Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Certification - Dumps" |
"Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Certification Practice Tests. This will help you to prepare and plan the Azure Fundamental Certification Exams. - Total 45 Questions in each test- 90 Minutes Time- 70% is Pass Percentage. Azure Fundamentals will help you to begin the Journey towards building career in Cloud. Azure is used by lot of organizations to migrate from local data centers to cloud."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Installazione e configurazione di Magento 2 (Open Source)" |
"Hai sentito tanto parlare delle-commerce Magento e sei curioso di provarlo, magari perch stai seguendo un corso di formazione oppure perch vuoi capire se il prodotto adatto alle tue esigenze - hai una piccola attivit e vuoi iniziare a vendere sul web - ?Purtroppo siti con Magento preinstallato e pronti alluso come pu esserlo WordPress o Joomla su Altervista sono quasi tutti a pagamento oppure offrono una licenza trial scaduta la quale si deve per forza pagare una somma di denaro per poter continuare.Ma non preoccuparti, la soluzione c ed gratuita e prevede linstallazione di un software con il quale sar possibile configurare un vero e proprio server direttamente sul tuo PC o Mac e successivamente installarci sopra Magento (Open Source).In questo corso vedremo passo dopo passo tutti i vari processi di download, installazione e configurazione del software necessario e non devi preoccuparti se qualcosa non va come previsto, attraverso la sezione Q&A messa a disposizione da Udemy saremo sempre in contatto cos che io possa consigliarti e guidarti nei passaggi che ti possono sembrare difficili da seguire."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete Trading Psychology Program -Abundant Trader Mindset" |
"To be a successful trader you need 2 components.- Profitable trading strategy which suits your lifestyleand- Well rounded mindset which support you on a long runand In this course I am happy to share with you the most important steps and tips how to become profitable trader, by changing and tweaking your mindset, body, energy body, environment and relationships. As a successful trader since 2014 and Life consultant I have a deep insights into behavior of a man kind and traders specifically.This course is truly a foundation for everyone who is really serious about becoming a better not just trader but a person. You will also see more spiritual, energetic approach when it comes to trading in this course. Also we talk about how to enhance the prosperity in generalSo I warmly welcome you to join to Abundant Trader Mindset - Complete Trading Psychology Programps.: Abundant Trader Mindset is part of a bigger program called Wealthy Trader Program. Get the second part of it join to Daily Scalper Strategy Course under the profile.Stay well and may you be well."
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"Growth Hacking e Digital Marketing: ""From Zero to Hero""" |
"Si parla tanto di Digital Marketing e di Growth Hacking, ma i corsi che ci sono in giro lo approcciano in maniera molto teorica, al massimo narrando piccole porzioni di casi di terzi. In questo corso il tema viene affrontato con un approccio pragmatico: ore di screencast per imparare in modo pratico come utilizzare le tecniche in un caso reale, con l'occasione di vedere come si costruisce un servizio da zero e come lo si porta alla prima revenue in poche settimane."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"O mito da interatividade na Tv brasileira" |
"O objetivo deste curso discutir os aspectos relacionados interatividade na TV Brasileira. Algumas teorias sobre o assunto so abordadas, bem como experincias ocorridas ao longo da histria da televiso no Brasil.Ao final, o curso pretende responder a questo: existe (ou existiu) interatividade plena na TV Brasileira? Ou a interatividade proposta algo limitado?"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Kalite Ynetim Sistemi (ISO 9001:2015) - Giri Eitimi" |
"ISO 9001:2015 Kalite Ynetim Sisteminin temel prensipleri, yaklamlar, ilgili terimleri, tanmlar ve standartlar anlatlm ve eklerle desteklenmitir. Kalite Ynetim Sistemi (ISO 9001:2015) - Giri Eitimi Kurulularnda kalite ynetim sistemi kuracak, uygulayacak ve/veya iyiletirecek katlmclara; ISO 9001 kalite ynetiminin temel prensiplerini, yaklamlarn, ilgili terimleri, tanmlar ve standartlar anlatmak. Anlatmlar baz eklerle desteklemek."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Renting Out RV's For Income" |
"My name is Erik Wray. I have been renting out RV's for over 10 years now. I currently have a travel trailer that I market and rent out in Southern California and want to show you how you can do the same with any type of RV, anywhere in the world...This course will teach you a variety of tools, tips, and tricks that will focus on four main course objectives: Picking the perfect RV: Depending on your family, financial situation and a host of other things we will talk about selecting the right RV for you. We will cover pricing and marketing strategies.Where to list your RV: We will cover all the sites and locations you could potentially make rental income from and the pro's and con's to each place.How to List your RV: There will be examples of photos, descriptions and up-sells to make you listing stand out among the rest.How to deal with clients: How to talk to, handle and get your RV in the hands of the client and get them on the road safely and comfortably. There is something for everyone in this course, from the person considering buying their first RV to those with multiple RV's and experience, this course is for you.I will share with you my years of practical experience in what works and what doesn't. You will learn:Proper attitude and mindset.How to make your RV Rental Ready to maximize results for as little money as possible!An in-depth study of multiple Online Advertising websites to get your property exposed to thousands of renters in your local area. I will show you EXACTLY how to prepare the perfect advertisement and on what sites to post it on.What to do before, during, and after the rental.I am excited to share my knowledge with you!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
WordpressBootstrap |
"Wordpress Wordpress PHP 3PHP3012PHP3Udemy3030Wordpress3000ITITPHPCSSHTMLCSSPHPWordpressWordpressWordpressBootstrap410SSLWordpressWordpressWordpressWordpressWordPressWordPressWordPressFAQWordPressFAQWordpressWordpressBootstrapWordPressWordPressWordPressFAQ"
Price: 9600.00 ![]() |
"Gestione Affitti Brevi" |
"il primo video-corso ALL-IN-ONE dedicato ai proprietari e gestori dell'extra-alberghiero che sono stanchi di lavorare 365 giorni l'anno h24 e di vivere sempre con il telefono in mano per stare dietro a tutto e trovarsi poi a fine anno sempre con pochi soldi in tasca!!!Corso per Avviare, Gestire e Ottimizzare i tuoi Guadagni con gli Affitti Turistici Lavorando di Meno e Guadagnando di Pi!""Grazie al mio programma First Class Host Semplice, Concreto e Completo anche tu finalmente potrai portare al successo la tua casa vacanza e raggiungere i risultati che meriti in completa autonomia senza dover lasciare la met dei tuoi guadagni al consulente di turno!Ti seguir passo dopo passo senza lasciare nulla al caso! Era ora, no?"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn About The Trans & Gender Non-Conforming Community" |
"Imagine the progress we would make if every single ally contributed by actively educating the people in their life. Beyond Trans 101, The Gender Transmission has been tailored to empower you with the necessary tools to be an effective educator and advocate for the Trans & Gender Non-Conforming (TGNC) Community.There is a common misconception that creating progress is restricted to large-scale activism and political work. However, you can make some of the most valuable contributions by engaging in interpersonal activism; between you and your friends, coworkers, and family. This is why we need help from people like you, who are not only willing but extremely capable of helping foster welcoming and loving environments.The Gender Transmission School is made for people:who are new to the the identities & experiences of the TGNC community and want to learn the most important information.organizations looking to create environments that are inclusive of Gender diversitywho have a desire to support TGNC rights, and want to know how to help in ways that can be integrated into their lives.who are tired of wasting time and energy by arguing, and are ready to learn tools for how to strategically educate others.There's something about that moment when you turn a light on in someone's head, when you help them see things through a fresh new perspective. This truly feels magical."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"A Course In Play-Why It's Imperative For Creativity" |
"As adults, ,we lose the ability to play-to see the world through a child's eyes, with wonder and newness. At work, play facilitates trust and creativity and keeps employees engaged and happy. And if you're an entrepreneur, play helps prevent burnout and overwhelm! You'll learn all the different kinds of play, what play REALLY is and ways to bring it to your people. Won't that be fun?"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Disegna un volto in Illustrator CC" |
"Questo corso sar suddiviso in 9 Sezioni principali dove ti guider passo dopo passo nella realizzazione di un ritratto vettoriale.Devo premettere che il corso rivolto a chi ha gi unesperienza medio/approfondita del software Adobe Illustrator, sul quale non mi soffermer nella spiegazione degli strumenti di base, ma passer direttamente all esecuzione del ritratto digitale.Le lezioni saranno basate sulla creazione degli oggetti presenti sul volto, step by step: La forma del volto con le sue luci, gli occhi, le sopracciglia, il naso, la bocca, i particolari finali del volto,i capelli, il collo e il vestito raggruppati nel mezzobusto, lo sfondo con l aggiunta di ultimi ritocchi su tutti gli elementi del ritratto.Ti proporr una tecnica di realizzazione che non coinvolge trasparenze, o effetti di fusione di colore (come il Moltiplica), e nemmeno maschere. Ma ti permette comunque di avere risultati identici a quelli nei quali queste tecniche sarebbero applicate."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Emotional Intelligence Life Coach Certification (Accredited)" |
"Students who complete the Emotional Intelligence Life Coach certification course will receive an official life coach CERTIFICATION from Transformation Academy. This course is also accredited by internationally recognized Continuing Professional Development Standards Agency (Provider No: 50134), and 15 CPD/CEU credits are available upon request. Details will be provided at the end of the course.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development, psychology, business, and life coaching certification category. Our courses have been taken by over 300,000+ happy students from 195 countries.We have a thriving community in the course and we are actively involved and answer questions within 24h.The course also has a private thriving Facebook life coach networking group. This group has over 7000 students that have taken our life coaching certifications. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Become a Certified Emotional Intelligence Life Coach!Many people believe that intelligence, or IQ (intelligence quotient), is what determines success. However, researchers have consistently found that people with average IQs outperform those with higher IQ 70% of the time. So, why is that? It turns out that the missing link in determining a persons long-term success is emotional intelligence, or EQ. Those average IQ people had high Emotional Intelligence, making emotional intelligence tools essential for any coach that wants to help clients transform their life.Study after study have shown that people with high emotional intelligence: Have higher levels of performance (for instance sales representatives with high emotional intelligence outperformed others by 50%) Have higher levels of productivity (for instance a study of over 40 fortune 500 companies found that programmers in the top 10th percentile of emotional intelligence produced software 3 times faster than programmers with low emotional intelligence) People with high emotional intelligence have higher problem solving skills and lower levels of conflict Those with high emotional intelligence are more effective leaders and earn substantially more over their lifetimeThis means, that as a life coach, nearly every client you encounter would greatly benefit from developing his or her emotional intelligence.The good news is that emotional intelligence can be DEVELOPED! It is not a fixed in-born trait (and neither is intelligence for that matterbut we cover that in a different course).The problem is that for most of us, no one teaches us about emotional intelligence and our emotions and how they work. No one teaches us that we can have more control over our emotions by developing awareness of our thoughts and feelings. This is where a life coach can play a vital role in helping clients learn and develop these tools.Many people that have low level of emotional intelligence, including life coaching clients, struggle with: Being overwhelmed by life stress Getting carried away by negative emotional responses Feeling stuck when facing challenges Feeling socially awkward or having troubled relationshipsAnd thats why we created this course! This complete Emotional Intelligence life coach certification and training program gives you a blueprint for helping your clients develop emotional intelligence, both INTRApersonal intelligence, or understanding of your own emotions, and INTERpersonal intelligence, or understanding of others emotions.In this course, you will learn Emotional Intelligence techniques to use with your life coaching clients to help them: Better understand the cause of their own emotions so they can shift their own emotional state Catch negative emotions early and avoid triggers, in order to prevent escalation Reduce and release stress and better cope with life events Develop healthy empathy so that that can better understand others without being sucked into their emotions Listen and communicate effectively and tune into non-verbal communication and body languageAs a life coach or an aspiring life coach this course will provide: A proven life coaching blueprint to help your life coaching clients develop emotional intelligence. Life coaching emotional intelligence assessments. A life coaching program that you can implement as a stand alone niche life coaching service or life coaching tools and skills that you can add and incorporate to any life coaching niche. Transformational NLP techniques that can be used in your life coaching practice Essential psychological and emotional life coaching tools that will better help your personal and professional life. Access to a private life coaching network community with over 7,000 active life coaches from all over the world. This group is made up of life coaches that have either completed or are completing one of our life coach certification programs. This support group of life coaches is invaluable as you have a range of life coaches with past experience that share their experience and provide feedback and insights. Made for you handouts, exercises, and activities that you can give to your life coaching clients. Access to our Transformation Life Coaching Magazine Free listing in Transformation Life Coaching Directory Official Life Coaching Certification from Transformation AcademyThe skill of emotional intelligence is perhaps the most valuable skill anyone can EVER acquire. Especially for those in the helping field such as life coaching.Give yourself and your clients the gift of Emotional Intelligence through by taking this life coach certification and becoming a Certified Emotional Intelligence Life Coach!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"MikroTik Network Associate with LABS" |
"***This course is not officially sponsored by MikroTik and not an authorized course by MikroTik. We are neither affiliated with nor endorsed by MikroTik. We respect the Trademarks of the mentioned company and institution.***MikroTik MTCNA is the entry level for any student or engineer who wants to start learning MikroTik. MTCNA is always a prerequisite course for the more advanced tracks that MikroTik is providing.For this reason, I have designed this course to help you to get a 1st insight to MikroTik and help you to understand all topics that are available on the MTCNA track to be able to be ready for the MTCNA exam.This course will contain theories but a lot of LABS. For this reason, if you want to follow this course I advice you to have 1 PC and 2 MikroTik Routers with 5 UTP Cables.In this course, you will learn the following topics:About MikroTikFirst time accessing the routerRouterOS Command line interface (CLI)RouterOS CLI principalesInitial configuration (internet access)Upgrading RouterOSRouter IdentityManager RouterOS loginsManage RouterOS servicesManaging configuration backupsResetting a RouterOS deviceReinstalling a RouterOS device (Netinstall)RouterOC license levelsDHCP server and clientAddress Resolution Protocol (ARP)Bridging overviewBridge wireless networksRouting overviewStatic routingFirewall principlesFirewall Filter in actionDestination NATFastTrackSimple QueueOne simple queue for the whole network (PCQ)PPP settingsIP poolPPPoePPTP and SSTPRouterOS tools (Email, Netwatch, Ping, Traceroute, Profiler)Interface traffic monitor Torch Graphs The DudeWireless FundamentalsWireless AP Bridge vs StationWireless Default authenticateWireless Access listAs you can see, there are many topics that are covered in this course and on each of the topics there are sub-topics. A lot of LABS will be done on each of the topics so you can understand practically how you can configure all these topics on the MikroTik.Finally, if you want to have a global understanding of all MTCNA topics and be ready for the MTCNA exam, all you need to do is to register to my course and I am sure that your goal will be achieved."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"An Introduction to the DNP3 SCADA Communications Protocol" |
"If you are involved or will be involved in data acquisition and control of equipment spread over large geographical areas, then you need to have a working knowledge of the DNP3 protocol. If you work in the areas of Electrical Transmission and Distribution, Water and Waste Water Management, Oil/Gas or Security systems, then having a working knowledge of the DNP3 protocol is a significant asset.This course has been designed with practicality in mind. At the end of this course, you will know how DNP3 devices represent data in memory and the types of messaging that they use to exchange data. You will also perform practical exercises using simulation software, allowing you to get first hand experience in configuring DNP3 devices for communications. Essentially, you will have a new practical skill in the field of SCADA Telemetry and Wide Area Communication. Specifically, in this course, you will learn:- The difference between SCADA and Factory Automation protocols.- How DNP3 devices represent data in memory.- DNP3 network messaging types..- DNP3 terminology: RTU, FIU, Report By Exception, Polled and Unsolicited Communication.- Configuration of settings in DNP3 devices.- Configuration and simulation of DNP3 communication.- Implementation levels and standards.- DNP3 data frame formats.and much more ..."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Economics for Finance - A Refresher Course (Part 1)" |
"Welcome to your course ""Economics for Finance - Part 1""In this course, you will learn about National income accounts which provide a comprehensive, conceptual and accounting framework for analyzing and evaluating the short run performance of an economy.In this course, you will learn National Income Accounting, step by step covering the following: 1) Introduction to National Income Accounting2) Usefulness & Significance of National Income EstimatesThis course is structured in self paced learning style. Please use your head set for effective listening and have a note pad and pen with you to practice along with the lecture. You need good internet connection for interruption free learning process. See you inside the course."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"JavaScript Essentials for Modern Web Development" |
"If you look at almost any web application, it is powered by JavaScript or one of its very popular frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue; but JavaScript continues to be a complex language with a steep learning curve and some areas that even seasoned developers struggle with. This is a practical course with a purpose to provide clarity in areas of the language that are the hardest to understand. You will learn the most important, and also the most commonly-used, language features in a fast-paced learning environment.You will gain mastery over topics like functional and asynchronous programming, along with module loaders, and package registries. You will transpile code with Babel to support as many browsers as possible. You will spawn child processes and work with web workers to build modern, fast and scalable web applications with JavaScript, both on the server and the browser.On completion of this course, you will have upgraded your JavaScript skills to the next level while stepping up to become a JavaScript expert. You will be able to code fluently on both the front-end and the back-end while following either the object-oriented or the functional approach.Please note that prior knowledge of JavaScript and some experience with Node.js are assumed for taking this course.About the AuthorDimitris Loukas is a software engineer and is currently part of a growing start-up building a revolutionary referral marketing platform with Node.js, Angular, MySQL, Redis, and Docker. He is also developing trading software applications using C#, Aurelia and TypeScript. He is a Packt author and has developed many video tutorials in C#, .NET Core, and TypeScript. He has worked for two start-ups in the past, is active in the open-source community, and loves taking up small side-projects. He has developed microservices using C# and Node.js and has also mastered Angular, Aurelia, and Vue.js. He is an early adopter of .NET Core and is fascinated by modern JavaScript and where the web is going."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Time Series Analysis with Python 3.x" |
"Time series analysis encompasses methods for examining time series data found in a wide variety of domains. Being equipped to work with time-series data is a crucial skill for data scientists. In this course, you'll learn to extract and visualize meaningful statistics from time series data. You'll apply several analysis methods to your project. Along the way, you'll learn to explore, analyze, and predict time series data.You'll start by working with pandas' datetime and finding useful ways to extract data. Then you'll be introduced to correlation/autocorrelation time-series relationships and detecting anomalies. You'll learn about autoregressive (AR) models and Moving Average (MA) models for time series, and explore anomalies in detail. You'll also discover how to blend AR and MA models to build a robust ARMA model. You'll also grasp how to build time series forecasting models using ARIMA. Finally, you'll complete your own project on time series anomaly detection.By the end of this practical tutorial, you'll have acquired the skills you need to perform time series analysis using Python.Please note that this course assumes some prior knowledge of Python programming; a working knowledge of pandas and NumPy; and some experience working with data.About the AuthorKaren J. Yang has been a data engineer, an author, and a passionate computer science self-learner for 7 years. She has 6 years' experience in Python programming and big data processing. Her recent interests include cloud computing.She holds a PhD in Political Science from Ohio State University and loves working with data to gather meaningful information by performing analysis and research. This interest led her to publish data analysis research papers on Inferential Data Analysis on Tooth Growth and Predicting Activity for Samsung SensorData. She is also a published author of the 'Apache Spark in 7 Days' course."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Hands-On Android Application Components: Activities" |
"It is important for Android developers to understand activity behavior when the user leaves and re-enters an application to avoid crashing, losing the user's progress, and consuming valuable system resources.With this course, you will enhance your application development skills and develop efficient, seamless, and fault-tolerant applications without crashing or losing data while performing any other task.In this course, you will begin by building the core of your applications with the activity class. You will create and modify activities to build effective Android applications. You will also learn how an activity interacts with the rest of the Android operating system.By the end of the course, you will have developed a strong foundation and confidence to implement core Android activities in order to launch, deploy, and communicate between activities while building Android applications.Please note that basic working knowledge of Android programming and Kotlin are required for taking this course.About the AuthorMona Vafa is an energetic mobile developer with 4+ years of robust code experience in Java, Android, and iOS. She enjoys every minute spent developing applications on her computer. There is always something new to learn so what she loves the most is being challenged and sharing her experience. Currently, Mona is working as a freelance software developer and is a proud online trainer. Apart from this, she loves to travel, explore new places, and read books."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Business App Development in Dynamics 365 for Non-Programmers" |
"Hiring a developer to build a custom app, however small, is expensive. Microsoft PowerApps tackles this problem head-on and removes the programming aspect from app development. In this course, you will build visually stunning apps with intuitive user experiences without writing a single line of code.Using a Lawn Care company's dataset you'll be building canvas and model-driven apps with a configuration-based approach to managing processes and data. This will revolutionize your ability to collect, analyze, and act on data. You will also learn how to set up SharePoint team sites in order to improve document storage and collaboration and reduce the space used by PowerApps. Finally, you will connect Power BI to your data so it can be combined with other systems in your company and provide rich user experiences to your leadership team.If you are a business user, manager, or consultant without any coding experience, this course will help you build and customize apps yourself!By the end of this course, you'll be able to build new apps or customize existing ones entirely on your own, without having to call in any programmers.About the AuthorJimmy Briggs is a senior D365 consultant with over 14 years' experience delivering solutions to a wide variety of businesses and organizations. He is committed to delivering a meaningful learning experience so that you can create and administer effective web and mobile solutions for your business and organizational needs."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Create a Brilliant 3D Explainer Video for Your Business" |
"""You aren't just going to learn here how to shoot the video, how to use the software, how to animate 3D figures. No. You'll learn all that plus how to write a script, how to market your video (and your business), and how to hire an illustrator. This is truly a comprehensive course. The instructor breaks everything down in small, easy-to-understand steps so as not to overwhelm you."" - Sally Apokedak, just one of 3500+ students who have taken this course on Udemy.Hey there :)It's Dave here, the instructor of this Udemy course, and it's great to meet you. Over the next 30 days, I'd like to help you fulfil your dream to help thousands of people around the world through your business, and be recognised and remembered as someone who really cared for those they served. Not only that, I'm going to help you (hopefully) make some money in the process. You got into business to help people, right? I know, your heart is in the right place. But intent alone is just not enough today to get people to take that very first step into your shop, offline or not. There are just so many businesses vying for attention. You need some way to communicate your passion that makes you stand apart from everyone else, and that's where I come in: to help you humanise your brand, and to show people that you love them, and truly care about their future. Now, a 3D explainer video for your Business may sound complex but with 11.5 hours of carefully scripted training, this course breaks down everything from the very basics no matter what your experience level. Learn how the professionals work by exploring how to easily build engaging 3D worlds, control a camera in 3D space and animate a 3D model of a product in living and breathing places. Think Toy Story with a pleasing sales pitch at the end. Learn how to write a script that converts, how to represent your customer's true wants/needs in animation, and timeless triggers in marketing to motivate your customer to buy from you. Merge sales material with Pixar-like storytelling so your prospects feel understood AND entertained. And that's not all. Build your knowledge in 6 Adobe programs, all available in Adobe's 30 day free trial. Increase your own personal marketable value and even resell your unique 3D demo video services to an explosion of entrepreneurs right now, desperate to set their website apart. Join the 3500+ community of Animation Creatives today and start bringing boring brands to life!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Etsy Weddings 101: Design & Sell Open Bar Wedding Printables" |
"Have you ever thought about starting your own Digital Wedding Printables business? Well, If you're open to putting your creativity to work, this course is the perfect match for you!Start a Custom Open Bar Printables Business TodayCourse Summary:This introductory course teaches you how to design your own Open Bar Wedding Printables, covering everything from the creative process to sourcing and managing production.This is a course for complete beginners with a passion for learning how Etsy's Wedding Sign market works and how to sell to this market!It's Time to Design and Sell Custom Open Bar Printables:Have you ever wondered how to create Custom open Bar printables to sell, but didnt know where to start?Are you looking for a new fun, creative business to jazz up your workweek?This course teaches you how to design and sell Wedding Printables from home.You will learn the end-to-end process of setting up your Etsy shop.This hands-on course contains step-by-step instructions to set up your Business with very little stress!In this course, you will learn:The basics of designing Open Bar Printables.How to set up an Etsy ShopHow to analyze the custom Open Bar Wedding Printables on Etsy.How to identify competitors on EtsyHow to measure and monitor your shop's progressHow to utilize social media to grow your shop's successPurchasing this course gives you lifetime access to the content and unlimited support.Who should take this course?Anyone interested in Open Bar Wedding PrintablesAnyone Interested in Creating and Selling Wedding PrintablesAnyone interested in learning a new skillAnyone interested in selling digital products on auto-drive.Anyone interested in creating a stream of passive income.Anyone looking to start a new businessObjectivesYou will learn how to create Open Bar PrintablesYou will learn how to position your shop and Wedding Printables for success.You will learn how to effectively create your Etsy shopYou will receive a kit with tools, resources, and templates to help you get started.Student reviews: I really needed this course. It's worth the money! Trissha, you're so inspiring! Dina E.Very simple instructions. I've managed to get 34 sales in my first week! Great course! Rita H.Good course. I appreciate the fact that everything is so easy to comprehend Rick F.Are you Ready To Get Started? Register Today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Persuasive Toolbox" |
"This course is an easy way to learn how to influence and to persuade. The devices discussed are language, tone, audience, purpose, types of evidence, point of view, and appeals. You will learn to use an understanding of audience and purpose to decide what tools to use in specific situations. This course is quick, easy, but powerful in its impact. It will benefit anyone who wants to learn to influence people in his or her professional or personal life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Brackets Editor Tools and Resources for web developers" |
"Explore how to use brackets io as a code editor to be more productive with your coding.Brackets is a modern text editor that makes it easy to design in the browser. It's crafted from the ground up for web designers and front-end developers.Setup brackets and see some features that brackets has to offer.Brackets is a free open source text editor made by Adobe, commonly used by web developers.Check out what this modern, open source text editor has to offer and how understands web design.Bonus PDF guide filled with examples and resource links to customize your coding environment. Taught by an instructor with over 19 years of web development experience, ready to help you learn.I regularly use Brackets to write code and screenshot it within my web developer course lessons. Often get asked by students to help with the view and some of the features that Brackets has to offer. If you are one of those students or someone who wants to explore brackets further this is the course for you. Brackets is free to download and get started with, try it you have nothing to lose.brackets .io. Brackets is a source code editor with a primary focus on web development. Created by Adobe Systems, it is free and open-source software licensed under the MIT License, and is currently maintained on GitHub by Adobe and other open-source developers. It is written in JavaScript, HTML and CSS. Why Use Brackets?Brackets is a lightweight, yet powerful, modern text editor. We blend visual tools into the editor so you get the right amount of help when you want it without getting in the way of your creative process. You'll enjoy writing code in Brackets.Live PreviewGet a real-time connection to your browser. Make changes to CSS and HTML and you'll instantly see those changes on screen. Also see where your CSS selector is being applied in the browser by simply putting your cursor on it. It's the power of a code editor with the convenience of in-browser dev tools."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"MSTER Arquitectura de Interiores, Interiorismo y Decoracin" |
"MSTER Arquitectura de Interiores, Interiorismo y DecoracinConvierte en un Experto en Interiorismo y el Diseo Profesional de Ambientes Interiores de la mano de Arquitectos.Instructores: Arquitecto lvaro Garca y Arquitecta Luca Fernndez.Contenido Actualizado: Septiembre 2020Con este Mster en Diseo de Interiores, Reformas y Decoracin, adquirirs los conocimientos tericos y las competencias necesarias para desarrollar una profesin de futuro, como es la de diseo de interiores. Es la formacin que se necesita para especializarse en el sector y encontrar un empleo que supere las expectativas.El sector del diseo y la decoracin, as como sus oficios y profesiones, estn ntimamente relacionados con el mundo artstico y de la creacin. Si te planteas formar parte de este mbito en plena expansin y quieres potenciar tus inquietudes artsticas, no pierdas la oportunidad de estudiar diseo de interiores. Con la formacin especfica que te presentamos podrs adquirir todos los conocimientos necesarios para dedicarte profesionalmente al sector del interiorismo.El Mster en Diseo del Espacio Interior est dirigido a estudiantes que deseen especializarse en diseo de espacios interiores arquitectnicos. El Mster se enfoca en mejorar el espacio interior con un carcter distintivo y un significado apropiado, subrayando sus sensibilidades inherentes (luz, color, materiales, texturas, etc.) y tambin proporcionndole condiciones de uso adecuadas.Adquiere los conocimientos que todo apasionado de la decoracin deseara encontrar recopilados en un solo curso. Aprenders a reconocer y aplicar los diferentes estilos decorativos que existen, combinar textiles, elegir el mobiliario adecuado en cada estancia, saber aplicar la gama de color correcta y reconocer el mobiliario de diseo que tantas veces has visto en las revistas de decoracin.Itinerario Formativo con Cursos Complementarios dentro de la Plataforma Udemy:Introduccin y Bienvenida al MSTER Arquitectura de Interiores, Interiorismo y DecoracinHistoria, Tendencias Actuales y ReferenciasDiseo y Organizacin del Espacio InteriorMobiliario, Mobiliario, Iluminacin y AtrezzoPrincipales Conceptos sobre Dibujo Tcnico ArquitectnicoDibujo 2D Asistido por Ordenador con AutoCAD en Diseo de InterioresModelado 3D de Proyectos de Diseo de InterioresRenderizado de Imgenes Fotorrealistas de nuestros Diseo de InterioresEdicin Fotogrficas de Nuestros Proyectos y Diseos en Adobe PhotoShopMaquetacin, Presentacin y Documentacin Tcnica de Nuestras Propuestas de Diseo de InterioresMedicin y Presupuesto de la Ejecucin Material del Proyecto Creacin de un CV y Portfolio Creativo Impreso y DigitalConsideraciones sobre Seguridad y Salud en las ObrasRecursos para el Alumno del Experto en Diseo y Planificacin de Proyectos de Diseo de InterioresEmisin del Certificado de Finalizacin del MSTER Arquitectura de Interiores, Interiorismo y DecoracinEn el mster vamos a dar las herramientas necesarias para que los alumnos aprendan y desarrollen una metodologa personalizndola a su lenguaje proyectual y que permita hacer frente a sus futuros proyectos de interiorismo, partiendo del campo de la creatividad, ayudando a buscar un lenguaje a medida de cada uno que permita representar y exponer ideas con una base cultural detrs para resolver de una forma imaginativa los diferentes proyectos que puedan ir surgiendo y as hacer frente a sus complejidades. sta metodologa debe combinar la creatividad con la proyeccin y produccin material de esa idea en un espacio, siguiendo unas pautas ms rgidas que implican la redaccin de todo el proyecto a diferentes escalas llegando al detalle, el clculo y control de costes, la direccin de la obra, hasta la entrega de la vivienda al cliente.El objetivo de la titulacin es permitir al estudiante adquirir el conocimiento y experiencia suficientes para disear elementos nuevos (mobiliario, iluminacin, revestimientos o compartimentaciones), distribuir e iluminar los espacios, dotarlos de las instalaciones y del equipamiento apropiados, y conjugar las partes en un todo esttico y armnico. Debe adems acercar al estudiante a la realidad del mercado del interiorismo y la arquitectura, proporcionando los conocimientos necesarios para iniciar su actividad profesional, ya sea por cuenta propia o ajena.Este curso de decoracin profesional se dirige a todas las personas interesadas en conocer en profundidad todas las herramientas, directrices y mbitos del interiorismo y la decoracin de espacios. Por un lado, con esta formacin, el estudiante aprender los estilos en la decoracin. As, comprender los aspectos que se tienen en cuenta en la composicin y se capacitar para comprender cmo se estructuran los proyectos de decoracin interior. Por ejemplo, conocer qu es el punto focal o nfasis, qu elementos permiten la armona y la unidad y qu es el ritmo visual en la decoracin.Por otro lado, esta titulacin le convertir en un decorador de interiores capaz de entender las propiedades de todos los elementos decorativos. As, conocer las tcnicas de interiorismo ms actuales y conocer cmo decorar espacios transmitiendo sensaciones concretas a travs de ellos.Paralelamente, el estudiante comprender cmo se crea un proyecto de interiorismo, reconociendo los diferentes materiales arquitectnicos utilizados y siendo capaz de crear un proyecto nico. Adems, obtendr un amplio conocimiento de la teora del color y de las tcnicas y sistemas de iluminacin ms utilizados en la actualidad. Todo ello, le permitir comprender la importancia de la luz y el color en un diseo de interior y crear proyectos nicos.Asimismo, tambin aprender cmo distribuir el espacio y cmo elegir o seleccionar materiales para su profesin de decorador de interiores profesional. Finalmente, una vez aprendidos los diferentes estilos decorativos actuales y tradicionales, el alumno se habr convertido en un experto del sector y se habr capacitado para crear proyectos de interiorismo completos y profesionales.Algunas de las Salidas Profesionales:Los alumnos que realicen el Mster de Diseo de Interiores podrn encauzar su vida profesional en varias direcciones, entre las que podemos destacar:Estudios de diseo de interiores, diseador de eventos y arquitecturas efmeras; interiorismo comercial; diseo de espacios, imagen comercial y escenografa; diseador de mobiliario y objetos de decoracin; experto en diseo y representacin digital.Estudio de arquitectura con departamento de interiorismo.Tiendas especializadas de mobiliario o servicios de interiorismo.Grandes corporaciones enfocadas a la rehabilitacin de viviendas as como a viviendas de obra nueva que ofrecen productos llaves en mano.Empresas de Interiorismo, Estudios de Arquitectura, Empresas Constructoras, Empresas promotoras e inmobiliarias, Diseadores de Muebles, Amueblamiento Profesional etc.Liderar proyectos de Interiorismo y home staging como Jefe de Equipo.trabajar como Especialista en Diseo 3D, Experto en Decoracin de Exteriores o Interiores (Interior Design), Escaparatista, Asesor de Decoracin en grandes empresas o Especialista Visual merchandising.Agencias de publicidad, cine, departamentos de infografa de estudios de arquitectura, diseo industrial, profesionales independientes dedicados al diseo, Representaciones de Realidad Virtual.Otras oportunidades: formacin e investigacin.Podrs disear: Proyectos de viviendas, locales comerciales, Hoteles, Home Staging, Escenografa, Visual Merchandising, Personal Shopper, Consultara en Decoracin y mucho ms. En cualquier caso, el Mster oficial prepara a los estudiantes tanto para aportar valor en equipos interdisciplinares en estudios de Arquitectura y Diseo de Interiores como para trabajar de forma independiente (freelance) desde su propio estudio.Metodologa de Aprendizaje:Puedes elegir ver todas las lecciones de forma secuencial (lineal) y aprovecharlas al mximo la formacin. Pero tambin puedes decidir ver este curso como una gua de referencia. Las clases estn claramente organizadas en secciones lgicas y puedes decidir visualizar solo las clases que te resulten ms importantes segn tus necesidades formativas. A excepcin de las lecciones PRO, la mayora de las lecciones son independientes para que puedas comprender los conceptos de cada leccin sin tener que ver las lecciones anteriores del curso. Para desarrollar el programa formativo propuesto no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel de usuario 0. El mster est orientado a aquellos creativos que quieran ampliar sus skills (habilidades) y conocer mltiples trucos, consejos, recursos y recomendaciones, de la mano de los arquitectos lvaro Garca y Luca Fernndez. Adems todas las formaciones de Udemy disponen acceso automtico al contenido, sin limitacin de tiempo, disponibilidad 24/7 (24 horas al da los 7 das de la semana), sin caducidad y con garanta de devolucin.La modalidad de este mster te permite que empieces y acabes cuando t quieras, marcando el ritmo de la clase segn tu disponibilidad. Puedes volver a visualizar lo que te interese, saltar el contenido que ya domines, hacer preguntas, resolver dudas, compartir tus proyectos...Recuerda que este mster global incluye lecciones en vdeo fullHD con audio de estudio (compatible con TV, PC, Mac, tablet y smartphone), artculos didcticos, actividades, proyectos paso a paso, recursos descargables, links de inters, acceso de por vida, certificado de finalizacin, tutorizacin online, y una exclusiva comunidad de aprendizaje privada que nos ayudamos aportando nuestras experiencias en el foro de comunicacin del curso. A qu esperas?, este mster es ideal para ti, atrvete a convertirte en un experto y expresa tus ideas y diseos de la forma que siempre has deseado. Adelante, nos vemos dentro de la formacin ;)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"40-Day GREATNESS Challenge" |
"Are You Ready for True GREATNESS, Significance, and Impact in Your Personal and Professional Life?Then take ""The 40-Day GREATNESS Challenge"" and see how with just a few minutes a day, you can achieve your goals, develop great habits, and uplevel your life, career, business, or ministry.Enroll Today and You'll Get Access To...Life-transforming daily challenges to help develop the mindset and habits of GREATNESS. Tap into the most time-tested wisdom and tactics to stretch your potentials. In the next 40 days, you'll be glad you took this challenge today. Just take a look of some of what's awaiting you on the inside:Interactive Videos & Written ChallengesWatch the short daily videos anywhere, anytime, on any device. Then simply take action on the challenge activity presented.Impact Lives & Feel GoodWin-win-win is our goal during this challenge. Not only will you get better, but you'll also help others get better too. We win. You win. They win!Unlock these BONUSES now when you Register for the challenge:Strategic Secrets (digital) book download. ($14.95 value)Strategic Secrets audiobook. ($24.95 value)Forty-day Challenge Checklist. ($4.99 value)Forty-day Reading Plan. ($4.95 value)Redeem points every 10 days by completing daily challenge activities (priceless).Crush Your Goals this week, this month, this quarter and this year! Achieve GREATNESS in just a few minutes a day! Register now!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Restoring Digestive Health" |
"As Americans, especially those still eating a Standard American Diet, almost all of us have digestive issues. Weight gain, allergies, skin problems, brain fog, and many other conditions can be traced backed digestive distress. There are many different products on the market, but which ones are worth your money? Can you just eat right to improve your gut health? What are the most important things to avoid when maintaining healthy bowels?"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel - Do Bsico ao Avanado" |
"Curso de Excel do Zero ao AvanadoAprenda trabalhar com o Excel o programa mais utilizado no mercado de trabalho. Neste Curso Excel do Zero ao Avanado, vamos aprender as ferramentas deste incrvel programa para criar planilhas.Chega de planilhas Bsicas pois neste curso voc criar planilhas que so verdadeiras obras de arte impressionando a todos que a utilizarem. O curso est atualizado com as verses mais atualizadas do programa o Excel Neste Curso de Excel vamos aprender na pratica a utilizar o programa criando diversos trabalhos e exerccios de forma que possamos trabalhar em um nvel avanado e at mesmo profissional.Aproveite para aprender de forma mais prtica com Muito exerccios e trabalhos e mantendo sempre o contato com o aluno. Em Todas as aulas fornecemos as imagens e arquivos utilizados no curso para download para trabalharmos juntos podendo assim acompanhar de forma mais precisa as aulas."
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"DevOps Tools for Beginners: Starting with Python Scripts" |
"This course is A Beginner's Guide to DevOps Tools, such as Python. The purpose of this course is to prepare you to use these tools from scratch. This course is aimed for IT Pros, Developers, Operators, DevOps, System administrators and Everyone and is supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with theses tools and its their concepts. The course is targeted to help learning and getting started with Python and do your job more efficiently and to automate your tasks. After completing this course, you will be able to:Setup PythonScripting with OS module basicsWorking with pathsWorking with filesUsing shutilWriting basic scripts in PythonAnd more..."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Master en ASP.NET Core 3.1 MVC - Entity Framework" |
"Master en ASP.NET CORE 3.1 MVC el curso completo donde aprenders a desarrollar cualquier tipo de aplicacin web mediante proyectos prcticos.El curso va desde cero hasta un nivel avanzado, este curso esta pensado para cualquier persona que quiera convertirse en un desarrollador web usando .NET CORE la plataforma moderna de Microsoft para el desarrollo de aplicacin web.Explicaremos los fundamentos de .NET CORE, estructura de los proyectos, modelo MVC y las principales funciones de seguridad implementadas.Cuando tengas claros los fundamentos empezaremos a realizar proyectos prcticos:Proyecto 1: Crud con Entity FrameworkEn todo el curso trabajaremos con Entity Framework que es el ORM para interactuar con nuestra base de datos; para tener nuestro primer contacto y entenderlo de manera prctica realizaremos una aplicacin MVC, un CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) de usuarios que nos permite realizar todas las operaciones de lectura, escritura y borrado en nuestra base de datos usando Entity Framework y como motor de base de datos usaremos MSSQL Local DB (SQLite).Proyecto 2: BlogCoreEste es el proyecto ms avanzado del curso y sobre el cual trabajaremos usando lo aprendido en el captulo anterior. Consiste en la creacin de un Blog completo con la parte administrativa, la parte frontal (usuario pblico), con diferentes entidades o tablas y relaciones en nuestra base de datos, para este proyecto usaremos SQL SERVER.En este captulo aprenders:Creacin y configuracin del sistema de Autenticacin y Autorizacin Identity.Creacin de un proyecto web profesional desde cero hasta terminarlo.Trabajo con modelos, controladores, vistas, vistas parciales y Razor.Creacin y uso de las Data Annotations, Tag Helpers, Middlewares, rutas (Routes)Cuando tengas que mostrar datos de varias tablas aprenders a usar las vistas de modelos o View Models.Aprenders como personalizar y aadir ms campos al Identity en todo el sistema de registros, acceso y perfil de usuario.Aprenders a trabajar de manera moderna y profesional usando Repository Pattern y Unidades de trabajo lo que permitir crear aplicaciones ms seguras, escalables sin cdigo duplicado y optimizadas para pruebas de funcionalidad y unitarias.Aprenders que es y como usar el Data seeding (Siembra de datos) ya que cuando te llevas la aplicacin para otro servidor donde va a quedar y si esta inicia desde cero en una base de datos nueva, no tendremos los roles y los usuarios por lo menos uno el administrador para desde aqu iniciar, se hace necesario entonces la creacin de una funcionalidad que permite que al iniciar la restauracin de la aplicacin en una base de datos nueva conserve estos datos, para ello usaremos el Data seeding.Publicacin de la aplicacin:Te ensear como publicar la aplicacin en Azure usando una cuenta gratuita con 200 dlares de crdito completamente desde cero para que lo puedas tener claro.Tambin te ensear como publicar la aplicacin en IIS (Internet Information Service)Curso actualizado a la ltima versin de ASP.NET Core 3.1 con sus nuevos conceptos y funcionalidad. Te ensear como instalar y usar los plugins ms populares frontend como Datatables.js, Sweet Alerts, Toastr, para que enriquezcas y mejores la usabilidad de tus aplicaciones.Recuerda que tienes acceso de por vida, una garanta de devolucin de 30 das si no te gusta, acceso a todos los recursos y archivos desarrollados durante el curso y a la seccin preguntas y respuestas.Bonus TutorialesCaptulo dedicado a la creacin de tutoriales cortos donde se irn agregando proyectos prcticos puntuales, para dar solucin a requerimientos de desarrollo que se presentan en el da a da en nuestro trabajo como desarrolladores:Instalacin de plugins y algunos recomendados.Plugin para envo de correos Mailkit.Como usar mltiples conexiones SQL en ASP.NET CORE.Como hacer ingeniera inversa (Cuando ya tienes una base de datos creada y necesitas a partir de este obtener el modelo).Identity ScaffoldingInstalacin de Admin LTE en un proyecto ASP.NET CORE"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"MASTER Class on How to Create a BESTSELLING Online Course" |
"Creating a high-quality course isnt an easy task and takes time, especially if youve never done this before and must figure everything out by yourself.But no stress!Youve landed on the right course to turn this idea of yours into reality.Over the years, I have created multiple bestselling courses. You can check them out on my profile.I have a proven expertise in building quality courses, and I know perfectly how to create a course of high value.In this course on how to create a bestselling course, I will teach you EVERYTHING I have learned over the past several years.This is a course that covers the whole process of creating a course, from start to finish, explaining in-depth how to:How to Effectively Script and Outline Your CourseThree Mistakes to Avoid to Be a Great TeacherHow to Easily, But Professionally, Edit Your CourseAll the Necessary Equipment, Software, and Programs You Need to Create a CourseHow to Promote Your Course and Strategies to Increase SalesAnd sooooooooooo much more.This is THE COURSE that I wished someone would have made back when I was just starting out, so that I did not have to make all the mistakes I did back then.Luckily for you, you have the chance right now to be smarter! And to start off with the right knowledge and information on how to create not just a good course, but a bestselling one!Here are a few more points about what you will learn:The 6 Different Styles of Creating CoursesThe 3 Golden Ingredients to Create a Bestselling CourseThe Two Types of Backgrounds to Use in your CourseMarketplaces and Self-Hosting: Which Are the Best Platforms to Use?If you are indeed looking to create your very first course or improve your knowledge of how to make your next course better, I am 100% confident that this is the course that will help you significantly in creating your course.Here are even more things you will learn:The Importance of Having a Great Course Name, Description, and Lesson TitlesHow to Create Great Course LessonsWhich Topic Do I Teach? Advice and Tools on How to Find a Good Course TopicHow to Set up your Filming Studio CorrectlyKeep Improving Your Course - How to Receive FeedbackOkay.I could keep going, sharing with you all the great content that awaits you, but lets not waste time and leave this idea of yours hanging around in your head much longer.Lets start and get on to the action! I am excited to have you here. I hope to see you soon in our very first lesson, as you begin your journey of turning this course idea of yours into reality.Jellis"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |