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"Neuromarketing na Prtica" |
"Para empreender de verdade e obter grandes resultados na rea de marketing, necessrio entender principalmente o comportamento humano e a jornada de deciso do consumidor. Com a Formao Neuromarketing na Prtica, voc obter tecnologia para impulsionar o crescimento dos seus negcios, por meio do Neuromarketing e da Neurocincia aplicada de forma prtica para lhe orientar em como voc poder aumentar seus resultados.O objetivo da Formao Neuromarketing na Prtica, fornecer um programa definitivo para aumentar os resultado baseado em empreendedorismo, cincia comportamental, vendas e tecnologia para gerar crescimento acelerado, robusto e sustentvel dos negcios.POR QUE ENTENDER OS PADRES DE PENSAMENTO, EMOES E COMPORTAMENTOS HUMANOS?Porque o negcio do futuro no baseado no produto, nem no consumidor, mas sim no ser humano. O seu consumidor no uma central lgica de decises, ele humano e humanos possuem estratgias mentais, hbitos e comportamentos, e a maioria das nossas decises esto ligadas as nossas emoes, memrias, crenas, valores e identidade. Nesta Era Exponencial, quem quiser ter sucesso em qualquer negcio e empreender com resultados e grande impacto, precisa entender principalmente sobre o comportamento humano, sobre as novas estratgias e ferramentas de marketing e vendas desta nova era.A Formao Neuromarketing na Prtica utiliza os insights da neurocincia e os estudos sobre a mente na identificao do comportamento humano, desvendando as reais necessidades do consumidor, pois existem tcnicas, processos e hacks que so capazes de impulsionar o crescimento dos negcios. A formao conta ainda com diversos recursos exclusivos, alm de acompanhamento e mentoria.Importante: O diferencial desta formao que alm da tecnologia de vanguarda, todo o contedo apresentado filmado e fruto de mais de duas dcadas de atendimentos a pessoas e empresas, e aplicado em sala de aula com a pessoas reais na soluo de problemas tambm reais, e com resultados reais, objetivando alavancar suas vidas e carreiras. No se trata apenas de teorias que no resistem a realidade das dificuldades dos contextos profissional ou pessoal, mas de tcnicas que voc ver em tempo real se mostrando efetivas em resolver bloqueios e limitaes, e aumentar rapidamente os resultados nas mais diversas reas da vida das pessoas que ali esto."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing: Buffer Overflow" |
"Welcome to our Course "" Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing: Buffer Overflow""This course will take you on a journey of learning and understanding the system fundamentals and deep dive in debugging to understand how CPU use registers with the memory also how the buffer overflow vulnerability occurs.Once you are able to understand how hackers think, you will be able to use your new skills to continue your learning in ethical hacking and penetration testing.We have designed this course to enable those aspiring to enter the information security field. This course is perfect for anybody who is passionate about developing their skills in the field of Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing and Information Security. No prior training is required to take this course as we will start with the basics. We welcome anyone with a thirst for learning.Together, we will walk you through the entire learning process step by step.With this course you'll get 24/7 support, so if you have any questions you can post them in the Q&A section or send us a message and we'll respond to you"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Ethical Hacking, Pen Testing : System Security" |
"Welcome to our Course ""The Complete Ethical Hacking, Pen Testing : System Security""This course will take you on a journey of learning and understanding the system fundamentals and deep dive in debugging in order to understand how CPU use registers with the memory also how the buffer overflow vulnerability occurs & how to Exploit it. then learn what malware is, how to create backdoor with NCAT and how you can get control over a system.Once you are able to understand how hackers think, you will be able to use your new skills to continue your learning in ethical hacking and penetration testing.We have designed this course to enable those aspiring to enter the information security field. This course is perfect for anybody who is passionate about developing their skills in the field of Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing, Cyber Security and Information Security. Also perfect for Anyone Planning to be Ethical Hacker, Penetration Tester, Reverse Engineer, Malware Analyst, Security consultants, etc.No prior training is required to take this course as we will start with the basics. We welcome anyone with a thirst for learning.Together, we will walk you through the entire learning process step by step.With this course you'll get 24/7 support, so if you have any questions you can post them in the Q&A section or send us a message and we'll respond to you."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"CodeIgniter Framework PHP: Domine essa ferramenta" |
"Curso introdutrio ao framework PHP CodeIgniter 3. Aprenda a criar aplicaes web com a facilidade que um framework de rpido aprendizado permite.O que iremos construir?1. Sistema de cadastro e login de usurios, com edio de perfil e lbum de imagens.2. Painel administrativo de acesso restrito, para controle dos usurios.O que o aluno ir aprender no curso?O que um framework e como utilizar o Codeigniter 3;O que a estrutura MVC;Como criar um painel admin com Codeigniter;Como criar um sistema de cadastro e edio de usurios (CRUD), realizando a validao dos campos preenchidos, utilizando o Codeigniter (com e sem AJAX).Como criar um sistema de login com session e cookies, com Codeigniter;Como criar um lbum de fotos com upload mltiplo de imagens/arquivos;Integrao com banco de dados MySQL;Trabalhar com Helpers e Libraries do Codeigniter;Exportar tabelas de banco de dados em formato de planilha;Pr-requisitos: No pr-requisito, mas facilita o entendimento do curso, conhecer o bsico de:HTMLCSSJAVASCRIPT/JQUERYPHPMYSQL"
Price: 369.99 ![]() |
"Tapas de Autor Espaolas (Cocina)" |
"Con este curso quiero inspirar a los amantes de la cocina. En l podemos encontrar variedad de tapas, donde aprenders a cocinar recetas ricas, fciles y que resultar a la vez muy entretenido. Vamos a aprender a cocinarlas, degustarlos y divertirnos. Vamos a ello!!!!Espero que disfruten y aprendan mucho del curso.GRACIAS"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Amazon Kindle Masterclass - eBooks erfolgreich auf Amazon" |
"Hey, schn dass du da bist.Herzlich Willkommen zum groen Amazon Kindle Videokurs. Mein Name ist Markus und ich bin in diesem Kurs dein Coach.Ich bin 26 Jahre alt und verdiene mein Geld passiv im Internet. Insbesondere auch mit Amazon Kindle. Doch das war nicht immer so.Ich machte eine Lehre zum Medientechnologen Druck die ich erfolgreich abschloss. Vor dieser Lehre arbeitete ich fr viele Zeitarbeitsfirmen. Ich merkte noch whrend meiner Ausbildung, dass ich nicht der Typ bin der gerne fr andere Arbeitet. Ich wollte meine Zeit frei einteilen und fing an, mich fr Business Modelle zu interessieren, mit denen man passiv Geld verdienen kann.Ich probierte viele Businessmodelle aus, Dropshipping, Affiliate Marketing und eben auch Amazon Kindle. Doch bleiben wir einmal beim Amazon Kindle Business. Ich fing einfach an ein Buch ber Rezepte zu schreiben. Das erschien mir als einfach. Also suchte ich mir Rezepte aus dem Internet und schrieb diese in ein Word Dokument. Fr mein Empfinden war das ein Wahnsinns Buch. Ich erstellte ein Cover und lud es auf Amazon Kindle hoch. Jetzt rollt der Rubel dachte ich!Wie man sich doch tuschen kann. Ich hatte ber dieses Business ja auch absolut keine Ahnung. In einer Werbeanzeige wurde, dass immer als so einfach angepriesen. Das ist natrlich vollkommener Schwachsinn. Ja, dieses Business ist einfach. Aber wie mit jedem Business ist es auch nur dann einfach, wenn man wei wie es geht. Ich wartete also auf die ersten Verkufe, vergebens. Heute wei ich, dass ich damals komplett alles falsch gemacht habe, was man nur falsch machen kann. Ich war frustriert und war kurz davor alles aufzugeben. Doch ich dachte mir, andere schaffen es doch auch. Wieso ich nicht. Wo war mein Problem?Was mir fehlte war das Wissen. Ich fing an zu recherchieren und eignete mir Wissen an. Ich lernte auch durch Sozial Media einen Autoren kennen, der mir erlaubte ein paar Fragen zu stellen. Er erzhlte mir, dass viel mehr hinter dem Amazon Kindle Business steckt, als man denkt. Er benutzte Fachausdrcke wie BSR. Auf den BSR von anderen Bchern musst du achten. Du musst erstmal recherchieren. Du brauchst profitable Nischen. Mir war schon peinlich, dass ich fragen musste was er mit BSR meint. Falls du das auch nicht weit, das ist der Bestseller Rang. Jedes eBook hat einen.Dieser Autor half mir sehr mein Business in die richtigen Wege zu leiten. Natrlich hat er das nicht gratis gemacht, niemand verrt einem kostenlos, wie man sich ein Business aufbaut. Doch diese Investition hat sich gelohnt. Er coachte mich und zeigt mir, wie ich erfolgreich meine eBooks auf Amazon Kindle verkaufen kann.Ich hatte meine Probleme berwunden und nun kann ich sagen, dass das Amazon Kindle ein sehr einfaches Business ist, das man selbst mit wenig Zeitaufwand und kosten betreiben kann.In meinem Kurs lernst du das komplette Wissen, dass du bentigst, damit du dein eigenes Amazon Kindle Business erfolgreich aufbauen und fhren kannst.Worauf wartest du noch? Starte jetzt, und wir sehen uns in meinem Kurs!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"VMware 6.5 - Data Center Virtualization Delta Practice Test" |
"This practice test is designed to help you evaluate if you are ready to successfully complete the VMware Certified Professional 6.5 - Data Center Virtualization Delta Certification exam.The Delta exam is for current VCP6-DCV Certification holders who want to upgrade to 6.5 Version. The exam for new candidates (2V0-622) and the Delta exam for current VCP6-DCV holders (2V0-622D) may have similar details and objectives, but they are two different exams.Scenario based exam questions for VMware Certified Professional 6.5 Data Center Virtualization Delta (2V0-622D) Certification,Online practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts.Exam Questions similar to VMware Certified Professional 6.5 Data Center Virtualization Delta (2V0-622D) Certification.After taking the practice test you can at-least get 70 to 80% on the actual VMware Certified Professional 6.5 Data Center Virtualization Delta (2V0-622D) Certification.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject.Lessons and TopicsThe VMware Data Center Virtualization (6.5) Exam (2V0-622D) tests candidates on their skills and abilities to install, configure, and manage vCenter Server, ESXi hosts, and virtual machines using the appropriate VMware tools. Successful candidates demonstrate mastery of these skills and abilities.Exam Number: 2V0-622DDuration: 105 MinutesAssociated Certification: VCP6.5-DCVNumber of Questions: 70Exam Product: VMware vSphere 6.5Passing Score: 300This exam validates that you have the skills required to successfully install, deploy, scale and manage VMware vSphere 6.5 environments.Total Questions in this practice test to check your knowledge: 180"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"VMware Network Virtualization (NSX v6.2) Practice Exam(MCQ)" |
"This practice test is designed to help you evaluate if you are ready to successfully complete the VVMware Certified Professional 6 - Network Virtualization (NSX v6.2 2V0-642) Certification exam.The VMware Certified Professional 6 Network Virtualization Exam (2V0-642) tests candidates on their skills and abilities installing, configuring and administering a VMware NSX 6.2 environment. Successful candidates demonstrate mastery of these skills and abilities.Scenario based exam questions for VMware Certified Professional 6 - Network Virtualization (NSX v6.2 2V0-642) Certification,Enhance your certification score. If you're not sure whether you're ready to take any certification exam, practice tests will help you test your knowledge. If you're finding something you don't know, you can study on that area a bit more. Use the tests in practice to refine your understanding of the subject.The best part is that you can study until the test, and your score on the actual certification exam will not be negatively affected. That means you can take as many practical tests as you like, so you can practice the actual test for several days before.In this way, even when you can not figure out the questions yourself, you will test your knowledge.Even if you're working at a top company, you're going to want to keep your score on certification. Especially if you want to go for a higher level position it is important for your job search. When you're looking for new jobs, people will screen your CV with certifications a little bit.Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each subject area, ask yourself practical questions and answers, and make sure you're ready to take the certification.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam.The objective of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify risks related to the subjects of the exam and to be able to recognize them when analyzing a real practice scenario.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your test results are immediately available while you remain focused on the results of your exam. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Life Time Access to practice tests to try as many times as possible until you have mastered the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make correctionsApplicants will need to ensure that they are able to complete the full examination of the practice and pass all multiple-choice tests of a general nature.Lessons and TopicsExam Number: 2V0-642Duration: 120 MinutesAssociated Certification: VCP6.5-DCVNumber of Questions: 77Exam Product: VMware vSphere 6.5Passing Score 300 / 500This exam validates that you have the skills required to successfully install, deploy, scale and manage VMware vSphere 6.5 environments.Total Questions in this practice test to check your knowledge: 210"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Mindful Practices for Healthy Habits" |
"In this class we will employ all of our sensory perceptions to practice mindful habits. We will also use three different breathing techniques to calm down, combat stress, and gain perspective. Throughout the course you will be challenged to revisit your mindset, and refocus on that which you want for yourself."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to host a website on google cloud" |
"You will learn does domain name matter, What is server and how to install apache tomcat server, How to open port on Google Cloud, How to access apache tomcat website or webpages without using port number 8080, how to access Google Cloud hosted website using domain name, How to deploy WAR file on Google Cloud."
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
"Learn to Speak French Like a Native french for beginners" |
"This is the ultimate starting point for any beginner.Are you ready to start speaking, writing and understanding French in hours? Then, this is the right course for you.Learn French with lessons made by real Instructor.In every lesson, we take you by the hand and guide you through the language.You will...Learn How to Read and Write FrenchSound like a Native Speaker with Pronunciation LessonsLearn Basic French Conversation Skills with interesting Video SeriesSharpen Your Listening with Comprehension LessonsGet overwhelming Video LessonsAnd at the end of this complete course you will boldly say I speak FrenchBy the end, youll be able to hold basic French conversations such as introducing yourself, asking for directions and making small talk with others. Youll also know how to read and write in French.If youre a beginner and want to learn French in the fastest, easiest and most fun way, start here. This course is broken up into 15 sections"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA Security+ SY0-501 Practice Test 2020 (SET 2)" |
"The CompTIA Security+ exam will certify the successful candidate has the knowledge and skills required to install and configure systems to secure applications, networks, and devices; perform threat analysis and respond with appropriate mitigation techniques; participate in risk mitigation activities; and operate with an awareness of applicable policies, laws, and regulations. The successful candidate will perform these tasks to support the principles of confidentiality, integrity, and availability."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Premiere - Edio de videoclipe Completo" |
"Este curso trs na prtica todo processo utilizado por mim para editar um videoclipe musical. a forma como conduzo meu workflow, e posso garantir que vem dando super certo. O Premiere a ferramenta de edio mais utilizada no mundo, e nesse curso voc ir perceber que no existe dificuldade alguma para entregar um bom trabalho. Nele trago a edio do clipe da cantora Rhendra Nadyer (Quando Voc Me Provoca), que tambm dirigi e fotografei. Ento se voc est procurando por um software de edio de vdeo que permita editar vdeos da forma que desejar, o Adobe Premiere Pro a melhor resposta. O Premiere Pro usado por profissionais de todo o mundo para todos os tipos de produo, desde vdeos de negcios e marketing, videoclipes a documentrios, longas-metragens. E este curso apesar de ser dirigido pra uma edio de videoclipe, eu posso garantir que aps isso voc estar capacitado para editar qualquer outro tipo de vdeo. Aqui voc aprender os fundamentos bsicos iniciais at a finalizao, passando pelo o processo de decupagem, montagem, correo de cor e renderizao."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Ingls Profissional: Impressione nas entrevistas em Ingls" |
"Em 15 aulas voc ser capaz de dar o mximo de si desde o momento de enviar o e-mail para determinada vaga at o momento da entrevista, tudo isso em ingls. Aprenda novas formas de se apresentar por escrito e oralmente, assim como tenha acesso a dicas de como se destacar perante os outros candidatos de acordo com a cultura da lngua inglesa. No perca a oportunidade de crescer profissionalmente."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Python Skills That Can Land You Lucrative Jobs" |
"This course teaches students how to use their Python skills to leverage into the lucrative world of programming. From web scraping to data science to web development and more, the course exposes students to the different promising as well as rewarding career paths such skills can translate into. It also helps students bridge vital knowledge gaps they may have as regards the richness of such career and earning options before them."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Besser Arbeiten: Rausch und Flow" |
"In diesem Kurs erlernst Du die wissenschaftliche und philosophischen Grundlagen eines Flows. Du erfhrst von den Grundbedingungen eines kreativen Rauschzustandes, analysierst, was Dich oder Mitarbeiter mglicherweise daran hindert und erlebst durch bungen, dass es gar nicht so schwer ist in einen Flow zu geraten. Ich mchte Dich dazu ermuntern, am Arbeitsplatz und Zuhause die Bedingungen fr Flowerlebnisse zu schaffen. Kreativitt ist auch ein Akt der Selbstbestimmtheit, der Autonomie, aber auch des gemeinsamen Schaffens."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Philosophizing Abortion" |
"There are people out there on the front lines on the abortion controversy fighting a seemingly eternal conflict.In the U.S., this was the result of several Supreme Court decisions that overturned the majority of state anti-abortion laws and decreed almost complete liberty of abortion for the entire country.This supposedly final solution brought abortion laws into national politics, poisoning it efficiently. The Supreme Court is hardly any sort of ultimate lawgiver to be obeyed without question, and a lot of people dissented. Nor, in all honesty, were the judges the brightest bulbs in the country. (As part of this course, we'll of course dissect their reasoning.)The bitter and apparently fruitless quarrel between the pro-life and pro-choice factions has gone on ever since.I sympathize. But you don't want to spend your life in thrall to false ideas, even -- and especially -- if you're already leaning toward a particular view.Few things are less appealing than an idealist wholeheartedly promoting a dubious cause.Learn how to think rationally and dispassionately about this controversy.And then, with your strengthened intellectual power, crush your enemies with arguments, see them driven before you, and all that.If you are seeking to understand the major issues in the abortion debate, you've found your resource.In the fist part of the course, Sections 1-5, you'll learn:history of abortionpolitical philosophynatural lawthe 14th Amendment to U.S. Constitution that was crucial in the Supreme Court argumentsthe major U.S. abortion casesissues surrounding the problem, such as contraception and feminismThe second part, Sections 6-11, will teach you the arguments for and against the lawfulness of abortion.Our main interest will be whether to have an abortion is a natural human right, and we'll spend a lot of our time exploring this question.In every lecture, we'll seek reasons for being pro- or anti-abortion. Discover them, contemplate them deeply at pleasure, and then unleash them against any foolish enough to stand in your way."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"How to Pen Spinning for Beginner" |
"Tricks 100% Tricks Video Tricks Video Tricks Video Tricks Video Video Tricks Video Tricks Tricks Tricks 100% T T : Thumb = 1 : Index = 2 : Middle = 3 : Ring = 4 : Pinky = 2 T=>1=>2=>3=>4 23 2 3 Sonic 23-12 23 12"
Price: 600.00 ![]() |
"5S Yeri Organizasyonu Eitimi" |
"5S uygulamalar ile daha tertipli, daha dzenli ve daha temiz i alanlar oluturularak maliyetler azaltlr, verimlilik artrlr, i gvenlii ve motivasyon salanr. Yaln retim uygulamalarnn temeli olan ve iyeri organizasyonu olarak adlandrlan 5Sin hedefi, kltrel bir deiim yaratarak, iyerindeki malzeme ve bilgi aknn hzl ve doru olmasn salamaktr.Kurulularnda 5S uygulamak isteyen katlmclara, Yaln retim yaklamlarn, 5S admlarn ve 5S uygulamalarn grsel aralarla anlatmak. Ayrca seilen blgelerde pilot uygulamalar yaplarak edinilen bilgilerin pekimesini ve kalc olmasn salamak.Yaln retim uygulamalarnn temeli olan ve i yeri organizasyonu olarak adlandrlan 5S uygulamalar ile daha tertipli, daha dzenli ve daha temiz i alanlar oluturarak maliyetler azalr, verimlilik artar."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"5S Ofis Organizasyonu Eitimi" |
"5S Ofis Organizasyonu Eitimi5S, yaln retim uygulamalarnn temelini oluturur. 5S ofis organizasyonu eitimi ile daha dzenli ve daha temiz i yerlerine sahip olun ve verimliliinizi arttrn.Eitimin Hedefi5S uygulamalar ile daha tertipli, daha dzenli ve daha temiz i alanlar oluturarak maliyetler azalr, verimlilik artar, i gvenlii ve motivasyon salanr. yaln retim uygulamalarnn temeli olan ve i yeri organizasyonu olarak adlandrlan 5S'in hedefi, kltrel bir deiim yaratarak, iyerindeki malzeme ve bilgi aknn hzl ve doru olmasn salamaktr."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"ekme Sistemi ve Kanban Eitimi" |
"KANBAN ekme Sistemi, geleneksel kitle retiminden farkl olarak, retimin mteri talebi ile tetiklenmesi esasna dayanr ve Yaln Dncenin temel prensipleri arasnda yer alr.KANBAN ekme Sistemi ile, her operasyon kendisinden sonra gelen operasyonun ihtiyac olduu anda ihtiya kadar retim yapar ve bu sayede kontrolsz ara stok olumaz, fazla retiminden kaynaklanan maliyetin nne geer, planlama kolaylar ve talep deiikliklerine uyum kolaylar.Bu eitim katlmclara aadaki yetkinlikleri kazandrmay amalar; KANBAN ekme Sistemi ile ilgili tanmlar, kavramlar ve teknikleri bilmek, KANBAN hesaplamalarn yapabilmek, Kendi kurulularnda KANBAN ekme Sistemi uygulamalarn balatabilmek, Yaln uygulamalar ve iyiletirme almalarn planlayabilmek."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Organic Chemistry for Class XII" |
"This course on Organic Chemistry will help students prepare for IIT JEE and this will then be followed by test and questions. Students can go through this video which will enable them on Organic Chemistry as this is explained in a simple and efficient method. As IIT - JEE aspirants this course explains important concepts on SN1 and SN2 which is then followed by important reactions on Alcohol, Phenyl and Ether and Grignard Reaction."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Instagram Marketing: Golden strategy in just 40 minutes" |
"When I was learning Instagram Marketing I had no idea how I am going to grow my profiles. After months of experimenting I hit reach of 13 700 people with just 500 followers 2 600 people with just 100 followersOver 50% of user engage (1000 followers = 500-600 likes)I wrote whole books about this strategy, most started using it and saw awesome results. I can't promise you FAST GROWTH or something. Nobody can promise this. For example, I started gaining over 100 followers a week, which is not a lot, but I haven't gave a cent for this. BUT I promise you HUGE user reach and high user engage percents.Buy this course ONLY if you want to grow every instagram profile you TOUCH. After you've learned all these steps, you have NO chance of not growing you accounts. You will now know how to make money with just making instagram profiles.What you are going to learn?Golden strategy for organic reachHUGE percent of user engageHow ot live your dream and work from homeAll skills you need to start selling Instagram accountsAll skills you need to start making money with growing instagram accounts"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ethical Hacking Course in Telugu -" |
", , . , , . , . . & . , . , , . . , . . , .. . . , . , , , ."
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
"OKR: Metodologia e Aplicao (COMPLETO)" |
"Aprenda a metodologia de gesto e planejamento empresarial mais utilizada pelas grandes empresas de tecnologia do Vale do Silcio e do Brasil. A metodologia de OKR teve suas origens na Intel e na Google e obteve grande sucesso por conseguir criar uma cultura de alta performance focada em resultados, responsabilidade, engajamento, alinhamento e transparncia dentro dessas empresas.Rapidamente essa metodologia passou a ser adotada por outras empresas que buscavam desenvolver essa nova cultura como: Uber, Linkedin, GoPro, Nextel, OLX, Quinto Andar, Nubank, Walmart e muitas outras. O treinamento est dividido em 3 sees e 13 videoaulas: Conhecendo a MetodologiaIntroduo e Conceitos BsicosDefinindo ObjetivosDefinindo Key ResultsDefinindo IniciativasAprofundando os ConceitosKR vs KPIKR de Performance vs KR de ValorDefinio de Metas (Moonshots vs Roofshots)Clculo de Atingimento de MetasIncentivos PerversosOKR CompartilhadoOKR Estratgico vs OKR TticoImplementando a MetodologiaCiclo de OKROKR vs PLR (Bnus)Durante todo o treinamento sero utilizados exemplos e casos reais de empresas para ilustrar como a metodologia deve ser aplicada. "
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Blockchain For Beginners: Learning Blockchain Applications" |
"Welcome to this course: Blockchain For Beginners - Learning Blockchain Applications. Blockchain will change the world. Blockchain is a distributed database that enables permanent, transparent, and secure storage of data. It is a technology that powers the development of decentralized applications. This technology allows the construction of a network with no single control that enables participants to make contributions to and receive benefits from the network directly. Blockchain technology uses cryptography to keep data secure. This course will give you a thorough overview of blockchain and explain how a blockchain works. You will begin by going through various blockchain consensus mechanisms and cryptographic hash functions. As you make your way through the course, you will gain insight into this leading technology and its implementation in the real world. You will also cover the technical foundation of blockchain and understand the fundamentals of cryptography and how they keep data secure."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Emergency & Disaster Communication Course" |
"Have you ever wondered how you will be able to communicate with family and friends during an emergency or disaster? In this 50-minute course, Communications Expert and Minnesota-based Emergency Coordinator, Kevin Haney, teaches what options are available as well as a crash-course for how to use them. Learn the differences between Family Radio Service (FRS), General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS), and Amateur Radio (HAM) devices as well as the basics of how to use each one in an emergency."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Get Your Book into a Book Store" |
"Are you tired of trying to figure out how to get your book into the stores? Are you ready to take your book to the net level? Then this course is for you.This course will teach you exactly how to make your book compatible with the brick and mortar standards, where to list your book, how to reach the store's purchasing manager. All the methods that I will teach you are simple and anyone can do it.Most authors don't know about these techniques or won't tell you: How to Get Your Book into a Bookstore Discover what most authors and publishers don't want self-published authors to know. In this eCourse you'll learn how you can get your book into a bookstore without having an agent or publisher and where to list your book so that it can get noticed by retail buyers who place orders for their store.. The methods I share are tried and true. I'm going to teach you how to publish your book on the correct platform to make it compatible to the industry standards. This is a completely overlooked method, how yget your book placed on the self without the help of a large publisher. And you can learn this method in just a few basic steps.Whether you are in the publishing world, self-published, you cant go wrong with learning how to get your book in the stores. My goal is for you to learn the industry secrets for placing your book on the shelf with minimal funds and low risk.Our Approach:My teaching method can be summed up in three bullets: What Platform to Use to Publish Your Book How to Get Your Book Noticed by the Store Buyers How to make your book meet industry standardsI take a practical approach to publishing. These aren't tricks or gimmicks. They are steps based on years of experience and research how everyday people can leverage their work.Although I have a lot of knowledge, I have a simple way of breaking these methods down. So I promise, the course will surprise and motivate you.I kept this course concise, compact and actionable because you're busy and you want change NOW! I got you.These Steps of How to Get Your Book into Bookstores are simple:1. Making your book compatible to the stores2. What's required3. What platform to upload your book onto4. Where to Locate bookstore submissions5. How to Advertise Your Book to Buyers6. How to Get Paid7. How to act as a big publisher when your self-publishedI mean, come on...with titles like that how could you not take this course?How This Course Will Change Your Life:You can finally get to see your book phyically on the shelf.You can make passive income regularly.You can become more well-known as an author.Let's Banish: Literary Agents Traditional Publishers Publishing Deals with small royalities RejectionWhat is the target audience? Entrepreneurs Everyday People Business Authors Homeowners Veterans YOU!InstructorMarita KinneyAuthor and Publisher Marita Kinney is a best-selling author with over 57 books published. As a published author, life coach, motivational speaker, and entrepreneur, Marita has inspired thousands of people to overcome adversity with triumph through faith and perseverance. Capturing the true essence of what it means to turn lemons into lemonade, she has taken the harsh lessons of life and developed a plan for successfully living."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"eCommerce Copywriting for Sellers and Freelancers" |
"The single most important component of product promotion is copywriting. Sign up now and learn how to pull in more customers and boost sales through effective product listings.Ideal for online sellersIn this course, you will learn how to craft a well-written and optimized listing for your product on Amazon or any other eCommerce platform. This is crucial for your business, because an effective product listing will, sooner rather than later, find its way to the first page of search results where it can attract more sales and higher revenue for you.Ideal for freelance or professional copywritersAll great copywriters start by mastering the art of product description. This is a decades-old saying in the marketing industry that still makes the rounds today because its true. So, if becoming a great copywriter is your goal, then start here.Ideal for anyone looking to learn a new, profitable skill in 2020!The future looks bright for online shopping, and its looking bright for online work as well. Can you see yourself doing rewarding digital work as someone who enhances the online buying and selling experience of thousands of people?You will find plenty of insight and practical tips in this tutorial on how to write a product listing copy that really sells.From the Instructor:I have worked for years with several Amazon sellers as their product listing copywriting specialist. I write listings and product descriptions across different categories and several products. And even though Ive been doing it for years now, the feeling of accomplishment is still there every time I write a new listing that very soon generates purchases; or every time I take a poorly written listing and optimize it, and it eventually ranks higher than the previous listing and sells more of the product."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Audiobook Creation: Audacity Masterclass and ACX Approval" |
"What is this course about?This course is going to show you how to create fantastic sounding audiobooks using the free Audacity software. This course shows you how to build a home studio on a budget for audiobook creation, how to choose the perfect microphone suitable for your voice and your budget and also how to record audiobooks into Audacity with the perfect metering levels and then finally how to master and export your audiobook file after adding compression, EQ and breath removal effects.Who is this course for?This course is for anyone and everyone who wants to create fantastic sounding audiobooks using the free Audacity software. This is going to help you sound professional and take your audiobook sound to the next level using only the free Audacity software and nothing else.If you are trying to sound better in your audiobooks, or looking to add that extra polish in your audiobooks, this course is going to help you achieve that using the free Audacity software.You are going to learn professional editing techniques, professional punch and roll techniques, optimum use of a audacity plug-ins and mastering your file so it sounds like it's been recorded in an expensive studio and these audiobooks will also meet ACX/audible requirements.Audacity is a very simple piece of recording software but if you know what you are doing it is really possible to sound like an expensive studio using the software and in this tutorial I am going to help you achieve just that with you audiobooks.Who should not take this course?If you are looking to use the Audacity free software for recording and editing music then this course is not for you because here we are only going to be talking about how to use the free Audacity software for recording and editing audiobooks."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Christian master levil self defense" |
"This course is for the masters of self defense to join me and all of us to listen and teach each other in the comment section if you like too then join my class other levels are quite welcome to join so to get a inside ahead of what lessons masters do if you comment you must let us know what level you are at in self defense or and boxing or and any kind of art like wrestling so on or if you are a beginner so on"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |