Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"A'dan Z'ye E-ticaret Yksek Kazan Eitimi - UYGULAMALI" |
"Kurs ieriinde gereksiz detaylara asla yer verilmemektedir. Tamamyla e-ticaret ile kazan salama zerine kurulmu uygulamal bir eitimdir. Dijitalleen dnya da alverilerde kabuk deitirmeye balad. 20014 ylnda 18.6 Milyar TL olan internetten sat olan e-ticaret hacmi, 2018 ylnda 59,9 Milyar TL ulat. 2019 ylnda da ayn ykselii srd. nternetten sat 2014-2018 yllar arasnda toplam hacim 3 artm oldu. Dnyann gelimi lkelerine bakldnda Trkiye'nin e-ticarette daha ok yol almas gerektii aktr. Ayrca Trkiye'nin artan nfusu sayesinde gelecekte ok daha byk gelimeler beklenmektedir. Kreselleen dnya da artk evinden oturarak dnyaya alma ansn e-ticaret ile yakalam bulunmaktayz...E-ticaretin en gzel yan evden i yapabilmeniz yannda, ilerinizi tm dnyaya ama ansna sahip olmanzdr. Evden kmadan, sadece gelen siparileri paketleyip kargoya vermeniz dnda gndelik tm ilerinize bolca zaman kalr.. E-ticaret insana tand geni olanaklarn o ayrcalkl dnyasn kefetmek iin ge kalmayn. Zira bundan 2025-2030 ylndan itibaren bu piyasa da ok fazla satc olacaktr bu da gelecekte ilerin daha da zor olaca anlamna gelmektedir. imdi ge kalmadan internetten sat, internetten kazan iin bu byk pastadan pay almak isteyenler. hemen balayabilir..Unutmayn her ge kaldnz dakika da yeni satclar girmektedir. Ge kaldnz her dakika pastadan alacanz pay klmektedir."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Google de cretsiz ne kma" |
"Dijitalleen dnya ya google gc yadsnamaz. Mesela en basitinden bir youtube kanalmz var ancak bir trl izlenme saysn artramyoruz.. te bu kurs sayesinde ister internet sitenizi, ister youtube kanalnz isterseniz de e-ticaret satlarnz artrabileceiniz tamamyla cretsiz bir almay sizinle paylayorum.. Hemen al hemen google de grnr olmak , hayalet olursanz kimse sizi bulamaz..Google nin kendi almalarn kullanarak biz n plana karz yine de ... Nasl m ite bu kursta.."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Java + Android -" |
"Java, Android. Android Android Studio. Android , . Android Studio , , . , , , , , Android ."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Simple Linear Regression" |
"Definition of Regression: its applications and usesScatter Plot and its significanceHow to fit a simple linear regression modelLeast square estimation of parameters of regression modelMathematical Description of least square estimationUseful Properties of least square fitMathematical Description of least square estimationStatistical properties of least square estimatorsEstimation of Sigma SquareEvaluation of a ModelAnalysis of Variance: ANOVA, making of Anova tableCoefficient of determination: R squareConfidence Interval for Slope of the regression line: Beta1"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mastercam X6 CAD CAM ve CNC Programlama Frezeleme Pro +++" |
"Mastercam yazlm dnyada en kolay arayze sahip ve en kolay renilen yazlm olma zelliini korumaktadr. Kk ve orta lekli pek ok firmada kullanlmakta olan bu yazlm bir Cad-Cam yazlmdr. Cad=Computer aided design (Bilgisayar destekli yazlm) ve Cam Computer aided Manufacturing (Bilgisayar destekli imalat) anlamna gelmektedir. Mastercam yazlm yardm ile ayn arayz kullanarak tasarm ve imalat yapabilirsiniz. Ayrca tasarm ve imalat parametrikdir ve tasarmdaki herhangi bir parametreyi deitirdiinizde imalat parametrelerini yeniden girmenize gerek yoktur sadece tek tu ile yenilenemeniz yeterli ve imalat yapyorken ayn tasarm iin Lathe (tornalama) Milling (frezeleme) Wire (telerezyon) uygulamas yapabilirsiniz.Bu eitim seti yardm ile sfrdan balayarak ileri seviyede bir mastercam kullancs olabilirsiniz. Eitim setimiz zellii sadece komutlarn ne ie yaradklarndan bahsetmemesidir ayrca btn komutlarn kullanld eitli sanayi uygulamalar ile btn konular pekitirilmektedir. Eitim setini hazrlayan uzmanmz TeknikOkul bnyesinde 2003 ylndan bu yana sanayide ok farkl CNC makinalarnda birebir alm bir teknik retmendir. Sanayide kazanm olduu CNC ve Mastercam bilgi birikimin tamamn bu set ile sizlere grsel eitim uzmanl ve gvencesiyle sunmaktadr.Eitim videolarn seyrettiinizde CNC alma mantn M, G kodlarn, 2D ve 3D tasarm, 2 eksen freze,3 eksen freze, 4 ve 5 eksen freze, tornalama, C eksen tornalama zelliklerinin tamamn sanayi uygulamalar ile renebileceksiniz."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"REST API's RESTFul from 0 to AWS with Spring Boot and Docker" |
"**** Come specialize in API development with the revolutionary Spring Boot framework that is a real fever today! *****This course teaches the core fundamentals of APIs REST and RESTful Webservices both in theory (10%) and in practice (90%). This knowledge will be applied to the implementation of a RESTful API with SpringBoot 2.x and Java. We will start with a simple application that will gradually advance to more complex scenarios. We will cover HTTP notions, verbs/methods, parameter types, pagination, file upload and download, versioning, HATEOAS, Swagger, authentication, and security with JWT and Spring Security, etc.We will add Docker support and deploy our API on an Amazon AWS EC2 instance manually. And to close the course with a golden key, we will implement a continuous integration pipeline involving Docker, Github, Travis CI, and an ECS Cluster on Amazon AWS. It will be amazing you simply commit your code and push to Github, Travis CI builds Docker Images and deploys it on Amazon ""Automagically"".Finally, the main objective of the course is to serve as a starting point from which students can expand their knowledge of the subject and ""walk with their legs."""
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
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Price: 6000.00 ![]() |
"IGCSE - ICT - Cambridge - AL - Database" |
"At the End of this Course we finalize IGCSE - ICT syllabus. I Create My Own Exam For You, include all of My Experience and Cover all Paste Papers Tricks so You will be Familiar with Paste Papers and able to Aim A* on Final Exam. But Not Forget Your Turn to Finalize All Paste Papers.1-on-1 instructor support.LIFETIME access."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Hand Painted Nail Art Course ""In love""" |
"This course includes 6 cute nail art designs and instruction for gel nail polish application. Your will learn to paint on nails using gel polishes. You will get full videos with descriptions. Using them you will find out how to give dimension to your art and will be able to paint these designs. Such a practice will help you to develop your imagination and inspire you to create your own unique designs!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"LinkBuilding SEO - Creacin de enlaces Bsico (Backlinks)" |
"Quieres aprender a encontrar enlaces de la competencia de forma sencilla y con herramientas gratuitas? en este curso hablaremos de:Que es el linkbuilding.Tipos de enlaces. Anchor Text.Cmo medir la calidad de un backlink.Cmo hacer que tu estrategia de linkbuilding resulte natural a ojos de Google.Hablaremos de herramientas gratuitas.Caso practico de bsqueda de enlaces en tiempo real.y mucho ms!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft 70-334 Certification Exam : Practice Tests 2020" |
"70-334 Exam candidates should be able to translate business requirements into technical architecture and design for a UC solution. Exam candidates should have a minimum of two years of experience with Skype for Business technologies and should be familiar with supported migration scenarios.Exam 70-334: Core Solutions of Microsoft Skype for Business 2015 Exam Topics :1 Plan and design Skype for Business Plan Skype for Business site topologyPlan Skype for Business Server support infrastructurePlan Skype for Business ServersDesign a Skype for Business Server high availability/disaster recovery (HA/DR) solutionDesign conferencingDesign Skype for Business remote and external access using Edge ServicesPlan for Skype for Business clients and user experiencesPlan migration and upgrade from previous versions2 Deploy and configure Skype for Business Configure and publish topologyConfigure conferencingConfigure Skype for Business remote and external accessDeploy and configure clientsMigrate and upgrade from previous versions and/or Skype for Business OnlineConfigure HA/DRDeploy and configure monitoring and archiving services3 Manage and troubleshoot Skype for Business Manage and troubleshoot conferencing and application sharingManage and troubleshoot sign-in, presence, and client configurationManage and troubleshoot federation and remote accessManage and troubleshoot Address BookManage and troubleshoot high availability and resiliencyIdentify issues by using troubleshooting toolsManage and troubleshoot topology and dependent infrastructureOfficial Exam Details :- Exam Code : 70-334Duration :120 minutes Number of Questions : 40-60Passing Score : 700 / 1000Schedule Exam : Pearson VUEDo more Practice with this Practice Tests until you got best score"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Sumo: Traffic Simulator - An Introduction" |
"Simulation of Urban MObility"" (Eclipse SUMO) is an open source, highly portable, microscopic and continuous road traffic simulation package designed to handle large road networks.On this course, we will learn how to create a realistic and powefull traffic simulations using Simulation of Urban Mobility (Sumo) tool.You will use the Sumo and NetEdit tools to create your network with traffic light and bus lanes, define vehicle types and trips behaviors, run simulations and generate reports.It's a practical course online."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
": Python" |
"Prudential Kaggle . 2 . : . , - . , . : : EDA. : , , F1, . . . . . : SVM. ().XGBosot .LightGBM CatBoost . Kaggle."
Price: 9799.00 ![]() |
"nstagram'dan Para Kazan - nstagram Sat eitimi" |
"Bu kursumuzda ticaret yapmak isteyip bir trl balayamayanlar iin oluturulmutur.renciler,Ev hanmlar, daha nce irket kurmayan bireylerin nasl gvenli bir ekilde kredi kart ile deme alacaklarn kursta iledik.Kursumuz ksa anlatmlar iererek hzl bir ekilde sat yapmanz salamakta.Logo yapmn,rn listelemelerini,Kategori ve Varyasyon ayarlarn,ade ve geri para demelerini,Kargo Fiyat ayarlarnDikkatli olunmas gereken Yasakl rnleri kursumuzda iledik.Sizlerde Hzl bir ekilde Sosyal medyadaki takipilerinizden gelir elde etmek istiyorsanz bu eitim tam size greKURS KUPON KODU : EKGELIRKUPON KODUNU YAZARAK NDRML ALABLRSNZ."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"JavaScript per principianti" |
"Impara a muovere i primi passi con JavaScript. Questo corso ti introduce al mondo della programmazione in JavaScript. Con esempi pratici, esercizi e domande apprenderai ci che ti serve per creare fantastiche applicazioni web.Questo corso deriva da centinaia di ore di studio ed approfondimento e riassume le nozioni fondamentali per imparare al meglio JavaScript. Inoltre verr aggiornato con nuove sezioni e contenuti.Un corso passo-passo che ti accompagner per mano dentro la programmazione e la codifica delle tue prime righe di codice.Oltre ai fondamentali, come le variabili, i loop (o cicli), alle dichiarazioni condizionali, conoscerai come interagire con il DOM (Document Object Model) ed anche ad utilizzare la famosa libreria jQuery.Svilupperai un progetto divertente e complesso che ti dar soddisfazione mettendo in pratica ci che hai imparato."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Web Development In 2020" |
"web development is very important and growing nowadays.learn how to design webpages at the front end with development languages like HTML,CSS, BOOTSTRAPlets make the learning easy and simple.u could start as absolute beginner without any knowledge and learn how to build ur own website.its that easy.learn how to make attractive web pages"
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"ChatBot Marketing Mastery Course In 2020" |
"In This Course U Will learn How Design ChatBot That Will Interact With Customer To Make More SalesWithout Coding Knowledge...This Course Will Also Teach How TO Build Sequence And Make More SalesIn This Course, U Will Also Learn How To Send Messages And Email AutomaticallyThis Course Is Well Structured And Explained In step By Step Fashion And At The End This Course U Will Learn How To Make Money With Chatbot Marketing"
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
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". . . . , ."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"3Ds Max - Sadece Modelleme Serisi - alma Masas" |
"Hi bilmeyenler iin rnekle beraber modellemeyi reterek ayn zamanda bir modeli beraber bitiriyoruz... basit ve ksa bir ekilde iin mantn renmek ve bir eyler modellemeye balamak iin ideal bir eitim. Kaplama, Ik ve render gibi detaylara henz girmeden bir objeyi sadece izmek ve sonrasnda onu bir fbx dosyas olarak dar aktarp oyun projelerinde kullanlacak aamaya getirmeyi 2 saatte temel dzyde anlattk."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Basic Programming With Java and Build Your First Android APP" |
"This course is not a complete Java course or complete android course. This course is for someone who wants to learn basic programming concepts or for aspiring android developers to get their basics right. This course will give you strong foundations in understanding the programming concepts and make you ready to kick start your android Journey."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"How to Deal With Asian Parents" |
"Oh, Asian Parents. I am one and I have them. Can we all agree that our parents can be annoying?Some are overly strict. Others are toxic.Some don't show emotional support. Others try to control your life.Some criticize excessively and compare you like an object. Others belittle and treat you like a child (even when you've got children of your own).Different generations, different upbringings, different social landscapes, different cultures, different's like they don't get it.Can this change?Yes!In How to Deal with Asian Parents, Katharine teaches you the 5 important steps for improving the relationship with your parents.Why the relationship with your parents is importantWhat you can talk about with your parentsHow to talk to your parentsWhen you should accept your parents for who they areWho you are and how to accept yourselfKatharine shares her authentic stories and relationship-building tips for how she improved her relationship with her parents to empower students to do the same. She understands the struggles of connecting with Asian parents and wants to inspire others to talk about these issues despite growing up in a culture that hid them."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Spanish verb - 50 common - Present tense Spanish conjugation" |
"50 videos lectures of the 50 most common Spanish verbs, present tense conjugation and pronunciation. (1.30 hour) 17 videos lectures of exercises (20 minutes)1 PDF with short information about verbs used in the course.Feel confident in pronouncing correctly the 50 verbs most common in Spanish and their present tense conjugation."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"MB2-716 MB2-717 MB2-718 Microsoft Exams Latest & Updated Q&A" |
"Hello, everyone!Prepare yourself to Face the Exam by practising on examwalk into the Testing Center with confidence after preparing our packageThe Question Numbers can be changed frequently as soon as another version becomes available.PRACTICE EXAM QUESTIONS WITH VERIFIED ANSWERSThis Test is Designed by our IT Specialist to students to pass MB2-716 MB-217 MB-218 Microsoft Exams easilyPractice and trial make your official test error-free and easy also build confidence or give an idea about what type of questions can be made by the examiner and how we attempt well This Practice is to help you to achieve your IT CertificationMoney-Back Guarantee in 30 days""You belong with champions. There's no stopping you. I wish you the very best in your coming exam""MB2-716 MB-217 MB-218 Microsoft ExamsMB2-716 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customization and ConfigurationMB2-717 Microsoft Dynamics 365 for SalesMB2-718 Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Service"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Masterclass in AS9100 D Aerospace Quality management System" |
"My course explains in ""plain simple English"" all the requirements of AS9100 Rev D and each of the sub-clause of the standard, This course is designed to help you obtain a detailed understanding of a Quality Management System and the role it can play within an organisation to help meet customer requirements.After going through all the lessons in my course you will have a perfect understanding of ALL the requirements of AS9100 Rev D.My course will help you advance your career or business with the world's leading Aerospace management system standard without having to paying a small fortune in the process."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Masterclass in ISO9001:2015 Quality management System" |
"My course explains in ""plain simple English"" all the requirements of ISO9001:2015 and each of the sub-clause of the standard, This course is designed to help you obtain a detailed understanding of a Quality Management System and the role it can play within an organisation to help meet customer requirements.After going through all the lessons in my course you will have a perfect understanding of ALL the requirements of ISO9001:2015.My course will help you advance your career or business with the world's leading management system standard without having to paying a small fortune in the process."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"AS9100 Rev D, How to Write a Aerospace Quality Manual" |
"My course explains in ""plain simple English"" all the requirements of an AS9100 Rev D quality manual and each of the sub-clauses in the standard , This course is designed to help you obtain a detailed understanding of a Quality manual and the role it can play within an organisation to help meet customer requirements.Although AS9100 no longer requires the quality manual as a mandatory document, it is perhaps still the most important part of any modern quality management system. The quality manual is the essential cornerstone for any organization venturing on the AS9100 Rev D accreditation route since it manifests top management's commitment to operating an effective quality management system. Organizations often address the requirements of the standards by preparing a management system manual and by implementing procedures to control processes."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"ISO9001:2015, How to Write a Quality Manual" |
"My course explains in ""plain simple English"" all the requirements of an ISO9001:2015 quality manual and each of the sub-clauses in the standard , This course is designed to help you obtain a detailed understanding of a Quality manual and the role it can play within an organisation to help meet customer requirements.Although ISO9001:2015 no longer requires the quality manual as a mandatory document, it is perhaps still the most important part of any modern quality management system. The quality manual is the essential cornerstone for any organization venturing on the ISO9001 accreditation route since it manifests top management's commitment to operating an effective quality management system. Organizations often address the requirements of the standards by preparing a management system manual and by implementing procedures to control processes."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Secret of Love & Marriage" |
"DescriptionWouldnt you like to know the secret sauce to a happy and long-lasting marriage, especially from an expert, who have guided many married couples to ace the art of leading a happy relationship?Whether you are newly wed or refer to yourselves as old Ball n Chain, every marriage has its share of ups and downs. Periods of stress, boredom, and poor communication are part of this journey.This course will unveil the secrets that will help you in solving the marital issues, disarm the conflicting spouse and help you create and maintain a successful marriage.The expertAadi Gurudas is internationally certified Life, Business and Executive Coach from Grow more which is an ICF Approved Coach Training Program and NLP Practitioner from European Community NLP. He is a serial entrepreneur, a keynote speaker, and educator. He has touched lives of more than 600 thousand people and has improved their health, happiness and success ratio..This course is for YOU: If you have a desire to improve your relationship If you wish to know why your spouse behaves differently If you are missing warmth in your relation If you want to keep your relationship fresh, strong and meaningfulDuring this course you will find out: Why some marriages work and some don't? What needs to be encouraged to make marriages healthier and happier? Why men and women behave differently? Why cause end of warmth in a relationship?At the end of this course you will know: The key to a successful marriage The love language of your spouse The art of accepting differences of your partner The solutions of some common issues in marriage The tips to build stronger, healthier, and more attractive relationshipSo, are you ready to add more life in your relationship? If so enrol now, we look forward to seeing you in the course!"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Google Cloud Functions (FaaS) with Python from zero to hero!" |
"Cloud Functions are one of the most useful things you can learn this year! Have you heard of APIs? Well, it can be difficult to deploy them and actually use them if you dont have experience in this topic, but fortunately, Cloud Functions are just like APIs but better! You can execute backend code without having to worry about scaling or managing our servers.AWS? Azure? GCP?It doesn't matter. We will be using GCP in this course, but the platform is not the important thing here. Rather, we focus on the process of constructing Cloud Functions and using best practices to deploy them.And furthermore, we are going to use one of the simplest yet most powerful programming languages of all times: Python!It cant get better.In this crash course, you will learn lots of things like:Implement Google Cloud Functions in PythonUse an environment, version control system (Git & Github) and adding meaningful documentation (Markdown)Test Cloud Functions locallyDeploy Cloud Functions from the terminalTest deployed Cloud Functions with PostmanAdd basic securities (Bearer token) to Cloud FunctionsManage CORS to Cloud Functions to fetch them from the BrowserSchedule Cloud FunctionsDelete Cloud FunctionsI hope you learn a lot in this course and enjoy as much as I enjoyed doing it!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"FC0-U41 CompTIA Strata IT Fundamentals Practice Test" |
"Are you ready to pass the FC0-U41 CompTIA Strata IT Fundamentals Certification Practice TestUse this course to gauge your readiness level for the actual exam. These practice tests will help you know if you are ready to take the exam, or identify if you need to spend more time on any of the exam topics.These tests cover material from each of the exam topics. With time limits on each test, you will learn time management for the real exam. What you get from this course150 UNIQUE practice questions FC0-U41 CompTIA Strata IT Fundamentals Certification Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers Official Exam DetailsExam Name : FC0-U41 CompTIA Strata IT Fundamentals Certification Practice TestTotal Questions : 150Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed : 180minsPassing Score : 75 (135 of180)"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"ECCouncil EC0-232 E-Commerce Architect Certify Practice Exam" |
"247 UNIQUE practice questions for ECCouncil EC0-232 E-Commerce Architect Certify Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : ECCouncil EC0-232 E-Commerce Architect Certify Practice ExamTotal Questions : 247Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :150 minsPassing Score : 75 (185 of 247)"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |