Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"MTA 98-361 C# - 6 Real Simulation Practice Tests" |
"*** These 6 MTA 98-361 Software Development Fundamentals Practice Exams provide you with 300 realistic test questions and provide you with interactive, question-level feedback. ***In this course, I will prepare you for what it is like to take the MTA 98-361 Software Development Fundamentals Certification Exam. With 6 full-length practice exams with 50 unique questions and each of which is timed at 120 minutes, I have carefully hand-crafted each question to put you to the test and prepare you to pass the exam with confidence.All questions are based on the Exam Objectives for the MTA 98-361 Software Development Fundamentals Practice Exams for all MTA 98-361 domains of the exam, so you can take and pass the actual MTA 98-361 Software Development Fundamentals Certification Exam with confidence!You won't be hoping you are ready, you will know you are ready to sit for and pass the exam. After practicing these tests and scoring an 70% or higher on them, you will be ready to PASS on the first attempt and avoid costly re-schedule fees, saving you time and money.You will receive your total final score, along with a detailed explanation and feedback on every question in our database, telling you exactly why each answer is correct, so you can pinpoint the areas in which you need to improve and study further.This exam will prove that a student completely is:Understanding core programming (15-20%)Understanding object-oriented programming (20-25%)Understanding general software development (15-20%)Understanding web applications (15-20%)Understanding desktop applications (15-20%)Understanding databases (15-20%)This course is constantly updated to ensure it stays current and up-to-date with the latest release of the MTA 98-361 Software Development Fundamentals Certification Exam!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Endometriosis Natural Healing and Self-Help" |
"In this course I present:Natural Healing Treatments for EndometriosisNatural Treatments for Pain and InflammationAnalysis of Your Health StateMy Story and Personal Experiences Throughout the CourseConsequences of Taking MedicationEndometriosis Root Causes (According to Natural Medicine)Specific Diet Guidelines for Eliminating Endometriosis PainAnd tips to get your life back!This is absolutely the course I wish I have found when I was desperate suffering from Endometriosis!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
JavaScriptCSSWEB |
"CSSJSWEBCSSJavaScriptWEBHTMLCSSJavaScriptCSSJavaScriptWEBJavaScriptCSSWEBJavaScriptCSSCSSJavaScriptCSSJavaScriptCSSJavaScriptJavaScriptJSReactVueCSSBootstrapJSES moduleJavaScriptWebpackJSJavaScriptclassWebpackIE11IE11IE11Microsoft"
Price: 9600.00 ![]() |
"Zielsetzung Pro" |
"In diesem Kurs wirst du Methoden zum Formulieren von Zielen, Zerlegen von Zielen in Teilziele, Aufgabenmanagement und Reflektieren von Ergebnissen kennen lernen. Auerdem wirst du Techniken lernen, die den Weg zum Ziel erleichtern und dein Leben strukturierter und entspannter machen. Wenn du die gelernten Techniken korrekt und konsequent anwendest wirst du die Chancen deine Ziele zu erreichen erheblich erhhen."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Fullstack GoLang React OAuth Flow w/ Node Included" |
"First we are going to explore setting up a Keycloak server. Second we will configure HTTPS via letsencrypt and Nginx to cancel our Certs. Next well create our own authentication server and resource server in both GoLang and Node. Last we will chop it all up and create a micro Authentication protocol specifically for websockets."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
i-kmoavn |
Price: 3000.00 ![]() |
"Firma grnden und Anmelden beim Finanzamt" |
"Die Zwei Schritte zur Grndung einer Firma und ausfhrliche Schritt- fr - Schritt Anleitung zum Ausgefllen des ,, Fragebogen zur steuerlichen Erfassung,, , das du an das Finanzamt senden musst.Einfache Erklrung des Inhaltes des Steuerfragebogens und Darstellung der steuerlichen Zusammenhnge und Konsequenzen.Du erwirbst wirtschaftliches Wissen und wirtschaftliche Zusammenhnge. Du erhltst eine praktisch anwendbaren Tipp, wie du auch in schwierigen Zeiten Liquide bleiben kannst und dich vor totaler Pfndung schtzen kannst."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Let's Master Synonyms & Antonyms" |
"In this course we will discover the relevance of synonyms and antonyms in the English language. Synonyms and antonyms are vital to ensure your every day speech doesn't become dull.Alongside learning synonyms & antonyms, we'll also explore the importance of collocation in the English language - a common misdemeanour for non-native speakers."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Self-mastery through Stoicism" |
"Stoic philosophy has been practised for over 2000 years and has recently seen a global resurgence. Warren Buffet and Bill Gates , among others, have stated that they also study and adopt Stoic philosophy. Stoicism is a philosophy that will teach you how to endure extreme hardship, overcome adversity and meet the fiercest challenges, live properly and achieve an inner peace of mind. This course will teach you everything you need to know about Stoicism, and provide you with the necessary tools to live like a true Stoic."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Storytelling for Digital Nomads" |
"Storytelling for Digital Nomas will take you on a heartwrenching, deep journey to help you find stories to relate to the world around you and your audience. Packed with helpful assignments, clear examples and thought-provoking questions to help you find your stories. This course will help you find your voice, consistently generate ideas, and inspire you to look into your life for ideas to share."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"File and Exception Handling with Python" |
"Hello and welcome to this course. this is that course you cant skip if you want to start you programming journey with python. File and Exception Handling with python gives you a hands on approach with 99.9% practical with detailed explanations. Enroll today and start learning... I will see you in the videos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Web Developer Practice Bootcamp" |
"An evaluation tool for students who want to retain more of what they have learnt in a web developer Bootcamp. Test your knowledge on modern web technologies such as HTML, CSS, Javascript, NodeJs and more.These questions are the ones you will typically get in a job interview and so are crucial that you know them first hand.The questions asked also have answers with detailed explanations to ensure that you also learn from them.The practice test will deepen your understanding on web development as a whole. I also offer support and help in case you need it in the Q/ A!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"VMware vSphere 6 Foundations Exam (2V0-620) Practice Test" |
"The VMware Certified Professional 6 - Data Foundations Exam (2V0-620) practice test helps users prepare for the VMware Certified Professional 6 - Data Foundations Exam (2V0-620). Exam Questions similar to actual VMware Certified Professional 6 - Data Foundations Exam (2V0-620) Certification.Online practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts.After taking the practice test you can at-least get 70 to 80% on the actual Sap exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual VMware Certified Professional 6 - Data Foundations Exam (2V0-620) Certification. Exam TopicsSection 1: Install and configure vCenter Server and ESXISection 2: Configure vSphere NetworkingSection 3: Configure vSphere StorageSection 4: Deploy and Administer Virtual Machines and vAppsSection 5: Establish and Maintain Availability and Resource Management FeaturesSection 6: Perform Basic TroubleshootingSection 7: Monitor a vSphere ImplementationOfficial Exam Details:Exam Name : VMware Certified Professional 6 - Data Foundations Exam (2V0-620) Certification.Type of Questions : Multiple choice (single/multiple), True/FalseExam Number: 2V0-620Duration: 115 minutesAssociated Certification: VCP6-DCV, VCP6-CMA, VCP6-DTM, VCP6-NVNumber of Questions: 65Exam Product: vSphere Version: 6Passing Score: 300Practice ExamTotal Questions to check your knowledge: 300Type of Questions : Multiple choice (single/multiple), True/FalsePassing Score : 70%"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Affinity Designer IPad - Grafikdesign Einsteiger Kurs" |
"Der Affinity Designer Einsteiger Kurs fr das IPad.In diesem Kurs arbeiten wir uns durch die Grundlagen zum Thema Grafikdesign, um mit Affinity Designer arbeiten zu knnen.Du erlernst die Funktionen der wichtigsten Werkzeuge und ntzliches Basis Wissen, unter anderem zu wichtigen Themen wie den "" Ebenen"" .Sobald wir mit den Basics durch sind, kommen wir zu unseren ersten eigenen Projekten, wobei wir Schritt fr Schritt eigene Grafiken erstellen. Wir schauen uns auerdem an, wie man anhand einer Vorlage eine Grafik nachbildet, sowohl anhand von Zeichen-Grafiken, wie auch von echten Bildern.Auerdem werden wir gemeinsam ein Logo erstellen und bei all den Lektionen, werden zum einen die Grundlagen gefestigt, da sie hierbei immer wieder praktisch angewendet werden, zum anderen erlernst du hierbei aber auch viele neue Funktionen und Tipps die dir das arbeiten mit Affinity Designer am IPad erleichtern.Du wirst sehen, das es ein groer vorteil ist, Grafiken direkt am IPad zu gestalten und bestimmt eine Menge aus dem Kurs fr dich mitnehmen knnen.Whrend dem Kurs werden alle wichtigen Schritte Optisch auf dem Bildschirm gekennzeichnet und genau erklrt.Alle Materialien, wie Grafiken und Bilder die ich whrend dem Kurs verwende, stehen natrlich auch fr dich, zum Download bereit."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Surfboard shaping, the 10 step method to pro results." |
"This course will show and explain the 10 time tested steps to consistent, professional level surfboard shaping. Each step is designed to be finished before moving onto the next step which makes it much easier to understand, remember and reproduce. This time tested system significantly reduces the time it takes to master the art of surfboard shaping."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Surfboard shaping, anyone can shape a magic board method." |
"This is an easy to follow shaping method that will show you how to shape a great performing surfboard on your first try. No special tools or experience necessary. Most that follow this method are surprised to find that their shape rides every bit as good as a brand name board that costs three times as much. Even though this method is perfect for the first time shaper, it is also used by many advanced and professional shapers that shape in locations without electricity or access to advanced power tools. I have used this exact method to shape professional level surfboards in garages, hotel rooms and even on the beach of an exotic surf location."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"How to sand a surfboard to pro quality without experience." |
"Sanding surfboards is usually a job reserved for highly experienced craftsmen and it is getting nearly impossible to find anyone with this skill and experience. This is the sanding method that i developed to get any ""no experience"" worker to produce high quality finishes from day one. I have also used this sanding method to instantly improve the quality of finish for board builders around the world."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
136PV |
Price: 19800.00 ![]() |
ozxqhaeu |
Price: 19800.00 ![]() |
"ACCA SBL Strategic Business Leader (SBL) video based course" |
"This ACCA SBL course is based on Dr. Dino's globally adopted SBL flowchart which organises SBL's material in a logical sequential manner based on his practical Flowchart methodology. Learn all important business models in short videos along with their descriptions, understand what is expected during the exam, gain tips on how to pass SBL, how and when to use the theories, learn what the examiners expect, how to manage your time in reading the case, tips on writing style, all in a series of over 40 short, simple bite size videos for a total of 2.5 hours (145 minutes)."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Instagram Mastery: A Step-by-Step to Building A Business" |
"INSTAGRAM IS THE MOST INFLUENTIAL PLATFORM TO BUILD A COMMUNITY OF RAVING FANS AND PAYING CUSTOMERS...According to Hootsuite there are:100 Billion monthly active users on the 'Gram as of 2019!500 Million people use IG stories everyday200 Million users visit at least one business profile dailyThe gender mix is: 52% Female, 48% MaleIG's potential advertising reach is 849.3 Million users75.3% of U.S businesses will use IG in 2020Sometimes I seriously can't contain my excitement when it comes to InstagramWhy? Because I do all my marketing on this platform and the best part is I pay FREE 99 to build, brand, and market my online business!--------------Here Is What You Get When You Get Started Today...Module 1: How to Set Up Your ProfileModule 2: Creating High Engaging Pictures & ContentModule 3: Boost Your Engagement (likes, comments, & shares)Module 4: Influencer Insider Apps & ToolsModule 5: Perfect Image & Content StrategyModule 6: IG Account & Website Traffic MasteryModule 7: Attract Your Ideal ClientModule 8: Establish Yourself as a Top-Notch Influencer & ExpertModule 9: High Converting Sales FunnelModule 10: Schedule and Plan Your Content--------------Implementing Instagram into my business marketing strategy has CHANGED my life!!Deep in my soul I know that it can change yours too!The day I decided to give 100% of my attention towards learning, mastering, and marketing via Instagram...was the day my business took off. I know what it is like to start a business with a budget and a lack of ""know how"" knowledge. I launched HTW, in mid 2016 when I found myself desiring to fire my boss and have a jetset lifestyle. Yup! Just like you, I wanted a WIFI business where I could work from anywhere!I spent tons of days glued to my computer jumping from webinar to webinar. Attending seminars that left me feeling overwhelmed by everything I learned in 3 days. Hired an online biz coach at $3,500 to teach me all the ""secrets"" and spill all the business influencer inside scoop (that overwhelmed me too). Bought tons of cheap courses. Enrolled to a few monthly memberships. Listened to podcasts. Downloaded tons of freebies from Pinterest promising to give me all the answers and yet I didn't feel confident in my ability to market myself on Instagram!One super ambitious day, I decided to develop my own marketing system because I was on a mission to build a mother f*cking Empire. I spent countless hours perfecting my content and optimizing every component of my account in order to automate leads and sales. Was able to collaborate and connect with high engaging accounts like @bossladiesmindset @mindingherbusiness @hausofdimitriBesides establishing myself as an ""expert"" in my industry and an Instagram influencer... I've traveled and lived abroad for FUN in Europe. Been able to witness life changing experiences like a birth without having to request the day off. Rarely use an alarm to wake me up. Wake up in ""tourist"" locations without financial stress and worry. Book speaking engagements. Empower women like YOU to follow their passion because you seriously have some life-changing skills, talents, knowledge, and abilities that the rest of the world needs!!!Regardless, of your code...past...and lack of ""know-how""I am here to guide you step-by-step how I built a community of over 32k ambitious women who are ready to transform their life and business. Are you ready to learn?--------------Testimonials""I really enjoyed Instagram Mastery Course! In addition to teaching overall Instagram knowledge, Genesis gave awesome insider tips on how to attract more engaged followers, how to clearly speak to my tribe, and even how to organize my page better to attract the right clients. Most of all, I love the professional video format as Im such a visual learner. And bonus: Genesis is a really positive and uplifting teacher!! I highly recommend you join her course today if you want to get your Instagram page up and running the right way!""-Cassie @profitpassionacademy"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mekanizma Teknii Hz Analizi" |
"Mekanizma Teknii dersinde farkl yntemler ile hz analizlerinin nasl yapldn reneceiz. Ani dnme merkezlerinin nasl bulunuu ile balayp ani dnme merkezlerine gre hz tayini, dnm hz metodu ve bal hz metodu ile devam edeceiz. Anlatmlar kendi niversitemdeki (Cumhuriyet niversitesi) anlatmlarda ki gibi yapmaya alacam. Benim iin bir tecrbe ve ilk kurs olacak. Umarm herkese faydas olur. Geri dnleriniz benim iin nemli o sebeple mmkn mertebe fikirlerinizi esirgemeyin. imdiden herkese baarlar diliyorum..."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Die ersten Fahrstunden auf dem Verkehrsbungsplatz:" |
"Mit dem Praxis Kurs fr den Verkehrsbungsplatz von der Fahrschule Kessler wirst du perfekt auf deine ersten Fahrstunden vorbereitet. Wir werden dir zeigen, worauf du achten musst und worauf es gerade am Anfang ankommt. Mit diesem Kurs sparst du garantiert in den ersten Fahrstunden eine Menge Zeit und Nerven. Dieser einzigartige Video-Kurs deckt alles ab, was du in den ersten zwei bis vier mit deinem Fahrlehrer machen wirst.Sei jetzt dabei und lerne, wie du alles am und im Auto einstellst und bedienst."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Como educar crianas pelo mtodo francs" |
"Neste curso se ensina o mtodo de educao de crianas segundo os franceses. O curso mostra, atravs de exemplos prticos de uma me brasileira que viveu na Frana e foi bab de alguns pequenos franceses. Cada dica vale ouro e deve ser aplicada risca para que funcione bem. A consistncia a chave do sucesso. A frase de maior eficcia : espera, por favor. Aplicando o mtodo, pouco a pouco sua vida vai mudando e suas noites de sono, assim como as refeies mesa tornam-se momentos agradveis e felizes! Vamos juntos nesse desafio de educar pequenos seres humanos! Qualquer dvida estou s ordens e posso auxiliar qualquer dificuldade atravs de trocas de mensagens por aqui, ok? Boa sorte e at logo!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Speed Reading Meister: 1000+ WpM schnell lesen & verstehen" |
"1000 Wrter+ pro Minute lesen und gleichzeitig auch noch verstehen knnen. Hast du Probleme mit dem Lesen? Kommst du einfach nicht voran? Und ist das Lesen fr dich eher Arbeit als Erholung? Dann ist dieser Kurs fr dich gemacht!Denn stelle dir vor du wrdest fr ein Buch nicht mehr 3 Wochen, sondern nur noch 3 Tage brauchen und dir gleichzeitig noch mehr merken knnen, als zuvor. Und stelle dir nun noch vor, dass dir das Ganze auch noch Spa macht. Kein ewiges herum Qulen mehr. Kein ""stndig in der Zeile zurckspringen, weil man den Satz nicht verstanden hat""Lerne hier, wie du deine Lesefhigkeit innerhalb krzester Zeit so verbesserst, dass du nicht nur Zeit sparst beim Lesen, sondern gleichzeitig auch mehr verstehst und dir das Gelesene besser merken kannst. Ich zeige dir die besten speedreading Techniken und wie du gehirngerechtes lesen erlernen kannst. Was du in diesem Kurs lernen wirst:Erprobte Lesetechniken fr die direkte AnwendungDas Erreichen atemberaubender Lesegeschwindigkeiten Das Vermeiden der fatalsten Lesefehler Das ideale Konzentrationstraining Wie du es schaffst mehr Spa am Lesen zu habenUnd geheime Techniken, die kaum jemand kennt, mit denen du deine Lesefertigkeit in ungeahnte Hhen katapultieren kannst.Wichtig: Es sind keine Vorkenntnisse notwendig. Alles, was du brauchst, ist: Der Wille, die Sache auch durchzuziehen.Spare dir die Zeit und nutze sie effektivKlicke jetzt auf ""Jetzt kaufen"" und sichere dir deinen lebenslangen Zugang."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Edition Prime - Curso de ps produo para fotgrafos" |
"Nesse curso quero que voc compreenda de forma prtica algumas tcnicas as quais levei anos para aprender, tcnicas essas que iro fazer toda diferena no seu trabalho. Vou te ensinar tudo que aprendi e mostrar a forma que trabalho para otimizar o meu tempo. Vai ser uma alegria poder te ensinar, e fazer com que voc tambm seja um excelente fotgrafo(a) com uma identidade visual nica, com um olhar, e trabalho diferenciado."
Price: 504.99 ![]() |
earn-money-2020 |
" "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a Vender Mais no Mercado Livre + SEO + MercadoShop" |
"O Mercado Livre uma das maiores plataformas de venda pela internet e voc ta esperando o que para comear a vender ou se voc j vende melhorar as suas vendas.No perca mais tempo.Aprenda agora a montar um anuncio no Mercado Livre de sucesso.Neste Curso Vamos aprender algumas tcnicas e montar uma boa discrio do seu produtoContedo do Curso:Introduo ao Mercado LivreConhecendo a plataformaPoliticas Mercado LivrePesquisa de ProdutosSeoKeywordtollSondagem de annciosColocando a mo na massa MercadoShop"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Java - the easy way" |
"Programming is a fascinating activity and, like for me, can be not only a job but also a hobby. In my course I offer an insight into the programming language Java. The motto of the course is ""Learning by Doing"". For me the practical work was the most important part of learning Java.Have fun with my course!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Projeto de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos com PVSol" |
"Neste curso voc ir aprender a utilizar o software PVSol para dimensionar, projetar e realizar anlises de sistemas fotovoltaicos.O PVSol um dos softwares mais renomados mundialmente no projeto de sistemas de energia solar.Voc ir aprender com diversos exemplos prticos, e os recebero como material de apoio, incluindo:1 - Casa Telhado Cermico Google Earth Aprenda a fazer o dimensionamento de sistemas fotovoltaicos utilizando imagens de satlite.2 - Exemplo Calculo ICMS Ferramenta exclusiva desenvolvida pela Elektsolar para o Calculo de ICMS na energia injetada no PVSol.3 - Telhado em Galpo Modelagem em 3D de galpes no PVSol.4 - Estrutura Triangular Autocad Aprenda a realizar projetos no PVSol a partir de plantas do Autocad, alm disso faa projetos com estruturas triangulares de telhado.5 - Casa Telhado Ceramico Sketchup Aprenda a importar modelos 3D do Sketchup diretamente para o PVSol, para um projeto rpido e fcil.6 - Modelagem Drone 3D Aprenda como importar arquivos 3D montados a partir de fotos de Drones para o PVSol.7 - Usina de Solo Aprenda a dimensionar Usinas fotovoltaicas em Solo, para assim calcular a Taxa de Desempenho e as perdas de sombramento do sistema.8 - Carport Google Earth Aprenda a dimensionar Carports, estruturas para o estacionamento de veculos no PVSol.9 - Escritrio Autocad Aprenda a fazer o dimensionamento de sistemas fotovoltaicos a partir de plantas do Autocad, e assim visualizando o melhor posicionamento dos mdulos no telhado, devido ao sombreamento.10 - Usina de Solo 1 MW Aprenda a fazer o dimensionamento de grandes usinas fotovoltaicas, simulando em detalhe sua taxa de desempenho.APRENDA A FAZER PROJETOS E DIMENSIONAMENTO COM O CURSO SOFTWARE PV SOL! possvel baixar a verso teste do PVSol por 30 dias"
Price: 354.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Product Marketing for Medical Devices" |
"Are you interested in working with products that can improve, and sometimes even save people's lives? All while being paid a high salary to do so? Then a career in marketing medical devices may be for you. This course will teach you everything you need to know about being an effective product marketer in the medical device industry. "
Price: 29.99 ![]() |