Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"React Node AWS - Build infinitely Scaling MERN Stack App" |
"Master the art of building a highly scalable real world project using MERN Stack for a new startup that will scale infinitely. I will demonstrate how you could launch a project that will have a solid architecture to grow in future to be used by potentially millions of users.Tech stackWe will be using React and NextJS (React Framework) in the client side.We will build an API/server using Node Express MongoDB.We will use AWS services such as S3 for files storage, SES for sending emails and EC2 for cloud hosting IAM for Identity and access management Route 53 for domain management along with custom rules/policy.We will use Mongo Atlas as Managed Database Service in the cloud.What we will build?Build a startup project inspired by a successful real world app (discussed more in the lectures) where multiple users can login and post/manage contents they submit.While building similar project, we will add few improvements to make it infinitely scalable and easier to maintain Aim for low cost of operation and implement some functionalities to make much easier, fun and engaging for users to use.Aim of the projectTarget millions of potentials users to use and engage with our appUsers could be anyone.. who finds a course, video or articles online... likes it and wants to shareThe links they share will also be available in their dashboard for update/deleteA user could be someone who is a content creator like me... instructors, youtubers, blog and tutorial writers, book authors etcUsers will signup/signin to our app to post/share/like the links/urls Users will do this to get free traffic... to get people's attention... sharing links for freeOverview of the project Login/Register SystemNeed a MongoDB that scale infinitely. We will use Mongo Atlas for this requirement.Need a massive storage system that scale infinitely to store user uploaded image files. We will use AWS S3 (Simple Storage Service) for this requirement.You never have to worry about how to manage millions of user uploaded files... let AWS take care of that! S3 pricing is the lowest in the market for storing infinite amount of data that is readily available worldwide throughout AWS data centers globally.Need robust email service for sending emails for hundreds of thousands of users. We will use AWS SES (Simple Email Service) for this requirement.You never have to worry about how to send email to millions and pay higher price ... let AWS take care of that! their rate of SES is the lowest in the market.We will be using AWS EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) for hosting our backend NodeJS API and React/Next JS frontend, all within one instance.Keep the cost as low as possible by using AWS services for storage, email and hosting.The biggest issues of scaling web apps are storage and database scaling. That part will be handled by AWS. So we as a developer don't have to worry.Our aim is to enable just 1 or 2 developer to maintain the entire project and continuously grow in future.Clean simple and easy to maintain project architectureExtremely simple architecture that is easy to maintain and scaleSeparate backend API and frontend built with react/nextjs for easy development, code maintenance and deploymentKeep the frontend as simple as possibleScenario 1 > You create a page in react to do certain task. For example it fetch the data from your API/Server and put that data on the web page for user to see. Job done.Scenario 2 > You create admin page to create a new post. For example to post the data to your API/Server and show the returned response of either success or error. Job done.Keep the backend API as simple as possibleScenario 1 > You have a GET route. For example '/api/posts'. You will receive a request from react/frontend for getting all posts from database.You pass this request to a controller method. Controller method/function will make a query to database, get all posts and return back to react/frontend. Job done.Scenario 2 > You have a POST route. For example '/api/create/post'. You will receive data from react/frontend to create a new post. You pass that data to a controller method.Controller method/function will save that data in database and return the success response, which will be sent back to react. Job done.This is the logic of our app or basically any web app out there. The cycle of requests/responses. Request from frontend, Response from server.Are you ready for this course?If you are looking to utilize your existing knowledge of react and node to build a real world app that scales then this course is for you. Based on this project you can build that next big thing that you have always dreamed of. Or you could be using this knowledge to help startups kick off their successful business ideas. The possibilities are endless. Dream is dream unless you put an effort to make it real. Make your effort by taking this course. I will help you turn your dream to reality. Join me in this course and make it happen!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Discover Electrostatics" |
"Hi everyone! After seeing the course about Math for electricity and magnetism now it's time for the first course about electricity, this course is a gentle introduction about this topic.In this course, we explain step by step the basics of electrostatics like the notion of electric charge and charges distribution. We begin with Coulomb's law which is considered as the basis of all electrostatics. So in this course, we have : Electrical constitution of matterCharges distribution: Volume charge distribution, Surface charge distribution, Linear charge distributionCoulomb's LawExercises I hope that this course will be useful to you!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"CCNA 200-301 Pre-Exam Practice Tests" |
"Prepare with complete practice tests designed for candidates that want to attain the new CCNA 200-301 certification. CCNA 200-301 is the new industry standard networking certification for network administrators, engineers and data center operations. Each practice test includes typical CCNA exam questions. Know what to expect and prepare yourself for exam day. Complete your training with 350+ exam level practice tests that include exclusive practice simulations and pass the CCNA exam. In fact, experienced candidates often pass the CCNA with only practice tests for a study plan.Complete pre-exam test suite designed to prepare you 100% for examPrepare and study with CCNA-level practice questions for training completionPractice with lab simulations for operational commands and configurationCCNA exam day whiteboard exclusive study tool available from instructor The improved training options are designed to get you ready for CCNA certification in much less time and more cost effectively. There is a customized step-by-step approach that goes well beyond a single book or a video course. It starts with CCNA certification study prep course, top-notch lab training, pre-exam testing and exclusive exam day whiteboard. > Cisco approves online testing option for CCNA 200-301 exam (04/15/2020)Network AccessWireless ConceptsIP ConnectivitySecurity FundamentalsIP Services and SubnettingAccess Control Lists (ACL)Automation and ProgrammabilityCCNA Practice Lab Simulations"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SQL na Prtica + BI Sem Segredos e Ferramenta BI OBIEE" |
"Muito bem vindo ao Curso SQL na Prtica + BI Sem Segredos e Ferramenta BI OBIEE. Neste treinamento 3 em 1 teremos um mdulo de SQL prtico para manipulao e explorao de dados, habilidades muito utilizadas na carreira de Business Intelligence. J na parte Business Intelligence sem Segredos conhea os princpios bsicos da rea de BI e para completar utilize na PRTICA uma das ferramenta de Business Intelligence da ORACLE mais utilizadas na tomada de deciso pelos gestores, atravs da criao de anlises e painis interativos com grficos, tabelas, indicadores e muito mais. Ento vamos comear?. O Curso SQL na Prtica para Oracle - Simples, Fcil e Rpido foi desenvolvido pensando em voc que quer apreender os principais comando de Consulta e Manipulao de Dados com a Linguagem SQL. O SQL simplesmente a linguagem de banco de dados mais solicitada e utilizada no mercado e pelas maiores organizaes do mundo quando falamos de manipulao de dados em banco de dados.Esse contedo tambm foi preparado para voc que quer trabalhar como Desenvolvedor de Sistemas, Analista de Banco de dados, Analista SQL, DBA, Business Intelligence e outros afins ligados a Banco de Dados.Neste treinamento voc ter a oportunidade de ver na prtica e tambm de praticar os comandos SQL explicados, visualizando os resultados da obteno dos dados no banco de dados Oracle.A escolha do estudo do SQL no Oracle foi para te dar a oportunidade de j trabalhar com um dos banco de dados mais utilizado no Mundo e por consequncia onde a maioria das vagas que necessitam de conhecimento de SQL existem. Apesar de utilizarmos o ORACLE, o SQL apresentado ser o no padro ANSI permitindo assim seu uso em outros bancos de dados que seguem esse padro como SQL SERVER, Postgres, MySQL e outros.Alm disso tambm iremos utilizar o SQL Developer, interface de conexo e consulta aos dados no Oracle. O conhecimento dessa ferramenta importante para j te inserir a uma das ferramentas utilizadas no mercado de trabalho para uso do SQL.Voc no fim de cada mdulo ter o desafio de resolver uma srie de exerccios prticos para assim te ajudar na assimilao de todo conhecimento da Linguagem SQL no ORACLE.No mdulo RESUMO BI - Fundamentos de Business Intelligence voc ter um Resumo Completo e Objetivo sobre os Fundamentos de Business Intelligence (BI), assim que podemos considerar o Resumo BI - Fundamentos de Business Intelligence. Vamos te ajudar a entender os principais conceitos de Business Intelligence como O que BI, Data Warehouse, OLTP, OLAP, Metadados, Modelagem Dimensional, Data Mining, Big Data, proporcionando a base necessria para o profissional que quer entrar na rea de BI e ao mesmo tempo servindo de um excelente guia de referncia para quem precisa de um material objetivo de BI para concursos.Alm disso, para quem est estudando para concursos, disponibilizamos 50 Questes de Concursos Relacionados a Assuntos de BI respondidas e comentadas em vdeo.Conhecendo o Data Visualization OBIEE (Oracle BI)OBIEE, Oracle Business Intelligence, ferramenta para explorar os dados de uma soluo Business Intelligence apresentando os descritores e mtricas em vises interativas como Tabelas, Tabelas Dinmicas, Grficos, e outros, tudo numa soluo totalmente web atravs de anlises e painis(dashboards);O OBIEE ou OBIEE Answer a ferramenta de BI da ORACLE, para consumo de dados de BI, que fornece recursos ad hoc de verdadeiros usurios finais em uma arquitetura Web pura. Os usurios interagem com uma viso lgica das informaes - completamente escondidos da complexidade da estrutura de dados e, ao mesmo tempo, impedem consultas descontroladas - e podem criar facilmente grficos, tabelas dinmicas, relatrios e painis visualmente atraentes, todos totalmente interativos e explorveis e podem ser salvos , compartilhados, modificados, formatados ou incorporados nos painis personalizados do Oracle BI Intelligence do usurio. Os resultados so novos nveis de auto-suficincia do usurio empresarial em um ambiente totalmente seguro e controlado pela TI.Iremos disponibilizar uma maquina com todo ambiente para o treinamento, incluindo o Banco de dados Oracle Express 11G e a sute do OBIEE 11G.A maquina virtual esta configurada para utilizar 3GB de memria e ocupar pelo menos 20GB de disco. Assim, recomenda se execut-la numa maquina com 8GB de memria e pelo menos 50GB de disco livre."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Sage 50cloud Accounting 2020" |
"The Sage50cloud Accounting Software course content is being added to at this time. We expect to have between 20 and 30 hours of content by the end of February.The price will go up as content is added.The current course community will have access to the updates as we create them.If we would like to: Learn Sage50cloud Accounting Software to help run our business or Understand Sage50cloud Accounting Software to advance our career or Use Sage 50cloud accounting software to understand better how accounting concepts apply in the real world by using this real-world softwareThis course is a course for us.This course is comprehensive.We will show the pricing options for Sage 50cloud Accounting.The course will demonstrate how to download and install the software.The first half of the course covers the navigation of the software. Learners can follow along with a FREE demo version of the software.In the second half of the course, we will start a new company file. We will enter two months of data input, reconcile the bank accounts, and enter adjusting entries.We will also discuss bank feed options."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Transform Your Personal Brand" |
"The module encapsulates the priority of personal branding. The you of You! Creating and owning a strong personal brand is one of the best things you can do for yourself. It's the pathway for greater visibility and a better you of YOU in itself. As a matter of priority, the module helps in realising that your personal brand, like many corporate brands, will change as your career grows. Let us explore with pace the change in you!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Teach a Machine to Learn to Recognize Images, Audio & Poses" |
"This course model will teach you how to teach, train and create Machine Learning models faster, easier without writing a single line of code. Just come as you are and leave with some understanding of Machine Learning. No prior knowledge is required. Even little children can teach and train a Machine Learning model.There are interesting links to help us understand how AI & ML is/are changing society, the pros and cons and so much more.The actually code runs behind the scene and can be copied as a Tensorflow.Js format to be used in apps and websites.There is also zoom meeting recordings with a renowned Data Scientist to explain some concepts.We will learn to host our model for free.Wouldn't you love to join the AI train(choo choo)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Welcome to the World of Tibetan Buddhism" |
"===Questions for You=== Would you like to explore the fascinating mythological and philosophical landscapes of Tibetan Buddhism? Would you like to learn from the ancient masters... from a time and place which was thousands of years was dedicated to spiritual development? ===What to Expect===Find out about the four main traditions of Tibetan Buddhism and explore and taste with Tom some of their core and most famous teachings. You will also be given the opportunity to practice some of the core meditations of the Tibetan Tradition and learn how Tibetan Buddhism sits within the wider Buddhist Tradition and World View. ===What's Included===5 hours of informative and well crafted material that combines both Buddhist philosophy, psychology and experiential insights. A certificate of completion from udemy, and also a tailored certificate of complete available upon request. ===About the Facilitator=== Your facilitator, Bestselling and Highest Rated tutor Tom Llewellyn has 20 years of experience within the realms of meditation, buddhism (over 12 years experience as a practising Buddhist), lucid dreaming, and astral projection. He practised within 3 different Buddhist Groups and has helped to run many Buddhist retreats and hundreds of meditations classes and workshops. He's a trained and skilled teacher of Kundalini Yoga, trained Sound Therapist and has also written two books."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Automatize o SAPExcel, Ribbon e MacrosSAP Aberto/Fechado" |
"O Excel um software poderoso que, aliado ao VBA, pode criar macros para fazer a integrao com o SAP.Voc vai criar uma planilha e personalizar a Ribbon para executar as macros facilmente.Vai aprender a criar macros e incluir e ajustar os scripts gravados pelo SAP.Ainda, vai aprender a criar uma macro que far o acesso automtico do SAP.Seja bem vindo ao curso: Automatize o SAPExcel, Ribbon e MacrosSAP Aberto/Fechado."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Rubber Ducky Kurs (HAK5 USB Rubber Ducky)" |
"In diesem Kurs dreht sich alles rund um den USB Rubber Ducky. Es werden diverse Payloads erstellt und gezeigt, wie man diese kompilieren und auf dem Rubber Ducky installieren kann. Ebenso wird ein Einblick in die Sprache Ducky Script gegeben. Ebenso wird gezeigt, wie man Metasploit und den Rubber Ducky kombiniert und somit ein Backdoor mit einem Meterpreter ber den Rubber Ducky ausliefert."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Thread Modeling" |
"Mit diesem Kurs wird das Thread Modeling gelehrt. Thread Modeling ist eine Technik, die sowohl fr IT-Projekte, als auch speziell im Software Engineering Bereich genutzt wird um schon in der Design/Planungsphase Bedrohungen zu identifizieren und im Vorhinein darauf zu reagieren oder diese gnzlich durch Design-Entscheidungen zu verhindern. In diesem Kurs wird sowohl ein 7 Phasen Plan vorgestellt, mit dem man relativ einfach und effektiv Thread Modeling betreiben kann. Ebenso wird in einem 30-mintigen Praxisbeispiel mit diesem 7 Phasen Plan ein Beispiel fr Thread Modeling fr eine Firma durchgespielt."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"OWASP Top 10 2017" |
"In diesem Videokurs werden alle OWASP Top 10 2017 behandelt. Dabei werden sowohl die Schwachstellen in der Software, mgliche Verteidigungsmechanismen, als auch die Auswirkung jeder einzelnen Schwachstelle der OWASP Top 10 behandelt. Dieser Kurs fokussiert sich auf das allgemeine Verstndnis rund um die OWASP Top 10 und zeigt, wie man sich vor diesen Schwachstellen schtzen kann."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Foundations in the Study of Magic, Part 2: Philosophy" |
"In Part 2 of the Foundations in the Study of Magic series you will discover the philosophical foundations and traditions responsible for the development of magical traditions int eh middle ages through tot he modern period but western civilization in general. Starting with the Presocratics, learn about the development of Greek philosophy and the formation of the basis for science for centuries. Discover how the classical Philosophers (Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle) laid the foundation for political philosophy and western inquiry for centuries. Lastly start the journey to uncover the mysteries of Hermeticism and Neoplatonism and how it influenced magical practices."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Gerek ngilizce" |
"Udemy'de Alannda ilk olan bu kursta inovatif bir yntemle ingilizce retilmek hedeflenmitir.Hepimize ilkokuldan beri ngilizce retiliyor retmenler tahtaya kocaman harflerle simple present tense yazdklar gnden beri bizleri adeta gramer (dilbilgisi) ile bouyorlar ve ok uzun yllar boyunca ngilizce eitimi almamza ramen birok insan hala yabanc film izleyince hala anlayamadn, yeterince konuamadn sylyor maalesef bunun sebebi ngilizce eitim sisteminin yanl olmas mesela bizlere hep soru kalb olarak ' DO YOU WANT TO retildi soru sorarken de mesela yemek yemek ister misin bizlere DO YOU WANT TO EAT olarak retildi fakat Amerikallar ounlukla bunu YOU WANNA EAT olarak kullanyor. Ayn ekilde YOU ARE GOING TO cmlesi YOU GONNA olarak karmza kyor.Farkl bir rnek olarak sen zenginsin cmlesini ngilizceye evirirsek you are rich deriz (you are rich tamamyla dorudur) fakat ana dili ingilizce olan biri bu cmleyi you are loaded olarak evirir ite gerek ngilizce dediimiz de tam olarak budur.Bizlere gretilen ingilizce aka m yapyorsun cmlesini are you joking olarak evirir fakat gerek hayatta ingilizcesi anadil olan kimseler bunu ogunlukla you kidding olarak sylerte bu kursta sizleri tamda amerikada veya ingilteredeki gerek konuma diline hazrlamay hedefledim.Ayrca yabanc dil renirken en nemli aamalardan birisi yeni kelimeleri ezberlemek, ezber konusunda ise kimi insanlarn iitsel hafzalar kimi insanlarn ise grsel hafzalar gldr bu kursta ise inovatif bir yntemle hem iitsel hem de grsel elerle phrasal verbs gibi ezberlemesi zor kelimeleri bilialtna ekleme methodu uyguladm birok sayda phrasal verbs ve deyimi hem iitsel hem de grsel olarak grp bilinaltnza kaydedeceksiniz.Arkadalar eitim sistemiz maalesef bizleri konumaktan daha ziyade YDS gibi dilbilgisi snavlarna siz hazrlyor bunun sonunda yllar sren eitimini tamamlayan adaylar herhangi bir yabanc lkeye gittiklerinde hem konumada hemde konuulanlar anlamada ciddi skntlar ekiyorlar.Bu eitim setinde ise sizleri dilbilgisi ve gramer gibi detaylardan kurtarp etkili ve hzl konumanz salayacak dersler ekledik. Bunlarn en nemlilerden biri 10 tane holywood filminin konuma metinlerini ekledim bu konuma metinlerini filmleri izlerken beraber okuyup hem konuma hem dinleme ve de kelime bilginizi gelitireceksiniz.% 100 renci Memnuniyeti ve 30 Gn Para ade GarantisiGerek ngilizce kursundan memnun kalmamanz durumunda 30 gn iinde iade edebilir ve dediiniz creti geri alabilirsiniz."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"If you are looking for a course to create a powerful LinkedIn profile and to start building a professional network, you are at the right place.LinkedIn is hosting more than 500 million professional profiles - this is a goldmine to find a job or to build a business from scratch.Why is LinkedIn so important this year ? This social media is used by millions of companies that are recruiting new employees everyday. Moreover, you can find thousands of business opportunities if you know how to use it.This is the topic of this course: how to optimize your LinkedIn profile?We are going to learn:To sign up,To use LinkedIn's features efficiently,To choose the best profile picture,To write a catchy headline,To introduce clearly your education and your experience,To catch recruiter's/client's attention,To build a powerful network from scratch,To find job offers that match your profile and your wishes,To use marketing's basics and social selling techniques,To sell yourself or your services/products,To create a community around your content...After 4 years on LinkedIn, I have built a network of more than 7,000 people in IT industry around the world. I have 15+ jobs offers per day. Let me teach how to build an outstanding profile on this amazing network."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Practical Tactics Martial Arts: Level 1" |
"Your Instructor is Sensei Joseph Green. Over 40 years martial arts experience and 20 years teaching experience training law enforcement, MMA fighters and martial art enthusiasts. Sensei Green is the creator and founder of the Practical Tactics Martial arts system. Practical Tactics is a unique compilation of techniques that combine the Power of Muay Thai, the Brutal joint manipulation and pressure points of Ninjutsu and the speed of Tae Kwon Do. These techniques are created to cause serious damage to your enemy but they are also adaptable so you can add them to your arsenal of whatever martial art style you choose."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"How To Write, Publish and Launch a Best Selling Book" |
"From writing your book to launching it to #1 Best Seller and all the social media marketing + author business building tools you could ever need.. Everyone has a story to tell, isn't it time you told yours? Join instructor and 3X Best Selling Author Corey Gladwell in this not to be missed training!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Speed Reading Mastery" |
"Today, the information is growing and circulating at a very high rate. The application of knowledge has become more time-specific.Whether you're a student, a professional, or a business owner, We all are forced to grasp this ever-increasing amount of information and knowledge.We've all experienced the frustration of an ever-growing reading list, struggling to learn a new language, or forgetting things we learned.Even if we triple our current reading speed, we cannot read everything we'd like to.Achievers know this fact.Even most industry Leaders know this.That's why they learn to 'super-read'.This course is for anyone who is in a job which requires to absorb large amounts of material quickly like Students, Professionals and TrainersIt is also beneficial for those Business owners who regularly create, brainstorm, and manages ideas, people, and tasks."
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
"IFRS 16 - Leases" |
"WHO THIS COURSE IS FOR:Accounting and Finance Professionals as well as students from ACCA, CIMA, CA, ICAEW,, CAT BBA, MBA and others studying Financial Accounting under IFRSCOURSE OVERVIEWThe course covers in details the principle for measurement and recognition of leases as prescribed by IFRS under IFRS 16. The course focuses on the concepts of Right of Use Assets, Lease liability - the lease and the service contract.IFRS 16 is a relatively new standard which has replaced the old standard IAS 17 - LeasesOne of the main reasons of introducing IFRS 16 was to avoid ""Off Balance Sheet Financing"" which IAS 17 was unable to block. After the introduction of IFRS 16 businesses are now obliged to bring back all the assets on to their statement of financial position which previously were shown as operating leases and thus did not appear as assets or liabilities on the SOFPIt is a complete guide kit for those who want to learn the treatment of Revenue under IFRS 16. The course includes complete lecture video on standard as well as several questions, solutions and case studies.ABOUT THE INSTRUCTORI am a qualified accounting and finance professional with over twenty years of professional experience. I have been teaching accounting and finance courses for over fifteen years and have taught more than twenty thousand delegates including students, young accountants, chief accountant and finance managers."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Introduccin a la programacin con Kotlin - 2020" |
"Quieres aprender a programar o reforzar los fundamentos de la programacin, ests en el mejor lugar para hacerlo, este curso te permitir tener las mejores bases de programacin para que en un futuro puedas convertirte en un desarrollador profesional de software.En el curso estaremos trabajando con el lenguaje de programacin Kotlin, un lenguaje moderno con muchas caractersticas y herramientas que permiten hacer un desarrollo ms rpido, eficiente y conciso, consiguiendo los mismos resultados que en otros lenguajes como Java, pero con 40% menos de lneas de cdigo, esto es fantstico, si con Java se tenan que escribir 100 lneas para una funcionalidad, con Kotlin solo se necesitan 60 lneas o menos.Kotlin ha tomado gran popularidad en los ltimos aos y ha sido adoptado por un gran nmero de desarrolladores, el lenguaje permite desarrollar aplicaciones multiplataforma para diversos sistemas operativos. Kotlin tambin es muy conocido y utilizado para desarrollar aplicaciones mviles, es un lenguaje oficial y es el preferido por Google para el desarrollo en Android.Este curso ha sido diseado de manera muy cuidadosa para brindarte la mejor experiencia de aprendizaje, incluyendo ejercicios y prcticas para reforzar los temas vistos y con la finalidad de comenzar desde lo ms bsico e ir avanzando poco a poco teniendo todo completamente claro y comprendido, para de esta manera poder abordar temas ms complejos.El instructor del curso tiene ms de 12 aos programando y ms de 2 aos trabajando de manera profesional con Kotlin, as como aplicaciones publicadas en Google Play programadas completamente con este lenguaje y utilizadas en ms de 90 pases con miles de usuarios activos diariamente, por lo que puedes tener la certeza de que ests tomando un curso serio y profesional que te guiar por el mejor camino para convertirte en un exitoso desarrollador."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"CSS3 Test your Might quizzes for Junior Developers" |
"Are You or someone you know a Jr. Developer?Thats great because in dis Course we are going to consolidate your knowledge about CSS3 .Its not easy being new and theres a lot to learn. Which programming language should I choose? How can I find a mentor? You can also prepare by chaking out my Course about: Web Development HTML CSS & JS a 2020 Beginner to Advance"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"An Overview on Digital Marketing and Technology Strategy" |
"This short course is designed to empower the participant in the digital marketing landscape. It provides first a conceptual definition of digital marketing and its relevant for today's business environments. The course then explains the strategical framework and the different types of media as well as a description of media metrics. It also shows examples to compute return on investment for a Bank using Search Ads and Display Ads. Finally, the course provides a quiz to round-up the whole content of Section 1 of the course.Section 2 of the course provides a glimpse into the concept of Technology Strategy aiming to connect it with Digital Marketing as an Innovation driven by the evolution of the way businesses use the Internet as a market and a medium for advertising."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Learn to play Amazing Grace on the Bagpipes" |
"Bagpipe - how to play the tune Amazing Grace on the practise chanter and the bagpipes. On this course I will take you through the 5 step method to learning any tune on the bagpipes. Most online tutorials that are available for the bagpipes, only show you how to play the tune on the practise chanter. But in this course I will talk you through the key things to think about when transferring the tune onto the bagpipes. Amazing Grace is a wonderful tune. It is probably the tune that I'm asked to play most. Really useful at funerals as a solo piper, but it can also be played at weddings and birthdays. Become a solo funeral piper with this tune and this tutorial. There is much demand for funeral pipers, not only at funerals but also at memorial days such as November 11th."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"AZ-400: Microsoft Azure DevOps Solutions Latest Exam Prep" |
"AZ-400: Microsoft Azure DevOps Solutions Latest Exam PrepCandidates for this exam are DevOps professionals who combine people, processes, and technologies to continuously deliver valuable products and services that meet end user needs and business objectives.Azure DevOps professionals must be able to design and implement DevOps practices for version control, compliance, infrastructure as code, configuration management, build, release, and testing by using Azure technologies.I have prepared this practice test course for all those candidates who are planning of taking AZ-400 exam in near future.This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Microsoft in any way.Exam Topics covered as per syllabus AZ-400 exam Certification questions :Design a DevOps strategy (20-25%)Implement DevOps development processes (20-25%)Implement continuous integration (10-15%)Implement continuous delivery (10-15%)Implement dependency management (5-10%)Implement application infrastructure (15-20%)Implement continuous feedback (10-15%)"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Diploma in Emergency medicine - part 2" |
"The course planning and execution has taken time for months and years of the technical team and the faculties at Heartbeatsz academy. To do a simple Master review course, the chief faculty had to spend few thousand $ and of course travelling expenses were extra. We aim to share the knowledge in compact way at very affordable price to be able to help our students save money. If you will notice, our faculty are highly qualified across the best academic centers but price wise we have tried to keep more money in your pocket rather than someone else. Moreover, our courses have highest hours of quality video content compared to others surely (please check and compare). Please support us by giving good review for our course, so that we can add more lectures. Don't forget to follow us on Youtube, facebook, facebook group Instagram and Twitter.##There are special discounts for students giving 5 star rating for other course by messaging screenshot#Welcome to Heartbeastz academy course which has been made by experienced researcher and clinician with global reputation and ECES (EHRA Certified Electrophysiology Specialist). He was trained at at the top 50 clinical global university and also at Harvard Medical school for advance medical education.The course is meant for doctors, technicians, researchers or even patients and all knowledge enthusiasts who like to know more about the functioning and the details about Indications, programming, trouble shooting etc. Some video focus on tips and tricks and do it yourself (DIY) like videos to make it really efficient and user friendly. The videos contain practical examples with images and easy to understand format."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Real World Digital Marketing" |
"Take this course if you want to destroy the expectations of your co-workers.If you want to stop putting out fires all day due to faulting marketing setup and start lighting the internet on fire with killer content, then you need to take this course.Teach yourself something that no one will ever be able to take from you: the ability to sell anything to anyone online.Become the company hero by introducing conversion marketing concepts secretly into the endless discussions of ""brand.""Know what to do in after every marketing meeting, even if you've never done it before.Get the real world metrics that keep businesses alive, share them with everyone that will listen, and become the hero of your marketing journey.Free 60pg office manual and 18 page marketing plan template included!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Certified Developer I Assessment Sets" |
"This is Day 1 of becoming a Salesforce Certified Developer I in 7-Days challenge. In this 43-question assessment test, SFDC Guru helps you weigh your skills on:Salesforce Fundamentals: 10%Data Modeling and Management: 12%Logic and Process Automation: 46%User Interface: 10%Testing: 12%Debug and Deployment Tools: 10%Once you successfully complete this test, you will be suggested study materials to look into. You need to spend 0.5 hour on these for each section above to get ready for Day 2.Note: Day 1 requires 1-20 hours of studying depending on your readinessNEXT: Day 2-7 require purchase of Salesforce Developer I Practice Sets"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Seven Basic Tools of Quality, SPC and Control Charts" |
"Master the 7 Basic Tools of Quality with this course. As Kaoru Ishikawa mentioned, these 7 QC Tools can be used to solve 95% of Quality and process related issues. However, you need to understand the concepts and application clearly.This course in explained in a simple and effective manner, including both the concepts as well as the application. Examples are included which are easy to follow, At the end of every QC Tool, its application is clearly explained using MS Excel.Apply these tools for quality management, problem solving, process improvement and organizational level business initiatives and projects. This course will be useful for quality professionals and students, operations as well as project professionals. Master these tools to achieve huge improvements and breakthroughs."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Gulp 4: Automate your development workflow" |
"What's this course about?In this course you will learn how to automate routine and tedious tasks with Gulp 4. The code editor for the course is Visual Studio Code (although you can use any code editor). The course is aimed at the beginners or people new to Gulp and will teach you how to set up a good configuration file for the frontend development.More details please!If you have never heard of Gulp before, it is a special toolkit that allows you to automate routine tasks in web development. In this course I will show you how to set up Gulp 4, use different Gulp plugins, write tasks and track the file changes. At the end of the course you will have a fully functional gulp configuration file, which can be used in your own projects.We will start from the very basics. I will show you how to install all the needed dependencies and the Gulp itself. Then we will explore how to write tasks and watch for file changes. Almost every lesson we will improve our gulp configuration file and add a new feature to it. I will also provide to you the complete gulp configuration file with additional comments describing most used Gulp APIs, glob patterns and a guide on setting up a task, so that you would have a good hint while creating your own tasks with Gulp.If you still do routine tasks by yourself, Gulp will probably change it. Lets get started!What should you know to take the course?Javascript basics, HTML basics, CSS basicsWhat's inside?Installation of Gulp dependenciesInstallation of GulpBasic Gulp tasksProject structureSASS preprocessingLESS preprocessingWatch for file changesStyles source maps (SASS/LESS)CSS minificationJavascript minificationHTML minificationjavascript concatenationFile renamingImages optimizationsImages cachingHTML templating language (Kit)CSS AutoprefixerJavascript Babel transpilingProject archivingComplete Gulp configuration file with comments that you can use in your own projectsWho is teaching you?My name is Sergey Shtyrlov. I'm a frontend developer. I've been working in this sphere for almost 7 years and continue doing it today. Gulp is essential for web development and you will sure benefit from it!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Les principaux temps en anglais" |
"Ce cours vous apporte les clefs pour enfin comprendre la structure des phrases selon les diffrents temps en anglais.Une prsentation claire et simple, accessible tous et surtout aux personnes qui sont fches avec cette langue.Rien n'est perdu, grce la mthode et aux conseils prsents dans cette vido ainsi qu'un peu de motivation vous allez progresser rapidement!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ms. Excel de la A a la Z (Con ejercicios Full prcticos)" |
"El conocimiento de MS. Excel, te abrir las puertas al mundo laboral, ya que en cualquier empresa es indispensable esta herramienta.Es el aplicativo ms utilizado del mundo, por ende el que no est en l, pues no est en nada.En este curso-taller, aprenders de una manera amigable y eficaz las frmulas y funciones ms utilizadas de esta herramienta. Te dars cuenta que antes de culminar con este grandioso curso, pondrs todo lo aprendido en prctica lo antes posible, ya sea en tu trabajo o en tu vida cotidiana.Aumenta tus oportunidades laborales y potencia tus emprendimientos con Ms. Excel, dale una oportunidad a tu vida de ingresar en este maravilloso mundo de la tecnologa, no te quedes fuera, ya que nunca es tarde para aprender. Disfruta este curso-taller con todos los ejercicios prcticos sugeridos luego de cada mdulo, de esta manera sentirs el avance."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |