Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Gesto Esportiva - A profissionalizao do esporte no Brasil" |
"O Brasil passa sobre uma profunda transformao no modelo de gesto esportiva, em busca do profissionalismo e transparncia.O Flamengo uma boa demonstrao desta mudana. Participei do processo e ganhei um depoimento no meu site, do presidente Bandeira de Mello (*), sob cuja administrao se iniciou a mudana.O COB - Comit Olmpico Brasileiro tem vrias iniciativas neste sentido para as entidades que promovem e administram o esporte olmpico no Brasil.A CBF, por orientao da FIFA, lanou recentemente o novo Caderno de Licena de Clubes, que obriga, de forma gradativa, os clubes buscarem um novo modelo de gesto profissional e transparente.E est tramitando no congresso nacional, neste final de 2019/incio de 2020, o projeto de lei do Deputado Federal Pedro Paulo, que estimula a transformao das associaes desportivas sem fins lucrativos (clubes) e associaes com fins lucrativos (clube - empresa).Ou seja, um mundo de oportunidades se avizinha, para aqueles que querem trabalhar com o esporte.O curso mostrar o papel do profissional de marketing atuando nas entidades esportivas (atletas, clubes, federaes, confederaes) responsvel pelo desenvolvimento de produtos e servios para captao de recursos financeiros e materiais que possibilitem a auto sustentao da entidade.Voc conhecer a interao com os departamentos de comunicao e vendas dentro do departamento de negcios e com as atividades fins tratadas como clientes internos.O curso ter uma abordagem eminentemente prtica.""O Areias, que coordenou minha eleio em 2012, foi um dos inspiradores do novo modelo de gesto do Flamengo, com base no profissionalismo e transparncia, como ele recuperou o seu livro Uma Bela Jogada lanada em 2007.""EDUARDO BANDEIRA DE MELLOPresidente do CR Flamengo (2013-2018)_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Mtodo de ensinoO mtodo desenvolvido por um dos precursores do marketing esportivo no Brasil, proporcionar ao aluno, desde o primeiro momento, uma viso ampla do ambiente esportivo. Graas a orientao predominantemente prtica, o aluno passa a ter mais facilidade de aprendizado atravs dos exemplos vividos por JH Areias e sua equipe ao longo dos mais de 20 anos de experincia.""Nos anos 90, convidei o Joo Henrique para trabalhar comigo e ser meu scio na Pel Sports e Marketing, no Rio de Janeiro. Reformulamos a estratgia de explorao da imagem do Pel e fizemos um belo projeto de administrao dos jogos do Santos e Flamengo na Supercopa, entre outros projetos"" - EDSON ARANTES DO NASCIMENTO ""PEL""""Areias sempre lutou pela modernizao da gesto do futebol nacional. Teve participao decisiva no evento mais bem sucedido j organizado no pas e ficou na vanguarda da luta pelo estabelecimento do brasileiro por pontos corretos. - JUCA KFOURI - Jornalista esportivoBiblioteca virtualAo participar dessa srie de cursos, voc tambm receber os ebooks Uma Bela Jogada e Marketing no Pas do futebol (livros editados e esgotados de Joo Henrique Areias), e acesso a mais de 10 ebooks sobre diversos temas na rea e apostila do curso.Joo Henrique Areias uma das grandes feras que conheo no marketing esportivo. No poderia ser outro a tentar desvendar e resumir esta atividade no Brasil. - ARTHUR ANTUNES COIMBRA ""ZICO""Siga-nos tambm nas redes sociais para conhecer mais detalhes dos nossos cursos:Instagram: @jhareiasTwitter: @jhareiasFacebook : gestaoemarketingesportivoYoutube: jhareiasDestaque na mdia- Ex-dirigente do Flamengo aponta caminhos para Corinthians se livrar das dvidasEstado 23 de dezembro 2019- Entenda qual o impacto do coronavrus no esporte no Brasil e no mundoSuno Notcias 22 de maro 2020- Presidentes amigos e dirigentes de estatal fizeram Bota e Fla dividirem teto em 2005 Globo Esporte 23 de agosto 2018"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"RoboAuthor: Content Writing Automation 2020 - Part 2" |
"Welcome to this superb course that will walk you through the future of content creation. Taking a leap from RoboAuthor Part 1, this Part 2 course taught by Digital Marketing Legend Srinidhi Ranganathan and MasterMind Saranya Srinidhi will continue your adventure in content writing to open a new door of opportunities that is incredibly futuristic. It is undoubtedly one of the most challenging tasks to create content for your digital marketing campaigns. It needs a thorough understanding of the subject, the complexities of business and a taste. Above all, you must be imaginative enough to provide the material that suits the target group. What's more? There is a lot of demand for content. The content marketing industry is growing exponentially in 2020. US advertisers have invested more than 10 billion dollars on advertising this year and professionals in content marketing always strive to increase their marketing dollar's ROI. The conventional content marketing methods were always more repetitive and replicated, and the potential for development in ROI content marketing tends to be very small. Nevertheless, B2B businesses have deprived themselves of the advent of automation and artificial intelligence content marketing systems. Therefore, it's time for us to take charge and enlighten the power of content creation with artificial intelligence to the public. It's time for us to change the way of how people look at content writing and the only solution to create enriching content extremely fast and easy, lies in the power of Artificial Intelligence.The rapid growth of content marketing systems driven by AI would shift the digital marketing game. The collaboration of machine learning and customer data will not only encourage a greater degree for advertisers but will also maximize their return on investment. A content generation will greatly benefit from AI innovations as a key component of digital marketing strategies and you are in the right path. With this course RoboAuthor, we will train you on how to automate writing blog articles, essays here with newly launched Artificial Intelligence tools of 2020 and you'll love it to the core as this is very much a different and innovative course in the market. We will also cover augmented writing tools a new technology unheard of that can aid in your content writing endeavours. The future of content writing and automation is here.Let's explore the magic of the unique content that is weaved and written automatically through bots yet again in Part 2.A special note to learners.RoboAuthor part 1 course is mandatory to be opted for to join this course. First, enrol in part 1 course of RoboAuthor and then join part 2 to avoid any kind of confusion and to stay in the loop of the technology trends in content creation. Part 2 course RoboAuthor is a direct sequel to part 1 course.Another Special Note: Several artificial intelligence tools are taught in the course. Some tools may be free and some may be paid. You can leverage any tool here to suit the standard requirement that you may have.Enrol now and let's starting booming the writing magic with this part 2 RoboAuthor artificial intelligence course."
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
amour_intelligence_emotionnelle |
"1- : 2- : 3- : 4- 6 : 5- 6 : 6- : 6/10 7- :"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Mercado Bovespa para Iniciantes" |
"Esse curso tem 4 mdulos e mais de 30 aulas curtas para voc fixar e iniciar seus passos dentro desse universo vasto que o de investir seu prprio dinheiro. Faa todas as aulas com um caderno de anotao para fixar as mesmas e se preparar para se tornar o Trader de Sucesso."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Como Utilizar o ROB TDS no MERCADO FOREX" |
"Entenda como funciona a Inteligencia Artificial dentro do mercado financeiro. Os robs so programa que j contem uma estratgia onde a plataforma de negociao executa tudo de forma automatizada, quando voc instala todo o sistema em um computador na nuvem vai reparar que voc nunca mais precisar ajustar mais nada no seu sistema, pois ele far o seu trabalho sozinho."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Complete Video Production, Marketing, & YouTube Mastery 2021" |
"Become a professional filmmaker, upgrade your lifestyle, travel the world, and tap into the fastest growing, most profitable media income stream around with this POWERFUL Step-By-Step Mastery Guide to Video Production and Video Marketing... Just one well-made video could turnaround your business, bringing you a slew of new customers, boosting your sales, social media followers and sign ups, and helping you hit those all-important first page spots on Google and YouTube...Dear Students,Hi, it's Ing. Tomas Moravek, Award Winning Digital Strategist, and Chaply RZBLZ, Movie Industry Pro here, presenting our exciting new Udemy collaboration, Total Video Production and Marketing MASTERY 2021.Video is the world's most popular content medium, and is shared 1200% more on social media than any other type of content. YouTube reports that mobile video consumption is rising at least 100%, every year, and by 2021, it's estimated nearly 80% of ALL content shared will be video.We're passionate about the power of video, and because we know this is such an important content medium, that's only going to become even more critical to your marketing success in the future, we wanted to combine our shared knowledge to bring you this comprehensive course.One, well-produced video can HAVE SERIOUS IMPACT, bringing a big boost to your sales, netting you new clients and followers, and enabling you to SHOOT UP SEARCH ENGINE RANKINGS. Having video content increases your chance of gaining a front-page Google result by 53 times, and including video on a landing page can increase your conversions by 80%!Knowing how to create video with impact, is an essential skill to possess if you want to maximise your marketing in today's competitive, visually orientated climate. 91% of video marketers now consider video as an essential part of their marketing strategy.Not only this, but as most people don't know how to shoot and market video content the right way, if you do, you'll have the edge on ALL your competitors. You'll enjoy a constant stream of sales and sign ups, and will be highly in demand, both as a video marketer, and as a video producer, due to the expert knowledge you'll possess.This all-in-one course is the only one you'll EVER need if you want to learn the ins and outs of Video production and Video marketing. Constantly updated, with the very latest cutting edge techniques, it will QUICKLY take you from a complete novice to a video production and marketing MASTER.This is EXCLUSIVE, HIGH-LEVEL CONTENT with input from industry pro Chaply RZBLZ, who has created ads for Pepsi, Nike, Adidas, Red Bull and many other household names. You'll learn EVERYTHING YOU NEED to know to shoot all types of professional looking video, then you'll discover how to get the most out of your new skill with powerful marketing strategies brought to you by Internet Efficiency Award 2016 Winner, Ing. Tomas Moravek.Use the valuable knowledge you'll gain when you sign up to this course to benefit your own brand, or TURBOCHARGE your marketing efforts. Also, if you want to diversify, you'll be in a great position to switch careers and earn a profitable stream of income working as a professional video content producer for brands around the globe.BOOST ENGAGEMENT and attract more sign ups, and sales with the power of video, as research has demonstrated people spend on average 2.6x more time on pages with video, than ones without.GAIN MORE FOLLOWERS, by adding video to your social feeds, which make audiences 10x more likely to engage and share your posts.SELL MORE - FASTER - using the power of video, as 79% of consumers have stated they prefer to view a product video than read boring text on a webpage.Mastering the art of video production and marketing will give you a powerful way to tap into an almost UNLIMITED INCOME STREAM, that's only set to grow for the foreseeable future.Our easy-to-follow walkthrough guides, high quality video explainers, To-Do Lists, worksheets, primers, tool, and tips, will enable you to swiftly upskill so you can PRODUCE IMPACTFUL DIGITAL VIDEO CONTENT, then market it effectively.This course has everything you need to become proficient as a professional video content creator, including: Comprehensive guide to Video production, including the art of creating VIDEO WITH THE POWER TO GO VIRAL The 6 Steps to SHOOTING PRO QUALITY CINEMATIC VIDEO MASTER EDITING TECHNIQUES using industry favourite software, Adobe Premier Pro How to EARN MONEY AS A FREELANCE VIDEO CREATOR, travelling the world, being creative, and doing what you love Creating jaw-dropping video footage from the air, using drones Using SEO TO MASSIVELY INCREASE VIDEO VIEWS AND SHARES The art of PRO VIDEO PRODUCTION for clubs, bars, events, and brands Using DJI OSMO and RODE Microphone for crystal-clear, pro-level sound Shooting stunning travel videos that enable you to earn while you EXPERIENCE A JET SETTING LIFESTYLE Video creation guides for Facebook YouTube, and Instagram - including crucial information on the 3 new Facebook metrics used to rank your content MASTER MARKETING TECHNIQUES for Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and more that are used by the pros There's so much more, plus a raft of extra bonus guides, tools, tips, and insider secrets!This is a truly value packed course with TESTED, PROVEN TECHNIQUES that have been successfully employed by professionals already working in the industry, such as course co-author Chaply RZBLZ. When you sign up, we guarantee you'll find every penny of your enrollment fee has been well spent.Why waste your money on courses that charge more but fall woefully short of setting you up for success, when this course covers ALL YOU NEED TO THRIVE in this competitive market sector?You will need to put in a little effort, but we promise, if you follow our advice, and strategies, YOU WILL SOON SEE RESULTS.Who is this course aimed at?Do you already create video content but want to make what you produce even better?Maybe you need help marketing your content but are confused as to what Video SEO, YouTube Optimisation, Video Creation, & Video Marketing strategies actually work?Would you like to ALWAYS KNOW WHAT MARKETING ACTIONS WILL BE PROFITABLE when it comes to your Video SEO, YouTube, & Facebook Ads?Do you want to shoot the type of viral video content that will GET SHARED AND RETWEETED BY MILLIONS?Are you're a complete novice and just don't know where to begin with Video SEO, Facebook Ads, Messenger Ads, Instagram Ads, Video Marketing, Video Creation & YouTube SEO, or Video SEO?If the answer to any of the above is yes, you will find this course will be of great benefit, as it will give you all the resources and knowledge you will EVER need...What can you do with the knowledge gained in this course?With the highly in demand skills you'll possess once you've completed this course, you'll have a wealth of options at your fingertips. You can use your new-found knowledge toGain a new job, a better job, or that promotion, and BOOST YOUR MARKETING CAREER - did you know 84% of marketers rank video creation skills as vitally important when hiring for a new marketing position?SUPERBOOST YOUR OWN BUSINESS MARKETING - massively increase your sales, sign ups, likes, shares and click-throughs, using the power of video content. With 70% of marketers stating that video is the most effective medium for driving sales / leads, and with video content consistently retweeted 6 times more than photos are, today you need to master the art of video creation if you want to ENJOY OPTIMUM CONVERSIONS.WORK AS A SUCCESSFUL FREELANCE VIDEOGRAPHER AND MARKETER - Have fun, earn great money, and travel the world enjoying new experiences and beautiful locations!EARN PASSIVE INCOME FROM CLICK THROUGHS - Monetize your most viewed videos on sites like YouTube and gain a profitable second income stream.FOCUS ON A NICHE AND SPECIALISE - Find your style and shoot the type of video you enjoy, so you can earn money doing what you love.So, what will you learn? This in-depth course has been created to take complete novices and turn them into masters of the art of video production and marketing. It will help you learn to shoot and market pro quality video - for any type of site, and for any sort of business. You'll learn video marketing and production tips for Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Messenger Ads, and YouTube that BOOST YOUR CONVERSION RATES, and you'll obtain powerful Video SEO strategies that will get your business FOUND. You'll BECOME AN EXPERT CONTENT CREATOR with the power to persuade and you'll discover how to create the type of magnetic and VIRAL YOUTUBE AND FACEBOOK ADS video content that gets everyone talking. You'll discover the different types of video ads you can use to BOOST YOUR ENGAGEMENT ON FACEBOOK, including powerful InStream Ads, Messenger Video Ads, Playable Preview Ads, and Product Collection Ads. You'll learn EFFECTIVE VIDEO CREATION TECHNIQUES using DRONE TECHNOLOGY, that can be used easily, and without much technical skill or competence. We'll teach you everything you need to know to use DJI Drones so you can SHOOT STUNNING VIDEOS FROM THE SKY. You'll also discover how to ACHIEVE MARKETING SUCCESS for all your videos on Facebook, as we go in depth to layout the 3 new key metrics, Facebook has deployed... You'll find out why on Facebook your content will now be judged on...1) Quality ranking - how good your content is...2) Engagement rate ranking - how many people view it or share it...3) Conversion rate ranking - how well you are performing compared to your competitors......Then you'll learn what you can do about it to OPTIMISE YOUR CONTENT and smartly target and retarget for ULTIMATE MARKETING SUCCESS. You'll learn how to use DJI Osmo and RODE microphone correctly, so you can keep your videos looking smooth and stable, and your sound ultra-clear. You'll learn the ESSENTIAL EDITING TECHNIQUES needed to polish up your productions to pro level, with top-ranking software Adobe Premier Pro. Plus, we'll give you BONUS royalty free music & LUTS that you can use to enhance your creations. You'll learn how to optimise your Video SEO and effectively MARKET YOUR VIDEOS FOR MAXIMUM ENGAGEMENT. You'll find out how to use the Facebook Video Toolkit to easily and QUICKLY create dynamic videos just from pictures.When you sign up, you'll learn how to create Facebook Video View Ads, Facebook Messenger Ads with Video, and Facebook Traffic Ads with Video, with real impact, that will GENERATE MAXIMUM SHARES, likes, and click throughs.You'll learn Facebook Business Manager, Facebook Ads Best Practices, and Facebook targeting and retargeting, so you can successfully market your content and get the most mileage out of every video you shoot.In this course you'll gain access to EXCLUSIVE CONTENT YOU CANNOT GET ANYWHERE ELSE, and will learn techniques that will TURBO-CHARGE YOUR VIRAL VIDEO CONTENT MAKING SKILLS this 2021.Wait, there's even more! Not only will you get all our expert Video Production & Video MARKETING knowledge, you'll also receive a handy guide on how to travel around the world as Professional Filmmaker! Find out: How to reach out to potential clients and set up and plan a shoot with them. How to get your very first video clients, easily and fast. How to shoot pro level cinematic style footage that will ensure you are never out of work What niche best fits your travelling needs. The different styles of video you can shoot, and the most popular video styles for each market sector. What you need to be focusing on, if you dream of working in an exotic location like Bali as a professional filmmaker.And much more, including tips, trick, and techniques from movie industry insiders, all waiting for you as soon as you sign up!Understand the power of persuasion...and sell, more, FASTEROn top of all this, we also lay out the psychology of success, and will outline why understanding the customer journey is crucial to your marketing.Find out why customers need to know and trust you first before they will convert, then learn how to get seen and build trust and rapport easily, with the content you post.Learn the psychology of persuasion and discover why it's so important to prime the ground first for successful selling.We'll take you through the 3 stages of customer decision process, explaining the why, and how, so you'll know how to raise their awareness, gain their consideration, then convert them easily, and FAST.There's just so much in this in-depth and complete course that we're truly excited to share with you, and we can't wait to welcome you on board so you can benefit from the wealth of knowledge we've put together for you.Get started right away and tap in to the power of video today...Why just sit and let your life pass you by, not achieving your goals, when you can take the first step and upskill yourself, for a small, one-time investment?Open up your opportunities, boost your power as a marketer, or diversify into a whole new, and highly IN-DEMAND career by signing up today, to MASTER THE ART OF VIDEO PRODUCTION AND MARKETING.Update your skillset with the latest video production and editing techniques so you can STAY RELEVANT AS VIDEO DOMINATES THE CONTENT GAME. As soon as you enrol, you'll have immediate access to all the learning resources detailed here and more, so you can get a piece of the fastest growing content medium and GAIN THE EDGE OVER ALL YOUR COMPETITORS.Get the knowledge you need to unlock digital profits and tap into new income streams. Upgrade your quality of life, travel around the world as a professional Filmmaker and finally AFFORD THE LIFESTYLE YOU WANT.With Lifetime access and updates, and a 30-DAY MONEY-BACK REFUND GUARANTEED, theres NOTHING TO LOSE and UNLIMITED PROFIT to unlock.We've put so much into this course and can't wait to share it with you as we know the information and resources contained inside are truly life-changing.We hope to welcome you on board as our newest student,Ing. Tomas Moravek"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Give Your Lifestyle a Makeover" |
"This course will change the perception you have about your lifestyle! The perception you have about your lifestyle is about the way you live your life. It is also the way in which others see your lifestyle through their own lens. It is why others perceive your lifestyle to be simple or extravagant. And this perception of your lifestyle is responsible for the way you live your life!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"QR From Scratch: Learn The Basics" |
"You want to learn about QR? This is the first time you have learnt about QR and do not feel you have too much experience. Then this course is going to be great for you as an introduction! Itis ok if you have no experience whatsoever, this course does help you out even if you are new with QR."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"YAML It!: A Course For YAML Wannabes" |
"Is this your first time learning about YAML? Do you want to get even more knowledge about? Then this is the course for you! ven if you have no experience whatsoever with the topic, you will have a good knowledge as for introduction to it. Do not waste the time, it is a good moment to learn, time to do it! YAML IT ON!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"VMware Vsphere 6.7 Workshop install, configure and admin" |
"HelloIn this workshop you will learn how to install vsphere 6.7 and Vcenter VCSA.We will cover all what you need to manage and learn all about vpshere 6.7 and VCSAWe will cover the Network, Storage, virtual machine creation.We will create a cluster and configure HA, DRSWe will install Vmware Update Managerand also :Manage virtual machines, templates, clones, and snapshotsCreate, clone, and export a vAppDescribe and use the content libraryMigrate virtual machines with VMware vSphere vMotionUse VMware vSphere Storage vMotion to migrate virtual machine storageMonitor resource usage and manage resource poolsUse esxtop to identify and solve performance issuesDiscuss the VMware vSphere High Availability cluster architectureConfigure vSphere HAManage vSphere HA and VMware vSphere Fault ToleranceUse VMware vSphere Distributed Resource Scheduler clusters to improve host scalabilityUse VMware vSphere Update Manager to apply patches and perform basic troubleshooting of ESXi hosts, virtual machines, and vCenter Server operationsUse Powershell and More from Fabrice :)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Life Coaching Masterclass Certificate - Novice To Expert" |
"Welcome to the Life Coaching Masterclass Certificate - Novice To Expert. In this course, you will be exploring numerous interesting topics that can take you from where you are to where you want to be. You will understand your brain from a different perspective that will help you achieve success as a life coach. The topics to cover would include:1) In This Course, You Will Get To Learn Life Coaching From A-Z2) Understand How To Become A Learning Machine Through Effective Speed Reading And Learning Concepts That You Will Learn And Apply3) Become A Master Of Productivity And Time Management Through The 20+ Productivity Formulas Included In The Course4) Access A Deep Level Of Intelligence And Creativity Through Proper Brainstorming Tactics, Mind Mapping Training, And 15+ Applicable Formulas You Can Use5) Explore The True Power And Potential Of Your Brain Through The Concepts Of Neuroplasticity And Neuro-Linguistic Programming6) Gain The Ability To Rewire Your Brain And Take Control Of Your Thoughts, Habits, Feelings And Emotions7) You Will Dive Deep Into The World Of Well-Being And Emotional Intelligence Where You Will Learn 26+ Formulas For Stability, Control And Emotional Intelligence8) Become A Master Of Your Habits By Understanding, Controlling And Changing Habits The Way You Want To9) You Will LEARN, UNDERSTAND And APPLY The 9 Neuroplasticity Principle Pinnacles For Effective Brain Wiring Get Ready To Learn MORE THAN 50 Cognitive Systems That Will Help You Rewire Your Brain, Generate More Neurons And Neural Structures And Ensure An Optimal Neurological Health For Future Neural Structural Wiring.10) Understand Your Memories And Their Subliminal Effect On Your Daily Life - Learn How To Control, Erase And Control Bad Memories11) Learn How To Control, Change Or Eliminate Your Habits, Conscious And Subconscious Behaviors, And Effectively Implement New Habit Systems In Your Daily Life12) Finally, Learn How To Use The Power Of Marketing To Grow A Life Coaching Business OnlineEnjoy!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Opsiyonlar - 1 Orta Vade lemler in 6 Opsiyon Stratejisi" |
"Merhaba , Barselona Swing Stratejisinde Hedefimiz : ""NASIL ykseli ve dlerden maksimum kar salanr? HEM DE yanl ynde olmadan ! ""Bu kursta 3 adet YUKARI ynl ve 3 adet AAI ynl strateji adm adm tekniimiz sayesinde tm teknikleri hemen bugn kullanmaya balayabileceksiniz.Barselona Swing Stratejisi toplamda 9 blmden oluuyor :Blm 1. RSI ( Relative Strenght Index ) Nedir ?Swing(orta vade) ilemi yapanlar iin doru RSI ayar nedir ?Blm 2. Bollinger Band indikatr Nedir ?Bollinger Bands in doru kullanm ekli nasl ?Blm 3. Stochastic Fast indikatr nedir ?Orta vadede ilem yapanlar iin ar alm ve ar satm noktalar neler ?Blm 4. Long Call Stratejisi Nedir ?Bu strateji iin doru vadeli opsiyon serisi hangisi ?Doru opsiyon ile ilem yapmak iin doru DELTA ka?FB rnek lemiBlm 5. Bull Call StratejisiHangi artlarda kullanlmal ? Doru ayarlar neler ? AMZN rnek ilemiBlm 6. Bear Call StratejisiZaman Etkisinden (Time Decay) maksimum avantaj nasl salanr ?Pozisyon al iin doru DELTA ne?Opsiyon serisi iin doru vade nedir?TSLA rnek lemiBlm 7. Long Put StratejisiDoru Delta ile riski drmek. 419 Geriye dnk test sonras en iyi fiyat/kazan oranl DELTA nedir?AAPL rnek ilemiBlm 8. Bear Put StratejisiStratejinin avantajlar ve dez avantajlar neler ? Doru ayarlar ile ilem amak.NFLX rnek ilemiBlm 9. Bull Put StratejisiTheta etkisinden max. Kazan salamak Credit spreadler iin en iyi vade aral nedir ?SPY rnek ilemi"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Dvelopper en Local avec Microsoft SharePoint" |
"Les grandes avances de la technologie nous font parfois oublier le fait quil existe de nombreux avantages dvelopper en local. Quelques-uns de ces avantages peuvent tre :la non dpendance la puissance ou mme la prsence de connexion internet;la rduction du nombre de mesures prendre pour scuriser ses environnements;la proximit de lenvironnement de dveloppement;la possibilit de le faire sur son propre poste ou dans son environnement propre, sans devoir passer par des intermdiaires;et ainsi de suite.Ces avantages peuvent aussi tre exploits dans le cadre dun dveloppement orient vers SharePoint. Cela peut tre utile dans le cas o on estun tudiant;un professionnel dsirant se familiariser certains concepts;un exprimentateur farouche, dsirant tester des approches que les environnements de production ne lui permettraient peut-tre pas;Etc.Et la particularit de cette dmarche, cest quil est possible de mettre en place un tel environnement de manire gratuite!Pr-requisPour parvenir nos fins, nous aurons besoin de :un poste de travail disposant du systme dexploitation Microsoft Windows 7 64bits (oui, le support est termin. Mais pour un environnement de test, cela ne devrait pas tre critique). Ce poste de travail doit satisfaire aux conditions matrielles minimales ncessaires, savoirCPU : 64bits, 4+ cursRAM : 4+ GoHDD : 80+ Goprivilges dadministration sur le poste de travail cibl. En dautres termes, il faudrait que vous soyez capables dinstaller des applications sur votre poste de travailune connexion Internet stableun esprit de recherche (car certaines ressources sur Internet risquent ncessiter ces talents)un peu de patiencebeaucoup de curiosit.Oui, il est vrai quenous sommes dj en 2020+;ce tutoriel recommande dutiliser Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 et Microsoft Windows 7, deux produits qui ont marqu leur temps et que lon serait tent doublier.Cependant, il ne faudrait pas ngliger le fait queau sein de plusieurs entreprises, cest encore Windows 7 ou SharePoint 2010 qui sont en place;les fonctionnalits et les concepts de base entre SharePoint 2010 et SharePoint Online (et tous ceux qui sont entre eux) sont les mmesen dployant votre laboratoire sur un ordinateur personnel, vous navez pas besoin dacqurir des licences serveursvous pouvez effectuer vos dveloppements sans avoir dpendre dun Administrateur pour vous accorder des accs ou des privilges quelconquescest entirement gratuit, en considrant que vous avez dj un ordinateur tournant sur Windows 7.Au final, construire votre laboratoire ne devrait vous coter que quelques minutes de votre tempsBonnes expriences!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Spatial Data Visualization and Machine Learning in Python" |
"Welcome to the 'Spatial Data Visualization and Machine Learning in Python' course.In this course we will be building a spatial data analytics dashboard using bokeh and python.Bokeh is a very powerful data visualization library that is used for building a wide rangeof interactive plots and dashboards using the python programming language. It also converts python code into html and JavaScript code, which allows plots to be hosted on servers and displayed in web browsers.We be building a predictive model that we will use to do a further analysis, on our data and plot it's forecast results alongside the dataset that we will be focusing on.We will be visualizing our data in a variety of bokeh charts, which we will explore in depth. Once we understand each plot in depth, we will be equipped with the knowledge to build a dashboard that we will use to analyze our data.And once we have built our dashboard, we will then create a lightweight server that we will use to serve our dashboard and make it accessible via a URL.You will learn how to visualize spatial data in maps and chartsYou will learn data analysis using jupyter notebookYou will learn how to manipulate, clean and transform dataYou will learn how to use the Bokeh libraryYou will learn machine learning with geospatial dataYou will learn basic geo mappingYou will learn how to create dashboards"
Price: 600.00 ![]() |
"Coaching De Relacionamento - seja feliz definitivamente" |
"Este foi criado com o objetivo de ajudar o mximo de pessoas possvel que j sofreram ou ainda sofrem em seus relacionamentos. Infelizmente no ns ensinado na escola como escolher o parceiro ou parceira ideal, que vai casar com nossa personalidade e temperamento e vai nos equilibrar nos pontos fracos e aumentar a performance nos pontos fortes. O curso com com aulas simples e objetivas com ferramentas interativas o resultado acontece na hora, incrvel como a ficha cai e comea a entender as decises que tomou e porqu tomou. Num mar onde voc capito do seu barco, no tem como impedir as ondas e o ventos, podemos sim, usar estes recursos para navegar e chegar nos melhores mares, tudo que precisa das ferramentas certas como uma bssola, um mapa, e a ajustar o leme, este curso a ferramenta que precisa para ser plenamente feliz e realizada nos seus relacionamentos."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"AZ-500: Microsoft Azure Security Technologies : Latest Tests" |
"Welcome to Exam AZ-500: Microsoft Azure Security Technologies : Latest TestsMicrosoft Azure certifications are one of the most in-demand in the industry today.Microsoft Azure is a cloud platform that provides infrastructure, managed services, and anything else you might need for your business applications.Microsoft Azure security engineers who implement security controls, maintain the security posture, manage identity and access, and protect data, applications, and networks. Candidates identify and remediate vulnerabilities by using a variety of security tools, implement threat protection, and respond to security incident escalations.This practice test will help you prepare for the real Microsoft official exam test environment. Microsoft AZ-500 Certification Exam improve the following skills questions:Manage identity and access Implement platform protection Manage security operations Secure data and applications This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Microsoft in any way.Best of luck !"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
Knitting |
"Develop your skills by making actual knitted items, designed to be flexible and newbie friendly.Learn the 4 most common, patterned stitches and how to invent your own.Master techniques like increasing and decreasing through course, designed exclusively for this course.Delight your friends and family with 7 personalized, handmade knits.Understand how to read knitting patterns and even create your own patterned charts.This Knitting course the continental knitting style, which is considered a faster and more accurate way of knitting by many who have tried it. It is especially easy for people who crochet, since we use the left hand to deliver the yarn. We cover short tail cast on, knitting and purling continental style, as well as several cast-off options. Students will explore many tips and tricks to keep the practice fun and are inspired to create their own style and designs. Materials Needed: US size 8 knitting needles, 2 skeins Karabella 8 worsted weight yarn in Cabernet (or color of your choice); 1 skein Karabella 8 worsted weight yarn in Lavender (or color of your choice), 1 skein Karabella 8 worsted weight yarn in Camel (or color of your choice), 1 skein Karabella 8 worsted weight yarn in Denim (or color of your choice), yarn needle."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso completo Bolsa desde Cero. Aprende Trading Profesional" |
"Este es un curso completo sobre bolsa, en el que se ensea de forma sencilla todos los conceptos que necesitas para dominar en poco tiempo el apasionante mundo de las inversiones. Aprenders desde lo ms bsico, a lo ms avanzado. Este curso est orientado tanto a personas que se quieren iniciar en los mercados financieros, como inversionistas con ms experiencia. Creme que cualquier persona puede ejercer esta actividad sin necesidad de tener estudios o conocimientos avanzados sobre bolsa.Este curso online consta de 22 vdeos, y est disponible las 24 horas para que el alumno pueda acceder en el momento que desee y aprender as a su ritmo, sin horarios.""Aprende a operar con xito como un profesional en los mercados de Forex, Indices, Criptomonedas, Acciones, Commodities, etc..""DESCRIPCIN DEL CURSO DE TRADINGEste curso se divide en 3 partes.La primera parte, el alumno construir una base de conocimientos sobre el mundo de la bolsa, que le servir para conocer los diferentes mercados financieros que existen, como se negocian, y cules de ellos son los ms seguros.En la segunda parte de este curso, conocer y aprender a utilizar las herramientas necesarias para realizar el anlisis tcnico de cualquier tipo de mercado.En la tercera parte, obtendr una estrategia completa, basada en seales de entrada y salida de toma de operaciones, adems de una adecuada gestin de riesgo y del capital, que harn al alumno as desarrollar las habilidades necesarias para generar consistentemente dinero en los mercados.Este curso es una gua completa para conocer en profundidad los mercados financieros. Aprenders en muy poco tiempo a generar ganancias da a da."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Ubiquiti Unifi Network" |
"Seja bem-vindo!Este curso foi preparado para voc entusiasta de tecnologia que deseja aprender um pouco mais sobre a ferramenta Unifi.No decorrer deste curso sero apresentadas vrias possibilidades de uso dos equipamentos.Com aulas de fcil compreenso e possibilitando acompanhamento em todas as etapas do curso, elaborei todas as aulas com cuidado e zelo para que se torne uma explicao fcil para todos aqueles que esto em busca dos primeiros contatos com o mundo de possibilidades que a Unifi proporciona."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Trackers, ETFs - LA mthode pour triompher de la bourse" |
".:. Trackers/ETFs pour les nuls ou l'investissement passif en bourse .:.Vous tes dbutant ? Vous n'y connaissez rien la bourse ? Vous avez pourtant toujours voulu y investir et gagner de l'argent ? Alors cette formation est faite pour vous :-) Avec seulement 10% de thorie et 90% de pratique, on va droit au but, pas de bla-bla ni de terme technique.Investir et gagner de l'argent en Bourse, oui mais comment ? Il existe diffrentes mthodes : L'analyse des tats financiers >>> Bon courage bien que Warren Buffett l'ai fait,L'analyse technique des graphiques, des chandeliers,... >>> Trs chronophage et juste pour faire un coup de temps en temps,Les Trackers/ETFs >>> 5 minutes par mois pour un rsultat maximum sur le long terme :-)Vous choisissez laquelle ?Personnellement j'ai choisi la 3me (Les Trackers/ETFs), a fonctionne et je vous explique dans cette formation pourquoi mais surtout comment mettre en place ce type d'investissement pas pas :-)Pffff, je n'y connais rien, ce n'est pas fait pour moi ni pour mon portefeuille et je n'ai pas le temps d'y consacrer du temps !Cette mthode est destine aux dbutants et est la porte de tous. Elle ne vous prendra pas plus de 5 minutes par mois.Impossible ? Suivez cette formation et vous en serez convaincu.Que vous ayez dans votre portefeuille 10, 100, 1000 ou encore 100000, cette formation est faite pour vous.De plus, vous serez guid, pas pas, tout au long de la formation et vous saurez investir seul la fin de votre apprentissage.Il n'appartient qu' vous de vous lancer :-)J.D."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"UX Design - Wireframing with Balsamiq" |
"UX Design - Wireframing with BalsamiqIn this user experience course, I give you an introduction into the wire framing software Balsamiq. Balsamiq is an excellent UI/UX software for beginners. Its great because despite your level of experience, ANYONE can learn it in minutes. This is an important skill for a number of reasons. Even if you aren't looking for a user design role, this can help you if you are manager and better understanding these principles, to then help you better communicate with designers and programmers.What are the requirements?You will need to access the Balsamiq software. You can access a free trial by clicking HERENo previous UI/UX design experience is needed.No previous wireframe experience is needed.Who is the target audience?This user experience course is for beginnersPeople interested in learning more about wireframes and user design (UI/UX)What will you learn in this course? How to access Balsamiq software and sign up for a free trial How to create several examples of mockups with the Balsamiq softwareHow to change the colors of certain features And much more! Thanks so much for checking out the course and we look forward to seeing you inside! "
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Body Language Tricks to Boost Audience Engagement" |
"You've researched your niche, you know you have a great topic, and your outline is ready to go but when you watch your videos back you just aren't happy. You know your stuff, but it just isn't coming across in your videos. Or maybe you haven't got to recording yet and you just want to make your videos the absolutely best they can be from the start!If you are excited about creating good quality videos that bring your audience back again and again then you need to consider body language. Just like in real life situations, body language impacts on your viewers' engagement with you. And we all know that viewer engagement impacts directly on your profits. This course shows you how to make videos that create impact with your target audience. Where else can you improve your videos without spending a cent on expensive equipment?This course guides you through what body language is and how you can use it to boost viewer engagement (and it doesn't matter what or even if you are selling!). It walks you through step by step how to change your mindset so your body language matches with what you are communicating. It demonstrates how to portray the interest you have in your viewer, as well as improve your voice tone and camera positioning to clearly show your confidence and authority.By the end of the course your body language on camera will have improved and you will be able to produce great videos, and critique your existing videos to find areas for improvement."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Inkscape tutorial : Create your own designs for free" |
"Welcome to my inkscape tutorial! Are you a creative person?Would you like to be able to create digital designs?Are you creating your website, blog , or presentations and would like to create nice illustrations to support your material?If you answered yes to any of those questions this course is for you. This course is for any absolute design beginner interested in creating their own design using vector art. In this course you will learn all fundamental tools and concepts that you need to start creating illustration. Although it is not a complete course where you learn every possible form of design, it will give you a very solid base to start, and gain the confidence and excitement to move to more advanced concepts.The reason I created this course is that when I start learning design, I felt it was a really wide topic. Most of the tutorials I found will teach you so much theory and all possible tools in different applications so there is so much to learn that it is easy to get discouraged. After 4 years going from one tutorial to another, I realised just using the basic tools, you can actually achieve really nice results, so why not teaching that first?What will you learn?Install inkscape(free)Create regular and custom shapesOrganise your illustration in layersOverview of design principles and colour theoryPractice: Create simple illustrationsUsing bezier curves and pencil toolUsing gradients and filtersPractice: Create two illustrations from zeroHow to sell your illustrationsWhy is this course different?Relevant: I will teach what you need to get started really quicklyPractical: Examples to gain confidenceMonetise: I will show you how you can sell your illustrationsI hope you are excited about starting your Vector Design journey with Inkscape, and I am looking forward to seeing you in the course!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Aprende de cero MongoDB - MongoDB Atlas - MongoDB Compass" |
"En este curso aprenderemos que es una base de datos No-SQL y las diferencias que tenemos con una base de datos SQL.Trabajaremos con MongoCompass, Robo 3T como interfaz grfica de mongoDB y MongoDB Atlas como proveedor que nos ofrece servicios de mongoDBAprenderemos el CRUD (Crear, Leer, Actualizar y Eliminar informacin), conoceremos los operadores lgicos y de comparacin.Crear ndices, vistas, funciones, agregaciones, etc."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Kalite Maliyetleri ve yiletirme Yaklam Eitimi" |
" Mteri memnuniyeti konusunda kalite en nemli unsurlarmzdan birisidir. Kalite rnn deil mterinin geri gelmesidir. Kalite kavramn irketler iin deerlendirdiimizde ise kalitenin ne kadar maliyet ile saland ksm n plana kmaktadr. letmeler iin kalite maliyetleri olduka nemli bir maliyet kalemidir, bu maliyetlerin kalite seviyemizi drmeden azaltlmas gerekir. Bu eitimde konu balklarmz bunlarda ilgili olacaktr. Bu eitimin amac, irketlerde kaliteyi salamak iin harcadmz maliyetlerin neler olduunu, bunlarn hangi snflara ayrldn, bu snflarn kalite maliyetleri kavram ierisindeki yerlerinin neler olduu ve irketlerin kalite maliyetlerini azaltma yaklamnn nasl olmas gerektii konularn katlmclara aktarmaktr.Bu eitimin kapsam; Kalitenin ne olduunu tanmlamak ve buna paralel kalite maliyetlerini tarifleyerek bu tarifin snflara ayrlmas ve snflandrlan kalite maliyetlerine yaklammzn nasl olmas gerektii ve son olarak kalite maliyetleri drme almas balattmzda izlememiz gereken yaklam ne ekilde olmal gibi konular eklindedir."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA E2C JK0-018 Security + Certified Practice Exam" |
"230 UNIQUE practice questions for CompTIA E2C JK0-018 Security + Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CompTIA E2C JK0-018 Security + Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 230Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :140 minsPassing Score : 75 (172 of 230)"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"250-254 Administration Symantec Cluster Server 6.1 UNIX Exam" |
"276 UNIQUE practice questions for 250-254 Administration Symantec Cluster Server 6.1 UNIX ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 250-254 Administration Symantec Cluster Server 6.1 UNIX ExamTotal Questions : 276Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :170 minsPassing Score : 75 (207 of 276)"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Logo Design in 2020 from Sketch to Vector in Illustrator" |
"In the course, I reveal the whole professional logo design process from start to finish. transforming everything from sketch to vector. You'll also learn tips and tricks that will save you a lot of time and effort.All that's required to start is a free download of Adobe Illustrator. From here we're going to go on a journey to design professional logos."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Ingls - Mtodo Extraordinrio Rumo FLUNCIA" |
"Todas as vdeo-aulas tm facilidades para assistir e realizar os exerccios. Solicito que tenham em mos material escrevente para, no final, verificar o seu aprendizado.Este curso possui:a) Curso Bsico A1b) Curso Bsico A2c) Como dizer tudo em Inglsd) Gramtica Inglesa TOTALMENTE comentada (200 aulas)e) Curso Pr-intermedirio B1f) Curso Pr-intermedirio B1+g) Curso Intermedirio B2h) Curso Avanado C1 i) udios variados com textos em Ingls-PortugusEu desejo todo o SUCESSO nesta nova caminhada."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Practice Exam for Google Cloud Certified" |
"To get certified in Google Cloud, pass the practice exam so that you can be prepared for certification exam and become Official Google Cloud Platform Associate (GCP). There is currently one associate-level certification: Associate Cloud Engineer. This is intended for people who handle the day-to-day maintenance of existing Google Cloud Platform implementations. The exam tests your ability to deploy applications, monitor operations, and maintain GCP projects. One of the biggest reasons organizations choose Google Cloud Platform is for its robust data services, such as BigQuery, Cloud Dataflow, and Cloud AI Platform. While a Cloud Architect knows how to use these services at a high level, a Data Engineer has a much more in-depth understanding of how to design, build, maintain, and troubleshoot data processing systems. For example, a Data Engineer needs to have experience with cutting-edge concepts like neural networks and streaming analytics."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Vmware vSphere 6.7 (2V0-01.19) Exam : Latest Practice Exams" |
"Vmware vSphere 6.7 (2V0-01.19) Exam : Latest Practice ExamsThe candidate should possess typical vSphere skills, including deploying and configuring vSphere storage, networking, and compute resources as well as creating and administering vSphere virtual machines. Candidates should also be knowledgeable in optimizing, securing, and performing basic troubleshooting for all components of an installation.I have prepared this practice test course for all those candidates who are planning of taking Vmware exam in near future."" This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Vmware in any way.""Exam Topics covered as per syllabus Vmware vSphere 6.7 (2V0-01.19) Exam Certification skill questions :install and Configure vCenter Server 6.x and ESXi 6.x HostsConfigure and Manage vSphere 6.x Networking Configure and Manage vSphere 6.x StorageDeploy and Administer Virtual Machines and vAppsEstablish and Maintain Availability and Resource Management FeaturesPerform Basic Troubleshooting of a vSphere 6.x Implementation Perform Basic Monitoring of vSphere Implementation"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |