Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Curso completo Bot Framework V4 y Microsoft Azure" |
"Con este curso estars preparado para crear Bots de nivel empresarial incluyendo diferentes servicios de inteligencia artificial. Estars listo para comprender la creacin de dilogos simples y complejos para la interaccin con el usuario, integrando diferentes servicios web, base de datos, Tarjetas enriquecidas y todo integrado con la nube Microsoft Azure."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Testes Unitrios com JUnit 5" |
"Este curso de nvel iniciante e tem como objetivo servir como um guia bsico para escrever e executar seus primeiros testes unitrios. Mostro como escrever um software-alvo para os testes, no caso uma calculadora. Ento mostro passo-a-passo como escrever seu primeiro teste unitrio para testar um mtodo (unidade) do software-alvo. Concluo com a explicao passo-a-passo de como escrever um segundo teste unitrio que exercita o outro mtodo do software-alvo, abordando o uso de pr-condio. Tambm mostro como deixar o nome do teste mais amigvel no relatrio de execuo dos testes."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"5 Tips to Become a Highly Paid Superstar Data Analyst" |
"Hi, my name is Amanda Nicole and Im a Senior Data Analyst turned Career Coach and Data Consultant. I have over 15 years of experience working with data. Everything from Reporting Analyst, to Data Analyst, to Data Scientist, to Database Developer. Additionally, I have worked with clients all over the world as a data consultant.Ive noticed the recent stampede to the data industry. The industry is booming and so is the number of people trying to get into it. But quantity doesnt automatically mean quality. This course is designed to teach you step-by-step how to quickly rise to the top and beat out the competition.This course is for one of three different kinds of people. First, its for the newcomer looking to attain a career as a data analyst. This course will ensure that you can have your pick of the job you want. Secondly, its for the data analyst that is looking to advance their career and make more money. This course will ensure that you add more value to your company and can demand more money for that value. And lastly, it is for the employer who wants to educate their data team. If you have a data team that just doesnt get it and needs help moving from mediocre to Rockstar employee that can help you meet your companys data goal, then this course can is exactly what you need.This course covers1. 5 ways to add more value than the average data analyst2. The link between other data experts on your team and yourself3. Ways to impress both in an interview and in an organization4. How to become the go-to data person in any organizationand much more.Dont wait, enroll now!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"IELTS Speaking Band 9" |
"This course Maximise your IELTS Speaking Band has been created by a certified English language teacher who personally achieved a perfect band 9 in the speaking section. I will share my highly effective personal strategies, tricks and secrets that can maximise your speaking score in all the four areas-coherence, vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"La guida comprende una ciclizzazione di 10 settimane creata da me in modo studiato e mirato perch tu possa costruire la qualit fisica che desideri ed ottenere un corpo definito, rassodato e forte.Il programma suddiviso in questo modo:SCHEDA 1 - SETTIMANE 1-4DECONDIZIONAMENTO - SETTIMANA 5SCHEDA 2- SETTIMANE 6-9DECONDIZIONAMENTO - SETTIMANA 10Inoltre nella prima sezione di introduzione troverai un EBOOK in cui copro in modo approfondito diversi argomenti ed aspetti chiave di un percorso di allenamento e nutrizione, fondamentali per raggiungere risultati come li vuoi: efficaci e duraturi.Ogni scheda comprende 5 giorni di allenamento in totale: 3 in palestra (sala pesi + trasformazioni)1 a casa (o in palestra se preferisci) (funzionale-HIIT a corpo libero)1 in palestra o all'aperto/casa (cardio)Per ogni allenamento troverai gli esercizi e le metodiche. Ti avviso: saranno belli intensi! In generale se, seguendo gli allenamenti, li troverai troppo avanzati o troppo intensi, controlla bene esecuzione e carichi e, dove sono previste 3 serie, potrai ridurle a 2. Se invece volessi renderli ancora pi tosti, dove ci sono 2 serie puoi aumentarle a 3.Sei pronta??"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Comunicao Persuasiva: guia para CONVENCER e INFLUENCIAR" |
"Voc j parou para pensar QUANTO TE CUSTA no se COMUNICAR de uma forma EFICIENTE? Ou seja, o quanto as oportunidades que voc vem perdendo por no conseguir negociar e argumentar de um jeito convincente esto impactando a sua vida? Ao dominar os conceitos certos de Comunicao voc consegue persuadir, convencer e influenciar seu(s) interlocutor(es) e atingir suas metas.E o segredo para dominar esses conceitos a aprender o JEITO CERTO de se preparar. Ao longo dos anos, fui colecionando conceitos e estratgias que me possibilitaram sair de uma cidade de 20 mil habitantes no interior do Espirito Santo e falar para milhes de pessoas em algumas das maiores emissoras de TV do Brasil e do mundo (TV Globo e Fox).Ao longo de mais de 15 anos de carreira, troquei experincias valiosas com excelentes profissionais do Brasil e do Mundo: aprendi e ensinei bastante.Se voc quer no quer mais desperdiar oportunidades por falta de confiana ou boa desenvoltura e comear a escalar seu potencial de persuaso, esse curso certamente vai te ajudar.Aqui, voc vai aprender tcnicas e estratgias eficientes para passar sua mensagem enftica e convincente em situaes cruciais da sua vida e, o principal: vai perceber resultados reais.A grade curricular do curso foi desenvolvida para que voc receba apenas contedo relevante para suas necessidades e direto ao ponto, sem enrolao ou teorias desnecessrias. O material leve e descomplicado para que voc no pule nenhuma etapa, pratique do JEITO CERTO e evolua cada vez mais.Desde a primeira aula, voc vai conseguir aplicar os aprendizados no seu dia a dia e vai perceber rapidamente o impacto desse treinamento no seu poder de persuaso e comunicao.Os conceitos, estratgias e exerccios te ajudaro em diversos aspectos da sua vida pessoal e profissional, como apresentaes, palestras, reunies importantes, entrevistas de emprego, venda, aparies em videos, defesa de tese de mestrado ou doutorado, etc.Uma pequena amostra do que voc vai aprender nesse treinamento:PERCEPO X REALIDADE: o que te limita na hora de convencerERROS que afetam seu poder de convencimentoFOCO NO RESULTADO: como OTIMIZAR sua mensagem.Como escolher os ARGUMENTOS certos para convencerComo ganhar CONFIANA para se comunicar bemE muito mais!Voc tambm vai aprender tcnicas prticas que vo elevar sua performance como comunicador. E poder fazer parte do nosso grupo exclusivo no Facebook, onde darei feedback exclusivo sobre o seu desempenho (para os alunos que desejarem), alm de tirar dvidas de questes especficas."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Hebreo para principiantes: El mejor curso de +70 clases" |
"Comienza a Hablar Hebreo desde tu primera leccin. Podrs aprender cientos de palabras, tiempos verbales, como armar oraciones y preguntas, presentarte a ti mismo y muchisimo mas en un curso divertido e interactvio.Conectate con Israel desde el primer minuto y haz tu sueo realidad.Accede a + de 70 lecciones de video para principiantes de alta calidad y te guiaremos paso a paso en este maravilloso recorrido en el que aprenders a Hablar en Hebreo."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Success Experience Audio Course" |
"""This audio course includes Paul's book ""Success I.A.O"" as well as the NEVER RELEASED audio dictations for creating the book while Paul was fighting cancer. Nothing is more inspiring and nothing like this has ever bee released before""Do You know why most people fail to succeed in life and business? They don't know how. Success is a strategy, a mindset and a system. Learn how to attract success today, take action, And turn your life around!Success isn't easy. The dreams modern media sell you should come with a warning: You need to know how to think to succeed. You also need money to make money and wishing the universe gives it to you without taking action is... a little far fetched! Success IAO is the only course to include a book with action plans so you start making money in any situation your in, even with zero capital.While there's no such thing as guaranteed success, there are established principles, and breadcrumbs you can follow. Paul Democritou is an entrepreneur, sales expert, and speaker. He's also a cancer survivor. Using his own experience, and sharing the teachings of his real-life and mentors, he lays out a path that anyone can follow to become successful - no matter what life has thrown at you so far. By learning to Improvise, Adapt, and Overcome, and following his 11-step action plan, you can change your mindset, and upgrade your life, however hopeless it might seem.You Will Discover:The two things you'll need to succeed that no amount of bad luck can take awayThe only difference between the successful and you, and how you can close the gapHow to stop sabotaging yourself and allow yourself to become successfulHow to overcome fear and step into your authentic selfHow to develop a success mindset and attract successHow success thinks and how it worksHow easy it is to make money right nowWhat are your 5 secret strengthsWhat is holding you back and not letting you succeedUnderstand how people think and influence themUnderstand how you think and influence yourselfWhy visioning attracts success and how it really worksAnd much, much more!Success I.A.O. lays out the roadmap you need to finally take charge of your own destiny, happiness, and success. With Democritou's rules, you'll learn to Improvise you way out of anything, Adapt your mindset and your surroundings, and Overcome all obstacles, internal and external. This course is packed with straight-talking, honest, and practical advice, interwoven with humour and candour that takes the sting out of the tail. If you need a no-bull pep talk from a guy you know is on your side, you'll love having Paul as your coach. One third of profits from the book and course will be given by Paul to cancer patients and charities.Take action and start your success transformation today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Unreal Engine 4: Souls-Like Action RPG w/ Multiplayer" |
"** Note 1: The 4.25 Remaster is currently under way! Everything about the Remaster is better: better mic, easier-to-follow lessons, more efficient, no delays. Straight to the point lessons. Much better than the original course. You will have access to the original version of the course until the Remaster is complete. At that point, I will remove the old lectures so just the 4.25 Remaster remains. Enjoy!** Note 2: Be sure to join the members-only Discord where you can ask questions, share your progress, expand your learning and talk with fellow students. Let's build a great community together and share our journeys! Leave your ego at the door ;)With this world-wide lock down in effect, there isn't a better time to sit down and learn how to make games in Unreal Engine 4 :)This course is designed for beginner to intermediate users of Unreal Engine 4 (6+ months of using the engine). I recommend that you have at least a basic understanding of the Engine. I move fast at times and I expect you to figure things out on your own by pausing the video if needed. Purchasing this course does NOT give you personal consulting from me for basic issues. You can always hire me for that separately.Action RPG's can be complex to create with many systems working at once. I've been working with the engine for many years, and it is my goal to teach you step-by-step how to build a fun, challenging action RPG from scratch.Thanks to Epic, there are thousands of assets that are free to use. We'll start by importing one of the Paragon characters from the marketplace. We'll then use Blender to detach the sword and shield from the mesh and import it back into UE4. Don't worry, I'll teach you how to do this step in Blender. It's quite easy!This is my first course so I ask you to be patient with me. If you think I deserve anything but 5 stars, please let me know so I can make improvements and help you progress. I can always redo videos and make things more clear.You'll be learning how to pick up and equip weapons, shields and helmets. You'll learn how to setup abilities to use against monsters. We'll create AI that attacks the player with several different abilities and is challenging. We'll also create particle effects, edit animations, create levels, and much more!And all of this will work for multiplayer as well so you and your friends can play together (but you can always ignore the multiplayer parts if you just want to do a single player RPG).We will also use some C++ to setup our classes, create structures and enums, make a few functions, and so on. I am not a C++ programmer but I highly recommend you use it in the way that I show you.With that said, if you want to use absolutely no C++, you have that option as well. I'll show you how to do everything with just blueprint.Souls-like RPG's are probably the most popular type of game on consoles. So, we'll make sure you can play with a Gamepad as well.If you've always wanted to make a fun RPG, why not join this course and come along while I build? It will be a fun, on-going process and you can help me make it great.Join now and let's get started!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Apprendre l'anglais : En finir avec les temps en 2h !" |
"Avec ce format vous tes indpendants et actifs de votre apprentissage ! Les vidos sont courtes, votre attention est au maximum. Vous avez des exercices et des petites surprises !Cette vido se destine aux personnes qui se retrouvent bloques sur le temps. Que vous soyez tudiant, lycen, salari, ou retrait, ces vidos vous conviennent.En revanche, cette formation ne vous convient pas si vous tes plutt du genre apprendre uniquement ""sur le tas"" sans trop vous poser de questions !J'ai fait le choix de ne pas retoucher les vidos lorsque des erreurs se sont glisses dans mon powerpoint. J'ai privilgi l'aspect spontan, comme si nous tions vous et moi en face face.Rendre cette formation vivante et vous transmettre mes outils taient ma priorit numro 1."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Digital Art : Paint Digital Portraits (Step-By-Step)" |
"Everything you need to know about drawing realistic cute face, you'll learn right here From A to ZI have watched a lot of digital art tutorials and never find everything I wanted in One Course. So I decided to make One!This tutorial is going to walk you through painting head digitally step by step from drawing a sketch until adding highlight and freckles to your drawing.I have included everything I've learned in that time, I'm going to share my top tips, tricks, and vital pieces of advice you need to know in order to get started and improve your work!Im going to take you through my entire drawing process from how to sketch all the way through to creating a finished piece. At the end of the class you can share your work with me for critique and guidance.In this digital painting tutorial, youll work in Adobe Photoshop, starting with a blank canvas and arriving at a polished, final product.Class Overview:Sketching. Youll watch three ways to create sketch and add it to PhotoshopColoring Face. We will start coloring the face skin, learn how to choose colors and how to blend.Nose: You will learn the techniques to make a cute realistic nose with shadows and highlightsEyes: You will learn techniques of drawing the eyes each part alone ( Pupil, eyelashes, eyebrows)Mouth: You will learn how to draw cute and realistic mouth.Hair: You will learn how to draw realistic hair, and the techniques to make it easy and funFreckles: You will learn how to edit the skin color add highlights and freckles.Enhancements : At the end You will learn how to add final touches, add lights and shadows, adjust the colors, change the colors of each part (eyes, hair, mouth)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"C Programming For Beginners in Hindi" |
"This course aims to teach C language in the easiest way. If you are looking to learn C programming course but not sure about how and where to start it, then here is the solution. This course helps you to learn C programming language from basics to advanced concepts like pointers, file handling, pointers with structures, etc. easily. We have covered the complete syllabus with enough programs on the Linux environment which gives you enough experience for getting good marks, doing industry-related projects and crack job interviews. We have structured the course in such a way that, a newbie with zero experience of programming can become a professional programmer in just a few days but with the regular practice.Lectures are short and explained clearly in simple language, providing a major focus on the concepts.If you are a newbie, or intermediate level programmer or advanced developer, this course will teach you each and every aspect of programming.This course covers important concepts of C Programming language. Some of them are like:Data Types & VariablesOperatorsConditional ControlDecision MakingLoopingArraysFunctionsPointersStringsStructureUnionFile HandlingPre-processorsImportant C ProgramsSo what are you waiting for? Just enroll with a click and experience programming in C language from scratch level.Who this course is for:Everyone Who Want to Start Coding With C Programming"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Introduction to Embedded Systems" |
"Are you looking for a start into the world of embedded systems? Do you want to work with both hardware and software, to get an understanding into world of embedded control? If yes, then let us get started with the course which introduces embedded systems in a step by step manner. The course is aimed at guiding the learner to level of proficiency where the person can go into more advanced topics on their own. The topics covered in the course areIntroduction to Arduino UnoDigital OutputAnalog OutputDigital InputAnalog InputSerial Communication"
Price: 2240.00 ![]() |
"Turkish Vocabulary Builder" |
"Everyone focuses on grammar when learning a language. But in real life you need VOCABULARY more than grammar. In this course, we introduce you over than 700 Turkish words through 20 video lessons. You will learn new words by building words from the main words. After finishing the course, thanks to ample examples, related words and idioms/phrases with the main words; you will have memorized most of them. I repeated several times the words and sentences, so the words you see in the videos will be permanent in your memory."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Make the Instagram app (begginers to full app) learn to code" |
"In this course you will be introduced to the world of app development and you will make your very own version of the Instagram app. This is going to teach you from a beginners point of view to a more advanced level. When finished, you can use the project to build a strong CV and get job opportunities as an app developer. The best thing about the course is that I took the fastest and most effective route , so you don't have to spend too much time coding useless lines of code. In just 29 lectures you will have all the features that the Instagram app has."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Digital Marketing MASTER JEDI Course" |
"YOU NEED MORE CUSTOMERS!Its pretty simple!Im not here to waste your time. Its 2020 and you have to live your best life now!If you are selling ANYTHING your main focus should be on how to make more clients on continuous basis.But HOW?The answer is: by knowing the digital marketing Jedi tricks!And that's what I am giving you in this course. No fluff!I synthesized 11 years of marketing and advertising experience in 6 weeks so you can start making money immediately.The Digital Marketing MASTER JEDI course is for YOU if:You want to grow your revenue ASAP, reach your sales goals and scale your businessYou want to crack the success formula to selling ANYTHING no matter the industryYou are spending hours on posting, running ads, emailing and yet no REAL resultsYou have already spent money on the wrong courses or marketers and you are so over itYou want to learn skills that are in HIGH DEMAND right now and start making cash on the side without years of educationYou want to launch ad campaigns like a PRO or turn into the ultimate funnel hackerThis course will help you to: Learn how to create a successful digital marketing strategy: know the market, your potential client, study the selling cycle of your industry, create irresistible offers. etc. Who your ideal client is and how to convert them into paying customers who come back for more Get laser-focused on what are you actually trying to sell as a product or a service and refine your business pickup line and offer Calculate the Key Performance Indicators that will determine how much you can spend on advertising in order to reach your sales goals and have predictable Return on Investment (ROI) and Return on Adspend (ROAS). Learn how to write epic copy that sells for your website, emails, ads, landing pages and posts Master funnel creation and funnel hacking Learn how and where to create highly converting landing pages Master Google ads, YouTube ads, Facebook and Instagram ads and create campaigns that convert Know how to measure the campaign results that truly matter so that you can optimise and retarget successfully Learn how to fix your ads when they are not performing well Master all the nitty-gritty details that will turn into a marketing JediThis material is so well-digested that in 6 weeks only you will obtain skills that others learn in the span of 4 years. Not to mention that most universities will not teach you half of these crucial marketing tricks.The best part is that you will also get: An ultimate resource list where you can find suggestions for different solutions that will help your business, such as different tools, platforms, and software that will make your life easier. Remember, work smart, not hard! Live training every week. Besides the training videos that are a final element of every week in this course, you can also join our weekly LIVE events where you can ask your questions and get help. Get support in our Facebook Community besides our Lives and email. For every week you will have to download a number of additional files with an outline of the week, slides, further information, guidelines, campaign planners, homework or workbooks. These are extremely useful documents. Make sure you save them on your devices. You will need them once you start doing things on your own. You can access this course from any device from the convenience of your own home, or why not from the beach?Who is this course ideal for?ANYONE SELLING ANYTHING ONLINE (Not joking, it is relevant for all industries)Solo entrepreneurs/ entrepreneurs/ small and medium-sized business ownersSalespeople/ real estate agents/ travel agents/ etc.Marketers/ digital marketers/ social media managers/ campaign strategists/ affiliate marketers/ influencersCopywritersInterns/ StudentsFreelancers/ People looking out for side income/ Anyone attempting to sell anything onlineThat kind of a person who always has to do things themselves (weve all been there)All levels - this course teaches you both the beginner and advanced techniques of online advertisingHow long is this course and how much time do I need to invest in it?This course is a 6-week course. Each week consists of about 4 to 8 videos. It is designed in such a way that you can easily watch one video per day, after work, while you're relaxing, or in your lunch break. The main idea is not to overwhelm you with content but at the same time teach you all the marketing Jedi tricks that I know. There's live training every week that lasts 30 mins. You will need some extra time for the homework too.When does the course start and how long do I have access to it?The course starts as soon as you are ready and you can access it as long as you want! How does that sound? (:What happens once the course is done?Besides the fact that you will turn into a Master Jedi when it comes to selling your products and services, you will also receive a proof to certify that you have successfully graduated the academy."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Wie du aus einem emotionalen Tief raus kommst und vorbeugst" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du wie du negativen Phasen auf den Grund gehst, wie du da wieder raus kommst und wie du dafr sorgst, dass du deinen Fokus auf die positiveren Seiten im Leben richtest.Dafr gebe ich dir zahlreiche bungen und Tipps mit auf dem Weg, die ganz einfach umzusetzen sind und dir somit den Anfang erleichtern und eine niedrige Schwelle fr den Einstieg geben."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Become Powerful Stock Trader" |
"This training is for dedicated individuals who want to become confident, successful traders. Suitable for anyone, regardless of your previous knowledge or experience. Only if you're willing to put in the work!Our Stock Trading Course is essential beginner basics to advanced strategies for Day Trading, Swing Trading, Futures and Options Trading, and more. This Stock Market Base Course is designed to help you develop a profitable trading strategy that works for you. Our course is recorded digitally and can be streamed anytime from your account, so you can study when it works for your schedule.We are aiming to reduce the 90% failure rate in traders.THIS COMPLETE FOUNDATION STOCK TRADING COURSE WILL TEACH YOU HOW TO BE A POWERFUL STOCK TRADER.Not boring theory. You will learn practical tips and best practices to building a million dollar investment portfolio. No inheritance or luck just good sound actions over the years that you will learn about in the course and can replicate for your own personal situation.No get rich quick scheme or a course that is designed to sell you consulting services this course has one mission and that is all about sharing of experience and wisdom from a successful long-term stock investor and teaching you how you can apply it to your own goals and time horizon.Our Course:1)Builds a strong foundation to get the ball rolling, ideal for different styled traders2)Shows students how to identify their unique trading style3)Ingredients to SUCCESS FOR THE MARKETS WITH realistic approach and realistic results.A Better Way To Learn:1)Neuroscience-Based ChangeDrive real behavioral change with a program rooted in neuroscience. Enhance your mental cogniton and observe the great outcome.2)Find Your EdgeWhat works for one trader, doesnt work for another. Our students are able to find their own unique edge with a proven process.3)Real ""Market"" ApplicationPractice makes perfect, so we start our students off with a paper trading account (practice account). Slowly building up to apply whats learned in the Real Market.4)Bridging the GapWe bridge the gap between beginner information and the advanced topics. Building the foundation is always the most important part.5)Great Group-chat CultureEmotions are contagious. Our group-chat culture is all about supporting one another, and making sure we achieve great results."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"KPI - Indicadores de Desempenho" |
"O mundo dos negcios evolui a cada dia e isso nos obriga a entender e analisar o desempenho dos processos organizacionais. Este curso vai mostrar como so elaborados os indicadores de desempenho bem como devem ser seus controles.Um indicador no apenas um grfico, existe muita coisa por trs e vamos mostrar em detalhes como definir um objetivo, uma meta e um indicador."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Como Levar Muitos Clientes Bons para Dentro da Sua Loja" |
"Como Levar Muitos Bons Clientes para Dentro da Sua Loja. Neste curso, voc ter acesso s tcnicas de atrao de clientes e gerao de fluxo induzido. Voc tambm vai conhecer o poder de uma vitrine super vendedora, dos gatilhos mentais, as potencialidades das redes sociais para seu negcio e de um modelo de comunicao super vendedor."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Wilderness Survival & Backpacking For Adventures" |
"Learn the skills to have your own Wilderness Backpacking Adventures! Join this one of a kind online school to learn survival skills, physical fitness, wilderness navigation and permits required to hike and camp in the most beautiful places in the USA. Join us with over 3 hours of interactive video showcasing technical skills and training to tame and navigate the wilderness. Also, don't miss our adventure breakdown series where we go over our own wilderness adventures and take you in a first look into a wilderness backpacking trip. See you there! Thanks to Tobu for letting us use his song ""Infectious"" with the ending song for our video ""1.1.1 Welcome To Wilderness Backpacking""."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Debug Your Arduino Programs while Coding" |
"Learn how to Debug Your Arduino Code and fix code errors while developing your project without adding additional codes.Are you tired from using Serial.print to debug your code and test whether a certain block works or not!?Do you want an easy way to debug your Arduino Code without having to add extra lines of code each time?Do you miss the breakpoints features that allow debugging with one click?Are you looking for a way to tell if your code works or not, or if a variable reaches a certain value or not!?Then This Course is for YouIn this course, you will learn how to debug your code easily and effectively. Why you should learn how to debug your Arduino program:It's easier to find and fix errors as you write your codeNo need for an extra line of Serial.print each time you want to know what's happeningSave time by graphically viewing Arduino Pins status.Less effort by adding conditional debugging and viewing variables value inside memory and even have the ability to change the variable value during execution to test out different scenarios.What you will learn in this course:How to debug the Arduino codeHow to view variables value in memory and view Arduino Pins graphicallyHow to use breakpoints and conditional debuggingGoal From This Course: - Learn how to debug Arduino CodesRequired Materials Arduino.Arduino IDE (FREE)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ejercicios resueltos de Matemticas para pre universitarios" |
"Conoce todo lo que necesitas saber para aprobar el examen de Matemticas de las Pruebas de Acceso a la Universidad de la mano de Juan Gabriel Gomila y Mara Santos. Asienta las bases para adquirir el nivel de Matemticas de Bachillerato, tanto de modalidad Cientfica como Social, con todo el contenido de este curso. En particular, vers los mismos temas que se explican en las asignaturas de Matemticas Cientficas y Matemticas Sociales a lo largo del segundo curso de Bachillerato, como por ejemplo:Matrices, ecuaciones matriciales, clculo de matrices inversas.Cmo plantear y resolver sistemas de ecuaciones lineales por Crammer o bien por sustitucin.Problemas de Probabilidad y Estadstica, distribucin normal, intervalo de confianza para la media.Anlisis de funciones, dominio, intervalos de crecimiento y decrecimiento, clculo de mximos y mnimos.Resolver integrales indefinidas y clculo de reas de regiones comprendidas entre curvas.Solucionar problemas de geometra, como distancia entre rectas y planos, reas de tringulos en el espacio, proyeccin ortogonal...Plantear y resolver problemas de programacin lineal y optimizacin.Encontrars ms de 100 ejercicios resueltos y explicados paso a paso tanto de la prueba de Matemticas II de la modalidad de ciencias, como de Matemticas para las Ciencias Sociales. Todos ellos estn sacados de exmenes de aos anteriores para que tengas ejemplos de la vida real. Adems, el curso ir actualizndose cada ao. Es decir, con el tiempo podrs encontrar vdeos completamente nuevos de ejercicios resueltos de las Pruebas de Acceso a la Universidad ms actuales. Una vez termines el curso, estars preparado para aprobar el examen de Selectividad tanto de Matemticas II como de Matemticas para las Ciencias Sociales. Todo el material del curso est enfocado en resolver los problemas clsicos de Matemticas de la Prueba de Acceso a la Universidad, pero adems encontrars vdeos de teora y tareas para que asientes los conocimientos necesarios y practiques todo lo aprendido. Y poder tener todo esto en un curso, te permitir nivelar tus conocimientos de Matemticas de nivel pre universitario y tomar el examen con garanta de xito."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"SAT Vocabulary Builder" |
"This course will help you Understand and learn advance vocabulary frequently used in SAT. We have picked these vocabulary from previous test papers of SAT. The vocabulary that is relatively unknown for common students and create challenges in getting the accurate meaning of a sentence or text. We have created this course in a simple manner focusing only on vocabulary, presenting its meaning and explanations along with sample use in sentences. This will benefit you immensely in improving your reading and comprehending abilities in SAT reading, SAT Essay writing, GRE Reading, GMAT reading etc."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a fazer um rosto feminino de argila." |
"Nestas aulas voc aprender passo a passo como fazer um rosto humano feminino, onde em conjunto com outras aulas anteriores disponveis, voc poder desenvolver vrios tipos de peas em argila, usando sua criatividade e as tcnicas ensinadas para criar vrias obras, ensino a tcnica de como trabalhar corretamente com o barro, ai a criatividade com cada um, abrao."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a fazer um rosto masculino de argila." |
"Nestas aulas voc aprender passo a passo como fazer um rosto masculino em argila, usando as propores reais, com estes ensinamentos voc poder criar vrios outros tipos de peas, seguindo aulas de tcnicas diferentes disponveis anteriormente, ensino a tcnica de como desenvolver peas em argila da forma correta, diante disso a criatividade com vocs, gratido."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda fazer uma mandala entalhada em argila" |
"Com esta tcnica voc aprender como desenhar e fazer entalhes na argila, podendo criar vrios tipos de peas com desenhos e formas diferentes bem interessantes. importante lembrar que em tcnicas de placas a argila deve estar bem batida para que evite bolhas de ar e consequentemente na hora da queima a pea quebre."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"How to Be Happy with Positive Psychology" |
"Positive thinking is proven by psychological studies to help people lead a happier life. In this large course, consisting of over 40 sections, you learn how positive thinking can help you to handle obstacles better and what embracing a positive mindset can do for you.You find out if you are a positive or negative thinker and also how you can flip negative thoughts into something positive. Also you learn why it is important to use positive language instead of negative.Furthermore, you'll get a scientific explanation of how being positive can help you cope with stress. And much more!Below you find an overview of this course: 1. 1 Percent Better Every Day 2. Absolute Yoga 3. Awaken Your True Calling 4. Beat Information Overload 5. Born to succeed 6. Bridging The Gap 7. Calm Mind 8. Driving Force Within 9. Freedom Creation10. Freedom In Forgiveness11. Freedom Online Business12. Getting Things Done13. Goal Setting To Live A Life Of Freedom 14. Happiness Starts With You15. Happiness Through Self-care16. How To Develop Emotional Intelligence17. Master Your Mind18. Mind Reset19. Minimalist Living20. Organized Mind21. Overcome Anxiety22. Overcome Excuses23. Overcoming Anxiety24. Power Of Discipline25. Power Of Execution26. Power Of Focus27. Practical Mentalism28. Procrastination Killer29. Purpose Driven Life30. Reclaim Your Time31. Relentless Optimism32. Reverse Aging33. Succes Habits34. The Art Of Living In The Moment35. The Art of Meditation36. The Astonishing Power Of Positive Thinking37. The Beginner's Guide To Motivation38. The Gratitude Plan39. The Growth Mindset40. The Joy of Imperfection41. The Life Changing Magic of Decluttering42. The Power of Positive Thinking V243. The Power Of Self-Discipline44. Unshakeable Confidence45. Wholeness46. You 2.047. You Can Do It !48. Your Inner Greatness49. Zen Mastery"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microbit para educadores" |
"Ol, neste curso para iniciantes com a Microbit.Resumidamente, Micro:bit um mini computador criado pela BBC e o seu proposito ensinar computao, conceitos de eletrnica para crianas do Reino Unido, porm hoje a Micro:bit roda em diversos pases, inclusive aqui no Brasil.Micro:bit pode ser programada por crianas, adultos e todos aqueles que querem aprender. Seu tamanho 5x5 onde possui leds, botes, bluetooth, sensores, pinos de expanso, USB para conectar ao computador, bateria para alimentao externa e muito maisCom essas funes a Micro:bit permite que os estudantes possam criar diversos projetos, por exemplo: acender um led externo, criar semforo, dado eletrnico, bola 8 mgica e muito mais, tudo isso podendo programar em blocos!E ai gostou?Confira a grade do curso e analise se as aulas agrada e atende suas necessidade. Te espero na prxima aula!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
Web |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Marketing para o mercado de Drones" |
"O aluno ir aprender como divulgar sua empresa de filmagem area com uso marketing digital para captar novos clientes.Aprender como funciona o funil de vendas, atendimento ao cliente, visando a converso de oportunidades em clientes. Saber tambm como precificar seus servios visando obter sustentabilidade e eficincia na gesto de seu negcio."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |