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"Criao de Temas WordPress com WooCommerce: Curso Avanado" |
"Sabia que voc pode ganhar a vida como desenvolvedor de temas WooCommerce?Voc est procurando por um curso de desenvolvimento de temas com WooCommerce bem abrangente? J pensou em ganhar dinheiro com esse conhecimento?O WooCommerce um grande sucesso no mundo do comrcio eletrnico. Sua misso transformar qualquer site WordPress em uma verdadeira loja virtual. E realmente transforma! por isso que hoje tantos desenvolvedores querem aprender como criar temas para ele. Existem muitos tutoriais de WooCommerce por a, mas a maior parte deles muito confusa.Este curso diferente. Ele traz quase 100 aulas nas quais eu realmente vou compartilhar com voc tudo o que aprendi at agora sobre criao de temas, especialmente sobre como construir um tema para WordPress compatvel com WooCommerce.Hoje, muitos desenvolvedores ganham dinheiro construindo temas para pessoas que querem um tema personalizado para suas lojas. Bons freelancers cobram entre R$ 3.000 e R$ 15.000 por um simples site WordPress customizado. S que sites WordPress com WooCommerce so mais lucrativos para os clientes, portanto os clientes esto mais do que dispostos a pagar ainda mais! Ainda, muitos outros desenvolvedores ganham a vida vendendo verses premium de seus temas. E voc pode ser um deles tambm! Eu sou o instrutor de mais de 17.000 alunos satisfeitos apenas aqui na Udemy e eu sei como ajud-lo.O que exatamente voc vai aprender?Aqui est uma pequena lista dos principais temas abordados por este curso. Voc vai aprender:Como declarar suporte ao WooCommerce e personalizar os seus temas. As lojas online dos seus clientes vo se tornar ainda mais atraentes;Como modificar os arquivos de template do WooCommerce da maneira correta. A sua loja ter a aparncia que voc deseja;Como usar os shortcodes do WooCommerce da maneira que ningum faz;Como usar ferramentas poderosas como o Theme Customizer e a TGM Plugin Activation para fazer com que a loja seja mais atraente;Como criar um menu responsivo e um slideshow elegante e moderno - sem usar plugins!Como adicionar um blog loja virtual. Os usurios do seu tema vo vender mais!E muito mais! Que tal aprender como criar verses demo do seu tema? Se a sua inteno vender verses premium do seu tema, voc ver que aqueles que tm verses demo so os mais vendidos. Seus clientes vo adorar! E que tal disponibiliz-los em qualquer idioma? Voc aprender como criar temas que so totalmente traduzveis. Clientes de todo o mundo podero utilizar seus temas, pois eles sero totalmente compatveis com o Poedit ou qualquer plugin de traduo do WordPress. E no acaba aqui... Que tal tornar os seus temas WooCommerce realmente seguros?Voc aprender como colocar em prtica, passo a passo, os principais recursos de segurana do WordPress no cdigo do seu tema! Relaxe! No vai haver brechas para que ningum ataque o seu tema.E para completar, comece uma nova carreira como um desenvolvedor oficial de temas WordPress/WooCommerce.Envie o tema criado no curso para o repositrio oficial de temas do WordPress juntinho comigo. Voc ver que essa uma das melhores estratgias para quem quer comear a ganhar dinheiro criando temas, at mesmo os gratuitos. Voc vai entender quais so os testes necessrios para passar pelo rigoroso sistema de reviso do WordPress, at a publicao do tema. E, claro, tambm vai conhecer algumas das estratgias para ganhar dinheiro com o tema e viver como um criador de temas. Sim, voc pode ganhar dinheiro, mesmo com temas gratuitos hospedados no repositrio oficial de temas do WordPress.E, alm disso, todo o contedo est repleto de noes bsicas sobre a criao de temas para WordPress, como loops, pginas internas, barras laterais, template parts, filtros, ganchos de ao, templates de pgina, enfileiramento do Bootstrap e fontes Google, etc. Realmente, eu no vou esconder nada neste curso!Alm disso, voc ter todo o material disponvel para acompanhar as aulas.Para quem este curso?Eu recomendo este curso para programadores, estudantes de TI, desenvolvedores web, web designers, ou qualquer freelancer ou profissional que trabalhe com PHP, HTML e CSS. Ele recomendado para todos que querem construir um negcio em tempo integral, criando temas personalizados com WooCommerce para clientes ou para venda.------------------------------------------------------------------------A-T-E-N---OEu no recomendo, de forma alguma, para pessoas curiosas, donos de lojas ou pessoas que ainda no sabem escrever cdigo. Este no um curso comum de WooCommerce. O meu objectivo ensinar o aluno a criar um tema. Por isso, vamos escrever muito cdigo. Se voc est interessado em apenas criar uma loja virtual, sem ter que entender de programao, existem vrios outros cursos que podem te ajudar. Este curso no sobre a criao de lojas. No vamos aprender a configurar mtodos de pagamento, mtodos de envio de produtos. No vamos testar plugins de membros, assinaturas, de marketing, nada disso. ------------------------------------------------------------------------Este curso voltado para todos aqueles que querem se tornar criadores de temas profissionais. Basicamente, o curso dirigido a dois tipos de pessoas.Aqueles que gostariam de se tornar independentes, criar seu prprio tema personalizado, aprender a personalizar o visual da loja do jeito que quiserem, ou aprender a customizar temas de terceiros, para si mesmos, ou para seus clientes.Pessoas que tm planos de voar ainda mais alto! Se voc j est um pouco cansado de trabalhar com prazos e clientes chatos, projetos interminveis, enfim, se voc quer comear a construir uma carreira com mais liberdade, mais tempo para voc, fazendo o que gosta de fazer, voc vai adorar o contedo que eu preparei para voc!Neste curso eu vou gui-lo, passo a passo, no incio da sua carreira profissional como desenvolvedor de temas com WooCommerce. Eu vou te mostrar, do comeo ao fim, como criar um tema seguindo todas as recomendaes da equipe de reviso de temas do WordPress. Na seo bnus do curso voc aprender tudo o que precisa para fazer um tema passar nos testes difceis do repositrio de temas do WordPress, como integrar o WooCommerce com o tema, como preparar uma demo do tema, como fazer seu tema se tornar internacional, como torn-lo totalmente seguro, e muito mais.No final, vou mostrar como enviar este tema para o repositrio de temas do WordPress, que uma maravilhosa vitrine a partir da qual voc pode atrair compradores para uma verso premium do tema.O curso tambm uma base para voc enviar o tema para outras plataformas, como o ThemeForest (um dos maiores mercados de temas premium do mundo). Sabendo como fazer isso para o repositrio oficial, voc pode ir a qualquer lugar!De que modo este curso diferente?O que os meus alunos mais gostam do meu excelente tempo de resposta s suas perguntas. Voc sabe, esperar demais pode atrasar o seu progresso. Por isso, eu sempre tento responder em 24 horas. Voc pode ter certeza de que nunca vai se sentir sozinho neste curso.Duvida? Veja o que a minha aluna Rebeca Seulin escreveu recentemente sobre um dos meus cursos: ""Um dos melhores cursos que fiz na minha vida! Prof. com didtica, atencioso e experiente. Por causa desse curso, eu consegui uma oportunidade em meu emprego que me rendeu um aumento! Estou muito feliz e realizada por trabalhar com algo que me apaixonei, que programao voltada para WordPress. Recomendo esse curso e os outros do prof Marcelo a todos!""E este aqui do Robson Henrique Rodrigues:""Curso excelente! Ensina de forma pratica e simples, fcil de compreender, o Professor Marcelo timo, e responde rpido as duvidas tambm! Graas ao curso eu at mesmo consegui emprego como Desenvolvedor de Temas Wordpress!!!"" E este eu recebi do Ronaldo Scotti dos Santos:""Desde que fiz seu curso, meu foco no WordPress ficou cada vez maior. Me especializei na rea, e hoje com o WordPress que ganho a vida.""E a lista continua... Ento, voc est pronto para este curso? Assista s aulas gratuitas disponveis antes de tomar sua deciso. Lembre-se, este um curso da Udemy, ento voc no tem nada a perder. Pode contar com a garantia de 100% de devoluo do dinheiro por 30 dias, caso no goste. Ento junte-se a ns agora mesmo. De agora em diante, o cu o seu limite!"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"The Glitch Art Workshop" |
"Glitch art is one of the fastest growing trends in digital design, embodying all our concerns about the fallibility of technology. In this class we take advantage of various methods for introducing errors into our artwork to create imaginative, surprising pieces that bridge the gap between our data-driven world and surrealism.In this course, you'll learn all about:Glitch appsFidelity reduction; Over compression, resolution and ""A copy of a copy of a...""Screen recording and screen captureHardware manipulationMisalignmentChemical AlterationData AlterationRandom Decisions...and more!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Galaxy Watch Designer Developer Course 2020" |
"Samsung Galaxy Watch Designer is a great application for designing your own watch faces with no coding experience required. In this course well learn step by step how to make watch faces for galaxy devices including galaxy watch, watch active and active 2. We will also cover how we upload and sell our designs on Galaxy Store furthermore we will learn to make screenshots for our watch faces. It's a pretty fun and interactive experience. You can create watch faces for yourself or your friends and family. You can also sell your creation on Galaxy Store to Millions of customers and earn some extra income. I've over 45,000 downloads on my watch faces in just last 30 days. I started on Galaxy store about two months ago so you will have a hands on experience I will show you some of my watch faces inside Galaxy Watch Designer so that you have better understanding of how some of the more complex watch designs are created and towards the end of this course we will design a fully animated watch faces and publish that to galaxy store that includes designing the watch face creating screenshots and uploading to Galaxy store so lets go ahead and get started."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Orange Data Science - COMPLETO ROADMAP - 100% visual" |
"O ORANGE uma das poucas ferramentas de mercado, totalmente construda em python, que o analista de dados pode trabalhar de forma totalmente visual, com um amplo aspecto de atendimento a diversas demandas na rea de minerao de dados por meio do uso de algoritmos de Machine Learning.ASPECTOS PRESENTES:Aprendizado de mquina de cdigo aberto e visualizao de dados para iniciantes e especialistas. Fluxos de trabalho de anlise de dados interativos com uma grande caixa de ferramentasexecute anlise de dados simples com visualizao inteligente de dados. Explore distribuies estatsticas, grficos de disperso ou mergulhe mais fundo com rvores de deciso, agrupamentos hierrquicos. At seus dados multidimensionais podem se tornar sensveis em 2D, especialmente com classificaes e selees inteligentes de atributos.Explorao interativa de dados para anlise qualitativa rpida com visualizaes limpas. A interface grfica do usurio permite que voc se concentre na anlise exploratria de dados em vez codificao, enquanto padres inteligentes tornam extremamente fcil a criao rpida de prottipos de um fluxo de trabalho de anlise de dados. Coloque widgets na tela, conecte-os, carregue seus conjuntos de dados e colete os insights!Use vrios complementos disponveis no Orange para extrair dados de fontes de dados externas. Este curso comtempla o ROADMAP ONE, que contempla a base para iniciar os seus projetos de minerao de dados e o ROADMAP TWO, que contempla a parte final dando nfase nos algoritmos de Machine Learning mais complexo.QUEM SOU EU:- Profissional da rea de dados h 15 anos.- Tenho Mais de 8 anos na rea EAD.- Sou professor de ps-graduao na rea de dados h mais de 8 anos.SEJA MAIS UM ALUNO DESTE CLUBE QUE NO PARA DE CRESCER!"
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"Unity Game Tutorial: Battleships 3D" |
"In this Course you'll learn how to create a Battleships 3D with Unity Engine. Pen and Paper games like Battleships are also quite popular even on mobile or pc. I will show you step by step how you can create Batlleships 3D.This course is a Beginner/Intermediate course, so if you have trouble in any case, write me a message or Q&A, and i'll help as best as i can. If you are beginner, you might have some trouble to follow, but the videos will guide you through the complete course. Don't forget you only become better if you repeat things and keep on learning!So we create Systems which will give us the freedom to:C# (Monodevelop)Placing mechanism to place all Battleships in a 3DA statemaschine to handle all players / cpusTurn base game playAI which is able to play completely aloneUnity (2019.1)we create a playfieldwe create a GameManagerwe create a main menu scene where we can pick who wants to playwe create a game over scene panelCourse MaterialI provide the following Material with the Course:5x Ship 3D Model1x Rocket 3D Model7x Button Graphics 2D1x Tileable Water Texture 2DYou have to write the code on your own, i do not provide the final scripts!All other graphics for Menu's, Icons, Images or Buttons need to be created on your own.All Materials i provide are for education only and should not be in your final release!ConclusionIn the end of this course you will have a fully functional Battleships 3D Game.ChallengeAfter you have created nice Menus, Buttons, and maybe additional content, upload the Game to any Gaming Website, Google Playstore, Apple Store or even Windows Store or Steam.So what are you waiting for?Let's make your dream game a reality!!Level: BeginnerVideo Course Length: ~9.5 hours Unity Version required: 5.3+"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Concrete Technology MCQ Practice Questions (Civil Eng)" |
"Concrete is a composite material composed of fine and coarse aggregate bonded together with a fluid cement (cement paste) that hardens (cures) over time. In the past limebased cement binders were often used, such as lime putty, but sometimes with other hydraulic cements, such as a calcium aluminate cement or with Portland cement to form Portland cement concrete (for its visual resemblance to Portland stone). Many other non-cementitious types of concrete exist with different methods of binding aggregate together, including asphalt concrete with a bitumen binder, which is frequently used for road surfaces, and polymer concretes that use polymers as a binder.When aggregate is mixed with dry Portland cement and water, the mixture forms a fluid slurry that is easily poured and molded into shape. The cement reacts with the water and other ingredients to form a hard matrix that binds the materials together into a durable stone-like material that has many uses. Often, additives (such as pozzolans or superplasticizers) are included in the mixture to improve the physical properties of the wet mix or the finished material. Most concrete is poured with reinforcing materials (such as rebar) embedded to provide tensile strength, yielding reinforced concrete.These questions will give you basic idea for Examination Preparation and/or interview on Concrete Technology Practice questions for Civil Engineering.Please Note: These questions are only for practice and understanding level of knowledge only. It is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and/or interview questionsIn this practice test, because of large amount of questions (around 234 questions) some of questions may have repeatedI had to put as 70% pass rate because there may also be wrong answers from my side."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Blender 2.8 Animao 3D para Jogos + 12 Princpios Disney" |
"Pare de procurar por animao para jogos, voc j encontrou aqui!Voc no precisa mais procurar por tutoriais espalhados na internet que no te ajudar a ter uma animao fluda e de qualidade para jogos, agora voc acabou de encontrar o curso de animao 3d no Blender que voc precisa.Animao 3D Fluda no Blender?Nesse curso voc aprender a criar animaes fludas e de qualidade usando o software gratuito chamado Blender, cdigo aberto e voc poder baixar e instalar em seu computador, escolhemos o Blender para que voc no precise investir nada mais para ter o conhecimento de um bom animador 3D para jogos.Nosso foco no curso a animao 3D para Jogos no Blender, mas o contedo que voc ir aprender pode ser usado para qualquer outro projeto de animao tambm.O que voc Aprender no Curso?Voc inicialmente aprender os 12 princpios Disney para uma boa animao e os ciclos de animaes necessrias para animar seu personagem para jogos.Os 12 Princpios da Animao DisneySquash and StretchAnticipationStagingStraight Ahead Action and Pose to PoseFollow Through and Overlapping ActionSlow In and Slow OutArcSecondary ActionTimingExaggerationSolide DrawingAppeale muitos mais...No espere mais para aprender a animar seus personagens de jogos com qualidade usando o Blender, imagine voc em nosso curso aprendendo como animar corretamente os seus personagens 3D e dando vida a eles, com foco em uma ferramenta gratuita e de alta qualidade que o Blender, difcil voc encontrar um curso como esse no mercado nacional e acessvel.Como nosso foco animao para jogos 3d, estudaremos a animao corporal do personagem, atravs de exemplos prticos e divertidos; com as tcnicas que irei te ensinar, voc estar apto a criar suas animaes 3d aps o curso.Estudaremos animaes para jogos:Walk CycleRun CycleJumpPunchSword AttackDefenseCrawlCrouchKickDeathQuem sou eu para te ensinar animao para jogos?Sou Edson Camacho e anos estudo sobre modelagem 3d, animao e jogos, estudei animao com um animador do filme ""Planeta dos Macacos"", aprendi a desenhar e dar os primeiros passos na animao 2d com um diretor de arte dos estdios Maurcio de Souza, estudo animao com um professor que foi animador da Disney e aprendi a desenvolver jogos com cursos aprovados pela prpria Unity, tudo para levar o melhor conhecimento a voc. Ento no perca mais tempo e entre para uma carreira que est em crescimento no Brasil, entre para nossa comunidade de artistas 3d, te vejo em nosso curso. No perca essa oportunidade!""Animar convencer que h vida""."
Price: 294.99 ![]() |
"A Mindful Approach to the Creation of Wealth" |
"A Mindful Approach to the Creation of Wealth is a course dedicated to the healthy and mindful practice of generating wealth. Focusing on a meaningful approach to financial investing, well help you create the life you desire...and the resources to do it with.This course will look into the deeper aspects of you, the investor, to create beneficial perceptions, thoughts, and emotions to support you on your road to building wealth. Also included are effective strategies to implement goals, create action plans, boost your resources, and/or manage your debt.Assignments, visualization, contemplation, and meditation exercise at the end of each section, will help you access the higher facets of yourself. These tools will align you with your values, to create a successful and deeply purposeful approach to your expansion of wealth.Course material will be presented through video lectures, homework projects, contemplations, and guided meditations. You will come away feeling better, with a meaningful and profound sense of wealth creation and tools you can use for the rest of your life.The course will include:Creating a healthy perception of WHAT WEALTH IS.Understanding and adjusting EMOTIONS that influence INVESTING.Understanding and adjusting THOUGHTS and BELIEFS that influence FINANCIAL PLANNING.Creating effective GOALS and ACTION PLANS.Understanding DEBT and how to effectively MANAGE DEBT.VISUALIZATION, CONTEMPLATION, and GUIDED MEDITATION techniques to help create your financial future.An introduction to SPIRITUALITY and WEALTH.Additional TIPS and INSIGHTS into WEALTH CREATION.What students are saying:Very professional and I loved the videos! Judy LynneI'm doing a couple of Joseph Drumheller courses and he's a really fantastic teacher. His approach is very genuine and authentic. He spent many years providing support to terminally ill cancer patients. Highly recommended. Phil StrongI am enjoying the course. Much of this is common sense in my world, with the training I already have, but definitely not in the world of people I work with. I am getting exactly the structure needed for the next steps Karithe meditations are next-level awesome. Courtney Seard"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Canva Android - Starters Kit Course" |
"Because My Computer Went Bad, I Recorded The Entire Course With A SmartphoneMy Canva journey became clearer when I won the Canva Halloween Design Contest in 2019.In August 2019, my computers went bad, and it was either i hire a laptop or just waive off certain gigs. Hiring wasn't viable so I usually waive off the gig. What I realised that I was only leaving money on the table.I love to always have my hands on the spindle, I had to go back to Canva, this time I had to use the mobile app. I wasn't a Canva fan yet, but that current situation where I had no other choice humbled me.I started to learn more about the platform, its efficiency, limitations, and upgraded features. It was fun working with the app. I started to accept gigs on, logo designs, business cards, presentation slides, social media templates and other company visual assets for a brand's identity.Many clients I had worked for since August had no idea that their designs were accomplished with Canva. It was a quiet display of sleek designs.In October 2019, I entered for a Canva Halloween Contest and I came out as the Overall Winner. I have been able to infuse my knowledge of graphic design for the past 11 years into Canva to designs awesome content that is making lots of businesses to gain more attention.This is why I created the Canva Starter Kit Course to put you on the same journey that I am on.If you purchase this course, I will take you straight into the course and not beat around the bush. I assure you that you won't waste any of your time as I will teach you need to learn about the Canva android app from start finish.I will introduce you to the Canva app, the design environment and we will make some design that will build your confidence in designing with Canva. At the end of the course, you can find exercises you can lay your hands on practice with any time.This course will be upgraded regularly when there is something new you must know.You will get your money back if you don't like what you have purchased within 30 days.Let's get inside and learn Canva using an Android smartphone.Thank you!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"IGCSE - ICT - Cambridge - AL - Speadsheet" |
"At the End of this Course we finalize IGCSE - ICT syllabus. I Create My Own Exam For You, include all of My Experience and Cover all Paste Papers Tricks so You will be Familiar with Paste Papers and able to Aim A* on Final Exam. But Not Forget Your Turn to Finalize All Paste Papers.1-on-1 instructor support.LIFETIME access."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Master en Formulacin y Evaluacin de Proyectos" |
"Qu esperas dale click en COMPRAR y volvmonos expertos en Evaluar y Formular un Proyecto Prximas Actualizaciones 1. Mi primera pagina Web enfocada al negocio Wordpress y shopify 2. Nuevos mtodos de recoleccin de informacin en el estudio de mercados Neuromarketing 3. Aprende a Crear un Logo y genera una identidad a tu marca 4. Aprende a Gestionar el Marketing y marketing Digital tu empresa 5. Anlisis de Datos con Power business intelligent y Tableu Y muchas cosas ms que esperas....Si eres un emprendedor, Tienes un empresa, Tienes una startups, una idea de negocio y eres un amante de los negocios y proyectos pues que esperas este curso esta esperando por ti. En este curso aprenders a Evaluar y Formular un proyecto desde cero pasando por el ciclo de vida de un proyecto iniciaremos este viaje juntos desde una pequea introduccin a la gestin de proyectos, continuando con la realizacin de nuestro proyecto, continuando con el estudio de mercado, el estudio tcnico, el estudio administrativo y legal y finalizando este recorrido con el estudio financiero."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Secrets of Body Language" |
"Do you ever wish you had a better understanding of people? Most of communication is through non verbal cues, which makes understanding body language very important. In this body language master course, we will explore the secrets of body language and explain what you should be looking out for! Who is this course for? Anyone looking to improve their communication skills and understanding on basic body language."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"ServiceNow Certified System Administrator Practice Exam 2020" |
"Planning to attempt ServiceNow Certified Administrator Exam ? Look no further, this course is the key to 100 % success. Passing the exam needs subject knowledge of ServiceNow and hands on expertise with the platform. The course shall provide a fully revised & latest preparation for CSA exam.Information about the Question bank -Questions in practice tests are curated to test understanding of concepts behind the platform architecture and associated terminology specific to administration. These courses consist of questions that previously appeared in exams and may or may not be repeated. Look at it as a means to validate your readiness and close gaps of understanding, if any.When you get to the point where you stop having ""ah-ha"" moments, you're probably ready for the real exam !Course Features - 1. 260+ real world questions from all the topics of ServiceNow Exam Blueprint are covered in these practice test(s). 2. After taking the test(s), you will be able to review explanation for questions as per official ServiceNow documentation to enhance your knowledge on exam topics. The course context suffices everyone to correct answers & it's relevant explanation. 3. Dedicated support for queries either through a ""DM ""or ""Q & A section"". Expect response within 6 hours, I work in IST.4. Access this course seamlessly through Udemy mobile app. Let there be no stoppage in your exam preparation.FAQsQ: What version of ServiceNow does this cover? A: The content of this course covers upto the Paris (2020) release of ServiceNow. The course is duly reviewed every 2 weeks for new additions and to address feedback. Last reviewed on 27th September 2020"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Entrenamiento en Casa. Fitness-HIIT-Workouts" |
"Te gustara realizar un entrenamiento fullbody en casa para tonificar todo el cuerpo?6 sesiones diferentes de entrenamientos semanales6 vdeo-entrenamientos de 15 minutos con rutinas especficas que debes repetir varias veces durante toda la semana. Soporte por email para que te mantengas en contacto conmigo y resuelvas todas las dudas que te puedan surgir.Posibilidad de descargar e imprimir todo el material, en caso de que no dispongas de acceso a Internet.Acceso al curso ilimitado y de por vida (incluidas futuras actualizaciones).Certificado de finalizacin.* El acompaamiento mdico es imprescindible para la seguridad del(de la) comprador(a)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Programmation DART et FLUTTER pour Debutant" |
"Cette formation vous permet aux apprenants de devenir programmeur web, mobile et standard(Application de bureau)Nous abordons comme sujets:les variables, les nombres, les const et final, les fonctions, les lists, les maps, les sets, les enum, les classes, l'heritages, le polymoriphisme ainsi la vue general sur la programmation DARTNotez que cette bases de la programmation vous permettra de devenir dveloppeur web, mobile, vous aller utiliser ce langage pour faire les application mobile pour Android et IOS, pour les applications Windows et MacOs"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Temel Dzey Java, Algoritma ve Nesne Ynelik Programlama" |
"Kursun asl amac sizleri piyasada aranan yazlmc yapmak yada mkemmel bilgiler retmek deildir daha ok hi bilmeyenlere, renmek isteyenlere, temel arayanlara ve algoritmay algoritma gelitirmeyi renmek isteyenlere hitap etmektedir. tabi bunlar yaparken rnek dil olarak java kullanp tm java temellerini ve nesne ynelimli(OOP) programlamann temellerini sizlere verecek ve bundan sonra reneceiniz tm dillerde %100 kolaylk salayacak."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"3ds Max + +" |
"3ds Max > 3D > 2D 3D > 3D > 3ds Max> 3ds Max> >> """" ( 3ds Max """" """") idea 3ds Max 3ds Max .. """" """" """" ..1. 2. 3. >> 3ds Max """"""""""""3D3D NBA Logo3D 3D 2D Logo 3D Logo Edit Poly Symmery Polygon Material IDs"
Price: 1400.00 ![]() |
"Cmo crear emprendimientos sociales?" |
"En este curso aprenders la metodologa Learning by Helping completa. Sus herramientas, conceptos y procesos 100% diseados para la creacin de proyectos de impacto social y ambiental. Y a travs de muchsimos casos de xito que han vivido los mismos profesores del curso, entenders que ser cmplice del problema o ser cmplice de la solucin, es solo una decisin."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Supply Chain Management" |
"Students will learn the basics of Supply Chain Management and how to implement techniques to improve business performance and reach objectives. We will also discuss some real-world examples of how supply chain management is used in well known companies.Key concepts include:Inventory ManagementLogistics and TransportationWarehouseSmart Technology and AutomationSix SigmaLEAN concept and much much more...."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan kum torbasyla nasl alacan ren. Bir yandan dv teknikleri renirken te yandan antrenman programn takip ederek profesyonel dv gibi fit bit grnm kazan.Toplam 12 antrenman, Her antrenman 12 Round gerek bir boks msabakas gibi... Tm teknikleri ve kombinasyonlar anlattm dersler. Isnma, souma, Esneklik antrenmanlar.1-TEMEL BOKS ANTRENMANI SEVYE 12-BOKS ANTRENMANI- SEVYE 23-BOKS ANTRENMANI SEVYE 34-TEMEL TEKME ANTRENMANI SEVYE 15-TEKME ANTRENMANI SEVYE 26-TEKME ANTRENMANI SEVYE 37-TEMEL KICKBOKS ANTRENMANI SEVYE 18-KICKBOKS ANTRENMANI SEVYE 29-KICKBOKS ANTRENMANI SEVYE 310-TEMEL MUAY TAHI ANTRENMANI- SEVYE 111-MUAY THAI ANTRENMANI- SEVYE 212-MUAY THAI ANTRENMANI- SEVYE 3KUM TORBASI DMANI FAYDALARIAerobik kondisyonda geliir.Merkez blgenizi, karn kaslarnz gelitirir.Koordinasyonunu iyiletirinPatlayc gc arttrr.Dayankllnz ve alt vcut kuvvetini artrr.Gl kemikler ve eklemler oluturun.Dv sanatlar tekniini gelitirir.Kendini savunma becerilerini gelitir.Fit bir vcut gelitirmenize yardmc olur."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"HIIT in Football (Soccer)" |
"Professional Introduction into the Science behind High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) in the context of Football (Soccer).The first part of the course includes the overview of the following Methods for measuring HIIT intensities:RPEvVO2maxHeart RateIntermittent Fitness Test (IFT)In the second part, you will cover five major HIIT Formats, including:Long IntervalsShort IntervalsRepeated-Sprint Sequence (RSS)Sprint Interval Training (SIT)Game-Based HIIT (GBHIIT)This is the first course in the series of future football-related courses where each course is considered to be short, clear, and concise.There is no prior scientific knowledge required as the information is processed and presented in an easily understandable way."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Kaynak Teknii Tarihi ve Elektrik Ark Kaynak Yntemi Eitimi" |
" Bu eitimin amac, katlmclara kaynak teknii konusunda gerekli bilgileri aktarmak, tarihi geliimi konusunda bilgiler vermek ve Elektrik Ark kaynak ynteminin temelleriyle birlikte oluabilecek kaynak hatalar konusunda temel ksmlar paylamaktr.Bu eitimin kapsam;Kaynak teknii temel bilgileri ve tanmlar,Kaynak tekniinin tarihi geliimi ve Trkiyede ki balang faaliyetleriKaynak Yntemlerinin snflandrlmasElektrik ark kayna genel yaps ve ekipmanlarKaynak pozisyonlar ve kaynak teknikleriubuk elektrotlarKaynak hatalarVe Kaynakl malatta GvenliiKonularnn ilenmesi eklindedir."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Captura de Tela e Edio de Vdeo com Camtasia Studio 8" |
"O mercado de mdia um dos mercados que mais cresce no mundo, com isso aprender a criar contedo para mdia e editar vdeos se torna essencial na vida das pessoas que se interessa por esta rea.O Youtube com mais de um bilho de usurios que representa quase um tero de todos os usurios da internet ainda no e o suficiente para produzir contedo suficiente para todos os que procura por este tipo de mdia.Com isso este mercado est sempre aquecido e pronto a receber mais e mais criadores de contedo.Neste curso Bsico de Camtasia 8 voc aprende entre outras coisas:Editar vdeos.Criar contedo a partir de captura de tela e webcam.Trabalhar com transies e efeitos de animaes em seus projetos.Aprender de uma forma pratica e divertida a extrais o melhor do software.Vdeo aulas educativas e contedo simples que cativaro seus espectadores.O mercado de criao de vdeos cresce a cada dia, se prepare para atender a esse pblico, utilizando o Camtasia Studio 8 voc ser capaz de criar vdeos de uma forma incrivelmente simples."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
tegin-sait-zhasau |
", . , . . , . - . , . , . , . ."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"E10-110 Enterprise Content Management Certify Practice Exam" |
"273 UNIQUE practice questions for E10-110 Enterprise Content Management Certify Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : E10-110 Enterprise Content Management Certify Practice ExamTotal Questions : 273Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :170 minsPassing Score : 75 (204 of 273)"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"CISA System Infrastructure Cycle Management Practice Exam" |
"130 UNIQUE practice questions for CISA System Infrastructure Cycle Management Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CISA System Infrastructure Cycle Management Practice ExamTotal Questions : 130Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :80 minsPassing Score : 75 (97 of 130)"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Consultoria para Gesto de Carreira" |
"Este curso tem como objetivo proporcionar informaes, ferramentas e dicas para os profissionais que pretendem trabalhar com pessoas que necessitam de suporte na gesto e direcionamento de carreira, seja em um momento de mudana de emprego ou na busca de desenvolvimento profissional. Pode ser realizado por profissionais de RH, consultores, psiclogos ou coaches com foco em carreira."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Shape your Butt and define your Six Pack" |
"Philosophy Let's go on a journey deep into your core and transform your body to be stronger, more agile and energetic from the center!I believe, that nobody should be limited by money, time or access to gym equipment to feel energised, become fit and feel sexy. Everyone should be able to live every day to their full physical potential.All you need to do is press play and go.Buy my Course now!What will you get?Transform and tone all of your ""center"" muscles: abdominals, obliques, transverse (the whole beautiful six pack)Visibly strengthen your thigh and butt musclesGain more more balance, control and core strengthHave and maintain better posture all day!Make your loved ones the same gift by sharing this course with them.Be part of something biggerPart of the revenue goes to The Ocean Cleanup. Working out with this course will help bring ocean plastic back on shore and prevent it from entering the oceans in the first place via the world's great rivers.Increase your vitality and wellbeing!This Core Course is mostly low impact or can be modified as such, allowing to tone, lengthen and strengthen while staying in your fat burn zone. I highly recommend to do all exercises barefoot for better grounding and balance.However: This course features some high impact jumps. If you're uncomfortable and need to modify, please adapt to a low impact version and stay in contact with the floor at all times."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Emotional Intelligence Masterclass" |
"Emotional IntelligenceNow is your chance to achieve what most people can't: Emotional Intelligence. Join us on this journey of self-identification and healing, join us on the journey where everything that is going on in your life, and in your mind will now make sense, join us on a journey where we will help you conquer everything that's standing between your emotions and your success. In this course, you will learn about several different topics: Achieve Proper Emotional Intelligence To Build Healthy Neural Structures And Networks - Control And Manage Your Memories And Traumatic ExperiencesBecome Emotionally Intelligent And Understand How To Use Emotions To Your Advantage Through Emotional Wiring, Learn How To Use Musical Therapy To Your Advantage On A Psychological And Neurological Basis, Learn How To Have More Control Over Mental Health Problems By Applying The Principles Of Your Brain's Plasticity And Flexibility And Learn How To Effectively Self-regulate Different Areas In Your Life By Understanding The Conscious Meaning Behind ThemManage And Control Your Mental Health Problems And Your Unwanted Personality Traits - Learn How Your Brain Works And How You Can Easily Control ItUnderstand Your Memories And Their Subliminal Effect On Your Daily Life - Learn How To Control, Erase And Control Bad MemoriesUnderstand And Apply Emotional Intelligence Principles In Your Daily Life To Ensure Effective Self Regulation And ControlFundamentally Understand The Link Between Your Thoughts, Feelings, Emotions And BehaviorLearn How To Control And Overcome Basic Mental Health Issues And Adapt To Regulation SystemsLearn Different Systems To Manage Anxiety, Depression, Stress, And Different Mental Health Obstacles That You Might Face On A Daily BasisBy The End Of This Course, You Will Be On A Completely Different Level Cognitively, Mentally, And Physically, To Live The Life You Want To Live, And Enjoy Pure Happiness And Bliss Once And For AllEmotional intelligence refers to the ability to identify and manage ones own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. Though there is some disagreement among psychologists as to what constitutes true emotional intelligence, it is generally said to include at least three skills: emotional awareness, or the ability to identify and name ones own emotions; the ability to harness those emotions and apply them to tasks like thinking and problem solving; and the ability to manage emotions, which includes both regulating ones own emotions when necessary and cheering up or calming down other people.Now is the time, to change your life once and for all."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
". YouTube" |
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Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"DESEN DERSLER, nite: 9 Hareketli Figr izimleri" |
"Mzeyyen Karaiftci Desen dersleri bal altnda, hareketli figr izimleri derslerimizde: 1. Derste: Figrde hareket. 2. Derste: figrde anatomi, 3. Derste: hareketli figr izimleri 4. Derste: figrde denge 5. Derste: figrde perspektif 6. Derste: figrde karakter konular video ders olarak ilenmitir. hareketli fir izimleri derslerimiz ileri dzeydedir. Bir sonraki dersimizde; figr-mekan-nesne ilikisi ilerleyen derslerimizde portrede duygusal ifade, lavi almalar ve imgesel konularmza devam edeceiz."
Price: 259.99 ![]() |