Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Parlare al Microfono come un Radiocronista" |
"Parlare al microfono un corso ideato e realizzato per permettere ai neofiti, e agli appassionati, di avvicinarsi al mondo della radio e principalmente alla figura del Radiocronista sportivo.Durante lo svolgersi del corso, partendo dal primo modulo, verranno date le informazioni basilari su cosa realmente un'emittente radiofonica, su come questa organizzata e i vari tipi di stazioni radio che esistono nel panorama lavorativo. Vedremo altres, nello specifico, tutte le figure che lavorano direttamente con il microfono e le differenze che passano tra un ruolo e un altro per chiarire quel senso di confusione che spesso aleggia intorno a questi mestieri. Nel terzo modulo l'attenzione verr focalizzata sul Radiocronista Sportivo, le attivit che questi svolge e, in aggiunta, daremo anche degli accenni su come si deve sviluppare un radiogiornale. Parlare al microfono si rivolge a tutti, dai semplici appassionati fino a coloro che hanno iniziato a intraprendere uno di questi mestieri e vogliono migliorare le proprie conoscenze. Inoltre, per aiutarvi ad apprendere il pi possibile quanto spiegato in queste pagine, abbiamo anche inserito degli esercizi pratici da svolgere, affinch possiate oggettivamente allenarvi, facendo pratica quante pi volte potete."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn to read and write in Arabic" |
"We will walk with you from the beginning step by step until you learn to read and write in Arabic and the correct way.You will learn many Arabic words used in daily life and how to write and pronounce them.The most important thing in this course is the correct pronunciation of letters and words, and you will hear them from me well because I am Arabic and I speak Arabic fluently.All that is required of you is to listen, study well and answer the required exercisesLet's read and write in Arabic"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
coaching-for-japanese-teacher |
"-------------------------------------teach coachQAQQQQQJLPT---------------------------------"
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
"Catia Uak Tasarmlar Eitimi ! Toplamda 5 Uak + Bonus !" |
"Endstriyel Catia'y Sfrdan leri Dzeye Kadar Gerek Projeler Yaratarak renin !Bu kursta Catia programnn hzl uygulama gelitirmeye ynelik avantajn kullanarak hemen her blmde uygulamalar gelitirerek Catia programnn Uak Tasarm ksmn tmyle kavrayacaz. Yalnzca Catia programn ierdii tasarm ksmlarn deil blueprint ve render almada izlenen yollarda reneceiz.Kursun erii:Phantom F-4 American Jet Ua TasarmSU-47 Berkut Avc Ua TasarmLockheed F-117A Nighthawk Hayalet Uak TasarmA-10 Thunderbolt Uak TasarmLCA - TEJAS Hindistan Sava Ua TasarmBonus VideoBlueprint zerinden ModellemeSketch Tracer Blueprint atamaImagine and Shape KomutuCreation KomutuStyling Surfaces KomutuTools Palette KomutuLibrary KomutuMateryal AtamaRender Almamr boyu eriimMobil ve TV'den eriimBitirme SertifikasKurs boyunca yardma ihtiya duyduunuz konularda hi ekinmeden bize mail zerinden yahut soru-cevap ksmndan sorularnz iletebilirsiniz."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"C# User Control Yapm ve Temelleri" |
"Bu eitim ile ileri derce yazlmda byk esneklik ve kolaylk salayan UserControl hakknda detayl bilgi sahibi olacaksnz. Derslerde rendiklerinizi, demo aamasnda pekitirecek ve kendi ihtiyalarnz dorultusunda size ait UserControl tasarlyabileceksiniz. Eitimde nce, sadece saysal ifade giriine izin veren NumericEntry user controln ele alacaz. Bu user control ile kullancdan alacamz saysal ifadeleri dilediimiz gibi kontrol altnda tutabileceiz.Sonrasnda birden fazla UserControl ve Windows temel bileenini bnyesinde barndran BankaHesap bileeni ile gerek bir business kodlamann tadna varacaz. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"JK0-017 CompTIA E2C Project + Certification Practice Exam" |
"370 UNIQUE practice questions for JK0-017 CompTIA E2C Project + Certification Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : JK0-017 CompTIA E2C Project + Certification Practice ExamTotal Questions : 370Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :245 minsPassing Score : 75 (277 of 370)"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Business Statistics II" |
"Welcome to Business Statistics IIThis course has been designed from Scratch to Advanced level. Probability, Data Science, Statistics Hypergeometric, Sampling, Binomial, Probability distribution, Hypergeometric distribution, Sampling distribution, Estimation, Hypothesis testing, Association & Chi Square.YOU'LL ALSO GET:Lifetime access to Become a Data Science for Business Statistics IIFriendly support in the Q&A sectionUdemy Certificate of Completion available for download30-day money back guaranteeStudents, I hope you will enjoy the course as much as I have wile designing the course. Students if you have any questions related to topics mentioned above kindly leave in the comments feedback section below.Enroll Now to start the journey!Best RegardsIftikhar A."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Boostez votre mindset et vos revenus" |
"Dans ce cours en 4 parties, vous allez dcouvrir les 4 piliers de la ""magification"".Ce processus va vous permettre de mettre en place la vie dont vous rvez en utilisant l'introspection, le mindset, la structuration et la maturation. a terme vous serez en capacit de mettre en place des revenus passifs."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CONFIANCE EN SOI : ds demain" |
"Qu'est-ce qui vous retient de devenir la personne que vous souhaitez devenir ?, la majorit des gens rpondrai cette question par je n'arrive pas passer l'action "" je sais ce qu'il faudrait que je fasse mais je n'arrive pas le faire""et c'est l o on tranche de la confiance en soi, quand on est confirm qu'il y a pas de passer l'action, on est capable de dpasser notre zone de confort pour aller chercher le succs qu'on dsirec'est a la diffrence entre une personne qui reste au mme niveau dans sa vie avec quelqu'un qui accomplit ce qu'il dsire de plus cher dans sa vieet je pense que vous le savezvous savez qu'il vous faudrait si peu pour pouvoir passer au prochain niveau, vous savez que amliorer votre quotidien n'est que quelques actions plus loinc'est bon vous que je cre ce cours, parce que je sais ce que c'est d'tre frustr force de ne pas passer l'action, de laisser passer les opportunits devant soi sans jamais agir !alors si vous tes prt apprendre des actions simple pour voluer, envolez-vous dans ce cours maintenant, ne repousse c'est pas votre prise d'action, s'enrler dans ce cours est la premire tape pour que vous devenir plus confiantvous y trouverez des techniques simples, et des conseils applicable des demainalors on enrl vous maintenant"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"SELF CONFIDENCE : 21 days challenge to become confident" |
"We all know how much confidence is important, right ?You can't accomplish anything meaningful without confidenceBut what about you ? Do you have a burning desire which is shattered by a lack of self-confidence !?How frustrated is it ? To know you can do more but to limit yourself because you have a lack of confidence ?Believe me I know the feelingThat why I created this course ! To make sure that you can pass your doubts, conquer your fear and accomplish your dreams You know how much you could create if you believed in you ! So get in this program to create a version of you that create conquer and accomplish 10X what you do today, to make you the best version of yourself So get enroll right NOW because we gonna make you take 1000 steps toward your dreams !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"MORNING ROUTINE : a 21 days challenge to accomplish more" |
"Do you remember a morning where you didn't want to wake up, where the idea of going to work was an atrocious feeling and where you just rushed out the door because you pushed the snooze button too many timePainful, isn't it ? I'm sure you know this feeling of stress when you have no time to do anything productive in your morning, that you are tired at work because your sleep schedule is in shamble and when you come back home exhausted with just one envy which is watching TV and get back to bedWe all went thought it, believe me but there is another way, where you go to work happy because you did exercise, you took some time for you and you took steps toward your dreamWhat do you think ? Would you like to create a morning routine that will bring you a tremendous amount of result in your daily life well lucky you I propose you a 21 days challenge to make every morning better so you become the person that you want to be deep inside of youWhat do you think ? Do you want to keep your current situation or do you want to create peace and productivity in your morning ?Get enroll in this course, so we make the best of you every morning starting NOW "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Visual Studio Code y Sublime Text: S rpido para codificar" |
"Los editores son nuestra herramienta da a da como programadores, ya tenemos conocimiento de como usarla de una manera normal, Pero y si aumentamos el conocimiento y trabajamos ms eficiente con estas herramientas?Tenemos a visual studio y sublime text como nuestras herramienta, las cuales nos ayudan a la hora de crear el cdigo, este curso esta enfocado en ensearte: como ser mas rpido usando estos editores de cdigo, vamos a usar los shortcuts y unas que otras extensiones que nos puede ayudar a futuro.Este NO es un curso de crear cdigo:Este curso esta hecho para el manejo rpido del teclado, y el editor de preferencias que desees usar a la hora de programa. Si esta buscando algo que te ensee a crear un cdigo de X Lenguaje de programacin, no es este el motivo por el cual fue creado.Porque hacer un curso de esto ?Es bueno sabes como usar un editoresPara tener una nueva habilidadAprender a usar los ShortCutsAprender mas sobre extensionesGracias por participar en este curso disfruta, se viene mas cosas..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The C++ Programming Language Interview Questions and Answer" |
"In this C++ interview questions and answers, We introduced more frequently asked questions on data science. This Questions & Answers session is the perfect guide for you to learn all the concepts required to clear a C++ interview. To get validate the C++ skill you can enroll in this program. This will increase your potential and improve your confidence in C++."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Curso de Pintura: Tcnica Mixta en Acrlico (Practico)" |
"En este curso de pintura aprenders a pintar sobre lienzo utilizando 12 tcnicas diferentes. Este es un curso tanto para artistas pintores, estudiantes e interesados a la pintura que quieran aprender o seguir progresando. Al final de este curso habrs conseguido pintar una obra con diferentes materiales, poniendo en prctica los fondeos, texturas, veladuras, brocha seca, hoja de oro, uso de carbones, aerosoles, chapopote y aguarrs."
Price: 2070.00 ![]() |
"Banish Anxiety and Panic Attacks" |
"Can you banish anxiety and panic attacks? By learning EFT Tapping specifically for this issue, the pounding heart, hyperventilation, stomach pain, racing thoughts, and all other symptoms can be tamed. Let us work together to be the Anxiety Tamers!Master and Release Anxiety and Panic Attacks Using EFT TappingDiscover the real reason behind anxiety and panic attacks (you may be pleasantly surprised).Learn how to use this to release these feelings.Create your pathway to calm.Recognise and recreate that point of calm with confidence.Learn How To get Rid of Anxiety and Panic AttacksIn the late 1990's, Gary Craig, an engineer by training, restructured a new but complex way to let go of unwanted emotions called TFT, which uses the ancient Chinese meridian system plus releasing specialist wording. He called his very user-friendly adaptation EFT, short for Emotional Freedom Techniques, and now it is often known as Tapping. Gary has his own training for EFT, and you can attend many courses by different organisations. I kept having people who have learned EFT contact me, asking how they can use it for their own condition, such as anxiety and panic attacks. And so I started re-writing this training in a way that is very specific to the condition, so that if you want to know how to release anxiety and panic attacks, you can do so with ease and confidence, knowing exactly what to do at each stage, till it is gone.Your course offers you a simple and yet precious benefit; peace. Getting to a point of peace may seem hard, but with the right tools, you can do it. I teach you exactly how. Your course is made up of 5 Video lectures easing you into the discovery the real reason behind anxiety and panic attacks, and a deeper understanding of the solution.12 Interactive video lectures teaching you step-by-step how to let go of anxiety and panic attacks.15 Easily-laid-out simple PDF downloads, only 1-2 pages each, summarising your lectures and how to tap (do Emotional Freedom Techniques) to feel better.5 Multiple-choice quizzes to make sure you are on the right track. Having any kind of anxiety or fear is bad enough. You do not need to worry about whether you have understood the lecture or not. Your quizzes are designed so that you will know you have understood the material.I designed this course to be understood by absolute beginners, whilst at the same time, a practitioner can learn a methodical way of helping their clients, too. You'll be able to work alongside me and receive a certificate to keep and cherish, upon completion of your course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Exam AZ-103 Microsoft Azure Administrator : Latest Tests" |
"Exam AZ-103 Microsoft Azure Administrator : Latest Tests Azure Administrators who manage cloud services that span storage, security, networking, and compute cloud capabilities. Candidates have a deep understanding of each service across the full IT lifecycle, and take requests for infrastructure services, applications, and environments. They make recommendations on services to use for optimal performance and scale, as well as provision, size, monitor, and adjust resources as appropriate.I have prepared this practice test course for all those candidates who are planning of taking AZ-103 exam in near future.This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Microsoft in any way.Exam Topics covered as per syllabus AZ-103 exam Certification skill questions :Manage Azure subscriptions and resources Implement and manage storage Deploy and manage virtual machines (VMs) Configure and manage virtual networks Manage identities"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Oracle 1Z0-324 Recruitment Talco Service Cloud Practice Exam" |
"161 UNIQUE practice questions for Oracle 1Z0-324 Recruitment Talco Service Cloud Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Oracle 1Z0-324 Recruitment Talco Service Cloud Practice ExamTotal Questions : 161Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (120 of 161)"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"The California Substitute Teacher Guide." |
"Learn what it takes to become a California Substitute Teacher! Practice test questions similar to what are found on the California Basic Skills Assessment (CBEST), which is required to substitute teach in California.Are you unsure of how to find work or nervous about your first day? Learn tips and tricks that will help you become successful and efficiently manage a classroom."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cyber Security Social Engineering - Hacking Human Firewalls" |
"Hacking people is the most effective hacking technique, has the highest success rate and is very difficult to detect and prevent against. Learn how to hack the human firewall and how to protect yourself and your organization against so called social engineering attacks where people get manipulated to do things they usually would not do and companies get way too easy hacked with the support of their own employees without them noticing. This course is for non-IT people/absolute beginners up to cyber security professionals that want to get into social engineering. Your teacher has over 18 years experience including a bachelor and master in Cyber Security and was within various expert and head of positions in the security government area, large international consulting and the banking industry. Course Overview (around 3.5 hours of valuable content)What is social engineering and how does it workThe human risk factorSensitive vs. non-sensitive informationHacking into your e-mails, icloud and fotos with very little effort and informationHow to protect against password reset attacksWhy social engineering is so dangerousTypes of Social Engineering (Phishing, Smishing, Whaling, Vishing, Impersonation, Dumpster Diving, Baiting, Tailgating) How to prevent all those Social Engineering attacksSocial Engineering Framework and how to plan and perform a social engineering attack (Open Source Intelligence, Built Your Story, Attack Plan, Attack, Documentation)(BONUS) Real life Social Engineering Scenarios and how to protect against themWhat you can expect from this course:Sharing long time experience in this area Lots of practical and real life examples instead of just theoretical frameworksA trainer that is motivated helping you to easily understand social engineering and protect yourself and your organization against these attacksThe content is shared in easy to understand language so that everyone (even non-IT people or absolute beginners) can learn social engineering and how to protect themselvesYoull be provided the possibility to join a Cyber Security experts chat group and contact the instructor for questionsIMPORTANT: You will need to watch within lecture four a video on youtube as it shows you a practical social engineering attack that we will analyze and discuss in our course. This video cant be incorporated into the udemy plattform for legal / copyright reasons. Therefore you will need an active internet connection for this small part. The video only lasts 2 minutes."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Bot-like Web Forms using Firebase, JavaScript, HTML & CSS" |
"In this course, we're going to build conversational forms, I am going to show you how you can convert your web forms into a conversational interface so you can make your form ask the users questions and as the user answers those questions, you are taking those details. This is the modern way of doing forms, I am going to do it using vanilla Javascript and we're going to store the user data in a google's real-time database: firebase, once the user gets to the end of the conversation. I am going to keep this course up to date, and I will be adding more details as time goes by. I am going to do add how you can integrate with front end frameworks like React JS and Vue JS.The course can be followed by anyone but you need to have a basic understanding of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.About firebase, I explain from setting up the firebase project up to the level of storing data from our conversational forms.So I can assure you that you are going to learn a lot. As you can see, this is a four-hour course, so its a detailed one.I will be glad to see you there."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Management Autocad data by excel and script without any code" |
"script in autocad Complete Course from Beginner to professional we talk about set automatic tasks by script without any codes or vba only autocad commanddrawing using script will start with a simple example and after that we write advanced scriptMange and edit objects by scriptWrite script in excel fileControl for layouts and views and match line by scriptcreate and mange layer in file and xrefWORK WITH Multiple by excel and scriptcreate new files by excel and scriptcreate custom commandDraw object in autocad using excel and script.Learn autocad and excel tips and tricksshortcut your work and time."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Personal Development & Sales Accelerator" |
"You will learn fun and great memory methods to remember important things. You will start the progress of becoming the person you want to become. You will get fantastic tools in how to deal with negative thoughts. You will learn more about Sales and that it's all about value and helping others, not pushing people to something they don't want. You will learn how to set goals and why the right habits are the key. You will learn how to implement every thing you need to reach your goals and become the person you want to become, as a daily routine.A very fun and motivating course for everyone who wants something more out of life.Once you buy this course, you will get free updates when we learn new amazing things that we're going to expand this course with!Lets have a great time and make some amazing progress together! Let's do this! :)"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Confident Body Language for Social Skills" |
"Hi, I'm Felipe.I'm a confidence and social skills coach.Imagine if every time you socialize or meet people, you appeared ultra-confident, relaxed and projected an image of a leader. More importantly, imagine using your body language & certain internal tools/methods to not only fake it or appear more confident, but to authentically BE more confident, relaxed and empowered.I believe that body language introduces you before you even speak a word. To take it a step further I also believe that your vibe, your energy, not only introduces you, but it arrives at a place before you do. This is the mental image of yourself, what will happen in a situation and your perception of other people.You are ALWAYS communicating, event when your mouth is shut. In fact, most of your communication is non-verbal. Im sure youve heard that the mind can change your body. Well, its the same with the body, it can change the mind. As you embody these body language techniques and tools, youll become more of what you are projecting to others. Youll not only communicate confidently to others, but to yourself as well. In this Body Language and Non-verbal Communication course you will learn how to stand, move, what to do with your hands, powerful eye-contact techniques, voice and even touch to communicate better when you are socializing. You wont have to worry if you look awkward, or nervous again. Even if you are feeling nervous meeting new people or in conversations, you will look relaxed, calm, cool and collected, as you go through the process of BECOMING IT.Learn how to use your body language, your mindset and other non-verbal communication tools to connect more effectively. In addition, these tools will also teach you how to truly BE more confident, happier and more relaxed. Improve your self-image through mental tools and techniques.Develop a confident social vibe and charismaDevelop empowering body language, confident voice, posture, and eye contact.Use your body language to not only appear more positive, but feel happier and more confident.Why risk messing up the next interaction because of your nervousness and not projecting the best version of yourself? Join this Body Language and Non-verbal Communication course today."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Complete JAVA Bootcamp: Go from zero to hero with Spring" |
"Hi, In this course i will go throught below topics.Basic Java Configuring Eclipse IDE for Java How to create new java project? How to create a new java class? Running java class Viewing the results of java program Learning Java Introduction to Java programming Data Types in Java Primitive Data types Wrapper Classes Declaring Variables Writing java program and running Conditional Statements If condition If else condition If else if condition (nested if) Switch case statement Examples for all the above conditions Loop Statements While loop Do while For loop For each loop Examples for all the above loopsArray How to declare array How to store values in array? Reading values in arrayOOPS Static, Static block Instance, Init block Constructor Abstraction Abstract class Interface Polymorphism Overloading Overriding Inheritance extends Encapsulation POJO Class Access Modifiers default public private protectedPackage What is package? How to create a package? How to import package into a different class?Collection List ArrayList LinkedList Set HashSet TreeSet LinkedHashSet Map HashMap LinkedHashMap TreeMapException Handling CompileTime exception RunTime exception Custom ExceptionDesign Patterns Design Pattern Concepts Singleton Lazy Loading Eager Loading FactoryDebug Scripts in Eclipse Understanding Debug Using Breakpoints Verify the values during debug Using step over, step into Tips for using Eclipse efficientlyIntroduction to J2EE What is J2EE Whats diff b/w Website vs Webservice Whats diff b/w Webserver vs Application server Whats client and Server How client request processCreation of First Website Why website? Installation and configuration of Apache tomcat Create first web application using JSPMaven Creating Maven project Creating build file Running the build Dependencies ManagementJUNIT Introduction to Unit Testing How to configure JUnit in Eclipse Why JUNIT How to create Test Case using JUNITSOAP Web Service What is SOAP What is SOA Elements of SOAP Service How to create SOAP service Deploy service in tomcat Test SOAP Service using SOAPUIREST Web Service What is REST What is Restful Service Difference bw SOAP and Rest Elements of Rest serviceIntroduction SpringBoot Basic understanding of Spring Why SpringBoot Annotations of Spring boot application First application using Spring boot Maven Integration with Boot Create Restful service Test restful service using POSTMANIntroduction Microservices Know why micro service How it is different with normal service"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Des colis Amazon GRATUIT plusieurs fois par semaine !" |
"Bonjour tous ! Et oui si vous lisez cette description c'est que le titre vous a attir et ce n'est pas un titre tape--l'oeil bien au contraire. J'ai ralis cette formation vido trs simple et courte o nous allons voir ensemble comment recevoir des colis Amazon et d'autres marketplace (Ebay, Rakuten, Cdiscount etc), plusieurs fois par semaine en toute lgalit. Nous verrons comment les recevoir sans mme pay des frais des ports 100 % gratuits ! Dans un second temps nous verrons galement comment en faire un business ! Une sorte de dropshipping avec une rentabilit sur chaque produit proche de 100 %. Ainsi il est trs facile grce cette formation, de commencer gnrer plusieurs centaines d'euros par mois en y passant peu de temps.Un business facile, une grande rentabilit et sans risque ! Que demander de plus ? tout de suite ! :D"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Red Hat System Administration I (RH124, SA1, RHEL8)" |
"This Course is designed for IT professionals without previous Linux system administration experience. This course is intended to provide you Linux Administration SURVIVAL SKILLs by guiding you on core administration tasks and to equip you with all the required command knowledge to start your journey on the linux platform. This course will build your foundational skills for the most demanding certification in the industry and covers the first module in RHCSA and RHCE.Course is structured as per RHCE certification to help you pass the exam."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Rhinoceros 6 Vray ve Keyshot Eitimi" |
"2004 ylndan bu gne dek biliim eitimleri vermekteyim bu eitim setinde, Temelden leri Dzey Rhinoceros 6 ve V ray yazlmn kullanmn ve pf noktalarn sizlere anlatacam eitimimiz teorik ve bolca uygulamal olacaktr.Tm eitim setlerimi farkl ve yeni bir metot ile yaynlayacam, bu eitim setinde de olduu gibi, rencilerimden birisi ile sfrdan balayarak snf ortamn da bire bir zle ders eklinde, hem derslerimizi iledik ayn zamanda da bunlar kayt altna alarak bu eitim setini oluturduk. Bu ekilde video izleyen arkadalarn videodaki rencim ali beyin yerinde olmasn saladk, kayt yaptmz rencim ali beyin sorduu sorular, takld noktalar, heyecanland veya korktuu noktalar aslnda video izleyen kiilerinde benzer duygular olduunu ve ali beyin yerine kendilerini koymalarn saladn dnyorum. Yllardr eitmenlik yaptmdan dolay rencilerin takld noktalar sorduu sorular genelde benzer olduu iin bu metot sizin de program rahat ve istekli bir eklide renmenizi salayacaktr.Konularn paralelinde sizlerin de yapabilmesi iin uygulamalar da paylaacam. u anda zel kurslarda ve kurumsal firmalara bu eitimi vermekteyim, eitim setini uygulama, konular ve proje olarak devaml gncelleme imkanm olacaktr.Bunlarn yan sra eklenti ve ktphaneler ve dokmanlarm da sizlerle paylaacam eitim ieriimizin konusu aadaki gibidir.Rhinoceros 6 ile 2D modelleme izim uygulamaRhinoceros 6 ile 3D modelleme izim uygulamaTak, aksesuar tasarm 3D modellemeMimari d mekn izim modellemeMimari i mekn izim modellemeArazi modelleme (topografya)Endstriyel rn modellemeAyakkab taban modelleme (rn modelleme)Rhinoceros V ray ile render alma.Grasshopper parametrik modelleme iin alt yap oluturma."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Muscle Building 101" |
"This powerful guide will provide you with the vital ingredients you need for quick and effective results, these are not myths or miracle cures...this is the truth!By registering for this course and incorporating it into your life you will be well on your way to packing on quality slabs of muscle and having the body of your dreams. You can make muscle gain promises to yourself all day and night, but actually sticking to your goals is the hard part! Within this guide you will discover what works. Learn Nutrition Guidelines For Buiding Muscle Getting Your Head In The Game - Mindset Discover The Best Types Of Training For Building Muscle Quickly Get Results By Incorporating These Workouts Beginner Mistakes To Avoid Eat To Grow - Macronutrients Apps, Resources & Technology To Aid Your Muscle Building And Much, Much More.."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Global MBA Online" |
"The Global MBA Online course from LEEA is packed with content and resources and has everything that you need as a Entrepreneur or Business Manager in the Global Age.THIS HAS TO BE THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE MBA ON UDEMY!This course allows you to gain knowledge and insights that will allow you to:Become an entrepreneur, Start your own business!Expand or scale up your existing business!Take the opportunity to get your MBA Certification from LEEA for a large discount on the usual price, allowing you to supercharge your career prospects with a REAL CERTIFIED MBA from an Established Business School!Understand the crucial elements of running a business, including Financial Analysis Strategic Decision MakingSocial Media Marketing SWOT analysisOperations ManagementInvestment, Venture Capital and IPOsMarketing Strategy Entrepreneurship InsightsHuman Resource StrategiesBusiness LawCorporate Social ResponsibilityDecision making and Negotiation AND MUCH MORE!We are really proud of the fact that this Online MBA has over 30 hours of video and has tons of resources that cover all aspects of the course. Moreover, our Professors who designed this course come from a rich background of academic and business success. This includes directors, technology entrepreneurs, academics, successful consultants and more.FOR THESE REASONS WE BELIEVE THIS IS THE BEST VALUE ONLINE BUSINESS COURSE ANYWHERE!Why choose this course:We believe that the best investments are the ones with high returns and low risk. This course will give you the best return possible in terms of salary, promotion prospects, business insights and experience, entrepreneurial head start and all for a ridiculously reduced price!This course comes with Udemy's 30 day no-questions-asked money back guarantee. So, you have nothing to lose! ENROL NOW!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Millionaire Condo Agent" |
"In millionaire condo agent George Cahill shares rags to riches history with everything from his personal career starting out in the real estate business to becoming a successful real estate broker and training his agents to becoming top agents in the luxury condo market. But Cahill saves the best part for last when he shares his trade secrets on the Benefits of networking and becoming a member of a community condominium board member."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Vaincre le stress : explications mdicales + sophrologie" |
"Je me prsente, Valentin tudiant en sant la Facult Paris VII Diderot.Et travers cette formation vous allez tre capable de grer et comprendre votre stress : ses causes et comment y remdier.Vous allez voir les diffrences entre le stress endogne et exogne (rassurez voir cela ne sera pas un cours mdicale) afin de comprendre pourquoi et comment vous pouvez vaincre votre stress de manire durable.Il vous sera donn des explications pour chaque type de stress et des moyens d'y remdier, d'y faire face !En bonus, afin que vous soyez mieux arm face votre stress et que pour votre dtente soit maximale, vous avez en cadeau une sance de sophrologie la fin de cette formation.Vous pourrez donc emporter partout avec vous votre sance de sophrologie et vous octroyer tout moment une rapide sance de sophrologie ds qu'une monte de stress se fait sentir.Avec cette formation, reprenez le contrle.On se retrouve sur la formation,Valentin"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |