Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"! SQL" |
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
"Practice Test for Service Desk Manager Qualification SD0-302" |
"These practice tests of Service Desk Manager Qualification SD0-302 are intended to ensure that you are making your concepts firm. While proceeding with the practice tests, you will numerous questions regarding Service Desk Manager Qualification SD0-302 and it will help you to find out your dark or grey area in this course which you still can improve by going through these practice tests.Don't take take test for certification in haste, ensure that you completely grasp the under ideas and concepts and then you should also keep consulting the books to reach a position where you can find yourself at ease of appearing in the exam. Note: if there is any ambiguity in the practice tests, please let me me know before leaving the bad review as it will help the other students to enrich their knowledge.thank you :)"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Practice Exam DP-201: Designing an Azure Data Solution" |
"These practice tests of DP-201: Designing an Azure Data Solution are intended to ensure that you are making your concepts firm. While proceeding with the practice tests, you will numerous questions regarding DP-201: Designing an Azure Data Solution and it will help you to find out your dark or grey area in this course which you still can improve by going through these practice tests.Don't take take test for certification in haste, ensure that you completely grasp the under ideas and concepts and then you should also keep consulting the books to reach a position where you can find yourself at ease of appearing in the exam. Note: if there is any ambiguity in the practice tests, please let me me know before leaving the bad review as it will help the other students to enrich their knowledge.thank you :)"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
2020_utatane_radio |
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Ansible" |
"O Ansible foi desenvolvido de acordo com uma arquitetura sem agente. Normalmente, o Ansible se conecta aos hosts que ele gerencia usando OpenSSH ou WinRM e executa tarefas, frequentemente (mas no sempre) enviando por push pequenos programas chamados de mdulos do Ansible a esses hosts. Esses programas so usados para colocar o sistema em um estado especfico desejado. Qualquer mdulo enviado removido quando o Ansible conclui as tarefas. Voc pode comear a usar o Ansible quase imediatamente, j que nenhum agente especial precisa de aprovao para ser usado e implantado nos hosts gerenciados. Como no h agentes e infraestruturas de segurana personalizada adicionais, o Ansible mais eficiente e mais seguro que as outras alternativasO Ansible uma plataforma de automao open source que pode se adaptar a diferentes fluxos de trabalho e ambientes. O Ansible pode ser usado para gerenciar diferentes tipos de sistemas, incluindo servidores executando Linux, Microsoft Windows ou UNIX, alm de dispositivos de rede. Os playbooks do Ansible so arquivos de texto legveis que descrevem o estado desejado de uma infraestrutura de TI. O Ansible criado em torno de uma arquitetura sem agentes na qual o Ansible instalado em um n de controle e clientes que no precisam de um software de agente especial."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Cloud Databases on AWS and AZURE" |
"Are you working on a project that involves some kind of database? There are definitely a wide array of databases available to us, but as everything if shifting towards cloud computing platforms, it would be a wise decision to learn some of the Cloud Databases that can take your project to the next level. You will find all kinds of databases on the cloud, be it a traditional SQL based Relational Databases, or the JSON based NoSQL and NewSQL databases. You can easily provision Data warehouse on the cloud and migrate data between two databases easily. Cloud adoption is powered by massive scalability, cost-effectiveness, elasticity, that are the core features of Cloud computing platforms. You can easily integrate a wide range of tools and services available on cloud platform with Cloud databases, where you no longer need to worry about updating software patches, or load balancing issues. This is a beginner level course, where you learn everything about Cloud Databases right from scratch, so don't worry if you are a student or new to databases. But it gradually moves towards advanced concepts that can upgrade your database skills to the professional levels.Advantages of Cloud DatabasesEasy to Scale up and down (No need to provision everything at the beginning)Highly Elastic- can create large number of instances when demand surges(A large number of websites simply Crash due to their incapability to host sudden rise of Traffic, this can be easily handled by Cloud Databases)Easy to integrate with wide range of Cloud services such as Storage, Compute, Analytics, Mobile, IoT, Machine Learning and Data Science, etcThere is a huge variety of Cloud Databases, you can create any or all of them- Relational, SQL based, NoSQL, JSON based, etc.Cloud databases are backed with almost real-time technical support, with great documentation and example projects.In this course you will be learning various cloud databases on AWS (Amazon Web Services) and Microsoft Azure cloud computing platforms. In the starting sections of this course, you will learn about various cloud databased on AWS, followed by the cloud databases on Microsoft Azure. This way you would be in a better position to compare these two major cloud platforms and plan your database strategy on cloud.Database services on AWS:Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service)DynamoDB (NoSQL databases- Key Value, column, document, etc)Elasticache (In-memory data store with large cache)Redshift (used to create data archive)Neptune (quick and reliable Graph database)Database services on Microsoft Azure:Azure SQL Database (Relational database on cloud)CosmosDB (NoSQL databases- Key Value, column, document, graph, etc)Data Warehouse (keep infrequent data archive of semi-structured or structured data)"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Bank Feeds-QuickBooks Online, Xero, Sage, Wave (Comparison)" |
"Bank Feed OptionsThis course will compare and contrast the top accounting software applications, focusing on the use of bank feeds.We will provide practice data that learners can import into the software applications.Learners will understand the process of setting up each online software package. We will also discuss purchase options.Most of the software applications will include a free test drive, an excellent tool for learning accounting and bank feeds.We will practice entering two months of data into each accounting application with the help of banking data we will import into the system.The course will also cover credit card bank feeds similarly.Learners will also learn more advanced bank rules where applicable."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"GUI Programming with Python Tkinter and Java Swing" |
"This course is all about learning Graphical programming (GUI) with python tkinter and java swing. In the starting sections you will learn GUI programming with python and would be able to develop graphical user interface application from it. Tkinter is one of the powerful GUI module of python. Tkinter is easy to use, easy to implement,easy to develop.In the following sections you will learn Java Swing, which is one of the powerful GUI module of java. Swing is also easy to use, easy to implement, easy to develop then java AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit) that was a primitive java GUI library.After completing this course you will be able to use many GUI elements like button, label, radiobutton, checkboxbutton, menu, progressbar, message, combobox, optionpane, and many more.Enroll this course just right now to groom your skills .HAPPY CODING"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Este um Curso Bblico onde tratamos do Livro de Gnesis - Um Comentrio completo sobre esse Livro Maravilhoso!Curso completo em vdeo-aulas!So mais de 20 vdeo-aulas divididos em 5 mdulos para a vossa apreciao!Uma verdadeira GAMA de conhecimentos sobre o Primeiro Livro das Escrituras Sagradas!Seja bem-vindo ao Oceano de Conhecimentos - A Bblia SagradaCURSO DESTINADO A TODOS QUE POSSUEM SEDE DE CONHECIMENTOS!Desde a Criao Morte de Jos ( 50 captulos e 1533 versculos )No final do curso apresentamos uma AVALIAO de 10 questes!NOTA!A palavra gnesis significa origem ou princpio, e o livro de Gnesis um livro de incios. Esse livro descreve a Criao da Terra e da vida nela, a Queda de Ado e Eva e a introduo do pecado neste mundo, a origem da casa de Israel e o estabelecimento dos convnios feitos por um misericordioso Pai Celestial a fim de salvar Seus filhos. Ao estudarem o livro de Gnesis, os alunos TENDEM A COMPREENDER melhor quem eles so e o que o Senhor espera das pessoas que fizeram convnios com Ele. Deus abenoe a todos os santos na COMPOSIO DESSA JORNADA!Bons estudos...No Amor de Jesus!"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Azure Boards : Gerenciamento de Projetos com Azure DevOps" |
"Azure Boards o servio do Azure DevOps para planejamento e gerenciamento de projetos.E nesse treinamento, ao longo dos 18 mdulos iremos planejar e gerenciar 2 projetos. O primeiro utilizando o modelo de processo Scrum, onde iremos simular o gerenciamento de um projeto pequeno.J no segundo projeto, iremos criar um produto maior. Iremos simular o gerenciamento de um projeto com 3 projetos, onde iremos atuar com mltiplos times em sprints distintas.So mais de 12 horas de treinamento onde voc ira aprender sobre:Planejamento - Iremos aprender a partir de extenses disponveis gratuitamente no Azure Boards como podemos fazer o planejamento adequado de entregas dos nossos projetos.Dashboard - Aprendemos a criar Dashboards customizveis para o seu time e o para o projeto. Tambm iremos criar relatrio de 3 produtos e 3 times, gerando uma viso unica e completo do status dos seus projetos e produtos.Queries - Iremos aprender a criar consultas com os dados disponveis da nossa equipe e projetos e gerar grficos a partir delas.Modelo de Processo gil - Iremos utilizar o modelo de processo gil para planejar e gerenciar um projeto fictcio com 3 produtos.Modelo de Projeto Scrum - Iremos utilizar o modelo de processo Scrum para planejar e gerenciar um projeto pequeno fictcio.Sprint Planning - Iremos utilizar o Azure Boards para realizar a nossa Sprint Planning e Poker Planning.Boards e Taskboard - Iremos conhecer e customizar os nossos Boards e Taskboards disponiveis no Azure Boards.Burndown - Iremos conhecer e acompanhar diariamente o burndown dos nossos 2 projetos fictcios.Impedimento e Bloqueios - Vamos aprender a utilizar impedimentos e bloqueios, sinalizando problemas no nosso projeto.Bugs - Iremos conheceras diferentes formas de trabalhar com bugs no Azure Boards.Comunicao - Nesse modulo, iremos integrar o Azure Boards a 3 produtos : Microsoft Teams, Slack e Trello.Wiki - Iremos aprender a gerar documentao com a Wiki disponvel no Azure DevOps.Modelo de Processo Customizado - Iremos customizar o modelo de processo gil, adequando o modelo as necessidades do nosso time.Tipos de Work Items Customizados - Iremos criar tipos work items totalmente customizados, criando passo a passo conforme nossa necessidade.Regras em Work Items - Vamos aprender como adicionar regras aos nossos work items e assim, determinar padres nos nossos projetos.Power BI - Como podemos usar o poder do Power BI para criar relatrios referentes a sade do nosso projetoO foco deste treinamento tanto para iniciantes quanto para profissionais da T.I. com experincia na rea que queiram aprender como gerenciar projetos utilizando o Azure Boards."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Customer Success - O sucesso do cliente como foco" |
"O curso dado por uma profissional da rea de Customer Success e est repleto de dicas para o dia a dia de quem atua ou deseja atuar nesta rea, ou ainda para empreendedores que querem sair na frente dos concorrentes.Nas aulas sero abordados os temas:O que Customer Success?Qual a diferena entre CS e Ps-venda?Como a rotina da rea?Quais os desafios da rea?Artigos de CSPessoas que amam trabalhar com o pblico devem fazer este curso para ampliar seus horizontes e explorar ainda mais esta rea apaixonante!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Socket Programming A to Z - Windows & Linux in C & C++" |
"Did you anytime perform communication between 2 processes ? If NO then Socket Server Client Communication is good to start with.This Course Covers same Socket Programming for Windows and Linux too in C and C++ It covers multiple programs and execution of it for Windows and Linux.It is great Technology to Add Plus Point to Your Resume.Learning Socket Programming will pay you more in today's IT Industry both value and money wise.Why learn Socket Programming ?It is on demand Technology being continued till Now.In addition to learn CPU architecture, memory space and various algorithms, you will be able to create efficient programs and will be in competitor list of good programmer in this IT Industry.You will be able to crack any interview and will shine in this IT Industry as socket programming is on-demand technology.Why enrolling this Course will be the best decision for you?By the end of this course, you will gain in-depth knowledge of Socket Server Client Programming from scratch for Windows and Linux too.You will get rid to write Socket Server Client Programs with execution of it on Windows and Linux too.You will be able to develop skill power logical and verbal wise too.It will lead to your growth and shine in career.You will be able to crack any interview in today's IT Industry.This Course will cover all basic concepts of Socket Programming with not only covering ""how to code"" but also putting light on details ""Why it is required and How important it is"" so that your all concepts will be cleared from scratch and you can crack any interview giving technical answers covering all the points."
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
"Dashboards em Excel - Focado ao ambiente Empresarial!" |
"Este curso ir lhe ensinar sobre como criar Dashboards (painis grficos avanados) em Excel! Entenda qual, quando, e qual a melhor forma de se utilizar grficos em sua planilha. Aprenda as melhores prticas quanto s anlises de dados, e se diferencie no mercado de trabalho! Saiba como encantar sua equipe com grficos realmente elegantes e eficientes!Este curso ir ensin-lo:1- Os conceitos bsicos sobre Dashboard2- Ferramentas necessrias (tabela dinmica, grfico dinmico, etc.)3- Qual a tica correta na criao de grficos4- Design de tabelas (cores, fontes, grficos corretos, etc.)5- Criar um Dashboard completo, do zero"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"After Effects and Maya: Compositing a Star Wars Scene" |
"Hello, GastoCoimbra, I'm a movie director and have a Master degree in Digital Design, and in this course, you will Learn how to compose a Star Wars scene with light, reflections, special effects, HDRI, 3D and 2D animations, lasers and planets, put the stars behind, color correction, sounds, music, layers, keyframing the scene, and much more."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Getting Started with JFrog Artifactory" |
"Always have a hard time finding your dependencies and build information? Are you looking for a way to Integrate JFrog into your DevOps cycle? Need to store your binaries in a safe location and have effortless versioning? We have the solution for you. Guide a team of interns as they look to integrate Jfrog Artifactory into their project during this course. From creating and integrating a NPM based project, to using Jfrog CLI to publish and promote builds, this course will cover the entire DevOps cycle with Jfrog Artifactory.You will get a quick grasp on Jfrog Artifactory. It is one of the best artifact handling tools out there, with the ability to version track and reproduce builds, artifacts and dependencies when you need them. Be fearless as you promote builds and dependencies from your local machine all the way up-to Production.Everything is well documented and separated, so you can find what you need. Assignments and Quizzes will make sure you stay on track and test your knowledge. The course will have a combination of theory and practical examples.The IntroductionUnderstand why we should use Jfrog artifactory and how much it is going to cost you. Everything in this course will be straight from the free trial version, so you you don't need to buy anything. Sign up for Jfrog and understand where it fits in the larger scheme of things, your DevOps architecture. What are the other JFrog products?Jfrog for a developerThe goal of this section is to integrate JFrog artifactory with your DevOps cycle, from local NPM projects to using CLI for build promotions from Dev to QA to Production. Add properties to mark which builds came from where. Then use Gitlab in sync with Jfrog CLI to publish and promote builds automatically.Getting everyone on boardOne developer has learnt how to code, commit and get it to QA and beyond. But now we have to give permission to all the interns. Then learn how to use Jfrog CLI with a configuration file in order to integrate with Jira and Git. Checkout the steps needed to access one issue from Jira across the board."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Professional Certificate in Coaching Counseling Mentoring" |
"Certificate of Coaching Counseling Mentoring Practitioner (C.CCMP)Program Bersertifikat Keterampilan Membina (Coaching), Membimbing (Counseling) Dan Menumbuhkembangkan (Mentoring)Certificate of Coaching Counseling Mentoring - Tingkat III (CCM III)Coaching, Counseling & Mentoring For Leaders - Tingkat III Membina, Membimbing Dan Menumbuhkembangkan Untuk Pemimpin (Coaching, Counseling & Mentoring for Leaders) - Tingkat IIIMenggali, Mengembangkan Dan Memberdayakan Sumber Daya Manusia Untuk Mengoptimalkan Potensi Serta Meningkatkan Kinerja (Exploring, Developing and Empowering Human Resources to Optimize Potential and Improve Performance)Keterampilan (Skills) Dan Langkah (Steps) Dalam Membina (Coaching), Membimbing (Counseling) Dan Menumbuhkembangkan (Mentoring)Latar Belakang (Background) : Banyak fakta menunjukkan bahwa di Perusahaan Besar Kelas Dunia, people development (mengembangkan bawahan) adalah salah satu tugas & tanggungjawab utama seorang pemimpin (leader) dalam membangun kinerja organisasinya, misalnya :Jack Welch pemimpin legendaris yang membesarkan General Electric dikenal sebagai pemimpin yang memiliki komitmen dalam membina (coaching) dan menumbuhkembangkan (mentoring) bawahannya.Di Toyota Corporation yang dikenal sebagai salah satu perusahaan otomotif terbesar di dunia, dalam budaya perusahaan (corporate culture)-nya dikenal bahwa setiap manajer adalah seorang guru untuk bawahan & timnya.Mengembangkan bawahan (people development) melalui membina (coaching), membimbing (counseling) dan menumbuhkembangkan (mentoring) merupakan salah satu tugas & tanggungjawab utama seorang atasan yang bermuara pada peningkatan kinerja (performance improvement) dari tim & bawahannya. Bahkan untuk jangka panjang dapat menghasilkan efek pelipatgandaan potensi (potential multiplication effect) dari tim yang dipimpinnya.Manfaat Pembelajaran (Learning Outcome) :Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini maka diharapkan setiap peserta mampu melakukan proses coaching, counseling dan mentoring secara efektif dengan :Memahami pengertian umum tentang Coach dan Profesi-Profesi People Helper Lainnya.Memahami istilah-istilah umum yang biasa digunakan dalam Coaching (Membina) dan Counseling (MembimbingMemahami berbagai manfaat yang diperoleh dari penerapan Coaching (Membina) dan Counseling (Membimbing) baik secara umum, manfaat utama, maupun manfaat bisnis (kualitatif, kuantitatif, kepemimpinan dan pengembangan organisasi).Memahami fungsi coaching, counseling dan mentoring dalam peran sebagai manajer/pemimpin.Mampu mengatasi masalah kinerja yang dihadapi oleh bawahan dengan pendekatan coaching, counseling dan mentoring.Mengidentifikasi akar masalah kinerja dan menentukan masalah yang diatasi dengan coaching, counseling atau mentoring.Pemahaman keterampilan dasar yang perlu dimiliki manajer/pemimpin untuk melakukan coaching, counseling dan mentoring.Menerapkan langkah-langkah yang tepat dalam melakukan coaching, counseling dan mentoring.Menyusun rencana tindakan penerapan pasca pelatihan dalam ruang lingkup organisasi atau tanggungjawabnya masing-masing.Garis Besar Materi Pembelajaran (Learning Outline) :Coach Dan Profesi-Profesi People Helper LainnyaIstilah-Istilah Dalam Coaching (Membina) Dan Counseling (Membimbing)Business Benefit of Coaching & People Development (Manfaat Secara Bisnis Membina, Membimbing & Menumbuhkembangkan)Manager & Performance (Pengelola & Kinerja)Leader As Coach & People Developer (Pemimpin Sebagai Pembina & Pengembang Sumber Daya Manusia)Apa Yang Dimaksud Dengan Coaching (Membina)Apa Yang Dimaksud Dengan Counseling (Membimbing)Apa Yang Dimaksud Dengan Mentoring (Menumbuhkembangkan)Core Skills of Coaching & Counseling (Keterampilan Inti Membina dan Membimbing)Step By Step Coaching & Counseling (Langkah-langkah Melaksanakan Membina dan Membimbing)Managing Your Talent (Mengelola Sumber Daya Manusia Bertalenta Anda)- 4 (Empat) Kuadran Kriteria Karyawan dan Solusi Pengembangannya (People Development Quadrant)- Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia dan Manajemen Talenta (Talent Management)- Mengelola Karyawan Dengan Tipe Kinerja Yang Berbeda (Managing Different Performer)Tips & Action Plan (Tips & Rencana Tindakan)- Tips, Metode dan Teknik Sederhana Untuk Menerapkan Materi Dalam Pekerjaan Sehari-hariSetelah menyelesaikan seluruh materi pembelajaran dalam program ini maka setiap peserta berhak memperoleh 2 (dua) Sertifikat sekaligus :Sertifikat Penyelesaian (Certificate of Completion) dari Udemy yang diakui secara Internasional dan dapat dimasukan kedalam Daftar Riwayat Hidup (Curriculum Vittae/CV) ataupun dicantumkan dalam Profil Profesional (Professional Profile) misalnya di Linkedin, JobsStreet, JobsDB, dan lain-lain.Certificate of Coaching Counseling Mentoring Practitioner (jika telah menyelesaikan Tingkat I CCM1), II (CCM2) & III (CCM3/CCCMP)) dari DACA THE Solution - AV Global Institute yang oleh Coach Dr. Andi Chaidir, S.Si, MBA, Ph.D., Indonesia Trainer & Coach Community dan Indonesia Speaker & Presenter Community.Terimakasih telah bergabung di kursus ini dan kami berharap siapapun yang bergabung dengan program pembelajaran ini akan memperoleh manfaat yang sebesar-besarnya dan mencapai hasil yang terbaik ketika diterapkan dalam aktivitas sehari-hari untuk kehidupan dan masa depan yang lebih baik. Salam belajar dan berbagi untuk masa depan yang lebih baik. Semoga dengan mengikuti kursus pembelajaran ini diharapkan setiap peserta dapat lebih mengetahui dan memahami tentang arti pentingnya membina (coaching) dan membimbing (counseling) dalam mengembangkan sumber daya manusia (people development) baik bagi pribadi/individu maupun organisasi/perusahaan.Selamat belajar dan semoga bermanfaat. Salam belajar dan berbagi untuk hari esok yang lebih baik.Salam dari Mitra Belajar Anda, Coach Dr. Andi Chaidir, S.Si, MBA, Ph.D."
Price: 280000.00 ![]() |
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Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Secrets of Your Mind & Mindfulness" |
"Welcome to The Secrets of Your Mind and Mindfulness, the second part of the Awakeness course. (***English subtitles are available for all elements of this course.)You can learn this course on its own and you WILL learn a lot, but its highly recommend that you watch The Secrets of Your Mind & Meditation course first, as in this second course there are occasional references to things that you will only know about if you have already watched the The Secrets of Your Mind & Meditation. The references are most noticeable in the homework after each session. You will notice that they assume that you know how to do certain techniques, such as Mini-Secret Meditations and Tranquility Meditation, which were taught in the first course. However, it IS possible to follow the vast majority of this courses content independently, so dont worry :)***You might think you already know how to meditate or you might think you only want to know how to practice Mindfulness correctly. But to really understand the true nature of your mind, develop its potential and increase the quality of your life dramatically, you need to understand how to do both.You need to understand that Meditation forms the foundation for the later practice of Mindfulness. Thats why the course is split into two parts: Meditation & Mindfulness.In this second part of the course, Mindfulness is taught in the original style, using many of the methods that are still used in Thailand today. Mindfulness has become very popular in the West in recent years but a lot of what is taught as Mindfulness is different from what was taught in Asia 2500 years ago and what is still taught in Theravada Buddhist countries such as Thailand.In the first part of the Course (The Secrets of Your Mind & Meditation), you were introduced to The Naughty Little Boy, which is your own mind, and you were taught how to get him to rest by using The Magic Breath and Tranquility Meditation. You were then introduced to The 5 Bad Friends, The Meditation Stages, Secret Mini-Meditations and many other teachings and techniques that form the basis for Mindfulness practice.In this second part of the course (The Secrets of Your Mind & Mindfulness), we will go much deeper and get to know more about The Naughty Little Boy, as well as learn about The 3 Types of Knowledge, The 5 Levels of Mindfulness, Intelligence vs Wisdom, The Hungry Mind, The Wall of Happiness, The Law of Karma, The Coloured Glasses, the If Clauses and many more important teachings and techniques.You will be taken slowly, step-by-step through all the theory and teachings, by watching talks, participating in small workshops and completing homeworks to help you practice and gradually develop your understanding and skills. If at any point you have any questions, you can send Sitang a message via the Udemy Messaging service and she will get back to right away. Subtitles in English are also available for the this course; to access them, please click the 'cc' button in the bottom right hand side of the video player. Thank you for downloading this course and very best wishes for your Meditation and Mindfulness journey...Sitang"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Database Management Systems - MySQL" |
"The course reviews topics such as introduction to DBMS, structured query language, installation of MySQL, Normalization, data definition language commands, data manipulation language commands, sub queries and constraints, aggregate functions, clauses and views, conceptual data modelling, relational data model, relational query languages, relational database design and transaction processing and current technologies."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Python Programming by Srinivas Reddy - DATAhill Solutions" |
"Whether you want to:- build the skills you need to get your first Python programming job- move to a more senior software developer position- get started with Machine Learning, Data Science, Django or other hot areas that Python specialists in- or just learn Python to be able to create your own Python apps quickly.then you need a solid foundation in Python programming. And this course is designed to give you those core skills, fast.This course is aimed at complete beginners who have never programmed before, as well as existing programmers who want to increase their career options by learning Python.The fact is, Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world Huge companies like Google use it in mission critical applications like Google Search.And Python is the number one language choice for machine learning, data science and artificial intelligence. To get those high paying jobs you need an expert knowledge of Python, and thats what you will get from this course.By the end of the course youll be able to apply in confidence for Python programming jobs. And yes, this applies even if you have never programmed before. With the right skills which you will learn in this course, you can become employable and valuable in the eyes of future employers."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Note: Kurs ierii dzenli olarak gncellenmektedir... letmelerdeki i srelerinin tmn entegre bir ekilde ynetebilen ERP yazlmlarnn nemi her geen gn artarak devam ediyor. ERP sistemleri ile iletmeler satnalmadan retime, retim planlamadan sata, malzeme stok ynetiminden sevkiyata, muhasebeden finansa kadar tm srelerini hzl bir ekilde izleyebilme, kontrol etme ve denetleyebilme avantajna sahip oluyor. Bu da iletmelere rekabet stnl iin gelimi bir raporlama ile stratejik ve hzl karar alma yetenei salyor. Bu eitimde, ERP yazlmlardan Trkiye'de en fazla kullanlan rnlerden biri olan Tiger 3 Enterprise'n tm modlleri aklanmaya allmtr. Eitimin amac, Tiger 3 Enterprise rn ile beraber iletmelerdeki i srelerini de anlatmaktr. Bu eitimle sadece Tiger 3 Enterprise renmeyeceksiniz. Hangi ERP yazlmn kullanrsanz kullann, temelde i srelerinin deimediini anlayacak, dier ERP rnleri iin de alt yap oluturmu olacaksnz. "
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Exam PL-900: MS Power Platform Fundamentals - Practice Exams" |
"Are you ready to take the 2020 - just out of beta - PL-900 Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals exam?This practice test course contains 3 complete timed tests, of at least 50-questions each, just like you will get in the official exam. That's over 170 questions to see how prepared you are for the real test. The quiz questions are balanced as per the domain weightings published in the candidate bulletin. In addition, after taking the exam you can review your answers compared against the correct answers including comprehensive explanations and documentation links of each question, the answer options and the recommended approach for getting the answers right. Unlike other practice tests, you get LIFETIME access to these questions and explanations. There is no time limit. You can take the quizzes as many times as you like to make sure you're ready to take the exam. The exams are formatted just like the real questions would be. Unfortunately, we are limited in the types of questions we can offer, so this quiz will be multiple-choice and multi-select only unlike the real exam where you can expect additional types of questions like drag-and-drop and hot-area. You can learn more about the different types of questions on Microsoft's certification web site. But we're confident that you will be fairly tested on your knowledge of the Microsoft Power Platform after taking these practice exams.The exams were compiled by an experienced team of Power Platform professionals whom have all passed the official exams. The test covers all the latest domains and sub-domains as published in the candidate bulletin including:Understand the business value of Power Platform Understand the Core Components of Power Platform Demonstrate the business value of Power BI Demonstrate the business value of Power Apps Demonstrate the business value of Microsoft FlowThree practice tests allow you the flexibility to attempt one exam early-on during your exam-preparation to adjust your focus-areas and cut down on study time. The two remaining exams can be used to prove your readiness to take the official exam. Or you can just use all three in whatever way suits your preparation workflow. This is the perfect tool to assess your readiness, and find those one or two areas that you can study in the days before taking the test.We are looking forward to seeing you inside the course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Tarot Cards With A Tarot Reader- Intermediate Level" |
"Learn Tarot Online, Self-Paced, Step-By-Step HD Video course. Instructor-Led, Intermediate Level. Master The Skills You Need To Get To The Next Level. This course will help you use tarot as a tool for developing intuition, implementing healthy boundaries, and self-care. This online course will also help you towards building your own stylized practice of reading for others."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Tarot Cards With A Tarot Reader - Advanced Level" |
"This online Tarot course will help you gain skills to use the tarot as a tool for developing intuition, implementing healthy boundaries, and self-care.Learn Tarot Cards - Advanced Level course is an incredibly powerful Tarot Deep Dive. In this course learning card combinations, creating Tarot card spreads, and how to build your online tarot business."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Google Adwords Display Certification Practice Test" |
"Are you ready to pass the Google Adwords Display Certification Practice TestUse this course to gauge your readiness level for the actual exam. These practice tests will help you know if you are ready to take the exam, or identify if you need to spend more time on any of the exam topics.These tests cover material from each of the exam topics. With time limits on each test, you will learn time management for the real exam."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"CN0-201 CompTIA CTP+ Certification Practice Test" |
"Are you ready to pass the CN0-201 CompTIA CTP+ Certification Practice TestUse this course to gauge your readiness level for the actual exam. These practice tests will help you know if you are ready to take the exam, or identify if you need to spend more time on any of the exam topics.These tests cover material from each of the exam topics. With time limits on each test, you will learn time management for the real exam."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA E2C JK0-019 Network Security + Certification Exam" |
"153 UNIQUE practice questions for CompTIA E2C JK0-019 Network Security + Certification ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CompTIA E2C JK0-019 Network Security + Certification ExamTotal Questions : 153Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (114 of 153)"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Mude a Sua Vida" |
"O autoconhecimento permite que o ser humano tenha uma vida mais equilibrada e que atinja o sucesso nas mais diversas reas. Este conhecimento permite-nos conhecer a existncia da nossa prpria conscincia, ou seja, perceber o que se passa na nossa mente e de que forma que isso afeta a nossa vida.Uma pessoa consciente conhece os seus pensamentos e sabe identific-los como positivos ou negativos e utiliza esse conhecimento para se autodesenvolver e evoluir como ser humano. Estarmos cientes dos nossos pensamentos permite-nos avali-los antes de agir!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Blockchain: Bitcoin, Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric" |
"Beginner guide to Understand Blockchain and how it will play very important role in our day to day life with potential use cases. Understand the features and element of Blockchain Basics of Cryptography, Consensus algorithms and Different types of Blockchain which is Public, Private and Permissioned Blockchains.Understand Bitcoin, Ethereum and Hyperledger Blockchain basics concepts"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
how-to-create-excellent-customer-service |
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Price: 6299.00 ![]() |
"Facebook (Ads) Advanced: Fast Track Training" |
"Facebook (Ads) Advanced: Fast Track Training.Want to get instant traffic?Brand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Get Started With Facebook Ads.Dear Friend,Facebook is the most popular social media site on the entire internet. Some people think of Facebook as the internet itself.Its the one place where people all over the world spend most of their time. Each of those people is a potential customer of various products.Are you reaching out to them?If you arent, then your business is definitely missing out. Facebook Ads offers up the opportunity for you to connect with people based on what their interests are.You may have heard of Facebook Ads or even spent a little money on them.Mastering the art of being profitable using Facebook Ads is entirely possible by merely watching our videos.The Entire Process Can Seem Complicated At FirstThe end goal with Facebook Ads is to find the exact customer who wants your product or service.Facebook makes it easy to zero in on these people. While the entire process may seem complicated at first, it isnt.Its only a matter of you becoming familiar with how their ad system operates. Once you get comfortable with how to place ads, the entire process becomes a piece of cake.The process of learning can be dramatically reduced with our video series. We go over everything you need to know to set up a campaign and also how to target the exact people.Few Platforms Allow You To Target The Way Facebook Ads DoThere once was a time when you had to cast a wide net when placing ads online. You werent able to zero in on the people who had the same interests as your site.Now things have changed, and you can even target people who are the exact age and gender youre searching for.Facebook Ads are so detailed that you can almost literally pluck the exact person you want to see your ads.As you can imagine, your conversions will significantly improve when youre able to focus on only those who have shown interest in what you have to sell.IntroducingGet Started With Facebook AdsDont Blow Your Whole Wad Without Seeing ResultsThe common mistake online marketers make is that they spend all of their money on Facebook Ads and see no results.This is the reason why they place a few ads and then give up. Instead of going that route, first, watch our videos.Well give you an in-depth look at what it takes to create a profitable campaign. Youll be familiar with the entire system from start to finish after watching our videos.Dont place another order for ads without learning the ins and outs from us. Well save you a whole lot of money, and your conversion rates will rise as well.Facebook Ads Deliver SalesThe rising popularity of Facebook Ads is because people are making all kinds of money with them.Youre missing out on a massive opportunity by not taking advantage of them. We break everything down in a very easy to follow format.You can be up and running within an hour after watching our video series. This is instant traffic that you can capitalize on immediately.Theres no waiting around for search engines to spider your content or anything like that.You place your ad with Facebook, and they deliver the type of massive traffic only the largest social networking site in the world can.Sign up for this training today and make your future as bright as it possibly can be.Many people that try to figure things out on their own end up wasting a lot of time and get frustrated and end up with nothing.Thats because they spin their wheels, follow bad advice, and just dont get the right roadmap to success.This video series will prevent that from happening When you invest in this training today, you watch as I do it and you replicate it.Its THAT simple...Course Description:Most people do not know how to get started with all the Social Media products online today. With this Fast Track Training course designed to take you to the Advanced level, you will be up and running in no time using Facebook (Ads) to the Advanced level with confidence.Facebook (Ads) Advanced: Fast Track Training is a straight to the point, step by step training course to get you started immediately.See the course subjects below:---------------------------------------------------------------------------Facebook (Ads) Advanced: Fast Track TrainingSection 1: Course Overview1 - OverviewSection 2: Creating Your Audience & Advertisement2 - Creating A Custom Audience for Retargeting3 - Connecting the Audience4 - Creating The AdvertisementSection 3: Custom Audience And Retargeting5 - Custom Audience for Retargeting Existing Customers List - Part 16 - Custom Audience for Retargeting Existing Customers List - Part 2 - The Creative7 - Expanding Your Successful Campaign with Additional AudiencesSection 4: Setting Up Tracking Part-18 - Setting Up the Tracking Pixel9 - Setting Up Tracking for Offline Events10 - Setting Up Tracking for Video Engagement11 - Setting Up Tracking for InstagramSection 5: Setting Up Tracking Part-212 - Setting Up Tracking for Lead Ads Forms13 - Setting Up Tracking for Individuals That Came to a Facebook Event14 - Setting Up Tracking and Individuals Interacting with our Facebook PageSection 6: Live Examples Part-115 - Live Example - Create A Page16 - Live Example - Track The Page With An Audience17 - Live Example - Create an Ad Targeting The PageSection 7: Live Examples Part-218 - Live Example - Create An Event on the Page19 - Live Example - Create an Audience Targeting the EventSection 8: Conclusion20 - Conclusion - Create an Ad"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |