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"Curso de Matlab - do bsico ao avanado" |
"Primeiramente eu gostaria de parabenizar a todos por se interessarem por programao e dar inicio a busca de contedo, o intuito desse curso facilitar o entendimento de voces, e contribuir com o crescimento pessoal e profissional. O matlab uma ferramenta tima para diversas reas das ciencias exatas, sendo possivel criar cdigos ou programas de forma rpida e eficaz, neste curso a principio ser abordado toda a questo de cdigos, grficos, comandos e estatstica. Para o futuro do curso, alm das aulas ja presentes, ser acrescentado ao longo do tempo no s novas aulas,mas tambm, novos exemplos de codigos. Sero discutidos os seguintes tpicos:- Declarao de variaveis- Comandos de insero de valores- Vetores e Matrizes- Estruturas de Repetio- Estruturas de condies- Importar dados do excel ou bloco de notas- Exportar os resultados calculados- Comandos de estatistica- Polinomios- Sistemas lineares- Grficos em 2D- Grficos em 3D- Calculo de Limites, Derivadas e IntegralUpdate 15/04/2020- Strings- Inteligncia Artificial - Algoritmos Genticos"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Digital Marketing Strategy Course [2020] + 7 EXAMPLES" |
"Welcome to the Digital Marketing Strategy Course. First of all - thank you so much for joining us!There's no question that, in the modern landscape, a big part of your marketing strategy is digital. Consumers and businesses alike are almost always online -- and you want to be able to reach them and observe their behavior where they spend the most time.What youll find in this course has a lot to do the tactics you can use to attract, convert, close and delight visitors to your website, social and blog.Digital platforms are great for this because we now have more ways, places and routes to attract people to visit our website where, we hope, theyll become our customers. We can also be much more creative with this kind of marketing its not just about what we think of as traditional outbound marketing activity. Its your website, blog and social media channels that are at the heart of any digital marketing plan so always keep in mind that youre optimizing for these destinations when planning digital marketing tactics."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
nutritionits |
"- 1- - - - - - - - - - - 2- - - - - - 3- - - - - - - - 4- - ( - - - - - - )- ( - - - - - - )- ( - - - - - - )- - 1- - ( - )- ( - )- ( - )- ( - )- ( - )- ( - )- ( - )- ( - )- ( - )2- - ( - )- ( - )- ( - )- ( - ) - ( - )- ( - )- ( - )- ( - )- ( - )- ( - )- ( - )5- - BMR- 6- - - - - - -"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How To Capture Emotion With Lifestyle Photography" |
"Hello, I'm Danielle! I wanted to create a course on how to capture the emotion of your clients through a photography lens. In this course, you will learn the basics of setting up your DSLR camera, Kelvin mode, in-home studio talk and a complete step by step dark and moody photoshop editing tutorial."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Desenvolvimento ETL/DataStage na prtica" |
"******************************ATENO ALUNOS******************************Infelizmente as polticas de disponibilizao das ferramentas IBM so muito restritas, por isso no foi possvel disponibilizar aulas apresentando o download, instalao e configurao do DataStage.Para quem no possui acesso ferramenta, sugiro buscar em outros cursos de DataStage na Web, ou aqui na prpria Udemy, uma maneira de possuir a ferramenta para acompanhar os nossos casos prticos apresentados nestas aulas.********************************************************************************Este curso apresenta detalhadamente os principais stages para desenvolvimento de Parallel Jobs no IBM DataStage. Nele aprenderemos a utilizar as funcionalidades do Director Client. Aprenda a diferena entre Join, Lookup e Merge e quando cada um desses stages devem ser utilizados. Nossas aulas apresentaro alguns cenrios reais encontrados no dia a dia do desenvolvedor ETL. Aprenda a importar os metadados de tabelas de banco de dados de maneira prtica e rpida. Nossos vdeos demonstraro todos os passos, na prtica, com a mo na massa! Alm disso, alguns conceitos tambm sero apresentados, de modo a aliar prtica e teoria.As video-aulas foram criadas de maneira fracionada, o que possibilita ao aluno acompanhar mais facilmente o progresso do curso. Faa o download das aulas e assista durante uma viagem de metr, nibus, avio, etc: em velocidade mais rpida para se inteirar do assunto e em velocidade normal para realizar as atividades de maneira paralela.Aps as nossas aulas voc entender porque o IBM DataStage a ferramenta lder de mercado no processamento ETL, com atuao nos setores das maiores corporaes. Entre os segmentos que utilizam DataStage esto: segurana, seguros, sade, bancrio e aeroporturio, por exemplo."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Escrevendo para Deus: cartas teraputicas" |
"As palavras escritas exercem uma poderosa influncia sobre ns, e sempre causaro uma reao emocional tanto em quem as escreve quanto em quem as l.Algumas questes, no entanto, so difceis de sair (seja pela fala ou atravs da escrita). Precisamos lidar com resistncia, desnimo, descrena e dor. Na escrita teraputica, escrevemos como modo de atravessar uma ponte. Como forma de alcanarmos uma nova perspectiva. Se as palavras carregam significados e representam experincias carregadas de emoes, escrever uma forma de liberar energia e desembaraar o que est embolado.Cartas (como muitos outros documentos escritos) podem potencializar em at quatro vezes o impacto da terapia sobre os pacientes (White, 1995). Elas podem ser escritas para uma mirade de fins - e nunca enviadas. Podem servir de desabafo e exerccio imaginativo, ou mesmo como um registro de melhora.Cartas podem ser destinadas a pessoas que se foram. Para aquelas que no conseguimos alcanar. Para comear um dilogo difcil. Para dizer o que a boca no consegue. Para dar conselhos a ns mesmos. E, tambm, podem ser direcionadas pra o divino. Como um curso 'no denominacional', chame o destinatrio de Deus, Anjos, voz Interior, ou qualquer outro nome. O importante conversar com algo ou algum maior que ns mesmos. Se voc est aqui, porque acredita que o Sagrado pode se comunicar atravs de suas mos.Que h um modo de acessar o divino, como em um mantra, ou uma reza e receber dele uma resposta.Transforme a resposta em palavras escritas."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"ORGANIC CHEMISTRY : How to assign R/S configuration" |
"This course contains materials that will help students to understand description of chiral centers, identification of substituent priorities around chiral carbons, 3-dimensional structure of molecules and how to assign R and S configurations to molecules with single chiral centers, multiple chiral centers , and cyclic structures. This is followed by a brief review of Fischer projections. Students will have questions to answer at the end of the course . The questions range from mild difficulty to more difficult ones . Answers are provided at the end of the course ."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Organic chemistry: Stereo-isomerism (III)" |
"This course is designed to help students identify enantiomers and diastereomers and how to draw their structures. It includes detailed description of mirror image of molecule by use of a paper model kit. Specific examples are given using one, two, and three chiral center molecules . It also includes Fischer projection structures and how to draw their enantiomers and diastereomers . E/Z diastereomers of alkenes are also described in detail. End of course questions are given with answers to self check your knowledge of the course."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Scrum Master Certification Exam Practice Tests - Part 1" |
"This course is designed to prepare any candidate to :1. Understand the format of the Scrum Certification Exam.2. Prepare to complete the Exam within the allotted time.3. Work through the complexity of the questions.4. Understand the fundamentals with detailed explanation.5. Improve the confidence and motivate to the take the exam without fear. The more you practice the better your chances of clearing the exam. If you can score 95% or above in the practice tests consecutively in all 6 tests your chances of passing the certification exam are very high.SOME OF THE QUESTIONS MAY REPEAT IN ALL THE SIX TESTS, IT HAS BEEN PURPOSELY DESIGNED LIKE THAT TO COVER ALL CONCEPTS.We do not guarantee anything and are providing this material to improve and succeed in Scrum Master Certification Exam. It all lies in the candidates performance.Note : For more practice, Try our Part 2 course with another 6 tests. Scrum Master Certification Exam Practice Tests - Part 2"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Google Ads / Google Fundamental Practice Test 2020" |
"In this Practice Test course You can find All the questions that lead you to get Certified as an Google Ads / Google Adworks.I have passed these exams every time I've attended Adwords Certification exams and by this I want to share all my experiences in those exams with you.I assure you can pass the exams in your first attempt.Are you ready to pass the Google Adwords Advertising Fundamentals Certification Practice Test ?"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Analista Tcnico em Moldes para Injeo de Polmeros" |
"Bem vindo ao Curso de Analista Tcnico em Moldes de Injeo!!So 15 mdulos com vdeo aulas em mais de 16 horas de durao, onde voc vai revisar os conceitos do processo de injeo, vai conhecer os principais tipos de moldes, seus componentes e funcionamento, como dimensionar o molde adequadamente, vai entender o que o balanceamento do molde e o dimensionamento dos sistemas de alimentao, refrigerao e extrao. sadas de gases, elementos mveis, materiais de construo, aspectos do projeto e construo de cavidades, custos e exemplos de projetos. Vai poder ainda praticar o projeto de um molde simples do incio ao fim, criando a oportunidade de voc tirar dvidas e se aprofundar nos estudos.Tudo isso num ambiente exclusivo para alunos do curso. Alm das vdeo aulas cada mdulo vem acompanhado de um quiz online para sedimentar seus conhecimentos. Ao efetuar seu pagamento voc receber diretamente no email dados de usurio e senha para comear imediatamente seus estudos.Neste curso voc vai entender a importncia de se dedicar ao projeto, construo, operao e manuteno de moldes de injeo. Vai entender os principais fenmenos envolvidos na injeo de termoplsticos e como se relacionam com o molde.Aproveite!!"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Six Week Shred: The Ultimate 6-Week Fat Loss Program" |
"Six Week Shred is a 42-day fitness course, meticulously crafted to burn fat and build muscle without giving up the foods we love. Its not just another exercise program, however. This self-funded course is composed of comprehensive lessons about diet, exercise, and day-by-day routines. While the intense workouts and studied dieting techniques are challenging, its designed for all skill levels. The only requirement is the determination and commitment to change your life. If you complete Six Week Shred, youll be rewarded with a physique beyond your imagination and a mastery of diet and exercise. Look and feel better than ever by starting Six Week Shred, today.Not sold? This fat loss and muscle-building program was initially created for Instagram and YouTube's top influencers. Alex shaped this course to help online stars transform their body. Popular clients:@officialbradlee - American Idol, AGT, X Factor, YouTube Star@austinxhare - Team 10, Public Figure, Instagram Star@lance210 - Social Media Celebrity@morganharvill - Singer, Instagram Model@adin - Actor, Vine Star@seaveydaniel - Why Dont We, Singer@nickbean - Sway LA, Instagram Star"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Practice Test for CIPS L4M7 - Whole Life Asset Management" |
"It is a challenge to find practice tests to check the preparedness for the CIPS examinations especially under the new syllabus. As a person who has successfully completed the CIPS Level 6 Professional Diploma, I can fully understand the importance of practice tests. The passing of CIPS examination is no mean feat. You do not want to be under prepared and then fail the exams. This practice paper will not only increase your confidence but will assist you in achieving high scores in the examinations.The practice test contains comments that gives an explanation of the right answer. It serves as a revision.Connect with me on LinkedIn or through email and I will send you the lecture notes which will be useful for revision. Be Prepared. Best of Luck."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Saffron and its international trade" |
"You now about gold, you now about the black gold, but I'm going to talk about the Crimson gold, you must be wondering what that is. Yes that's right. The Crimson gold. The biggest mines of this kind of crimson gold is in Iran, crimson gold or saffron. The most expensive spice in the world. So stay with me as I introduce you to the trade of crimson gold..."
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"The Art of Stress Management: Rituals, Symbols and Insight" |
"(Above all, are you ready for a lifelong course series?)If youre living with high levels of stress, youre putting your entire well-being at risk. Stress wreaks havoc on your emotional equilibrium, as well as your physical health. It narrows your ability to think clearly, function effectively, and enjoy life. It may seem like theres nothing you can do about stress. The bills wont stop coming, there will never be more hours in the day, and your work and family responsibilities will always be demanding. But you have a lot more control than you might think."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Depression Ad - Psychische Gesundheit stabilisieren" |
"Du willst lernen, wie du dich von deiner Depression verabschiedest? Stck fr Stck wirst du in diesem Kurs deinem Ziel nher kommen. Mit einfachen bungen und dem richtigen Bewusstsein fhre ich dich ans Ziel.Ich zeige dir, wie du nachhaltig und effektiv deine Energie aufbauen kannst und so stark und zu einem echten Power-Menschen wirst und das beste ist, du darfst dabei so sein, wie du bist. Ich selbst war aufgrund einer schweren Krankheit in einer tiefen Depression und das ber Jahre. Ich musste mich von ganz unten wieder auf ein annehmbares Level arbeiten und das war nicht einfach - das kann ich dir versichern. Aufgrund dessen, dass ich nahezu tot war und Null Energie zur Verfgung hatte, war es auch dementsprechend schwer, die Energie wieder auf ein annehmbares Level aufzubauen.Ich stehe heute und jetzt HIER, um mein tiefgreifendes Wissen an dich weiter zu geben!Du bist hier genau richtig, wenn du lernen willst, wie du dir kontinuierlich und nachhaltig deine Energy aufbaust, ohne andere Menschen zu bestehlen. Du zu 100% committed an die bungen ran gehst, die ich dir an die Hand gebe und du bereit bist, unsere magische Welt der Energie zu betreten.Du deine Situation massiv verbessern mchtest und alles dafr gibst.Du bist einzigartig, du bist WERT-voll, denn du bist hier, um Schnes zu schpfen.Mit dem neuen Bewusstsein, welches ich dir gebe, wirst du stark und kannst endlich das Leben fhren, von dem du schon immer getrumt hast.Aber wen ist dieses Programm nichts?Dieses Programm ist nicht fr dich, wenn du dich weiter gehen lsst und denkst, die Hilfe fllt anderweitig vom Himmel. Du bist der Schpfer/die Schpferin deiner Realitt - bitte denke immer daran. Hilf dir selbst, dann hilft dir Gott.Dieses Programm ist auch nicht fr dich, wenn du nicht bereit bist fr Vernderung und anderen die Schuld gibst.Wenn du also raus willst aus dem tiefen Schmerz der Depression, aus dem allein gelassen sein, der Schlappheit, der inneren Leere, der Freudlosigkeit und der panischen Isolation, dann starte jetzt, hier und heute!Lass dich inspirieren - lerne, wie du dich selbst und dein Bewusstsein so erweiterst, dass du dich Stck fr Stck aus deiner Depression bzw. Energieleere befreistDu bist WERTVOLL!Zeige dir das jetzt selbst und tritt ein in dein neues Bewusstsein."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Werde ein Champion im Network Marketing, MLM und Vertrieb 5" |
"Herzlich Willkommen zum fnften Kapitel des Network Marketing Kickstarters.In diesem Kapitel lernst Du neben vielen anderen spannenden Themen was Du von Hhnern und Tauben lernst. Was erst einmal komisch klingen mag, macht am Ende eine Menge Sinn :-) Du weit nach diesem Kapitel, welche Menschen Dich bremsen und Dich auf dem Weg zu Deinem Erfolg behindern. Butter, Mehl und Zucker kommen auch in diesem Kapitel vor. Ein mega krftiges Werkzeug - sei gespannt. Die Vertriebsathleten nutzen zwei Grundgesetze, die dafr Sorgen, dass Du Deine Ziele erreichen kannst und nicht ins Stocken gertst. Wenn es doch ein Problem geben sollte... Kein Problem, denn Du bekommst hier die sieben Wege der Problembehandlung. Du wirst weiter und weiter vorwrts gehen, bis Du den Kipping Point erreichst. Was das ist? Erfhrst Du in diesem Kapitel. Du bist nach diesem Kapitel in der Lage, Dir und anderen Menschen einen tollen Tag zu zaubern - alleine mit der Macht der Sprache. Klingt schon alles interessant? Es kommt noch mehr. Wie kannst Du Abkrzungen im Leben nehmen, um Deinen gewnschten Lifestyle zu erreichen? Einige wichtige Punkte bekommst Du in diesem Video. Es wird crazy :-)Du mchtest Deine Performance im Network-Marketing, MLM oder Vertrieb auf ein anderes Level heben? Dann wird Dir dieser Kurs helfen.Dank ber 20 Jahren Vertriebserfahrung in einem DAX-Konzern und zahlreichen Auszeichnungen, durfte ich schon in hunderten von Seminaren und Trainingsmanahmen eine groe Zahl von Vertrieblern begleiten und nach vorne bringen. Dieser Kurs ist ein Best-Off aus all diesen Trainingsmanahmen, der alle wichtigen Ebenen des Network-Marketings abdeckt. Wenn Du Dich gefragt hast:- Wie bringe ich mein Business auf ein anderes Level?- Wie baue ich mein Netzwerk auf?- Wie gewinne ich andere Menschen fr mich, mein Business und mein Produkt?- Welche Techniken helfen mir dabei?- Wir schaffe ich es mein positives MindSet zu steigern und auf andere zu bertragen?- Welche der 1001 Vertriebs-Tipps, die sich teils widersprechen, funktionieren?oder Vertriebs-Insiderwissen aus einer Hand suchstdann bist Du hier richtig.Ich habe Freude daran, Dich zu untersttzen, Deinen Weg zu gehen. Du wirst begleitet, indem Du wertvolle Werkzeuge bekommst und lernst, wie Du diese richtig einsetzt, dass Du das Gleiche tun kannst wie ich:Dein Business aufbauen mit Erfolg, Nachhaltigkeit, Freude, mentaler Strke und genug Zeit sowie einem Kontostand, der Dir die Zeit fr Dich und Dein engstes Umfeld auf eine andere Ebene hebt.Das Ziel ist es, Dir dabei zu helfen, Deine Ziele schneller zu erreichen. Du bekommst Abkrzungen und Bauanleitungen, wie Du Dir ein Netzwerk aufbaust, wie Du bessere und erfolgreichere Gesprche fhrst. Du erlebst, wie Du Dein Business in eine andere Dimension fhrst. Es heit NetWORK-Marketing und nicht NetPLAY-Marketing oder NetLOTTOGEWINN-Marketing. Es hat mit Arbeit zu tun und ist manchmal eine emotionale Achterbahn. Du steigst hoch zu ungeahnten Hhen aber manchmal rauschst Du auch in die Tiefe. Mein Ziel ist es, dass Du nicht nur Werkzeuge kennst, wie Du Dich und Dein Business nach vorne bringst. Sondern auch Dich mental so fit zu machen, dass Deine Tiefs auf andere wirken wie deren Hochs.Ich habe gelernt, verschiedenste Methoden zu nutzen, um schneller ans Ziel zu kommen. Wenn Du motiviert, voller Kompetenz und diszipliniert an Deine Vorhaben heran gehst, wird Dein Leben in allen Bereichen reicher.Bist Du auch dabei?Eine Info der guten Ordnung halber. Du hast mit Menschen zu tun. Behandele Deine Mitmenschen immer voller Respekt und respektiere deren Perspektive. Dies gilt vor allem fr alle Bereiche der Kontaktaufnahme. Beachte bitte stets alle rechtlich relevanten Themen. Gerade das Datenschutzthema und die Bedingungen von Tools oder Apps, die Du nutzt sind zu beachten. Alle Themen, die hier besprochen werden sind vorbehaltlich nderungen und Fehlern in der Ausfhrung und / Darstellung. Gerade rechtliche Themen knnen sich ndern - daher checke immer, ob Du juristisch auf der sicheren Seite bist. Hierfr kann der Verfasser keine Verantwortung bernehmen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Gerenciamento de restaurantes" |
"Os alunos vo aprender sobre: Como calcular o preo de venda Como fazer a escala de funcionrios (plano de cho) Como fazer a matriz GUT Como implantar processos em gastronomia Como ter produtos excelentes Custo de mercadoria vendida - CMV DRE ndice de custo de mo de obraVo receber os seguintes materiais:Instrues de trabalho: Apague a luz Banho dirio Desligue o equipamento Evite desperdcio Extintor Higiene do banheiro Lavagem de mos Lavar as mos Limpeza de rea Limpeza de caixa dagua Manter a porta fechada Organizao de estoque Uso obrigatrio de EPI Uso obrigatrio de luvas de aoDocumentos Fichas de Requisio de Mercadoria Formulrio de cliente oculto Modelo de avaliao da concorrncia Modelo de Pesquisa de Satisfao Modelos de Pesquisa de Opinio Modelos de POP Planos de aoPlanilhas Calculadora para custo de implantao de restaurante Planilhas exigidas pela vigilncia sanitriaCheck Lists rea externa Caixa Contagem de estoque Produo SaloLegislao: Cdigo de defesa do consumidor Legislao sanitria nacional"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"SaasiFy - Build a complete SAAS App this weekend" |
"Build User Registration, Authentication, Email integration, Stripe recurring payments and so much more - This course will build the building blocks of every SAAS application.Tech StackNodeJS, ReactJS and MongoDBFeaturesRegistration System1. User Registers for the App2. Send email for email address verification3. Resend email when users don't receive it4. Activate Account when email link is clickedAuthentication System1. User login2. JWT token based authPassword System1. Send email for Forgot Password2. Allow password reset after clicking on email linkPayments1. Integrate with Stripe2. Subscriptions - Subscribe to new plan3. Subscriptions - Upgrade or Downgrade existing plan4. Subscriptions - Unsubscribe(Delete) from all plans5. Credit Cards - Save card to account6. Credit Cards - Update saved card to accountEmail Integration1. Mailgun API Integration2. Learn to create, edit and send HTML template based emails3. Use knowledge to send any emailPostman APIs1. Learn to test APIs using POSTMAN2. Run whole application without opening browser3. API collection provided"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Dynamics 365 CRM Mastery Course For Beginners (All Modules)" |
"Dynamics 365 CRM-2020: Learn HIGH demmand skill, Dynamics 365 CRM step by step. This course is designed for Dynamics CRM beginners and Business users. Get complete knowledge on Marketing,Sales,Service ,Project Service and Finanace and Operations with flow automation.This course definitely help you to get new job or grow your business."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Production Ready Kubernetes setup for CI/CD - DevOps project" |
"Do you want to build a CI/CD pipeline to Deploy Applications or Microservices on Kubernetes Cluster by using helm and Jenkinsfile? then you are at the right place.Here you can see a CI/CD pipeline by using tools using Git, Jenkins, helm, Docker, and Kubernetes. This gives some light on how the IT industry uses Kubernetes ClusterI have over 11+ years of experience in DevOps and have a deep understanding of this domain. So, I will be teaching you in detail with the step-by-step demonstration.Who is this course for?Anyone who wants to build CI/CD pipeline to Deploy Applications or Microservices on Kubernetes Cluster by using helm and JenkinsfileAnyone who wants to Enhance their skills in this domain"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Die Elevator Pitch Masterstage: berzeugen in 60 Sekunden!" |
"Lerne die Kunst andere in minimaler Zeit zu berzeugen und flexibel auf alle Arten von Persnlichkeiten anzupassen.Die Elevator Pitch Masterstage ist ideal fr jeden, der in ca. 1,5 Std lernen mchte einen Elevator Pitch sicher vorzubereiten und vorzutragen. Es gibt 5 praktische bungen fr dich, mit denen du das Gelernte direkt einben kannst. Der Kurs hilft dir somit direkt in die Praxis und deinem perfekten Pitch nher zu kommen.Der Trainer transferiert sein gesammeltes Wissen aus erfolgreichen Investoren - Pitches, Pitch - Wettbewerben und Stegreifrede - Wettbewerben zu einem Werk, von dem selbst erfahrene Pitcher lernen knnen."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Rise Above Cancer" |
"Why You Need This ProgramYou are born into Fear! Fear becomes your comfort zone!While your brain will keep you from danger, it will also stop you from moving beyond whatever is blocking you.Thats why people dont go forward because their brain snaps them back into the comfort zone.If you want to get further, you need to mould the brain into seeing your new vision as not dangerous.This course will reprogram your brain to see fear as an allyThis program will reach into your belief system and your core valuesOnly once you've changed these two, can you begin to see Cancer for something that is not aggressing you, but is sending you a message.This program will allow you to explore that message and even forgive your cancerWhere do you go after that?You will Rise Above your disease and Take Back total control of your destiny.Your Life Begins Today!You no longer need to call yourself 'a survivor' and feel branded with cancer. You can and will live the life you want.The main thing is to create a mindset which will allow you to Rise Above cancer."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Aliexpress Dropshipping in Shopify Guide - 2020" |
"Welcome to the complete Shopify Aliexpress Dropshipping course (Launched in 21 February 2020!). I'm going to teach you, step-by-step, how to build a highly profitable eCommerce store, from scratch. You don't need any prior knowledge of eCommerce or any technical skills - if you can use a web browser you are good to go!The Complete Shopify Dropshipping Course in 2020 Is aimed for complete beginners & can also help more experienced shopify dropshipping owners. In this course we'll take you from being an absolute beginner to have a shopify dropshipping business up and running within hours!Copy my method and you will not only be able to create your own successful dropship websites, but you will also be able to do it for paying clients as well if you wish to.Launch Your First Dropship Website in 14 Days or Less and Build up Your Sales and Profits Until You Reach Your GoalsLearn the specific rules for choosing what to sell with the dropshipping modelDiscover how to quickly find a supplier to dropship for youLearn the low cost and easy way to get your dropship website set upGet automatically set up to accept credit card payments even if you don't live in the USLearn the right way to set up your website for tons of sales (most site owners are not doing this stuff)Launch your website like a rocket - from scratchLearn how to use, create and master Facebook AdsScale up your dropship business from a part-time income to a full-time income, or a lot more!A complete blueprint covering every single part of the equationThis course does not simply cover some of the things you need to do in order to succeed with dropshipping. It covers everything from start to finish and assumes that you know nothing at all. Billions of dollars are being earned by people just like you, and you can be taking a share of that. After completing this course you will be better informed than almost all new drop shippers. You will know the true 'secrets' to choosing what to sell and how to sell it.At the end of this course you will have a profitable eCommerce store which could supplement your existing income or transform your life by giving you your very own online business that could even allow you to escape the 9 to 5 altogether. It's entirely up to you, your commitment, your determination - if I can do this then anyone can. I'll be your instructor throughout and I'll even help you kickstart your store by sharing products and markets with you that are working for me today.The course is designed with the total beginner in mind, but if you're struggling in eCommerce many of the tips and tricks I'll share with you will help you on your way. I'll be taking you step-by-step, showing you exactly what I have done to build a profitable eCommerce business. We'll be learning by doing and within the first few lectures you will have built your very own fully operational eCommerce store. From there, I'll teach you how to find profitable markets, find hot selling products within those markets, identify your ideal customer and then drive them to your store to buy your products.The final lectures will focus on how you can build your store towards $100K / year and beyond.So what are you waiting for, let's get started right now on building a financially secure future."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Social media crash course - For new businesses" |
"Social media can be a daunting place if you don't fully understand all the angles of it, but with this course I will together with you make sure you get a better grasp at what's happening in the online space. Going through each and every platform and which one might be the best one for you.Social media is a must in the year of 2020 and if you're not on it already.. well let's just say that it's about time that you are. This course will take you through all the steps of setting up your profile for optimal success and all the way to analyzing your results.So what are you waiting for? Let's get started!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"As a sneaker lover, I have been buying many styles of sneaker for a long time, and I have rich experience in buying sneaker. I am skilled in using various bot, so I can learn a lot about the details of various proxies, the choice of server, and the benefits of which cook group"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Apprendre le HTML5 & CSS3 : Dbutant Expert en 10 projets" |
"Dveloppement web front-end : HTML & CSS3Vous souhaitez matriser le HTML5 & le CSS3 ainsi que toutes leurs dernires techniques travers UNIQUEMENT de la pratique ? Vous tes au bon endroit.Vous hsitez entre cette formation et une autre sur le mme sujet...Encore une fois, la plupart des AUTRES FORMATIONS sur le sujet ont SEULEMENT 1 OU 2 PROJETS pratiques. Le RISQUE que vous prenez en choisissant une autre formation est d'avoir compris les principes du HTML5 & CSS3 mais d'tre BLOQU une fois que vous devez crer quelque chose de concret.Vous savez, ce sentiment de NE PAS SAVOIR PAR O COMMENCER et d'tre compltement PERDU, malgr avoir regard des heures et des heures d'une formation...En choisissant cette formation, vous ne prenez aucun risque car vous aurez vu des DIZAINES D'EXEMPLES, ainsi que des exercices pratiques, concrets.Vous avez dj achet une autre formation sur le sujet...Mais vous souhaitez clarifier vos connaissances, en vous entranant avec de nouveaux projets ? Cette formation est faite pour vous.Ne perdez pas votre temps avec de la thorie ou du blablaVous ne perdrez pas votre temps, nous irons droit au but. Chaque projet vous permettra de progresser petit petit, naturellement, en HTML & CSS.15h de formation en 7hDans de nombreux tutoriels que j'ai pu voir sur le dveloppement web front-end, le formateur prend normment de temps, fait des erreurs, rflchit en direct ce qu'il fait et improvise maladroitement, etc. Rien de tout cela ici, rien ne perturbera votre apprentissage.Chaque vido est dense, contient normment de contenu, et a t rflchie l'avance. De cette manire, vous apprendrez l'quivalent de la matire d'une formation d'environ 15h en seulement 7h.Un apprentissage naturelChaque projet amnera de nouveaux lments d'apprentissage, par ordre de difficult. Cela vous permettra de commencer en vous construisant des bases solides en HTML5 et en CSS3, puis d'ajouter petit petit de nouveaux lments votre savoir faire.Boostrap : gagnez en efficacitNous aurons l'occasion de crer un site web one page compltement responsive avec la librairie front-end Bootstrap. Vous dcouvrirez ses avantages ainsi que ses limitations.Animations & Transitions CSSUn guide complet aux animations et aux transitions aux CSS, ne confondez plus jamais les deux, et sachez prcisment leurs utilits.Flexbox & Grid CSSMatrisez les dernires techniques en CSS3. Nous verrons ensemble de manire approfondie comment fonctionnent les Flexbox et les grilles, et qu'est-ce qui les diffrencie.Gulp : SCSS, Autoprefixer, CleanCSSDcouvrez aussi le langage de programmation SCSS ainsi que d'autres outils qui vous permettront d'acclrer votre processus de dveloppement.11 QuizA chaque fin de section, il y a un quiz qui vous permettra de revoir les points importants et de clarifier tout ce que nous aurons vu dans votre tte, que ce soit sur le HTML5 ou le CSS. De cette manire, vous assimilerez vos nouvelles connaissances en dveloppement web front-end de manire solide."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Manual do Consultrio" |
"esta e uma ferramenta voltada a dentistas, tsbs e todos equipamentos odontolgicos afim de orientar a resolver aqueles problemas chatos e corriqueiros de um consultrio odontolgicoesta ferramenta no e voltada para tcnicos nem pra quem quer se tornar um tcnico de equipamentos odontolgico s pra v ter ideia a profisso tcnico de equipamentos odontolgico engloba as cincias eltrica eletrnica mecnica hidrulica e ate termodinmica no caso das autoclaves e seria impossvel passar todo este conhecimento em uma ferramenta tao pratica"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Docker Container and Microservices Orchestration Masterclass" |
"Welcome to this course: Docker Container and Microservices Orchestration Masterclass. Docker is an open source platform for building, shipping, managing, and securing containers. Docker has become the tool of choice for people willing to work with containers. Since the market is moving toward containerization, Docker will definitely have a big role to play in the future tech market. This course is what you need when transitioning from deploying containers individually on a single host to deploying complex multi-container apps on many machines. This course starts with setting up Docker in different environment, and helps you learn how to work with Docker images. Then, you will take a deep dive into network and data management for containers.In this course, you'll learn:Learn How to build scalable, reliable services with DockerBuild, test, and deploy containers using Continuous IntegrationDeploy cluster hosts on cloud services and automate your infrastructureManage and monitor Java applications running on Kubernetes clustersCreate Continuous Delivery pipelines for Java applications deployed to KubernetesLearn how to manage a service in Docker using Docker Swarm and KubernetesDiscover simpler orchestration tools such as CoreOS/Fleet and Rancher CattleUnderstand cluster-wide logging, system monitoring, and troubleshootingAt the end of this course, you will be able to deploy cluster hosts on cloud services and automate your infrastructure."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Microservices with Kubernetes: Building Microservice Systems" |
"Welcome to this course: Microservices with Kubernetes - Building Microservice Systems. Microservices help design scalable, easy-to-maintain web applications. They are the next big thing in designing scalable, easy-to-maintain applications, making app development easier and providing great flexibility in utilizing various resources optimally. Kubernetes is an open source orchestration platform to manage containers in a cluster environment. With Kubernetes, you can configure and deploy containerized applications easily. In this course, you'll learn:Learn and understand DockerLearn about development workflowLearn and understand KubernetesUnderstand multi-container systemsLearn and understand MicroservicesBy the end of this course, you'll have a good grasp of Docker and Kubernetes and how to implement microservices using them."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"DevExpress le Ktphane Otomasyonu" |
"Merhabalar arkadalar , ben Umut ada Ba.Osmaniye Korkut Ata niversitesi Ynetim Biliim Sistemleri (MIS) 2015 mezunuyum. ukurova niversitesi letme ve Teknoloji Ynetimi Yksek Lisans Program mezunuyum.zel bir firmada IT Manager olarak almaktaym.Hayat boyu renme ve rendike retme anlay ve felsefesiyle sizlere dzenli olarak ders video ierikleriyle ulaacam.Takldka sorularnza ak biriyim.Hep birlikte gzel ve baarl projelerde bulumak dileiyle."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |