Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Church Leadership 101 -Bob Whitesel PhD -" |
"In his energetic and insightful style, award-winning church leadership expert and author, Bob Whitesel D.Min., Ph.D., shows that good leadership begins by knowing the style of leadership you most enjoy. Dr. Whitesel introduces the student to the three natural or 3 STRand leadership styles: strategic, tactical & relational leadership. The student will discover their preferred style (and sub-styles) through an included questionnaire. Finally, the student will learn how to better lead others by surrounding themselves with leaders who have complementary styles."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Einfhrung fr Anwender - IBM Cognos Analytics 11.0.13" |
"Der Kurs IBM Cognos Analytics Einfhrung fr Anwender enthlt 7 Abschnitte. Zum erfolgreichen Abschluss werden Fragen gestellt. Der Abschluss aller Lektionen kann mit einem Zertifikat durch den Trainer besttigt werden.SEMINARBESCHREIBUNGDieser Kurs ist der Grundlagenkurs fr alle Anwender von IBM Cognos Analytics. Nach einer Einfhrung in die Oberflche werden die wichtigsten Punkte zu Benutzereinstellungen besprochen.Die Teilnehmer erarbeiten sich dann die Mglichkeiten zum (zeitgesteuerten) Aufrufen, Exportieren und Verwalten von Cognos Inhalten.Auch die Anpassung von interaktiven Standardreports ist Bestandteil dieses Kurses. Hier ergnzen die Teilnehmer in einer Kreuztabelle Berechnungen und Auswertungen und wechseln zu Diagrammdarstellungen.ZEITAUFWAND FR DIESEN KURS8 Stunden"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Existir una solucin al 95% de mis problemas?Hola, aqu Alejandro y Rena7o, gracias por tu inters en este maravilloso curso. La consciencia es la herramienta ms poderosa para la resolucin de problemas y tal como nuestro mentor Anthony Robbins nos dice: ""El xito es 80% psicologa y 20% mecnica"". El detalle, cmo puedo conseguir, alinear y potenciar esa psicologa que representa el 80% de mi avance. La mayora de las personas nos hemos sentido poco motivados, tristes o incluso completamente paralizado por la falta de claridad o duda acerca de la direccin hacia la que nos dirigimos. Por ms de 7 aos esta pregunta ha dado vueltas en nuestra cabeza y despus de leer cientos de libros, escuchado miles de horas de contenido transformacional, asistido a decenas de cursos y capacitaciones de los expertos en estos temas (casi todo en otros idiomas) llegamos a la conclusin de que no estbamos solos en este camino y de que la informacin adquirida deba conocerla todo el mundo. Te seremos sinceros, la principal dificultad que se nos present al adquirir toda esta informacin, no fue la barrera del lenguaje o el costo monetario que esto requera, sabamos que la mejor inversin somos nosotros y que si queramos resultados diferentes, tenamos que comenzar a realizar acciones diferentes, para que las cosas cambiaran, nosotros tenamos que hacer un cambio. La realidad fue, que la principal dificultad era el tiempo, cmo obtener la mayor cantidad de informacin de valor, informacin prctica, en el menor tiempo posible. Es as como decidimos crear un recorrido que consta de 8 sencillos y poderosos pasos que te ayudarn a construir tu propio elevador al xito. Se dice que para obtener el xito no existen atajos, que hay que tomar las escaleras. Decidimos poner en tela de juicio esta afirmacin y construir un elevador, estamos de acuerdo, no existen atajos, sin embargo existen herramientas muy poderosas que pueden ser entregadas a cualquier persona sin importar su pasado o el lugar en el que se encuentren y apoyarla a construir su propio elevador, esa es la razn de existir de ""CONSCIOUSNESS - Redescubriendo tu camino"". Lo cierto es que demasiadas personas siguen buscando externamente como llenar un espacio que se encuentra en nuestro interior y que por esa misma razn, solo nosotros podemos encontrar esas respuestas, ese complemento necesario para disfrutar la vida al mximo y en nuestros propios trminos. Es momento de darte un voto de confianza, es momento de responder las preguntas correctas y de comenzar a dar los pasos correctos en la direccin correcta, sin duda, con consciencia plena. Es momento de dar pasos de gigantes, pasos que nos empoderen a dar los siguientes pasos, a seguir avanzando juntos por ese sendero infinito, ese sendero que se encuentra dentro de ti. Gracias a este programa nuestra vida y la de miles de personas ha cambiado, permtenos conocerte y apoyarte. Esta es nuestra misin, estamos aqu para ti. Crezcamos juntos e impactemos la vida de millones, con consciencia. Nos vemos dentro."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"English Literature: Postcolonialism" |
"This is an ever-growing course and I will keep on adding materials to it regularly!This course will introduce you to the field of postcolonial literature and theory, which deals with the literary texts and art produced by the people of former European colonies. Included also in the course is a thorough explanation of the works of major theorists of postcolonialism, a brief history of postcolonial responses to the European colonization, and a discussion of the major debates within the field of postcolonial studies.This course will be exceptionally useful to you if you are taking a course (undergraduate or graduate) on postcolonialism.What you will LearnA clear discussion of postcolonialism as a concept and as a field of study.Introduction to the works of some major postcolonial authors.Introduction to the works of some major postcolonial theorists.Application of these ideas and this knowledge to the real-life situations.Relevance to Today's WorldNo matter what your field of study or your profession, in this increasingly globalized world, one needs finely-honed habits and skills of cross-cultural understanding. This course will enable you to develop these cross cultural critical skills."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"HubSpot Workflows-How to Create & Manage HubSpot Workflows" |
"This HubSpot Workflows course teaches you how to create, edit, and optimize workflows to help automate your marketing and sales processes in HubSpot. Nancy Lambert is the Co-Founder of Xcellimark, Co-Leader of the Orlando HubSpot User Group (HUG), a HubSpot Certified Trainer, and the instructor for this course. Many people are not maximizing their full potential with the HubSpot platform and we find that many people don't fully understand how to create and utilize workflows, So the purpose of this training is to help you learn how to create lead nurturing workflows and how to analyze your results in order to optimize your efforts."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Independent Guitar Course" |
"In this Course you'll find out what to play and where to play on your Guitar,From Modes and Scales to Target Notes and at the same time creatin your own licks , runs and chops so you can shred the notes out of the fretboard.I'll Give you a few tips on how to improve your speed and make each lick your own.Every Lick has a Pdf file so you can learn it note by note"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Dropshipping Master Kurs" |
"In diesem Kurs wirst du lernen, wie du als kompletter Anfnger einen Online Shop in nur 2 Tagen erstellst, Produkte verkaufst mit denen du keinen physischen Kontakt hast und sofort tglich Kunden ber Facebook und Instagram gewinnst.Alles wird dir Schritt fr Schritt beigebracht, sodass du deinen Shop selbststndig erstellen kannst und mit ein paar Klicks professionell aussehen lsst."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"S tu propio jefe" |
"Soy Leonardo Prez marketer y tengo 5 aos ejerciendo como freelance y he decido crear este curso ya que es poca la informacin que se puede encontrar en lnea y que al incursionar como trabajador independiente es muy necesaria, por ello quiero que no cometan mis mismos errores y puedan desarrollar este nuevo estilo de vida que los permita ser ms felices, con ms tiempo libre y el poder de generar mayores ingresos."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Work From Home : Earn Passive Income By Free online Jobs" |
"Great WORK FROM HOME Jobs for students, home-moms, retire employees and moreover for the regular employees with great passion to work from home by spending their quality of time with family.Heartly welcome to the course of ""Earn passive income through free make money online jobs"". In this program we will cover top 10 best online courses.At the end of each topic, you will get 6 to 9 job providing companies.All the job providing companies are completely free to register and start to work, you no need to spend a single penny.By these Work From Jobs you can easily earn your full-time or part-time income with minimum effortsConsider this income as salary because the work is long-term and the salary is steady.You can work as full-time/part-time basis depend upon your comfort.Work Flexibility: You can take no of tea breaks, you can spend time with your family and loved ones and moreover you can work from any location that you like.Say goodbye to 9-7 lifestyle of office work, Say bye-bye to traffic and pollution.Finally work comfortably, live happily with your family by fulfilling all your dreams and passions. "
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn Application of Calculus and Coordinate Geometry" |
"For higher secondary students, major challenge comes in physics when calculus and coordinate geometry is being applied. This course makes it easier for students to understand differentiation, integration, area under curve, maxima-minima, straight line, circle, ellipse, parabola and other relevant topics of calculus and coordinate geometry used in physics. Derivation, examples and application in physics under various topics are being explained lucidly and deeply."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"MBSR-Kurs: Achtsamkeit, Selbstregulation und Stressresilienz" |
"Hi!Unsere Zeit ist geprgt durch Beschleunigung, Termindruck und zunehmende Belastungen in Berufs- und Privatleben. Wenn Du lernen mchtest, gelassener mit diesen Herausforderungen umzugehen und dabei innere Strke und Resilienz aufzubauen, ist dieser Kurs das Richtige fr Dich.In diesem am MBSR-Kursformat von Jon Kabat-Zinn orientierten Lehrgang wirst Du die Praxis der Achtsamkeit in all ihrer Vielfltigkeit in vielen bungen und Lektionen kennenlernen. Im Lauf von 6 Wochen lernst Du alle grundlegenden Techniken der Achtsamkeit kennen:Den Atem als Anker nutzenBodyscanRegulation von starken Emotionen"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Russian Ballet Online. Learn At Home. Part 1" |
"This is 1st part of the Russian Ballet Online. Search for next parts on Udemy.This course is for those who love ballet and want to practice more at home or while travel.You can use this course as an additional or as a main training.You can do the classes any time that suits you best. Dont need to travel to a studio, struggle to find a parking space or pay a bus fare.All you need is your computer/tablet/phone and a chair or something you can use as a barre.The course is suggested to be learned during 6 months with 8 classes a month.This course includes:Free overview video where you can see the style of the classes.4, 1h10mins approx each.Certificate of CompletionTotal support from the teacher. You can ask any questions any time you want to about anything related to this course or ballet in general and make sure youll receive detailed answerIn additional to questions you can also record the class or some exercises while you do it and send to me and Ill give you detailed feedback with corrections and suggestions how to improve.Each class includes:Warm up on the floor to wake up the muscleBarre workCenter work or JumpsDetailed explanation of combinationMost common mistake and the way to improve themWithin this course you will learn exercises from simple to more complex steps. You will build up the technique as you go. Make sure you practice as often as possible to keep your muscle strong."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"ECCouncil CHFI 312-49 Hacking Forensic Investigator Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) When carrying out a forensics investigation, why should you never delete a partition on a dynamic disk?a) All virtual mempry will be deletedb) The wrong partition may be set to activec) This action can corrupt the diskd) The computer will be set in a constant reboot stateQ) If a PDA is seized in an investigation while the device is turned on, what would be the proper procedure?a) Keep the device powered onb) Turn off the device immediatelyc) Remove the battery immediatelyd) Remove any memory cards immediatelyQ) When making the preliminary investigations in a sexual harassment case, how many investigators are you recommended having?a) Oneb) Twoc) Threed) FourQ) A small law firm located in the Midwest has possibly been breached by a computer hacker looking to obtain information on their clientele. The law firm does not have any on-site IT employees, but wants to search for evidence of the breach themselves to prevent any possible media attention. Why would this not be recommended?a) Searching for evidence themselves would not have any ill effectsb) Searching could possibly crash the machine or devicec) Searching creates cache files, which would hinder the investigationd) Searching can change date/time stamps"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"ECCouncil 412-79 Security Analyst (ECSA) Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Your company's network just finished going through a SAS 70 audit. This audit reported that overall, your network is secure, but there are some areas that needs improvement. The major area was SNMP security. The audit company recommended turning off SNMP, but that is not an option since you have so many remote nodes to keep track of. What step could you take to help secure SNMP on your network?a) Change the default community string namesb) Block all internal MAC address from using SNMPc) Block access to UDP port 171d) Block access to TCP port 171Q) At what layer of the OSI model do routers function on?a) 3b) 4c) 5d) 1Q) An ""idle"" system is also referred to as what?a) Zombieb) PC not being usedc) Botd) PC not connected to the InternetQ) What operating system would respond to the following command?a) Mac OS Xb) Windows XPc) Windows 95d) FreeBSD"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft 70-647 Windows Enterprise Administrator Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) You work as a Network Administrator for ABCInc. The company has a Windows Server 2008 network environment. The network is configured as a Windows Active Directory-based single forest network. The functional level of the forest is Windows Server 2008. You are creating DFS Namespace on the network. Which of the following types of namespaces can you configure on the domain? Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose two.a) Stand-aloneb) Forestc) Enterprised) DomainQ) You are a server administrator for your organization. You have deployed Windows Server 2008 on all domain controllers and installed Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) and Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) on a Windows Server 2008 server, named AD_Srv. You are installing the DNS server role on another Windows Server 2008 server. You need to grant a user permission to run Dnscmd.exe to view and modify the DNS server configuration. What should you do?a) Add the user to the Performance Log Users groupb) Add the user to the Server Operators groupc) Add the user to the Account Operators groupd) Add the user to Network Configuration Operators groupQ) Which Windows Deployment Services (WDS) image type can be used to deploy an image to a non-PXE client?a) Capture imageb) Boot imagec) Install imaged) Discover image"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"VMware VCPC510 Certified Professional vCloud Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) What differentiates a private cloud from a v Sphere Infrastructure?a) A private cloud requires pooled resources including storage and networking.b) v Sphere Infrastructure assumes a secure location for the workloads.c) v Sphere Infrastructure allows consumption of resources over open standardsd) A private cloud assumes the consumer will maintain their portion of the infrastructureQ) Which component is the metering tool for v Cloud administration?a) VMware v Center Charge backb) VMware v Cloud Service Managerc) VMware v Cloud Request Managerd) VMware v Cloud DirectorQ) What is the default VFAT scratch partition size for ESXi 5.x when installed on a USB drive?a) 600 MBb) 544 MBc) 4 GBd) noneQ) An administrator is unable to find network traffic details while running vCloud hierarchy reports. The network administrator confirms that there was network traffic during the report time span. Which collector is configured incorrectly?a) v Center Data Collectorb) v Center Charge back Data Collectorc) v Cloud Data Collectord) v Shield Manager Data CollectorQ) An administrator has scheduled a report to run at 8 PM nightly and has configured a number of recipients to receive the report. After the report runs, the administrator discovers that a link to the report was sent to the recipients, not the report itself. Why did this occur?a) v Center Charge back cannot support attachments via email.b) The report size was larger than the size limit configured for the SMTP server.c) v Center Charge back was configured to send links instead of attachments.d) The SMTP server was configured not to accept attachments."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Citrix 1Y0-351 NetScaler 10.5 Essentials and Networking Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) A company has an external-facing web application that requires end-to-end encryption and Layer-7 functionality. Which protocol type would an engineer choose for the virtual server and service?a) SSLb) SSL_TCPc) SSL_PUSHd) SSL_BRIDGEQ) Scenario: A NetScaler Engineer has been tasked with re configuring an existing NetScaler deployment. The engineer is currently running a high-availability (HA) pair of NetScaler 10.5 appliances, but the Vice President of IT has requested a more efficient way of preserving and balancing network resources and throughput while having a single point of management for the NetScaler appliances. What should the engineer configure to satisfy the requirements outlined by the Vice President of IT?a) Switch from traditional HA to -INC mode HA.b) Break the HA pair and configure clustering instead.c) Break the HA pair and configure three standalone NetScaler nodes.c) Noned) Leave HA enabled and increase bandwidth to both NetScaler nodes.Q) Which two certificate formats are supported when creating a certificate key pair on the NetScaler?a) PEMb) DERc) PKCS7d) PKCS12"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA CAS-002 Advanced Security Practitioner Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) An administrator wants to enable policy based flexible mandatory access controls on an open source OS to prevent abnormal application modifications or executions. Which of the following would BEST accomplish this?a) Access control listsb) SE Linuxc) IP tables firewalld) HIPSQ) Company ABC SAN is nearing capacity, and will cause costly down times if servers run out disk space. Which of the following is a more cost effective alternative to buying a new SAN?a) Enable multi path to increase availabilityb) Enable reduplication on the storage poolsc) Implement snapshots to reduce virtual disk sized) Implement replication to offsite data centerQ) A systems administrator establishes a CIFS share on a UNIX device to share data to Windows systems. The security authentication on the Windows domain is set to the highest level. Windows users are stating that they cannot authenticate to the UNIX share. Which of the following settings on the UNIX server would correct this problem?a) Refuse LM and only accept NTLMv2b) Accept only LMc) Refuse NTLMv2 and accept LMd) Accept only NTLMQ) Accept only NTLMa) vTPMb) HSMc) TPMd) INE"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Heal the inner YOU" |
"This course is specifically designed for those who are suffering from anxiety & depression.I have tried to explain the root cause of this disorder so that we can learn to deal with it.Anyone who feels Anxiety ie pinch/spin in their gut & chest area, block on check & neck or burden on shouldersWho feel dark in pleasent environment and don't enjoy life, who feel left alone or want to be alone, this course will help them in coming out of this situation."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Beginners Guide To Start A Money Making Website" |
"Do you want to know how to make money online? Or you are struggling to generate revenue from your website. Than this course is definitely for you.In this course you will learnHow to Bring Huge Traffic to Your Website Without Spending Anything on Advertisement.How to Start From Zero and Make a Profitable Revenue Generating Website.How to Spread Your Content Across Internet for Maximum Exposure 4. How to Write High Quality Content Just follow the 300 days plan comes with this course and you will have your money making website within 12 months."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Positive Psychology Art Coaching" |
"Do you want to help improve self-esteem, confidence and overall well-being in children? Do you want to cultivate their creativity and help them in self expression all along while engaging in fun activities? Positive Art is an amazing tool that can be used in your life coaching sessions with children and adults alike. Art creation can help process pain and emotions, lessen stress, increase focus and clarity and get one into flow which has a positive impact on well-being.Art has been used throughout history for communication and form of expression as our minds comprehend abstract forms and symbols at a much deeper level than language. Simply put art is used when words are just not enough.This course is filled with fun, engaging research based positive art activities that are designed specifically for use with children of any age. Children will learn to empower themselves, through self exploration, creativity and coping strategies. They will learn more about growth mind set, positive self talk, visualization and learning about their strengths, all aspects that will help rewire their brains to improve their mind set.As mentioned above this course was designed with children in mind, but the beauty of positive art coaching that it could be used with anyone of any age or background, yourself included. Regardless of your artistic abilities, as it is not required to be good in art to benefit from this course. You can use it one on one client sessions or in groups or even workshops, it will help in transforming lives no matter how you use it."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Vendas, Precificao e Negociao para Criativos" |
"Quanto eu devo cobrar?Voc no precisa saber tudo que existe sobre precificao e negociao. O seu trabalho no esse. O seu trabalho criar peas e obras artsticas e criativas que iro inspirar pessoas. por isso que empresas e pessoas te contratam. Esse deve ser o seu foco. Esse curso foi pensado para o artista e profissional criativo que quer um modelo simples e eficaz de precificao, negociao e fluxo de venda. No importa se voc j est no mercado h um tempo ou se comeou agora. Voc j parou para pensar no porque alguns profissionais conseguem cobrar o dobro do que outros? Neste curso eu te mostro o porque (e te ensino a fazer o mesmo).Assista ao vdeo promocional do curso onde j dou algumas dicas. Videoaulas7 Mdulos de material gravado.Estratgias simples e eficazes.Vdeos produzidos com o foco em ao e resultado.Contedo Anti-Obesidade Intelectual.Materiais para Download (Templates)Modelos de PropostasModelos de E-mailsPlanilha de Excel com Simulador de Valores e Metas de VendaMaterial Auxiliar em PDF"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How To Heal Acne / Eczema / Psoriasis With No Drugs Involved" |
"BOOK A CONSULTATION on my website: www .thehealthyskincoach. comDo you suffer from acne or eczema? Have you seen multiple dermatologists without seeing real results? Do you knowingly (or unknowingly) suffer from medical conditions due to inflammation? Do you want to TRULY OPTIMIZE YOUR HEALTH to extend your lifespan?Today is THE DAY you start optimizing your health so you can start healing from acne or eczema and have glowing skin while living a much healthier life. I will teach you why FOOD is medicine and why you should reduce inflammation within your body as much as possible. Growing up, I wish I had an healthy skin coach because it wouldve saved me so much time, money, pain, and suffering in my own life. Starting today, you will learn a tremendous amount that will help you achieve healthier skin which is ultimately a reflection of a healthy gut. Youve probably seen multiple doctors and dermatologists who just prescribes you steroid creams after steroid creams and you havent found real solutions because your acne or eczema keeps coming back. When you have acne or eczema on the outside, internally your gut is screaming for help.Western medicine focuses on treating the superficial symptoms without addressing the root cause of the problem. Too many people on FB and Reddit are focused on what topicals and creams and lotions to use and no one seems to be talking about diet or inflammation inside the body. Thats why I made this course. My goal is to help one person a day achieve healthier skin.Remember guys: FOOD IS MEDICINE so lets dive into the courses and start healing!Topic Covered:Theme: InflammationWhy FOOD is MedicineCurrent Eczema DrugsInflammatory Foods to AvoidAnti-inflammatory Foods to EatSupplements For Your SkinGut MicrobiomeSkin MicrobiomeExtend Your LifespanI offer you a full money back guarantee within the first 30 days of purchasing the course.What else will you get?- Personal contact with me, your Healthy Skin Coach- Lifetime access to course materials VIEWERS - Do you need a Healthy Skin Coach? Email me for rates:"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Security Essentials Certification - Practice Exams" |
"The Security Essentials (GSEC) certification validates a practitioner's knowledge of information security beyond simple terminology and concepts. GSEC certification holders are demonstrating that they are qualified for hands-on IT systems roles with respect to security tasks.Areas CoveredActive defense, defense in depth, access control & password managementCryptography: basic concepts, algorithms and deployment, and applicationDefensible network architecture, networking & protocols, and network securityIncident handling & response, vulnerability scanning and penetration testingLinux security: structure, permissions, & access; hardening & securing; monitoring & attack detection; & security utilitiesSecurity policy, contingency plans, critical controls and IT risk managementWeb communication security, virtualization and cloud security, and endpoint securityWindows: access controls, automation, auditing, forensics, security infrastructure, & securing network servicesWho is GSEC for?Anyone new to information security who has some background in information systems & networkingSecurity professionalsSecurity managersOperations personnelIT engineers and supervisorsSecurity administratorsForensic analystsPenetration testersAuditorsRequirements1 proctored exam180 questionsTime limit of 5 hoursMinimum Passing Score of 73%The topic areas for each exam part follow:Access Control & Password ManagementThe candidate will understand the fundamental theory of access control and the role of passwords in managing access control.Contingency PlansThe candidate will understand the critical aspect of contingency planning with a business continuity plan and disaster recovery planCritical ControlsThe candidate will understand the purpose, implementation, and background of the Critical Security ControlsCryptographyThe candidate will have a basic understanding of the concepts of cryptography, including a high-level understanding of the major types of cryptosystems and steganography.Cryptography Algorithms & DeploymentThe candidate will have a basic understand of the mathematical concepts that contribute to cryptography and identify commonly used symmetric, asymmetric, and hashing cryptosystems.Cryptography ApplicationThe candidate will have a high-level understanding of the use, functionality, and operation of VPNs, GPG, and PKIDefense in DepthThe candidate will understand what defense in depth is and an identify the key areas of security and demonstrate the different strategies for implementing effective security within an organization.Defensible Network ArchitectureThe candidate will demonstrate how to architect a network to be monitored and controlled to resist intrusion.Endpoint SecurityThe candidate will demonstrate a basic understanding of the function and uses of endpoint security devices, such as endpoint firewalls, HIDS, and HIPSEnforcing Windows Security PolicyThe candidate will have a high-level understanding of the features of Group Policy and working with INF security templatesIncident Handling & ResponseThe candidate will understand the concepts of incident handling and the processes pertaining to incident handling.IT Risk ManagementThe candidate will understand the terminology and approaches to cyber security risk management including identification of the steps of the Threat Assessment processLinux Security: Structure, Permissions and AccessThe candidate will demonstrate understanding of a variety of Linux operating systems, including mobile systems, to better understand how to configure and secure Linux.Linux Services: Hardening and SecuringThe candidate will demonstrate an ability to gain visibility into a Linux system to be able to secure and harden the system.Linux: Monitoring and Attack DetectionThe candidate will demonstrate an understanding of the use of system baselines, log files, and other tools common to Linux operating systems in order to better monitor systems for signs of attack.Linux: Security UtilitiesThe candidate will demonstrate an understanding of how to use key security utilities and tools that are available for Linux systems to enhance system security.Log Management & SIEMThe candidate will demonstrate a high-level understanding of the importance of logging, the setup and configuration of logging, and log analysis with the assistance of SIEMsMalicious Code & Exploit MitigationThe candidate will understand important attack methods and basic defensive strategies to mitigate those threats.Network Device SecurityThe candidate will have a basic understanding of the risks of network devices and how to secure them.Network Security DevicesThe candidate will demonstrate a basic understanding of the function and uses of network security devices, such as, firewalls, NIDS, and NIPSNetworking & ProtocolsThe candidate will demonstrate an understanding of the properties and functions of network protocols and network protocol stacks.Securing Windows Network ServicesThe candidate will know how to take basic measures in securing Windows network services such as IPSec, IIS, and Remote Desktop ServicesSecurity PolicyThe candidate will understand the purpose and components of policy.Virtualization and Cloud SecurityThe candidate will have a basic understanding of the risks of virtualization and cloud services and how to secure them.Vulnerability Scanning and Penetration TestingThe candidate will demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and relationship behind reconnaissance, resource protection, risks, threats, and vulnerabilities including preliminary abilities to create network maps and perform penetration testing techniquesWeb Communication SecurityThe candidate will demonstrate an understanding of web application security and common vulnerabilities including CGI, cookies, SSL and active content.Windows Access ControlsThe candidate will understand how permissions are applied in the Windows NT File System, Shared Folders, Printers, Registry Keys, and Active Directory, and how Privileges are appliedWindows as a ServiceThe candidate will understand how to manage updates for a network of Windows hosts.Windows Automation, Auditing, and ForensicsThe candidate will be introduced to the techniques and technologies used to audit Windows hosts.Windows Security InfrastructureThe candidate will identify the differences between types of Windows OSes and how Windows manages groups and accounts, locally and with Active Directory and Group PolicyWireless Network SecurityThe candidate will have a basic understanding of the misconceptions and risks of wireless networks and how to secure them"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Information Security Professional Certification Exams" |
"The Information Security Professional (GISP) certification validates a practitioner's knowledge of the 8 domains of cybersecurity knowledge that form a critical part of CISSP exam. GISP certification holders will be able to demonstrate knowledge of asset security, communications and network security, identity and access management, security and risk management, security assessment and testing, security engineering, security operation, and software development security.Areas CoveredAsset SecurityCommunications and Network SecurityIdentity and Access ManagementSecurity and Risk ManagementSecurity Assessment and TestingSecurity EngineeringSecurity OperationSoftware Development Security**********************************************************************************************This course does not content the study material. This course contains 621 questions**********************************************************************************************"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Information Security Fundamental Certification Practice Exam" |
"The Information Security Fundamentals (GISF) certification validates a practitioner's knowledge of security's foundation, computer functions and networking, introductory level cryptography, and cybersecurity technologies. GISF certification holders will be able to demonstrate key concepts of information security including: understanding the threats and risks to information and information resources, identifying best practices that can be used to protect them, and learning to diversify our protection strategy.Areas CoveredCyber security terminologyThe basics of computer networksSecurity policiesIncident responsePasswordsIntroduction to cryptographic principlesRequirements of the real exam1 proctored exam75 questionsTime limit of 2 hoursMinimum Passing Score of 72%Who is GISF for?Anyone new to cyber security who needs an introduction to security fundamentalsNon-IT security managersProfessionals with basic computer and technical knowledgeCareer changers to cyber securityManagers, information security officers, and system administratorsAnyone who writes, implements, or must adhere to enterprise security policyExam Certification Objectives & Outcome StatementsThe topic areas for each exam part follow:AAA and Access ControlsThe candidate will demonstrate an understanding of access controls and effective authentication, authorization and accountability.Application SecurityThe candidate will demonstrate an understanding of securing applications from malware and other common threats.Computer MathThe candidate will demonstrate an understanding of foundational numbering systems.Cryptographic Algorithms and AttacksThe candidate will demonstrate an understanding of cryptographic algrorithms.Fundamentals of CryptographyThe candidate will demonstrate an understanding of cryptography and its application.History of CryptographyThe candidate will demonstrate an understanding of cryptography throughout history..Network Addressing and ProtocolsThe candidate will demonstrate an understanding of network addressing and protcols.Network AttacksThe candidate will demonstrate a foundational understanding of network attacks.Network Communication FundamentalsThe candidate will demonstrate an understanding of network concepts and terminology.Network Security TechnologyThe candidate will demonstrate an understanding of countermeasures and technologies employed to minimize the associated risks from attacks.Risk Management Principles and Security PolicyThe candidate will demonstrate an understanding of fundamental information security and risk management concepts as well as the components of effective policy creation and awareness programs.Systems SecurityThe candidate will demonstrate an understanding of securing systems from common threats.Wireless Security TechnologyThe candidate will demonstrate an understanding of wireless technologies as well as the defenses employed to minimize the associated risks from wireless attacks.*******************************************************************************This course does not content the study material. This course contains 185 questions*******************************************************************************"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Certified Forensics Analyst Certification - Practice Exams" |
"The GCFA certifies that candidates have the knowledge, skills, and ability to conduct formal incident investigations and handle advanced incident handling scenarios, including internal and external data breach intrusions, advanced persistent threats, anti-forensic techniques used by attackers, and complex digital forensic cases. The GCFA certification focuses on core skills required to collect and analyze data from Windows and Linux computer systems.Areas CoveredAdvanced Incident Response and Digital ForensicsMemory Forensics, Timeline Analysis, and Anti-Forensics DetectionThreat Hunting and APT Intrusion Incident Response***********************************************************************This course does not content the study material. This course contains 307 questions***********************************************************************"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Leading the Digital Enterprise" |
"This program is for leaders who need to figure out how to make the best use of digital technology at work. The overall goal is to: help leaders develop the ability to manage the impact of digital transformation on how they run their business, and learn practical approaches to integrating technology, people and processes to increase productivity and engagement. The program focuses on helping managers build digital leadership capability in terms of understanding how technology can enable the execution of your business strategy and enhance operations. In particular, managers will learn how to implement digital technology in a way that will enhance its utilization at the individual, team and organization levels. Throughout the workshop, there are interactive exercises that ask the participants to apply the concepts to their work environment. By the end of the program, the participants will have created an action plan that can be put to immediate use.This IAAP-certified counts for 1.75 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area.Email with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Build a Powerful UX Portfolio (that gets you HIRED!)" |
"Im going to let you in on a little secret:Theres a damn good chance your portfolio no matter how visually impressive or cleverly worded it may be is working against you.Its the reason youre not getting messages from recruiters.Its the reason those job applications or messages youve sent to recruiters seem to have disappeared into the void.Its the reason prospective clients suddenly go dark on you and stop responding to your calls and emails.In my nearly 30-year career, I've hired plenty of UXers and Designers; for my own company and for a dozen other organizations who built UX practices from the ground up. And what I've seen over the years, then and now, is that the formats and presentations 98% of people use for their UX portfolios actually hide the things that truly make them excellent candidates. Things I often only discovered after hitting the wall and forcing myself to spend a lot of time I didnt really have revisiting those portfolios in depth, digging deep into navigation and case studies.In any event, I felt like something needed to be done specifically, this course.A path to quickly illustrate these critical mistakes and show you a better, more effective way to structure and present your work and your value to recruiters, hiring managers, employers and prospective clients.Im inviting you to forget whatever youve been told about how to create an online portfolio.Because if its anything like the hundreds I've seen, youre not doing yourself any favors.So in this course, across 14 lectures, Im going to give you everything you need to do it better, from the perspective of the person doing the hiring.Whether that person is a recruiter, an HR or company exec, or a prospective client looking for freelance help, Im going to walk you through what works and what doesnt, with real-world examples.Im going to show you why youre making it harder for yourself to get noticed and get hired. Because even if your work itself is spectacular (which Im sure it is), I have no doubt youre making many of the same mistakes Ive seen thus far in my own recruiting endeavors.More importantly, Ill show you exactly what you should be doing instead, from the very first screen."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"The 90-Minute UX Audit + UI Redesign" |
"""We really need to redesign this.""As Im sure you know, thats code for users are pissed off, management is pissed off and we dont really know what the hell is wrong with this in the first place.So you need a fast, efficient way to figure out whats wrong and what needs to be redesigned, because you cant do it all with the time, budget or resources you have available.And nobodys gonna sign off on 3 weeks of user research or a formal UX audit.Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt. But guess what? None of that is really a problem for you, and Ill tell you why:The real cause of the biggest problems users have wont be found by researching or testing.Theyll be found by taking a more critical look at the UI.Why? Because 80% of what people have trouble with is almost always the result of bad UI design choices. Solve those, and the usability problems go away as well.And Im not talking about aesthetics or styling here I mean the quality and effectiveness of the visual language users are presented with. You need to evaluate what they see and figure out where, how and why its tripping them up.I designed this course to show you exactly how to do that.We rarely have time to do it right.Every week I get email from UX designers and developers, tasked with a UI redesign, who tell me two things:They dont have enough time to figure out whats really wrong so theyre making an educated guess and hoping for the best.Theyre frustrated because this means theyre stuck making things pretty instead of doing things that could improve UX.Part of the problem here is that people on my side of the fence insist that UX audits have to be this massive undertaking, spanning weeks or months.They dont.In a little over 40 minutes Ill show you a huge list of common UX problems that show up in the products UI. Theyre easy to spot, and you will find almost all of them in just about any customer-facing portal, website or B2B application youre asked to redesign.And after youve taken this course, youll be able to spot them easily in your next project.Whats more, because Im also going to walk you through the what and why of a UI redesign, youll know how to fix them.The place to start is with what people see.Heres what we all forget: to most people, what they see on the screen IS the system. The UI is the sum total of their understanding about how this thing works.So what users see and whether or not it delivers what they expect in a way they can make sense of it determines whether or not they find something easy to use. It also determines whether they bother to use it at all.For almost 30 years now, it's been my experience that the majority of problems users encounter the ones that cause them to make mistakes, abandon a task, or delete the app come from bad design choices in the UI.What youll learn applies to everything youll ever work on.In just 90 minutes, Im going to show you how to spot those bad choices, explain why theyre causing problems and show you the right way to redesign them.Thats all the time its going to take to give you everything you need to do the same thing in the same amount of time on whatever youre working on now or in the future.Whats more, if youre an independent business or freelancer, the things Ill teach you here can help you land more work.Lessons 01-04: UX Audit Whats Wrong (and Why)in the first part of the course well walk through every screen in the portal's core workflow one-by-one, identifying opportunities for UX and UI design improvement. Things that move the needle in terms of delivering something useful, usable and valuable to users:Which elements prevent them from finding what they came for?Which prevent them from making sense of what they see?Which prevent them from acting on what they see?Which prevent them from trying, buying or simply using it efficiently?Our task here isnt to make the interface look pretty its to make sure everything on the screen makes sense. Its to make sure people can actually use what we build.So before we jump to redesigning something, were going to identify what problems need to be solved in the first place and determine whether theyre worth solving at all.Lessons 05 - 08: Redesigning for Context of Use (What to Redesign and How to Redesign It)Next, well redesign three (3) core screens from the portals main workflow. Youll see exactly how we solve the issues identified in the first part of the course, and youll understand precisely why we made those decisions.By the time were done, youll see the relationship between whats on the screen and the underlying quality of the experience very clearly, and youll be able to apply what youve learned to anything you design or build.Youll also see how seemingly minute, inconsequential changes in the UI can make a world of difference in the depth of the users understanding and the quality of his/her experience."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"UX Requirements Made Simple" |
"What UX struggles would you love to end?Do you want to stop the endless cycle of rework to satisfy stakeholders moving targets?Would you like to play a role in creating requirements instead of having them handed to you like written law?Are you tired of delivering products with UX defects you know could have been avoided?Do you wish there was a way to get managers to agree to UX work at the start of the project, instead of tacking it on at the end, when its too late?If you answered YES to any of those questions, youre in the right place. I created this course specifically to end the vicious cycle too many developers and product teams are trapped in: vague requirements they had no hand in creating, constant rework and a never-ending stream of new (and changing) requirements. See, Ive been there myself. In nearly 30 years of working with organizations of all sizes in nearly every industry, I know that cycle all too well. I know what its like to try and roll the UX rock up that hill only to have your stakeholders or managers or clients roll it back down.No more debate about when UX work should happen.I know the pain of fighting to get UX included at the start of a project all too well. And I also know that its entirely possible to put an end to it.UX Requirements Made Simple will show you how to get a seat at the requirements table, open the minds and ears of your managers or clients, and see a massive change in both the quality of requirements and the success of the delivered product.Youll see how easy it is to quickly integrate strategic UX validation into an existing requirements process without the need for additional time, money or resources. Heres just some of what youll learn:Poor methods for requirements that rely on a broken engineering process and a better, simpler set of methods that get to clarity and value quickly.Why what users say they need isnt what they actually need (and how to tell the difference).Poor requirements tools that address task completion instead of success and a smarter set of tools that focus your work squarely on desired outcomes.How to get managers or clients (or your team) to ask the right questions, instead of solution jumping.How to create contextual use scenarios that tell the real story of the users journey from start to finish and extract relevant functional needs and elements that make up valuable requirements.Its simple, its straightforward, and it works.Not because I say it does but because the Enterprise teams Ive taught to use these methods have gotten the results Im talking about. It works because more than 140,000 students (yes, thats a real number) tell me that my courses have changed the work they do for the better.Why? Because I deal in software development reality instead of UX fantasy. Perfect situations where we can do these well-funded deep dives into UX research dont exist for a vast majority of development teams, and Im really tired of hearing everyone pretend otherwise. So everything I deliver is based in reality, in the less-than perfect world most of us live in."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |