Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Buy ""Cash Flow"" Rental Houses Cheap for Max Profit!" |
"This has been my full-time business for the last 6 years. And, I've done this type of investment and repair work most of my life. I started this business with no money and very little collateral- $5000 equity on my own home. For the most part, I've done this as a solo project. I've become intimately familiar with plumbing, roofing, and electrical repairs! I've heard my fair share of praise and complaints. And, I've had well over 50 units at a given time. I know what works and what doesn't. At this time I know what exactly what it takes to bring in a full-time income while doing very part-time work!This course does not get into technical aspects- building codes, diagrams etc. What it does cover is all the, to me, common sense factors that go into getting started in the rental business. This is for the every-day person who just has a normal, or even no income. I'll show you how to make a full time income with anywhere from 4-20 units. And, I'll discuss how to get started with as little as $500- admittedly a best case scenario, but very possible. You will have to invest time and money along the way. But, not all of us have $100,000 cash or credit to jump right in. This course gives you the insight to get started for a little money and add as you can to build up an income organically. No tricks, no magic. Just real-world examples and understanding. And, isn't that better knowing that you don't have to have a degree or be a business whiz to earn an honest living? The opportunities are out there if you know where to look. And, I do. So, I'll show you and give you an honest idea of what you are in for- the good, the bad, and the ugly. That way you can avoid the bad and ugly! Learn from my experience right out the gate and save yourselfsome headache. And, make a lot more money for less hassle!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pins and Thread paintings" |
"String art technique with pins and thread so you can create your own paintings or to make a perfect gift !What kind of hand-made hobby do you have ? Have fun and challenge yourself for a unique and elaborate string art technique and the result would be much greater than you expected !!!Try it!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a tocar guitarra com menos esforo!Palhetada Hbrida" |
"Neste curso abordaremos tcnicas e exerccios para aprimorar o quanto antes e fazer fraseados com muita facilidade!Contm vdeos explicativos, partituras, tablaturas e backing tracks para acompanhamento. 23 AULAS EM VDEO. INTRODUO - APRESENTAOCurso Palhetada Hbrida com Mateus Xavier.AULA 01 - EXERCCIOS PARA COORDENAOExerccio 1 - dedo mdioExerccio 2 - dedo anelarExerccio 3 - dedo mnimoAULA 02 - EXERCCIOS DE SALTOExerccio 1 - SaltoExerccio 2 - SaltoExerccio 3 - SaltoExerccio 4 - SaltoAULA 03 - APERFEIOAMENTOEXERCCIO 1 - DEDO MDIO E ANELAR.EXERCCIO 2 - DEDOS MDIO, ANELAR E MNIMO.PACOTE DE 13 LICKS COM VDEO NA VELOCIDADE NORMAL E LENTO, PDF DE TODOS OS LICKS."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
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Price: 19800.00 ![]() |
"Criando E-books Profissionais com InDesign" |
"O curso Criando E-books Profissionais com InDesign se baseia em um projeto 100% prtico, que parte desde o conceito organizacional no pr-projeto, para j deixar todos os arquivos (imagens, vetores e textos) organizados em um pasta principal com subpastas, facilitando todo o trabalho e ajustes futuros.A partir da segunda aula j mergulhamos no Adobe InDesign, o software mais usado por editores para criao de designs grficos para meio impresso e/ou para web como e-books, infogrficos, revistas impressas e digitais, jornais e etc.Criaremos um e-book completo, nesse curso voc vai aprender: Configurao da tipografia de fontes, estilos de pargrafos e caracteres;Configurar um arquivo base para usar em projetos futuros;Criar Master Pages ou Pginas Mestres que serviram como guias para nosso layout;Onde encontrar cones em vetor para seus projetos;Onde encontrar imagens em alta resoluo;Criar hyperlinks externos;Interao entre pginas do livro;ndice ou sumrio interativo com os ttulos e subttulos;Trabalhar com insero de imagens no projeto;Ajustes de imagens dentro do InDesign (tamanhos, efeitos, transparncia);Tratamento de erros de tipografia de textos;Tratamento de erros de vnculos ausentes;Insero de links para compartilhar nas mdias sociais;Criao de arquivos digitais em PDF de modo interativo;Exportao do projeto final em PDF interativo""Nesse curso voc vai aprender, criar um E-book Interativo desde o planejamento do escopo, organizao do projeto, coleta de imagens, diagramao, criao das pginas mestres, criao de um sumrio interativo at sua finalizao em PDF."""
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Panik atak ve kayg bozukluu iin telkin yntemi" |
"Stres kaynakl, kayg bozukluu, panik atak gibi konulardan, bilinli bir ekilde kurtulmanz iin, mucizevi ve tamamen garantili bir yntem buldum. Bu yntem sayesinde, bir rpda panik atanz zebileceksiniz. Bu videoyu izledikten hemen sonra, atanz kontrol etmenin yolunu kullanabileceksiniz. Bunu istediiniz her zaman rahata yapabilecek ve iki ay gibi bir srede hayatnzdan kalc olarak karabileceksiniz. Bulduumuz zmn ie yaramas, kalc olarak, zm olmas, davran haline gelmesi yaklak 2 kadar zaman almaktadr."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Nutrition - Know about your food !" |
"Hi, I'm Ankit Kumar fitness and dieting coach, I am in this filed from last 4 year, and my team are in fitness industry from last 7 year or more. I work as a trainer in our Gym.This course does not about "" BRO Science "", in this course you are going to get all the required information that going to help you to live healthy life.Learn How To Build The Perfect Diet & Meal Plan For Improved Health, Better Weight Loss And More Muscle GainsIN THIS COURSE, I WILL TEACH YOU...Nutrition fundamentals (to understand meal plan creation)Realistic weight loss and muscle building expectations for a natural weight lifterHow To Determine Your Optimal Calorie IntakeHow To Track Calories The Right WayHow To Adjust Your Diet For Weight LossHow To Adjust Your Diet For Muscle GainsThe Perfect Pre- & Post-Workout MealsCheat Meals That Won't Destroy Your Overall DietReady To Use Meals Plans To Lose Weight And Build MuscleThe best pre-workout nutrition to have to make the most of your workoutsWhat is Meal planning lifestyle strategies How to design fun meal plans that you can stick to."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Wie Du in 7 Tagen Deine eigene Reinigungsfirma grndest" |
"In diesem Titel erfhrst Du, wie Du sofort Dein eigenes Reinigungsunternehmen startest, Deine ersten Kunden gewinnst und sofort berdurchschnittliche Umstze generierst. Du lernst alles vom ersten Schritt an und hast Zugriff auf viele hilfreiche Downloads.Dieser Kurs ist bersichtlich gestaltet. Du kannst sofort anfangen, auch wenn es gerade drei Uhr nachts ist.Die Reinigungsbranche ist ein Milliardenmarkt. Sei dabei und sichere Dir Deinen Marktanteil. Ein Reinigungsunternehmen aufzubauen ist viel einfacher, als die meisten Menschen glauben. Unter Einsatz keines bis wenig Eigenkapital knnen Erfolge sofort sichtbar gemacht werden."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"AWS Advanced Networking Professional Training in Depth" |
"AWS Networking Professional Training in Depth: (15 Concept + 8 Subproject Hands On)This training is designed to understand the Amazon Web Service Networking component, if you are going to setup any service and wanted to use any service it is required to know the AWS Networking concepts. Even if you are an AWS Architect or AWS security Specialist you must know the AWS Networking components for architecting and securing your application the Cloud Env. Hence, it is highly recommended training. This training would be useful and must for the people who are preparing for the following certifications.AWS Advanced Networking Specialty CertificationAWS Solution Architect (Associate & Professional)AWS Security SpecialtyWithout having proper knowledge of AWS Networking, you cannot design and architect the service in the AWS. In the training we are covering 19 Modules with various fundamental concepts of AWS Networking and 8 Hands on Subprojects in which you would learn how to setup various networking components and secure your network infrastructure. In the training we are focusing any specific point which is being asked in the certification exam. So subscribe this training and go ahead and become AWS expert."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Unity 2D Game Kit (no code) Level Design" |
"Want to build a playable game level with no programming? Unity 2D Game Kit, and the experts here at the School of Game Design are the answer. With now over 22 years of experience in both game development and teaching, we know how to make learning these complex systems simple and fun. Both the Unity Engine and the 2D Game Kit are completely free to download and start using to build your game development skills.This Unity 2D Game Kit comes complete with beautiful graphics, easy-to-use design tools and plenty of creative freedom to explore your level design ideas. This course is perfect for someone interested in becoming a game designer or level designer without needing to worry about building an entire game in order to create fun playable layouts right now.The output from this course will be your very own fully-functional 2D action adventure game. Create beautiful and interesting environments using the assets that come with the 2D Game KitLearn how to swap out the main character's sprite sheets with another characterAdd moving platforms, doors, keys / locks and other building blocks necessary for making an interesting levelAdd and tune enemies for the player to interact withAdd hazards, and obstacles for the player"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Defeating Indecision - The Procrastination Playbook" |
"or the past few months Ive been doing a deep dive into Procrastination, trying to find the cognitive strategies that people who have no trouble with procrastination use to overcome their procrastination. This deep dive has involved:Introspecting on my own cognitive strategiesReading the self help literature and mining cognitive strategiesScouring the scientific literature for reviews and meta studies related to overcoming procrastination, and mining the cognitive strategies.Interviewing people who have trouble with procrastination, and people who have overcome it, and modelling their cognitive strategies.I then took these ~18 cognitive strategies, split them into 7 lessons, and spent ~50 hours taking people individually through the lessons and seeing what worked, what didnt and what was missing.This resulted in me doing another round of research, adding a whole new set of cognitive strategies, (for a grand total of 25 cognitive strategies taught over the course of 10 lessons) and testing for another round of ~50 hours to again test these cognitive strategies with 1-on-1 lessons to see what worked for people.This resulted in the Procrastination playbook, a full accounting of these 25 strategies along with a course designed to make them automatic parts of who you are. The second of these 10 lessons is here, and details How to Defeat Indecision."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Machine Learning using ML.NET" |
"This course gives you an inside view on how to use machine learning concepts for various use cases like1. Sentiment Analysis2. Movie Prediction3. Issue Analysis4. Price Predictions for Taxi FaresIt makes use of easy to use Model Builder framework provided by ML.NET which has predefined algorithms built to work on the above scenarios.Apart from this it also allows us to build our custom models as well.Using ML.NET you will be ready to start learning machine learning concepts in no time at all.So let's start learning today..."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Engineering Thermodynamics" |
"Thermodynamics is the study of energy. How do we get the energy we need to power our homes and get us where we want to go? How do things like engines, power plants, and refrigerators work? This class is very important for many types of engineers. I have designed the class so that anyone who is interested in learning Thermodynamics can learn. This course will be greatly helpful to all college students who are taking Thermodynamics or will take it in the future. I can help you pass and be a success! But this is also great for anyone who wants to be more educated about energy - a very important topic these days! I stay away from overly complicated theory and give you both the HOW and the WHY. You will understand Thermodynamics with my help!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"C++ 20 (2a) New Features" |
"C++ is popular for its incredible performance and suitability for operating systems, games, embedded software, and more. This course gets you up-to-date with the very latest components in C++20/C++2a so you can harness its new enhancements and get ahead of the game by leveraging its features!We cover what C++20/C++2a is and the current standardization status. We also discover some new syntactic sugars that enable you to write shorter but more powerful code. You'll learn about the new and improved ranges and iterators, explore key examples of filter stacking, and learn how ranges simplify iterator-heavy code. Crucially, you'll master how to migrate to C++20/C++2a in the easiest possible way, and why you should!C++20/C++2a brings new features to the synchronization library, including atomic smart pointers, latchers, and barriers. We review its all-new coroutines (a major concept found in other leading programming languages that simplifies writing code for parallel execution).By the end of the course, you'll use up-to-date insights into the full features of C++20/C++2a to facilitate efficient and fast coding within your own projects.About the AuthorDaniel Zawadzki is a software developer with 15 years' experience. His career has mostly focused on embedded development for various devices such as phones, set-top boxes, and mobile telephony base stations, though he did make a slight detour into investment banking along the way. His language of choice (he has over 5 years' experience with it) is C++ because of its efficiency and predictable resource usage. Currently, his interests revolve around the architecture of distributed systems. He lives in Wrocaw, Poland."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Interactive Dashboards with Amazon QuickSight" |
"As the largest cloud provider in the world, it's no surprise that Amazon Web Services is getting into the BI game with its new business analytics service: QuickSight. Whether you already store your data in the Amazon Cloud or elsewhere, QuickSight allows you to analyze your data to gain those critical business insights that inform better decision-making.Amazon QuickSight is a new, cloud-based business analytics service enabling users to visualize and extract business insight from their data. This course teaches you how to connect, prepare and analyze your data inside one of Amazon's newest services. In this course, you will cover an end to end architecture on AWS Big data ecosystem from importing data to S3 storage using Lambda, preparing data using Athena, connecting Athena and QuickSight SPICE and finally visualizing the data using QuickSight. The major topics that will be covered in this course include Big Data Analytics and AWS services, QuickSight account creation, connecting your data to QuickSight, data preparation using functions, QuickSight visualizations, dashboards, and stories.By the end of this course, you'll have mastered the skills required to build a data analytics solution in AWS using QuickSight along with other related services.About the AuthorRajesh Nadipalli is currently a Sr. Director at PPD Enterprise data group and is responsible for empowering data and analytics-driven insights for clinical research and life science use cases. He is leading the next generation cloud data lake with governance, Machine Learning, AI and advanced analytics. In his previous role, he was Director of Professional Services and Support at Zaloni; an award-winning provider of enterprise Data Lake management solutions that enables global clients to innovate and leverage big data for business impact. Raj led big data technical proof-of-concept, solution architecture and post-sales product support for clients that included AIG, NBCU, Verizon, Du, American Express, Netapp and Dell EMC.Throughout his 20+ years of IT experience, Raj has had a passion for data and held various roles as Big Data Architect, DBA, business intelligence architect, and ETL developer. He is also the author of Effective Business Intelligence with QuickSight and HDInsight Essentials. Raj is also a regular blogger and his articles are published in Zaloni blog, Youtube, Dataflow and DBZone. Raj holds an MBA from North Carolina State University and a BS in EE from the University of Mumbai."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Mentaltraining fr den mavollen Umgang mit deinem Krper" |
"Hallo, guten Tag.Ich bin Ursula Ide und mchte Ihnen kurz unser Projekt vorstellen.Seit mehreren Jahren bin ich wegen Depressionen in Behandlung und habe monatelange stationre Aufenthalte hinter mir. In einer schweren Krise habe ich Hypnosehrbcher fr mich entdeckt. Daraus entstanden ist die Idee, die Themen, die meine Leidensgenossen und mich krank gemacht haben, fr Hypnosen bzw. Meditationen aufzuarbeiten.Es sind keine Lifestyle-Produkte, es geht hier sehr ernsthaft um Themen der Persnlichkeitsentwicklung, auf die man lange, bevor sie krank machen knnten, positiven Einfluss nehmen kann.Es sind Themen, die jeden von uns in eine persnliche Krise fhren knnen, ohne dass sie zwangslufig krank machen.Und bitte... wenn Sie das Gefhl haben, Sie funktionieren nur noch, vielleicht auch schon diese schwarze Leere fhlen, gehen Sie unbedingt zum Arzt. Depressionen sind eine schwerwiegende Erkrankung! In diesem Mentaltraining geht es um den mavollen Umgang mit seinem Krper.Um den unterschiedlichen Hrgewohnheiten gerecht zu werden, stellen wir dir diese Aufnahmen mit einer Mnner- und einer Frauenstimme zur Verfgung. Auerdem stehen die Aufnahmen als Meditation und Hypnose zur Verfgung, je nachdem was dir mehr zusagt.Die Aufnahmen sind immer in der Langversion vorhanden. Die Schlafversionen sind dazu geeignet, sich diese kurz vor dem Schlafengehen anzuhren, da man hiernach einfach weiterschlafen kann."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"UpGrade to Ultimate Freedom With No Fear and No Stress" |
"Have you been thinking about quitting your job or career?What is STOPPING you from living the LIFE YOU LOVE?What is holding you back from your dream life?START waking up in a good mood TODAY!Well..once youve taken this course!If You feel stressed out, burned out and you WANT to change, but you feel STUCKStuck in a rut...Stuck because you feel this is what is expected from you, but you feel youre WASTING your life away.This course will help you create the steps into a life of fulfillment.You will learn to:How to DREAM BIG and get rid of the obstacles holding you backFeel and BE limitlessKnow how to handle the inner critic that holds them backMajor mindsets to finally change their livesThe types of FREEDOM and choose your FreedomAchieve more clarity about themselves and their life goalsHave much more self-awareness leading to self-confidenceLearn to implement the practical steps to create their fulfilled lifeOvercome the fear of the UNKNOWN and the fear of FAILUREknow how to use the best to create their new futureunderstand how making mistakes is so usefulUnderstand how to feel abundant instead of lackKnow who are the right people in their lives to hang withKnow exactly what motivates them and what direction to go in their livesGain Clarity on their path to a new meaningful lifeWake up in a good moodKnow ""You"" VALUES and how to use themClarify your vision for your ideal lifeUncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your resultsFeel inspired and ready to get this part of your life handledSTOP doing whats expected from you and live someone elses life. START upgrading your life and do what feels good to youWake up in a good mood from NOW on! (actually from the moment you completed the course)This course will help you to create results like:- Clarified your worth, allowing you to create new opportunities.- Connected dots between experiences with anxiety and passion resulting in options for meaningful work- Reframed limiting thoughts to move from a place of lack to a place of abundance- Decided to prioritize your dreams over your parents' disapproval- Cleared time for art and creativity outside of work and business- Overcame your perfectionism so you can actually move forward faster- Gained the confidence to get out there and widen your circle and network- Finally, take the steps to create a more meaningful lifeI can't wait to get started with you.Enrol Today!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"AWAKEN THROUGH BREATHA 14-day course offering daily breathing practices to help you awaken your full life potential, energise your being and bring more joy and passion into your life.Discover the huge impact proper breathing can have on your life. Awaken Your Breath, Awaken to Life. Reduce stress and anxiety and improve your health and mental clarity simply by awakening your breathing.Breathwork is essential for our physical and mental well-being and when it is done mindfully it can boost energy, transform your life and relieve physical and emotional pain. Nisarga===============1. Who is this course for?This course is for anyone wanting to improve their physical and mental well-being, to bring a shift to their professional and/or private life or simply to boost their energy and vitality.The breathing practices and techniques introduced in this course are simple and can help anyone reduce stress and anxiety, calm the mind and improve physical health.This course also offers a great range of tools and resources for professionals in the healing arts, such as bodyworkers, breathworkers, therapists, yoga practitioners/teachers who want to take their practice to the next level, improve vitality and deepen the connection to themselves and to those they serve. Regular breathing practice also helps to deepen and improve ones experience of presence and meditation.2. What will I learn?* You will be introduced to 14 different breathwork practices to help you awaken your full breathing potential, allowing you to relax and relieve stress, activate your bodys innate healing abilities and cultivate clarity of the mind.* Choose from a range of different breathing techniques to suit your individual needs at any given time and learn to apply them in your daily life to enhance or shift your energetic state as needed.* Awaken your full energetic potential and learn how to self-regulate energetically, e.g. boosting your energy for an important event or calming your energy to be in a meditative state.* Understand the connection between your breath, energy, body & mind, combining views from Western and Eastern healing traditions.* Discover the basic principles of breath that will help you maintain a healthy state and vitality throughout your life, while also relieving pain and tension from body and mind.This course will give you 14 simple yet profoundly efficient and effective breathwork practices to promote a range of mental and physical health benefits.You will learn how to:* Release pain and restore natural movement of the body* Reduce stress, anxiety, feelings of overwhelm and depression* Lower and stabilize blood pressure* Release deep tensions in muscle tissues and organs* Boost your energy levels* Calm the mind and enhance mental clarity* Understand and balance your moods, feelings and emotions3. RequirementsFor the sitting practices you will need a comfortable chair, a cushion or a straight-backed chair. There are no physical prerequisites and no previous breathwork/meditation experience is required to take this course. However, please do pay attention to the contraindications for each breathing technique to make sure it is right for you.4. Daily SessionsDay 1: Observing the BreathDay 2: Therapeutic BreathDay 3: Harmonising BreathDay 4: Grounding BreathDay 5: Heart BreathDay 6: Tantric BreathDay 7: Breathe & ShakeDay 8: Biodynamic BreathDay 9: Subtle Energy BreathDay 10: Pranayama BreathDay 11: Manifesting BreathDay 12: Myofascial Unwinding BreathDay 13: Diaphragmatic BreathDay 14: Chakra Breath5. AboutIn this course I am presenting the learnings and insights of my 20-year-long journey with breathwork and spirituality. During this time I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to study different breathing practices from the Zen, Yoga, Tao, Sufi, Buddhist, Tantra and Osho traditions, each one touching me deeply and awakening me to more fully embodying my truth and potential in life.This course contains a series of 14 instructional and informative videos introducing some of my favourite and most valued breathwork practices that will help you discover the power of proper breathing and to learn how to use it in your life to grow and transform. I owe so much in my life to these precious practices and my mission with this project is to share these gems with many more people so we can all experience the profound impacts of an awakened breath. Many of these practices are very simple yet they can have very powerful effects. They have survived over millennia and are now being re-discovered for their potential to help us navigate the challenges of modern life that we face as individuals and as mankind on this planet. I feel excited and honored to be a part of sharing these practices and I know that they will give each one of YOU exactly what you need.6. TestimonialsBrian Tracy - Enrepreneur, professional speaker, best-selling author & success expert Nisarga is one of the most talented and sensitive professionals in the world today. His healing hands and breathing techniques were a blessing to me. Jakub Bczek - business trainer, author, public speaker, mental trainer. ""I highly recommend a session with Nisarga. Something for the body and something for the spirit. The massage and breathing techniques with intention gives much better results, especially with somebody like Nisarga. Robert Zagodon - Visionary, inspirer, life coach, entrepreneur. Nisarga is a man of the new times: open and aware, as well as effective in action"". His holistic approach to life brings a lot of new and uncommon competencies and evokes trust. It translates into his work, which is the art of understanding and healing breathing and the body. Thanks to his energy and breathwork, Nisarga can help us connect to our source of power and awareness in the body and mind, stimulating the processes which purify and heal the body and the soul. This is a rare ability. It is possible thanks to his exceptional personality. Ananda Sarita - Writer, spiritual leader, tantra teacher. After a session with Nisarga my posture is better and my life long neck stiffness has relaxed. Like a marvelous sculptor, he has brought out the best in my physical body with his strong, sensitive hands and his breathing methods. Jan Mouton - Trauma TherapistBreathwork with Nisarga is the most effective trauma release approach I know about. It changes people lives and brings them closer to themselves. It has freed my capacity to love myself and the people around me again"".Agata Swornowska CEO Artemis Marketing Agency""Nisarga beautifully and passionately speaks about how to care for breath, how to draw from its strength, how to use it. What is more, he also shows how to do that. The breathing sessions with him are not only the joint hours and exercises, it is primarily the basis for further work on the way to transformation. Nisarga wonderfully shows how much change the focus on breath can bring to our lives. It is invaluable knowledge, just like the moments spent in common meditations were priceless""."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"College Loopholes" |
"Techniques Universities won't tell you: How to Graduate College Without Debt and Half the TimeDiscover what most colleges and universities don't know or won't tell you. In this eCourse you'll learn how you can go to college without obtaining debt and how to create a college plan to cut the time in half. The methods I share are tried and true.I'm going to teach you how to earn a college degree without ever getting a student loan. This is a completely overlooked strategy on how you can go to college and in half the time at a fraction of the cost, saving you thousands of dollars and years of your time. And you can learn this method in a few basic steps.Whether you have been out of school for years, worried about your children's college, how to afford college or ways to get accepted in low or no SAT/ACT scores.My goal is for you to learn these secrets for earning your college degree, half the time and with minimal funds with no student loans.Our Approach:My teaching method can be summed up in three bullets: How to design your degree plan how to earn and transfer credits to your school of choice How to avoid college feesI take a practical approach to college. These aren't tricks or gimmicks. They are steps based on years of experience and research on how everyday people can go to college and earn a degree.Although I have a lot of knowledge, I have a simple way of breaking these methods down. So I promise, the course will surprise and motivate you.I kept this course concise, compact and actionable because you're busy and you want change NOW! I got you.The Seven Steps for Creating Your College Plan and Finding their loopholes are:1. College Loopholes vs. Traditional Route2. Skipping SAT/ACT3. Degree Plan Overview4. Locating Colleges5. Transferring Crediting6. Ph.D. myths7. Cutting College Cost in Half ( or more)I mean, come on...with titles like that how could you not take this course?How This Course Will Change Your Life:You can begin earning college credits right away.You can actually earn a college degree in half the time and a fraction of the cost.You can choose an accredited college and avoid taking SAT/ACT.Let's Banish: Student Loans Taking Classes that You don't Need 4-6 years of college College Cost Not going to college because it's too expensiveWhat People Are Saying About Us:"" I had no idea that this method existed. Dr. Kinney, thank you!""-- Ashley Rogers""All I can say is, WHAT???? I wish I knew all of this sooner. However, my kids will definitely be going to college using these college loopholes. -- Lisa Smith"" She provided me with realistic strategies to obtain my college degree. I am impressed with the wisdom and knowledge Marita shares with her students. I have already began using her methods.""- Sarah LaceyWhat are the requirements?Be open to a new way to get the same result: A College Degree from an accredited CollegeWhat am I going to get from this course? Practical Methods to earn a college degree How to Save Time How to Save Money How to Create a Plan to Earn a College Degree How to Transfer Credits How to Skip SAT/ACT Admissions requires that are overlooked How to Know What Courses to Take Ways to Earn College Credit How to Begin How to Earn a FREE Ph.D What is the target audience? Entrepreneurs Everyday People Business Investors Homeowners Veterans YOU!InstructorMarita KinneyAuthor and PublisherMarita Kinney is a best-selling author with over 57 books published. As a published author, life coach, motivational speaker, and entrepreneur, Marita has inspired thousands of people to overcome adversity with triumph through faith and perseverance. Capturing the true essence of what it means to turn lemons into lemonade, she has taken the harsh lessons of life and developed a plan for successful living.What youll learnHow to Earn College Credits right awayLearn the college processWhere to go to earn credits even if you're not enrolled in a schoolHow High school students can earn college creditLearn methods to save moneyYou'll be able to cut college time and cost in halfAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?Students need to be teachable and willing to complete the recommended homework.Be willing to learn and execute the methods being taught. Who this course is for:Peope who are interested in earning a college degreeReal Estate investorsStay-at-home MomsTeenagesEntrepreneursVeteransBusiness OwnersEveryday PeoplePeople looking for extra income"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Google My Business: Optimize Your Google Maps Listing in2020" |
"Have you been wondering how to get your business on Google? Have you been using the power of Local SEO? Local SEO efforts can quickly rank your business high on Google search results. The most important place to get started is by adding and optimizing your information on Google My Business (Google Maps).Ill walk you through, step by step, how to set up, optimize and maximize your Google My Business page!Google considers many factors when ranking businesses in local search. This includes how well your business matches the search query, how close the user is to your business and something called prominence which is essentially how popular Google thinks your business is. So things like other people online mentioning or linking to you, leaving you reviews, asking your business questions, or engaging with you through messaging, is all going to count. We will cover some of these things in more depth through the course.If you want a course thats easy to follow, with strategies you can do yourself, this course was made just for you!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"- Google Adwords" |
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Meditazione e Mindfulness: Facile Corso Teorico-Pratico" |
"Il corso include tutti i fondamentali per iniziare da zero o mettere a fuoco i concetti importanti, oltre alle sessioni pratiche guidate per fare esperienza subito della meditazione e dei suoi benefici.L'approccio integra la visione occidentale e quella orientale sulla meditazione, per poter fornire benefici concreti su corpo, mente ed emozioni a prescindere dal credo religioso o dal desiderio di un percorso spirituale.Il corso prevede anche la possibilit di usufruire di una Sessione Individuale e Gratuita con l'insegnante (in audio e video).Marco Cattaneo GOTAM, da oltre quindici anni praticante e insegnante di Meditazione e Mindfulness, ti guida nel conoscere la teoria e LA PRATICA della meditazione, per essere pi sereno e in pace con te stesso e con la tua esistenza."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"End Of Decade Bundle (The All-In-One Digital Marketing)" |
"The all-in-one digital marketing bundle you need to build a strong personal brand and increase your brand presence. Create your story and share it with the world on social media with the help of micro-videos. This course is designed for Students, Entrepreneurs, Job Professionals and Digital Marketers to build their personal brands to get clients. Knowing Facebook Ads and Google Ads is not the reason why people get clients."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
akogi-tyukyu-repertory |
"TAKA:::Love Song::"
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
kuragi-tyukyu-repertory |
"UdemyTAKA:::Love Song::21854Jane Denny McDowell, 1829 - 1903love Song:SmileEternally1971NHK"
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Creative drawing painting and sculpture for complete artists" |
"Francisco Capelo is a portuguese visual artist since 1992 and art teacher in his Cascais art studio. His main focus is abstract expressionism, surrealism and modern/ contemporary art techniques. In this course you will learn all the aspects of being a visual artist: from art history to painting techniques, time balance and marketing options.These are invaluable insights based on more than 25 years of experience, that will help you achieve your own personal art style.. Course structure - This art course is divided into five parts:1. Become a visual artist. Mentors, communities, artist mentality. Artistic choices and personal style. Essential art movements and artworks. Out of the box ideas and Conceptual art. Marketing plan - online and offline. What is success for you?2. Modern art history:. Art history since pre historical times. Drawing, painting, sculpture. Abstract art. Cubism. Surrealism. Expressionism. Revolutionary artists3. Simple materials, great art:. Pencils, color pen, oil pastel, gouache, acrylics, mixed media, raw materials. Great painters that were not so good draftsmen4. Creative drawings:. Black and white - a radical visual design. Abstract Symbols. Human figures. Perspective lines. Pen or pencil?5. Illustration - handmade and digital. Selecting the right images. Working them on digital image software. Transparent paper and light table. Again digital software. Prepare to print: Word - PDF"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"RoboAuthor: Content Writing Automation 2020 - Part 3" |
"Ready to create ebooks in minutes?Welcome to this superb course that will walk you through the future of content creation and eBook generation. Taking a leap from RoboAuthor Part 2, this Part 3 course taught by Digital Marketing Legend Srinidhi Ranganathan will continue your adventure in content writing to unlock opportunities for ultra-fast eBook writing and creation with the power of Artificial Intelligence. We must know that artificial intelligence will create amazing content today. What does that mean to writers?Stop struggling to write and start creating. By the way, you can forget that something called the writer's block exists.If you think eBooks can be written with the power of Artificial Intelligence, then you might not be surprised to find out how many popular media organizations, including The New York Times, Associated Press, Bloomberg, Washington Post, and Yahoo Sports are already using AI to produce content. For example, the Press Association can now use AI to generate 30,000 local news stories a month. You may think these are formulaic ones who are sure to be some of them, what, where, and when stories and you are right. Yet now, beyond formulaic fiction, AI written material has extended to more creative writing projects such as poetry and novels. In this futuristic course RoboAuthor 3.0, we will look at AI tools that will help you generate unique ebooks in merely minutes on any topic of your choice. We will also look at creating a landing page in the fastest time possible for your ebook in order to generate leads. A proven system that will help you generate leads 24x7 even while you sleep will be taught. We will also go through a membership community portal which you can start off to re-create a website like Medium. This course is a fast-track course that is action-packed on Content Creation and Writing. Let Artificial Intelligence show you the path tonight in a new world ruled by technology and technology alone. A special note to learners.RoboAuthor part 1 course and part 2 course is mandatory to be opted for to join this course. First, enrol in part 1 and part 2 courses of RoboAuthor and then join part 3 to avoid any kind of confusion and to stay in the loop of the technology trends in content creation. Part 3 course RoboAuthor is a direct sequel to part 2 and part 1 course.Several artificial intelligence tools are taught in the course. Some tools may be free and some may be paid. You can leverage any tool here to suit the standard requirement that you may have.Enrol now and let's starting booming the writing magic with this part 3 RoboAuthor Artificial Intelligence course."
Price: 1920.00 ![]() |
"Mastering Microsoft Teams 2020 - Teams Productivity at Work" |
"Learn everything you need to know on Microsoft Teams and becomes productive in your organisation - Learn all the new featuresMicrosoft Teams is a collaboration app that helps team or your team stay together & by doing so having a common conversations within that group of team in an organisation.For having said that, the most important usefulness of Microsoft Teams is the ability for a team or team members Share files , join meetings , make calls including video calls , chat and even make it more interesting share screens during a meeting , show power point slides and move around during the meeting.The usefulness of Microsoft Teams is enamours as you do not have to be in a particular place, regions to communicate or conduct meetings.Teams have made it possible to communicate easily especially on this modern days cloud based business.You do not need to rely on outlook which is basically your email hub, calendar & tasks as an olden days of communication etc."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SAP PI Completo en Espaol" |
" El curso contiene un contenido completo que abarca todos los temas mas importantes de SAP PI 7.5, esta diseado muy detalladamente y estructurado para que de manera fcil puedas aprender los conocimientos necesarios para trabajar con el y poder implementarlo conociendo lo que se esta haciendo. De la mano del instructor Freddy Valderrama te guiara en los videos paso a paso para que aprendas que es SAP PI, los componentes, el SLD, ESR, ID, como crear las conexiones necesarias y como crear interfaces desde cero. Este curso esta creado tomando la experiencia de mas de 13 aos en diferentes implementaciones de SAP que ha realizado el instructor a lo largo de los aos y documentacin de SAP. El curso esta enfocado en aprender de una manera facil SAP PI 7.5."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Deep Learning de A Z com PyTorch e Python" |
"A rea de Deep Learning (Aprendizagem Profunda) est relacionada a aplicao das redes neurais artificiais na resoluo de problemas complexos e que requerem artifcios computacionais avanados. Existem diversas aplicaes prticas que j foram construdas utilizando essas tcnicas, tais como: carros autnomos, descoberta de novos medicamentos, cura e diagnstico antecipado de doenas, gerao automtica de notcias, reconhecimento facial, recomendao de produtos, previso dos valores de aes na bolsa de valores e at mesmo a gerao automtica de roteiros de filmes! Nesses exemplos, a tcnica base utilizada so as redes neurais artificiais, que procuram ""imitar"" como o crebro humano funciona e so consideradas hoje em dia como as mais avanadas no cenrio de Machine Learning (Aprendizagem de Mquina).A rea de Deep Learning atualmente um dos campos de trabalho mais relevantes da Inteligncia Artificial, sendo que o mercado de trabalho dessa rea nos Estados Unidos e em vrios pases da Europa est em grande ascenso; e a previso que no Brasil cada vez mais esse tipo de profissional seja requisitado! Inclusive alguns estudos apontam que o conhecimento dessa rea ser em breve um pr-requisito para os profissionais de Tecnologia da Informao!E para levar voc at essa rea, neste curso voc ter uma viso terica e principalmente prtica sobre as principais e mais modernas tcnicas de Deep Learning utilizando a biblioteca PyTorch o Python! Este curso apresenta desde os conceitos mais bsicos sobre as redes neurais at tcnicas mais modernas e avanadas, de modo que ao final voc ter todas as ferramentas necessrias para construir solues complexas e que podem ser aplicadas em problemas do dia-a-dia das empresas! Para isso, o contedo est dividido em sete partes: redes neurais artificiais, redes neurais convolucionais, autoencoders, redes adversariais generativas (GANs), redes neurais recorrentes, transferncia de aprendizagem (transfer learning) e transferncia de estilos (style transfer). Voc aprender a teoria bsica sobre cada um desses assuntos, bem como implementar exemplos prticos passo a passo aplicado em cenrios reais. Veja abaixo alguns dos projetos que sero desenvolvidos:Classificao se um cncer maligno ou benigno baseado nos dados do tumorClassificao de tipos de plantasPreviso do preo de veculos usados baseado nas caractersticas do carroPreviso de quanto um jogo de vdeo game venderClassificao de imagens de dgitos escritos a moClassificao de imagens de gatos e cachorrosClassificao das imagens do Homer e Bart, do desenho dos SimpsonsClassificao de objetos, como por exemplo: avies, automveis, pssaros, gatos, veados, cachorros, sapos, cavalos, barcos e caminhesConstruo de srie temporal para previso dos preos das aes da PetrobrsPreviso da poluio na China em determinadas horas do diaCompactao (reduo de dimensionalidade) de imagensCriao automtica de imagens com GANsClassificao de objetos personalizadosCombinao de estilos de imagens: um quadro da Tarlisa de Amaral com uma foto do Mister Bean!Ao final de cada seo prtica, voc encontra projetos de programao para fortalecer o contedo sobre as implementaes, todos com as solues para voc comparar com o seu progresso! Este curso indicado para todos os nveis, ou seja, caso seja seu primeiro contato com Deep Learning, voc conta com um apndice que contm aulas bsicas sobre aprendizagem de mquina e redes neurais!Preparado(a) para dar um importante passo na sua carreira? Aguardo voc no curso! :)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Python" |
"Python is developed under an OSI-approved open source license, making it freely usable and distributable, even for commercial use. Python is a general-purpose programming language. Created nearly 30 years ago, it is now one of the most popular languages out there to use. Its popularity is particularly important in the data science and machine learning fields. But it is also a language that is easy to learn, and thats why it has become the language most taught in universities.Python interpreters are available for the main operating systems as well (Linux, Mac OS, Windows, Android, iOS, BSD, etc.) so its very flexible in where it is used. Python has a simple syntax that makes it suitable for learning to program as a first language. The learning curve is smoother than other languages such as Java, which quickly requires learning about Object Oriented Programming or C/C++ that require understanding pointers. Still, it's possible to learn about OOP or functional programming in Python when the time comes.Where is Python Used?Web Development, using the frameworks Django, Flask, PylonsData Science and Visualization using Numpy, Pandas, and MatplotlibMachine learning with Tensorflow and Scikit-learnDesktop applications with PyQt, Gtk, wxWidgets and many moreMobile applications using Kivy or BeeWareEducation: Python is a great language to learn to program!How much can you make?The average salary for a Python Developer is $117,155 per year in the United States. You can just search for Python jobs and see the ranges from $20/hr to over $40/hrThis course will teach you and show you the basics of Python programming. We will go over concepts like loops, variables, operators, syntax and coding practices. With each module, we will build upon your knowledge from the previous module. This reinforces all the concepts along the way and at the end of some modules, you will work on exercises to prove to yourself you can do this. After taking this course you will be ready to move on to a move advanced course allowing you to build on the foundation this course provides. You will be making more sophisticated and more robust programs in no time using your new skills."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |