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Python |
"Business Impact Python 1000 2020 Glove Python Python Youtuber Techlead 2020 Python Youtube Top Programming Languages in 2020 Web, AI Python Jupter Notebook Python Pandas Spreadsheet Excel DataFrame Maplotlib Seaborn"
Price: 2800.00 ![]() |
"C# Bsico com .NET Core" |
"Aprenda o bsico de programao com uma das linguagens de programao mais poderosas do mundo, o C# .Net Core. Neste curso ser apresentado o bsico da programao utilizando o C# e a IDE da Microsoft, o Visual Studio na verso 2019.Mas fique tranquilo, o que ser mostrado neste curso funciona com praticamente todas as verses do Visual Studio.O principal motivo deste curso existir para que a informao consiga chegar para mais pessoas de uma forma simples e interessante.O mercado de trabalho esta buscando profissionais qualificados na rea de programao e eu estou aqui para lhe ajudar a dar o primeiro passo na sua carreira."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to trade patterns that regularly occur in the markets." |
"Do you struggle to understand some of the regular movements that happen in the markets?Many people spend hours searching the internet and going to expensive courses, only to find out they could have done this course earlier with Udemy. Don't crash your trading account on the rocks, never to return or seen again. But what you can learn is a guide, that can keep you afloat so that you will have a fighting chance within the markets. So I will guide you through some of the most seen patterns in the markets. You will learn the secrets that they hold, so you can better pick the direction of the next move up or down. What will you learn about Trend lines The basics of how candlesticks workPattern structure.Time frames of patterns.Targeting area/zones the likely area price will move. And much much more.I will give you a 30-day, no questions asked money-back guarantee. if you feel that you are not 100% completely satisfied. Enroll now so you can find a way through all of the jargon, to see a path that clears the way for you to try out, and test yourself to see if the markets are really what you have been searching for. Use a free demo account to really test out what you have learnt with no risk.Click on the Add to cart button at the top of the page, and I will start teaching you right away with lectures. as well as show you live chart examples that turned a profit."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Educao Bilngue" |
"Neste curso, voc conhecer as principais teorias e prticas sobre a Educao Bilngue no Brasil e nos demais pases onde esta modalidade educacional aplicada de forma bem sucedida. O mdulo 1 - Introdutrio tambm abordar os aspectos legais relacionados educao bilngue no contexto brasileiro e permitir uma viso sobre responsabilidade e prticas efetivas, tanto em escolas pblicas quanto privadas em nosso pas."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Penny Likes" |
"In this video course, you will discover how to increase social proof and engagement on your Facebook fan page which results in more leads, sales, and profits!Social proof on your Facebook fan page is a significant conversion factor as to why people will see you as an authority and ultimately buy from you, or they go to your competitor.Topics covered:Introduction and Quick OverviewWhy Targeted Likes?Winning Out Of the Gate5 Minute ContentTwo Birds With One StoneSetting Up Your Ad CampaignSetting Up Your Ad SetSetting Up Your Ad"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Multiple Mini Interview Midwifery Workshop" |
"MMIs tend to be a fun way to interview, and with this course you'll enjoy your day and feel well prepared.""I interviewed yesterday and received an offer today. It was my first mmi style interview and I felt so prepared when I was asked questions, I was able to answer easily and talk comfortably. The strategies I learnt enabled me to answer and I'm so grateful.""The MMI Workshop Course covers:A recorded MMI Workshop which gives an approach for answering any question, and will help you perfect your performanceResources on midwifery knowledge, philosophy and current events, so all your responses are on pointA final MMI questions quiz, to ensure you're ready and you can shine- Kelly""I had my interview today. This allowed me to talk for the whole five minutes on every question (which I thought Id struggle with.) I came away from the interview feeling like I had said a lot and feeling confident.""- Emma""Thank you so much Ellie. The time went so quickly in the Interview and I really enjoyed it and felt at ease and that's all down to you and your help with prepping for it.""- RuthieThis course will be most useful for UK based applicants, though aspiring midwives from around the world have found it helpful."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a realizar una inspeccin fotovoltaica con drones." |
"Este curso va dirigido a todas las personas con espritu emprendedor que desean aprender las bases necesarias para crear su propio negocio en el sector renovable y especificamente en el mundo de las inspecciones industriales con drones.En este primer curso de inspecciones industriales con drones, aprenderemos los conocimientos bsicos pero imprescindibles para poder iniciar nuestro negocio en el sector fotovoltaico.Aprenderemos primero a conocer el funcionamiento de una instalacin fotovoltaica y luego a reconocerla segn sus elementos, configuracin, distribucin y tipologa; esto es muy importante porque gracias a esta informacin podremos tener de forma rpida una idea del tipo de planta fotovoltaica a la que nos vamos a enfrentar y por lo tanto el tipo de inspeccin que debemos realizar.Como veremos a lo largo del curso, en funcin del tipo de instalacin fotovoltaica a inspeccionar debemos elegir nuestro dron y los sensores (cmaras) a utilizar, no ser lo mismo inspeccionar una planta fotovoltaica de pequeas dimensiones a inspeccionar una planta fotovoltaica de ms de 1.000 hectreas.Conocer el tipo de instalacin y luego poder organizarla siguiendo un criterio estndar es fundamental porque esto nos permitir ofrecer nuestros servicios a cualquier planta fotovoltaica prxima a nuestra localidad y tambin a nivel mundial. Esta organizacin y distribucin de los elementos que componen una instalacin es un punto crtico al momento de identificar y localizar los daos en instalaciones de gran tamao, por este motivo en este curso aprenderemos una tcnica para numerar de forma fcil y rpida todos los paneles fotovoltaicos de una instalacin, de esta manera tendremos localizados los mdulos fotovoltaicos antes y despus de realizar la inspeccin con drones, hecho que nos facilitar el trabajo de procesado.Adems de aprender tcnicas fciles para numerar los elementos de una instalacin fotovoltaica, veremos el dron que mejor se adapta a cada tipo de inspeccin y analizaremos si es conveniente utilizar drones y sensores (cmaras) de una misma marca o compensa utilizar soluciones combinadas.Tambin veremos diferentes modelos de negocio a tener en consideracin antes de decidirnos a realizar una inversin y comprar drones y cmaras.En este curso veremos las diferentes opciones de software que existen en el mercado para planificar una inspeccin fotovoltaica con drones de forma exitosa y analizaremos sus pros y sus contras. Posteriormente haremos un caso prctico que incluye una planificacin para inspeccionar una planta fotovoltaica real ubicada en Espaa.En los siguientes cursos que publicaremos aprenderemos a organizar ese gran volumen de imgenes (Big Data) que obtendremos tras realizar la inspeccin. Veremos como clasificar, analizar y caracterizar cada tipo de dao para posteriormente poder generar informes que aporten valor a nuestros clientes. En los prximos cursos tambin aprenderemos a georeferenciar todas nuestras imgenes captadas con drones en un plano tipo Google Earth para posteriormente asociarlas a los daos que hemos identificado tras la inspeccin. Aprenderemos tcnicas fciles (que no requieren de conocimientos informticos) para exportar los metadatos de nuestras imgenes.Este es el primero de una secuencia de cursos asociados a las inspecciones industriales en el sector renovable: fotovoltaica, elica y lneas areas de alta tensin."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"The Art of Learning Accounting and Achieving Greater Success" |
"Learning accounting can be difficult. However, learning and knowing at least some basic accounting is crucial for success in not only the field of accounting, but also in the business world at large. Furthermore, having at least a basic understanding of accounting can increase your marketability and also make you more competitive for jobs in numerous fields. Unfortunately, the way that accounting is generally taught in college classes and seminars can make it even more difficult to learn. You start getting all of this confusing terminology thrown at you and then youre expected to analyze transactions without knowing what the terminology means. As a college lecturer of accounting, I've witnessed firsthand that this approach is often a recipe for failure. I'm also a CPA and a CFE with over fifteen years of accounting industry experience where I have prepared some of the most complex financial statements in the world, structured some of the most complex accounting transactions, and performed some of the most complex accounting work that there is. In this course, we will take a different approach as we start from the ground up and learn the basics before we dive into the more complex topics like analyzing transactions and preparing financial statements. Like I do in the collegiate accounting classes that I teach, I will explain the concepts in plain and easy to understand language and we'll approach learning accounting like putting together the pieces of a puzzle (while I give you important tips and clues that can help you identify what you need to know). In this class, I have included numerous handouts, quizzes, projects and assignments to help you learn accounting so that at the completion of this class, you will be able to identify and examine assets, liabilities, and equities, and you will know what debits and credits are and how they impact the different types of accounts. You will also be able to prepare journal entries, record those entries into the various accounts, prepare a trial balance, prepare adjusting entries, prepare an adjusted trial balance, and then prepare and analyze financial statements. Over the past seven years, I have helped hundreds of students learn financial accounting and go on to achieve greater success, and I can help you do exactly that too."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Enfrentando a Ansiedade" |
"Se voc se sente ansioso(a), eu quero lhe fazer algumas perguntas:Quantas vezes voc j se sentiu agoniado, agitado?Quantas vezes o medo e a ansiedade j impediram voc de fazer algo?Quantas vezes a ansiedade j estragou um dia na sua vida que poderia ter sido muito mais felizQuantas vezes voc se sentiu tenso, com dores no corpo e irritado?O excesso de ansiedade algo terrvel que atinge milhes de pessoas em todo mundo e, a cada dia, mais pessoas acabam sentindo os efeitos disso em suas vidas.O grande problema relacionado ansiedade a nossa falta de conhecimento em como interpretar aquilo que nosso corpo e mente esto dizendo e de como agir quando isso ocorre. Quando no sabemos bem como algo nos atinge, fica praticamente impossvel saber como aquilo est agindo em nossas vidas e ai que a ansiedade acaba ganhando fora e atrapalhando nossas vidas.Se voc se sente:Ansioso com muita frequncia;Sente que isso est atrapalhando sua vida;Est interferindo no seu relacionamento;Causando problemas no trabalho;Ou em qualquer outra situao em sua vidaSaiba que: isso tem soluo e pode mudar!E o primeiro passo para isso entender como a ansiedade funciona e tomar as aes certas para que isso mude de uma vez por todas.No curso Enfrentando a Ansiedade, eu, Luiz Felipe (Psiclogo Cognitivo Comportamental), com anos de experincia em plantes psicolgicos e atendimento, vou ajudar voc a:Entender como a ansiedade funciona;Aprender a como agir para ter domnio e vencer esse problema em sua vida;Finalmente poder ter uma vida mais tranquila sem sofrer com o excesso de ansiedade e tudo o que ela atrapalha;PARA QUEM ESSE CURSO FEITO?Para todas as pessoas que sentem que a ansiedade est atrapalhando em algo em suas vidas e realmente deseja enfrentar essa situao e alcanar uma soluo.COMO O CURSO FUNCIONA?O curso vai ensinar tudo o que essencial para voc entender bem como a ansiedade funciona (fase do conhecimento) e todos os passos para que voc consiga enfrentar a ansiedade na sua vida para chegar tranquilidade (fase da execuo).COMO ESSE CURSO PODE AJUDAR VOC?O curso vai ajudar voc logo no primeiro passo inicial que compreender como o ""processo da ansiedade"" aflinge voc, mostrando os mecanismos de pensamento e os artifcios mentais que nos levam a se sentir mais ansiosos.Aps isso o curso ensinar todos os passos para que voc consiga aplicar uma mudana efetiva em sua vida para reduzir o estresse e ansiedade e alcanar um nvel melhor de tranquilidade e qualidade para sua vida.O QUE VOC PRECISA PARA COMEAR?Apenas realizar a sua inscrio, ter acesso internet e, pelo menos, 20 min por dia para assistir demosntrados nas videoaulas e aplicar os ensinamentos na sua vida.QUANTO TEMPO EU CONSIGO SENTIR ALGUMA DIFERENA?Logo nas primeiras aulas, voc comear a ter um outra viso da ansiedade e j comear a notar diferenas em como voc percebe isso em sua mente e corpo."
Price: 339.99 ![]() |
"Starting your business in Medical Aesthetics" |
"A fabulous starting point for starting a business in Medical Aesthetics. Resources, advice, information and troubleshooting to get your business off to a successful start. Tracey has over 26 years in Nursing and several years experience in the Aesthetics Industry. Alongside this she is a trainer, mentor and coach with teaching and management qualifications to support this. Online course support available. All material from this course is copyright protected; Copyright 2020 East Riding Aesthetics. All rights reserved."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to Parent in 13,180 Easy Steps!" |
"Hint: It's not really 13,000+ steps. All lessons are less than 3 minutes long!As a type A person and believer in the 80/20 rule, I sorted through the clickbait and put together this list of strategies and hacks to help you be a better parent then all of your friends. And it's OK to say that. To have a vision of success, to believe that your kids are unique, and to compare your family to others are all normal things. To have those times where you feel out of control; feel embarrassment; and feel like you could use a hand are all normal too. That's why we offer everything we can to help. Give this course (or any parenting course that works for you) a shot. The cost is worth it. Note, this was originally a 6 month podcast, and it still holds it's ""Audio First"" format. Audio is overlayed on a static photo for this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Use AppSumo to Build Your Business" |
"This is course is for freelancers and marketing agencies looking to build their business with the right processes and systems to take them to the next level. This course is meant for ones needing a solution to find software that can solve their business problems including systems, automation, scaling outreach for clients and many more applications for their business."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Python 3 Course: Beginner to Advanced in 2020!" |
"Do you want to learn Python 3?You have come to the right place, welcome to the Python 3 for beginners course, where you will learn how to create real-world Python programs from scratch. If you have no previous knowledge or experience in Python, you will like that the course begins with Python basics. Even if you have some experience in programming in Python, this course can help you learn some new information you had missed before. Each section of the course is linked to the previous one in terms of utilizing what was already learned and each topic is supplied with lots of examples which will help students in their process of learning. Upon the completion of this course, you should be able to write programs that have real-life applications.__________________________________________________________________________Why should you learn Python?Python is one of the fastest-growing programming languages on the planet.Even compared to other popular languages. Python is way ahead.It is also projected to be one of the most popular programming languages way into the futureIt doesn't matter whether you want to focus on Web applications, Games, Machine learning or Data Science, Python is used everywhere.__________________________________________________________________________Welcome To The Complete Python 3 Course: Beginner to Advanced in 2020! Watch the promo video to see How You Can Begin Building And Developing Your Very Own Python Programs Today! This Course is MASSIVE! You receive over 20+ hours of video content & 40+ lectures! Join Thousands Of Students Who Are Taking Python Courses This Year!Then this course is for you! Click ""Take This Course Now"" For Instant Life-Time Access!__________________________________________________________________________Here Is Everything You Will Learn In Our Complete Course:Python is an easy and fun language to learn, and it is now one of the most popular programming languages, suitable for almost any task from doing data science, machine learning, to developing graphical user interfaces and building web applications.From the very basics to advanced concepts, this Python programming course is perfect for students wanting to become web or game developers. This course is also open to all learners who wish to gain an understanding of the basic components of computer programming. You will learn basic computer programming concepts and terminologies such as Variables, Operations with Variables, Casting, Code Branching (if, else if, else), Python Data Structures (Lists, Tuples, Sets, Dictionaries), Loops (for, while), Break & continue statements, Work with files (create, open, write, append), Exception Handling, Functions, Recursive Functions, How to debug applications, Object-Oriented Programming, Inheritance, Iterators and much more__________________________________________________________________________With the right mindset, understanding, and application of the teachings in this course, you will instantly begin to move towards mastering Python!When I learn something new, I add it to the course - at no additional cost to you! This is a course that will continue to add more and more to every aspect of your life.In addition to the Udemy 30-day money back guarantee, you have my personal guarantee that you will love what you learn in this course. If you ever have any questions please feel free to message me directly and I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible!__________________________________________________________________________What I can't do in this Course..I can't guarantee your success this course does take work on your part. But You Can Do It!I am also not responsible for your actions. You are responsible for 100% of the decisions and actions you make while using this course.__________________________________________________________________________This course will not remain this price forever! It's time to take action!Click the ""take this course"" button at the top right now!...every hour you delay is costing you money...See you in the course!Sincerely,Coach Fru Louis"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Yoga course online" |
"Yoga course online offered through Udemy. Tanja Homrichhausen is the yoga teacher/instructor and yoga therapist for Vinyasa flow and Ashtanga yoga as well as Hatha yoga. Meditation, music and relaxation are also introduced. Inside meditation and yoga are offered. Bonus lecture and ability to speak with the instructor during and after the course are welcome. "
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Final Cut Pro X Sfrdan Zirveye" |
"Final Cut hakknda bilmeniz gereken her eyi size retmek iin Ortalama 150 dakikalk bir video ierii hazrladm.Bugn gerekten ok kapsaml bir eitimimiz var.Video dzenlemenin temellerini renmek istiyorsanz, size her eyi reteceim.Bu kurs, mutlak acemiler ve kendini gelitirmek isteyen basic kullanclar iin tasarlanmtr, yani Final Cut ile nceden bir deneyiminizin olmasna gerek yoktur.Ayrca, bu yazlm nasl kullanacanz renmenize yardmc olmas iin en ok lazm olan ksayollar PDF klavuzu olarak hazrladm.Hazrlam olduum ksayollara ve eitim iin gerekli olan dosyalara, eitim ieriinden cretsiz olarak ulaabilirsiniz.Balamadan nce iki kk ey daha var; her eyden nce, eer bunlardan herhangi birine taklrsanz bilmenizi istediim eylerden biri de uzaktan zel dersler vermem.Yln belli zamanlarnda daha ileri dzey bireysel video ekim ve dzenleme eitimleride veriyorum, bu eitimlerde video ekim teknikleri, ekipman seimi ve kullanm, ileri seviye final cut dzenleme bilgileride bulunmakta. Benimle almak hakknda daha ayrntl bilgi edinmek istiyorsanz, fiyatlar olduka makul tutmaya altmda hatrlatmak isterim.."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"AWS DVA-C00 Certified Developer Associate Practice Exam" |
"This is the only course on Udemy that offers hands-on practice tests with a total of 500+ hand-selected questions, the current major certification exam and limited time, which will help you prepare for the exam environment. You will get a Good Score in the Official DVA-C00 AWS Certified Developer Associate Test.Exam InformationExam Title : DVA-C00 AWS Certified Developer Associate TestDuration of Exam : 300 minutes Number of Questions : 586 (Multiple Choice) Passing score : 75% Exam Format : Multiple-Choice"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"PMI CAPM Certified Associate in Project Management Exam" |
"This is the only course on Udemy that offers hands-on practice tests with a total of 500+ hand-selected questions, the current major certification exam and limited time, which will help you prepare for the exam environment. You will get a Good Score in the Official PMI CAPM Certified Associate in Project Management ExamExam InformationExam Title : PMI CAPM Certified Associate in Project Management ExamDuration of Exam : 360 minutes Number of Questions : 593 (Multiple Choice) Passing score : 75% Exam Format : Multiple-Choice"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA CV0-001 Cloud+ Certification Practice Exam" |
"This is the only course on Udemy that offers hands-on practice tests with a total of 500+ hand-selected questions, the current major certification exam and limited time, which will help you prepare for the exam environment. You will get a Good Score in the Official CompTIA CV0-001 Cloud+ Certification Practice Exam.Exam InformationExam Title : CompTIA CV0-001 Cloud+ Certification Practice ExamDuration of Exam : 300 minutes Number of Questions : 457 (Multiple Choice) Passing score : 75% Exam Format : Multiple-Choice"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"400-101 CCIE Routing and Switching Written Practice Exam" |
"This is the only course on Udemy that offers hands-on practice tests with a total of 500+ hand-selected questions, the current major certification exam and limited time, which will help you prepare for the exam environment. You will get a Good Score in the Official 400-101 CCIE Routing and Switching Written Practice Exam.Exam InformationExam Title : 400-101 CCIE Routing and Switching Written Practice ExamDuration of Exam : 240 minutes Number of Questions : 483 (Multiple Choice) Passing score : 75% Exam Format : Multiple-Choice"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"PMI CA0-001 Certified Associate in Project Management Exam" |
"This is the only course on Udemy that offers hands-on practice tests with a total of 500+ hand-selected questions, the current major certification exam and limited time, which will help you prepare for the exam environment. You will get a Good Score in the Official 400-101 CCIE Routing and Switching Written Practice Exam.Exam InformationExam Title : PMI CA0-001 Certified Associate in Project Management ExamDuration of Exam : 300 minutes Number of Questions : 500 (Multiple Choice) Passing score : 75% Exam Format : Multiple-Choice"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"BCABA Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst Exam" |
"This is the only course on Udemy that offers hands-on practice tests with a total of 500+ hand-selected questions, the current major certification exam and limited time, which will help you prepare for the exam environment. You will get a Good Score in the Official BCABA Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst Exam.Exam InformationExam Title : BCABA Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst ExamDuration of Exam : 150 minutes Number of Questions : 270 (Multiple Choice) Passing score : 75% Exam Format : Multiple-Choice"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"CSQA Certified Software Quality Analyst Practice Exam" |
"This is the only course on Udemy that offers hands-on practice tests with a total of 500+ hand-selected questions, the current major certification exam and limited time, which will help you prepare for the exam environment. You will get a Good Score in the Official CSQA Certified Software Quality Analyst Practice Exam.Exam InformationExam Title : CSQA Certified Software Quality Analyst Practice ExamDuration of Exam : 150 minutes Number of Questions : 320 (Multiple Choice) Passing score : 75% Exam Format : Multiple-Choice"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Sun 310-090 Certified Business Component Developer J2EE Exam" |
"This is the only course on Udemy that offers hands-on practice tests with a total of 500+ hand-selected questions, the current major certification exam and limited time, which will help you prepare for the exam environment. You will get a Good Score in the Official Sun 310-090 Certified Business Component Developer J2EE Exam.Exam InformationExam Title : Sun 310-090 Certified Business Component Developer J2EE ExamDuration of Exam : 150 minutes Number of Questions : 300 (Multiple Choice) Passing score : 75% Exam Format : Multiple-Choice"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Excel Essencial" |
"Voc vai ter o domnio de todos os conceitos principais, que so indispensveis na sua carreira de utilizador do Pacote de Microsoft Excel. Voc vai ter o domnio de todos os conceitos principais, que so indispensveis na sua carreira de utilizador do Pacote de Microsoft Excel.A linguagem de fcil compreenso de modo que voc no sinta dificuldades em perceber a matria que transmitida. As aulas so interativas e prticas."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Simple Weekly Meal Planning" |
"When it comes to eating healthy, you probably get the gist of it. Increase veggies and whole foods, decrease sugar and junk food.Although it sounds easy in theory, for a busy person who's probably juggling 5 (or 25) things at once, eating out, grabbing snacks all day, or buying pre-packaged can seem like the only realistic solution to satisfying your hunger.Unfortunately, that solution also makes the physical body feel bad (digestive, mood, weight and skin problems to boot).Simple Weekly Meal Planning was created for you to be able to keep up their busy lifestyle, while at the same time controlling what you eat, eliminating any excesses of junk or processed foods, while ensuring that you are getting enough nutrient-dense foods daily.Once you've gone through the course materials, and done the homework, you'll be a pro at meal planning and will be able to incorporate it as a new life-long habit, that takes you only 15 minutes per week...and saves over an hour.Not only will you save money and time, but you'll reap the health benefits of eating regular, nutrient-dense meals and may even see some annoying symptoms disappear."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"SAP Analytics Cloud" |
"In this course you will learn how to use the newest SAP tool, SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC), to create analytical dashboards and be able to generate graphical analysis from the most diverse sources without having to program.SAC is a cloud analytical solution that expands the value of Business Intelligence (BI), business planning and increased analytical functions.In the near future, all SAP analytical solutions will be abandoned, and SAC will be the only analytical solution available in the SAP ecosystem. That is why this course is so relevant, as it presents practical and straightforward way how to operate this tool that is being adopted very quickly by all companies that use SAP.Professionals that operate this tool will have competitive advantage, given the lack of these BI solutions professionals.---------------------------Nesse curso voc vai aprender a utilizar a mais nova ferramenta da SAP, o SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC), para criar dashboard analticos e conseguir gerar anlises grficas das mais diversas fontes sem precisar programar.O SAC uma soluo analtica em nuvem que amplia o valor da BI (Business Intelligence), do planejamento empresarial e das funes analticas aumentadas.Em breve, todas as demais solues analticas da SAP sero abandonadas e o SAC ser a nica soluo analtica disponvel no ecossistema SAP. Por isso, esse curso to relevante, pois apresenta de maneira rpida, prtica e direto ao ponto como operar essa ferramenta que est sendo adotada muito rapidamente por todas as empresas que utilizam SAP.Os profissionais que conhecem e sabem operar essa ferramenta tero um grande diferencial competitivo pois o mercado tem carncia de profissionais que conheam solues de BI.---------------------------En este curso aprender como utilizar la herramienta ms nueva de SAP, SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC), para crear paneles analticos y generar anlisis grficos de las fuentes ms diversas sin tener que programar.SAC es una solucin analtica en la nube que ampla el valor de Business Intelligence (BI), la planificacin empresarial y el aumento de las funciones analticas.En un futuro cercano, todas las soluciones analticas de SAP sern abandonadas y SAC ser la nica solucin analtica disponible en el ecosistema SAP. Es por eso que este curso es tan relevante, ya que presenta de manera rpida, prctica y directa como operar esta herramienta que est siendo adoptada muy rpidamente por todas las compaas que utilizan SAP.Los profesionales que operan esta herramienta tendrn ventaja competitiva porque el mercado carece de profesionales que conozcan estas soluciones de BI."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Como criar um Backlog de Produto (PO, Scrum, gil)" |
"Se voc novo no mundo gil e pretende comear a atuar nessa rea, ou se voc PO ou j trabalha com Scrum mas gostaria de reciclar alguns conceitos e saber mais sobre as boas prticas que times na Europa tm aplicado, ESTE CURSO PRA VOC!Com aproximadamente 40 aulas e 3 horas de contedo, voc vai entender os desafios existentes para levantamento de requisitos de software e aprender diferentes tcnicas que te ajudaro a contornar esses desafios.Voc tambm aprender TUDO que voc precisa saber sobre User Stories (histrias de usurio), e entender o que se deve fazer (e o que deve ser evitado) para criar histrias de usurios de qualidade, bem como o que deve ser considerado para definir bons critrios de aceitao (incluindo uso de BDD, entre outros).O contedo do curso apresentado de maneira DIVERTIDA e DESCOMPLICADA, com metforas e EXEMPLOS REAIS, para que voc possa ter uma imerso completa no aprendizado. Aps o trmino do curso voc ter total condio de levantar e definir requisitos de software, criando o product backlog.Toda tcnica ou boas-prticas apresentadas neste curso podem e, preferencialmente, devem SER APLICADAS IMEDIATAMENTE no seu produto ou projeto, LOGO APS O TRMINO DA AULA. Portanto, voc no precisa esperar a concluso do curso para comear a colher resultados."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"PEGACSA-V6-2 Certified System Architect Practice Exam" |
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Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"PMI-002 Certify Associate Project Management Practice Exam" |
"Find the below Sample Questions*****************************Q) Planning components are tools or techniques of the Define Activities process. Which of the following are planning components?a) Executing processesb) Planning processesc) Controlling Processesd) Closing processesQ) Bar charts generally illustrate:a) Progress of status.b) The critical path.c) Budget relation ships.d) Logical relationships."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Como HIPNOTIZAR pessoas" |
"Muito prazer! Meu nome Renan Moura, sou Hipnoterapeuta, Professor de Hipnose pelo Porta da Mente, Palestrante, Practitioner em Programao Neurolingustica , produtor de contedo para o Youtube e dono do MAIOR aplicativo de hipnose do Brasil, o Porta da Mente.Costumo dizer que aprender hipnose vou um divisor de guas na minha vida. Antes disso, trabalhei muito tempo com Marketing, minha primeira formao, e conheci a hipnose por curiosidade, acreditava que tudo aquilo era to impressionante que parecia mentira. Como sou uma pessoa que quando duvido de algo vou estudar, descobri a hipnose e a partir dali, conheci melhor minha mente e minha vida mudou totalmente. Me tornei hipnoterapeuta, ajudando pessoas no tratamento de depresso, ansiedade, sndrome do pnico, fobias, vcios, emagrecimento, enfim, tudo relacionado a mente, usando a hipnose como principal ferramenta de mudana.Se voc uma pessoa que est buscando autodesenvolvimento, querendo entender melhor como sua mente funciona ou simplesmente est buscando uma ferramenta que possa fazer voc ter um conhecimento que poucas pessoas tem e utiliza-la para fazer a diferena na vida das pessoas, esse curso o seu primeiro passo.Ministro cursos de hipnose j fazem 3 anos, tenho mais de 30 turmas presenciais formadas com pessoas das mais diversas reas, desde terapeutas, advogados, at mesmo veterinrios. Se engana que somente terapeutas devam aprender hipnose, adquirir esse conhecimento ir fazer voc se aprimorar seja qual for sua rea, pois entendendo melhor sua mente e usando ela a seu favor, voc vai melhorar em diversos aspectos da sua vida, seja na questo da autoconfiana, motivao, ou at mesmo para te aproximar mais de seus objetivos.Hipnose basicamente comunicao, e saber se comunicar faz toda a diferena.Esse curso era um contedo exclusivo para alunos do Porta da Mente, mas resolvemos disponibilizar aqui para vocs. Nesse curso voc ir aprender do zero a como hipnotizar uma pessoa. Se voc uma pessoa que j tem conhecimento da rea, recomendo comprar meus cursos mais avanados. Esse curso para quem est comeando e quer ter um primeiro contato com a ferramenta, aprendendo as tcnicas para conseguir hipnotizar uma pessoa do zero.Esse curso ainda conta com a participao do meu amigo Thiago Ruiz, hipnoterapeuta que possui grande conhecimento e experincia na rea.Se voc quer fazer a diferena na multido, d agora esse primeiro passo."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Reduction of Stress and Anxiety" |
"This course will teach my clients techniques for daily stress and anxiety reduction, identifying and changing negative thinking, setting boundaries and managing negative intense emotions, such as anger. Course explains how to identify primary and secondary emotions, decrease those and reduce reactivity, how to let go easier of things that are out of your control and obtain more content, teaches communication techniques."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |