Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"6 Challenges of Today's Voice Assistants Like Alexa" |
"Voice assistants such as Amazon's Alexa and Google Home are increasingly common in today's homes. This is not a surprise as they are pretty affordable (especially at holiday sales season) and offer a lot of value to the users: They are entertaining, it is nice to freely ask for the time, the weather or for a calculator, they can be used to control the temperature, the light or the vacuum cleaning bot in smart home environments, and they offer a comfortable way to listen to the radio or personal playlists at home.On the other side of those positive aspects you find critical discussions often referred to privacy concerns or data abuse due to unauthorised Amazon orders.In this course, we want to open that topic of things to cope with in the future to increase user value and user satisfaction of future voice assistants and to address valid concerns. The goal of this course is to convey awareness for the relevant topics in that field based on the commonly used design principle of user-centred design/user-driven development. For instance, the universe of assistive technology for impaired people offers a tremendous potential for voice assistants but current systems are not yet appropriate to use in that area. This is subject to current research and the scientific community just got aware of that potential. This is a niche that makes it absolutely crucial to cope with the challenges presented in this course. But of course, other areas in life are affected by this as well, as voice assistants become more and more ubiquitous (think of In-Car voice services).I would welcome you to that discussion by enrolling to this course today."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Data Lakes: Big Data com Arquitetura Lambda" |
"Com a exploso da produo de dados, fenmeno conhecido como Big Data, as arquiteturas e padres tradicionais de armazenamento e processamento de dados no davam mais conta. Surgiram novos paradigmas, novas ferramentas e novas arquiteturas.Neste curso, que combina teoria e prtica, voc aprender:Como est estruturado um armazm de dados para grandes volumes de dados: Data LakeO que mudou nos modelos e ferramentas nesta nova eraO que a Arquitetura LambdaComo construir uma arquitetura Lambda usando o Ecossistema HadoopO curso ainda inclui script, dados e slides das aulas em formato pdf."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Google Microsoft ExcelExcel Excel Google Google ExcelExcel ExcelG SuiteGoogleGoogle Google ExcelGoogle Google Google Google Google YouTube2YouTubeYouTubeGoogle Google YouTube()11 Google Excel"
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"BodyDetox Masterclass: A Complete Guide to BodyDetox" |
"This online detoxification course will teach you how to detox efficiently and professionally and even lose weight, whatever your age, weight or sex.This detox course is designed to teach you the ins and outs of detoxification, even if you have little to no experience with it and to restart your system so that you stand out from the crowd.Master Detox Techniques to reset your system!While there are plenty of detox courses that focus on specific diets or how to lose weight, it's hard to find a comprehensive course like this one, which is for beginner to advanced detoxers.This course is designed for all kinds of people who want to improve their health and also lose weight - especially great for anyone looking to gain a toolbox for life.What will you learn:Understand why and how to detox Master the ancient form of detoxing and understand your bodyKnow what products to use on any budgetFollow our video demonstration on a real enema process Become an expert and start your own business helping others What results you can expect:Rid of parasites Cure allergiesImprove your sleepLose weightHeal from various illnessesStop snoringImprove memoryImprove bowel movements Improve concentrationClearer thinkingImprove memoryImprove general wellbeingWho are the Instructors?Joel Summerfield & Haim Gilor - both professionals making a living from their healing skills, together created this amazing new course, based on the method by Haim Gilor. *Our happiness guarantee*We have a 30-day 100% money back guarantee, so if you aren't happy with your purchase, we will refund your course - no questions asked!We can't wait to see you in the course!Enroll now, and we'll help you feel better than ever before!Joel & Haim"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
marketing-statistics-excel |
"100ABP1. (1) (2) 2. (1)R2(2)(3)(4)(1)(2)(3)(4)(1)(2)(3)(4)(1) (2)3. (1)(2)(3)P(1)P(2)P(3)P(4)"
Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
"*NEW* AWS Certified Developer Associate Practice Exams 2020" |
"Welcome! - Want to pass the *NEW* AWS Certified Developer Associate Practice Exams ? Look no further. I'm here to help you prepare and PASS the newest AWS Certified Developer Associate Exam.I am 3x AWS CertifiedI scored 953/100 on this exam.Validate your technical skills and expertise with an industry-recognized credential and grow your career. The AWS Certified Developer - Associate examination is intended for individuals who perform a development role and have one or more years of hands-on experience developing and maintaining an AWS-based application.Exam DetailsFormatMultiple choice, multiple answerTime130 mins to complete the examType4 Practice tests with over 250 questions (65 questions in each test)According to salaries reported by LinkedIn members who work at Amazon Web Services (AWS) in United States: ""The average salary for the role of AWS Certified Developer Associate at Amazon Web Services (AWS) in United States is $128,000. This salary is based on 122 salaries submitted by LinkedIn members with the title AWS Certified Developer Associate at Amazon Web Services (AWS) in United States"" See what our students say It is such a comprehensive course with several tests that I dont need to take any other course but this one to learn all important questions, and I would without a doubt recommend it to everyone. - Maria JulesThis is such an awesome exam course. Clear instruction, and I loved every bit of it Wonderful learning experience! Jen Smith.Note: For the actual exam, you would have to register yourself at AWS authorized testing center and pay the test fees separately. Currently, it is 150 USD.Join thousands of other students and share valuable experience!Enroll now in *NEW* AWS Certified Developer Associate Practice Exams today and revolutionize your learning. Stay at the cutting edge of certification and AWS cloud platform - and enjoy bigger, brighter opportunities.See you in class!Myra GulTeam ClayDesk"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Gana dinero desde tu casa con Amazon" |
"Gana dinero con amazon Desde casa o con tu mvil y sin perder tiempo.Quieres ganar dinero por Internet pero no sabes como?Con este sencillo curso podrs ganar dinero de parte de una de las empresas mas grandes del mundo, y Sabes que es lo mejor? Sin moverte de tu casa o usando tu telfono mvil, mientras disfrutas de hacer lo que realmente te gusta o disfrutas de los tuyos."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Anlatml Muhasebe Kaytlar - Ay ii, Ay sonu ve Kapan" |
"Her yaptm kurs bir ncekine gre daha baarl oluyor. Ben beendim. Muhasebeyi bilinli icra eden iyi muhasebecilere katks olacana inandm sfrdan oluturulmu yepyeni bir kaynaktr. Kk hatalar varsa affola. nemli olan size vermeyi planladm byk resim bilincini ve genel mant zmsemenizdir. Umarm bazlarnz iin bir dnm noktasna vesile olabilmiimdir. Baarlar."
Price: 209.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Public Administration" |
"An interesting course for students and working professionals who wanted to know what is public administration and know the difference between public and private administration. After reading this course one can get a good insight of What is Public Administration, Nature of Public Administration, Various Approaches to Public Administration, Gulicks POSDCORB, Types of Budgets in Public Administration etc.The main highlight of this course is the introduction part which speaks about public administration when kings ruled in the olden days. Good opportunity for the readers to learn about Gulicks POSDCORB which is explained with the help of a Real Life Example. Various interesting facts regarding the types of budgets are also included in this course. The content used in explaining in detail about Approaches to Public administration is highly commendable.Multiple Choice Questions and Glossary section at the end of the course keeps the reader engaging."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Telesales Skills" |
"Very useful for sales representatives/marketing representatives and those in telesales department. After reading this course, the reader can easily understand Techniques for Effective Telesales, What Not to Do for TeleSales Success, Dos and Donts for Telesales Communication, Steps for Building Rapport in Telesales, Tips for Effective Telesales Calls etc.The course begins with a scenario which explains about how a telesales person can convert leads into business and how marketing can be successfully done through telesales. There is one Real Life Example in this course which explains about the importance of telesales executive in an organization. Nick, a telesales executive is the hero of this Real Life Example. This scenario explains in detail about how Nick reads the profile of the companys existing loyal customers and convinces the customer to upgrade to a new product. Much emphasis is laid on the Dos and Donts for Telesales communication in this course.Want to become Nick of your organization, then enrol into this course and grab the opportunity."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Passives Einkommen mit Wohnwagen - Vermietung leicht gemacht" |
"Wie kann man sich ein passives Einkommen mit seinem eigenen Fahrzeug (Van, Wohnmobil, Wohnwagen) aufbauen?Wie funktioniert der Ablauf und wie kann man sein Fahrzeug ohne groen Aufwand vermieten?In diesem Videokurs zeige ich dir:welche Plattform fr die Vermietung von Wohnwgen am besten geeignet ist.welche Funktionen und Mglichkeiten dir die Plattform bietet.wie du noch heute dein Wohnwagen zur Vermietung verffentlichst.Dieser Videokurs eignet sich fr alle,die sich einen Nebenverdienst mit dem Wohnwagen aufbauen mchten.die ihren Wohnwagen nicht ganzjhrig selber benutzen.die die Kosten der Fahrzeughaltung durch Vermietung decken mchten.Wir werden uns somit Schritt fr Schritt ansehen, wie du noch heute damit beginnen kannst, die ersten Mietanfragen fr deinen Wohnwagen zu erhalten.Dabei hast du die freie Entscheidungsmglichkeit:wie viel du fr die Vermietung verlangst.wie viele Tage du wen du vermietest.wann du vermietest.Worauf wartest du? Schreibe dich noch heute in diesen Kurs ein und starte damit, dir ein passives Einkommen mit deinem Wohnwagen aufzubauen,wir sehen uns bei der ersten Lektion,Leon Dawi"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"The Power of manifestation Life Design Course pt. 3" |
"This course is only for those that have finished the cleansing of mind and heart sessions and mind training in the 'Life Design Course' Part 1 & 2In this part of the manifestation course you will use the mind and heart to connect with the most powerful tool you have as a human being; the power to create.It is important to have finished Life Design Course part 1 & 2 before doing this part, because you have created an understanding of this practice, cleared and opened heart and mind and prepared yourself with learning the breathing and meditation techniques to manifest on a higher level."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Le CSS de A Z" |
"Bienvenue dans ce cours ddi l'apprentissage du CSS de A Z.On va dcouvrir ensemble ce langage, avec des fichiers que j'ai prpar spcialement pour que tu puisses coder en mme temps que la vido et ainsi mieux intgrer les diffrentes leons.Le cours est galement parsem de projets pratiques pour utiliser directement ce qu'on vient d'apprendre.Voici les diffrentes parties de cette formation complte :Les bases (Couleur, taille, marge, modle de bote).Thorie (Cascade, responsive, performances)Dcouverte des proprits importantesAnimation et transitionFaire du responsive en CSSNotions avancesFlexboxCSS GridLe prprocesseur sassEt on terminera le cours en construisant un site de A Z.Beau programme n'est ce pas ?On se donne rendez-vous de l'autre ct pour ces 7h de cours !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Fundraising Metrics" |
"This course is designed to look at the metrics that we use in fundraising and the fundamental principles behind them.This course has three main goals:1) Get you familiar with different types of metrics that will be useful when measuring your fundraising2) Provide you with fundamentals behind these metrics, so you understand what it is that they are actually telling you3) Give you opportunity to apply your learning through quick assignments using Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets, and quizzes along the way to make sure you understand the metricsYou are going to learn the fundamentals behind the calculations that are common in the sector, but also tackle some important calculations that you may not be as familiar with. You will be able to understand why multiple retention rates are better than a single rate, the difference between cost-to-raise-a-dollar and return-on-investment (and how to move from one to the other), and evaluating whether donors will bring in more than you spend acquiring them.By the end of the course, the goal is for you to be able to use all of these metrics to analyse campaigns. Which campaign did better in terms of acquiring donors, retaining donors, converting to monthly, etc. Did one campaign do better with revenue or better with retention, or both?While math will be used in the course, you dont have to be good at math for the course. There will be some minor calculations you are asked to do, but you will be able to use Excel, Google Sheets, or other tools to do it for you."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Checkmk Notifications - Benachrichtigungen im Detail" |
"Dieser Kurs vermittelt die Details de Checkmk Notification System, inklusive der Rule Based Notifications (RBN) und einen Einstieg in die Erstellung eigener Plugins, um beliebige Systeme oder APIs zu benachrichtigen. Mit dem Wissen aus diesem Kurs, lernst du das Benachrichtungssystem an deine Anforderungen anzupassen und unntige Mails zu verhindern. Als ehemaliges Mitglied im Checkmk Team, und aus der Erfahrung in zahlreichen Einstzen schpft auch dieser Kurs wieder."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Microservicios con PHP" |
"En este curso aprenderemos desde cero como crear y gestionar Microservicios hechos en PHP, las diferentes herramientas y estrategias para dominar esta metodologa de desarrollo de la mano de uno de los lenguajes mas extendidos.Partimos desde simples scripts en PHP y vamos recreando todos los pasos de manera sencilla e intuitiva hasta desplegarlos en entornos de produccin. "
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Professional Android Developer - I" |
"Welcome To The Professional Android Developer - IIn this course you will learn how to build a complete android application as well as a complete RESTful API with Laravel. We will start with a basic of Kotlin and to OOP then we will build a complete RESTful API with Laravel and finally we will build our complete Todo Task management android app.Through this course journey you will learn about Kotlin, Coroutines, Room , Retrofit, Laravel ,RESTful API , MVVM, OOP, Unit Testing , CI/DC and many more to become a Professional Android Developer and to find your dream job as Android Developer."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Opening the Sale" |
"We will break down the sales process focusing on the most critical step, opening the sale. By the end of this course you will be able to effectively open the sale regardless of the specific context, by applying a clear easy to follow method using simple but effective tools. We will start from the first step which is welcoming your prospect, then we will learn how to transition to business and then build a discovery funnel through open-ended questions that will allow us to identify the best solution for our prospect."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Coding Games in Python" |
"Learn how to code Arcade games in Python! We will use the Python Arcade Library to code games. Arcade is a very easy to use library. It is more intuitive, requires less boiler-plate code and more Pythonic than Pygame. The library has many contributors on Github and is actively maintained with almost daily updates.Learn to code the following games:1) Tank Attacks: A top-down tank shooting game.2) Brick Breaker: Classic brick breaker game. 3) Platformer Game: A Mario-like side-scrolling platformer game(side scrolling, with climbing ladders and moving platforms). This game is written from scratch; we implement all of the platformer collisions and resolution without using any physics library. 4) Tetris.And more to come soon! We will learn the fundamentals of writing arcade games including:1) Drawing basic shapes2) Basic Animation3) Keyboard and Mouse inputs4) Working with Images and Sprites5) Animating Characters/Sprites6) Basic Collision Detection7) Resolving Wall Collisions for Top-Down Games8) Shoot Bullets, Aim and Shoot at Angle.9) Scrolling 10) Simulating Explosions11) Adding Sounds 12) Using Tiled Map Editor to Create Game Maps/Worlds13) Implementing from scratch Ball-Brick Collisions for Brick-Breaker Game14) Write a Platformer Game like Super Mario from Scratch(side scrolling, with climbing ladders and moving platforms)15) Learn how to write Tetris from scratch!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Everything in the world undergoes change. The change may be physical or chemical. A change is said to be physical when it does not involve change in chemical composition of the substance. But when the chemical composition of a substance is changed, the substance is said to undergo a chemical change or it is said that a chemical reaction takes place. Thus during a chemical reaction, the chemical composition of the substance is changed and new substances having new properties are formed. Thus a chemical reaction may be defined as the process in which original substances disappear and new substances are formed. In fact, during a chemical reaction, old bonds are broken and new bonds are formed. In other words, atoms are rearranged to form new substances."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
osloop-studio-change-your-thoughts-change-your-life |
": : : , 1009 : ... ... ... : : :"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Angular 9 RxJS Ktphanesi Gerek Dnya rnekleri" |
"n BilgiRxJS ktphanesi projelerinizde youn olarak kullandmz asynchronous,event ve call back yaplarn kolay bir ekilde ynetebilmeyi salayan bir ktphanedir.RxJS ile daha modler, daha performansl yazlabilir.-----------------Bu kursumda Angular projelerimizde built-in olarak gelen RxJS ktphanesini tm zellikleriyle inceliyor olacaz. Daha sonra RxJS ktphanesini etki bir ekilde kullanarak gerek hayat uygulamalar ina edeceiz. Bu Kurs aadaki konular iermektedir.Creation Operators nelerdir ? (of,interval,timer,range,from,defer,ajax,create,fromEvent) Filtering Operators nelerdir ? (pipe,first,find,filter,last,single,distinct,debounceTime,skip,skipUntil,skipWhile,take,takeLast,takeWhile...) Transformation Operators nelerdir ? (map,mapTo,mergeMap,switchMap,concatMap)Combination Operatos nelerdir ? (merge,mergeAll,startWith,forkJoin,startWith,withLatestFrom,concat)Utility Operatos nelerdir ? (tap,delay,delayWhen,finalize,repeat,timeOut,retry,) ErrorHandling Operators nelerdir ? (retry,retryWhile,catchError)Subjects nelerdir ? (Subject,AsyncSubject,BehaviorSubject,ReplaySubject)Gerek Hayat rnekleri"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"IELTS Masterclass: Achieve 7+ in Writing Task 1 (Academic)" |
"Interpreting the information given in a line or two with just a diagram or a process in IELTS Writing Task 1 of Academic is merely overwhelming. I totally understand. So, I have brought you the course that will help you not only quickly identify the words that can help you with hints to properly plan the report but also let you structure the body paragraphs of IELTS Writing Task 1.Dont worry if you have no idea what IELTS Writing Task 1 of Academic is all about. I am here for your assistance. This course takes you from the basics of IELTS to everything you should know about while attempting Task 1 of IELTS Writing.The course, IELTS Masterclass: IELTS Writing Task 1 (Academic), is divided into 3 broad sections.The first section takes you through the insights of the course, how it is structured, what you will need during the course, how IELTS is conducted and what is it, etc.The second section has the core and the most comprehensive lectures for IELTS Writing Task 1. These lectures will help you to:Identify the 6 different question types of IELTS Writing Task 1 (Academic)Know and comprehend the fundamentals of each question typeBrainstorm the points to be used in the report in the proper directionKnow how to divide the paragraphs with the pointsCompare or identify similarities and differences in the given topicUnderstand which types of sentences comprise of the introductionRecognize the exact words that will be put at the start of each paragraphEnlist the words to compare and order the similarities and differencesThe third section is a short bunch of lectures that will help you with more strategies to work upon while attempting IELTS Writing Task 1.Once you finish working with the course, you will be able to:Differentiate between the different question types of IELTS Writing Task 1 of AcademicExtract the main idea from the questionHighlight the core levels of the diagram/plan/process/graphStructurally plan the pointsDivide the paragraphs logicallyPick the correct set of sentences to go in the introductionUse the right words for each sentenceUtilize the template provided for comfortable arrangement of pointsArrange, compare and mete out the points identified in question and diagram/plan/process/graphThats not all. With this, there are many small but essential and critical points such as managing time, comprehending faster, chalking out the points easily, etc. is profoundly explained during the course. I would request you to make use of the downloadable resources given. They will help you immensely in applying your learning.See you on the course! Good luck!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Java Web Development For Php and Node js Developers" |
"in the course we will learn java from very basics to advanced level ,the structure of the course:1-the basics in java (variables ,conditions ,loops ,input and output ,functions)2-Object oriented programming in java 3-Mysql and SQL queries (Mysql Basics ,SELECT , INSERT, UPDATE ,DELETE)4-java database connectivity 5-java server page basics6-java server page advanced 6-cityToVisit Project"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to RedBubble" |
"Hello hello hello, And Thank You for enrolling in my course!My name is Lauren Kinghorn and I'm known as the Visionary Digital Entrepreneur. This year my focus is on building passive income streams and I'd love to help you do the same.I've started with RedBubble and so I can show you how to set up your own How to RedBubbleIn this course, I'll take you through How to RedBubble, step-by-step as I'm building a brand new RedBubble Store.Who is this Course for?This course is most suited to artists, bloggers or digital entrepreneurs rather than graphic designers, as I'm using Canva to create my designs rather than Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator or Gimp. Of course, if you're already a graphic designer, you probably won't need any help creating your designs so you can simply skip those lectures.This course is also for anyone who would like to start generating passive income.What You'll LearnYou'll learn how to...Choose a nicheResearch designs in your nicheCreate your first design on CanvaUpload your first design to RedBubbleEdit your settings on RedBubble so that the design is sized correctly and printed on the right place on each itemIncrease your margins so you can earn more commission (see video 14)Enable clothing for babies and kids (see video 20)Set up Google Analytics for your RedBubble storeAnd... how to Avoid a Rookie MistakeI made a big mistake when I started out on RedBubble that cost me a lot of time - I created and uploaded 15 designs and then had to change the settings on each RedBubble item, one-by-one, afterwards.That's why in video 19, you'll learn how to copy existing settings on RedBubble when you upload a new design so you don't make the same mistake I did. If there's anything I left out of this course, please let me know and I'll add a lecture or two to this course or create a new course for you.Happy RedBubbling.To Your Success!Lauren"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"LX0-101 CompTIA Linux Certification Part 1 Practice Exam" |
"84 UNIQUE practice questions for LX0-101 CompTIA Linux Certification Part 1 Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : LX0-101 CompTIA Linux Certification Part 1 Practice ExamTotal Questions : 84Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :60 minsPassing Score : 75 (63 of 84)"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"HP0-096 HP-UX Advanced System Administration Practice Exam" |
"112 UNIQUE practice questions for HP0-096 HP-UX Advanced System Administration Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : HP0-096 HP-UX Advanced System Administration Practice ExamTotal Questions : 112Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :70 minsPassing Score : 75 (84 of 112)"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Presentaciones para Cerebros Visuales en PowerPoint" |
"La mayora de la poblacin es visual y es por esto que debemos aprender a crear presentaciones para cerebros visuales! Los estudiantes visuales constituyen la mayora de los estudiantes as que vale la pena aprender a cmo crear presentaciones para llamar la atencin de estos cerebros visuales. Es un conocimiento que lo valoraras por el resto de tu vida! Tranquilo yo tambin hice presentaciones blancas, con letras negras tremendamente aburridas y sin estilo. Pero me vi interesada en cambiar para mejorar por m y por mis estudiantes y creme vali la pena. Ahora quiero compartir este conocimiento contigo en este curso, en donde aprenders a mejorar la calidad visual de tus presentaciones en Powerpoint! Este curso est destinado a todos los educadores, docentes, profesores, maestros, instructores, entrenadores y cualquier persona que aspire a compartir o ensear algo de manera presencial o en lnea.En este curso aprenders aspectos simples pero realmente efectivos del diseo, para crear presentaciones atractivas, bonitas y efectivas. Este curso definitivamente mejorara radicalmente tus presentaciones, pues al finalizar tendrs la confianza y el conocimiento de base para elaborar tus presentaciones en PowerPoint.Este curso se basa en explicarte a travs de clases tericas y clases prcticas conceptos sencillos del diseo que tienen una aplicacin inmediata a tus propias composiciones.Aprenders a no tenerle miedo al color, a cmo combinar el color correctamente, aprenders a como combinar diferentes tipos de fuentes para que transmitan el mensaje correcto a tu audiencia, as como a mejorar el diseo y la composicin en general de tus diapositivas.Adems aprenders a darle un toque chic a tus diseos con el uso de transparencias y aprenders a elaborar tus propias figuras o iconos en PowerPoint.Espero que te guste el curso y que te sea de provecho para toda tu vida!Nota: Recuerda que puedes ver las clases gratuitas para decidir si este curso es lo que ests buscando y si te registras y no te gusta el curso puedes pedir el rembolso de tu dinero."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions & Answers" |
"Here we have compiled a list of Artificial Intelligence interview questions to help you clear your AI interview. We have included AI programming languages and applications, Turing test, expert system, details of various search algorithms, game theory, fuzzy logic, inductive, deductive, and abductive Machine Learning, ML algorithm techniques, Nave Bayes, Perceptron, KNN, LSTM, autoencoder, and much more related topics in this blog."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Terraform with AWS - Zero to Hero (Updated June 2020)" |
"Terraform is one of the most popular infrastructure as code tools available in the market. It supports multiple providers like AWS, Azure, GCP, Alibaba to mention a few. This makes it one of the very important tools to have hands-on for DevOps, Developer, Test Engineers to master Terraform and AWS when you are working on projects with cloud solutions.In this course, you master the key AWS services like VPC, EC2, Subnets, Internet Gateway, Route Tables, Cloudwatch, ECS and ECRWith Terraform you can manage all popular resources in AWS. Terraform Development Community is huge which makes it easier and faster to bring new features. You will also learn how to use serverless services like ECS - fargate, Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB, S3 bucket, etc. I have put great effort in clearing the fundamentals and going step by step so that the concepts are simple to you.You will get excellent support if you are stuck with any issuesFew of the reviews from my students for this course *****Content was great. Great course for beginners. I would suggest someone with no knowledge at all should choose this course.I have basic understanding of Terraform prior, Your videos are really helping me out for touching some new topics.Great course. I did the exercises right along with him. A great way to learn from my own and his mistakes.Overall very overwhelmed content and neat Explanation!Thank you so much for great start on terraform as IaaC. I like Robin's way to teaching.I think it's good course for beginner level.This guy is hero of the Month.I think this is one of the best online course for learning Terraform on AWS. It starts with basic commands and goes in advance concepts. I have learned very much from this course and I feel that I like Terraform very much. The only drawback is the lecturer's sound is a bit weak and I believe it will be improved on the next course series. Except, this drawback the content of the course and the way of teaching is outstanding. Great work thanks.This is one of the best course on Terraform ... that covers everything from basic to advanced.. I enjoyed my journey ... I will be happy if you can cover a course on ansibleExcellent labs. Very well done.I like the detailed explanation on vpc , subnets, serverless lambdas. And the many real architecture and projects are worth it thanksThe course really from basic to Advanced/expert level and Presenting real time scenarios/Projects which includes deep dive Terraform code and automate the aws infrastructure using Terraform modules His way of communication can understand anybody and over the course explanation is very good and he is responding immediately for any queries that you postI will highly recommend this course. This course is according to industry needs. And all the major terraform concepts are shared. I tried other terraform course but this course is definitely the best because concepts are explained in great detail. I was able to do my office work using this course. PS : If possible please add a terraform 0.12 cheat sheet.Good course for AWS automation. Learned a lot on how to automate deployment instances on cloud infrastructure. I suggest those who wanted to learn automation with cloud infra.Really the Best course for beginners, Now i got confidence to deploy terraform in small environmentsCourse Updates: All source code updated with terraform 0.12.25Added extra bonus lectures for ECS , ECR , Fargate"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AR Game From Scratch using Arcore & Vuforia in Unity C#" |
"This Course will change your Mind about mobile games Development Time,Please Focus on the analyse before starting the development , so important to minimize the variables to guess ,so the code will be little but effective.Game rules:-an explosion will happen every 3 seconds witch will make the sphere jump up and the cubes line destruct.-the player should make the cubes line longer, so the number of cubes will be his score.-if the any cubes is above the sphere , the player loose.-if the sphere will have a huge force , the player loose.arcore vuforia unity - Subscribe Introduction to ARCore Augmented Faces, AndroidHow to install vuforia in unity 2019Augmented reality (AR) overlays digital content and information onto the physical world as if they're actually there with you, in your own spaceOne technology that's truly shaking up the landscape is augmented reality (AR), which superimposes an image onto a user's view of the real world and enhances it with sound, touch, and even smell ar tutorial easy unity ar tutorial for beginners unity ar foundation tutorial unity 2019 target#Computer vision#Augmented Startups#install vuforia#install vuforia sdk unity#install vuforia in unity 2019#4k#how to install vuforia in unity#yt:cc=on Augmented reality for beginners tutorial in unity How To Augmented Reality Video Playback Unity 20172018 & Vuforia arcore vuforia unity, ARKit Tutorial, ARCore Tutorial, Vuforia Tutorial, Unity Tutorial, Filip Baba, How to make an AR Experience, Software, augmented reality glasses, android arcore, ar unity, ar unity tutorial, arcore vuforia unity, how to install vuforia in unity, install vuforia in unity 2019, introduction to arcore augmented faces, augmented reality, Augmented Reality, unity ar tutorial for beginners, how to arcore unity, install vuforia sdk unity, augmented reality for beginners, how to augmented reality, unity make a game, unity ar foundation tutorial, unity 2019 ar foundation, unity make a game, unity arcore vs vuforia, ar unity tutorial android, arcore vs vuforia unity, using arcore with vuforia unity, Art&Design Purdue University, augmented reality tutorial, unity ar tutorial, unity augmented reality, unity 2019.1 game, How to make an AR Experience, arcore tutorial, make a game without coding, augmented reality tutorial for beginners, install vuforia 8 in unity, unity vuforia, arcore augmented faces, hello world arcore, unity and arcore, arcore android tutorial, how to arcore, unity ar, unity arcore, unity3d and vuforia, vuforia object recognition, vuforia image target, vuforia unity tutorial, unity ar game, unity cross platform, unity arcore, unity game dev, unity mobile game, unity ar foundation, unity 2019 ar, unity 2019 arfoundation, ar core unity, arcore course, google arcore, augmented reality unity, vuforia tutorial, vuforia android, vuforia studio, vuforia 8, Unity Vuforia, Unity 2020, unity mobile, unity 2019, unity tutorial, Vuforia unity, ar unity, vuforia and unity3d, How to, Game Engine, ARCore Setup, Google ARCore, Unity ARCore, unit AR, Unity AR Tutorial, Unity Technologies, Game Development"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |