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the-complete-marketing-coursearabic |
" "
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam - Practice Tests" |
"This course has two practice tests, each test has 25 questions. Of the 25 questions in each test, 2-4 questions are of the multiple selection type and the rest are multiple choice type.These tests are modelled on the official 25 question online practice test conducted by AWS for this particular exam. Note that the official certification exam itself has 65 questions.Questions in these practice tests have been carefully designed to be in line with the exam domains, the weights allocated to each domain, and the exam objectives as described in the official AWS exam blueprint.The exam domains and their weights are as follows: Cloud Concepts (28%), Security (24%), Technology (36%) and Billing & Pricing (12%).These tests are designed to be representative of the actual exam, you should see similar questions when you take the actual exam. However, these tests may not be valid, in other words, your performance in the offcial exam may not be the same as your performance in these tests.After you take a test you will be able to review your performance including your score in each exam domain and in this way identify the exam domains where you might need improvement.Also included in the course, for each question, an explanation for why the correct option(s) should be selected over the other options."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Exam" |
"This course includes two practice tests with 25 questions each.These tests are modeled on the online practice tests conducted by AWS for this particular exam.Questions have been designed according to domains, weights and objectives described in the AWS exam blueprint for this exam.The domains covered in the exam and their weights are as follows: Design resilient architectures (34%), Design performant architectures (24%), Specify secure applications and architectures (26%), Design cost-optimized architectures (10%) and Define operationally excellent architectures (6%).4 of 25 questions are multiple response type and the rest are multiple choice type.Correct answers along with explanations are included.At the end of each test you will be able to see how you scored in each exam domain.These tests are representative of the exam, you should see similar questions when you take the actual exam. However, these tests may not be valid, in other words, your performance in the exam may not be the same as your performance in these tests."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Dialogflow, Watson, ChatterBot Rasa" |
"- - Google Dialogflow IBM Watson. Webhook - , -. . ChatterBot Rasa - Python."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Eitim Psikolojisinde lme Kursu" |
"Eitimsel lmde teori ve uygulamann amac, tipik olarak rencilerin okuma, yazma, matematik, fen ve benzeri alanlarda yeteneklerini ve kazanm dzeylerini lmektir. Geleneksel olarak, dikkat deerlendirmelerin gvenilir ve geerli olup olmadna odaklanr. Uygulamada, eitimsel lm byk lde eitimsel deerlendirme veya testlerden elde edilen verilerin analizi ile ilgilidir. Tipik olarak bu, oktan semeli veya ak ulu ve iaretleme deerlendirme tablolar veya klavuzlar kullanlarak iaretlenmi olsun, deerlendirmelerde toplam puanlarn kullanlmas anlamna gelir.Teknik terimlerle, bireysel rencilerin bireysel elere verdikleri puanlarn rnts, rencilerin ""lei"" olarak adlandrlan lek konumlarn karmak iin kullanlr. Esasen, daha yksek toplam puanlar, toplam puanlarn geleneksel ve gnlk kullanm ile tutarl olarak daha yksek lek yerleri verir. Bununla birlikte, belirli bir teori kullanlrsa, toplam puanlarn sralanmas ile lek konumlarnn sralanmas arasnda kat bir yazma yoktur. Rasch modeli, tm rencilerin ayn test elerini denemesi veya performanslarnn ayn iaretleme rubrikleri kullanlarak iaretlenmesi kouluyla kat bir yazma salar.Tamamen matematiksel teorinin geni gvdesi asndan, eitimsel lm ile psikometri arasnda nemli bir akma vardr. Bununla birlikte, Klasik test teorisi, Madde Yant Teorisi ve Rasch modeli dahil olmak zere psikometrinin bir paras olarak kabul edilen baz yaklamlar balangta eitim deerlendirmelerinden elde edilen verilerin analizi iin daha zel olarak gelitirilmitir.Teorik ve tekniklerin eitimsel lme uygulanmasnn amalarndan biri, farkl renci gruplarna uygulanan farkl testlerin sonularn, test eitlii olarak bilinen sreler araclyla tek veya ortak bir lekte yerletirmeye almaktr. Bunun mant udur: Farkl deerlendirmeler genellikle farkl zorluklara sahip olduundan, toplam puanlar dorudan karlatrlamaz. Sonular ortak bir lekte yerletirmeye almann amac, lekleme ilemleri yoluyla toplamlardan karlan lek konumlarnn karlatrlmasna olanak salamaktr."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"retim Yntemleri ve Teknikleri Kursu" |
"Eitim yntemleri, snf temelli, alanlarn ilerini kontrol edebilecekleri eitim ve deneyimsel renmeye yer olan dier yerlerde gerekletirilen deneyimsel eitim yntemleri arasndadr. Eitim yntemleri birok tr eitim arac ve tekniini ve yaygn olarak kullanlan ara ve teknikleri ierir. rnein, eitmenlerin grsel ve iitsel yardmlar, alma materyalleri, sahne malzemeleri ve sahne tabanl malzemenin dier yasalar ve son olarak spor ve egzersiz ekipmanlarn ieren deneyimsel aralar gibi eitli aralar kullanmas yaygndr.Ayrca, deneyimsel eitim yntemleri ile alanlar renme deneyiminden ziyade uygulama veya hareket yoluyla renme deneyimini elde edebilirler.Bu kursta, temel eitim bilgileri nda, ok daha fazlasn bulacaksnz."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Eitimde Rehberlik Kursu" |
"Rehberlik kelimesini gnlk yaammzda en sk kullandmz gerektir. Ancak, ak ve net szcklerle rehberlik kavramn tanmlamak ve anlamak en zor itir. Gerekten yeni bir kavram deil ve insan uygarlmz kadar eskidir, bylece rehberlik kavram hakknda daha ak olmak iin, farkl rehberlik uzmanlarnn ve yazarlarnn baz tanmlarn tartmak gerekir.Tanmlarn, aralarnda ortak bir anlama bulduumuz ana rehberlik temasn bozmayan eitli ekillerde belirtmilerdir. Ak bir tartma iin, rehberlik kavram ile ilgili baz tanmlardan burada bahsedilmitir.Rehberlik, bir kiinin tutumlarn ve sonraki davranlarn etkilemek iin tasarlanm dinamik kiileraras ilikiler srecidir.Hamrin ve Erickson:Rehberlik, eitim programnn zellikle rencinin mevcut durumuna uyum salamasna ve geleceini karlar dorultusunda planlamasna yardmc olmakla ilgilenen yndr; yetenekler ve sosyal ihtiyalar...Lefever, Turrell ve Weitzel:Rehberlik, rencilerin okul eitim programn daha etkin kullanmalarna yardmc olmak iin tasarlanm bir eitim hizmetidir."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Kapsaml Eitim Bilimleri Kursu" |
"Eitim psikolojisi, insan renmesinin bilimsel almasyla ilgili psikolojinin daldr. renme srelerinin hem bilisel hem de davransal perspektiflerden incelenmesi, aratrmaclarn zeka, bilisel geliim, duygulanm, motivasyon, z-dzenleme ve benlik kavramndaki bireysel farkllklar ve renme rollerini anlamalarn salar. Eitim psikolojisi alan, yaam boyu eitli eitim ortamlarnda renme srelerini kolaylatrmaya hizmet eden retim tasarm, snf ynetimi ve deerlendirme ile ilgili eitim faaliyetlerini gelitirmek iin test ve lm de dahil olmak zere nicel yntemlere dayanmaktadr.Eitim psikolojisi ksmen dier disiplinlerle olan ilikisi yoluyla anlalabilir. ncelikle psikoloji ile bilgilendirilir ve tp ile biyoloji arasndaki ilikiye benzeyen bir disiplinin ilikisini tar. Sinirbilim tarafndan da bilgilendirilir. Eitim psikolojisi, eitim tasarm, retim tasarm, eitim teknolojisi, mfredat gelitirme, rgtsel renme, zel eitim, snf ynetimi ve renci motivasyonu gibi ok eitli uzmanlk alanlarn bilgilendirir. Eitim psikolojisi, bilisel bilim ve renme bilimlerinden hem ekilir hem de katkda bulunur. niversitelerde, eitim psikolojisi blmleri genellikle eitim fakltelerinde yer alr ve muhtemelen eitim psikolojisi ieriinin giri psikolojisi ders kitaplarnda temsil edilmemesinden sorumludur.Eitim psikolojisi alan, insanlarda renme sreleri iin yeni stratejilerin kavramsallatrlmasnda bellek, kavramsal sreler ve bireysel farkllklarn (bilisel psikoloji yoluyla) incelenmesini ierir. Eitim psikolojisi, edimsel koullanma, ilevselcilik, yapsalclk, yaplandrmaclk, hmanist psikoloji, Gestalt psikolojisi ve bilgi ileme teorileri zerine ina edilmitir.Bu kursta, renci ve retmen olarak ya da snavlara (KPSS) hazrlanan retmen adaylar olarak bilmeniz gereken konular rneklerle ve soru-cevap almalar ile anlalr ve size ok faydal olacak bir ekilde desteklenmitir."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Eitimin Temelleri Kursu" |
"Eitim psikolojisi, insann renmesinin bilimsel almasyla ilgili psikolojinin daldr. renme srelerinin hem bilisel hem de davransal perspektiflerden incelenmesi, aratrmaclarn zeka, bilisel geliim, duygulanm, motivasyon, z-dzenleme ve benlik kavramndaki bireysel farkllklar ve renme rollerini anlamalarn salar. Eitim psikolojisi alan, yaam boyu eitli eitim ortamlarnda renme srelerini kolaylatrmaya hizmet eden retim tasarm, snf ynetimi ve deerlendirme ile ilgili eitim faaliyetlerini gelitirmek iin test ve lm de dahil olmak zere nicel yntemlere dayanmaktadr.Eitim psikolojisi ksmen dier disiplinlerle olan ilikisi yoluyla anlalabilir. ncelikle psikoloji ile bilgilendirilir ve tp ile biyoloji arasndaki ilikiye benzeyen bir disiplinin ilikisini tar. Sinirbilim tarafndan da bilgilendirilir. Eitim psikolojisi, eitim tasarm, retim tasarm, eitim teknolojisi, mfredat gelitirme, rgtsel renme, zel eitim, snf ynetimi ve renci motivasyonu gibi ok eitli uzmanlk alanlarn bilgilendirir. Eitim psikolojisi, bilisel bilim ve renme bilimlerinden hem ekilir hem de katkda bulunur. niversitelerde, eitim psikolojisi blmleri genellikle eitim fakltelerinde yer alr ve muhtemelen eitim psikolojisi ieriinin giri psikolojisi ders kitaplarnda temsil edilmemesinden sorumludur.Eitim psikolojisi alan, insanlarda renme sreleri iin yeni stratejilerin kavramsallatrlmasnda bellek, kavramsal sreler ve bireysel farkllklarn (bilisel psikoloji yoluyla) incelenmesini ierir. Eitim psikolojisi, edimsel koullanma, ilevselcilik, yapsalclk, yaplandrmaclk, hmanist psikoloji, Gestalt psikolojisi ve bilgi ileme teorileri zerine ina edilmitir.ok daha fazlasn bu, sertifika da alabileceiniz kursta bulacaksnz."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Lectures on Control Systems Engineering" |
"Control Systems Engineering CourseControl systems engineering has many applications in Mechatronics, Robotics, Electrical and Mechanical engineering. This Udemy course could be useful for both graduate and undergraduate students of these disciplines who want to clear some concepts of control systems..Prerequisites:You must be familiar and have some knowledge of at least these subject areas:Differential EquationsLaplace TransformPartial FractionsKirchoffs lawsHigh School AlgebraMatricesI have added a 30 minute lecture on Laplace Transform, a similar lecture on partial fractions and might add one lecture about differential equations if you give me some feedback, but if you don't know high school algebra or not familiar with basic laws of physics, then I am afraid, I won't be able to help you with that.What topics are covered in this CourseThis course covers a very broad range of topics on control systems engineering. In the beginning you will learn about the basic terminology used in the field. This includes system, modelling, input, output, techniques for modelling dynamic systems such as differential equations, transfer functions, state space equations and block diagrams. Also what are linear time invariant (LTI) control systems and how to check. What are open and closed loop control systems. These topics are covered in subjects which have slightly varying names such as linear control system, feedback control system or simply the control systems engineering. All these refer to essentially the same topics. Most of these topics are covered in this course.Finding Transfer Function:You will also see examples of open loop and closed loop feedback control systems. You will also learn how to get a transfer function of various components and what are some of the properties of transfer function.Stability:Stability of a control system is of prime importance. We present two definitions of stability, the Asymptotic stability and the Bounded input Bounded Output (BIBO) stability. You will also learn how pole locations affect the stability of a system. What is multiplicity of poles on the imaginary axis and how it changes a marginally stable system to an unstable control system. A dedicated video is available on stability but stability has been discussed at various places throughout this course on control systems engineering.Block Diagram Reduction:Another important part of learning control systems is how to reduce a block diagram in its simplest form. This is an important part of this subject and there are few lectures dedicated to block diagram reduction techniques. In these lectures you will learn various familiar forms of block diagrams and rules for the reduction of these diagrams. The familiar forms include the cascade or series block diagram, parallel block diagram and feedback loop. In rules you will learn how to move a block to the right or left of a summing point, how to move a block to the right or left of a pick-off point etc. Time Response of First order & Second Order control Systems:There are many lectures on finding the time response of first order and second order control systems. This is one of the fundamental components of learning control systems engineering.You will learn how to find the time response from a transfer function. How to use poles and zeros to determine the response of a control system. Also finding poles and zeros from the transfer function. What pole will generate what type of response. You can estimate the form of the time response by looking at the poles in a transfer function. Also time constant of first order system and how it can be used for system identification. Also you will learn some terms such as rise time, settling time, overshoot, natural frequency, damping ratio etc. You will also learn the types of second order system and how can you find it by looking at the roots of the characteristic polynomial of the system. Also what is the difference between the underdamped, overdamped, critically damped and undamped time responses of a control system. We will also look into the performance parameters also called the design parameters of a control system. You will also learn about the forced and the natural response of a control system.Frequency Response & Bode Plot:In the steady state, if we apply a sinusoidal input to a linear system, we will get the sinusoidal output response of the same frequency. However the amplitude and phase will change. There are few lectures on frequency response of control systems. You will learn the importance and how to plot Bode plot of a control system in order to find the frequency response of the system. You will also learn the analytical expressions for the frequency response.Nyquist Stability Criterion:The Nyquist criterion relates the stability of a closed-loop system to the open-loop frequency response and open-loop pole location. Therefore our knowledge of the open-loop systems frequency response yields information about the stability of the closed loop system. There is a lecture on Nyquist criterion in which I tried to explain the concept without doing a lot of Mathematics. This will help you understand the concept. You will learn the mapping of complex numbers and some associated concepts."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
coconala-beginner |
Price: 15000.00 ![]() |
"Easy Keto: Eat Happy and Lose Weight (Certificate included)" |
"Ketogenic diet isnt just about healing your body and eating in a healthy way.You have to enjoy food and deeply feel an improved sensation of well-being, health and energy.This Ketogenic course will answer all your questions, straight to the point, about Keto Diet, Ketosis, including a Complete Keto Meal Plan and Meal Prep with 31 easy, delicious and safe Ketogenic food recipes.This All-in-one Ketogenic Diet Course will explain with simple words how to get your body in ketosis and stick to it.The course includes:Exclusive 21 day Meal PlanExclusive 31 easy and delicious Keto Recipes CookbookA Step by Step Complete Guide to lose weight with the keto diet planComprehensive grocery listsSecret tips and tricks for getting started with the Ketogenic DietMeal Prep the Keto way.And Much Much more!This course will cover everything you need to know to start a Keto Diet, including:How to stay motivated in the Ketogenic DietHow to start a Keto Diet the easy wayHow to lose weight with the Keto DietIs Ketogenic Diet good for meWhat is a good Keto Meal PlanHow does the Ketogenic Diet workWhat are the Benefits of Keto DietHow to follow the Keto DietDoes Keto Diet work on everyoneIs it safe to be in KetosisWhat is KetosisHow to track my NutritionWhat food can be eaten while on the Ketogenic DietWhat are the advantages and disadvantages of to DietWhen should one do a Ketogenic DietWhat are the Side Effects of the Keto DietWhat are the Long Term Effects of the Ketogenic dietHow to get more Energy with the Keto DietHow to get into Ketosis and stay in KetosisThis Keto Course comes with a full 30 day money-back guarantee. Meaning if you are not completely satisfied with the course or your progress, simply let Udemy know and they will refund you 100%, every last penny, no questions asked.You literally cant lose.Ready to get started?Enroll now using the Enroll Now button on the right and get started on your way the Ketogenic World. Or take this course for a free spin using the preview feature, so you know youre 100% certain this course is for you.See you on the inside. (hurry, class is waiting!)CheersChris"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"App android + sistema para Restaurante en C#" |
"Con este curso aprenders desde cero y paso a paso todo lo necesario para Desarrollar un sistema Para Restaurante en C# y SQLserver ,los mdulos a desarrollar son:Modulo VentasModulo ComprasModulo CobrosModulo PagosModulo KardexModulo InventariosModulo de CajaModulo de EmpresaReportesModulo de MesasCopias de SeguridadInstaladores Portables con base de datos incluidaModulo de Licencias y SeguridadApp android para recepcin de pedidosPara la app android se usara Xamarin que ya viene integrado en Visual Studio 2019 y que ademas usa C# como Backend"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Exam 70-333 Deploy Enterprise Voice with Skype for Business" |
"Exam 70-333 Deploy Enterprise Voice with Skype for BusinessExam 70-333 Candidates are IT consultants and telecommunications consulting professionals who design, plan, deploy, and maintain solutions for unified communications (UC). Exam candidates should be proficient in deploying Skype for Business Server and Skype for Business Online solutions for end users, endpoint devices, telephony, audio/video and web conferences, security, and high availability. Practice test exams will help you pass the official Microsoft exam 70-333 in first attempt.This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Microsoft in any way.Measurement your skill as per below topics :Plan and design Skype for Business with Enterprise Voice (30-35%)Design Enterprise Voice topologyDesign call routing and Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) connectivityDesign voice applicationsDesign unified messaging (UM)Plan for network readiness and optimizationDesign network services for Enterprise VoiceModel and analyze Skype for Business traffic per siteAnalyze policies and historical data network usagePlan and analyze simulation traffic results, and make recommendationsDeploy and configure Enterprise Voice (30-35%)Configure network services for Enterprise VoiceConfigure voice applicationsConfigure call routingConfigure unified messaging (UM) for Skype for Business and Cloud VoicemailConfigure Enterprise Voice client featuresManage and troubleshoot Enterprise Voice (30-35%)Troubleshoot call setup and teardownTroubleshoot Enterprise Voice quality issuesTroubleshoot Enterprise Voice configurationTroubleshoot and analyze Enterprise Voice applicationsTroubleshoot universal communications (UC) devices and peripheralsMonitor and manage Skype for Business"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Complete MySQL Bootcamp: From SQL Beginner to Expert" |
"Welcome to The Complete MySQL Bootcamp: From SQL Beginner to Expert.According to the Stack Overflow Survey 2019, SQL takes third place (54.4%) among the most popular programming, scripting and markup languages. Knowing SQL is a MUST for:Web DevelopersNode.js DevelopersPython DevelopersJava DevelopersBusiness AnalystsMarketing AnalystsData Science SpecialistsEveryone working with databases and data analysisStrengthen your resume now by learning SQL and find a better job by mastering the most in-demand skill used by tech giants like Google, YouTube, Amazon, PayPal, Netflix and others. Do I need prior programming experience?No prior programming experience is necessary. We will take you step by step through everything there is to know about SQL.What if I have questions during the course?In this SQL course you will never be alone. Our support team will be with you every step of the way, ready to answer your questions.How will my lessons look?Straight to the point, no time wasted! Firstly, all theory will be explained on slides and after you get the concept, we show you how it works in practice.Will I have lots of practice?This course comes packed with lots of exercises to effectively practice and actually use SQL in order to help you advance quickly.Will I learn MySQL or PostgreSQL?SQL-language can be used with different databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite and many others. According to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2019: MySQL is the most commonly used database (54%)PostgreSQL has taken the second spot (34.3%)In this course you will be working with the MySQL database management system but the knowledge gained here can be applied to virtually every other database management system. Will I get a certificate?At the end of this SQL course, you will get a certificate which can be added to LinkedIn, adding a feather to your cap that employers will surely notice.Whats more, you have a 30-day money-back guarantee. No questions asked.So, what are you waiting for? Enroll today. We will help you gain the skills to be successful in the market for many years to come. Your future starts now!"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
PythonGalaxianPyxel |
Price: 19800.00 ![]() |
"Reverse Anti-Aging" |
"With this 8-part video course discover simple ways to take ten years off your face, body, energy levels, and libido.You will learn:How to stock your fridge with food considered by scientists to be the fountains of youthHow to hack your sleep to have you waking up looking like a younger YOU!How sugar can destroy you from the inside its not just donuts that you have to be worried aboutThe weird but amazing effects being in a tight social circle can have on your appearanceWhy sunlight is a double-edged sword and how to reap its benefits to feel ten times betterThe little-known molecule in your body that keeps you young and how to get more of it!How to stop parasitic habits that are sapping away your youth and vitalityWith strategies inside you will:Look ten years younger without injections or expensive creamsHave the energy levels of a restless teenagerWatch your libido skyrocket as if youre having a second pubertyGrow and age gracefully without wrinkles or joint achesTopics covered:What Is Reverse Aging?The Science Behind AgingBenefits of Reverse AgingLifestyle ChangesFood And DietDaily Routines That Will Shave Off The YearsBest Ingredients For Young Looking SkinAnti-Aging Supplements"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Windows 10 Course: Understanding The Main Features" |
"Hi Future Student, You have probably heard of this saying before. You can't build a great building on a weak foundation. This is True. Without a strong foundation. The building will crash and fall into pieces because the foundation was not solid. Yet many people are using Windows 10 computers in business and personal life without the full understanding of the basics features.Imagined how productive you would be if you knew the basics of how this operating system worked.How quicker would you become at performing basic tasks while using Windows 10? How efficient would you be at your job? Well you don't have to look very far, this Windows 10 Course: Understanding The Main Features has all the main features that you need to learn to build a strong foundation working with this operating system. If your interested in building a solid foundation in Windows 10 to become much more efficient in home and work life, click on the buy now link to start investing in yourself to start off on a strong foundation to becoming a Windows 10 Expert."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Child Psychology Certification Course: Aggression Prevention" |
"Hello and welcome to this course about Prevention of aggressive behaviour. Nowadays, aggressive behaviour is a common problem that in order to deal with it we must first learn to understand correctly. This is precisely why we have prepared this course in order to provide a detailed and sufficient insight into the nature and characteristics of aggression, its types, the factors that provoke aggressive behaviour, as well as the state, responses and how to recognise the victim of this kind of behaviour. After all, we have given scientific models that school teachers can best deal with troubled students through concrete actions to minimise aggressive behaviour in the growing generation of children.With this course you will receive:8 downloadable materials which can be used for diagnostic purposes.Certificate of completion from Udemy.Certificate of completion about ChildPsychology:Prevention of aggressive behaviour.The second certificate is granted by the psychologist of our team: Valentin Boyadzhiev - a trained nutritionist from 2011, graduated Master of Psychology in ""Psychology and Psychopathology of Development"" from 2016; acquired a Professional Qualification ""Teacher of Psychology"" in 2017; with a Postgraduate Professional Qualification ""Psychological Counseling in Psychosomatic and Social Adaptation Disorders"" from 2017. Since 2018 - a member of the Association ""Bulgarian Psychoanalytic Space"". Since 2019 - a member of ""International Society of Applied Psychoanalysis"". Since 2011 - a lecturer on issues related to nutrition, diet, supplementation, food and nutritional supplements, sports and more. Since 2016 - teacher of psychology, logic, ethics, law, and philosophy and a lecturer on psychology. From 2017 - a school psychologist of children and pupils from 5 to 18 years of age. Participated annually in scientific conferences on psychology, psychotherapy, dietetics, medicine, and others. Past through many other pieces of training and seminars. His main interest and practice is in the field of psychoanalysis and clinical psychology."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"AspNet Core Web/API + ok Katmanl Mimari Best Practices" |
"Bu kursumda ok katmanl mimari kullanarak sfrdan core api veya web uygulamas ina etmeyi reneceksiniz.Bu Kurs aadaki konular iermektedir.N katmanl mimari ile uygulama nasl ina edilir ?Core katman nasl ina edilir ?Data katman nasl ina edilir ?Service katman nasl ina edilir ?Generic Repository ok katmanl mimariye nasl implement edilir ?UnitOfWork ok katmanl mimariye nasl implement edilir ?Migration ilemleri nasl gerekletirilir ?Hata ynetimi Global olarak nasl ele alnr ?Action Methodlar ierisinde kod tekrarlarndan nasl kanlr ?AutoMapper ktphanesi ok katmanl mimaride nasl kullanlr ?ok katmanl Mimari ile Entity Framework nasl kullanlr ?Global hata ynetimi nasl ele alnr ?Kursa ait tm ders kodlar github adresinden indirilebilecektir."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
Photoshop |
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"The Complete Flutter UI Course Build Amazing Mobile Apps" |
"Join the most comprehensive Flutter development course and learn how to build amazing user interfaces for iOS and Android.You don't need to learn Android/ Java and iOS/ Swift to build real native mobile apps!This course will teach you the basics on how to get started with building beautiful mobile apps.You'll learn Flutter not only in theory but we'll build multiple fully functional and beautiful, real world applications. This course is going to focus on both the core basics and advanced features for building engaging user interfaces with flutter.In this course you'll fully utilize the extensive Material Design library provided by Flutter. You will use all the common Ui elements provided by Flutter like buttons, switches, forms, toolbars, lists and more - and make your own custom widgets for more complex scenarios.Here's what's included in the course:Comprehensive and in-depth lectures on creating beautiful UI's with FlutterAn overview of the built-in widgets and how you may create your ownDebugging tipps & tricksPage navigation with tabs, side drawers and stack-based navigationAdding beautiful animations & page transitionsCreating student requested UI tutorials.And more!This course is for you if ...You're interested in building real native mobile apps for the two most popular mobile platforms - iOS and AndroidDon't want to spend hours learning two completely different languagesCourse prerequisites:Basic Dart language knowledgeBasic Flutter knowledge.You DON'T need to know iOS (Swift/ObjectiveC) or Android (Java)"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I Practice Exams" |
"2 Full Practice Exams to help you study for the Platform 1 Exam.The Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I exam is intended for an individual who hasexperience developing and deploying basic business logic and user interfaces using theprogrammatic capabilities of the Force platform, including practical application of theskills and concepts noted in the exam objectives below.The Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I generally has one to two years of experience asa developer and at least six months of experience on the Force platform.The Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I candidate has the experience, skills, andknowledge outlined below: Can use the fundamental programmatic capabilities of the Force platform todevelop custom interfaces to extend Salesforce capabilities and develop custombusiness logic. Can extend the Force platform using Apex, Visualforce, and LightningComponents. Is familiar with, and able to leverage relevant declarative capabilities of the platform,where appropriate. Knows when to use declarative vs. programmatic methods. Is familiar with the development lifecycle from development to testing, and hasknowledge of the available environments. Is familiar with the Salesforce Mobile app capabilities and the basics of the Lightningframework. Knows when to use the Lightning Process Builder vs. an Apex trigger. Has experience with object-oriented languages such as Java, JavaScript, C#, andRuby. Has experience with data-driven applications and relational databases. Has experience with Model View Controller (MVC) architecture and component basedarchitecture."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Python3 - Introduccin a Python" |
"Suscribete en YouTube para opiniones y reflexiones acerca del mundo de la Programacin -> RayBanBOYBienvenido a este curso de Python3 que he creado, pensando especialmente en ti, si eres autodidacta, de lo contrario tambin es tu curso perfecto.Vamos a aprender python3 desde 0 y todo lo que tiene que ver con este lenguaje de programacin tan sencillo que es casi como hablar ingles con el computador.En el curso vamos a ver Programacin Orientada a Objetos aunque Python ya este especficamente orientado a objetos, desde el principio, todo son objetos en Python3, Creacin de Interfaces Grficas, y muchsimas cosas mas!Y para aprender eso, nos hace falta comenzar desde el principio, por que una casa comienza en el cimiento no en el tejado!Y de que sirve ensear cosas avanzadas de mdulos creados por la comunidad, si no conocemos el lenguaje? Primero vamos a aprender como hablar Python con el computador, y luego veremos cosas muchsimo mas profesionales,que nos valdrn para casi todos los proyectos en los que trabajemos con Python3!Si estas interesado en aprender Python3 de la mejor manera posible, desde 0 y sin temas a medias, ESTE ES TU CURSO"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"(javafx) (2020) -" |
"1.javafx 5 () .2. .( .) . . . . ., . . . "
Price: 44000.00 ![]() |
"Aprendiendo a Meditar" |
"En este Taller de Meditacin aprenders un Mtodo muy Sencillo que te ayudar a conectarte con tu Paz Interior y aumentar tu Frecuencia de Vibracin Interna. Todo explicado en un lenguaje simple de entender.Este Taller Online esta dirigido a todas las personas que desean aprender a meditar con un mtodo simple y efectivo. Libre de dogmas, ritos o ceremonias y que puedes practicar sin importar tu creencia religiosa.En este Taller por Internet se aclaran todos los mitos que existen sobre la meditacin.La meditacin libera a la mente de ataduras de la vida cotidiana y nos ayuda a identificarnos con nuestra verdadera esencia llevndonos a la paz y serenidad necesaria para fluir con las situaciones de la vida.Beneficios de la Meditacin Reduce la depresin Reduce la ansiedad Reduce el estrs Te hace ms compasivo Mejora tu memoria Mejora tu salud Aumenta tu creatividad Aumenta tu concentracin Aumenta tu vibracin interna Te conecta con tu Esencia Balancea los Hemisferios Cerebrale"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"AZ-301: MS Azure Architect Design Exam Prep - Latest Exams" |
"AZ-301: MS Azure Architect Design Exam Prep - Latest ExamsMicrosoft Azure is a cloud platform that provides infrastructure, managed services, and anything else you might need for your business applications.Candidates should have advanced experience and knowledge across various aspects of IT operations, including networking, virtualization, identity, security, business continuity, disaster recovery, data management, budgeting, and governance.I have prepared this practice test course for all those candidates who are planning of taking AZ-301 exam in near future.This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Microsoft in any way.Exam Topics covered as per syllabus AZ-301 exam Certification questions :Determine workload requirements (10-15%)Design for identity and security (20-25%)Design a data platform solution (15-20%)Design a business continuity strategy (15-20%)Design for deployment, migration, and integration (10-15%)Design an infrastructure strategy (15-20%)"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Lerne Dich aufzutanken: das traditionelle Yoga Basisprogramm" |
"Yoga ist eine Lebenseinstellung. Dieser Kurs gibt Dir eine Anleitung Deinen Krper fit und gesund zu halten, welches Dich auf Deinem spirituellem Weg untersttzen wird. Begleitend zu den bungseinheiten bietet der Kurs eine kurze aber grundlegende Einfhrung in Yoga als Philosophie. Dieser Kurs bietet einen leichten Einstieg in das traditionelle Yoga (nach Ashtanga/ B.K.S. Iyengar) und ist sogleich eine 4 Monat' Yoga Challenge. Du erfhrst Meditation-in-Aktion mit Entspannung, Atemtechniken (Nadi Shodana) und Basis Krperbungen (Asanas). Die Namen der Asanas sind in Sanskrit, die Gelehrtensprache aus Altindien. Dieses Yogaprogramm ist kein Nachschlagewerk fr Yogastellungen, sondern ein 4-Monats-Trainingsplan als eine erprobte Anleitung mit bungen und Wiederholungen, wie Du Yoga als Routine individuell in Dein Tagesablauf einbauen kannst. Ich bin Dein Coach und bin fr Dich da. Bitte stelle mir Deine Fragen, ich helfe Dir, dieses Programm durchzuziehen. Lernen durch Umsetzen: Praktische Erfahrung statt theoretische ErklrungDu magst ""learning by doing"", also Praxis und Wissensaufbau durch Erfahrung,Du willst KEINE langen, theoretischen Ausfhrungs-Erklr-Videos, Du willst Dir NICHT selbst einen Kurs zusammen stellen sondern mit einem erprobten Wochen-Aufbauplan fr zu Hause ben,bung, bung, bung statt einer Vielzahl von Erklrungen,Dir ist der Hintergrund und die Philosophie von Yoga wichtig und mchtest kein reines Fitnessprogramm,Du mchtest Yoga erfahren und von den positiven Wirkungen auf krperlicher und mentaler Ebene profitieren,Du verstehst Yoga als work-in und nicht work-out,...dann bist Du hier genau richtig!Dieses Yoga Basisprogramm besteht aus vier Aufbauplnen, welche jeweils fr eine Woche gelten und dann einen Monat angewendet werden sollten:Kapitel, 1.-4. Woche im ersten Monat: 3 bungseinheiten pro Woche (jeweils 60/30/15 Minuten lang)Theorie-Lektion: Was ist Yoga?Kapitel, 5.-8. Woche im zweiten Monat: 4 bungseinheiten pro Woche (jeweils 60/30/2 x 15 Minuten lang)Theorie-Lektion: Yoga ist eine PhilosophieKapitel, 9.-12. Woche dritter Monat:5 bungseinheiten pro Woche (jeweils 60/30/15/45/15 Minuten lang)Theorie-Lektion: Die Geschichte und Herkunft von YogaKapitel, 13.-16. Woche vierter Monat:6 bungseinheiten pro Woche (jeweils 60/30/15/45/15/30 Minuten lang)Theorie-Lektion: Theorie ber Raja Yoga und die Yoga Sutras von PatanjaliDu bekommst einen Yoga Kalender fr die 4 Monate Yoga Challenge zum Download. Das Ergebnis kommt mit dem regelmigen ben. Die Yogaeinheiten sind gleichmig, wiederkehrend und ruhig und fhren Dich in eine meditative Stimmung. Du lernst bewusst abzuschalten, zu Deinem Ursprung zurckzukehen, um dann mit voller Energie durchstarten zu knnen. Die regelmige Praxis ist der Schlssel zum Erfolg fr diese komplette Yogareihe. Dieses Yogaprogramm ist eine Untersttzung selbstbestimmter zu sein."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Einfacher Ziele umsetzen mit Yoga und dem Sonnengru" |
"Gre die Sonne in Dir!Dieser Kurs bietet einen sehr guten und einfachen Einstieg ins Yoga. Entscheidend ist beim Yoga eigene Erfahrung zu sammeln, daher ist es am besten direkt anzufangen. Dieser Kurs bietet Dir unterschiedlich lange Einheiten mit verschiedenen Schwerpunkten rund um den Sonnengru, also Surya Namaskar A fr die tgliche Praxis. Auerdem gibt es noch eine Theorieeinheit ber einen Einblick in die Yoga Sutras."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Login & Registration with PHP MYSQL and Bootstrap4" |
"Include Bootstrap 4.3!Hi! Welcome to the PHP Login, Registration System with MySQL and Bootstrap 4. This course will teach you how to create a fully secured:user login & registrationprofile managementforgot/reset passwordemail account verificationremember me functionalityupload files such as profile imagesThis is a fast-paced course. This means that the instructor explains the flow of the work behind the scenes without writing any code. This benefits you by:Saving you a lot of time watching me writing codeYou will learn really fastYou won't be boredYou are going to learn each concept step by step. You will not only learn to build a simple login system. Course major topics include:Login/Logout/Register/Profile ManagementUploading file securelyYoull learn how to implement form validation and verification. You'll learn how to implementing Forgot/Reset Password. Delete your accountEmail verification with SMTP server in PHPSecure testing of SQL INJECTION, XSSThis course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee! If you are not satisfied in any way, you'll get your money back.So what are you waiting for? Learn the concepts about authentication in PHP & MYSQL, advance your career and increase your knowledge, all in a fun and practical way!I am excited to see you on the course!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"SolidWorks Flow Simulation ile Akkan ve Is Hesaplar" |
"Bu kurs SolidWorks kullanclar, mhendisler ve mhedis adaylar iin meslein zor ve yaygn problemleri olan Akkan uygulamalar ve Is Transferi hesaplar iin temel konular ele almaktadr. ekimler zel stdyoda ve mteri eitim kaytlarndan yklenmitir. Net ekran grnts, anlamay ve izlemeyi kolaylatrmak iin hoca'nn portresi ve zel mikrofonlar ile en kalitesi ses kaytlar dahil edilmitir."
Price: 399.99 ![]() |