Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Google Cloud Certification : Associate Cloud Engineer 2020" |
"Google Associate Cloud Engineer Certification training program based on Practice Exam, Labs & Questions. Get hands-on with Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and become a Google Certified Associate Cloud Engineer (ACE)Unlike others, We offer details explanations to each and every question that will help you to understand the question.Practice Questions are taken from previous real-time tests and are prepared by Industry Experts.100% Certification Success Guarantee (Unconditional), we assure that you will be satisfied with our services and pass the exam.Do leave us a question we will happy to answer your queries during the course.Google Cloud Certified - Associate Cloud Engineer exam basically validates the ability to effectively demonstrate knowledge of how to architect and deploy secure and robust applications on Google Cloud technologiesSet up a cloud solution environmentPlan and configure a cloud solutionDeploy and implement a cloud solutionEnsure the successful operation of a cloud solutionConfigure access and securityThis course is targeted at efficiently teaching the skills required by the ACE certificationnamely deploying applications, monitoring operations, and managing enterprise solutions. It also helps students demonstrate those skills through certification. The certification requires candidates be able to use both the GCP console and the command-line to perform many common platform-based tasks, but this course does not require students to already have experience with either, going in.This course is also designed to give students the solid foundation of GCP capability that they will need to later build toward the Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect (PCA) certification--which was recently named as 2019's top-paying IT certification.This course will prepare you to:Set-up and configure Google Cloud accounts using best practices.Use GCP services like Cloud Storage, Compute Engine, and Kubernetes Engine in your everyday work.Pass the GCP Associate Cloud Engineer certification exam.No coding experience is required and code used for labs is provided."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Give Your Management Style a Makeover" |
"This course will change the way you manage people and situations! Your management style determines your effectiveness as a manager. It is also the way in which others relate to your management. It is how others perceive you as a manager. And this perception of your management style is responsible for the productivity of your team!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"SAP ABAP Debugging for all Users" |
"SAP S/4 HANA ABAP Debugging. This course should be used both by Technical and Function SAP Career aspirantDebug SAP ABAP code to identify and fix bugs by yourself !! No need to wait for a developer to help you out :-)Understand what the ABAP code does, so you understand the behaviour of a program.Understand how custom ABAP code is used in SAP developmentsFind and fix that SAP bug by yourself!! Nothing feels better than finding the problem/bug by yourself!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SAP ABAP S/4 HANA Integration" |
"SAP Integration Overview. Be able to explain why integration with cloud-based applications is so important when working with SAP and other applications such as those from PeopleSoft or Oracle, in this first topic in the SAP series. Learn about the four types of SAP integration including Rest API integration with SE37 and SEGW.Integrating using the SAP Rest API. Practice integrating using the SAP Rest API in this second topic in the SAP series. Use transaction codes SE37 and SEGW. Use the SAP Gateway Service, SAP Gateway Error Log, and SAP Gateway Client. Practice going from JSON to ABAP and vice versa.Integrating using the SAP Web Service. Integrate using the SAP Web Service in this third topic in the SAP series. Use transaction codes SE37, SE84, and SOAMANAGER.SAP Idoc Integration. Perform SAP idoc integration across SAP modules in this fourth topic in the SAP series.SAP Entity Resolution. Learn how to perform entity resolution in SAP using vendor data as an example in this fifth topic in the SAP series."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel Integration with SAP using Power Query" |
"Why do you want to take this course?For every Company or Project you work for excel is the best and easy reporting tool and everyone does their presentation KPIs in Excel only.This course will help you in reducing at least 20 clicks per report and can make your life easier.If you do not like SAP you can live in your Microsoft Excel world.Who will use the contents of this course?Anyone who uses SAP should use this.As a SAP ABAP Expert I have at least built 300 objects that exports data in an excel and sends in email or some location. It is good we do not have to do this more as we can concentrate on interesting stuff J"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Guided Meditations for Spiritual Awakening, Part 2" |
"Welcome to Guided Meditations for Spiritual Awakening, Part 2. Due to the popularity of the first course in this series, Guided Meditations for Spiritual Awakening, I've decided to create a companion course to take you deeper into mystical experiences and divine connection.However, before we begin, let me warn you, this class will not be normal. We'll be stepping outside of the meditation box to touch on topics that have enormously accelerated the spiritual growth of myself, my clients, and thousands of others. I've experienced everything in this course first-hand and can vouch for the validity. So buckle your seat belt, as we bring life into the surreal world of mysticism. This class will not be boring.In this course, I'll provide lectures, contemplations, guided meditations, and exercises designed to expand and enhance your experience of spirituality. I've also thrown in a few true stories of awakening, to add a little entertainment. If that's not enough, I'm also going to challenge you to try some new things. I highly encourage you to give them a try.Topics will include:How to recognize and AVOID DELUSION.How to set PROTECTION.How to FEEL and SENSE ENERGY.Recognizing and tapping into the reality of SPIRITUAL GUIDES, ANGELS, and ANIMAL TOTEMS.An introduction to SACRED GEOMETRY.How to connect to EARTH ENERGY and find YOUR SACRED PLACE.An introduction to the ONENESS DEEKSHA.A VERIFICATION SHEET to chart your progress.Although there are no prerequisites for this course, I highly encourage you to check out the introductory course in this series, Guided Meditations for Spiritual Awakening. That course will help establish a strong foundation, so you can open up to deeper sacred mysteries in this course.On a side note, this class is very near and dear to my heart because of all the miraculous events I've experienced, from what is laid out in this course. It's had a huge impact on my life and I'm very excited to share it with you. I hope it will do the same for you.What students are saying:I wanted to tell you that Ive taken a lot of online courses & yours are some of the best Ive come across. Lauren Carterthe meditations are next-level awesome. Courtney SeardThis course was delivered in a simple to follow fashion. I especially enjoyed the meditations and feel as though I really connected with and was able to truly feel a presence and full-body energy vibrations from each of them. This is a huge plus for me! So many courses and meditations out there that you end up not really connecting with and you leave feeling empty or dissatisfied with. This was not the case with this course. If you are in the early stages of a spiritual journey that you give this a try. You need to be connected with yourself and in the right frame of mind and this course walks you through each stage clearly and with easy to follow exercises. So worth it! Kevin DickensDrumheller asks me to go deep right off. He is gentle in his delivery, providing a safe space for me to resolve stuff I thought I had taken care of. I am looking forward to the rest of the course. Susy GoinsExcellent clarification and just amazing. Wow!! Mollie Shannon Rama"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"QC201 : Advanced Math for Quantum Computing" |
"This course covers the Math you need to begin learning about quantum algorithms and applications of quantum computing.This is primarily a Math course. It doesn't cover any quantum algorithms or applications. This course teaches you the Math you need to begin learning about quantum algorithms. Quantum algorithms will be covered in later courses.Almost everything in this course is explained with rigorous proofs. After you complete this course, quantum physics will not seem so mysterious.PREREQUISITESTo get the most from this course, you must be completely familiar with all the topics covered in the earlier prerequisite courses: QC051 , QC101 , and QC151 .MATH TECHNIQUES COVERED IN THIS COURSEOrthonormalityBasis Vectors & Change of BasisBloch SphereTensor ProductsMulti-Qubit Tensor AlgebraEntanglement in terms of Degrees of FreedomPartial MeasurementsCryptography with EntanglementDeconstruction of Hermitian and Unitary Matrices into a Sum of Outer ProductsQUANTUM APPLICATIONS COVERED IN THIS COURSESuperdense CodingQuantum TeleportationProof of No-Cloning TheoremBell's Theorem (Statement and Proof)HOW TO GET THE MOST FROM THIS COURSEThe material presented here is significantly more advanced than my previous courses on QC.To get the most from this course, you might need to rewind and repeat each lesson 2-3 times.It is a good idea to pause the lessons frequently and follow along with the Math.Give yourself breaks between lessons. After you complete a lesson, wait a day, or at least an hour before moving on to the next lesson.Enroll today and I will see you in class."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Flauta Doce para adultos iniciantes" |
"Este curso destinado a adultos iniciantes, mas tambm pode ser til para professores de Msica ou de Arte que queiram enriquecer seu repertrio de atividades. So melodias e exerccios curtos (com ou sem acompanhamento) para Flauta Doce Contralto. Um mdulo de Flauta Soprano est em construo j com algumas lies disponveis. Uma apostila em formato pdf com todas as partituras vem anexa ao curso."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Preparatrio para Certificao ANBIMA CEA" |
"CURSO CEA ATUALIZADO DE ACORDO COM O LTIMO EDITAL DA ANBIMA.O que voc vai encontrar aqui:90 vdeo-aulas.30 horas de vdeos.Centenas de questes de estudo e simulados (atualizadas constantemente).Resumos das aulas, disponveis para download.Suporte com o professor, durante todo o seu curso, via Whatsapp.Mtodo de estudo com 100% de aprovao!Este preparatrio est super atualizado com o ultimo edital da CEA da ANBIMA!Com este curso voc ter dois ganhos: TODOS OS conhecimentos necessrios para obteno da certificao ANBIMA CEA.Compreenso dos mercados financeiros no Brasil.O curso contempla assuntos em economia brasileira, finanas, mercado de aes, derivativos e instrumentos de aplicao em renda fixa, de acordo com as recomendaes da ANBIMA para o exame de certificao CEA. Tambm so apresentados os mercado de fundos de investimento e de aplicaes em previdncia privada. Apresenta-se a Mensurao e o Gerenciamento de Riscos de Carteiras e Investimentos.DIFERENCIAIS:Professor com experincia em preparatrios para certificaes ANBIMA: mais de 3000 alunos treinados presencialmente!Acesso vitalcio: voc no tem presso de tempo para passar na CEA.Aulas em HD: muito melhor quando voc tem uma imagem de alta qualidade no seu dispositivo!Resumos das aulas, materiais extras e estudos de caso disponveis durante todo o curso!Suporte on-line durante todo o curso!Veja nas avaliaes as recomendaes de quem j fez o curso!"
Price: 564.99 ![]() |
"LISP for SD-Access Cisco Network Services Orchestrator" |
"Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) is routing architecture that provides new semantics for IP addressing. The current IP routing and addressing architecture uses a single numbering space, the IP address, to express two pieces of information:Device identityThe way the device attaches to the networkThe LISP routing architecture design separates the device identity, or endpoint identifier (EID), from its location, or routing locator (RLOC), into two different numbering spaces. Splitting EID and RLOC functions yields several advantages.Simplify Routing OperationsLISP enables enterprises and service providers to:Simplify multi-homed routingFacilitate scalable any-to-any WAN connectivitySupport data center virtual machine mobilityIn this course you will learn and understand LISP technology , configuration & verification .++++++Cisco Network Services Orchestrator (NSO), enabled by Tail-f, simplifies the process of provisioning services in both physical and virtual networks. It decouples network services from specific components, while automatically configuring the network according to service specifications. With NSO, adding new services and devices is faster and easier, and it no longer requires custom code. NSO helps reduce the time it takes to design and deploy new services and enables real-time service provisioning. Using NSO, you can: Bring services to market faster Improve your service agility Advance new revenue opportunities Enhance operational efficiency Introduction of NSO NSO Installation & Configuration Perform a local installation of NSO NSO Configuration Modify the parameters in the NSO configuration file and reload the changes . Install & load the Cisco-IOS NED Create and start simulated network Add devices to NSO Configure and check Syslog NetSim Example "
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Drawing Foundations: How to Draw for Beginners" |
"In this course you will learn how to draw : by learning the 3 most important skills that you can use to draw anything. From there, you will have a foundation on which to build a lifetime of drawing. If you've never drawn anything before, or if you'd love to get better at drawing, then this course teaches you how to confidently and consistently draw anything.You will learn how to draw : learn pencil drawing : learn still life : learn figure drawing This course focuses on a set of 10 drawing exercises. These are divided into 3 sections. The first section is all about seeing shapes - I teach you how to tune into whats called a drawing mode, and see complex things in terms of their shape, instead of the way you would normally see them.The second section is about seeing relationships of size between shapes. Youll learn about rules of perspective and I teach you how to use the artists' method of sighting in your drawing.The last section teaches you about form. For me, form means the whole thing, and the exercises in this section are aimed and giving you an understanding of how to bring your drawing from being flat 2 d rendering to a fully finished drawing of substance.My approach to teaching drawing doesn't focus on showing you how to draw one thing really well; you won't learn how to draw a specific thing like a nose, or eyes, for example. In fact, my main goal isn't really to teach to draw. Instead I teach you how to observe. ""Drawing is Seeing"" - Edgar Degas. This is the most important insight to have when it comes to learning how to draw. In order to draw anything, you need to be able to observe correctly. Only then will shapes, edges, size, shading, weight, space all make sense within your understanding of drawing, and what drawing is. With this knowledge you can build your own drawing skill yourself. And that way, you have the chance to really bring something unique and valuable into the world: your very own vision and expression through drawing. Im a figure drawing instructor, artist and animation professional with close to 20 years experience making drawings as a professional, and in my personal drawing practice. Drawing is my passion - its something I think about every day and its something Ive been thinking about how to teach other people. This course distills everything I know about how to lay a solid foundation for drawing. I believe that being able to draw in a way that is natural to you and in a way that will prove consistent t no matter what it is that you draw, has the power to completely change things in your life for a very simple and often overlooked reason: the right way to learn how to draw allows you to express yourself. That can't be undervalued.If you can draw, then wherever you are no matter what, once you have something to draw with, and something to draw on, then you can be an artist. That is all it takes. You dont need anything else. But even if you dont necessarily want to be an artist, learning to draw is a deeply creative endeavour that helps you to see the world differently and naturally feeds into all aspects of your other work.#howtodraw #howtodrawforbeginners #drawfigures"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
mercari0 |
Price: 9600.00 ![]() |
"Careers in US Capital Market and PE & VC" |
"This course helps those seeking to enter the field of Finance, especially US Capital Market and Private Equity & Venture Capital to gain a high level understanding of the field. This includes: What is the industry like? What kind of projects/work do professionals do? How has the industry evolved? What are some of the most common interview questions? What is the career path for me in this industry, etc."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pizza - Corso di Lingua - Italiano" |
"Impara tante nuove cose sulla pizza e metti alla prova il tuo Italiano.Stupisci te stesso e i tuoi ospiti preparando una vera e deliziosa pizza fatta in casa!Storia, come preparare una fantastica pizza direttamente nel forno di casa tua, quiz, tante curiosit e domande: tutto questo ti far diventare un esperto del cibo italiano pi apprezzato ed amato al mondo!Un corso creato da Sarah, mia collaboratrice ed insegnante certificata DITALS dItaliano L2/LS."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Training & Certification AZ-900" |
"This course will provide foundational-level knowledge of cloud services and how those services are provided with Microsoft Azure. The course can be taken as an optional first step in learning about cloud services and Microsoft Azure, before taking further Microsoft Azure or Microsoft cloud services courses.The course will cover general cloud computing concepts, as well as general cloud computing models and services, such as Public, Private and Hybrid cloud, and Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service(PaaS), and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).It will also cover some core Azure services and solutions, as well as key Azure pillar services concerning security, privacy, compliance, and trust. It will finally cover pricing and support services available with Azure.The AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam is designed for candidates looking to demonstrate foundational knowledge of cloud services and how those services are implemented with Microsoft Azure. The exam is intended for those of you who dont have a technical background but have an interest in the cloud, such as those involved in selling or purchasing cloud-based solutions and services; those you with a technical background who have a need to validate your foundational level knowledge around cloud services; and those of you who are simply interested in exploring the world of cloud-based solutions to determine if its the building block you need to change your career.The AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam can be taken as an optional first step in learning about cloud services and how those concepts are exemplified by Microsoft Azure. It can be taken as a precursor to Microsofts Azure or Data and AI certifications. It will validate that you have the foundational knowledge you need as your start on your learning journey to become an Azure Administrator, Developer, Architect, or DevOps Engineer, and it can be used as a starting point for those of you interested in Data and AI job roles.Change Log:-AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Exam Prep Created and Published on Feb 2020"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
": Python" |
"ASHRAE Kaggle . 2 . : . , - , . : (ETL): , , pandas. : EDA. sklearn . . RMSLE . : . . . . , . Kaggle."
Price: 9799.00 ![]() |
"De Idea a Realidad - Emprendedor Espresso" |
"El primer Shot de Emprendedor Espresso est diseado para que aprendamos a definir nuestras ideas, entender el problema que realmente queremos solucionar, construir un propsito que sea el centro de nuestro emprendimiento, un Prototipo que podamos validar con nuestros compradores ideales y hasta llegar a un Producto Mnimo Viable que podamos salir a vender. El Shot 01 hace parte del Programa Emprendedor Espresso que consta de cuatro cursos que puedes tomar de manera individual o en el orden que estn estructurados. Este programa est diseado bajo los principios de aprender haciendo, desarrollar a partir de la identificacin de problemas reales, validar las ideas con compradores a travs de prototipos y buscar las ventas con rapidez, para asegurar la transformacin del individuo en emprendedor."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Infografis dengan PowerPoint" |
"Infografis berasal dari dua kata yaitu Informasi dan Grafis. Artinya infografis adalah sebuah visualisasi data yang dikemas dengan berbagai atribut tambahan sehingga menjadi data tersebut mudah untuk dibaca serta dipahamiDi era informasi sekarang ini, kebutuhan konsumsi data sangat besar. Dan kita pun sebagai data owner harus mempu membuat sebuah visualisasi yang menarik.PowerPoint adalah salah satu aplikasi one stop solution yang bisa digunakan untuk berbagai kebutuhan desain, salah satunya adalah desain infografisCourse ini akan membantu Anda untuk mempelajari infografis, serta bagaimana membuat beberapa aset grafis pendukungnya dengan menggunakan aplikasi Microsoft PowerPoint"
Price: 420000.00 ![]() |
"PHP 7 y MYSQL - Desarrollo Web php y Bases de Datos Mysql" |
"Con este curso de ms de 15 horas aprenderas a desarrollar pginas web con PHP y MYSQL sin necesidad de tener ningn conocimiento previo, solo necesitas saber un poco de HTML y CSS.Si ests buscando iniciarte en el mundo del diseo web con PHP 7 y MYSQL, este curso es para ti.Al inscribirte en este curso podrs acceder a un grupo de estudiantes en el que podrs preguntar todas tus dudas y as nos ayudaremos entre todos para resolver cualquier problema.Ya suman ms de 150 estudiantes satisfechos con el curso!Aprenders a crear formularios de contacto. Crears un login y registro de usuarios. Realizars un sistema de comentarios. Agregar datos a la base de datos. Modificar datos de la base de datos. Eliminar datos de la base de datos. Mostrar datos de la base de datos. Aprenders a hacer una calculadora con PHP Hars consultas MYSQL avanzadas Aprenders a proteger tus formularios Y podrs aprender muchas cosas ms, todo desde un nivel principiante, por que todos comenzamos desde ah. Tienes alguna de las siguientes preguntas? Quieres convertirte en desarrollador web con PHP y MYSQL pero no sabes por dnde empezar?Con este Curso de Diseo Web te convertirs de principiante a experto en el desarrollo de pginas web con PHP y MYSQL.Para qu me sirve este curso?Con este curso podrs comenzar en el mundo del desarrollo web con PHP y MYSQL, aprenders a crear pginas web dinmicas, esto me refiero que los usuarios podrn interactuar con el sistema.Para quin est dirigido este curso?-Cualquier persona interesada en aprender diseo web.-Programadores principiantes.-Ingenieros interesados en desarrollo.-Informticos interesados en diseo web.**** Te invito a leer las reseas de muchos alumnos satisfechos con nuestros cursos: ****------------------------------------------Leannie Faride Muoz OrtizltimaExcelente, me ha ayudado a crear mi e-commerce de forma sencilla, explica muy bien , espero otro curso pronto-------------------------------------------Fabianrpido, conciso, fcil, bien explicado y con problemas en vivo resueltos en segundos.-------------------------------------------FranbajoMuy interesante y funcional... Sin rodeos... Me gusta mucho como est llevado a cabo el curso.-------------------------------------------As como ellos, me gustara que comiences a aprender el da de hoy, y que adquieras los conocimientos para convertirte en un profesional del desarrollo web con PHP y MYSQL.Te espero en el curso, que tengas buen da."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Construct 2: Crie o jogo ""Survivor""" |
"Aprenda a criar a jogo ""Survivor"" um curso de criao de jogos que tem por objetivo mostrar as noes bsicas ao construir um jogo utilizando a engine Construct 2.Nesse curso online sero abordados alguns dos principais tpicos dessa engine prtica utilizando um jogo simples de tiro em primeira pessoa que pode ser controlado por mouse e teclado.Durante o curso, todos os recursos grficos e sonoros necessrios sero disponibilizados para que o aluno tenha um grande aproveitamento das aulas, e tambm sero disponibilizados links para sites que contm recursos importantes no s para este curso como tambm para projetos futuros que o aluno deseje criar.Desejo muito sucesso para todos que tenham interesse pelo curso, e que aproveitem e aprendam bastante no decorrer das aulas!"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Cellular Networks From GSM to 5G : Go from zero to hero MCQ" |
"Nowadays, all mobile vendors are working in introducing 5G products and the majority of mobile operators planning to upgrade their network to the 5G. That's why Mobile Networks from 1G to 5G is hot topic right now. you should be aware of the first generations starting from 1G to 5G Passing by GSM , UMTS , LTE .After completing successfully this practice test and understanding all its questions with its answers and detailed explanations, you will highly increase your chances to pass all Mobile Networks Generations Certificates and ofcourse including 5G certificates and succeed 5G job interviews.This practice test contains 5 parts:- Pre - GSM and 2G , GPRS & EDGE Networks - 3G Networks UMTS, HSPA- 4G Networks LTE-5G Core Networks , New Radio , Standards, Use cases and Requirements- IMS , VOLTE , WLANS , PANS , Satellites & Femtocell Networks"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Vol.2Fusion360CAD |
"Vol.1Fusion 360Fusion 360GUI20197GUI"
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
"Geometrik Boyutlandrma ve Toleranslandrma Eitimi" |
"Bu eitimimizde endstriyel tasarm, imalat ve kalite kontrol gibi almalarda youn olarak karlatmz, lsel toleranslandrmaya ek olarak retilecek paralarn ilevselliini garanti altna almak amacyla ortaya kan geometrik boyutlandrma ve toleranslandrma konusunu iliyoruz.Geometrik Boyutlandrma ve Toleranslandrma, mhendislik izimlerinde ska kullanlan ve bir rnn sahip olmas istenilen zellikleri aklamaya yarayan ve bir dizi kavram, sembol ve tanmlardan oluan bir teknik ifade lisann aklayan standartlar dizisidir.Bu eitimin amac;Katlmclara teknik resimlerde ve tasarmlarda karmza ska kan geometrik boyutlandrma ve toleranslandrma sembollerinin kullanmlarn, eitlerini ve ifade ettikleri anlamlarn neler olduunu en geni kapsamda katlmclara aktarmaktr.Eitimin erii ; Teknik resim ve teknik resimlerde iz dm sistemleri Teknik Resim nedir? Bir Teknik Resim Hangi zelliklere Sahip Olmal Tasarm, malat ve Kalite in Teknik Resmin nemi Teknik Resim z dm Sistemleri Temel olarak teknik resim bilgisinin hatrlatlmas lme ve lme ile kontrol lemi Tolerans ve hassasiyet nedir? Toleransn Maliyet le likisi Boyutlandrma ve Toleranslandrma Esaslar, Matematik Esaslar, koordinat Sistemleri Geometrik toleranslarn tarihesi ve ortaya k Geometrik Toleranslandrma ve Boyutlandrma Standartlar (ISO & ASME) Neden GD&T ye ihtiya duyuyoruz? Genel toleranslandrmadan Geometrik toleranslandrmaya gei Geometrik toleranslandrmann salad avantajlar Geleneksel toleranslandrma trleri Toleranslandrma kavramnn trleri Geometrik tolerans kavramna giri Geometrik toleranslandrma genel olarak trleri ve sembolleri Byklk Snrlar (MMC & LMC & RFS) Datum Sistemleri, trleri ve referans unsurlar Datum Kullanm rnekleri ve genel kurallar Temel tolerans erevesi ve kullanm ekil Toleranslarna giri ve zellikleri Dzlemsellik Dorusallk Dairesellik Silindiriklik Ynelim Toleranslarna giri ve zellikleri Paralellik Diklik Asallk Konum Toleranslarna giri ve zellikleri Konum Toleranslarna Giri Malzeme Koullar (MMC, LMC) Eeksenlilik, SimetriSalg Toleranslarna giri ve zellikleri Dairesel Salg Toplam salg Aln salgProfil Toleranslarna giri ve zellikleri izgisel profil Yzey profili Birbiri yerine kullanlabilen veya dierini kapsayan geometrik toleranslar Byklk Snrlarnn (MMC & LMC & RFS) kullanm amalar MMC ve LMC durumunda toplam toleransn hesaplanmas MMC & LMC durumunun RFS durumuna gre fark MMC ve LMC durumu ile tasarmcnn retimciye verdii mesaj Bonus tolerans kavram Konum toleranslarnn hesaplanmas Datum Sistemleri, grnen ve grnmeyen datumlar Referans trleri Datum Kullanm rnekleri ve para zerinde datum seimleri Datumlarn ifade ekilleri Tolerans erevesi ierisinde kullanlan dier GD&T sembolleri (ASME, S,P,F,U) Birleik (Kompozit) toleranslarn Trleri Birleik toleranslarn kullanmnda ifade farklar ve anlamlar Konuyla ilgili standartlarn incelenmesi ASME Y 14.5 2009 ve ISO standartlar arasndaki yaklam farklar ISO & ASME standartlar arasndaki yorum farklar Geometrik toelranslarn lm ve kontrol (CCM,Optik Tarama , Manual lm) Dorusallk kontrol Dzlemsellik kontrol Dairesellik kontrol Silindiriklik kontrol Paralellik kontrol Diklik kontrol Asallk Kontrol Profil kontrol Pozisyon kontrol E merkezlilik kontrol Simetriklik kontrol Salg kontrol"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"ANSYS Fluent - CFD Analiz Mhendisi Yetitirme Eitimi" |
" Ansys Fluent ile CFD analizleri eitimine hogeldiniz. Sizler iin kapsaml bir CFD eitimi hazrladk. Bu eitimde sfrdan balyoruz ve sizi ileri seviye bir CFD analiz mhendisi olarak yetitirmeyi hedefliyoruz. CFD nedir konusuyla balayarak, Workbenh mechanical arayz, Fluent arayz, CFD analizlerinin tm aamalar, mesh oluturma tekniklerinin detaylar ve kalite deerlendirme kriterleri, trblans modelleri ve daha birok CFD analizleri ierisinde yeri ok nemli olan konular sizlere hem konu anlatmlar hemde rnek uygulamalaryla aktaryoruz. Engineering Academy olarak unu belirtmek isteriz, akademimizdeki herhangi bir eitime katldnzda artk mhendislik hayatnzda ilgili konuda destek alabilecek bir srecin paras olmu olacaksnz. Amacmz sizlere mesleki geliiminizde herzaman deer katarak destek olmak eklindedir. Bize hertrl mhendislik konusunda yazabilir, gr, neri ve sorularnz herzaman iletebilirsiniz. Sizleride bu akademinin bir paras olmaya davet ediyoruz.Bu eitimde kazanacanz yetkinlikleri zet olarak u ekilde sralayabiliriz.Sonlu Elemanlar Ynteminin ne olduunu, nasl gelitiini ve hangi alanlarda kullanld gibi en temel ksmdan eitime balayacaz ve bu konuya sfrdan bile balyor olsanz eitimin banda iyi bir temel atm olacaksnz.SpaceClaim programn size bu programda sfrdan tasarm yapabilecek seviyede ve analiz modellerinizde rahatlkla n hazrlklarnz yapabilecek seviyede retiyor olacaz.Workbench Mechanical ve Fluent programlarnn kullanmn ve bu programlarda yaplan tm ilemleri srasyla reneceksiniz.Trblans modelleri, snr koullar tanmlama, analiz admlarnn tek tek uygulamalar zerinden anlatlmas ile sizlerde Fluent program ierisinde ak analizlerinizi yapabiliyor olacaksnz. Eitimin sizler iin keyifli ve verimli olmasn dileriz. Tm soru, gr ve nerilerinizi bize bildirebilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Google Adwords Advertising Fundamentals Practice Test" |
"Are you ready to pass the Google Adwords Advertising Fundamentals Certification Practice TestUse this course to gauge your readiness level for the actual exam. These practice tests will help you know if you are ready to take the exam, or identify if you need to spend more time on any of the exam topics.These tests cover material from each of the exam topics. With time limits on each test, you will learn time management for the real exam."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Google Adwords Reporting & Analysis Practice Test" |
"Are you ready to pass the Google Adwords Reporting & Analysis Certification Practice TestUse this course to gauge your readiness level for the actual exam. These practice tests will help you know if you are ready to take the exam, or identify if you need to spend more time on any of the exam topics.These tests cover material from each of the exam topics. With time limits on each test, you will learn time management for the real exam."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Training YOLO v3 for Objects Detection with Custom Data" |
"In this hands-on course, you'll train your own Object Detector using YOLO v3 algorithm.As for beginning, youll implement already trained YOLO v3 on COCO dataset. Youll detect objects on image, video and in real time by OpenCV deep learning library. Those code templates you can integrate later in your own future projects and use them for your own trained models.After that, youll label own dataset as well as create custom one by extracting needed images from huge existing dataset.Next, youll convert Traffic Signs dataset into YOLO format. Code templates for converting you can modify and apply for other datasets in your future work.When datasets are ready, youll train and test YOLO v3 Detectors in Darknet framework.As for Bonus part, youll build graphical user interface for Object Detection by YOLO and by the help of PyQt. This project you can represent as your results to your supervisor or to make a presentation in front of classmates or even mention it in your resume.Content Organization. Each Section of the course contains:VideosCode PracticesCode TemplatesActivitiesQuizzesDownloadable InstructionsDiscussion Opportunities"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
Photoshop |
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
Photoshop |
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"Scrum Master Complete - Basics to Advanced for 2020" |
"This course leads the student on a journey starting with the Scrum basics and leading to more advanced Scrum thinking and practices.Part 1 focuses on complete beginners and is comprehensive in covering all areas of Scrum basics, starting with the history of Scrum, moving onto definitions, theory and values, before a deep dive into the the 3 Scrum roles, the 5 Scrum events and the 3 Scrum Artifacts.This section will also help you in your journey to Agile Scrum certification and I have cross referenced this course with a number of the popular Scrum master certifications like the PSM1 and the CSM to make sure it covers all the areas needed.Part 2 focuses on more advanced topics. It focuses beyond the Scrum guide and into topics that are referenced in the Scrum guide but not elaborated on. User stories, value, prioritization, release management and estimation are each discussedIt not only dives into the theory but also gives specific focus to some of the more widely used techniques / practices in Scrum today, giving the student a more practical grounding, moving away from the question of what is Scum? onto the question of how do we use Scrum?We also designed two practices tests which not only help you in your revision but the format and difficulty give you a preview into the types of questions that you will need to answer in your Scrum Master certificationAnd beyond this, we have added a section focusing on the background to Scrum. Focusing on agile project management with topics like Agile, Lean and Waterfall, to help you with context on Scrum and how it evolved.And finally, we are continually adding more clips and webinars covering practical topics like what to do on Day one of a new Scrum team? and many more. This section is regularly added to!So, if this is what you need, I hope you enjoy it!Dave"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"5 Day Movement & Mindfulness for Stress & Anxiety Relief" |
"Handle stress and anxiety like a boss. Build focus and attention to take back control of your mind, body, and life.Think about the last time you felt super stressed out or anxious. (Or is that feeling just your everyday?)Somehow that guy Steve who you work with makes it seem so easy to stay calm, even while best laid plans fall apart or the whole project is on fire. Steve pfft. Not missing a beat as he talks about the best way forward, while your heart rate goes up and your blood pressure escalates.Maybe just thinking about your last (or current) stressful situation gets your thoughts racing and your breath stuck in your chest. Maybe you lose focus while your mind rehashes everything that has gone wrong leading up to this point. Maybe you worry about the impact this is going to have in the future.When youre stressed or anxious, your body responds and its amazing. Well, its amazing for short bursts, anyway, when you need to run away from the lion in the jungle. For the marathon that is most of our daily lives today, its sometimes a bit off the mark.Especially when that stress becomes chronic, youve got a problem. And its no wonder - youre sitting all day, multi-tasking every minute. When was the last time you took a breath?This is where mindfulness and a bit of daily movement can help.There are many claims that meditation can cure just about everything. It cant. Or, at least, we dont have good evidence for many of these claims. What we do know is that mindfulness can help with stress and anxiety and it can help to improve attention and focus.Even so, you might think that it's not for you if, like me, you can't sit still or your brain never shuts up. There are many traditions of meditation. It took me a while to figure out what works for me. Id sit there thinking am I doing this right? while my mind refused to cooperate, quiet down, or go blank. In my own practice and as a yoga teacher, I've found a few ideas that have worked for me to combat my restless tendencies and to make mindfulness still work for me. A key part is incorporating gentle movement and breathing exercises to start with, to help settle into meditation.You might think of monks meditating on cushions when you hear the word mindfulness. Or, if instagram is your guide, maybe you picture a thin white girl in a pretzel position with her legs, sitting on a rock next to a boiling sea. This is not your gurus approach to mindfulness and its not insta-envy contortionist yoga, either. This is a no-BS guide to what actually works and what you're actually likely to stick to and see benefit from.This course is about the practical tools that you can add to your toolbox to help you to better manage stress or anxiety. Its just twenty minutes a day to set aside. If you have time to ruminate, stress, and worry, you have time to do something that can help alleviate these things!This is movement and mindfulness for busy brains. The kind that have a million tracks going at once.Find out:What the real goal of mindfulness is (its not to go blank!)What is going on in your body and mind when youre under stress or anxiety because when you understand it, you can use itHow to build a consistent practice you can actually stick toHow much meditation you need to do to feel the benefitsPractical movement and meditation sessions you can use to build a daily habit that will bring calm and focus to your busy mind, to settle and relax, both during meditation and in your day-to-day life to be more aware and present and less stressed.Every day for five days, you'll:Discover a key principle or idea that will help you make sense of what mindfulness is all aboutGet moving through a guided gentle movement session (most of which can be done seated in a chair)Meditate with a guided meditation beginning with calming breathing exercisesAfter the five days, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and tools you need to continue your own practice. And it is an ongoing practice if you really want to see the benefits. It's a bit like going to the gym for your physical health--when you actually drag yourself to the gym, you feel so much better. When you keep up the maintenance of mindfulness regularly, your mind feels so much better.Follow along and you can be more like Steve. I mean, not exactly like him because pfft, Steve, am I right? But, you can tap into that calm in stressful situations. You can lower your baseline of day to day anxiety. You can be less reactive. You can be more focused in your attention.You dont need any special equipment or level of prior fitness for this course--just a quiet place where you can be comfortable and uninterrupted.Are you ready?"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |