Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Ace Job Interviews and create a unique CV and Cover Letter" |
"In this course you will learn:How to create a unique CVHow to find information about your future employerHow to find keywords in the advertisementHow to write a Cover LetterHow to answer the most common interview questionsHow to prepare yourself for the interview and what to avoidFind tips on how to effectively communicate in English"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Performance Testing from A to Z" |
"In this course you will learn everything you need to know for implementing Performance Testing and Performance Engineering in your company and starting a career in performance testing. After this course you will be an expert in performance testing ready to gather experience on the field.You will have access to a Performance Governance Model that can be used as is in your company.You will learn best practices gathered from experienced experts.You will have access to guidelines that will ease your day to day work and maximize the performance outcomes."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Achieve 100% success in drawing lifelike Portraits" |
"This course takes you through subjects such as; how pencils are made, what paper to use, types of erasers, planning your portrait, creating values and many more elements to ensure you create a perfect likeness of your subject every time. It will take you step by step in real time through transferring your subject from a photographic reference to your drawing surface using the 'grid' method. This guarantees that your finished work will be exactly like the person you're drawing. Alan has a 100% success rate with his students of all ages. Provided you follow the video lectures to the end, you cannot fail, so join him and discover your new talent which will inspire and amaze your family and friends as well as guaranteeing successful commissions if that is your wish.Make this year, the year of your creative transformation. The one problem I see time and time again is the frustration artists go through when it comes to drawing a perfect likeness. This fear of failure can be reversed to knowing in advance that you are going to achieve success before you even start. How would that make you feel? Don't put it off and join this easy-to-follow course today."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Les bases de Blender 2.8+" |
"Bonjour tous et toute, bienvenue dans cette introduction mon cours sur les bases de la dernire version de Blender, la version 2.8.Alors pour commencer, quoi sert Blender ? Si vous tes ici vous avez surement une ide sur la question mais laisser moi quand mme y rpondre. Grce Blender vous pouvez modliser, coloriser, animer et filmer nimporte quoi. Objets, personnages, environnements, animaux, monstres... vous pouvez tout modliser, avec nimporte quel style, peu importe que vous vouliez faire des rendus ultra-raliste ou plutt cartoons.Le seul barrage la cration dans Blender, cest la technique. Blender est un logiciel trs complexe, et cest l que jinterviens. Dans ce cours, nous commencerons par dcouvrir les lments de base de linterface et de modlisation, pour aboutir sur des techniques bien plus avancs de Rigging, danimation et de rendu.Blender est le meilleur logiciel open source pour artistes 3D alors nattendez plus et rejoignez lincroyable communaut des artistes Blender."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"VMware vSAN 6.7 Specialist Exam 2019 - 5V0-21.19" |
"This simulation allows those who are preparing to take the 70-535 Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions exam to have contact with issues similar to what falls in the exam, this better prepares the student and trains him in studies and preparation. With these questions students live a little bit of what happens during the exam.Note:This simulation aims to help students and may have questions and incorrect answers."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"70-483 Programming in C# Practice Exams" |
"Candidates for this exam are developers with at least one year of experience programming essential business logic for a variety of application types, hardware, and software platforms using C#.Candidates should also have a thorough understanding of the following:Managing program flow and eventsAsynchronous programming and threadingData validation and working with data collections including LINQHandling errors and exceptionsWorking with arrays and collectionsWorking with variables, operators, and expressionsWorking with classes and methodsDecision and iteration statements*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 125 questions ***"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Cisco Network Hacking" |
"Arthur Conan Doylen syledii rivayet edilen gzel bir sz var Bir zincir, en zayf halkas kadar gldr. Bu sz gvenlik tarafna uygularsak; anz, en zayf ve gz ard edilen katman kadar saldrlara dayankldr.7 katmanl OSI modelini dndmzde 2. katman (layer 2) yani veri balants katman (data link) en zayf grnen ve korunmas gz ard edilen katman olarak karmza kyor. Yapanlar tenzih ederim ama merak ediyorum szma testi uzmanlarndan ka yazdklar raporda u switchte u layer 2 protokol alyor ve bu protokolden dolay bu bu zafiyetler oluuyor ve bu ekilde de istismar ettik bir de saldrlarn hep dardan gelecei gibi yanl bir alg var. FBIn 2004 ylnda yapt bilgisayar sular ve gvenlik anketine gre gayri memnun alanlar tarafndan ieriden saldr yapabilme ihtimali %56 olarak belirlenmitir.Bunun dnda yerel aa bir ekilde szan siber saldrgann pivoting yntemiyle dier cihazlara gei yapmas veya ele geirdii cihaz zerinden MITM gibi yerel a saldrlarnda bulunmas gz ard edilmemesi gereken ihtimallerdendir.Ayrca 2.Katman bir ekilde istismar edildiinde bunun dier katmanlar da tehlikeye atacan unutmamak gerekir.te bu eitimde zellikle yerel ada yaplan saldrlar uygulamal olarak greceiz ve sonrasnda bu saldrlar durdurmak iin a cihazlarnda yapmamz gereken yaplandrmalar greceiz."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Hard Surface Fantasy Female Character Sculpting in Zbrush" |
"Instructor InfoPierre Rogers is a freelance artist with years of experience in hardsurface character design. When he is not in a 3d program creating unique and amazing hardsurface artwork, he is having fun making money hand painting bag toss boards. As a young child, he wanted to be a chef, but then got into video games and adopted his cousins interests in comics and drawing. Most of his 3D/CG work has been featured in courses, lesson articles and reviews he had made for 3D Creative Magazine, 3D Artist Magazine, CGTuts+, Digital Tutors and Pluralsight. The advice he gives artists that are just starting out and want to make it in the 3d industry is to continue to learn and challenge yourself. He believes in hardcore studying of the art fundamentals, but also understands the importance of taking breaks, watching a movie, hanging with friends because he believes that art imitates life and so one must do some living between art projects for the sake of ones art. A very interesting fact about Pierre is he still has his pet turtle from 7th grade so the turtle is over 22 years old now! Course Info In this course, we will be creating the Mother Drive character.Mother Drive is an organic android hybrid interface, developed to manage millions of landscaping drones and cultivate wildlife for peak eco standards.During the creation of our MotherDrive, we will cover important industry hardsurface methods and workflow in Zbrush. I will show you variety of techniques for painting our character to set the mood and enhance her persona. Then we will pose our character bringing her to life. We will go through the process of rendering, and taking our renders in Photoshop to further embellish our art piece. By the end of this course, you will be able to produce your own amazing portfolio-ready character. Move fast and dont waste time trying to decide if you deserve to get real results in your journey as a 3D artist. You have the potential to exponentially increase your results with the right guidance. Never settle for less and continue upgrading your skills. Come and join this course at Victory3D."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de Podcasting" |
"Curso Completo de PodcastingImagine voc alcanando milhares de pessoas no Brasil e no mundo com o seu podcastSe vc quer lanar o seu podcast e compartilhar suas ideias com pessoas no mundo inteiro, ou lanar um podcast para divulgar a sua empresa, seus produtos ou marca pessoal, ou quem sabe vc quer comear uma nova carreira como consultor de podcasts nesta indstria que est crescendo exponencialmente no Brasil e no mundo.Este curso vai te ensinar tudo o que voc precisa para se tornar um master e conseguir qualquer um desses objetivos.Os Podcasts esto crescendo exponencialmente no Brasil e nos prximos meses vai se tornar um requisito obrigatrio para toda empresa que utilizar o marketing digital para atrair mais clientes. Assim como hoje toda empresa tem uma presena no Instagram, no Facebook, logo todas elas tero que ter um Podcast.At o final do curso, voc vai lanar o seu podcast e ele vai estar em plataformas como Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Stitcher e muitas outras.Vamos aprender do bsico at avanado todo o que envolve criar e produzir e lanar um podcast com qualidade profissional.Vamos falar sobre os equipamentos necessrios e como comear sem gastar nada, somente com o que vc j tem.Vamos planejar e otimizar cada elemento do seu podcast, e os episdios para torn-los irresistveis, assim atraindo milhares de novos ouvintes a cada semana.E claro, voc vai aprender tudo sobre o marketing de podcasts e como divulg-lo de forma otimizada.Se voc est se perguntando, Diego, mas quanto tudo isto vai custar? Te conto que todas as estratgias que ensino aqui no curso, so gratuitas, ou seja, voc vai lanar o seu podcast sem gastar nada para comear.E falando em dinheiro, voc tambm vai aprender as melhores estratgias para conseguir patrocinadores que vo lhe pagar para aparecer no seu podcast.E como bnus vou te mostrar como criar um site profissional para o podcast e como utilizar esse site para atrair mais patrocinadores, mais ouvintes, fs e clientes para a sua empresa.Antes de comear, voc vai ter acesso ao guia do curso, que vai te acompanhar em todo o processo, com exerccios, referncias, links, resumo das lies e mais, para garantir que at o final voc tenha um podcast no ar.Tenho certeza que voc vai adorar o curso, e que este curso vai revolucionar o seu negcio e marca pessoal. Por esse motivo ofereo Resultados 100% garantidos!Se voc assistir ao curso, fizer as tarefas, aplicar as estratgias e no tiver os resultados desejados (ou se simplesmente no gostar do curso), poder solicitar a devoluo de 100% do seu dinheiro, nos primeiros 30 dias.Com toda essa garantia voc no tem nada a perder, Inscreva-se agora e vamos comear a usar todo o poder do Podcast para alcanar milhares de pessoas, fs e novos clientes no mundo inteiro!"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Risk Based AML, KYC and Compliance" |
"Risk Based AML programs were introduced in 2007 by the Financial Action Task Force to overcome the challenge of the Checklist based approach of knowing your customer. Risk based approach has evolved over the decades and now requires the regulated entities to follow the framework. This course discuss some of the practical areas in Risk Based AML programs."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Operations Management: Management of Quality" |
"The course on Management of Quality is part of the Operations Management Training Program which includes a number of eight sections also presented as individual courses for your convenience.Quality is an essential ingredient for any successful company. A company with quality products and services takes the time to get to know its customers and their expectations. When a company stops being committed to quality, it starts losing customers. In order to meet customers' expectations, a company must make quality a key concern at every stage of operations. From production to delivery and beyond, everyone in the company must be committed to the pursuit of quality.Quality is a complex term. It can refer to how well a product or service meets a company's own quality standards. Or it can refer to how well a company's product or service satisfies its customers. If its customers are unhappy, a company will find it difficult to survive in the marketplace. For a quality management strategy to succeed, a company's quality standards must be aligned with its customers' quality expectations.There are many different quality management strategies, and these can vary from organization to organization. Some quality management concepts and practices have been simplified in this course, for training purposes. Products and services are usually associated with manufacturing and service industries respectively. However, in this course, the term ""product"" is often used to represent ""services"" as well, to avoid redundancy.Quality is crucial to manufacturing and service industries. All organizations need to set quality performance metrics and measure the performance of their products, services, and processes on an ongoing basis. Quality management has evolved over many years. It's based on a number of key principles, which stress the vital role of suppliers, organization leaders, and customers in any quality initiative.When implementing a quality management strategy, companies can use many tools, including the transformation model and Lean Six Sigma. All these tools have the same ultimate goal delivering quality to the customer.This course covers many quality management principles, techniques, and tools that can be applied in service or manufacturing organizations. All employees must understand and be committed to the organization's quality management strategy. By preparing for excellence, monitoring quality, and continuously improving, an organization can become a quality leader.Thats it! Now go ahead and push that Take this course button, and see you on the inside!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Desenvolva um Sistema de PDV com o Scriptcase" |
"Este curso referente ao Mdulo I do Sistema de PDVSer desenvolvido um Sistema de Ponto de Venda de uma pequena loja de convenincia. Desde a entrevista com o proprietrio at o aperfeioamento do sistema para ser autnomo no cadastramento de novas empresas usurias. Nesse trajeto diversas tcnicas de desenvolvimento e de uso da ferramenta Scriptcase sero apresentadas de forma prtica.Nesse mdulo trataremos os seguintes tpicos:Levantamento das necessidades para o melhor desenvolvimento do sistemaDesenvolvimento de um Sistema Multi-empresa, Multi-usurioComo utilizar de forma bastante prtica o Mestre X Detalhe do ScriptcaseComo usar Bibliotecas ExternasComo imprimir diretamente numa impressora trmica local e na web utilizando a API PrintNodeComo usar html num formulrio do tipo controle para personalizar uma tela de loginCriar um formulrio para cadastro de um novo cliente, com envio de email com informaes para a confirmao do cadastro e a ativao automtica do mesmoComo buscar imagens do banco e mostra-las dinamicamente no formulrioUso de botes em diversos campos do formulrioUso de chamadas AJAX.TCPDF"
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"Emissor de NFCe com o Scriptcase" |
"Objetivos do curso O curso Desenvolvendo um Sistema de PDV com Emisso de NFC-e no Scriptcase, tem como objetivo mostrar as rotinas mnimas para a emisso de Nota Fiscal ao Consumidor Eletrnica a partir de um sistema informtico.Como foi estruturado O curso foi estruturado com aulas em vdeo onde so explicadas todas as rotinas utilizadas nas aplicaes, bem como fornecido o projeto completo do sistema.Toma-se por base de dados uma estrutura que permitir, aps estudar-se todos os mdulos disponveis, a manter um sistema de Gesto Empresarial.Apesar de utilizar estrutura compatvel com a aplicao desenvolvida no Mdulo 1 do Curso de Sistema de PDV, as aplicaes l desenvolvidas no sero apresentadas nesse mdulo 2. Ser utilizado a API SPed-NFe.Como ser desenvolvido As vdeo-aulas devero ser assistidas na sequencia apresentada. As rotinas utilizadas nas aplicaes sero explicadas em cada video-aula, que versar sobre um assunto.Sero desenvolvidas aplicaes para a emisso de NFC-e de uma empresa do Regime Tributrio do Simples Nacional, com formas de tributao simplificadas.Nada impede que se faam pequenas modificaes para que o sistema atenda a outros Regimes, bem como formas de tributao mais complexas.No ser ensinado a questo de clculos dos tributos.Ao final do curso o aluno ter um domnio completo sobre o processo e poder utilizar e/ou adaptar o projeto disponibilizado."
Price: 384.99 ![]() |
processus-traitement |
"! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! ."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Volume Price Analysis: The Master Class" |
"As I progressed in my own trading career all those years ago, the bedrock of my growth was understanding the importance of volume in my trading. We all remember those days when you first opened a trading platform and saw the RSI's and Stochastic and a dozen more indicators and failed consistently as you tried to implement them. The experience is no different for professional buy side traders. Those of us who had the joy of working sell side often take buy side traders for granted but I can assure you many can't do what you do as a retail trader. So it has been a joy to educate so many start up traders in Udemy beyond those basic RSI days; your success is what drives me. Okay...Phew! Enough of the tear jerking on to business. This course is a the master class of Volume price analysis. A course full of examples in-depth real scenarios, fully labelled and explained, to give you the ultimate blue print to start really building your knowledge on volume price analysis, from here you can progress to footprint charts, then to level 2 orderflow and eventually to market profile which will give you that needed statistical base. This master class course will cement your knowledge of volume and open a world of possibilities in your trading. I hope you enjoy it. A complete guide Packed with examples and explanationsCovers day trading and long-term swing positionsmulti asset examples, stocks, commodities and FX"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Living beyond Fear - Transcending Perceptions - A6.1" |
"How to get over the feeling of being afraid or concerned. A course on training your mind to escape its own traps.KEY: Recognizing how you feel, IS how you want to feel misunderstood.----Did you know: All of our courses are unscripted. Each course in the series is so similar because one is recorded for each, back to back. These courses are guided by spiritual support and inspiration. ----This one course of a seven-part course-series called Transcending Perceptions. It is complete in itself, however, this one course is specifically focused on getting over fear or concern. For your professor Rev. Devan Jesse Byrne this mind-training comes second nature and is a simple choice that can be made at any time if desired.Here you will learn techniques and strategies to think differently and overcome the blocks and obstacles which seem in the way of allowing yourself to live an enjoyable life. Justifiably you have felt this way in your life because there have seemed to be many reasons in the world conforming to the need for it. Part of this mind-training is in the realm of recognizing you have misunderstood the reality of these justifications, and have made then perceptually larger and more unmovable then they actually are. A common occurrence when the mind attempts to protect itself from seeming threats.A large part of this course and for you to truly succeed in what it offers is the willingness to see things differently. Your emotions are justified in the world (of bodies). So the key is to see the world differently. In a spiritual-universe, the rules and regulations are drastically different. Freedom is our inheritance within this spiritual reality. This pain you feel is a part of your self-made prison, which IF you recognized how you got into it, also would you recognize your way out!KEY: Recognizing how you feel, IS how you want to feel misunderstood."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Comprehensive course on Amazon Athena 2020" |
"Data analysis is a very complex process and there has always been attempts to ease it. There are many tools for analytics, and even the popular tech giant Amazon provides an AWS service named Amazon Athena. This Amazon Athena tutorial will guide you through the basics and advance usage of Amazon Athena.Amazon Athena is an interactive data analysis tool used to process complex queries in relatively less time. It is server-less hence, there is no hassle of setting up and doesnt require managing the infrastructure. It is not a Database service hence, you just pay for the queries you run. You just point your data in S3, define the schema required and with a standard SQL you are good to go.On November 20, 2016, Amazon launched Athena as one of its services. As described earlier, Amazon Athena is a serverless query service that makes analysis of data, using standard SQL, stored in Amazon S3 simpler. With few clicks in the AWS Management Console, customers can point Amazon Athena at their data stored in Amazon S3 and run queries using standard SQL to get results in seconds.With Amazon Athena, there is no infrastructure to set up or manage, and the customer pays only for the queries they run. Amazon Athena scales automatically, executing queries in parallel, which gives fast results, even with a large dataset and complex queries. Now, that you what is Amazon Athena let me take you through the difference it has compared to SQL Server.What is AWS Athena? Is a query service that uses standard SQL Uses data stored as objects on Amazon S3 Has no infrastructure to manage You only pay only for the queries you run Based on Facebook Presto, an open-source distributed Presto SQL query engine Supports CSV, JSON, Gzip files and columnar formats like Apache Parquet Performance scales automatically based on query profilingUse Of Amazon AthenaIf you are a Data Analyst and have an experience of analysing data stored on S3, you will relate to this,Data Analysts/Developers: Do you offer Storage?AWS: Yes.Data Analysts/Developers: Do you have tools for Analytics?AWS: Not sure.Amazon worked on this and came up with Amazon Athena. Now, you have a tool to play with your data. Athena helps you analyze unstructured, semi-structured and structured data that is stored in Amazon S3. Using Athena you can create dynamic queries for your dataset. Athena also works with AWS Glue to give you a better way to store the metadata in S3.Supported Business Intelligence ToolsAWS Athena also integrates with sophisticated BI tools like Tableau, Looker, Mode Analytics, AWS QuickSight, and others for advanced reports and visualisations, and it should be in your consideration set. This is particularly true for businesses that want the simplicity of using Athena for spot or ad hoc data analysis.Athena CostAWS Athena is embracing the pay-for-usage pricing model. This can be attractive who thought the power of this kind of querying system was out of their budget or required complex systems and DevOps support.It can also add value and reduce costs in multi-cloud deployments. We worked with a customer that would send Adobe event data to an AWS data lake to support an enterprise Oracle Cloud environment. Using a query engine was an efficient and cost-effective data consumption pattern for the Oracle BI environment.Features Of AthenaOut of the many services provided by Amazon, Athena is one of the services. It has many features that makes it suitable for Data Analysis. Lets take a look at the different features one by one.1. Easy Implementation: Athena doesnt require installation. It can be accessed directly from the AWS Console also directly by AWS CLI.2. Serverless: It is serverless, so the end-user doesnt need to worry about infrastructure, configuration, scaling or failure. Athena takes care of everything on its own.3. Pay per query: Athena charges you only for the query you run, i.e. the amount of data that is managed per query. You can save a lot if you can compress them and format your dataset accordingly.4. Fast: Athena is a very fast analytics tool. It can perform complex queries in less time by breaking the complex queries into simpler ones and run them parallelly, then combine the results to give the desired output.5. Secure: With the help of IAM policies and AWS Identity, Athena gives you complete control over the data set. As the data is stored in S3 buckets, IAM policies can help you manage control to users.6. Highly available: With the assurance of AWS, Athena is highly available and the user can execute queries round the clock. As AWS is 99.999% available, so is Athena.7. Integration: The best feature of Athena is that it can be integrated with AWS Glue. AWS Glue will help the user to create a better-unified data repository. This helps you create better versioning of data, better tables, views, etc.8. Accessing Amazon AthenaAccessing Athena is very easy and it can be done by either:o AWS Consoleo AWS CLIo Athena with your JDBCThese are few of the ways to access Amazon Athena. By now, you pretty much know everything important about Amazon Athena. Lets me walk you through the different features of Athena."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"SAP HANA Integration with Excel" |
"Why do you want to take this course?For every Company or Project you work for excel is the best and easy reporting tool and everyone does their presentation KPIs in Excel only.This course will help you in reducing at least 20 clicks per report and can make your life easier.If you do not like SAP you can live in your Microsoft Excel world.Who will use the contents of this course?Anyone who uses SAP should use this.As a SAP ABAP Expert I have at least built 300 objects that exports data in an excel and sends in email or some location. It is good we do not have to do this more as we can concentrate on interesting stuff J"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"SAP ABAP For ALL level" |
"All ABAP programs reside inside the SAP database. They are not stored in separate external files like Java or C++ programs. In the database all ABAP code exists in two forms: source code, which can be viewed and edited with the ABAP Workbench tools; and generated code, a binary representation somewhat comparable with Java bytecode. ABAP programs execute under the control of the runtime system, which is part of the SAP kernel. The runtime system is responsible for processing ABAP statements, controlling the flow logic of screens and responding to events (such as a user clicking on a screen button); in this respect it can be seen as a Virtual Machine comparable with the Java VM. A key component of the ABAP runtime system is the Database Interface, which turns database-independent ABAP statements (""Open SQL"") into statements understood by the underlying DBMS (""Native SQL""). The database interface handles all the communication with the relational database on behalf of ABAP programs; It also contains extra features such as buffering of tables and frequently accessed data in the local memory of the application server."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SAP Debugging" |
"The ABAP debugger is a powerful tool helping to examine your ABAP code at runtime.Besides the common and basic features, such as stepping through your code and inspect the values of your variables, field symbols, and references, it provides helpful features that can simplify and shorten your debugging sessions. Not all of these features might be known to everyone."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"System Dynamics Simulations With AnyLogic" |
"On this course you will learn how to develop simulation models using AnyLogic, with total focus on the System Dynamics paradigm. You will learn all the tools and concepts required to model advanced scenarios to solve complicated business questions from a System Dynamics perspective.This course doesn't require any previous knowledge and you will:Understand the mathematical background of the System Dynamics theoryLearn how to develop conceptual models using causal loop diagramsLearn all the System Dynamic building blocksGood practice concepts to build robust modelsGeneric structures and archetypes that you can apply directly for your particular problemExperiments to validate and optimize your modelsLearn functions to simplify model development and to understand the models behind these functionsIntegrate databases to populate your modelSpecial AnyLogic techniques to improve the functionality of your SD modelsHow to integrate System Dynamics with other simulation methodsThere's a final capstone project for an additional price."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate PHP REST API Bootcamp: Laravel, MySQL, OAuth2, JWT" |
"This Bootcamp is designed for web developers and any developer who wants to build RESTful API using PHP and Laravel. The Bootcamp consists of various technical projects that are constructed with step-by-step approach. Starting from a simple RESTful API. Then, the project is integrated with database MySQL and Laravel. Next, we build PHP RESTful API security to secure your REST API applications. We have three project scenario. We will implement token based authentication, OAuth2 and JWT Token.All projects are guided with step-by-step so you can follow easily.You will learn:How to build a simple RESTful API using PHP with LaravelMake database tables as REST API with implementing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operationApply PHP REST API security using token based authenticationWork with OAuth2Work with JWT tokenThe following is requirement environment in this bootcamp:Computer with installed Windows, Linux or macOSHaving knowledge of PHP basic programmingHaving knowledge of general web programming"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Opsiyonlar - 6 ( Opsiyonlar ile Haftalk Maksimum Getiri )" |
"Merhaba ,stanbul Diagonal/Calendar Stratejisinde Hedefimiz : ""NASIL haftalk dngde nasl para kazanlr ? HEM DE yn riski olmadan ! ""Bu kursta en profesyonel opsiyon sistemlerini kullanarak , her hafta nasl getiri salayabileceimizi adm adm tekniimiz sayesinde bu teknii hemen bugn kullanmaya balayabileceksiniz.stanbul Diagonal/Calendar Stratejisi toplamda 7 blmden oluuyor :Blm 1 - Diagonal ve Double Diagonal Spread Nedir?Call ve Put opsiyonlarla Diagonal pozisyon nasl alr ? Doru strike semekBlm 2 - Theta nedir ? Opsiyonlarda Zaman Etkisi en ok hangi zaman aralnda yaanr ?Theta dan en ok kar nasl edilir ?Blm 3 - Diagonal Spread Stratejimizi renmekAdm Adm Stratejimizi oluturmay reneceiz. Hangi aralklarda alr ? Ne zaman kapanr ?Blm 4 - Diagonal Spread iin Gerek lemlerimden rnekler greceiz.Facebook , Apple , Netflix ve Tesla PozisyonlarBlm 5 - Calendar ve Double Calendar Spread Nedir ?Blm 6 - Sfr Maliyet ile Calendar Spread OluturmakNasl mmkn olabiliyor ? Adm Adm Stratejiyi oluturmay reneceiz.Blm 7 - Sfr Maliyet Calendar rnekler : Gerek ilemlerimden rnekler greceiz. Apple , Tesla ve Amazon Pozisyonlar"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The joy of unity, creating dungeons" |
"The joy of unity, creating dungeons. Creating dungeons in unity..Hello and welcome! The purpose of this course is to create amazing dungeons in unity. We willbe using Dungen and multistory dungeons from the unity asset store. These two assets are not cheap. Dungen will provide us with complex procedural generation. Multistory dungeons will provide us with a basic tileset that seamlessly integrates into dungen. Both these assets will save us months of work.We will start with the basics and see how far we can take dungeon design.We will be looking at games history to see examples of outstanding games design and dungeon design.We will be covering design concepts to use in dungeons which will be taken from pen and paper genres like dungeons and dragons I hope you will join me in an exciting deep delve to become a digital dungeon master"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Scrum Practice test PSMI" |
"English Questions / Questes em InglsIncluda uma Traduo da pergunta para o portugusNo foram traduzidas as respostas das perguntasMock teste PSMI, Professional Scrum Master tambm conhecido como PSMI da Scrum ORG Scrum Practice test PSMI02 testes com 80 perguntas sem repetio de questes160 Questes nicas disponveis.Prova composta de:Questionrio com 80 perguntas85% necessrio para aprovao01 horas = 60 minutos para execuoObs: Toda vez que visualizar uma resposta (all of the above), Significa todas so verdadeiras neste teste, eu (Tiago Macul) configurei o Udemy para alternar perguntas e respostas com intuito de no decorarmos posies e sim sabermos as respostas.No exame real ir vir na posio correta, a ltima opo.Boa sorte, sucesso!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Websites That Win - The Perfect Site Layout" |
"Do you have a website, online store or blog? Want to learn how to better optimize it from a user experience perspective? That means better engagement, more sales and a more functional and useful website for everyone?In this course I take you behind the scenes of my personal user experience testing for numerous websites, marketing agencies, local business and start up services looking to fix big mistakes we all make when designing and creating a website.I've done hundreds of reviews and love helping people. I'm sharing these private case studies in this massive course to help you make your web presence better. You'll learn various ways to improve your own website by watching someone go in blind and use a brand new website. Give, real actionable feedback based on my own personal experience of running two 4 figure websites."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Design Thinking" |
"A principal tarefa do designer identificar esse tipo de situao e gerar solues.Ele entende a natureza diversa desses problemas e sabe que para resolv-los preciso mapear a cultura, contextos, experincias pessoais e processos na vida dos indivduos, adquirindo uma viso holstica sobre as dificuldades e gerando alternativas para super-las.Ao investir esforos nesse mapeamento, o designer consegue identificar as causas e consequncias das dificuldades e ser mais estratgico na busca por solues."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Lleva tu proyecto musical a otro nivel" |
"Tienes un proyecto musical y quieres llevarlo al siguiente nivel? Quieres aprender como convertir tu carrera musical en tu fuente de ingresos? Quieres emprender un negocio, porque no convertir tu talento y tu pasin en tu negocio?Este curso esta pensando en dotar a los msicos y artistas de una mentalidad emprendedora con herramientas que usan la mayora de equipos en Start ups para estructurar proyectos y aislar las reas mas importantes a tener en cuenta, para construir proyectos musicales slidos y que atraigan a profesionales en la industria y posibles inversores."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Lowpoly Leveldesign lernen mit Blender und Unity" |
"In diesem Kurs lernt ihr wie man eine Lowpoly-Spielszene erstellt und das von der Erstellung der Modelle bis hin zum Anlegen der gesamten Szenerie. Die Modellierung findet in Blender 2.8 statt und die Erstellung der Spielszene findet in Unity 3D statt in der Version 2019. Die Unityversion ist dabei auch abwrtskompatibel. Ihr erhaltet ein Grundverstndnis von Lowpoly-Modellierung und den unterschiedlichen Arten von Lowpolysystemen. Mit diesem Kurs erhaltet ihr auch Zugriff auf alle hier erstellten Modelle und drft diese frei verwenden."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Master Digital Painting: 3 Steps to Paint Anything" |
"Learn to Master Digital Painting: 3 Steps to Paint Anything is designed to teach anyone interested in digital painting, and also anyone who has experiences with digital art but wants to improve their skills to reach an expert level. In this course, I will teach you how to render basic forms, and apply the basic form structure to paint anything. And I will teach you how to break down complex forms into basic forms. Further, I will explain how to choose your color to paint in photoshop, And finally, I will offer you 10 drawing and painting demonstrations of high quality for over 5 different subjects base on basic forms, to make sure you can pick up my technique as one of your own skill. I will analyze each basic form for you. This program offers all the essential skills, knowledge and tools of painting and digital painting, and all the instructions and demonstrations are clear and easy to learn. After purchasing this course, you will get a beginners kit for digital drawing, which includes free brushes, color palette, and step by step demonstrations both with shading and color painting. And all these tools and knowledge will take you from the fundamental concept of rendering form and color painting, to obtain strong solid digital painting skills to support you to draw like a pro. Start today if you want to get the start and get serious with painting."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Start to learn Vue, Vue-Router & Vuex now ! Why? Because Vue.js is the most efficient Javascript framework on market. Easy to learn, fast to understand, strong for any project, it's the favorite framework of many start-ups.As a front-end developer specialized in Vue.js, I've created more than 200+ applications with this framework the last 4 years and I am ready to teach the essentials to know to master this amazing framework.You are going to learn how to create an entire application by doing exercises, building by yourself an app step-by-step and finally deploy it on a server. Start now to learn Vue.js and make your first Vue app alive !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |