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"Effective and Powerful English with Confidence" |
"This course is designed to help you write, speak, listen and read English with Confidence. Knowledge equals confidence. The course makes extensive use of graphics to illustrate the concepts covered in each lesson and to develop vocabulary in English without the need of long explanations. This is an applied course. You will be asked to write in a notebook. At the end of the course you will have a portfolio including your projects on each subject. You can use this course to write assignments, projects for work, text messages, write an essay or a story, or any other context in which you would like to write better and with more confidence. Welcome!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"(2020) - HTML, CSS, JavaScript" |
"- HTML CSS, ? -? , IT. HTML, CSS, JavaScript , . - , , , JavaScript . js- , . IT . ."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Wie du jede Lge erkennst - Menschen lesen und durchschauen" |
"Im ehrlichen Umfeld lebt es sich viel angenehmerPartner, Partnerin, Kollegen, Vorgesetzte, Kinder...Bei all diesen und noch viel mehr Menschen sind wir darauf angewiesen, dass wir uns auf ihre Worte verlassen knnen. Und jetzt mal ganz ehrlich, das Leben ist auch viel entspannter, wenn wir wissen, dass die eigene Partnerin keine Lgnerin ist, wenn wir wissen, dass der Chef nicht unehrlich ist und dass wir keine Angst haben mssen, dass uns die Kinder anlgen.Dabei hilft die Fhigkeit, Lgen zu erkennen ungemein, denn je besser wir darin sind, Tuschungen zu erkennen, desto seltener wird das in unserem Umfeld auch passieren. Verschaffe dir also den Ruf von jemandem, bei dem es keinen Spa macht, zu flunkern.Lerne erprobte TechnikenMit Techniken, die nicht nur das FBI, sondern auch die Geheimpolizei in den verschiedenen Lndern verwendet wirst du wie ein menschlicher Lgendetektor eine Tuschung durchschauen. Denn so gut wir uns auch im Griff haben, emotionale Reaktionen knnen nie ganz unterdrckt werden.Doch nicht nur das Erkennen einer Lge ber die Krpersprache ist Inhalt des Kurses. Denn ganz ehrlich, was nutzt es einen Lgner zu entlarven, wenn es dann zur Leugnung, zum Streit oder zum Konflikt kommt?Wenn du einen unehrlichen Mensch einmal im Verdacht hast, macht es nmlich keinen Sinn, zu unterstellen, dass du angelogen wurdest.Deswegen lernst du hier, wie du mit den richtigen Mentaltechniken und erprobten Wegen aus der Psychologie dafr sorgst, dass alle Lgen gestanden und zugegeben werden. Ja, richtig gelesen, unser Ziel ist nicht, dass du dem anderen sagst, dass hier etwas nicht stimmt. Das Ziel ist es, dass alle Karten auf dem Tisch landen. Rhetorik, schwarze Rhetorik, Krpersprache und MentaltechnikenWir werden uns dabei aus verschiedenen Disziplinen Techniken anschauen. Du wirst auch lernen, wie du schwarze Rhetorik erkennst, aber auch wie du diese mchtigen Techniken anwendest, um Gestndnisse zu provozieren. Denn es ist mglich ber nonverbale Kommunikation, aber auch mit Redetechnik Menschen dazu zu bringen, mehr auszuplaudern, als sie es wollen.Achtung:Gerade die Techniken aus der schwarzen Rhetorik sollten mit Vorsicht angewandt werden. Du solltest selbst entscheiden, wie weit du gehen mchtest, um der Wahrheit auf die Schliche zu kommen und gegen wen du welche Technik anwenden mchtest. Manipulation von Mitmenschen sollte, wenn berhaupt, immer verantwortungsvoll geschehen, auch wenn du ein gut gemeintes Ziel hast. Musikquellen:IntroMint Condition by Alexander NakaradaMusic promoted by .free-stock-musicAttribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Complete Python 3 development masterclass 2020" |
"Python is the best language to learn when you are beginning with software developmentThere are loads of Python resources online to choose from, but this is the only course that takes you from a complete beginner in software development, teaches you the fundamentals, advanced topics, and makes you an expert in this field.In addition, you have loads of practice exercises and challenges to work on. I didn't just add a bunch of exercises at the end. Instead, each concept is put in code and practiced so that we make sure you apply and learn everything through action.You get over 24 hours of on-demand videos, exercises and most importantly projects to apply the knowledge we talk about.I've spent years building software in Python, and years again teaching people how to build code for themselves.This is the most complete course I've ever done, and it's all to help you on your journey to become an expert developer.We will cover basic topics such aslanguage fundamentalscollectionsflow controlloopshandling errors and exceptionsfunctionshigher order functionsrecursiongeneratorsmodulesworking with filesAs well as advanced topics such asObject Oriented ProgrammingPrinciples of developmentPropertiesDecoratorsLibraries such asrequests for network communicationssqlite3 for SQLtkinter for GUI applicationsBeautifulSoup for HTML scrapingAnd we will be working on projects such ashangmantic tac toeGUI clickerstore managerweather appweb scrapingYou only need to take ONE COURSE to master Python, it's this one."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Highway Engineering MCQ Practice Questions (Civil Eng)" |
"Highway engineering is an engineering discipline branching from civil engineering that involves planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of roads, bridges and tunnels to ensure safe and effective transportation of people and goods. Highway engineering became prominent towards the latter half of the 20th Century after World War II. Standards of highway engineering are continuously being improved. Highway engineers must take into account future traffic flows, design of highway intersections/interchanges, geometric alignment and design, highway pavement materials and design, structural design of pavement thickness, and pavement maintenanceThese questions will give you basic idea for Examination Preparation and/or interview on Highway Engineering Practice questions for Civil Engineering.Please Note: These questions are only for practice and understanding level of knowledge only. It is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and/or interview questionsIn this practice test, because of large amount of questions (around 305 questions) some of questions may have repeatedI had to put as 70% pass rate because there may also be wrong answers from my side."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Airport Engineering MCQ Practice Questions (Civil Eng)" |
"Airport engineeringAirport engineering is a terminal facility used for aircraft takeoff and landing, and including facilities for handling passengers and cargo and for servicing aircraft. Facilities at airports are generally described as either airside, which commences at the secured boundary between terminal and apron and extends to the runway and to facilities beyond, such as navigational or remote air-traffic-control emplacements; or landside, which includes the terminal, cargo-processing, and land-vehicle approach facilitiesAirport design provides for convenient passenger access, efficient aircraft operations, and conveyance of cargo and support materials. Airports provide facilities for changing transportation modes, such as people transferring from cars and buses to aircraft, cargo transferring from shipping containers to trucks, or regional aircraft supplying passengers and cargo for intercontinental aircraft. In the United States, engineers utilize standards from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), aircraft performance characteristics, cost benefit analysis, and established building codes to prepare detailed layouts of the essential airport elements: airport site boundaries, runway layout, terminal-building configuration, support-building locations, roadway and rail access, and supporting utility layouts. Airport engineers constantly evaluate new mechanical and computer technologies that might increase throughput of baggage, cargo, and passengers.SI UnitsThe International System of Units is the modern form of the metric system and is the most widely used system of measurement, based on the International System of Quantities. It comprises a coherent system of units of measurement built on seven base units, which are the second, metre, kilogram, ampere, kelvin, mole, candela, and a set of twenty prefixes to the unit names and unit symbols that may be used when specifying multiples and fractions of the units. The system also specifies names for 22 derived units, such as lumen and watt, for other common physical quantities.These questions will give you basic idea for Examination Preparation and/or interview on Airport Engineering Practice questions for Civil Engineering.Please Note: These questions are only for practice and understanding level of knowledge only. It is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and/or interview questionsIn this practice test, because of large amount of questions (around 100 questions) some of questions may have repeatedI had to put as 70% pass rate because there may also be wrong answers from my side."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Portrait Retouching Using Adobe Photoshop" |
"Have you always wanted to learn how to retouch skin in your portraits to make them look like those professional portraits you often see in magazines?Then you've come to the right place.This course will teach you how to use the power of Adobe Photoshop to retouch skin in your portraits and take your portrait photography to the next level.Whether you're a beginner or you've already been into editing, you'll derive massive value from this course because this course only focuses on one thing - taking your portraits to the next level.Here are some of the things you'll be learning in this course:Color CorrectionExposure correctionSkin Clean upBlemish RemovalStray Hair and Wrinkle RemovalFrequency SeparationDodge and BurnUsing the Liquify toolRetouching EyesSharpeningColor Gradingand so much moreWe'll be starting off by learning how to colour correct our photos so that we have a good base to work with.From there on, we'll be moving on to doing skin clean up where we'll be learning about things like blemish removal, stray hair removal, wrinkles removal, etc.Once that is done, we'll be set to perform one of the most game changing steps - Frequency Separation.You'll not only be learning how to do frequency separation, but also understanding the concept behind this popular technique.Frequency separation will teach you how to make the skin of your subject appear really smooth, yet very realistic as the texture will be preserved on a separate layer.From there one, there's another huge step we'll be performing - Dodge and Burn.This can be a challenging step for beginners since most people don't know which tools to use. In our course, we'll be covering Dodge and Burn in detail. We'll first be understanding the concept behind this technique and then we'll be seeing how to perform this entire step in the easiest, fastest and non-destructive way.Dodge and Burn will add a crazy amount of dimension to our portraits, giving them that professional look we all crave for.Once Dodge and Burn is done, it'll be time to move on to retouching the eyes. Initially we'll be doing some basic retouching to the eyes just to make them look really appealing but towards the end of this course, we'll also be learning how to change the hue and color of the eyes in a subtle and realistic manner.Once that's done, we'll be learning how to sharpen the important features in our portrait to make them stand out even more. Sharpening can often lead to a deterioration in image quality but in this course you'll be learning how to perform this step without affecting the image quality.In this course we'll also be learning how to use the Liquify tool to change the body shape and facial features. We'll also be learning how to do color grading as the final step to get the best out of our portraits.There are different kind of portraits (studio and outdoor, zoomed in and zoomed out) that you'll be working with so you get an idea on how to perform all these techniques on any kind of portrait, not just a studio portrait as it's so often done in other courses.Of course, you'll be getting access to all the shots used in this course so you can work along with me on the same image. This will make your learning very practical.There are also a lot of small additional things that you will be learning along the way, like knowing the difference between using a mouse and a Wacom tablet, knowing important functions and shortcuts in Photoshop to make your work flow easier, important tricks and tips, etc.And everything is shown in such a way that you understand the entire workflow in a very easy manner so when you finally start to work on your own portraits after this course, you'll know exactly what steps to take and in what order. Emphasis is placed on keeping the entire retouching workflow efficient, flexible and non destructive, so you can go back to any step and reduce its effect to make the retouch as realistic or as over-the-top as you wish.I've created this course after years of research and practice. My main aim is to teach you high end and professional retouching in a way that is easy to understand and execute.I hope to see you inside the course :)"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Adobe XD ANIMAES TOP - UI UX Design Profissional" |
"OPORTUNIDADE DE LANAMENTO:ESTE CURSO SER VENDIDO NESTA PLATAFORMA POR R$150,00 E NO IR ADERIR AS PROMOES REGULARES DA PLATAFORMA. ENTO APROVEITE ESTE PREO PROMOCIONAL E BONS ESTUDOS!!!Quer conseguir as melhores oportunidades de trabalho para UI e UX design, mesmo que voc tenha pouca experincia profissional? Voc sabia que nesse momento, h uma onda de contratao no mercado de UI/UX design?Voc sabia que hoje em dia, esse segmento o que mais contrata e com melhores salrios?Est buscando entrar nessa rea ou migrar de rea e aproveitar essas oportunidades?Quer desenvolver ou melhorar suas habilidades em design de interface para app design?Saiba que isso totalmente possvel, mas para ter chances reais, voc precisa se destacar de alguma forma, caso contrrio, correr o risco de ficar de fora.Ento conhea o Curso de Adobe XD Avanado, totalmente focado em transies e animaes. Esse curso ir ensina-lo um conjunto de tcnicas que podero coloca-lo num seleto grupo de profissionais de UI / UX DESIGN que conseguiram se destacar no mercado por fazer projetos diferenciados. Para isso basta voc aplicar as tcnicas que ensinarei nesse curso, ento voc ser capaz de fazer coisas que as pessoas ficaro encantadas, conseguindo assim se diferenciar e abrir as portas do mercado para voc.Ento aproveite essa chance, se inscreva e se dedique aos estudos, porque seu novo emprego est esperando voc.Diferencial do curso:1 - Ensinar os segredos do programa de forma prtica e acessvel, permitindo que qualquer pessoa com conhecimentos bsicos do programa seja capaz de aprender e aplicar esses conhecimentos em seus prprios projetos.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -2 - Oportunidade para destacar seus projetos de UI / UX Design de uma forma diferenciada.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -4 - Aprendizado de ponta para turbinar seu arsenal de ideias e criaes no Adobe XD.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -5 - Tornar acessvel um conhecimento de ponta para o usurio iniciante / intermedirio em Adobe XD.Tpicos e tecnologias relacionadas ao curso:Adobe XD, User interface, designer de interao, desenvolvimento de aplicativos, User Experience design UX, User interface Design UI, Mobille App design, App design, User interface, interface de usurio, designer de interface, designer de interao, flutter, css, grid, como criar um aplicativo, como fazer um aplicativo, design de aplicativo, Zabbix, CISCO CCNA, como criar um app para android, como criar um app para iphone, design thinking, design e inovao, invision, figma, criatividade, processo criativo, design grfico, mobile development, desenvolvimento, programao, lgica de programao, design interativo, interatividade, design responsivo, design thinking, aplicativo de interao, Python, adobe xd, Azure, hacking, certificao em aws, linux, como criar um aplicativo, manuteno de celular, fabrica de aplicativos, aplicativos interessantes, apps interessantes, criar aplicativos, desenvolvimento de aplicativos android, desenvolvimento de aplicativos ios, o que interface, algortimos, sql, mysql, php, java script, bootstrap, jquery, desenvolvedor de aplicativos, fabrica de app, app design, desenvolvimento de software, desenvolvimento de jogos, desenvolvimento de aplicaes interativas, curso de design, ux, design digital, design de interface, user experience, como criar um aplicativo, criar app android, criar app iphone, ui design, ux design, como desenvolver um aplicativo, como fazer um aplicativo, aplicativo android, criao de app, Adobe xd download, java, dashboard, game design, desenvolvimento android, desenvolvimento web, desenvolvimento ios, swift, amazon aws, wordpress, shell script, webdesign, design de aplicativos, como desenvolver um app, VMWARE, Bigdata, estrutura de dados, Agile, Kamban, Protheus, REST API, ASP.NET, CentOS, Formao ERP SAP Expert, Gitlab, Github, Arduino, Foundation, Engenheiro de dados, Graylog, Curso ISO, Powershell, debian server, manuteno de celulares, Microservios, NODEJS, NODE.JS, node, js, node.js, Golang, ruby on rails, ruby, hyper-v, sysadmin, joomla, wordpress, drupal, divi, elementor, segurana da informao, big data, hardware, manuteno, celular, mobile, Business Inteligence BI, Realidade aumentada, UDK4, Unreal Engine, Dlib, Asterisk, Inventor, Rhinoceros, Samba, pagode, Shell script, htmls5, css3, java, backup, google drive, dropbox, appsheet, appian, verivo, zoho creator, app pie, kotlin, apple xcode, sdk, android sdk, ios sdk, svg, xamarin, c#, cordova, phonegap, ionic, angular js, react, react native, pwa, power web aplication, app watch, appcelerator, mobincube, longrange, qt, alpha anywhere, sencha, kendoui, mobile angular ui, native script, onsen ui, firebase, swiftic, vuforia, easy ar, easyar, tenserflow, tenser flow, ibm watson, unity, braintree, card io, urban airship, pusher, corona, jQuery Mobile, React Native, Xamarin, Flutter, Mobile Angular UI, jQuery Mobile, React.JS, facebook, instagram, sociela media, redes sociais, objective c, xcode, eclipse, monaca, ionic, zepplin, zeplin, intel xdk, framework, C++, Telerik, appclues, xamarin, design de interao, software engineering, engenharia de software, arquitetor de solues, design de interao, app design, design de interface para sistemas de computador, windows, mac os, android, ioc, mobile phone, mobile app, game design, desenvolvimento de jogos, udk, ux design curso sites responsivos."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"SAP S/4 HANA Procurement Report for Confirmation" |
"As a document that shows the intent of a buyer to buy a certain quantity of products at a certain price from a specific vendor, a purchase order is an external document sent to a vendor as a written confirmation of what a buyer need to acquire. Depending on the legal jurisdiction involved, the purchase order can be considered to be a legally binding document. As such, a customer can request a vendor upon reception of the purchase order to communicate its intent in accepting or declining to provide the needed goods or services."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Divi create and edit Wordpress website without coding" |
"DiviDivi is a powerful visual editor for Wordpress. It allows you to create and modify web pages without coding. It allows you to create a Wordpress website from scratch, and to personalize pages of an existing Wordpress site. Divi is both a page builder and a theme.The page builder allows you to edit any page from a Wordpress theme. It is thus possible to create original pages, with a freedom that you will not have just by using Wordpress. Everything is done by click and drop, which means that you do not need to know how to code, you edit your pages easily as in Wordpress but using the power of Divi to create your pages.The Divi theme allows you to create a website from scratch. You have total freedom. It is possible to use the theme builder to create a header, main sections and a footer, and to choose which pages to apply them. By taking the Divi license, you will have access to all of these features.Why use Divi- You can customize your pages on your Wordpress site- You can use the power of the Divi theme- You can create a website without codingTraining videoIn this training I will show you how to use Divi. You will see how to install Divi, both the theme and the page builder. You will then see how to use the different modules, which will allow you to build pages, both for a Wordpress theme and for a Divi theme. You will see the theme builder to create a Wordpress site from scratch. Finally I will show you an example of a simple website using the Divi theme."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
SaaS |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Process Mapping for RPA analysts - design the right solution" |
"Process Mapping or Business Process Mapping as it is often called is a way of communicating how a task is accomplished.Just imagine, if someone had to write down how the process for taking a customer order for example, how difficult that would be. How many paragraphs of text would that take? They say a picture tells a thousand words. A process map is a picture that tells a thousand words in a very clear and concise way. We discover more about what process maps are in later modules.Benefits:Management ControlCustomer Service and QualityEfficiency and Cost EffectivenessBe compliant and meet legal requirementsUse for better training and on-boarding staffAlso:Quality and Business Improvement Measures using: Lean Six Sigma Business Process Improvement Continuous Improvement or Kaizen Business Process Re-engineering Process mapping is also a part of the IT Business Analyst toolkit."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Get Started to Teach ESL Online to Chinese Students" |
"---- March 20, 2020 UPDATE ----I added two resource links on Section 2: Lecture 3 ""Delivering Interactive and Engaging Online Classes"".This two resource links introduce the ZOOM Breakout Rooms tool which is very useful in creating exciting group activities online.ABOUT BREAKOUT ROOM1. It allows you to group your big class into smaller groups so these groups can work together on a project-based task.2. This is very helpful if you want to create a very interactive and exciting group activity session.3. You can have your students do group presentation and share it in the larger group if possible towards the end of your online class.---------------------E-learning in China is growing. The demand for convenient and cost-efficient methods of studying has led to further development of online learning tools here in China. ESL (English as Second Language) is one of the most commonly sought subjects being studied online. The need for online teachers here is getting higher.This course will give you the overview on how to get started teaching ESL online. If you're planning on teaching online or you're an offline teacher considering the move to online teaching, then this course will give you the idea on how you can begin your career in online ESL teaching.I do my best here to answer some of the questions asked by teachers when they decide to teach online. These are:1. What online tools can I use to teach online?2. How can I make my classes engaging?3. What activities can make my students interact with each other online?4. What kind of PowerPoint presentation do I need to use?5. How can I make a good PowerPoint presentation to teach ESL online?Find out the answers here and welcome to the exciting world of online ESL teaching.Later, I will upload and share a downloadable PowerPoint containing some slide activities which can be helpful in designing your online PowerPoint classes.About me:I'm Roland Adriano, I've been teaching ESL online for over 10 years. I'm also a curriculum developer for some of the educational institutions here in China. I create online courses using PowerPoint and believe me, it's really challenging! I'm a TESOL certified teacher and have undergone trainings on teaching and design learning for online classes. I'm very glad to share my experience and knowledge to help those who are interested in this career.Welcome to my class and hope you get all what you need to get started in teaching ESL online to Chinese students.-----COURSE SYLLABUS -----Part 1: Introduction of online tools for teaching1 - Course introduction and overview of online teaching and learning landscape in China2 - Using Zoom for teaching online3 - Using Zoom tools to make your online classes interactive and engaging4 - Managing your Zoom class5 - Introduction of Chinese online tools (Zhumu and CCtalk)Part 2: Overview of Design Principles for Creating Online PowerPoint Classes1 - Design Principles used for designing PowerPoint classes2 - Application of these design principles and PPT design samples NOTE: In this section, we will cover the basics to give you an idea how to start designing your own PowerPoint classes for teaching online. We will not go into details on how to do it. I show my PowerPoint classes I designed in the PPT Design Sample video along with some notes how and why I design it like that.)If you're working for a training centre or an educational institution, most likely, they have their prescribed courses or curriculum for you to follow or use. Part 2 will give you the logic behind the design of the PPT courses you currently teach and help you improve the way you teach online"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Big Data Analytics with PySpark + Power BI + MongoDB" |
"Welcome to the Big Data Analytics with PySpark + Power BI + MongoDB course. In this course we will be creating a big data analytics pipeline, using big data technologies like PySpark, MLlib, Power BI and MongoDB.We will be working with earthquake data, that we will transform into summary tables. We will then use these tables to train predictive models and predict future earthquakes. We will then analyze the data by building reports and dashboards in Power BI Desktop.Power BI Desktop is a powerful data visualization tool that lets you build advanced queries, models and reports. With Power BI Desktop, you can connect to multiple data sources and combine them into a data model. This data model lets you build visuals, and dashboards that you can share as reports with other people in your organization.MongoDB is a document-oriented NoSQL database, used for high volume data storage. It stores data in JSON like format called documents, and does not use row/column tables. The document model maps to the objects in your application code, making the data easy to work with.You will learn how to create data processing pipelines using PySparkYou will learn machine learning with geospatial data using the Spark MLlib libraryYou will learn data analysis using PySpark, MongoDB and Power BIYou will learn how to manipulate, clean and transform data using PySpark dataframesYou will learn how to create Geo Maps using ArcMaps for Power BIYou will also learn how to create dashboards in Power BI"
Price: 600.00 ![]() |
"30min./day system. Learn 1000+ Most Useful English Phrases!" |
"Do you want to say more than Hi and How are you?And would you like to sound like a native English speaker now (instead of waiting until you reach the advanced level)?Youre in the right place!This course teaches you more than 1000 Basic English Phrases Youll Use Over and Over in everyday English!Improve your vocabulary, speaking and listening skills.If you simply want to take your English to the next level, this course can help you achieve your goal of improving.Let's begin!"
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"Erfolgreich verkaufen mit Facebook Ads // Corona-Preis" |
"Aufgrund der aktuellen Krise bin ich auf den billigst-mglichen Preis von 19,99 gegangen, damit mglichst viele Leute die Chance haben, sich fortzubilden.Frher war Facebook ganz einfach: Die Fans kamen von alleine und die Posts gingen viral, ohne dass man einen Finger krmmen musste. Heute sieht es anders aus, ohne Facebook Ads, Facebooks Form der Anzeigen, geht gar nichts mehr. In diesem Kurs lernt ihr deshalb nicht nur, wie wir uns die Reichweite von Facebook mit einer guten Werbe-Strategie zurckholen, sondern auch, dass Facebook Ads uns einen Vorteil gegenber der Konkurrenz im Rennen um die Kunden verschaffen. WIR BENUTZEN DIE SEIT 09/2019 GLTIGE FACEBOOK ADS OBERFLCHE!Warum ihr diesen Facebook-Ads-Kurs unbedingt buchen solltet:Alle Unterrichtsmaterialien zum DownloadPraxisorientierung mit Beispielen aus dem AgenturalltagBasis ist die neue Facebook-Ads-OberflcheLeicht verstndlich aufgrund jahrelanger Webinar- und Seminar-ErfahrungDirekter Rckkanal: ihr knnt mich mit euren Fragen anschreiben, ich antworte direkt.Was ihr im Facebook-Ads-Kurs lernen werdet:Warum brauchen wir Facebook Ads?Wie knnt ihr mit Facebook Ads Kunden gewinnen?Wie sehen die verschiedenen Facebook Ads aus und wie erstellt ihr sie?Was ist der Business Manager und wie hilft er euch bei der Ad-Erstellung?Was sind Zielgruppen und wie knnt ihr sie fr mehr Werbeerfolg nutzen?Ihr seid jetzt am Kurs interessiert? Dann schaut euch doch noch die Vorschau-Lektionen an!Ich wnsche euch viel Erfolg beim Facebook Ads-Lernen,Euer Dietmar"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Reiki Xamnico Inca" |
"Este um curso pratico de cura xamnica.Ensinamos as bases da energia reiki, assim como ensinamos a maneira de ativar a energia.Ja tendo a energia desenvolvida, vamos ter uma imerso sobre a espiritualidade dos indios peruanos incas e vamos acrescentar o uso do smbolo tpico da Chakana Inca na nossa terapia.Tambm estudamos os conceitos da cura xamnica e aprenderemos a fazer uso dos 4 elementos da natureza para o objetivo da cura."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Hello! My name is Sayuri. I'm a professional English teacher for ESL kids & adults.In this course, you will learn 'How to read and write in English' using funny gestures for each phonics sound.This is the easiest & simplest way of learning English Phonics rules!You will have fun during my lessons!Come & Join us today!Gesture Phonics has 5 levels.Level 1&2: 1 letter phonics (25 phonics rules)Level 3: 2 or more letters phonics (21 phonics rules)Level 4: Alternative phonics (21 phonics rules)Level 5: Sight Words ( You will learn most important sight words for daily conversation with PHONICS STORIES in the course.)This course is 'Level 1'. It contains [s][i][t][p][a][n][m][d][g][o][c][k][e][u][r] : 15 phonics rules + 10 phonics stories + 10 Reading practice lessonsGESTURE PHONICS51&2345PHONICS STORY1 [s][i][t][p][a][n][m][d][g][o][c][k][e][u][r] GESTURE PHONICSs / i / t / p / a / n1.'s soundFinger WritingPhonics Gesture QuizReadingBlendingWritingDictationRreeadingPhonics QuizYESNOYES/NOStoryHow to ReadStorySight words Sight wordsSight wordsStory Reading PracticeRepeatingShadowing"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Hello! My name is Sayuri. I'm a professional English teacher for ESL kids & adults.In this course, you will learn 'How to read and write in English' using funny gestures for each phonics sound.This is the easiest & simplest way of learning English Phonics rules!You will have fun during my lessons!Come & Join us today!Gesture Phonics has levels.Level 1&2: 1 letter phonics (25 phonics rules)Level 3: 2 or more letters phonics (21 phonics rules)Level 4: Alternative phonics (21 phonics rules)Level 5: Sight Words ( You will learn most important sight words for daily conversation with PHONICS STORIES in the course.)This course is 'Level 2'. It contains [h][b][f][l][j][v][w][x][y][z] : 10 phonics rules + 10 phonics stories + 10 Reading practice lessonsGESTURE PHONICSPHONICS STORY [h][b][f][l][j][v][w][x][y][z] GESTURE PHONICSs / i / t / p / a / n1.'s soundFinger WritingPhonics Gesture QuizReadingBlendingWritingDictationRreeadingPhonics QuizYESNOYES/NOStoryHow to ReadStorySight words Sight wordsSight wordsStory Reading PracticeRepeatingShadowing"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Hello! My name is Sayuri. I'm a professional English teacher for ESL kids & adults.In this course, you will learn 'How to read and write in English' using funny gestures for each phonics sound.This is the easiest & simplest way of learning English Phonics rules!You will have fun during my lessons!Come & Join us today!Gesture Phonics has 5 levels.Level 1&2: 1 letter phonics (25 phonics rules)Level 3: 2 or more letters phonics (21 phonics rules)Level 4: Alternative phonics (21 phonics rules)Level 5: Sight Words ( You will learn most important sight words for daily conversation with PHONICS STORIES in the course.)This course is 'Level 3'. It contains [qu][ch][sh][th:three][th:that][ng][ai][ee][igh][oa][oo:kangaroo][oo:cook][ar][or][ur][ow][oi][ear][air][er][ure] :21 phonics rules + 8 phonics stories + 8 Reading practice lessonsGESTURE PHONICSPHONICS STORY [qu][ch][sh][th:three][th:that][ng][ai][ee][igh][oa][oo:kangaroo][oo:cook][ar][or][ur][ow][oi][ear][air][er][ure]GESTURE PHONICSs / i / t / p / a / n1.'s soundFinger WritingPhonics Gesture QuizReadingBlendingWritingDictationRreeadingPhonics QuizYESNOYES/NOStoryHow to ReadStorySight words Sight wordsSight wordsStory Reading PracticeRepeatingShadowing"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Hello! My name is Sayuri. I'm a professional English teacher for ESL kids & adults.In this course, you will learn 'How to read and write in English' using funny gestures for each phonics sound.This is the easiest & simplest way of learning English Phonics rules!You will have fun during my lessons!Come & Join us today!Gesture Phonics has 5 levels.Level 1&2: 1 letter phonics (25 phonics rules)Level 3: 2 or more letters phonics (21 phonics rules)Level 4: Alternative phonics (21 phonics rules)Level 5: Sight Words ( You will learn most important sight words for daily conversation with PHONICS STORIES in the course.)This course is 'Level 4'. It contains [ph][wh][wr][le][s][ea][ay][a_e][y][ie][i_e][ow][o_e][ew][u_e][aw][ou][y][c][ir][g] : 21 phonics rules.GESTURE PHONICSPHONICS STORY [ph][wh][wr][le][s][ea][ay][a_e][y][ie][i_e][ow][o_e][ew][u_e][aw][ou][y][c][ir][g]GESTURE PHONICSs / i / t / p / a / n1.'s soundFinger WritingPhonics Gesture QuizReadingBlendingWritingDictationRreeadingPhonics QuizYESNOYES/NOStoryHow to ReadStorySight words Sight wordsSight wordsStory Reading PracticeRepeatingShadowing"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Industrial Metallurgy" |
"The natural substances found inside the earth which contain metals in their combined states mixed with gangue are termed minerals. All minerals are not suitable for the extraction of metals. A mineral from which the metal can be extracted easily and economically is called an ore Thus. an ores are minerals, but all minerals are not ores. The scientific and technological process used for isolation of a metal from itsore is called metallurgy."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"A wide variety of material consists essentially of elements and compounds having different characteristics exist around us. Some of them are sour, some are bitter, while some are salty in taste.For Example Sour and bitter tastes of food are due to acids and bases, respectively, present in them.Acids react with bases to produce salt whose properties are different from acid and base."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Morganti Ju-Jitsu yellow belt digital manual" |
"Digital manual for Morganti Ju-Jitsu yellow belt students, this guide contains all the technical and theoretical content necessary for the gradings:- History of Morganti Ju-Jitsu- Pronunciation of the techniques- Kihon (Punches, Kicks and Defenses), Ne Waza (Ground Fight), Nage Waza (Throws) and Kata- PDF Book- Theoretical Test* All the techniques are commented on by Shidoshi and recorded in different angles"
Price: 300.00 ![]() |
"Mastering thick client application penetration testing" |
"This course introduces students to the penetration testing concepts associated with Thick Client Applications. This is an entry level to intermediate level course and we encourage you to take this course if you are interested to learn Thick Client Application Security. This course uses a modified version of vulnerable Thick Client Application called DVTA to demonstrate how thick client application vulnerabilities can be identified and exploited. This course teaches you a variety of Thick Client Application security concepts such as Information Gathering, Traffic Analysis, Reversing & Patching .NET binaries, Insecure Data Storage, Decrypting encrypted secrets, Privilege Escalation etc. This course acts as a great introduction to spotting and exploiting vulnerabilities in windows executables. Though the course focuses on windows executable files specifically C# .NET binaries, the concepts remain the same for executables of any platform."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
guzhengtqq |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Three.js and TypeScript" |
"Welcome to my course on Three.js and Typescript. In this course we will learn all about Three.js, write it in TypeScript, and also write a HTML client and server component using NodeJS.The course is in 4 main sections,1. Setting up the development environment and installing TypeScript2. An quick introduction course to TypeScript suitable for Beginners3. Creating the three.js master project template with the client HTML and the NodeJS server4. The main threejs course content with demonstrations and code examples.If you have experience with TypeScript, then you can skip part 2.At the beginning of part 4, I also provide a pre created copy of the project template that was created in part 3. So you can also bypass section 3 in case you want to get straight into the details of Threejs. Since this course is written in TypeScript, section 2 and 3 contain very useful information that will help you to understand the additional TypeScript syntax and concepts I use throughout this course.All code is provided in the accompanying documentation so that you can easily copy and paste, in case you don't want to pause the video and copy from the screen.TypeScript introduces type safety in our code which makes it much more robust and gives the IDE extra tools such as intellisence that we can use to help us find and understand the available Threejs properties and methods and code much faster. Thanks for taking part in my course, and I will see you there.Sean"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Devenez Riche et Zen" |
"Ce cours est destin aux personnes dsireuses de changer leur vie, que ce soit d'un point de vue spirituel ou financier...Par l'intermdiaire de nombreuses mini-vidos optimises, vous allez apprendre diffrents business mettre en place et qui fonctionnent... Soit dans votre vie de tous les jours, soit via l'immobilier, soit via internet , ou encore en apprenant investir dans la cryptomonnaie... Vous apprendrez des astuces pour vendre comme un pro, et il vous suffira de mettre en application ce que d'autres mettrons des semaines dcouvrir... 2 heures de cours pour passer un cap et prendre votre vie en main."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Fique em Forma em 15 Minutos" |
"Esse treinamento vai TRANSFORMAR seu corpo com apenas 15 minutos de exerccios por dia. Voc vai emagrecer e ficar em forma sem precisar ir pra academia, pois a metodologia de treinamento funcional que eu utilizo vai permitir que voc consiga esse objetivo.Nesses treinos voc vai trabalhar toda a musculatura do corpo (pernas, bumbum, abdomen e parte superior).Alm disso tambm teremos treinos HIIT - que so exerccios aerbicos intensos para queimar muita gordura.So 36 aulas, uma diferente da outra, sem repeties e sem aulas montonas.Voc quer ficar em forma? Ter mais disposio no seu dia a dia?Se sentir mais atraente?Ento faa parte desse treinamento que vai te deixar em forma, mais magra, com mais sade e disposio!"
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"Guided meditation - Hawaii Beach Visualization Relaxation" |
"The course will include:Learning the benefits of the guided meditation Enjoying the art of DEEP RELAXATION.Guided meditations to help QUIET AN OVERACTIVE MIND and RELEASE EMOTIONS. Enjoy being on the beautiful Hawaii Beach.Why is it so important to meditate? Meditation helps to:Reduce a stress, anxiety, and depressionRegulate emotions, Boost the immune system, Increase emotional intelligence and kindness, etc. Meditation is a practical tool to enhance the quality of YOUR life by helping you manage stress, sleep better, look younger and create clarity and direction. Learn how to just chill out and relax! Meditation is the time that you put in to be effortless in life, so you can get in control your stress before it controls you."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"English Pronunciation: Pronounce S & Z in words as S, Z, IZ" |
"Learn how to correctly pronounce the English S and Z sounds. This course will present rules for spelling and the suffix -S pronunciation. Instructions and examples of correct pronunciation of the S and Z sounds is contrasted with common mistakes so you can improve your speaking clarity. Once you master the rules for how and when to pronounce S as Z, take part in a guided practice session. Learn the S and Z sounds in English and be more confident and better understood today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |