Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Interviewing Effectively for HR" |
"This course covers key skills for interviewing effectively and bringing the right team on board. The skills covered are also very beneficial for everyday communication. Through the course, an interviewer will develop skills that will make the interview highly effective, gain an understanding of different types of interviews to utilize them in the best way for his/her purpose, and also explore additional tools that can be used with an interview. The course includes tips and guidelines for getting the best results from your interviews. This course will also help you if you are an interviewee to be better prepared, and know-how interviewers structure their interviews and what they would be looking for. The course covers 1. Five Essential Skills for Effective Interviewing 2. The Structure of an Interview 3. Different Interview Set-Ups and When to Use Them 4. Different Face-to-Face Interviews and Which to Utilise 5. Behavioral Interviewing 6. Optional Tools that Compliment Interviewing"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Find New Market Opportunities to Grow your Business" |
"Todays market is saturated with so many products and services. And customers are buying what they want, not necessarily what they need. For example on hand is many people know the need for exercise (needs) but still ended up spending a lot of junk food (wants). So, if you intend to start a new business or planning to offer something new, how do you go about identifying what else do customers may want? This is because if you know what they want and you can provide products and services to meet those wants, your business will become very successful. However, the problem is that many businesses fail just because they do not know enough what customers really want. Businesses spend a lot of money on advertising and researching who these customers are. Todays marketing requires a better and quicker way that is closer to reality to know more precisely who the customers are and what are they looking for. Its not about traditional marketing research anymore. Its about truly identifying what customers want that will give you the understanding and insight to those customers.In this course you will learn about:Knowing the consumers condition todayUnderstanding the added complexity created by the organizationSymptoms and key discoveries from market changesNew ways to identify market needsApplying the tools step by stepKey considerations for effective implementation"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"SolidWorks do Bsico ao EXPERT com Slidos e Superfcies" |
" O Curso de SolidWorks do Bsico ao EXPERT com Slidos e Superfcies, dos Projetos de Mecnica aos Projetos de Produtos, em PROJETOS REAIS na Prtica, est indicado para quem quer se tornar um desenvolvedor, projetista, desenhista de projetos de produtos(Design Industrial) e Moldes. O curso est organizado em 125 aulas, divididas em cinco mdulos, onde eu fao uma abordagem das ferramentas do software, e ao mesmo tempo vamos realizando projetos com exemplos REAIS, tudo muito dinmico, com o objetivo de no deixar o aluno desmotivado.MDULO 1 Slidos Neste mdulo, o aluno vai aprender a projetar e modelar qualquer objeto slido, utilizando desde as ferramentas bsicas de Extruso, Revoluo, de acabamento com Chanfro e Fillet, at as ferramentas mais avanadas de varredura por Lofts e Sweps por slidos; Padro de Repetio Linear, Circular, por Curvas e Espelho; criar esboos 3D/2D com Linhas, Arcos, Retngulos, Elipses, Splines, Curvas Projetadas, Curvas de Interseo, em detalhes, tudo isso aplicado a vrios projetos REAIS, ao longo do mdulo, de maneira que o aluno execute os projetos ao mesmo tempo em que aprende os recursos(ferramentas).MDULO 2 Modelagem Avanada com Superfcies Neste mdulo, o aluno vai aprender a projetar e modelar superfcies complexas; produtos com formas complexas que seriam difceis de se obter pelo processo de modelagem convencional(diretamente por slidos, depois os mesmos podem ser convertidos em slidos), so produtos como por exemplo, uma carcaa de um mouse, de um retrovisor de automvel, embalagem de cosmtico. Para essas habilidades, o aluno aprender utilizar desde as ferramentas de superfcies de extruso, revoluo, at as ferramentas de superfcies de varredura, por Lofts e Sweps, Supefcie de Offet, Superfcie Estender, Superfcie Aparar, Fillets(arredondamento) de raio variado, estilizados com continuidade(suavizao do arredondamento) G1 e G2, aprender e criar esboos 3D/2D com Linhas, Arcos, Elipses, Splines, Curvas Projetadas, Curvas de Interseo, Curvas em Superfcies, em detalhes, tudo isso aplicado a vrios projetos REAIS, ao longo do mdulo, de maneira que o aluno execute os projetos ao mesmo tempo em que aprende os recursos(ferramentas). O aluno vai saber utilizar as ferramentas de superfcie corretamente, e principalmente a utilizar os ajustes dentro da prpria ferramenta, de maneira que possamos obter o melhor resultado na juno(conexo) de superfcies, na suavizao dessas superfcies.MDULO 3 Anlise das Superfcies dos projetos do mdulo 2 Neste mdulo, o aluno vai aprender a utilizar as ferramentas de anlise da qualidade da superfcie gerada, bem como a qualidade nas junes das mesmas, nos projetos do Mdulo 2. Existem muitos cursos na internet ensinando a modelagem com superfcies, mas sem o emprego das ferramentas de anlise; o que est totalmente; e coloco aqui com letras maisculas; ERRADO, pois no possvel avaliar, s olhando na tela, se o resultado do modelamento est atendendo os requisitos de qualidade para o mercado a que esto sendo destinados.MDULO 4 Modelagem de Moldes Neste mdulo o aluno, a partir dos modelos concebidos com superfcies(mdulo 2); numa sequncia coesa, aprender a criar slidos; dividir esses slidos em partes, como por exemplo, dividir o projeto do mouse em suas partes inferior, superior e botes, salv-los em arquivos de peas separados, e criar os projetos de moldes dos modelos salvos.MDULO 5 Detalhamento Neste mdulo, o aluno vai aprender a montar seus projetos na folha(Drawing), gerando as vistas 2D/3D, atribuindo escalas, incerindo cotas, tabelas de materiais, smbolos, criar sesses em cortes, aplicar hachuras nas vistas em cortes, enfim, documentar o projeto para produo."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"GCP Professional Cloud Security Engineer - Pratice Exam" |
"Use this pratice exam to prepare for certification: Professional Cloud Security Engineer.Simulations are nothing more than a group of questions, related and very similar to the original exam, with the function of testing your knowledge, your speed of reasoning and agility in the answers.In addition the simulated end up teaching! At the end of the question you will have a comment related to the question! This way you can test your knowledge and learn at the same time!Is a Certification Important?This certification helps students build credibility and trust by validating their experience with an industry-recognized credential and helps organizations identify qualified professionals."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de discusso de temas para o Enem" |
"Curso de debate de temas para a redao do Enem com foco na escrita em dez formas diferentes de iniciar seu texto, foco em estratgias argumentativas e na interveno do problema. Voc obter repertrios de aluses histricas, citaes, filsofos e socilogos tudo para te ajudar a escrever de forma mais rpida."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Performance Testing Using Loadrunner12.63 & DevWeb2020" |
"This course covers Performance Testing at a high level, core components [VuGen,Controller & Analysis] of Loadrunner using 12.63. Primary focus is given to script design. Important aspects like Text Checks, Correlation using web_reg_save_param_regexp etc are explained in detail. Workload Modelling, Little's Law, Pacing, thinktime are explained clearly with practical example. Analysis module is covered up to generating reports using templates.What's new in Loadrunner 2020?Detailed sessions on DevWeb2020 Overview, Recording / script generation options, Parameterization, Correlation."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Corrida de Rua - Como planejar e controlar os treinos" |
"O curso voltado para todos os corredores ou quem deseja comear a correr. O contedo baseado em evidncias, ou seja, nos estudos, mas com foco em aplicar no dia a dia dos treinos. Totalmente ilustrado, facilita o aprendizado. Com exemplos de situaes que geralmente acontecem na preparao fsica de quem corre. Temas como tipos de treino, detalhes de um planejamento, preveno de leses, biomecnica da corrida, demonstrao dos principais exerccios, enfim muita informao relevante para todo corredor"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Produo de Cardpios para Eventos" |
"Se voc possui um buffet, bar ou restaurante, deve se deparar com algumas dificuldades na hora de elaborar um menu para seus eventos. Estou certo? Uma das melhores maneiras de melhorar a eficincia em eventos trabalhar com menus eficientes. Esse curso traz para voc empreendedor, cozinheiro ou estudante as melhores tcnicas e as dicas mais eficientes para que voc produza os menus mais fantsticos da vida de seus clientes!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Jak zbudowaem firm, ktra zarobia +1 mln z w p roku?" |
"Poznaj realn histori biznesu, ktry zbudowaem, po godzinach pracujc na etacie korzystajc z moliwoci online marketingu. W pitym miesicu nowej marki biznes ten wygenerowa blisko 300 000 z przychodu (w jeden miesic). Bez dziau handlowego, potnych inwestycji na start (miaem 1 500 z) i ogromnej iloci czasu i niekoczonych si spotka z potencjalnymi Klientami.Pozyskaem w tym czasie ponad 1300 Klientw - gwnie B2B. Byy to m. in. takie marki jak Impel, Amazon, Adamed, Neuca. Wszystkie znalazy mnie same. Pojawiam si w miejscach gdzie Klienci szukaj rozwizania swoich problemw. Zapytasz jakie to miejsca? Zapraszam do kursu! Firma od pierwszych dni jest rentowna!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Transformador de Corrente" |
"O curso de transformador de corrente foi criado para especializar os profissionais da rea de eltrica como, eletricistas, tcnicos de eltrica, automao e engenheiros eletricista que no conhecem a rea de inspees e ensaios eltricos especificamente, nossa principal meta fazer esses profissionais aprenderem a realizar uma inspeo de uma forma tcnica, aprender a efetuar ensaios eltricos, na fase de comissionamento de um determinado projeto ou na manuteno preventiva em paradas de manuteno eltrica em diversas industrias e seguimentos.O objetivo principal do curso passar as informaes e ensinar como realizar as inspees e ensaios nos transformadores de corrente do tipo janela, tipo barra e enrolado de pedestal, utilizados em ptios de subestaes eltricas, cabines primrias e salas de controle, em nveis de tenses de baixa, mdia e alta tenso.Atravs deste curso ser possvel analisar com segurana e confiana possveis erros de fabricao, analisar documentos, verificar falhas de funcionamento e conceitos de emisso de um relatrio final dos servios realizados.comissionamento.manuteno preventiva."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Chemical Equilibrium (Hindi) for NEET/IIT/Class XI-XII" |
"In this course, we will study Equilibrium in chemical and Ionic reactions. The level of this course is up to IIT-JEE Advance, so this course will be beneficial for the students who are in class XI, Class XII or if they are preparing for NEET, JEE or other competitive exams. In this course, lots of MCQ and subjective problems are discussed to get mastery in this topic."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Achtsamkeit fr dich" |
"Herzlich Willkommen!Ich freue mich sehr, dass dich mein ""Achtsamkeit fr dich - Workshop"" inspiriert.Dieser Kurs bietet dir die Mglichkeit, dass du deinen Zugang zu deinen Gedanken, Emotionen und deinen Krper auf ein neues Level hebst. Nimm dir fr jede Lektion 1 Woche Zeit.Du kannst dir auch zuerst einmal alle Lektionen ansehen. Danach hast du einen guten berblick ber alle Lektionen und bungen und kannst entscheiden, mit welchen Bereichen du beginnen mchtest.Hier ein berblick ber die Lektionen:1: Einfhrung und Theorie2: Mindset3: Emotionen4: Krper5: ben6: Atmung7: ben8: IntegrationHre gut auf deinen Krper, was er bentigt. Lies die Zeichen von ihm, damit dieser Kurs ein echter Beitrag fr dich ist.Wichtig ist mir, dass du dich bei mir meldest, wenn Themen bei dir hochkommen. Es obliegt deiner Eigenverantwortung hier gut auf dich zu schauen.Von ganzem Herzen wnsche ich dir eine achtsame Zeit fr Dich.Deine Manuela"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Dveloppement Front - ReactJS, Redux et l'API Contexte" |
"Quoi de plus formateur et 'fun' que de dvelopper une application de livraison en ligne avec React et Redux : cours thorique, progressif et (trs) pratique avec un tutoriel guid de dveloppement du site de livraison pour maximiser vos connaissances en ReactJS et apprendre matriser Redux, le framework de gestion global d'tat le plus tlcharg et utilis. En premier, des sujets simples de dveloppement en ReactJS :Cration et maintain de fonctions composantGestion du state et effets de bord avec les hooks Utilisation des props de renduComposition avec des composants rutilisablesPersistance dans le stockage du navigateur avec HTML5 localstorage Mise en page avec les grilles responsives, composants CSS et JS de Bootstrap 4 pour rapidement dvelopper un UI responsive et lgantpuis, les concepts avancs pour monter rapidement en comptence sur les sujets de :Single Source of Truth avec le gestionnaire d'tat avec l'architecture Redux : l'tat de l'application sera gr un seul endroit via le store avec les actions et reducersLes redux hooks Partage des valeurs globalement avec l'API contexte Dveloppement de l'UI avanc avec les composants Bootstrap javascript : modal, barre de navigation et formulaire de recherche ...Vous aurez en rsultat final une application complte e-commerce dveloppe en ReactJS et Redux, avec : Liste et slection de produits avec fonction de recherche Formulaire de saisie du profil utilisateurVues produit, panier, confirmation de commande et remerciementsDes fonctions ES6 pour calculer et afficher les rsultats, filtrer, dispatcher des actions via le store de l'appli, retourner le state global et aussi crer des animationsVenez rejoindre la formation au format orient projet et progressif pour dvelopper une application e-commerce de livraison en ligne et dcouvrir les concepts avancs de React JS et de l'architecture Redux."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"ReactJS Fullstack : Firebase Firestore et Authentification" |
"Objectif du cours: Dveloppez une application monopage (SPA) fullstack en ReactJS avec les services cloud-based de Google Firebase Avec un format orient projet, le cours est progressif. Au programme : Dvelopper une page de recherche de films en interrogeant lAPI OMDb (The Open Movie Database). Installer un backend serverless gr sur la plateforme Google : base de donnes Firestore et Authentification.Les tapes de dveloppement : Crer et maintenir des composants fonctions rutilisables avec les hooks et les propsProgrammer avec la syntaxe JavaScript ES2015 et l'extension JSXDvelopper une application monopage (SPA) avec Bootstrap 4 et Font Awesome pour une raliser rapidement une interface responsive et professionnelle Faire des appels API RESTful : OMDb, The Movie DatabaseDcouvrir Firebase et ses services manags dans le cloud : Serveur et base de donnes, sans infrastructure avec Cloud Firestore Les comptes utilisateurs avec les solutions 'cloud-based' d'authentification avec FirebaseCrer des formulaires de saisie pour la cration et vrification de compte, authentification les utilisateurs, rinitialisation des mots de passe En bonus, beaucoup de resources, guides et code snippets pour acclrer la ralisation du projetVous aurez en rsultat final une application complte de recherche de films dveloppe en ReactJS, avec :Liste de movies avec fonction de rechercheFormulaire de saisie du profil utilisateurModal de prsentationDes fonctions ES6 pour afficher les rsultats de recherche depuis une API, interroger et crire des donnes via les services dans le cloud de FirebasePour profiter du cours au maximum :Des notions dintgration avec HTML5 et CSS3 sont recommandsDes bases de programmation en JavaScript et ES6 Une premire exprience projet en ReactJS ou une autre librairie JavaScript"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Dragon Yoga: Shamanic Kundalini Yoga & The 7 Celtic Chakras" |
"I have been practicing and teaching Kundalini Yoga since 2003, and have found it to be an incredible powerful tool for personal transformation.However, being from Wales, the land of the Dragons, my psyche resonates deeply with the language of the West, particularly of Northern Europe, and the Celtic lands rich in lore of Wizards and Dragons.I realised that our ancestors were working with the Kundalini which they associated with the Dragon, aka the Winged Serpent.They had many names for the Serpentine Life-Force Energy, such as Nwyvre, Wyvern, and in old Gaulish Wouivre, which all would seem to be related to the word 'weave' for it is the fire of the dragons that weaves the rich tapestry, that makes up fabric of reality, the web of life. It is said that warriors would raise their dragon energy before battle, by passionately engaging into an 'initiation' with a priestess. The Welsh bard, Taliesen is known as the last Celtic Shaman, and it was he who wrote the famous poem 'The Spoils Of Annwn'. He speaks of King Arthur who is said to have travelled into the Celtic Otherworld, and navigate the seven ethereal castles known as 'Caerau', which we can clearly compare with the Chakras.In this revolutionary course, I weave together my expertise in Kundalini Yoga, with my extensive experience of Druidry, Shamanism, Wizardry and working with Dragons themselves.We use a unique combination of movement, sound, breath and the 'Dragon Gates' to wake up the inner dragon fire.Learn to find your shamanic dragon, and ride with it into the Celtic Otherworld.You will go on 8 shamanic journeys and visit each of the 7 Celtic Chakras.You will gain inner wisdom until eventually you reach the heart, and obtain the most precious gift of all, the magic cauldron, otherwise known as the Holy Grail!You won't find a course like this anywhere else, this is a powerful and potent reimagining of the ancient Druidic wisdom of the Celts, who above all else were...Dragon Riders!Reclaim this lost ancient memory of yourself as a Celtic Shaman and Dragon Rider.It's time to take Yoga to the next level, back to its Shamanic origins.It's time for you to remember your shamanic heritage, and find the truth of who you really are.Be brave, be bold and be true, and enrol now!..."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Quick Start to Google Apps Script Coding" |
"Google Apps Script is JavaScript 1.6 in the cloud - its allows you to create powerful applications with just a few lines of code, connecting all the amazing things you can do with Google Suite Together!Course covers the very basics of starting to write Google Apps ScriptHow to navigate the online editorHow to create Standalone scriptsHow to Create Bound ScriptsBasics of VariablesFunctions and how they are used within Google Apps ScriptHow loops can be usedData Arrays and ObjectsConditionsSource code is included so you can copy and paste the code to try for yourself.Step by step learningFast friendly support is always available within the Q&A sectionExperienced instructor with over 20 years of experience ready to help you learnYou have nothing to lose - Join now and start learning to create your own applications today!!!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Getting Started with Google Sites Easy website setup" |
"Build internal project hubs, team sites, public-facing websites, and more. Google Sites makes building websites easy. Just drag content where you need it.Google Sites websites are responsive, which means theyre optimized for tablets and smartphones, too.Publish the site for everyone to see, or restrict sharing permissions and make the site accessible only to people you want.Step by step guide on how to create a website with Google SitesSetup Site name Selecting a layout for sitesCreating a web address and publishing the siteHow to edit and delete siteAdding gadgets, text, images, files, and scripts to sitesHow to use Google Apps Script to deploy a website and add it to SitesHow to update and create changes in SitesFast friendly support is always available to help you learn more.You have nothing to lose, create your website with Google Sites Today!!!!Google SitesGoogle Sites is a structured wiki- and Web page-creation tool offered by Google. The declared goal of Google Sites is for anyone to be able to create simple web sites that support collaboration between different editors.How to use Google SitesYou can create a website to share info with others.Discover how you can create Google Sites pages in minutes and share your content to the world. Its a free website that is drag and drop to create - no coding needed. Just a Google account and you can start creating your websites.Learn how to create your own website on Google Sites - Websites with a URL to share to the world -Add content to your siteAdd, delete & organize pagesAdd or edit text & imagesAdd Google files, video & morePublish and share your sitePublish & share your siteInvite others to edit your siteDelete or restore your site"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"SOLIDWORKSSOLIDWORKSSOLIDWORKSSOLIDWORKS==================1. 742. 3. Udemy 30 :)4. SOLIDWORKSSOLIDWORKS1. SOLIDWORKS2. 3. 4. 1. SOLIDWORKS2. 3. 4. 103D5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. :)-TforDesign"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Creating A Photo Book" |
"In the digital age, it's never been easier or more essential to collect photographic projects in a publishable format. Books, trade books, zines and more are formats that give permanence to work, bring closure to long term projects, and act as physical keepsakes of important moments in life. In this course, you will:learn how to edit a photographic project into a cohesive piece of workunderstand creative ways of placing photos, juxtaposing compositions and creating effective sequencesknow how to make decisions based on a projected audience and budgetThe book in this course is created using BookWright, a free software from Blurb."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"The Art & Science of Manifestation" |
"WHY SETTLE FOR ""GOOD"" WHEN YOUR LIFE CAN BE ""EXCEPTIONAL""*Please note: while there are only two hours of video training in this course, there are over eight hours of teachings in audio format to download. This gives you more flexibility in your study and learning.In this experiential training, you will learn how to clear away the blocks to your manifesting power, retrain your thoughts and energy to attract exactly what you want into your life, and become a magnet for miracles.You will be introduced to a process of intentional creation called LifeDesign where you will learn how to be the architect and builder of your dreams.Would you be open to the idea that anything is possible? Because it really is!You might not realize it now, but you have the power within you, at this very moment in time, to create a life you only dream about.You might be surprised to learn that reaching the level of fulfillment and abundance you desire can actually be your reality - without struggle, sacrifice, and hard work to get there.Regardless of any circumstances or situations, you may be facing, you have the ability to achieve the results you desire in every area of your life, including love and relationships, health, career, or your creative expression.And although your life might seem good right now, wouldn't you love for it to be exceptional?Perhaps you've already been successful in life, but still don't feel entirely fulfilled.Maybe you've already reached several of your great goals but still long for more.Perhaps you just feel stuck because you're not even sure how to proceed and you can't move forward.What if moving to the next level of success and happiness could actually be an easy and fun experience?You have incredible power to create through immutable laws that govern this universe and we are slowly coming into a greater understanding of these laws that have always directed the invisible side of our results...whether we call those results success or failure. Would you like to learn how to use the invisible laws that govern success and failure so that you get to choose what kind of like you get to live?Would you like to use the latest discoveries in neurocognitive sciences to your advantage and begin to finally change the negative patterns and habits of thoughts keeping you stuck?Manifestation is real and you are a powerful manifesting mechanism... if you are tuned properly to the energy you are desiring to connect with. This course will teach you how to fine-tune your creative powers and clear the blocks that are standing in the way of you achieving what it is you desire.BUT, there is a secret to manifestation that very few are teaching. There is a key element missing in the world of ""positive thinking"", the ""secret"" behind manifestation, and all of the teachings, books, and seminars that millions turn to for guidance. Without this missing element, no efforts toward reaching your desired goals will materialize. This is the most powerful piece in the creation of success and abundance. And you will learn that secret here!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"QuickBooks Online vs Xero Accounting Software 2020" |
"This course will compare two leading online accounting software applications, QuickBooks Online and Xero, in a step by step format.This is a comprehensive accounting course.We will discuss the purchasing options and the best tools to learn these accounting software packages at the lowest cost.Learners will understand how to set up a new company file in each software package.The course will demonstrate how to navigate each software package and how to generate, analyze, and customize common financial reports.We will learn how to create inventory and service items and how they are used to create invoices, purchase orders, and sales receipts.The course will show how to enter two months of data in a step by step process, comparing the two accounting software packages at every level along the way.The course will demonstrate how to complete bank reconciliations and enter adjusting and reversing entries.We will also learn how bank feeds work. Bank feeds are the ability to connect directly to the bank and download financial information into the accounting software.The course will provide practice data to learn how bank feeds work. Learners will also understand how to make bank rules to automate the bookkeeping process further."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Audition CC" |
"Adobe AuditionPremiere ProAuditionAuditionAdobe AuditionAuditionAudition"
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"Living beyond Anxiety - Transcending Perceptions A6.3" |
"How to get over the feeling of anxiety and worry. A course on training your mind to escape its own traps.KEY: Recognizing how you feel, IS how you want to feel misunderstood.----Did you know: All of our courses are unscripted. Each course in the series is so similar because one is recorded for each, back to back. These courses are guided by spiritual support and inspiration. ----This one course of a seven-part course-series called Transcending Perceptions. It is complete in itself, however, this one course is specifically focused on getting over anxiety and worry. For your professor Rev. Devan Jesse Byrne this mind-training comes second nature and is a simple choice that can be made at any time if desired.Here you will learn techniques and strategies to think differently and overcome the blocks and obstacles which seem in the way of allowing yourself to live an enjoyable life. Justifiably you have felt this way in your life because there have seemed to be many reasons in the world conforming to the need for it. Part of this mind-training is in the realm of recognizing you have misunderstood the reality of these justifications, and have made then perceptually larger and more unmovable then they actually are. A common occurrence when the mind attempts to protect itself from seeming threats.A large part of this course and for you to truly succeed in what it offers is the willingness to see things differently. Your emotions are justified in the world (of bodies). So the key is to see the world differently. In a spiritual-universe, the rules and regulations are drastically different. Freedom is our inheritance within this spiritual reality. This pain you feel is a part of your self-made prison, which IF you recognized how you got into it, also would you recognize your way out!KEY: Recognizing how you feel, IS how you want to feel misunderstood."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Gagnez deux heures par jour et atteignez vos objectifs" |
"Le but de cette formation est de vous donner un systme de d'efficacit personnelle pour travailler mieux et plus vite. Cette mthode sadresse aux gens qui sont leur compte, indpendants, cadres ou managers d'une quipe. Elle ne s'applique pas aux salaris qui n'ont pas de maitrise sur les tches qu'ils doivent accomplir dans le cadre de leur emploi. Dans un monde en acclration, la procrastination est devenue monnaie courante. Avec ce systme vous aurez votre feuille de route pour travailler de manire efficace tout en restant motiv."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Kurs Microsoft OneNote 2019 - od Podstaw do Eksperta" |
"Kurs OneNote 2019 to kompletny zestaw poradnikw jak korzysta z najnowszej wersji popularnej aplikacji Microsoft.Szkolenie z OneNote 2019 przeznaczone jest dla osb, ktre chc lub musz mie wszystko pod rk i pod kontrol. Przedstawiamy niezwykle przydatne narzdzie dla pracownikw, uczniw, nauczycieli, a take wszystkich tych, ktrzy lubi zapisywa swoje koncepcje w kadej sytuacji czy mie wszystko dobrze zorganizowane i zaplanowane.Przekonasz si, e OneNote to nie, jak mogoby si wydawa, zwyky notatnik. To doskonae i bardzo rozbudowane narzdzie, ktre uatwi Ci zorganizowanie notatek i zarzdzanie danymi. To nieograniczona przestrze, w ktrej moesz zebra swoje zapiski, pomysy czy informacje. Ty sam decydujesz o rozmiarze notesu, a swoje notatki bdziesz mg sporzdza w dowolnej, wybranej przez siebie czci strony. Poznasz narzdzia do rysowania, ktre sprawi, e zawarto Twojego notesu stanie si bardziej czytelna, Dziki licznym i zaawansowanym funkcjom bdziesz mg do swojego obszaru roboczego dodawa zaczniki plikw, arkusze Excel, obrazy, notatki audio i wideo, Oswoisz si z pojciem znacznikw i zobaczysz, jak w praktyce wyglda praca z nimi. Wreszcie dowiesz si, jak zarzdza zawartoci swojego notatnika, jak chroni cenne czy poufne dane, a take jak dzieli si dowoln treci z innymi uytkownikami."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Kurs Microsoft Outlook 2019 - od Podstaw do Eksperta" |
"Kurs Outlook 2019 to kompletny zestaw poradnikw z obsugi najnowszej wersji popularnego programu Microsoft.Kurs z Microsoft Outlook 2019 dedykowany jest wszystkim osobom, ktre chc nauczy si korzysta z programu w zaawansowany sposb, nie ograniczajc si do odbierania i wysyania maili. Microsoft Outlook 2019 jest niemal niezbdny w wikszoci miejsc pracy, ale take jest czsto stosowany na komputerach prywatnych. Nasze szkolenie trafi w potrzeby zarwno pracownikw biurowych, jak i osb prywatnych.Microsoft Outlook 2019 to nie tylko wygodne narzdzie do obsugi poczty elektronicznej, ale take wietny program wspierajcy organizacj pracy i tworzenie list kontaktw. Bardzo czsto znajomo klienta pocztowego koczy si na wysyaniu i odbieraniu wiadomoci, tymczasem jest to funkcjonalna aplikacja o szerokim zastosowaniu. Dziki szkoleniu z Outlook 2019 poznasz zasady konfigurowania kont pocztowych, nauczysz si sprawnie porusza po interfejsie programu, a take bdziesz w peni gotowy do rozpoczcia pracy. W tym szkoleniu dowiesz si, jak zaimportowa poczt ze starego komputera oraz jak utworzy drugie konto pocztowe. Nauczysz si rwnie kategoryzowa i sortowa wiadomoci, stosowa rne reguy, zobaczysz, jak si zabezpieczy przed niechcianymi wiadomociami, a take jak utworzy automatyczn odpowied. Jest to jedna z bardziej przydatnych funkcji, dziki ktrej unikniesz konfliktw. Szkolenie z programu Outlook 2019 pokae rwnie, jak korzysta z kalendarza, jak tworzy wydarzenia i dodawa uczestnikw."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Kurs Microsoft PowerPoint 2019 - od Podstaw do Eksperta" |
"Kurs Powerpoint 2019 to kompletny zestaw poradnikw z obsugi najnowszej wersji popularnego programu Microsoft.Szkolenia z PowerPointa przeznaczone s praktycznie dla wszystkich. Niewane, czy chcesz gronu przyjaci czy znajomych pokaza album z wakacji czy lubu, zaprezentowa w firmie kampani sprzedaow najnowszego produktu czy zobrazowa swoim uczniom przerne tematy - te mniej i te bardziej skomplikowane. PowerPoint otworzy przed Tob niezliczone moliwoci.PowerPoint to najpopularniejsze na rynku narzdzie do tworzenia atrakcyjnych i profesjonalnych prezentacji multimedialnych. W prosty sposb bdziesz mg przedstawi swe pomysy na rne sposoby, zarwno za pomoc tekstu, jak i obrazu, a nawet dwiku czy filmu. Nauczysz si, jak w ogle rozpocz prac nad prezentacj i jak wyglda schemat jej dziaania. Zobaczysz, jak uczyni prezentacj bardziej efektown i dynamiczn, dodajc do niej animacje i przejcia midzy poszczeglnymi slajdami. Przekonasz si, e doczanie tabel i wykresw, ktre idealnie uzupeni twj projekt to naprawd nieskomplikowana czynno. Wstawiajc pliki graficzne, wideo czy audio, bez wtpienia nadasz swej prezentacji wysoce profesjonalny wygld, z kolei dodanie cza czy hipercza pozwoli na szybkie przejcie do konkretnego slajdu prezentacji czy strony internetowej. Dowiesz si rwnie, jak przygotowa nasz prac do pokazu czy udostpni j innym osobom zdalnie. PowerPoint, ze wzgldu na mnogo funkcji i opcji, to idealne rozwizanie zarwno dla osb kreatywnych i dbajcych o kady szczeg, jak i tych cenicych sobie wygod, pragncych zaoszczdzi czas i niekoniecznie odznaczajcych si talentem w projektowaniu prezentacji, gdy program ten pozwala na skorzystanie z ogromnej liczby gotowych szablonw, jest prosty w obsudze i nie wymaga zaawansowanych umiejtnoci."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Kurs Microsoft Word 2019 - od Podstaw do Eksperta" |
"Kurs Microsoft Word 2019 to kompletny zestaw poradnikw jak korzysta z popularnej aplikacji. Szkolenie z Microsoft Word 2019 zostao przygotowane z myl o osobach, ktre chc opanowa podstawowe funkcje edytora tekstu, jak i te bardziej zaawansowane. Program Microsoft Word jest wykorzystywany w pracy, w szkole, a take w rodowisku domowym, dlatego te szkolenie jest odpowiednie dla kadej osoby, ktra chce dokadnie pozna moliwoci oferowane przez program i dowiedzie si, jak zastosowa t wiedz w praktyce.Microsoft Word 2019 to edytor tekstu, ktry umoliwia sprawne edytowanie i tworzenie dokumentw. Dziki szkoleniu z Microsoft Word 2019 zapoznasz si z podstawowymi moliwociami edycji tekstu takimi jak zmiana stylu, koloru, rozmiaru czcionki, ustawianie akapitw, dodawanie nagwka, stopki i wiele innych, jak rwnie opanujesz umiejtnoci zaawansowanego formatowania jak na przykad tworzenie wasnych szablonw, modyfikowanie stylw, dodawanie spisu treci. Ponadto, uczestniczc w szkoleniu, odkryjesz niezwykle ciekawe i przydatne opcje pozwalajce dodawa komentarze do dokumentu, porwnywa dwa dokumenty lub ledzi zmiany w tekcie naniesione przez innego uytkownika. Dziki temu zawsze bdziesz pracowa na aktualnej wersji dokumentu. Fenomenalnym rozwizaniem jest rwnie moliwo pracy nad jednym dokumentem z innymi osobami w czasie rzeczywistym. Dziki temu szybciej utworzysz pewne elementy, bez koniecznoci wymiany plikw za pomoc urzdze przenonych, poniewa wystarczy, e udostpnisz taki plik wysyajc innej osobie zaproszenie do wsppracy. Program Microsoft Word jest niezbdnym narzdziem w pracy zawodowej, ale rwnie w yciu kadego studenta i ucznia. Dlatego nasze szkolenie z tej aplikacji jest przygotowane z myl o pracownikach biurowych, jak i studentach, bowiem przedstawia takie zagadnienia jak tworzenie wasnych tabel danych, wykresw, a take wstawianie bibliografii, cytatw, przypisw. W naszym szkoleniu kady znajdzie co dla siebie!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Kurs Microsoft Visio 2016 - od Podstaw do Eksperta" |
"Kurs Microsoft Visio 2016 to kompletny zestaw poradnikw jak korzysta z popularnej aplikacji. Szkolenie z Microsoft Visio 2016 jest skierowane do wszystkich osb, ktre w pracy zawodowej s zobligowane do korzystania z programw projektowych, jak rwnie do osb prywatnych, ktre pragn nauczy si korzysta z programu i na swj uytek stworzy np. plan domu, ukad biura lub rozkad pomieszcze.Visio 2016 to program biurowy sucy do tworzenia schematw i diagramw. Uatwia udostpnianie profesjonalnych projektw upraszczajcych przekazywanie zoonych informacji. Szkolenie z Microsoft Visio 2016 przygotuje Ci do pracy z programem. Nauczysz si przygotowywa rnego rodzaju schematy blokowe, elektryczne, schematy sieci komputerowej, schematy organizacyjne np. hierarchii pracownikw w firmie."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Kurs Microsoft Publisher 2016 - od Podstaw do Eksperta" |
"Szkolenie z Publisher 2016 jest przydatne zarwno dla firm, ktrym zaley na przygotowaniu materiaw reklamowych wysokiej jakoci, jak rwnie dla wszystkich osb, ktre pragn wykorzysta pomysy na ciekawe projekty w yciu codziennym. Nieistotne, czy jeste przedsibiorc i sam chcesz zaprojektowa i wykona katalog produktw Twojej firmy, czy po prostu chcesz wrczy rodzinie i znajomym zaproszenie na rocznic lubu. Szkolenie przedstawia, jak atwo i bez wysiku mona stworzy atrakcyjne publikacje.Publisher to bezkonkurencyjny program sucy do tworzenia wszelkich publikacji. Ze szkolenia dowiesz si, jak w kilka chwil mona wyczarowa profesjonalne broszury, plakaty reklamowe czy wizytwki, a take kartki okolicznociowe czy papeterie. A wszystko to w bardzo prosty i przyjemny sposb. Nie musisz by biegy w projektowaniu. Ogromna liczba pogrupowanych tematycznie galerii szablonw stwarza nieograniczone moliwoci. Jeeli natomiast jeste bardzo pomysowy i kreatywny, dziki bogatemu zestawowi narzdzi sam moesz wykreowa dowolny projekt na pustej stronie. Ogranicza Ci jedynie Twoja wasna wyobrania.Zademonstrujemy Ci, jak wyglda proces dodawania do publikacji rnych elementw jak tabele czy obrazy. Sprawimy, e rwnie nie bdzie Ci obce pojcie amania tekstu i kolejkowania obiektw. Bdziesz wiedzia, jak korzysta z blokw konstrukcyjnych i dostosowa projekt strony. Nauczysz si take, jak poprawnie zastosowa korespondencj seryjn. Ponadto poznasz opcje zwizane z przygotowaniem finalnej wersji publikacji do druku."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Kurs Microsoft Project 2016 - od Podstaw do Eksperta" |
"Szkolenie przeznaczone jest dla menaderw, kierownikw, osb, ktre nadzoruj projekty, a take wszystkich tych, ktrzy zajmuj si na co dzie planowaniem zada, kontrol budetu, szacowaniem pracochonnoci czy czasochonnoci.Dziki szkoleniu poznasz obsug aplikacji Project 2016. Bdziesz wiedzia, jak porusza si i jak obsugiwa program do zarzdzania projektami. Poznasz wszystkie tajniki pracy z harmonogramami od podstaw do bardziej zaawansowanych funkcji.Na pocztku dowiesz si, jak zainicjalizowa projekt, a take w jaki sposb wprowadza i zarzdza pojedynczymi oraz sumarycznymi zadaniami. Dowiesz si rwnie, jak poprawnie przypisywa zasoby typu praca, koszt i materia. Poznasz take najwaniejsze funkcje programu pozwalajce kontrolowa budet oraz czas przedsiwzicia. Szkolenie to pozwoli Ci te dowiedzie si, jak prawidowo zarzdza ryzykiem i potencjalnymi problemami wystpujcymi podczas wykonywania zada.Poznasz take rnego rodzaju kalendarze oraz widoki, ktre pozwol Ci spersonalizowa program tak, aby praca z nim bya jak najbardziej wydajna. Poznasz rwnie zagadnienia dotyczce optymalizacji projektu, zarzdzaniu prac w nadgodzinach i ledzenia postpw, aby termin wykonania projektu nie zosta wyduony. Po zakoczeniu szkolenia bdziesz wiedzia, jak wywietla odpowiednie raporty, tworzy wasne, a nawet eksportowa je do innych programw takich jak Excel czy Visio. W szkoleniu zaprezentujemy Ci rwnie moliwo wymiany danych pomidzy aplikacjami oraz synchronizacj projektw z usug SharePoint tak, aby wsppracownicy rwnie mieli dostp do aktualnej wersji harmonogramw. Na koniec poznasz metod importowania gotowych ju podprojektw i zada oraz dowiesz si, jak udostpni projekt klientom tak, aby mogli si z nim zapozna, nie majc aplikacji Project."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |