Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Arapa Dil Eitim Seti YDS'ye Hazrlk Gncel Mfredat" |
"Kursumuzda retilmesi hedeflenen konu balklar: 1- (Dil bilgisi asndan ilevi olan veya olmayan cmleler, fiil lleri ve ifade ettikleri anlamlar, szck bilimi, ismut-tafdl, abart szckleri ve kalplar, zanne ve kardeleri, kde ve kardeleri gibi) leri dzey dil bilgisi konular.2- Harakesiz bir metni okuma ve harakeleme yntemleri.3- Arapadan Trkeye, Trkeden Arapaya tercme teknikleri.4- Her konu ile ilgili fiil, isim ve kalp ifadeler.5- renme aamasnda karlalan sorunlarla ilgi zm nerileri.6- Dinleme anlama almalar.7- leri dzey cmlelerin dil bilgisi analizleri.8- Szcklerin doru telaffuzla okuma almalar.9- Soru zmleri.10- Atasz, zl sz, iir ve deyim evirileri.11- Haber evirileri.12- Arap lehelerinden rnekler.13- Dikkat eken dil yanllar ile ilgili uyarlar.14- Arap dili ile ilgili yaplan aratrmalar.15- Size iyi gelecek dil paylamlar."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Marketing Relacional" |
"Aprende a analizar, segmentar, fidelizar y desarrollar clientes desde una visin estratgica hasta un Plan Bsico de Desarrollo de Clientes con acciones de Upselling y Crosselling.Segn Linkedin la demanda de perfiles profesionales de anlisis de clientes ha crecido + 70%.El principal objetivo del curso es dar una visin muy prctica de cmo aplicar tcnicas analticas de segmentacin de clientes (RFM, Ciclo de Vida, etc.), generacin de mtricas bsicas y definicin de acciones sobre una cartera de clientes con el fin de fidelizar, activar y desarrollar los diferentes segmentos de clientes.El curso dispone de una MEGA GUIA (seccin 5) de cmo disear y medir el Plan de Desarrollo de Clientes Este curso incluye un apartado de BONUS (parte de mi libro de ""Como disear un club de fidelizacin rentable"") donde el estudiante podr descargar la plantilla excel que estima el coste, ROI y Payback de un programa de fidelizacin."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Dfinir son client cible : persona" |
"Depuis 17 ans, j'ai constat que 90% de mes clients n'ont pas dfini leur clientle cible. C'est une erreur classique et pourtant fatale!Dfinir ses personae, c'est dire ses clients cible, est LA base de toute entreprise! La base du marketing et de la communication. Sans cette dfinition des clients cibles, cela impacte toute lentreprise et surtout son bnfice. En effet, si vous ne posez pas sur le papier vos diffrents types de clients rentables, il est normal de faire des erreurs dans votre plan de communication et de prospection, d'avoir des difficults pour prendre des dcisions stratgiques. Sans carte, sans itinraire, on ne peut pas savoir o aller.Ainsi pour la sant de votre entreprise, il est essentiel de bien savoir QUI vous souhaitez cibler et surtout de bien identifier les exigences de ces clients, les questions cls qu'ils demandent, leurs mots cls qui dclenchent la vente. Et il y a une mthode marketing trs simple pour ce faire: La dfinition de vos personae. Les avantages: - Cibler des clients plus rentables- Lancer des actions de prospections plus efficaces- Eviter les clients problme- Dvelopper des offres adaptes votre march- Simplifier la fidlisation de vos clients- Faciliter vos prises de dcisions pour l'avenir de votre entrepriseDepuis 17 ans que je forme des entreprises J'ai form des dizaines d'entreprises pour dfinir leur client cible et chaque fois leur retour est le mme: ""Comment on faisait avant? C'est tellement simple et plus claire maintenant!""Dans ce cours de 45 minutes, je vous propose de dcouvrir cette mthode et surtout je vous donne un powerpoint, un support remplir, pour que vous l'appliquiez dans votre entreprise ds aujourd'hui.Vous pouvez consulter ce cours sur mobile, sur PC, votre pause djeuner ou entre 2 RDV. Vous y avez un accs illimit: il reste dans votre bibliothque, disponible quand vous en avez besoin.Ce cours est conu pour les dirigeants et les cadres surbooks comme vous. Nous irons vraiment rapidement l'essentiel, pour que vous appliquiez cette mthode rapidement.De plus je sais que vous allez certainement avoir besoin d'un coup de main pour vous aider dfinir vos clients cibles.Ce cours comprend donc 30 minutes de consultation en visio confrence o je vous aide lancer cette mthode. 1 / Validez votre inscription maintenant,2 / Apprenez mieux cibler vos clients pour tre plus louable 3 / Profitez de votre conseil pour une mise en place personnalise"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Mental Toughness Training" |
"Metuf is a self-guided, online, highly scientific Mental Training Program designed to help you get the mental edge. It has been created by sport psychologists and performance psychologists for athletes, coaches, sporting officials and non-sporting performers. This is the ideal course for anyone looking to start adding mental skills training to their overall performance plan."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Entrepreneurship Fundamentals" |
"WHAT WILL YOU GET FROM THIS COURSE?By the end of this course, you'll have a sustainable mindset and a clear strategy on how to turn your idea into a successful and well-run business!If these recommendations were taken on board, we are sure that by the end of this course you will:Not only have a good idea, but you have a well-defined project plan.Your business plan will be ready, so you will know how your products will reach your target customers.You will have some different analyses and researches from many business aspects, like marketing, HR and legality.Finally, you will know several ways of raising funds for your new start-up.WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR?Are you here because you have a great idea and you want to turn it into a profitable business? But you don't know where to start? Then this course is for you! We will give you a comprehensive knowledge package to start a business with, so you can put more time and energy into making your dream come true!Starting a business is a huge responsibility and not an easy task! As Winston Churchill said: Those who plan do better than those who do not plan, even though they rarely stick to their plan. The better your plan is, the better you can do. But what exactly do you have to plan? What do you have to pay attention to?This course does not only show the questions that you need to consider, but also gives you some tools and methods which will help you answer them! Let's see some examples from these questions!Does your idea really have potential costumer base? How can you test that?How will you deliver your products or services to your customers?Who are your competitors? How can you stand out among them?How can you create your own marketing strategy?What kind of costs should you consider?How will you get funds for your new start-up?This course will help you to find the best answers to these questions, however the decision will have to made by you!INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUND: mProve SolutionsHello, we are the mProve! We provide quality knowledge and education on digital mindsets and tools in order to show them the advantages of the Digital Age. Our philosophy is that acquiring these new techniques should be just as easy as learning to read or write! Located in the heart of Budapest, Hungary we make quality educational videos, animations and games for our clients, while also hosting personal coaching events for our clients! With this mindset and tools, we became one of the best choices when it comes to e-Learning!WHY IS THIS COURSE IS UNIQUE?We give you tools, models and methods with which you will be able to make you idea a reality!The knowledge you will gain here is taught on the world's renowned universities!We made this course to be easy to understand, even without any prerequisite knowledge!Unique animations, illustrations and text make the content entertaining and easily conceiveable!BONUSESWe give you a free PDF about the course with tasks and exercises as well!If you want to dive deeper, you can find links to useful and credible sources on the topics we discuss!Clear action steps so you can begin putting your business together as you progress through the course."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Formal Languages and Automata theory" |
"The Highlights of the of the course:1.Introduction to Automata theory.2.Types of Formal Languages(Chomsky hierarchy).3.Finite Automata and Types.4.Total 22 DFA problems and solutions clearly explained.5. DFA Conversions,Operations & Equivalence.6. DFA minimization using a. Equivalence method. b.Table filling method.6. Pushdown Automata.7.Total 8 PDA problems and solutions clearly explained.8.Turing machines.9.Total 5 TM problems and solutions clearly explained."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"SEO 2020: Les 6 tapes pour atteindre la page 1 de Google" |
"Pour que votre site fasse un bond vers les sommets du SEO.Cette formation est un concentr de tout ce quil y a savoir sur le rfrencement et le fonctionnement de Google pour positionner votre site dans les meilleurs rsultats.A del des aspects thoriques, la formation est surtout axe sur la pratique. En effet, nous allons vous donner toutes les pistes pour russir votre rfrencement depuis la mise en conformit technique jusqu lanalyse des rsultats en passant par la cration de contenu et le netlinking.Au terme de la formation, vous serez en mesure de dterminer vos objectifs avec le SEO, de crer votre propre liste de mots-cls, de rdiger vos pages de contenu et daller chercher vos premiers backlinks fiables.Une session est aussi consacre la collaboration avec les agences SEO. Que vous fassiez appel un prestataire pour une partie du travail ou pour son entiret, il y a des piges dans lesquels vous ne devez pas tomber et des conseils qui peuvent vous tre utiles. Apprenez comprendre un devis, rdiger un cahier des charges et poser les bonnes questions pour faire de cette future collaboration un succs.Enfin, ce ne sont pas moins de 80 dfinitions que nous vous proposons sous forme de vidos courtes et efficaces."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Beatmaking In Ableton Live: The Keys To Fat Beats" |
"In this course you will learn how to create a beat in Ableton Live. Important is that you get all the information in combination with secrets provided by Lavito Beats. At the end of this course (which takes max 3 hours) you will be able to make a decent beat in Ableton Live. Requirements: - Ableton Live- Access to at least one VST (for melodies)- Access to at least one drum pack (for drums) - Passion for beatmaking Included topics in my Custom Course are- Introduction to Ableton Live- Finding the Vibe of The Beat - Recording The Melodies - Setting The Drums - Arrangement View vs Session View- Mixing in Ableton - Mastering in Ableton - High Quality Mixdown"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How do you make a professional brochure through Photoshop ?" |
"Probably you received many times flyers, posters and many printed marketing materials and thought how great they look. They are professional made and just catch attention.If you are like most small business owners you said yourself ""They look awesome, but it is too difficult for me to design by myself and I cannot afford to pay a graphic designer...""This is true... and not. It is true that paying a designer to create your flyers, or posters can cost you a lot of money.But it is not true you cannot do it by yourself.Since flyers ans posters are one of the most common type of marketing material you can use to promote offline your business, having your own professional looking usually help a lot in positioning you as an authority in your niche (summing you have quality products that can help people get results).This course is a beginner course on how to create professional looking flyers and posters for promotional activities and marketing campaigns by using Canvas free tool. It is intended for people who want to position themselves, their products ans services and be seen as an authority (like ...""these guys are good, look what stunning flyers they use to present their offer.."")And to also capture attention immediately with your offer.You don't need any graphic design experience, just start from zero and create amazing flyers and posters that look awesome.You will learnHow do you make a professional brochureBasics of using PhotoshopHow to get a free logoHow to get a free template for the brochureCreate a banner"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Communication Code - Master Communication on Subconscious" |
"Communication Is Not Only Dialogue.Have you ever experienced people are listening to you, but don't understand you? Or, have you ever heard people said they got you, but no actions followed by what you said?That is because communication is not equal to dialogue.According to scientific studies, only 7% of our communication credibility purely relies on spoken words. The rest 93% is non-verbal. That is huge, and it can significantly affect your outcome while interacting with people!Usually, the majority didn't realize how non-verbal communication plays a significant role because it's subconscious communication.In this course, we will discuss how to use verbal (conscious) and non-verbal (subconscious) to cope with communication to create a better outcome.Have You Ever Experienced People Said Yes, But Mean No?In many situations, people try to hide their emotions with words, but genuine emotions will show in body language and facial expressions. As a result, their words and actions do not match.In this course, we will discuss the body language and facial expressions in few sections, learned with some examples, such as celebrity interviews or other videos, to empower your ability to observe how others feel so that you will not misinterpret what people genuinely mean.Intelligence and Ability Define the Outcome In The Business World, Is That True?Human is affected by the emotional brain before any other things.Intelligence and ability can define outcomes, only if the emotional brain agreed in some way, shape, or form.In other words, If you have the excellent ability, people can only see it or appreciated it with trust. Without trust, people will see your skills in some way you don't like or expect.This course will lead you through various methods to build trust through 3 factors of communication. Also, well take the job interview and sales as examples to apply them in the real world.The Connection Is Crucial for Effective Communication.The connection is for you to understand each other.Whether you encounter a difficult, unreasonable person or a nice, polite gentleman, if you build the connections with them, you guys can get along effortlessly. In contrast, if there are no connections, an enemy is what you might get.Most people think that communication starts once they talk, but in fact, it starts from the moment people met and see each other. At that moment, both sides will search out is there any connections.If you missed the opportunity to connect in the first place, consciously and subconsciously, chances are, it's hard to have a great conversation later.The course combines non-verbal and verbal communication skills to guide you to build better communication by generating connections quickly, which can lead you to a place for the desired outcome."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ace AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty 2020 ( MLS-C01)" |
"Want to ace the AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty (MLS- C01) and become an AWS CertifiedWhat you'll learnTired of failing the exam two or three times because you have no idea how the AWS Solutions Architect Examination is set up . No time for studying and analyzing each videos or powerpoint .Well , you got into the right course .Just practice continuously and you will ace the examWho this course is for: AWS Absolute Beginners. No prior AWS experience necessary No Time to study No idea how the exam works Failed multiple attempts Want to practice"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel VBA im Zusammenspiel mit Access Datenbanken" |
"Ich nutze sehr gerne Access als BackEnd Lsung fr meine Excel Programme, dies ist wesentlich eleganter und hat eine bessere Performance als einfach Excel Sheets zu nutzen.In diesem Kurs lernst du wie du deine Excel Daten elegant in eine Access Datenbank integrierst und diese dann in einer Excel Benutzeroberflche verarbeitest OHNE das der Nutzer Access installieren muss!Der Kurs ist anhand eines konkreten praktischen Beispiels aufgebaut und erklrt. Des Weiteren kannst du an dem Beispiel bungen durchfhren und wenn du willst auch selbst kreativ sein.Folgende Inhalte wirst du danach verstehen:Was sind relationale Datenbanken.Wie funktionieren SQL Anweisungen.Wie greife ich aus Excel auf Access Datenbanken zu.Wie manipuliere ich die Datenbank und deren Daten.Wie kann ich eine eigenes Programm schreiben mit Excel als FrontEnd und Access als BackEnd.Bonus: Als Bonus gibt es ein kleines Add-In mit dem du abfragen kannst wer gerade die Datenbank nutzt.Gemeinsam lernt sich weniger einsam: dafr gibt es meine VBA Community auf Facebook."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Comment devenir 100x plus productif : La Mthode concrte" |
"Bonjour,Pour devenir productif il faut une stratgie claire et prcise.C'est justement ce que vous allez voir tapes par tapes dans cette formation !Je me prsente, Valentin tudiant en sant la facult de mdecine Paris VII et nous allons voir ensemble comment booster votre productivit avec des mthodes qui ont fait leurs preuves.Dans cette formation vous allez voir une mthode pour booster un objectif ainsi qu'une mthode d'organisation utilise par les plus grandes entreprises et aussi comment favoriser un environnement productif.On se retrouve tout de suite sur la formation afin de commencer ds maintenant !Portez vous bien,Valentin,"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PMP Exam Prep - PMBOK 6th Ed. - 400 Questions" |
"This course contains PMP mock questions to get you ready for the PMP Certification Exam. There are 4 practice sets each having 100 sample questions. All 400 questions are thoughtfully broken down to five domains in order to boost learning efficiency for all PMP aspirants.In this course you will have 4 exams of total 400 questions:PMP Exam One: 100 questions across all exam domains (two hours)PMP Exam Two: 100 questions across all exam domains (two hours)PMP Exam Three: 100 questions across all exam domains (two hours)PMP Exam Four: 100 questions across all exam domains (two hours)What youll learnPass the PMP Exam in the 1st attempt.Project management fundamentalsAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?Project management basicsWho this course is for:All PMP Aspirants who want to pass their PMP Exam on the first try.People who are interested in entering the field of Project Management.Project Managers looking to make their next career move.Business Development Managers.It is critical to answer as many questions as possible to pass the PMP Exam. We have developed a unique set of questions to help you get ready for the test. The questions are based on the most current PMBOK Guide Exam 6th Edition, that has been in effect since March 2018. In addition questions are revised and updated for the 2020 PMP Exam.Project Management Professional (PMP) certification is an industry recognized credential for project managers. PMP demonstrates the experience, education, skill and competency required to lead and direct projects. PMP is the most sought after certification administered by the Project Management Institute (PMI), a US non-profit professional organization.WHAT OUR STUDENTS ARE SAYING:I finally had the courage to take my PMP exams and I passed with flying colors at my first attempt! PMAction was very helpful in preparing with exam level questions.""It's an outstanding preparation for the PMP Exam. It was very helpful, questions and explanations are well written and well organized. The PMAction professional team supported me throughout the process. I want to thank you so much for your work.""Questions were just like the questions on the real PMP Exam. These questions helped a lot to pass the exam. Thanks!""Passed my PMP exam on the first try. First time I did the questions here, I had 50%, second time 61%, and third time 73%. I did all the tests again before taking the exam and had over 80% in all. I can honestly say, the PMP exam was just like the practice exam. The situational questions here helped me answer questions which were about 70% of the questions I had. Thank you""""I solved more than 2000 questions from different sources, and this practice set was the hardest one I can say. I got 85% from others, while I manage to get around 75% here, and passed my PMP Exam""""Questions are challenging and it gives you the idea of the PMP exam and how you should prepare for it""""Highly recommended. Complete all the mock tests here before sitting for the exam. Thanks!""""One of the most useful preparation courses for PMP. It's well organized with clear questions and explanations. I loved this course.""""The Exam Questions provided well written and great explanations. I went back to each question explanation to clarify any doubts.""""Relevant questions and great study material for PMP Exam. Clear questions and answers.""Exam syllabus:The PMP exam is based on the PMP Examination Specification, which describes tasks out of five performance domains:Initiating the project (13%)Planning the project (24%)Executing the project (31%)Monitoring and controlling the project (25%)Closing the project (7%)The exam consists of 200 multiple choice questions written against the PMBOK specification and the PMP Code of Ethics. The exam is closed book; no reference materials are allowed. Twenty-five of the 200 questions on the exam are Unscored (Pretest) Questions used to adjust difficulty and precision of the exam. These questions are placed randomly throughout the exam. The test taker is only graded on their proficiency on 175 questions. The numbers in parentheses describe the percentage of questions for each domain.Item references:Questions on the test have at least two references to standard books or other sources of project management. Most of the questions reference the PMI A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (aka the PMBOK Guide). The PMBOK Guide is currently (2018) in its sixth edition, and the PMP exam changed in March 2018 to align with the updated guide.There are five major project management Process Groups:Initiating.Planning.Executing.Monitoring and Controlling.Closing.There are a total of 49 processes mapped to 10 Project management Knowledge Areas.Project Management Framework of PMI knowledge areas:Project Integration ManagementProject Scope ManagementProject Schedule ManagementProject Cost ManagementProject Quality ManagementProject Resource ManagementProject Communications ManagementProject Risk ManagementProject Procurement ManagementProject Stakeholder ManagementThe processes of these knowledge areas are described by their inputs, tools and techniques, and outputs. The PMBOK also emphasizes the interaction and interdependence between different process groups. For example, the outputs from one process may be used by one or more other processes as inputs.Purpose:Government, commercial and other organizations employ PMP certified project managers in an attempt to improve the success rate of projects in all areas of knowledge, by applying a standardized and evolving set of project management principles as contained in PMI's PMBOK Guide.Examination process:The global network of Prometric testing centers provides the PMP exam as a computer-based test. They also offer a paper-based option for locations with no nearby Prometric testing centers. The exam consists of 200 questions (""items""). 25 are pre-release items, which are not included in exam scoring. Prometric calculates the score based on the other 175 items. Each multiple-choice item has one correct answer and three incorrect answers.Candidates who take the computer-based test receive their results (passed or not passed) immediately upon completion. PMI also evaluates proficiency levels in each project management process group in 4 levels. Above Target, Target, Below Target, and Needs Improvement. Examiners provide these results to the candidate on a score report after the examination. Candidates who take paper-based tests receive their test results and score reports typically within 4 weeks.Research shows that the most difficult Knowledge areas of the PMP exam are Quality Management, Integration Management, and Time Management.Item writing:Item writing is an ongoing process at PMI, and they periodically add new four-choice questions (items) and remove others. Item writers use the PMP Examination Specification to identify item contents and references (project management texts or standards) to verify correctness. Individuals who are active in the field of PMP exam preparation (trainers, courseware developers, book authors, etc..) may not participate in item writing.Prerequisites to become eligible:Must have enough project management experience as stipulated by PMI.For secondary degree holders (e.g. high school diploma, associates degree): need to have at least 5 years of project management experience and a minimum of 7,500 hours leading and directing projectsFor four-year degree holders (e.g. bachelors degree): need to have at least 3 years of project management experience and a minimum of 4,500 hours leading and directing projectsHave the required 35 Hours of Project Management EducationAny education on project management offered by a formal education provider taken at any time before the PMP exam will satisfy this requirement, e.g. a course in your degree curriculum about project management with a length of more than 35 hours;The course on project management is NOT required to be based on the PMBOK Guide. BUT taking a course based on PMBOK Guide will help you also in your PMP preparationContinuous credential requirements:Continuous credential requirements are also called CCRs. To maintain the PMP qualification, 60 professional development units (PDUs) must be earned over a three-year cycle, from activities such as researching, authoring articles, speaking on project management-related topics, or being engaged full-time in project management. Credential holders may earn PDUs towards the maintenance of their credential through formal academic courses or courses offered by a provider (R.E.P. or Component). However, these are only two of the five categories of PDU earning opportunities in which a credential holder may participate.Effective 1 December 2015, CCRs will be updated to align with the employer-identified skills depicted in the PMI Talent Triangle, a combination of technical, leadership, and strategic and business management expertise, to ensure credential holders are equipped with skills relevant in a continually changing business environment."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pyramid of Refactoring (Java) - Clean Code Gradually" |
"This is the first module of (planned) series called ""Pyramid of Refactoring"" dedicated to achieving Clean Code.We use refactoring techniques and perform all the changes live. The student downloads the source code and performs all the changes together with the trainer - step by step. In this sample we make use of Interpreter Design Pattern as goal of our refactoring journey. The Interpreter Pattern is accompanied by two creational design patterns - Factory Method and Fluent Builder, which are also result of refactoring activities.SOLID Principles will be explained in practice instead of teaching the sole theory.The journey allows us practice code transformations like :- Replace Loop with Stream- Extract Delegate / Class- Extract Interface- Extract Parameter Object- Replace Method with Method Object - Extract Method / Variable- Move Method- Inline Method / Variable"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"English for Beginners" |
"Getting to grips with English Ciao a tutti e benvenuti a ""Getting to Grips with English"" il corso in cui imparerai le basi grammaticali dell'inglese; le cose che devi sapere se vuoi parlare bene linglese.Questo corso rivolto a due gruppi di persone: persone che forse hanno una ragionevole conoscenza dell'inglese, ma hanno raggiunto un momento in cui sentono di non poter progredire ulteriormente e devono fare le cose correttamente; o studenti che hanno bisogno di superare test o esami e desiderano un modo strutturato per prepararsi rapidamente e facilmente.Questo corso inizia con il verbo essere e continua attraverso tutte le pi importanti strutture grammaticali necessarie per parlare e comprendere chiaramente l'inglese nelle circostanze quotidiane, nonch per preparare gli studenti a sostenere esami di inglese fino a un livello di circa B1.Le lezioni sono progettate per essere divertenti, ma concise, affrontando un elemento alla volta, in una progressione logica. Questi sono poi seguiti da esercizi completi per aiutarti a esercitarti e archiviare le nuove informazioni in blocchi che ti daranno tutti i requisiti necessari per ottenere davvero un buon controllo della lingua inglese.Spero di vederti presto alla prima lezione."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Comment jouer Cashflow ? Sortir de la Rat Race" |
"Jouer Cashflow et sortez de la rat raceAvec le jeu de Robert Kiyosaki, vous allez apprendre en vous amusant : - augmenter votre intelligence financire- les secrets des riches pour s'enrichir- le langage de l'argent et la philosophie de l'investissement.Cette formation vido de 90 minutes vous explique tape par tape, comment jouer au jeu de Kiyosaki mme si vous ne matriser pas l'anglais.Plus vous jouerez ce jeu, plus vous matriserez les rouages de l'investissementVous ne prenez aucun risque en suivant cette formation, puisque vous disposez d'une garantie satisfait ou rembours si le contenu ne vous plait pas."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Science And Engineering Projects For Kids" |
"Do you like to build toys, Take them apart and have fun with science? Do you want to know how stuff is made and make your own inventions? Then this course is perfect for you. In this course, there will be engineering, design, smart science, simple machines and much moreWe will be making straw rockets, zip lines, shoebox projectors, elevators, lava pens, recycled paper seed balls and a bunch of other cool stuff! At the end of this course, you will have made your own collection of unique toys and machines.This course uses simple materials and household goods. It is designed for 4 years for up to 12 years.Engineering is not a degree you earn in college but can start right now from a very early age! sounds fun? Great! Then lets get started WizKids!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Drawing and watercolor techniques for beginners" |
"Are you looking for a beginning drawing and water coloring course for your child?This course may be just what you are looking for! Simple ways to master the art of drawing and water coloring. Designed with kids and beginners in mind, this course is perfect for children ages 6+. With a total of 5 fun and unique animal cartoony art projects, your child will learn the skills to create masterpieces of their own.There are two steps in each art project: Step 1: Drawing Step 2: PaintingKids will learn the step-by-step method that will both inspire and delight them into drawing immediately! This process involves imagination, hand movement for shape creation and joining lines together until a desired outcome is achieved.After students complete the drawing project, they will move onto painting the project. Here they will learn basic watercolor techniques and apply these techniques to complete their project.The course is designed to give young children the confidence they need to begin their artistic journey into self-expression, creative thinking and implementation."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Find your investment method" |
"1] 2] ?A] ;B];C] ;D] ; E] 3] 4] A] ;B] ;C] ;D] ;E];F];G]5] 6] 7] , 8] ,"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Formatar notebook e celular, rpido e fcil." |
"Curso ideal para aquelas pessoas que querem formatar seus notebooks ou celulares e no sabem por onde comear.Neste curso eu ensino de maneira rpida e objetiva, sem enrolao, em poucas aulas voc, mesmo sem experincia, poder aprender a formatar notebook, acelerar, atualizar e recuperar. Tambm ensinaremos a fazer o mesmo com celulares.Contedo programtico rpido:Por que seu notebook e celular est lento?Quais so os defeitos que causam isto?Como criar um pen drive de bootComo fazer a instalao do Windows?Como recuperar meus arquivos?Como fazer o mesmo com meu celular?"
Price: 414.99 ![]() |
"English for Kids" |
"A common mistake any parent make is trying to teach English as a subject. For the erudite, it may be fine, but when introducing English for kids for the first time in their lives, it would not work that way.English for kids must be presented to them as a skill that can be achieved by constant usage. Memorizing or studying hard is not a solution for learning English kids should practice.There are activities they willingly perform. Ask any child to go to a football ground, and he would only be too glad to go. Give him some paper and crayons, and he will end up paint stained and happy.It is where English Club Global comes to play. Concentrating on what children are fond of, we bring in a series of world-class programs dedicated to improving kids English language.Crafty Hands stay foremost, bringing up new ideas every day, encouraging young viewers to create simple handicrafts out of any material found around any home. While learning English kids enthusiastically make real things out of nothing.Art Land is a real fairyland for kids learning English. Children develop their artistic skills as they create fascinating art.In addition, English Club Global is crammed with well-organised episodes focusing on learning English kids sharpen their abstract thinking abilities, increase their word power and become more productive, both in English language and daily activities."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Business Intelligence e Analytics: Teoria e Prtica" |
"Cursos de BI so geralmente cheios de dashboards e intuies especficas sobre tcnicas de anlise de dados, mas com pouca descrio sobre a teoria por trs da anlise. Da mesma forma como programar por si s no permite diferenciar um aplicativo, e que saber cozinhar no garante um excelente prato, ter um conhecimento slido das tcnicas e ferramentas computacionais no garante que voc tenha uma boa capacidade de anlise de negcios, nem mesmo saiba que tipo de informao relevante para resolver um problema, investigar uma situao, ou mesmo como arquivar as informaes que esto disponveis atravs de uma API.Este curso tem como principal caracterstica cumprir este gap. Aqui, voc vai ver no somente como programar (codar, para os ntimos) da forma mais pura possvel a resoluo de um problema, mas que tipo de dados voc precisa para avaliar uma situao em sua plenitude, quais as tcnicas especficas que existem para caracterizar o objetivo da anlise, e como voc pode desenvolver estratgias timas de anlise partindo da teoria e utilizando modelagem matemtica para validar uma estrutura de pensamento.Com este curso, voc ser capaz no somente de elaborar dashboards com mais qualidade e velocidade, mas principalmente selecionar, tratar, capturar e analisar dados mais especficos e pertinentes para cada situao. um must-do para quem est querendo entrar na rea de anlise de negcios atravs da anlise de dados. Ainda por cima, um curso de nvel introdutrio, ento no tem um aprofundamento que te exija um nvel muito elevado de dedicao para absorver o contedo de forma satisfatria, melhorando suas habilidades analticas num piscar de olhos!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Business Analysis with Examples" |
"Our Training:This training is put together for people who are exploring the possibility of business analysis as a career.Our Approach:Our learning approach is designed in an innovative way. We have used the principles of micro-learning that includes short and smart videos that would keep you attentive and generate retentionIn order to retain your attention, we will ask you to take a short quiz every 5 to 7 minutes during the training sessions based on what youve learned so far. You will see Examples, Mind Maps, dialogue simulations, screencasts and a lot of visuals for better retention of lessons.Why Incept:There are several pieces of training out there for business analysis. But most of them are focused on teaching you the fundamentals or helping you get certified. We are not trying to replace those. Our training is geared towards making sure that you not only crack your first business analyst job interview but also hit the ground running on your first day of the project.Why Business Analysis:At one of our career events, a speaker gave an excellent analogy of Business Analysis as a career. She said that ""working as a BA is like flying the F-16 at a Mach 2 over a boulder-strewn landscape, two meters off the ground. If you crash, it's just like a video game at the arcade, and you'll have more quarters and lives."" Cool! The best jobs are the ones where you are flying the F-16, your pocket full of quarters, trying not to crash. Good Luck, it's going to be an exciting journey!!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Teaching Arabic to non-native speakers" |
"This course is for beginners who do not speak Arabic. In this course, we will learn the alphabet of the Arabic language from start to finish and also we will study the forms of letters in the first, middle and end of the word. We will also study the short and long movements of the Arabic language that will enable you to read the Holy Quran later."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Memory Magic For Professionals, Entrepreneurs & Students" |
"MEMORY MAGIC Course is one of my most successful course which I have been teaching since last 8 years in offline mode at various cities in Mumbai and at various corporate houses.Some of the organizations benefited by this course are IOC, TATA CHEMICALS, SUNGARD, HPCL, INDIAN AIRFORCE, BPCL and many more.Also some of the institutes where I have conducted this programs are St. Francis Institute of Management & Research NMIMS Alumni, National Judicial Academy, Saarth Classes and many more.MEMORY MAGIC course is an application oriented memory course that expands your ability to recall information by educating you with the natural language of your memory.The course will help you to understand the fundamentals of Memory System and how to leverage various Memory Techniques to enhance memory from current level.The concepts are made clear so that participants can design their own system suitable to their own individual needs.The biggest advantage is it's not just theory but has practical application of the leanings."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"NEBOSH-HSE Certificate in Process Safety Mgt. Practice Test" |
"Welcome to the Process Safety Management (PSM) Practice Test which follows the syllabus for the NEBOSH HSE Certificate in Process Safety Management and provides the knowledge you need to help you gain the qualification. This Practice Test has been designed to complement the coursebook for the NEBOSH HSE Certificate in Process Safety Management published by NEBOSH and which can be purchased through NEBOSH.To ensure thorough preparation and increase the chances of passing the examination for the NEBOSH HSE Certificate in Process Safety Management, this Practice Test has a set of 130 MCQs which cover these six topics:- Topic 1: Process safety leadership- Topic 2: Management of change- Topic 3: Competence- Topic 4: Management of process risk- Topic 5: Process safety hazard control- Topic 6: Fire and explosion protectionYou will need to achieve at least 104/130 (80%) to pass this Practice Test. This Practice Test is suitable for managers, superintendents, team leaders, engineers, safety officers, coordinators, operators, technicians, etc within process industries.Here are some sample questions:ELEMENT 1: Process Safety LeadershipQ8. In the UK, the Process Safety Leadership Group (PSLG) report into the Buncefield disaster, the importance of leadership was acknowledged. This report states that at least how many board members should be fully conversant in process safety management in order to advise the board of the status of process safety risk management within the organisation and of the process safety implications of board decisions?A. 0 board membersB. 1 board memberC. 2 board membersD. 3 board membersCorrect Answer: BQ11. Once safety indicators and targets have been established, the board should review progress on a regular basis (often____(a)____) and, on a ___(b)____ basis, the performance against these targets should be published (such as in the annual report) in order to celebrate success and highlight areas of opportunity:A. (a) = every six months; (b) = annualB. (a) = every three months; (b) = annualC. (a) = every three months; (b) = every six monthsD. (a) = every six months; (b) = every six monthsCorrect Answer: BELEMENT 2: Management of Process RiskQ33. The barrier modelling concept considers that actions or barriers can be used to prevent hazards from resulting in losses, which could be anything from a fatality to a loss of containment or environmental release. If the process relies on one barrier, such as a high-level alarm, then if this fails, there is no other means of protection. If there are multiple barriers in place, as in the Swiss cheese model, then there will only be a failure if the defect occurs in:A. First layerB. One layerC. Each layer and these are all aligned at the same timeD. Last layerCorrect Answer: CExplanation: If there are multiple barriers in place, as in the Swiss cheese model, then there will only be a failure if the defect occurs in each layer and these are all aligned at the same time (that is, the holes in the Swiss cheese line up).Q35. As one works through the hazard realisation then barriers can be identified that can be placed between the initiator (the triggering event) to either prevent it from happening or to mitigate the outcome. These can be termed ___________ and are exactly that actions which, if implemented, could prevent the initiating event from resulting in a release or harm, or mitigating the consequences should it occur: Choose the correct answer which completes the immediate statement.A. GuardsB. Lines of Defence (LOD) or Layers of Protection (LOP)C. ProtectorsD. ShieldsCorrect Answer: BELEMENT 3: Process Safety Hazard ControlQ72. A process plant is at its most vulnerable during shut-down and start-up operations. To improve the safety of plant start-up operation, a safety evaluation system must be developed. There are several controls adopted for safe start-up of plant with one of them being the:A. Closing of all valvesB. Opening of all valvesC. Closing of drain valvesD. Opening of drain valvesCorrect Answer: CQ74. When designing any process plant, particularly where the process, the materials being used, the product being produced and the reactions taking place are hazardous, the design needs to be such as to prevent the hazards being out of control. To do this, the designer aims to ensure that the process itself is controlled within certain limits, to prevent a hazardous situation developing. Typically, process limits are established by setting upper and lower levels for a range of parameters. The common process parameters are temperature, pressure and volume but, depending on the process, may also include properties such as pH, conductivity, level, flow (rates) composition, mixing (agitation), etc. What is the expression which commonly refers to the limits of operating conditions under which the process can take place safely?A. safe operating rangeB. safe operating envelopeC. safe operating zoneD. safe operating limitsCorrect Answer: BELEMENT 4: Fire and explosion protectionQ113. An emergency plan should consider which areas:A. On-siteB. Either on-site or off-siteC. On-site and off-siteD. Off-site onlyCorrect Answer: CQ120. It is normal practice to keep concentrations of flammable gases/vapours to below ___% of their LEL/LFL to provide that margin of safety: Choose the correct percentage which completes the statement.A. 10%B. 20%C. 25%D. 30%Correct Answer: CCopyright 2020 Stanford Global Limited. All rights reserved"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Understanding the Dynamics of Domestic Violence" |
"This course will educate students on the dynamics of domestic violence. Taught by Dr. Angela Parker, who has worked in the field of domestic violence for the past 14 years, course participants will learn the definition of domestic violence, how to recognize the signs that some one is being abused, why victims stay, and how to engage with some one who may be a victim. This engaging course utilizes lectures, videos, quizzes and discussion questions to engage participants on the content and to encourage them to look at the issue of domestic violence in a larger, societal context."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CCNA 200-301 Practice Test Questions" |
"Welcome to the CCNA 200-301 Practice Tests!Doing practice CCNA tests is an essential part of the exam preparation. I designed this test to help new candidates prepare for the CCNA successfully.Exam topics covered:Network fundamentalsNetwork accessIP connectivityIP servicesSecurity fundamentalsAutomation and programmabilityI will add new questions and update the test every week. Carefully selected content and regular updates make this test one of the best CCNA preparation materials.Best of luck with your exam!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Processamento de Linguagem Natural com Deep Learning" |
"A rea de Processamento de Linguagem Natural - PLN (Natural Language Processing - NLP) uma subrea da Inteligncia Artificial que tem como objetivo tornar os computadores capazes de entender a linguagem humana, tanto escrita quanto falada. Alguns exemplo de aplicaes prticas so: tradutores entre idiomas, traduo de texto para fala ou fala para texto, chatbots, sistemas automticos de perguntas e respostas, sumarizao de textos, gerao automtica de descries para imagens, adio de legendas em vdeos, classificao de sentimentos em frases, dentre vrias outras! Atualmente, este setor est cada vez mais necessitando de solues de Processamento de Linguagem Natural, ou seja, aprender essa rea pode ser a chave para trazer solues reais para necessidades presentes e futuras. Baseado nisso, este curso foi projetado para quem deseja crescer ou iniciar uma nova carreira na rea de Processamento de Linguagem Natural, obtendo uma slida experincia nessa rea utilizando modernas tcnicas de Deep Learning e Redes Neurais Artificiais!Aproveitaremos a enorme quantidade de dados de texto disponveis on-line (duas bases de dados reais) e exploraremos duas das principais tcnicas de PLN, o que lhe dar o poder necessrio para enfrentar com xito qualquer desafio do mundo real! O curso est dividido em duas partes:Criao de um classificador de sentimentos utilizando dados do Twitter e Redes Neurais ConvolucionaisCriao de um tradutor de idiomas, passando como entrada um texto em Ingls e tendo como retorno um texto em Portugus. Neste estudo de caso desenvolveremos passo a passo a arquitetura Transformer desenvolvida pelo GoogleUtilizaremos tecnologias modernas, como a linguagem Python, o TensorFlow 2.0 e o Google Colab, garantindo que voc no tenha problemas com instalaes ou configuraes de softwares na sua mquina local.Preparado(a) para dar um importante passo na sua carreira? Aguardamos voc no curso! :)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Apprenez dessiner en 24 heures !" |
"Vous souhaitez apprendre dessiner ? Vous tes donc la bonne adresse !Grce ma formation , vous allez apprendre dessiner en quelques heures de pratique :Vous serez initier l'art du portrait, du design , le manga ; la perspective ; le dessin animalier et bien d'autres surprises !Pourquoi cette formation est aussi originale : Elle est base 100% sur la pratique ! Les cours thoriques barbants sont enfin bannies . Vous allez pouvoir profiter de mes 30 annes d'expriences de le domaine de l'art et de la cration.Ma formation est aussi la plus comptitive du march , elle est mise jour rgulirement et vous accompagne tout au long de votre apprentissage.Step by step , vous allez devenir un ""as"" du dessin.Ma formation est surtout fun et vous permet d'apprhender des univers diffrents dans l'art magique de la cration .Comme vous le savez le dessin est un mode de communication original, vivant et d'actualit. et sera un atout de choix dans votre carrire professionnelle :Que ce soit dans lillustration , la conception, le design, dans lunivers mdicale, ou dans la publicit et la communication, ou encore dans la mode et le web ; les dbouchs et les modes dexpression sont nombreux et sont trs recherchs ; et chacun peut trouver et dvelopper son propre style.De plus; les personnes cratives sont souvent mis en avant dans le domaine professionnel. Alors pourquoi pas vous ?Le dessin est une source dtente et permet de dvelopper ses capacits intellectuelles, en effet de nombreuses tudes prouvent que le dessin apporte un bien tre, stimule votre crativit et dveloppe vos capacits cognitivesVous tes Intress ? Bravo !Alors rejoignez des centaines d'tudiants qui ont fait la choix de ma formation : Dessin24 et devenez la future rfrence dans l'art graphique ."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |