Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"MUSIC PRODUCTION: How to Produce Afro Pop Beat for Beginners" |
"In this Course you will learn the scope of programming an Afro pop beat from tone assignation, rhythm styles, improvisation or adding colors to depict the African fusion. In this course you will also be exposed to my favorites VST sounds, that can help to build the overall quality of your beat."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"BHAG - Big Hairy Audacious Goal" |
"This is Course 2 in the ""Getting Ready"" Stage of That's Ambitious: Success Mentoring for People With Health Ambition.What's the #1 reason why people don't get what they want in life? It's because they don't know what it is that they want. Most people can make a laundry list of things they don't want, but ask someone what they really want.... silence. And furthermore even if you know what you want, do you know the 3 essential elements of that goal that must be present in order for you to get it.When you participate in this training, you will discover the ""True Heart's Desire"" exercise which will bring you clarity on your desires. Then, once your know what you want, you'll learn how to communicate with your ESP to bring about a shift in your focus and energy so that you can start attracting it."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop Kickstarter For Beginners" |
"If you are someone who loves to edit images but you're always been intimidated of how complicated Photoshop looks, then this course is for you. Editing in Lightroom and in other programs like that is fun, but sometimes we all wish we'd have more freedom with the post processing of our images and that is why I created this course.I wanted to go back to the basics and simplify the program so everyone can understand and begin editing in Photoshop quickly and easily. I've edited in Photoshop for thousands and thousands of hours and I've noticed that the most important thing is always to understand the basics and build a routine for them so in the long run they would come automatically for you without even thinking about them.You will learn how to use Camera RAW effectively, How to remove things from your images in 3 different simple ways, How to create a stunning photo composite, how to blend, how to change a sky in a realistic way and I also the basics of skin retouching to you.This is a no brainer if you've never used Photoshop before but it is also good for more advanced users who want to freshen up their memory about the basics. See you in the course!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Hands-On Microeconomics: a primer in Game Theory." |
"This course introduces the main concepts of non cooperative game theory by using a hands-on approach, i.e. by presenting, discussing and solving examples.Some well known normal form games, such as matching pennies, the prisoners' dilemma, the battle of sexes, and the game of chicken, will be discussed to introduce and apply concepts like Nash equilibrium in pure and mixed strategies, the elimination of dominated strategies, and repeated games.Sequential games will also be described, by using an extensive form based on game trees. The notion of subgame perfect equilibrium will consequently be discussed.Finally, some game tehoretical concepts will be used to describe the outcome of Cournot and Stackelberg duopoly, and the instability of a cartel."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"This course is to encourage kids to have the good habit of reading literature and establish a good thinking when reading. Every week, the students are requested to read a book and discuss the content and theme in class so as to make complete understanding. The homework reflects student's thinking, understanding , and writing skills"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"GRAMMAR & WRITING stage 1" |
"Welcome to Teacher Elise's Saxon VI grammar class. This course is to focus on improving student's comprehensive understanding of medium leveled grammar so as to help on essay writing. The school in US is not keen on teaching formal knowledge of grammar, leading the students lack of solid understanding of how to beautify the writing skills."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"In this course, students will learn how to comprehensively grasp the vocabulary mentioned in book Word Power Made Easy, establish a good study system of learning vocabulary, cultivate a solid habit of reviewing words repeatedly. In such a way, students can fully grasp the higher leveled vocabulary. With masterful understanding of vocabulary will only enable students to have an advanced step of reading comprehension and writing skills."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Object Oriented Programming with Java" |
"Learn Java programming in easy steps with example demonstrations. The course starts with fundamental concepts of object oriented programming. Then it teaches basic programming in Java followed by object oriented programming concepts. Having learned object oriented programming, It moves ahead to robust programming with exception handling and teaches concurrent programming using multithreading.Moving to advanced level graphical applications with swing library, event handling, applets and file handling are discussed."
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"Remarkable Meditation Results (Stress, Anxiety, Depression)" |
"My name is Stephen Smith and I have helped so many people over the past 25 years, with depression, anxiety and especially with stress. This simple but straightforward technique will enable you to strengthen your mind and be in control of your life again. It may be a simple technique, but believe me when I tell you... it simply works!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Five Love Language and Crystals" |
"Learn about the 5 love languages and how crystals are paired with each love language. You'll be able to find out what your love language is at the end of this course, as well as figure out wjat crystals or stones to use along side that language. Great for the whole family"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to Trade Stock Options" |
"What is this course about?This is an introduction course, covering the basic conseps of Stock Option Trading. This is a complex tool with a steep learning curve (especially if you have no or limited backgrund in finance), but once you start applying it you would be amazed with the results this knowledge can lead to. To ease the learning path, I have constructed the course to be short and visual, so you can get a quick grasp of the concept.Why should you take this course?If you are already actively trading stocks with success, then you should consider Stock Options. Stock Options gives you a quicker and bigger profit than stocks alone, so if you already know how to win, you might as well start winning big.For those new to the stock market, you should know that this course alone will not make you an expert trader. The knowledge presented in this course should be combined with outside knowledge about Technical Analysis. How is this course structured?This course is structured into 4 sections:1. About this Course: Where I show you what you can expect of this course2. The basics of Option Trading: Where I show you how Options works and how you can benefit from trading them3. The factors behind the Premium Price: Where I teach you how the Options Premium Price is determined4. How to trade Option Contracts: Where I show you how to put your new aquired knowledge into actionIt is often said that trading Option Contracts is riskier than trading stocks. Nothing can be further from the truth. It is true that there always is risk involved in the Stock Market, but Options are by no means riskier than stocks. You just need to know what you are doing. If you have some knowledge of technical analysis, this course will take your knowledge to a new level. I have personally benefited from learning the concepts and I believe not using Option Contracts in your trading journey will only make it harder for you to succeed. So if you want to learn how to trade Option Contracts enroll now!What youll learnThe basics of how Option Contracts worksThe components of an Option ContractWhich factors determines the Option Contracts value2 simple trading strategies to benefit from Option Trading.Are there any course requirements?Students only need to be aware of basic terms related to the Stock MarketSome knowledge of technical analysis may be good, as I don't teach you anything about that.No specific software requirement, all you need is a decent internet connection to stream videos"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn Reinforced Cement Concrete in the most easiest way" |
"This course is designed in such a way that it will be beneficial for both interview and written examination. This course will cover wide variety of topics with both theory and numericals. In this course we will be studying about beams, columns, slabs, shear, torsion and some miscellaneous topics. Both Design philosophies including WSM (Working Stress Method) and LSM (Limit State Method) will be covered."
Price: 2880.00 ![]() |
"A Complete Guide To: Holistic Pregnancy And Childbirth" |
"Together with an international team of experts, working in fields like neuro-physiotherapy, healthcare, nutrition, and psychology, we have created the first season of online Pregnancy & Parenting video series to guide you on your way to become a young parent.No need to give up your precious evenings for a prenatal class at the hospital. Tune in directly from your couch! * * * COURSE CURRICULUM * * *Find out more about each of the episodes here.EP.1: CHANGES IN YOUR BODY Pregnancy is a time of considerable changes in a woman's body. In this episode, you will learn about the changes your body has to go through during pregnancy.EP.2: PREGNANCY CHECKLIST One thing that helps with the stress of a new pregnancy is having a detailed plan. We have summed up a checklist for you to go through in your first trimester.EP.3: HOLISTIC WELLBEING Do you feel content? Energized? Connected? Balanced? Are you able to put the bad days in perspective and live with a sense of purpose? In this video you will learn about the importance of holistic wellbeing in your pregnancy and life.EP.4: ANXIETY IN PREGNANCYIn this video you will learn how you can cope with anxiety during pregnancy. We also want to emphasize the importance of regular exercise to keep your body and mind healthy.EP.5: WHAT HAPPENS AT THE DOCTOR'S OFFICEYour first prenatal visit may be one of the longest you'll have during your pregnancy and definitely the most comprehensive. In this video you will learn about what happens at the Doctors office in the first trimester of your pregnancy.EP.6: DIET & NUTRITION + 3 SMOOTHIE RECIPESWhen being pregnant, you need to ensure that your diet provides enough nutrients and energy for the baby to develop and grow properly. In this video you will learn about the best food diet for pregnancy.EP.7: FETUS GROWTH STAGESFertilization happens when a sperm meets and penetrates an egg. This is also called conception. In the following weeks, the fetus begins growing at a rapid pace. In this video you will learn about fetus growth stages.EP.8: THREE HEALTHY VEGETARIAN RECIPESIn this video you will learn to prepare three power recipes for your healthy pregnancy, that can be topped with any protein of your own choice, whether it be meat, cheese or tofu, depending on your diet of choice.EP.9: PREGNANCY SAFETY As soon as you are pregnant, you are bombarded with what you can and should do and what you should not do. In this video we will go through the pregnancy safety guide.EP.10: FEEL CONNECTEDStrong family ties, friendships, and involvement in social activities can increase our sense of security and self-esteem and provide a psychological buffer against stress. In this video you will learn about the importance of relationships in your pregnancy.EP.11: COMMON COMPLAINTS IN PREGNANCYDuring pregnancy, many changes take place in a woman's body. But how do you know if your complaint is normal or requires further evaluation? In this video you will learn how to know the difference.EP.12: YOGA ROUTINEMost women know they should be strengthening their pelvic floors but lengthening? Yes. In this video you will learn how to do a simple beneficial yoga exercise routine that you can practice at homeEP.13: LABOUR AND DELIVERYWill you be hiring a doula or a midwife when the day arrives? Can you have both? In this video you will learn some important facts about labor and how to choose the best medical caregiver for your needs.EP.14: LABOUR AND DELIVERY ISSUESThe big day is about to arrive. You're filled with questions about what to expect on this special day - what will happen, how long it will last, But in this video you will learn about what can you expect when the unexpected hits.EP.15: THE ESSENTIALS How can you tell if your contractions are true labor? How do you know when is the right time to call your provider? In this video you will learn some essential information about labour and delivery.EP.16: STAGES OF LABOURNo two labors are exactly alike and no two women have the same degree of labor pain.The best approach to labor pain relief depends on your preferences and on how your labor progresses. In this video you will learn about the best options for pain management during labor.EP.17: PAIN MANAGEMENTEvery woman's labor is unique, even from one pregnancy to the next. Sometimes labor is over in a matter of hours. In other cases, labor tests a mother's physical and emotional stamina. In this video you will learn about the three stages of labor.EP.18: AFTER LABOUROnce your precious bundle is born, the toughest part of your pregnancy journey may be over, but the process of childbirth continues for a couple of weeks as your body starts to recover and adjust to its new role. In this video you will learn about what happens right after you deliver your baby.* * * * * * * * * * We are convinced that with our services, you will feel safe and prepared for your next big adventure of giving birth and raising a child, as we will guide you through the good and the bad times of your pregnancy. We are here to ensure your next journey in life will be a smooth one.Be sure to visit our website and SIGN UP and SUBSCRIBE if you would like to stay tuned for more of the helpful content. Your Mamaflix & Co. team"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Contabilidade bsica na prtica 2020" |
"O curso tem como misso compartilhar de uma forma simples e objetiva um valioso contedo de Contabilidade na Prtica.Inspirar as pessoas que esto iniciando sua trajetria na rea contbil ou saindo da faculdade, e no tem conhecimento da prtica contbil.Vamos te ajudar a adquirir os conhecimentos da contabilidade na prtica com solues para os problemas que ocorrem no dia a dia do escritrio."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Ebay Start to Sales" |
"This 5 part course is perfect for beginners wanting to sell on Ebay. I take students through the entire process, beginning to end of how to list, sell and ship items on ebay. We cover the logistics of posting, selling and most importantly, how YOU get paid! Plus I will share extra tips and tricks to get your listings rated higher and save money on shipping costs."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sistemistica e Security di base per Sysadmin e Pentester" |
"Il corso mira a dare una panoramica generale della professionalit che occorre per gestire una rete con esempi pratici di tutti gli step per implementarla. Questo perch, per poi muoversi verso una carriera di PentesterEthical Hacker occorre avere ben presente come funziona una rete e come gestirla. In mancanza di questo c' la certezza quasi matematica di tralasciare una parte importante dei test e soprattutto la mancanza poi di un bagaglio tale per fare remediation alle vulnerabilit scoperte. Il pentester e l'hacker etico devono passare per una imprescindibile carriera di gestione reti di almeno cinque anni prima di avventurarsi nel cercare di bucarle. Questa la mia opinione professionale."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Elementor - Crie a sua Pgina de Vendas no Modelo da Hotmart" |
"Me diga uma coisa: voc est buscando por formas de ganhar dinheiro online? Se a sua resposta for sim, j deve ter descoberto que muitas pessoas tm usado estruturas muito semelhantes em seus negcios online. Estruturas essas que exigem construes relativamente complexas, que geralmente so feitas por desenvolvedores profissionais.E se voc j buscou por um desses desenvolvedores, j deve estar sabendo que os valores cobrados por servios de criao de pginas e sites no so nada baratos.Alis, vou contar um segredo de Freelancer... muitas vezes, o trabalho mais simples do que parece... E eu criei este curso para provar isso!Isto , se voc deseja aprender como criar pginas na internet, saiba que este curso foi feito para voc.Apesar de o projeto principal ser a criao de uma pgina de vendas, o curso est estruturado para lhe ensinar a manusear o plugin Elementor e utiliz-lo para criar qualquer tipo de pgina.Se voc tem tentado empreender na internet, atravs de um Blog, Site, Hotsite, Landing Page ou outras construes semelhantes, ir descobrir, com este curso, que a criao desses tipos de pginas no nada complicada.O Elementor o page builder mais poderoso do Wordpress e, sem dvidas, ao domin-lo, voc poder fazer uso de todo esse poder para estruturar um negcio online.Ao fim do curso, voc ter criado um modelo de pgina de vendas que segue todas as premissas da Hotmart, que a maior plataforma de afiliados do Brasil. E mais, voc ter acesso a um material bnus cheio de dicas sobre Copywriting, SEO e Criao de Vdeos de Venda.Isso quer dizer que este curso pode ser a ltima pea que faltava para voc dar incio aos seu empreendimentos digitais.As tcnicas que eu irei ensinar so as mesmas que eu tenho utilizado, h mais de trs anos, para ganhar dinheiro de forma online.Portanto, aproveite esta oportunidade nica! Inscreva-se sem medo. Afinal, voc ainda tem uma garantia de 30 dias.Bem, isso... Vou torcer para que voc decida dar o primeiro passo em busca de um conjunto de conhecimentos que, certamente, vai ser muito til na criao do seu negcio digital. Confira abaixo os detalhes deste curso e saiba que eu espero por voc, l dentro da ""nossa sala de aula digital"". At mais..."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to create a Broadcast Design in Cinema 4D" |
".. .. 6 RequirementsCinema 4DAfter EffectsRedshift (optional) ModelingCamera Animation LightingTexturingRenderingCompositing"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Double Your Software Developer Income as a Consultant" |
"Welcome to the course that will make you an independent software consultant! If you have been working as a software developer for a couple of years and wished you were earning more, you are ready to learn the power of owning a corporation. Switch off your employee mindset and start thinking as a business owner and consultant. I will guide you through each step and teach you how to take maximum advantage of having your own business and getting top consulting contracts."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Personal Finance for YOU! - Simple and Easy Course (Canada)" |
"HIGHEST-RATED PERSONAL FINANCE COURSE IN CANADA on Udemy! This course was designed to make the world of money and investing EASIER to understand by literally showing you HOW to apply all the crazy financial jargon you see and hear to your real life. You will learn exactly what your schools have failed to teach you AND you will start to apply your learning right away. Heck, you will be able to pass this financial knowledge down to your kids, parents, grandparents, or whoever! It DOES NOT matter if you are a high school student or a PHD graduate. It DOES NOT matter if you just started your first job or you're ending your seventh job. MONEY DOES NOT CARE ABOUT YOUR AGE OR HOW WELL YOU DID IN SCHOOL. You don't need any prior experience or knowledge to take this course. You will learn everything about personal finance that your schools failed to teach you regardless of where you come from in Canada. This course will prove that you can build your own path to financial freedom. Understanding your money, how to make it work for you, and how to prepare for your future financially are some of the most important things that you never learn in school, so it's EXTREMELY valuable to take the time and soak up all of this information. In this course, you will LEARN about: Everything about Chequing/Savings Accounts.How Interest Works.Registering for CRA My Account.Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA)What is a TFSA?Types of TFSAsContribution RoomWithdrawalsThere will be lots more lessons coming soon that will talk about investing, mortgages, student loans, credit cards, retirement, and MORE. I recommend that you take this course at your own pace. Pause the lectures when you want too, rewind if you feel like you missed something, and feel free to ask as many questions as you want. All of the lectures contain information based on my personal experiences and extensive research. If you have ANY questions, then you can always reach out to me or leave your comments/concerns in the Q/A boxes in the lectures. You will always have your questions answered within 24 hours. We make sure our students are not left stranded or confused. By taking this course, you are signing up for:Lifetime access to the course.New and additional lectures will be added.Current lectures will be updated when necessary. A friend that will happily answer your questions. :)Check out my YouTube channel - Soni Bros Investing. With more than 17,000 Subscribers and 1.6 MILLION views, the channel has become very popular in the world of personal finance. People from around the world watch these videos about investing, personal finance, financial literacy, and my ever-changing personal experiences with money. It has some of the simplest and easy to understand videos on YouTube till this day, so feel free to check that out and share with your friends/family! "
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"English Literature: Literary Theory" |
"This is an ever-growing course and new materials will be added regularly.Designed for students and beginning scholars of English Literature, this course will introduce you to major schools of thought in English literary theory and literary analysis. Besides the video lectures, the course includes textual resources, links to longer and more detailed videos, and links to the resources on my website. What You Will learn:All major approaches to English literary theory and analysis.How to read texts critically and how to understand literature from various theoretical perspective."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Exotic chocolate fudges" |
"Learn the New Exotic FudgesCaramelized cookie dough fudgeVery berry fudgeLayered Jelly FudgeCheese Cake FudgeCook and NO cook method.Video Instructions with text recipes.Life long access.No start or end time. View at your convenience.Step by step easy to follow videos. REcipes in Text formatThere are two bonus videos along with the tutorial. Bonus 1 - How to temper chocolateBonus 2 - How to make Savoury Truffe"
Price: 3520.00 ![]() |
"Fun Projects with Adobe Animate" |
"You will be introduced to the creative and technical field of 2D computer animation in Adobe Animate - from simple, but spectacular morphs to a complex story with compositing, audio, and scenes.Illustrative booklets and charts will accompany the videos for step-by-step instructions.At the end of the course, you will be able to create your own animated stories in Animate using animation principles and computer techniques."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Transformation Journey from Mid-Career to Leadership" |
"Transformation Journey from Mid - Career Crisis to LeadershipThe Leadership Transformation Journey with Neha Tripathi a.k.a. Mindful Leadership Coach runs for 30 consecutive days starting from today. In just 10 20 minutes a day, Neha empowers you with easy-to-learn tools and techniques for Leadership Transition, Powerful Request Strategies, Rituals, Leadership Transition Cycle, Mid-Career Transition, Smart Salary Negotiations which helps you to transform you and your career.Part 1: DIG DEEPERThis section talks about the who you are?What are your strengths, what you aspire?Where you would like to be?How you define this journey of career transformation?Highlights include:Get access to the High Energy Daily Journal and a walk through.Understand the 4Wife : 1Husband approach Knowing oneself is the key, using assessments and getting into the self awareness stage.Personality Assessment and Wheel of Life assessmentDesign your dream Leadership role, know your standardsKnow which stage of Leadership Transformation are you?Part 2: UNDERSTAND THE GAMEThis section talks about the strategies that one has to use get to Leadership Roles.Highlights include:What are my Himalayan Leadership Mantras?How to simplify decision making?How can I strategize my Mid-Career plan?How to generate more leads using Networking Strategies?What is CODESEF?How to get more request done powerfully?How to identify your guiding stars and use them in your favor?How to design your work strategically?How to Negotiate Better?How can I put in sync my Rituals with mu Vision Board?What are Current Me vs Future Me?What is rule of 33?Role of Mentors in our Life?Which techniques might work best for you?One of the objectives is to get Get the leadership roles within/ outside the organization but another important one is to crack those interviews.Highlights include:Interview techniquesLinkedIn TechniquesSalary Negotiations tools & techniquesFirst 90 days strategiesPart 3: CHECK MATEHere we have shared the nuggets of our NEHA TRIPATHI TALK SHOW.Experts, Entrepreneurs have been interviewed on this platform. Key insights from the talk show has been shared.Our idea is to share what the real time Leaders across the industry are following and what is their Leadership Mantras?Check our exclusive section!!"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Overcoming Overwhelm - The Procrastination Playbook" |
"For the past few months Ive been doing a deep dive into Procrastination, trying to find the cognitive strategies that people who have no trouble with procrastination use to overcome their procrastination. This deep dive has involved:Introspecting on my own cognitive strategiesReading the self help literature and mining cognitive strategiesScouring the scientific literature for reviews and meta studies related to overcoming procrastination, and mining the cognitive strategies.Interviewing people who have trouble with procrastination, and people who have overcome it, and modelling their cognitive strategies.I then took these ~18 cognitive strategies, split them into 7 lessons, and spent ~50 hours taking people individually through the lessons and seeing what worked, what didnt and what was missing.This resulted in me doing another round of research, adding a whole new set of cognitive strategies, (for a grand total of 25 cognitive strategies taught over the course of 10 lessons) and testing for another round of ~50 hours to again test these cognitive strategies with 1-on-1 lessons to see what worked for people.This resulted in the Procrastination playbook, a full accounting of these 25 strategies along with a course designed to make them automatic parts of who you are. The first of these 10 lessons is here, and details how to overcome overwhelm, and next action ambiguity."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to write Project Report for Bank Loan?" |
"Are you an entrepreneur planning to avail term loan for your business but stuck with project report?Are you a project / finance consultant looking for learning resources to improve your project report preparation process?Are you a Finance / Accounting Manager struggling in preparation of project report?Then this course is for you - How to write Project Report for Bank Loan.This course is prepared based out of my rich experience in handling more than 200 High Value Loan Proposals.By taking this course, you will learn - How to write project report at ease - What are the key points you should cover and should not miss - What are the technical aspects to be addressed- What are the key areas which bankers will be looking forAt the end of this course, you will have complete idea of writing project report for Bank Loans.For effective listening, please use your headset. While watching lectures, please have a notepad and pen alongside, so that you can take notes of important points.See you inside the course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"WordPress SEO Optimisation: How To Outrank Your Competitors" |
"How To Outrank Your Competitors Crush Authority Websites And Just Plain Dominate Google & Bing Using FREE Tools!Learn From A WordPress Veteran!Ranking High In The Search Engines Is EASY With The Right Tools & Training!It doesnt matter if you are technically challenged. With these step-by-step video guides, simply watch over my shoulder as I show you..How to write search engine loving posts & pages!A walk through of using Yoast Meta Box with both the Gutenberg & non-Gutenberg editorsStep By Step how to properly configure the Yoast SEO plugin>The biggest mistake people make when using the Yoast SEO plugin and how to prevent it from happening to you.How to customize your 404 error page and WHY you need to do itDon't let your inexperience or lack of knowledge hold you back...The time to make your web presence known is now! And these videos are some of the best videos ever produced to get you started fast.These WordPress training videos are simple, unique, and easy to follow.Each one created with YOU in mind.These videos reveal some of the BEST shortcuts, tips and methods anyone can use to optimize your posts & pages and greatly improve the rankings of your WordPress site. These Tips & Shortcuts Can Be Yours INSTANTLY!Here's what we'll be covering in the course:What is SEO?Keyword ResearchLatent Semantic Indexing & Why It's ImportantIntroduction to the Yoast SEO PluginOverview of Yoast FeaturesYoast SEO Configuration Wizard WalkthroughDetails of General Dashboard, What Everything Does & Optimal SettingsWhich Features You Should Use and The Ones You Shouldn'tHow To Connect Your Site To Different Search EnginesCustomising Your Site's Appearance in Search EnginesHow To Craft The Global Settings So That Your Posts & Pages Appear in Search EnginesArchive Pages and Whether Or Not To Have Them Appear in Search ResultsWhat Breadcrumbs Are & If You Need ThemPros & Cons of Using The Search Appearance RSS FeatureHow To Connect Your Site To Google's Search ConsoleHow To Make Your Posts Display Correctly on Social Media PagesCreating Custom 404 Error Pages & Custom HTML SitemapsWhere To Get Your XML Sitemap, Post It To Google & Have It Indexed Within MinutesHow To Optimise The Post & Page MetaboxOptimizing Your WordPress Sites For Search Engines Have Never Been Easier!These WordPress training videos were created with the total beginner in mind. They are very detailed & fluff-free! This allows you to learn more in a shorter amount of time while enjoying what you are learning. Sure beats trying to learn from outdated, hard to understand videos you stumble across on the web. Plus way more enjoyable than those techie-filled, sleep-inducing eBooks.Join me in this course and let's get your site running up the search engine rankings today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"AJAX API JSON Connect to JSON data using AJAX webpage" |
"Explore how you can connect to various endpoints on the web and get JSON data to use on your website. JSON data and JavaScript ObjectsJavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is an open-standard file format or data interchange format that uses human-readable text to transmit data objects consisting of attributevalue pairs and array data types. It is a very common data format, with a diverse range of applications.JSON is a language-independent data format. It was derived from JavaScript, but many modern programming languages include code to generate and parse JSON-format data. The official Internet media type for JSON is application/json. JSON filenames use the extension .json.AJAX (""Asynchronous JavaScript + XML"") is a set of web development techniques using many web technologies on the client side to create asynchronous web applications. With Ajax, web applications can send and retrieve data from a server asynchronously (in the background) without interfering with the display and behavior of the existing page. By decoupling the data interchange layer from the presentation layer, Ajax allows web pages and, by extension, web applications, to change content dynamically without the need to reload the entire page.In practice, modern implementations commonly utilize JSON instead of XML.Course Covers JavaScript Objects and how they are used in code to retrieve values and store groups of related data setsJavaScript Arrays - a data structure commonly used in JSON to contain Objects JSON vs JavaSCript ObjectsIterate Array ContentsJSON parse and StringifyTools online to help connect to endpoints and debug AJAX requestsUse of JavaScript Fetch to return contentGET and POST methods to web endpointsVarious examples of open web APIsSource Code is included.JavaScript ObjectAn object is a collection of related data and/or functionality.Functions can be contained in JavaScript objects they are referred to as methods within the object.JavaScript objects names dont need quotes, can be single, double or none.Values can be Strings, Numbers, Booleans, Arrays, ObjectsCreate an object setting a variable name and assigning the {} to the variable.Object names can hold values of other objects and arraysCan go multiple levels deep, as many as needed.Dot notation : The object name (person) acts as the namespace, then a dot, then the item you want to access.Bracket notation : Similar format to arrays, instead of using an index number to select an item you are using the name associated with each member's value.JavaScript ArrayAn Array can hold multiple valuesArrays cannot use strings as element indexes but must use integers.Arrays are zero based, first index value is always 0;Array values can be strings, numbers, booleans, arrays or objects.The design of objects and arrays is to hold lots of content. You can loop through the content in a number of ways using JavaScript.You can loop through the data in the array using a number of methods in JavaScript. Arrays need the index to find the value associated with it. If objects are contained within you should structure them the same way so it is easier to check the values contained.Objects have length so using a for loop is possible. There is also Object.entries which can get the key and the value from the object.Keep data structured the same so that you can easily determine where the values are located.The JSON.stringify() method converts a JavaScript object or value to a JSON stringThe JSON.parse() method parses a JSON string, constructing the JavaScript value or object described by the stringThe JSON object contains methods for parsing JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) and converting values to JSON.Objects and Arrays: Property names must be double-quoted strings; trailing commas are forbidden.Numbers: Leading zeros are prohibited; a decimal point must be followed by at least one digit. NaN and Infinity are unsupported.Please note that the scope of this course using JavaScript and JSON data outputting via JavaScript. If you are looking for a more detailed JavaScript course this course is not for you. Simple course with limited scope designed to be topic specific.Taught by an instructor with over 20 years of Web Development experience.If you've been looking to get started with AJAX and JSON- THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU!!!!Nothing to lose - Fast friendly support is always available to help if you need it.Please note that the SCOPE OF THIS COURSE IS Creating a simple API and JSON and will not cover complex commands and everything about JavaScript, HOW TO GET STARTED COURSE - if you are looking at more detailed node or JavaScript content this is not for you."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Maschine Native instrument Beginners Trap Beats Instrumental" |
"WelcomeThis course is all about how to create a dope instrumental beat easily using nothing but your Native Instruments Maschine Software and Free drum loops that can be found on websites such as Hiphopmakers / TheProducersplug and more.This Professional Beat course is perfect for beginner producers and intermediate beatmakers with a little more experience, to help students craft an awesome self-made product that can be implemented into their future projects with the music scene.You should expect to learn how to create a great drum patternEdit Sample Loops to fit into anything BPM (Beats Per Minute) / TempoManipulate Drums such as Hi-Hats, Shakers and Kick Drums to improve productionLayer Drums to add life into your trackEasily turn any sound into background ambiance to add fullness and texture to your instrumental.This course is only about an hour don't be fooled the content will suit your needs for years to come within your beat production.If you struggle with creating a great sounding instrumental or just want to broaden your instrumental beat production ability's than this course will benefit you in more ways than you'll expect."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Blender 2.8 criando modelos realsticos - Sof 01" |
"Ol Sejam bem vindo ao curso Blender 2.8 criando modelos realsticos, meu nome Luiz Henrique sou instrutor de computao grfica e artista 3d.Neste curso voc vai aprender passo a passo do zero como produzir por completo modelos com aspecto realsticos utilizando os recursos do Blender. Vou mostrar como fazer o processo de blocagem, detalhamento, como utilizar imagens para otimizar o processo de escultura, mapeamento UV, iluminao textura e renderizao final do projeto em alta resoluo."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Yin Yang Yoga -Best for Hay fever and Nasal cleansing-" |
"Yoga includes asanas, breathing and cleansing techniques. However, many people learn asanas and breathing techniques without practicing cleansing techniques. The sinus flush is a procedure with many names and ancient roots. Also known as nasal irrigation, or neti pot treatment, the sinus flush has its origins in the Ayurvedic medical tradition.In this course, you will practice cleaning the nasal cavity. Cleansing the nasal cavity as easily as hands washing and gargling. Learn the basic breathing method and acquire the power of breathing. This course is useful for people whose nasal cavity are damaged by hay fever, allergic rhinitis, pollution and house dust.Introducing Shiatsu (Finger pressure) Yoga to eliminate stuffy nose and Yin and Yang poses to keep the body moderate, as well as 5 minutes Yoga in the morning and evening.Lecture 1: Things to prepareLecture 2: Before practicing nasal cleansingLecture 3: Bhastrika pranayama Breathing techniqueLecture 4: Jala neti Nasal cleansingLecture 5: Shiatsu yoga using tennis ball Finger pressure massageLecture 6: Sun and MoonLecture 7: Nadi-sodhana-pranayama Breathing techniqueLecture 8: Alternate nostril breathing Breathing techniqueLecture 9: The pose of Yin and Yang Lecture10: The 5 minutes morning YogaLecture11: The 5 minutes night YogaLecture12: Afterword"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |