Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Explaining God's Creation with...Science." |
"When you complete this course you will understand how to combat the atheistic theories of creation. Through a discussion of biological tenets and the 4 steps of abiotic creation you will be able to explain how unlikely creation without divine intervention truly is. You will be able to speak intelligently with atheists using their own language. By meeting them where they are you will be a much better evangelist."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Guitar for total beginners by a pro tutor of 25+ years" |
"Using various camera angles to show the information step by step with on screen graphics to show you everything you need.Using a unique colour coded strumming technique that guarantees you learn to succeed to play in time so you can back your friends singing or later to joining a band!!Using over 30 fun songs by popular and classic artists like Green Day, The Foo Fighters,Adele, R.E.M.,The White Stripes, Oasis, The Clash, Bob Marley, David Bowie, James Morrison and many, many more!!This course will teach you all of the fundamental chords and popular strumming patterns to help you play any song you want!Learn fingerpicking songs or super cool rock riffsLearn melodies from Christmas songs to cool piano intros played on guitar for popular songsLearn how to read Tablature, chord charts and chord diagrams so you can head onto the upcoming intermediate courseLearn how to learn songs easily and quickly using Chord charts Use the website for extra resources and extra content which will be added monthly if you subscribe....get free downloadable blank tab sheets, blank sheet music, access to a tuner and a metronome. If you subscribe now you will have access to the upcoming intermediate and advanced courses (due Jan 2020 and Feb 2020) Also available from the website are the i-guitar courses in book form, which go perfectly hand in hand with these videos- although these videos are a stand alone product and the learning experience can be enhanced with all chord charts/strumming patterns laid out with high resolution photos and even more in-depth study and loads of extra riffs/songs!!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Matlab ve Arduino ile Otomatik (PID) Kontrol" |
"Matlab Simulink ile Arduinoyu beraber kullanarak orta dzeyden balayarak kendi uygulamalarmz gelitirerek Arduino ve Matlab kullanmay reneceiz. lerleyen ksmlarda ise Otomatik Kontrol (PID) iin Arduino ve Simulinkle uygulama rnekleriyle rendiklerimizi pekitireceiz. Yeri geldiinde uygulama yaparak yeri geldiinde temel bilgileri paylaarak kendimizi gelitireceiz. Arduinoyu Matlab ile beraber renmek isteyen arkadalar iin faydal olacan dnyorum."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Upwork |
". 5% $30/ , 2.5 $80 000. 2017 , . $30,000 Upwork $50,000 . $1000 Upwork. 3 $2000-3000 . . Dell, Under Armor, Rockefeller Foundation . - . 1% Upwork Platinum Designer 99designs ( 1 100 ). , , , -, , -, . 2-3 $30. 8 $240 . . , , . . / . Upwork, Upwork , . , ."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"roipins - Yabanc Siteler Kurarak Kazan Elde Etme Kiti" |
"Hibir teknik ve dil bilginiz olmasa bile yabanc web siteleri oluturacak ve Pinterest araclyla sitenize yksek yabanc ziyareti gelmesini salayacaksnz. Gelen bu ziyaretiler sayesinde yksek reklam gelirleri elde edeceksiniz. Yapacanz tm ilemleri istee bal olarak ek ayarlarla tam otomatik hale getirebilirsiniz. Yapmanz gereken tm ilemler eitim ierisinde ak ve net ekilde aktarlmaktadr, hibir ekilde ek bir kaynaa ihtiya duymayacaksnz."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
Empreenda |
"Voc j paga boletinhos e compra brusinhas pelo celular? Essa uma facilidade que muitos de ns j nos acostumamos e no largamos mais! Mas a Internet um espao, meu, seu e de todos ns, ela permite que todos os empreendedores e empreendedoras da nossa comunidade tambm possa divulgar e vender usando as redes sociais e lojas virtuais. O Empreenda um curso on-line feito para voc comear a vender na Internet: queremos te ensinar a fazer a divulgao (o famoso marketing) do seu negcio e colocar seus produtos criativos para venda na Internet. E a gente d bons motivos pra vir pra c, d s uma olhada nas habilidades que voc desenvolver com ajuda do nosso time:Marketing Digital - Hora da estratgia! Voc aprende estratgias simples de marketing digital para divulgar seu negcio, fortalecer seu espao e marca na Internet!Criao de Contedo - Hora de colocar a mo na massa! Voc aprende a criar as redes sociais do seu negcio e materiais promocionais para comear a divulgar na Internet.Criao de Loja Virtual - T chegando a hora! Voc aprender a usar o Mercado Shops para comear a cadastrar seus produtos, criar sua lojinha e comear a vender rpido.3 trilhas de aprendizado para fazer no seu tempo. Nossas trilhas de aprendizado so enxutas e as oficinas so rapidinhas, so feitas pela nossa comunidade e voc aprende experimentando e colocando a mo na massa, tudo com passo a passo. Voc faz tudo on-line, no seu tempo e se precisar de apoio durante as oficinas pode usar nossas ferramentas de ajuda para falar com nosso time.Voc precisa ter um negcio e querer comear a vender on-line."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"3D printing with Ultimaker CURA" |
"This course will start with an overview about additive manufacturing and 3d printing in general.Then the program will be explained in detail also through the use of practical examples.The lessons will be as clear and short as possible, to keep the focus on the most important things to learn.At the end the student will be able to print objects independently."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Nursing Home Administrators National Practice Test 101 & 102" |
"This 50 Question National Nursing Home Administrator practice test is designed to give people who are planning to take the NAB Exam a chance to practice questions Similar to those found on the test. This Practice test is excellent for the following but not limited to Healthcare Administration Students, & Administrators In Training. Test #101 & #102"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Nursing Home Administrators National Practice Test 103 & 104" |
"This 50 Question National Nursing Home Administrator practice test is designed to give people who are planning to take the NAB Exam a chance to practice questions Similar to those found on the test. This Practice test is excellent for the following but not limited to Healthcare Administration Students, & Administrators In Training. Test #103 & #104"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Rede de Computadores" |
"Curso---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Redes de computadores1. Apresentao ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Mdulo1. Conceitos gerais---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aula 1 do 1 Mdulo O que uma rede de computadores----------------------------------------------- Tpico 1 Entendendo as conexes de redes-------------------------------------------------- Tpico 2 Conhecendo as unidades de medidas --------------------------------------------- Tpico 3 Entendendo o que taxa de transferncia --------------------------------------- Tpico 4O QUE UMA REDECOMO SURGIU A NECESSIDADE DE REDESUNIDADES DE MEDIDA2. Componentes de uma rede------------------------------------------------------------- Aula 2 do 1 Mdulo Conhecendo as caractersticas das interfaces------------------------------------ Tpico 1 Tipos e categorias de cabeamento de rede-------------------------------------- Tpico 2 Conhecendo os ativos de rede------------------------------------------------------- Tpico 3COMPUTADORESPLACAS DE REDESADAPTADORESCABOSSWITCHESROTEADORESHUBMODEM3. Topologias de redes----------------------------------------------------------------------- Aula 3 do 1 Mdulo Conceito de topologia de redes------------------------------------------------------ Tpico 1 Conhecendo a topologia p2p e anel------------------------------------------------ Tpico 2 Topologia estrela, malha e hibrida-------------------------------------------------- Tpico 3TOPOLOGIA ANELTOPOLOGIA BARRAMENTOTOPOLOGIA ESTRELA4. Conceitos de LAN, MAN, WAM-------------------------------------------------------- Aula 4 do 1 Mdulo Tipos de transmisso de dados------------------------------------------------------- Tpico 1 Tecnologia de transmisso de dados----------------------------------------------- Tpico 2 Classificao em funo da distncia----------------------------------------------- Tpico 35. Modelos de redes-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aula 5 do 1 Mdulo O modelo OSI e suas primeiras camadas------------------------------------------- Tpico 1 As camadas de rede, transporte e sesso----------------------------------------- Tpico 2 A camada apresentao---------------------------------------------------------------- Tpico 3 Sobre a camada aplicao------------------------------------------------------------- Tpico 46. Entendendo o funcionamento das camadas--------------------------------------- Aula 6 do 1 Mdulo Conceito de PDU------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tpico 1 Conceito de pacote de dados ou datagrama-------------------------------------- Tpico 2 Processo de encapsulamento de dados/pacotes-------------------------------- Tpico 3PANLANMANWAN2. Protocolos----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Mdulo7. Conceito sobre protocolo---------------------------------------------------------------- Aula 1 do 2 Mdulo Conceito de protocolo------------------------------------------------------------------ Tpico 1 Conhecendo o modelo TCP/IP-------------------------------------------------------- Tpico 2 Conceito de pilha de protocolos----------------------------------------------------- Tpico 3CONCEITOIPMACMASCARA DE SUB REDEGATEWAY8. Protocolo IP---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aula 2 do 2 Mdulo Conceito sobre protocolo IP---------------------------------------------------------- Tpico 1 Entendendo os bits nas mscaras---------------------------------------------------- Tpico 2 Endereo fsico mac address------------------------------------------------------- Tpico 3ARPHTTPDHCPFTPDNSMODELO OSIESTRUTURA DO MODELO/CAMADASMODELO TCP/IPESTRUTURA DO MODELO/CAMADAS9. Entendendo as classes de endereos IPs/mscara de sub-rede------------- Aula 3 do 2 Mdulo Entendendo as classes de endereos IPs------------------------------------------ Tpico 1 Entendendo a importncia do IP/hostname-------------------------------------- Tpico 2 Mscara de sub-rede/CIDR------------------------------------------------------------ Tpico 310. Conhecendo ouros protocolos de redes-------------------------------------------- Aula 4 do 2 Mdulo Entendendo o protocolo DHCP------------------------------------------------------- Tpico 1 Protocolos de e-mail e de navegao----------------------------------------------- Tpico 2 Protocolos de acesso remoto--------------------------------------------------------- Tpico 3CONCEITOUSANDO O VIRTUAL BOXUSANDO DUAS MQUINAS VIRTUAIS PARA IMPLEMENTAO DA REDEDETALHES DAS MQUINAS VIRTUAIS11. Conceito de portas e incio da pratica------------------------------------------------ Aula 5 do 2 Mdulo Conceito de portas de comunicao de dados----------------------------------- Tpico 1 Preparando o ambiente para a pratica--------------------------------------------- Tpico 2 Montando o primeiro cenrio no packet tracer--------------------------------- Tpico 3CONCEITOCRIANDO LAYOUTNOME DOS COMPUTADORESGRUPOS DE REDECONFIGURANDO O IPCONFIGURANDO A MASCARA DE SUB REDE12. Configurando IP e testando a comunicao----------------------------------------- Aula 6 do 2 Mdulo Entendendo e configurando um host no packet tracer----------------------- Tpico 1 Configurando gateway, conceitos de arp e ping -------------------------------- Tpico 2 Entendendo o ping grfico e entendendo o pacote---------------------------- Tpico 33. Compartilhamento de dispositivos e dados ------------------------------------------------ 3 Mdulo13. Trabalhando com virtual box----------------------------------------------------------- Aula 1 do 3 Mdulo Criando uma mquina virtual--------------------------------------------------------- Tpico 1 Instalando sistema operacional------------------------------------------------------ Tpico 2 Configurando hostname e grupo de trabalho------------------------------------ Tpico 314. Configurao de IP e compartilhamento-------------------------------------------- Aula 2 do 3 Mdulo Entendendo a configurao manual de IP----------------------------------------- Tpico 1 Configurando o host--------------------------------------------------------------------- Tpico 2 Compartilhamento simples/avanado---------------------------------------------- Tpico315. Mapeando pastas e comandos de redes-------------------------------------------- Aula 3 do 3 Mdulo Conceito de mapeamento/mapeando pasta------------------------------------- Tpico 1 Conhecendo o comando ipconfig/ping--------------------------------------------- Tpico 2 Conhecendo o DNS com o tracert/nslookup------------------------------------- Tpico 316. Comandos de redes mais avanados-------------------------------------------------- Aula 4 do 3 Mdulo Conhecendo o comando net view/arp--------------------------------------------- Tpico 1 Aprofundando o conhecimento sobre o comando ping----------------------- Tpico 2 Aprofundando o conhecimento sobre o comando ipconfig------------------ Tpico 34. Segurana da rede --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Mdulo17. Configurando o firewall------------------------------------------------------------------ Aula 1 do 4 Mdulo Conhecendo as portas e o firewall do Windows--------------------------------- Tpico 1 Configurando um firewall do Windows-------------------------------------------- Tpico 2 Liberando portas/aplicao------------------------------------------------------------ Tpico 3 Liberando range de portas------------------------------------------------------------- Tpico 4CONCEITOPORTAS E SERVIOSLIBERANDO/BLOQUENADO SERVIOSLIBERANDO/BLOQUEANDO PORTASLIBERANDO/BLOQUEANDO RANGE PORTASLIBERANDO/BLOQUEANDO PROTOCOLO5. Conexo remota------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Mdulo18. Acesso remoto com o mstsc------------------------------------------------------------ Aula 1 do 5 Mdulo Liberando um usurio para conexo remota------------------------------------- Tpico 1 Usando o ultravnc------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tpico 2 Usando o team viewer------------------------------------------------------------------ Tpico 36. Redes sem fio----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 MduloCONCEITOUSANDO SERVIO NATIVO MSTSCCONFIGURAR MSTSCACESSANDO UM COMPUTADOR COM O MSTSCCONCEITOSERVIDOR DHCPSERVIDOR DNSGATEWAY19. Rede sem fio--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aula 1 do 6 Mdulo Conhecendo e configurando o roteador sem fio-------------------------------- Tpico 1 Conectando pc/notebook/ smartphone na rede sem fio--------------------- Tpico 2 Liberando conexo pelo mac address e realizando backup------------------ Tpico 3CONCEITOCOMPONENTESRDIOSCONFIGURANDO SSIDCONFIGURANDO SEGURANAWDSWPS7. Novas tecnologias ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Mdulo20. IPv6--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aula 1 do 7 Mdulo Conceito e comparao entre IPv4 e IPv6------------------------------------------- Tpico 1 Caracterstica do IPv6 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tpico 2 Novas redes de computadores CDN e SDN------------------------------------- Tpico 3CONCEITOSSNDCDNCONCEITOEXEMPLOSCONFIGURAO21. Dica de segurana em redes de computadores----------------------------------- Aula 2 do 7 Mdulo Dicas, atualizao, navegao, e-mail e exposio em redes---------------- Tpico1"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Trabalhando com o Outlook de forma profissional" |
"Venha aprender tudo sobre o Microsoft Outlook, assim como tarefas simples como criar conta, configurar conta, gerenciar contatos, veremos tambm procedimentos mais avanados como manipulao de agenda, tarefas, marcaes entre tantas outras coisas..O programa Microsoft OUTLOOK 2013 um dos programas que faz parte de uma sute (conjunto de programas) Microsoft Office 2010, da empresa Microsoft Corporation, So eles Microsoft Excel 2010, Microsoft Word 2010, Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 e Microsoft OUTLOOK 2013."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Stop Procrastinating in 5 Large Steps" |
"This is your quick guide to overcoming procrastination and beating it for good! Have you ever aspired to be ahead of the game, to where you are constantly flowing through your tasks, seamlessly and without guilt? Maybe you have asked yourself why aren't I further along by now? Why am I not successful yet? Why do I let tasks build up and overwhelm myself? If you have, continue reading. This certified procrastination course digs deep into the reasons why you aren't in a constant state of flow and touches on the patterns that you need to adapt in order to help you flow through your tasks seamlessly and with joy, not guilt. You will learn the three best morning practices to take your choices to the next level and how to procrastinate the right way! (Yes, that is a thing!). I will also share with you the ONE thing that you need to shift to fully and confidently take back control of your life, day, and time and start creating your flow. This hugely rewarding aspect of how to overcome procrastination is enabling people to advance in their lives, careers, and futures. As you learn these tools, you will naturally identify the aspects that you need to work on and you will be able to make that shift with ease. Upon completing this course you will learn the skills of how to set goals, timelines, deadlines, revamp your morning routine, and grab your technology by the horns to create a fulfilling, exciting new way of living!"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Students Learning Formula" |
"Hi FriendsYou may witnessed that due to fear of examination, you are not able to score good marks and become the laughing stock. Though you have studied very had but just before the Examination you forget everything. Through this course I will teach simple yet time tested trai ing for gaining Exam Confidence."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Depression Cure Therapy" |
"Depression and anxiety are now a days very common in youth and adults but even in children the same is spreading. Depression arise out of hopelessness. When person feels that he is worthless, he is not having any positive outcome about future.Sometimes the symptoms of depression matches with mood swings but if the mood swings in regular basis then the person may be depressed. Person suffering from depression loses interest in daily activities which he used to enjoy earlier. He either loses weight or gains weight involuntarily. He either sleeps more or looses his sleep.In this course Ultimate Depression Cure Therapy person will learn to address the root cause of the depression, will learn to handle anxiety and depression. He will also learn techniques through which he would be able to resolve the issue of anxiety and depression as early as few days. Believe in yourself and follow the technique and exercise discussed in this course to achieve complete cure from anxiety and depression.Thanks"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pronounce English & Australian Consonants." |
"Trying to copy English sounds can be difficult because no-one has shown you HOW to move your mouth to make the sounds.In this course, you will SEE how to move your mouth, lips, chin and tongue.Follow me step by step. Practice moving your mouth to make the sounds, words, sentences and fast connected speech.Use a mirror or your smartphone in 'selfie' mode, to copy and practice my mouth movements.Yes! You will learn Th. R. L. Y. and ALL the English Consonants.In module 5 have fun and practice with a movie star. "
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Pronounce English & Australian Vowels" |
"There is more to the vowels sounds than simply A E I O U.Discover the different sounds and SEE how to move your mouth, lips, chin and tongue to make these vowel sounds easily and confidently.In the videos, you will SEE exactly how to make the sounds. Words. Sentences & fast connected speech.Follow along as I show you step by step how to say the English vowel sounds. Including the Long and Short Vowels. Short medium and long diphthongs. The Magic 'E' and Schwa vowels."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Land Food Spirit" |
"Do you watch the news and wish you could heal the world? Have you ever walked past an abandoned building and seen the potential behind the mess? Discover how you can help make the world a better place, increase your intimacy with God and live a fulfilled and fulfilling life for Christ. This series of lectures is easy to follow and covers simple, Biblical ideas about our engagement with land, animals and Jesus."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Aprende acorden desde cero: teora y prctica con canciones" |
"En este curso aprenders desde cero a tocar el acorden, ejecutar acordes, escalas, melodas y acompaamientos, practicando con canciones populares y realizando ejercicios prcticos. Veremos ejercitaciones para ambas manos, los bajos, la posicin de los dedos, la prctica de escalas y arpegios, notas dobles, y obviamente el aprendizaje de canciones populares y conocidas para acorden."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Aprende piano fcilmente y desde cero: teora y prctica" |
"Aprenders piano de forma fcil y amena, con canciones populares, y podrs encontrar dentro del curso las partituras de cada clase para poder descargarlas, ejercicios prcticos, tcnicas para la mano derecha e izquierda, acordes, escalas, y canciones populares como ""Cielito lindo"", ""Norweigan wood"", y ""Cumpleaos feliz"", ""Scarborough Fair"", entre otras."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
music_beginners |
"31 2 3 4 5 6 7 ()8 "
Price: 12600.00 ![]() |
OK |
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Price: 9600.00 ![]() |
"Explanation with Numericals: Basic Concepts of Chemistry" |
"If you are a student of Chemistry...If you don't like chemistry, but you need to learn this topic just for the sake of exams...If you know the concepts, but don't know how to do numericals on this topic....Then this course is for you.Each lecture includes the numericals or multiple-choice questions and lots of quiz questions.The lectures are very small so that you don't get lost in the topic. I hope you will enjoy.Negative and positive comments, both are welcome. This will help me in improving the lectures. Good luck..."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Curso prctico de Big Data con Hadoop y Spark desde cero" |
"Este curso te dar una visin amplia, clara y muy prctica de todas las tecnologas que necesitas conocer para introducirte en el mundo big data. Te guiar para practicar con cada una de ellas y entender cmo encajan entre s a la hora de construir una solucin completa que resuelva problemas reales. Los perfiles big data estn entre los ms buscados y mejor pagados del mercado. Este curso es la introduccin ideal para empezar en este campo apasionante y darle un impulso a tu carrera. Te iremos guiando a travs de tecnologas como Hadoop, HDFS, MapReduce, YARN, Spark, Hive, Impala, Pig, Oozie, Sqoop, etc. Hemos seleccionado cuidadosamente todo lo que necesitas saber para introducirte rpidamente en el mundo Big Data. Nuestra experiencia en formacin y en desarrollo de proyectos Big Data para grandes empresas nos ha permitido disear este curso teniendo en cuenta lo que necesitan conocer los profesionales y lo que demanda el mercado. El curso incluye diversos casos y prcticas que, adems de permitir poner en prctica lo aprendido, sirven como introduccin a problemas y situaciones del mundo real. Al terminar el curso sers capaz de: Crear aplicaciones y analizar datos usando las tecnologas ms importantes del mundo Big Data: Hadoop, Spark, Hive, Impala, Pig, Sqoop, Oozie, etc.Instalar una mquina virtual en tu ordenador y practicar con un clster virtualizado muy similar al que te vas a encontrar en la mayora de las empresas que utilizan big dataIniciar un portfolio de proyectos similares a los que te encontrars en el mundo real, con cdigo que podrs utilizar para tus propios proyectosEn el curso hablaremos de algunos aspectos relevantes de la configuracin de un clster aunque no se incluye la instalacin del mismo desde cero ya que el curso est orientado a ingenieros de software, desarrolladores y consultores ms que a administradores de sistemas."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Speak with Confidence: A Public Speaking Course for Women" |
"Welcome to Speak with Confidence: A Public Speaking Course for Women! I am so glad that youre here.I can assure you that I know how youre feeling and what youre struggling with.How can I dare to declare that without having met you? Because I have worked with so many professional women like you. Theyve been my students, private business clients, and speakers whom I have prepared for the TEDx stage. I have found that, regardless of their jobs, expertise or nationalities, there are common issues among competent, educated women.These issues come mainly from the discrepancy between their level of expertise and the way they present themselves. There also tends to be a cloud of self-judgement that overshadows the value of their ideas.And thats why Ive designed this course. Ive designed this course with you in mind! Basically to help you recognize your own greatness and to communicate it to others.I guarantee that by the end of this course you will feel empowered to stand up in front of others and to speak professionally.Upon completion of this course you will be able to: Identify three of your strengths that will help you as a speaker Feel empowered to stand up and speak to an audience large or small Formulate clear, focused messages that captivate your audience Engage your audience right from the start Manage your voice so you come across confident and competent Get rid of uumms and ahhhs so your credibility shines Manage your movement on stageHow will you achieve this?Heres the course outline: Section 1: Introduction; here I will prepare you for how to get the most out of this course Section 2: Finding your strengths; here we will find your already existing strengths through exploring your own personal stories. These will serve as a powerful resource for your public speaking presence. We will also roll any obstacles out of the way that might be holding you back. Section 3: Laying down the cornerstones: message and audience; this is where youll learn to formulate one, clear, compelling message. Also, you will learn to tailor your message to each particular audience. Section 4: Habits of confidence on stage; here you will learn the basics of intonation, posture, gestures, and stage movement.My goal is to empower professional women to stand up in front of audiences. This course provides you with key tools to prepare and deliver captivating speeches.This is a focused class. Ive distilled the essence of speech creation and delivery for you.With a little over one contact hour (that is class time) and 6 suggested practice hours at home you can make significant improvement. The ROI is amazing! Do you have colleagues or friends who can stand up in front of a group, present an idea and instantly convince people? They are the ones well-prepared and ready for leadership. They are the ones whose opinions people ask at work before big decisions are made. They are the ones whom friends turn to for advice. They are the ones who get heard. No matter whether at work or with friends, they are taken seriously because they communicate effectively.You can be one of these people!With qualified coaching from me and consistent effort on your part, you can learn the skills to become a confident, engaging presenter who is trusted, heard, and remembered.Hi, I am Adrienn Olson and I am a Communications Consultant. I work with executives, preparing them for speeches and presentations, I teach communication skills to graduate students at Business Schools in Europe, and I coach TEDx speakers to captivate audiences with their stories.I love to see people find their voice and develop the confidence to express their authentic selves!For the TEDx stage I have unleashed the potential of people who had had never spoken in any formal public setting. I have empowered graduate business students to go from dreading presentations to actually seeking opportunities to present. Its possible! And Id love to help you too!What clients and students are saying: Meeting Adrienn has been a game changer for me! What I really love about working with her is that she gives the space to try things out, to make mistakes and to learn and grow from that. She finds the ideal balance between creating a safe space where I can be myself but also encourages me to step out of my comfort zone. I am always a little excited before each of our sessions but I never regret going because in the end I come out stronger, wiser and more confident.Leon Sanchez, Executive Client Adrienn helped me a lot to prepare for TEDx at CEU. Although I have participated in several communication workshops she was able to introduce new angles of a good public speech.Melinda Vajda, TEDx CEU 2019 Speaker Adrienn has a way of making one feel more confident in ones speech within a short period. The ease with which she can provide a perfect alternative expression for every idea off the top of her head is amazing. Even more amazing is the way every feedback session with her felt like a warm discussion with a friend.Chigozie Nelson, TEDx CEU Participant""It's always a great help working together with Adrienn. Her energy and professionalism helps me to get the best out of myself and improve my confidence in public speaking. Adrienn's feedback is always a direct hit and a great step towards amore effective presentation.""Tamas Kocsis, TED Global New York SpeakerThis course is for you if: You want to be taken more seriously at work You know you have worthwhile ideas, but sometimes you dont express them as clearly as youd like to You would like to have your expertise recognized You know better presentation skills will help with your next promotion You want to invest in your self-developmentHaving great public speaking skills is like having money: its not an end in itself. Its a wonderful currency that you can use anywhere to get whats important to you -- such as sharing your knowledge, your ideas, your inspiring stories, your expertise, or whatever else youd like to do.I am very excited to share this course with you!Thank you and have a wonderful time learning!Adrienn"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Help me! I am a Mom frustrated with my husband!" |
"Parents need time to recharge.They need to communicate with each other to make sure they are both getting me -time.They will then be more willing and able to give to our children.They will be more present and engaged when we are with them.How long have you been wondering if this is what being married with a child is like? 2 months? 7 months? 5 years?!It took me a while to admit that I was having a hard time juggling being a mom and wife and that maybe it had something to do with my relationship with my husband. I was scared to admit that things at home didnt feel the same and that we were not clicking like we used to ( Arent we supposed to be all smiles after baby and simply cooing at baby and at each other?)My complaints, tears and frustration seemed to be falling on deaf ears, and I wondered if I could really do this wife and motherhood thing and still be myself.BUT I kept trying different ways to communicate, and now with the house clean and no silent treatment, regular time to myself and a meltdown free life, I have learnt a thing or twoGo back to being happy, more carefree and in tune with your spouse!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Create a Game in Flutter/Dart" |
"In this course you will learn how to create a 2 player WiFi connected mobile game using Flutter and Dart. While learning how to create the game, you will learn a lot about Flutter and Dart.Movement in the game will be controlled by sensor input. Accelerometer input to be exact.Only minimal programming knowledge is required, like knowing what variables and functions and classes are. We wont waste much time on history, installation and other boring topics, and well try to stick to the fun, interesting and cool stuff.In this course we will go through everything that is needed to create this game. The course will be divided into the following sections:Introduction and BackgroundConception and PreparationCreate and Add the ImagesCreating the Game objectsTest Version of the GameSingle Player Version of the GameAdding SoundConnecting the GameScoring in the GameThe User InterfaceReviewing All the CodeIdeas for Improving the GameWe will start with a little bit of background. Then well go through the idea of the game. Next well get a better idea of what we want to achieve. En suite well start coding a single player version of the game. Then well add functionality for the second player and connect everything to WiFi. Finally, when the game is working as expected, it will be time for the user interface. First well plan on what it should look like, and then well just do it.During the course, well spend most of our time coding. Everything will be explained and you will have access to all the code. You will also have access to a PDF file containing all the external links that we referred to in the course.Your feedback is very important to me in order to improve this course in the future. You will automatically have access to any new or improved future content - forever.If there is something that is not clear, please let me know, so that I can make a video explaining is. Because if something is not clear to you, chances are that it is not clear to someone else as well. And if you have any questions, feel free to contact me through the Udemy page."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Develop a Mobile Game" |
"In this course you will learn how to create a game for Android using Flutter and Dart. The game should work in iOS as well, but we wont test it on iOS. The game will be an arcade type game similar to Galaga. While learning how to create the game, you will learn a lot about Flutter and Dart.Only minimal programming knowledge is required, like knowing what variables and functions and classes are. We wont waste any time on history, installation and other boring topics, and well stick to the important stuff. In this course we will go through everything that is needed to create this game.The course will be divided into the following sections:Introduction and BackgroundGetting Something On the ScreenMultiple Aliens and Alien MovementAdd the Space ShipShooting BulletsFiring MissilesScoring and TextExplosionsAlien ExplosionShip ExplosionAdding SoundBulletsMissilesAlien BulletsBackground MusicAlien BulletsIdeas for Improving the GameDuring the course, well spend most of our time coding. Everything will be explained and you will have access to all the code. You will also have access to a PDF file containing all the external links that we referred to in the course.Your feedback is very important to me in order to improve this course in the future. You will automatically have access to any new or improved future content - forever.If there is something that is not clear, please let me know, so that I can make a video explaining is. Because if something is not clear to you, chances are that it is not clear to someone else as well. And if you have any questions, feel free to contact me through the Udemy page."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Fan Veil" |
"Introduction to Fan Veil is designed to help students of all levels, backgrounds and dance styles get started on their fan veil journey. The course will focus on gaining mastery over manipulating this prop and executing common movements before integrating fan into your dance style. Course includes over 30 movement breakdowns, 13 pose frames, and 17 small combinations."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Complete Python Bootcamp 2020: With Practical Projects" |
"Become a Python Programmer and learn one of employer's most requested skills of 2020!This is a crisp, clear and comprehensive course for the Python programming language! Whether you have never programmed before, already know basic syntax, or want to learn about the advanced features of Python, this course is for you! In this course we will teach you Python 3. With over 50 lectures and more than 2 hours of high quality video this refresher course leaves no stone unturned! This course includes a lot of interesting quizzes, and homework assignments as well as 2 major projects to create your own portfolio right away!This course will teach you Python in a practical manner, with every lecture comes a full coding screen-cast, corresponding code notebook, interesting quizzes and homework assignment! Learn in whatever manner is best for you!We will start by helping you get Python installed on your computer, regardless of your operating system, whether its Linux, MacOS, or Windows, we've got you covered!We cover a wide variety of topics, including:Command Line BasicsInstalling PythonRunning Python CodeStringsListsDictionariesTuplesSetsNumber Data TypesPrint FormattingFunctionsargs/kwargsDebugging and Error HandlingModulesObject Oriented ProgrammingFile I/Oand more lectures will be added as required to keep the course updated!Why this course is only 2.5 hrs long? Can we learn python in this duration?This is the question I'm frequently asked from a lot of beginners. There are a number of Python courses on Udemy which extend upto 30 hours!!! But what you need to know here is that Python is an extremely easy language and you don't need to waste much time learning python. Python is just the first step towards a number of technologies which you may learn after this. The technology you want learn depends on your interest and this course aims to prepare you for that in a very short amount of time but in a very powerful manner. By taking up the course you will feel confident about the python language and you will be able to tackle anything you desire.You will get lifetime access to over 50 lectures plus corresponding Notebooks for the lectures!In case you don't believe me.... This course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee! If you are not satisfied in any way, you'll get your money back. No questions asked!!So what are you waiting for? Learn Python in a way that will advance your career and increase your knowledge, all in a fun and practical way!"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Escultura de miniaturas con Blender 2.8x" |
"En este curso de ms de 20 horas aprenders los procesos bsicos de la escultura digital y el flujo de trabajo en Blender. Crearemos un personaje desde cero, buscando referencias que nos inspiren en el tipo de figura que queremos, modelando su esqueleto articulado, sus proporciones, su anatoma, su vestimenta y su arma. Finalmente, prepararemos el modelo para poder exportarlo en formato STL e imprimirlo en cualquier impresora 3D (siendo las de resina las ms adecuadas para imprimir miniaturas). Este curso no es un tutorial de Blender, sino un aprendizaje de todas y cada una de las fases que comprenden la escultura digital de un modelo para impresin 3D."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Multiply Your Connections & Blog Traffic: Landing Partners" |
"This is an Action-Step, Crash Course that simplifies the networking strategies of a Blogger's Personal Branding endeavors. This Crash Course will ensure you have the best opportunities to develop fully organized, intentionally long-term, totally planned Partnerships that (thus) will increase your own Blog Traffic & Connections. This Crash Course will teach you the Do's & Don'ts of Connection-Building, Red Flags to avoid, Tons of Search Techniques, Numerous pre-made Templates, and so much more! Bloggers & Content Creators have a lot to balance as they continue molding and growing their own online Platform and Personal Brand. My goal (and passion) is to lighten your load & ease your Balance (when it comes to Partnerships & Growth), so you can start becoming more confident in your connection-building strategies AND begin driving even more engaged, authentic, targeted traffic back to your very own Platform. I know first-hand what it's like to feel totally lost and/or extremely overwhelmed as a Blogger. I fully acknowledge that it's my real duty and actual role to serve YOU. My true hope is that you will experience wonderful Success as a Blogger (and even greater Personal Brand Awareness) far quicker than I did! Why go at your journey alone? I tried dong it alone, for awhile, and it was in utter vain. I find great joy in intentionally teaching you what I've actually learned in my 6+ years of Blogging & Content Creating."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |