Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Ableton Brazil 2019 - Masters Project" |
"Mixagens so diferente de pessoa pra pessoa, produtor pra produtor, nesse curso iremos aprender por meio de 3 projetos de produtores Ableton e observar como eles produzem suas musicas! Averiguaremos Agrupamentos, Effect Racks, Unio de Efeitos de audio, compresses em cadeias de grupo, mltiplos harmnicos entre canais e muito mais. Esse curso ira prometer lhe da outras formas de v suas produes sendo recomendado o aluno prestar ateno em como foi utilizado diferentes efeitos pra gerar composies diferentes.No Final desse curso o aluno tera recebido um projeto com os efeitos de audio que foram utilizados por esses Masters e poder experiementar essas formas diferentes de mixagem.Os 3 generos abordados sero Trap, Future House e Dubstep."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Hacking and Pentesting Android Apps - Lite Edition" |
"This course introduces students to the security concepts associated with Android Apps. This is an entry level course and we encourage you to take this course if you are a beginner in mobile app security world. This course uses a publicly available vulnerable application to demonstrate how Android App vulnerabilities can be identified. This course teaches you how to identify a variety of Android App vulnerabilities such as Insecure Data Storage, Exported Application Components, Hardcoded Sensitive Data, Insecure Logging etc."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Happiness And Gratitude Masterclass" |
"Through a series of meaningful questions and researched-based exercises, you will learn more about yourself and become more self-aware, making it easier to identify all the wonderful things you already have to live a happy and fulfilled life. Research shows that gratitude has a number of surprising benefits from increasing your energy to reducing your anxiety. Allow The Ultimate Happiness and Gratitude Masterclass to take you on a journey of self-discovery, while helping you build habits that can change everything in your life so that you can experience true and long-lasting happiness."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Mindfulness and Compassion made simple, plain and practical" |
"This course is run by renowned five-time author and international teacher Suryacitta Malcolm Smith. Suryacitta is known for his simplicity and clarity of teaching.""Suryacitta, probably the best mindfulness teacher in the UK."" Ed McBainThis is not just another mindfulness course. Its purpose is not just to tell you about mindfulness but to support and encourage the transformation of yourself, and thereby your relationships.Mindfulness is often taught as a way to fix your life as though life were a problem and it can be fixed. The problem is not life but the fact that our minds are confused. Because of this basic confusion, we suffer in many ways. One way, for example, is that without fail, have a very fixed picture in our heads of how life should be. Not only that, we also have a picture of how we believe we should be and how other people should be. This is the problem. Life will never meet our picture of it for very long because life is unpredictable and uncertain and when it doesnt meet our demands we get upset, angry, sad, frustrated and so on. We cling to our limited and fixed view of life and this is the problem.On this course, Suryacitta will show you how you create and cling to your picture of life, and more importantly how through mindfulness you can begin to let go of this picture. Once you begin to see your picture as a simply a picture, you naturally relax, and are able to enjoy the richness of life and be at ease with the unpredictability of it. During this course, Suryacitta takes profound truths of life and makes them accessible and easily understandable for all. The teachings are simple, direct and practical without jargon and unnecessary complexity.On completion of this course, you will receive a certificate of completion from Mindfulness CIC Suryacitta's non-profit mindfulness company in the United Kingdom. WHO THE COURSE IS FORThe course is suitable for complete beginners who are interested in learning mindfulness from an experienced practitioner and teacher.It is suitable for those with a practice who feel stuck and want to shift their practice to a deeper level.It is suitable for anybody wanting to learn mindfulness then to move onto Suryacittas How to teach mindfulness with confidence and ease teaching training programme on Udemy.-----------------------------------CONTENTSThe course is organised into eight teaching sessions with a guided meditation for each. The themes covered include:The Jewel in the ice - we start the journey with a beautiful image, that of a jewel in a block of ice. The jewel representing your essential nature of ease and joy. And the ice representing your barriers to accessing this precious jewel of joy. Suryacitta shows how to melt the ice and gain access to your birthright of joy and ease.Being at Home - Your body, this present moment is your true home, however, most of the time you are away from home living in your head. Suryacitta shows you how to live at home and to wake up to the life which you have here and now.Living in the Present - Building on session two and including a number of tools and techniques for everyday life you will be shown what living in the present moment really is and how to do it.Calming the Chattering mind - Your mind engages in meaningless chatter all day long often leaving you feeling anxious, edgy and exhausted. During this session you will find out why, but more importantly what you can do about it.Dancing with Dragons - Here you will be shown how to meet and greet your difficult emotions and how to soothe them with very simple techniques and kindness to yourself.The ABC of Mindfulness - This is Suryacittas own favourite session and often leaves students speechless. During it, Suryacitta shows you the secret to a happy life and it's not what you think it is. Compassion Meditation - During this session you will be introduced to what compassion really is. Compassion is not being overly nice and always agreeable. True compassions sole intention is to relieve the pain of ourself and others. Suryacitta will discuss compassion and introduce you to compassion meditation.Maintaining Practice and what next - In this session Suryacitta will remind you of the key elements of the course and how to establish a regular practice. He will discuss any obstacles you may encounter on your journey. He will guide you towards overcoming these obstacles. He will also let you know what else is available such as his excellent mindfulness teacher training course on Udemy - How to Teach Mindfulness with Confidence and Ease should you wish to go on to teach mindfulness yourself.THE COURSE IS FOR YOU IF:You want to learn mindfulness from a teacher with over 30 years of experienceYou want to know how to apply mindfulness in every area of your lifeYou want to bring about change in your close relationshipsYou want to know why you have a busy, chattering mind and how to calm itYou want to know how to work with difficult feelings and emotionsYou want to know what it really means to live in the present and how to do itYou want to learn mindfulness not just with concepts but via stories and metaphorsYou want to be surprised by mindfulness and not bored by it"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Kaynak Teknii Tarihi ve MIG & MAG Kaynak Yntemi Eitimi" |
" Kaynakl imalat Uluslararas standartlarda zel bir proses olarak gemektedir. Kaynak ncesi, kaynak esnas ve kaynak sonrasnda olmak zere kaynakl imalata ait tm srecin etkin, verimli ve Uluslararas standartlar erevesinde ynetilmesi gerekir. zel bir proses olmas nedeniyle kaynakl imalatn ynetimi, kalite gvencesi, personel yetkilendirmesi gibi bir ok konuda Uluslararas standartlar bulunmaktadr. Kaynakl imalatn yksek kalitede gerekletirilmesi iin bu standartlar erevesinde imalatn gerekletirilmesi byk nem tamaktadr. Bu imalata ynteminde bu gibi standartlara hakim personellerin grevlendirilmesi de nemli konularn banda gelmektedir. Kaynakl imalat trleri ierisinde hem manuel hem de robotik kaynak sistemlerinde en ok kullanlan yntemlerden biriside MIG & MAG kaynak yntemidir. MIG & MAG kaynak yntemi gaz alt kaynak yntemleri ierisinde bulunmaktadr. Seri imalata uygun olmas, kullanlan ekipmanlar sayesinde kaynak esnasnda kolay bir uygulama yapsna sahip olmas ve otomasyona uygunluu nedeniyle endstride en ok kullanlan ve tercih edilen kaynak yntemleri arasnda yer almaktadr. Bu eitim ile bu kaynak yntemine ait tm detaylar reniyor olacaz. Bu eitimin amac katlmclara kaynak teknii konusunda gerekli bilgileri aktarmak, tarihi geliimi konusunda bilgiler vermek ve MIG & MAG kaynak ynteminin temelleriyle birlikte oluabilecek kaynak hatalaryla ilgili temel ksmlar paylamaktr. Bylece katlmclar ok kullanlan bu kaynak yntemi ile ilgili birok bilgiyi edinmi olacaklardr.Bu eitimin kapsam;Kaynak teknii temel bilgileri ve kaynak teknii ile ilgili tanmlamalar,Kaynak tekniinin tarihi geliimi ve Trkiyede ki balang faaliyetlerinin neler olduu,Kaynak Yntemlerinin snflandrlmasMIG & MAG kaynann temelleri, parametreler, ekipmanlar ve sarf malzemeleriKaynak pozisyonlar ve bu pozisyonlarla birlikte birletirme ekilleri,MIG & MAG kaynak hatalarMIG & MAG Kaynakl malatta Gvenliiile ilgili konular iliyor olacaz. Tm soru, gr ve nerilerinizi bize her zaman yazabilirsiniz, yardmc olmaktan memnuniyet duyarz. MEslek hayatnzda baarlar dileriz....Sayglarmzla"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"ISO 5817 - Kaynak Sreksizlikleri Kalite Seviyeleri Eitimi" |
" Kaynakl imalat ISO standartlarnda zel bir proses olarak nitelendirilir. Bu nedenle de kaynak ilemlerinin de kalite gvencesi ve ynetimi iin Uluslararas zel standartlar yaynlanmtr. elik, nikel, titanyum ve bunlarn alamlarnda ergitme kaynakl birletirmelerde oluabilecek sreksizlikler iin kabul red kararn verebilmek iin kullandmz deerlendire standart ISO 5817 standartdr. Bu eitim ile bu standartn kapsamn, ieriini ve kaynak sreksizliklerinin deerlendirme tekniini reneceksiniz. zellikle iletmelerde kaynakl imalat blmnde alanlar, kariyer hayatlar boyunca bu alanlarda alma potansiyeli olan alanlar ve henz renci olup bu alanda alma potansiyeli olan (makine, endstri, inaat, metalurji/malzeme, otomotiv vb. blmler) kiiler iin yararl nemli bir eitim olduunu vurgulamak isterim.Bu eitimin kapsam; elik, nikel, titanyum ve bunlarn alamlarnda ergitme kaynakl birletirmeler de oluabilecek kusurlar iin kalite seviyelerini ieren TS EN ISO 5817 standartnn yapsn ve ieriini katlmclara aktarmak eklindedir. Yani ISO 6520 eitiminde ergitme kaynaklarnda meydana gelebilecek sreksizlik trlerini snflandrm ve bunlarn neler olduunu anlatmtk. Bu eitimde bu sreksizlikleri neye gre ve nasl deerlendireceimizi anlatacaz. Sreksizlikler kabul edilebilir seviyede mi yoksa kabul edilebilir snrlar dndam bunun deerlendirmeleri hakknda konuacaz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"ISO 9606 - Kaynaklarn Vasflandrlmas Standart Eitimi" |
" Kaynakl imalat zel bir proses olmas nedeniyle bu proses ierisinde yer alan tm personelin yetkinlik seviyeleri belirli ve belgelendirilmi olmaldr. malatta grev alan tm kaynaklarn yaptklar kaynak operasyonunu kapsayacak ekilde sertifikalandrlmalar gerekir. Bu konuda ilgili Uluslararas standart ISO 9606 standartdr. Bu eitim ile birlikte bu standart tm detaylaryla birlikte reniyor olacaz. Bu eitimin amac, metalik malzemelerin ergitme kayna iin kaynaklarn vasflandrlmas konularn ieren ISO 9606 standartnn elik kaynaklar iin olan birinci blmnn ieriini katlmclara aktarmaktr.Eitimin kapsam;ISO 9606-1 standat ierisinde yer alan konularn blm blm ilenmesi, standart ierisindeki tablolarn yorumlanmas, ve bu standarta gre kaynaklarn nasl vasflandrld, kapsamlarnn neye gre belirlendii gibi konularnn ilenmesi eklindedir."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn Professional Email Writing" |
"In this course you will be able to understand basics of Electronic Mail. Moreover, you will learn how to write email for different situations. Specially you will be able to write professional email. This course will shorten gap between you and professionalism. Course comprises of short lecture in simple language and this professional command."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aura Reading; Clairvoyant Guide See and Healing Auras" |
"Have you felt that there was something more to your mood or why you felt a certain way around other people? Perhaps it was your Aura or your response to their Aura. Learn more about this powerful concept. Learn Aura reading. Learn to read your Aura. Learn to heal your Aura. Improve your clairvoyant skills to sense your Aura and other peoples Auras. Complete exercises to improve your reading abilities. Learn Aura color therapy. Be confident in learning more about other people by being able to read their Auras. This course comes with a certificate of completion. It also comes with a 30-day money back guarantee. Enroll today."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Reconocimiento de Emociones para Deteccin de Mentiras" |
"Las microexpresiones faciales son un elemento esencial en la deteccin de mentiras y son una poderosa herramienta para el xito en ventas, negociaciones, reclutamiento, presentaciones y liderazgo.Las microexpresiones pueden ser tan cortas como 1/25 de segundo, son filtraciones emocionales y se consideran de los indicadores ms confiables de lo que alguien realmente siente.Es importante dominar las Microexpresiones?El ser Maestro en el Reconocimiento de las Emociones por la Expresin Facial te da ventajas en situaciones como:Ventas. En su presentacin en la Universidad de Harvard en junio de 2013, Patryk y Kasia Wezowski mostraron los resultados de su investigacin en Inteligencia Emocional. Cada persona que aprendi a leer expresiones faciales aument con precisin su Inteligencia Emocional (medida con la prueba MSCEIT ms resistente) con un promedio de 10% despus de 4 horas de entrenamiento.Negociacin. Dentro del proceso de Negociacin es importante reconocer las emociones de mi contraparte. SI por ejemplo doy una cotizacin por $100 y veo una expresin de asco, si es un cliente de largo plazo, puedo tomar una accin adecuada ofreciendo el 25% de descuento y as poder cerrar el trato.Mejorar las relaciones interpersonales. Al poder reconocer las emociones en otros puedo decidir mis acciones para obtener el resultado ms conveniente segn sea la relacin y la situacin. El material de este curso est basado entre otros en las investigaciones de: Paul Ekman quien desarroll el FACS, particip como asesor en la serie de TV Lie to Me y en la pelcula Intensamente.David Matsumoto, estudiante de paul Ekman ha continuado con la investigacin y aplicaciones de las Microexpresiones.Freitas Magalhaes, actualmente certifica en el FACS y es un investigador de la emocin en diferentes mbitos.#Mentira #LieToMe #TestifyToMe #LieSpotting #LieDetection #Intensamente #PaulEkman #Emociones #EmocionesUniversales #Microexpresiones #Microexpressions #DeteccionDeMentiras #Micro-expresiones #Mentiras #Mentira #EQ #InteligenciaEmocional #Nonverbal #NonverbalCommunication #Lie #Lies #DeteccionDeMentira #FACS #Rostro #Cara #Expresion #Expresiones #Reconocimiento"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Bird Watching in Florida" |
"This course is unique in that we take you into every nook and cranny in Florida to help you find a particular species you are looking for, or finding the perfect place to do some birding, anytime of the year! Want to go birding in the Florida Keys in November? We show you where to find the most species. Want to find the elusive Barred Owl in the Panhandle in May, we'll show you where to look. All that and much more."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"English Teaching Toolkit: 21st Century Skills (the 4Cs)" |
"Bring your English classroom into the 21st Century! The 4Cs are critical to your success as an English teacher in 2020. Master the skills that CELTA and other TEFL programs do not show you:Critical ThinkingCreative ThinkingCommunicationCollaborationWhether you're teaching energetic elementary school children, rebellious high schoolers or independent university freshmen, this course will change the way you teach. Everything you learn in this course is applicable right now! It's explained in a lively, fun way and made easy to grasp. All the methods and activities are tried-and-tested and always achieve great results!No other teacher training course on Udemy covers the 4Cs. Enroll now to learn skills no one else will show you."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How To Make A Website Without Coding" |
"If you've tried really hard to make a website for your company or even for any product or service you're promoting or offering but struggled when it comes to coding , then this course is yours As it will walk you through on building your websites easy without too much effort and without coding , totally customized just by a click This course is for * Small business owners * Online Marketeers * Freelancers * Everyone who is looking to make his / her website on their own"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Certification SQL server Exam (70-761) :Exam Tests" |
"Microsoft Certification SQL server Exam (70-761) :Exam TestsMicrosoft Querying Data with Transact-SQL certification is mainly targeted to those students who want to build their career in Microsoft SQL Server domain. Exam 70-761 is intended for SQL Server database administrators, system engineers, and developers with two or more years of experience who are seeking to validate their skills and knowledge in writing queries.I have prepared this practice test course for all those candidates who are planning of taking 70-761 exam in near future.This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Microsoft in any way.Exam Topics covered as per syllabus 70-761 exam Certification skill questions :1 Manage data with Transact-SQL Create Transact-SQL SELECT queriesQuery multiple tables by using joinsImplement functions and aggregate dataModify data2 Query data with advanced Transact-SQL components Query data by using subqueries and APPLYQuery data by using table expressionsGroup and pivot data by using queriesQuery temporal data and non-relational data3 Program databases by using Transact-SQL Create database programmability objects by using Transact-SQLImplement error handling and transactionsImplement data types and NULLsYou can do more practice multiple time for better exam preparation for exam 70-761 Wish you all the best !!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to Heal Stress and Anxiety: Dare to Rise From Fear" |
"This course is a brief overview of theory and exercise of how to heal stress and anxiety: The true road to feeling safe by shining light onto fearTheoryLecture 1) What is anxiety?In this lecture we will create awareness of what anxiety actually is.Lecture 2) What are your anxiety triggers? Creating awareness. Scale yourself from 1-10 with how anxious you are with each trigger and overall anxiety levelLecture 3) How to respond vs. react with anxiety- Holding space for fear with your awareness and allowing the experience of feeling fear- Gently sending self compassionLecture 4) How to allow fearLecture 5) What is resistance to fearApplication ExerciseLecture 6) Apply anxiety/allowing meditation daily or when applicable"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"ATENO MULHERES! Se voc est acima do peso, ou no est satisfeita com o seu corpo, essa mentoria para voc! Meu nome Matheus Shock, eu sou Personal Trainer, e venho pesquisado dentro da minha rea profissional que a obesidade est cada vez mais presente na vida das mulheres. Pensando nisso criei uma Mentoria com treinos dirios e desafios alimentares para 1 ms com intuito de ajudar as mulheres emagrecer!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft To Do - Gain Focus in Your Day with To Do" |
"Microsoft To Do is designed to let you take control of your day by having a place for each task without needing to see them all at once. Whether or not you are an Office 365 user, To Do will help you stay focused on your tasks. Traditional lists of tasks can be daunting to manage, but To Do will guide you towards a clean, simple view of the tasks that you choose to focus on each day."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate 2020 Exam" |
"GET IT FOR 9.99$ USING THIS CODE: 263F3D385DDC911E0390!Amazon AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C01 and SAA-C02 (New version starting on March 22) - EnglishThis course provides: 150 unique questions in 6 Practice Tests covering the different topics of the certification including: - Domain 1: Design Resilient Architectures - Domain 2: Define Performant Architectures - Domain 3: Specify Secure Applications and Architectures - Domain 4: Design Cost-Optimized Architectures - Domain 5: Define Operationally Excellent Architectures Detailed explanations and reference Links to Amazon docs and other sources. Exam tips to be ready to pass the exam. Study Slides to prepare all relevant topics of the examUnlike the vast majority of exam tests out there, this pack includes questions that have been created by Associate Amazon AWS certified professionals. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive Amazon AWS Certification Practice tests suite that will help you to pass the exam but also have a deep understanding of Amazon AWS and its various services. We have set the threshold to 72% which is the minimum required to pass the exam, but we strongly recommend to get a passing score of 80% to be sure you are ready for the exam.*********************************************************************************************************************CONSIGUE POR 9,99$ USANDO ESTE CDIGO: 263F3D385DDC911E0390!Amazon AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C01 and SAA-C02 (Nueva versin a partir del 22 de Marzo) - EspaolEste curso proporciona: 150 preguntas nicas distribuidas en 6 exmenes de prueba. Los exmenes de pruebas cubren todos los temas de la certificacin incluyendo: - Dominio 1: Diseo de arquitecturas resistentes. - Dominio 2: Diseo de arquitecturas eficaces. - Dominio 3: Especificacin de arquitecturas y aplicaciones seguras. - Dominio 4: Diseo de arquitecturas con coste optimizado. - Dominio 5: Definicin de arquitecturas para lograr la excelencia operacional. Explicaciones detalladas de las respuestas y enlaces a la documentacin oficial de Amazon y otras fuentes. Consejos para poder pasar el examen ms fcilmente. Slides con un resumen del temario para facilitar el estudio.A diferencia de la mayora de tests disponibles en internet, este curso proporciona un pack de examenes contiene preguntas nicas que han sido creadas por profesionales que atesoran la certificacin de AWS Certified Solutions Architect. Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar un amplio conjunto de tests que ayudarn a los alumnos a aprobar el examen, pero a la vez llegar a comprender de manera profunda los conceptos clave de la nube de Amazon AWS y sus servicios. Hemos fijado el porcentaje de aprobado para los exmenes en un 72%, que representa el mnimo exigido por Amazon, pero recomendamos encarecidamente obtener un porcentaje del 80% para estar seguros de que podrn pasar el examen con facilidad."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"SolidWorks 2020 Learning by Doing 1. Car Canopy Design" |
"In this course, we will learn more about SolidWorks by going through a real world example. We will go through the process of designing a car canopy. We will start with concept design, then we will run Finite element analysis (FEA). Then we will make some modifications to enhance the model. After verifying the model with the analysis. we will start creating the actual detailed model. Then we will create detailed drawing for fabrication and the last thing is that we will export some files for plasma cutting."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Creator Theology 101 - The Creator Today" |
"The history of the Creator creating since the Ancient Egyptian periods up until today. Real examples of people, places, and events in order to show that the Creator is alive and well and still with us in the year 2020 and beyond. In this course, the instructor covers a lot of history pertaining to Ancient Egypt, mythological Greek gods and goddesses, and American history. But really the purpose of the course is to show you that the instructor really is the Son of the Creator and he uses a lot of example messages to convey the information. The Creator is currently using individuals to develop telepathy and this course will open your eyes as to how messages are conveyed. The Creator is creating examples today to show you that He does still exist."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Agile/Scrum practical guide with your virtual team" |
"THIS COURSE WILL GIVE YOU NOT ONLY THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE BUT TEACH YOU HOW TO APPLY THEORY IN REAL PROJECTS.No matter what your role this course is designed for everybody. Theoretical Part: We will start with fundamentals learning Agile values and principles, the difference between Agile and Waterfall, understand what types of projects work better with Agile and which ones with Waterfall.We will then proceed with Scrum fundamentals and define the difference between Scrum and Kanban, Scrum roles and artifacts.2. Practical Part:We will start our journey with the team with the definition of the product vision. The team will be working on the development of the platform that helps people organize the events and keep in touch with the participants.Once the product vision is defined, we will start working on the Backlog, creating User stories in JiraThen we'll cover estimation techniques as well as run the estimation and planning session with the virtual teamAdditionally, we will include Release planning and release management in JiraWe'll then learn how to monitor and support the team's progress We will run the sprint demo and learn different retrospective techniques At the end of each section, you will have to take a quiz testing your understanding of the material covered. Why take this course?There are a lot of courses giving you theoretical knowledge, but how to apply this in real projects? This course will prepare you and demonstrate the real case scenarios. So you will be ready to either join or lead an Agile development team.I offer you full support, answering your questions. Feel free to reach out! :)Ready to get started? Hurry up and enroll now :) See you in the course!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Autoestima en 21 das" |
"Una sana autoestima es la base del bienestar emocional y la felicidad. No te voy a mentir, es un proceso, reconstruir la autoestima a unos niveles saludables requiere constancia y esfuerzo, adems, muchas veces, no sabemos ni siquiera cmo hacerlo. As que en este curso te presento un proceso en el que a lo largo de 21 das podrs practicar diferentes ejercicios que contribuyan a que tu autoestima mejore. Los 21 das son algo simblico, es difcil cambiar al cien por cien en tan poco tiempo, pero s es suficiente para que nos pongamos en marcha y descubramos la importancia de hacerlo y lo bien que podemos llegar a sentirnos cuando empezamos a cuidarnos, respetarnos y querernos. Descubre cmo hacerlo de manera prctica con los 21 ejercicios que te presento."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete guide to being a Business English Coach in 2020" |
"In this course, you will learn the strategies to help you succeed as a freelance ESL Business English teacher. Let's be honest for a second, the market is saturated with ""English teachers"" which means that language companies get to pay you pennies for your services and potential customers around your area can get someone off eBay and pay them minimum wage. So how can we still do something we enjoy and earn enough money? Well, that's what you will learn in this course. You will also learn to create a brand for yourself and set yourself apart from other teachers around your area. My goal is to help you transition from being an English teacher to being THE English teacher everyone wants to have. Are you ready to do things differently? Then congratulations, you have made the first step to achieving what you have been waiting for.How can your life change when you do the same thing over and over? Give yourself permission to evolve and grow as a business. Attention though, this course is not a get rich type of course. It took me a few months to achieve this so be aware that you need to put work into it and step away from your comfort zone because your results will depend on your effort. This course is suited for people starting out as well as teachers who have been in the field for a while yet are still having issues. I will also be updating this course with new resources and strategies as we go along. It is my first time giving my strategies to others and there is so much I'd like to show you but let's get you started. I am looking very forward to seeing you in my course and congratulations once again for taking your first step to making a change in your life. Sincerely,Jeury Tavares"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Private equity: Concept for financing like Hedge funds" |
"In this course you will be learning valuable financial market concepts, rules and ways to find the value of a variety of Asset and financial securities. You will learn how to calculate the future value of an asset, understand the concept of compounding, IRR rule and the Gordon growth model, also you will learn how to find the value of a stock before investing in it."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Turn your photo to cartoon using Vector art" |
"This course for all those people who are desired to learn how to create cartoon/vector art from any photo,This is the simplest course you will ever learn.This course containsHere in this course I am not only going to teach you the tools but also the skills that you need to create any art on Photoshop or any other software so in this course I will give you a proper knowledge about every part of the face and also detailed video about every part of the face from creating vector face nose or creating vector eye. This course is highly focused on the vector creation so after taking this course you will be able to create vector face art easily after doing a little bit practice.Why choose this choose this course??I am a professional vector art artist so i know what art the important part to cover while creating a vector and this course is fully detailed about everything about creating a vector from nose to hairs in this course you will learn the main fundamentals of the creating a face art in Photoshop and I will go step by step first I will teach you the most important tool that is the pen tool in Photoshop then we will understand the picture selection for vector art and base of vector art then we will start creating parts of face like nose and eyes at the end I will create 1 fully detailed vector to teach you how to complete a vector art.What you will learn from this course?After this course you will be able to make vector arts as per your choice, work for clients and even you can be a freelancer.Also you will be professional in using the pen toolWhere you can apply after learning vector artYou can apply on Freelancer, fiverr , upwork and many other freelancing sites.So why are you waiting for take this course and start learning today!If you feel any query you can ask."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Kids English" |
"Nowadays our kids need to listen to other people other than their parents. Although I am an English teacher, my kids enjoy doing things with other people.Children will start learning English as soon as they start watching our English lessons filled with animated cartoons, surprises and repetitions. Learning English for kids is easy with English learning lessons.If you want to learn the English language in the best way you must complete our courses carefully prepared for your esteemed side without skipping any one of them."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cyber Security for End Users -Absolute beginners course 2020" |
"This course teaches you the basics of Cyber Security, as an absolute beginner. We have assumed that you are not a technical person, so all knowledge has been broken down to the simplest form for you to understand sophisticated acts of Cyber Crime in the year 2020 and beyond! Topics taught are the following: 1 - IntroductionUnderstanding Malware2 - What is Malware3 - What is a Virus4 - What is a Worm5 - What is a Trojan6 - What is a RAT7 - What is Ransomware8 - What is Bitcoin9 - Ransomware Cryptography10 - What are Botnets11 - Botnets and Internet of Things Devices12 - What is Spyware13 - What is Adware14 - What is a Rootkit15 - What is a KeyloggerUnderstanding the Mind of the Hacker Part 116 - How Malware is spread part 117 - How Malware is spread part 218- Avoid visiting pirate sites19- Use genuine and updatable software20 - The HR Problem21 - Social Engineering22 - Anti viruses23 - Emails from Unscripulous SourcesUnderstanding Modified Files24 - Software Advise25 - Modified Executable Applications26 - Modified Music and Photo Files27 - Installing Modified Executable Applications28 - Opening a Photo Trojan29 - Opening a mp3 TrojanLive Attack Lab30 - Lab - Attacking a Computer with Ransomware31 - Lab - Attacking a Computer with Ransomware continuedUnderstanding the Mind of the Hacker Part 232 - Watering Hole attack33 - Managing Passwords34 - Backing Up35 - DNS36 - Search Engines37 - Dating Sites38 - Social MediaThe Underground Economy39 - The Underground Economy40 - Need for Risk Management41 - Outro"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Luxusuhren Investment" |
"Uhren sind lohnende Investments. Freilich nicht alle Uhren, sondern nur bestimmte, besondere, ausgewhlte.Aber auch nicht so besonders, dass man sie nicht einfach kaufen knnte. Einige davon wenigstens. Wie Sie erkennen, welches Investment in diese Anlageform sich lohnt, dazu dient dieses Buch.Wie alle Luxusgter muss eine Uhr selten und nachgefragt sein, um im Preis zu steigen. Daher fallen alle Konsumgter in ihrem Wert nicht aber Luxusgter: Luxusgter sind selten, nicht in Massen verfgbar, knapp, haltbar, zeitlos, damit wertstabil und somit gefragt.Dieses Buch wird Ihnen alle Details des Investments in Luxusuhren knapp und auf die entscheidenden Informationen fokussiert prsentieren, sodass Sie, nachdem Sie es gelesen haben, unmittelbar ihre Erste Uhr als Investment kaufen knnen."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn Website Development Essentials (HTML,CSS)" |
"Featured here in this course- A quick brush up section that contains explanation about - Basic Html tags used in the course -Different types of CSS styling (Inline,Internal,External)with examples -Different ways of applying style properties(Tag ,Id selector,Class selector)with examples-Background: Different types of backgrounds explained (Simple,Partition,Fixed,Changing)-Navigation: Different types of navigation explained(Text,image,button,navigation with co-ordinates)-Button: Explanation on -How to design a simple button to animated button, -How to apply different style properties for a button, -How to get code from button generators online, -How to design a vertical and horizontal navigation bar with button properties-Audio and video: Explanation on -How to include audio and video files -How to include background music and background video -Video background ExplainedEmbedding features: Explanation on -How to embed essential widgets (For ex: Clock, Calendar,Weather,Calculator,Dictionary etc.,) -How to link external website -How to add text animations -How to embed pdf and mapsWebsite Layout: Explained -Logo Positioning -Div styling -Div PositioningResponsive Design: Explained View port elements and ways to create website that fit to different display size.Sample Website 1: Curriculum vitae websiteSample Website 2: Portfolio websiteSample Website 3: Event WebsiteSample Website 4: Text animated websiteResources: Copies of all the code used during the session has been uploaded for reference."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"3 Combo Strategy - Forex Price Action MASTERCLASS" |
"3 Combo Strategy Video Course - SWING TRADING MASTERCLASSGet 86 step by step videos and Master Price Action Trading12 hours of pure content - THE MOST EXTENSIVE COURSE ON TRADING MASTERCLASS!This is COMPLETE fully working Forex Swing Trading Strategy!!!Myfxbook verified 100%86 step by step videos12 hours of contentStep by step analysis process (explained)Simple Entry Check List30+ Live Trading Examples - Indepth WalkthroughComplete Traders TOOLKIT.pdf (downloadable)About Strategy:Forex Market (all major & minor pairs)Pure Price Action TradingSwing Trading StrategyDaily, 4 hourly, 1 hourly timeframeAdvanced Price Action TechniquesOne trading setup strategy (pure clarity, no confusion)Pending orders (no active screen time)Secure consistent profits each month (no get rich quick)Strategy is suitable for busy people who can check charts 1 - 3 times per day.Enroll and get 86 Step by step videos Today!Master Price Action Swing Trading Today!See you inside of the course :)Take care!"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |