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"STRETCHING 2020: Modern Stretching for Beginners at Home" |
"This modern stretching course will help you increase your flexibility, reduce stress, prevent back pains and improve your posture.The lifestyle that most of us follow nowadays calls for implementing stretching exercise in our daily lives. My course is designed for ANYONE who wants to get a full control of their body, increase mobility or get rid of back and joint pains. If you are:a business professionalan entrepreneura developera managera designera freelancera salespersona studentor if you just spend more than 5 hours daily sitting at your desk this course is DEFINITELY for you.Suitable for complete beginners.Most people think Stretching is something that only athletes and yogi are supposed to practice. But thats absolutely not the case. The stress and challenges most of us face every day lead to fatigue and poor muscle tone, bad posture and ultimately to decreased wellbeing.Luckily, most or even all of those effects can be reduced or eliminated by introducing stretching routine to your daily workflow.Scientifically proven.The positive effects of stretching have been proven by many scientific research and my goal with this course is to show you how you can apply stretching so you can live a more flexible and happier lifestyle.Designed for busy people. Practice any place, any time.The set of exercises that I will teach you in this course are designed with busy people in mind, so youre only gonna need 30 minutes in a day to practice them; and the best part is that you can do that at home or at the office. No special sports equipment required.All the exercises are easy to follow along and come with verbal commentary so you will understand every movement that youre performing. Repeating this program will make it a part of your life and soon you'll start getting all the benefits of stretching!Go ahead and hit the take this course button to start building your new flexible body now!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Einrichtung eines sicheren VPN" |
"Diese VPN Schulung bietet eine Orientierung insbesondere fr Einsteiger, die Interesse an sicheren Verbindungen und weiteren VPN-Services haben.Vermittelt werden wichtige Grundlagen, die fr den effektiven Einsatz von sicheren Verbindungen und fr deren fachkundige Bewertung bentigt werden.Das VPN Seminar ist praxisorientiert und wird abgerundet durch eine Auswahl an kompetenten Entscheidungshilfen.Zielgruppe des Trainings sind alle Personen, die sich ber die Einsatzmglichkeiten und Anforderungen von sicheren Verbindungen informieren mchten.Der Kurs umfasst im Detail:Die Konfiguration eines VPNDie Konfiguration eines SambafreigabedienstesDie Installation des OpenVPN ServersDie Konfiguration des ersten TunnelsDen VPN-Server konfiguriert in einer virtuellen UmgebungVPN-Server als Zertifizierungsstelle"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to SET-UP a DROP SHIPPING store with DSMTOOL in 2020" |
"Drop Shipping Course - with DSMTOOL - Automated Drop Shipping Software Whether you're just starting or you want to make more money on the drop shipping business you already have, DSMTOOL will help you push to the next level of making your own money online.Learn the following about Drop Shipping:Start from scratch - no accounts - and build yourself a drop shipping business.Strategies to find products.Get automated templates that push your products into eBay. How to set up your eBay store properly for drop shipping - business policy set-up. Let DSMTOOL do the work for you - save yourself some time while you make more money!Work SMARTER, not HARDER!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Linux: Work faster in Linux Shell with ""find"" Command" |
"In this course, you will have very deep knowledge regarding find and locate command and how you will use it in the real world to make your life easier as a Linux System Administrator. So, if you are thinking of upgrading your Linux SysAdmin Skills then, this course will certainly help you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Linux: Do things quicker in Bash using ""find"" & ""Locate""" |
"This is a very short and useful course on finding files and directories in Ubuntu. The course is applicable for all Linux boxes irrespective of the versions. After completion of the course, students will have really great ideas on how to find find files and directories and do a lot of things with them."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Curso basico makehuman" |
"Voce ira aprender de forma pratica e facil a usar o makehuman para fazer seus personagens para games e montagens,e usar o programa com blender,inkscape e mixamo , aprenda o basico do makehuman e faa coisas fantaticas e poder usar tambem na sua game engine favorita.Faa pose em suas criaoes no proprio makehuman e no blender ,e faa poses incriveis com as ferramentas do makehuman ,blender e inkscape."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Icebreakers and Energizers" |
"Have you ever been in a meeting where energy levels are low, people are disengaged or bored? Or maybe people feel awkward because they have just been thrown together and do not know each other. In either case a good icebreaker can change the dynamics in the room and engage everyone. In this course we review eight proven methods to energise your meetings and fire people up. The icebreakers are short, practical and fun. You can use them in brainstorms, training sessions, committees, discussions and business meetings. They motivate and stimulate people. These techniques will help you to run much more effective meetings because people are more enthusiastic and engaged. Participants will be glad that you involved them early and broke the ice!This course is ideal for anyone who runs meetings. It includes ten videos which you can download and use at your own pace. You will learn how to use:Gestures ExerciseBall GameHowdy Partner!Human StatuesMemory GameTell a LieTwo Truths and a LieFortunately / UnfortunatelyThere is a summary which compares the methods and helps you choose the most appropriate for your event. There is also a extra video interview on icebreakers with author and workshop facilitator Jackie Barrie. This interview looks in depth at why and how to use icebreakers. It also covers two additional methods - Draw a Pig and Change Three Things."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Corso di Moxibustione" |
"La moxibustione una pratica terapeutica della medicina cinese , caratterizzata dall'applicazione prolungata di calore sui meridiani e punti tipici dell'agopuntura. Tale calore viene prodotto facendo bruciare un'erba chiamata artemisia . Questa terapia indicata in caso di dolori articolari e cervicali, muscolari , lombari , di sciatalgia, problemi digestivi e di mestruazioni. Attraverso il corso verranno descritte le tecniche per eseguire la moxibustione, i tipi di prodotti da utilizzare, le controindicazioni legate all'utilizzo. Inoltre ci saranno accenni alla medicina tradizionale cinese e i punti cardini dell'agopuntura."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Palestrante Coach" |
"Motivos para Todo Coach Se Tornar PalestranteTodo Coach agente de mudanas deve tambm ser um palestrante. Como uma palestra pode se tornar uma oportunidade para que um Coach amplie seu negcio e passe por uma transformao, existem alguns Motivos para Todo Coach Se Tornar Palestrante e vamos list-los para vocs.1 - Primeiro Motivo: Mais um produto para o seu portflio.Como Coach, voc pode e deve apresentar a palestra como mais um produto. Ele pode diversificar a sua linha de servios. E claro, ele pode ser um produto que ir agregar valor para o seu negcio. Pois no podemos esquecer que uma nica Palestra pode ser oferecida em diferentes lugares e com um ganho relevante, podendo se tornar responsvel por parte considervel dos seus ganhos.A palestra um produto que lhe permite impactar mais pessoas de uma s vez. Ser contratado para fazer uma palestra pode possibilitar a chance de voc, como Coach, impactar a vida de muitas pessoas. Seu grau de eficincia pode no ser to impactante quanto uma sesso de Coaching individual, enquanto se trabalha em uma palestra para um pblico em geral. Mas para os seus ouvintes, uma ou duas dicas que voc oferecer pode fazer toda a diferena em sua mudana.2 - Segundo Motivo: Um Coach Se Tornar Palestrante desenvolve autoridade.Como resultado, se tornar um palestrante ir conceder a voc autoridade. Quando voc se prope a falar sobre algum assunto e as pessoas param pra ouvir, voc desenvolve autoridade.Fique atento: Muitos Coaches, ao preparar a sua palestra, determinam o foco no Coaching, ao invs de a utilizarem como um mtodo. Sua Palestra o momento em que voc utilizar o Coaching para impactar e transformar vidas. Falar do Coaching o que ou no Coaching e retratar seus benefcios em uma palestra, no trar resultados. Voc deve falar dos destinos a que o Coaching leva, e no de sua profisso a no ser que voc seja um Palestrante para Negcios de Coaching. A autoridade adquirida tambm pode te trazer status e reconhecimento, at mesmo de celebridade. Isso pode te ajudar a elevar o preo.3 - Terceiro motivo: Voc Pode Aprender a Vender do PalcoA conhecida venda camuflada , atravs do contedo da palestra, a apresentao de seu produto. Muitas vezes, voc pode dispor de pouco tempo em sua palestra e essa uma oportunidade de aguar a curiosidade das pessoas com possibilidades. Mostrar a elas que voc tem muito mais a oferecer do que apenas o que foi abordado na palestra.Voc pode deixar seu contato ou, at mesmo, abordar a necessidade que as pessoas possuem. E mostrar a elas, no apenas como se pode solucionar, mas que voc tem a soluo.Vender do palco de uma palestra pode mudar completamente seu negcio. Muitas vezes, cinco minutos de sua palestra separados para direcionar uma oferta irresistvel para um determinado nmero de pessoas, pode lhe trazer mais clientes do que voc imagina.4 - Quarto motivo: A Estrutura de Uma Palestra Quase a Mesma de Um WebinarEst cada vez mais comum a realizao de encontros, mentorias, e seminrios Online. O Webinar nada mais do que realizar uma palestra de sua prpria casa, direcionado para um pblico ainda maior. Pois voc conta com a praticidade de direcion-la para pessoas de qualquer lugar.O Enredo de sua palestra de palco pode ser o mesmo enredo de sua palestra virtual. E o jeito com que voc trabalha no palco, tambm deve ser o mesmo. Porm, existem algumas particularidades que voc deve levar em considerao. Um Seminrio Online pode ser ideal para quem est comeando, ou tambm, como uma chance de se colocar na frente de centenas de pessoas e entregar um contedo em que voc trabalhou tanto para dominar.Ento, fiquem atentos. O Coach, sem uma palestra em mos, perde uma grande chance de se consolidar no mercado do Coaching. Alm de deixar de lado a oportunidade de encontrar pessoalmente diversas pessoas que podem mudar de vida com suas palavras. Um agente de mudana deve transformar as pessoas e suas palestras podem ser uma arma perfeita para isso.5 Oportunidade de cumprir o seu propsito de vidaVoc j sentiu um chamado para ajudar a construir um mundo melhor? Ajudar as pessoas a sua volta, fazendo com que elas se tornem grandes influenciadores do bem? Ou um grande desejo de deixar o seu legado no universo, fazendo mais do que faz hoje? s vezes, voc acha que o que faz para ganhar a vida no exatamente aquilo que amava ou sonhava em fazer? H uma vontade dentro do seu corao de fazer algo pela humanidade?Ento, preciso te contar que ser coach palestrante pode te ajudar a realizar todos esses desejos.6 Investir no autodesenvolvimento o tempo todoPor acaso, voc o tipo de pessoa que adora fazer cursos, ler, se aprimorar e saber sempre mais? Imagine ento uma profisso, uma carreira, onde realizar treinamentos, ter acesso a novos livros e ainda viajar para se aprofundar nessas pesquisas faa parte da sua trajetria.Imagine fazer todas essas coisas que gosta como forma de investimento em si mesmo, e ainda conseguir que todo o gasto seja convertido em ganho.Eu, por exemplo, gastei um bom dinheiro para fazer uma formao com Anthony Robbins, um grande profissional que coach e palestrante. O dinheiro que paguei por esse curso j voltou para mim, pois tudo que aprendi foi convertido nos meus cursos e servios que ofereo. Ou seja, alm de aprender muito e fazer o que mais gosto, consegui resgatar o dinheiro colocando em prtica os ensinamentos que me possibilitou em ajudar ainda mais pessoas.7 Fazer o que ama e ser reconhecido por isso indescritvel dizer o quanto gratificante ser reconhecida pelo meu trabalho. uma sensao maravilhosa quando algum me diz que eu transformei a vida dela, ou que de alguma forma ajudei abrir uma porta para um caminho que parecia impossvel. Isso, realmente, no tem preo. Alm do mais ser bem remunerado acaba sendo a cereja do bolo. Ajudar pessoas, melhorar o mundo e ainda ser bem remunerado era um sonho que se tornou real. Ser coach palestrante a minha vida.8 Flexibilidade de horrio e de local de trabalhoDepois de terminar esse texto vou pegar minha mala e ir para a praia ler vrios livros que me ajudaro a preparar minhas prximas aulas, tanto do meu curso Passaporte do Sucesso, quanto dos outros treinamentos que estou criando para voc. Ou seja, vou trabalhar tomando minha aguinha de coco e apanhando sol. Acredite se quiser!Esse ano eu pretendo dar aulas de Nova York, Paris, Orlando e Buenos Aires Para continuar desenvolvendo meu trabalho, s preciso de uma linha de internet, o resto fao acontecer de qualquer lugar do mundo. H sensao mais libertadora que essa? Esse um dos benefcios mais bacanas de ser uma coach palestrante.9 Ser bem remunerado pelo o que fazQuando voc aprende o caminho certo, sendo visto pelas pessoas e reconhecido por elas como um excelente profissional que faz tudo com maestria, impossvel no ser bem remunerado pelo seu trabalho. E quando eu digo muito bem, muito bem MESMO. Eu cobro mais de R$ 15 mil reais por uma palestra de uma hora e ganho muito bem atravs dos meus cursos online. Isso tudo s possvel porque trabalho com aquilo que amo TODOS OS DIAS. Acredite, essa tambm pode ser sua realidade de vida. Nada impossvel, s depende de voc e da sua fora de vontade em querer mudar.10 Capaz de ganhar dinheiro quando e como quiserComo eu disse acima, eu queria muito fazer a formao com o Anthony Robbins. At sabia que conseguiria resgatar todo valor investido nesse curso criando novos produtos para minha empresa atravs dele, no entanto, eu precisava desse dinheiro antes. O que eu fiz? Desenvolvi um treinamento maravilhoso, pois quando voc aprende a atuar nessa rea de desenvolvimento humano muito mais fcil criar novas formaes, e ofereci para a minha audincia. Vendi esse treinamento e consegui levantar o dinheiro necessrio para viajar pros Estados Unidos e concretizar meu objetivo.Ser coach palestrante te da o poder de fazer dinheiro. Tudo vai depender da sua mente, do seu corao e de como voc vai alinhar todos os recursos que possui. O mais bacana nisso que a sua audincia estar investindo em ti e logo depois esse mesmo dinheiro retornar para elas atravs dos prximos e melhores produtos que voc vai criar.11 Possibilidade de mudar e transformar a vida das pessoasChegamos ao ltimo benefcio de ser coach palestrante. Com certeza, h muitos outros que poderiam entrar nessa lista, entretanto, eu no poderia deixar de citar a possibilidade que temos em transformar a vida das pessoas. O dinheiro que voc ganhar s poder ser usufrudo enquanto ainda estiver vivo, porque at onde eu sei caixo no tem gaveta. Mas, as transformaes que voc provoca tanto na vida das pessoas que esto ao seu redor, quando quelas que tero acesso a sua obra mesmo depois que voc partir, isso sim, muito valioso e mgico. por isso que eu amor ser coach palestrante.Para finalizar:Esta formao tambm disponibiliza slides de palestras que j foram ministradas com timos resultados, e que podero ser usadas para que voc inicie sua carreira como Palestrante Coach.Importante: O diferencial desta formao que alm da tecnologia de vanguarda, todo o contedo apresentado filmado e fruto de mais de duas dcadas de atendimentos a pessoas e empresas, e aplicado em sala de aula com a pessoas reais na soluo de problemas tambm reais, e com resultados reais, objetivando alavancar suas vidas e carreiras. No se trata apenas de teorias que no resistem a realidade das dificuldades dos contextos profissional ou pessoal, mas de tcnicas que voc ver em tempo real se mostrando efetivas em resolver bloqueios e limitaes, e aumentar rapidamente os resultados nas mais diversas reas da vida das pessoas que ali esto."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"The Best Shopify Dropshipping Product Research for 2020" |
"This Research Machine uses our proprietary Dropshipping A.I. Algorithm that allows you to see what is REALLY trending across popular E-commerce stores around the world taking all the guess work out of picking Winning Products. Wanna know what trending products to sell online? This game changing technology will show you the best things to sell online in a flash!THIS IS WHAT IS INCLUDEDDropship Product ExplorerShopify Store ExplorerFacebook AD ExplorerAliexpress Trend ExplorerAmazon Trend ExplorerVideo Ads CreatorInstagram & Twitter Engagement CalculatorFacebook Audience BuilderOne Click Add To Store"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Clculo - Somente exerccios resolvidos" |
"Nesse curso voc aprender a resolver diversos exerccios envolvendo Limites, Derivadas e Integrais. Estudaremos o teorema fundamental do clculo, regra da cadeia e diversas estratgias para resoluo de exerccios.Esse curso voltado para alunos do Ensino Superior que buscam ajuda para entender os mistrios aparentes do clculo. Ao final do curso voc se sentir mais confiante para resolver qualquer exerccio envolvendo os conceitos de clculo e entender que tudo questo de prtica :)Boas aulas!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"What's New In Procreate 5: A Complete Guide" |
"Welcome to the start of your Digital Illustration journey with Procreate 5! Join this special class from artist and illustrator Ghost Paper and learn all of the ins and outs of this latest update - including the re-designed Brush Studio and the amazing Animation Assist Tool. Plus, dive into new adjustment effects, CMYK support and many other amazing features to help you create your own art while using the iPad. Make sure to go through all the lessons and we can't wait to see what you can create!Love digital illustration? Learn how to use Procreate, the best drawing & digital illustration app for the iPad, with this special class from from artist and illustrator Ghostpaper!Important: Please keep in mind that this class is fully dedicated to the updates on Procreate 5 - and intended for those of you in all levels who had a little bit of time with previous versions of Procreate (4 and older). In other words, this class only covers what's new and improved in this latest update. If you do want to start learning from the beginning, please refer to my other class 'Procreate Essentials: The Ultimate Guide' also here on Udemy!Here's a few key things you'll learn:New Custom Canvas optionsCMYK Support - and a comparison to the RGB color work spaceThe Clone ToolAn Overview of the re-designed Brush StudioA Guide on the New Animation Assist Tooland more!Plus, Ghostpaper will show you how to make animation in Procreate 5 with the new Animation Assist tool and help you with references and ideas for your class assignment.Whether youre new to digital art or curious about Procreate, youll gain an arsenal of tips, tricks and tools you can use to start creating right away. After this class, you'll never be far from your iPad and your favourite creations on Procreate, wherever you happen to be."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Journaling to Enhance Happiness" |
"Would you like to enhance your sense of satisfaction?Would you like to cultivate a deeper sense of happiness?Would you like to feel more fulfilment in your life?Would you like to learn to use writing to access your creative potential?Does the idea of journaling intrigue you?Are you inspired to journal but aren't sure what to write about?Are you concerned that you might not have enough time to keep a journal?If you want to take charge of your happiness and feel intrigued by the idea of beginning a journal in a simple, yet insightful way then this course is a must for you!This online course features This online course features over 6 hours of readable, video and audio learning sections including:Introduction to using 'Journal Me Happy! A Week of Worth' About My Journaling Journey The Art of Journaling - How to Approach This CourseSeven Secrets to Effective Journaling Writing To Access your Creative PotentialDaily Journaling PromptsSeven Relatable Daily Focuses Specifically Chosen to Enhance Your HappinessA Daily Mantra & Meditation Exercise to Lock in Focused IntentionExclusive access to the interactive 'Journal Me Happy' Facebook Community GroupAn Exclusive Look into my Personal Journal""I was inspired to create Journal Me Happy A Week of Worth over seven days because I wanted to create a course that you could take part in that offers measurable results, with minimal effort, and that could be accomplished in a short period of time. I honestly believe, in fact I know, that seven days is all that is takes to see remarkable results in your life after spending a week journaling and choosing to view your life with a renewed shift of perspective.In numerology the number seven is the number of trust, going within, and the number of the spirit. Through the path of alignment with the spirit is the only way to achieve true happiness and inner contentment. This is another reason why I chose to write this course over a span of seven days.I wrote this course because everyone seems to be waiting for that next big thing to happen to them before they think they can be truly happy. Well guess what, you cant get to happy from a dream of it in the future. You have to truly feel the happiness, and step into being happy TODAY in order to create and attract more of it.The creative energy that creates the universe dictates that we get more of what we give out. Powerful Universal Laws of Attraction, Creation, and Allowing determine that we must first be an energetic match that of which we wish to create, along with feeling a genuine sense of joy, well-being, and trust in order to allow it to come to being in your experience. This is what the purpose of this week long journaling course is all about.Life is all about perspective. How you see things, and your beliefs is a reflection of what you are living. Your outer world is a reflection of the inner world, it is the outward manifestation of all that you are today, and the energy you are vibrating from within, and this journaling course was written to help you realize, then switch your perspective of things, so you can position yourself to start creating and attracting your best life possible into your experience.Sound good to you? Yes, I thought so!See you inside!""Ashleigh xoJoin the 'Journal Me Happy! - A Week of Worth' Online Program Now and Facebook Community Here"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Python for ABSOLUTE beginners! *Make 5+ Real-World Projects*" |
"This course is updated with new lectures and resources EVERY MONTH!This course is designed to fully immerse you in the Python language, so it is great for ALL skill levels! Learn Python as Dhhyey takes you through the basics of programming, Python concepts, coding a calculator, essential modules, creating an RPG battle script, web scraping with BeautifulSoup and crawling websites, PyMongo, and much more!If you want to get started programming in Python, you are going to LOVE this course! What better than learning from a Google Certified Python Expert...Python has rapidly become one of the most popular programming languages around the world. Compared to other languages such as Java or C++, Python consistently outranks and outperforms these languages in demand from businesses and job availability. Python is an easy to learn programming language with a wide variety of well-paying jobs in many fields, including data science, web development, and network programming.This course is designed to fully immerse you in the Python language, so it is great for both beginners! Learn Python as Dhhyey takes you through the basics of programming, Python concepts, coding a calculator, essential modules, creating an RPG battle script, web scraping, PyMongo, and much more!This course will cover all the basics and also some advanced concepts of Python."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Self-Therapy: Techniques and Theories for Self-development" |
"This is a senior therapist's most important concepts for mental health. We will bridge philosophy, evolutionary science and therapeutic ideas and practices. A journey which only requires an open mind and a willingness to improve. A great way of looking at the most central and commonly referred to concepts and practices which I would employ during sessions and have seen work for many people. Perfect for anyone who wants to improve their mental health and gain a wider breadth of knowledge on applicable philosophy, science and psychology."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Batan Sona Uygulamal Photoshop CC Etimi" |
"Derslerin en basit konulardan balayarak anlatld bu kursumuzda Photoshop CC'yi adm adm reneceksiniz. Kurs ieriinde; fotoraflarn web sayfalar iin dzenlenmesi, PDF Katalog oluturma, fotoraflkta kullanlan teknikler, kurumsal banner tasarm, e-blten tasarm gibi daha birok alma yer almaktadr. Kurs boyunca herhangi bir sorunuzun olmas durumunda ltfen bana soru sormaktan ekinmeyin. lk dersimizde grmek zere hoa kaln."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Batan Sona Uygulamalarla Adobe XD Eitimi" |
"Bu kurs ile en batan itibaren arayz tasarm renmeye balayacaksnz. lerleyen aamalarda artk siz de kendi mobil veya web arayzlerinizi tasarlyor hale gelebileceksiniz. Kursumuz adm adm ilerleyecei iin tedirgin olmanza veya kayglanmanza gerek yok. Kurs devaml gncel olacak ve yeni eitimler eklenecektir. Bu kurs uygulamal ve bol rnekli bir kurs olduu iin yaptnz pratiklerle ileri seviye uygulama ve animasyonlar oluturabileceksiniz. Aklnza taklan konularda kurs esnasnda ve kurs sonrasnda yannzda olduumu unutmayn. Haydi hazrsanz Adobe XD renmeye balayalm."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"1Z0-932-Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2018 Associate OCI Dumps" |
"This certification covers topics such as: Cloud computing concepts (HA, DR, Security), regions, availability domains, OCI terminology and services, networking, databases, load balancing, IAM, DNS, FASTCONNECT, VPN, Compartments, tagging, Terraform, with focus on how to use it with OCI and Exadata.Dumps are 100% verified and passed using this.You can pause the test at any time and resume later.You can retake the test as many times as you would like.The progress bar at the top of the screen will show your progress as well as the time remaining in the test. If you run out of time, dont worry; you will still be able to finish the test.You can skip a question to come back to at the end of the exam.You can also use Mark for review to come back to questions you are unsure about before you submit your test.If you want to finish the test and see your results immediately, press the stop button."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"How To Arm Knit Color Work" |
"In this course you'll learn how to incorporate color work into your blankets through a really simple technique called intarsia. This is the secret sauce to creating billowy arm knitted blankets without the extra bulk of adding another color on top of an already completed blanket.Once you understand the technique used, you can use it yourself to create almost any colored pattern or picture onto a blanket.I walk you through step by step so you understand the technique fully and can do it yourself.For this blanket I've used 3 kilo's of lightly felted wool roving (6.6 lbs) 2 kgs of white divided up into 2 separate balls and 1 kg of blue. This project will take roughly between 2 and 4 hours to complete depending on how fast you knit."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Oracle DB 12c Administration Certification Practice test/MCQ" |
"Enhance your certification score. If you're not sure whether you're ready to take any certification exam, practice tests will help you test your knowledge. If you're finding something you don't know, you can study on that area a bit more. Use the tests in practice to refine your understanding of the subject.The best part is that you can study until the test, and your score on the actual certification exam will not be negatively affected. That means you can take as many practical tests as you like, so you can practice the actual test for several days before.In this way, even when you can not figure out the questions yourself, you will test your knowledge.This practice test is designed to help you evaluate if you are ready to successfully complete the Oracle Database 12c Administration Certification [1Z0-062] exam.Even if you're working at a top company, you're going to want to keep your score on certification. Especially if you want to go for a higher level position it is important for your job search. When you're looking for new jobs, people will screen your CV with certifications a little bit.Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each subject area, ask yourself practical questions and answers, and make sure you're ready to take the certification.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam.The objective of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify risks related to the subjects of the exam and to be able to recognize them when analyzing a real practice scenario.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your test results are immediately available while you remain focused on the results of your exam. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Life Time Access to practice tests to try as many times as possible until you have mastered the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make correctionsApplicants will need to ensure that they are able to complete the full examination of the practice and pass all multiple-choice tests of a general nature.Exam Title:Oracle Database 12c AdministrationExam Number:1Z0-062Format:Multiple Choice.Duration:120 minutesNumber of Questions:67Passing Score:64%Total Questions in this practice test to check your knowledge: 350Exam TopicsExploring the Oracle Database ArchitectureList the architectural components of Oracle DatabaseExplain the memory structuresDescribe the background processesOracle Database InstanceUnderstand initialization parameter filesStart up and shut down an Oracle database instanceView the alert log and access dynamic performance viewsAdministering User SecurityCreate and manage database user accountsGrant and revoke privilegesCreate and manage rolesCreate and manage profilesCreate and manage tablespacesExplain how Oracle database server automatically manages spaceSave space by using compressionUse the Segment AdvisorReclaim wasted space from tables and indexes by using the segment shrink functionalityManaging Data ConcurrencyDescribe the locking mechanism and how Oracle manages data concurrencyMonitor and resolve locking conflictsBackup and Recovery ConceptsIdentify the importance of checkpoints, redo log files, and archive log filesPerforming Database BackupsCreate consistent database backupsBack up your database without shutting it downCreate incremental backupsAutomate database backupsManage backupsMoving DataDescribe ways to move dataUse SQL*Loader to load data from a non-Oracle databaseUse external tables to move data via platform-independent filesExplain the general architecture of Oracle Data PumpUse Data Pump Export and Import to move data between Oracle databasesManaging Performance: SQL TuningUse the SQL Tuning advisorCreating an Oracle Database Using DBCAGenerate database creation scripts by using DBCAManage database design templates by using DBCAIntroduction to DBAASRecognize the difference between a DBaaS Instance and a Database InstanceNavigate with My Services DashboardUser authentication and rolesGenerate a Secure Shell (SSH) Public/Private Key PairOracle Database Management ToolsUse database management toolsConfiguring the Oracle Network EnvironmentConfigure Oracle Net ServicesUse tools for configuring and managing the Oracle networkConfigure client-side networkConfigure communication between databasesManaging Database Storage StructuresDescribe the storage of table row data in blocksCreate and manage tablespacesManaging Undo DataExplain DML and undo data generationMonitor and administer undo dataDescribe the difference between undo data and redo dataConfigure undo retentionImplementing Oracle Database AuditingEnable standard database auditing and unified auditingBackup and Recovery ConfigurationConfigure the fast recovery areaConfigure ARCHIVELOG modePerforming Database RecoveryDetermine the need for performing recoveryUse Recovery Manager (RMAN) and the Data Recovery Advisor to perform recovery of the control file, redo log file and data filePerforming Database MaintenanceUse server-generated alertsAutomating Tasks by Using Oracle SchedulerUse Oracle Scheduler to simplify management tasksUse job chains to perform a series of related tasksUse Scheduler jobs on remote systemsUse advanced Scheduler features to prioritize jobsUpgrading Oracle Database SoftwareDescribe data migration methodsDescribe the upgrade process"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Db 12c: Advanced Admin (1Z0-063) Practice tests" |
"Enhance your certification score. If you're not sure whether you're ready to take any certification exam, practice tests will help you test your knowledge. If you're finding something you don't know, you can study on that area a bit more. Use the tests in practice to refine your understanding of the subject.The best part is that you can study until the test, and your score on the actual certification exam will not be negatively affected. That means you can take as many practical tests as you like, so you can practice the actual test for several days before.In this way, even when you can not figure out the questions yourself, you will test your knowledge.This practice test is designed to help you evaluate if you are ready to successfully complete the Oracle Database 12c Administration Certification [1Z0-062] exam.Even if you're working at a top company, you're going to want to keep your score on certification. Especially if you want to go for a higher level position it is important for your job search. When you're looking for new jobs, people will screen your CV with certifications a little bit.Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each subject area, ask yourself practical questions and answers, and make sure you're ready to take the certification.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam.The objective of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify risks related to the subjects of the exam and to be able to recognize them when analyzing a real practice scenario.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your test results are immediately available while you remain focused on the results of your exam. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Life Time Access to practice tests to try as many times as possible until you have mastered the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make correctionsApplicants will need to ensure that they are able to complete the full examination of the practice and pass all multiple-choice tests of a general nature.Exam Title:Oracle Database 12c: Advanced AdministrationExam Number: 1Z0-063Format: Multiple ChoiceDuration:120Number of Questions:80Passing Score:60%Total Questions in this practice test to check your knowledge: 250Exam TopicsBackup and RecoveryOracle Data Protection SolutionsExplain Oracle backup and recovery solutionsDescribe types of database failuresDescribe the tools available for backup and recovery tasksDescribe RMAN and maximum availability architectureUse the SYSBACK privilegeUse RMAN stand-alone and job commandsConfiguring for RecoverabilityConfigure and manage RMAN settingsConfigure persistent settings for RMANView persistent settingsSpecify a retention policyConfigure the Fast Recovery AreaExplain the Fast Recovery AreaConfigure the Fast Recovery AreaConfigure control files and redo log files for recoverabilityMultiplex control filesMultiplex redo log filesImplementing Backup StrategiesUse various RMAN backup types and strategiesEnable ARCHIVELOG modeCreate tape and disk based backupsCreate whole database backupsCreate consistent and inconsistent backupsCreate backup sets and image copiesCreate backups of read-only tablespacesEmploy best practices for data warehouse backupsConfiguring RMAN Backup Options and Creating Backup of Non-Database FilesUse techniques to improve backupsCreate compressed backupsCreate multi-section backups of very large filesCreate proxy copiesCreate duplexed backup setsCreate backups of backup setsCreate archival backupsPerform backup of non-database filesBack up a control file to traceBack up archived redo log filesBack up ASM diskgroup metadataDiagnosing FailuresDescribe the Automatic Diagnostic WorkflowUse the Automatic Diagnostic RepositoryUse ADRCIFind and interpret message output and error stacksUse the Data Recovery AdvisorHandle block corruptionDetect block corruption using RMANPerform block recovery using RMANRecovering Files Using RMANPerform recovery for spfile, control file, redo log filesPerform table recovery from backupsPerform recovery of index and read-only tablespaces, temp fileRestore a database to a new hostUsing Flashback TechnologiesDescribe the Flashback technologiesConfigure a database to use Flashback technologiesGuarantee undo retentionUse Flashback to query dataUse Flashback QueryUse Flashback Version QueryUse Flashback Transaction QueryFlash back a transactionPerform Flashback Table operationsPerform Flashback TableRestore tables from the recycle binDescribe and use Flashback Data ArchiveUse Flashback Data ArchiveUse DBMS_FLASHBACK_ARCHIVE packageTransporting DataDescribe and use transportable tablespaces and databasesTransport tablespaces between databases using image copies or backup setsTransport databases using data files or backup setsTransport data across platformsMonitoring and Tuning of RMAN OperationsTune RMAN performanceInterpret RMAN error stacksDiagnose performance bottlenecksTune RMAN backup performanceCreating Multitenant Container and Pluggable DatabasesConfigure and create a CDBCreate a PDB using different methodsUnplug and drop a PDBMigrate a non-CDB database to PDBManaging Storage in a CDB and PDBsManage permanent and temporary tablespaces in CDB and PDBsManaging AvailabilityPerform backups of a CDB and PDBsRecover PDB from PDB datafiles lossUse Data Recovery AdvisorDuplicate PDBs using RMANMoving Data, Performing Security Operations and Interacting with Other Oracle ProductsUse Data PumpUse SQL*LoaderAudit operationsUse Other Products with CDB and PDBs - Database Vault, Data Guard, LogMinerPerforming Basic Backup and RecoveryBack up and recover a NOARCHIVELOG databasePerform backup and recovery in NOARCHIVELOG modeUse SQL in RMANUsing the RMAN Recovery CatalogCreate and use an RMAN recovery catalogConfigure a recovery catalogRegister target databases in a recovery catalogCatalog additional backup filesResynchronize a recovery catalogUse and maintain RMAN stored scriptsUpgrade and drop a recovery catalogProtect the RMAN recovery catalogBack up the recovery catalogRe-create an unrecoverable recovery catalogExport and import the recovery catalogPerforming BackupsPerform full and incremental backupsCreate full and incremental backupsUse the Oracle-suggested backup strategyManage backupsConfigure and monitor block change trackingReport on backups using LIST, REPORT commandsManage backups using CROSSCHECK, DELETE commandsUsing RMAN-Encrypted BackupsCreate RMAN-encrypted backupsUse transparent-mode encryptionUse password-mode encryptionUse dual-mode encryptionRestore encrypted backupsPerforming Restore and Recovery OperationsDescribe and tune instance recoveryPerform complete and incomplete recoveryUse RMAN RESTORE and RECOVER commandsRestore ASM disk groupsRecover from media failuresPerform complete and incomplete or point-in-time recoveries using RMANUsing Oracle Secure BackupConfigure and use Oracle Secure BackupUsing Flashback DatabasePerform Flashback DatabaseConfigure Flashback DatabasePerform Flashback DatabaseDuplicating a DatabaseChoose a technique for duplicating a databaseFrom an active database, connected to the target and auxiliary instancesFrom backup, connected to the target and auxiliary instancesFrom backup, connected to the auxiliary instance, not connected to the target, but with recovery catalog connectionFrom backup, connected to the auxiliary instance, not connected to the target and the recovery catalogDuplicate a database with RMANCreate a backup-up based duplicate databaseDuplicate a database based on a running instanceManaging Pluggable and Container DatabasesMultitenant Container and Pluggable Database ArchitectureDescribe the multitenant container database architectureExplain pluggable database provisioningManaging a CDB and PDBsEstablish connections to CDB/PDBStart up and shut down a CDB and open and close PDBsEvaluate the impact of parameter value changesManaging Security in a CDB and PDBsManage common and local usersManage common and local privilegesManage common and local rolesEnable common users to access data in specific PDBsManaging PerformanceMonitor operations and performance in a CDB and PDBsManage allocation of resources between PDBs and within a PDBPerform Database Replay"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"La mthode efficace pour planifier sur Instagram" |
"la recherche d'une systme qui marche trs bien pour toujours avoir 1 mois de contenu d'avance et dborder d'ides? Je te propose ma mthode efficace pour planifier 1 mois de contenu sur Instagram et attirer de vrais clients. Tu vas apprendre guider tes prospects doucement dans le processus de familiarisation avec ton entreprise et les convertir en clients fidles !Alors, qu'est-ce qu'on va apprendre ?Quels sont des types d'audience diffrents et comment travailler avec euxComment laborer un plan de contenuQuels outils utiliser pour la planification de ses postsComment planifier ses posts Instagram pour 1 moisComment copier coller un tableau Trello que tu recevras en cadeau, un tableau bien labor et rflchi En plus de tout a tu aura quelques BONUS :Un tableau TRELLO copier-collerUn template tlcharger si tu n'aime pas Trello52 ides de postsUn exemple de plan de contenu pour 1 moisIl n'est pas obligatoire d'avoir un compte Trello, tu peux tout planifier en version papier (le template est fourni avec ce cours)."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"7-Day Hatha-Yin Yoga Fusion for Flexibility & Stress Relief" |
"This exclusive yoga immersion program was filmed across 5 locations on the beautiful island of Maui.If you are looking to improve the flexibility of or open your hips, hamstrings, back, shoulders really, your whole body, then this yoga program is for you! Immerse Yourself!This program not only focuses on flexibility of your physical body, but also your emotional body. Often the areas where you are less flexible means these are also the areas where you store stress and tension (emotional body). As you focus on improving flexibility in the major core areas, you may also release these stored stressors from the emotional body. With that, it is vital that you couple your flexibility practice with a nurturing, self-care practice for your emotional body. Being kind and loving to yourself. Observing your body and emotions without judgement, accepting your body and fully embody your emotions exactly as they are.These 7 full length yoga practices are designed to transform your relationship with your body and with yourself.Each day focuses on a specific area of the body from the ground up. You can 100% do this program without any props, but in an effort to accept your body where it is at in your yoga practice, I do encourage you to have props handy at each practice. Bolsters (or a few pillows), yoga blocks (or a heavy stack of books), and a strap (or a belt). Meeting your body where it is at, rather than forcing it into extremes, can actually help you to gain leaps and bounds in your flexibility practice as well as your relationship with yourself.In the material shared, I included a pdf document for you that highlights links to props that I personally use and that are cost effective for anyone new to props. An essential part of an at-home yoga practice is your environment. Setting the tone so you can truly settle into your practice, which is why I also included details on how I personally set up my at-home yoga environment.The yoga practices are a fusion of Hatha and Yin yoga. This is my favorite and go-to practice. It provides you a nice balance of flow and movement for the physical body, and the longer holds of Yin provide you the opportunity to journey inward and nurture your emotional body for a self-loving practice.The final 2 videos are full body flexibility flows. One is a complete Hatha yoga practice and then you get to truly indulge in the final video with a complete Yin yoga practice. The longer holds in Yin yoga (3-5 minutes) provide an opportunity for a slow-moving meditation. An opportunity for you to journey inward. You will soften & quiet your body and your mind, bringing full awareness into the present moment, while we deepen your connection to your body. Doing this can be very difficult in most yoga routines that flow quickly from one pose to the next. This is exactly why I love Yin yoga. This will be a slow, gentle practice of opening and releasing, without striving, without pushing your body, without any true effort... except to accept yourself as you are.This program is an opportunity for you to tend to your body, mind and soul. I encourage you to walk through the 7 days at your own pace. Make this a practice of loving kindness towards your body and the way you communicate with yourself. Listening to your body and honoring what it needs each day.At the end of the 7 day program you will feel more open and deeply connected to your body and your true loving self. You will let go of any thoughts of where you want it to be and just accept it in the here & now.I have also included 2 Bonus meditations to further your practice of loving kindness.I hope to join you on the mat.From my heart to yours.--- Ashley"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"USA history, Social science and education for beginner" |
"hello! i am Mazia gul and i am a doctor by profession, and did masters in biotechnology,also have knowledge about history field and sociology, so simply i want to say this course is full of history knowledge of America,social sciences and education and i am sure it is very useful for you ,you get much more information regarding to history, and this course may also useful for interview purpose THANKYOU"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Le Marketing Digital: Augmenter vos ventes et vos visiteurs" |
"Le marketing digital; > Information sur le marche de la publicite sur internet> Quels sont les acteurs mondiaux et francais du marketing digital? > Comment ca marche? Comment lancer des campagnes marketing? Ci-apres les differents canaux: S.E.O: Search Engine Optimization S.E.M: Search Engine MarketingS.M.O: Social Media OptimizationA.S.O: App Store OptimizationEmail marketing et automatique Affiliation RetargetingRemarketingMarket Place 1. Webmarketing / InternetHistoireComment ca marche?Les formats publicitairesComment creer une campagne? Comment optimiser votre campagne marketing?"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"eCommerce With WooCommerce" |
"In this step-by-step video course, you will get to watch over my shoulder as I show you how to set up an e-commerce site with WooCommerce So You Can Start Generating Leads, Sales, & Profits!Whether you're selling digital products or physical products, creating an e-commerce store is your first step.While there are a variety of different platforms that you can use to set up your e-commerce site, WooCommerce is the number one option if you are utilizing WordPress.If you've wanted to sell your products online for a long time, but you just haven't been able to do so because of the technical learning curve, then this is your solution.By the end of this video course, you'll have the necessary knowledge to set up your e-commerce site from scratch on the WordPress platform."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Build Confidence in Kids through Art and Drawing" |
"Are you looking for a beginning drawing course for your kids?Are you seeking a course that will instill confidence and boost creativity in your child?Would you like an experienced teacher guiding your child through the drawing process?This Drawing Bootcamp may be just what you are looking for! Designed for kids and beginners in mind, this drawing course is perfect for ages 7+.The teaching process uses a friendly, step-by-step method that will both inspire and delight your child into drawing immediately!The process involves drawing reference lines, shapes, and patterns until a recognizable outcome is achieved.Young artists may then apply the knowledge they gain through each lesson to create unique masterpieces of their own.The Drawing Bootcamp is designed to give young children the tools they need to begin their artistic journey into self-expression, confidence building, and creative thinking."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Electronics for kids: Learn how Electricity, Circuits work!" |
"Nearly everything around us contains circuits and electronics. They are super smart and super small. You can combine them to make incredible things and once you know how they work you can unlock your superpower. You can pioneer new technology and build unique toys and invent the future.You could design a moving mouse bot, superhero jitterbots, design masks and make houses 3D houses light up... how about making your own dance pad or a spinning machine? What makes cards and bookmarks light-up in a snap? Well of course....electronics.If youre ready to turn your ideas into inventions and have an absolute blast, plus be surrounded by kids and friends who share your passion then lets start creating. If you think electronics is awesome then Im going to teach you circuits using materials from an electronic store or common household and you will be able to change the world around you! I cant wait to get started so lets get started now."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Coding for Kids and Beginners: Learn Scratch Programming" |
"In movies, whenever the scene involves a programmer, they are typing lots of stuff at such a high speed that their fingers are practically a blur. And the character does this for hours! It is easy to look at such scenes and wonder, Do I really think that I can reach that level? Well, here comes Scratch! Scratch is a unique programming language that is based on blocks actual blocks. So no need to worry about creating pages of hand-typed code all you will need to do is drag and drop. Cool, huh?This course is a beginners tutorial to creating animations, games, and coding, using the Scratch computer language. It includes step-by-step instructions for getting started with Scratch."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How 20% a Month is very Achievable with Options Trading" |
"Options trading has been associate with complicated and only reserve for sophisticated traders. However, it is the secret weapon to generate extremely high percentage monthly return and you should arm with this skill.We're going both way.The active way to make 20% monthly return in the bitcoin market While back it up with a secure system to make extra 8% to 10% a month in the US stock market. It is not rocket science and literally everyone can do this especially for beginners who never trade before or novice trader who didn't see much success after trading for years."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Dormir Bem Urgente: 10+ Medidas Provadas Contra a Insnia" |
"Uma quantidade enorme de pessoas dorme mal. A Insnia contribui para diversos problemas de sade, como ansiedade, depresso, obesidade, sonolncia diurna, irritabilidade, entre muitos outros. As informaes disponveis na internet sobre o combate da Insnia esto espalhadas e so de qualidade ruim. At muitos profissionais de sade como Mdicos e Psiclogos no tem o conhecimento para tratar corretamente a Insnia. Este curso foi criado para difundir medidas eficazes de combate da Insnia. Alm de melhorar o seu prprio sono, voc poder explicar o que aprendeu para familiares e amigos que sofrem com Insnia.Esse curso foi desenvolvido pelo Psiquiatra Jos Mauro Reis e pelo Psiclogo Renet Viana. H anos esses experimentes profissionais treinam seus pacientes para Dormir Bem. Eles so preceptores de Terapia Cognitivo-Comportamental na Clnica Shelter de Psiquiatria e Psicologia, sediada em Belo Horizonte-MG.Neste curso, voc vai:Entender a Origem da Insnia atravs do Modelo Conceitual da Insnia, criando bases para um sono muito melhor;Saber diferentes tipos de sono e diferentes estgios do sono, atravs da anlise de um Hipnograma simples;Entender o que o Condicionamento Clssico Ativador e como ele contribui para a perpetuao da Insnia;Saber como a Restrio do Sono contribui para a consolidao de um sono reparador.Ter conhecimento sobre a importncia de se preparar para dormir 2 horas antes do horrio marcado para dormir;Entender como a Televiso e o Celular no quarto de dormir atrapalham muito o sono;Saber qual quantidade adequada de lquidos e de alimentos que devem ser ingeridos antes de dormir;Entender os prejuzos causados pelo cigarro e pelo lcool no sono saudvel;Ter conhecimento sobre a importncia das atividades fsicas no dormir bem.Todo esse aprendizado est disponvel para voc a um preo bastante acessvel. A linguagem e a didtica do curso fazem esse assunto complexo se tornar bastante fcil. Voc poder discutir os conceitos aprendidos aqui com o seu Mdico, com o seu Psiclogo ou com outros Profissionais de Sade.Escolhemos a Udemy para entregar esse curso por ela ser uma das maiores plataformas especializadas em cursos digitais do mundo. A Udemy oferece descontos que ajudam no acesso s informaes deste curso. Os depoimentos e as crticas dos cursos no so forjadas. Alm disso, se no gostou do curso, voc tem at 30 dias para solicitar a devoluo do seu dinheiro.Aps esse curso voc ter um conhecimento nico sobre o sono e a Insnia. Se voc um Profissional da rea de Sade, voc pode utilizar das ferramentas aqui apresentadas para ajudar o seu paciente a dormir bem.O que voc est esperando para dormir melhor? O que voc est esperando para ajudar suas pessoas queridas?Matricule-se agora!"
Price: 234.99 ![]() |