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"The Absolute Beginners Guide to Data Science" |
"What will I Learn and Apply post-program: We build your foundation by going through the basics of Mathematics, Statistics and Machine Learning using our foundation training program on Data Science - DS1 Module: In our DS1 Module You will Learn: 1)Descriptive & Inferential Statistics2)Data Visualization3)Python Programming4)Data Distributions - Discrete/Continuous5)Matrix Algebra, Coordinate geometry & Calculus 6)CRISP-DM Framework 7)Machine Learning - Part 1 8)Python Programming - Adv 9)Simple & Multiple Linear regression with case studiesA Data Scientist dons many hats in his/her workplace. Not only are Data Scientists responsible for business analytics, but they are also involved in building data products and software platforms, along with developing visualizations and machine learning algorithmsData Analytics career prospects depend not only on how good are you with programming equally important is the ability to influence companies to take action. As you work for an organization, you will improve your communication skills.A Data Analyst interprets data and turns it into information that can offer ways to improve a business, thus affecting business decisions. Data Analysts gather information from various sources and interpret patterns and trends as such a Data Analyst job description should highlight the analytical nature of the role.Key skills for a data analystA high level of mathematical ability.Programming languages, such as SQL, Oracle, and Python.The ability to analyze, model and interpret data.Problem-solving skills.A methodical and logical approach.The ability to plan work and meet deadlines.Accuracy and attention to detail.R for Data Science:This session is for R for Data Science. We will teach you how to do data science with R: Youll learn how to get your data into R, get it into the most useful structure, transform it, visualize it and model it. In this session, you will find a practicum of skills for data science. Just as a chemist learns how to clean test tubes and stock a lab, youll learn how to clean data and draw plotsand many other things besides. These are the skills that allow data science to happen, and here you will find the best practices for doing each of these things with R. Youll learn how to use the grammar of graphics, literate programming, and reproducible research to save time. Youll also learn how to manage cognitive resources to facilitate discoveries when wrangling, visualizing and exploring data.Why learn it?Machine learning is everywhere. Companies like Facebook, Google, and Amazon have been using machines that can learn on their own for years. Now is the time for you to control the machines.***What you get***Active Q&A supportAll the knowledge to get hired as a data scientistA community of data science learnersA certificate of completionAccess to future updatesSolve real-life business cases that will get you the job"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Absolute Beginners Guide to Statistics and Probability" |
"StatisticsYou need to think like a scientist before you can become a scientist. Statistics trains your mind to frame problems as hypotheses and gives you techniques to test these hypotheses, just like a scientist.MathematicsLearning the tools is the first step to doing data science. You must first see the big picture to then examine the parts in detail.We take a detailed look specifically at calculus and linear algebra as they are the subfields data science relies on.Why learn it?Probability, Calculus and linear algebra are essential for programming in data science. If you want to understand advanced machine learning algorithms, then you need these skills in your arsenal.Advanced StatisticsRegressions, clustering, and factor analysis are all disciplines that were invented before machine learning. However, now these statistical methods are all performed through machine learning to provide predictions with unparalleled accuracy. This section will look at these techniques in detail.Main features of this course:Provides you the complete package to be comfortable using statistics and analyzing dataCovers all stages of data analysis processVery easy to understandNo complicated equationsPlain English instead of multiple statistical termsPractical, with mobile shopping case studyExercises and quizzes to help you master data analysis and statisticsUpon completion of this course, you'll be ready to apply what you've learned to excel in your statistics classes and make smarter business decisionsWho this course is for:Professionals desiring to augment their statistical & mathematical skillsAnyone seeking to increase their data analytics capability"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Design Mo na Massa" |
"Nesse curso vamos ensinar o aluno a desenvolver sua criatividade aplicando os conceitos de design na criao de peas publicitrias, onde sero aplicados os princpios do design com as ferramentas de computao grfica.Muitas pessoas possuem uma enorme dificuldade para colocar pra fora sua criatividade, nosso curso vai trazer a tona os talentos criativos utilizando tcnicas de percepo criativas aplicadas a parte prtica dos softwares."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Est ms que comprobado, sin una sana autoestima no se puede alcanzar el bienestar personal. Es imposible ser feliz si la relacin con uno mismo est basada en sentimientos de no vala, de incapacidad, de falta de cuidado, respeto, y amor hacia uno mismo.En gran medida, las relaciones que establezcamos con los dems, con el mundo, incluso con la vida, van a depender de la relacin que tengamos con nosotros mismos.Una baja autoestima es el caldo de cultivo perfecto para desarrollar cualquier tipo de dificultad, conflicto o malestar psicolgico. De ah, que sea fundamental e imprescindible profundizar en este trabajo personal.En este curso aprenderemos qu es autoestima y qu no, cules son las bases principales que conforman la misma, y cmo podemos de manera prctica cambiar nuestro sistema de pensamiento y conducta para comenzar a querernos.He reunido las mejores herramientas y claves que he descubierto tanto en mi trabajo personal como en la consulta para guiar de una manera muy concreta a todas aquellas personas que necesiten claridad y sobre todo precisin para desarrollar una sana autoestima.Nos vemos en el curso!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Activer une nouvelle dynamique d'quipe" |
"Le leadership et la capacit travailler en quipe, sont les comptences les plus recherches par les entreprises.Selon une tude ralise par l'entreprise Gallup 90 % des salaris se disent pas engags dans leur travail. Les facteurs principaux des dmissions sont: Pas de travail dquipeOrganisation du travail (Horaires, plannings, management)Pas de possibilit dvolutionPas de challengeManque de formationManque de reconnaissance et de rcompensePas assez de libert pour sexprimerManque dautonomieIngalits entre les salarisCulture dentrepriseTous ces sujets seront abords tout au long de cette classe ""Activer une dynamique d'quipe"" et dans les exercices qui vous sont proposs. Les exercices sont un moyen pour vous de prendre le temps de rflchir et avancer sur votre rle en tant que manager et en tant que leader. Parce quune guerre des talents sopre, loptimisation du capital humain est un avantage comptitif pour chaque compagnie qui souhaite conserver un haut niveau de crativit et dinnovation.Cest votre leadership et votre capacit faire grandir les talents, avec votre business, qui va faire la diffrence.Comme le management a volu avec les nouvelles gnrations, les nouveaux styles de vie et de travail, nous avons tous besoin de nous adapter.Pour mieux vous aider progresser dans votre rle de manager, jai runi les pratiques des managers de la Silicon Valley que je sais adaptables aux entreprises Franaises.Spcialiste des environnements de travail internationaux et multiculturels, je vous invite travers cette classe sur la dynamique dquipe repenser le management comme une ressource pour vos employs.Vous y dcouvrirez comment la dynamique d'quipe influence l'engagement des quipes, sa motivation et sa capacit rsoudre les problmes.Retenir vos talents et les faire progresser est l'enjeu majeur de cette nouvelle re conomique et technologique. Crer l'environnement et la culture propice l'expression des talents est votre nouveau challenge de leader.Les exercices vous guideront dans votre rle pour :Motiver,Inspirer, Encourager,Soutenir et dfendre,Guider,vos collaborateurs.Cette classe va s'enrichir de vos contributions et de vos expriences. N'hsitez pas PARTICIPER dans la rubrique commentaires et INSPIRER les autres managers du groupe ! Merci de suivre cette classe, je me rjouis d'avance d'changer avec vous. A trs vite, Barbara"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Sempre fui daquelas que achava que meditar no era pra mim. Lembro uma vez que ri quando uma amiga me convidou pra meditar por uma hora e dispensei sem nem pensar duas vezes. No sei se era falta de conhecimento, preguia, ou as duas coisas juntas.. mas eu tinha certeza que ficar parada ouvindo musiquinhas lentas no poderiam me ajudar em NADA! Mas o mundo sempre d voltas, no mesmo?Vieram as minhas amadas crises de ansiedade e os diversos problemas de sade com elas comecei a pesquisar tratamentos alternativos para os meus transtornos. Lia em todos os sites a bendita da meditao, e como boa cientista, pesquisei em artigos acadmicos.. e l estava a sua eficcia comprovada.Resolvi dar a chance mas no foi amor a primeira vista no. Quanto mais eu tentava, mais errada eu parecia estar. Mais ansiosa eu ficava, acabando que estava fazendo tudo errado. Me julgava e desistia nos primeiros minutos.Foi s depois de muito estudar, de ter a oportunidade de fazer cursos de yoga e conhecer professores incrveis que entendi o que era meditar. E acabei descobrindo que pode sim ser simples e fcil. E a vontade de levar esses conhecimentos pra todo mundo que precisa me motivou a sair da inrcia e a vencer meus medos.Decidi criar o T MEDITANDO, um curso de 7 aulas, 100% online, para ensinar a arte da meditao para pessoas que no sabem meditar (e nem fazem ideia de que podem) atravs de tcnicas, alongamentos, posturas, respiraes e meditaes guiadas.Em 2019 pude oferecer esse curso para 60 pessoa que relataram muitas mudanas em suas vidas. Por essa razo, decidi trazer essa metodologia para a plataforma Udemy e facilitar o acesso de muitas outras pessoas que precisam dos benefcios da meditao mas no sabem como comear."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"AutoCAD, BricsCAD, ZWCAD - quick course for beginners" |
"In this course:- you'll gain practical knowledge;- you'll start to communicate using technical drawing;- you'll learn how to draw fast and efficiently in every version of CAD program;- you'll learn simple tricks which improve your work;- you'll change your bad habits which slow down your work;- you'll know what to do when the program shows errors;- you'll get a command list that works in every CAD program"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Website Speed Optimization - Front-end + WordPress" |
"We all know how terrible experience is a slow service. Who likes to wait more than needed at the bar, in the shop queue, or in traffic? No one, of course. And it's no different with websites and any other web-based services: slow service is irritating. Even more, given that in today's world we want everything instantly.Users will be unhappy, if your site will work slow - or at least slower than they expected. They will more likely go away and find better, lighter, quicker alternative to stop being frustrated and enjoy the service they need. But did you know, that slow sites will also rank lower in search engines?The solution is not easy, as there are many areas on which the site's performance can gain or lose. However, there are tens of things you can do, and some of them are pretty easy.Whether you recently finished the web developer course, or you're already developing for some time, this is the place where you will learn all the basic and intermediate methods to speed up the sites you create. Upon implementing the techniques presented in this course, you will be able to visibly boost your site's load time, and also - if your site is more complex - you will be able to make it work much faster within the browser.I will show you how to boost your site's performance by:reducing number of resources, their sizes, and complexity of your codechoosing proper image file formats and tuning their settingsoptimizing placement of images on the pageoptimizing your styles and scripts by doing the same things more efficientlymanipulating the order in which browsers download resourcesconfiguring your serverAlso, as a bonus, I prepared a couple of hints how to speed up your WordPress installation. And whenever the techniques mentioned in the course need CMS support, I show you how to implement them on a site powered by WordPress.Well-optimized site will bring a number of gains. I mentioned happier users, more likely to stay on the site, and the boost in search engines, which will support SEO efforts.But optimization will also bring savings in storage and bandwidth usage over the time. It will also save energy: well-optimized resources will need less energy to be sent between browser and server, and they will use less battery on the end user's devices. So it's more eco too, if you like to think this way.But if you're rather selfish, there are benefits for you - personally:your clients will be happier when you create for them fast websites,your value as a web developer, capable of building efficient sites, will grow,your salary or prices will likely grow."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Programacin en red con Java" |
"Este curso describe los conceptos bsicos relacionados con el desarrollo de aplicaciones de red utilizando JAVA como lenguaje de programacin. Explica los conceptos bsicos de funcionamiento de las redes de comunicaciones, abordando la parte del API de Java relacionada con la programacin de aplicaciones cliente/servidor LAN, mediante el uso de elementos de los niveles inferiores de la pila de protocolos TCP/IP. Trabajamos tambien el protocolo UDP no orientado a conexin.Aprenders para trabajar con Sockets, Datagram, Serializacin, hilos, ......Imprescindible para todo el que desee comenzar a programar aplicaciones de red con lenguaje JAVA.Se acompaa de ejercicios prcticos que se explican y permiten la descarga de los proyectos que se programan. Estos ejercicios estn creados en proyectos que los alumnos podrn descargar al completo para usarlos directamente."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"CAPM: Certified Associate in Project Management (PMI-100)" |
"This course is for individuals aiming to pass Certified Associate in Project Management Exam in the first attempt.This course gives you 5 practice tests, 750 hand picked questions to help you to pass the official "" Certified Associate in Project Management"" certification exam.If youd like to manage larger projects and gain more responsibility or add project management skills into your current role, then the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) is right for you.The certification exam has 150 questions, and you have three hours to complete it.Why take this course?The questions in the 5 practice tests always stay current. 100% verified answers by Our Certified Professional Experts.These questions will help you score at least 80-85% on the main exam.30 days money back guarantee, no questions asked."
Price: 5440.00 ![]() |
"Simple Forex Swing Trading Strategy in 25 mins" |
"Learn my Complete & Simple Forex Swing Trading Strategy in 25 minsAbout Strategy:Forex Market (all major & minor pairs)Pure Price Action TradingSwing Trading StrategyDaily, 4 hourly, 1 hourly timeframeAdvanced Price Action TechniquesOne trading setup strategy (pure clarity, no confusion)Pending orders (no active screen time)Secure consistent profits each month (no get rich quick)Strategy is suitable for busy people who can check charts 1 - 3 times per day.This is my Super Successful myfxbook verified Trading Strategy!Join now and start placing profitable trades!!!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"DAY TRADE e OPES BINRIAS para TODOS! Bsico ao avanado!" |
"Ol futuro trader, tudo bem?Voc sabe o que so Aes, Forex, Opes Binrias, ndices, Day Trade e demais termos relacionados ao mercado financeiro? Com a BAH! voc aprender os principais aspectos do mercado como a Teoria de Dow, Ondas de Elliot, Price Action bsico e avanado, Fibonacci, Mdias Mveis, Forex, ndices, Futuros, Opes Binrias, Plataformas de trading, Anlise grfica e tcnica, mini ndice e mini dlar, Anlise fundamentalista, alm do nosso grupo de suporte e indicador personalizado VITALCIO!Listamos abaixo os 10 principais motivos para voc adquirir nosso curso!Com nosso curso e metodologia de ensino voc ficar apto operar no mercado financeiro e obter uma renda extra trabalhando de casa na internet pelo computador ou celular!Nosso material consiste em mais de 20h de vdeo aulas e material didtico, alm de planilhas de apoio e exemplos de operaes executadas por nossos traders!Alm disso voc ter acesso ao nosso indicador totalmente exclusivo para apoiar nas suas operaes em Forex e Opes Binrias!No se preocupe, o curso dividido em mdulos que iro preparar voc de forma gradual para que ao final voc tenha total domnio sobre o assunto, portanto, no necessrio conhecimento prvio do assunto, vamos do bsico ao avanado!Somos uma comunidade de mais de 3000 alunos ativos trocando conhecimento e apoiando uns aos outros. Venha ser mais um!Temos uma metodologia de ensino diferente de tudo que se v no mercado de cursos para investimentos, com linguagem totalmente acessvel e sem complicao! Nosso foco no est em passar uma estratgia mgica ou operacional infalvel que d lucros absurdos e consistentes em curto prazo, prezamos por trabalhar com seriedade e verdade!Vamos te preparar para analisar o mercado com os mesmos olhos dos grandes traders de anlise tcnica e grfica, e assim, voc mesmo chegar ao seu melhor operacional e estratgia! Grupo de apoio no Telegram com mais de 800 pessoas ativas trocando experincias e resultados!O curso MAIS BEM AVALIADO na categoria de finanas e investimentos!VOC!! Seja nosso novo aluno e parceiro nessa jornada! Venha conferir!Aviso Legal: Os resultados apresentados neste site atravs de pginas, textos ou vdeos so individuais e podem variar de pessoa para pessoa. O Day Trade pode no ser adequado para todos os traders ou investidores. Embora muitos alunos da BAH! tenham obtido sucesso no mercado, o desempenho histrico no garante resultados futuros. Antes de se envolver em qualquer tipo de negociao, voc deve considerar cuidadosamente seus objetivos, experincia e o risco associado s suas escolhas. Toda e qualquer tomada de deciso para compra e venda de ativos na Bolsa de Valores, Forex ou Opes Binrias envolve riscos e de total responsabilidade do prprio trader ou investidor.Abraos e bons estudos!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"evre Bilinci Semineri" |
"evre Bilinci SemineriBu eitim evresel etkilerimize ynelik farkndalk oluturmak ve bu farkndalk ile; kirliliin nlenmesi ve evrenin korunmasna katk salamaktr.Eitimin HedefiSosyal bir varlk olarak ihtiyalarmz karlarken, evresel etkilerimize ynelik farkndalk oluturmak ve bu farkndalk ile; kirliliin nlenmesi ve evrenin korunmas iin davranlarmzn deimesine katk salamak ve bylece toplumsal bir farkndalk yaratmaktr."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"evre Ynetim Sistemi (ISO 14001:2015) Temel Eitimi" |
"evre Ynetim Sistemi (ISO 14001:2015) Temel Eitimirnlerini, srelerini ve alanlarn evreye kar daha duyarl hale getirerek evresel kirlenmeyi azaltmak isteyen kurulular ISO 14001:2015 evre Ynetim Sistemi standardn anlamal ve uygulamaldr.Eitimin HedefiSrdrlebilir kalknma iin srdrlebilir evrenin nemi her geen gn daha da artmaktadr. Bu nedenle rnlerini, srelerini ve alanlarn evreye kar daha duyarl hale getirerek evresel kirlenmeyi azaltmak isteyen kurulular ISO 14001:2015 evre Ynetim Sistemi standardn doru anlamal ve doru uygulamaldr."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Hata Trleri ve Etkileri Analizi (Proses FMEA) Eitimi" |
"Hata Trleri ve Etkileri Analizi (Proses FMEA) EitimiPotansiyel hatalar, etkilerini, sebeplerini aratrmak ve bu hatalar ile ilgili dzeltici nleyici faaliyetler almak iin FMEA metodunu renin.Eitimin HedefiProses, faaliyet ya da belirli bir operasyondaki potansiyel hatalar, hatalarn etkilerini ve sebeplerini aratrmak ve ncelikleri belirlemek.Bunlarla ilgili dzeltici ve nleyici faaliyetleri bir ekip almas ve sistematik yaklamlarla yapmak isteyen katlmclara FMEA metodunu retmek."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"statistiksel Proses Kontrol (IPK) Eitimi" |
"statistiksel Proses Kontrol (IPK) EitimiBu eitimde temel istatistik, istatistiksel proses kontrol ve proses yeterlilii analizleri konular anlatlmaktadr.Eitimin HedefiKatlmclar; temel istatistik, istatistiksel proses kontrol ve proses yeterlilii analizleri konularnda eitmek. Bu analizlerle; kurulularnda rn ve proses deikenliklerini azaltacak ve uygunsuzluklar nceden tespit edecek PK sistemini kurmalarn salamak.Bu eitimde temel istatistik, istatistiksel proses kontrol ve proses yeterlilii analizleri konular anlatlmaktadr."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Brazil VAT - Indirect Tax" |
"A Simple and direct overview of the Brazilian Indirect Tax System for all kinds of companies.After this course, you will have a better understanding of the indirect tax system and will be able to navigate deep into that. The course uses a simple language, practical examples that enable students to absorb and digest the content very well and so that exercise critical thinking on each matter."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"mBot ile Robotik Kodlama Temel Eitimi" |
"Arduino Uno tabanl bir robotik kodlama eitim kiti olan mBot, kodlamay zevkli ve elenceli hale getiren eitici robottur. Sadece bir tornavida ile kendi robotunuzu yapmanza olanak salar. mBot'u Scratch 3 altyapsn kullanan yeni mBlock 5 yazlm ile programlayacaz. Standart mBot kutu ieriini ve zelliklerini kapsayan bu kurs ile mBot'u derinlemesine renip onunla yaratc projeler gelitirebilecek ve Make X turnuvasna hazrlanmak iin temelinizi salam bir ekilde oluturmu olacaksnz. Robotik Kodlama alannda aklnza taklan her konuda eitmeniniz olarak yardmc olmaya hazrm."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Social Media Marketing for Beginners" |
"In this course, I will help guide you throughout the realm of Social Media. I will provide tips and tricks for how to advertise through different platforms, understanding insights, how to use insights to develop marketing campaigns for your audience. I show you how to handle everyday social media users and turn them into customers, that WANT to keep buying from you. To top off everything, I give financial suggestions so that you don't run out of money for your business, and continue to make, instead of lose money!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Core SAP ABAP Programming" |
"SAP-ABAP is proprietary language of the ERP company SAP AG. Germany. All most all products of SAP were developed using this Language. If anyone wants build their career as a Technical Developer in SAP, they should learn ABAP. Recently, Functional Programming features are added to ABAP, that makes ABAP easy to learn and prepare simple and highly efficient programs. This course provides the essential topics needed for ABAP Development. Both Classic ABAP and Modern ABAP features will be covered."
Price: 7360.00 ![]() |
"Professionelle Webanwendungen mit CodeIgniter 3" |
"Hallo! Und herzlich Willkommen in der Welt von CodeIgniter 3. Hier in diesem Kurs, wirst du alles lernen, um sowohl kleine Webseiten, als auch beliebig komplexe Webanwendungen mit dem PHP-Framework CodeIgniter 3 umzusetzen.Vorab bitte lesen!Wie du vielleicht weit, ist eine komplett neue Version von CodeIgniter (CodeIgniter 4) in der Entwicklung. Warum solltest du dich berhaupt noch mit dem Auslufer beschftigen? Hier meine drei Grnde:Es wird noch einige Zeit dauern bis CodeIgniter 4 bereit fr den offiziellen Einsatz ist. Auch danach ist gerade am Anfang mit einigen Fehlern zu rechnen. Wer wei ob der Release berhaupt noch 2020 stattfinden wirdCodeIgniter 3 wird nach dem Release nicht out-of-date sein. Im Gegenteil, es wird weiter supportet und ist jahrelang erfolgreich getestet. Auch ich werde ich den nchsten Jahren noch nicht auf CodeIgniter 4 umsteigen.Daher kannst du diesen Kurs mit sehr gutem Gewissen belegen, zudem du das Wissen auch in Zukunft auf die 4. Version von CodeIgniter bertragen und anwenden kannst. Das allermeiste wird auch in der Version 4 gltig sein.Nach dem offiziellen Release werde ich dich in diesem Kurs ber alle Unterschiede informieren!Einige Kursziele, die du nach dem Kurs erreicht haben wirst:Selbstsicherer Einsatz des CodeIgniter Frameworks.Erweitere das Framework nach eigenen Vorstellungen.Profitiere von jahrelanger Erfahrung und nimm programmiersprachen-unabhngige Entwicklungskonzepte in andere Anwendungsgebiete mit.Du solltest nach Abschluss in der Lage sein, sowohl einfache Webseiten als auch umfangreiche Full-Stack-Anwendungen zu schreiben, sprich von der Datenbank bis zum ansprechenden Frontend wirst du alles selbst umsetzen knnen!Du kannst Anwendungen von der Planung bis zum online stellen realisieren.Ein paar weitere Grnde, warum du den Kurs whlen solltest:Mir ist es besonders wichtig, ein nachhaltiges Verstndnis von CodeIgniter und allgemeinen Entwicklungstechniken zu erzeugen. Daher gehen wir in dem Kurs ins Detail und schauen hinter die Kulissen.Zudem mchte ich, dass jedes Projekt so strukturiert ist, dass wichtiger Code in nachfolgenden Projekten wiederverwendet werden kann, d.h. in dem Kurs entwickeln wir gemeinsam Code, den du in anderen Projekten wiederverwenden kannst und dir dadurch viel Zeit erspart.Durch den kompletten Kurs hinweg, setze ich auf ntzliche Visualisierungen und bungsaufgaben (inkl. Lsungsvideos).In den Videos rede ich nicht lange um den heien Brei herum, sondern komme zgig zum wesentlichen Inhalt. Das kann dazu fhren, dass du einige Stellen dir mehrmals anhren musst, aber dafr bekommst du in wenig Zeit viel Inhalt!Grober KursaufbauAnhand einer einfachen Webseite lernst du die Grundlangen von CodeIgniter kennen.Anschlieend werden wir das umfangreiche Kursprojekt planen, umsetzen, optimieren, erweiterten und verffentlichen. Dabei setzen wir einige CodeIgniter Bibliotheken / Hilfsklassen ein und erweitern das Framework durch eigene Klassen.Aktuell in der Entwicklung(Sobald diese ffentlich sind, wirst du als Teilnehmer natrlich darber informiert)Mail Versand mit CodeIgniterAnwendungen in mehreren SprachenAlso! Worauf noch warten? Lass uns gemeinsam tolle Webanwendungen mit dem PHP Framework CodeIgniter realisieren!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Wealthness Academy" |
"YOU ARE AWESOME, INVINCIBLE, A RELENTLESS MONEY MACHINE ... Soon, this is what those closest to you will be reminded of. Begin YOUR journey towards PERSONAL AND FINANCIAL FREEDOM right here, right now!This is the beginning; a New Beginning. Whatever your personal opinions on the theories, paradigms, facts and dogma explored in this explosive publication, you absolutely, unequivocally will not escape the inescapable fact that youll never think the same way again!You have discovered The Omniscience Principle and The Philosophy of I. It will change the way you think, the way you see the world, the way you interact with people, the way you work. Your attitude towards business and the way you live. It WILL change your life completely it WILL set you free.The Omniscience Principle is going to drag you kicking and screaming along your very own journey towards PERSONAL AND FINANCIAL FREEDOM Youre about to see in all its Technicolor glory, right here, right now, how you too can have a great, fat, juicy chunk of your dreams and desires.Yes thats right! I dont care if youre black, white, yellow, pink or blue, I dont care if youre a young whippersnapper or an ageing silver fox; I dont care if you live in London, New York or Uzbekistan YOU CAN HAVE A BETTER LIFE, BE IN A BETTER PLACE.If you are currently happy, wealthy, free and content then theres nothing here for you if not, read on..Written over twenty years of in-the-trenches battles against business and life, this fully updated manuscript is now ready for YOU.All I ask is that you take from The Omniscience Principle what you can. Use it, grow bigger, better, stronger and above all, achieve everything you desire.The Omniscience Principle, and The Philosophy of I. Its about YOU and breaking free of the constraints forced upon you through indoctrination and manipulation since birth; moral codes and policing you can do without and which hold you back in a world of subservience and mediocrity.A New Religion Conceived to Build Faith in YOUR OWN AbilitiesIts about cold, hard cash, that money and the accompanying rewards are wholly laudable. Its about instant gratification, indulgence and the pleasure it brings in this life, right now.Its about being free, happy, wealthy and content; its about forming a fundamental understanding of how you can be used and your lifes energies abused, relentlessly and inexorably. Its seeing the psychological weapons used against you minute by minute, hour by unrelenting hour; knowing the damage they can inflict and avoiding their blows.Its about discovering absolute clarity and vision to see clearly through the smoke and mirrors. Its about doing exactly what you want and whatever makes you feel good, without compromise when and wherever you like.Its about rising to see the dawn break because youve decided to, not because its an obligation.Its about picking your children up from school everyday because you can. And if you dont want children, thats fine too, if that makes you happy.Its about YOUR time now and its about being rewarded with all the good things; all the good times for all the honest and fine things you do.Give and you shall receive through The Omniscience Principle I give, and give and give. It reveals everything which I use in defense and attack through lifes relentless and often difficult tests and shares the secrets to ultimate success on a number of levels both physically and mentally. Through giving a little squirt of happy juice runs through my veins, and I like that :) It make me feel good knowing that you will blossom into a better and bigger person.I know you are probably feeling quite isolated and wish you could break free of the constraints placed upon your life its bloody hard isnt it, trying to achieve even the most basic of ambitions?My favorite analogy is: 'You feel like youre the only person with a fork in a world full of soup' ... Youre not alone!I know how you are feeling; I know because Ive been there,I have been where you are nowWorry no more! Youre not alone in this world and now you too have discovered The Omniscience Principle, and The Philosophy of I. Soon youll be powering your way out too.A plane wont fly without the wings. Bolt all the elements together and itll soar.You only have a very limited time here on this Earth once youre gone, youre gone. And my job over the next few weeks and months is to give you the very best head start, so that you can stop pissing about trying to discover Personal Wealth and Freedom.Youre going to attain it in the shortest possible time and spend the remainder of your life enjoying it!Well discover that you can be rich but not wealthy and look to address that. Wealth is holistic and you are only truly rich when you are doing the right things, the good things and are fulfilled. This is not about concrete and glass it is about tuning your very soul to sing.I started with nothing Just a few years ago, at the age of thirty two, I couldnt even turn on a computer FACT!I went to college and learned. After being virtually bankrupted by The Machine I chose to explore the Internet as a vehicle to attaining wealth and freedom because I believed it offered the most opportunities for someone like me actually it offers great opportunities for just about anybody!Having said that I must point out that The Omniscience Principle has nothing to do with how you choose to make your money and although the Internet has been good to me, I am well aware that it isnt for everyone.The Omniscience Principle, and The Philosophy of I are about attaining Personal Freedom and being ultimately successful at your chosen goal or businessI say business because unless youre highly specialised, highly trained, highly sought-after, a job is time hungry, not leveragable and will simply never pay enough!How much is enough? Well that depends on the individual but take it from me, its bloody great fat number that very few jobs will pay?The Omniscience Principle, and The Philosophy of I are about opening the door to Self, by doing so, you open doors to a better world.I built my business one step at a time for years the money refused to roll, but I stuck at it. I did whatever it would take to succeed.I truly wish The Omniscience Principle, and The Philosophy of I was around when I started, as life would have been far easier for me!I started right at the bottom,so dont think for a second that YOUcant achieve Personal and Financial FreedomYOU CAN and will, if you consider the systems outlined and most importantly, refuse to give up.You will make it, maybe not overnight but I promise, it will happen.Starting today, Im going to reveal how YOU can go on to get the best life possible.What do I know? More than some, not as much as others. I dont have all the answers but I have some because Ive been there. Most havent!Why, on this Earth would you want to take seriously someone who hasnt been there and done it; walked the walk and now talks the talk?I cant imagine why anyone would listen to someone about attaining wealth who isnt wealthy! And I cant imagine why anyone would take advice from someone who hasnt made their way in this hard and unforgiving world and attained personal wealth by using EXACTLY the same systems and techniques they promote!Well the good news is that I have done OK. Ive gone rapidly backwards and am going forwards again More good news is that Im using precisely the systems, methods and techniques Im going to share with you now.And even more good news is that I havent always been wealthy and free!I have been right at the very bottom of the pile, in the muck and mire of destitute obscurity. I have battled, wrestled, and climbed to the exhilarating peak of my mountain, and boy, has it been a fight!Those old medieval knights who went off into the misty wilderness to slay dragons a walk in the park!At one point I was so low, so pissed off, so desperate because things just wouldnt go my way that I convinced myself I was possessed by an evil spirit, hell bent on scuppering my every move. What could I have possibly done in another life to deserve all this bad luck?I even made an appointment to get exorcised! Honestly, sounds crazy but its true.I Have Always Been a Millionaire,I Havent Always Had the Money!But I kept going. You see, I have always been a millionaire, its just I havent always had the money! Its a mental thing; without a millionaire mindset how can you possibly be a millionaire? Anyone can get to where they want to be and yet more good news is that luck has no part to play weve all got it within us, it simply needs freeing.Ive tried everything. I had a bar: The Upsidedown Flying Crocodile Bar it failedI had a catering business: Butties World Famous Sandwiches it floppedI had a publishing business and got utterly shafted by the government!I remember back when I was so ridiculously broke, celebrating having a positive balance of $180 (100) in my account. Thats the only money I had, no assets, no property, no savings Zip, nada, zilch!This has been some white knuckle ride I can tell you. And the great thing for you is that because Ive gone through hell and high water; waged war and beaten my monsters and demons both physically and mentally, I know pretty much what YOU need to do in order to join me in the Kingdom of Wealth.After failing in just about every venture I set my attention to I had almost reconciled myself to the fact that I would probably never get the money to become a fully rounded millionaire. I almost settled for pseudo millionairism, to be yet another wannabe pretender Millionaires mouth, paupers bank balance!Then along came my opportunity, the Internet what an invention! Its changed the world beyond all recognition, people really are making fortunes and despite all the crap, broken promises and hollow guarantees, it genuinely is possible to achieve wealth AND freedom. I see it as the easiest way but its not for everyone and the good news is that it does not matter This is about YOU and YOU make your own choices.To quote the late, great Frank Sinatra I did it my way BUT, better still, Im qualified, willing and able to share with you every intimate detail of how you can do the same for your chosen path and the best part?I wont leave you high and dry And thats a promise!Were in this for the long run because the make the money and run culture now rife, makes me sick. Youve seen it, you get it rammed down your gullet every single day Occasionally some jerk comes along with clever copy, again you think, this is it, finally Ive found the answer. You part with yet more of that hard earned and what do you get? Recycled crap!Living The Internet Dream Weve got caa ash, weve got caa ashI remember, oh so vividly, not too long ago, the excitement, the rush I got bong, bing My young boy used to giggle with delight and join in the ritual dance around the tired old bedroom I used to call my office. Weve got caa ash, weve got caa ash.Thars ma boy Yippi! Weve got caa ash, weve got caa ash.Well thats a truly pleasant and distant memory now. Were living the Internet dream. My wife and I, the three incredible children; were truly bathing in its ocean of wealth, liberty and accompanying joy.So, how did I achieve my wealth?I did it using systems that work; systems that have been making man rich since he first invented commerce.I quickly worked out that youre only given a finite period in which to make the most of your life, so youre equipped with very limited resources in time and energy. I therefore made a conscious decision: Do the very best I can do, in anything and everything I do.This way I can always say when my times up: I tried, I did everything I possibly could do to attain wealth, freedom and happiness I gave it all I had.This way, if I was to fail, I could hold my head high and turn to the fellow residents waiting for God in the retirement home, smelling of piss and stale breath, I could say: I could do no more.Its very easy to sell garbage. Millions make $billions every year doing it, but for me? For me, it would be a betrayal of everything I stand for, it would be a total waste of my lifes energies.As I said earlier I have always been a millionaire, at times I just didnt have the money.Unfortunately, it's a fact of life that we need dirty old cash in order to become truly wealthy!Now it occurred to me that very few people are born with all the qualities and assets needed to make it alone. Sure, there are those that think they have it but generally, when you pick through the bones, theres a bigger picture hiding in the shadows.Those advantaged enough to get it handed to them on a plate, you know the sort. Daddy lives in a big house, with a big company, he pays the monthly credit card bills, pays the down-payment on the house etc. etc. the ones that arrogantly look down upon us peasants!Well fuck them! They wouldnt know the first thing about making it alone!I know that probably sounds a little bitter and resentful and you know what? I am slightly! I wish Id have had it a lot easier, been handed a privileged existence, but I wasnt, and neither were you. Then again, they do say the struggle makes you a better person?I certainly could do it all over again using EXACTLY what Im going to share with you and thankfully, I do have a healthy respect for those who want it too.Ask yourself some questions!What are you looking for?What do you really want, your dreams, your ambitions, what are your aspirations?What do you want from life?What do you have to do to be:Personally and financially free?Have the burden of money pressures lifted forever?To be able to do what you want, when you want?Have multiple, lifetime streams of passive income?Do good things that you can be proud of?HOW DO YOU GET MORE LIFE, AND GET IT NOW!!!How on earth do you achieve all that when acquiring even the simplest things is such a struggle?I am living testament that anyone can do anything. Im not particularly well educated having attended miserable schools where most teachers didnt really care. I grew up in a town with few opportunities for work and many opportunities for crime. I speak with a stupid brummie accent and am rough around the edges and I wrote every single word youre reading. I write most of the copy on my mega-selling sites yet Im dyslexic!My journey started well before the Net. You could say its taken me twenty hard, long years to become an overnight success.But dont let that put you off, the good news is OTHERS HAVE DONE ALL THE HARD WORK!Information is King in the 21st CenturyIn the last hundred years weve seen great changes. We have stepped out of the industrial era into the information age and with the advent of the Worldwide Web we are now entering a new and exciting time.A new revolution is under way: The Information Revolution. We are entering a time where our lives are changing so dramatically it seems almost impossible to keep up. Its no longer who you know its what you know.Information is power. Without it, men would still be banging women over the heads and dragging them back to their caves by their scruff. If you havent the right information in the information age you might as well go and join the Quakers!Ask yourself this. Who would you rather go to for sound financial and investment advice?Your local bank assistant, Freddy Finance your friendly neighbourhood money advisor, Warren Wide Boy the local supplier of just about anything he can fit in the back of his truck, OR Alan Greenspan, Richard Branson, Donald Trump or the Director of the World Bank?Imagine if you could spend an hour with Bill Gates, pick his brains; imagine what that hour would be worth to you.Roman Abramovitch is a self-made, Russian oligarch and owner of the UK football club Chelsea. He sold his oil business back to Russia, which he bought for a pittance, for an estimated $20 billion yes thats BILLION! He couldnt count how much money he has if he spent his life trying. If Roman wrote a step-by-step guide titled How to Make a Billion Dollars which you could follow and make money as he did, youd buy into that wouldnt you?Im Not Bright or Cunning EnoughI figured out that Im probably not bright enough or cunning enough to invent my very own revolutionary, dam-busting world-beater. I had no real expertise and no financial backing; no wealthy benefactor or specialist skill.I figured that the only way to get the money noticeably absent from my millionaire lifestyle was to learn from those at the cash summit. Makes sense doesnt it? My point is, that wouldnt you want to seek out help from the best there is? If they can do it so can you!It has been said that a million is always easier to make the second time around. Why?Because you know the rules, you know what works and what doesnt. You have established the game plan; you have a proven recipe for ultimate accomplishment.So I got my head down. I worked so hard for so long I though Id never break free. Every time I saw the light at the end of the tunnel it turned out to be a truck coming in the opposite direction!Sound familiar?I know something more about you. I know you need to know what I know; I know youre desperately looking for a way out.Information is King in the 21st Century!Up until today you had been desperately searching for a whole host of answers to your questions right?Before you check your mail each morning you say a little prayer and wiggle your fingers at the screen hoping itll make a difference to your luck! You sort out the junk and file it in the junk bin, put the bills in the to be paid one day when I get around to it file and then you sift through the opportunities which seem to arrive with tedious regularity and bin them too because there is never anything of significant importance anyway.You have picked the brains of friends and colleagues in the vein hope that they may provide you with some hidden wisdom they havent!You have probably had many ground-breaking ideas of your own only to see them fade away because you had nowhere to go or no one to approach for competent help and support.You didnt have the right information to move forward did you?How do I know all this and weve never even met?Simple! If you had discovered the answer, then you wouldnt be reading this would you? Youd be totally free right nowSeek out the Highest Achievers on the Planet,Learn Their secrets and Emulate That SuccessMy brief was this I wrote it down to keep me focused: To seek out the highest achievers on the planet, learn their secrets and emulate that successAnd I did just that. During those long dark times I grew, each day I became a bigger and better person.I learned all about the weapons employed by those who seek to keep us in a position of existence. I learned that there really is a formula for ultimate accomplishment and its used over and over by a tiny group tenacious enough to discover it for themselves. I eventually realised that I was never possessed by a wicked demon at all. And I discovered that contrary to what the Rich Jerks will have you believe, there is no magic seed that when planted at the bottom of the garden flourishes into a blooming money tree, no higher order that lavishes the chosen few with great fortune; no super-system that pays out vast sums for little or no investment!The World Full of Ordinary People Like You and IIt actually came as a big surprise to me that worlds high achievers are merely normal, everyday people!The richest man on Earth wasnt born that way, he wasnt a child prodigy who grew up to become the worlds cleverest man. Hes bright, theres no denying that, but hes no super genius.And this was a revelation Ya bloody hoooo! It really is possible for just about anyone to make it with the right information.You are easily as bright as any millionaire. In fact, if you truly want that level of prestige then youre already well on your way to attaining it. You have already shown you have what it takes by getting this far! The only thing that separates the top earners from those who settle for mediocrity is that high achievers have relentlessly sought the right formula, found it and acted upon it.I did, and when the Internet came along the ball started to roll, it rolled and rolled and rolled, faster and faster. Now theres just no stopping that old money ball. I have built a formidable online business to be proud of and now my time has come to leave my mark and do good in the world.And now its time to help YOU break free. Seek out the highest achievers on the planet, learn their secrets and share them with others who would wish to emulate that success.That original brief was to learn the secrets of the worlds masters of wealth, embrace them, implement them and profit from them. I am now in a position share them with others who wish to emulate that success THAT MEANS YOU!This is 24 Carat, 100% Proof DYNAMITE!!!The backbone of success is information; the right information. The brief was executed with finite precision. The accumulated information is 24 carat, 100% proof DYNAMITE. Proven secrets, formulae and strategies the very same ones that were used by the top 5% of the population to accumulate 95% of the worlds wealth.Transposed onto the new information highway, what youll learn can take you anywhere you want to go.There are millionaires out there by the thousands who will make it some day and they dont even know it yet. There are those that will rake in unimaginable amounts of cash over the coming years who cant even work out a smart phone.Are you a millionaire without the money?Or do you just want to make a little extra income to make your current life easier?People just like you are growing, becoming stronger and profiting from proven strategies right now. Whilst searching for the Right Information youve no doubt seen the ubiquitous testimonials I never believe them! But as youd expect nothing less of me, the ones you see on my website are genuine and taken from hundreds I receive. Ive reproduced them simply to reassure you that others have been where you are, have taken the step, are now getting to where they want to be and to nudge you yet closer towards joining me.Ideas, Methods and SystemsThat Are PROVEN TO WORKThese ideas and strategies have been proven to work. Because no one would help me Ive had to put my own money on the line. Im now a player, competing and winning in the real world! How many times have you been promised the elixir of life? When it came down to it all you got was a bottle of fizzy water.Finally you have discovered YOUR holy grail.The answer to your question: Where and how do I find the right information to make it and break free? Its been answered. Its not who you know, its what you know more accurately, its what I share that will guarantee your success.The Omniscience Principle is the culmination of years of research; a compendium of systems, methods and paradigms that made the rich and powerful, rich and powerful and free UTTERLY FREE.The Wealthness Bible, Inner Growth, on Conscious and Subconscious Levels; A New Religion The Omniscience Principle and the Philosophy of I.I studied the systems, I developed them, I followed them and am living proof that they work.When you enter this world you will learn how to greatly enrich every facet of your life. You will grow exponentially. You will become truly empowered. You will join a growing army of people who are using and profiting from the methods I share right now.Bong, bong, bing bing There is a magnificent feeling which runs through your body each time you bank cash and you know what, I have no qualms about making money from you!What, make money from you! Youve read all this, Im talking money and you havent received anything yet?Ive got no qualms about taking your money because in return I will be passing on to you my personal, hard earned, tried and tested methods to achieve personal and financial freedom.I studied experts in their fields for years, learned from them, mimicked their success until I was competent enough to continue alone. I tweaked and modified those theories and adapted many for the better. Now I share those systems with those who have an insatiable craving to learn them; I will share them with YOU.Soon You Too Will be Banking Cash and Becoming Wealthy All you have to do is follow the blueprint and put in a modicum of effort!Soon you too will be banking cash bong, bong, bing bing And you know what? You wont feel the slightest twinge of conscience. You have sought out the highest achievers, learned from them, mimicked their success and in turn will bank YOUR just rewards.This is The Omniscience Principle in its purest form. It is the science of information. It is having the precise information needed to fulfill your goals. It is about doing the right things, in the right place, at the right time. It is a formula for super-success and about achieving it.You will bank cash How much? Well thats your call!If you follow your goals you could be banking $1,000, $3,000, $20,000 or even $100,000 s, Yen or Euros per month or nothing at all! Your goals may not require you to become cash rich.Would you be embarrassed about putting that much money in your account each month and having to do comparatively little for it . No, I didnt think so!Notice I said comparatively little Compared to what? Compared to doing it without the right information. Once you have grown multiple streams of passive income the workload wanes, but be under no illusion, you are going to have to work damn hard to get there on both physical and spiritual planes.Nothing worthwhile comes easy. unfortunately you have to earn your position. If you didnt, then firstly you wouldnt appreciate it and secondly, youd be one of those spoiled, weak insipid brats I mentioned earlier.People Rarely Get Rich Doing One Thing Brilliantly;They do Many Small Things Which WorkYou will be seeking income streams flowing in from everywhere. If one money tap dries up a different one will be opened to spring another tributary to your vast, flowing river. Your journey does not stop. You continue onward. Super-success is not a destination.Over the weeks and months you will accrue and develop a vast arsenal of information, turnkey strategies THAT WORK. You will receive the foundations on which you will build your own empire. You can and will go on to amazing new heights using systems employed by the top 5%.You no longer have to experiment. You now have access to the minds of the wealthy wholl guide you step-by-step along the path to success they did it for me and Ill do the same or you!Join me now and instantly have access to all the knowledge you would ever need to become personally and financially free.You are Awesome, Invincible,a Relentless Money MachineSoon, this is what those closest to you will be thinkingBegin your journey towards PERSONAL AND FINANCIAL FREEDOM today, through The Omniscience Principle and The Philosophy of IThe The Omniscience Principle is the culmination of years of research and experience; it is a compendium of systems, methods and paradigms that made the rich and powerful rich and powerful and free UTTERLY FREE.The systems youll begin to receive in the next few minutes Ive developed to become the best person I can be, the very same ones youll emulate to build your new life; a life that is yours and better still, the life youll develop for your family and your familys family.SO LETS GO YOUR TIME HAS FINALLY ARRIVED TO STEP OUT AND JOIN ME."
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"Hello students, in this course you will learn about what a Test Method Validation is.In this course we have 10 different sections.In Section 1 we have introduction where we will look at Agenda of course.Next In section 2 we have measurement system analysis, In this section we will look at what a measurement system is and what a measurement system analysis is and we will look at some of the examples of measurement system analysis and what kind of errors that typically are present in a measurement system and we will also look at accuracy and precision errors and how calibration and test method validation play role in reducing these errors.Next in In Section 3 we have test method validation introduction, In this section we will look at an introduction to test method validation and prerequisites to authoring a test method validation and also types of test method validation.Next in section 4, we have visual inspection test methods, in the section we will look at prerequisites for a test method-to-be visual inspection test method and we will also look at what a visual inspection test method is and what a design analysis test method is and what a functional verification test method is and also finally what an industry recognized standard test method isNext in section 5, we have conventional test methods, in this section we will look at theory of what a conventional test method is and some of the examples.Next in section 6, we have in-house developed test methods in the section we will also look at theory of what an in-house developed test method is and will also look at some of the examples of this in-house develop test method.Next in section 7 we have Test method validation, in this section review look at elements of test method validation and we will also look at a general test method validation template that can be used for any type of test method validation development.Next in Section 8, we have attribute test method validation, in the section we will look at what an attribute test method validation with Theory and also we will look at an example with an attribute test method validation protocol and an attribute test method validation report.Next in Section 9, we have variable test method validation, in the section we will look at what variable test method validation with Theory and also we will look at an example with a variable test method validation protocol and an attribute test method validation report.Finally in section 10, we will look at a the conclusion of this test method validation course.Music credit: bensound"
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"Find Your Life Purpose and Understand How To Implement it" |
"Have you ever wondered why you feel so unfilled in life? Its because you aren't aligned to your values and what is important to you. We all reach that stage in life where we know there is way more capability within us to do something more meaningful, to bring us more happiness and fulfilment, and to help others.The problem is that we don't really know what it is we are here to do, or how to work that out.Then we face the problem of ""if I find out what it is we are here for, my purpose, how do go about changing my life and following my purpose""?That is what you will learn from this course, through Rob Sewell's trusted Pathway To Purpose Blueprint.This is a 6 step blueprint to not only finding a life's purpose, but also how to implement it and understand how to get paid for it!What You Will Achieve:1. Have a deep understanding of who you are and how you currently operate at a core level.2. Understand what is most important to you and what you deeply value.3. Create and develop both a ""higher"" and ""specific life's purpose"" to understand how you can change your life forever.4. Understand the importance of vision and intent in the process of changing your life.5. Understand how to take a life's purpose and turn it into a new life (What no one else is telling you).6. The methods and tools to really create and maintain lasting change. That is where this course differs from others in that this will take you from a clear understanding of why you are where you are in your life right now, through finding what is truly important to you and your specific purpose in life, to then go on and actually understand how to change your mindset and gain the clarity and skills to implement it.This is about personal success, this is about changing your life forever.""I'll take you from the conception of a new life to a state of being where you will create exactly the life you want and understand how to get paid for it!Who am I to teach you this?My name is Rob Sewell and I have gone through this entire process myself, I don't talk the talk, I've walked the work. After 10 years as an academic scientist I committed what I now see as the cardinal sin; the career change based on seeking more money not fulfilment and purpose. This is not sustainable. After another 10 years in corporate sales and marketing I was burnt out, had a loss of direction, and had to admit I was completely lost in life. Through a process of self development and discovery I found my purpose of helping others to find their direction in life and became a successful transformational coach and online business owner. I now love my life of living through values and purpose.I'm here to help you find yours.So, are you ready to fulfill your purpose? If so enroll now, I look forward to seeing you in the course!Guarantee: I know you will love this course. However, we offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee if the course does not meet your needs for any reason.Rob"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Instagram para Negcios" |
"Neste curso te ensino as ferramentas necessrias para usar o instagram de uma forma prtica e gratuita.Os tpicos das aulas so:- Conceito: o que o instagram e como ele pode te ajudar no seu negcio.- Bio do Instagram: transforme a sua bio numa biografia poderosa.- Fotos: utilize este recurso com maestria.- Legendas: dicas para aproveitar este espao de apresentao.- Hashtags: como usar de uma forma estratgica.- Vdeos: os tipos de vdeos do instagram e como usar.- Perfil Business- Dicas - Ideias"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"30 days to keto" |
"This course was created with you in mind.What you will find here is based on a handful of simple, principles that teaches us how we should live our lives for maximum health. These principles have been translated into simple steps to help you streamline the process, detox, eat right, move frequently, and most importantly, pause! You will also find guides and delicious Paleo and Keto recipes, that are easy to prepare from commonly found ingredients. But the process goes beyond food!Broaden your network - you've already joined this class - now it's time to engage the community, actively participate, develop new relationships, and investigate the invitations to join new tribes and circles that come your way.We live in such a competitive society that we won't allow ourselves to show vulnerability and end up forgetting that its less about the endgame and more about the willingness to invest time and energy in the process.Remember, energy flows where the attention goes.It all starts here!Cuca"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |