Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Adobe Photoshop CC 2020" |
"In diesem Kurs kann ich Ihnen zeigen, wie Sie mit Photoshop 2020 Ihre eigene Einladungskarte erstellen.Es gibt verschiedene Rechte, einige Einladungskarten zu Richtlinien. Dieser Kurs soll das heit, dass ein Eigentmer davon gehrt, wieSie knnen ganz einfach Ihr eigenes Design erhalten, um es in einem Kopiergeschft zu drucken, oder die .psd-Dateien und eine professionelle Firma senden, damit das Projekt verkauft werden kann.In dieser Zeit ist es schnell eine absolute Lsung, ein Fotobearbeitungsprogramm fr mehrere gehrt zu."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Get Your Dream Job?" |
"Don't keep paying someone to do the work for you, learn how successful people get jobs! Learn how in this short course on How to Get Your Dream Job. Amber Dassow has helped 100's of people get their dream job. Join her in this course on how to get your dream job."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Overcoming Challenges" |
"Most people believe you have to overcome before you transform, but that will lead you back into old habits. Are you ready to change your old habits? The meaning of transformation is to have a dramatic change and to overcome is to succeed. Having the Holy Spirit guide will create a transformation that no one else can duplicate. Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires, but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. Romans 8:5 (NIV) Take this course to start your transformation in order to overcome challenges in your life."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Mejora la efectividad de tu gestin utilizando indicadores" |
"Este curso se enfoca en la utilizacin de indicadores y tableros de comando o control para desarrollar una gestin efectiva, eficiente y exitosa. Se discuten conceptos bsicos como gestin, toma de decisiones, operaciones, etc. Pero tambin se avanza en profundidad en la definicin formal de indicadores, en cmo utilizarlos y cmo constituir con stos un sistema de evolucin de desempeo."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Digital Signal and Image Processing [ Hindi ]" |
"This course covers Digital Signal and Image Processing from very basic to more advanced features.Concepts of Digital Signal and Image Processing are made very simple and easy.Every topic is covered in greater detail.All Lecture are discussed on white board like a classroom session.This course is been made for theory papers and is specially recommended for Indian Universities for scoring good marks in there exams."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"lgebra para principiantes" |
"En este curso aprenders los conocimientos bsicos del lgebra comenzaremos ensendote la teora para despus mostrarte el desarrollo de ejercicios aprenders a sumar, restar, multiplicar y dividir tambin en este curso he incluido una forma clara para explicarte teora y ejercicios este curso estar en constante mejora para ayudarte a comprender mas en el mundo de las matemticas."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Accounting principles" |
"Learn about the key financial statements and how they are linked, the accounting equation, double entry accounting, debits and credits, and much more. Well start from the beginning and learn how to account for revenues, expenses and profit, current and non-current assets and liabilities, equity, and cash flow; and more specific areas like depreciation, inventories, receivables and payables, debt, and more. This is all following the story of a DJ starting a new venture, in small bite-sized lectures and with extra resources like regular quizzes to solidify what youve learnt, a case study bringing everything together at the end, and simple templates to create your own financial statements."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ServiceNow Vendor Risk Management" |
"Service-Now Vendor Risk Management application provides a centralized and streamlined process that manages the lifecycle of a vendor from onboarding to offboarding with some additional features such as automation assessment creation that is based on the tier and score changes of vendors including automatic generation of issues based on a specified condition"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Blockchain 101" |
"- , . , . , . , , ."
Price: 1799.00 ![]() |
"Determinacin de Estado de flujo de efectivo" |
"Determinacin de los elementos a considerar previos al desarrollo, as como desarrollo de las tres estructuras del estado financiero, considerando sus elementos para su correcta anlisis del mismo. Elaborado bajo el mtodo indirecto segn lo estipula las Normas de Informacin Financieras elaboracin-2, consideraciones a puntos a cuidar en la elaboracin que nos sirven como mtodo de comprobacin de que las cifras que consideramos son correctas"
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Elaboracin y anlisis de Conciliacin contable y fiscal" |
"Aplicacin practica de conciliar nuestro resultado financiero con nuestro resultado fiscal, analizando partida por partida que integran la estructura de dicha determinacin para tener una visualizacin clara de la naturaleza de cada elemento que integra la estructura de dicha determinacin, para que en el momento en que el alumno se vea en la necesidad de integrar mas partidas al calculo tenga el conocimiento de distinguir e integrar la informacin de acuerdo al principio de simetra fiscal"
Price: 345.00 ![]() |
"Die TikTok Masterclass 2020 - Mehr Reichweite und Wachstum" |
"Lerne wie du mit TikTok in krzester Zeit bekannt und viral werden kannst.Das wirst du lernenWie TikTok funktioniertWie du auf TikTok einfach Inhalte erstellst und publizierstEine eigene TikTok Strategie entwickeln und umsetzenWie der TikTok Algorithmus funktioniertWie du durch TikTok auf anderen Kanlen wchstWie du dich bei TikTok brandestTikTok Live erfolgreich nutzenWie du dein Business durch TikTok bekannter machstAnforderungenKEINE!BeschreibungIn diesem umfangreichen TikTok Kurs erklren wir euch, wie auch ihr diese Plattform nutzen knnt, um bekannter zu werden. Ihr werdet in der Lage sein, eure Brand auf die nchste Stufe zu heben.Natrlich gibt es in diesem Kurs einen eigenen Abschnitt, in dem wir euch genau erklren, wie ihr euer eigenes TikTok Profil erstellt, in ein Business Profil umwandelt und die Daten auf eurem Profil bestmglich ausfllt und so alle Grundlagen optimiert. Wir helfen in diesem Kurs auch Personen und Unternehmen, die TikTok als Marketing fr das Business verwenden mchten und alle Mglichkeiten ausnutzen, welche die Plattform uns dafr bietet. Deshalb legen wir den Hauptfokus auf die folgenden Themen, die bereits ein existierendes Profil voraussetzen:Inhalte und InhaltsstrategienInfluencer MarketingHashtagsFollowerTrendsChallengesInstagram LiveBest Practices mit vielen Tipps und TricksIhr bekommt von uns aber nicht nur lebenslangen Zugriff auf diesen Kurs und alle zuknftigen Updates. Auerdem haben wir fr euch eine PDF Datei zum Downloaden, wo ihr den gesamten Kursinhalt strukturiert und zusammengefasst an die Hand bekommen knnt.Fr wen eignet sich dieser Kurs:Jeder, der TikTok privat oder fr geschftliche Zwecke betreiben mchte"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Make Money on Social Media with a Smaller Following" |
"Remember! It's not about the number of subscribers. It's not. You can't pay rent or for groceries with that. It's about how much income you can create with the following you do have. I'm going to teach you everything I know about how to make money on social media after going from 0 subscribers to a full time income in just 2 years. It is important to understand that your choices in the beginning of your social media journey will most likely determine your success. This course is about making those right choices. I will post other courses with some in-depth training on some of these topics later this year."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Full Guide to Clear Situation Reaction Test" |
"After completing this course, students will be able to answer a logical Reaction of every situation in a professional and effective cum gentle manner. This Course is designed to help students appearing for Various interview of college admission and interview for recruitment in Various organizations. You will be able to come out of every Situation after competition of this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SQL Kursu : Sfrdan Sektrn Ykseklerine 2020" |
"ster bir bankada finans uzman veya risk yneticisi olun, isterse bir irketin kdemli yazlm gelitiricisi olun, tam size gre bir kurs hazrladk.Gnmzde veritaban kullanmayan iletme yok denecek kadar azdr. Veritaban verilerimizi ynettiimiz ve sakladmz yerdir. Bu yzden veriyi salkl saklamak iin iyi bir tasarma ihtiya vardr. Veriyi salkl sorgulamak iinse iyi bir SQL bilgisine ihtiya vardr. Bunlardan herhangi birinde eksikleriniz varsa, veriye ulamanz zorlaacaktr.Bu kurs tam olarak bu iki ihtiyac btnsel bir bak asyla deerlendirip, srdrlebilirlii n plana almaktadr. yi bir SQL yazarl ve/veya veritaban tasarmcl iin doru yerdesiniz.Kursumuz VERTABANI BLGNZ OLMADIINI varsaymaktadr. Geleceiniz nokta ise SEKTRN LER DZEY KULLANIM TEKNKLERDR.Kurs ieriimizTemel KonularWorkshop 1 - Normalization Odakl TasarmDemo : Tasarmn Gerek Veritabanna GeirilmesiMevcut Bir Veritabann nceleme TeknikleriHesaplamal Sorgularla almakOrderBy,And,Or,Not le almakLike - Between - In le almakAggregeation Fonksiyonlaryla almakString Fonksiyonlaryla almakGroupBy ve Having le almakJoin ile almakWorkshop 2Workshop 3Workshop 4Workshop 5Veritabannda Deiiklik Yapan Sorgularla almakJoin Odakl Insert,Update,DeleteGenel Tekrar le Eksiklerimizi GrelimDemo : Profesyonel Tasarm rneiDemo : Tasarmn Veritabanna Dntrlmesindex Mimarisiyle almak"
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Revit MEP - Instalaciones Mecnicas" |
"En este curso nos concentraremos en el uso de las herramientas de Revit que nos asisten en la realizacin de anlisis energticos de edificios. Veremos como introducir informacin energtica en nuestro modelo y como exportar dicha informacin para su tratamiento fuera de Revit. En la seccin final, prestaremos atencin a la creacin de sistemas lgicos de ductos y tuberas, en la creacin de dichos elementos y en uso del motor de Revit para disear tamaos y verificar el rendimiento."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Affiliate Marketing For BeginnersHow To Start The Right Way" |
"=> Discover The Simple, Step-By-Step Method To Succeed With Affiliate MarketingAlthough there are all sorts of methods that you can use to make money online, many are difficult, require a lot of time and effort, or even a substantial upfront investment.The big reason many people fail online is because they dont make money fast enoughand they give up.To build a REAL, online business, you need to get some BIG wins very quickly.The best way to do that is with affiliate marketingHeres why affiliate marketing is one of the fastest and easiest ways to start making serious money online, regardless of marketing budget, online experience, or even general marketing experience.With affiliate marketing, you can literally be in business TODAY.Heres how it worksWhat is affiliate marketing? In short, youre paid a commission when you sell someone elses product. You simply pick a product, generate traffic, and get paid!Why Affiliate Marketing Is The Best Way To Get Started Making Money Online:You dont have to do a bunch of market research or even create your own product or service, you get paid for promoting someone elses productGetting started is as easy as choosing a market and promoting itMany affiliate programs pay commissions as high as 75%, that means youre often getting paid more than the product ownerIts easy to quickly scale up your incomeSo, if affiliate marketing is so easy, why isnt everyone making 5 or 6 figures per month or beyond?To Succeed With Affiliate Marketing You Must Consider Things Like: Finding the right affiliate products to promote How to get approved for the affiliate offers that you want to promote Getting everything setup the right way without wasting time How to get online traffic easily and start promoting your first affiliate product while making a profit Tracking everything so you know when to scale a campaign up and take it to the next levelAlthough the process of getting approved and setup to start making money with affiliate marketing is not that hard, most people that try affiliate marketing fail.But why?Most people do a lot of the wrong things when it comes to getting started with affiliate marketing.In many cases by looking at free resources and methods online that may be outdated or just plain out dont workWhen people struggle with affiliate marketing, its not because its difficult its because the key to success with affiliate marketing is in the details:To see success with affiliate marketing and make the kind of money that you want to make, you need to follow a proven roadmap'You need to plug-in to a method that someone has used before you to see success online.Inside This Step-By-Step Course To Affiliate Marketing, Youll Discover: How to get started with affiliate marketing even if youve never made a penny online before The best products to promote as an affiliate and how to find them The two options you have when it comes to generating traffic to your offers and how to get started even if you dont have a massive advertising budget How to build an audience that will buy the offers you put in front of them and make you the most money possible The 4 BEST platforms for finding information products that often pay commissions in the 50-75% range How to find information products that pay you high commissions as well as INSTANT commissions into your PayPal account Although there may be a lot of products to choose from, why focusing on a big niche might not always be the best way to get started The ultimate beginners strategy for getting started and making a profit as soon as THIS WEEK! Why sending traffic to the product owners sales page can sometimes cost you a lot of money and what you need to do to boost sales quickly By following this simple method, you can stand out from the other affiliate marketers promoting the same offers and get the sale and the commission over and over again! Two simple online methods for quickly making sales by doing something youre probably already doing How to leverage your existing network to quickly take your affiliate marketing business to six figures and beyond Affiliate marketing in person? Sounds crazy, but inside youll learn a simple strategy for making commissions in everyday life How to use content marketing online to build a massive following and scale your income to $10,000 per month, or more Why paid marketing can often be one of the fastest ways to profit, the two best paid platforms to use for affiliate marketing, and how to get started and see results as soon as today! The 4 secrets that ALL successful affiliate marketers must follow Plus, a whole lot more"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Affiliate Marketing Training: Modern Tactics & Strategies" |
"Unleash the Power of Modern Affiliate Marketing!The key to affiliate marketing success is to focus on what worksThe mechanics of affiliate marketing have not changed.What has changed, however, are the strategies that enable you to become a successful affiliate marketer.Make no mistake, if you want to succeed with your affiliate marketing business, you have to focus on ROI. If you have a fuzzy idea of what return on investment means, you're playing the game wrong.How do I maximize my income while minimizing my effort?For every minute I spend doing something, how do I maximize the amount of dollars coming out of that activity?Both these factors must be at play. You always have to constantly filter all your affiliate marketing decisions through these principles.With My Advice You are going to understand the importance of modern affiliate marketing strategies. You will learn to identify niches based on ROI and other crucial factors. You will understand modern conversion systems. You can begin to understand different monetization methods. You are going to learn exactly how to put a heavy focus on the commercial value of your niche.To make it easy, Ive put together a step-by-step guide that will show you exactly how its done.Here's a preview of what you'll discover inside this course: Picking Your Niches Based on ROI and Other Crucial Factors Picking the Right Affiliate Program to Maximize Conversions How to Create Niche-Focused Conversion Systems Traffic Generation Strategies Traffic Optimization Strategies The Key to Affiliate Marketing Success in 2020 & BeyondPlus, a whole lot more...Do you need this course?If you answer YES to any of the below, you need this You want to gain a better understanding of affiliate marketing. You want to become a successful affiliate marketer. You are unsatisfied with your current affiliate marketing results. You want to use modern affiliate marketing strategies. You want to learn how to get the most return for every dollar you spend on your business.Click The Enrol Button Now To Get Instant Access!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Online Course Creation for Businesses" |
"Every business should have an Online Course strategy because this format is experiencing fast growth around the world. You can take advantage of the organic reach provided by course platforms such as Udemy to attract tens of thousands of students. You can then benefit from this audience by generating leads for your main business service and expanding your community, all while making additional revenue. Basically, online courses can be an extremely powerful content marketing strategy. Also, they cross-over perfectly with a YouTube channel, a Facebook group and your other online properties such as a Blog on your website.Creating online courses makes sense for a lot of kinds of traditional businesses such as:ServicesCoaching / TrainingRetail / eCommerceManufacturingAnd many others...Most of the time there is a way to create a useful online course and position it perfectly inside your value chain, no matter the size of your business: individual, SME or a Big Corporation. But it's not easy to pull off for the following reasons:Your course success depends on social validation: ratings, conversion & engagement level. You need to apply the best techniques in order to make students love your course.Many categories are saturated: online courses are a phenomenal opportunity, and it didn't go unnoticed. These days, it might be hard to break through the SEO rankings into the Top courses. But again, with the right techniques, it's always possible to make it. Creation is actually hard: there are a lot of things to consider and do right, like organizing your curriculum, writing the content, recording videos, creating animations, editing, designing your landing page, promoting, and much more. All of this requires a diverse set of skills that is not easy to master. You will learn absolutely everything you need to know in this course. And although this course is specifically designed for companies, individual instructors who want to make a career out of online courses can also take it and simply ignore the lectures that concern businesses only."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"My Special Ways to Speed Up Typing Speed - Type Faster" |
"It's what you do when you type that makes typing faster. My typing hacks, I used as an author, make this possibleThese methods are proven to massively reduce the time it takes to finish your typing work. Do your work in less time.My name is Ian Stables. I have written more than 50 Amazon Kindle books. (That's a lot of typing.) I've also written many articles and PDF guides over the years.=============================================================================Customer review:""it is a good typing course for learning typing tips and secrets for speed typing andoverall a great course on typing faster.""Romaine Hough========================================================""My typing speed and accuracy are improving and I am only through the first 2 modules""Pamela Royse=============================================================================When I started, I used to take forever to get through all the typing. Lots of mistakes to slow me down. Lots of time wasted trying to think of what to say.I began a quest to find ways to make me faster. The faster I was, the more books I coiuld produce.I learned a lot from others by way of books, videos and online courses. Many of my breakthroughs came from making my own discoveries.I ended up with a toolkit of methods that massively reduced my typing time.It's a big reason I was able to complete all those books. In this course, I share these methods with you.You'll be able to complete your typing in a lot less time.If you're an author, like me, you complete your books in a lot less time.If at work you spend a lot of time typing, you'll be glad of these methods.If you're a student, complete your essays and dissertation in far less time.In fact, if you type on a computer or laptop, you'll finish any typing task in less time.Here are some of the things you'll learn:- Methods that will finish your typing in far less time- What to ignore to dramatically increase typing speed (This is something that slows most people down.)- A plan that reduces typing work time- Simple way to practice that dramatically improves your speed- A practice time that boosts your progress- Easy way to know how to word itI know you will love what you learn in this course. However, to give you peace of mind, you are covered by a 30 day money-back guarantee.Stop taking forever to finish your typing. Learn the methods I discovered.Enrol now."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"JavaScript data structure and algorithm crash course" |
"This is a data structure and algorithm crash course for JavaScript developers. You will learn linear and non-linear data structures and eight sorting algorithms. You will also learn the big O notation so that you can pick the best algorithm for your program. At the beginning of this course, you will learn basic computing knowledge like bit, byte, memory address, byte addressing, etc."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Configurare WooCommerce" |
"#ConfigurareWoo progettato per offrirti laccesso a vita alle video-lezioni per imparare come configurare WooCommerce (senza abbonamento!). Studia la teoria, scarica le guide bonus e impara facilmente. Prova quanto spiegato sul tuo sito web di prova (usando il tuo pc). Utilizza larea commenti per pormi le tue domande (per sempre). Finalmente un corso incentrato su di TE!Probabilmente in questo momento ti starai chiedendo E se semplicemente cercassi su Internet tutte queste informazioni per configurare WooCommerce gratuitamente? Certo puoi farlo ma non sarebbe una bella soluzione!Questo corso un modo pi veloce, organizzato e professionale per imparare a configurare WooCommerce."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Zachte Yoga voor Iedereen" |
"Ben je op zoek naar een veilige en zachte manier van bewegen? Dan is deze cursus zeker iets voor jou. Je leert hier op een ontspannen manier je lichaam losmaken. Heb je last met de ademhaling, luister goed naar de instructies en volg met je ademhaling het ritme van de oefeningen."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Machine Learning con Python. Aprendizaje Automtico Avanzado" |
"Machine Learning con Python. Aprendizaje Automtico AvanzadoAprendizaje Automtico Scikit-Learn en Python. Modelos Predictivos. Data Science. De bsico a Experto.Instructores: PhD. Manuel Castillo y Arquitecto lvaro GarcaContenido Actualizado: Septiembre 2020Descripcin del Curso:El curso de Machine Learning con Python se centra en un subcampo especfico de aprendizaje automtico llamado modelado predictivo y clustering. Este es el campo del aprendizaje automtico que es el ms til en la industria y el cual se utilizar la librera de aprendizaje automtico scikit-learn en Python por su gran rendimiento y facilidad en su uso.A diferencia de las estadsticas, donde los modelos se usan para comprender los datos, el modelado predictivo se enfoca en el desarrollo de modelos que hacen las predicciones ms precisas a expensas de explicar por qu se hacen las predicciones.A diferencia del campo ms amplio del aprendizaje automtico que podra utilizarse con datos en cualquier formato, el modelado predictivo y clustering se centra principalmente en datos tabulares, llamados tcnicamente Tidy Data (por ejemplo, tablas de nmeros como en una hoja de clculo).El curso est dirigido a personas que tengan pocos conocimientos de machine learning, conocimientos intermedios del lenguaje de programacin y que quieran adentrarse a este apasionante mundo de dentro del campo de modelado predictivo y clustering.Adems, el curso est diseado para que cualquier estudiante universitario, investigador o tecnlogo que se encuentre realizando o necesite realizar diferentes experimentos a travs de grandes conjuntos de datos para poder sintetizarlos en alguna salida predictiva puedan utilizar los muy diferentes recursos de machine learning que nos pone a nuestra disposicin el lenguaje de programacin.Contenidos del Curso:MDULO I. Introduccin.Conceptos bsicos de machine learning.Jupyter Notebook como nuestro entorno de machine learning.Curso rpido de Python.MDULO II. Anlisis de datosCargar un conjunto de datos.Estadstica descriptiva.Visualizacin de datos.Taller: Trabajo de aplicacin de diferentes tcnicas analticas de datos en un conjunto de datos seleccionado por el usuario e interpretar la salida obtenida.Examen tipo test sobre los contenidos del mdulo.MODULO III. Preprocesamiento de datosAnlisis exploratorio de datos.Preprocesamiento de datos.Mtodos de remuestreo para estimar la precisin del modelo.Taller: Trabajo de aplicacin de diferentes tcnicas de anlisis y procesamiento de datos de datos en un conjunto de datos seleccionado por el usuario e interpretar la salida obtenida.Examen tipo test sobre los contenidos del mdulo.MDULO IV. Fase de tratamiento de datosEvaluacin de las mtricas.Feature Selection.Feature Importance.Reduccin de dimensiones en un dataset.Taller: Aplicacin de diferentes tcnicas de tratamiento de datos en un conjunto de datos y verificacin de su impacto en las mtricas algortmicas.Examen tipo test sobre los contenidos del mdulo.MDULO V. Fase de modeladoAlgoritmos de Machine Learning.Rendimiento de los algoritmos.Algoritmos EnsambladosAlgoritmo ""Super Lerner""Taller: Aplicacin de diferentes algoritmos de machine learning en un conjunto de datos e interpretar la salida obtenida, as mismo, verificar el algoritmo que tenga mejor comportamiento.Examen tipo test sobre los contenidos del mdulo.MDULO VI. Fase de optimizacin y forecastingPipelines.Procesamiento de datos avanzado.Configuracin de hiperparmetros.Guardado e integracin del modelo.Taller: Una vez seleccionados los algoritmos candidatos a modelo realizar una optimizacin de estos a travs de la configuracin de sus hiperparmetros.Examen tipo test sobre los contenidos del mdulo.MDULO VII. Proyectos de machine learningTrabajar un proyecto de clasificacin multiclaseTrabajar un proyecto de regresin.Trabajar un proyecto de clasificacin binaria.Proyecto: Realizar un proyecto completo analizando todas las fases estudiadas en los diferentes mdulos.MDULO VIII. Aprendizaje No SupervisadoAprendizaje No supervisado.Algoritmos de Aprendizaje No Supervisado.Determinar el nmero ptimo de clsters.Proyecto de Aprendizaje No Supervisado.Caractersticas del Curso:Recuerda que esta formacin incluye lecciones en vdeo fullHD con audio de estudio (compatible con TV, PC, Mac, tablet y smartphone), artculos didcticos, actividades, proyectos paso a paso, recursos descargables, links de inters, acceso de por vida, certificado de finalizacin, tutorizacin online, y una exclusiva comunidad de aprendizaje privada que nos ayudamos aportando nuestras experiencias en el foro de comunicacin del curso. A qu esperas?, este curso es ideal para ti, atrvete a convertirte en un experto. Adelante, nos vemos dentro de la formacin ;)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Beat - Drum Programming In Ableton - Beginner Guide to Pro" |
"This course is all about how to create a dope instrumental beat easily using nothing but your Ableton Live 9 Software and Free drum loops that can be found on websites such as Hiphopmakers / TheProducersplug and more.This Professional Beat course is perfect for beginner producers and intermediate beat makers with a little more experience, to help students craft an awesome self made product that can be implemented into their future projects with the music scene.You should expect to learn how to create a great drum patternThis course is only about an 30 minutes, but don't be fooled the content will suit your needs for years to come within your beat production.If you struggle with creating a great sounding instrumental or just want to broaden your instrumental beat production ability's, than this course will benefit you in more ways than you'll expect."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Basic Grammar and Common English Questions" |
"This is a great introductory course to learning English. Together we will discuss some of the most commonly asked questions from students studying English. And then we will look at a few common grammar issues that will help you sound like a native English speaker. Come improve your English and start thinking in English.Let's get started!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete ASP.Net Core 3.1 and Entity Framework Development" |
"OverviewLearn how to build an Employee Leave Management System using ASP.Net Core 3.1, Entity Framework, Code-First and the Repository Pattern. This complete course will show you how to use Visual Studio, Microsoft SQL Server Express and explore dynamic web development with Bootstrap and JQuery and various front-end libraries. ASP.NET Core 3.1 is Microsoft's modern, cross-platform framework for building enterprise ready web applications. In this course, you will learn everything you need to know about building ASP.NET Core 3.1 applications, from understanding the folder structure and files, to building a complete web application. Why Learn ASP.NET Core 3.1Microsoft .NET is the platform that drives the business technology of many of the top corporations in the United States and many other countries. It is the predominant technology used to drive enterprise-scale business technology. Companies have chosen .NET because for its proven scalability, reliability, and support.The .NET language of choice to learn is C#, as it is among the most widely used languages today. Its a general purpose programming language that can handle almost any problem, from desktop to mobile to dynamic web applications. As such, there is a high demand across the world for .NET developers in a variety of industries, so that means that more jobs are available for candidates with a foundation built upon .NET technologies.Build A Strong Foundation in .NET Core Programming: Build a fully data driven web application using cutting edge technology Connect to a Database using Entity Framework CoreRepository Pattern and Dependency InjectionUnderstand how the MVC (Models, Views and Controllers) Pattern worksUnderstand C# and .Net Core Web SyntaxUnderstand user Authentication using ASP.NET Core IdentityUnderstand how to use Models, ViewModels and AutoMapper Use Bootstrap to style and manipulate the overall layoutManage Packages with NuGet ManagerImplement Website Layout using AdminLTE ThemeSetup GitHub for Source ControlSetup IIS Server on Local Machine (Or Windows Server)Setup Microsoft Azure AccountPublish .NET Core Application to IIS Publish .NET Core Application to Microsoft Azure App ServicesContent and OverviewTo take this course, you will need to have some knowledge of Object Oriented Programming, if not C#. Even if you do not have much exposure to the .NET development stack, this course is very beginner friendly and chock full of development tips. This is a huge course. Over 15 hours of premium content, but smartly broken up to highlight a set of related activities based on each module in the application that is being built. We will also look at troubleshooting and debugging errors as we go along; implementing best practices; writing efficient logic and understanding why developers do things the way they do. Your knowledge will grow, step by step, throughout the course and you will be challenged to be the best you can be.By the time you have finished the course you will have moved around in Visual Studio and examined logic and syntax errors so much, that it will be second nature for you when working in the .NET environment. This will put your new learned skills into practical use and impress your boss and coworkers.The course is complete with working files hosted on GitHub, with the inclusion of some files to make it easier for you to replicate the code being demonstrated. You will be able to work alongside the author as you work through each lecture and will receive a verifiable certificate of completion upon finishing the course.Clicking the Take This Course button could be the best step you could take towards quickly increasing your income and marketability! Also, remember that if you don't think the course is worth what you spent, you have a full 30 days to get a no questions asked refund!It's time to take action! Click the ""Buy Now"" button Today!Every hour you delay is costing you money...See you in the course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"React 16: Dvelopper votre premire application (Hooks,2020)" |
"Alors comme ca, vous souhaitez vous former au developpement d'applications Web avec la dernire version de React ? Vous aussi vous revez de construire des sites web dynamiques, qui reagissent immediatement aux moindres interactions de vos utilisateurs, avec une performance optimale ? Eh, ca tombe bien, vous etes au bon endroit !Nous vivons une epoque excitante pour le developpement Web avec JavaScript. Il y a une multitude de nouveaux Frameworks disponibles, et encore une autre multitude qui eclos jour apres jour. Nous allons voir pourquoi vous devez faire le pari de vous lancer avec React, et ce que vous allez pouvoir faire avec ce petit bijou, sorti tout droit de la tete des ingenieurs de Facebook. Cette dernire version de React apporte de nombreuses nouveauts, dont les Hooks, qui permettent de dvelopper des applications plus rapidement et avec une syntaxe plus concise. C'est donc une bonne nouvelle pour ceux qui ne connaitraient pas React, ou qui en auraient juste entendu parler : pas besoin de connaitre le dveloppement JavaScript moderne , vous pouvez vous lancer dans l'apprentissage de React des maintenant ! Si vous tes bloqu, sachez qu'il y a une correction de code complte la fin de la formation, et que je rpondrai rapidement (et de manire sympathique) tous vos messages. Je n'oublie personne, vous avez ma parole ! ;DReact est l'un des frameworks frontend les plus modernes, les plus performants et les plus puissants que vous pouvez apprendre ce jour. Il vous permet de crer des applications web performantes qui offrent par ailleurs une excellente exprience utilisateur ! Tous les principes fondamentaux dont vous avez besoin pour commencer dvelopper des applications React sont prsents dans ce cours.Je ferai votre veille React votre place. Ds qu'il y a une nouveaut sur React intressante, je vous prviendrai via les annonces Udemy. Plus besoin de passer des heures sur Internet pour chercher les dernires nouveauts par vous-mme ! :DAchetez ce cours maintenant et apprenez React quand vous voulez ensuite. L'accs au cours est garanti vie, et le contenu sera toujours jour !"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"This course tracks some of the important jurisprudential events concerning cyber security law in the Western World and how different legal approaches for regulating cyber security are colouring the landscape in the West. This course highlights the diversity of methodology and innovative perspective of law makers in different countries as they try to come up with enabling yet deterrent legal approaches for promoting cyber security across various sectors."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Start learning Mandarin with Top 100 most important words" |
"3 Main Steps to Speak Mandarin:Step 1 : Pronunciation 6 vowels, 4+1 tones, 21 consonantsStep 2 : Learn top 100 words for daily conversationStep 3 : Create simple and short sentencesWe offer Lifetime Whatsapp Support GroupIn this exclusive Whatsapp group, youll be able to ask any questions and speak Mandarin among members. Youre part of a community who have all learnt the same techniques. This is what you can never get by reading a book or watching videos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Writing Practice: 11 essential heuristics for power writers" |
"From the teacher of the Udemy bestselling course Rhetoric of Story. A new course for writers of all levels.PLEASE NOTE : this course is in development, with new talks added regularly.#Did you ever stay up until dawn reading a great book? Has your worldview ever been rocked by a powerful essay? Were you ever been left breathless by the words of a great novelist, playwright or poet?Have you ever wanted to tell your story to the world but just... could...not...find...the words?!In over a decade as a writing teacher, Damien Walter has helped thousands of students find their voice.Now he shares a new course to develop the foundational skills to build a powerful writing practice.What separates a good writer...from a great writer? Copywriter. Journalist. Professional blogger. Content creator. Or just plain ""Writer"".Whatever the role, great writing is one of the most in demand and highest rewarded skills in the new freelance economy.But delivering great, creative writing, on demand and to deadline, will test even a great writer to the limits.The writers who make it don't just have great skills. They have learned the most powerful heuristics.""Heuristic : any approach to problem solving that employs a practical method, not guaranteed to be perfect, but good enough to reach an immediate goal.""Heuristics are mental shortcuts that ease the cognitive load of making a decision.After thousands of hours watching students struggle with complex, made-up ""rules of writing"", Damien came up with a better way.By learning and practicing these 11 essential heuristics, anyone can power-up their writing. From ambitious young writers to seasoned pros, practicing the essentials will raise you to the next level.Each heuristic is introduced in a simple talk with multiple examples. But the real work happens away from the screen. Practical exercises for you to complete in your own time teach and reinforce the 11 heuristics.The more you practice writing, the more powerful your writing practice becomes."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |