Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"310-091 Sun Certified Bus Component Developer Java EE 5 Test" |
"Are you ready to pass the 310-091 Sun Certified Bus Component Developer Java EE 5 Certification Practice TestUse this course to gauge your readiness level for the actual exam. These practice tests will help you know if you are ready to take the exam, or identify if you need to spend more time on any of the exam topics.These tests cover material from each of the exam topics. With time limits on each test, you will learn time management for the real exam."
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"BlockChain Foundation and Essentials Practice Exams" |
"The Blockchain Essentials certification has been designed to create a basic understanding of blockchain and the business value of a cryptographic and smart contract solution. The certification covers the basic concepts of blockchain, the potential fields of application, the potential value for the organization and the technology driving the blockchain.The Blockchain Foundation certification validates a professionals knowledge about blockchain as a ledger with potential as a worldwide decentralized record for the registration, inventory, and transfer of assets. The certification covers the basic concepts of blockchain, the potential fields of application, the potential value for the organization and the technology driving the blockchain.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 114 questions ***"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Blender 3D Model a Sci-fi Scene with Eevee" |
"Hi and welcome to this new 3D Tudor Udemy course, Blender 2.8 A Beginners Complete Sci-Fi Scene 3D Modelling & Animation Guide. With this course, I decided to move to pastures anew and explore an art style that I am not as familiar with. Having mainly focused on the medieval genre in previous courses I decided that, this time, I would take my students on a journey into the world of the sci-fi genre. This way, we are learning together, and trial and error will help your workflow as you will be presented with solutions to common problems.This is one of my most exciting Udemy courses to date. Like my other Udemy course, Blender 2.8 Model Texture Animate & Simulate Complete Guide, I will be taking you on an extensive 3D modelling journey involving modelling, texturing, freebies, animation, lighting and rendering a sci-fi scene. The focus of this Udemy course is to show you how to make realistic models, to a real-world scale. Enroll in this Blender 2.8 course and experience over 20 hours of content, full of learning opportunities to take your 3D modeling, animation and simulations skills to the next level. By completing this course, you will walk away with a comprehensive view of how to model from the ground up, with a super-fast industry-standard workflow. All this exclusively in Blender 2.8.Using everything I learned from previous courses, mainly from all your helpful feedback, I was able to make a course that really has the wow-factor; something you will be proud of accomplishing.This is my most beginner-friendly and in-depth Udemy course to date. The focus of this new course is to take anyone no matter their level in 3D modelling and teach them how to model from the ground up. The course has nearly 20 hours of content and is a one-stop course to take you on your way to a professional level. By joining this Udemy course you will engage in a journey of in-depth learning focused on the most important aspects of 3D modelling and animation. Blender Procedures will cover modelling, texturing, animation, lighting, and rendering. By the end of the course, you will have created a professional-looking sci-fi animated door scene.This course has been 3 months in the making. I truly believe that this Udemy course is unique compared to other courses currently on the market. I really hope you enjoy taking the course as much as I have had to create it. ModellingWe will be creating a sci-fi door scene a contraption reminiscent of popular cinema titles. This course is coming out just a few months before a major game release that will revolutionize the sci-fi genre, Cyberpunk 2077 by Project Red. The sci-fi door we will be creating will be a more stylized version of the general sci-fi style.Blender 2.8 A Beginners Complete Sci-Fi 3D Modelling & Animation Guide has a new learning format that will be relevant to beginners. This course is also relevant to those students who more familiar with 3D creation and modelling using Blender software, or those who are transitioning into Blender from another piece of software or from the previous older versions of Blender.This Udemy course aims to teach you from the ground up. It will cover the very basics of modelling and teach you the tips and tricks that the pros use in Blender 2.8. This course explains everything and will include a step-by-step exploration of all the new shortcuts that have come with this new Blender version. You will be able to keep up with the courses pace through having an on-screen visual tooltip. Anything that needs some explanation is explained easily using a small pop-up box, so you will never be lost. My goal here is to not only have students re-create this sci-fi door but for them to come away with a comprehensive understanding of how and why. By the end of the course, the knowledge you will have learned can be put to use independent of the direction you take in 3D modelling following the amateur or the professional path. TexturingTexturing is perhaps the most important part of any 3D model. I will show you the most efficient and quickest ways of preparing a mesh for adding materials in Blender. We will be going over how to mark seems, how to correct texture resolutions, and how to UV-unwrap. All these course components would be a course in their own right, so by enrolling, you will be able to develop your skills in a multi-faceted way. To save time on your usual trial and error process, I will show you both the right and the wrong way of doing this. You will be fully prepared and provided with the skills to clean a 3D model mesh to an industry standard.We will also explore the Blender 2.8 node system in depth, where you will learn not only how to import textures and maps, but also how to change the way materials look. We also take a look at importing and using specialized maps like ambient occlusion and emission. AnimationHave you ever wanted to learn how to build a full animation cycle? The learning outcomes of this Udemy course include creating a complete animation cycle in Blender 2.8. As part of animating this sci-fi door, we will be working on making its opening motion realistic, working hard to make each individual component move in a hyper-real way. You will learn all about armatures and bones, and you will be shown how to keyframe. We will move on to the complex fundamentals of animations, where we learn how to weight and attach bones to meshes. This is exactly the same process as in Hollywood for computer-generated imaging (CGI) or the respective gaming industry. You can apply these skills to any animations you decide to make in the future, and I would be excited to see you upload animations of other models as part of this Udemy course project. FreebiesYou will be glad to know that this Udemy course comes with a vast library of over 70 high-resolution texture maps and decals completely free to download with this course. These are resources that you are free to download and reuse in your other projects. You could also utilize them in the sci-fi door scene course project, which you are encouraged to upload as part of this course. I created all these textures and resources using a mix of Substance Designer, Substance Painter, and Photoshop. All textures included for free with this course are custom made specifically for this course. LightingI always feel that lighting is one of the key components that tend to be the most overlooked. To be honest, I learned this the hard way, seeing as lighting is important with regards to making a scene look overwhelmingly beautiful or realistic or tragically bad. I went back to the drawing board and developed my skills in Blender and in lighting. Over time, I learned exactly how to light scenes. This knowledge I now pass on to my students. You will learn all about Blender 2.8 lighting and lighting effects. RenderingFinally, after all the preparations for making a realistic sci-fi scene, we will be rendering two stills in one of the best renderers in the industry - Blender cycles. Because of this course, you will gain the knowledge to create great-looking scenes in both Eevee and Cycles renderers. We will also be using the Blender 2.8 compositor, and the course will teach you how to make the most of lighting within a render. Finally, we will also be creating a short animation film using Blenders built-in video editing software. We will be setting up cameras and I will be going through different techniques to help improve the quality of your renders.Happy modelling everyone!Neil, 3D Tudor"
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"Life affirming self-care for busy mothers" |
"Whatever your life looks like, balancing motherhood with the rest of your life while being responsive to your own wants and needs can be a challenge. The daily responsibilities and the pressure of never having enough time to do everything that needs to be done weigh heavy on many of us. And while we meet the needs of those around us, we often completely forget or ignore ourselves.The central theme of this course, this journey, is creating and allowing time and space for your own self-care. But it is much more than that. It is an exploration of your ingrained beliefs, how your boundaries can let you down, how your guilt holds you back and how rarely many of us realise that help is at hand. This course helps you to gently have a look at your life and put into place changes that will not only benefit you, but ultimately also those you love and care about.Throughout the course you are encouraged to take action so that you create the change that is needed. Because it is through changes in thoughts, behaviours and action that will help you create a life in which you flourish, are energetic and loving towards yourself.Tiina guides you gently, with humour and wisdom, sharing her own personal learnings from being a mum and professional coach to hundreds of women. She is intimately aware of the challenge of claiming time for self-care while balancing a career, childcare and others wants and needs."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"O trfego de ouro escondido no youtube" |
"Voc sabia que no youtube existe milhares e milhares de vdeos que esto abandonados e esto l gerando TONELADAS de visualizaes e trfego de visitantes sem ningum usufruir deles?Existem vdeos abandonados em todos os nichos que voc possa imaginar, como por exemplo Emagrecer, ganhar dinheiro, marketing digital, negcio, sade, relacionamento, auto ajuda, religio, culinria e o que voc precisarO que pouca gente sabe que possvel ter acesso a todo trfego de visitantes que estes vdeos abandonados no youtube esto gerando, e voc pode pegar este trfego e pode redirecionar paraSeu siteSeu BlogSeu canalSeus vdeosLink de afiliadoPgina de capturaPara onde voc desejar!Alm de voc conseguir trfego destes vdeos abandonados, voc tambm pode utilizar muitos deles para promover seus produtos, servios, sites etc. Pois o vdeo j est l pronto, basta voc analisar se est como voc gosta e utiliz-lo ao seu favor!E no Voc no vai baix-lo nem envi-lo para nenhum outro lugar. O vdeo vai continuar no mesmo lugar e da mesma forma que voc o encontrou no youtube.E sim Ainda assim voc vai poder redirecionar todo o trfego do vdeo para onde voc quiser.A primeira vista isto parece ser algo impossvel de se fazer Mas sim, possvel, utilizando um simples truque, fcil rpido de se fazer, e voc vai aprender tudo passo a passo neste material, EM VDEO AULAS, elaborado pelo autor Anderson Camargo.Voc vai aprender como possvel pegar o trfego de visitantes de vdeos que esto abandonados no youtube e trazer este trfego para voc, alm de poder usar estes vdeos j prontos e abandonados para promover o que voc quiser, sem tirar eles do youtube.Voc NO vai precisar ter nenhum canal, NO vai precisar enviar nenhum vdeo, NO vai precisar fazer nenhum tipo de anncio, remarketing nada destas coisas, garantido. Voc nem mesmo vai precisar estar logado na sua conta do youtube!!!VOC AINDA GANHAR UM SUPER BNUSPara que tudo se torne extremamente fcil e rpido de ser colocado em prtica, voc receber de bnus uma super ferramenta (Software) que ser responsvel de garimpar e encontrar em questo de segundos os vdeos abandonados que esto borbulhando de trfego para voc, para que voc possa aplicar o processo que ser ensinado.Somente este software teria um custo mdio de R$ 250,00 reais, mas ser entregue a voc como parte do material sem nenhum custo adicional.Est super ferramenta est totalmente em portugus e deve ser executada em computadores que possuam sistema operacional Windows a partir da verso 7 em diante.Voc aprender passo a passo, em vdeo aulas, como utilizar esta ferramenta ao seu favor.ADQUIRA AGORA O TREINAMENTO O TRFEGO DE OURO ESCONDIDO NO YOUTUBE EM VDEO AULAS + FERRAMENTA EXCLUSIVA INCLUSA E COMESSE A OBTER TRFEGO ALTAMENTE QUALIFICADO EM AT 24 HORAS OU MENOS."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Goal Setting Theory - Principles of Goal setting Theory" |
"Goal-setting theory refers to the effects of setting goals on subsequent performance. Researcher Edwin Locke found that individuals who set specific, difficult goals performed better than those who set general, easy goals. Locke proposed five basic principles of goal-setting: clarity, challenge, commitment, feedback, and task complexity.Huh? What does that mean?One of the most effective ways to stay motivated is to set goals for yourself. However, the type and quality of goals you set affects how well they will work.Imagine you are 30 pounds overweight and want to drop some extra weight. When setting your goal, you have several options. You could say, I want to lose weight within the next year. I will go on a diet to lose the weight. This goal is pretty vague and poorly defined; you havent specified how much weight you want to lose or what concrete steps you will take to lose it.Alternatively, you could say, I want to lose two pounds a week for the next four months. I will exercise for at least 30 minutes, five days per week. I will also change my diet to include three servings of fruits and vegetables as well as whole-grain products. I will also limit myself to eating out just one day per week. This goal is much more specific and includes actionable steps.The simple act of setting an effective goal gives you a better chance of realizing that goal. In fact, listed below are several principles crucial to setting effective goals."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Agile Scrum Master Practice Exams" |
"The Agile Scrum Master is a unique certification that combines agile principles and scrum practices with practical assignments. It tests the competences required to facilitate, coach and enable a cross-functional team as a Scrum Master.This course is the perfect companion for anyone who wants to prepare for their Agile exam. With this Scrum Master test, you can test yourself multiple times and single out weak areas in Agile. The Scrum Master Certification Exam Questions can be taken multiple times and is a vital tool for anyone nervous about the exam.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 81 questions ***"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Practitioner Certificate in Requirements Engineering Exams" |
"This exam covers the range of concepts, approaches and techniques that are applicable to the Practitioner Certificate in Requirements Engineering. It is relevant to anyone working within a business or information systems domain, who requires an understanding of the nature, definition and use of good quality requirements.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 82 questions ***"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Foundation Certificate in Systems Development Practice Exam" |
"Foundation Certificate in Systems Development Practice ExamsAre you involved in systems development? Do you need to get a better understanding of approaches as well as the tools and techniques that will help you in the development of software solutions? If the answer to both those questions is yes, then this course is for you. Understand the principles of effective systems development and start your learning pathway to developing first-class solutions for your business.A comprehensive range of topics are covered, including:Introduction to systems developmentLife cycle types and their rationalesBusiness analysisRequirements engineeringMaking a business caseProgramming and development approaches Systems modelling and specification techniques Systems design System architectureQuality and testingImplementation and changeoverEvaluation and maintenanceSoftware support toolsThe Foundation Certificate in Systems Development course is aimed at anyone involved (directly or indirectly) in systems development. This includes Business and Systems Analysts, Designers, Developers, Testers and others who want an understanding of the coverage of Systems Development.It provides an understanding of a broad range of systems development approaches and the tools and techniques used in the development of software solutions.What is Systems Development? This course sets out to answer this question by providing an overview of the principles of systems development and delivery, including lifecycle approaches, architecture, business analysis, requirements engineering, systems modeling, design, development, testing, implementation and communication between the various roles involved in systems development and delivery.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 80 questions ***"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to play piano without musical notation. Piano for all" |
"This course is offered in Russian with the closed captions in English.The purpose of this technique is to quickly teach you to improvise and create beautiful tunes on the go and without learning musical notation!You will sit down at the piano and transfer your thoughts and feelings to the keyboard, and our specially designed formula will guide you into it.About the formulaThis formula was created to save energy and time at the initial stage of studying the piano playing. After all, not everyone wants to thoroughly study musical notation, and not everyone masters in the end, but there is a desire to play the instrument.The motto of this formula is Right here right now, as using the formula provides you with a great opportunity to get melodies with accompaniment without knowing notes (using a certain schematic formula) in the shortest possible time.This formula is based on good knowledge of the theory of music, and then adapted to the perception of an individual who has no musical education. It is designed as schemes of particular keys, they are easy to find on the piano keyboard and remember how to use them!Using this formula you will quickly learn how to play and improvise on the piano!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
fafofaik |
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"Sound Healing For Beginners - Sound Healing at Home" |
"Learn sound healing principles, understand the nature of sound therapy vibrations, practice vocal toning, check out singing bowls, learn how to perform your own sound bath with a singing bowl. This course will walk you through terminology, natural vibrations, how sounds affect us, healing tools, preparation, voice healing, ancient instruments, digital sounds, sound healing at home, potential dangers of sound healing."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Advanced Python Programming in 2020" |
"In this course, i will assume that you have the basic knowledge of Python and now you are looking to take your knowledge to an Advance Level. We will not only cover the advance level concepts but we will actually use it in real world examples and make real time professional Applications out of it.Also Machine Learning is the future of the world and every application is getting upgraded to have some machine learning used in it and that is the reason we will also build Machine Learning models which gonna help us in making future decisions. The intuition part of each concept in covered in as much depth as it should be and then implemented in Python.I hope you gonna take a lot from this course...I wish you very best throughout your course."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Mestre do After Effects" |
"Neste curso voc ir sair do vida de olhar tutoriais! Aprenda de vez a maneira correta de aprender e usar o After Effects!O After Effects no nada assustador! Na verdade ele um dos softwares mais fceis da Adobe. Discorda de mim? Ento vem e deixa eu te mostrar como esse programa vai ficar na palma da sua mo com este curso.Ns vamos desde o incio aprendendo a melhor maneira de se utilizar a interface e recursos do programa, fazendo, inclusive, voc conseguir identificar as tcnicas que voc v e ver em todos os lugares feitas por outros motion designers! Legal, n?Vem logo! Saia na frente no mercado!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Digital Illustration Process in Procreate" |
"Bring magic to your travel moments with the colorful travel poster illustration!In this class, you will learn my digital illustration process in Procreate by creating a travel poster illustration - either as the everlasting memory from the favorite city, you visited in the past or as a visual inspiration for the travel moments you want to experience in the future.The travel poster you will create can be a great addition to your portfolio, online shop or an awesome gift for your family and friends.I will take you through the whole creative process:brainstormingsketchingcompositioncreating thumbnailsillustration structure - foreground, midground, and backgrounddigital paintingcharacter designfinal details and texturesYou are invited to share your posters in the projects section of the class, so we all can get inspired by your travel moments!I am super happy to have you in the class and I cant wait for us to start illustrating."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA Network + N10-004 Certification Practice Exam" |
"361 UNIQUE practice questions for CompTIA Network + N10-004 Certification Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CompTIA Network + N10-004 Certification Practice ExamTotal Questions : 361Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :240 minsPassing Score : 75 (270 of 361)"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Conhecendo o openSUSE" |
"O openSUSE, uma distribuio Linux sendo um dos sistemas operacionais mais completos para utilizao, e nesse curso vamos conhecer um pouco sobre ele e suas configuraes.Na prtica, vamos ensinar:+ Como instalar (formatar) a distribuio+ Como fazer um Dual Boot com o Windows (ter dois sistemas operacionais no mesmo computador)+ As principais configuraes do openSUSE+ O ambiente grfico KDE (ambiente X usado em vrias distribuies, com vrias facilidades e recursos grficos como o famoso cubo da rea de trabalho)+ A ferramenta de gerenciamento YaST (ferramenta usada na distro, com vrios atalhos e funcionalidades como uma central de instalao de aplicativos)+ O comando zypper (para instalao e manipulao de aplicativos e repositrios)Alm de muitas outras dicas sobre o openSUSE e o mundo Linux."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Release And Renew For Body Mind And Spirit" |
"Are you a woman over 40 and:You feel unhappy for no reasonYou say yes to too many things, when sometimes you dont want to do themYou dont feel usefulYou cant seem to accomplish anythingYou do not know what you truly want in your lifeYou are so busy and you dont have time to focus on your lifeYou dont feel good about how you look and feelYou are tired most of the time and lack motivationYou have lost your get up and go attitudeYou have lost that loving feeling?You have everything you need within you. Change starts with you. If you are not happy with your life, you can do something about it. Starting from today, you can re write your story. Release trauma from your past and your mistakes and Renew your life for the future. If you are not fulfilled and truly happy with yourself and take good care of your health, then you are not giving 100% to others and also not living your true potential.This is your chance to release the old and welcome in the new and renew your health and vitality.I want to share with you how you can release and renew your body mind and soul by:Eating foods to nourish, not punishCreating a self care practiceFind out what is draining your energyWhat are your limiting beliefsHow to become more self awareHow to set up your own mindset ritual"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"How To Get More Business From Google Maps" |
"I'll walk you through exactly how to set up your Google My Business profile and how to optimize the profile without any technology background whatsoever. Everything you learn in this course is things I actively do with clients and require no knowledge of SEO or coding. In addition, we'll also cover the tools that you're likley going to be sold in order to help you with your local seo efforts."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Final Cut Pro X" |
"""Final Cut Pro X "" . YouTube, , . , . ."
Price: 4299.00 ![]() |
"Python: Sfrdan, Arayzl Uygulamalara!" |
"Python: Sfrdan, Arayzl Uygulamalara! isimli kursumuza Hogeldiniz! Kursumuz blmden oluuyor. lk blmde sfrdan Python renmeye balyoruz. kinci blmdeyse Python ile tkinter modln kullanarak arayzler tasarlamay reniyoruz. Son blmde de tm bu rendiklerimizle arayz tasarml bir uygulama gelitiriyoruz.Kursumuzda en gncel Python versiyonu olan 3.8 ile alyoruz ve Python editr olarak PyCharm kullanyoruz. Videolarda ilediimiz derslerin kodlarn ve nemli grdmz notlar ieren dkmanlar da sizin kullanmnza sunuyoruz.Tm itenliimizle renim srecinde yannzda olmaktan mutluluk duyacamz bilmenizi isteriz. Bu yzden aklnza taklan ksmlar soru & cevap blmnden ekinmeden sormanz rica ederiz."
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"Oracle 11g: PL/SQL(1Z0-144) Certification Practice Test" |
"This practice test is designed to help you evaluate if you are ready to successfully complete the Oracle Database 11g: Program with PL/SQL 1Z0-144 Certification exam.Scenario based exam questions for Oracle Database 11g: Program with PL/SQL 1Z0-144 Certification,Online practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts.Exam Questions similar to Oracle Database 11g: Program with PL/SQL 1Z0-144 Certification.After taking the practice test you can at-least get 70 to 80% on the actual Oracle Database 11g: Program with PL/SQL 1Z0-144 Certification.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject.Lessons and TopicsOracle Database 11g: PL/SQL FundamentalsIntroduction to PL/SQLExplain the need for PL/SQLExplain the benefits of PL/SQLIdentify the different types of PL/SQL blocksOutput messages in PL/SQLDeclaring PL/SQL VariablesRecognise valid and invalid identifiersList the uses of variables, declare and initialise variables, use bind variablesList and describe various data types using the %TYPE attributeWriting Executable StatementsIdentify lexical units in a PL/SQL blockUse built-in SQL functions in PL/SQL and sequences in PL/SQL expressionsDescribe when implicit conversions take place and when explicit conversions have to be dealt withWrite nested blocks and qualify variables with labelsWrite readable code with appropriate indentationInteracting with the Oracle Database ServerCreate PL/SQL executable blocks using DML and transaction control statementsMake use of the INTO clause to hold the values returned by a SQL statementWriting Control StructuresIdentify the uses and types of control structures (IF, CASE statements and expressions)Construct and identify loop statementsApply guidelines when using conditional control structuresWorking with Composite Data TypesCreate user-defined PL/SQL recordsCreate a record with the %ROWTYPE attributeCreate an INDEX BY table and INDEX BY table of recordsDescribe the differences among records, tables, and tables of recordsUsing Explicit CursorsDistinguish between usage of implicit and explicit cursors, use SQL cursor attributesDeclare and control explicit cursors, use simple loops and cursor FOR loops to fetch dataDeclare and use cursors with parametersLock rows with the FOR UPDATE clause and reference the current row with the WHERE CURRENT OF clauseHandling ExceptionsDefine PL/SQL exceptionsRecognize unhandled exceptionsHandle different types of exceptions (pre-defined exceptions, non-predefined exceptions and user-defined exceptions)Propagate exceptions in nested blocks and call applicationsCreating Stored Procedures and FunctionsDifferentiate between anonymous blocks and subprogramsCreate a simple procedure and invoke it from an anonymous blockCreate a simple functionCreate a simple function that accepts a parameterDifferentiate between procedures and functionsOracle Database 11g: Develop PL/SQL Program UnitsCreating ProceduresDifferentiate between anonymous blocks and subprograms, use a modularized and layered subprogram design, and identify the benefits of subprogramsCreate a simple procedure and invoke it from an anonymous blockWork with proceduresHandle exceptions in procedures, remove a procedure, and display a procedure's informationCreating FunctionsDifferentiate between a procedure and a functionDescribe the uses of functionsWork with functions (create, invoke and remove functions)Creating PackagesIdentify the benefits and the components of packagesWork with packages (create package specification and body, invoke package subprograms, remove a package and display package information)Working with PackagesOverload package subprograms, use forward declarationsCreate an initialization block in a package bodyManage persistent package data states for the life of a session and use PL/SQL tables and records in packagesUsing Oracle-Supplied Packages in Application DevelopmentDescribe how the DBMS_OUTPUT package worksUse UTL_FILE to direct output to operating system filesDescribe the main features of UTL_MAILUsing Dynamic SQLDescribe the execution flow of SQL statementsUse Native Dynamic SQL (NDS)Use the DBMS_SQL packageDesign Considerations for PL/SQL CodeCreate standard constants and exceptionsWrite and call local subprogramsControl the run-time privileges of a subprogramPerform autonomous transactionsUse NOCOPY hint, PARALLEL ENABLE hint and DETERMINISTIC clauseUse bulk binding and the RETURNING clause with DMLCreating TriggersDescribe different types of triggers and their usesCreate database triggersManage triggersCreating Compound, DDL, and Event Database TriggersCreate triggers on DDL statementsCreate triggers on system eventsUsing the PL/SQL CompilerDescribe the new PL/SQL compiler and featuresUse the new PL/SQL compiler initialization parametersUse the new PL/SQL compile time warningsManaging PL/SQL CodeDescribe and use conditional compilationHide PL/SQL source code using dynamic obfuscation and the Wrap utilityManaging DependenciesTrack and manage procedural dependenciesDetails about Oracle Database 11g: Program with PL/SQL Certification exam.Exam Title:Oracle Database 11g: Program with PL/SQLExam Number:1Z0-144Format:Multiple ChoiceDuration:90 minutesNumber of Questions:63Passing Score:65%Total Questions in this practice test to check your knowledge: 360"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"New Novo Nuevo ABAP S/4HANA - CDS/OData/Fiori" |
"The S/4HANA brought new tools that developers can use to extract maximum system performance. But, many ABAPpers ignore these tools and continue to develop as they did in previous versions.We have created the first course that will help you use the new tools available on S/4HANA and show you a practical example of how all these tools connect.In addition, you will learn about the main technical decisions made by SAP to offer these new development tools in S/4Hana. You will discover how to extract the maximum potential of your entire infrastructure in layout and back-end.Concepts such as Core Data Services (CDS), OData and Fiori will help you with the most relevant technical issues of these new SAP technologies.------------------A verso S/4HANA do SAP trouxe novas ferramentas que os desenvolvedores podem utilizar para extrair a mxima performance do sistema. Maaaasss, muitos ABAPpers simplesmente ignoram essas ferramentas e continuam desenvolvendo como faziam nas verses anteriores.Por causa disso criamos o primeiro curso da Udemy que vai te ajudar a navegar nas novas ferramentas disponveis no S/4HANA e te mostrar um exemplo prtico de como todas essas ferramentas se conectam de ponta-a-ponta.Alm disso, voc vai ser conhecer quais foram as principais decises tcnicas tomadas pela SAP para oferecer essas novas ferramentas de desenvolvimento no S/4Hana. Voc vai descobrir como extrair o potencial mximo de toda sua infraestrutura realizando entregas aderentes a este novo conceito, tanto de layout como de back-end.Conceitos como Core Data Services (CDS), OData e Fiori sero abordados e vo te ajudaro a navegar nas questes tcnicas mais relevantes dessas novas tecnologias SAP.------------------La versin S/4HANA trajo nuevas herramientas que los desarrolladores pueden usar para extraer el mximo rendimiento del sistema. Sucede que muchos ABAPpers simplemente ignoran estas herramientas y continan desenvolviendo como lo hicieron en versiones anteriores.Creamos el primer curso que ayudar a navegar por las nuevas herramientas disponibles en S/4HANA y mostrar ejemplos prcticos de cmo todas las herramientas se conectan.Adems, aprender sobre las principales decisiones tcnicas tomadas por SAP para ofrecer estas nuevas herramientas en S/4Hana. Descubrirs cmo extraer el mximo potencial de toda su infraestructura al cumplir con este nuevo concepto, tanto de layout como de back-end.Vers conceptos cmo Core Data Services (CDS), OData y Fiori, que ayudarn a navegar por los problemas tcnicos en estas nuevas tecnologas SAP."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Apache Kafka para iniciantes" |
"Aprenda a utilizar esta ferramenta incrvel em poucos minutos.Neste curso voc ir aprender os principais conceitos para entender o funcionamento do Apache Kafka.Voc aprendar a configurar o Kafka em seu ambiente, a produzir e consumir mensagens via linha de comando com o CLI fornecido pelo prprio Kafka.Tambm construiremos uma aplicao Java para enviar e receber mensagens, utilizando a biblioteca padro do Kafka para Java."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"SwiftUI - Learn How to Build Amazing Apps with SwiftUI" |
"Welcome to the SwiftUI Course where we aim to start learning about developing your first SwiftUI application using Swift 5 & Xcode 11 from SCRATCH!SwiftUI is an innovative, exceptionally simple way to build user interfaces across all Apple platforms with the power of Swift. Build user interfaces for any Apple device using just one set of tools and APIs. With a declarative Swift syntax thats easy to read and natural to write, SwiftUI works seamlessly with new Xcode design tools to keep your code and design perfectly in sync. Automatic support for Dynamic Type, Dark Mode, localization, and accessibility means your first line of SwiftUI code is already the most powerful UI code youve ever written.================================In this course we'll cover:Master the Fundamentals Of SwiftYour First SwiftUI AppXcode PreviewsViews Deep DiveData and SwiftUIAccessibilityAnimation and TransitionsText viewsTextFieldsImages Modifiers State Object Binding Environment Lists Navigation Passing data back and forth Integrating SwiftUI with UIKit Stacks Animations Core Data Shadow Shapes FormsFacebook AppCalculator AppWeb Api and NetworkingGesturesPickerViewAnd Much More================================This Course Also Comes With:Lifetime Access to All Future UpdatesA responsive instructor in the Q&A SectionUdemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadSo code along with me working with an incredibly cool and insane set of design tools SwiftUI and get a head start on the future of app building. I'll see you inside.You'll get all the required source code and friendly support in the Q&A area. No SwiftUI experience required, although basic understanding of Xcode and SwiftIf you're looking to create your own SwiftUI app or work as a freelancer or developer in Swift then this is the course for youCome join and learn the biggest developer tool released since Swift!Take this course now that could change your iOS App Development skills."
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"The Absolute Beginners Guide to Cyber Security and Hacking" |
"Have you ever wondered exactly how hackers 'hack'? Do words like firewalls, encryption, bio-metrics and malware sound confusing to you? Have you been looking for a course that teaches you all the basics of both information and cyber security in a fun relaxed manner? If so then you are going to find this course absolutely perfect for you.This is a course that is perfect as an introductory one for individuals and students who are interested in becoming cyber security or information security professionals. It is also ideal for students who just want to have a well rounded knowledge about the basic concepts used in the world of information security.Actual Feedback from Enrolled Participants:Perfect Beginning for a new learner - Sairam ChagantiThe resource links shared are very useful - Mohammed M. GoniPERFECT FOR COMPLETE BEGINNERSThis course is intended primarily for students who have little to no prior background or knowledge about the field of cyber security.Course CurriculumIn the very first section, we will cover the basic terminologies used and discuss topics like the trinity of IT security and computer protocols.Section 1:You will learn the background of Cybersecurity & Hacking. You will learn what is cyber-security and the growing demandfor professionals. You will have clarity on what is a basic network, cia triad,essential terminologies used etc. You will go through an introduction to kali linux operating system in this sectionSection 2:You will gain insights on what is cyber security, what are the components, why you should choose this as a career. You will understand that cyber security is about protecting systems, networks, programs, data and money.Section 3:You will have an increased awareness of hacking as a profession, they will go through data breaches occurring in Yahoo, Equifax, Target stores, Sony's play station network etc. You can understand how hacking can be as a profession, types of hackers, what is information risk management regime, companies with data breaches.Section 4:You will go through an introduction of what a security operations center is, what are the branches within cyber securityand the various job roles available within cyber securitySection 5:You will understand network concepts, network topologies and layered communication in this courseSection 6:We start off where we left, in the previous section 5 we dealt with the fundamental concepts such as Basic Network, CIA Triad, Network concepts, Security Operations Center and Job Roles. Section 6 starts with a refresher on network concepts, topologies etc and connects you to the previous section.Section 7&8:These two sections give a good insight on the OSI Model and all the Layers:a)Physical layer b)Data link layer c)Network layer d)Transport layer e)Layered packet format f)Flow control g)Error controlf)Connection-orientedness vs connectionless g)Session layer and responsibilities h)Presentation layer and itsresponsibilities i)Summary of layersSection 9:In this section you will learn important concepts like TCP/IP protocol suite and Domain name system hierarchy.Section 10: Components of Hacking:ReconnaissanceScanningGaining accessMaintaining accessClearing tracksSection 11: Ethical hacking MindmapEthical hackingPlaces of ethical hackingMind mapSection 12: DoS and DDoSDenial of servicesSymptoms of dos attackSlow performanceIncrease in spam emailsUnavailability of a resourceLoss of access to a websiteDenial of access to any internet servicesDistributed denial of services (DDoS)DoS/DDoS attack techniquesLand and flood attacksService request floodsSection 13: SYN flooding attach using hping3Section 14: Hacking : Counter Measures StrategiesCounter-measuresDoS/DDoS countermeasure strategiesDetech and neutralize handlersMonitoring the activities running on a system of networkDeflect attacks by load balancingMitigate attacks disabling unnecessary servicesIntrusion detection systemsWavelet analysisSection 15: Metasploit testMetasploit is so popular is the wide range of tasks that it can perform to ease the work of penetration testing to makesystems more secure. Metasploit is available for all popular operating systems.VulnerabilityExploitPayloadMeterpreterSection 16: Maltego Tool DemoYou will go through a demo of the maltego community edition 4.2.4Section 17: Cyber kill chain methodologyYou will gain insights on cyber kill chain methodology and how a traditional kill chain model works: recon,weaponize, deliver, exploit, install, c2, actions. Section 18:You will build their capability in information security attack vectors, phishing techniques, whaling and phishing mitigation. You will understand the types of ransom-wares, how crypto ransomware works, you will go through a real world example of a ransomware attack on the Bristol airport screens. Section 19 & 20:You will understand the various mitigation strategies, phishing & firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems. You will gain knowledge on zero-day exploit, malware and its types, man in the middle (mitm) attack and web application security.Section 21:You will gain real time insights on Security information and event management and Security event managerSection 22:You will identify threats and possible breaches and collect audit logs for security and compliance. You will be able to conduct investigations and provide evidence.Section 23:You will learn that Defense in Depth (DiD) is an approach to cybersecurity in which a series of defensive mechanisms are layered in order to protect valuable data and information.Section 24:You can understand how an attacker can come in and tries to understand how a corporate environment is setup of a target.Section 25:You will learn what SIEM and Log Management mean for businesses & how to use them more effectively to mitigate risk for your company.Section 26:You will learn that SIEM is necessary because of the rise in data breaches and to meet stringent compliance requirementsSection 27:Learn the right approach to building SIEM use cases, how to organize and prioritize use cases effectively.Section 28:You will learn the SIEM elements, Big 3, Process flow, Features, Event life cycle, SOC controls and mgmt, SIEM architecture, Dashboards and Use casesSection 29:You will revisit features of SIEM and learn SIEM deployment options like self-hosted, self-managed to Hybrid-model, Jointly-managed. You will understand the business benefits of SIEM. Section 30: SIEM Essentials QuizWho this course is for:Students who want to learn the basics of computer and cyber securityStudents who want to become IT or Cyber Security Experts"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Absolute Beginners Guide to Cyber Security Part 1" |
"This brief course will cover the OSI model layer by layer and go through some practical applications of these layers in the networking field. Students will begin to understand what is the function of each of the layers and they will be able to connect the layer number to the layer name. For instance they will know that layer 3 is the same as network layer and what protocols are functional at each of the layers and what are the responsibilities of each layer.This will be a good foundational course for the students who want to further purse the networking career. This can further build on this basic knowledge to take it further.Section 1:We start off where we left, in the previous course on ""The Absolute Beginners Guide to Cybersecurity & Hacking"" we dealt with the fundamental concepts such as Basic Network, CIA Triad, Network concepts, Security Operations Center and Job Roles. Section 1 starts with a refresher on network concepts, topologies etc and connects you to the previous course.Section 2&3:These two sections give a good insight on the OSI Model and all the Layers:a)Physical layer b)Data link layer c)Network layer d)Transport layer e)Layered packet format f)Flow control g)Error controlf)Connection-orientedness vs connectionless g)Session layer and responsibilities h)Presentation layer and itsresponsibilities i)Summary of layersSection 4:In this section students will learn important concepts like TCP/IP protocol suite and Domain name system hierarchy."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Absolute Beginners Guide to Cyber Security Part 2" |
"You will learn the different components of Hacking: Reconnaissance, Scanning, Gaining access, Maintaining access & Clearing tracks. You will have a firm understanding of places of hacking and mind map apart from gaining insights of denial of service, distributed denial of service, syn flooding attach using hping3, counter measures and Metasploit test.Section 1: Components of Hacking:ReconnaissanceScanningGaining accessMaintaining accessClearing tracksSection 2: Ethical hacking MindmapEthical hackingPlaces of ethical hackingMind mapSection 3: DoS and DDoSDenial of servicesSymptoms of dos attackSlow performanceIncrease in spam emailsUnavailability of a resourceLoss of access to a websiteDenial of access to any internet servicesDistributed denial of services (DDoS)DoS/DDoS attack techniquesLand and flood attacksService request floodsSection 4: SYN flooding attach using hping3Section 5: Counter MeasuresCounter-measuresDoS/DDoS countermeasure strategiesDetech and neutralize handlersMonitoring the activities running on a system of networkDeflect attacks by load balancingMitigate attacks disabling unnecessary servicesIntrusion detection systemsWavelet analysisSection 6: Metasploit testMetasploit is so popular is the wide range of tasks that it can perform to ease the work of penetration testing to makesystems more secure. Metasploit is available for all popular operating systems.VulnerabilityExploitPayloadMeterpreter"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Absolute Beginners Guide to Cyber Security Part 3" |
"Students will go through a demo of the maltego community edition 4.2.4, they will gain insights on cyber kill chain methodology and how a traditional kill chain model works: recon,weaponize, deliver, exploit, install, c2, actions. Students will build their capability in information security attack vectors, phishing techniques, whaling and phishing mitigation. They will understand the types of ransom-wares, how crypto ransomware works, they will go through a real world example of a ransomware attack on the Bristol airport screens. Students will understand the various mitigation strategies, phishing & firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems. They will gain knowledge on zero-day exploit, malware and its types, man in the middle (mitm) attack and web application security."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"A Guide to Security Information and Event Management - SIEM" |
"In this course you will go through an Introduction to SIEM, its Key objectives, Defence in depth, Corporate environment, Log management, Why siem is necessary, Use cases, Elements of siem, Big 3 for siem, SIEM process flow, Typical features of siem, Event life cycle, Soc controls and Management, SIEM Architecture, 8 critical features of SIEM and SIEM Deployment options. You will also get an introduction to Splunk's user interface and will be conversant with the UI. You can start using the Splunk's basic transforming commands, can create reports and dashboards, you will know how to save and share reports and also can create alerts.Section 1:You will gain real time insights on Security information and event management and Security event managerSection 2:You will identify threats and possible breaches and collect audit logs for security and compliance. You will be able to conduct investigations and provide evidence.Section 3:You will learn that Defense in Depth (DiD) is an approach to cybersecurity in which a series of defensive mechanisms are layered in order to protect valuable data and information.Section 4:You can understand how an attacker can come in and tries to understand how a corporate environment is setup of a target.Section 5:You will learn what SIEM and Log Management mean for businesses & how to use them more effectively to mitigate risk for your company.Section 6:You will learn that SIEM is necessary because of the rise in data breaches and to meet stringent compliance requirementsSection 7:Learn the right approach to building SIEM use cases, how to organize and prioritize use cases effectively.Section 8:You will learn the SIEM elements, Big 3, Process flow, Features, Event life cycle, SOC controls and mgmt, SIEM architecture, Dashboards and Use casesSection 9:You will revisit features of SIEM and learn SIEM deployment options like self-hosted, self-managed to Hybrid-model, Jointly-managed. You will understand the business benefits of SIEM. Section 10: SIEM Essentials Quiz Section 11: You will understand Splunk's user interface -UI. You will be able to navigate UI features on your own: Navigating splunk web: splunk home, splunk bar, splunk web,getting date into splunk, how to specify data inputs, where splunk stores data, getting tutorial data into splunk, using splunk search, search actions and modes, search results tools, events, what are fields, extracted fields, find and select fields,run more targeted searches, use the search language, learn with search assistant Section 12-18:You can start using the Splunk's basic transforming commands, can create reports and dashboards, you will know how to save and share reports and also can create alerts after completing these sections.You will learn what vulnerabilities are and will master to manage them"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Absolute Tools Guide to Cyber Security and Hacking" |
"In this course on ""The Absolute Tools Guide to Cyber Security and Hacking"" you will learn most of the common tools used in IT Companies. We aim to keep adding more tools to make this course as comprehensive as possible.Section1:You will go through a live demo on SYN flooding attach using hping3 commandSection2:You will go through a live demo on Metasploit test. Metasploit is a penetration testing framework that makes hacking simple. It's an essential tool for many attackers and defenders.Section3:You will start using Maltego Tool after you go through a demo of the Maltego community edition 4.2.4.Section4:You will get clarity on web application security and that it is a branch of information security that deals specifically with security of websites, web applications and web services.Section 5:You will learn what SIEM and Log Management mean for businesses and how to use them more effectively to mitigate risk for your company.Section 6:Introduction to Splunk's user interfaceSection 7: Assignment: You need to complete reading two books. One is on Network Security and the other is on SIEM"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |