Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"HP0-J22 Designing HP Storage Works Solutions Practice Exam" |
"169 UNIQUE practice questions for HP0-J22 Designing HP Storage Works Solutions Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : HP0-J22 Designing HP Storage Works Solutions Practice ExamTotal Questions : 169Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (126 of 169)"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Baby Blues Pregnancy or Postpartum Depression Anxiety Relief" |
"This course is based upon uplifting daily lessons designed for the brand new mother. Day-by-day we will cover one way to overcome anxiety and depression. Each day has something to do or something to think about in order to change your mindset. This course uses positive psychology. A course journal is included. Once you finish the course you will get a certificate of completion. The course comes with a 30-day money back guarantee. "
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"30 Day College Student Confidence Self Esteem Life Coaching" |
"Included with the course is the PDF of the course notes too! This is a motivational course for the new college or university student. It will motivate you through 30 days of positive psychology using messages that offer encouragement in order to raise your confidence and self-esteem. Learn to be your own life coach in order to reach your personal development goals. The course is packed full of useful and practical tips for academic achievement success. I want you to achieve your own idea of personal success! This course will make your transition to college level studies much easier. I am passionate about shaping your educational success mindset. Learn the same character traits and mindset that enabled me to earn a doctorate degree! "
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Intentional Happiness" |
"In this motivational and meditative course, you will discover finding happy moments in six key areas: Family & Friends, Relaxation, Healthy Diet, Exercise, Faith, and in Nature. Enjoy imagery, music, verse, and poetry, along with important personal exercises and reflections. ""Positive psychology is the study of the 'good life,' or the positive aspects of the human experience that make life worth living (Seligman, 2000)."""
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"30 Essential Slide Guitar Licks" |
"Have you ever wanted to have a bag of ""go to"" licks to play for most blues situations? Or maybe you are looking to add 30 essential slide licks to your playing?If that's you my friend, 30 Essential Slide Guitar Licks is the right slide guitar course for you.You can be a complete newbie at slide and still come away with playing these 30 slide licks but if you already know how to play slide guitar then you will be making these licks your own by modifying them and having them ready at your disposal whenever you need them. 43 Lectures/Videos with Corresponding PDF Attachments2+ Hours of VideoIt's available on a PC or MAC and there is an iPad, iPhone and Android app ready to go!Keeping track of each videos you have already watched is super easy. Udemy has a great way of keeping track of your completed lessons(lectures).Scroll down and preview a few of the videos inside the course for free and get a sneak peek at the content within this course.The more you practice the better you will get. With the Right Practice style you will be able to witness fast results!Scroll up and click the ""Buy Now"" button to get started."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Marketing De Afiliados - Ganhar Dinheiro Online na Hotmart" |
"Voc foi demitido do mercado tradicional? Foi Substitudo por uma Maquina? Ento agora voc deve esta se perguntado como possvel existir pessoas que esto trabalhando em casa, ganhando muito mais que voc, apenas utilizando seu computador, notebook ou celular. Com um tal de Marketing de Afiliados, Marketing Digital, Hotmart, que voc recebe um monte de notificaes de venda realizada, no mesmo? Eu tenho certeza que voc j viu alguma propaganda assim.E minha resposta para voc simples. SIM, isso extremamente possvel com o Marketing Digital ou Marketing de afiliados seja trabalhando como afiliado hotmart. Mas olha no um drago de 7 cabeas que voc vai ter que enfrentar para conseguir resultados nesse novo modelo de negocio online do marketing digital ou de afiliados que est deixando pessoas ricas sem ao mesmo precisar sair de casa, apenas em casa com sua inteligencia.Neste curso eu vou te fazer conhecer a nova realidade dos negcios digitais e o marketing digital e de afiliados, e tambm aprender como utilizar seu celular e computador para serem suas maquinas de gerarem renda extra online para voc.Por isso estou criando esse curso para voc possa conseguir entender de VERDADE renda extra utilizando seu computador ou celular e tambm conseguir aprender os SEGREDOS DA VIDA de quem vive de internet do ZERO AO AVANADO e PASSO-A-PASSO!Aprenda Estrategias e Segredos para Ganhar Dinheiro Online como Afiliado Hotmart 100% no orgnico outras maneiras extras para voc ganhar dinheiro na internet.E se voc foi demitido ou apenas curiosidade de tentar ganhar dinheiro nesse novo mercado seja bem-vindo.Ento espero por voc la dentro do curso!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"1D0-532 CIW WEB DEVELOPER (JCERT) Certified Practice Exam" |
"116 UNIQUE practice questions for 1D0-532 CIW WEB DEVELOPER (JCERT) Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 1D0-532 CIW WEB DEVELOPER (JCERT) Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 116Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :70 minsPassing Score : 75 (87 of 116)"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"V2R5 NR0-016 Application Development Teradata NCR Exam" |
"124 UNIQUE practice questions for V2R5 NR0-016 Application Development Teradata NCR ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : V2R5 NR0-016 Application Development Teradata NCR ExamTotal Questions : 124Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :75 minsPassing Score : 75 (93 of 124)"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"SolidWorks 2016 Professional - Bsico ao Avanado" |
"Neste curso voc aprender aplicar esboos de recursos e recursos dos esboos, que seria quando a pea se encontra em um estado tridimensional, modelagem bsica e avanada como extruso, cortes, revolues, loft, varreduras.Vamos aprender sobre chapas metlicas, montagem de conjunto da bsica completa, como preparar as configuraes para um render de qualidade, detalhamento tcnico, aplicando vistas, cortes, detalhes, lista de materiais.Abordaremos a criao de guias de propriedades personalizadas, ou seja voc criar sua prpria folha tcnica personalizada, juntamente com as propriedades das peas e montagens.Contedo Programtico:Seo 01 - Lio 1: Montagem Baseada em RecursosSeo 02 - Lio 2: Modelagem Slida BsicaSeo 03 - Introduo aos Recursos de SketchLinhaCirculoRetnguloArcoRanhuraPoligono e SplineTextoDimenso InteligenteRelaesAparar - Extender - OffsetEspelhar - Padro Linear - Padro CircularMover - Copiar - Girar - Escala - AlongarSeo 04 - Exerccio 01 - ApostilaExtrusoChanfroFilleteCascaDomoSeo 05 - Exerccio 02 - ApostilaRessalto Base RevolucionadoPadro CircularCorte ExtrudadoSeo 06 - Exerccio 03 - ApostilaRessalto Base RevolucionadoGeometria de Referncia (Plano)Corte ExtrudadoSeo 07 - Exerccio 04 - ApostilaExtrusoVarredura (Sweep)Ressalto Base RevolucionadoPadro CircularDomoSeo 08 - Exerccio 05 - ApostilaGeometria de Referncia (Plano)DomoRessalto Base Por LoftSeo 09 - Exerccios da apostila de Exerccios e Aplicao de MateriaisSeo 10 - Exerccios da apostila de ExercciosSeo 11 - Chapa MetlicaSeo 12 - Montagem Inicial de ConjuntoSeo 13 - Detalhamento TcnicoSeo 14 - RenderizaoSeo 15 - Gerador de Guias de PropriedadesSeo 16 - Formato de Folha Personalizada A3/A4Seo 17 - Lista de Materiais PersonalizadaSeo 18 - Conjunto PrismticoSketchsModelagem das PeasMontagem do ConjuntoPropriedades das PeasMateriais e AparnciaRenderizaoDetalhamento TcnicoSeo 19 - Grampo FixadorSketchsModelagem das PeasMontagem do ConjuntoPropriedades das PeasMateriais e AparnciaRenderizaoDetalhamento TcnicoSeo 20 - Assistente de Perfurao"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"This course contain all lectures you need to be able to properly design a beam in a structure. This course you will learn how to design a beam with unknown and known cross-sections.How to design single reinforced concrete beam.The course contain different sections and you are going to watch me explain it section by section. There will be a quiz at the end of every sectionHere is the listing of sections that we will study in this course ""REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAM DESIGN""SECTION 1 - PROCEDURE FOR DESIGN OF UNKNOWN CROSS SECTIONSECTION 2 - BEAM DESIGN WITH UNKNOWN CROSS SECTIONSECTION 3 - PROCEDURES FOR DESIGN OF KNOWN CROSS SECTION SECTION 4 - BEAM DESIGN WITH KNOWN CROSS SECTION"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Como fazer um fechamento de sucesso e conquistar uma venda?" |
"O mundo mudou, e junto a ele a forma como nos relacionamos tambm mudou. Hoje as interaes so mais rpidas e objetivas. O celular quase uma extenso do nosso corpo e isso faz com que tenhamos pessoas mais antenadas em tudo o que est ocorrendo a sua volta. A competitividade crescente no mercado faz com que precisemos nos reinventar nos produtos e servios prestados, na escuta emptica, no atendimento humanizado, para continuarmos com um fator crucial e perene no nosso negcio, o diferencial competitivo pautado no valor, naquilo que na essncia estamos l para resolver para o nosso Cliente, e no termos um diferencial pautado no preo que altamente replicvel, pouco rentvel e insustentvel ao longo do tempo. Fora que a quantidade ao acesso a informao fez com que nossa ateno plena diminua. Ou somos assertivos na comunicao e na necessidade e dor do Cliente, ou perdemos sua ateno e, por consequncia, a venda. E dentro disso o relacionamento fundamental. Desenvolver sua autoridade, se vendendo como especialista no que faz, estar presente constantemente para o que o Cliente precisar, se preocupar com ele muito aps a venda, e no s com o negcio em questo em si, mas principalmente com sua vida, com seus objetivos, crescendo e desenvolvendo juntos. assim que construmos embaixadores, promotores voluntrios do nosso negcio que nos recomendam e nos endossam, facilitando essa jornada de vendas.Nesse mundo totalmente conectado, como no perdermos a essncia humana da criao dos vnculos de conexo? importante lembrar sempre do aspecto crucial que separa os profissionais de talento daqueles que se perdem ao longo da jornada. A tecnologia e os seus efeitos servem para nos ajudar a nos relacionarmos com nosso Cliente, mas no final do dia, o Cliente permanece com suas dores e necessidades que, o ato de voc estar l, genuinamente interessado em ajud-lo, o que ir ser o diferencial.Justamente por isso o profissional de vendas moderno aquele que utiliza a tecnologia ao seu favor e, com suas tcnicas de venda j apuradas, desenvolve um profundo relacionamento humano com a pessoa.Logo, que gatilhos utilizar tambm aqui no momento do fechamento, alis, por que fazer um fechamento presencial? Quais as melhores prticas, tcnicas e que passo a passo seguir para construir uma apresentao 1 a 1 humanizada e processual, com explicao de proposta e venda consultiva, trabalhando tcnicas de negociao e tratativas de objeo para facilitar voc a chegar a conquistar sua venda? Esse um mtodo aprovado por empresas de renome e compartilho aqui com voc para que saiba o que fazer para chegar ao Sim do seu Cliente!Vamos em frente!"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Learn ES6 and advanced Javascript the faster and easier way" |
"Want to update your knowledge of JavaScript to meet emerging web application development trends?If you do, then this is the perfect course for you. In this tutorial you will learn to perfect ECMAscript6 syntax that will help you to create amazing web applications and meet the demand for modern web framework.The latest version of JavaScript comes with more beautiful syntax and more features. This course teaches you to code faster, safer and more efficiently through ECMAscript6. It will also teach you how it differs from the older versions and how to use these new updates to accelerate web application development. These new features make it easy to code and powerful.The aim of this tutorial is to explain and convey to the user, the fundamentals of ECMAscript6 and how to implement it for coding.This course offers a new perspective on how to learn to code ECMAscript6. JavaScript is one of the most important programming languages in use today. It is becoming more and more popular and being used widely throughout. This course will allow you to have an in-depth understanding of why this is so and allow you to understand EXMAscript6 so that you can use it to have a broad impact on web development.Learning ECMAscript6 also allows the user to address the shortcomings present in other scripting languages. This course is instructed by an experienced professor at a reputed university who will be ready to any of your doubts or queries upon request.This course is open to beginners as well as learners of the intermediate level. This course is specially for those who want to gain comprehensive knowledge of ECMAscript6 and its application on web development.Each section of the course aims at clearing the doubts of the users through short videos explained in a simple language.This course will enable you to learn all the concepts required to learn ECMAscript6 ranging from basic coding to advanced level coding. Since JavaScript is widely used knowledge of ECMAscipt6 will look extremely attractive on your resume to hiring companies.Enroll now and experience the advanced version of JavaScript with ES6"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Basics How to Buy & Sell Cryptocurrency - Binance Exchange" |
"Want to learn how to invest in cryptocurrency?Have you always wanted to invest in cryptocurrency, but you just don't know where to start?Or maybe you have started, but you don't know where to go from there?Then ""How to Buy & Sell Cryptocurrency on the Binance Exchange"" is for You!We are looking for students eager to learn how to invest in cryptocurrency!And the best part, you do not need any prior experience to get started!This course is designed for BEGINNER Cryptocurrency users!If you have intermediate to advanced knowledge in Cryptocurrency, this course is NOT recommended._________________________________________________________________________Here is what you will learn in our complete course:In our course, you will learn how to buy and sell cryptocurrency and potentially earn thousands of dollars in your investments.Now, if you ever have any questions, all you have to do is post in our course discussion to receive help! Not only will you learn with more than 45 minutes of HD video, but you will also learn by doing what is taught in the course.By the time you are finished with our course, you will have a good understanding on all the basic tools that you need to Buy, Sell & Trade cryptocurrency's on the Binance platform.But that's not all... you will also learn the following skills:How to use the Chart & Time Frames.How to execute Limit Orders.How to execute Market Orders.How to execute Stop-Limit Orders.And so much more!_________________________________________________________________________With the right mindset, understanding, and application, you will instantly begin learning how to buy and sell Cryptocurrency's today!We are still in the early days of Cryptocurrency's therefore there will be constant development within the near future. When we learn something new about Cryptocurrency on the Binance platform, we will add it to this course at no additional cost to you! This is a course that will continue to add more and more to every aspect of your life.In addition to the Udemy 30-day money back guarantee, you have our personal guarantee that you will love what you learn in this course._________________________________________________________________________What I can't do in this Course..I can't guarantee your success this course does take work on your part. But it can be done!I am also not responsible for your actions. You are responsible for 100% of the decisions and actions you make while using this course._________________________________________________________________________It's time to take action! This course will not remain this price forever!Click the ""Buy Now"" button, top right, Today!Every hour you delay is costing you money...See you in the course!Sincerely,KD from PiggiBacks"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Level 4 Diploma - Ethical & Responsible Sourcing (L4M4)" |
"Study for CIPS Level 4 Diploma in Procurement and Supply is not an easy task. If you fail, retaking the exams will be very costly. Don't be confused any more, we have done the hard work and bring to you a set of questions that may help you to pass Ethical & Responsible Sourcing exam at the very first intake.Until this moment, CIPS has not released any past papers of OR exams. The questions in this practice test are not identically the same as real CBE questions, but we have made them with the most earnest attitude based on CIPS sample questions and Exam guide. We believe that it will be a good complementary to your study.Why you should buy our practice tests?We have been trusted by CIPS students around the world. Even self-study students can pass the exams with flying colour by practising with our mock testsWe are invited to Udemy for Business programme (note: only 3% of all Udemy Instructors are selected to join this programme)All the tests are provided with external resources, careful explanation and free summarised notes. These supports not only help you pass the exams, but also help you apply the knowledge in real world scenario."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to write great User Stories - for agile teams" |
"If you want to turn your ideas into written form for your agile team, that's the course for you! You will quickly learn:how write great user stories and why even botherabout alternatives for user stories, other formats (i.e. Job Stories)how to deal with big projects, initiatives - what are so called Epics and how to run brainstorming sessions with your team;how to refine a storysome good practices (i.e. visualization)how to add details to your storieshow to estimate size of your storieshow to split: stories, projects etc. - from the big picture to small, deliverable chunks that bring valueThe courses consists of:video lectures where each concept is explainedsome homework assignement for you to practiceadditional links to external recources that can help to dig deeperFAQ and common mistakes"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
the-must-know-in-contract-management |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
the-basics-of-entrepreneurship |
""" ""! . ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
how-to-be-a-professional-player |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
fundamentals-of-change-management-n |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Le basi della programmazione di videogiochi" |
"Impara le basi della programmazione in pochissimo tempo!Anche se non hai mai programmato.Corso star di Develop4fun che ha iniziato alcuni principianti alla programmazione.Installa i programmi necessari, assimila tutti i principi fondamentali della programmazione e preparati a programmare i tuoi primi giochi. Aspettati dei progressi rapidi, anche se non hai mai programmato.Alla fine di questo corso di formazione, accessibile ai principianti, avrai creato il tuo primo videogioco, basato su un principio universale immaginato da Atari nel 1976 con il nome di Breakout. E tutto questo con soltanto 120 righe di codice e parendo da zero."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Find & Recruit your channel partners" |
"This course will help you on how to recruit your RIGHT channel partner. you will learn what is channel recruitment process, what types of channel partners that could match your business model , what is the criteria based on which to select your channel. also, where you can find your channel partner and what to say & share in your first connection including aligning goals & commitments. Finally how to qualify your channel to sign your agreement.Sources: HubSpot,OpenView,Tenego,Docracy."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Zuhause Fit in 30 Tagen" |
"DU BEFINDEST DICH AUF DEM RICHTIGEN WEG!Warum ich das wei? Weil du dir gerade diesen Text hier durchliest und dein Interesse fr das Thema der Beweis dafr ist, dass Du den ntigen Willen hast diese 30 Tage durchzuziehen!Mein Name ist Mario und ich betreibe bereits seit meinen 6 Lebensjahr intensiv Sport! Ich habe es mir zur Aufgabe gemacht, Dich in den nchsten 30 Tagen fitter zu machen, damit Du Dich vitaler und fitter fhlst. DU bist auf den richtigen Weg! Du lernst die Grundlagen der Trainingswissenschaften kennen, sodass Du verstehst, wie der menschliche Krper arbeitet, wie er sich an Belastung anpasst und wie Du diese Prinzipien in Deinem Leben anwenden kannst. Nach und nach wird sich die Intensitt der bungen steigern, damit du am 30 Tagen Fitter bist als je zuvor! Ich begleite Dich die nchsten 30 Tage und gebe Dir jeden Tag Dein 12-15 Minuten Training vor, welches Du live mitmachst. Wenn Du die Lektionen aufmerksam verfolgst, wirst Du berraschst sein, wie Du Dich sowohl krperlich als auch mental verndern kannst. Ich freue mich auf DICH!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
olesya-puhova-repetinor |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Structural Analysis for Indeterminate problem in 2 hrs" |
"Develop basic understanding of the behaviours and the general analysis methods of statically indeterminate systems. Learn the ability to identify, formulate, research and solve complex engineering problems. Learn how to solve structural analysis problems for statically indeterminate structures with the following methods:Method of consistent DeformationInfluence Lines for Statically Indeterminate StructuresSlope-deflection MethodMoment-Distribution MethodIntroduction to Matrix Structural Analysis"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Develop Positive Mindset and become motivated all time" |
"Positive mindset and motivation is very important to set and achieve any goal, the goal can be of job, business and day to day life issues. When we are positive we are empowered and resourceful and when we are not positive then we feel weak and unresourceful. So it is very important to remain positive and motivated so that we can have better and fulfilled life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"39 Amazing Charts in Excel 2019 by Irfan Bakaly (MVP)" |
"Without Doubt, With This Advanced Microsoft Excel Chart Course, You will be the Excel data Visualization star in your Department!Significantly Improve your Reports by using Advanced Excel Graph Techniques.This Course Includes:Downloadable Workbook to follow the demonstrations (and use the charts as your templates).Downloadable Exercise Book (answers included).If you use Excel to generate reports and graphs, my hands-on Excel training provides you with an extremely advanced toolkit worth of knowledge that will take the design of your Excel charts, tables and reports to the next level. It will provide you with the best tricks to create dynamic charts. It will save you tons of time of manually updating your Excel graphs on a monthly basis. The visualization techniques introduce you to some unusual methods to handle and create charts which will enhance readability of your reports as well as impress your readers.Note: This course is design in Hindi / Urdu language."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Photoshop CC - En nemli Yntemlerini renin!" |
"Ksa ve Etkili Videolarla En nemli Photoshop CC Yntemlerini renin!Gnmzde ska kullanlan Photoshop CC program hakknda onlarca kitap ve baarsz video mevcut. Bunlar zamannz snger gibi emip ok az bir karlk veriyor. Bu kursta da amacmz byle zorluklar kartmadan, kullanmak isteyebileceiniz ve renmeniz gereken her eyi kazanmanz. Her videoda bir ama-hedef belirtip onu yaparken de birok farkl teknik reneceiz. Bylece ezberci bir anlay yerine, pratik renim salayacaz.u an itibariyle 10 farkl ders videosuyla kursumuz hazr. leride Dahas da satn alanlara cretsiz ekilde eklenecek! Video says arttka ona gre fiyatlandrma yaplacaktr. Bu yzden kurs tamamiyle rafa kaldrlancaya kadar erkenden almanz, sizin iin karl olacak.zet ve kafa iirmeyen bir anlatmla, destekleyici kaliteli video yntemlerini kullanarak ektiimiz bu kursu bitirdiinizde, herhangi bir istediinizi Phtoshop CC kullanarak yapabileceksiniz! O zaman hemen imdi bize katln!renmek iin asla erken deildir."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"iOS 13 & Swift 5: Build Beautiful Onboarding/Landing Screens" |
"Welcome to the Build Beautiful Onboarding Screens app development course.This course is designed for iOS developers (6-9 months of experience) who want to build beautiful onboarding screens that can immediately capture your users' attention when they open your app for the first time. This course aims to provide you with the thought process and the techniques required to build a professional looking onboarding view that is both dynamic and easy to customise.In this course, we will build 4 unique projects of various styles. In project 1 - the Travel App, we will learn to use UIView animation, UIView transitions and UITapGestureRecognizer to build out the animations.In project 2 - the Fashion App, we will learn to code some views programatically, how to cross fade between two images, and how to communicate between child and parent objects via protocol and delegates.In project 3 - the Holiday App, we will learn about AVFoundation via implementing the AVPlayer and the AVPlayerLayer. We will also use the Combine framework to manage the app states.In project 4 - the Restaurant App (bonus), we will learn how to integrate Lottie animation into our screens."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Earn online on trusted site" |
"Discover the top ways to make money online with blogging, affiliate ... to sell, affiliate marketing gives you a chance to earn strong commissions ... Whatever your reason, the internet has created a ton of different ways to earn money. Many people searching about legitimate online money making methods. ... Selling items on eBay is a very good way to earn Money. Now, heres the good news. The majority of online revenue strategies arent that complicated. Like any business venture, your online income takes time to grow. You need to be willing to devote the time and energy required to get your idea off the ground, and you need grit to stick with it even if your journey is slow when you first start out.ReeMarket gives you a golden opportunity to earn money online through trusted sited. We have given here a lot sites to earn money online which are definitely trust-able sites."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Spiritual Person's Guide to Success" |
"This course provides information on proven success strategies obtained through researching psychological and biblical principles to condition habits for success.Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to: Develop an appreciation of the connection between psychology and spiritualism. Identify the different types of success and determine personal focus. Recognize the key elements needed to form positive habits and maintain them automatically. Explain biblical knowledge of spirit-based living and operation. Become familiar with the methods and techniques by which psychologists acquire an understanding of human behavior. Develop a personal blueprint of success by using goal setting approaches and planning strategies. Discover the personal meaning of the Mystery Element. Explain the application process of the seven steps required when creating the habits for success."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Criao de formulrios google" |
"O Formulrios Google um servio gratuito de criao de formulrios. Neste curso voc aprender como utilizar as principais ferramentas disponveis no Formulrio Google para criao de 6 projetos: Formulrio de contato, Formulrio de avaliao de curso ou evento, dois formulrios de inscrio de cursos, Formulrio de envio de arquivo, Testes e avaliaes com correo automtica."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |