Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"STOP SMOKING--Training Combined with Effective Hypnotherapy" |
"This six week course is guaranteed to SOLVE smoking behaviors of ALL levels. Whether it's a a pack a day or a carton, this course will make you an EX-SMOKER in six weeks! Not only will you not smoke, you won't even miss it. A smoking habit didn't appear overnight. It took time to turn this behavior from a habit to an addiction. The ONE HUNDRED PERCENT SUCCESS with this course is sue to the pacing and strategy to UN-learn this behavior the same way it was created--GRADUALLY!Even though you can access every session one-after-the-other, it is designed to do each session for SEVEN days BEFORE moving on to the next session. You can repeat each session every day if you like and need to, but should do session one for seven days in a row, session 2 in the second week for seven days, session three for in the third week and so on.If you do this course THE WAY IT IS PROVIDED AND DESIGNED you will become one of the THOUSANDS of individuals who have SOLVED their smoking habit with this exact same course.Don't wait.Life is short when it's good, but long and crappy when it's bad. Do it for yourself.Do it for your loved ones.Do it for your healthDO IT NOW!I won't wish you ""luck"" as you begin. Luck has nothing to do with it!Do the course as it's provided and smoking STOPS.I don't need luck to turn on a light: I pay the bill, keep a bulb in it and flip the switch. It ain't luck.It's a no brainer process.C'mon.Flip the switch.Be well..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"8.Snf LGS Hazrlk Kursu" |
"Yeni Sistem Matematik dokmanlar zerinden anlatlan konular yeni nesil LGS tarz sorularla pekitiriliyor. cretsiz videolarmz izleyerek kurs hakknda fikir sahibi olabilirsiniz.Kursun yararl olmas asndan konu konu sizlere sunulan dokmanlar indirip yazc vastasyla ktsn almanz ok iyi olacaktr.Takldnz yerler olursa Soru-Cevap blmnden bana her zaman ulaabilirsiniz.Kursumuz srekli gncel olma nitelii tad iin gelecekte yeni blmler eklenecektir.Baarlar dilerim."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Watercolor Botanical Painting" |
"Are you ready to master watercolor painting?In this class you'll learn how to approach botanical style with confidence, as well as achieving the most beautiful results while having a fantastic time.If you are new to watercolor painting, don't worry as I'll show the whole painting process step by step so that we can paint together. I will also share some really useful tips that will make your painting process easier.The sketches will be provided so that we can focus on having fun with water color.By the end of this course I hope youll master basic watercolor techniques, and also be able to apply them to other subjects. You'll see how after learning the basics and a bit of practice you'll be able to produce a piece of beautiful artwork."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Igbo Language Course" |
"What is the best approach to learning a language? Classroom learning, interaction with native speakers or both? Memorizing commonly used words and phrases or detailed study beginning from the alphabets? The Complete Igbo Course provides ALL you need to master Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing the Igbo Language. Beginning with a foundation lecture on the Igbo alphabets, it guides you through Tones and Vowel sounds to lay a foundation for your pronunciation, Greetings and Salutations as a basis for communication, Nouns to increase your vocabulary, and other Parts of speech to guarantee your progress from simple to complex sentence formation.This highly detailed but simple course is ideal for Beginners and Intermediate level Igbo language learners, simultaneously increasing proficiency in all 4 components of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing Igbo. Advanced learners will certainly find it helpful as a refresher course. Practice exercises are included in each lesson, and the answers to these exercises are added as an extra resource to the course. Take your time, watch the lessons over and over, ensure you understand a lesson before moving on to the next, do the practice exercises, ask your questions, and keep learning. Jisie ike!!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"English for Intermediate Level (B1)" |
"English Club Global is always thoughtful about how well you progress in your English lessons. We want you to move on beyond the basics.To improve English past the basic level we are bringing you a series of English online programmes meant to help you to reach an intermediate level (B1) successfully as well.The concentration on a wide range of sub-programmes to improve English online.Why wait? Start on your lessons now!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Desenvolvendo Sistema Financeiro com Maker Studio" |
"A ideia do curso desenvolver um sistema financeiro com formulrios de contas a pagar,contas a receber, relatrios e etc.o curso vai desde a criao de fluxos, customizaes e integrao de componentes integrando bibliotecas externas como jquary.Objetivo que o aluno saia com conhecimento suficiente para fazer a sua prpria aplicao maker."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Suba de elo RAPIDAMENTE - Do bsico ao avanado de JAYCE" |
"Jayce geralmente um campeo extremamente subestimado no cenrio brasileiro de League of Legends, porm em regies como a Coria, onde h os melhores jogadores do mundo, ele um campeo bastante utilizado, alm de aparecer frequentemente em campeonatos ao redor do mundo, sejam eles regionais ou at mesmo o mundial.O curso para aquelas pessoas que desejam aprender todas as mecnicas do bsico ao avanado do campeo Jayce.Alm de adquirir uma noo global dele, ou seja, aprender sobre:--> Seus pontos fortes e fracos--> Como voc deve jogar tanto no early, mid e late game--> Quais so os melhores items para cada situao--> Quais combinaes de runas utilizar--> Quais feitios de invocadores--> Os melhores combos para serem utilizados--> E claro no podia faltar o famoso INSEC do Jayce!!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Profesjonalna Obsuga Klienta dla Pracownika i Pracodawcy" |
"Kurs przeznaczony jest gwnie dla osb rozpoczynajcych swoj przygod z obsug klienta, ale rwnie dla wacicieli firm, ktrzy odpowiadaj za kontakt z klientem. Poznasz nie tylko najwaniejsze zasady rzdzce relacjami Firma - Klient ale rwnie dowiesz si kilku ciekawych rzeczy dlaczego tak a nie inaczej ksztatuj si nasze relacje z ludmi. Ciesz si, e tu jeste - zapraszam Ci do wsplnej nauki!"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Complete 1 minute Forex Scalping Strategy - PRO SCALPER" |
"PRO SCALPER STRATEGY is one of the rarest MYFXBOOK verified Trading Strategies since 2015.Learn how to make 3 - 10 pips per trade super easily and rapidly.If you are looking for quick and consistent results PRO SCALPER strategy is suitable for you.Please do not abuse the success of this strategy.You will make profits fast but it is NOT get rich quick stuff...Have in mind that this strategy requires more screen time than our other scalping/swing trading strategies.For verified trading performance reach me.You are Welcome :)For any further question reach me out!With Respect,Marjan"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Journalism 101" |
"I Have Given Some Of The Tools And Standards That Will Improve Journalism. Many Independent Journalist And Bloggers can Use This Course To Become Better Presenters Of Information. Learn How To Make Great Hard Stories, Soft Stories, Political Stories, Criticisms And Connect Dots Across Time, Space And Peoples. Enjoy The Course. I Hope This Is The First Of Many."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate 2020" |
"Spanish / English ExplanationEl examen de AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate (SAA-C01) es algo desafiante pero no se preocupe! estamos para apoyarlo en esta grande jornada.AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate (SAA-C01) se encuentra constantemente entre las certificaciones de TI que ms pagan, y ms buscadas en el mundo laboral teniendo en cuenta que Amazon Web Services (AWS) es la plataforma de servicios en la nube lder en el mundo con casi el 50% de cuota de mercado.Nuestros exmenes de prueba AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate aseguran por lo menos 75% de aciertos en el examen real.El nmero de preguntas sobre cada tema se selecciona cuidadosamente en funcin de los 5 dominios del examen de certificacin de AWS real.Esta Prueba de examen te brindara sin duda conocimiento solido y preparacin para obtener tu certificacin!Preguntas basadas en idioma inglesEnglish ExplanationThe AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate (SAA-C01) exam is somewhat challenging but don't worry! We are here to support you in this great day.AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate (SAA-C01) is constantly among the highest paid and most sought after IT certifications in the world of work considering that Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the leading cloud services platform in the world. world with almost 50% market share.Our AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate test exams ensure at least 75% success in the real exam.The number of questions on each topic is carefully selected based on the 5 domains of the actual AWS certification exam.This Exam Test will undoubtedly give you solid knowledge and preparation to obtain your certification!Questions in English format"
Price: 345.00 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Developer - Associate 2020 Exam" |
"Spanish / English ExplanationEl examen de AWS Certified Developer - Associate es algo desafiante pero no se preocupe! estamos para apoyarlo en esta grande jornada.AWS Certified Developer - Associate se encuentra constantemente entre las certificaciones de TI que ms pagan, y ms buscadas en el mundo laboral teniendo en cuenta que Amazon Web Services (AWS) es la plataforma de servicios en la nube lder en el mundo con casi el 50% de cuota de mercado.Nuestros exmenes de prueba AWS Certified Developer - Associate aseguran por lo menos 75% de aciertos en el examen real.El nmero de preguntas sobre cada tema se selecciona cuidadosamente en funcin de los 5 dominios del examen de certificacin de AWS Certified Developer - Associate real.Esta Prueba de examen te brindara sin duda conocimiento solido y preparacin para obtener tu certificacin!Preguntas basadas en idioma inglesEnglish ExplanationThe AWS Certified Developer - Associate exam is somewhat challenging but don't worry! We are here to support you in this great day.AWS Certified Developer - Associate is constantly among the highest paid and most sought after IT certifications in the world of work considering that Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the leading cloud services platform in the world. world with almost 50% market share.Our AWS Certified Developer - Associate test exams ensure at least 75% success in the real exam.The number of questions on each topic is carefully selected based on the 5 domains of the actual AWS certification exam.This Exam Test will undoubtedly give you solid knowledge and preparation to obtain your certification!Questions in English format"
Price: 345.00 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner 2020 Exams" |
"Spanish / English ExplanationEl examen de AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner es algo desafiante pero no se preocupe! estamos para apoyarlo en esta grande jornada.AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner se encuentra constantemente entre las certificaciones de TI que ms pagan, y ms buscadas en el mundo laboral teniendo en cuenta que Amazon Web Services (AWS) es la plataforma de servicios en la nube lder en el mundo con casi el 50% de cuota de mercado.Nuestros exmenes de prueba AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner aseguran por lo menos 75% de aciertos en el examen real.El nmero de preguntas sobre cada tema se selecciona cuidadosamente en funcin de los 5 dominios del examen de certificacin de AWS real.Esta Prueba de examen te brindara sin duda conocimiento solido y preparacin para obtener tu certificacin!Preguntas basadas en idioma inglesEnglish ExplanationThe AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam is somewhat challenging but don't worry! We are here to support you in this great day. AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner is constantly among the highest paid and most sought after IT certifications in the world of work considering that Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the leading cloud services platform in the world. world with almost 50% market share.Our test exams ensure at least 75% success in the real exam.The number of questions on each topic is carefully selected based on the 5 domains of the actual AWS certification exam.This Exam Test will undoubtedly give you solid knowledge and preparation to obtain your certification!Questions in English format"
Price: 345.00 ![]() |
"Build a Culturally Competent Organization--Part One" |
"The first course in this curriculum allows an organization and its constituents to attain foundational knowledge on belonging and cultural competence. This knowledge is not only useful for the organization, but also equips individuals with the skills to navigate their personal journeys relating to belonging and cultural competence. Without a strong foundational knowledge, there will be a lack of understanding and purpose behind the programming and practices that are instituted by an organization. This lack of understanding may lead individuals within an organization to feel confused and defensive about different initiatives. Moreover, apathy and disengagement could result when individuals lack the knowledge to connect the dots between organizational actions and the purpose and beliefs behind those actions. The resultant cognitive dissonance will lead to an uphill battle as institutions try and build a culturally competent organization."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Crear una aplicacin en Android sin cdigo" |
"Aprende a crear aplicaciones mviles sin saber nada de programacin. En este curso podrs organizar los datos en hojas de calculo en Google Drive como BackEnd y con la plataform NOCODE Adalo crearas todo el fluyo de tu aplicacin mvil.Aprenderas:Exportar datos Crear tu app sin codigoCrear botones en la appCrear tu cuenta de desarrolladorCrear tu APP en Google PlayGenerar APKPublicar tu APP"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Everything about Hofmann Bromamide Reaction" |
"In this course I am offering you details of Hofmann Bromamide reaction which is also called as Hofmann degradation Reaction. In this course I have taken everything related to this including 21 concept building question which gives all types of permutation and combination related to topic. Here I have given 1. General Concept of Hofmann Bromamide reaction2. Mechanism3. Factors affecting its reactivity4. Stereochemistry involved in it5. Intramolecular nature of reaction6. Twenty one best Questions which explains everything about it."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Trade com Metatrader 5 App" |
"Tenha toda mobilidade para realizar seus trades na palma da mo com uma das MELHORES e mais ESTVEIS plataformas de negociao utilizadas mundialmente.Curso passo-a-passo de como utilizar o Metatrader 5, verso mobile (app do celular) a partir do ZERO!Neste curso irs aprender como baixar a plataforma, configurar contas, trabalhar no ambiente dos grficos, colocar ordens e muito mais.*** Aviso Legal *** (Disclaimer)Este curso refere-se exclusivamente ao aprendizado uso da plataforma (software) de negociao:- no ensina a realizar operaes visando lucros financeiros;- no recomenda operaes, investimentos;- o resultado financeiro individual de cada pessoa- os resultados podem variar de pessoa a pessoa"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Learn concepts of Soil Mechanics in most easiest way" |
"Soil Mechanics is one of the most important subject for any Civil Engineer. Keeping this in mind, the contents of the course has been designed in such a way that any student appearing whether for Semester exams or Competitive exams will be able to understand in a very easy manner. Questions ranging from beginner to expert level covering all the concepts have been included in the course."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Excel Business Intelligence : Power Query Power Pivot & DAX" |
"Dans ce cours, nous explorerons les nouveaux outils de Business Intelligence de Microsoft Excel, le tout bas sur des cas pratiques, des dmos et des slides explicatifs.Vous dcouvrirez comment grce Power Query vous pourrez trs facilement automatiser la prparation et la transformation de vos donnes et ainsi vous passer compltement du complexe langage VBA (Visual Basic pour Applications).Vronique B. : J'avais commenc me former de manire autonome en fouillant le Web alors plusieurs concepts de la formation m'taient familiers. Cependant, suivre la formation m'a permis de comprendre pleins d'lments et a m'a permis de remettre les concepts dans un ordre logique. J'ai vraiment apprci suivre la formation. Elle est bien structure et l'on s'attarde ce qui est utile. Bravo!Clmence L. : Le cours est trs clair et rgulirement mis jour. Le professeur trs disponible et a rpondu trs vite mes interrogations. Le fait que les chapitres soient courts permet un visionnage (et apprentissage) entre deux dossiers :)Tala N. : Ce cours est parfaitement ralis et permet de s'initier rapidement Power Query et Power Pivot. De plus, les nombreux exemples et de manire gnrale la qualit des livrables rendent le cours pertinent et trs agrable suivre. Je recommande vivement cette formation !Nous apprendrons comment importer et transformer des donnes dans l'diteur de requte Power Query (successeur du VBA).Nous introduirons des concepts cls de la Modlisation de Donnes comme la distinction entre une table de fait et une table de dimension ou encore la diffrence entre une cl primaire et une cl trangre.Puis nous enrichirons notre modle de donnes l'aide de Colonnes Calcules et Mesures crer grce au puissant langage DAX (Data Analysis Expression).Enfin, nous conduirons des analyses multidimensionnelles dans des Tableaux Croiss Dynamiques (TCD) ""POWER"". C'est dire,qui reposent au dessus d'un modle de donnes contrairement au TCD classiques qui reposent sur des tables individuelles."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"How to interview customers and find unique insights quickly!" |
"His ability to discover latent consumer needs and understanding of market trends was truly remarkable. - Jeff C, Founding Partner, Limestone Capital AGOver the years I've worked for some of the worlds most know brands and startups, helping them ""know their customer"" in ways that can help them build better products and increase brand loyalty. Brands include, NASA, Virgin, Disney, Takeda, Sanofi, ING, American Express, etc. And to do that you need a method that is simple, flexible and robust.Knowing the WHY behind user behaviour is vital for Growth Hacking and the GRAMS method helped us get there quickly.Barry W Digital Marketing Consultant and Growth HackerDo you want to know how to do it?By investing 1hr of your time in this easy to learn method, you will:Know what 2 questions to ask clients, customers and users to really understand what is driving them to use or leave your service.Be able to see your users in 3D, not just WHAT they do but WHY they do it.Uncover insights that traditional methods such as focus groups and surveys rarely uncover.Save time and money in your research phases.Leave your customers grateful for taking up their time and not the other way around.Increase your confidence and skillset, separating you and your company from the pack.Discover what are the 4 ingredients behind every consumer experience.A revolutionary tool in modern service design for eliciting insights, is now my default method when performing contextual inquiries or decoding. - David G, Digital Lead, ElectroluxAre you 100% satisfied with your research abilities right now?Do you really believe that you understand your customers better than your competitors do?GRAMS a structured and rapid way of decoding user interviews has become the de facto standard within our office."" - Simon K, Senior Strategist, DMIThe CourseYour teacher is Gary van Broekhoven, an award winning designer, consumer psychologist, innovation coach and university lecturer.He has worked on over 200+ projects in his career spanning a wide range of sectors from toys, gambling, industrial machinery, finance, health and fast fashion. Gary has worked for several well known innovation agencies and taught this method at several universities. This technique has been considered by many clients, agencies and students as being a game changer for them and their projects and is becoming ingrained into different brands, making it a must have for any person in any client or customer facing role.If you want to improve and see results immediately then invest in yourself and take the course.(I have minimised the super technical and boring parts of research to keep the course short, sweet and as close to reality as possible).FREE downloadable template that you can use with every customer or client interaction.Automatic Money Back Guarantee, no questions asked, (you keep the template)The course remains available for you at all times so you can come back and refresh if you ever need to.The contents of the course are copyright 2020 Gary van Broekhoven / GRAMSmethodTM"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Hola, bienvenido al curso de Importaciones de China y EE.UU, aqu aprendars a importar por menor y mayor todo tipo de productos, como zapatillas, ropa, accesorios y tecnologa. Aprenders a importar directo de fabrica, usando tu smartphone y desde casa. Las ganancias que obtendrs por producto importado es del %100 al %300 de ganancia."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"How to Make Passive Income with Product Design Online" |
"Hi, I'm Fariss. I am a professional audio/ visual designer and illustrator and I have been working in this field for over 5 years.In this class I will take you through my process for product design on for merchant vendor stores online and give an example.I will give you my quick tips and tricks on how to craft your designs and generate the file types that you need for free.After that I will teach you how to upload your design to the product on Zazzle.With this class it's easy to keep your design costs low and simply start learning product design.At the end of this class you will have an entry level understanding of how to design for products, how to design or illustrate for free, and how upload your work to an online store.This class is perfect for beginner illustrators or graphic designers who want to branch out in their design work. I'll see you in class!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Ethereum and Solidity Smart Contracts Course" |
"Welcome to this course: The Ultimate Ethereum and Solidity Smart Contracts Course. Ethereum and Blockchain will change the way software is built for business transactions. Most industries have been looking to leverage these new technologies to gain efficiencies and create new business models and opportunities. Ethereum is a public, blockchain-based distributed computing platform featuring smart contract functionality. This course is your one-stop guide to blockchain and Ethereum smart contract development. Solidity is a contract-oriented language whose syntax is highly influenced by JavaScript, and is designed to compile code for the Ethereum Virtual Machine. This course will be your guide to understanding Solidity programming to build smart contracts for Ethereum and blockchain from ground-up."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Lgs Matematik renimi" |
"Bu kursta ortaokul(,6,7,8 snf dzeylerinde) yeni nesil konu anlatm ve yeni nesil sorular kolaydan zora ilkesiyle aklayarak zmn gerekletireceim. Videolar birden izleyerek bitirmek yerine, nemli yerlerde durdurup notlarnz almay unutmayn ve sorular anlamak iin nce zm iin aba harcayn, sonra zmne bakn. Pratik yollar zmleri ve anlatmlar anahtar kelimeleri karmayn not aln ve panolarnza asn."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"20 awesomely different ways to play a tune on your harmonica" |
"Have you ever played a tune a couple of times and thought - hmm, what next? How can I make this interesting?Me too. Let me imagine you have to play a tune 20 times - can you make it different every time? And I'm not talking about improvising - that would also make it different.No, just the melody without embellishments.So here's how we will do it.Chordal playingSingle notes puckered in the middle octave using second positionSingle notes puckered in the low octave using second positionSingle notes puckered in the top octave using second positionPlaying in first position in the middle octavePlaying in first position in the low octavePlaying in first position in the top octavePlaying in fourth position in the middle octavePlaying in fourth position in the other octavesPlaying in twelfth position in the low octaveUsing tongue block (TB) single notes in different octavesUsing TB with rhythm and TB to the left in different octavesUsing TB with rhythm and TB to the right in different octavesSonnyboy Williamson 'pull slap' style in different octavesYikes - how many's that?Using the 'mandolin flutter' in different octavesUsing a 'bagpipe drone' - playing one note constantly whilst playing the tunePlaying octavesPlaying split 3s in different octavesPlaying it with a bluesey, gospel styleYou could add other positions but let's stop there!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Formao gil: Fundamentos de Scrum" |
"Basta aplicar Scrum para que os times se tornem geis?Scrum uma metodologia de gerenciamento de projetos com diviso do cronograma em sprints?O Scrum Master como um gerente de projetos no Scrum?Muito se fala sobre agilidade, muitas pessoas j atuam como Scrum Master ou Product Owner. E muitos cometem erros bsicos e fundamentais nesses papis. Conhea quais so esses erros e como o Scrum realmente funciona.Com mais de 6 anos de experiencia em ambientes onde se utiliza agile eu consegui errar e acertar inmeras vezes. A quantidade suficiente para aprender e estar apto a compartilhar algumas prticas fundamentais que trazem benefcios essenciais aos times de desenvolvimento.Te convido a aprender como o Scrum funciona. Utilizando exemplos prticos do dia a dia vamos conhecer o framework mais utilizado pelas empresas na atualidade.Agile e as Metodologias tradicionaisDefinio e Conceitos do ScrumTeoria e Valores do ScrumO Product OwnerO Time de DesenvolvimentoO Scrum MasterA relao do Scrum Master com: o PO, Time e para a OrganizaoO que uma SprintProduct BacklogSprint BacklogEventos do ScrumSprint PlanningSprint Planning: O que no deve acontecer na PlanningDaily ScrumSprint ReviewSprint RetrospectiveBom treinamento!Cover photo by You X Ventures on Unsplash"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Revit MEP - Instalaciones de Plomera" |
"En este curso veremos al detalle como crear modelos BIM de la disciplina de tuberas y plomera utilizando las herramientas de que nos brinda el software Revit de Autodesk. Nos concentraremos en como configurar adecuadamente nuestros proyectos para trabajar con instalaciones de plomera. Y lo haremos tomando en cuenta el trabajo colaborativo necesario para proyectos multi-disciplinarios. Aprenders a modelar, disear y reportar modelos de instalaciones sanitarias bajo el ambiente BIM"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"7 effektive Strategien zum Glck" |
"Das Leben mit all seinen neuen Facetten droht uns immer wieder zu berfordern. Der Tag msste viel lnger sein. Wir rennen Dingen hinterher, ohne die wir glauben, nicht glcklich sein zu knnen und erreichen wir sie, merken wir, dass wir nicht glcklicher sind. Und suchen uns die nchste Aufgabe. Dieser Kurs zeigt Auswege aus diesem frustrierenden Hamsterrad und Wege hin zu einem dauerhaft glcklichen Leben. Denn wer Strategien kennt, um aus sich selbst heraus glcklich zu werden, findet auch in Krisenzeiten und in Zeiten der berforderung Mglichkeiten, aus dem Dilemma auszusteigen. Diesen Kurs haben die erfahrenen Online Mentalcoaches auf der Basis von vielen tausenden durchgefhrten Onlinekursen und Onlinesitzungen erstellt. Dieser Kurs stellt in mehrfacher Hinsicht eine Premiere dar, da das Team zum ersten Mal seine eigene Plattform verlsst und auf Udemy einen in 8 Lektionen unterteilten Videokurs einstellt. Neben dem Besuch von diversen Seminaren aus ganz verschiedenen Bereichen zeichnet sich das junge Team vor allem durch Technikaffinitt und Spa am Coachen aus. Die Anstze, die wir in diesem komplett auf Deutsch gehaltenen Videokurs vermitteln, sind bewusst einfach und alltagstauglich gehalten. Wer nach diesem Kurs Lust bekommen hat, in ein einzelnes Team tiefer einzusteigen, dem knnen wir schon heute, im September 2014, sagen, dass wir weitere Kurse in der Planung haben und demnchst auf dieser Plattform verffentlichen werden. Doch auch fr diejenigen, die das eine oder andere Thema direkt vertiefen wollen, gibt es eine Lsung: Sowohl Julia Nastasi als auch Alexander Nastasi haben mehrere Bcher zum Selbstcoaching geschrieben, die u.a. beim grten Buchversand der Welt zu finden und zu bestellen sind."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Day Trading Bootcamp For Traders & Investors (NEW 2020)" |
"Attention Traders, Investors & Stock Market Lovers!Finally You'll Discover All Secret Day Trading Hacks to Boost Your Trading Profits In Just a Matter of Weeks. Get Results or Your Money Back!The Day Trading Bootcamp Course is designed to provide you with fool-proof methods and practical strategies that you need to start playing and winning on Wall Street.In this course, you'll learn how to build a rock solid technical analysis foundation so that you can kick off your day trading career as easy as ABC and start making a good daily return from your investments.You'll also master how to read the markets with confidence and ease using our proven and easy-to-follow chart pattern and candlestick tactics.What you're going to learn in this course can be used for trading securities in any freely traded markets around the world. These include stocks, options, forex, cryptocurrencies, ETFs, and even bonds.In this course, you will learn...All Secret Day Trading Hacks, Advanced Candlestick and Chart Pattern Strategies With Real World Examples!How to Build a Solid Strong Technical Analysis Foundation For Day TradingHow to Use Advanced Day Trading Strategies to Trade ProfitablyHow to Pick The Right Stocks to TradeSupport & Resistance Trading StrategiesVolume Trading StrategiesTrend Trading StrategiesReversal Trading StrategiesRisk & Money Management StrategiesHow to Use Advanced Candlestick Strategies For Day TradingDoji Trading StrategiesMarubozu Trading StrategiesEngulfing Trading StrategiesHarami Trading StrategiesHammer and Hanging Man Trading StrategiesInverted Hammer and Shooting Star Trading StrategiesMorning and Evening Star Trading StrategiesThree White Soldiers and Three Black Crows Trading StrategiesHow to Use Advanced Chart Pattern Strategies For Day TradingWedges and Triangles Trading StrategiesFlags and Penants Trading StrategiesCup and Handle Trading StrategiesHead and Shoulders Trading StrategiesDouble Tops and Bottoms Trading StrategiesRounding Tops and Bottoms Trading StrategiesRectangle Tops and Bottoms Trading StrategiesDead Cat Bounce Trading StrategiesAnd a lot more...What is more?You will get a lifetime access to this course, without any limits!The course will keep updating frequently with more up-to-date learning resources.Get dedicated support from the course Instructors and the learning community anytime you need!You will also get a 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, so don't hesitate to give yourself a chance to learn new things by just taking this course now!So let me ask you this... Will your investment portfolio grow much faster in the next 12 months after having this day trading system...Do you have some money to invest?Are you reasonably intelligent?Does your family need extra care or support?Are you willing to learn a new skill that guarantees you a second income for the rest of your life?Would you like to work less and make more?I will assume your answers are the same as mine...Then You Have 2 Clear Choices1. Keep doing things the way you have been and remain frustrated, lose money and simply get use to your average life...or2. Enroll in The Day Trading Bootcamp Course and become a pro day trader, start making a good living trading from home, and never worry about money ever again.Now You Have a Big Chance to Upgrade Your Day Trading SkillsListen, if you dont get how important mastering these day trading strategies is then dont enroll in this program.Keep shlepping away in the same manner you have been, maybe youll get a different result :)In that case, you're going to wake up 6 months from now, with everything still very much the same as it is today - don't know how to trade, have no clue about what's going on with your money, stress, feel frustrated you know how it goes.Is that you want for yourself?No. I don't want that for you either which is why I want you to do something right now. Sign up for this course, learn all the profitable day trading hacks, and start trading from home today.Simply click the Enroll Now button to get started now!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Chrome DevTools Introduction 2020 Web Developers Guide" |
"Learn how use Chrome DevTools improve on Debugging, Customize look and feel and learn some shortcuts for Web development.BONUS - Free eBook PDF guide for lessons2 Web scavenger hunt lesson challengesExercise in each lesson to practice and challenge your skillsPerfect course to explore more about what Chrome DevTools has to offer and how you can use devTools for development.Chrome DevTools is a set of web developer tools built directly into the Google Chrome browser. DevTools Help you edit pages on-the-fly Diagnose problems quicklyTest and try codeWrite code snippetsInspect CodeCheck responsiveness DevTools ultimately helps you build better websites, faster. Most browsers have their own version of devtools.Course coversOpen DevToolsElement PanelWhere to compute and get box model detailsusing the Console and JavaScript codingSnippets of code running and saved in the consoleAccess local filesystem with DevTOolsNetwork for file load times and debuggingApplication tab for session and local storage valuesAudit Panel and how to get website improvement reportShortcuts and getting more help with DevToolsTaught by an instructor with over 20 years of web development experience ready to help you learn about DevToolsChrome DevToolsChrome DevTools is a set of web developer tools built directly into the Google Chrome browser. DevTools can help you edit pages on-the-fly and diagnose problems quickly, which ultimately helps you build better websites, faster.Open DevToolsThere are many ways to open DevTools, because different users want quick access to different parts of the DevTools UI.When you want to work with the DOM or CSS, right-click an element on the page and select Inspect to jump into the Elements panel. Or press Command+Option+C (Mac) or Control+Shift+C (Windows, Linux, Chrome OS).When you want to see logged messages or run JavaScript, press Command+Option+J (Mac) or Control+Shift+J (Windows, Linux, Chrome OS) to jump straight into the Console panel."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Python for Spatial Data Analysis with Earth Engine and QGIS" |
"Do you want to access satellite sensors using Earth Engine Python API?Do you want to learn the QGIS Earth Engine plugin?Do you want to visualize and analyze satellite data in Python?Enroll in my new course to Python for Spatial Data Analysis with Earth Engine and QGIS.I will provide you with hands-on training with example data, sample scripts, and real-world applications. By taking this course, you be able to install QGIS and Earth Engine plugin. Then, you will have access to satellite data using the Python API.What makes me qualified to teach you?I am Dr. Alemayehu Midekisa, PhD. I am a geospatial data scientist, instructor and author. I have over 15 plus years of experience in processing and analyzing real big Earth observation data from various sources including Landsat, MODIS, Sentinel-2, SRTM and other remote sensing products. I am also the recipient of one the prestigious NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship. I teach over 10,000 students on Udemy.In this Python for Spatial Data Analysis with Earth Engine and QGIS course, I will help you get up and running on the Earth Engine Python API and QGIS. By the end of this course, you will have access to all example script and data such that you will be able to accessing, downloading, visualizing big data, and extracting information.In this course we will cover the following topics:Introduction to Earth Engine Python API Install the QGIS Earth Engine PluginLoad Landsat Satellite DataCloud Masking AlgorithmCalculate NDVIAccess Sentinel, Landsat, MODIS, CHIRPS, and VIIRS dataExport images and videosProcess image collectionsCART classificationClustering analysisLinear regressionGlobal Land Cover Products (NLCD, and MODIS Land Cover)One of the common problems with learning image processing is the high cost of software. In this course, I entirely use the Google Earth Engine Python API and QGIS open source tools. All sample data and script will be provided to you as an added bonus throughout the course.Jump in right now to enroll. To get started click the enroll button.Best,Dr. Alemayehu Midekisa"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |