Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Estudo de Classificao de reas" |
"O estudo de classificao de reas tem por objetivo determinar quais reas esto sujeitas formao de uma atmosfera explosiva e, finalmente, que tipo de equipamento eltrico pode ser instalado em cada local para uma operao segura. uma atividade de extrema importncia durante a execuo de um projeto e envolve o trabalho de vrias disciplinas.A inteno desse curso apresentar os conceitos principais envolvidos no estudo e tambm quais os mtodos mais utilizados para desenvolv-lo. O enfoque principal no mtodo do exemplo direto.Iremos falar sobre:- O que uma rea classificada;- Quais as normas aplicveis;- Tringulo do Fogo;- Propriedades dos Lquidos e Vapores Combustveis e Inflamveis;- Poeiras;- Limpeza;- Grupo e Temperatura dos Equipamentos Eltricos;- Grau de Liberao e Ventilao;- Zonas;- Comparao entre Normas IEC x NEC;- Viso Geral dos Mtodos, com enfoque no mtodo do Exemplo Direto;- Lista de Classificao de reas;- Planta de Classificao de reas;- Tipos de Proteo para Equipamentos."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Essentials of Social Media Marketing ()" |
"Essentials of Social Media Marketing () is a flagship course by InfyMark Solutions which covers every fundamental concept required to start a career in Social Media Marketing World.If you are looking to start your career in Social Media Marketing then jumping directly onto ""How-To"" part of Advertising will make you no more different than lakhs of individuals out there. Hence it is very necessary to understand the fundamentals behind ""What"" things we do in Social Media & ""Why"" we do them. A clear understanding of this will help you make your own smart decisions, derive better marketing strategies & in end will help you stand apart from the rest. This fundamental course is aimed at educating you on concepts which are very important for an overall understanding of Social Media Marketing. Few of these concepts are:1. Buyer & Buyer Persona2. ATL, BTL & TTL Marketing Methods3. Social Media Audit 4. Social Media Strategy5. Social Media Optimization 6. 5W 1H, AIDA, STP Strategy 7. Content Marketing & Types of ContentsThese concepts form core part of Social Media world hence having a better understanding of them will help you make smarter decisions. So if you are ready to shine bright & make yourself a better marketer then Enroll in this Course Today."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"OPEN DATA: Investigacin e Informacin con POWER BI" |
"En este curso aprenders a ir ms all de los simples datos, para convertirte en un investigador, ya que vas a conocer las principales fuentes de Datos abiertos para informacin Demogrfica, econmica, social, climtica y cientfica; ya que revisaremos los portales de Open Data de la Comisin econmica para Amrica Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) dependiente de la Organizacin de las Naciones Unidas (ONU), el Banco Mundial y la Administracin Nacional de la Aeronutica y del Espacio (NASA).Vamos a consultar las APIs dispuestas para los desarrolladores e interesados en la investigacin, luego vamos a conectarlas desde Microsoft Power BI Desktop y vamos a realizar muchos Modelados de Datos para crear Dashboards modernos, interesantes y dinmicos para presentar la informacin extrada de tales fuentes de OPEN DATA.Todo esto te va a permitir tener las ideas bien claras a la hora que necesites informacin para proyectos de inversin, contexto de gestin empresarial (financiera, agrcola, econmica), formulacin de polticas pblicas, de planes sociales, de proyectos de ONGs, etc. Porque conocers qu informacin existen como OPEN DATA, las principales fuentes oficiales de datos y cmo extraerla Va API, lo que sin duda te otorga una ventaja profesional y agrega valor a tu perfil porque conocers cmo operar en ambiente de formatos y volmenes de datos relacionados con Big Data y con un Business Intelligence mucho ms avanzado y no limitado slo a informacin de la empresa.En definitiva, es un curso que te lleva a un nivel de analisis superior en el que podras obtener informacin de muchos contextos mundiales y traerlos a tus analisis profesionales con un dominio avanzado de la herramienta Microsoft Power BI la cual es una habilidad muy valorada en la actualidad."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Influential Leader" |
"""How You Can Become a Leader That Influences, Inspires, and Empowers People and Your Team To Take Action""Enhance Your Business, Improve Your Social Life, and Command Respect Wherever Your GoMost of us are not born leaders. Most of us aspire to be leaders, and most of us look up to at least one authority figure in our lives. Perhaps its a parent, perhaps its an old mentor o teacher, or perhaps its your own boss.Either way, weve all daydreamed about having that kind of commanding presence. The ability to walk into a room and have it instantly fall silent. The ability to rise to any occasion and give orders that others follow.Meanwhile, most of us are too shy to say boo to a goose and dont even have the respect of our circle of friends!Leadership is a Skill That Can Be LearnedHeres the good news: leadership is not just something that you are born with. While there certainly are a few natural born leaders, most people will develop the skills that make them great leaders through deliberate practice and careful study.You can do the precise same thing in order to become an inspiring and influential leader in your own life.You too can command respect, talk so that others listen, and help to take your team into a bold new future.But why bother becoming a leader? Whats so great about it anyway?Leadership is something that perhaps has the most obvious benefits in our careers or business. As a leader, you will be a great fit for management roles, or even executive roles. These are the positions that pay the highest salaries, and theyre the ones that most of us aspire to accomplish.Too many people fall into these positions with no real leadership skills. They become leaders because theyve been in the organization a long time, or because they simply pushed hard enough.The result is that they end up leading people with no real idea how to do it. Its not long before these kinds of organizations crash and burn, as they fail to motivate their teams, and as they drive their staff away.Learning how to develop your skills as a leader will make you a natural fit for all of those high-paying positions. That in turn means youre far more likely to get the kind of raise that youve always dreamed of, and to take your career to the next level.Whats more, is that having actual leadership skills will mean you can ace those roles. You can stand out, make yourself known, and attract attention in your organization for all of the right reasons. This kind of accomplishment will help your star to only sore higher, as you become the very best version of the person you are today.But thats not all there is to being a leader.Leadership Impacts Every Single Aspect of Your LifeBeing a leader is something that can impact every single aspect of your life.In your family, strong leadership skills will make you a better partner and a better parent. Youll be able to create order in your family home, and to help nurture your children in an environment where they feel protected and confident where they can express themselves.In your friendships, the ability to be a leader is something that will help you to better enjoy time with friends. Its time to stop being the jester of the pack and to take your place as the alpha!And in a crisis? Thats when being a leader becomes an actual super power. You never know when youre going to need to rise to the occasion, so be ready!But where do you begin?I've written a guide that shares how you can become a more influential and empowering leader.Let me introduce to you...THE INFLUENTIAL LEADERHow You Can Become a Leader That Influences, Inspires, and Empowers People and Your Team To Take ActionLeadership is not just something that you are born with. While there certainly are a few natural born leaders, most people will develop the skills that make them great leaders through deliberate practice and careful study.You can do the precise same thing in order to become an inspiring and influential leader in your own life.You too can command respect, talk so that others listen, and help to take your team into a bold new future.Being a leader is something that can impact every single aspect of your life.In your family, strong leadership skills will make you a better partner and a better parent. Youll be able to create order in your family home, and to help nurture your children in an environment where they feel protected and confident where they can express themselves.This guide will show you how you can become a more influential and empowering leader.Here's what you'll discover in this ebook:What makes a great leader. Understand the 'parent-as-leader' principle to understand what makes a great leaderHow to speak in a commanding and charismatic mannerHow to get people to stand up and take notice of youHow to deal with difficult members of a teamHow to gain respect from anyoneHow to exude confidenceThe common myths surrounding leadershipHow to inspire a team to take actionHow to get people to work toward goalsHow to manage targets and create an efficient systemHow to develop emotional intelligence and communicate effectivelyHow to give instructions so that they get followedWhy empathy is the most important goal for any leader+ much, much more!Leadership is a topic that will typically interest businesses, managers, and CEOs.It is certainly very true that these are people who should try to understand what makes a good leader, and who can benefit from following leadership tips and advice.With this video course you will learn how to become a leader that influences, inspires and empowers people and your team to take the action.Topics covered:3 Ways to Become a More Influential Leader5 Leadership Skills to Help Your Business GrowAll Leaders Are Readers: 5 Must-Have Books to Read to Become a Better LeaderHow to Influence Others to Take ActionHow to Speak So Others Will ListenHow to Stop Blaming Others and Take Ownership of Your ActionsThe 3 Most Common Leadership MistakesWhy Emotional Intelligence is Crucial for Effective LeadershipWhy Empathy is the Most Important Leadership TraitWhy EVERY Manager Should be Trained in Emotional IntelligenceYour One Click Away To Become an Influential Leader!"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Aprendendo o Word Atravs de Exemplos Prticos." |
"Este curso voltado para quem tirar o mximo proveito do Word no menor tempo possvel, pois aborda de maneira prtica os principais tpicos e funes deste que o mais conhecido e utilizado programa para edio de textos do mundo, o Microsoft Word.As aulas so ministradas sempre mostrando como se executa cada uma das funes, sem perder tempo com definies e explicaes muito longas e desnecessrias, indo direto ao ponto de forma clara e rpida.O curso foi desenhado para quem no sabe nada de Word e at para quem j conhece o programa, sempre com explicaes claras e em uma linguagem de simples compreenso.O que voc aprender assistindo a esse curso:Paginao e ajustes de margens;Numerao de pginas;Ajuste de vrias sees em um mesmo documento;Como criar e editar cabealhos e rodaps;Utilizar frmulas em um documento;Criar e manipular tabelas no Word;Criar e enviar Malas Diretas;Importar e exportar um documento do Word para outros formatos.Outras funes mais do MS Word.As aulas podem ser assistidas na sequncia que voc quiser, pois abordam os assuntos de forma individual, servindo assim como um tutorial ou tira dvidas onde voc busca a soluo para a sua dvida do momento. Foram disponibilizados links diretos para o suporte da prpria Microsoft abordando cada um dos tpicos vistos no curso, ampliando assim o seu leque de opes na hora de esclarecer um ponto. Material em slides, textos e exemplos de cada um dos assuntos tambm podem ser acessados por voc como uma opo a mais alm dos vdeos explicativos.Existem exerccios de fixao em cada uma das aulas para reforar ainda mais seu aprendizado, procure resolv-los ao final de cada lio assistida, eles servem para balizar o seu conhecimento acerca do contedo estudado.O Plano de Curso:Aula 01: Conhecendo o programa, sua interface principal e comandos.Aula 02: Formatando um documento, pginas, margens e pargrafos.Aula 03: Utilizando tabelas.Aula 04: Utilizando frmulas e funes.Aula 05: Inserindo e manipulando as imagens no documento.Aula 06: Utilizando as quebras de pginas e sees, criando cabealhos e rodaps, numerando as pginas.Aula 07: Usando as listas numeradas e com marcadores, ordenando os dados.Aula 08: Criando paradas de tabulao.Aula 09: Inserindo notas de rodap e de fim de pgina, utilizando as referncias cruzadas.Aula 10: Utilizando estilos na formatao de um documento.Aula 11: Trabalhando com formulriosAula 12: Mala direta: automatizando o envio de documentos padro.Acredito que com esse contedo bsico voc estar apto a criar documentos muito mais profissionais e da maneira correta, ganhando em tempo e preciso no seu trabalho.Inscreva-se agora e torne-se um profissional muito mais qualificado no uso do editor de textos Microsoft Word!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"5 claves de xito. Asi comienza tu libertad financiera." |
"Todos en algn momento nos hemos preguntado , como hago para empezar a tener xito y ms dinero y as poder lograr la vida que deseo? Cuales son los primeros pasos que tengo que dar y por donde comenzar?como ordeno toda la informacin que encuentro sobre como manejar y mejorar mi economa y que no se como aplicar para empezar de forma sencilla pero efectiva?Actualmente vivimos en una era privilegiada donde obtenemos informacin y recursos infinitos a nuestro alcance que pueden llevarnos a aprender muchsimo ,pero en algn momento y de algn modo hay que empezar a tomar accin.Necesitamos saber por donde hay que empezar y que es lo que nos limita , ya que no siempre somos capaces de ver porque no obtenemos los resultados que esperamos, y que es lo que podemos mejorar.En este curso, te mostrar como detectar las creencias limitantes, el primer paso para no dejarte sabotear por ti mismo.Estas son las que te impiden alcanzar los niveles financieros que deseas.Aprenders que es el dinero , sus funciones y cmo puedes hacerlo tu amigo de forma sencilla, porque nada se queda a tu lado si no lo cuidas!.Sabrs como llevar un control de tu economa personal y as poder mejorar financiera y personalmente.Aprenders a definir cuales son tus objetivos ,y que herramientas utiliza la gente de xito para alcanzar todas sus metas y lograr una vida excelente. Para quin es este curso?Para personas que tienen una nica fuente de ingresos y no estn conformes.Para gente que quiere modificar su manera de pensar y prepararla para el xito.Si eres una persona que desea alcanzar sueos, metas y tener un estilo y calidad de vida mejor.Este curso te interesa si quieres mejorar tu inteligencia financiera de forma fcil, sin necesidad de adentrante en conceptos complicados y nmeros infinitos, porque lo sencillo es siempre ms efectivo.No te recomiendo este curso si eres de los que no toman accin, que a pesar de recibir consejos valiosos e informacin til, te sientes cmodo con tu situacin financiera actual.Y para todos aquellos que saben que la mejor inversin que puedes hacer es en ti mismo"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a graficar informacin con JQuery y Bootstrap" |
"En ste breve e interesante curso muestro cmo graficar informacin usando Javascript. Al mismo tiempo muestro como integrar Bootstrap y Jquery. Bootstrap se usa para crear el diseo de la aplicacin mientras JQuery se usa para aadir interactividad a la aplicacin. La aplicacin es capaz de grficar cualquier informacin pero se debe indicar una etiqueta, un valor numrico y un color."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Upgrade Your Css UI Library - Cards, Buttons, Animations etc" |
" Hi and welcome to an awesome Udemy CSS Course! Creativity is key.Are you looking to take your CSS skills to the next level?Does adding 35 more components to your CSS portfolio sound good?If so, you're in the right place!CSS is an art and we are all artists!Throughout the course you will learn how to create more than 50 different CSS components:Cards - Buttons - Loading pages - Galleries - Forms - Navigation Bars- Sticky headers and footers.This course is all about CSS! ----- No JavaScript knowledge is required ------- We may use Javascript for a few hamburger buttons but don't worry! It's only 3-4 lines of code and will be used sparingly.If you didn't check out the course video please go ahead and do that :)Each lecture is for a different component and you'll get the source code as well!The course has just been launched. We have 35 lessons at the moment and are trying to make more.The best thing about the course is the support team!We take great pride in our support.We will do our best to answer every question within 24 hours. There are no stupid questions. Well, maybe some but we'll answer them anyway :).Support is our priority!Basic knowledge of CSS is required! During the course, we will use different CSS techniques to show different methods.Grid (with auto fit and minmax), Flex-box, perspective, and others.We will be here to answer any questions that you have!If you're ready to become a better CSS developer hurry up and enroll!If you're not satisfied there is a 30 - day money-back guarantee. In other words - nothing to lose.Remember the true power is the QA section where you will find answers and explanations for everything!! "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
Photoshop |
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
kak_sozdat_videokanal_na_yandex_zen |
"! - , . , , YouTube!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Sale Page" |
"sale page sale page ? sale page Sale page !!! ? !!! !!! !!!??? sale page 2500-8000"
Price: 1800.00 ![]() |
"Decifrando comportamentos com anlise Disc" |
"Esse curso para quem deseja saber mais sobre comportamento humano. Nele, ns trazemos informaes sobre cada perfil comportamental baseado na teoria DISC. Voc vai ter a oportunidade de entender melhor do por que os seres humanos so diferentes e a razo de adotar algumas atitudes em algumas situaes. Sem sombra de dvida, trouxemos muita informao e por isso temos a certeza de que voc vai se surpreender com este curso."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Brazilian Portuguese For Beginners" |
"English speakers who wish to learn the basics of Brazilian Portuguese can learn the first elements of the language to be able to understand and communicate at a beginner's level. Also featuring a bit of the cultural aspects of Brazil. I am a Brazilian-American Professional Photographer born in Rio de Janeiro, and living in Florida. I have worked as an ESL teacher and translator for many years.COVID-19 PANDEMIC SPECIAL NOTE: I hope you and your loved ones are staying safe. Although physically apart, we must all come together. I am sending my wishes of health, compassion and kindness to everyone around our planet. We can do this.- Luisa"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Alguna vez te ha pasado de no sentirte a gusto en algn mbito? Trabajo, familia, relaciones y no saber que hacer. Estar en un trabajo o en una relacin de pareja y no sentirte completo? y creer que no podrs ser merecedor de algo mas grande? Estar agobiado porque no podes lograr entenderte con tu jefe , empleados , pareja , hijos ...O tener objetivos y no llegar a cumplirlos como esperas?Si algo de esto te pasa ESTE CURSO ES PARA TI...En este curso aprenders a tener mas efectividad y menos sufrimiento en tu vida en todas las reas. Aprenders sobre TRABAJO EN EQUIPO, LIDERAZGO y MOTIVACINEn el COACHING ONTOLOGICO trabajamos una coherencia entre CUERPO, LENGUAJE Y EMOCIN , muchas veces nuestros gestos, tono de voz , formas de decir o hacer nos hace alejarnos de nuestros objetivos, como as tambin no sabemos tener conversaciones efectivas, realizar pedidos claros , reclamos productivos ni generar contextos saludables, es por ello que muchas veces los climas laborales no son tan agradables.Ademas como nuestras EMOCIONES son predisposicin para la accin y a lo largo de nuestra vida hemos aprendido y tenemos un repertorio emocional con TENDENCIA A CIERTAS EMOCIONES y puede ser que hoy nos estn tambin alejando de esa vida que queremos y merecemos .En este curso tambin APRENDERS... como GESTIONAR TUS EMOCIONES, como PERDONAR, GENERAR CONTEXTOS DE ALEGRA y ENTUSIASMO , crear RELACIONES SALUDABLES , tener mas EFECTIVIDAD EN TUS ACCIONES para lograr objetivos que aun no has alcanzado , realizar metas especificas bien detalladas , crear un mapa de sueos, un decreto diario y lograras comenzar a tener hbitos mas posibilitantes y que den lugar a metas mas grandes y desafiantes. Luego de cada seccin tendrs material para descargar y leer y tambin preguntas para responder que te invitaran a salir de la zona de confort. Es de menos a mas, te invitare a dar pequeos pasos que te llevaran al finalizar el curso a lograr GRANDES CAMBIOS.Te invito a desafiarte, a animarte a ir por tus sueos mas grandes y a aprender a ser protagonista de tu propia vida, creando la vida que mereces.Te acompaare en este proceso de transformacin desde el amor y el respeto. Estas listo?"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Odoo CRM" |
"Un curso completo donde te enseamos como manejar el CRM de Odoo para que puedas incorporar el conocimiento en tus proyectos y clientes desde el minuto 1.Aprende la gestin de la agenda de contactos, el manejo de las iniciativas y oportunidades, realiza propuestas, presupuestos de ventas automticos, mantn el contacto permanente con tus clientes y el departamento comercial de tu empresa.Gestiona equipos y metas de facturacinAutomatiza la captacin de leads desde el Website o Email."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
Illustrator |
Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
"Premiers secours et mdecine d'urgence : sauver une vie" |
"Je me prsente, Valentin tudiant en sant la Facult Paris VII Diderot.A travers cette formation vous allez apprendre reconnatre les situations d'urgences et comment vous devez ragir fasse celle ci ainsi que savoir diagnostiquer les signes de gravits.Vous n'allez pas uniquement apprendre raliser les gestes mais surtout comprendre pourquoi vous les faites car c'est en comprenant ce que l'on fait que l'on retient mieux ! Que ce soit pour vos proches, votre travail ou mme savoir ragir dans un lieu public les gestes d'urgences et de premiers secours permettent chaque annes de sauver des vies et vitent des drames.Dans cette formation vous allez voir les diffrents malaises, l'arrt cardiaque (adulte, enfant et nourrisson ), l'obstruction des voies ariennes (touffement) , l'AVC, les convulsions, les hmorragies et les brluresPar conscience professionnelle je vous incite vivement, en plus de cette formation, suivre une formation en direct avec un formateur sur place qui pourra vous corriger en TEMPS REL On se retrouve sur la formation, belle journe vousValentin"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"R : Data Science y Anlisis de Datos con Ejercicios Reales!" |
"Aprende R mientras lo practicas!Ah afuera hay otros cursos y tutoriales de R. Sin embargo, R tiene una curva de aprendizaje muy complicada y los que intentan aprender este lenguaje se abruman. Pero este curso es diferente!Este curso realmente es paso a paso. En cada clase vamos a construir sobre lo que ya hemos aprendido y avanzaremos un paso ms.Con cada video aprenders un nuevo concepto muy valioso que puedes aplicar rpidamente. Y la mejor parte es que vas a aprender con ejemplos reales.Este curso est lleno de retos analticos de la vida real, los cuales vas a aprender a resolver. Algunos los vamos a resolver juntos, y otros van a ser prcticas que vas a poder realizar.En resumen, este curso ha sido diseado para todos los niveles y para que tengas xito incluso si no tienes experiencia programando o haciendo anlisis estadsticos.Ya quiero verte dentro del curso."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
15PV |
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"SAP Fiori - Web Developers/Desenvolvedores" |
"In this course, we will present the main concepts of the HTML5 UI development toolkit - SAPUI5. JavaScript exercises will provide the technical knowledge needed to develop your own responsive web applications. We'll start with the basics and lots of practical coding. As we progress through this course, you will learn more about the powerful concepts of development and will master SAPUI5. Join and sign up today!SAPUI5 creates responsive web applications to all devices. The JavaScript user interface library and development toolkit contain controls and gives the SAP Fiori user experience. Helps developers to facilitate and accelerate the development of full HTML5 web applications. This course will begin providing all the technical knowledge needed to develop web applications with SAPUI5. Practical classes will provide a deeper understanding of the development concepts of SAP's UI library. Using a cloud-based development environment that requires no additional installation, we will introduce the library and start with a simple example of ""Hello World"". Step by step, we'll add more features to our app and explain the background so you can understand how it works. You will learn the concepts of the Model View Controller (MVC), become a data link specialist, and learn about the user interface controls offered by the framework.Throughout the course, you can try everything on your own development project and practice development with SAPUI5 with lots of exercises. You will create responsive applications that will adapt to different devices and discover the enterprise-class features of SAPUI5. At the end, you'll learn to browse and test web applications, mastering SAPUI5.-------------------Neste curso, apresentaremos os principais conceitos do kit de ferramentas de desenvolvimento de UI para HTML5 - SAPUI5. Os exerccios de JavaScript para cada unidade fornecero o conhecimento tcnico necessrio para desenvolver seus prprios aplicativos Web responsivos. Comearemos do zero com o bsico e muita codificao prtica. medida que avanamos neste curso, voc aprender mais sobre os poderosos conceitos de desenvolvimento e realmente dominar o SAPUI5. Junte-se a ns nesta jornada e inscreva-se hoje!O SAPUI5 permite criar aplicativos da Web prontos para empresas que respondem a todos os dispositivos. A biblioteca da interface do usurio JavaScript e o kit de ferramentas de desenvolvimento contm muitos controles ricos em recursos e implementam a premiada experincia do usurio SAP Fiori. Ajuda os desenvolvedores a facilitar e acelerar o desenvolvimento de aplicativos da Web HTML5 completos. Este curso iniciar sua jornada, fornecendo todo o conhecimento tcnico necessrio para desenvolver aplicativos da Web com o SAPUI5. As aulas totalmente prticas fornecero uma compreenso mais profunda dos principais conceitos de desenvolvimento da poderosa biblioteca de UI da SAP. Usando um ambiente de desenvolvimento baseado em nuvem que no requer instalao adicional, apresentaremos a biblioteca e comearemos com um exemplo simples do ""Hello World"". Passo a passo, adicionaremos mais recursos ao nosso aplicativo e explicaremos o plano de fundo para que voc possa entender como tudo isso acontece. Voc aprender os conceitos do Model View Controller (MVC), se tornar um especialista em ligao de dados e conhecer muitos controles de interface do usurio oferecidos pela estrutura.Ao longo do curso, voc pode experimentar tudo em seu prprio projeto de desenvolvimento e praticar o desenvolvimento com o SAPUI5 com muitos exerccios. Voc criar aplicativos responsivos que se adaptaro a diferentes dispositivos e descobrir os recursos de nvel empresarial da SAPUI5. Depois disso, voc aprender sobre a navegao e o teste de aplicativos da Web, dominando verdadeiramente o SAPUI5.-------------------En este curso, presentaremos los principales conceptos del kit de herramientas de desarrollo del usuario HTML5 - SAPUI5. Los ejercicios de JavaScript para cada unidad proporcionarn el conocimiento tcnico necesario para desarrollar sus propias aplicaciones web receptivas. Empezaremos con los conceptos bsicos y codificacin prctica. A medida que avancemos, aprenders ms sobre los conceptos de desarrollo y dominars SAPUI5. nete y regstrate hoy!SAPUI5 permite crear aplicaciones web que responden a todos los dispositivos. La biblioteca de interfaz de usuario de JavaScript y el kit de herramientas de desarrollo contienen controles com funciones e implementan la experiencia de SAP Fiori. Ayuda a los desarrolladores a facilitar y acelerar el desarrollo de aplicaciones web HTML5 completas. Este curso empezar, proporcionando todos los conocimientos tcnicos necesarios para desarrollar aplicaciones web con SAPUI5. Las clases totalmente prcticas proporcionarn una comprensin ms profunda de los conceptos principales del desarrollo de la potente biblioteca de interfaz de usuario de SAP. Usando un entorno de desarrollo basado en la nube que no requiere instalacin adicional, presentaremos la biblioteca y comenzaremos con un ejemplo simple de ""Hello World"". Paso a paso, agregaremos ms funciones a nuestra aplicacin y explicaremos el plano de fondo para que entienda cmo funciona todo. Aprenders los conceptos del Model View Controller (MVC), te convertirs en un especialista en conexin de datos y conocer los numerosos controles de interfaz de usuario que ofrece el marco.Durante el curso, poders testar en tu propio proyecto de desarrollo y practicar el desarrollo con SAPUI5 con muchos ejercicios. Crears aplicaciones receptivas que se adaptarn a diferentes dispositivos y descubrirs las caractersticas dela parte empresarial de SAP UI5. Despus de eso, aprenders a navegar y testar aplicaciones web, dominando SAPUI5."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"The Art of Doing: Learn the Linux Command Line" |
"Learn the in's and out's of the Linux command line. Don't be fooled into thinking that the only way to interact with your computer is through point and click GUI (graphical user interface) applications. The Linux command line is where the true power of your machine can be unlocked. Delve beyond the simple commands beginners enter and gain an understanding of what is going on behind the commands. In doing so you will begin to master an operation system that is secure, stable, customizable, open-source, and best of all FREE. Many students often want to dive right into higher level Kali Linux tools such as Nmap, Metasploit, or Wireshark without gaining a solid understanding of the basics first. This course will provide foundational knowledge you need to be successful when working with other Linux tools! Not only will I teach you, but you will get opportunities to prove your knowledge at various knowledge checkpoint challenge problems along the way. Watching is great, but doing is even better!Trust me, I know! I've been teaching Linux to middle and high school students for the past few years. We put a bunch of old PC's running Kali Linux on the same network; the first thing they wanted to do was ""hack"" into each other! However, we took it slow, started at the beginning learning these fundamental skills, and we saw PROGRESSION. If middle and high school students can learn Linux, so can you!By the end of this course you will be using the command line to:Monitor the status of your computerNavigate through the directory structureCreate and edit filesSearch through files using powerful commands like grep and awkChange file permissionsCreate and modify users/groupsInstall new softwareCompress and extract filesAnd most importantly, write YOUR OWN SCRIPTS.All of your command line knowledge will come together at the end of this course when we introduce bash scripting, where you will be writing your own bash scripts and executing them on your machine! When you are done with this course, you'll be able to jump off and do almost anything you want on your machine.Linux is like a playground; come play!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a fazer e vender convites digitais" |
"Aprenda tudo do zero a criar convites digitais e vender no maior marketplace do Brasil. Aprenda todo o passo a passo de como criar sua loja online e comece a lucrar com seu prprio negcio online. Mtodo fcil, qualquer pessoa consegue aprender, basta ter um computador com internet e fora de vontade. Comece a vender em 15 dias ou menos."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The 9-minute Mobile Photography Hack" |
"You have that one friend who captures and edit great photos. You've always wondered how he/she does it? ?Well I'm that friend, and I am here to teach you exactly, step by step how I do it.If all your life you have been taking mediocre photos and want to UP your photography game and impress all your friends, then this course is perfect for you.By the end of this course, you would have learn the fundamentals of photography which will act as the foundation of your photography skills, photography methods that I used myself early in my photography career and also how to edit your photos like a PRO!Have I got you excited yet? If yes, then what are you waiting for, press ""Buy now"" and I'll see you inside the 9-minute Mobile Photography Hack."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aruba Certified Mobility Professional Exam HPE6-A71" |
"Course in Pre-Launch Mode, a total number of questions will be around 42+.Aruba Certified Mobility Professional Exam HPE6-A71 Test seriesIt covers 100% of the HPE exam HPE6-A71 certification syllabus.Exam Topics:This exam tests your skills with the WLAN design, deployment, and troubleshooting of Aruba Mobile First Network Solutions in complex highly available campus and branch environments. It also tests your ability to configure specialized applications, management, and security requirements for a WLAN such as UCC Voice and advanced security features.Integrate and implement Aruba Mobile First architecture components and explain their uses.Integrate components of the Aruba Mobile First Architecture.Differentiate between standalone mode and Master Controller Mode (MCM) features and recommend use cases.Differentiate the use of packet forwarding modes (tunnel, decrypt-tunnel, split-tunnel, and bridge).Differentiate between redundancy methods, and describe the benefits of L2 and L3 clustering.Explain Remote Access architectures and how to integrate the architectures.Describe and differentiate advanced licensing features.Configure and validate Aruba WLAN secure employee and guest solutions. Configure Remote Access with Aruba Solutions such as RAP and VIA. Configure and deploy redundant controller solutions based upon a given design. Configure a Mesh WLAN. Implement advanced services and security. Enable multicast DNS features to support discovery across VLAN boundaries. Configure role derivation, and explain and implement advanced role features. Configure an AAA server profile for a user or administrative access. Implement Mobility Infrastructure hardening features. Explain Clarity features and functions. Implement Voice WLAN based upon a given design. Configure primary zones and data zones to support MultiZone AP. Implement mobility (roaming) in an Aruba wireless environment. Implement tunneled node to secure ArubaOS switches. Manage and monitor Aruba solutions. Use AirWave to monitor an Aruba Mobility Master and Mobility Controller. Perform maintenance upgrades and operational maintenance. Troubleshoot Aruba WLAN solutions. Troubleshoot controller communication. Troubleshoot the WLAN. Troubleshoot Remote Access. Troubleshoot issues related to services and security. Troubleshoot role-based access, per-port based security and Airmatch."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete Unity Course -Make Games From Scratch in 2020" |
"Make Awesome Games without writing a single word of code. Games Like Player Unknown Battle Ground, COD, Fortnite, etc.Yes, you heard right! In this course, you will learn to make awesome third-person games like all those that you see on app stores or steam stores. You will learn:Unity 3dFull Game Mechanics without writing a single word of codeCamera ControlLighting Control3rd Person Shooter in UnityFPS Game in UnityGUI ControlUse Unity 3d Assets From Assets Store EffectivelyConvert PC Game into AndroidAnd this is not a limit. You will learn limitless things which will make you a professional game dev from scratch and that's too without writing a single word of code, that's my commitment.So what are you waiting for, click on the 'Buy Now' button and start developing industry level games!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Audit Google Ads in Just 10 Minutes" |
"If you are a graphic designer, marketing professional, or business owner looking to better understand what people are searching for that triggers your search ads, or one of my favorites, where your Google display ads are actually appearing, with this short course, in under ten minutes, you will identify two of the deepest money holes in Google Ads and how to stop the waste. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Libre Office Calc Basics Course - Free Spread Sheet Software" |
"This Course teaches you the basics of how to use Libre Office Calc 6.3,to create a Closing Balance Stock Sheet. This course will introduce you to opening, entering data, formatting data, editing, creating charts, saving and printing the stock sheet in Libre Office with full compatibility with Microsoft Word 365 and below. You will also be shown how to create a Work Book, coloring, copy, paste,cut, chart, arithmetic commands, and many other essential items that you will need to create a Closing Balance Stock Sheet in Libre Office Calc.Course Content:1 - IntroductionGetting Started2 - How to Open Libre Office3 - How to Identify Cells4 - Entering Data in CellsFormating5 - Formating the Text Bold6 - Changing the Case of Text7 - Formating the Text Underline8 - Entering Date9 - Formating Date10 - Entering the rest of the Data11 - Pre Formating the CellsCalculations12 - Arithmetic Calculation of Total Sales13 - Arithmetic Calculation of Closing Balance14 - Automating Date Creation15 - Filling up the Second Row16 - Auto Copying Total Sales Formula to Other Cells17 - Auto Copying Closing Balance Formula to Other Cells18 - Auto Copying Opening Balance Formula to Other Cells19 - Entering data for Sales, Returns, Discount and Expenses20 - Creating Formulas for Column TotalsData Display21 - Creating a Border around Cells22 - Coloring the Cells23 - Creating Charts24 - Copy and Paste DataMultiple Spread sheets in a Workbook25 - Creating a Second sheet in the Work Book26 - Deleting Cells27 - Deleting Data from CellsSaving and Printing28 - Saving Files29 - Associating files with Libre Office Calc30 - Printing Spread Sheets31 - Outro"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Professional Excel Expert Course (in Hindi)" |
"Course Material Works in Microsoft Excel 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016Join me in this course and take control of Microsoft Excel and master the process of automating routine tasks through the use of Excel Shortcut and Formulas.Learn Excel from Scratch OR become more CONFIDENT.Looking to learn Excel but don't know where to start?OR, you've been using Microsoft Excel for a while but don't feel 100% confident?Ive picked out the Excel Essential skills a Data Analyst needs and packaged them in a structured course.In fact, I collected the most common Excel problems faced by my clients. I added in my 10+ years' experience in finance and project management. I included all the hidden tips and tricks I came to learn as an Excel Expert and put it ALL in THIS course. I also made sure it covers the absolute Excel beginners.These practical, real-world examples help you understand the full potential of each feature. You'll learn how to use Excel for quick and painless data analysis.There are many helpful and time-saving Excel formulas and features. We tend to forget what these are if we don't use them. This Microsoft Excel Essentials Course will give you the practice you need to be able to apply the best solution for the task at hand. This way you can do more in less time.________________________________________________WHY TAKE THIS SPECIFIC EXCEL COURSE?Yes. There are many Microsoft Excel courses out there teaching you the important Excel functions and features you need to master.BUT, can you apply what you learnt to your own files?Do you get enough practice and challenges to remember all the new information?This course will get you confident and comfortable designing simple to complex spreadsheets. You'll go beyond Excel basics. As you go through the course, you'll be able to apply what you learnt immediately to your job.You'll master new formulas and find better ways to setup your existing spreadsheets. Management loves efficiency.In this course you'll solve dozens of practical real-world examples. They'll help you think outside the box so you can work smarter not harder._________________________________________________IS THIS ONLINE EXCEL COURSE FOR BEGINNERS ONLY?This Complete Excel Course is for two types of people:Excel beginners, i.e. anyone looking to learn Excel from scratchExcel intermediate and Excel advanced users who want to make sure their skills cover all the essentials. This includes many Excel tricks and hidden features few data analysts know of.The Excel Essentials for the Real World Course covers ALL the fundamentals an Excel beginner needs to know. BUT it also fills in the gaps for Excel Intermediate and Advanced users. It's for corporate professionals who feel comfortable with Excel but not 100% confident.This is more than an Excel Basics Course. It starts off easy and adds in tips and tricks many Excel advanced users don't know of.________________________________________________WHAT ARE SOME EXCEL FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS I WILL LEARN IN THIS COURSEYou'll learn:How to customize the Microsoft Excel interface so you can easily find the files and features you use often.To apply formatting correctly for cleaner and more professional reports.To use important features like drop-down lists in Excel and add data validation to the cells. This way you can restrict the type of data that can be input in each cell.How to add comments and notes to cells.Add timestamps to your reports.Automate data entry with Auto-Fill and Flash-fill.How to best navigate large data and large spreadsheets.Useful Excel shortcuts for data entry and navigation.How to Protect your Excel files and worksheets properly.Excel's essential rule when it comes to writing formulas.How to write basic to advanced Excel formulas - also formulas that reference other workbooks or other worksheets.The most useful Excel functions like COUNTIFS, COUNT, SUMIFS, AVERAGEIFS, VLOOKUP, IF and many more.How to convert raw Excel data into information you can use to create reports on.Excel features that will help you to organize and structure data so it makes analysis easier (Sort, Filter, Search & Replace Go to Special, etc...)Useful Excel printing options that you'll need specially before you send your file to your boss or save as PDF.Design principles for optimal spreadsheets.Excel charts that go beyond column and bar charts. You'll learn how to create a Pareto chart, Histogram, Treemap, Sunburst charts and more.Excel Pivot Tables so you can quickly get insights from your data._________________________________________________WHY WOULD YOU CHOOSE TO LEARN EXCEL?Excel in itself can do so much for your career. It's just one program but it's the one hiring managers are interested in.Thats why basic Excel skills is a mandatory requirement for most office-based professionals today.Superior Microsoft Excel skills can get you a promotion. Some jobs require that to begin with."
Price: 4160.00 ![]() |
"Learn to create a 2D Action Roguelike Game in Unity 2020" |
"Learn how to create your first Topdown game in Unity implementing popular features like in Enter The Gungeon and Soul Knight!In this course, you will learn the basics of every Topdown Roguelike game, creating characters like players and enemies. Apply behaviors to these characters such as Walk, Run, Flip and Dash. All the basics components that will help you get an understanding of movement and rotation.You will create Weapons like Guns and Swords, each of then with different behavior and logic. By doing this you will enforce your C# knowledge.In this course, you will also learn:- Singleton Pattern- Object Pooler- Create a Health System that can be applied in any object- Create Projectiles- Create a 2D Topdown Camera- Understand how to use TileMaps and Rule Tiles- Create Items - Create a Vendor- Create a Pluggable AI using the Delegate Pattern- Create SoundManager"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Improve Russian Vocabulary!" |
"In this course you will enrich your Russian vocabulary by learning a lot of new words and seeing different examples of how to use them. Each lecture contains PDF files with examples so it is highly recommended to download them and read before lecture. It is also very helpful to repeat each phrase or sentence after instructor."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |