Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Gingival Retraction Cord Packing Like a Pro!" |
"Cord packing can be a very tedious and frustration process.This course will show you the best technique and also the best instruments to use to be efficient and successful at packing cord.We will also cover the different types of retraction cord and the different brands the many doctors use according to their personal preference.By the end of this course I know You will become a Cord packing Pro in no Time!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduo Gestalt-terapia" |
"Este curso composto por 4 aulas introdutrias a respeito da Abordagem Gestltica, desde sua criao, possibilidades de atuao, filosofias de base e conceitos. Buscamos fazer uma apresentao inicial oferecendo uma retomada de contedos bsicos a respeita da Gestalt-terapia para aqueles que j conhecem a abordagem e at mesmo uma possibilidade de compreenso inicial para os que pouco viram sobre a abordagem na graduao. Esse curso pode auxiliar tambm aos alunos que cursam as disciplinas de Psicologias Existenciais Humanistas para terem maior aprofundamento e que possam correlacionar os contedos introdutrios do curso com aqueles que so apresentados em sala."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Customer Service Excellence Ala Bintang 5" |
"Learning OutcomesApakah kamu bergerak dalam bidang pelayanan? Apakah kamu ingin mengetahui bagaimana sebuah pelayanan Ala Bintang Lima diberikan bagi para pelanggannya?""SMART Care Quality"" adalah konsep dasar dari ""Excellence Customer Service Ala Bintang 5"" yang telah banyak sekali diterapkan di hotel berbintang diseluruh dunia. Jika kamu ingin mempelajari teknik-teknik dan strategi pelayanan ala hotel berbintang, maka materi ini sangat tepat untuk kamu pilih. Module pelatihan ini dibuat dengan menggunakan perspective dalam dunia pariwisata dan perhotelan. Namun, konsep inti dalam semua kandungan materi yang kami sajikan dapat diterapkan disemua jenis industri pelayanan. Materi pelatihan ini disusun oleh:Iwan SetiawanIa memiliki lebih dari 20 tahun di Industri perhotelan baik di dalam dan luar negri. Sebelum membangun bisnisnya, ia telah bekerja pada hotel-hotel merek global seperti Hard Rock Hotel, Bayan Tree Hotels dan Aston InternasionalIkin Solikin Ia memiliki lebih dari 10 tahun pada posisi managerial di Industri perhotelan dan telah bekerja diberbagai merek global seperti Hyatt, Nikko Hotels dan Pullman. Karir profesional terakhirnya adalah Tauzia Hotel Management sebagai Corporate Learning & Development Manager. Tauzia adalah opperator hotel yang mengelola jaringan hotel seperti HARRIS, Yello, dan POP Hotel yang tersebar di berbagai kota di Indonesia. Sebelum mendirikan AJAR Hospitality ia merupakan seorang konsultan yang khusus membidangi tentang Service Quality dan Corporate Culture untuk industri perbankan, kesehatan dan perhotelan. Selain AJAR Hospitality, Ikin juga merupakan pendiri dari BLIHO, sebuah perusahan gabungan yang bergerak dibidang Human Capital yang berbadan hukum di Perancis dan beroperasi di Eropa (Paris) Middle East (Dubai) dan Southeast Asia (Bali).Dalam module ini kamu akan belajar tentang:Konsep pelayanan SMART Care Quality yang banyak diterapkan di hotel berbintangMemahami 3 jenis kualitas yang wajib kamu berikan untuk memberikan Excellence ServiceMenggunakan 3 momen penting untuk berinteraksi dengan customerMenerapkan 3 pillar penting dalam berkomunikasi dengan pelanggan Menerapkan 10 pillar penting dalam memberikan ekspresi suara dan ekspresi tubuh dalam pelayanan pelanggan Menerapkan pentingnya komunikasi yang diadaptasikan dengan kondisi pelanggan Memahami 3 pillar penting terbentuknya sebuah pelayanan primaMenggunakan Cocktail Questioning Technique untuk menggali kebutuhan dan keinginan pelanggganMenggunakan 4 level kualitas jawaban kepada pelanggan Menggunakan 3 level kualitas tindakan kita atas permintaan pelanggan Mengetahui 2 jenis gangguan yang dapat menyebabkan pelanggan kecewa dengan pelayanan kita dan bagaimana cara mengatasinyaMengetahui 3 level kualitas pengalaman pelanggan terhadap jasa dan produk yang kita tawarkan Memahami 3 level reaksi emosi pelanggan saat mereka kecewa dengan pelayanan kita. Menggunakan 4 langkah mudah dalam menangani keluhan pelanggan dan menjadikan mereka menjadi loyal Memahami pentingnya berfikir positif dan menjalin kerjasama tim dalam memberikan Excellent Customer Service Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal dari materi ini, kamu disarankan untuk:Mempelajari semua video yang disajikan Mengerjakan quiz dan melihat feedback dari setiap jawaban. Karena, penerapan konsep pada video terdapat dalam setiap quiz yang telah disajikan.Membaca artikel yang telah disediakan. Penjelasan rinci pada topik-topik praktikal dan contoh studi kasus terdapat dalam format artikelMengunduh materi presentasi yang berisi penjelasan rinci dari konsep yang disajikan dalam videoAktif bertanya dan berinteraksi dengan nara sumber dan peserta lainnya agar kamu dapat saling belajar dan mendapatkan bimbingan langsung dari pakar pelayanan."
Price: 980000.00 ![]() |
"Pinterest Marketing: Der perfekte Traffic Magnet" |
"In diesem Kurs lernt du, wie du endlich sehr sehr viele User fr deinen Blog oder deine Website generierst.Seien wir mal ehrlich... vielleicht geht es dir gerade wie mir es damals ging, bevor ich Pinterest als Traffic Quelle entdeckt habe: Ich hatte einen super schnen Wordpress-Blog, welchen ich mir mhsam aufgebaut habe. Endlich, hatte ich den finalen Pinselstrich vorgenommen und alles Online gestellt, doch dann kam die Ernchterung: Keiner wollte meinen Content sehen.Dabei hatte dies schlichtweg nichts mit meinem Blog oder meinen Inhalten zu tun. Ich wurde einfach nicht gefunden. Google SEO ist eine tolle Sache um mittel und langfristig erfolgreich zu sein aber es wirkt nicht sofort.Viel Traffic = Viel Leads = Viel ConversionWie wre es also, wenn du eine Traffic-Source finden knntest, welche innerhalb von 2-3 Tagen bereits erste Ergebnisse bietet und dazu noch komplett kostenfrei ist?Diese Lsung ist Pinterest. Pinterest hat aktuell eine sehr hohe organische Reichweite und steht im Jahre 2020 wohl genau da, wo Facebook in 2010 Stand.Nach wenigen Tagen, liefert dir Pinterest erste Ergebnisse. Der Traffic wird Schritt fr Schritt weiter ansteigen und du dein Blog oder Website wird langfristig immer weiter wachsen.Dabei ist es egal, ob du einen Blog, Website oder Online-Shop betreibst. Pinterest bedient alle Nischen und ist gerade am wachsen. Pinterest wchst sogar sehr schnell -> jedes Jahr um die 30%.Whrend die meisten User ihre Zeit mit Instagram oder Facebook vergeuden, kannst du auf den neuen Stern am Social-Media-Marketing-Himmel setzen.Doch wie wird man erfolgreich auf Pinterest? Genau hier komme ich mit meinem Kurs ins Spiel: Schritt fr Schritt erklre ich dir, wie du dein Profil von Grund auf neu aufbaust, damit du langfristig erfolgreich sein wirst.Mit meiner Anleitung, kann dein Profil nur nach oben gehen, da wir wirklich - alles - absolut alles - auf Erfolg ausrichten. Und mit Erfolg meine ich vor allem Pinterest SEO.SEO bedeutet Suchmaschinenoptimierung. Gemeinsam, optimieren wir dein Profil, deine Boards und deine Pins - so dass Pinterest deinen Content brav an sehr viele Nutzer ausliefert.Wir erstellen zusammen den perfekten Pin, der hchstwahrscheinlich viral gehen wird und dir regelmig und kostenfrei Traffic fr deine Website bzw. Blog liefern wird.Und jetzt kommt das schnste: Mit Tailwind, automatisieren wir Pinterest fr Monate im Voraus, damit wir keine Arbeit mehr haben um uns vllig auf unseren Blog oder Shop konzentrieren zu knnen.Fang jetzt endlich an und zeige deinen Content der Welt! Erhhe deine Reichweite enorm und wachse gemeinsam mit der Plattform Pinterest.Wir sehen uns im Kurs!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Liderana Empresarial - Como inspirar e Engajar sua Equipe" |
"Este treinamento de liderana tem com foco aspectos prticas do dia-a-dia de um lder, desenvolvendo a capacidade de interagir com diferentes perfis de pessoas e de profissionais.Aqui voc vai aprender como inspirar e fazer com que sua equipe no trabalhe apenas pelo dinheiro mas sim pela viso que voc transmite a respeito do seu negcio.Tudo que voc precisa pra construir uma empresa slida e um cultura de prosperidade dentro do seu negcio, voc encontra aqui."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Wealth Management - Ultimate Personal Finance Guide -Basics" |
"By attending this intense Personal Finance course you will have:A deeper understanding of the personal finance and financial statementsA deeper understanding of your personal cash flows and how to manage them properlyA deeper understanding of the financial products and how to use them more efficientlyI have developed, the shared by this course financial behavior, over the last decade. For me it`s timely proven. Also I have shared my understanding on the personal finance topic with my friends and they are really happy applying it.I`m well educated and experienced person in the field of Finance. As a professional I have a deeper interest in the field of Personal Finance. I love to share what I know.By this course I would like to share with you my philosophy on the personal finance topic."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Learn how to use Canva for Graphic Design & Marketing" |
"Are you ready to learn Canva from a Canva Certified Creative?Are you ready to learn smart workflow tricks that will save you time?Are you ready to create better designs in less time and without the headaches?Students in this course will not only learn how to create great designs with Canva, but they will learn a smart workflow and templating approach that will continually save them time and help them streamline their content marketing.You'll learn:all the basics along with how to get started quickly and efficiently by mastering fundamental tips that allow you to avoid common time trapsgraphic design fundamentals and how to easily apply them in Canvathe differences between Free and Paid Canva and which is right for youhow to use and take advantage of the latest and most useful features of Canvahow to organize and store all your brand assets for quick and easy useeverything you need to know about the project interface and all the elements withinhow to save time with templates and collectionshow to create all manner of dynamic social media marketing assets including things like Instagram stories which take advantage of Canva's latest video featureshow to tackle any design project with confidence, from simple social media graphics to long-form content like ebookshow to master Canva grids to power advanced layoutshow to create special effects like realistic drop shadows and photo frame popout effectshow to create and give presentations with Canvahow to integrate Canva with other platforms like dropbox, google drive, Instagram, to download your final assets in the needed formathow to share projects and templates with othershow to template the smart way so that you create final assets that are reusable and that continually save you time!The bottom line...if you can do it with Canva, chances are we cover it in this course.So, if you're tired of:the steep learning curve of other softwarestaring at a blank pagespending too much time on your designs and marketing assetscreating designs that leave you disappointedAnd you're ready to start creating better designs faster. Then, absolutely, this is the course for you.My name is Greg and I'll be your instructor on this journey. I have a Masters Certificate in Graphic Design and I'm a Canva Certified Creative. I've spent the last 20 years of my life making my living through programming, web design, graphic design, photography, and entrepreneurship.I'm also a husband and a father of 3 so I absolutely understand the struggle of finding enough time in the day to get everything done and the importance of creating quality design assets for your content marketing.I GET IT AND I'VE GOT YOUR BACK! So...let's learn Canva together. The smart way!cheers,Greg"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Whatsapp Marketing Mastery 2020" |
"Who Else Wants A Piece Of This Potentially Billion Dollar Gold-Mine Sitting Right Here In Front Of Our Face Most People Still Choose To Ignore This! For the longest time, online marketers, business owners, retail brands and entrepreneurs alike scratch their head as they tackle the looming problem that is getting too big to turn a blind eye to.Yes getting targeted traffic is a HUGE problem these days. A decade ago, everyone was crazy about using Google Traffic such as Adwords and SEO but that got sort of obsolete as the PRICE and COMPETITION kinda got out of hands pretty fast.Now the same thing is happening on Facebook and Instagram its getting too overcrowded and the cost per click is just PRICEY!However, right this MOMENT, as you are reading this, you need to KNOW that there is a Gold Mine hidden in plain sight that could be the NEXT big thing. I know this very well because Ive been successfully cashing in on this profitable traffic source every single day! Enter the WhatsApp Marketing gold mine. Yes, in 2019 alone, WhatApp saw a huge increment in its worldwide usage across the globe boasting over 300 million daily ACTIVE users. It has over 1 million new registrations on a daily basis. What we are seeing here is the lucrative early days of the Google and Facebook era and if you choose to ignore this in 2020 as an entrepreneur, you will get left out, you will lose out and you will regret it dearly. 5 years from now, you could be asking yourself why you didnt take advantage of this earlier when you had the chance.Now, MOST of you would answer this with an excuse like I dont know howAnd that excuse was kinda valid until NOW.You see, just like you, a little over a year ago, I saw an opportunity to market products within WhatsApp. Even back then I knew, WhatsApp is just growing too fast to be set aside. However, when I tried to search the Almighty Google for some useful strategies to market on this monster of a chat platform I was SHOCKED beyond words!I literally found NOTHING that could help me get started with WhatsApp marketing. But that didnt stop me from pursuing my goals I studied the platform diligently and learned the inside out of WhatsApp as best I could. At last, my hard labor came to fruition when I finally found a way to cash in on this behemoth traffic source that NO ONE else exploits. Fast forward to today, I am proud to be able to bring you my latest UDEMY course and I call it my WhatsApp Marketing Master 2020.Inside I share with you everything you need to know in order to start your first WhatsApp Marketing campaign with ease.Come join me as I break down all the Nitty Gritty on WhatsApp marketing from A Z.- The 2 crucial types of WhatsApp channels that you will ABSOLUTELY need for your marketing campaigns.I am willing to bet that most people have only heard of the normal WhatsApp application that we use on a daily basis. What they do NOT know is that there is ANOTHER version of WhatsApp where you can use it to greatly boost your marketing campaign! Itll save you tons of time while greatly improve your communications with your precious customers! - How to Beat The System and utilize a loophole that allows you to use 2 WhatsApp applications on a single mobile phone at the same time!Learn to avoid this costly mistake that most newbie WhatsApp marketers make. If you are serious and want to stay sane while growing your business with Whatsapp, youll definitely want to implement this strategy right from the get-go. The goal is to Smartly separate your own private contacts away from your customer list. This will save you from a lot of costly confusions later on!- Discover my entire marketing process and strategies that have made me tons of cash!I remember vividly the days when I first started. I felt utterly lost and honestly I wished that some experts out there who really know their way around WhatsApp marketing could just break everything down in simple easy to follow steps for me. Thats why I made a strong, unbreakable vow and took matters into my own hands, to ensure that my course is structured perfectly with easy to understand videos. Yes, with my course, ANYONE can learn this even if they are a complete newbie!- Legally STEAL my exact Messaging Sequence that is built to last to help you close more sales on demand!Inside, I will show you my very own Welcome Message sequence and prerecorded messages that I use personally help you craft your own custom WhatsApp messages. All you have to do is set it up once and these messages will run on autopilot for you forever! Watch as your business grow and make more sales while you gain access to more time and freedom so that you can enjoy the things you love!- And youll get to learn ALL my valuable WhatsApp hacks, tips, and tricks that no one else is teaching out there openly.What I reveal in my course is priceless! Ill show you how to create your VIP Channels, Ill show you how and why you should use a virtual number, and Ill even hand you my Top Secret app that saves me time whenever I have to listen to WhatsApp audio messages. Heck Ill show you everything you need from top to bottom on how to MAKE MONEY with WhatsApp in as little as 4 short WEEKS!Finally, a definite way for you to break into this Untapped yet lucrative traffic source that can literally turn your life around! Stop fighting for leftover scraps in an overcrowded traffic source and start cashing in on WhatsApp fast. Ill see you inside!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Chakra Balancing" |
"* Chakra basics and their role in conditions and symptoms* Tools for balancing and healing your chakras: essential oils, homeopathics, ayurvedic food, yoga poses, crystals, tapping, affirmations, mental rehearsal, and spiritual primers.* 19 page PDF comprised of the key information in the recordings* Guided chakra meditation and self assessment* 50 resource links included within the PDF for purchasing products and researching more.About me, your instructor:My interest in chakras started when I began searching for natural ways to heal from anxiety, depression, and ptsd.My symptoms were rooted in my traumatic childhood. These symptoms could no longer be ignored when I faced the challenges of raising children with chronic health conditions. Worry and fear collected in my abdominal area which is the Solar Plexus chakra. These energies collected over time, causing me chronic anxiety and eventually depression. There were other contributing factors of my life at the time, but the main causes were these emotions collecting in my Solar Plexus Chakra.I learned that healing the chakras heal the physical symptoms and conditions we struggle with. I discovered that unprocessed emotions, thoughts, and memories carry an energetic charge and are found in different places in the body depending on their nature. These energy cysts form when a person at the time doesnt have tools or resources to clear them. If they stay in our bodies for a long time, they can block normal flow of energy, resulting in health conditions. I was amazed by the sophistication and organization of the body. I began to make connections between other emotions and their location in my body.Working with my chakras profoundly reversed many health conditions that I struggled with. It has turned into a passion of mine to share how to clear negative and unwanted energy in the body to optimize health.As an energy medicine practitioner, I work with a clients chakras by clearing out unwanted emotions, thoughts, and memories. I also clear out stagnant energy and toxins such as a build up of pharmaceuticals, heavy metals, pesticides, microbes, and other unwanted substances.Chakras are fascinating, delicate and intricate. I hope you find this class fun and helpful toward maintaining your health and well being.In health and hope,KristaEnergy Intuitive, Author, and Healer"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Mudra Therapy for Reiki Therapists, Healers & Yoga Teachers" |
"In the Mudra Therapy course you will learn how to use hasta mudras or hand Mudras to heal your self and you will also be able to recommend various Mudras to others based on their needs. You will be able to add power to your Reiki and meditation sessions with your knowledge of Mudras. Benefits of mudra therapy includes ability to speed up healing physical health issues, optimizing mental health, reducing pain, develop positive qualities, enhancing spiritual growth, deepening mindfulness meditations, etc.We do not claim that Yoga mudra practice cures any disease. Mudra Therapy is a complementary therapy that can be used along with regular medication as prescribed by the Doctor for people who have health issues.Spiritual seekers, Reiki Therapists, Yoga teachers, Healers and Teachers will find this course very beneficial. You will learn1 Mudra Therapy Basics 2 The 5 Elements3 How Mudras Therapy works4 How to balance the 5 elements5 Dhyan Mudra - The most important Mudra 6 Some do's and dont's for Mudras7 How to make Mudras more effective8 Some rules for Mudras9 Aakash Mudra 10 Prithvi Mudra11 Varun Mudra12 Experience the 4 basic Mudras 13 Vayu Mudra14 Shunya Mudra15 Aditya Mudra16 Surya Mudra17 Jalodar Nashak Mudraand much moreBy the end of this course, you will be confidently using Mudras in your daily life.You'll Also Get: Lifetime Access to course updates Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Aplicaes Hbridas com Cordova e Bootstrap" |
"Neste curso o aluno aprender a criar aplicaes hbridas e responsivas, em HTML5, CSS e JavaScript, para mltiplas plataformas operacionais. Aprender a criar telas com layout responsivo, que se ajustam tela do dispositivo. Conhecer os principais plugins do Apache Cordova, assim como os componentes prontos de interface de usurio (UI) do Bootstrap. Aprender a compilar programas com Cordova e estudar quase 50 programas exemplos, utilizando as tecnologias abordadas neste curso."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Mapeamento e Modelagem de Processos" |
"O curso vai mostrar quais as atividades que a organizao executar em cada etapa do ciclo de vida do processo, quem sero os profissionais envolvidos, quais os modelos de documentao, os produtos entregveis e as tecnologias aplicadas para suportar estas atividades, garantindo uma prtica comum de processos em toda a organizao.O curso ensina tambm como deve ser a elaborao e modelagem de um processo e seus indicadores."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Galvanotechnik Grundlagen Kurs" |
"Es sind immer wieder die einfachen Dinge die nicht funktionieren. Entweder weil du Sie nicht 100%ig verstehst oder weil deine Mitarbeiter keinen Durchblick haben.Es gibt nur recht komplexe Nachschlagewerke und immer weniger Fachkrfte. Um Nachhaltig mehr Geld zu verdienen, bleibt dir nur die Mglichkeit dich selbst und deine Mitarbeiter fortzubilden.Die Gelegenheit: Du bekommst 3 Mglichkeiten, die dich zuerst verwundern werden und dann wertvoller machen. Ich zeige dir jetzt: Auf was kommt es in der Galvanik wirklich an. Welches Wissen brauchst du und deine Mitarbeiter um wirklich effektiv produzieren zu knnen. Eine Mglichkeit dein galvanisches Verstndnis aufzubessern und so deutlich mehr Geld zu verdienen."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"(NEW) Cisco Certified Network Associate: CCNA 200-301" |
"Welcome to this course: Cisco Certified Network Associate: CCNA 200-301. This course is for everyone! It will help beginners who are taking their first steps into the world of computer networks. Cisco CCNA 200-301 exam tests a candidate's knowledge and skills related to network fundamentals, network access, IP connectivity, IP services, security fundamentals, and automation and programmability. This course will help you stay up-to date with your networking skills. It starts with the basics and will take you through everything essential to pass the certification exam. This course goes beyond what you would find in a simple technology course. It gives you a study system designed to help you not only learn facts but also to develop the skills you need to pass the exams. Also it provides you with a detailed overview of network configuration and troubleshooting. It starts with the basics and will take you through everything essential to pass the CCNA 200-301 certification exam. This course will provide real-world examples with a bunch of hands-on labs to give you immense expertise in important networking tasks, with a practical approach. So let's get started."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Fotografa de Paisajes: Haz que tus Fotos se vean Increbles" |
"AHORA PUEDES TOMAR HERMOSAS FOTOS DE PAISAJES!Por eso ests aqu, verdad?Estamos felices por mostrarte cmo tomar tus propias e increbles fotos de paisajes.Con este completo curso de fotografa de paisajes, aprenders los detalles sobre el equipo que recomendamos, la configuracin que usamos, los consejos de composicin que tenemos y el proceso de edicin de fotos que usamos para terminar con fotos de paisajes galardonadas.Sguenos mientras nos dirigimos al Parque Nacional Joshua Tree para dictar este curso de fotografa de paisajes!En este curso combinamos entretenimiento + educacin en un curso completo. No estamos simplemente sentados en un escritorio o en nuestra computadora, mostrndote la teora en diapositivas. Estamos en el campo, mostrndote exactamente lo que hacemos para tomar nuestras propias fotos de paisajes.Temas clave que aprenders en este curso de fotografa de paisajes:Qu equipo necesitas para la fotografa de paisajesCmo prepararte para tu viaje fotogrficoAjustes bsicos de cmara, como la velocidad de obturacin, apertura e ISO.Cmo componer hermosas fotos de paisajesUsar un filtro polarizador para mejorar tus fotosCmo tomar una foto panormica con cualquier cmaraCmo editar fotos de paisajes para que se vean an mejorTrabajar con diferentes tipos de iluminaciones naturalesFotografiar paisajes areos con drones DJI (prximamente)Extras del curso:Hojas de ayuda descargablesLecciones detrs de escenaEdicin completa de casos de estudioTareas prcticasCuestionarios para poner a prueba tus conocimientosPor qu aprender con nosotros?Somos tres instructores que amamos la fotografa y amamos la enseanza. Somos los instructores de la Masterclass de fotografa ms vendida. Siempre tomamos los comentarios de nuestros estudiantes y los usamos para mejorar nuestros cursos. Es por eso que creamos este curso en primer lugar, porque los dems estudiantes pidieron que creramos un curso de fotografa de paisajes.Lo que dicen los estudiantes sobre nuestros cursos:Absolutamente he amado amado amado este curso. - AshontiRealmente me gusta este curso. Es el mejor curso que he tomado sobre fotografa. Me han llegado a gustar mucho Phil y Sam, y creo que si tomas el curso te pasar lo mismo :D - TJMe encant este curso! Los conceptos bsicos de la fotografa estuvieron completamente cubiertos, muchos ejemplos prcticos, los tutores fueron muy claros en sus explicaciones y respondieron muy rpidamente a todas las preguntas. - OrnellaCurso perfecto para principiantes y fotgrafos intermedios. La duracin de las lecciones es excelente, puedes avanzar a tu propio ritmo sin necesidad de sentarte durante horas durante una sola clase. - OmarSi quieres tomar excelentes fotos de paisajes, este es el curso para ti.Recuerda, tenemos una garanta de devolucin del 100% del dinero de 30 das. No hay razn para dudar. Inscrbete ahora, mira si te gusta el curso y comienza a tomar mejores fotos hoy mismo!Saludos,Phil, Will y Sam"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Yeni Balayanlar in Dijital Elektronik Kursu (YBDE101)" |
"Bu kursta gnmz teknolojisinin temel unsuru haline gelen dijital elektronik'e giri konular ilenmitir. Bilgisayarlarn, cep telefonlarnn, tabletlerin ve dier elektronik cihaz ve aletlerin nasl altn merak ediyorsanz bu kurs tam size gre. Kendi dijital saatinizi yapmak istiyorsunuz ama nereden balayacanz bilmiyorsunuz. te bu kurs size kendi dijital saatinizi ya da benzer dijital devreleri yapmanz iin gereken temel bilgileri verecek. Programlama ile mi ilgileniyorsunuz? O zaman temel dzeyde dijital elektronik bilmek yararnza olacaktr. Arduino, Raspberry Pi gibi mikrodenetleyici tabanl kartlarla ilgileniyorsanz en azndan balang seviyesinde dijital elektronik bilmeniz bir gerekliliktir. te bu kurs size temel dzeyde dijital elektronik konularn aklamak iin hazrland."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"AD DS, DNS y DHCP Completo de cero a experto!!" |
"Este curso est orientado a todos aquellos que quieran o bien aprender o ampliar su conocimiento sobre Active Directory (AD DS), DHCP y DNS aquellos que quieren prepararse para la certificacin MCSA, o simplemente necesiten adquirir el conocimiento para progresar en su carrera profesional beneficindose de este fantstico curso en el que cubrimos todos los aspectos del Directorio Activo, DNS y DHCP.Este curso ayudar tanto a los que ya estn trabajando en posiciones de IT, como a todos aquellos que quieren dar el paso a introducirse en el mundo de la informatica y la administracin de sistemas.En este curso se cubren las siguientes reas de AD DS:Terminologa bien explicada en idioma Microsoft, para prepararos para la certificacinInstalar Windows ServerDesplegar roles y caractersticasCreacin y administracin de objetos (Usuarios, grupos, equipos, contactos, unidades organizativas...)Administracin del catlogo global (GC)Administrar los roles de Maestro de AD (FSMO)Administrar los niveles funcionales de bosque y DominioHabilitar la papelera de reciclajeConfiguracin de sitiosConfiguracin de relaciones de confianzaTroubleshootingRecuperar objetos borradosAdministrar copias de seguridad del Direcotrio ActivoDNS:Instalar y configurar servidor DNSInstalar DNS en alta disponibilidadConfigurar Zonas primarias, secundarias, stub...Configurar reenviadores y reenviadores condicionalesIntegracin con AD.DHCPInstalar y configurar servidor DHCPInstalar DHCP en alta disponibilidadListas de bloqueo o permitidosCrear scopes con opcionesIntegracin con ADTodo ello repleto de prcticas! Y mucho mucho ms!!! A qu esperas!!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Automation Anywhere Foundations A-Z" |
"Ever wish the mundane daily tasks could be automated?Learn from an instructor who delivers enterprise Automation Anywhere projects and has been actively involved in engagements that has won global RPA awards.Intelligent Automation is at the forefront of disruption, also known as the ""digital workforce"". It is transforming the efficiency of every organization function from finance, tax, HR and IT. This saves hundreds of hours of peoples time to focus on more higher value tasks.What does this mean for you?There are HUGE opportunist in this space right now, RPA grew by 63.1% in 2018 to $846 million. It is currently the fasted-growing segment of the global enterprise software market. This course will enable you to get a first mover opportunity in this market, and also prepare yourself if your role is at risk!What will this course do for you?This course will give you a clear overview of the different types of roles and an overview of the robotic process life-cycle. We will develop our very own bot to automate a manual process!Further to this we also take a look at the best practices when it comes to implementing your bots in enterprise grade environments, along the way you will also encounter common issues working through to resolve them. Hint - without help this takes up a tremendous amount of time otherwise! All this is taught in a manner that is akin to hands on experience.Key learning on this course:The various roles on a intelligent automation projectProcess life-cycleHow to security manage your credentialsAll my courses include: Unlimited lifetime access to the courseUnconditional, no questions asked full 30 day money back guaranteeMy help is always available - my support is legendary on UDemy and my Youtube channel"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Easy E-Commerce With WordPress &WooCommerce" |
"eCommerce Is A Multi-BILLION Dollar Industry And It's Growing By The Minute, Start Your Own Online eStore TODAY!MOST people who try to create a WordPress site give up. Let me say it more clearly: 9 out of 10 WordPress sites never get completed!A lot of these sites were started by people who never even made their first post.Where do you stand in that equation?If you've failed to create a WordPress site of your own or you're thinking of doing so, pay close attention to the following...When you get these brand new, up-to-date, training videos, youll discover the fastest & easy way to learn and master WordPress! These shortcut strategies take you by the hand and lead you through the step-by-simple-step learning process of what ecommerce is and how to create a zero-cost system for your WordPress site. Just follow along -- and your WordPress eStore site will be running smoothly with the most popular WordPress eStore system available!.With these step-by-step video guides, simply watch over my shoulder as I show you:The rarely used method of adding products to your eStore (plus it's the easiest).How to manually AND automatically configure the settings of your eStore site Application.Some tax tips that can keep you out of trouble.How to generate product ideas and to make sure they aren't already trademarked!And how to take those product ideas and easily add them to a hat, mug, t-shirt and more.And Much More!Don't let your inexperience or lack of knowledge hold you back...The time to make your web presence known is now! And these videos are some of the best videos ever produced to get you started fast.These WordPress training videos are simple, unique, and easy to follow.Each one created with YOU in mind.These videos reveal some of the BEST shortcuts, tips and methods anyone can use to build one or numerous WordPress eStores. These Tips & Shortcuts Can Be Yours INSTANTLY!Here's what we'll be covering in the course:What exactly is eCommerce?Your Pre-Setup ChecklistWooCommerce Installation Part 1WooCommerce Installation Part 2WooCommerce Installation Part 3WooCommerce General SettingsWooCommerce Product SettingsWooCommerce Settings Regarding TaxesAdding The Last Touches To Your WooCommerce Store SetupAdding A Demo AccountInstalling Your eCommerce ThemeQuick Walkthrough of Signing Up For Your Dropshipping ServiceHow To Connect Your Store To Your Dropshipping AccountWhere & How To Get The Best Product IdeasHow To Create Your ProductsHow To Add Products To Your WooCommerce StoreDoing A Quick Test-Run To Make Sure Everything Is Running SmoothlySetting Up and Building A Profitable WordPress eStore Has Never Been Easier!Click that enrol button to get instant access and let's get started!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Modo" |
"Modo is a polygon and subdivision surface modeling, sculpting, 3D painting, animation and rendering package.Modo offers a unique and robust direct modeling tools.Modo is an artist friendly 3d Package allowing you to focus less on the technical aspects and be more creative.This course is an introduction to Modo,we are going to start supper simple by taking a look at the most beautiful user interface in the 3D packages,then we are going to learn how to create objects,manipulate them,using Action Centers and Falloffs and using Modo's robust 3D modeling tools to create 3D models,unwrap and texture it.We are going to learn the most important tools in Modo and a lot of tips and tricks to help you start using it quickly and start using other resources to improve your skills.I'll assume you are completely beginner in Modo and never opened it.Enroll now and let's get started :)"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"How to Compose Music with Orchestral Strings" |
"Your Adventure with StringsDo you love the sound of orchestral strings? From emotional solo strings playing beautiful lead melodies that are full of crystal clear big powerful motifs and themes with a full string lush and dynamic chord progressions with smooth and lyrical movement...all the way to rhythmic performances like comping, ostinatos, runs and arpeggios...In this course, you will learn how to master the use of orchestral strings in your music compositions.Learn the Foundations & GuidelinesExplore the Sounds & Playing StylesDiscover Practical Tips & SecretsGet Live Examples & DemonstrationsAnd Master the Beauty of StringsMy name is Mike, and I am a composer.Just. Like. You. =)I started making music back in 1998. And I love to educate, motivate, and inspire creative people, like yourself.If you are ready to master orchestral strings for your music compositions. Then take action, and begin your learning adventure, right now!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Accredited Professional Body Therapist Counselling Diploma" |
"Accredited Professional Body Therapist Counselling DiplomaFully Accredited Course Dealing With Body Acceptance, Emotional & Mindful Eating, Self Esteem, Meditations, Self Worth.This course is fully accredited by CTAA - Complementary Therapists Accredited Association.Our powerful Professional Diploma course on Body Therapist Counselling focuses on body image and low confidence levels which impact a great many people in ways that are far-reaching. This course is designed for those who are interested in helping others to develop their inner confidence while overcoming any negative and damaging body image issues.Becoming a professional therapist in this arena will enable clients to live a healthy, more positive life. With care and enthusiasm, it will be possible to help clients love who they are and to feel comfortable in their bodies, irrespective of weight and size. Confidence comes from within and so much of the focus of this course is on mindset and changing how the client thinks and feels, discovering the roots of the issue.Within this course, we look the potential causes of low body image and the impact it has on life. We cover nutrition and emotional eating, self-esteem, exercise and the holistic methods which when utilised can change lives for the better. The course also covers negative and positive thinking patterns that impact belief systems.This course is arranged in a series of modules and you will find self-assessment tasks at the end of each module and these should be completed as you progress through the course. By completing these tasks, they will help to boost your own sense of self enabling you to have a unique insight into the plight of others.Our easy to learn modules include:Introduction to your Fully Accredited Professional Body Therapist Counselling DiplomaYour Accredited Professional Body Therapist Counselling Diploma Training Manual PDF Body Acceptance IssuesEmotional EatingNutrition & Mindful EatingSelf EsteemAffirmations & MeditationSelf Worth & NLPFinal Summary Final AssessmentFAQAccreditationAnd Much More! This course is fully accredited by CTAA - Complementary Therapists Accredited Association."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Create Artistic Apps with Python and SVG!" |
"We at Mammoth Interactive value input from students like you. Feel free to leave us your feedback.Why use SVG?It has good support among all modern browsers, and it's an open standard.It uses smaller file sizes compared to bitmapped files.You can style shapes in CSS and interact with them in JavaScript! Thus you can programmatically alter shapes for use on web pages.Gain hands-on experience with coding real projects! Make vector graphics by coding in this awesome course for beginners. Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is an image format that uses vectors, in contrast to other image formats like jpg, gif, or pngs, which are raster graphics. SVG is made with math. For this reason, it can scale indefinitely! This makes it great for making logos, icons, and simple designs.This course was funded by a wildly successful Kickstarter.If you have always wanted to learn to code, this is your place to start. In this course, you will learn how to code in the Python 3.5 programming language. Whether you have or have not coded before, you can learn how to use Python. Python is a popular programming language that is useful to know because of its versatility. Python is easy to understand and can be used for many different environments. Cross-platform apps and 3D environments are often made in Python.You learn the basics of programming, including topics like variables, functions, and if statements. You learn about data structures such as lists, dictionaries, and sets. We cover how to use for and while loops, how to handle user input and output, file input and output. We apply our knowledge to build a fully functional tic-tac-toe game. You learn classes, methods, attributes, instancing, and class inheritance. We make an additional Blackjack game! You learn how to solve errors that can occur when you work as a programmer.Also now Included in these bundles are our Extra Courses, if you want to learn to use other programs such as Camtasia or Sketch, you get more content than what you paid for this way!We really hope you decide to purchase this course and take your knowledge to the next level!Let's get started!Enroll now to join the Mammoth community!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Blender 2.8 Bootcamp - Learn 3D, EEVEE, Collections & More" |
"This is the perfect course to kickstart your career or hobby in 3D.**Some proceeds from this course are donated to The Blender Foundation, supporting the Blender community and keeping Blender free and open-source forever**This course covers every important aspect of Blender 2.8, the most advanced version of Blender yet. Blender is a free, open source digital content creation application that allows artists to create amaing 3D models, animation, visual effects, product visualisations, motion graphics, 2D digital hand drawn animation and much, much more.This couse will help you get familiar with Blender 2.8's interfaces, from its various tool bars, editor windows, contextual menus and its modelling, lighting, texturing and rendering toolsets.Using the provided scene files you will be able to follow along and quickly get to grips with concepts like data management, collections, scenes, view layers, linking and appending.From there I'll delve into some of the newer features of Blender 2.8. You will be able to use the ability to customise your workspace, create materials and shaders in the new Look Dev mode and render your scenes in real time usign the EEVEE engine. This will make creating your own scenes and rendering out a final image much easier and quicker than any other software available.This is a constantly improving course, Projects will be added regularly and videos upload several times per month, projects include:A complete Title sequence, modelled, animated, textured, lit, rendered, compositing and edited all within Blender.Interior modelling, lighting, rendering and compositingHard Surface modelingProcedural texturing and the Node EditorCreating a stylised, historical building using texture painting, sculpting and freeform render techniques and post-production.I am always looking for suggestions from students for future projects, add ons and techniques that you want to be covered in this course. Feel free to message me anytime with your suggestions, feedback and questions."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Affiliate Marketing For beginners" |
"This course will give you an overview of the Basics and Fundamentals as well as professional aspects of Affiliate Marketing in today's standards. If you are thinking of starting a business online, you will soon learn that affiliate marketing is one of the easiest ways to get started as you have no product to create and you have no support to worry about as the vendors take care of all of that. Affiliate Marketing is something that anyone can do, as long as they follow some basic steps. Without a list, most businesses are dead in the water. So it's imperative that you learn the skill the right way the first time before you begin your quest for Email Marketing greatness.Together we will go through all of the platforms that make up the entire affiliate marketing process such as:how to find and pick the right productshow to get approved for those productshow to promote those productshow to use bonuses to entice visitors to use YOUR link instead of othershow to create your own custom bonusesand how to put all of this together in a system that you can use time and time againThis course is divided into 11 lectures so that you can start with the Basics and work your way up into the more advanced sections.I hope you enjoy the course and I'll look forward to seeing you in the class.Happy Marketing :)- Ronnie Rokk Smith USA DIGI"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"VR Painting With Google Tilt Brush" |
"Painting in Virtual Reality is an amazing 21st century artform that currently is spearheaded by Google's platform Tilt Brush. In VR you can step into your paintings, scale them to any size, view them from any perspective and utilize unique materials like lighting, fog and fire. In this course you'll learn how all the tools can be used to maximize your creativity, learn how to make amazing immersive works, start perceiving art in 3 dimensional space that you can occupy, and share the works to the greater public."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"IELTS Vocabulary Masterclass" |
"This course will help you learn advance vocabulary useful in IELTS examination, learning these will be beneficial in all four modules, that is IELTS speaking, IELTS writing, IELTS reading and IELTS listening. Having a wide range of vocabulary will enhance your chances of securing at least ONE extra band in writing, speaking and reading. The course has been designed keeping complex vocabulary in mind that is frequently used in writing and speaking section and provides you a better synonym to these commonly used words. These words are presented with Explanations, so You will also be able to understand how to use these vocabulary in your sentences while writing and speaking, furthermore learning these vocabulary will help you in understanding the text in reading section."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Essential Korean Grammar Level 1Beginner" |
"A must grammar course for beginner Korean learners!This course builds on all the key concepts covered in Korean for Absolute Beginners 1 and 2 courses. In this course we will cover...Adjectives - Learn to use Korean adjectives as verbs and learn useful adverbs we can use with adjectives.Korean verbs - Learn the important & and how we conjugate Korean verbs into past tense.Basic particles - Learn all the basic fundamental particles in KoreanComplex particles - Learn more complex particles to become more expressive in KoreanModal verbs: can & cannot - Learn all the different ways of saying 'can' and 'cannot' in Korean.Each lesson is accompanied with a vocabulary and writing worksheet, which will help you to improve your vocabulary knowledge and give you the chance to practice writing the sentences seen in the lessons."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
M&A |
"M&AExcel1. M&AM&A1EPSExcel2. Excel(1) (2) (3) 3. EPSExcel4. Excel"
Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
"Wave Accounting 2020" |
"This course will use free accounting software which is an excellent tool to practice with.This course will jump right into bank feeds and how to use them.Many accounting software courses will spend a lot of time talking about how a full-service accounting system works. We do recommend spending time learning the full accounting process, and we do have courses that do just that.However, many small businesses want to get right down to data input as fast as possible, and others already have a good understanding of the system and want to focus specifically on bank feeds.We will focus on bank feeds in this course.For example, some small businesses may be perfectly happy using a cash basis system and will, therefore, not need some of the functions used in a full accounting cycle. Businesses that use a cash basis model can structure their data input to be much more heavily dependent on the bank and bank feed data.We will discuss types of businesses that fit well into a cash basis model as we work through the practice problems. We will also discuss some problem areas many businesses have and how to set up a system that works for them.This course will work through a practice problem and will provide test data that learners can use in their system to follow along if they choose."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"i Vlog di Davide Vasta: Video, Fotografia, Tecnologia" |
"IVlog di Davide Vasta sono pillole di formazione gratuite che esplorano i campi del VideoMaking, della Fotografia, della Tecnologia e molto altro ancora. Confezionati in mini video diretti e semplici, sono contraddistinti dallo stesso approccio pratico che Davide utilizza nei suoi corsi a pagamento qui su UDEMY. Ogni mese nuovi Vlog saranno aggiunti alla collezione."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |