Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"User Stories - The 3 C's, INVEST and User Story Splitting!" |
"Hello and welcome to the User Stories course!In this course you will learn in a relaxed and fun manner how to write basic user stories, what the 3 C's in User Stories are. You'll learn about INVEST and User Story splitting. You're also going to learn how User Story splitting ties in with the Lean Startup Methodology and how to launch new projects as soon as possible with User Story Splitting!I hope you will enjoy my course, and if you're looking for any explanations feel free to message me any time!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Protecting Your Stocks with Options Made Easy" |
"The Stock Market is Flying Very High Lately! Without a Parachute or Some Type of Protection, the Intensity of the Next Crash or Major Pullback May Be More than Anticipated. My Latest Course Provides a Practical Way to Protect Yourself!Protecting Your Stock Positions with Options shows how you can protect yourself and limit the Risk. Every Trader and Investor has different Risk Tolerances and Time Horizons. This course breaks down the Protective Put Strategy and provides a Practical Method for choosing different Option Expirations and Strikes to suit your personal needs, account size, and comfort level. I will show you what the Risk picture would look like for different positions and how the different Expirations and Strikes affect the Risk Picture.The course demonstrates trade setups and ideas for stocks that are breaking out and stocks that are range bound. I discuss how dividend stocks can boost your returns, and how Implied Volatility, when setting up the positions, can affect the Edge you have on the trade, and the profit you can make.I have heard people describe Options as confusing, complicated and risky. When I was young my parents said ""Don't touch the Stove"". Then as I grew up and understood how to use it, they said ""Make your own dinner, the stove is right there."" What was once risky became a Tool. It is no different with Trading Options. Once you have the Education and Understanding of How to use Options to Your Advantage, your perception of them will change too!Using Options properly can reduce risk, and give you the Peace of Mind you need to Trade the Current Markets with an Edge!Let's get started!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Servicio al Cliente" |
"El servicio es una percepcin, entonces es subjetiva y personal. Es decir, una persona puede sentir un buen servicio y otra persona percibir un mal servicio en la misma situacin. Por esto el servicio debe ser un estilo de vida y aprender a personalizarlo segn la persona y la situacin. En este curso entenders el servicio como percepcin y aprenders tcnicas para dar un buen servicio personalizado, para manejar clientes difciles y para generar una percepcin de servicio memorable."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Talend: Learn The Fundamentals" |
"Do you want to learn about Talend? Are you a beginner at Talend? Do not worry because that is going to be just the beginning of something GREAT! With this course you will get the introduction to the world of Talend no matter if you have no experience whatsoever. The course is made so anyone can get started with Talend."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan leri Seviyeye Modern JAVASCRPT - FIREBASE Eitimi" |
"Bu kurs ile modern Javascript ve Firebase Cloud Firestore ve Authentication konularna btn ynleriyle hakim olacaksnz. Bu kurs temel olarak 3 blme ayrlyor:Modern JavascriptFirebaseBonus BlmlerModern Javascript Bu blmde temel seviyeden balayarak ileri seviyeye kadar modern javascript konularn uygulama projeleri ile pekitirebileceksiniz. Javascript ile Fonksiyon ve Class oluturmay renecek, Dizileri ayrntl olarak ileyeceksiniz. API ilemleri, tarih formatlama ve Local Storage kullanmn kavrayacaksnz. Ayrca Asenkron Javascript kodlamay da reneceksiniz. Projeler olarak sfrdan Bilmece Uygulamas, Todo List Uygulamas, Dnya Saatleri Uygulamas ve Hava Durumu Uygulamas gelitirebileceksiniz. Bu uygulamalar gelitirirken Bootstrap Framework'n de kullanmasn reneceksiniz.Firebase Bu blmde Google'n gelitirdii Firebase ierisinde yer alan Cloud Firestore ve Authentication blmlerini uygulamalar zerinde gelitireceksiniz. Bu konulara hakim olabileceksiniz. Projeler olarak Rehber Uygulamas, Gerek Zamanl Chat Uygulamas ve Blog Uygulamas gelitirebileceksiniz. Bu uygulamalar gelitirirken Materialize Framework'n de kullanmasn reneceksiniz.Bonus BlmlerBu blmde ok yararl olacana inandm 3 tane eitimi renebileceksiniz. Bonus blmnde Jquery Eitimi, Regular Expression Eitimi, JS ile Ylan Oyunu Gelitirme eitimlerini renebilirsiniz."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel - Prcticas de 50 Funciones en Excel" |
"Explicacin de las 50 funciones Bsicos-Avanzdas de Excel, donde se establecer el manejo de las mismas en prcticas donde se realiza su operacin y funcin.Podrs desarrollar ms de 22 prcticas de Excel donde se combinarn las funciones para obtener resultados y explicacin de los mismos.Adems como Bonus tendrs la explicacin del manejo de Tablas en Excel para un manejo ms profesional de la informacin."
Price: 1770.00 ![]() |
"How Questions are Framed in Exam from Organic Chemistry" |
"Myself Ajnish Kumar Gupta, your mentor and your coach for any problem related to Organic Chemistry. I am here for concept building, problem solving and all your queries regarding organic chemistry for those who are preparing for board or any competitive exam.I have more than 15 years of experience of teaching for students preparing for various exams in India.In this course I am offering you details of how Questions are framed in Organic Chemistry. In this course I have taken everything related to this which build concept of all types of permutation and combination related to framing of questions.In this series of video nearly all topics of organic chemistry is covered.1. Basic Understanding of Organic Chemistry2. IUPAC Nomenclature3. Isomerism4. Electronic effects and their applications5. Chemical reactions of Organic Compounds6. Carbohydrates7. Amino acids8. Polymer9. Practical Organic Chemistry10. Chemistry in everyday life.So Join me with the journey where ORGANIC IS EASYGOOD LUCK FOR YOUR FUTURE "
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Curso terico-prtico sobre como desenvolver a pergunta cientfica de uma pesquisa. So 5 aulas prticas e 01 aula-bnus em que, em cada atividade apresentada o aluno estar transformando sua pergunta inicial em uma pergunta com rigor cientfico. Ao final do curso, o aluno ter uma pergunta-problema para ancorar sua pesquisa."
Price: 339.99 ![]() |
"liminez la peur de prise de parole en public" |
"Programme complet pour liminer la peur de parler devant un publicCette formation contient tout ce que vous devez savoir pour garder vos nerfs sous contrle avant et pendant vos prsentations.Dans cette formation, je vous explique tape par tape comment vous prparer avant une prsentation, les choses faire pendant mais aussi comment effectuer vos sances dauto-hypnose pour devenir plus confiant et charismatique.Voici quelques tmoignages venants de participants mes cours : Je suis content de pouvoir couter des personnes comme Jamal. Cest concret, il va l'essentiel, il y a un vritable partage, c'est prcis et surtout on sent qu'il sait de quoi il parle avec une belle prparation en amont. Je ne peux que recommander cette formation car c'est clairement un investissement faire ! . Salahddine Agrablement surpris par ce cours, j'ai appris plein de choses. Du coup, grosse remise en question qui tombe au meilleur moment dans ma vie. Trs motivant ! Nicolas Merci pour le concret, la clart et la synthse ! . Lyne_________________________________________Pourquoi rejoindre cette formation sur la peur de prise de parole en public ?Est-ce que vous stressez avant vos prsentations ?Est-ce que la peur de parler en public vous freine aujourdhui ?Est-ce que vous voulez devenir un meilleur prsentateur et tre laise en prsentant ?Si cest votre cas, cette formation est pour vous !Tout le monde souffre de cette peur de parler devant un public jusqu un certain degr. Sauf que la plupart des gens pensent que les personnes laise en prsentant sont nes comme a. Ce nest pas vrai ! Ces personnes le sont devenues avec la pratique mais aussi en mettant certaines actions spcifiques en place.La prise de parole en public peut booster votre carrire mais peut aussi la limiter si vous napprenez pas garder vos nerfs sous contrle ou si vous narrivez pas surmonter cette peur.Et cest exactement ce que je partage avec vous dans cette formation.Vous navez pas besoin de deviner, voici juste quelques comptences que vous allez acqurir la fin de cette formation :Parlez plus sereinement devant une audienceliminez la peur de parler devant un publicSoyez plus calme et charismatique devant une audienceliminez les postures de manque de confiancePratiquez les concepts thoriques avec des exercices concretsApprenez lauto-hypnose pour devenir plus confiant en prsentantEt bien plus encoreCe nest pas un cours thorique, les techniques je partage avec vous, vous pouvez les mettre immdiatement en application et aussi voir des rsultats. Tout au long de la formation, vous trouverez des exercices pratiques pour appliquer immdiatement ce que vous apprenez.Maintenant, si vous tes prt pour faire passer votre vie au niveau suprieur, je vous dis tout de suite lintrieur."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
": DELE ( )" |
"- DELE . :1. ;2. 2: ;3. 1: ;4. ;5. . 28 , . , , , ."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn English Fast and From Home with 3 Simple Techniques" |
"Have you ever wanted to learn english to the point of MASTERY, to finally be able to reach your most ambitious goals, but then realized that, despite your efforts you don't seem to speak English like you would like to?You spend hours and hours trying to memorize all those grammar rules, verb conjugations and all that boring stuff just to realize that you still struggle to speak english clearly?Then, I welcome you to my course HOW TO DOMINATE ENGLISH WITH 3 SIMPLE TECHNIQUES.In this course I will show you the simple strategies that I followed from knowing almost no English to becoming a Professional English Interpreter.The simple strategies that I will cover in the course will teach you how to improve your fluency, pronunciation and vocabulary with ONE simple technique that I call POWER READING.I will teach you fun and simple methods that you can use in order to memorize English vocabulary PERMANENTLY and NEVER forget.You will learn a powerful technique to train your ear to SPOKEN ENGLISH, so that you will never have to say Native speakers talk to fast, They squeeze the words together because you will understand every word that comes out of their mouths.And the best thing is that you can start using all this awesome techniques FROM THE COMFORT OF YOUR HOME WITH TOOLS YOU ALREADY HAVE.And I almost forget to tell you that you won't be required to memorize grammar rules because as you will see in the videos, knowing the grammar is NOT required to SPEAK ENGLISH LIKE A PRO.I am confident that you will learn valuable concepts and ideas in the following videos, but if you decide that the content of this course is not what you are looking for, REMEMBER that you have 30 days to request a full refund, NO QUESTIONS ASKED.So go ahead and enroll in the course, AND I WILL SEE YOU INSIDE."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Aprende japons con los sufijos de conteo" |
"En el idioma japons existen diferentes sufijos de conteo que se usan de acuerdo a la forma o tipo de objeto o persona que estemos contando, de esta forma, tenemos sufijos de conteo para objetos pequeos y redondos, objetos plano, prendas de ropa, zapatos, personas, animales pequeos, pisos de edificios, etc., este tema por lo general resulta muy complicado de manejar para el estudiante de japons, sobre todo si es principiante, en este curso lograremos que manejes con claridad los conceptos bsicos de conteo y que aprendas a usarlos de manera correcta con ejemplos de la vida cotidiana a la vez que aprendes o repasas conceptos bsicos del idioma."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PMP Data Analysis Techniques (PMBOK 6)" |
"This course Data Analysis will give you an introduction to Data Analysis and teaches you how to apply varying techniques of data analysis to turn your data into new vision and intellect. The course will improve your skills to ask questions out of your data resulting in competitive advantage, new income streams, smart decision making and enhanced productivity.Learning OutcomesUse the alternate analysisUse cost-benefit analysis and cost of qualityCreating a decision tree to structure and evaluate dataLearn how to work with various data analysis techniques including earned value analysis, influence diagrams, make or buy analysis, regression analysis, reserve analysis, root cause analysis, and sensitivity analysisHave a portfolio of different data analysis projectsLearn advanced analysis using SWOT, stakeholder, and technical performance analysisLearn to make the appropriate questions out of your dataLearn comparison, trend and ranking techniques of analysisLearn best practices for data assessment and data presentationTarget AudienceEntrepreneurs and business employees who want to turn data into meaningful informationAnyone interested in data visualizations and reportingStudents who intend to learn powerful techniques of data analysis"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn Hindi via Tamil - Level 2 Proficiency" |
" . Learn Hindi through Tamil from the basics of the languageOnline course on 'Learning Hindi via Tamil'Learn Hindi Through Tamil - the easy way , with Ms.Radha Bai M.A Hindi B.A, B.Ed. One can learn Hindi from basics by using this video course. The course is designed to teach Hindi starting from letters, words, pronunciation to essay writing, poem writing, conversation etc. Course Contents in the main course: (First 11 lectures available for free in this course) 1 - , Lesson 1- Vowels in Hindi 2- , Lesson 2- Consonants in Hindi 3- , Lesson 3- Alphabets in Hindi 4 - , , Lesson 4- Subjective words & Verbal words in Hindi 5- , Lesson 5- Command & Request words in Hindi 6- , Lesson 6- Sentence Formation in Hindi 7- , Lesson 7- Sentence Completion in Hindi 8 - ( 1 ), Lesson 8 - Possessive Case-endings in Hindi (part 1) 9 - , Lesson 9 - Sentence Formation using possessive Case-endings in Hindi 10 - ( -2), Lesson 10 - Case-endings in Hindi (part 2) 11 - ( -3), Lesson 11 - Case-endings in Hindi (part 3) 12 - , Lesson 12 - Question words or Interrogative words in Hindi 13 - , Lesson 13 - Time in Hindi 14 - , Lesson 14 - Directions in Hindi 15 - (1-50), Lesson 15 - Numbers (1-50) in Hindi 16 - (51-100), Lesson 16 - Numbers (51-100) in Hindi 17 - (1/4,1/2,3/4), Lesson 17- Fractions (1/4,1/2,3/4) in Hindi 18 - , Lesson 18 - Simple Present Tense in Hindi 19 - , Lesson 19 - Present Continuous tense in Hindi 20 - , Lesson 20 - Future tense in Hindi 21 - , Lesson 21 - Simple past tense in Hindi 22 - , Lesson 22 - Present perfect tense in Hindi 23 - , Lesson 23 - Past perfect tense in Hindi 24 - , Lesson 24 - Past continuous tense in Hindi 25 - , Lesson 25 - Doubtful past tense in Hindi 26 - , Lesson 26 - Conditional past tense in Hindi 27 - ( -1),Lesson 27 - Grocery items in Hindi (part-1) 28 - ( -2),Lesson 28 - Grocery items in Hindi (part-2) 29 - , Lesson 29 - Vegetable Names in Hindi 30 - , Lesson 30 - Fruit Names in Hindi 31 - , Lesson 31 - Flower Names in Hindi 32 - ( -1),Lesson 32 - Parts of Human Body in Hindi (part-1) 33 - ( -2),Lesson 33 - Parts of Human Body in Hindi (part-2) 34 - , Lesson 34 - Adjectives in Hindi 35 - , Lesson 35 - Adverbs in Hindi 36 - , Lesson 36 - Preposition in Hindi 37 - , Lesson 37 - Conjunction in Hindi 38 - , Lesson 38 - Pronoun in Hindi 39 - (), Lesson 39 - Usage of words (want) in Hindi 40 - (), Lesson 40 - Usage of words (do) in Hindi 41 - (), Lesson 41 - Usage of words (start) in Hindi 42 - (),Lesson 42 - Usage of words (can) in Hindi 43 - (),Lesson 43 - Usage of words (like) in Hindi 44 - (),Lesson 44 - Usage of words (finish) in Hindi 45 - (-1), Lesson 45 - KanniyaKumari in Hindi (part-1) 46 - (-2), Lesson 46 - KanniyaKumari in Hindi (part-2) 47 - (-1), Lesson 47 - Workman (part-1) 48 - (-2), Lesson 48 - Workman (part-2) 49 - (-1), Lesson 49 - Vitamin (part-1) 50 - (-2), Lesson 50 - Vitamin (part-2) 51 - (-1), Lesson 51 - Our Country (part-1) 52 - (-2), Lesson 52 - Our Country (part-2) 53 - , Lesson 53 - Robber to Mahatma (story) 54 - (), Lesson 54 - Story of a Chicken (story) 55 - (), Lesson 55 - Crow and the deer (story) 56 - (), Lesson 56 - Tailor and the Elephant (story) 57 - (), Lesson 57 - Greedy dog (story) 58 - (), Lesson 58 - Unity is Strength (story) 59 - , Lesson 59 - Opposites in Hindi 60 - , Lesson 60 - Singular & Plural in Hindi 61 - , Lesson 61 - Gender in Hindi 62 - , Lesson 62 - Relationships in Hindi 63 - , Lesson 63 - Occupation in Hindi 64 - (), Lesson 64 - Respect for Dress (story) 65 - (), Lesson 65 - Water in Milk (story) 66 - , Lesson 66 - Forest and Trees 67 - , Lesson 67 - Domestic animals 68 - , Lesson 68 - Friendly Birds 69 - ,Lesson 69 - Growth in Automobile industry 70 - (), Lesson 70 - Thief in Gandhiji Ashram (story) 71 - (), Lesson 71 - Victory to Non-violence (story) 72 - (), Lesson 72 - Learn (poem) 73 - (), Lesson 73 - Be Strong (poem) 74 - (), Lesson 74 - Butterfly (poem) 75 - (), Lesson 75 - In Vegetable shop (Conversation) 76 - (), Lesson 76 - In Railway station (Conversation) 77 - (), Lesson 77 - Asking address (Conversation) 78 - (), Lesson 78 - Conversation between two brothers (Conversation) 79 - (), Lesson 79 - Booking room in Lodge (Conversation) 80 - ( ), Lesson 80 - Leave Letter (Letter Writing) 81 - ( ), Lesson 81 - Job Application Letter (Letter Writing) 82 - ( ), Lesson 82 - Letter to friend (Letter Writing)and many more (check the course curriculum)Till 212th lesson212+ lectures......and more upcoming lectures in the future........"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"TED Konumacsndan Topluluk nnde Konuma" |
"TED konumacs, 50'den fazla lkede konuma yapan Perin mrek'in utanga bir ocuktan profesyonel, uluslararas bir konumacya dn hikayesini, tecrbelerini ve deneyimlerini dinlemek isteyen herkes iin bu kurs. Hitabe korkusundan teknik hususlara, sunum kullanmndan vcut diline kadar birok farkl konu ilenmekte. Hitabet ile ilginen ve hayatn herhangi bir ksmnda topluluk nnde konuan herkes iin bu kurs."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Practical Mockito 3 : Java Unit Testing with Mockito & JUnit" |
"Mockito is a mocking framework for Java applications. It lets you write beautiful tests with a clean and simple API. Mockito tests are very readable and they produce clean verification errors. It's a simple Java library that is used for effective unit testing of Java applications. In this course, you will learn step by step, how to configure and use Mockito and JUnit testing frameworks. This course should help you learn how to create efficient unit tests with Mockito as well as how to use its API's in a simple and intuitive way."
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de Hacking tico - El Original" |
"Asegurate de aprender lo ms demandado en las organizaciones de diferentes tipos y donde se ha demostrado una escazes de mano de obra. Con este curso de Hacking tico fortaleceras tu conocimiento de una manera increible desde un nivel bsico y sin necesidad de conocimientos previos, hasta un nivel avanzado donde aprenderas importantes conceptos de ciberseguridad, fases de bsqueda de informacin publicamente expuesta, anlisis de vulnerabilidades, entendimiento y uso de tcnicas de ataque, borrado de huellas y muchas otras. Este curso incluye el detalle algunos de los siguientes temas:Conocimiento y conceptos bsicos de ciberseguridad y seguridad de la informacin: Se hace necesario conocer acerca de los tipos de virus, ingenieria social, diferencias entre seguridad de la informacin y ciberseguridad, esteganografia y muchos otros conceptos que aprenderas a lo largo de este curso.Etapa de reconocimiento: identificar a una persona o una empresa con todo el detalle buscando con las herramientas apropiadas.Etapa de escaneo: Utilizar varias herramientas para identificar puertos abiertos y vulnerabilidades existentes:Etapa de ganar acceso: Entender como los hackers explotan vulnerabilidades, el uso de la ingeniera social y la forma en la que podran crear archivos indetectables.Etapa de mantener el acceso: Como mantienen la persistencia los hackers, como mantienen el control y como logran espiar a las usuarios de sistemas luego que explotan las vulnerabilidades o los infectan.Etapa de borrado de huellas: Como eliminan evidencia u ocultan informacin vital para evitar ser rastreados.Todo lo anterior es una breve descripcin de muchos aspectos que usted aprender si decide comprar este curso. Denos la oportunidad de ensearle y/o fortalecer sus conocimientos."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Writing powerful emails - A Guide to business communication" |
"This course will primarily cater to how one should respond and draft emails in business and professional environment it takes deeper understanding on how business emails are drafted and the language behind it, There is also certain email productivity hacks which is given.One can adopt these techniques to make your emails more powerful and effective."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"PMP Sertifikasyon Snavna ngilizce Hazrlk Soru Seti - 4" |
"PMP Sertifikasyon snavndan baarl olabilmek iin bolca soru zm olmanz gerekmektedir. ngilizce PMP Sertifikasyon snavna hazrlanmanz iin esiz ierie sahip olan sorularmz, PMBOK-v6 referans alnarak PMP sertifikal eitmenlerimizin incelemesinden gemitir.Her sorunun PMBOK-v6'daki aklamas ve sayfa numaras sorunun altna aklama olarak eklenmitir. Testinizi bitirince sorular incele diyerek istediiniz sorunun aklamasna eriebilirsiniz. Bu ekilde sorularmzla beraber ok daha kolay reneceksiniz.*Sorularmz ve aklamalar ngilizce'dir."
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"Web Personal MERN Full Stack: MongoDB, Express, React y Node" |
"En este curso vas a aprender a crear una aplicacin web que ser una web personal con panel de Administrador protegido por un login con JWT, todo paso a paso usando el MERN Stack que est compuesto por MongoDB, Express JS, React JS y Node JS.Crearemos nuestra aplicacin desde cero sin usar nada prefabricado, aprenderemos base de datos no relacional con MongoDB, en el Backend crearemos un API REST con Node JS y Express JS y en el Frontend usaremos React JS con Hooks y en la parte del CSS usaremos SASS.Cuando tengamos nuestra aplicacin terminara aprenderemos a desplegar nuestra aplicacin en la nube.Este curso tiene como objetivo ensearte a desarrollar cualquier tipo de aplicacin desde cero, convirtindote en un desarrollador Full Stack sobre el MERN Stack.Estructura del cursoInstalacin y configuracin del entorno de trabajo.Desacoplaremos nuestro proyecto en tres bloques, Base de Datos, Backend y Frontend.Crearemos una API REST desde cero conectada a MongoDB.Aprenderemos a usar el ODM Mongoose.Aadiremos al Frontend SASS.Crearemos una configuracin dinmica de React Router Dom.Crearemos Sistemas de Layouts.Creamos un sistema de Auth protegido con JWT y tendremos el AccessToken para permitir acceso y RefreshToken para recuperar sesiones.Creamos un panel de Administrador para que nuestros usuarios con privilegios puedan gestionar la web.Construiremos un Men completamente dinmico gestionado desde el panel de administrador.Crearemos una Home Page llamativa.Programaremos un Sistema de Newsletter 100% funcional desde cero.Crearemos una seccin para subir cursos conectada a la API de Afiliados Udemy.Creamos un Sistema de Blog, con paginacin y creacin de URL dinmicas todo gestionado desde el panel de Administrador.Gestionaremos el SEO On Page para mejorar nuestra visibilidad en Google.Desplegaremos nuestra aplicacin en varios servidores en la nube."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Affiliate Marketing Basics For Beginners:Foundation For 2020" |
"Welcome To Affiliate Marketing Basics For Beginners:Foundation For 2020This course is designed by those who have 3+ years of experience in SEO, Digital Marketing & Content Creation. So you'll be learning from those who have hands on practical experience in this field. This course is ideal for beginners who have little or no knowledge about affiliate marketing. Please read this description so that you can understand how much value this course would offer you.IN THIS COURSE, YOU WILL LEARN ABOUT:Introduction to Affiliate MarketingImportant Things To Do Before You Begin With Affiliate MarketingSteps for Doing Affiliate MarketingHow to choose & find Affiliate ProgramsAffiliate Marketing Compensation ModelFinding & Applying to Affiliate ProgramsCreating Content For Your Affiliate Marketing WebsiteStrategies To Generate TrafficINSIDE THIS COURSE, YOU WILL FIND 7 modules: 1st Module: Introduction to Affiliate MarketingWhat is Affiliate Marketing?Why Affiliate Marketing is Beneficial to Companies?Benefits of Doing Affiliate MarketingWhy Affiliate Marketing is Awesome?2nd Module: Before You Begin With Affiliate Marketing 3 Things To Do Before StartingUnderstand Different Types of Affiliate SitesAlways Provide Affiliate Disclosure3rd Module: Steps for Doing Affiliate MarketingSteps to Start Affiliate MarketingChoose a Profitable NicheSetup Your Website4th Module: Affiliate Marketing Compensation ModelDifferent Types of Compensation ModelWhat are Void Affiliate Transactions?5th Module: How to choose & find Affiliate ProgramsHow to Find Affiliate ProgramsSteps to Choose an Affiliate ProgramWorking With Affiliate NetworksDownload The List of 50 Affiliate Programs & Networks6th Module: Creating Content For Your Affiliate Marketing WebsiteTypes of Articles You Can WriteWhat Are Keywords & How to Find Them?How To Write SEO Friendly Articles?Including Affiliate Links in Articles7th Module: Strategies To Generate TrafficWhy Promoting Content is Important?Promoting With Social MediaPromoting Through PinterestUsing Q & A ForumsRunning Paid AdsInfluencer Outreach MethodUsing Youtube for Affiliate MarketingIS THIS COURSE RIGHT FOR ME?Yes! Since this course is designed for the beginner level, you will find it easy. Dont worry if you have no prior experience. We will start from the basics, so you dont need prior experience or knowledge about affiliate marketing. Please check the free preview lectures to have better understanding of the course. We welcome you to take this course. See you inside, Your Course Instructors, Vishal & Shubhi"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Spring Framework: Spring Boot ve Spring Hibernate renin" |
"Spring Framework: Spring Boot ve Spring Hibernate renin kursuna hogeldiniz.Spring Boot Spring gelitiriciler tarafndan oluturulmu st dzey bir Frameworktr. Spring Bootun sahip olduu yetenekler sayesinde ok daha hzl ve kolay bir ekilde web uygulamalar gelitirebileceksiniz. Bu kursta sizlerle Spring Boot ve Spring Hibernate dnyasnn kaplarn aralamaya alacaz.En batan reneceksiniz!Spring Framework kursumuzda sizlerle Spring Boot Framework kullanarak Restful web servislerini nasl hazrlayacamz reneceiz. Ayrca Web XML ve Java konfigrayonlar kullanarak nasl web uygulamalar yaplandracamz reneceiz.Hibernate ise Java dnyasnda en ok talep gren Object Relational Mapping (ORM) Frameworktr. Hibernate sayesinde Java ile ok fazla SQL bilgisine sahip olmadan veri iletiimi salayarak web uygulamalar hazrlanabilir hale geleceksiniz.Spring Framework: Spring Boot ve Spring Hibernate kursunda neler reneceksiniz?JDK ve IDE ieren alma ortammz hazrlamayEclips temelli olan Spring Source Tool kurulumunu yapmay,Pom.xml zerinden Maven Apache ile web uygulamalar gelitirmeyiJar dosyalarn hazrlayp kullanmay,Konfigrasyon ayarlarnn nasl yaplacan.YAML ve Java tabanl konfigrasyonu uygulamal olarak ele alacaz.Katmanl Mimari yapsnMaven ile entegrasyonuSpring Boot ve veri eriimi hakknda bilgiler verip Jdbc ile veri iletiimi konusunuJSP ile nasl allacanRest Servisleri ile nasl alacamz renip uygulamal rneklerini yapacazSpring Boot ile Security yaplandrmalarn,Form Tabanl ve HTTP Basic kimliklendirme yntemlerini,Remember Me zelliini yaplandrmay ve kullanmay,Databasede kullanc bilgilerinin nasl ynetileceiniSpring Boot ile Transaction Ynetimini,E-mail yeteneklerini renip uygulamal olarak mail gndermeyi,Spring Boot ile zamanlanm iler yapmay,Spring Boot ile dosya ynetimi hakknda konuup upload ve download ilemlerini gerekletirmeyi ve ok daha fazlasn renme imkan elde edeceksiniz.Neden bizim Spring Boot kursumuza katlmalsnz?Bu konuda cevabmz basit: Kursumuzun kalitesi.Kaydolduunuzda, OAK Akademi'nin deneyimli eitmenlerinin konuya hakimiyetini ve ayn zamanda tecrbelerini aktarmadaki uzmanlklarn hissedeceksiniz.Gncel erikTeknolojinin hzl bir ekilde nasl gelitii sr deil. Her gn yeni aralar piyasaya srlyor, Spring`de kendini gncelliyor ve en son bilgilerden haberdar olmak sektrde ok nemli. Bu kursla her zaman en yeni trendleri takip etme ansna sahip olacaksn.Video ve retim Kalitesi KalitesiTm ieriklerimiz size en iyi renme deneyimini sunmak iin yksek kaliteli video / ses olarak retiyoruz.Kursiyerlerimiz,Soru&Cevap blmnde hzl cevaplar alabilecek,Kursu bitiren tm kursiyerlerimiz kurs bitirme sertifikalarn Udemy'den indirebilecekDaha fazla zaman kaybetmeyin ve Spring Framework: Spring Boot ve Spring Hibernate kursumuza siz de kayt olun!Kursta grmek zere!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How To Find The Good In Everything" |
"Who Is This Class For?This class is perfectly fine for you if you want to surround yourself with positive energy and create a balance in your life. This class is for everyone and especially now with the challenges facing everyone today.More Info About The ClassHow would you feel, knowing that for everything that has happened to you, no matter how sad it might appear, there is a good side to it?How about coming to the understanding that when everywhere is suddenly rosy, its better to consider the price, because according to the universal law, there is no such thing as anything for nothing?With this important knowledge at your disposal, you will ultimately be able to create a life of perfect balance, in harmony with yourself and everything around you. Dont leave anything to chance; strive towards your good and the good in everything.We are here talking about the fundamental law governing our lives. Emerson, in his Easy on Compensation, wrote that each person is compensated for as much as he or she has contributed. Therefore, choose your action, good or evil and surely you will be repaid accordingly.What You Can Gain In This ClassTo better understand the class and easily follow up everything, I have broken it down into different lessons with each lesson treating a specific argument. In some of the lessons, you will be provided with some exercise, this way you are not only listening but also participating.I perfectly get it that this argument might be new to you, but dont worry. This training class is designed to help you build a positive mindset and to see the good in everything, because, really there is good in everything.For the good in everything, click on the link below to get started. See you in the class."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"iMovie 2020 The Complete Guide" |
"iMovie Video Editing 2020 What you REALLY need to knowWelcome to our iMovie course. We are very excited that you've decided to stop by. In this course we will cover the fundamentals of navigating and using iMovie. This will lay a great foundation to video editing.Below are great resources to download photos and videos which you can download and use copyright free:UnsplashPexels"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Modern Niche Marketing in 2020" |
"With this video guide you will learn everything that you need to know to properly assess niche ideas for their viability and how to drive targeted traffic to your niche website.There is more competition these days which means that you really have to be smart to succeed. If you follow the advice in this guide then you will provide yourself with the maximum chance of success. Dont believe the hype niche marketing does work if you do it correctly.There are niche websites being sold every day for large amounts of money. These websites are generating regular income and have a good following.Topics covered:What Is Niche Marketing And Why Should You Get Involved?Generating Ideas For Niche MarketsTesting Your Niche IdeasSetting Up Your Niche WebsiteContent For Your Niche WebsiteGetting Traffic To Your Niche WebsiteMonetizing Your Niche WebsiteNiche Marketing Best Practices"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Minimalist Living" |
"The concept of minimalist living isnt a new one, but its an idea that has recently gained more momentum as increasing numbers of people recognize how much better their lives can be when they switch to a minimalist lifestyle.The modern world is a frantic and hectic place. The pace of life these days never seems to slow down. Many of us feel as if we are bombarded on all sides with urgent demands and pressures that are hard to resist.In this video course you will learn:6 simple steps to get started on a minimalist lifestyle today.How to excel at work by de-cluttering your physical & mental workspace.How to protect yourself from the stresses at work.How to declutter your personal life can lead to improved productivity, health and happiness.How to avoid debts & financial disaster with a simple minimalistic financial strategy.How to find the right balance to your minimalist lifestyle for its long-term success.How to solve the common challenges faced by minimalists.Topics covered:What is Minimalist LivingWhat Kind of Freedom Can Minimalist Living Bring?The Benefits of Minimalist Living An OverviewThe Personal Benefits of Minimalist LivingHow to Embark on a Minimalist LifestyleHow to Take a Minimalist Approach at WorkHow to Manage Minimalism in Your Personal LifeHow to Balance Your Minimalist LifestyleThe Problems of Minimalism and How to Counteract ThemTaking the First Steps Towards a Minimalist Lifestyle"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Stress & Anxiety Management" |
"- Stress ManagementStress is not a new phenomenon. While the demands of daily living have changed, the fact is that humans have been combatting stress and utilizing it for their survival for centuries.It is possible to escape the trials and tribulations of a stressful life. Instead of fixating on the negative, we can focus on the positive to create a much better situation for ourselves overall.Once we have control of our minds, then everything else should come with relative ease. Nothing is beyond our grasp!In this video course you will explore different ways of looking at stress.Topics covered:Learning The Difference Between Assertive And AggressiveRedirecting Your Thoughts And FeelingsTaking Care Of Your BodyIdentifying Your Bad HabitsKnow The Difference Between Stress And Chronic DepressionAvoiding Toxic People And BehaviorsLearn When To Ask For HelpBuilding A Support NetworkHaving Patience And Forgiveness For YourselfOvercoming The Negativity Bias And Thinking Positively- The Anti-Anxiety Formula This video course is perfect for those who want to overcome anxiety for good, so that they could live a stress-free life!Anxiety is the main obstacle that stops someone from reaching their full potential. Anxiety is a common obstacle that stops us from achieving success in personal & professional lives.You will discover everything you need to know about overcoming anxiety, fears, and depression: proven & powerful strategies to overcome your stuck points, how to face your inner demons, the simple step-by-step action plan for overcoming resistance to change, how to silence your fears...Topics covered:You and Your Anxiety-How to Overcome Your Stuck PointsYour Mind, Your Body- How to Face Your Inner DemonsOvercoming Resistance to ChangeReflection-How to Arrive at Acceptance and Move on From ThereAction against Angst-How to Act on Your Fears and Achieve Your GoalsNavigating Self-Imposed Obstacles- How to Stop Being a Hard Task MasterPreventing Burnout-How to Overcome Your Anxiety Without Getting Tied-Down by the Idea of PerfectionYouve Got This - How to Banish Worry and Live Panic-Free"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"HACCP for Food Safety (Foundational course for ISO 22000)" |
"The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point system, or HACCP for short, was created in the 1960s. In recent years it has become the most commonly cited methodology for a risk-based food safety system, included in global standards such as the Global Food Safety Initiative.This course covers a sequence of 12 steps created by the Codex Alimentarius to develop and implement a HACCP plan for a particular food product. The sequence includes 5 preparatory steps that provide guidance and are also considered to be necessary preliminary steps, followed by seven steps that address the seven principles of HACCP as follows:Assemble HACCP team (ISO 22000:2018 Clause 5.3)Describe Product (ISO 22000:2018 Clause, Raw Material, Packaging (ISO 22000:2018 Clause Intended Use (ISO 22000:2018 Clause Flow Diagram (ISO 22000:2018 Clause On-site Confirmation of Flow Diagram (ISO 22000:2018 Clause[Principle 1] List all potential hazard, conduct a Hazard Analysis and consider control measures (ISO 22000:2018 Clause 8.5.2-8.5.3)[Principle 2] Determine the Critical Control Points (ISO 22000:2018 Clause 8.5.4)[Principle 3] Establish Critical Limits for each CCP (ISO 22000:2018 Clause 8.5.4)[Principle 4] Establish a Monitoring System (ISO 22000:2018 Clause[Principle 5] Establish Corrective Action (ISO 22000:2018 Clause 8.5.4; 8.9.2; 8.9.3)[Principle 6] Establish Verification Procedures (ISO 22000:2018 Clause 8.7; 8.8; 9.2)[Principle 7] Establish Documentation and Record Keeping (ISO 22000:2018 Clause 7.5)As we go in-depth into each steps of the HACCP, here are the key highlight of the HACCP system that we would cover in the course:The HACCP is a product safety management system that identifies and monitors specific foodborne hazards (biological, chemical or physical) that can adversely affect the safety of the food product.Hazard analysis serves as the basis for establishing critical control points (CCPs) or steps in the process that must be controlled to ensure the safety of the food product.HACCP programmes involve primarily the application of good common sense and preventive considerations to address situations before they become problems.The HACCP practice is recognised internationally as the most effective way to produce safe food through a logical and common sense approach to control food.The application of HACCP is possible throughout the food supply chain from primary production (with farmers, growers) to the consumer.The major thrusts of HACCP are the determination of how and where food safety hazards may exist and how to prevent their occurrence, thus demonstrating due diligence.As a company in the food industry, this course would help you to address all the important considerations for making your business a sustainable one.---Course Outline:In Section 1, we will be delving into the concepts and principles of HACCP.Section 2 to 4 will be a walkthrough of how you can start on the path to HACCP - from preparing your documentation, to conducting hazard analysis, to implementation and verification of your implementation!"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Autismo: todo lo que debes saber" |
"En este curso aprenders mucho sobre las Condiciones del Espectro del Autismo: por qu hablamos de espectro? Cul es el origen? Cules son las principales caractersticas? No slo te servir para poder ayudar a las personas con diagnstico, sino tambin para identificar indicadores, saber qu hacer frente a la sospecha, conocer los diferentes modelos de tratamiento y contribuir a una sociedad ms inclusiva.El curso tiene una dinmica muy fcil, con muchos videos, material complementario de lectura y ejercicios prcticos y sencillos que te permitirn ganar conocimiento y apropiarte de los contenidos.Sin importar si eres profesional de la salud o de la educacin, familiar de una persona con autismo o simplemente un curioso en busca de saber sobre el tema, te invito a abrir la mente para entrar en el fascinante mundo del autismo."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"VMWare ESXi 6.7" |
"VMWare ESXi 6.7 ESXi 6.7 ESXi"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Verkaufen fr Nicht-Verkufer: Lerne die Grundlagen in 1,5 h" |
"Vor etwa 4 Jahren hatte ich keine Ahnung vom Verkaufen. Ohne jeglichen Kundenkontakt, ohne Erfahrung in der Selbstndigkeit, und vor allem war ich introvertiert und htte mich kaum getraut, neue Menschen anzusprechen.Heute halte ich Seminare zum Thema Verkauf (Online und Offline) ab, gebe Tipps, bilde Vertriebsteams aus und blicke auf hunderte Gesprche zurck, die positiv - mit einem Abschluss - ausgegangen sind.So viele Gesprche, wie ich in den letzten 4 Jahren gefhrt habe, habe ich vermutlich in den 22 Jahren davor nicht gefhrt.Wenn du auch Angst vorm Verkaufen hast, nicht weit, wie du richtig kommunizierst, oder denkst, dass es ganz und gar unntig ist, berhaupt jemals etwas zu verkaufen - dann ist dies wohl exakt der richtige Kurs fr dich!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |