Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"VSM (Deer Ak Haritalama) Eitimi" |
"Geleneksel retim yntemleri, makinalarn ve operatrlerin srekli altrlmasn ngrmektedir. Bu durum kuruluun stoklarnn ve maliyetlerinin artmasna neden olmaktadr. Yaln retim, mteri memnuniyetini salamak iin 3 temel hedefe odaklanmaktayd: hzl, kaliteli ve dk maliyetli retim. Bunlarn gereklemesi kuruluta kltrel bir dnm salanmas ile mmkndr. Kltrel dnm ise uzun soluklu bir alma ile salanabilir. Kurulutaki israflarn tespit edilmesini ve ortadan kaldrlmasn salayan deer ak haritalama, kltrel dnmn temel talarndan birisidir. Sembollerin kullanld bu yntemle nce kurulutaki mevcut durum haritalandrlmakta ve yaln retimin temel hedefi olan hzl, kaliteli ve dk maliyetli retimin nndeki engeller tespit edilmektedir. Sz konusu engeller/israflar dikkate alnarak gelecek durumun nasl olmas gerektii kurgulanmakta ve buna ulamak iin kaizen planlar belirlenmektedir.Kurululardaki mevcut durumu haritalandrmay, yaln retimin temel hedefi olan hzl, kaliteli ve dk maliyetli retimin nndeki engelleri tespit etmeyi ve gelecek iin kaizen planlar hazrlamay renin."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Photoshop - Planta Humanizada" |
"Aprenda a usar o Photoshop para criar plantas humanizadas que vo valorizar o seu projecto e convencer os seus clientes. A planta humanizada uma representao muito utilizada no mercado imobilirio porque facilita a interpretao do projecto por parte do cliente. Com este curso vai aprender a usar todas as ferramentas do Photoshop necessrias para conseguir bons resultados. Se ainda no domina o photoshop, esta uma boa maneira de comear e conhecer os principais comandos de desenho deste programa.O curso inclui uma pasta com todos os arquivos e texturas usadas durante as aulas."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Moroccan Dialect (Darija) Learning 2020" |
"This is course is made for people who want to visit Morocco for short or long term period. It is made for people who wants to be careful from scam and fraud, also who wants to be familiar with Moroccan natural citizens...etcthe course is made for both adult and young people. The reason behind making this course, is to make people very closed to the country before visiting it."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Basic AutoCAD for engineering students" |
"In this training course Learning AutoCAD, the expert author will teach you all you need to learn to be able to create Orthographic drawings and Isometric model using AutoCAD. This course is designed for the absolute beginner which means that no prior AutoCAD experience is needed.You'll begin by learning the basic AutoCAD operations. Once you've completed this computer-based training course, all you need to know to build your own 2D drawings and 3D models in AutoCAD will be learned."
Price: 2240.00 ![]() |
"Statistica Semplice 2.0 con tutorial in excel" |
"Questo corso ha lobiettivo di far comprendere in modo SEMPLICE alcuni concetti fondamentali della statistica descrittiva che Ti potranno essere utili ogni volta che Ti richiesto di fare l'elaborazione dei dati ma non sai da dove iniziare. In rete ci sono tanti corsi di statistica descrittiva, anche gratuiti ""Statistica Semplice 2.0 con tutorial in excel"" vuole distinguersi dagli altri con l'obiettivo di:PRENDERE PER MANO lo studente, spiegando passo passo come calcolare gli indici statistici proposti, anche con l'ausilio di diversi tutorial svolti su excel, che un software di larga diffusione e alla portata di tuttiRendere fruibili a TUTTI le nozioni di statistica di base, grazie a un linguaggio semplice e a un taglio orientato alla PRATICITA'.In conclusione i concetti di base della statistica Ti saranno spiegati in modo semplice ed efficace, fornendoti anche gli strumenti pratici per metterli in pratica fin da subito.Vista l'impostazione data al corso ho selezionato alcuni argomenti, rimandandone altri a un corso successivo.In ""Statistica Semplice 2.0 con tutorial in excel"" tratteremo quindi gli Indici di Posizione, gli Indici di Variabilit e gli Indici e Rapporti Statistici . Nella prima parte del corso vengono introdotte alcune definizioni necessarie ad allineare il nostro linguaggio, mentre il tema delle rappresentazioni grafiche occupa una lezione nella quale lo scopo principale fornire allo studente alcune ""dritte"" per scegliere il grafico giusto in funzione del tipo di variabile analizzata. Un assaggio di statistica descrittiva costruito per far comprendere a fondo le ragioni e il significato di ogni scelta e di ogni elaborazione, utile per chi lavora sui dati per lavoro ma anche come cultura di base per chi ancora studia o si occupa di altre cose."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Flutter ile Android & IOS Uygulama Gelitirme Kursu" |
"Not: BU ETM SERSNN DER DERSLER KISA SRE NDE EKLENECEKTR ! Flutter, gelitiricilere Android ve iOS platformu iin uygulama gelitirme imkan sunan bir SDKdr. Google tarafndan gelitirilmi, ak kaynak kodlu olup tm gelitiriciler ve tasarmclar tarafndan cretsiz olarak kullanlabilir. Flutter kullanarak Android ve iOS her iki platformda alacak mobil uygulamalar gelitirerek maliyetten ve zamandan tasarruf edebilirsiniz. Bu kurs ile Flutter' , Dart programlama dilini kullanarak ayrntl bir ekilde reneceksiniz."
Price: 389.99 ![]() |
"Filmora 9: Video Editing (Brand NEW in 2020)" |
"**** Totally New Course for 2020 ****Release your own professional grade videos quickly and easily in Filmora 9.Are your looking looking for video editing software that will take your videos to the next level? That will allow you to tell your story exactly the way you want to? Do you want to create stunning YouTube, Facebook or Instagram videos that will capture your audience's attention? This full course is the fastest way to start creating exactly what you want without a month-long learning curve. Practice while you learn!I provided tons of video, image and audio clips that are free to download so that you can follow along and actually learn by doing. It's the only way really:)By the end of this course you will be able to...Create new projects and import your clips.Cut and edit your clips.Add video and audio transitions in Filmora9.Find great video, images, music and sound effects to spice up your movies.Edit green screen videos.Add effects to your videos.Create animated Titles and Effects.Adjust your audio levels and effects.Export your videos with optimized settings.Create captivating videos that people actually want to see!Go ahead and click on the enroll button. You've got nothing to lose!Thanks,Jim"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"SSL Certificate 2020: Padlock to your web URL, HTTPS" |
"This video is for those who wants a short and to the point instructions to install FREE SSL certificates on your website which will secure your website from HTTP to HTTPs and have a padlock to it. These videos are a step wise guide to install the SSL to your hosting server - simplified and with no lengthy theoretical contents.In a very short time you will be able to configure SSL to your websites. Here I have used the server NAMECHEAP but this has been already done with hosting like Bluehost, Godaddy (needs manually installing the certificate even for cloudflare), Amazon (AWS) and many more popular servers.If you have one or many websites, and/or work as a Freelancer or a web developer this videos will help you to install the SSL certificate to your website removing the non-secure display from the URL changing it to a padlock sign."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Costos para empresas" |
"La rentabilidad de una empresa requiere de una capacitacin continua. Saber calcular el costo de los productos de tu empresa es uno de los conceptos fundamentales que todo empresario, emprendedor, profesional o administrador debe conocer.Al finalizar el curso los participantes sern capaces de costear los productos de su empresa de una forma fcil y prctica, gracias al uso de formatos de gestin los cuales permitirn fijar precios adecuados para generar ganancias, controlar los costos, tomar mejores decisiones y planificar para el futuro, a fin de conseguir excelencia y competitividad en el mercado.En la seccin 1, conocer al instructor y de qu trata el curso.En la seccin 2, ser capaz de identificar qu tipo de empresa es la que opera o piensa emprender, adems de definir qu es: un producto, un costo, un costeo e identificar los distintos tipos de costos.En la seccin 3, podr costear productos de empresas de mltiples productos .En la seccin 4, podr costear el producto de una empresa de un slo producto.Y finalmente en la seccin 5, podr costear productos de empresas mayoristas o minoristas.Adicionalmente, en la seccin 6 podr descargar los distintos formatos de costeo llevados en el curso y los registros contables necesarios para la gestin de una empresa en excel."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"viel beschftigte Firmenkunden mit LinkedIn gewinnen" |
"Wenn du zu denjenigen Menschen gehrst, die bei der Kundengewinnung Schwierigkeiten mit LinkedIn haben oder es vielleicht auch schon vllig aufgegeben haben, ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige fr dich. Ich werde dir zeigen, wie du diese wirksame Social-Media-Plattform dazu nutzen kannst, einen stetigen Fluss von Interessenten und profitablen neuen Kunden zu gewinnen. Damit bis du in der Lage, dich aus dem ewigen, frustrierenden Auf-und-Ab deines Geschftserfolgs zu verabschieden und ein Business zu haben, dass du auch liebst, wenn du dein Konto anschaust. Du bekommst die Anerkennung die du verdienst."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Guide of Personal Finance & A Path of Wealth Creation" |
"It is being observed that personal finance is one of the most neglected or ignored thing in our life. Most of the schools and colleges don't teach us about personal finance despite it is a very important thing when we enter in our professional life. There are many reasons people around us, schools and colleges don't teach us personal finance. Here are the reasons...Teachers don't know about personal finance.Most people think, ""personal finance is difficult to understand"".No one wants you to become rich.Only a few people want to take a risk. Why do you need to understand personal finance? (Let's look at the numbers)According to forbs...44% of Americans don't have enough money to cover a $400 emergency. 43% of student loan borrowers are not making payments.38% of U.S. households have credit card debt.33% of American adults have $0 saved for retirement.Let's talk about Financial Literacy in India.According to YourStory, 76% of young adults do not have a basic understanding of personal finance. IMPORTANCE OF LEARNING PERSONAL FINANCE:Proper Understanding of Time Value of MoneyTake a better financial decisionUnderstand your risk-taking ability.Get the maximum return of your investmentOffering family securityRaising your standard of livingNot to get into the debtAchieve financial freedomI hope to see you as a student in the course when we next meet :)"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Arquiteto IoT: Projete solues de Internet das Coisas" |
"A IoT, ou a Internet das Coisas, conexo de qualquer dispositivo Internet e a outros dispositivos conectados. Tais dispositivos podem ser sensores inteligentes, telefones, eletrodomsticos, cmeras, tecnologia vestvel ou carros. Um arquiteto de IoT tem a capacidade de ajudar sua empresa a resolver problemas de negcios projetando solues de IoT. Para isso, este curso ensina a arquitetura dos projetos de Internet das Coisas e as possiveis aplicacoes em diferentes industrias. As aulas detalham desde as limitacoes dos dispositivos utilizados para a coleta de dados ate os melhores protocolos de comunicacao com base nos objetivos e restries da aplicacao.Ao fim do curso, o aluno e capaz de desenhar arquiteturas IoT para resolver problemas de negocio, assim como iniciar o desenvolvimento de um negocio voltado a dispositivos moveis, comunicacao entre maquinas (M2M) e sensores."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop Elements 2020 Made Easy Training Tutorial" |
"Learn Adobe Photoshop Elements 2020 with this comprehensive course from TeachUcomp, Inc. Mastering Photoshop Elements Made Easy features 186 video lessons and 7 hours of introductory through advanced instruction. Watch, listen and learn as your expert instructor guides you through each lesson step-by-step. During this media-rich learning experience, you will see each function performed just as if your instructor were there with you. Reinforce your learning with the text of our printable classroom instruction manual (257 pages, additional images, and practice exercises). You will learn how to use all of the various tools, advanced layer techniques, manipulating images and much more.Whether you are completely new to Photoshop Elements or upgrading from an older version, this course will empower you with the knowledge and skills necessary to be a proficient user. We have incorporated years of classroom training experience and teaching techniques to develop an easy-to-use course that you can customize to meet your personal learning needs. Simply launch the easy-to-use interface, click to start a video lesson or open the manual and you are on your way to mastering Elements."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Become A YouTube Celebrity" |
"Discover The Step-By-Step Blueprint To Become A YouTube Celebrity Even If You Have NO Ideas And Your Not Sure Where To Startbecoming a celebrity on YouTube is one of the best ways to make a big name for yourselfHeres Why YouTube Is The Best Place To Get Your Start As A Celebrity: YouTube is BIG and getting bigger by the day! YouTube is the 2nd BIGGEST search engine on the entire Internet Youtube has over 1 Billion users with hundreds of millions of hours of YouTube videos being watched daily Engagement on YouTube is MASSIVE, and growing, with a 60% year over year increase in the number of hours people spend watching video YouTube has local versions in more than 70 countries worldwide YouTube caters to over 95% of the Internet population by allowing navigation in 76 different languagesThere is a simple, repeatable formula to success with YouTube, but if you miss any of the important details, you will end up spinning your wheels.The details are everything!When you set things up the right way, create the right type of content, and use the best methods to increase your fan base, youll see BIG results fast!Inside This Step-By-Step Guide To Becoming A YouTube Celebrity, Youll Discover.: Why YouTube is the perfect platform and how to use it to become a star Why making the right choice on what your channel will be about is crucial to your success The big reason why most people fail on YouTube before they ever get started The simple method for choosing your own channel, along with some ideas that will help you along the way How YouTube works and the common ways people are using YouTube to make money The best ways to make money and how to steadily increase your income over time The must have equipment for becoming a YouTube star... (this alone could save you thousands of dollars it doesnt take much to make money the right way) Dont want to show your face on the camera? No problem you can still be a YouTube celebrity and youll discover how inside The top tips for creating videos that go BIG on YouTube How to get your videos in front of as many people as possible The fastest way to grow your YouTube following Plus, a whole lot more!This is the most complete, step-by-step guide to becoming a YouTube celebrity that youll EVER see!Join Me In This Course And Begin Your Journey Towards YouTube Stardom Today!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Nonprofit Startup - How To Start a Nonprofit Business" |
"Now through September 1st, take this course for just $9.99 with coupon code AUGUSTCODELearn all of the steps required to start a nonprofit, 501 (c) 3, tax-exempt organization of any size, in any state. From defining your purpose to filing your articles of incorporation, it's all covered here. Learn topics such as:~ Defining your purpose~ Naming your nonprofit~ Developing a mission statement~ Writing a business plan~ Forming a Board of Directors~ Establishing bylaws~ Filing incorporation paperwork~ Obtaining 501 (c) 3 status~ Ensuring continued compliance"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Make Money Selling Wordpress Development Services" |
"Learn how to easily sell web development services (website creation services) based on Wordpress without having any previous development or marketing experience whatsoever.This is a short but simple and efficient course that will teach you how you can START YOUR OWN BUSINESS in this huge web development niche.Millions of people want to build websites for their businesses and don't have the time or knowledge to do it themselvs so this makes a GREAT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY for you.The best part is that you don't need any previous experience and you don't need to actually know web development to do it.So, join right now and let's gest started!"
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"Self-Publishing your Short Stories: A Manual" |
"Welcome!This course will have three main objectives.First: Provide a checklist on what needs to be done before the publishing stage. This is done with a video per item on the list.Second: Teach you how to upload your story to Amazon.Third: Marketing. How to make and run Amazon ads, how to create and build a social media presence, and how to attend book conventions. At the end of the course, you will have the knowledge to create an e-book, write a blurb, get a cover, master keywords and categories, run ads, and understand how to market yourself."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"C# ile DevExpress'de Teknik Servis ve rn Takip Sistemi" |
"Aralk aynda taslaklarn hazrlayp ekimlerine baaldm kursumuzun tamamlanmas yaklak 1.5 srd. Daha nce Udemy'de hazrlam olduum C# ile DevExpress'de SQL Tabanl Ticari Otomasyon Gelitirin kursumuzun ok ok stnde bir kurs olmasn istiyordum. Ve yle de oldu. Sanrm Udemy'deki bu 11.kursum dier 10 kursuma gre en kapsamls ve sre olarak da en uzunu oldu. Her eyi sfrdan adm adm anlatarak blmlere ayrp balk - alt balk hiyerarisi ile kursumu yayna hazr hale getirdim. Bu kursa katlmak iin bilmeniz gerekn tek ey temel seviyede birazck c# bilgisi. Eer bu bilginiz varsa inann byk bir kolaylkla kursu izleyip uygulayarak yzlerce yeni ey reneceksiniz. Gelelim kursumuzda neler reneceinize;C# ile DevExpress Ara ve Bileenlerini KulanmayRibbon Form DizaynnTemel SQL Komutlarndan Sonra Kapsaml Bir liki OluturmayMdi Form YapsnKritik Seviye YapsnEntity Framework ile Crud lemleriLinq Sorgular ve MetotlarTrigger ve Prosedr KullanmayOOP Yaps ile Proje GelitirmeyiDb First YaklamnAsp.Net ile Web Projesi GelitirmeyiAsp.Net Master Page YapsnHtml5 Template ile Arayz DzenlemeyiKargo Takibi YapmayQR Code OluturmayBarkod OluturmayQR Code ile rn TakibiniXtrareport ileDetayl RaporlamayDevExpress Chart ile Grafik lemleriniC# ile Modern UI Oluturmayve daha onlarcasn dersler esnasnda reneceksiniz."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Welcome to our Overcome FEAR and GAIN THE COURAGE TO SUCCEED course that will teach you to shift your mindset so that you can feel empowered and live a happier and more successful life.Learn to create a growth mindset, step over fear and attract success.Leadership is a buzz word these days. There are an abundance of books, articles, courses and seminars on leadership. Valuable content from experienced experts.However, this course is about YOU; the leader within you. In other words, whether you are a CEO, a manager, an entrepreneur or a blogger, there's a leader within you who can and will be successful. This course will help you on your path to success, whatever success means to you.You will learn:How to Be LimitlessHow to Cure the Imposter SyndromeHow to overcome Fear of FailureHow to How to deal with Fear of the UnknownWhat to focus on for successHow to have a growth mindsetHow to step out of comfort and into courageSucceed, Influence and Inspire Be Bold. Be Brave. Be Courageous!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Practical Accounting: Trial Balance to Financial Statements" |
"This course teaches you how to interpret the Trial Balance accounts using the accounting rules that are applied at all levels of Accountancy. You will understand the importance of needing Financial Statements to make business decisions. You will learn how to create a Statement of profit & loss and other Comprehensive Income and a Statement of Financial Position.This course is suited for anyone who does not have a background in accounting but wants to learn what the most important skills for applying accounting knowledge and information at any level (basic to advanced) for financial statements"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Web development and design from Level 0" |
"NEW HTML5 & CSS3 Certification after course completionFor Total beginners Anyone that wanna build their websiteit's step by step HTML5 and CSS3 courseDon't worry all you need is just time and Passion to learn! This is the best and easiest course Design and building website, covering all points from level zero. Let's Build a real world website, not just Theoretical and ABC examples.Skip Lectures or do not enroll if you have knowledge about web development!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"WordPress Complete Tutorial in Urdu + Hindi For Beginners" |
"Are you looking to learn the complete online WordPress course? If yes, you are in the right place to get started with this course.Learn the complete WordPress from the Industry experts instructors from Basics to Advanced level, without learning how to code and without any programming required.The primary goal of this course is to teach anyone, even a complete beginner, how to become a WordPress guru in a few short hours, without lots of technical things to understand.This course will guarantee that after taking this course you will have the knowledge you need to build a responsive, beautiful website with the latest version of WordPress.Not only you will be able to know more about WordPress than Majority but also You will enjoy using WordPress too."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"INTRODUO AO UNIVERSO DO VINHO. Aprenda a aprecia-lo" |
"O curso dividido em 10 sees de aulas elucidativas, desmestificando o complexo, saboroso e excitante universo do vinho. Dicas de degustao, compra, armazenamento, harmonizao com alimentos alm de curiosidades histricas sobre as regies produtivas at o engarrafamento deste delicioso elixir chamado vinho. Um curso voltado ao incentivo dos prazeres da mesa e da cultura. Sade!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Data Structures And Algorithms In The C Programming Language" |
"Have you already got some experience in the C programming language but want to take it further? Then this course is for you.This course will teach you all about creating internal data structures in C.This course will teach you how to create the following:Linked List ImplementationDouble Linked List ImplementationArray List ImplementationQueue ImplementationStack ImplementationBinary Tree ImplementationAll of the implementations described above will be created on video from scratch! You will learn how all of these work internally and when they should be used. This course is a ""must have"" for someone who has learned the fundamentals of the C Programming Language"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Key Skills for The Millennium Teacher" |
"The objective is to deliver learning and teaching. Teachers communicate in a variety of ways with a variety of people, so these skills are particularly important. And to the update, every teacher has his or her own style, and that's fine! However, there are some teaching methods that all teachers should adopt in particular. The module actively explores the same to the best."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Crie APIs REST com Python e Django REST Framework: Essencial" |
"Atualmente no basta criar um sistema. Este sistema tem que ser comunicvel, ou seja, deve ser possvel de utilizar este sistema em comunicao com outros sistemas.A forma mais comum de comunicao entre sistemas atravs de web services, ou servios web, mais conhecidos atualmentecomo APIs.Neste curso a Geek University ensinar a voc desde os conceitos bsicos envolvidos neste tipo de aplicao, passando pelainstalao e utilizao dos principais recursos do Django REST Framework.O Django REST Framework utiliza toda a facilidade do framework web Django juntamente com todo o poder da linguagem Pythonfazendo disso uma combinao perfeita para criao de APIs modernas.Desta forma a comunicao entre sua aplicao web e sua aplicao mobile ficar perfeita!No perca tempo e tire suas ideias do papel!Neste curso voc aprender:- O que so APIs? - O que REST?- O que o Django REST Framework?- Criar APIs para os mtodos HTTP GET, POST, PUT e DELETE;- Utilizar permissionamento;- Utilizar limitao de requests;- Utilizar paginao de dados;- Utilizar autenticao via Token;- Testar as APIs;- E muito mais!Evolua seu lado geek!"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Ascended Master Tarot Reading by Antojai" |
"This is the ultimate class for tarot reading. I have been doing Tarot my entire life. I am the #1 Tarot Reading in Michigan, and there is a secret as to why! Many people learn a very basic, and traditional way to read tarot. Unfortunately, these teachings don't always dive deep. Being a Holistic Dr, Quantum Researcher, and Life-long Shaman; I have learned secrets to tarot that you won't learn anywhere else. If you are new to Tarot, or think of yourself as a will learn something MASSIVE!Now, I don't walk you through learning your own deck, as every deck is unique, but I promise you that I will allow you to access more information, clearly, accurately, and in a more concentrated fashion. My style of tarot coined, ""Ascended Master Tarot"" is guaranteed to force evolve your psychic abilities IF YOU FOLLOW THE COURSE AS INSTRUCTED. The class is half the journey, but YOU are the one that will ultimately determine if you succeed by applying yourself. If you are looking for a speed course that will make you a Top-level reader in just 2-3 hours, this is not the class for you.In this class you will learn:How to find the right deck and program your decks properlyHow to use my versatile cards spreads that get to the core of any questionLearn how to mix Tarot, Oracle, and Energy Cards for more in-depth readingsLearn ADVANCED spreads for your AscensionLearn ancient Shamanic Tarot gamesLearn how to maintain the highest ethics to accelerate your practiceLearn how to channel your own spreads unique only to you"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Simulado Sobre Protenas" |
"Este simulado tem o objetivo de fazer voc trabalhar questes sobre protenas. Este assunto muito utilizado em questes de vestibulares de forma direta ou indireta. As questes abordam o tema protena e sntese proteica em seus mais variados aspectos. Desta forma voc vai reforar seu conhecimento de protena de forma gradativa realizando as questes do seu simulado. Boa sorte nos exerccios e muito treino."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Physics of Heat, Kinetic theory & Thermodynamics ( 4 hrs.)" |
"This course includes -HEATExpansion and how it manifests in one, two and three dimensionHow liquids and solids absorb heatThe First law of thermodynamicsVarious heat transfer mechanism - conduction, convection and radiationKINETIC THEORY OF GASESDeep dive into the kinetic theory of gasesWhat really is ""root mean square speed"" (RMS Speed)What is meant by ""Mean free path""How does Velocity distribution of atoms and molecules work What are Molar specific heatsWhat is adiabatic process and the conditionsSECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS What is The second law of thermodynamicsWhat is a Carnot Engine and how it worksWhat are refrigerators and the principle behind themENTROPYWhat is EntropyMathematical treatment of EntropyEntropy for reversible and irreversible processesHow I make my courses:When I create content for lessons, I think deeply around the areas where students struggle and feel confused. My lessons tackle these parts in depth. Also, I believe visual representation of various ideas in physics makes a lot of impact. The lessons have visuals and animations that are thought through for faster learning and absorption of the subjectAnd most importantly, I make myself available to answer questions of students enrolled in my courseMy students (some are wonderful teachers too) wrote this to meBobbie Smith: Amazing explanations, I really learned a lot. Thank you. Satyam Jha: amazing!! i could not understand vector physics in my class but here it is very easy to understand Thanks a lot!! Csaba (teacher): I learned new ideas. I'm looking to try them in my professional practice as a physics teacher.Thanks! :) Fernando P. Radaza: It help me a lot to understand better about physics of Work, Power & Energy.Chamara Dilshan: it's good, explaining every small thing ,it's good to start physics beginners Onofrio : The lessons given by the teacher are very interesting! Excellent course! Simaran: Very deep understanding of the subject Shiva: Very knowledgeable and sounds very nice and helpfulGallina: Excellent the lessons held by the teacher with exhaustive explanations and well illustrated. Well done course! Smith: Great course.The presentation is very clear. Thank you. Pawan Kumar: The way to teaching us is amazing with all diagrams Samit This course has a lot of good content and very well presented. Thank youDani (teacher): It was concise and consequent. The exercises were good exposed and explained. Simply excellent. I promise, that i will use some ideas in my every day practice in my classroom. I'm also teaching physics, but in Hungarian. I finished this course to improve my skills, first of all in interesting approaches, and foreign language skills as well. This course was exactly what I expected!You get -You get lifetime access to this courseYou can write to me for any supportA certificate of completion from Udemy money back guarantee (valid within 30 days)Lets start a conversation! go ahead and enroll!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Yan Flt'le Pratik arklar" |
"Video izleyerek ,hangi tulara basldn grerek , nota bilgisi olmakszn , grsel yolla ark almay reneceksiniz. stediiniz zaman , istediiniz yerde alabilecek siniz. Her hafta yeni eklenen 5 adet para ile kursun ierii her geen gn artacak ve siz bir daha herhangi bir cret demeden yeni arklar almay renebileceksiniz. Ayrca her rencimizin 1 defaya mahsus Yan Flt ile alnabilecek melodik bir arknn eitim videosunu isteme hakk bulunmaktadr."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Selenium WebDriver and Design Patterns" |
"Design Patterns are repeatable and reusable solutions for software design related issues. This course helps you to get introduced to the some of the frequently used Design Patterns in the software development community and demo how we can use them in Test Automation to achieve better re-usability and maintainability in the Test Automation Frameworks, Page Objects, Test classes design!We will learn these design patterns along with Single Responsibility Principle.Factory PatternStrategy PatternCommand PatternTemplate Method PatternProxy PatternExecute Around Method PatternDecorator PatternNote: This course does not have captions enabled."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |