Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Leitura de Imagem na Prtica" |
"O curso LEITURA DE IMAGEM NA PRTICA alfabetiza visualmente e ensina leitura de imagem para que voc possa interpretar obras de arte e outras imagens com segurana, entendendo como composies visuais so pensadas e desenvolvidas, e podendo escolher com mais conscincia as mensagens visuais que consome.O curso aborda conhecimentos de composio visual e elementos visuais. Alm do mais, apresenta um passo a passo de leitura de imagem que voc pode seguir para analisar qualquer obra de arte e outros tipos de imagens."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Autodesk Inventor as a Pro, use Skeleton Modelling." |
"In this course you learn how to make your assemblies in a way they are driven parametric, but in a way the assembly stays robust , is easily changeable and and all components are constrained independent from other parts so that they will never break.Evenmore , all your parts features, dimensions and assembly components are controlled from one place, making it extremely easy to adjust your new assembly to your needs"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Formation pour une perte de poids durable." |
"L'objectif de ce cours est de vous donner cls en mains, toutes les explications et toutes les applications mettre en oeuvre afin d'optimiser une perte de poids, la fois intelligente et durable.Le cours est accessible tous et ne demande aucun pr-requis.Tout vous est expliqu de manire la plus concise possible."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Blog Writer's Workshop Express" |
"Are you building a blog? Perhaps you're thinking of starting up a blog, but the idea of writing content has you banging your head against your keyboard. Or... you may not be a blogger at all but you know your writing needs some work. Welcome to the club! In this express course, we'll take a look at some very basic but crucial ways that you can improve your writing quality, increasing your site's professionalism, credibility, reader engagement and overall INCOME. We'll review key elements of proper writing technique in a simple way so that you can high-quality content like the pro you are."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to Build Unbreakable Confidence & Self Esteem" |
"Many courses aimed at building self-esteem and self-confidence use quick-fix exercises, such as NLP visualisations or affirmations - these might boost self-confidence temporarily but they provide no long-term change. So, this course seeks to unearth your unconscious and deep-rooted causes of low self-esteem, and provide you with the knowledge and skills to become more self-directing and self-accepting - key to lasting change. And you'll learn to talk to yourself with compassion, and to identify what you're good at and what you truly need to be motivated - all key to building self esteem and confidence. On this course, you'll: Uncover your negative automatic thoughts and learn to tackle your inner criticAssess your strengths using an online strengths-finder toolIdentify your intrinsic values so you can start making decisions that take your own needs into consideration - rather than continually putting others' needs firstUncover your shadow persona, so you can begin to fully accept yourself, warts and allLearn how to treat yourself with compassion"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to Influence Stakeholders using Ethical Office Politics" |
"Ignore office politics and you'll soon find your career stalls at a middle management level. So don't ignore what is one of the most crucial career development skills: engaging in effective office politics. Engaging in politics in the workplace are necessary to get results and this course shows you how to engage in office politics ethically without compromising your integrity or values. On this course, you'll learn: How to overcome any unhelpful beliefs you might hold about office politicsHow to improve your visibility within your organisationHow to identify & build trust with key stakeholdersHow to networkHow to counter the moves of any colleagues using underhand tactics to undermine your positionHow to deal with bullies and those of the Dark TriadNote: This course comes with free audio files that you can download on to your phone, so you can listen to the lectures while you're commuting, driving or simply out and about. In addition, it comes with a 46 page course workbook, which includes extra tips, exercises & subject area research"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"How to deal with Difficult People and Manage Conflict" |
"While a lot of courses teach you what to say and how to behave with difficult people and when handling conflict, this course also addresses the most critical part: your mindset. Without first changing your mindset and attitudes, any new skills will simply melt under the pressure of a conflict situation or when handling difficult people. So on this course, you'll learn:About the psychology of human behaviour, so you've a greater understanding of your own and others' behaviourAbout the roles we play in conflicts and how unconscious biases affect our ability to think rationallyHow to deal with bullies and those of the Dark Triad (psychopaths, Machiavels and narcissists), and how to deal with passive aggressivesHow to truly listenHow to structure a difficult conversationHow to deal with others' emotionsWhen to walk away!Note: This course comes with free audio files that you can download on to your phone, so you can listen to the lectures while you're commuting, driving or out and about. In addition, it comes with a 51 page workbook."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Power BI - Descomplicando do Bsico ao Avanado" |
"Quer alavancar sua carreira profissional e ter um diferencial no seu CV?Ento comece agora mesmo a aprender sobre o Microsoft Power BI, a ferramenta de Analytics e Business Intelligence lder do quadrante mgico da Gartner que mais cresce no mercado!Power BI uma ferramenta incrvel disponibilizada pela Microsoft, que nos permite criar dashboards para acompanhamento de projetos de um jeito muito detalhado e interativo.Nesse curso voc ir aprender na prtica, passo a passo, as principais aplicaes do Power BI para transformar seus dados em informaes valiosas, alm de aprender a criar relatrios e dashboards interativos em poucos cliques para analisar suas informaes!Ao final desse curso voc ir aprender:- Importar dados;- Transformar dados brutos em uma base de dados apropriada;- Realizar operaes de modelagem de dados a partir do relacionamento de tabelas do Excel;- Criar medidas e colunas calculadas a partir das funes programadas DAX (Data Analysis Expressions);- Gerar relatrios, tabelas, indicadores de desempenho (KPIs) e painis de controle (dashboards);- Visualizar dados atravs de mapas, grficos e tabelas;Para ter um melhor aproveitamento do curso, voc ir receber gratuitamente as planilhas com os mesmos dados que foram utilizados para a construo dos indicadores e dos grficos apresentados durante o curso!Nos vemos nas aulas!"
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"Certified Implementation Specialist - Discovery Exam prep" |
"Below shows the learning domains, weightings, and sub-skills measured by this exam and the percentage of questions represented in each domain. The listed subskills should NOT be considered an all-inclusive list of exam content.1. Discovery Pattern Design 35 %2. Discovery Configuration 35%3. Configuration Management Database 15%4. Discovery Engagement Readiness 15%Refer to Servicenow documentation for Discovery, discovery steps and CMDB. This exam has scenario based questions so be prepared. Before taking exam,make sure you refer to ServiceNow discovery Lab book on Learning portal."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Insider SEO 2020: SEO Training Course for High Google Ranks!" |
"No one talks about the contradictory information that you find when searching for SEO training. Or the limited information you find which leaves you confused about what direction to take for your SEO strategy.Other sources leave you uncertain about how much to trust the training because they base their knowledge on theory. This brings about the correlation doesnt imply causation argument.Im sick of the expensive classes that only show theory with no practical application. This is what led me to create this course.This course is going to give you proven SEO skills to improve your rankings without the extra fluff.No charts. No theoretical guessing. This is the practical approach you can apply to your website directly, instead of the statistical information you would get in a college course.Im not simply making comparisons of what the highest-ranking websites are doing. These are actual techniques Ive used to rank over 300 websites in the first position of Google search engine results pages. This isnt information you can easily find reading articles online. I actually take you behind the scenes of an SEO consultant and show you how an actual SEO professional ranks sites.I wouldnt exactly say this is confidential information, but I have not seen anyone talk about the actual process of performing SEO and walkthrough how to improve rankings.Im giving practical examples on an actual website that is ranking and how I got it to rank. If youre just learning SEO, this is easy to follow because I only talk about the important things and wont overload you with useless jargon.By the way, no coding knowledge is required.Everyone can benefit from this book. Even if you already know everything about SEO, Im sure you will get some golden nuggets to use in your campaigns.SEO can be complicated, so I give you a simple step by step process you can follow to constantly improve your rankings so you know how to work, and where to look for improvements.I start with how to perform keyword research, how to optimize your website, then move to the most important factors to satisfy when trying to rank higher.I will keep this course updated so you always know what tools dont work, and how to replace them.I have over 10 years of experience in digital marketing. 5 of those years have been almost exclusively SEO work.Get the insiders scoop as I optimize a real business website with real content, that is currently ranking in Google.This course is perfect for any sized company, blogger, or SEO specialist that is looking to improve traffic with organic visitors. Everyone can relate to this book.Learn how to actually write an SEO-optimized article after performing keyword research.Learn more about keyword research, on-page optimization, off-site optimization, building backlinks, free tools, paid tools and more! Learn speed optimization with no coding knowledge to improve your site load time for mobile devices and improve your score on Google page speed insights. Learn the best plugins to help your website with minimal impact to site loading times and get the updated plugins when the ones I recommend stop getting updates.Again, this is from optimizing a real website with real content.Want to know where to drop keywords on your website?I havent seen this kind of information in $1500 courses, but Im here to present you secret techniques that most SEO strategists try to cover-up.This course targets global rankings and local businesses.Newly updated content for 2020.Anyone with a website will find this information helpful. Bloggers, small businesses, large corporations, SEO managers, Marketing Consultants, the list goes on forever. Everyone benefits from increased website traffic. I had to include real-time examples to give you that ""Aha"" moment of what you need to improve for rank number one.Are you ready?Everything from here on is actionable, practical SEO knowledge you can immediately use to improve your rankings. I hate the fluff I find in most books and I hate writing fluff even more!Lets get into it"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Non-Calculator Functional Skills Maths Exam Prep" |
"This practice test will help you revise all the key areas of the new Functional Skills maths non-calculator test;Fractions divide by the bottom, times your answer by the topDecimals and money work out best buysPercentages work out percentage change, simple interestConversions - know how to go from mm to cm, g to kgScale - did you know that the scale on a map is a ratio?Data - mean. median and modeBe aware that you will need to be able to do all your calculations without a calculator."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"WC Insurance Adjusters Claims Handling Career Readiness Cour" |
"This course is Workers' Compensation Insurance Claims handling principle and overview course. The course is focused in training college graduates and job seekers who are education ready but not career or skill ready.This training will prepare you for over 12 high paying insurance and insurance related entry level professions that are in demand even in times of bad economy. In this course, you will gain valuable knowledge and relevant language of the industry that will resonate with the profession during your interview, enhance your resume in just a matter of few days, giving you advantage over the rest of the candidates.The course will cover:WC claims handlingWC TerminologiesMedical and Legal management and terminologiesClaim investigation,Claim purification new claimsUnderstanding Reserve principleReserve AnalysisUnderstanding the various WC benefitsClaim red flagsIdentify fraudOverall WC Claim set up from start to close.At the end of the course, I will help you update your resume and prepare you for successful interview"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Homosexuality & Same-Sex Marriage" |
"Homosexuality is one of the controversies of our day. With same-sex marriage being legalized, and Christians drawing ""battle lines"" on both sides of the issue, it has never been more important to revisit the biblical texts and discover what the text actually has to say about it... beyond tradition, beyond wishful thinking. What is the witness of the Scriptures?In this course, you will learn which passages speak to this issue, whether directly or indirectly. You will learn how to read these verses in light of their textual and cultural contexts, and will be able to minister effectively to people on all sides of the issue.Taught by Pastor Romell Parks-Weekly, a Christian pastor of 18 years who has been ministering in this area for over 10 years, you will find that this is the most comprehensive teaching on homosexuality and the Bible that you will find anywhere online."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Complete Excel Course - Beginner to Expert" |
"I have learned Excel from many different sources including books, websites, Youtube, online courses & analyst employment. My goal was to create a course that has everything in 1 place so that you don't have to go searching everywhere like I did. It took me a long time to master Excel and now I want the course that I wish I had when I started learning so that you can learn in a 20 hour course what takes most people 5-20 years to learn. That is my goal with this course. As far as the content goes, I cover everything except for VBA/Macros because that really needs a whole course of it's own. But everything else in Excel I cover and that's why the course is so long. But it's not really not that long if you think about the benefits, including the time it will save you when you become an excel expert and also the career opportunities. You could be less than a week away from becoming an Excel expert! Or you can do the course slowly over years, it's completely up to you. The course can be done at your own pace and in any order. I have arranged it logically into what I think is the best way to learn but you can do the videos in any order. If one video requires having seen another as a prerequisite then I mention that in the video so you can go back and watch that if you need to. The main thing is that you find the course valuable and learn a lot.The course is suitable for complete beginners and I have a video at the start teaching excel for people who have never used it before. But that's not to say it won't be useful for advanced users. As you can see from the content we cover everything, including the most advanced formulas and features. I try to do this with a lot of examples and explain as clearly as possible so that you understand why we do certain things not just how to do it. In only 20 hours and 130 videos, I guarantee you will the Excel guru among your friends & co-workers.ContentsFundamentalsFormattingWorking With DataFormulas & FunctionsArraysPivottablesChartsPrint, Page Set & ViewProofing, Sharing & ProtectionShortcutsOther Useful TipsFile, Ribbon & Quick Access ToolbarThe course is 130 videos, 20 hours long and all course materials are available to download"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The complete web-hosting master course." |
"Do you want to web-hosting? Would you like to become a more complete and in-demand developer? or you would like to build a hosting company and tap into a million-dollar automated business.Then web-hosting master course is for you to learn right now, and you came to the right place to do it!Welcome to the Complete web--hosting master course Bootcamp, your fast track to modern web-hosting.This course is the perfect all-in-one package that will take you from a complete beginner to an advanced, highly-skilled web-hosting expert. It's the most fantastic and complete Webhosting course that you will find on the internet!By building this huge project, you will learn all the skills that you need in order to plan, build and deploy your own or client applications.After finishing this course, you will:1) Be hosting your own web applications;2) Truly understand how the cloud works behind the scenes;3) Be able to work with cloud servers in real-world situations (a hugely important skill);4) Know how security works;5) Have experience in professionally-used tools and libraries like compute engine, filezilla, ssh cloud and domains.6) Have hosted a complete application, which is a perfect starting point for hosting your own applications in the future.It's an absolutely full-packed, deep-dive course with over 1.5 hours of content!Since this is the ""Complete hosting Bootcamp"", the course is crammed with tons of different technologies, techniques, and tools, so that you walk away from the course as a complete hosting developer.Why should you learn to host and take this course?If you want to learn hosting and modern techniques, then there is no doubt that this course is for you!It's the most complete course on the internet and offers the most in-depth explanations of all topics included.And even if you already know some deployment, you should still take this course, because it contains subjects that are not covered anywhere else, or not in the same depth!And I created this course to help you do exactly that! It really is the course I wish I had when I was first learning app deployment and hosting.And now, I hope to welcome you as my first new student in my course! So click that ""Enroll"" button right now, and join me in this adventure today!Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?Absolutely NO understanding of any programming language is required! I take you from beginner to advanced!Basic understanding of using a computer is required.Basic understanding of HTML is a plus (only for the final part of the course), but NOT a mustAny computer and OS will work Windows, macOS or LinuxWho this course is for:Take this course if you want to build a web hosting company and earn an automated income.Take this course if you're a developer Take this course if you have taken other hosting courses but still feel like you need more skills. This course is perfect for you!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Typography" |
"Great typography goes unnoticed. In this course you're going to learn all the rules and tricks in order to use typography effectively. We'll be going over skills that any professional designer would need to excel in the working world. These skills apply to any area of graphic design, including web or UI design.This course is for those beginning their design career, who are still in school, or who are self taught. This course has quizzes and tests in order for you to test your understanding as you go through the curriculum. I also have accompanying external resources and games to help you improve your skills beyond the lectures.Skills you'll gain from this course:Understand typography fundamentalsApply typographic principles to digital and print mediaLearn the history of typography and its accompanying industry vocabularyLearn how typography is visually perceivedConfidently choose and pair typefaces By the end of this course, you'll have a theoretical and practical understanding of typography that will directly aid you in a real world setting. You'll have the foundational tools to create professional typography and speak to your fellow designers in a language they'll understand."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Stories Make Money Masterclass" |
"IMPORTANT COURSE INFORMATIONCourse will be updated JULY 2020 with new content and resourcesStudents of this course get access to our exclusive Lifetime Baby Boomer's Climb Network where we provide feedback, share tips and resources to help you start and grow your business.Daily consultations and assistance as needed to help you achieve your goals.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learn how to discover your CULTURAL BRAND, and use your LIFE'S STORY to create a marketable product and make a SIX FIGURE income within 12 months from anywhere in the world. If you are tired of all the business scams out there, and have lost a lot of money INVESTING in programs that did not work for you, THIS PROGRAM is your TICKET to a FRESH START! In this course you will learn how to find your NICHE, research PRODUCT development, MARKET it online, and BUILD a lifetime of RESIDUAL income from the comfort of your home. This course was created with you in mind and the struggles you have experienced. Our goal is to help THOUSANDS who have spent countless dollars in courses that turned out to be a total disappointment receive their REWARD. The worse feeling in the world is completing a course to ACHIEVE a certificate, and that's the end of the road.If you've been thinking about working from home through education, you can use the training provided in this course for your benefit and start building successful businesses that produce rewarding results for you. This course will give you the tools you need to achieve success.Get your share of $200 Billion Dollars in work from home industries.Find your niche, and charge expert rates.Develop the skills to design, create, market, and sell your own products.Learn the Up's and Down's of Investing and how you should invest.Turn your struggles into a retail outlet to collect payments.Make your culture into a brand and become your own online warehouse.Build a lifetime of residual income for you and your family.Take your struggles in life and turn them into""Blessing"" outlet for others. This course is designed to help you take what's not working in your life, and turn it into something amazing. You will save time and money enrolling in this course and learn the 3 key principles you need to get results.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________""It always seems impossible until it's done."" - Nelson Mandela""Turn your wounds into wisdom."" - Oprah Winfrey""Whatever you are, be a good one."" - Abraham Lincoln""Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."" - Theodore Roosevelt""A legacy is never built with out a visionary."" - Resa Mitchell___________________________________________________________________________________________________________CULTURAL BRANDING: You will learn how to take your cultural upbringing and turn it into a BRAND. Many people you watch on TV, the News, and in Sports, use this same method. You cannot change how you were raised or the economy you grew up in as a child by your parents, but you can change the outcome of how you choose to live your life, and the outcome of your children. This lesson will help you embrace who you are, and the path life has taken you on. Students learn how to use experience in many different ways to find their niche and turn it into a profiting brand.RESEARCH AND PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT: Gain knowledge and develop the necessary skills to research your niche. Once students have obtained a brand they desire to develop, it requires research to compile and gather the marketing materials needed to present products in market places for buyers. This lesson students receive tools, instructions, and insight to help gather details needed to complete this phase of product development. Communication in this phase is critical to the success of your business, so strategies, and activities are provided in detailed formats.MARKETING AND ONLINE SALES: Expanding the market and being a leader in product innovation gives a strategic advantage to business owners that understand the marketplace. In marketing the product is the most important ""P"" in the marketing mix. The trends of environmental forces are changing and social, economic, technological, competitiveness, and regulatory are becoming aggressive. This lesson teaches students corporate and business strategies, ethics and social responsibility, strengths and weaknesses in product formulations, marketing plans, and online sales outlets for presentation.RESIDUAL INCOME: Residual income, also known as passive income, is one of the most popular ways to make a living or supplement your income. In order to make residual income, you need to find a service or product you can offer to customers in a way that is infinitely scalable. Products and services created by seller's through our course should have a momentum to achieve residual income. Once your products and services are launched on the internet, they will continue to produce revenue whether you are working on it everyday or not. The products and services will sell and produce business from anywhere in the world, allowing you the time, and opportunity to work on other sibling projects that create channels for funneling annual revenue.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________After a brief introduction, you'll learn how to establish yourself in the education industry and be a force of your own through marketing, and online technology. To learn about marketing requires learning about products. To learn about products, requires learning about technology. This course provides students with a well-rounded balance of information subject to, ""How-To"".Our research survey proves most people have basic knowledge about ""What things are"". They struggle with ""How To Do"" things they know exist. Like a child knows what a bicycle is, and he may have little knowledge about how to ride it. On the other hand, the child may not know what a bicycle is, but if he play with the bicycle long enough he will figure out how to ride it. What the child does not know is, ""How to make the bicycle"" so this will be his struggle in life, unless he obtains the knowledge to make it. People enjoy the benefits of riding in the wind, but if they had to make what they enjoy, they'd be totally disappointed. This is the struggle adults experience in the world today regarding business and survival!___________________________________________________________________________________________________________""If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten."" - Tony Robbins""There is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing."" - Aristotle""Go out on a limb. That's where the fruit is."" - Jimmy Carter""You get what you settle for."" - Thelma and Louise""Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go."" - T.S. Eliot___________________________________________________________________________________________________________As a bonus, this course will provide many of the documents you'll need in your business including contracts, proposals, questionnaires, and more. You will get access to exclusive networks we offer through our Baby Boomer's Climb networking database and have the opportunity to get help creating your projects at discounted rates. In addition, we offer help with website design, article writing, project creation, consultation, video creation, email campaigns, blogs, newsletters, and much more.By the end of this course, you'll be prepared to launch your education course from home or from anywhere in the world. Get started today and enroll, so you can take advantage of the techniques you learn. The information you need to start making money - you needed yesterday!EXCLUSIVE BONUS: RECEIVE YOUR FREE GIFT!RECEIVE YOUR FREE MASTERCLASS WORKBOOK TODAY!TURN YOUR CULTURAL STORY INTO EXPERTISE MOMENTS AND MAKE IT AN ONLINE COURSELEARN HOW TO BUILD WORK FROM HOME EDUCATION COURSES YOU CAN SELL FROM ANYWHERELEARN ABOUT YOUR INSTRUCTOR AND THE TECHNIQUES USED TO BECOME A INVENTORANSWER YOUR QUESTIONNAIRE SHEETPARTICIPATE IN YOUR LESSON NOTESPRACTICE BY TAKING THE QUIZMEDITATE AND STUDY HIGHLIGHTSCONNECT WITH RESA ON FACEBOOKDownload your FREE MASTERCLASS WORKBOOK and ENROLL today to GET STARTED!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Diploma Course How to make your own bath and body products" |
"In this course you will have visuals of how to make cold process soap with activated charcoal, Gel, Spritzers, Natural Liquid soap from scratch, body butter with water emulsion, face cream with water emulsion. I also provide you with loads of surprise recipes which are made with professional ingredients. The course also demonstrates what not to do. Please feel free to contact me in the q & a section for any questions or concerns."
Price: 400.00 ![]() |
"Learning CAD Made Simple (Hindi)" |
"Today more than 50% of population in India still does not understand or read or write in english. This course is designed for such people who may not understand english yet have the wish of learning CAD . In today's growing day and age the demand of CAD has been growing rapidly in the market. This course by Skills First aims to give the knowledge of CAD to those who seek it so as to help them find a job with reasonable remuneration and dignity "
Price: 5120.00 ![]() |
"Design de Personagens para Games" |
"Plano de aulaLio 1 - O Processo CriativoNa minha primeira lio, falaremos sobre o processo criativo. Ideias podem parecer coisas evasivas: voc tem uma ideia ou no. A realidade no to simples! Nesta lio, mostrarei a tcnica que eu uso para desenvolver idias. O processo ser dividido em etapas para ajud-lo a gerenciar o processo de gerao de idias.Lio 2 - A caixa de ferramentas do designer de personagensAgora, vamos falar sobre a caixa de ferramentas do designer de personagens, o kit de ideias mentais que usamos ao criar designs de personagens. Isso no de forma alguma uma frmula, e tenho certeza de que, medida que voc ganha experincia, descobrir muitos aspectos importantes a serem considerados ao criar personagens. No entanto, esta caixa de ferramentas um ponto de partida muito til para ajud-lo a gerar idias para seu personagem.Lio 3 - Histria e histria de fundoNesta lio, mostrarei como o processo de associao pode ser usado para criar idias originais para o personagem, ajudando voc a superar essa primeira idia bvia e a criar idias mais incomuns ou originais.Tambm explicarei como podemos usar as informaes fornecidas em um script ou descrio de personagem para criar uma histria de fundo que agrega personalidade e credibilidade ao design do personagem, e que pode se tornar uma fonte extra de inspirao para idias.Lio 4 - Aplicando refernciaNesta lio, examinaremos a diferena entre smbolos e realidade e como podemos fazer uso de ambos em nossos desenhos de personagens. Demonstrarei como o uso da referncia pode ajudar a adicionar detalhes especficos ao seu design e tambm como voc pode usar a referncia conceitualmente e torn-la parte do seu processo de ideao.Lio 5 - PosandoAo projetar um personagem, muitas vezes penso nas situaes em que eles podem entrar para gerar idias sobre como eles agem. Nesta lio, vou compartilhar algumas tcnicas visuais de narrativa que aprendi como editorial e ilustradora de livros infantis. Analisaremos algumas poses de assinatura e falaremos sobre como elas so usadas para comunicar quem o personagem.Lio 6 - Conceitos de formaNesta lio, falarei sobre pensar conceitualmente sobre formas e mostrarei meu processo de desenvolvimento de idias para um personagem que so visualmente interessantes E dizer algo sobre quem o personagem."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Plant Based Nutrition - What happens in the body +10 recipes" |
"Ever wonder about the plant based lifestyle? Ever wonder what the simple science is behind nutrition?In this class you will learn the simple science behind scenes of what happens in our body with food. We break down the plant based diet so you can be more informed if it may or may not be for you.No propaganda or opinions, this class will only walk through the facts of what happens in the body so you are free to make up your mind whether to go plant based using the raw information provided.With 100s of testimonies we wanted to make this information available to the masses.What you will receive is:1. Plant Based Nutrition Part 1 (1 Hour Lecture) - Learn what happens in the body when food is broken down.2. Plant Based Nutrition Part 2 (1 Hour Lecture) - Go in more depth of how the body repairs disease and what to eat to combat many diseases we commonly see in our culture.3. In the Kitchen with Brett Lark (1 Hour Demonstration) - Brett will demonstrate 10 simple delicious plant based recipes in his kitchen to attendees.4. A PDF grocery list of all ingredients needed for the 10 plant based recipes.5. A PDF of all the 10 original recipes created by Brett Lark from the 1 hour demonstration.Thank you for taking interest in learning what happens behind the scene with our nutrition. Brett Lark"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Ben Abdullah BAARAN bilgisayar retmenlii son snf rencisiyim. Adobe Fireworks programyla 2014 ylnda tantm. houma gitti bu alanda kendimi gelitirdim. sizlerin de renebilmeniz iin bu dersi hazrlamaya karar verdim.fireworks programnn ne ie yaradn neler yaplabileceini rnek uygulamalar zerinden anlattm. bir ka uygulama gstererek ierii zenginletirdim. kursa katlan rencilere izim devleri vereceim."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Captivate 2019" |
"E-renme teknolojisine byk katllar salayan adobe captivate program ve programa ait zelliklerin tantm amalanmtr. daha sonradan videolar eklenecektir. deerlendirme sorular sorulacaktr. kursa ait tm sorularnz yorumlara yazabileceiniz gibi dilerseniz adresime de mail yoluyla sorularnz sorabilirsiniz. bu kursta ierikleri takip etmeden sorulan sorulara yant verilmeyecektir. ierikler zaten soracanz bir ok soruya cevap verecek ekilde oluturulmutur."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Build Ecommerce site from scratch using React,Node&Bootstrap" |
"How to build an Ecommerce site from scratch using Reactjs, Nodejs and Bootstrap 4This course is designed to be a complete reference guide to building a fully functional React and Node website using the Ecommerce app as a base practical web app, search no further for a complete learning pack. The course content is very robust and covers several advanced concepts and topics.Why is This Course Right for Me?Absolutely Yes, the best way to gain good understanding of advanced concepts in Reactjs is by practicing with real life examples that implements these advanced concepts in ways you will probably use them when building your own website from scratch. Not convinced yet?At the End of this course, students would have learnt how to create a functional React Application of any kind as well as how to create a functional Node.JS server, also students would have learnt how to connect a React Application to a Node.JS server.What youll learnHow to download, install and create a React projectHow to link dependecies to a React ProjectStudents will also learn the basics of ReactjsHow to create a functional and class based React project from scratchHow to use React Route in real life project How to use the React AppContextComplete setup, creating folders and installing necessary dependencies for NodejsStudents will also learn the basics of NodejsHow to use Axios to fetch data from API'sHow to connect a React JS project to a Node JS serverHow to host images externally Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?Basics knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScriptBasic knowledge of bootstrapWho this course is for:Developers who want to learn ReactjsAnyone who has basic knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScriptAnyone who wants to build real life websitesBeginners and Intermidiate developers"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso comenzando en la Impresin 3D 2020" |
"En este curso aprendern desde lo mas basico de la impresin 3D. Tambin sern capaces de buscar entre los proveedores, cual es la que necesitan para hacer lo que quieren, como seleccionarla, que programas descargar, y as lograr realizar sus primeras impresiones, con una serie de tiles y prcticos consejos."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel for Anyone" |
"If you are a beginner in using Microsoft Excel, this is the right course for you!If you want to get familiar with the most commonly used features of Microsoft Excel, look no further.This course contains no fluff. At Learn-O-Tech, we do not think that you need to go through tens and hundreds of hours of video to begin working with Excel. Instead of wasting your valuable time on everything that Excel has to offer (which is a lot), we are covering the most commonly used features so that you can get comfortable in using Microsoft Excel in your day-to-day personal or official needs.Thanks for enrolling in our course and Happy Learning!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Run & Scale Your DJ Business" |
"This course will show you how to grow your business to become the most sought-after DJ entertainment in your market. Mary Nisi, founder of Toast & Jam DJs in Chicago takes you through the steps to turning your passion into a 7-figure income. Learn how to overcome your greatest challenges and avoid rookie mistakes by learning Marys secrets based on over 14 years of experience in the mobile DJ industry. Whether youre just starting out or looking to take your business to the next level, this course is for those who want to step outside their comfort zone."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Key takeaways and insights into bestselling books" |
"Sumizeit brings you the key takeaways and insights into the best selling nonfiction books, you will have access to book summaries from business, psychology, and personal development space that you can listen to. You'll learn how to negotiate, be happier in life, how to be a better manager, and so much more. These are the best selling books that you've seen on the New York Times bestselling list."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"5 Books That will make you a Better Entrepreneur" |
"It's not easy to be a successful entrepreneur. We're here to help. Get the key insights from bestselling books that will teach you how to start and manage your startup. These books are New York Times bestsellers and written by renowned authors. You do not have to read the book to partake in this course. We do the work for you. We review each book and share the key lessons learned. We do the heavy lifting and summarize everything into a short lesson that delivers actionable points you can use to make an impact right away.We've started several successful businesses that went on to raise millions of dollars from venture capital firms. All of our previous companies were sold for a lot of money. Our journey has thought us that to be a successful entrepreneur you need to invest in yourself. Reading can be a great habit to give you a good foundation on how to get started and reach your goals. So get started today, take this course, learn the skills you need to know to be successful."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Lancer un commerce Amazon FBA peu importe ton budget" |
"Dans cette formation de la SellerFactory tu vas apprendre crer un commerce en ligne avec Amazon FBA.Expliqu de A Z, je filme mon cran et lance un produit en mme temps que toi.AUCUN logiciel n'est prvoir pour la formation. Peu importe ton budget initial ou encore ton niveau de comptences, tu vas pouvoir te dgager de l'argent et apprendre le rinvestir.Tu pourras donc profiter de tes revenus passifs dans les 30 60 jours qui suivent le dbut de ta formation !Dans ce cours tu vas apprendre :Identifier les produits dsirables que les gens veulent acheter.Crer une marque unique dont les gens se souviendront.Trouver des sources de produits de gros de haute qualit.Crer des listes Amazon conversion leve qui inciteront les clients acheter encore et encore.Crer le plus de profit possible avec le moins de dpenses possible.Excuter efficacement les commandes et grez facilement votre inventaire.Offrir une satisfaction client exceptionnelle et motiver les clients acheter plus.Obtenir des avis et critiques positives.Promouvoir et vendre continuellement tes produits sur Amazon.Automatiser le processus afin que tu puisses vendre tes produits pendant ton sommeil.Tu vas facilement franchir le cap des 1 000 10 000 par mois.Dveloppe ton activit de vente Amazon et crer 5 ou 6 chiffres par an.Tu es proche de ta libert financire."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to Draw Eyes - The Best Way" |
"Never drawn in your life? THIS is the video course for you. Want to draw portraits? THIS is the video course to start with. In this course, I teach you how to draw the eye. The eye is the first thing you need to learn in any portrait drawing. The eye is the window to the soul. It's the very first thing someone looks at when they see a drawing in general. In this course, I break it down to the EASIEST things you need to learn. I go through it step by step for complete beginners. This course is short and to the point! I give you the exact thing you need to draw eyes. Course Outline:1) Introduction2) Tools to Use3) Eye Structure and Shapes4) Parts of the Eye5) Different Angles of the Eye6) Full Demonstration7) Art AdviceLets get started!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |