Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Probabilidad Bsica para Principiantes" |
"Es un curso bsico asequible a todo principiante. Se presentan ejemplos de fcil comprensin los cuales van aumentando en dificultad a medida que avanza el curso. Los estudiantes participan con preguntas y sugerencias. El curso se inicia con ejemplos bsicos y el nivel de dificultad aumenta al progresar en sus lecciones. Su actualizacin es continua."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Google Analytics Individual Qualification In 3 Days" |
"This course is to help you get the GAIQ quickly. It is well known that the GAIQ test is randomly selected from the question bank, so I provide four sets of questions for the GAIQ test. All questions have correct answers and analysis.The parsing process helps you better understand why you chose this. Be sure to understand or memorize these topics.If you just want to pass GAIQ quickly, you can directly download these four sets of questions to learn. Look directly at these questions and analysis, as long as you can master these questions, you must be able to pass GAIQ.In fact, GAIQ is very simple. It takes ten minutes for my exam. You can do that too.GAIQ test rulesTime duration 90 minutesNumber of questions 70Formatmultiple choice, one out of fourPassing score 80% (56 questions)Waiting time to retake the exam 1 daysValidity of the qualification 12 monthsBe sure to understand or memorize these topics.Be sure to understand or memorize these topics.Be sure to understand or memorize these topics."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PHP Masterclass for beginners" |
"This course is for beginners. Anyone looking to learn PHP can be immensely benefited from this course. Allow me to elaborate on the reasons why this course is special, well when I was learning PHP, I have documented all the areas where I, as a beginner, have experienced difficulties to apprehend how this program works on those particular areas and in this course I have covered, explained and simplified all those topics. There is absolutely no doubt that this course will build you a rock-solid PHP foundation. This course is more focused on core PHP rather than projects and you may wonder how this approach will benefit you? Well, let me tell you this right off the bat that this is the de-facto approach for anyone looking to pass the Zend Certified Engineer exam (Exam code 710-200). This course is more focused on core PHP, I believe this will help you pass your Zend Certified Engineer exam (Exam code 710-200) and I am preparing this course keeping Zend Certified Engineer exam (Exam code 710-200) in my mind. I promise you that this course will be on a constant development phase which means I will continue to create new lectures and update this course weekly. This course will never go on a stagnant state. Now let's talk about creating projects, well we will create not only one but a couple of projects and this process will continue. My target is to make this course a 100+ hours length course. I am optimistic about the fact that you will find this course extremely easy to understand and as I said earlier that I was also a beginner at some point and I know exactly where most of the beginners spot difficulties and in this course, all the difficult areas have been simplified."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Build RESTful Web Applications with Node.JS and Express" |
"Node.js is a JavaScript runtime that uses a non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight, efficient and very popular among JavaScript developers who also need to write server-side code.What is REST API ?A RESTful API is an application program interface (API) that uses HTTP requests to GET, PUT, POST and DELETE data.This Course is for all those who see the promise of the JavaScript technology stack. Perhaps you are a front-end engineer looking to extend your experience into back-end development.Perhaps youre an experienced back-end developer who is looking to JavaScript as a viable alternative to entrenched server-side languages.Knowing Node JS well will get you a job or improve your current one by enabling you to build high quality, robust web applications. The best way to learn Node is by building Node apps.According to the 2018 Stack Overflow Survey, Node is in the top ten for back-end popularity and back-end salary"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Discover your Business's Success Potential" |
"Many Entrepreneurs shoot blanks! I have been one of them. The problem with that is there is no direction in which the Business seems to be going. Many Entrepreneurs are highly motivated and have big visions for their Businesses, but these visions need to be backed up by actual calculations which can concur with the vision.This is the exact reason why I have created this course. Let us Discover Your Business's True MONEYMAKINGPOTENTIAL! in a very creative and calculative way. Also let us find out ways to increase this potential to a level which will really justify your time, money and emotional investments in your Business!Hop In!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Managerial Accounting / Cost Accounting" |
"Comprehensive managerial and cost accounting course. Topics include: Job order costing Process costing Cost volume profit analysis Master Budgets Flexible Budgets Responsibility accounting Relevant costs Time value of moneyThis course will go into detail about each topic. We will include Practice Excel files with both an answer tab and a practice tab Lecture PDF files that can be downloaded and reviewed without internet accessManagerial accounting skills are critical skills necessary for successfully running a business because they provide tools to make rational business decisions."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Sfrutta al massimo gli strumenti per VideoMaker" |
"La maggior parte dei videomaker investe molti soldi nell'acquisto di strumenti di ripresa quali slider, gimbal, spallacci, monopiedi e altro. Ma una volta sul set cosa succede? Spesso e volentieri quelle fantastiche inquadrature che si erano immaginati non prendono affatto vita e le riprese che si portano a casa sono in molti casi normali e prive di creativit. Perch ci accade? Semplice: del tutto inutile acquistare nuovi strumenti se non se ne conosce il ""linguaggio"" e la grammatica. Bisogna rendersi conto che l'equazione STRUMENTI = BELLE INQUADRATURE NON FUNZIONA, a meno che non si inserisce la variabile CONOSCENZA. Ecco, questo videocorso ti prende per mano alla scoperta degli strumenti di ripresa (magari proprio quelli che gi possedi) e alle inquadraturepi suggestive che si possono creare con essi!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Redeangst berwinden - Frei und sicher vor Menschen sprechen" |
"Da gibt man sich so viel Mhe bei der Prsentation. Alles ist durchgeplant.Und dann, wenn der Auftritt nher rckt, geht es los.Herzrasen. Unruhe. Angst. Unsicherheit. Und im allerschlimmsten Fall ein Blackout.""Warum fllt das manchen scheinbar so leicht?"" will man sich da fragen. Wie einfach wre es, wenn man einfach Talent dafr htte.STOPP!Reden ist kein Talent. Das wird dir jeder professionelle Redner sagen.Reden ist ein Handwerk. Reden ist wie Sport und der Stress ist wie Muskelkater.Aber beim Sport kommt der Schmerz danach und bei der Rhetorik kommt er davor.Wenn du also Angst vor einer Prsentation hast, heit das nicht, dass du nicht zum Reden gemacht bist.Lass dir diesen Quatsch nicht erzhlen. Es heit nur, dass du in einer Situation bist, in der du nicht weit, ob deine Fhigkeiten ausreichen. Genau diese Mission hat dieser Kurs.Mein Ziel ist es, dir die ntigen Techniken mit auf den Weg zu geben, damit du ohne Angst und ohne Sorgen vor andere Menschen treten kannst. Damit du stressfrei deinen Vortrag, deine Rede halten kannst. Denn wenn du diesen Kurs angeklickt hast, hast du etwas, das du anderen mitteilen willst. Etwas, das du erreichen willst, am besten ohne massiven Stress.Denn Redeangst ist mit den richtigen Techniken bekmpfbar.Du erhltst hier die ntigen Werkzeuge, damit du in den nchsten Wochen selbstbewusst und eindrucksvoll vor anderen Menschen sprechen kannst.Denn die Entscheidung, wie andere dich wahrnehmen, liegt ab heute bei dir."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Investisseur Immobilier en Srie, Programme Complet de A Z" |
"Lobjectif de cette formation est de vous donner toutes les cls pour comprendre le fonctionnement de linvestissement immobilier locatif de bout en bout, sans rien laisser une place au hasard, ni la chance.La formation est compose de 8 modules avec des vido vraiment courtes pour que les explications soient claires et des fiches que vous allez tlcharger et garder proximit. Et ces fiches vont vous aider prendre des dcision comme un investisseur aguerrit, mme si vous tes un parfait dbutant.Chaque module correspond une tape dans le processus traditionnel dacquisition dun bien immobilier pour un investissement..Concrtement, en suivant cette formation vous allez apprendre :- Trouver facilement la bonne affaire qui rpond vos critres laide un simple logiciel que jai conu moi mme et que je vous offre ici en tlchargement- La technique du Sandwich pour Savoir Bien Ngocier et toujours acheter en dessous du march- Comment Monter et prsenter votre dossier de prt et obtenir le OUi du banquier ainsi que ces remerciement pour votre professionnalisme- Mettre en place des stratgies Haut Rendement pour louer cher et augmenter votre rentabilit- Comment Trouver Facilement le bon locataire qui rglera rgulirement les loyers sans impays- Dans quel cas vous devez Confier la gestion locative une Agence et dans quel autre cas il faut surtout le faire vous mme- Les Astuces que les investisseurs chevronns gardent sous le manteau pour Optimiser votre fiscalit afin de payer le strict minimum dimpts- Puis vous allez Construire votre rseau de professionnels sur le long terme en suivant un bte fichier pr-mch, vous navez qu excuter pour bien vous entourer pour russir durablement- Les 5 paramtres cls que vous devez toujours surveiller pour garantir votre succs dans tous vos projet dinvestissement immobilierBrf, avec cette formation, vous allez apprendre investir avec votre tte et non votre cur, condition ncessaire pour devenir un investisseur en srie.En effet, vous allez parcourir toutes les tapes dun investissement immobilier gagnant. Et en rptant les mmes oprations plusieurs fois, vous allez devenir un investisseur immobilier libre financirement puisque vous allez vivre de vos rentes locatives.Vous pouvez par exemple faire une opration 1 fois par an par au dbut pour vous roder puis passer 2 fois voire plus par an, lorsque vous allez vraiment matris le systme.Si pour chaque investissement vous arrivez gnrer un cash flow par exemple de 500, 800 ou mme 1000 par mois, cest tout fait dans la moyenne, en appliquant les techniques expliques dans la formation.Il vous vaudra combien de temps pour remplacer compltement votre salaire actuel et de virer votre patron comme disent ceux qui russissent ?Imaginez maintenant si vous avez un revenu quivalent votre salaire actuelle la seule diffrence que vous navez plus les contraintes des salaris.Quest ce que a changerait dans votre vie ?Alors inscrivez vous tout de suite et on se retrouve de lautre ct pour commencer prparer votre futur retraire quici quelques annes seulement.A trs vite !"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Theory of Structures MCQ Practice Questions (Civil Eng)" |
"Structural engineering depends upon a detailed knowledge of loads, physics and materials to understand and predict how structures support and resist self-weight and imposed loads. To apply the knowledge successfully structural engineers will need a detailed knowledge of mathematics and of relevant empirical and theoretical design codes. They will also need to know about the corrosion resistance of the materials and structures, especially when those structures are exposed to the external environmentThe criteria which govern the design of a structure are either serviceability (criteria which define whether the structure is able to adequately fulfill its function) or strength (criteria which define whether a structure is able to safely support and resist its design loads). A structural engineer designs a structure to have sufficient strength and stiffness to meet these criteriaLoads imposed on structures are supported by means of forces transmitted through structural elements. These forces can manifest themselves as tension (axial force), compression (axial force), shear, and bending, or flexure (a bending moment is a force multiplied by a distance, or lever arm, hence producing a turning effect or torque).These questions will give you basic idea for Examination Preparation and/or interview on Theory of Structures Practice questions for Civil Engineering.Please Note: These questions are only for practice and understanding level of knowledge only. It is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and/or interview questionsIn this practice test, because of large amount of questions (around 181 questions) some of questions may have repeatedI had to put as 70% pass rate because there may also be wrong answers from my side."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Estimating and Costing MCQ Practice Questions (Civil Eng)" |
"A cost estimate is the approximation of the cost of a program, project, or operation. The cost estimate is the product of the cost estimating process. The cost estimate has a single total value and may have identifiable component values.Estimation is the process of finding an estimate, or approximation, which is a value that is usable for some purpose even if input data may be incomplete, uncertain, or unstable. The value is nonetheless usable because it is derived from the best information available. The sample provides information that can be projected, through various formal or informal processes, to determine a range most likely to describe the missing information.These questions will give you basic idea for Examination Preparation and/or interview on Estimating and Costing Practice questions for Civil Engineering.Please Note: These questions are only for practice and understanding level of knowledge only. It is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and/or interview questionsIn this practice test, because of large amount of questions (around 95 questions) some of questions may have repeatedI had to put as 70% pass rate because there may also be wrong answers from my side."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Kurs Microsoft Excel 2019 - od Podstaw do Eksperta" |
"Kurs Excel 2019 to kompletny zestaw poradnikw z obsugi najnowszej wersji popularnego programu Microsoft.Szkolenie przeznaczone jest dla osb, ktre chc od podstaw pozna aplikacj Excel 2019, a take dla bardziej zaawansowanych uytkownikw, ktrzy chc dowiedzie si, jak w praktyce wykorzystywa formuy programu oraz pozna triki przypieszajce codzienn prac.Dziki szkoleniu z Excela nauczysz si pracowa z komrkami danych. Bdziesz wiedzia, jak formatowa wprowadzone dane, a take je sortowa, grupowa i filtrowa. Dowiesz si rwnie, jak korzysta z formatowania warunkowego i wykorzystywa pasek stanu w codziennej pracy z programem. Czyste dane to nie wszystko. Szkolenie pokae Ci te, jak tworzy wykresy w oparciu o wprowadzone dane, a nawet wykresy przebiegw w czasie. Praca z programem Excel to w gwnej mierze take korzystanie z formu: finansowych, logicznych, tekstowych, daty i godziny czy nawet matematycznych. Po odbyciu szkolenia bdziesz wiedzia, jak praktycznie wykorzystywa te formuy tak, aby praca z Excelem oszczdzaa Twj cenny czas. Poznasz te praktyczne funkcje, a take dowiesz si, jak tworzy i wykorzystywa na co dzie tabele oraz wykresy przestawne. Szkolenie zaprezentuje Ci rwnie automatyzacj niektrych czsto wykonywanych czynnoci za pomoc makr. Zapoznasz si te z rnymi technikami analizowania danych. Na koniec serii szkole dowiesz si, jak zapisa gotowy arkusz i udostpni go klientom czy wsppracownikom."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Give Your Health & Wellness a Makeover" |
"This course will change the perception you have about your lifestyle! The perception you have about your lifestyle is about the way you live your life. It is also the way in which others see your lifestyle through their own lens. It is why others perceive your lifestyle to be simple or extravagant. And this perception of your lifestyle is responsible for the way you live your life!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Impara le basi della programmazione con Python" |
"In questo corso apprenderai tutti gli aspetti fondamentali della programmazione con Python. Il corso verr svolto in ambiente Windows per facilit di apprendimento e diffusione del sistema operativo. Il corso suddiviso in sette sezioni, partiremo dall'installazione e impostazione dell'ambiente per poi passare alle primitive dell'informatica come le variabili, le funzioni, le istruzioni condizionali, i cicli per poi passare a oggetti in Python come le liste e i dizionari, per infine concludere con i moduli.Nel corso troverai esercizi per ognuno degli argomenti trattati per consolidare la conoscenza di quello di cui si parlato nel video.Una volta raggiunta la fine del corso riuscirai a creare dei programmi semplici in Python, ti risulter anche facile passare ad apprendere nuovi linguaggi di programmazione, questo per via della grande accessibilit di Python.Ti sar anche pi facile passare a studiare altri aspetti della programmazione orientata agli oggetti o altre tecnologie costruite su questi aspetti come lo sviluppo web full-stack con framework come Django, sviluppo di videogiochi o applicazioni desktop con librerie di Python facili da usare come TkInter.Per qualsiasi dubbio, curiosit o problematica potrai farmi delle domande nella sezione dedicata alla discussione con l'insegnante. Il corso stato sviluppato per essere seguito da chiunque, necessario solo un vivo interesse o curiosit per la materia.Le soluzioni di tutti gli esercizi sono disponibili come risorsa nell'ultimo video del corso."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Photoshop CC : Absolute Beginners Course!" |
"In This Course You Will:JOIN OVER 150,000 STUDENTS!Learn. Create. Inspire.Get started with the Adobe Photoshop software. Learning how to create art and graphics digitally is a sought after skill. In this course we will go over the basics of what you need to get on your feet. We will be editing pictures along with assignments and creating custom graphics! Ft. Mitchell Bouchard and Kevin Gardin.- Drawing Tools- Photo Retouching- Creating Text- Shortcuts- and More!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
real-project-using-solidworks |
" PDF "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Do Zero ao Whatsapp - Chatbot de Pedidos [atualizado]" |
"Neste curso eu vou explicar como usar o Whatsapp usando Node.js de uma forma simples e direta.Vou comear com uma conexo simples, em linha de comando e progredir at criar os endpoints para que um chatbot possa usar seu sistema e 'conversar com o usurio' pelo WhatsappA parte de chatbot tambm ser coberta, usando diferentes servios disponveis.Vamos criar alguns chats ao longo da nossa jornada, at chegarmos ao chatbot de previso do tempo.Ao final do curso, voc saber criar chats inteligentes, que funcionam pelo Whatsapp e poder criar os seus prprios chatbots, para sua empresa ou apenas para se divertir.Vem aprender comigo."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
".NET Core" |
".NET Core Windows Linux. : .NET Framework .NET Core .NET Core .NET Core Windows Linux .NET Core Windows .NET Core Linux"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete Python Bootcamp : Go Beginner to Expert in Python 3" |
"Welcome to the learn Python Bootcamp: Go Beginner to Expert in Python 3!Become a Python Programmer and learn one of employer's most requested skills of 2020! Best Python Tutorial Point, Learn python code ,Python tutorial for beginners Python is consistently ranked in either first or second place as the most in-demand programming languages across the job market. It has applications in data science, machine learning, web development, self-driving cars, automation, and many many other disciplines. Best python online Course There has never been a better time to learn it! If you want to learn Python tutorial for beginners Python is the most in-demand language .It is used for Datascience, Machine learning (ML), NLP (Natural language processing), AI (Artificial Intelligence), Data Mining, GUI-Based Desktop Programs, Develop Games and 3D Graphics With Python and Network Programming. So this course is best for your to shine your Skills in python. Take this course and learn everything what you need to learn in python .Please Read Curriculum Before Taking The Course:IntroductionPython 3 Vs Python 2python compilerwhat is python used forHow this Course is StructuredHow to Install Python On windowsHow to install Python on LinuxHow to install Python On MacRun a Basic Syntax with Complete Understanding on Print FunctionPython Variables & multiple assignment of variable - Don't Miss this ConceptPython Variable DeclarationPython Reassigning VariablesPython Swap variablesPython Scope Variable (Local and global variables in Python)What is Difference Between a program and a ScriptThe Python Assert StatementPython Strings you need to grab complete conceptData Types In Python Major ConceptWhat is Python Len Function in StringPython Operators ( Arithmetic Operator in Python)Python Operators (Assignment Operator in Python)Write the Equation to Calculate an Average in one line with OperatorUsing of Python Assignments operator and ShorthandPython Comparison OperatorsPython Equal/Not Equals OperatorsLogical Operators in PythonIs and Isnot in PythonInverting boolean in pythonPython Bitwise OperatorsIf Statements in PythonElse Statements in PythonElif Statements in PythonNested If Else StatementFor loop in pythonPython while loopPython Break,Continue and Pass StatementPython Nested LoopPython Loops With Else block of CodeFibonacci Series in PythonWhat is Python Function and How to Define a functionPython Calling a functionPython Function arguments and Return Vs PrintPython Nested FunctionsWhat is Python ModulePython Regular IndexesPython Negative IndexesPython SlicePython list slicePython Remove the Character of index valuePython dictionary appendPython String Format MethodPython String Indexing and SlicingDictionary methods pythonPython neutralize_uppercasePython Max characterPython Taking a User InputPython ListsPython Change List Item ValuePython Mutable ListHow to write list Literally vs ProgrammaticallyCheck if Item exists in listPython TuplesPython Access Tuple ItemPython Delete TuplePython Iterating ListsPython Indexing and Slicing on TuplesUsing list as a Python StackUsing List as a Python QueuePython Growing Lists (Shuffle List & Concatenation )Python DictionariesPython Updating a DictionaryPython Concatenate two DictionariesPython Sort a DictionaryPython Delete Dictionary ElementsLength of a DictionaryKey exists in DictionaryIntroduction to Python SetsConvert dictionary into listUsing Pop Method delete Item From dictionaryTree in PythonNested Loop Using ListIntroduction to ExceptionsHandling ExceptionsRaising ExceptionsTry Except and FinallyBreaking Math operation and use ZeroDivisionErrorIntroduction To OOP and Key of OOPClasses and ObjectsPython ConstructorInitializing the ObjectRun a Simple Empty Class Exampleinstance method with classes and objectObject MethodsSelf ParameterDelete Object and PropertyAccessing Class Attributes from instancesInheritancePython Multiple Child Classes InheritancePython Multilevel InheritancePython Multiple InheritancePython Method OverridingEncapsulationPython PolymorphismPython Data AbstractionPython Setters and GettersPython Super KeywordPython Lambda FunctionPython Dictionary ComprehensionPython MapPython FilterPython ReduceCreating a Database and Database ConnectionPython Database Create TablePython Database Insert OperationPython Database READ OperationPython Database Update OperationPython Database DELETE OperationPython Database LimitInstall MongoDBOverview on Creating Database in CMDPython MongoDB Connection to pythonPython MongoDB Create CollectionPython MongoDB Insert DocumentPython MongoDB Find OperationPython MongoDB QueryPython MongoDB Update OperationPython MongoDB Delete OperationPython MongoDB limit OperationPython MongoDB Drop The CollectionWhat is python used for Its often used as a scripting language for web applications. This means that it can automate specific series of tasks, making it more efficient. Consequently, Python (and languages like it) is often used in software applications, pages within a web browser, the shells of operating systems and some games.Best python tutorial.Python is used by Wikipedia, Google (where Van Rossum used to work), Yahoo!, CERN and NASA, among many other organisations.The language is used in scientific and mathematical computing, and even in AI projects. Its been successfully embedded in numerous software products, including visual effects compositor Nuke, 3D modellers and animation packages,YouTube, Instagram and Quora are among the countless sites that use Python. Much of Dropboxs code is Python (where Van Rossum works now), Python has been used extensively by digital special effects house ILM (whose work spans across all of the Star Wars and Marvel films) and its a favourite of electronics titan Philips.The course follows a modern-teaching approach where students learn by doing. You will start Python from scratch by creating simple programs first.There are lots of Python courses and lectures out there. However, Python has a very steep learning curve and students often get overwhelmed. This course is different.This course is truly step by Step .We've crafted every piece of content to be concise and straightforward, while never leaving you confused. In every new tutorial we build on what had already learned and move one extra step forward.As for the curriculum, This course teaches all the key topics covered by other Python courses, but also covers more advanced topics like web scraping, crawling, and testing, just to name a few. Best way to learn Python,This is the most comprehensive,and straight-forward, course for the Python programming language on Udemy. Whether you have never programmed before, already know basic syntax, or want to learn about the advanced features of Python, this course is for you! In this course we will teach you Python 3 and All about python 3.The course also guides you on how to go about building even more advanced programs with Python. You will learn how to use Python third party libraries for building programs in a wide range of application areas. Please feel free to explore the curriculum and watch some of the free preview videos!You will get lifetime access & 30 day money back guarantee . If you are not satisfied in any way, you'll get your money back. So what are you waiting for? Start learning Python With Funky Programmer Today. Advance your career and increase your knowledge in practical way!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Calculadora Humana: Tcnicas de Matemtica e Clculo Mental." |
"Curso de operaes bsicas e clculo mental com tcnicas de fcil assimilao. Uma forma nica, divertida e gostosa de aprender Matemtica. Desenvolvido com amor e carinho para pessoas com extrema dificuldade na matria, para pessoas que tem medo dela, para quem vai prestar qualquer prova que envolva Matemtica, para professores preocupados com as dificuldades de seus alunos, pais que queiram melhorar o desempenho escolar de seus filhos e que queiram ensin-los atravs deste curso, o Calculadora Humana: tcnicas de Matemtica e clculo mental vai potencializar a sua mente, aumentar a capacidade mental dos seus filhos e alunos, e fazer com que vejam a Matemtica de uma forma totalmente diferente. Para quem este curso:Este curso para qualquer pessoa que possua dificuldades com Matemtica.Candidatos que faro prova de qualquer concurso pblico, ENEM, outros vestibulares e provas que envolvam Matemtica.Professores/Pedagogos do ensino fundamental I e II e mdio que queiram aumentar sua didtica e descobrir novas formas de ensinar.Pais preocupados com o mal desempenho de seus filhos e que queiram ensin-los em casa.Pessoas que queiram adquirir mais conhecimento para fazer clculos no dia a dia com facilidade sem precisar de papel, lpis ou calculadora.Amantes da MatemticaImportante: O seu acesso a esse curso vitalcio, ou seja, para sempre. As aulas sero atualizadas toda semana e novas tcnicas sero inseridas. Novas aulas. Mais e mais dicas sobre operaes bsicas e clculo mental."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Instagram Marketing 2020: How to get real Followers in 2020!" |
"In this course I will show you step-by-step how to get real & active Instagram Followers in just a few months! Every Instagram user knows it: winning new followers has become very difficult. Even with good content, the right hashtags and daily activity, it is more and more difficult to reach the right users and increase your number of followers. In this course I will show you effective and secret Instagram strategies that will help you quickly to get more active & real followers. In addition, at the end of the course you will receive a bonus that will help you to increase your engagement rate significantly!So then, what are you waiting for? Sign up now and let's get started :)best regards, DominikP. S. If you don't like the course, you have the full 30-day money back guarantee from Udemy!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Spanish Basic: Spanish Class For Beginners" |
"Who Is This Class For?This training class is perfect for you: If you are beginners in Spanish, If you want to have fun in Spanish, If you do business with Spanish speakers, If you love Spanish language or want to be able to communicate with people in Spanish or, If you want to travel to Spain, South America or any other Spanish speaking country.Class DescriptionThis beginners class in Spanish is designed in a way that you can start using Spanish right away, without the usual complications people often attach to learning new languages. It is practical, short and very easy to follow in Spanish.More Info About The Class(Bienvenido) Welcome to Spanish class for beginners, the class that will teach you how to speak basic Spanish in a few simple steps.This class covers the basic you will ever need for your everyday communication in Spanish, such as how to ask a question: as Please, Thank You and many more.In a more specific way, you will learn: Introduction to the Basic Spanish language, Spanish Verbs, Consonants and how to use them, Greetings in Spanish, Words and phrases for everyday communication, The names of different parts of the body and many moreWhy You Need Spanish Basic TodayWell, if you have been around in some major cities across the world, you will realise that Spanish is one of the most popular languages many people speak out there.Some estimates that there are about 20 million students currently studying Spanish today.That could make some sense to you. Not to mention the beauty of the language and a whole lots of benefits for you if you can understand at least the basics of Spanish language today.With the Spanish language now added to the list of languages you can speak, you have more chances of being able to communicate with more people and that means more business opportunity for you.This is particularly advantageous, especially if you live in big cities and tourist centres, where international languages is a must. So, stop looking for excuses and take advantage of this easy to follow training class today.The instructor, Manuela Garreffa will teach you with a native accent from Spain, which makes it even easier for you.All you have to do is simply watch the demonstrations on your screen and listen to her beautiful voice and soon you will start to speak Spanish like a pro.So, lets get started right now by clicking on the enrolment button."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Italian Language for Beginners" |
"This beginners class is designed in such a way that you can start using Italian right now. Its made for those who have a minimum understanding of Italian because the class is taught in Italian language. But its a very easy class to follow.What You Will Learn In This Course(Ben bevenuti) welcome to Italian class for beginners, the class that will teach you how to speak basic Italian in few simple steps. This class covers the basic you will ever need for your everyday communication in Italian, such as how to ask question: as Please, Thank You and many more. In specific, you will learn: Introduction to Basic Italian language, Italian Verbs, Consonants and how to use them, Greetings in Italian, Internet usage in Italian Words and phrases for everyday communication, And many moreWhy You Need Italian Basic TodayWith Italian language added to the list of languages you can speak, you have more chances in places of work, especially if you happen to visit Italy and want to ask information. So, stop looking for excuses and take advantage of this easy to follow class.The instructor, Manuela Garreffa will teach you with a native Italian accent, which makes it even easier for you. All you have to do is simply watch the demonstrations on your screen and listen to her beautiful voice and soon you will start to speak Italian like a pro.This Class Is Perfect For You: If you are a beginner with a minimum understanding in Italian language If you want to have fun in Italian If you do business with Italian speakers If you want to travel to Italian for holyday or work"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"The Anti-Anxiety Formula - Live A Stress-Free Life!" |
"This video course is perfect for those who want to overcome anxiety, so that you can live a stress-free life!Anxiety is the main obstacle that stops someone from reaching their full potential. Anxiety is a common obstacle that stops us from achieving success in personal & professional lives.You will discover everything you need to know about overcoming anxiety, fears, and depression: proven & powerful strategies to overcome your stuck points, how to face your inner demons, the simple step-by-step action plan for overcoming resistance to change, how to silence your fears...Topics covered:You and Your Anxiety-How to Overcome Your Stuck PointsYour Mind, Your Body- How to Face Your Inner DemonsOvercoming Resistance to ChangeReflection-How to Arrive at Acceptance and Move on From ThereAction against Angst-How to Act on Your Fears and Achieve Your GoalsNavigating Self-Imposed Obstacles- How to Stop Being a Hard Task MasterPreventing Burnout-How to Overcome Your Anxiety Without Getting Tied-Down by the Idea of PerfectionYouve Got This - How to Banish Worry and Live Panic-Free"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Gesto Comercial de Eventos" |
"Nesse curso, voc aprender conceitos importantes da rea de eventos, conhecer o mercado atual e saber como funciona o departamento de Marketing e Vendas de uma empresa de eventos. Tudo de forma dinmica e divertida, com exerccios e atividades que faro com que o contedo seja gravado de forma fcil e ldica. Bom curso!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA MB0-001 Mobility + Certification Practice Exam" |
"283 UNIQUE practice questions for CompTIA MB0-001 Mobility + Certification Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CompTIA MB0-001 Mobility + Certification Practice ExamTotal Questions : 283Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :180 minsPassing Score : (212 of 283)"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA N10-004 Network + Certification Practice Exam" |
"362 UNIQUE practice questions for CompTIA N10-004 Network + Certification Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CompTIA N10-004 Network + Certification Practice ExamTotal Questions : 362Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :240 minsPassing Score : (271 of 362)"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Makeup Your Mindset" |
"Ready to overcome self-doubt, ditch your insecurities and give overthinking the boot? Lets give your mindset AND confidence the makeover it needs! Through 5 video training modules, a workbook complete with homework and journaling prompts, and a bonus meditation series we will give your mindset an overhaul. Lets build a life that feels free and fearless. What are you waiting for??Feel free to reach out to me on Instagram @ candid.confidence or email me at with any questions!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Computational Fluid Dynamics Fundamentals Course 3" |
"Welcome to Part 3 of my Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) fundamentals course! In this course, the concepts, derivations and examples from Part 1 and Part 2 are extended to look at unstructured meshes and mesh quality metrics (aspect ratio, non-orthogonality, skewness and Jacobian Determinant). The course starts from first principles and you will rapidly develop a working CFD solution using the Excel sheets and Python source code provided. By the end of the course, you will understand how the CFD equations are discretised for unstructured meshes. This discretisation approach is a natural extension of the discretisation approach that is adopted for structured meshes (which were considered in Part 1 and Part 2). CFD codes which are constructed in this unstructured way (such as ANSYS Fluent, OpenFOAM, Star CCM, Saturne) can handle cells of any size and shape. You will learn about the main quality metrics (aspect ratio, non-orthogonality, skewness, Jacobian Determinant) that are used to assess these meshes, how they are calculated and what they actually mean. For this course, no prior experience is required and no specific CFD code/coding experience is required! You do not need ANSYS Fluent, OpenFOAM, Star CCM or any other CFD code to use this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
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"- "" ! "" . - , . ! , ! , YouTube!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Trading pour le moyen terme: Stratgie incluse" |
"La gestion de portefeuille est l'art d'obtenir un bon rendement en limitant considrablement le risque pris. En effet, par des techniques de diversification, cette discipline permet d'obtenir des couples rendement/risque trs rentable. L'objectif de cette formation est d'expliquer le fonctionnement d'une stratgie d'optimisation de portefeuille par l'exemple. Voici le sommaire-----1 Les rappels de python essentiels pour une bonne comprhension -----------2 Comment prparer une base de donne -----------3 La mise en place de notre algorithme -----------4 Visualisation des performances sur des donnes jamais vu par l'algorithme ---------5 Que faire par la suite -----Vous apprendrez dans ce cours la notion de moyenne de rentabilit d'un portefeuille d'action de variance est d'cart-type d'un portefeuille, ratio de Sharpe et ratio de Sortino et surtout comment les utiliser pour crer des portefeuilles optimaux.Ce cours ce veux ouvert tous les niveaux grce au chapitre de rappel. Cependant, une base de niveau collge en statistique est ncessaire pour comprendre le cours (moyenne et variance) et des bases sont en python sont un avantage mais il est parfaitement possible de suivre cette formation en ayant aucune comptences pralable."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |