Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Gnrer des revenus passifs : cration de carnets sur Amazon" |
"Bienvenue dans cette formation sur les formidables opportunits qu'offre le low content!Je vous y enseigne ce qu'est la cration de carnets sur Amazon (agendas, notebooks, journaux, livres de coloriage, de mots mls, etc). Ce business qui explose en 2020 est accessible tous ceux qui souhaitent mettre profit leur crativit au service d'une activit rentable qui permet de dgager un revenu passif en travaillant de chez vous ou en voyage. En effet, vous publiez votre carnet et touchez vos royalties sur chaque vente par Amazon. Tout se fait en ligne et Amazon imprime votre cration chaque commande faite par un client. Aucune logistique donc!Nous allons crer un compte KDP Amazon ensemble, puis je vous enseignerez mes trois techniques pour trouver des carnets rentables. Nous choisirons trois niches rentables pour crer trois carnets de A Z (intrieur, couverture et mise en ligne). Lors de la mise en ligne, je vous explique comment trouver de bons mots cls et un titre accrocheur. Nous fixerons aussi le prix.Je mets rellement en ligne les carnets crs lors de la formation. Vous pourrez ensuite aller les voir sur Amazon et voir qu'ils se vendent.Offerts: Deux intrieurs de carnets: 1 livre de coloriage (avec des lments que j'ai achets sur la version payante de Canva) + 1 journal de gratitude/rves, que vous pourrez utiliser avec votre propre couverture. Je vous souhaite une excellente formation et surtout de belles ventes!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to do a muscleup in under 2 months" |
"The course is divided into 2 overall topics altogether having the goal of teaching YOU how to do a muscle-up. Number 1 being how to attain the strength to do a muscle-up. This includes a program of numerous exercises that will boost your overall strength and performance. Number 2 teaching you about the ""3-way-step"" behind the perfect technique of a muscle-up. This includes, as one might have guessed, the 3 most essential techniques behind the muscle-up.Finally, the program will small tips and tricks at the end for those of you who still need the last bit, teaching you about common mistakes people tend to make, helping you correct them."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso On-Line de Tcnicas de estudio para padres y alumnos de Primaria y Secundaria.Evaluaremos los a hbitos de estudio, como aprenden vuestros e hijos y os ensearemos a planificar y preparar de forma correcta la sesin de estudios. Haremos recomendaciones para motivar a los alumnos en el estudio. Trabajaremos diversas tcnicas de subrayado, esquemas y memorizacin. Resolveremos vuestras dudas."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Essentile Presentatie Vaardigheden (Presentation Skills)" |
"Wil jij meer impact maken als je een presentatie geeft? Of meer zelfvertrouwen krijgen?Als je beter wordt in presenteren kan je meer indruk maken op je collegas, je baas, je klanten. Je kan verder komen in je carriere, zelfs je persoonlijke omgeving positief beinvloeden. De meeste workshops in presentatievaardigheden geven je alleen maar een hoop vage theorie.Hoewel theorie een goede fundering kan zijn voor verbetering, blijkt uit onze ervaring dat vage theorie ons niet echt helpt in de praktijk. Juist op de moeilijke momenten tijdens een presentatie, wanneer we uit onze comfort-zone zijn, hebben we er weinig aan.Daarom hebben wij besloten deze cursus zo te ontwerpen, dat jij er wel veel aan hebt.In plaats van alleen maar vage theorie met jou te delen, ligt hier de focus op de praktische aspecten van presenteren. In deze cursus leer jij tastbare trucs en handelingen aan, die je makkelijk kan onthouden, en jou gegarandeerd zullen helpen in je toekomstige presentaties. EN:Would you like to make an impact through your presentations? Or create some more confidence?When you improve your presentation skills, you can leave a better impression on your colleagues, your boss or your clients. You can foster your career or even positively improve your personal environment.Instead of merely sharing theory, we focus on the practical aspects of giving a presentation.Most other workshops in presentation skills tend to only share theory with their participants (an overload of theory that is). While theory can be a nice foundation for improvement, experience shows us that just learning abstract theory does not sufficiently help presentors in practice. In the heat of the moment, when we're out of our comfort-zone, all that theory often is useless.Though our workshops are based on solid theory, we choose to focus on something way more succesful in practice: We teach succesful habits and tricks that are easy to remember and guarenteed will help you with future presentations. It allows you to make an impact."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Guide to the Perfect Media Server on Unraid!" |
"This course will provide an overview of how to buy, setup, and install Unraid for your personal media server.I will go through step by step many of the features of Unraid as well as each docker-container. The main docker-containers I use are Plex, Sonarr, Radarr, and Deluge-VPN.There are other plugins as well that will make the backup and general ease of use better. Rclone will also be explained which will describe how you can remotely backup your content to the cloud."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Shopify Dashboard Masterclass" |
"What Youll Learn:In this course, I'll take you through step-by-step showing you how to create your own online store with Shopify. I want to help set you up for success so you can start selling online and making money!Its fast and easy, weve designed a well thought out curriculum that makes learning fun.Whether you want to sell physical products (such as T-shirts, electronics or accessories), digital products (such as ebooks or music), or build a store for your clients to do so, Shopify will make your online store stand out from the competition and allow you to evolve with your business as you grow.We all want to have an amazing online store because we know the impact it will have on your potential customers. To make this happen many believe they have to pay web designers a small fortune to create the desired outcome that represents their business in such a way.The good news is, we know that myth isnt true. With our help youll gain the know-how to build your own lucrative business, yourself.Why this course is different:Opportunity: Once youve completed this course youll have technical skills to build a profitable ecommerce store on Shopify. From your first day on the platform to making your first sale youll be ready and capable to achieve success.Motivation: Its all about chasing your dreams! Thats why weve created this exciting and encouraging space where you can jump right in and become inspired to bring your ideas to life.Community: Youll be joining an incredible community of entrepreneurs who are on a similar journey as you.Technical Expertise: The greatest part about finishing this course is that youll be equipped with the inspiration to build a minimum viable product for your next business idea (or your clients). So many great brands have been built on this platform because their founders knew the ins-and-outs to make it work for them.This course is brought to you by Stephan Peralta. A Shopify Plus Partner, Shopify App Expert and Educator that has worked on the Shopify Platform for close to 10 years. Hell walk you through how to effectively build your Shopify store so you can operate your business easily and efficiently. Hell teach you the insider tricks so you can confidently processes orders, build pages, communicate with customers, andmoreWho Is This Course Designed For? Its for the Entrepreneurs who are brave enough to do the hard work to become Merchants and Shopify Experts. For those that are ready to bring your business idea to life. Youve either got a product, product idea, or product plan in mind. Or, perhaps youre already selling on Amazon, or youre a crafter, or seller of unique items - and need a fully functional ecommerce website - well, then this course will be of value to youChoose a beautiful design for your store and customize itSet up your store's payment optionsSet up your store's shipping optionsCustomize your store's checkout pageCreate and manage a blog for your online store (very important for SEO)Set up taxesAdd and manage products in your storeCreate and manage product categoriesManage the orders placed by your customersOffer your customers discounts"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"[PySide2 + QtQuick] Python GUI" |
"PythonGUIQtCreatorPython GUIPySide2DropBox SkypeGUIQtPythonPython GUI"
Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
"Curso de Programacin de ECUS Automotrices" |
"En el siguiente curso estaremos estudiando los contenidos referentes a los mtodos de lectura y programacin de las unidades de control de los vehculos livianos, as como la aplicacin de estas tcnicas para la modificacin o eliminacin de fallas en sistemas como el Filtro de Partculas DPF, Recirculacin de Gases de Escape EGR, Reduccin Catalitica SCR, Adblue y Cdigos de Error."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a fazer Anncios no Facebook e Instagram do zero." |
"Curso Online sobre Facebook Ads. Tudo pra voc alavancar suas vendas... Saiba todo o passo a passo de como criar um anncio no Facebook e no Instagram... Aprenda a como viver de Internet, e receba 4 bnus para voc mudar de patamar! 1 - Dicas de copy; 2 - Viver como afiliado; 3 - Dica para ganhar grana; 4 - Motivao."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Logo Design Course in Hindi, A Creative Way to Earn Online" |
"1. Introduction2. Logo Type and Structure3. How to Find Logo Design Project Online4. Color Combination, Front and its Meaning5. Software Need, Output File, File Type6. How to Present Your Graphic and Write Design Notes7. How to Research and Take References for Idea Creations8. How to Prevent Copyright Strike9. Live Projects Video Tutorials10.Free Technical Support Forum"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Buchfhrung & Jahresabschluss einfach erklrt in 5 Stunden" |
"++++++++++++Wichtiger Hinweis++++++++++++Dieser Online-Kurs ist die Light-Version nur mit Erklr-Videos und Mindmaps. Fr die Vollversion mit Audios und Multiple-Choice-Aufgaben besuche einfach unseren Prfungshelden-Shop.In weniger als 5 Stunden Buchfhrung einfach erklrtDu bist Schler, Student oder Teilnehmer an einer Aufstiegs-Fortbildung und willst die Buchfhrung einfach leicht lernen?Du mchtest mit wenig Aufwand die Prfungen bzw. Klausuren mit Top-Noten rocken?Du willst die Buchfhrung verstehen, ohne Dir den Kopf zu zerbrechen?Du mchtest einfach schnell mit einem Abschluss ins Berufsleben einsteigen?Wenn du mindestens zwei dieser Fragen mit Ja beantwortet hast, solltest du dir diesen Text durchlesen. Zwei Minuten Lesezeit fr Top-Noten in der Buchfhrung!Deine Vorteile Seit 2006 bin ich in der Prfungsvorbereitung ttig. Die hufigsten Probleme, die ich als Gripscoach zu hren bekomme, beziehen sich auf das Rechnungswesen. Vor allem Buchfhrung und die Kosten-/Leistungsrechnung.Mit diesem Online-Kurs helfe ich dir, die Buchfhrung leicht zu lernen. Einfach von zu Hause aus oder unterwegs mit dem Smartphone. Du bekommst kurze und leicht-verstndliche Erklr-Videos, die dir den relevanten Prfungsstoff mit Lern-Lust vermitteln. Lern-Lust bedeutet die Abwesenheit von Lern-Frust. Du versteht es sofort und das erzeugt Glcksgefhle. Schluss mit Lehrern und Dozenten, die es zu kompliziert erklren und dir den letzten Nerv rauben!So ist der Onlinekurs aufgebaut28 kurz-knackige Erklrvideos 5 -15 Minuten warten auf dich. Hier kannst du dir den relevanten Prfungsstoff Schritt fr Schritt aneignen. Hast du etwas nicht ganz verstanden, kannst du ganz einfach zurckspulen oder das gesamte Video nochmal anschauen. Solange, bis du jedes Detail aus dem Kurs Buchfhrung einfach erklrt perfekt beherrschst!Dazu untersttzen dich Mindmaps und Schaubilder beim schnellen und regelmigen Wiederholen.Ich empfehle dir, zunchst die kurzen Erklr-Videos anzuschauen. Und danach das verstandene Wissen mit den Mindmaps besonders schnell und praktisch zu wiederholen.Worauf wartest Du noch? Gnn Dir jetzt den Online-Kurs und rocke die Buchfhrung mit Lern-Lust und Top-Noten!++++++++++++Wichtiger Hinweis++++++++++++Dieser Online-Kurs ist die Light-Version nur mit Erklr-Videos und Mindmaps. Fr die Vollversion mit Audios und Multiple-Choice-Aufgaben besuche einfach unseren Prfungshelden-Shop."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Your Mind-Body Journey Towards Wellness" |
"'Your Mind-Body Journey Towards Wellness' explores the incredible relationship between the mind and the body as it relates to your health. The course is comprised of 24 professionally-presented lectures which run for a total of 5 hours and 15 minutes. Each lecture is a mixture of the presenter, together with stunning videos and photographs, as well as on-screen captions for ease of understanding. Every one of the 24 lectures comes with its own downloadable transcript which you can read at your leisure and refer to in order to help you with each of the quizzes and the final practice test. The course is comprised of 5 multiple-choice quizzes on each of the first 5 sections and a practise test of 60 multiple-choice questions at the end of the course. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"#1 complete adobe illustrator course that covers everything!" |
"Thank you for joining this course to become a real illustrator expert and go from beginner to advanced in no-time with fun challenges and professional videos! get to know all the possibilities that adobe illustrator has to offer! I hope you get everything you need out of this course and that you will see the improvement in your own skillset. lets get started together and get those creative brains working!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Want to develop HIGH PERFORMANCE FOCUS skills?Want to MAKE MORE MONEY?Need to get MORE DONE in LESS TIME?So... why hasn't it happened for you yet?Come on... admit it.This isn't the first time you've tried to find solutions for focus and get things done.When you watch this video course to the end you're going to discover high performance focus skills and get things done.Hey my name is Alex Wong, and not too long ago I was just like you...Let me tell you a quick story about the time I was overweight and broke.I was struggling with how to get from point A to point B.And I was getting more and more frustrated and disgusted with myself.You see, at the time I was trying to get fit and get rich.Then the bottom fell out from under me when my peers were all surpassing me in both aspects.Which meant I couldn't look them in the eye.As you can imagine, I was in bad shape and desperate, but I wasn't ready to give up on my dream of being able to become extraordinary.The problem I had was I didn't know the true meaning of FOCUS!And that's when I had my big ""ah-ha"" moment...So, first I tried learning more through YOUTUBE. That didn't work at all.I even tried working twice as hard, but that just plain sucked.Then I tried hiring a coach, and it worked a little better.And that's when I finally tried using basic sound principles of success. And guess what? This time it worked!And that's when I realized it wasn't my fault! I was failing because of old habits that weren't geared towards success. No wonder I was struggling.For years they wanted me to believe the answer is out there, and when I figured out that it wasn't true, I was finally able to break out of their chains and get the results I deserved!The real problem was myself. I was the one keeping me from massive success!Once I realized I already had everything I needed, and I only had to search within, that's when I started to understand true focus and how to get things done really FAST!I used what I discovered to be able to:Make passive income onlineTravel the worldSet myself up for success in future endeavorsBut it wasn't just me, this same blueprint has helped hundreds of thousands of people around the world achieve similar results!I didn't realize it when I started that not only does it simplify the process for LEARNING and ACHIEVING, but it also helps you develop HYPER FOCUS which in turn helps you get more done in less time and makes you more money!And that's why I created ""Focus Mastery Blueprint"".This took 10 years to create and cost me $100,000 in books, courses and experiments. But it was totally worth it!What used to take me months of torture, I can now get done 100x faster.In fact, here's just a sample of what you'll get...Learn how to develop high performance focus skills so you can instantly set yourself apart from the competition.Learn the magic of the mind so you can do much more with much less effort.Discover the power of questions so you can increase your efficiency and maximize your output.Create the perfect inside and outside environment so you can use your surroundings to your advantage.Discover the snowball effect so you can roll over and crush all obstacles in your way.But, before you get started, let me ask you a question...Would you like to get access to ""Focus Mastery Blueprint""?For less than the cost of a large pizza you can get access to everything inside of Focus Mastery Blueprint.Now, while it would be impossible to show you ALL of the benefits of Focus Mastery Blueprint, I want to show you some of the things that you'll experience as soon as you're on the inside.7 Module self-study video programPDF Cheat SheetsThe total value of all this is $999.99. Why? Because how far you go in life depends on your level of focus.If all this did was show you how to become extraordinary, would it be worth it?If all this did was help you stop selling yourself short, would it be worth it?Of course it would!Want some even better news?I'm not going to charge you $999.99.I'm only going to charge you $29.99.I'm going to take on all the risk, and give you my ""FOCUS Guarantee""!If ""Focus Mastery Blueprint"" doesn't show you exactly how to develop more focus... if it doesn't take you by the hand, step-by-step to improve your business profits... or if it fails to help you get more done in less time, then you will receive a full refund, No Questions Asked!But you must act now because if you don't...You probably won't achieve your dreamsYou'll always have what you currently haveYou'll never reach your potentialJust imagine what life will be like when you understand the science of focus and getting things done!So stop procrastinating and get this course right now!After you get this course, you'll be taken to a secure members' area where you can access ""Focus Mastery Blueprint"", even if it's 2:00 a.m.!For those who are already signing up, this is what's going to happen next:You'll have instant access to Focus Mastery BlueprintYou can start studying and implementing immediatelyYou can dramatically increase your quality of life within a weekWARNING:Let's be blunt: If you pass on this offer, will you succeed with high performance focus? Probably not!You'll just keep struggling and never figure out true focus...Most of what you need is instruction and encouragement from someone who has successfully ""been there and done that!"" Get this Focus Mastery Blueprint NOW and get the high performance focus skills you want!So as a reminder, you're going to get with ""Focus Mastery Blueprint"":7 Module self-study video programPDF Cheat SheetsVideo TranscriptionsNever before have you had such a unique opportunity to have me take you by the hand and help you with focus and getting things done!Act now so you can developing MORE FOCUS, make MORE MONEY, and GET MORE DONE in less time like I did.This entire Focus Study Course offer will be sold for $29.99.This introductory price of $29.99 is a ""Buy it NOW before it's gone"" offer... so act fast!..."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn 20 Psychospiritual Tools for Change" |
"This self-help course will teach you 20 practical tools that you can implement today which will change your life as you utilize them. I draw from over 20 years as a Licensed Psychotherapist and spiritual healer, seeker, and teacher. I share mentors, books, teachings, websites, and where to buy the items that I use in my daily psycho-spiritual practices. You receive websites and access to the practices that I use and teach in my personal and professional lives.You will learn: 1) Using a Pendulum 2) Crystal Grids 3) Creating an Altar4) Forgiving Others: Ho' oponopono5) The Power of Affirmation6) Meditation7) Releasing and Replacing Fear Based Thoughts8) A Course in Miracles9) How to use Card Decks10) Create a Morning Routine11) Segment Intention12) The Role of Gratitude13) Consciousness- What is it?14) The Value of Mentorship15) Self-Forgiveness16) Inspired Actions vs. Efforted Actions17) Visioning Your Future18) Prayer- What it is and What it is not19) The Role of Angels20) ""In-powerment:"" Sourcing from Within!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Book writing: Learn how to write a self-help book that heals" |
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Google Cloud Platform For Beginners" |
"Welcome to this course: Google Cloud Platform For Beginners. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) provides autoscaling compute power and distributed in-memory cache, task queues, and datastores to write, build, and deploy Cloud-hosted applications. You can build and host applications and websites, store data, and analyze data on Google's scalable infrastructure. This course follows a recipe-based approach, giving you hands-on experience to make the most of Google Cloud services. The main goal of this course is to enable you to get the best out of the GCP, and to use it with confidence and competence. You will learn why cloud architectures take the forms that they do, and this will help you become a skilled high-level cloud architect. You will also learn how individual cloud services are configured and used, so that you are never intimidated at having to build it yourself. You will also learn the right way and the right situation in which to use the important GCP services.At the end of this course, you'll have a complete understanding of how to implement Google Cloud services in your organization with ease."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Ask for What You Want. And Get It" |
"What do you want?Money? Love? Attention? A great pair of shoes?!What have you been asking for and not getting that might be within your reach if you found a better way to ask?Join me in this laser-focused, fun, short course as I share my unique method for ASKING that is HONEST, AUTHENTIC and effortlessly effective. Since I started using this method ten years ago, I have doubled my salary at work, raised two happy healthy teenagers, become the CEO of my own successful business and met the man of my dreams. It's simple, easy-to-learn and it just works!Heres what you will know by the end of this class:how to get incredible clarity on what you want, so that when you ask for it you can do so with confidence.the exact words that bring MAGIC results every time; with a simple 3 part formula. Amazingly, this easy script works with loved ones, work colleagues and even complete to check that you were heardwhat not to do when you askhow to be sure that you are clear on the response you are seeking; this is a vital part of any negotiation, so its a must have for those BIG, life-changing asks.the skills you need to plan what you will do when you get a no answer andhow to celebrate your yesses.The class includesA worksheet that is your blueprint for success; download it and use over and over again.Scripting cheat sheet with Karen's unique, magic 3-part formulaReal-world examples including:How to ask for a raise at workHow to ask for more help around the house from your partner.Take this class so you can get exactly what you want with confidence, grace and ease."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Kubernetes By Example" |
"This course is for you if you want to: - Learn Kubernetes by doing - I provides lots of sample files that you can try out and experiment with- Learn Kubernetes in anger - This is a fast paced course. It starts off as a beginner beginner level course, but it then very quickly transitions to intermediate and advanced topics- Getting your hands dirty - If you're itching to actually start using Kubernetes then this course gives you every opportunity to follow along. - Watch Kubernetes in Action - This Udemy medium is perfect for showing you how to use Kubernetes rather than going through Powerpoint presentations. That's why in this course, I'm going to Powerpoint presentations to an absolute minimum. I'll be performing all of the demos on a Apple Macbook. However most of the commands I'll use will work irrespective of whether you're using a Mac, Linux, or Windows workstation. The main difference being the initial workstation setup. For most of this course I'll use an instance of Kubernetes that's running locally on my Macbook. I'll also cover how to set up a kubernetes cluster in the cloud. The demos I'll show will work just as well on a local workstation as well as a proper production cloud provisioned Kubernetes cluster. This is a follow along hand-on Kubernetes course. By the end of this course you will be able to:Create your own Kubernetes environment running on your local workstationWrite yaml files that defines Kubernetes objectsCreate all kinds of Kubernetes objects, from Pods to ServicesUltimately the aim is to get you confident with using the kubectl command and writing Kubernetes yaml files."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Content Marketing in 2020: The Lead Generating Content Plan" |
"Have you wanted to use content to generate more traffic to your website and increase leads to your website?Are you working on SEO and want to improve the content you create to generate more qualified leads? By the end of this course you will be able to:Identify the right type of content to create for your specific websiteUnderstand the various types of content that you're likely not already consideringIdentify exactly where to start with the content creation and promotion process for your unique siteGenerate a lot of content ideas so you don't run out of ideasDecide between 4 options for creating content in case you don't want to be the one to actually create itKnow which content promotion strategies to use to widely promote each piece of content to generate a lot of trafficMost importantly you will have a strategic approach to creating and promoting your content instead of guessing and getting wishy washy results. You will see how to look at actual numbers that will tell you what is and is not working with your content promotion so you can adjust your content marketing strategy as you go and have more data coming in. When you operate with strategy, you get results. When you fail to plan and review what's actually happen, your results will reflect that. This is designed for you to follow the process of content planning, creation and promotion in the order we go through so you will start seeing progress, building momentum and seeing results as you go. The beautiful part of content promotion is that it will improve your SEO efforts and if you decide not to use SEO as a lead generation process, it will still results in you attracting more traffic, leads, customers and sales for your business. Let's get started and within a couple of hours you will be much more clear (and strategic!) on how to create and promote your content. Plus, if you already have a website up, in the beginning of the course we'll talk about how to identify your existing content that should be improved and re-promoted to start generating more results within just 1-3 days."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Virtual Reality with Unity" |
"If want to know how to build the most vivid and realistic games using Unity, this is the perfect tutorial.Virtual Reality is an exploding market and there is still a lot to discover about it. Unity 2019 is an intuitive multiplatform game engine that has become the industry standard for building Virtual Reality games, applications, and experiences for the new generation of consumer VR devices.In this course, you will learn about the specifics of Virtual Reality development in Unity. You will learn how to intuitive VR user interfaces and integrate audio and video into your application to give a lasting impression. You will build practical solutions to some of the key issues facing Virtual Reality with helpful tips for making better VR experiences.By the end of this course, you will have learned how to create a VR game using Unity 3D and implement some of the most common and useful interactions and game mechanics. You will also know how to think in VR and create a comfortable and effective user experience.Please note that this course uses Unity 2019 and assumes prior working knowledge of Unity; however, those who have migrated to Unity 2020 will still benefit from the features and project deployment covered in this course. Please also note that knowledge of C# is also required for this course.Programmers or game developers who have a basic knowledge of Virtual Reality and want to explore what Unity has to offer will also find it useful.About the AuthorJohn P. Doran is a passionate and seasoned technical game designer, software engineer, and author based in Peoria, Illinois. His passion for game development began at an early age. He later graduated from DigiPen Institute of Technology with a Bachelor of Science degree in Game Design.For over a decade, John has gained extensive hands-on expertise in game development by working in various roles, ranging from game designer to lead UI programmer. He has worked in teams ranging from just himself to over 70 people in student, mod, and professional game projects (including working at LucasArts on Star Wars: 1313). Additionally, John has worked in game development education, teaching in Singapore, South Korea, and the United States. To date, he has authored over 15 books on game development.John is currently an Instructor in Residence at Bradley University. In an earlier incarnation, he was an award-winning videographer."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Jira 8 Recipes" |
"Jira is an issue and project-tracking application, and one of the most popular software development tools utilized by Agile teams. Jira 8 comes with performance improvements to meet the demands of ever-growing enterprise teams. This one-stop resource will get you started creating (and working with) Jira plugins and customizations. We will be using Jira 8 throughout this tutorial.Youll begin your journey by learning to develop and deploy plugins and then modify them to suit your needs. You will learn to customize the look and feel of your Jira UI, and then perform a detailed configuration of Jira Issues for administrators. Then youll learn to create and manage custom fields in JIRA efficiently, and operate with workflows by learning to manipulate them programmatically. Finally, we cover how to build useful gadgets and prepare reports.By the end, you will have built a solid foundation in Jira and will be equipped to use it efficiently to improve your teams productivity.About the AuthorAfsana Atar is an accomplished test engineer with over 10 years' extensive experience in software testing. Her recent book Hands-on Test Management with JIRA was rated the #1 best new software testing book in 2019 by BookAuthority .org. Her expertise has been honed and deployed in a variety of domains, including digital advertising, education, healthcare, and financial sectors (including banking, insurance, and trading). She has worked for various organizations including Google, IBM, Principal Financial Group, and The Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia. Currently, she works for Susquehanna International Group, a financial trading firm.Afsana is a Certified Scrum Master (CSM), an Agile scrum practitioner, and part of the scrum alliance community. She has managed and worked on projects worth over a million dollars in various capacities, ranging from Quality Assurance Engineer to QA Manager. She believes in sharing her experiences with the testing community to help foster greater learning and innovation."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Hands-On Designing Angular Web Application Architecture" |
"If you want to learn fast, easy, and rewarding ways to create web applications that are easy to refactor and maintain in the future with no decline in performance, then this is the right course for you.Using the latest Angular 9 release, you will learn how to organize your application using core feature and shared modules. You'll structure container components in Angular 9 to help your application supply a presentation data flow and translate component-specific events into application state commands. You will understand state management and see how it can be implemented in Angular using NgRx, a Redux implementation for Angular 9. We'll cover how we can use Input and Output decorators in Angular 9, an easy way to exchange data between components. You'll find out how to use functions and pipes in your application, a new way to write display-value transformations that you can declare in your HTML. Finally, you will learn how to test and secure your application to make it more robust.By the end of the course, you'll have learned to share the same functionality across an application by designing applications that are easy to maintainnow and in the future. Please note that this course assumes the following knowledge levels: Basic CSS and HTML; intermediate JavaScript and TypeScript; and prior experience with Angular Fundamentals.About the AuthorBaljeet Singh is a full-stack web/mobile developer. He learned to code by building websites in PHP but has since worked with many other technologies (such as Laravel, Angular, Ionic, Vue.js, Express, and more) on both the frontend and backend. He has 5 years' experience with Angular and has been working with it since its early days. He has created multiple apps using Angular for various clients.He has been an autodidact as long as he can remember and really loves sharing what he's learned with the world through blogs, websites, and in person. He loves the following quote: Teaching someone else is the best way to learn."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Angel Connection Mastery" |
"Teaches you basic yet powerful method of Angel ConnectionYou'll learn the meanings of Angel Numbers as they are the most Common Angel Sign/ Intuitive Sign that you might get. And also to find out the meanings of numbers that you get! And how to find what they mean for you?Angel Attunement - a Powerful & Safe way to get Connected to the Angelic Energy and stay connected for life!Meanings of Repeating Numbers & Repeated Numbers! Yes both these are different you'll learn whats the difference and what they mean! What to do if you don't receive any Angel Messages or Signs?How do Angels communicate with you? and much more..."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Arduino Simulation and Block Coding" |
">>> The Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. Sensing the environment by receiving inputs from many sensors, Arduino affects its surroundings by controlling lights, motors, and a number of other accessories. It's intended for anyone making interactive hardware projects and in this course, we will make it easy for you to Design and Simulate Arduino Boards and Start Testing Your Codes Freely. <<<Welcome to Design and Simulate Arduino Boards and Test Your Code course.In this course, you will learn how to Simulate different Arduino Boards in A Professional Simulation Environment. It will help you unleash your full coding potential without buying any of the Arduino boards.This course will help you test your codes and schematics for Arduino without the risk of burning your board. No More bad connections or wrong codes.Contents and Overview This course is designed for anyone interested in learning electronic design. You don't need to have any previous experience, and all you need is a computer.Boards that can be Simulated: Arduino Uno, Mega, Nano, zero and others"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Arduino meets Python: Step by Step" |
">>> Arduino meets Python: Step by step guide is a course specially created for Electronic Geeks & Engineers who want to take Arduino Programming to next level. <<<Welcome to this course.The course lesson will explain How to work on Arduino and Python by using Python Language and PythonEnvironment. This course will work best for you if your basic knowledge of Electronics and Arduino. You will learn how to interface the Arduino with your Computer and Control it using Python.Arduino can be used in your Engineering projects, Industrial Projects or Home Automation related projects.Youll learn how to:Set up electronic circuitsSet up the Communication protocol on ArduinoWrite basic applications for Arduino in Python to control basics functionsAdvanced Control of analog and digital inputs and outputsHow to Integrate Arduino sensors and switches Why Learn Arduino?If you an Engineering or Science student you might come across projects in which you want Physical interaction with your computer system & to display the operations on PC ScreenArduino is one of the cost-effective tools which you can create or purchase & starts programming to interact with physical elements with your logic & create results the way you want.And using Python, you can fully control the Arduino Board and the various process parameters like Motor Speed, LED ON/OFF Feedback, Temperature Signal, you can also create unlimited Buttons, Switches & Message Box to control the Arduino At the end of this course, you can create Innovative Projects. The only thing that you need to do is THINKING, WIRING & CODING."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Integrated Reporting" |
"The current reporting environment is lacking in many areas, and is not coping with the evolving concepts of Value Creation, Sustainability, and Corporate Social Responsibility.The main objective of this course is to spread the awareness of ""Integrated Reporting"", and how the need for it is increasing substantially to meet the needs of today's organizations and stakeholders."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"How To Use Affinity Photo In Clear Easy Steps" |
"Affinity Photo has never been more accessible. It's easy and fun to use and you can create excellent graphics with it, or retouch your photographic masterpieces in ways you never thought possible. Become an expert in no time as you learn the simple yet powerful skills that you only thought possible with years of high-level study. Affinity Photo is a raster graphics editor program developed by Serif for macOS, iOS and Windows. It is part of the ""Affinity trinity"" alongside Affinity Designer and Affinity Publisher. This is an introductory course for those just starting out with Affinity hoping to learn the skills from the ground up. The course is designed to be followed both from the text lessons with graphics and/or with the video walk-through of each lesson as you are taken step by step through the process in an informal and relaxed way.Work at your own speed and experiment always. It's great fun, and you can even start out with the trial version of the software. You don't need expensive subscriptions, the one-time purchase is yours for life with this most excellent software. Become a pro in no time."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Windows 10" |
"Microsoft Windows es el sistema operativo de ms tilizado por PCs en todo el mundo y cada vez son ms las personas que como t desean aprender sobre el y ms si en muy corto tiempo lo puedes hacer..Seamos honestos; Los libros tcnicos son aburridos. Claro, usted podra aprender como trabajar con Windows de alguna enciclopedia de larga duracin, pero por qu perder todo ese tiempo?El sistema de entrega de contenido de video de Udemy le permitir operar su propio Sistema Operativo en solo horas!Si deseas aumentar tus habilidades de TI, este curso es un gran lugar para comenzar. Cada vez ms empresas estn utilizando servicios de Windows en sus operaciones cotidianas. Por lo tanto, no te quedes atrs!Todas las actualizaciones del curso son 100% GRATIS. Inscribete en este curso una vez y lo poseeras para toda la vida. No slo eso, sino que tambin obtendr acceso de por vida para m como t instructor personal. Tienes alguna pregunta? Solo pregunta! Usted, como mi estudiante, siempre ser mi prioridad # 1.Espera, sigues leyendo esto ? Entonces este curso es para ti que deseas comenzar hoy mismo a aprender sobre Linux y sus bondades. Te espero!Beny"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"GIS & QGIS Level 2: Advanced Edit, Styling, Diagram & Layout" |
"Are you Thinking like this...You want to make yourself Advanced in QGIS. You want to Learn Advanced EditingYou Want to Create 2.5D Map.You Want to Learn How to Create a Presentable Grid map with all of it's Tools.You want to Learn Advanced Symbology and Dynamic Label in QGIS.You Want to Learn about Map Layout in Detail.You are searching for Cool and enjoyable lectures of QGIS with magical tricks and descriptions on each interface.You want to learn step by step process with how and why.You are searching for a cheap course of GIS & QGIS with having detail Explanation, Lectures and Topics.Then This course is for you, Because This Course...Will Convert You from Basic to Advanced in GIS and QGIS. Will Teach you in detail about Advanced Digitizing Toolbar with Many Tips and Tricks of Advanced Editing.Will Teach you How to Create 2.5D Map and also with Different Types of Symbology.Will Teach you all Tools of Grid Map and Map Settings.Will Guide you All Ways to Create Any Kind of Advanced Symbology and Label in QGIS.Will Give you knowledge on Map Layout Interface and Its all Tools with creating Interactive Map with Item Including Title, Legend, North Arrow, Scale Even You will be able to Add Also HTML or Web Site and Attribute Table in Map Layout.Gives you enjoyable and Magical Tips and Tricks of QGIS Interface.Gives you All Lectures based on Step by Step Process with description about how and why with practical doing video. Because we believe in Learning by Doing and Playing with Enjoy the Topic.Is a cheap course of GIS and QGIS with 50 Lectures with 10 Downloadable Resources, 14 Sections, 12 Quiz Test, 1 Assignment and 1 Article and each Lecture contain Detail Explanation, Many Topics and Materials with step by step detail."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Grey Wolf Optimizer" |
"Search Algorithms and Optimization techniques are the engines of most Artificial Intelligence techniques and Data Science. There is no doubt that the Grey Wolf Optimizer is one of the most recent, well-regarded and widely-used AI search techniques.A lot of scientists and practitioners use search and optimization algorithms without understanding their internal structure. However, understanding the internal structure and mechanism of such AI problem-solving techniques will allow them to solve problems more efficiently. This also allows them to tune, tweak, and even design new algorithms for different projects.This course is the easiest way to understand how one of the most popular AI optimization algorithms, the Grey Wolf Optimizer, works and solves optimization problems in detail. An in-depth understanding of these two algorithms and mastering them puts you ahead of a lot of data scientists. You will potentially have a higher chance of joining a small pool of well-paid AI experts.Why learn optimization algorithms as a Data Scientist?Optimization is getting popular in all industries every single month with the main purpose of improving revenue and decreasing costs. Optimization algorithms are extremely practical AI techniques in different projects. You can use them to automate and optimize the process of solving challenging tasks.Why learn optimization algorithms as an AI researcher?If you are a researcher, this course assists you to easily understand and apply the GWO algorithm to your problem. Due to the novelty of this algorithm, you have a high chance of getting great results and the potential to publish in high-impact Q1 journals.What does anyone need to learn about optimization?The first thing you need to learn is the mathematical models behind them. You cannot believe how easy and intuitive the mathematical models and equations are. This course starts with intuitive examples to take you through the most fundamental mathematical models of the GWO algorithm. There is no equation in this course without an in-depth explanation and visual examples. If you hate math, then sit back, relax, and enjoy the videos to learn the math behind Neural Networks with minimum efforts.It is also important to know what types of problems can be solved with AI optimization algorithms. This course shows different types of problems as well. There will be several examples to practice how to solve such problems as well.What does this course cover?As discussed above, this course starts straight up with an intuitive example to see what the GWO algorithm is as one of the most fundamental AI problem-solving approaches. After learning how easy and simple the inspiration and algorithms of this algorithm are, you will see how it performs in action live. This course also covers the concepts of deterministic and stochastic algorithms with several examples. There are several videos on the mathematical models and coding of the GWO algorithm.By the end of this course, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the Grey Wolf Optimizer and able to easily use them in your project. You can analyze, tune, and improve the performance of both techniques based on your project too.Does this course suit you?This course is an introduction to optimization and search in AI, so you need absolutely no prior knowledge in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, or data science. However, you need to have a basic understanding of programming preferably in Matlab to easily follow the coding video. If you just want to learn the mathematical model and the problem-solving process using the two algorithms, you can then skip the coding videos.Who is the instructor?I am a leading researcher in the field of Optimization and AI. I have more than 200 publications including 100 journal articles, five books, and 20 conference papers. These publications have been cited over 15,000 times around the world. I was named as one of the most influential researchers in AI in 2019 by the Web of Science, the most well-regarded indexing organization in academia.As a leading researcher in this field with over 15 years of experience, I have prepared this course to make everything easy for those interested in AI search and optimization. I have been counseling big companies like Facebook and Google in my career too. I am also a star-rising Udemy instructor with more than 5000 students and 1200 5-star reviews.As the inventor of this algorithm, I have designed and developed this course to facilitate the process of learning the Grey Wolf Optimizer for those who are interested in this area. You will have my full support throughout your learning journey in this course.There is no RISK!I have some preview videos, so make sure to watch them see if this course is for you. This course comes with a full 30-day money-back guarantee, which means that if you are not happy after your purchase, you can get a 100% refund no question.What are you waiting for?Enroll now using the Add to Cart button on the right and get started today."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |