from a Prior Period>Fully Understand a Balance Sheet Report"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ebay Dropshipping Mastery 2020: Work Anywhere From Home" |
"In this course, I will reveal to you my strategies that generated me more than $1 million of sales on Ebay through dropshipping without any inventory or startup cost! You will be able to operate this business anywhere in the world! I am an international seller outside of the USA and my strategies is perfect for anyone living in any country.Ebay Dropshipping is one of the lowest risk business model as there is no startup cost involve. No need to worry about traffic as Ebay has already millions of buyers visiting their store looking to buy. This is the perfect way for beginners to start making money online. It eliminates the risk of losing money by into a business and also generating traffic.Start this business from anywhere in the worldZero startup cost no risk involvedSecret strategy to finding hot selling itemsLearn how to scale to $5000 per monthPerfect for beginners - Make your first sale as soon as 24hoursBest suppliers for international sellersStrategy to increase profit margins"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Clickbank Affiliate Marketing: Make Money Without A Website" |
"Promote Clickbank Products Using FREE Traffic Without a Website Are you ready to learn my method on how I get paid WEEKLY on Clickbank?Do you find it difficulty to make money online promoting products as an affiliate?Are you beginner trying to make a full time income online using a proven method?Have you try many different ways of making money online only to fail countless of times?Are you still struggling to make your first sales online due to lack of knowledge or being overwhelmed with strategies that do not work?How many different online business model have you tried in the attempt to make a full time income?Or maybe you have bought countless of courses online trying different strategies but didn't quite make it yet?If you're struggling to make money with affiliate marketing, then this course will put you on track to achieve your full time income online.Well, then STOP Right Now and let me show you a secret method that is not known by many to drive FREE traffic without a website and make sales after sales.No need to invest in hosting or domains!No need to buy traffic! I will show you a way to generate FREE traffic for your online businessMake your first $5k per month with only 4 Steps:1. Find your money content2. Upload your money asset3. Get FREE traffic4. Get paid rinse & repeatTake action and change your life today! Stop struggling to make money online and get started today with this method which I'll reveal inside the course. Learn the 4 steps and I will see you inside."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of Trading Crypto, Forex, and Stocks." |
"Learn about the understated yet important aspects of trading. Learn how to trade using supply demand and how to enhance your probabilities of a successful trade. When you understand the game, it is difficult to be psychologically rattled and shaken out of your trades like 80% of retail traders out there. You will learn how to enhance your odds by taking particular trades on the higher timeframe, as well as be introduced to a tool that enhances your odds for the lower timeframes as well."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
1-xeaqaj |
Price: 19800.00 ![]() |
csoptomoko |
Price: 3600.00 ![]() |
"YR 2020 Mantra: ALL is WELL - Beginner's Guide to Meditation" |
"There is nothing more stressful than having a billion things to do during the day without having even just a second to yourself. The hustle and bustle of everyday life can get to be very overwhelming. There are so many demands placed upon us that it can feel like there is nowhere to turn when we feel like we just need a little bit of breathing room and a chance to relax. Fortunately, there is a solution. No matter how many demands you have placed upon you during the day, meditation is an option that you can easily make the time for. Even just setting aside five minutes for yourself can make the difference between a frazzled, miserable mess at dinner time and a balanced, calm person who is ready to take the next step, no matter where it leads! Meditation has become a very popular subject, and for good reason. Everybody is feeling the pressure to succeed and do great in their lives, but the work involved in becoming successful can be enough to make anyone exhausted. We put so much energy into trying to create our best lives that, ironically, we can easily lose sight of the most important part of that; ourselves! By taking the time to learn about meditation and allowing it to be a part of our lives, we can begin to channel our thoughts into more productive patterns and give ourselves the recharge that we need when it seems like life has gotten to be a little bit too much. Meditation is a huge part of a healthy lifestyle. Many successful people swear by its effects. It can help us to completely re-map our brains from thinking destructive and negative thoughts to remembering how to see the possibilities in every moment. Not only that, but knowing that we are putting our own mental health first and foremost can be a huge relief. Instead of engaging in negativity, we can take a time out and re-center ourselves to guarantee that no matter what is thrown at us, we are capable of getting where we want to be. More details will be available in the course videos with atleast 7+ lectures planned to be included"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Grow your Facebook Fan page from scratch to AUTHORITY @Y2020" |
"In this video course, you will discover how to grow your facebook fan page from scratch to authority, also increase social proof and engagement on your Facebook fan page which results in more leads, sales, and profits ever growing for you and /or for your profession or passion or for your business from year 2020 onwards.Social engagement on your facebook fan page is extremely important in year 2020 onwards to edge every one else out who has not yet undergone this course and you need to start today on this to be super successful."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"GOAL SETTING 2020 -You will never break your resolutions now" |
"In this video course you will be take actions step by step in the most simplest to stay consistent and persistent for months together in order to achieve your Long term Goals as well as Short term goals. Now New year resolutions are not going to be faded away in few days or few weeks any more. Now your long term goals and short term goals in your career, in your health, for your loved ones, for your family members, for your own growth in income, promotion, additional passive incomes, long term happiness and self-actualization goals will never ever be just a desire. It will help you translate all your goals into REALITY. Are you ready? Take action NOW."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Successful PRODUCT LAUNCH can be done by you NOW @ year 2020" |
"This course is for any one who has a desire to Product Launch today using a step by step approach adopting a sharp five session workshop.Easy to use video guide for you. Grab it now before the discounted price goes away.You will be working Through the Technical Aspects of Your Product Launch and will set up your product launch, upsells and email marketing.As part of Product Launch Order of operations you will do the following: Map out and Set Up Your Marketing FunnelOutline your sales copyStart the Product creation processOutsource or create your graphicsSet Up Your Sales PagesSet Up Your TrackingTest the Sales Pages and Order ButtonSet Up Your Product DeliverySet Up Your Post Launch E-Mail System and Strategy.You will also get Bonus checklist and quick references in this workshop."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Pro Networking System: The Professional Networker's Bible" |
"Did you know that only 83% of people who attend networking events NEVER make any money? There are many reasons for this sad truth. Most people attend networking events where their target customers are not in attendance. These same people go unprepared and are unable to turn built business relationships into revenue. So how do you become part of the elite few who are making money and closing deals at every networking event they attend? Welcome to The Pro Networking System: Proven Tactics For Entrepreneurs course! By even just reading this you are one step closer to achieving entrepreneurial success.Over 20+ years, I have created techniques that are sure to get you the clients you want. In fact, for the last decade, these tactics have been used by business professionals just like you to generate millions of dollars for their business.This step-by-step course is designed to help you attract new clients from every networking event you attend.The Pro Networking System course is broken down into four modules: Networking 101, Before the Event, During the Event, and After the Event. It is approximately eight hours of concise, detailed training, open to all levels with no prerequisites. Thats right! Anyone can network.Are you ready to take your business to the next level?Pro Networking System will not only teach you the right way but will also give you the tools to succeed. Everything from finding the events where your target market is to what to wear will be covered in this course. This course is not going to give you the typical elevator speeches that come off salesy and do not work. You are going to learn valuable lessons that you can take with you on your road to success. What do you have to lose? Don't let this opportunity pass you by, become part of the elite, and when you reach your goals...congratulate yourself for putting in the work."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Herbs for Winter Wellness from Danu's Irish Herb Garden" |
"This course demonstrates how easy it is to make potent and effective home herbal remedies for winter wellness. You will learn how to identify some common herbs and wild plants that grow all over the temperate region. I show you how simple it is to make a herbal infusion, a remedy for a sore throat, a cough syrup, a tincture, the amazing Fire Cider Vinegar and a beautiful body balm for S.A.D. I make these remedies in my own kitchen and you can too. This course is suitable for beginners."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Indomitable Exam Success" |
"Indomitable Exam Success is a course for any student that is either preparing for school exams, board exams, College exams, competitive exams or national exams. It shares with you 3 fail proof ideas which can give you complete exam success. Daily and diligent practice of these bsic exercises will definately near your distance with exam success."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Happier Hour: A Time to Love Who You Are!" |
"IF YOU WANT TO ATTRACT, CREATE, AND LIVE THE MOST EXTRAORDINARY LIFE THEN PAY VERY CLOSE ATTENTION!If you havent yet had things go the way you want in your life or if there are parts of your life that just arent working out for the way you need them to.It probably has nothing to do with your lifes circumstances and it has nothing to do with making any sacrifices (to get what we want) or how were told to work our asses off or how much money you have, or dont haveBecause at the end of the day, its not the external world you live in.Its all in a simple psychological technique that has had the biggest impact on my life!It literally does all the work for you!In other words There IS a FORMULA for getting what you want in life!!You can do it, just imagine...Having the mindset to make a decision and not double guess every action you take.Loving your body in everything you wear and not comparing yourself all the time..Deciding to be happy and do the things you want without fear of judgment from other..Wouldn't that be nice?You, TOO, can turn your life around and have the confidence to GO FOR IT!So, if this sounds like something you want pay CLOSE attention.See, many women suffer from the idea that turning their dreams into reality, loving themselves unconditionally and becoming the YOU youve always wanted to be is hard and takes a long time.But nothing could be further from the truth!You CAN conquer your fears and reach your full potential!You CAN instantly feel your best and most beautiful!You CAN silence your inner critic and FINALLY be free of comparison and judgment!You CAN be your most confident self, and get ahead in life!And the best part?You DONT have to make any sacrifices.And if youve tried to go after your dreams in the past, but failed, I just want you to know right now, its not your fault and you are not alone.Sometimes you just need to be given the right information at the right time. Once I give you this formula and you start using it to your advantage, you can finally leave the fear, self-doubt, and anxiety behind.And finally start living life the way you were destined for!But for so many people out there, things arent as easy.They dont have this vital technique, and so they end up struggling and never see any results at all.The worst part is most people will live their entire lives struggling.The good news is its not your faultand theres a clear and powerful solution for easily overcoming the problem!Does that sound like something youd want to do?Well, Im going to show you exactly what you need to do it.Id like to teach you everything I know about using my special technique and give you access to this simple psychological technique.Which will help you to turn your dreams into reality, love yourself unconditionally, and be the you youve always wanted to be!How?By introducing you to a simple, shockingly powerful program I call: HAPPIER HOUR!Happier Hour is a formula designed to elicit immediate real-life results for anyone who uses it.Its a step-by-step blueprint one that takes you by the hand and shows you exactly what you need to do to eliminate self doubt and unlock your potential.Youll start to see real results faster than you ever dreamed possible without living in constant fear of judgment, rejection, criticism or humiliation and worrying about what other people think of you or feeling like there might be something wrong with you or that theres something missing in your life."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Rigging a Car with Joysticks And Sliders in After Effects" |
"What's the secret of rigging animations of the character's head and face components that are so accurate and flawless?In this training course we are going to talk about the Joystick And slider's Script and the unique 3D technique in this script.This script is mostly used to rig the character's head and face components.But this course will completely change your attitude about the joystick.In this training course we will learn how to rig the car and create a 3D mode,so you realize that the joystick script is not just for the head and face components,but you can also rig different objects and change it from 2D to 3D mode.In this course you will learn a technique that is very practical and using this technique you can animate your animations and it makes your projects more professional"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Turkish cuisine one of the world's great cuisines. It reflects the long history of this land...A great variety of mouth watering dishes in Turkish cuisine which is mostly the heritage of Ottoman cuisine. It is the mixture and refinement of Central Asian, Middle Eastern and Balkan cuisines. Therefore it is impossible to fit Turkish cuisine into a short list.Anatolia is blessed with varied climate which allows the country to get almost everything on its land. Turkey is one of the few countries in the world that has been self sustaining, producing all its own food. Turkish cuisine traditionally is NOT spicy, except in the southeast part of the country, where preparations can reflect a hot Middle Eastern(Arabic) food influence. But now in evertwhere you are able to find restaurants that sell that kind of spicy dishesTurks have a big diversity of vegetables and of course this reflects on the dishes. One very important detail about vegetable dishes is whether they have meat in them or not."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fashion Design - Clothing Design & Styling with Darts" |
"Boost your patternmaking skills by being creative with your basic darts. Be unique and earn a higher income.Do you:- face challenges with translating your sketches into dress patterns?- imagine beautiful outfits but face difficulties in creating them?- struggle with constantly creating new designs and reinventing yourself?- wish you could maintain originality with your designs? or- struggle with convincing your clients to pay more for your services?then you run the risk of losing your creativity, uniqueness and potential as a top Designer.As a Fashion Designer, your basic darts can only take you so far. Your ability to create unique outfits and set fashion trends is limited without exceptional skills in design details using your darts.. Accomplish your fashion dream. Create exceptional designs that make you stand out!Your creative skills and business can generate so much more income! If you wish to:Become a renowned fashion designer;Run a successful fashion school as a fashion trainer;Consistently attract new clients and students;Offer more value and charge higher fees;Develop fresh ideas, designs and concepts; and Reinvent your teaching techniques as a fashion trainer; then you must be able to apply standardised pattern making techniques that are applicable anywhere in the world.At the end of the course, you will be able to:Understand and apply standardised pattern making techniques;Understand basic clothing design principles and translate them into workable patterns;Overcome designers block and channel creativity into developing your best design yet; andBoost your skills in pattern making for fashion design while generating higher income for your fashion businessToo busy for pattern making courses? Martwayne has got you covered!Unlike any other pattern making course online, this course was designed for you to learn pattern making how you want it, at your convenience, in any location with specialised instructor support to suit your learning needs and meet your learning objectives.For some, the key challenge to taking fashion and design courses is lack of time, unavailability of funds and fast-paced teaching approach. As such, the course has been designed by a key professional in the fashion industry with over 10 years of experience as a fashion student, designer, tutor and business owner. Drawing from these experiences, this course is delivered using a step-by-step approach where lessons are broken down to the barest minimum; at a highly discounted and affordable rate.At the end of the course, you will:Gain knowledge of key pattern making techniques and be able to apply them;Be able to create beautiful designs using your darts;Understand how to visualise parts of an outfit and translate your sketches into patterns;Be able to creatively come up with beautiful outfits and consistently develop unique designs;Be able to offer your clients and fashion students more value, improve your services, charge higher and generate the income you deserve.Note from the Instructor:We know first-hand what it feels like to learn new concepts in order to improve skills and charge higher prices. We also understand how challenging some students find online learning. That was exactly why we approached this Course from a different perspective. Our Online Courses were created to get our courses to students who do not live in our location but also want to benefit from our knowledge. Why are we so confident you will get the best from our Online Course? Simple! We teach our concepts from scratch because we also learnt the concepts from scratch in a very jovial atmosphere. Learning new concepts can be daunting but we had to make it fun for you! I learnt everything from scratch myself. We are GREAT at what we do! It's time for you to take that plunge too and start to earn some serious income from your fashion business!Here's to Your Success...Tope Williams-AdewunmiFounder, Martwayne Fashion School"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Guide to Dart Manipulation" |
"As a fashion designer, it is crucial to not simply learn how to sew a dart, but also understand how to use darts and manipulate them to achieve the perfect design detail for your clothes. Darts are more than simple garment additions. They require key techniques that enable you alter the darts to achieve the look of your garment. The Complete Guide to Dart Manipulation from Martwayne shows how to apply key dart manipulation techniques to achieve several variations.This fashion course is for you if: You are a fashion designer who is unable to achieve your desired designs because of dart placements; You want to improve on your creativity as a fashion designer; You want to improve your pattern making skills; You want to become a fashion designer; Own a fashion line or you intend to start your ready to wear line.What the Complete Guide to Dart Manipulation from Martwayne offers youThis online course offers you the flexibility to learn anywhere and anytime at your convenience. With this course, you get: Bonus Modules: This course gives you access to 4 bonus modules for free Higher Income Opportunity: Increasingly, there is a demand for those with unique skills, who can creatively manipulate basic techniques to create unique designs. This sets you apart and positions you to charge higher for the added value you are now able to offer clients.Here is a glimpse of what you learn in this course:Core Modules: Dart Manipulation Techniques and Application Explore the possibilities available with dart manipulation Learn the slash and spread method of dart manipulation and how they are used in 3 applications Learn the pivotal technique of dart manipulation and practise in 2 applicationsBonus Modules Know your pattern making tools Understanding technical drawings How to label a pattern for commercial purposes. Course recapWe know first-hand what it feels like to learn new concepts in order to improve skills and charge higher prices. We also understand how challenging some students find online learning. Our Online Courses were also created to get our courses to learners who do not live in our location but want to benefit from our knowledge. Why are we so confident you will get the best from our Online Course? Simple! We teach our concepts from scratch because we also learnt the concepts from scratch in a very relaxed atmosphere. Learning new concepts can be daunting but we had to make it fun for you! I learnt everything from scratch myself. We are GREAT at what we do! It's time for you to take that plunge too and start to earn some serious income from your fashion business!Here's to Your Success...Tope Williams-AdewunmiFounder, Martwayne Fashion School"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Pass Your CCNA R&S (200-125) - 300+ Practice Test Questions" |
"The popular CCNA popular certification tests your knowledge of networking concepts and the day-to-day configuration of Cisco routers and switches. It is a great technical certification that can enhance your career and open doors to many IT careers. The Cisco CCNA certification is also the foundation of other Cisco certification tracks, such as the CCNP. The CCNA exams will test your knowledge of real-world networking concepts and Cisco features found on most networks today.And for pass out the CCNA exams, students must have an excellent practice to attempt the exams and excellent skills about CCNA R&S. This practice test has been designed to help you prepare for the style of questions you will receive on the CCNA exams. It also helps you understand the topics you can expect to be tested on for each exam. Enroll now and perform tests now to check your skills and knowledge about CCNA R&S. Each Practice Test Section has different elements that help you prepare to pass your CCNA certification exams. Each section holds the following features:The Problems Youll Work On: Each test section opens with a quick introduction on what is covered in that test, along with a list of topics you can expect questions on for that practice test.Network Diagrams: CCNA certification exams are very hands-on focused; that said, network diagrams are used in the questions as often as possible so that you can analyze a specific situation and solve a problem!Good Luck Students!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"California Bail Enforcement and Fugitive Recovery Training" |
"This is a familiarity course which deals with Bounty Hunting, also known as Bail enforcement and Fugitive Recovery, in the State of California, and covers a wide range of topics such as; Lecture 1This is the introduction and the disclaimer notice. Here we discuss the table of contents and what to expect from this training curriculum, and go over the different presentation slides included herein, including; About the Instructor, What is Bounty Hunting? California PC 1299, California PC 837-Citizens Arrest, PC 832-Powers to Arrest, Active Listening, Bail Agent Licensing, Undercover, Firearms Laws, Skip Tracing, Documentation, Less-Lethal Weapons, Additional Training, Duty Gear, Consequences, Considerations, and we will wrap up with a Summary to recap everything that we learned in this presentation.Lecture 2This lecture is about the instructor's training, experience, and work background.Lecture 3This module will talk about bounty hunting statistics in the United States, Miranda Rights, Illegally obtained evidence, English Common Law, Bail and the Bail Schedule, Commercial Bail, and the legality of bail and bounty hunting in various states. Students will also become familiar with Taylor v. Taintor (a supreme case ruling), federal law, California PC 1299 (California's ""Bail Fugitive Persons Recovery Act""), Qualified Immunity (which does not apply to Bounty Hunters), the generic term ""Officer of the Court,"" and a Bounty Hunter's authority.Lecture 4This module is about California's ""Bail Fugitive Recovery Persons Act,"" which is the statutory authority government Bounty Hunting in California, and California Penal Code 1299, which sets forth the rules and regulations for Bounty Hunting in the state. There is no licensing for Bounty Hunters in the state of California, but there are training requirements which must be met by anyone wishing to bounty hunt lawfully in the state of California. This module discusses PC 1299, and the training requirements set forth and enumerated in the California Penal Code, such as; mandatory California Penal Code 832-Powers to Arrest (40 hours) training, and Bail Education Classroom Training (20 hours), which are both required in order to legally bounty hunt in the state. PC 1299 also describes the criteria of persons permitted to bounty hunt in California, limiting such to Bounty Hunters (Fugitive Recovery Persons), Bail Agents, and Private Investigators. There are additional rules and guidelines for out of state Bail Agents, and Private Investigators who are authorized by their respective authority to remand a fugitive, which requires for such to be in accordance with Penal Code 847.5. Additionally, this module discusses bounty hunter insignia and identification, PC 1301 and the urgency to return a captured wanted persons into the custody of authorities immediately, and the process of recovering a fugitive, which entails notifying law enforcement within reasonable time prior to a recovery, unless exigent circumstances exist, for which there is a process and recourse of action. Lecture 5This module discusses California state laws on citizens arrest, as codified in California Penal Code 837, and further goes over a Bounty Hunter's or Fugitive Recovery Persons statutory authority in respect to the arrest of fugitives. Bounty Hunters, Bail Agents, and Private Investigators are not Law Enforcement Officers or Peace Officers, thus, can only affect an arrest in the capacity of a civilian or citizen, and do not have any special powers or privileges which further grant them arrest authority. This module also goes over arrest vs. detainment, bail bond paperwork, positively identifying wanted persons, Failure to Appear (FTA) warrants (misdemeanor, and felony), A private persons right to enter a private property dwelling to recover a fugitive (California Penal Code 844), Taylor vs. Taintor, private property and owner consent, California Penal Code 838 & 839 and the summoning of private persons in aid of a citizens arrest, Miranda Rights, and evidence obtained incidental to an arrest.Lecture 6California Penal Code 832-Powers to Arrest is a mandatory 40 hour training requirement for any persons bounty hunting. This lecture goes in depth into what students can expect from their California PC 832-Powers to Arrest course, and covers topics such as; California Penal Code, Defense Tactics, Situational Awareness, Jeff Cooper's Awareness Color Code, Meta-cognition, Cognitive Bias, Dynamics of a Situation, Body Language, and Active Listening. Students will also learn about Fight-or-Flight, Escalation of Force (Command Presence, Verbal Command, Show of Force, Soft Techniques, Hard Techniques, and Deadly Force).Lecture 7Active listening is an invaluable skill which you can apply in almost any line of work. In this module we talk about active listening, 3 communication types (visual, auditory, and kinesthetic), use of Active Listening in dealing with non-compliant individuals/fugitives, expressive and instrumental personality types, components to Active Listening, which are; minimal encouragements, paraphrasing, emotion labeling, mirroring, open-ended questions, ""I"" message, and usage of effective pauses. Lecture 8This lecture discusses ""Bail Agent Pre-Licensing Education,"" which is one of the two training requirements mandated as set forth under California Penal Code 1299, and is a 20 hour classroom education training curriculum necessary to obtain by any person looking to engage in bounty hunting. There is no exam required for bounty hunters, and this training requirement will suffice, so long as all other requirements are met as outlined in PC 1299. In this module we will also talk about bail agents and private investigators, and felons who are bail agents and wish to bounty hunt legally.Lecture 9Undercover operations for bounty hunters includes the topics of reconnaissance and social engineering, disguises, props, theatrics, aesthetics, mirroring techniques, environmental psychology, and being inconspicuous while making transports, and a technique known as ""Dry Cleaning.""Lecture 10This module focuses on firearms laws in California, such as California Penal Code 25850, and exceptions to firearms possession, which includes; valid concealed carry weapons permits, LEOSA (Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act), exceptions for licensed Private Investigators with valid PI firearms permit, and a California loophole as defined in PC 26050, which allows for any person to carry a loaded firearm while making or attempting to make a lawful arrest. Here, we also discuss the Lawful transportation of firearms, as per California PC 25610, firearms laws in respect to Tribal Land, and Private Property, as well as the myth of a California Armed Security Guard Card/License being an exception to California firearms carry laws. We'll also discuss firearms safety and carrying rural areas.Lecture 11Tracking down and locating a fugitive, or ""bail skipper,"" is also known as ""skip tracing,"" which is just another term for ""investigations."" This module explores skip tracing, and investigative tools such as the internet, the deep web, and a internet search technique known as ""Google Dorking."" We will also talk about the advantages of social media, social engineering, and canary tokens, and their utilization in our pursuit of fugitives. Lecture 12Report writing is paramount to good investigative practices. This module will familiarize students with good report writing practices, use of databases, memory techniques, body cameras, audio recording devices, photography, and meta-data.Lecture 13In this module students will learn about less-lethal weapons which can be used for pain compliance and/or incapacitation. Here, we will also discuss the use of Tasers and OC (Oleoresin Capsicum), Stun Guns, and Batons. In addition, we'll also discuss the dangers of Tasers, such as ""Exited Delirium,"" and circumstances in which different less-lethal weapons would be preferred over other means of force. Lecture 14Additional training and education is imperative for anyone pursuing the work of a bounty hunting, and may include firearms training, first aid & CPR, surveillance, facial recognition, physiognomy, identification documents (ID recognition), crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED), verbal judo and negotiations, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), body language, proxemics, and psychology.Lecture 15In this learning domain we discuss bulletproof vests (body armor) and the different levels of protection offered by body armor (level I, IIA, II, IIIA, III, and IV), mechanical wrist restraints and mechanical leg restraints, first aid kits, safety goggles, body cameras, radios, duty belts and accessories (miscellaneous items such as holsters), and the importance of duty gear, especially that which takes priority over other duty items and articles.Lecture 16Considerations include criminal and civil penalties, fines/fees, and loss of licensing for bail agents, bail companies, and private investigators. Also, criminal charges can further impact you as a Bounty Hunter, as certain criminal offenses could disqualify you from being California PC 1299 compliant, and/or effect your rights to possess firearms, etc.Lecture 17Bounty Hunting is dangerous, as here we discuss the many case examples of bounty hunting gone wrong and what you can do to minimize the risk involved, and things to keep in mind while bounty hunting so that you can do your job. Lecture 18A recap of the training curriculum, reinforcing the topics encompassed in this education presentation, including; What is Bounty Hunting? California PC 1299, California PC 837-Powers to Arrest, Active Listening, Bail Agent Pre-Licensing, Undercover, Carrying Firearms in California, Skip Tracing and Investigations, Documentation, Less-Lethal Weapons, Additional Training, Duty Gear, Consequences and Liability, and Considerations such as Criminal/Civil Penalties, etc.."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Get the Career You want, by Managing Up, Be The Rising Star" |
"This course is all about how to MANAGE your Boss! Not with manipulation or trickery. By taking a different approach to how you relate to them and your approach to building and adding value in your role.Welcome to a course all about how to MANAGE UP, compiled by an experienced businessman who over the years has had thousands of employees, and knows a good thing when he sees one.I put this course together because this information is simply not available. I have witnessed employees with huge potential get bypassed and ignored. They simply don't understand how to make themselves get heard and stand out.Are you ready to change this and become the next right-hand man or woman? Or simply get the recognition and rewards you deserve?Use your existing skills and get them seen in a more favourable light.Become a valuable part of the team, the right-hand man or woman that they simply can't do without.How to have your ideas and suggestions reviewed as valuable and more likely to be taken up.Get yourself heard.Be invited to the meetings, asked for your opinion, be seen and finally feel as valued as you should.Then WELCOME, join me.This short course will give you a framework to help you position your skills and experience in a new light. Get what you want from your bosses and supervisors, by helping them!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |