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"Industrie 4.0 kompakt: Industry 4.0 und KI fr Anfnger" |
"Machen wir einen Praxistest:Was fllt dir ganz konkret zu den folgenden Begriffen ein?Knstliche Intelligenz (KI) bzw. Artificial Intelligence,Digitalisierung,Industrie 4.0 (Industry 4.0),Big Data,Additive Fertigung/3D-Druck (3D-Printing), Virtuelle Realitt (VR),Erweiterte Realitt (AR),Maschinelles Lernen (Machine Learning),Reinforcement Learning,Knstliche Neuronale Netze (Neural Networks),Cyber-physische Systeme?Falls deine Antwort jetzt aus betretenem Schweigen besteht oder du unauffllig die Frage ignoriert hast, kann ich dich beruhigen: Damit ergeht es dir wie der Mehrheit unserer Mitmenschen! Doch das muss nicht sein!! Auch wenn du vielleicht kein Vorwissen hast, kannst du definitiv die grundlegenden Konzepte dieser Schlsseltechnologien und Systeme lernen.Mein Kurs ""Industrie 4.0 kompakt"" bietet dir die einmalige Chance, dich intensiv und unterhaltsam mit den Schlsseltechnologien des 21. Jahrhunderts zu befassen. Lerne, was die vierte industrielle Revolution (Industrie 4.0) und die Digitalisierung hautnah kennen!Mein Kurs ist genau das Richtige fr dich, wenn du ...- absoluter Neu-Einsteiger bist und ber wenig/keine Vorkenntnisse im Bereich der Industrie 4.0 verfgst.- leicht fortgeschrittene Kenntnisse in Technologien und/oder Ingenieurwesen mitbringst.- Lust hast, hinter die Schlagwrter zu blicken und endlich praktisch zu lernen, was es mit der Industrie 4.0 auf sich hat.- den allerersten deutschsprachigen Udemy-Kurs mit Fokus auf das Thema Industrie 4.0 belegen mchtest.- Lust hast auf 6 unterhaltsame Quizzes, bei denen du deinen Lernerfolg am Ende jedes Kapitels direkt berprfen kannst.Was Teilnehmer ber den Kurs sagen:Christian: ""Dieser Kurs ist ein sehr guter kompakter Einstieg in das Thema Industrie 4.0. Ich wrde diesen Kurs vor allem Einsteigern empfehlen, da von 0 an angefangen wird. Zudem sind alle Inhalte sehr gut veranschaulicht und auch sehr gut erklrt. Man erhlt einen guten Einstieg in die Thematik und erhlt grundlegendes Wissen ber die Industrie 4.0 und deren Zusammnhnge.""Florian: ""Sehr verstndliche Art und Weise des gesamten Inhaltes und gute Veranschaulichung der Themen Industrie 4.0, IoT, Big Data etc. anhand von Bild- und Videosequenzen.""Mein Ziel ist, dass jeder Teilnehmer am Ende des Kurses folgende Fragen selbstbewusst und sicher beantworten kann:Welche industriellen Revolutionen hat es gegeben? Welche waren die wichtigsten Meilensteine? Warum war die Erfindung der Dampfmaschine so bahnbrechend?Was ist die Industrie 4.0/Industry 4.0 ganz konkret? Welche Vorteile und Nutzpotentiale bringt sie mit sich? Du bist im Stande, mindestens 4 aus dem Stegreif zu erklren!!!Welche Nachteile und Schattenseiten birgt die Industrie 4.0? Ich mache dich fit, so dass du mindestens 3 Nachteile mhelos mitteilen kannst.Wo steht Deutschland im internationalen Wettbewerb in vernetzten Zeiten? Was sind die Treiber der Digitalisierung? Wer oder was sind diese cyber-physischen Systeme, von denen alle reden? Was ist der konkrete Unterschied zwischen Virtual und Augmented Reality?Was versteht man unter Knstlicher Intelligenz? Worin liege die Potentiale der KI? Du lernst nicht nur die Definitionen, sondern kennst Anwendungen, Vorteile und Nachteile. Gibt es einen Unterschied zwischen der Knstlicher Intelligenz (KI) und dem Maschinellen Lernen (Machine Learning)?Inwiefern unterscheiden sich die Methoden des Machine Learning wie das Supervised Learning, das Unsupervised Learning und das Reinforcement Learning?Wie funktionieren Knstliche Neuronale Netze (Neural Networks)?Sichere dir jetzt meinen Kurs und profitiere von:tollen Inhalten, spannenden Themen, interaktiven Medien und einem sehr motivierten Dozenten.deinem KI-Crashkurs: Knstliche Intelligenz und Maschinelle Lernverfahren (Machine Learning).1 Reflektions-bung und 6 unterhaltsamen Quizzes mit > 25 Fragen.deinem neuen praktischen Spickzettel Industrie 4.0 kompakt (CheatSheet).3,5 Stunden kompakten und abwechslungsreichen Inhalten zur INDUSTRIE 4.0.Ich freue mich auf dich im Kurs. Lften wir die Geheimnisse hinter der vierten Industriellen Revolution.Tauche ein in die faszinierende und vernetzte Welt der INDUSTRIE 4.0.Dein Maximilian"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Frauen Selbstverteidigungs - Crashkurs" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du die wichtigsten Grundlagen damit du dich in Zukunft wieder etwas sicherer fhlst!Du bekommst:-> Basiswissen zu Selbstverteidigung-> Effektive Techniken im Stehen und am Boden-> Die wichtigsten Trefferzonen am menschlichen Krper-> Einen Trainingsplan der wie ein Fitnesskurs aufgebaut ist und noch mehr ! :)Dieser Grundkurs ist so aufgebaut, dass du zustzlich zu den Interviews und dem theoretischen Teil auch effektive Techniken und einen Trainingsplan bekommst, mit dem du einerseits die Bewegungsablufe der Techniken automatisierst und anderer seit die ntige Muskulatur strkst.Die Videos sind so gestaltet, dass du die bungen ganz einfach von Zuhause nachmachen kannst!Viel Erfolg!Wichtig: Fr das Training mit Partner/in solltest du dir unbedingt eine Schutzausrstung besorgen! Es wird von unserer Seite keine Haftung fr Verletzungen bernommen!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Farmacinha Natural com leos essenciais" |
"Compre agora mesmo um curso completinho sobre a funcionalidade desses 10 leos essenciais que vo resolver quase todos os seus problemas!O que so leos essenciais?Esse lquido precioso uma substncia vegetal extremamente concentrada, extrada de flores, frutos, sementes, folhas, razes e outras partes das plantas.Como os leos essenciais podem me ajudar?Atravs da Aromaterapia. Esses leos quando inalados, ou quando entram em contato com a pele so absorvidos pela corrente sangunea e metabolizados pelo corpo.Quais leos essenciais compem a Farmacinha?Lavanda, Melaleuca, Laranja e Tangerina, Limo, Olbano, Hortel Pimenta, Alecrim, Copaba, Gernio e Organo.O que eu vou aprender com o curso da Farmacinha Natural?Voc vai aprender sobre os benefcios e a funcionalidade de cada leo Essencial, bem como o uso e a diluio. Assim sua farmcia estar sempre eficiente de verdade, e voc no vai precisar perder tempo pesquisando na internet em sites que voc nem sabe se so confiveis de verdade."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Connecting Mind, Body, and Soul For a Healthier You" |
"Feeling a lack of energy or motivation may be the result of an imbalanced body. We all operate not only from our physical bodies, but we also get influenced by our mind and soul. Connect the three and you will experience alignment within yourself. Your body and brain change with age. Not to say that we have been doing anything wrong but the physical changes we experience with age is all a normal part of the process, the secret to age gracefully is the working in consistent balance in other words. The aging process is normal, some of the physiological changes that we may experience as we age is the fact that we need to make some adjustments and finding proper ways to balance our daily routine in order to live a fulfilled life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Oracle SQL" |
"SQL stands for Structured Query Language and is the standard relational language that is supported by just about every database product. All database professionals should know how to write, troubleshoot, and optimize SQL.Our Course will start with the basics of Oracle SQL, such as how to retrieve and manipulate data. Then we will move to the more advanced topics such as how to create tables and views.With this course, you should be on your way to becoming proficient in writing, executing, and optimizing SQL."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Aprende Python de forma practica creando aplicaciones 2020" |
"Este curso es enfocado a programadores con algo de experiencia y con ganas de conocer nuevos lenguajes.conoceremos aplicaciones de python, como conectarse a una base de datos hacer respaldo de las mnima. manejar tiempos y fechas.haciendo que todas las clases sean practicas y a si tener un mejor conocimiento del lenguaje.El curso se estar actualizando de forma gratuita para ir agregando nuevas aplicaciones creadas con python. "
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"HIZLI NGLZCE RENME SET (Fast English Leaning Set)" |
"Aslnda ngilizceyi renmek sandnzdan daha kolay. Sizler iin hazrladmz eitim serisinde hzl bir ekilde ngilizce'nin dnyasna girerek, z gvenle dnyayla balantya geip, rahat bir ekilde ngilizce konuabileceksiniz. Bizimle bu video serisini devam ederek ne kadar yol kat ettiinizi grecek ve ngilizce iin gemi zamanlarda yaam olduunuz korkular yeneceksiniz. Hi zaman kaybetmeden balaynz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Programacin en C" |
"En este curso vas a aprender las bases del lenguaje de C hasta llegar a un nivel intermedio/avanzado que te permitira hacer proyectos en este sensacional lenguaje que sin dudas te encantara. Si estas buscando aprender C de una manera rpida, efectiva y de calidad, este es el curso que deberas tomar."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Glgn Feyman ile Gzel ve Etkili Konumak" |
"Glgn Feyman gibi gzel ve etkili konumann srlar bu eitimde. Siz de ok gzel ve etkileyici ekilde konuabilirsiniz. Toplam 20 video ve srekli gelitirilecek ierii ile bu eitim dilini gzel kullanmak isteyen herkes iin hazrland.Eitimi bu iin lkemizdeki en usta isminden reneceksiniz. Ltfen hatrlayn, Trk demek Trke demektir. Dilimizi doru kullanmamz, doru iletiim kurmamz iin ok nemlidir. Glgn Feyman ile gzel ve etkili konuma eitimi bir MCW Danmanlk sunumudur."
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a cocinar autnticas cazuelitas y tapas Espaolas" |
"En este curso,os voy a ensear,como hacer autnticas cazuelitas y tapas tpicas de la gastronoma Espaola,con solo la ayuda de un microondas.Faciles,baratas y muy ricas .Al finalizar este curso,os ensear a elaborar uno de los postres ms antiguos y famosos de Espaa,las Torrijas.Este postre,se realiza durante la Semana Santa en el noventa por cien de los hogares espaoles y tiene siglos de tradicin."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Alkenes Masterclass" |
"Masterclass to prepare H2 students for Organic Chemistry (Alkenes) based on the 9729 H2 Chemistry syllabus for A levels.After this course, you should be able to understand the mechanisms of alkenes such as electrophilic addition mechanism, and predict major products based on Zaitsev's and Markonikov's rule. You should also be able to apply synthesis strategies to synthesise a variety of organic products."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"10 Salsa Moves to Make You Shine on the Dance Floor" |
"This course has 3 important sections:Basic Steps: in case you are a beginner you can learn from this video all the steps and turns you need to know in order to be able to go to the next videos.Improver to Intermediate: 10 Moves that grow in intensity each time you will do another one, they are explained on the count for men and for ladies and presented on music.The challenge: is the most intense move from this course, practice slowly and give it time to perfect it.BONUS: funny moments from filming to see that everyone can do a mistake so don't be to tough on yourself.Have fun with these moves and please ask us if you have anything that you don't understand."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"10 Kizomba Moves to Make You Shine on the Dance Floor" |
"This course has 3 important sections:Basic Steps: in case you are a beginner you can learn from this video all the steps and turns you need to know in order to be able to go to the next videos.Improver to Intermediate: 10 Moves that grow in intensity each time you will do another one, they are explained on the count for men and for ladies and presented on music.The challenge: is the most intense move from this course, practice slowly and give it time to perfect it.BONUS: funny moments from filming to see that everyone can do a mistake so don't be to tough on yourself.Have fun with these moves and please ask us if you have anything that you don't understand."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Huawei Certification HCIA v2.5 + LABs +Dump" |
"Le certificat de routage et de commutation Huawei HCIA devient de jour en jour clbre.Le certificat Huawei HCIA est trs similaire au certificat Cisco CCNA selon le contenu, mais comme tant 2 socits diffrentes que les lignes de commande diffrentes de l'autre.Huawei dveloppe le march trs rapidement, provoquant une concurrence avec d'autres socits bien connues, donc suivez ce cours que vous aidiez ajouter plus de comptences dans votre CV pour que vous ayez besoin d'avoir plus de possibilits d'emploi."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduce Dogs AND Kids Successfully" |
"This course all video trainings plus At-A-Glance Worksheets for A Happy Home With Dog! How To Introduce My Dog To A New or Visiting Baby, How to Get My Dog To Be Great With Kids, How To Get My Kid To Be Great With Dogs, How To Introduce My Dog To A New or Vising Animal, How To Socialize My Dog, plus What Over-the-Counter Tricks Can Save My Dogs Life.In addition, keep all of your legal, vet, medical and fun fur-day documentation in one easy to find, easy to access location ... The Pet Binder. Filled with easy to print PDF's that you can organize into a standard 3-ring binder. Includes socialization checklist, fur-day planning worksheets, vet and medical record worksheets, and the legal paperwork everyone needs to have added to their Will to ensure your pet is safely cared for in the event of an emergency. Jam packed with useful, helpful and practical information and how-to video's."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Learn to fly a DJI drone in 3 Hours with Mavic 2 and Phantom" |
"If you are interested in Aerial Photography using drones I offer the best basic online drone training for beginners, using my experience of instructing over 1,000 students to fly on face to face half-day courses.After you have completed the online drone flying course you will have seen and know about the latest DJI consumer drones. Featured in the online course are:DJI SparkDJI Mavin AirDJI Mavic ProDJI Mavic 2 Pro and ZoomDJI Phantom 4 ProOn the course you will learn how to fly a drone indoors on the DJI simulators before you fly for real.You will learn how to fly the small DJI Tello drone indoors and really hone your flying skills.I teach you the UK drone flying rules and techniques for safe flying. You will then be able to take your UK government Online Test."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Designing your own Mobile or Website framework with ease" |
"*** Now this course is good for both Mac and Windows users! ***Are you excited to get into the world of Framework designs but you don't know where to start? This course will allow you to add Mobile and Website framework designer to your CV & start getting paid for your new skills.Hi there! My name is Isaac & Im here to help you learn how to design Mobile and Website frameworks efficiently and comprehensively. Through the use of Macaw, a fantastic design tool used by industry professionals to produce high quality & functional websites, mobile application as well as prototypes. By the end of this course, you will be able to produce practical and effective Framework designs.Throughout the course Ill invite you to participate in one of my projects which I worked on. Its a project that requires a mobile app framework. This will prepare you for dealing with real world projects if you choose to move towards a Web Development or Mobile Development career path.This course is aimed at people interested in Framework Designs. Well start from the very beginning and work all the way through, step by step. Ill go over all of the essential tools necessary for creating excellent Frameworks , including: colors, icons, prototyping, animations, css breakpoints , HTML UI Elements and layouts. It is now time to upgrade yourself & advance in your career and life."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Stop Self Sabotage" |
"The most important relationship in your life is between your conscious and subconscious minds!Experience self-togetherness as you attain harmony within. Day by day you will get yourself ""together"" in an easy and relaxed manner and a healthy and positive way.Have you tried hypnosis, relying on another person to communicate with your subconscious? Have you tried self-hypnosis? Subliminal messages? Binaural sound frequencies? Affirmations? Deep meditation? And any other techniques?Were you left disappointed or frustrated with the lack of positive results?I will introduce three very effective methods of communication that easily make the connection between the two minds. And I offer my own personal ""magical mantra method"" as a bonus.True harmony is self-togetherness. Unite the conscious and subconscious. Once this is established your life will only improve in every way; your desires will manifest. But if your minds are in disagreement, the subconscious always wins. The function of the mind is to create coherence between our beliefs and the reality that we experience. We generally perceive that we are running our lives with our wishes and our desires. But neuroscience reveals a startling fact. We only run our lives with our creative, conscious mind about 5 percent of the time. Ninety-five percent of the time, our life is controlled by the beliefs and habits that are programmed in the subconscious mind. Bruce Lipton, Biology of BeliefNo more self-sabotage! No more indecision. No more fighting with yourself. No more willpower causing chaos and destruction. All three methods work and they are easy. Try one, two or three. When you feel the wonder of self-togetherness, then apply the magical mantra method and enjoy the manifestation of your desires. Your life will be better than you ever imagined now that you have attained inner harmony.Come and experience....."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aging: Making the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your life" |
"Welcome to the adventure of making the rest of your life the best of your life!As we age we should be living the dream and enjoying life. We don't stop but continue to move forward, enjoying great health, friendships and prosperity.This course is loaded with practical advice, philosophy for everyone and great tips to truly live with zest and vitality.""None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm.""Henry David ThoreauThere is so much to enjoy and love about growing older. Don't waste what time you have left to walk upon this beautiful earth.In this course we will first talk about the basics, the practical things that we must take care of in order to enjoy our later years. This part is not the exciting part, but the necessary part. Doctor visits, diet, health, money, etc.Then we will discuss certain actions to start your day and remember what is important. The 4 pillars of philosophy for everyone. And the importance of remembering your time is limited.Further on, we will show how to really enjoy life, set priorities, create friendships and honor our loved ones.You will discover many ways to make the best of the rest of your life.Following what is taught in this course will only improve your life in many ways, guaranteed."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Become Expert in Complex Number" |
"Complex numbers, like any other class of numbers, are the result of abstract ideas which turned out to be really useful in our daily lives. Indeed, the complex numbers, though with subtle influence for most people, is extremely important in the fields of Science and Engineering.This course is intended for the online learner who wants to understand the subject starting with basic real numbers Math background. Regardless of the reason you have to learn complex numbers, this course provides easy and step-by-step explanations.Apply coupon code:7B6CEAD25069CA186D93"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Revit BIM 2019" |
"ObjetivoO curso de Revit Architecture tem como objetivo capacitar o profissional a ter um amplo conhecimento no software aprendendo a trabalhar com plantas, cortes, fachadas, interiores e construo 3D da maquete envolvendo todo e qualquer elemento construtivo permitindo sua edio e aplicao de materiais, luzes, edio de terreno, estudo de insolao e renderizaes.O Autodesk Revit um software que foi desenvolvido especificamente para a modelagem de informao da construo (BIM Building Information Modelling), ajudando os profissionais a projetarem de forma mais eficiente e com menos erros.O software trabalha do jeito que os arquitetos e projetistas pensam, para permitir que voc elabore projetos arquitetnicos mais precisos e de maior qualidade. Usando as ferramentas desenvolvidas especificamente para dar suporte a fluxos de trabalho de modelagem de informao da construo, o profissional pode capturar e analisar conceitos e manter sua viso no decorrer do projeto, da documentao e da construo."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Design Thinking Desde 0" |
"Este taller aportar a los alumnos una visin sobre cmo desarrollar una idea mediante el uso de Design Thinking, desde su planteamiento inicial con el usuario como punto de partida, a su visualizacin del concepto, con unos primeros prototipos para la evaluacin por parte de los clientes. Pensamiento de diseo como el proceso para desarrollar una idea de negocio innovadora, desde la identificacin de oportunidades y el planteamiento inicial hasta la generacin de soluciones factibles."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Portal con imagen de rastreo Spark Ar studio" |
"Aprenders a crear un portal en realidad aumentada con una imagen de rastreo. se disear la puerta desde ceros. con photoshop aprenders a sacar la silueta de la imagen y en cinema 4D se dar el volumen y se crear el portal en 3D. Aprenders toda la configuracin necesaria para usarlo en spark. Aprenders en spark ar studio como hacer el rastreo de la tarjeta donde ir el portal, como animar la puerta usando el editor de parches, como editar los materiales y como colocar objetos en tu portal y ajustarlos. Aprenders los pasos para publicar tu efecto y usarlo en facebook o en instagram.Modelados: Moon walk by Evgenys y Low poly moon model by bedavai1256freepik es/fotos-vectores-gratis/espacio"">Vector de Espacio creado por freepik"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Start a Perfume Business - A Basic Guide" |
"A course for the absolute beginner. Discover the history of perfumery and how the most profitable beauty product came to being. Learn about the different types of perfumes and how to blend them perfectly, so that you can use them for your own benefit or to sell to make extra income. We also give you various blends to try using natural Essential Oils.A basic guide to mixing inspired and natural perfumes"
Price: 450.00 ![]() |
"learn digestive and excretory system from scratch to depth." |
"The aim of this course is to develop the understanding of the organs of the human body involved in digestion and excretion. This course will cover the structure and function of each and every organ involved in these systems in detail. This course also covers the diseases related to these organs and how can we prevent them."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Certificate in Xero Accounting - Learn at your own pace!" |
"This course has been designed using up to date features of Xero as of January 2020.The Certificate in Xero Accounting will give you a solid foundation of knowledge on Xero and will give you the confidence to navigate the software efficiently. The course has been designed so you can learn the core elements of Xero from home to allow you to learn at your own pace around your lifestyle.Within the course is a series of videos showing you step by step how to handle certain functions of Xero. You will be given lifetime access to the content within the course so can always revert back to the tutorials in the future. You will also have access to myself, a Xero Certified Partner with 6+ years of experience in Xero, to ask any questions surrounding Xero to support you on your journey as well as post-training.The course is broken down into Modules and units to give structure to your learning. We begin with an Introduction to Xero and how to set up your business correctly and then move onto the following modules:Chart of Accounts - Managing your Contacts - Inventory and Sales Invoicing - Purchase Invoicing - Bank Reconciliation - Fixed Asset Register - VAT ReturnsYou will learn how to navigate these functions with confidence and take your Xero knowledge to the next level. You will also receive ongoing and post training support from a Xero Certified Partner to answer any further questions you have on the software."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Critical Thinking & Creative Writing" |
"The articles are the news and report of real life, as saying - nonfiction stories. They are the good samples for critical thinking, which a lot of students are lack and in great need. This course is to train the intensive reading, critical thinking and writing skills of essay.Miracle on the HudsonCan Trees Keep Air Clean?Does Nature Need Our Help?New Smartphone Maker Passes AppleDanny's HeartThe Literature is the short novels and extracts from the novelsGift of MagiA ChameleonNecklace"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Middle School Intensive Reading Stage 1" |
"This course is to help middle school students to read, understand and enjoy classics literature, so as to improve reading comprehension and writing skills. The students will start to learn the literature knowledge, author information and then intensive reading of world famous story stories and extracts from the classics literature."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Tikkun - Soul rectification according to the Kabbalah" |
"In this course you will gain deep insights that will support and empower you through your spiritual journey. The secret knowledge of Kabbalah will answer many of your fundamental questions about life, the experiences you go through, the challenges and hardship, so you can follow your life purpose more accurately, with less frustration and suffering.Personal rectification is a process of growth that we can choose to undergo during our life in a human body.If you want to get the most out of your present incarnation, live in the light, fulfill yourself, and experience moments of happiness, you can learn how to expand your consciousness and find discover each experience and challenge is actually in your favor how it will elevate you in the ladder of your spiritual growth.therefore - if you frequently ask yourself the following questions, this course is certainly for you:- What is the purpose of my life?- Why can life be so cruel to me?- Why are all these frustrations and challenges?- What is going on?- Who runs the show here?- What is my place in this world?The vital knowledge you will gain in this course, will help you better understand life and get the big picture."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"1Z0-071 - Oracle Database SQL + BNUS PERGUNTAS E RESPOSTAS" |
"Este curso voltado para quem quer aprender Oracle Database SQL ou para quem est se preparando para tirar a certificao 1Z0-071. Neste curso ensinarei passo a passo todos os comandos disponveis, tanto na teoria quanto na prtica. Todas as informaes passadas aqui, so da minha experincia com a linguagem e de livros sobre o tema. Includo no final do curso um BNUS DE PERGUNTAS E RESPOSTAS para que voc pratique tudo o que aprender aqui :)CONTINUE PRATICANDO: Com o meu curso de perguntas e respostas voc tem acesso a mais 40 questes que iro te ajudar muito na preparao para a prova. 20 delas esto comentadas em vdeo aula com a anlise completa da questo. Pesquise por: ""Perguntas e respostas 1Z0-071"" no udemy e adquira o complemento desse curso."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft PowerPoint" |
"Microsoft Office , PowerPoint , , /buy now/ , , , , , , PowerPoint 4 , , PowerPoint , , , /resources/ , , : , : Udemy , pdf jpg , :"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |