Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Confidence Booster Formula" |
"Exams are fast approaching. So obviously students are under high stress as well as their parents. Under this situation they will loose their confidence and concentration in their studies. It is common amongst the student to have lack of confidence and exam phobia. Through my course, one can come out of this situation and gain confidence which will help them to achieve their goal. This course will help you to remove hurdles of confidence. My course consists of simple techniques, easy to follow and practice. This shall boost the confidence very quickly."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Aprenda Como Sair das Dvidas Sem fazer nenhum Emprstimo" |
"O Mtodo 3M chegou na Udemy! meu um curso super completo (em quantidade de aulas, em contedo e tambm em resultados concretos) para voc quer sair das dvidas mas no tem um passo a passo para seguir. Alguns exemplos de resultados obtidos atravs do mtodo""Se somar tudo paguei 60 mil em dvidas""A gente est conseguindo pagar uma conta atrs da outra e para a gente uma vitria porque um tempo atrs a gente estava muito oprimido, recm casado e com vrias contas para pagar, a gente trabalha preocupado com as contas que tem que pagar e as vezes o dinheiro no dava. Graas ao seu mtodo, a gente conseguiu saldar vrias dvidas. A auto estima est l em cima. Obrigado""Hoje posso dizer que estou tranquila, durmo bem e que minha vida melhorou bastante, eu nunca tinha conseguido guardar dinheiro. J eliminei as duas dvidas do raio x das dvidas, hoje me sinto feliz e vou continuar aplicando o que aprendi. Obrigada.Ele foi criado por mim aps tambm sofrer de preocupaes com as dvidas.Foram mais de 30 mil reais de prejuzo at eu entender de verdade como as coisas funcionam aqui no Brasil.O que voc vai aprender fruto de milhares de reais e anos em estudo para chegar a um mtodo que fosse simples mas que ao mesmo tempo tivesse o poder de levar tranquilidade financeira na vida das pessoas endividadas.Hoje, essa estratgia para sair das dvidas comprovada por dezenas e dezenas de pessoas, inclusive pessoas que j haviam fracassado anteriormente. um treinamento completo 100% online em vdeo aulas. Ele foi feito para voc que:Quer Quitar as dvidas e dar um basta nisso.Sonha Vivendo Sem Dvidas, Sem Ligaes de Cobrana, sem Nome Sujo, Sem Estresse e Preocupaes Ms a MsDeseja proporcionar qualidade de vida para voc, seus filhos e famlia para viverem sossegadosNo quer passar a vida toda precisando trabalhar s para pagar dvidas e deixar de aproveitar a vida.Quer pagar dvidas com descontos de at 90%Quer aprender a fazer renda extra.Quer ter um 2020 melhor do que 2019Benefcios do cursoO principal benefcio do curso aprender a estratgia completa, passo a passo para te fazer voltar a ter 100% do seu salrio disponvel para voc e no para as dvidas. Assim como aconteceu com vrios alunos e alunas."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Modelando Serpente (Cinema 4D)" |
"Neste curso o aluno vai aprender a modelar uma serpente do inicio ao fim, usando o cinema 4D. Um programa completo para executar qualquer trabalho.Todo o projeto foi elabora dentro do cinema 4D onde abordaremos tcnicas de modelagem e modificadores. Este curso levar o aluno para para um nvel mais profissional no mercado."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"ncelikleriyle After Effects" |
"Bu kursta After Effects'i ncelikleriyle Beraber Kolayca renebilirsiniz!Tool'larn kullanm , Basit animasyon yapma, Template kullanm, Oto efekt ayarlar , Plugin'lere genel bak ve dahas!Kurs ierii yeni balayanlara yneliktir. Kademeli bir ekilde ilerleyerek video dzenleme bilginizi gelitirebilirsiniz.Kurs her hafta gncellenecektir. Yaplacak canl dersler ile de birebir eitim alabilirsiniz. 7/24 Sorularnz sorup canl destek alabilirsiniz :)Canl Dersler Her Hafta Perembe Saat 12:00'da ! Canl Ders linki iin mesaj atnz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Spiritual Journey using Critical Problem Solving" |
"Do you ever see the same issues keep reappearing? This could be caused by curses in your life. There are many curses that we are unaware of, some of which are generational. Dr. Dean developed tools while using critical thinking to guide you in turning curses to blessings. Join us to learn about Revelations in Bible Stories that will guide you into your own Revelation. This will give you an eternal mindset that will allow the Holy Spirit to unlock Blessings in your life."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Plan Your Dream Wedding In Eight Months" |
"OMG! You just got engaged. Congratulations! OR maybe youve been engaged for a little and now youre ready to get this show on the roll. Either way- Im happy for you and I want to help. If youre like most, you dont even know where to begin. No worries- I got you covered. In this course Ill show you exactly how to piece it all together while not taking forever during the process. You will be walked through a month by month process to keep you on track with tips and other resources along the way. Lets hurry- 8 months will fly with all this fun planning! "
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Cmo Vender y Emprender tu Negocio de Servicios Jurdicos" |
"EL CURSO #1 en Latinoamrica para emprender con tus servicios jurdicosDurante ms de 15 aos he asesorado a cientos de profesionales independientes, muchos dentro del sector jurdico, el cual vivir una total transformacin dentro de los prximos aos.Te gustara conocer las grandes oportunidades para apalancar tu profesin y lograr convertirte en una gran empresario dentro del sector jurdico?Este curso te llevar paso a paso para encontrar un nicho de mercado que pueda pagar correctamente por tus servicios as mismo te ensear tcnicas y herramientas para emprender y posicionar tu nombre como una marca personal reconocida de tal forma que atraigas clientes en vez de tu buscarlos a ellos.Aprende a construir paso a paso un negocio rentable dentro del sector jurdicoComienza en poco tiempo a emprender con un negocio dentro del sector jurdico y acelera tu crecimiento.La formula para encontrar los servicios ms rentables para venderPodrs aprender la forma de descubrir negocios rentables para ofrecer y poder diferenciarte de cualquier competencia del sector.Descubre las ultimas tendencias del sector jurdicoTe mostrar las tendencias que estn cambiando el sector jurdico y que harn ganar mucho dinero a los abogados del futuro.Vende tus servicios desde casa cualquier lugarTe ensear las herramientas de publicidad digital que te permitirn vender tus servicios desde casaAprende a cobrar ms por tus servicios jurdicosDescubrirs la formula perfecta para calcular el precio de tus honorarios para lograr que te paguen lo que te mereces.Posicinate como un expertoTe mostrar las herramientas y tcnicas para darte a conocer y atraer clientes sin importar tu experiencia."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Your Complete Introduction to Building ManyChat Chatbots" |
"This training is delivered by an approved ManyChat Agency Partner.Chatbots are changing the way business gets done ... Discover how to easily leverage this exciting new technology: generate leads on-demand, boost sales and increase personal engagement. If you're looking for an easy-to-use, omnichannel way to interact with your customers while saving time and making more money, a ManyChat chatbot (and this introductory course) is your answer.TRAINING REFLECTS NEW FACEBOOK MESSENGER MARKETING RULES AS PER MARCH 4, 2020 UPDATE[UPDATED 5/20] New How to make a digital business card for COVID19 and beyond - INCL. FREE TEMPLATE[UPDATED 4/20] New SMS Modal Growth Tool Widget lecture added. [UPDATED 4/20] New Schematic talk-through lecture added.With this training, you will quickly learn how to implement real-world examples of working chatbots and how to apply them to your business processes, social media, your website and more.Upon completion of this course, you'll be able to: Confidently implement an on-demand lead generating chatbot, Explain what a chatbot is and the different types available today, How to integrate a chatbot with your business functions, and ...How to create the conversation flows and automation processes for your ideal leads and perfect clients.For the complete list of what's included, please review the curriculum below. If you have questions, get in touch, I'm happy to help.Here's a little of what we cover in this course: Omnichannel lead generation for your business (Website, FB Messenger, Email and SMS Text)Create awareness and social presence and build a list of engaged prospectsGenerate a real and measurable ROI on your Facebook and website marketingCommunicate with prospects automatically using chatbot conversation flows and sequencesIntegrate your chatbot marketing processes with external 3rd party apps and technologiesAnd much more ... PREVIEW THE FULL CURRICULUM BELOW.This course is perfect for SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS, ENTREPRENEURS and ONLINE MARKETERS seeking a practical, hands-on, fast-track approach to learning how to leverage the power of chatbots today.ENROL TODAY"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"KNIME - a crash course for beginners" |
"KNIME Masterclass - a crashcourse for beginnersA case study the fun and easy way! A great new Data Prep Course awaits you.Hello everyone hope you are doing fine.Lets face it. Data cleaning is always a big hassle, especially if we are short on time and want to deliver crucial data analysis insights to our audience.But how can we be more efficient in the ETL/ Data Prep process? How can this process be more FUN?Meet KNIME!A great tool which comes to our rescue. KNIME allows us to do data preparation / data cleaning in a very appealing drag and drop interface. (No coding experience is required yet it still allows us if we want to use languages like R, Python or Java. So, we can code if we want but dont have to!). The flexibility of KNIME makes that happen.And the best: The Desktop version is free!So, is it worth it to dive deeper into KNIME? ABSOLUTELY! And in this course that is exactly what we do. We start from scratch (I do not expect you to have prior knowledge) and learn KNIME in a (hopefully) very fun and easy way by going through a case study together.This is a hands-on course, so I expect you to data prep along with me. After finishing our data prep we briefly! cover the visualization part where we visualize our prepared dataset in Tableau and in Power BI Desktop (yes we briefly cover both tools and it is up to you which you prefer!)Finally, we also briefly cover the predictive analytics capabilities of KNIME and see how easy Machine Learning in KNIME can be (again a brief introduction and no coding required!)If that does not sound like fun, then what? So, if that is interesting to you then lets get started!Are you ready? "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Lunar Yoga - Moon Cycle Yoga for Women" |
"Calling all moon lovers!Connect to your inner wisdom and intuition with this month-long lunar yoga series.Each practice is associated with a moon phase to help you set intentions, find inspiration, practice gratitude and release what no longer serves you. Youll learn about the symbolism of each moon phase and how to work with it and harness its energy both on and off the yoga mat.Have you ever wondered how ? the cycles of the moon ? affect your lifestyle, your yoga practice, or both? If the answer is Y-E-S! then the new Lunar Yoga is here for you!The program includes:a detailed orientation video on the moon cycles and how they affect you and your practicea New Moon ? yin yoga practice to set intentionsa Waxing Moon ? slow flow for inspirationa Full Moon ? vinyasa practice for gratitude and celebrationa Waning Moon ? pranayama practice for releaseFind support for your physical, emotional, and mental well-being in this 5-class series. I love crafting Lunar Yoga practices and can't wait to share these ones with you."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Master the Google Docs Word Processor 2020 G Suite Updates" |
"Our video courses use a Question & Answer format. No need to sift through 8 hours of long lectures looking for a single piece of information.Similar to Microsoft Word or Apple Pages, most people use Google Docs for writing simple documents, never realizing all the time-saving ins and outs of the free online productivity software. In addition to simple functions like saving a document locally as a PDF or adjusting your Google Drive storage plan, this course will show you how to fully use the cloud-based software to quickly create slick, professional documents by utilizing the following:Little-Known FeaturesEnable voice typingAccess the script editor section for computer programmersPlace an automatically-created table of contents into the documentTranslate a full documentAdd letters with accents or special characters Save headings as a default style from templatesTransition between editing and suggesting modesFind the word countDocument Format & StructurePlace a page number on every page but the title pageCreate bullet-point listsFormat text into columnsCheck the document's spelling & grammarTables & ChartsInsert tables with adjustable border color, size, styleUtilize the chart editor in Google Sheets to customize chartsAdd donut holes and border strokes to pie chartsSlant the labels on the X-axis of a bar chartAdjust a chart's gridline count and colorCreate additional rows and columnsMerge cells in a tableStorage Management & PermissionsSelect a new document from a templateAdjust sharing privileges to prevent editors from changing access and adding new peopleDisable download, print, and copy options for commenters and viewersChange storage plansAND MUCH, MUCH MORE!!!With over 100 lessons on very focussed topics, this course will save you plenty of time by specifically answering each and every question you could possibly have about this ubiquitous professional software."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Six Sigma Black Belt: Phase 0 & 1 Practice Tests" |
"Start your Six Sigma Black Belt Certification journey today from Advanced Innovation Group Pro Excellence (AIGPE). The Six Sigma Black Belt Certification is a gold standard for Process Improvement, with over 10,000 open Six Sigma jobs in the US alone.In this course you get 60 Six Sigma Black Belt Practice Questions for Phase 0 (Pre-Define) and Phase 1 (Define). These 60 questions are divided into two tests of 30 questions each. At the end of each test you can see your total percentage score for the test, as well as get an explanation for each question, explaining why the right answer is the right answer.You can review each question and sort them as correct answers, wrong answers, skipped questions and questions marked for review.Do multiple Six Sigma Black Belt Certification (Phase 0 and 1) practice tests like this one to see how the grasp of your knowledge on the course material. You can take this Six Sigma Black Belt Certification (Phase 0 and 1) practice test as many times as you want, the questions and the answer order is randomized. I would suggest 60%+ of right answers consistently on all Six Sigma phases using multiple practice tests before applying for the certification exam.Click the ""Buy Now"" or ""Add to Cart"" button to start your Six Sigma Black Belt Certification Journey today!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Gradient Animations in After Effects" |
"Do you want to learn how to create cool gradient animations quickly & easily whilst learning the basics of Adobe After Effects? Then you're in the right place! In this course you'll learn how to make simple gradient animations which are flexible and fully customisable, making it easier to fit with your project, website or social media platform. This class is perfect for illustrators, graphic designers, motion designers or anyone else looking to have some fun with After Effects! Follow along as we use basic color combinations to create this animation. Through this assignment you will learn:How to choose a complimentary color schemeHow to create a gradient designHow to animate your gradient designContent & Overview This is a great way for beginners to introduce themselves to Adobe After Effects. Each step will be broken down to make understanding the process even easier. Starting with how to choose your own complimentary colors Ill take you through all the tools and skills necessary for the project.Using color gradients are a great way to grab someone's attention and to add some color to your videos. An effective animation will bring new life to your project and will ensure your presentation or video makes the impact it deserves."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Folgen, Reihen und Differenzengleichungen" |
"ThemenbersichtWas dich erwartetZahlenfolgenZahlenfolgen (Grundlagen)Eigenschaften von ZahlenfolgenGrenzwerte von Zahlenfolgen berechnenRekursive ZahlenfolgenDifferenzengleichungenDifferenzengleichungen (Grundlagen)Lineare Differenzengleichungen 1. OrdnungLineare Differenzengleichungen 2. Ordnung (mit konstanten Koeffizienten)ReihenReihen (Grundlagen)Geometrische Reihe & Harmonische ReiheQuotientenkriteriumWurzelkriteriumLeibnizkriteriumVerdichtungskriteriumMajoranten- & MinorantenkriteriumIn jedem Abschnitt erwarten dich zuerst einmal kurz die wichtigsten Grundlagen zu den einzelnen Themen. Im Anschluss rechnen wir perfekt ausgewhlte bungsaufgaben mit Anwendungsbezug, damit du fr deine Prfung jeden Aufgabentyp schon einmal selbst durchgerechnet hast und optimal vorbereitet bist. Einige Aufgaben werden sogar auf verschiedenen Wegen gelst, damit du ein umfassendes Verstndnis fr ""Folgen"", ""Differenzengleichungen"" und ""Reihen"" entwickelst.Im Kurs zum Download erhltlichMerkzettel (PDF)Videoaufgaben (PDF)bungsaufgaben + Lsungen (PDF)Fehlerliste (PDF)"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Investing 101: Asset Classes" |
"What can I invest in? This course introduces you to a range of asset classes: stocks, bonds, REITs, mutual funds, commodities etc. Understand what they are, how they work, their subtypes (eg. growth vs value stocks; corporate vs government bonds) and how to fit them into your investment portfolio. Whether you are a beginner investor or someone interested in learning about asset classes you are unfamiliar with, this course equips you with the fundamentals to answer the opening question What can I invest in?Stocks & SharesFixed Income (Bonds)Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)Mutual FundsCommoditiesDerivativesCryptocurrencies & Tokens"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Self Publishing On Amazon With Kindle Direct Publishing 2020" |
"Imagine waking up in the morning with multiple notifications from your bank:- You received $50 from -- You received $132 from-You didnt do anything, you were just sleeping.So how could this be possible?Its actually easier than you even think.Firstly, you only need 2 simple things:Phone/Laptop and an Internet Connection.Second thing is creating Kindle eBooks-Amazon provides FREE tools and services to take the hassle level to 0!-In this course, I will teach you exactly how to implement and expand the step n.2 in order to build your passive income empire!Whats interesting about it is that you dont even need previous experience, a writing degree or certificationyou can start this even on your own from TODAY!When I started my Kindle Journey I didnt know anything about how to write a book (imagine an eBook!), yet I managed to set up my own system that still generates me 4 figures every month with little to no work.You dont even need to be physically present in a specific place or location as this system can be developed entirely online, thanks to the Amazon platfor, completely free of charge.This is the best business model in 2020 and you will discover how to do exactly the same!Heres What You Will Learn In The Course:How To Make 4-5 Figures On Amazon Each Month Passively With Just 3 Hours of Work Per DayHow To Publish eBooks and Audiobooks and Start Making Money (No Previous Experience Required!)The Exact Same Step-By-Step Method I Followed to Generate 4 Figures After Just 3 Months When I Started My Online Publishing BusinessFull Knowledge and Preparation About Kindle and How It WorksMuch Much MoreIf youre sick and tired of working the 9to5 and want to build something valuable for your lifeOrIf you are an entrepreneur or writer/publisher who wants to invest into something new and packed with opportunities then there has never been such a perfect time!In fact, let me show you what youll find inside the course:2 Hours of Exclusive Video Content to Teach You Everything from A-ZUNLIMITED, LIFETIME Access to The Complete CourseAll My Secret Strategies and Tips To Monetize Your Business In Relatively No-Time3 Downloadable BONUSES To Help You Understand and Achieve Outstanding Results FASTERand Much More!Heres what some of my students have to say""Lee ably shares a step-by-step means of becoming a profitable book publisher using Amazon KDP""""Very helpful course, thanks Lee! Will be looking out for any follow-up courses Lee puts out to help us publishers become more profitable.""""Found it very useful as someone with almost no idea about how Kindle publishing works. The instructor is quite straightforward with not just information but also his own experiences and expertise""""Straightforward, action-based and no BS (something hard to find in ""make money online"" courses these days lol)""If You Are Ready To Make Money Even While You Sleep Join This Exclusive Course NOW Before Price Goes Up!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Simulado CNPI - Questes." |
"Simulado com contedo dos tpicos abordados nas provas do Programa de Certificao Nacional (CNPI).Simulado com questes bsicas e avanadas. ATENO: Este simulado de contedo BSICO e para Iniciantes, para quem no est habituado com matemtica financeira, estatstica bsica e legislao. Dentro destes tpicos bsicos ele possui questes fceis, medias e difceis. Tal simulado est em fase de construo e teste, com incluso de outros assuntos ate o final de fevereiro de 2020.Ele no contemplar TODOS os mdulos da ementa do CNPI. Os focos so questes BSICAS sobre matemtica financeira, estatstica e legislao, com um modulo com questes comentadas.Estamos trabalhando em simulados de contedos especficos com foco em questes comentadas.O PRXIMO SIMULADO ABORDAR O TEMA DE VALUATION, COM TODAS QUESTES COMENTADAS E SELECIONADAS CRITERIOSAMENTE PARA AS PROVAS DE CNPI, FRM, ERP e CFA.Obrigado. Ementa CNPI:Para obteno da certificao o profissional deve ser aprovado nos seguintes exames:CB - Contedo Brasileiro - fase comum para o analista fundamentalista, tcnico e pleno.Uma prova de duas horas de durao com 60 questes de mltipla escolha contendo as seguintes matrias: Sistema Financeiro Nacional, Mercado de Capitais, Mercado de Renda Fixa, Mercado de Derivativos, Conceitos Econmicos, Conduta e Relacionamento, Governana Corporativa, Relaes com Investidores e Sustentabilidade.CG1 - Contedo Global 1 - fase para o analista fundamentalista.Uma prova de duas horas de durao com 60 questes de mltipla escolha contendo as seguintes matrias: Anlise e Avaliao de Aes e Finanas Corporativas: 30 questes;Contabilidade Financeira e Anlise de Relatrios Financeiros: 30 questesCT1 - Contedo Tcnico 1 - fase para o analista tcnico.Uma prova de duas horas de durao com 60 questes de mltipla escolha contendo as seguintes matrias: Fundamentos da Anlise Tcnica; Teoria de Dow, Conceito de Tendncia, Figuras Grficas, Teoria das Ondas de Elliott, Padres Candlestick; Indicadores, Gerenciamento de Risco, Estratgias Operacionais e Trading Systems.Fonte: Portal da APIMEC"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Forehand Topspin Mastery" |
"*** THIS WEEK ONLY SPECIAL DEAL WITH 97% OFF - GET THIS PREMIUM ONLINE TENNIS COURSE for JUST 12.99 USE TENNISSEPTEMBER at Checkout ***Forehand Topspin Mastery - Learn How to Develop That ""Rafa Nadal's Massive Topspin ForehandIn this course you going to learn all necessary steps to develop that huge massive Topspin on your Forehand so you can put your opponents constantly on their back foot!Big topspin is crucial if you want to not just be able to control the ball and hit it as hard as you want and to still keep your balls inside the baseline, but also with big Topspin Forehand you going to win way more points and with ease as lots of Club players don't know how to deal with those heavy balls bouncing fast and high towards them.You going to become the player that everybody in your club will be afraid of and you going to enjoy tennis more as you will finally be able to rely on your new ""TOPSPIN FOREHAND"".The best players in the world understand this very well and you will hardly find a Top 100 ATP Player not having a Topspin on his Forehand.Just take likes of Rafa Nadal, Dominic Thiem, Novak Djokovic or even Roger Federer....where they would be without their massive ""Topspin Forehands""? Certainly not winning Rolland Garros Trophies in the way they've done, or has done (in case of Rafa Nadal)What You Will Learn inside this course:- How to Hit Topspin Forehand Like Rafa Nadal in 5 Easy Steps- How to Change Your Forehand Grip to Get More Topspin- The No.1 Key to Get Massive Topspin Forehand- The Myth About Wrist Lag- Exercises to Help you Develop Your New ""Topspin Forehand""What others Say About This Course:""Jan breaks down step by step what one needs to do in order to get that nice crispy topspin on your Forehand like nobody else does.By following his tutorials, you will not only understand how Topspin works, but you will know what you need to do in order to get the very same results just like ATP Pros. The best is that its not so difficult to achieve it if you follow Jan's spot on instructions!""Highly recommending to all club players! Thanks!"" - John Pooley, London, UKI am looking forward to help you transform your Forehand and your game!Jan MetelkaFounder of PLB Tennis Method *** THIS WEEK ONLY SPECIAL DEAL WITH 97% OFF - GET THIS PREMIUM ONLINE TENNIS COURSE for JUST 12.99 USE TENNISSEPTEMBER at Checkout ***"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Cyber Ethics & Safe Computing" |
"The module delivers the priority towards Cyber ethics as the study of ethics pertaining to computers, covering user behavior and what computers are programmed to do, and how this affects individuals and society. It covers the wisdom of computing and relates positive outcomes and delivery of sharing information and tabulating the negatives as expose and caution to the majority at large."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Practical Project Management Essentials - A Crash Course" |
"Project management might turn out to be daunting task, if a PM does not understand the basic PM concepts, technique and frame work . On similar line, CAPM / PMP certification might look difficult if one does not have basis undertanding on Project management concepts and approach.The unique crash course is designed in such a way to provide anyone with interest on project management with good understanding on project management concepts.It also focusses on some of the analytical calculation which is very much is in practical project managment as well as for certification like,Feasibity study - NPR, IRR, breakeven, Accounting Rate of Return.Earned value Management.Critical Path, Floats.Also, if you are interested in PMP certification, PMBOK would look much easier to understand post completing this course.Happy learning!!."
Price: 2240.00 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Practice Test 19" |
"This AWS Certified Solutions Architect 2019 Practice Exams comes with a total of 50 exam questions spread in 2 individual exams. Each exam contains 30 & 20 questions and you have 60 minutes & 35 minutes in which to complete these exams. The passing score for each exam is 70%. These AWS practice exams will test your knowledge on all core exam topics and enable you to gauge your readiness for the official AWS Certification exams.New Questions will be added every week.These practice tests will help you on your final preparation for AWS Certified Solutions Architect Exam. This exam preparation covers all the topics as per new Feb Released examThe pass marks of each test is 70%. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Latest Update: 11/26/2019Knowledge areas covered:1. CloudWatch monitoring.2. How to use CloudWatch to monitor EC2.3. When to use MZ & read replica.4. Diffrent Storage options available in AWS5. Servless computing with Lambda, 6.Diffrent types of EC2and when to use which one7. Networking (VPC & VPN & Endpoint)8. IAM (when to use Policy and Rolles)9. Application Deployments - Elastic BeanStalk, CloudFormation10. Additional Services - SQS,SNS.11 Autoscalling with ELB (CLB , ALB &NLB)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master Indian Cooking in 11 hours (English) - 70 recipes" |
"'No one is born a great cook, One learns by doing''Cooking is like Love. It should be larger than what you think you need''A recipe has no soul. You as the cook must bring soul to the recipe''Eating is a necessity but cooking is an art'This course is designed to help people to learn and prepare indian dishes easilyThis course will be conducted by Mrs. Radha Bai in a homely environment in English language.List of dishes: (69 recipes)Tamil Nadu recipes:Idli - Pongal - Dosa - Sambar - Rice - Rasam - Kuli Paniyaram - Milk KolukattaiVariety rice items:Lemon rice - Curd rice - Tomato rice - Egg rice - Tamarind rice - Coconut riceTypes of dosa:Plain dosa - Onion dosa - Masala dosa - Egg dosa - Podi dosa - Carrot dosa - Butter dosa - Ghee dosaKerala recipes:Aappam - Rice Puttu - Ada payasam (kheer)Millet recipes:White rava upma - Broken wheat upma - kichadi - Vermicelli upmaSnack items:Medu Vada - Masala vada - Potato Bonda - Cauliflower 65 - Onion Bhaji - Egg BondaGravies:Green pea masala curry - Mushroom Gravy - Green gram curry - Green gram dal curry - Buttermilk curryChutney:Tomato chutney - Coconut chutney - Tomato thokkuEgg recipes:Egg podimas - OmelettePreparation of ingredients:Idli dosa batter preparation - Idli podiNorth Indian recipes:Puri - Chapathi - Poori masalaChicken recipes:Chicken Gravy - Butter Chicken Masala - Pepper Chicken Gravy - Chicken 65Fish recipes:Fish fry - Fish Tawa fry - Fish kulambuKheer:Semiya payasam or Milk Payasam (Vermicelli kheer) - Ada payasam - Green gram dal payasam (Moong dal kheer)Briyani:Vegetable biryani - Chicken biryani - Mushroom biryaniVegetable fry:Cabbage fry - Banana blossom fry - Spinach fry - Spinach KadaiyalPorridge:Rice porridge using drumstick leaves and green gramSide dishes:PapadHot drinks:Tea - CoffeeCold drinks:Butterscotch Milkshake - Rose MilkChinese recipes:Vegetable NoodlesSweet items:Rava Kesari"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
PositivaMENTE |
"Los pensamientos estn presente en nuestra mente casi las 24 horas al da. Ellos pueden hacernos avanzar o frenar en nuestro transitar por la vida. De ti depende, como pensar: en positivo o negativo. Deseas nutrir tu mente de pensamientos empoderantes o limItadores? Quieres aprender a reconocer esas ideas inquietantes o perturbadoras que obstaculizan tu es estado deseado? Deseas conocer las estrategias y claves necesarias para hacer los cambios en tu manera de pensar? Si tu respuesta es positiva... De seguro que si, ya que has llegado hasta aqu, entonces; te quiero dar una EXTRAORDINARIA NOTICIA: hoy quiero hacerte entrega de este programa maravilloso. Aqu vas a encontrar una gua que te va a permitir identificar y modificar tus pensamientos en pro de tu bienestar fsico y emocional."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Injeo Eletrnica - Iniciao" |
"*NOES BSICAS DE MOTORES DIESEL1 Histria*PRINCIPAIS PARTES DOS MOTORES1 Cabeote do motor2 Vlvulas3 Eixo de cames ou de comando de vlvulas4 Bloco do motor5 Cilindro6 rvore de manivelas ou virabrequim7 Pisto8 Biela9 Crter do motor10 Cmara de combusto*MOTOR DIESEL DE QUATRO TEMPOS1 Primeiro curso: admisso2 Segundo curso: compresso3 Terceiro curso: expanso4 Quarto curso: descarga*COMBUSTVEIS PARA MOTOR DIESEL1 leo diesel rodovirio interior (S1800)2 Qualidade do leo diesel3 Pureza4 Contagem de Partculas5 Densidade6 Viscosidade7 Nmero de Cetano8 Ponto de fulgor*SISTEMA DE ALIMENTAO1 Circuito de ar2 Pr-filtro3 Filtro de ar4 Filtros em banho de leo5 Filtros de ar seco6 Elemento primrio do filtro de ar seco7 Elemento secundrio do filtro de ar seco8 Coletor de admisso9 Turbocompressor10 Intercooler*CIRCUITO DE COMBUSTVEL1 Tanque de combustvel2 Copo de sedimentao3 Bomba alimentadora4 Filtros de combustvel5 Tubulaes6 Bomba injetora7 Bicos injetores*SISTEMA DE LUBRIFICAO1 leos lubrificantes2 Funes do leo lubrificante3 Viscosidade do leo lubrificante4 Classificao SAE5 Qualidade do leo lubrificante6 Classificao API para motor diesel*TIPOS DE SISTEMAS DE LUBRIFICAO1 Sistema de mistura com o combustvel2 Sistema por salpico3 Sistema de circulao e salpico4 Sistema de circulao sobpresso5 Reservatrio de leo6 Bomba de leo7 Galerias8 Filtro de leo9 Vlvula de alvio10 Manmetro11 Radiador de leo*SISTEMA DE ARREFECIMENTO1 Funo do sistema de arrefecimento2 Meios arrefecedores *SISTEMA DE CIRCULAO FORADA1 Radiador2 Bomba dgua3 Vlvula termosttica4 Tampa do radiador5 Ventoinha6 Mangueiras7 Elementos do radiador*SISTEMA DE INJEO ELETRNICA DIESEL1 Diesel Eletrnico (EDC)2 Sistema de injeo Unit Injector System (UIS)3 Sistema de injeo Common Rail(CRS)4 Aparelhos para teste de injeo eletrnica diesel"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Coworking business model & fundraising workshop" |
"Working on building a coworking space? Great! Let's make sure you get on the right track!I've distilled my 12+ years of experience running coworking spaces and teaching thousands of others into the most succinct, effective approach possible. This series of lectures and printable worksheets will give you everything you need to better understand:The sustainable business models (there are probably more than you think!)How to identify all the potential supporters who can help youHow to build a support network to help you finance and build your spaceAnd so much more. Follow everything in this course and you'll be well on your way to opening a thriving space that's built to last!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Get Alerted by PagerDuty" |
"Trouble managing your support teams? Delays causing you to loose customers? In 2020 you can't have customers telling you about issues.You need to be pro-active. So what is this course about? (In very few words)Create Schedules and Escalation PoliciesLearn Concepts that should be applied along with a tool like PagerDutyMaster Cool Street Tricks like uploading multiple users via CSV and RubyWe will learn how to Integrate with different apps in different ways. Work with different incidents, services and strategize your response plays. Group alerts using algorithms to reduce spam and setup users to take advantage of all this.We are not going to claim you will know everything about PagerDuty, but you will know enough to get work done and know where to look for the next bit of knowledge. Did I mention quizzes and assignments? Well they will be used for you to try out some concepts yourself in practice.Really there are no prerequisites, even if we use another technology it will be explained. This is a foundation course and does not expect you to know anything about PagerDuty.Let's get started on this adventure together. Reach out to us the moment you have any issue!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"WordPress for Beginners: Create unlimited Websites for Free." |
"Do you want to create a websites but you don't know coding?, you are lucky because in this lessen i will show exactly how to make a website from scratch without needing to know how to code.In this course we will build a blog step-by-step together and i will provide you with a free domain name service for 12 months. I'm also going to provide you with a lifetime free hosting service so that you can start you online blog for can always use a free theme and i will show you how to install it, in this course i will use a paid theme and i will also show you where to get it if you want these method you will not get a free SSL certificate but you can always get a free one using a website called cloudflare.About monetize your blog:yes you can monetize your blog with ads, i will show you how i use this method to display amazon ads on my blog and it's supper can use Adsense too if you wish.Here's a summary of what we cover:where to get Free domain name and how to register.where to get Free hosting service and how to to install Wordpresshow to clean our default Wordpresswhere and how to get the themehow to customize you themewhere to get articles and how to post themYou Can Always contact me if you have a Question."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
plus-2019-fall-digest |
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Trading, Anilsis Tcnico e Inversin e bolsa - Intermedio" |
"Crisis, Ciclos Econmicos, Medios de Comunicacin, Anlisis Fundamental, Tcnico, Indicadores Macro, Sociedad... Si ests leyendo esto es porque buscas ser un len y no una gacela, quieres ganar dinero en los mercados financieros pero no tienes 100.00 para invertir, no te preocupes yo tampoco los tengo.Personalmente no me gano la vida con mis inversiones en bolsa pero obtengo un remanente positivo todos los meses y ese ingreso extra cuadruplica mi flujo de caja a final de mes, acumulando ganancias y reinvirtiendo llegars a ganar mucho ms que un sueldo comn. Antes la inversin en bolsa era para unos pocos adinerados con buenas posiciones pero con la llegada de internet ha aumentado el acceso a estas herramientas financieras. A pesar de esto la cultura financiera de los pequeos inversores es, en su gran mayora, nula, por desgracia... o no.La Regla 90/90/90: El 90% de los inversores pierde el 90% de su dinero en 90 das. Es una frase que se usa para describir el escaso conocimiento financiero de la clase media. Esto no es una desgracia, es una oportunidad para aquellas personas que aprenden a leer los mercados para situarse por encima de esa gran mayora de personas que pierde dinero para que nostros lo ganemos.Para que existan ganadores en bolsa tiene que haber perdedores, la diferencia entre estos dos es el nivel de conocimiento sobre los mercados.Que aprenders en este curso?Anlisis Fundamental: - Como conocer el valor real de una empresa para compararlo con su precio por accin actual.- Conocer los Ingresos y Gastos de una empresa para saber si esta ganando o perdiendo dinero.- Balance y Cuentas de resultados.- Identificar la deuda de una empresa.- Ratios: Liquidez, Solvencia, BETA, PER, Dividendos, BPA- Sabrs si una empresa est consolidada y obtiene beneficios, cuando adems este infravalorada es momento de comprar.Anlisis Tcnico:- Ondas de Elliot, Soportes y Resistencias, Banderas, HCH, W, Techos y Suelos, Three soldiers, Morning Star... y ms formaciones.- Indicadores: RSI, MACD, Volumen de contratacin, 3. Macroeconoma de Mercados: - Indicadores Macro: PIB, Inflacin, Tipos de Inters, Tipos de Cambio de Divisas, Desempleo, Nuevas matriculaciones, Inmuebles... -Ciclos Econmicos, Crisis Financiera, Crisis Inmobiliaria, Crisis Sanitaria (Cvid-19), Crisis de Sobreproduccin y Subconsumo. 4. Acciones y Noticiarios: - La relevancia de estar informados. - Las noticias y su efecto casi inmediato en el mercado. (Por ejemplo: desastres naturales o accidentes)Mi intencin es guiarte respondiendo a muchas preguntas que todos nos hacemos cuando empezamos a Invertir en Bolsa ayudando a evitar los errores ms habituales. Considero que la mejor forma de aprender es la autodidacta, es decir, leer libros, acudir a seminarios, conferencias y hacer cursos como este. Youtbe no brinda herramientas en su totalidad para leer los resultados de una empresa, es por esto que me decid a hacer este curso completo y al que voy aadiendo contenido periodicamente para estar lo ms cerca de la actualidad sobre todo en tiempos de crisis como la actual crisis pandemica que va a traer unas consecuencias enorme y va a remover las aguas creando el momento idneo para pescar.Por supuesto existe otra intencin que es la de obtener beneficio por este curso, yo he llegado a pagar cantidades muy altas por cursos muy cortos que no ofrecan nada interesante, nuevo, o de ayuda. Yo tambin he sido en parte alumno de internet y me he encontrado con cursos de pago muy elevado que no merecan para nada la pena as que me decid a ensear a los dems algo que me apasiona, las finanzas, creando este curso que sigo actualizando para que el alumno goce de una informacin vlida y de calidad por un precio igual a una entrada de cine o a un par de paquetes de tabaco. Si compras el curso tendrs acceso de por vida a todo el contenido que vaya aadiendoNo te vas a hacer millonario de la noche a la maana si no tienes una gran suma de dinero, pero puedes conseguir duplicar el dinero que te queda a final de mes, acumulando mes tras mes parte de las ganancias y reinvirtiendo ese beneficio se puede duplicar en poco tiempo aumentando ms an las ganancias. A esto Warren Buffett de Berkshire Hathaway considerado el inversor ms exitoso del mundo lo llama el efecto bola de nieve.Si de esta forma prctica aprendes un concepto nuevo este curso te ser til, es todo prctico con acciones reales de los distintos mercados del mundo. Al fin y al cabo la prctica es el nico criterio de la verdad y la mejor forma de aprender rpido."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Penetration Testing - Buffer Overflow and Malware backdoor" |
"Welcome to my Course ""Penetration Testing - Buffer Overflow and Malware backdoor""This course will take you on a journey of learning and understanding the system fundamentals and deep dive in debugging in order to understand how CPU use registers with the memory also how the buffer overflow vulnerability occurs & how to Exploit it. then learn what malware is, how to create backdoor with NCAT and how you can get control over a system.Once you are able to understand how hackers think, you will be able to use your new skills to continue your learning in ethical hacking and penetration testing.We have designed this course to enable those aspiring to enter the information security field. This course is perfect for anybody who is passionate about developing their skills in the field of Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing, Cyber Security and Information Security. Also perfect for Anyone Planning to be Ethical Hacker, Penetration Tester, Reverse Engineer, Malware Analyst, Security consultants, etc.No prior training is required to take this course as we will start with the basics. We welcome anyone with a thirst for learning.Together, we will walk you through the entire learning process step by step.With this course you'll get 24/7 support, so if you have any questions you can post them in the Q&A section or send us a message and we'll respond to you."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"CREATE A CHURCH WEBSITE: A-Z Web Design For Total Beginners!" |
"This course, How To Create A Church Website for WordPress will show you how to create your very own website from scratch for your church or ministry.Every stage of making your church website is laid out step by step in easy straightforward tutorials.> Planning out and designing your website> Choosing your website address & registering your domain> Activating Web Hosting & Installing wordpress> Uploading your website theme and designing your pages> Optimizing your website for best performance and google searchCreate a beautiful, effective website for without touching a line of code.This entire website design course for churches & ministries is based on the latest wordpress frameworks and editing platform.Save yourself weeks of trial and error and get a beautiful website up and running quickly and easily.Learning how to design a church website is an investment and is well worth it with the amount of time youll save, plus the potential $$ youll save by knowing which host to pick, which themes and features are worth paying for, and which free plugins do the best job.This course is specially designed for churches, ministries, pastors, youth pastors, worship teams and beginners who want to build a beautiful church website.This course will help you toMaster Website Design with WordpressCreate a beautiful website in a fraction of the time (and with way better results)Create a logo, color palette and brand theme for your church or ministryMake your website load quicklySell music, downloads or products through an online storeGet your church or ministry to show up in Google SearchImplement the best user experience for your visitors / membersShare your weekly sermons / videos / music on your websiteAnd much much more!Web design can be intimidating, but this course breaks everything down into easy, simple lessons and shows you the best way to create a website without any coding or complicated technology.Watch me make a church website from scratch and follow along step by stepWho this course is for:Churches, non profits, pastors, youth pastors, worship teams or any ministry looking to create a new websiteAny church or ministry looking to increase your reach and struggling to get new visitors from google searchAnyone who wants to improve his / her / other (e.g. your friend/client) website's ranking in search resultsIf you want to save 1000s of $$ without hiring a web designer to build your websiteIf you want to build / create / setup SEO friendly WordPress websites"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |