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"Reiki Completo I, II y Maestra - Certificacin" |
"Este curso contiene todos los mdulos, incluidos todos los smbolos, los conceptos originales del Reiki y al final del curso el estudiante estara habilitado para ser un terapeuta de Reiki.En el Nivel I tendremos el concepto de Reiki tradicional, veremos la diferencia entre el smbolo libre y el smbolo egregor, estudiaremos el primer smbolo, Chokurei, y tambin veremos la flor de la vida, que representa el ADN csmico. Tambin tenemos una clase para desmitificar el Reiki y conocer su verdadera esencia.Hay un video con un paso a paso para aplicar Reiki a un paciente y para la autoaplicacin.En el Nivel II, tendremos el segundo smbolo, el Seiheki, y el tercer smbolo, el Honshazeshonen, y tambin veremos los conceptos bsicos de la Geometra Sagrada, trabajando como smbolos libres, que a diferencia del smbolo egregor, no condicionan, ni esclavizan, ni roban la energa del terapeuta.El estudiante aprender en este nivel la aplicacin a distancia y el uso del poderoso mandala de cristales.En la maestra, veremos el cuarto smbolo Daikomyo y el quinto smbolo Raku, as como tambin aprenderemos cmo quitar chips e implantes y las programaciones limitantes para liberarnos y ser seres completos y grandes terapeutas."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Como usar o Windows 10 no trabalho" |
"medida que voc trabalha com o Windows, convm estar familiarizado com alguns termos bsicos afim de lhe auxiliar quando voc precisa de uma ajuda do pessoal de Suporte da rea de TI.Pense voc ligando para o suporte e dizendo para o atendente. Aquela ""SETA"" apontando aqui na tela ta preta.Claro que o atendente vai saber que voc esta falando sobre o CURSOR DO MOUSE. Mas poderia ser o desenho de uma seta com a cor preta dentro de um documento ou um slide do PowerPoint aonde voc esta preparando um material para apresentar para a diretoria. E voc gostaria de um auxilio. At que voc explique o que voc realmente quer para o atendente do suporte, j deve ter passado alguns minutos e que a situao j poderia ter sido resolvida.Este o intuito deste curso, ajudar no somente voc a se comunicar melhor e entender sobre o Sistema Operacional Windows, que hoje esta em sua verso de nmero 10 mas auxiliar o pessoal do suporte a ser mais gil e eficiente no trabalho dirio.Espero lhe ver em outros cursos e um bom aproveitamento de suas aulas. Um grande abrao do seu amigo Lus Rigo."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Java SE" |
"En este curso aprenders a programar, documentar y distribuir aplicaciones multiplataforma con Java SE (Standard Edition). Aprende paso a paso a programar en Java desde 0, instala y configura tu entorno de programacin con Java para crear aplicaciones con Java SE. Java es un lenguaje multiplataforma y orientado a objetos desarrollado por Sun Microsystems. Esta empresa fue comprada por Oracle, y es sta empresa la que lidera ahora la evolucin de Java.Por qu deberas aprender Java SE?Es fcil de aprenderEs multiplataformaEs muy utilizado y es fcil encontrar ofertas de trabajo de este lenguajeEs la base para continuar con el aprendizaje de Java EE (Entrerprise Edition)Algunos de los frameworks ms utilizados estn construidos sobre Java. Por ejemplo, Spring.Aunque es un lenguaje con algunos aos, sigue actualizndose y adaptndose a las necesidades actuales.Al terminar el curso habrs aprendido a instalar y configurar tu entorno de trabajo, conocers las estructuras de control y tipos de datos de Java, cmo modularizar o estructurar bien tu cdigo, a documentar tu cdigo para facilitar su mantenimiento por ti mismo o por otras personas, y podrs crear tus primeras aplicaciones Java. La base fundamental para continuar tu aprendizaje en el mundo de Java."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Kaynak Teknii Tarihi Geliimi ve TIG Kaynak Yntemi Eitimi" |
"Bu eitimin amac, katlmclara kaynak teknii konusunda gerekli bilgileri aktarmak, tarihi geliimi konusunda bilgiler vermek ve TIG kaynak ynteminin temel ksmlarn katlmclara aktarmaktr.Bu eitimin kapsam;Kaynak teknii temel bilgileri ve tanmlar,Kaynak tekniinin tarihi geliimi ve Trkiyede ki balang faaliyetleriKaynak Yntemlerinin snflandrlmasTIG kaynann temelleri, ekipmanlar,TIG kaynak ynteminin kullanm ekli, tungsten elektrodlarKutuplama ve akm trleriTIG ynteminde kullanlan gaz trleri ve etkileriGenel kaynak pozisyonlarTig kaynanda karlalan kaynak hatalarVe i gvenliiKonularnn ilenmesi eklindedir."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"CREO Parametric - Tasarm Mhendisi Yetitirme Eitimi" |
" CREO Parametric program PTC (Parametric Technology Corporation) tarafndan gelitirilen ve parametrik modelleme tekniini ilk olarak ortaya koyan, boyutlu bilgisayar destekli tasarm, bilgisayar destekli imalat ve bilgisayar destekli mhendislik almalar iin yaygn olarak kullanlan unsur tabanl bir kat model programdr. 1987 ylndan beri gelitirilmekte olan unsur tabanl bir bilgisayar destekli mhendislik program olan CREO program mhendislik uygulamalarnda genel olarak kat modelleme, montaj modelleme, iki boyutlu izdm grntlemeleri, sonlu elemanlar analizleri, dorudan ve parametrik modellemeler iin kullanlr. PTC firmas tarafndan yaklak 30 yldr gelitirilen bu mhendislik yazlm 2010 ylyla birlikte isim deiikliine gitmitir. Yaplan bu deiiklik ile Pro Engineer Wildfire 5.0 srmnden itibaren programn ad Creo Parametric olarak deitirilerek firmann dier programlar da tek at altnda toplanmtr.Endstride en ok kullanlan mhendislik yazlmlarnn banda gelen CREO parametrik program, parametrik modelleme alanndaki ilk programlardandr. CREO programnn mhendislik yazlmlarna katt bu parametrik modelleme zellii sayesinde tasarm yaplan rn veya nesneler boyuttan bamsz olarak birbirleri ile a ve oransal olarak ilikilendirilerek modellenebilir. Bylece modeller zerinde yaplan deiiklikler ok daha basit ve pratik olmaktadr. CREO program ile hazrlanacak iki boyutlu ve boyutlu modeller, sonlu elemanlar analizi, hzl prototip hazrlama, takm tasarm ve CNC retim gibi tekniklerle etkili bir ekilde oluturulabilir. Hazrlanan modelin tm verileri CAD, CAM ve CEA gibi alanlarda dnm gerektirmeden kullanlabilir.Daha ok otomotiv, tarm makineleri ve ekipmanlar, i makineleri, elektrik elektronik, kalp hazrlama, savunma sanayii alanlarnda kullanlan CREO parametric program mhendislik tasarm gerektiren her alanda etkin bir biimde kullanlabilir. Ksacas CREO parametrik program iin mhendislik yazlmlar ierisindeki amiral programlardan birisi diyebiliriz. CREO parametric program, lkemizdeki endstri firmalar tarafndan en ok tercih edilen birka bilgisayar destekli mhendislik programndan biridir. Bu programnn bilinmesi, kullanclarn i bulma srelerini hzlandran nemli bir faktrdr."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Node.js, Express, MongoDB, JQuery y Bootstrap" |
"En ste tutorial vas a aprender como crear una aplicacin web usando Node, Express, MongoDB, JQuery y Bootstrap. Todo se explica paso a paso de una forma sencilla. La aplicacin sirve para graficar informacin. Aprenders muchos temas en poco tiempo, en pocas horas. Bsicamente se crea una sencilla API usando Node y MongoDB y despus se crea el frontend con JQuery y Bootstrap."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Build your Online Course" |
"Get all the basics you need to create and market your online course. Learn how to build your course framework.Get people to take your course.Define your audience and create your avatar.Become an authority in your field.Build your landing page.Outline your course content.Learn how to make your videos.Learn about the importance of a pre-launch.Launch your course."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"How to install analogue CCTV" |
"This course is designed to train you to know how to install, operate and resolve issues with analogue CCTV.This training also include how to draw the floor plan of a building using Microsoft Power Point. During this training you will learn;1. How to install Analogue CCTV.2. How to configure the DVR.3. How to configure the DVR to view IP Cameras.4. How to set the system up on a PC if the DVR is far from you PC using SADP and IVMS (software that comes with Hik-Vision NVR) which enables you to watch the cameras and DVR on a PC.5. How to also use a PC to view any DVR with Safari (Web Browser). 6. How to do Remote surveillance (View the device from a remote location)."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn How to Install IP CCTV" |
"This course is designed to train you to know how to install, operate and resolve issues with IP CCTV.This training also include how to draw the floor plan of a building using Microsoft Power Point. During this training you will learn;1. How to install IP CCTV.2. How to configure the NVR.3. How to configure the IP camera alone.4. How to set the system up on a PC if you dont want to use an NVR using SADP and IVMS (software that comes with Hik-Vision NVR) which enables you to watch the cameras and NVR on a PC.5. How to set the system up on a PC if the NVR is far from your PC6. How to also use a PC to view any Camera with Safari (Web Browser). 7. How to do Remote surveillance."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"ServiceNow Certified System Administrator Practice Tests" |
"Well-designed practice tests that will help you pass ServiceNow Certified System Administrator. Although this is not the real certification exam, but these preparation tests cover the vast majority of the exam material. If you pass these practice tests, you should be pretty confident you will pass the real exam. It consists of 5 practice tests each one of them consists of 45 questions (Total number of questions is 225)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"TRADING con el RSI, aprende cmo utilizar este indicador." |
"En este curso aprenders como utilizar de manera correcta el indicador RSI, es un indicador que se utiliza mucho en el anlisis tcnico de los mercados y que de manera bien aplicada da muy buenos resultados.Es un indicador ideal para gente que le guste operar al largo plazo, traders que operan en Acciones, Opciones a largo plazo, Forex, Indices... Da igual con el activo que lo utilicemos bsicamente funciona muy bien con todos, y ms en periodos de largo plazo, un indicador que va muy avanzado al cambio de las tendencias.En este curso te encontrars:Definicin del Oscilador RSI ""video gratuito""Configuracin del RSI y anlisis de Gbp/Usd con este indicador en grfico diario.Anlisis con el RSI de Btc/Usd en un grfico diario.Anlisis con el RSI de Usd/Cad en un grfico semanal.Money Management (Fundamental para operar en los mercados).Estrategia operativa con RSI en el par Bitcoin/Usd en grfico diario. (Seguimiento resumido y evolucin de la estrategia durante 2 meses).Estrategia operativa con RSI en el par Gbp/Usd en grfico diario. (Seguimiento resumido y evolucin de la estrategia durante 1 mes).Este es el resumen de lo que encontrar en el curso publicado en ""Trading con el RSI aprende cmo utilizar este indicador.""Espero que el curso sea muy interesante.Saludos, y recuerden en practicar siempre mucho antes de utilizar cualquier mtodo o estrategia."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA A+ (220-1001 & 220-1002) Practice Exam" |
"Are you ready to pass the CompTIA A+ (220-1001 & 220-1002) Certification exam? Find out by testing yourself with this new offering on Udemy. Each of the 5 full practice tests in this set provide an entire exams worth of questions, enabling you to confirm your mastery and providing you with the confidence youll need to take your CompTIA A+ (220-1001 & 220-1002) Certification exam.The tests in this set are timed, so youll know when youre taking more time than the official test allows, and at the end of the test youll receive a personal breakdown of the questions you answered correctly and incorrectly to help you continually improve. Youll also be able to see an explanation for each question at the end of the test to help you avoid making the same mistakes when taking the exam. Are you ready to prep for your future?Why take this CompTIA A+ Certification course?1. The questions in the practice tests always stay current.2. These questions will help you score atleast 80% on the main exam.3. 30 days money back guarantee, no questions asked.These practice exams will help you better prepare to pass the CompTIA A+ (220-1001 & 220-1002) Certification exam. I strongly recommend you take these exams over and over until you can score 100 percent each time on the tests."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ce cours est un guide complet, simple et trs accessible, pour toute personne non technicienne, en charge d'un site web. Il intervient plus particulirement dans le cadre d'un projet de rnovation, refonte de site web. Car il permet de raliser soi-mme l'une des premires tapes qui caractrisent ces projets. Vous tes guid(e) pas pas dans la ralisation de l'audit.Cours thoriques, exercices pratiques, tutoriels, dmonstrations s'alternent afin que vous puissiez raliser vous-mme un audit digne d'un expert."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"SOA-C00 AWS Operators System Administrator Associate Exam" |
"295 UNIQUE practice questions for SOA-C00 AWS Operators System Administrator Associate ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SOA-C00 AWS Operators System Administrator Associate ExamTotal Questions : 295Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :200 minsPassing Score : 75 (221 of 295)"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Ace MCSE Microsoft 70-413" |
"Want to ace the Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer Microsoft 70-413 Examination and become an Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer What you'll learnTired of failing the exam two or three times because you have no idea how the MCSE Microsoft 70-413 Examination is set up . No time for studying and analyzing each videos or powerpoint .Well , you got into the right course .Just practice continuously and you will ace the examWho this course is for: MCSE Absolute Beginners. No prior microsoft experience necessary No Time to study No idea how the exam works Failed multiple attempts Want to practice"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"A Simplified Way to Understand the Stock Market." |
"Just because you're in the creative or non-financial space does not mean that you don't need to know about the nuances of the stock market, the economy, and how those interact with your own personal finances.The Economy: The Stock Market: Your WalletA Logical and Practical way of Thinking!Thinking about investing or just learning? How about, do both! It doesn't have to be hard.I intend to teach and share with you actionable content that will empower you and provide you with a solid foundation upon which you can build and grow your knowledge and future goalsBy the end of the course, you'll have a new and logically practical approach to understanding the stock market and the economy.learn and easily utilize the common vocabulary and concepts of the Stock Market;be comfortable in looking at the Stock Market from a practical point of view;you'll know why the Indices are important; and more!you'll know why the DOW, S&P 500 keep showing up in your news;you'll know how to think about the Stock Market smartly.Through these classes, you will start thinking about your money and long term investments the same way you view your craft: it takes practice, patience, and skill to excel. Money is the same.I hope you enjoy this journey!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Baz kayg bozukluklarndan farkl olarak belli bir olay ya da durum sz konusu olmayabilir. Ayrca dier bir fark olarak balang-sonlanma gibi devam etmekten ziyade gn boyunca srebilir. Panik bozukluk gibi ani olarak ortaya kabilir. Bununla birlikte somatik olarak da kendini gsterme durumu sz konusudur.Kayg bozukluu yaayan kiilerde sk sk kas arlar,srt ars,uyku bozukluu,kolay yorulma gibi belirtiler grlr.Kayg bozukluu tans koyulabilmesi iin semptomlarn en az 6 ay sre ile kendini gstermesi ve gnlk ileyii sekteye uratmas gerekmektedir.ETM ERKayg Nedir?Kayg BelirtileriKayg Ve Risk FaktrleriKayg TrleriKaygnn Ortaya kma Sebepleri/Tetikleyici FaktrlerKayg ile Ba Etme Yntemleri"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"EVLLK VE FT TERAPS NEDR ?Evlilik, farkl deerlere,ailelere,bak alarna sahip,ksmen ya da tamamen farkl kltrel deerlere sahip olan iki kiinin bir araya gelerek kendilerini yeniden tanmladklar yeni bir yapdr.Evlilik terapisinde ama, iftler arasnda meydana gelen iletiim bozukluklarn,anlamazlklar,aile yapsna zarar veren problemli yaplar dzelterek bireylere doru iletiimi,problem zme becerilerini,krc ve ykc olmadan tartmay reterek ilikiyi yeniden kurmaktr.Eler arasnda, sorun alanlar oluabilir ve tartmann gelitii belli bal konular olabilir.Evlilik terapisinde; bu konular konuulabilir hale getirmek ve zm bulmalarna yardmc olmak amalar arasndadr.EVLLK VE FT TERAPS ETM EREvlilikEvlilik ve ift Terapisi Nedir?Evlilikte Terapi Gerektiren DurumlarE Tanma AamalarE SemeEvlilik Zamannn SaptanmasEvlilikte Uyum ve DayanmaMutlu Evliliin Pf NoktalarEvlilikte Sorun Yaratan Konulariftlerde ve ift Terapisinde DuyguDuygu Odakl TerapiDuygu Odakl Terapi AamalarTerapi Esnasnda Duygusal Deiim lkeleriDuygu Odakl Terapi ve Affetme"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Ads in 2020: My Latest, Greatest Secret Strategies" |
"Everything you need to know about launching and scaling your Facebook ads for Ecommerce in 2020.How about a little quiz?1. Do you wonder if the cost of your ads are working for you?2. Are you confused with all the terminology and multiple steps in running an ad?3. Have you been frustrated with Facebook's algorithms?4. Tired of wasting your money on marketers?If you said yes to any of the above questions, then this course is for you!WHO is this Course for?Entrepreneurs (both online and in local business) who...1. ...are brand new to using Facebook Advertising.2. ...have tried Facebook Ads, but are unsure if they are covering all the steps.3. ...want to understand how to monitor ads and read the data.4. ...need a confidence booster in running Facebook ads.By the End of This Course You Will...1. Know how to navigate Ads Manager and understand all the terminology.2. Have a well built audience (or a few) to build ads to.3. Have a successful ad approved, up, and running on Facebook.4. Understand how to monitor your ads to ensure you're getting the most for your money.5. Scaling strategy: One of the fastest, most effective scaling strategies to not only scale your business extremely high, but is CRUCIAL to get CONSISTENT TRAFFIC & SALES. Your missing out if you dont use this.5. Feel confident with building future Facebook ads.Included in This Course:These are step-by-step videos that break down and show examples of EVERY step of the Facebook ad building process.Watch the tutorials over and over, at your own pace.WHAT ENTREPRENEURS LIKE YOU ARE SAYING ABOUT THE COURSE:""Eamon, I just wanted to thank you for putting together such a thorough and helpful course. I actually bought the course thinking that I would only use the later modules, because I already had some experience with creating Facebook Ads. At your suggestion, I went back to the first few modules and realized there was so much foundational knowledge that I was missing!I love that each module is short, but densely packed. Time is precious, and I dont have much to spare. The videos are perfect for anytime I find myself with an extra 5-10 minutes (and being mobile friendly was such a plus!)I have been waiting for you to find a way to share your Facebook expertise with the world, but what you have put together in this course was so much MORE than I could have hoped! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"" John Brown""Hi Eamon! I just got through the first 5 modules and I cannot thank you enough! I have been running facebook ads for years, but I can now admit that I was aimlessly clicking through (and probably losing money!). I am so excited to see how my first ad since going through your modules plays out! Thank you for the quick videos- it made it so doable for me as a new Mom and I absolutely LOVE that everything you teach I can put into action right away! You rock!"" Alice Miller"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Oracle WebLogic Server 12c: Administration I Practice Test" |
"Enhance your certification score. If you're not sure whether you're ready to take any certification exam, practice tests will help you test your knowledge. If you're finding something you don't know, you can study on that area a bit more. Use the tests in practice to refine your understanding of the subject.The best part is that you can study until the test, and your score on the actual certification exam will not be negatively affected. That means you can take as many practical tests as you like, so you can practice the actual test for several days before.In this way, even when you can not figure out the questions yourself, you will test your knowledge.This practice test is designed to help you evaluate if you are ready to successfully complete the Oracle WebLogic Server 12c: Administration I 1Z0-133 Certification exam.SEven if you're working at a top company, you're going to want to keep your score on certification. Especially if you want to go for a higher level position it is important for your job search. When you're looking for new jobs, people will screen your CV with certifications a little bit.Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each subject area, ask yourself practical questions and answers, and make sure you're ready to take the certification.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam.The objective of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify risks related to the subjects of the exam and to be able to recognize them when analyzing a real practice scenario.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your test results are immediately available while you remain focused on the results of your exam. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Life Time Access to practice tests to try as many times as possible until you have mastered the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make correctionsApplicants will need to ensure that they are able to complete the full examination of the practice and pass all multiple-choice tests of a general nature.Exam Title:Oracle WebLogic Server 12c: Administration IExam Number:1Z0-133Exam Format:Multiple ChoiceDuration:120 minutesNumber of Questions:77Passing Score:64%Total Questions in this practice test to check your knowledge: 150Exam TopicsOverview of WebLogic ServerExplain the WebLogic Server terms: domain, server, machine and clusterExplain the difference between the administration server and the managed servers.Describe the administrative tools: Administration Console, WLST, WLDF, Monitoring DashboardCreating DomainsDescribe a domain's file systemCreate a domain by using the Configuration WizardConfigure machines, servers, and clusters by using the Configuration WizardCopy a domain to another computer with the pack and unpack utilitiesUsing the Administration ConsoleAccess the WebLogic Server Administration ConsoleIdentify the components of the Administration ConsoleUpdate Administration Console preferencesUse the Administration Console change centerCreate and configure servers by using the Administration ConsoleMonitoring a DomainConfigure WebLogic Server logsInterpret a server log file entryCreate and apply a log filterEnable WebLogic Server debugging outputMonitor WebLogic Server health and performanceMonitor JDBC data sourcesAccess diagnostic charts in the Monitoring DashboardDeploying ApplicationsDeploy an applicationStart a deployed applicationStop a deployed applicationUndeploy an applicationRedeploy an applicationUse the test links for an application supplied by the Administration ConsoleMonitor a deployed applicationUse the Monitoring Dashboard's built-in application viewLoad test an application with The Grinder console given a scriptCreating and Configuring ClustersDescribe basic and multi-tier cluster architecturesCreate a cluster by using the Configuration WizardCreate and configure a cluster by using the Administration ConsoleCreate and configure a dynamic clusterCreate and configure a server templateDescribe how a dynamic cluster calculates listen ports and machines for generated serversCluster Communication, Planning and TroubleshootingExplain the difference between unicast and multicast cluster communicationConfigure replication channels by using the Administration ConsoleDescribe planning for a clusterMonitor a clusterWebLogic Server SecurityList some of the WebLogic Server security providers and what they doDescribe basic LDAP architectureConfigure an external LDAP authentication provider for WebLogic ServerDescribe how multiple authentication providers can be used with WebLogic ServerInstalling and Patching WebLogic ServerDetermine supported configurations for WebLogic ServerInstall WebLogic Server in graphical modeInstall WebLogic Server silentlyDescribe the installation directory structureApply a patch to WebLogic Server by using OPatchStarting ServersStart and stop servers with standard scriptsIdentify and resolve problems with server startupCustomize start and stop scripts, including the CLASSPATHRestart a failed server on a different machineConfiguring JDBCDescribe WebLogic Server's JDBC architectureDescribe WebLogic Server's JNDI architectureCompare the different types of data sourcesCompare the different data source transaction optionsCreate and configure a generic data sourceTune a data source's connection poolCreate and configure a GridLink data sourceNode ManagerDescribe the architecture and capabilities of the Node ManagerCreate a Node Manager with the Configuration WizardConfigure properties for the Java Node ManagerDescribe the Java Node Manager directory structureEnroll a Node Manager with a domainStart and stop a Node ManagerStart and stop managed servers by using the Administration ConsoleNetwork Channels and Virtual HostsConfigure a WebLogic Server network channelMonitor a network channelConfigure WebLogic Server to use an administration portConfigure a virtual host for WebLogic ServerCluster Proxies and SessionsInstall Oracle HTTP Server with the Web Tier installerConfigure Oracle HTTP Server as a WebLogic Server cluster proxyList the options for HTTP session failoverConfigure in-memory session replicationConfigure replication groupsTransactionsExplain WebLogic Server's role in managing transactionsConfigure WebLogic Server transactions (JTA)Configure the WebLogic Server default store used for transaction logsConfigure a database persistent store for WebLogic Server transaction logsMonitor WebLogic Server transactionsBacking Up a Doman and Upgrading WebLogic ServerBack up a WebLogic Server domainRestore a WebLogic Server domainDefine Managed Service Independence modeDescribe the process to upgrade WebLogic Server 11g to 12cRun the WebLogic Server Reconfiguration Wizard as part of the upgrade process"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"SFDC Certified Community Cloud Consultant Practice Tests" |
"This is Day 2-7 of becoming a Salesforce Certified Community Cloud Consultant in 7-Days challenge.Updated with Winter '20 questions, these practice tests offer the best group of questions to prepare you for the exam.Practice exams will mimic the real exam and cover the following topics:Implementation: 22%Sharing and Security: 20%Community Setup: 18%Community Builder: 12%Community Management: 11%Content: 9%Templates and Use Cases: 8%NEXT: Make sure to take the Salesforce Certified Community Cloud Consultant Exam."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"interview guide questions for parasitology" |
"Parasitology is the study of parasites, their hosts, and the relationship between them. As a biological discipline, the scope of parasitology is not determined by the organism or environment in question but by their way of life.Some organisms called parasites are actually commensals, in that they neither benefit nor harm their host (for example, Entamoeba coli)."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce - Platform Developer I (PDI)" |
"Course in Pre-Launch Mode, the Total number of questions will be around 80+.Salesforce - Platform Developer I (PDI) Test seriesThe Salesforce Platform Developer I credential is intended for individuals who have knowledge, skills, and experience in building custom applications on the Lightning Platform.This credential encompasses the fundamental programmatic capabilities of the Lightning Platform to develop custom business logic and interfaces to extend Salesforce using Apex and Visualforce. To achieve this credential, a candidate must successfully pass the Salesforce Platform Developer I exam. This exam is also a prerequisite to the Salesforce Platform Developer II Multiple Choice exam.Exam OutlineThe Salesforce Platform Developer I exam measures a candidates knowledge and skills related to the following objectives. A candidate should have hands-on experience developing custom applications on the Lightning Platform and have demonstrated the application of each of the features/functions below.Salesforce Fundamentals: 10%Data Modeling and Management: 12%Logic and Process Automation: 46%User Interface: 10%Testing: 12%Debug and Deployment Tools: 10%"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Supply Chain Planning Cloud 1Z0-1066" |
"Course in Pre-Launch Mode, a total number of questions will be around 35+.Oracle Planning and Collaboration Cloud 2019 Implementation Essentials Exam 1Z0-1066 Test seriesIt covers 100% of the Oracle exam 1Z0-1066 certification syllabus.Exam Topics:Oracle Planning Central Cloud OverviewDescribe different types of Planning Business FlowsCreate and manage Page LayoutsManage the Plan Summary LayoutManage Tables and GraphsCreate Infotiles and Tile SetsManage Material PlannersDescribe Administer Planning SecurityManage Planning Profile OptionsSupply PlansManage Creating, Copying and Viewing a Supply PlanApply Supply Plan optionsConfigure Safety Stock Plan optionsEvaluate Supply Plan inputsPerform Running Supply PlanDescribe Supply Planning ConceptsDevelop Modelling and Analyzing Supply PlanManage Release RecommendationsAnalyze Demand FulfillmentData CollectionManage Data Collection from the Oracle Fusion Source SystemExplain Loading Planning Data from FilesAnalyze Collected Data in the Planning Data RepositoryExceptionsConfigure Exceptions and Exception SetsAnalyze Exceptions in PlansSimulationsEvaluate Demand/Supply ChangesExecute SimulationsSupply Chain CollaborationSupply Planning CollaborationContract Management CollaborationDemand ManagementConfigure a Demand PlanPerform a Run and Manage Demand PlanApply Forecasting Methods and Causal FactorsEvaluate Forecast results and accuracyDescribe Override Demand Forecast and Plan ApprovalConfigure UOM and CurrencyExplain Disaggregation Parameters and Conditional FormattingExplain Simulate Forecast ScenariosSupply Network ModelExplain Supply Network ModelDescribe Approved Supplier ListCreate Assignment Sets, Sourcing Rules, and Bills of DistributionApply Item Attributes for Supply PlanningDescribe A Drop ShipmentCreate a Drop Ship PlanCreate Drop Ship SourcingConfigure a Drop Shipment ForecastPlanning AnalyticsConfigure Planning AnalyticsConfigure Dimensions and Dimension CatalogsExplain Measure CatalogsIdentify Measure TargetsApply Levels and AttributesAdvanced FulfillmentExplain Contract ManufacturingDescribe Back to BackExplain Configure to OrderSales and Operations PlanningS&OP Plan OptionsS&OP Planning ProcessS&OP Integration with SCM Cloud and External systemsCosting and Inventory FoundationsExplain Common Inventory ConfigurationsDescribe Managerial Accounting BasicsExplain Cost Accounting"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close Cloud Service Exam" |
"Course in Pre-Launch Mode, a total number of questions will be around 35+.Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close 2019 Implementation Essentials 1Z0-1081 Test seriesIt covers 100% of the Oracle exam 1Z0-1081 certification syllabus.Exam Topics:Financial Consolidation and Close OverviewIdentify deployment use casesDescribe Financial Consolidation and Close featuresManage DimensionsDescribe the system dimensionsDescribe the restrictions for modifying seeded membersDescribe the member properties for the Account, Entity, and Scenario dimensionsAdd and edit members using the Simplified Dimension EditorImport members from a fileCreate alternate hierarchiesAdd currencies to the Currency dimensionAdd members to the Movement dimension and cash flow hierarchyAssign security access to dimension membersSet Up and Run ConsolidationsExplain the consolidation process (translate, eliminate. consolidate)Explain the Closing Balance calculation in the Movement dimensionEnter exchange rates and historical override rates and anountsConfigure the default translation method and default rate accountsExplain the calculation statuses for entitiesView calculation statusRun consolidationTranslate data to reporting currenciesBuild Out Your Financial Consolidation and Close SolutionDescribe valid intersection rulesCreate data formsCreate journals and journal templatesExplain the approval process for entitiesSet up the approval processManage the close process using Task ManagerManage data collection using Supplemental DataDefine custom navigation flowsAutomate repetitive tasks using EPM AutomateDesign ReportsCreate journal reportsCreate intercompany reportsCreate consolidation reportsDesign financial reports in Financial Reporting StudioSet Up the Financial Consolidation and Close Business ProcessDescribe the FCC setup optionsDescribe Extended DimensionalityRun the setup wizard for the FCC business processDescribe the FCC security rolesAdd users and assign security rolesIntegrate Data from Source Systems Using Data ManagementDescribe the use cases for Data ManagementConfigure system setting profiles, set up source systems, register target applicationsCreate import formats, locations, period mappings, and category mappingsCreate member mappings and define data load rulesRun data loadsSet Up Advanced ConsolidationsCustomize the translation process using translation rules and custom rate accountsCreate custom consolidation calculations with Configurable Calculations and On Demand RulesConfigure statutory consolidations using Ownership Management and Consolidation MethodsCreate consolidation adjustments with Configurable Consolidation rulesCreate equity pickup adjustments using the Equity Pickup featureManaging Business Process DataImport and export dataCopy and clear dataAudit changes to the application and dataBack up and migrate data and metadata using Lifecycle Management"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Provisioning SQL Databases 70-765 Exam" |
"Course in Pre-Launch Mode,Total number of question will be around 160+.Microsoft Provisioning SQL Databases 70-765 Test seriesIt cover 100% of Microsoft 70-765 certification syllabus.Exam Topics:Implement SQL in Azure (4045%)Deploy a Microsoft Azure SQL DatabaseChoose a service tier, create servers and databases, create a sysadmin account, configure elastic poolsPlan for SQL Server installationPlan for an IaaS or on-premises deployment, select the appropriate size for a virtual machine, plan storage pools based on performance requirements, evaluate best practices for installation, design a storage layout for a SQL Server virtual machineDeploy SQL Server instancesDeploy a SQL Server instance in IaaS and on-premises, manually install SQL Server on an Azure Virtual Machine, provision an Azure Virtual Machine to host a SQL Server instance, automate the deployment of SQL Server databases, deploy SQL Server by using templatesDeploy SQL Server databases to Azure virtual machinesMigrate an on-premises SQL Server database to an Azure virtual machine, generate benchmark data for performance needs, perform performance tuning on Azure IaaS, support availability sets in AzureManage databases and instances (30-35%)Configure secure access to Microsoft Azure SQL DatabasesConfigure firewall rules, configure Always Encrypted for Azure SQL Database, configure cell-level encryption, configure dynamic data masking, configure transparent data encryption (TDE)Configure SQL Server performance settingsConfigure database performance settings, configure max server memory, configure the database scope, configure operators and alertsManage SQL Server instancesCreate databases, manage files and file groups, manage system database files, configure tempdbManage Storage (3035%)Manage SQL StorageManage SMB file shares, manage stretch databases, configure Azure storage, change service tiers, review wait statistics, manage storage pools, recover from failed storagePerform database maintenanceMonitor DMVs, maintain indexes, automate maintenance tasks, update statistics, verify database integrity, recover from database corruption"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Exam MB-210: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales" |
"Course in Pre-Launch Mode,Total number of question will be around 40+.MB-210: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales Test seriesIt cover 100% of Microsoft MB-210 certification syllabus.Candidates for this exam are Dynamics 365 functional consultants with sales expertise. Candidates are responsible for implementing solutions that support a sales life cycle to run efficiently and effectively to meet revenue targets, business strategies, and company objectives. Candidates are responsible for configuring and expanding the core functionality of Leads, Contacts, Accounts, Opportunities and supporting entities to map to the sales processes in place at the company. They identify opportunities to use Power Apps to develop unified experiences for all devices, Power Automate for application integration, business process flows, and other automation tools to construct an application that supports and accelerates the ""lead to cash journey.""Skills measuredPerform configuration (40-45%)Manage core sales entities (20-25%)Manage sales entities (35-40%)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Exam AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals" |
"Course in Pre-Launch Mode,Total number of question will be around 50+.AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Test seriesIt cover 100% of Microsoft AZ-900 certification syllabus.This exam is designed for candidates looking to demonstrate foundational-level knowledge of cloud services and how those services are provided with Microsoft Azure. The exam is intended for candidates with non-technical backgrounds, such as those involved in selling or purchasing cloud based solutions and services, or who have some involvement with cloud based solutions and services, as well as those with a technical background who have a need to validate their foundational-level knowledge around cloud services. Technical IT experience is not required, however, some general IT knowledge or experience would be beneficial.This exam can be taken as an optional first step in learning about cloud services and how those concepts are exemplified by Microsoft Azure. It can be taken as a precursor to Microsoft Azure or Microsoft cloud services exams. While it would be a beneficial first step, validating foundational-level knowledge, taking this exam is not a prerequisite before taking any other Azure-based certifications.Skills measuredUnderstand cloud concepts (15-20%)Understand core Azure services (30-35%)Understand security, privacy, compliance, and trust (25-30%)Understand Azure pricing and support (20-25%)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Financials Cloud: Payables Implementation Essentials" |
"Course in Pre-Launch Mode,Total number of question will be around 35+.Oracle Financials Cloud: Payables 2019 Implementation Essentials 1Z0-1055 Test seriesIt cover 100% of Oracle 1Z0-1055 certification syllabus.Exam Topics:InvoicingExplain the Integrated Imaging SolutionCreate and Account for invoicesApprove InvoicesManage supplier informationExpensesEntering Expense ReportsApprove expense reportsProcess expense reimbursementsManage Corporate CardsAudit Expense ReportsSet up ExpensesOther Payables TopicsProcess Income Tax and Withholding tax calculationsExplain the Close processConfigure Payables SetupsConfigure Business UnitsConfigure Subledger AccountingExecute 1099 ReportingDescribe the Functional Setup ManagerPaymentsCreate and Account for paymentsExecute a Payment Process RequestVoid a paymentExplain Bank ReconciliationsConfigure Payment FormatsSetup Payments for PayablesExplain payment securityExplain payment approvalsReportingExplain how to design and use various reporting toolsExplain Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI)Use Business Intelligence Publisher (BIP) ReportsUse the Payables to Ledger Reconciliation Report"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"NetApp Certified Storage Installation Engineer, ONTAP" |
"Course in Pre-Launch Mode,Total number of question will be around 60+.NetApp Certified Storage Installation Engineer, ONTAP NS0-182 Test seriesIt cover 100% of NetApp NS0-182 certification syllabus.Exam Topics:The NCSIE ONTAP (NS0-182) exam includes the following topics:Basic Installation Topics and ToolsDescribe installation preparation stepsDescribe basic equipment installation stepsONTAP ConceptsIdentify general cluster terms used during installationIdentify ONTAP licensing for 9.1ONTAP NetworkingDescribe the cluster network, e.g., multi-node, single node clustersDemonstrate knowledge of the purpose of the management networkIdentify the networking components in a cluster environmentONTAP SwitchesIdentify the functions of supported switchesDemonstrate knowledge of how to configure/verify configuration requirementsONTAP Configuration and TroubleshootingDescribe how to use configuration best practicesDemonstrate knowledge of how a node should be added or replacedDescribe how to perform basic troubleshooting during installation and configuration Customer HandoffDemonstrate knowledge of handoff procedures to the customerDemonstrate knowledge of how to communicate completion and possible problem statusIdentify contacts for additional help after handoff"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"MB6-897: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce Exam" |
"Course in Pre-Launch Mode,Total number of question will be around 70+.MB6-897: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce Exam MB6-897 Test seriesIt cover 100% of Microsoft MB6-897 certification syllabus.Exam Topics:Set up and configure organizational parameters (20 25%)Model an organizationThis objective may include but is not limited to: create models of organizations; create and configure organization hierarchies; create and modify retail operating unitsConfigure retail parametersThis objective may include but is not limited to: set up a retail store set up info codes and sub codes; assign and translate info codes; configure units of measure and conversion; define retail parameters; set up sales tax and sales tax overrides; describe and configure payment methods; configure payment connectors; set up credit card payment services; configure full-text search, and create number sequences for retail componentsConfigure workflowsThis objective may include but is not limited to: Describe retail workflow features; configure workflow prerequisites; create and configure workflows, activate a workflow; associate workflows with an organization; monitor workflow statusIntegrate storesThis objective may include but is not limited to: configure and monitor Commerce Data Exchange services; test and troubleshoot Async client and server connectivity; view retail channel transactions; set up store locator groupsManage retail channelsThis objective may include but is not limited to: build an online store; synchronize online store sales orders; create a call center; create retail stores; extend retail functionality for sales orders; describe cloud point-of-sale (CPOS) and modern retail point-of-sale (MPOS) capabilitiesSet up and Configure Point of Sale (10 - 15%)Perform Point of Sale (POS) set up processesThis objective may include but is not limited to: set up offline, functionality, receipt, hardware, visual, email notification, and channel integration POS profiles; configure a receipt format; set up data distribution; document business processes by using Task RecorderConfigure POS terminalsThis objective may include but is not limited to: configure POS permission groups; create registers and POS devices; create screen layouts that use button grids and images; manage drawer operationsConfigure barcodes and labelsThis objective may include but is not limited to: create and view barcodes for specific products; print shelf labels; create barcode masksSet up and Configure Products (15 20%)Configure basic product parametersThis objective may include but is not limited to: create product dimensions and dimension groups; create a product; create and modify product attributes; create product features and assortments; create product relationship types and product relationships; create a product master or variant; create, assemble, disassemble, and sell product kitsBuild product category hierarchiesThis objective may include but is not limited to: describe hierarchy types; create a category hierarchy; maintain hierarchies; bulk edit a categoryCreate and manage catalogsThis objective may include but is not limited to: Create a catalog; configure and analyze catalog layout; update, validate, approve and publish catalogs; create source codesManage delivery modesThis objective may include but is not limited to: set up delivery modes; add channels to delivery modes; add products to delivery modesManage direct deliveryThis objective may include but is not limited to: set up direct delivery; configure products and sales orders for direct delivery; confirm direct delivery orders; create pick waves; set up the picking process; create a workbench; generate picking workbench sessionsManage pricing discountsThis objective may include but is not limited to: create catgory pricing rules; discount products based on catalogs; set up affiliated pricing; adjust prices; create price groups; configure mix and match discounts; create quantity discountsConnect vendor information to productsThis objective may include but is not limited to: create a vendor catalog; set up price margin alerts on a product; define price points for products; add vendor product numbers to a productManage Retail Operations (15 20%)Manage workersThis objective may include but is not limited to: create jobs; create positions; set up a worker; create and link address books; implement role-based security; view and manage shiftsGenerate retail information reportsThis objective may include but is not limited to: identify available reports; identify available workspaces; perform recency, frequency, and monetary (RFM) analysisImplement customer loyalty schemes and gift cardsThis objective may include but is not limited to: describe the loyalty setup process; configure prerequisite components; create a customer loyalty scheme and program; process loyalty transactions; resolve loyalty card number conflicts; add products to loyalty schemes; set up physical and virtual gift cards; add funds to a gift cardManage journalsThis objective may include but is not limited to: describe post statement actions; create and calculate a statement; view posted statements; configure batch processes for statementsManage inventory replenishment and fulfillmentThis objective may include but is not limited to: build replenishment rules; implement cross docking for product distribution; create a buyers push; create a replenishment hierarchy; create service categories; set up distributed order managementManage a call centerThis objective may include but is not limited to: create fraud rules; create a continuity program; create continuity orders; implement credit card and refund workbenches; configure check holds; set up credit limit checking; create rules for up-selling and cross-selling; set up target markets; create and use scriptsConduct Retail Activities (25 30%)Perform POS operationsThis objective may include but is not limited to: conduct a transaction; override a price; identify reason codes and hold codes; hold and recall a transaction; clear a holdManage sale ordersThis objective may include but is not limited to: view detailed status information for a sales order; identify sales order cancellation constraints; configure price matching; configure prepaymentManage customersThis objective may include but is not limited to: create a customer; check for duplicate customers; merge and unmerge customer records; create and configure cases; search for a customerManage drawer operations and daily operationsThis objective may include but is not limited to: perform opening procedures; conduct tender operations; perform overrides; perform closing procedures; open, pause, resume, and close shifts; clock in and out; create sales with cash or credit card payments; void transactions; accept returnsManage installment billingThis objective may include but is not limited to: set up and configure installment billing; create payment schedules; add installments to a sales order; process installment billing paymentsManage returns and Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) processingThis objective may include but is not limited to: identify steps in the RMA process; create an RMA; configure process return options; configure payment methods for returns"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |