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"Rules of Engagement" |
"Negotiation in todays reality requires simple and structured understandings that are easy to implement. Technology and fast communication channels require new methodologies to reserve and improve our interaction abilities. In this course you will learn methodologies and practical tools to encourage and lead you through the negotiation process. The rules provides in this course will guide and encourage the participant to practice them until they become second nature. In this course you will be exposed to the most effective approach of how to create a constructive negotiation process in nearly all the interactions we face day-to-day. The course is based on more than twenty years of research and practical experience, and uses examples from our daily lives to simplify the negotiation processes and understand its logic and dynamics. This course presents an effective yet simple-to-implement methodology, presenting the required actions as simple and clear actions that each of us can implement. This course presents a sequence of actions that will improve our negotiation skills for the sole purpose of safeguarding resources and getting to the desired results we expect."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"The Action-Reaction Cycle" |
"In this course you will be exposed to three basic elements that influence the inter-personal interaction, whether we are dealing with a short term random or long term relations. The first element is trust, which form the base for any relationship. The second is the sense of rejection, and the ways for dealing with it, and the third is the must for validation. This course is about understanding these elements using basic methodologies and deep insights regarding our negotiation parties and through these bringing the negotiation into a successful track. The understanding of these principles enables us to manage an effective professional negotiation, in contrary to the intuitive and emotional process that we are used to, that can be destructive to the process."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Multi-Cultural Negotiation" |
"An new and unique method to conduct negotiations in multi cultural environments.In the age of globalization, we find ourselves in many situations which presents cultural gaps between ourselves and our negotiating partners. Those differences derive from the fact that the world is getting ""smaller"", and we found ourselves more than ever in negotiating with people from different countries.But even a negotiation process between two different companies, with difference in their corporate culture, values or norms, can reveal fundamental differences that must be addressed and handled properly.This course brings a new method, developed by Michael Tsur in 2016. The 10 steps method can be implemented in various negotiation processes, from multi-cultural, to inter-cultural to cross-coltural negotiation processes.This is a must have tool for anyone who engages negotiation processes with people who differ in their values, language, location, religion or any other characteristics, which is sometimes even hard for us to think about. This course enlighten and emphases those differences, and provides tools to better cope with their differences, and use them as an advantage, to create a more productive negotiation process."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Negotiating Money" |
"When we think of negotiations, in many cases we get the meaning of ""trade"". Although trade itself constitutes only a small part of the negotiation process,, it is clear that the commercial part, and as part of it the discussion about money, plays a decisive role in the outcome of all business negotiations.In this course you will learn the ten guidelines for dealing with money in negotiations. Starting with the basic understanding that money is not the goal of negotiations, the various steps in conducting commercial negotiations, and the strive of the result we aspire to. This method was developed by Michael Tzur in 2016, and is introduced for the first time in an online course."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Preparing for a Job Interview" |
"This course will help you prepare to one of the most important stages in everyone's career: a job interview.This course presents a method. Therefore, it suits everyone: from college graduates to top level managers, the method will help you in making the right steps while engaging a new job, asking for promotion, or even get a project as a freelancer.As the competition grows, you must stand out. Proper preparation can be the factor which will make all the difference on the way to your dream job."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"How to Interview" |
"Learn how to conduct a job interview, starting from the preliminary stages, all the way to picking your new employee. The course presents a clear methodology, which raises questions and topics that we usually ignore during the process, but can have a great influence and so we need to consider.The course addresses HR experts, managers at all levels, small business owners as well as individuals who wish to better select and negotiate employees or contractors."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Yoga&Qigong combination. Restore your energy balance." |
"It is a rest from stess.The exercises presented in this course are based on the Calligraphy Health System - a combination of qigong, yoga and the ancient technique of exercises to regenerate and lengthen muscles and tendons, Yi Jin Jing. Exercises are performed in a loosening, relaxed manner and with a focus on movement and observation of the breath. By generating movement from the lower Dan Thien, from the stomach, you will build an inner strength that regenerates the internal organs and supports the creation of new, strong cells. You will support your healthy physical and mental health. Recommended for all those who work in a sitting position and are exposed to stress.Supporting treatment of:blood pressure,joints: hips, shoulders, spine, migraines, headachesdigestive systeminsomniadepression"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Metalurgia para no metalurgicos" |
"Qu de un acero, explicacin del Diagrama hierro-carbono, Clasificacin de los aceros al bajo carbono, medio carbono, alto carbono, aceros resulfurados, aceros refosforados y aceros aleados con: Manganeso, Nquel, Cromo-Nquel, Molibdeno, Cromo-Molibdeno, Cromo-Niquel_Molibdeno, Nquel-Molibdeno, Cromo, Cromo-Vanadio, Tungsteno-Cromo, Silicio Manganeso, Aceros de Baja aleacin de alta resistencia, aceros al Boro y al Plomo, sus aplicaciones, estructuras cristalinas y conceptos bsicos de metalurgia para la interpretacin de sus microestructuras."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"ITIL v4 Exmenes Certificados de Practica" |
"Ha estudiado usted mismo usando el libro de texto de la Fundacin ITIL 4 o has Tomado mi curso o algn otro?Todava no est seguro de estar listo para tomar el examen de certificacin? Si es as, has venido al lugar correcto!He entrenado personalmente a diferentes grupos de personas en cmo aprobar sus exmenes de la Fundacin ITIL en el primer intento!Con mis 6 exmenes de prctica que contienen 40 preguntas cada uno, he elaborado cuidadosamente cada pregunta para ponerlo a prueba. Despus de aprobar estos exmenes, estar completamente preparado para lo que es tomar el examen de certificacin ITIL 4 Foundation.Este curso de examen de prctica est diseado en torno a la gua de examen oficial para ITIL 4 Foundation de Axelos, ponderando las 12 reas de conocimiento correctamente, para que pueda aprobar el examen de certificacin de ITIL 4 Foundation con confianza. No esperes estar listo con estas practicas usted sabr que esta listo Despus de cada intento de examen de prctica, recibir su puntaje final total, junto con comentarios sobre todas y cada una de las preguntas, dicindole exactamente por qu cada respuesta es correcta para que pueda identificar las reas en las que necesita mejorar y realizar algunos estudios adicionales.Estos exmenes de prctica de ITIL 4 Foundation tienen la capacidad de tomar exmenes cronometrados y le brindan comentarios interactivos a nivel de preguntas.Estos exmenes de prctica se actualizan constantemente para garantizar que se mantenga actualizado y actualizado con la ltima versin de los exmenes de la Fundacin ITIL 4, y tambin le ofrece una garanta de devolucin de dinero de 30 das, sin preguntas!Que esperas convierte en alguien exitoso Hoy mismo."
Price: 945.00 ![]() |
"BKLN Manners: Dog Training for Busy People" |
"BKLN Manners is a unique positive-reinforcement training program that addresses behavior concerns common to urban and suburban dog owners. In true Brooklyn style, this course offers no-nonsense, easy-to-implement solutions to:B: BarkingK: Knocking people overL: Leash walking problemsN: Naughtiness when aloneKate Naito is a certified dog behavior consultant, certified dog trainer, and award-winning author of two books (including BKLN Manners!). She utilizes clever management techniques and adaptations of positive training strategies to help you transform your dog from unruly to urbane. Each week, you will learn at least one B, K, L and N strategy in detail.This course includes clear descriptions, video demonstrations, practical assignments, troubleshooting points, quizzes, and plentiful resources to give you a full understanding of how to manage or change your dog's unwanted behaviors.Since its inception, BKLN Manners has become not just a class but a support system for thousands of formerly-frazzled owners. With plentiful resources both within and beyond the course, graduates have the tools to tackle any challenge our modern lives presents."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Data Cleaning avec Pandas pour le Machine Learning [Python]" |
"Est-ce que tu tes dj demand ce qui permettait certains apprentis Data Scientist de progresser ULTRA-VITE alors que le domaine est ULTRA-DUR ?La dure ralit, cest que tous les moyens dapprendre la Data Science ne sont pas gaux.Le pire scnario serait de passer tout son temps apprendre la thorie et les maths derrire les algos de Machine Learning sans jamais passer la pratique.La premire erreur que commettent beaucoup de gens, cest de se concentrer sur la partie vidente du Machine Learning et de la Data Science sans jamais raliser que 80% du travail de Data Scientist consiste prparer et nettoyer les donnes. Le vrai problme cest donc de ne pouvoir tre bon/trs bon qu' 20% car on n'a en fait pas appris devenir efficace sur ces 80% du travail.Si les apprenties Data Scientists et les Data Scientists juniors veulent devenir meilleurs dans leur activit alors ils doivent ncessairement devenir efficaces dans la prparation et le nettoyage des donnes.La librairie Python Pandas a t cre afin de pouvoir effectuer ULTRA-SIMPLEMENT des manipulations complexes de prparation et de nettoyage de donnes. la fin de ce cours, tu seras capable d'effectuer les 80% les plus importants de ton travail de Data Scientist 10 fois plus rapidement, ce qui amliorera ton confort de travail immdiatement.Par exemple, lors d'un cours de Machine Learning ou d'un bootcamp Data Science, plutt que d'tre perdu dans la documentation de Pandas et Stack Overflow, tu pourras passer plus de temps te concentrer la partie Machine Learning et donc progresser en Data Science.Ou bien imagine que tu passes un entretien o l'on te demande de coder pour prouver tes comptences. Au lieu de passer la plupart de ton temps te battre pour rendre tes donnes ""clean"", tu pourras raliser des analyses plus dtailles et passer plus de temps peaufiner les rsultats de tes modles, ce qui impressionnera tes recruteurs.Dans une vision long terme galement, ce cours pose des fondations solides grce auxquelles tu pourras continuer t'amliorer en autonomie en Pandas et en Python.Le vrai challenge c'est que Pandas est une librairie trs intimidante quand on dbute, et beaucoup de Data Scientist dbutantes dcident de n'apprendre que les utilisations les plus basiques. Il s'agit l de la seconde erreur que commettent beaucoup de gens.La ralit est simple : Pandas est un outil et le meilleur moyen pour matriser un outil c'est de s'en servir !Durant plus de 10 heures de vido o je code sous tes yeux, tu auras l'occasion d'apprendre le processus de nettoyage de donnes pas pas et je te montrerai les piges viter ainsi que des astuces mconnues mais terriblement efficaces.J'y ai aussi inclus plus de 3 heures d'exercices corrigs afin que tu puisses t'entraner ton rythme !Si tu es une dbutante, alors ce cours est fait pour toi et te permettra d'acclrer grandement ton apprentissage de ce domaine passionnant, le seul prrequis tant que tu connaisses les bases de Python.Mais ce cours te conviendra aussi si tu as dj commenc ton premier stage / emploi de Data Scientist et que tu constates que tu passes beaucoup de temps te gratter la tte en essayant de nettoyer tes donnes ; en effet, dans ce cours nous couvrirons bien plus que les bases.On parle ici d'une vraie mthodologie pour nettoyer les donnes ainsi que d'un ventail de techniques de nettoyage pour te prparer aux situations les plus courantes que tu rencontreras sur le terrain.Si tu as plusieurs annes d'exprience et/ou que tu recherches un cours Pandas pour manipuler des Time-Series alors ce cours ne sera probablement pas pour toi.Ce cours n'est pas non plus un cours de thorie du Machine Learning ou de Data Science, donc si c'est ce que tu recherches tout de suite, alors ce cours-ci n'est pas pour toi (mais un autre venir srement !).Dans tous les cas, tu peux toujours jeter un oeil aux vidos disponibles en aperu gratuitement pour avoir une ide plus dtaille du contenu du cours.Si aprs a tu te demandes encore si ce cours est fait pour toi, le plus simple reste tout simplement d'essayer: Udemy et moi sommes heureux de t'offrir un remboursement inconditionnel de 30 jours si le cours ne te satisfait pas pleinement. Comme a, aucun risque pour toi et tu as tout y gagner !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"IoTC with M5Stack" |
"1. CCIoTCM5StackIoTM5StackIoTM5Stack32bitMPUWifiBluetoothIoTM5StackVisual Studio CodeMinGWCCMakePlatformIOIoTVisual Studio Code2. CCIoT3. Windows10 64bit PC CPU Core i58GVisual Studio Code M5Stack Basic(IoTBME280("
Price: 19800.00 ![]() |
"Classificazione e Nomenclatura dei Composti Chimici" |
"Il Corso comprende 40 Lezioni della durata complessiva di 6, 15 oreIo insieme al mio scienziato pazzo, tra teoria ed esercizi, vi spiegheremo i fondamenti della Classificazione e Nomenclatura dei Composti Chimici. Gli argomenti sono trattati con lausilio di modelli molecolari e riguardano: CLASSIFICAZIONE e NOMENCLATURA. NUMERO di OSSIDAZIONE. BILANCIAMENTO delle EQUAZIONI CHIMICHE. OSSIDI METALLICI e NON METALLICI (Preparazione e Nomenclatura). IDRACIDI, IDRURI e PEROSSIDI (Preparazione e Nomenclatura). IDROSSIDI (Preparazione e Nomenclatura). OSSIACIDI dellAzoto, Zolfo, Carbonio, Cloro, Fosforo, Boro, Silicio, Cromo, Manganese, Selenio (Preparazione e Nomenclatura). SALI con lo Zolfo, Carbonio, Cloro, Fosforo, Boro, Silicio, Cromo,Manganese, Selenio (Preparazione e Nomenclatura). SALI ACIDI (Preparazione e Nomenclatura). METODI di PREPARAZIONE dei SALI CLASSIFICAZIONE delle REAZIONI CHIMICHE"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Basic Canadian Personal Income Tax in Less Than 1 Hour" |
"Hello Canada!Tax season is upon us.Many of us will try to do it online or pay a professional to file them.The truth is for most of us personal income tax can be straightforward. The most important aspect is to have a basic knowledge of the tax system as well knowing where to find and report that informationAs a former CRA employee, I have gathered valuable tax experience. And now as a CPA, I am on a journey of helping Canadians navigate the ever changing economy. I have developed a simple course to make taxes a less daunting experience.It is my hope that the content developed is easily understood and digested by my fellow Canadians. Feedback is always welcome on how to make the content easier to understand.This course will also provide exclusive access to my very own private Facebook group where we can engage in tax related matters.I am confident that you will harness the value behind this course and become tax ready."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"ServiceNow Certified Application Developer (2020) - Exams" |
"The course is based on the official exam CAD blueprint from ServiceNow. We have multiple modules which you can work on to prepare for the exam. The exam is based on real exam questions that were taken by our ServiceNow consultants. The modules that are covered in the practice exam include:Designing and Creating an ApplicationSecurity and Restricting AccessApplication AutomationWorking with External DataManaging Applications"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Estratgia de Leilo Abertura de Mercado do Mini dlar" |
"AGENDA DO CURSO:O que Tape Reading?E-bookAlgumas ferramentas necessrias para a anlise no Tape ReadingE-bookEspecificao de cada ferramentaE-bookConhecendo o Layout Minha Tela OperacionalVdeo aula + E-bookFerramentas da minha tela operacional apresentada Algumas ferramentas que eu utilizo para a tomada de deciso nas minhas operaes ,nas estratgias que eu executo no dia dia no mercado, atravs da tcnica do Tape reading - Anlise de fluxo de ordensVdeo aula + E-bookContexto: Razes para a tomada de deciso na Estratgia de Leilo - Abertura de mercadoIdentificando possveis pontos na abertura de mercadoIdentificando o (spread) de abertura entre o dlar padro e mini dlarVdeo aula + E-bookENTENDENDO A LGICA DO (HFT) NA ESTRATGIA - Os Robs (algoritmos) de negociao na Bolsa de Valores (HFT)Spread entre os 2 ativosO que so algoritmosVdeo aula + E-bookAlgumas tcnicas:Cenrio1 - Cenrio 2 - Cenrio 3E-bookAULA PRTICA - Estratgia de Leilo - Abertura de mercado Replay de mercado - Cenrio 1Cenrio 1 - Executando a estratgiaOperando na prtica o mercado do dlar futuro aprendendo a ler o book de ofertas e interpretar as intenes dos grandes players durante o leilo.Vdeo aula + E-bookAULA PRTICA - Estratgia Leilo - Abertura de mercado Replay de mercado - Cenrio 2Cenrio 2 - Executando a estratgiaOperando na prtica o mercado do dlar futuro aprendendo a ler o book de ofertas e interpretar as intenes dos grandes players durante o leilo.Vdeo aula + E-bookAULA PRTICA - Estratgia Leilo - Abertura de mercado Replay de mercado - Cenrio 3Cenrio 3 - Executando a estratgiaOperando na prtica o mercado do dlar futuro aprendendo a ler o book de ofertas e interpretar as intenes dos grandes players durante o leilo.Vdeo aula + E-bookAULA PRTICA - Estratgia Maior volume negociado Replay de mercado - Cenrio 1 Cenrio 1 - Conheendo a estratgia de maior volume negociado no dia anteriorPr abertura de mercado: Planilhas que eu utilizo na pr abertura do mercado de Dlar futuro para executar a estratgia de maior volume negociado no mercado anterior. Vdeo aula + E-bookAgradecimentos e contatosE-book"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Pinterest Marketing: Is the Key for Passive Income" |
"First question, What would be the easiest platform to start affiliate marketing as a beginner?Your answer, Become an Amazon affiliate and the second question which is the most important social media to get organic traffic and sales without paid any investment your answer will be PinterestYes your answers are correct and let me tell you that right you here to take the best course that will help you make a passive income from home that if you are looking to leave their 9 to 5 jobI have broken my training into a simple step by step lessons this course teaches you everything about the Amazon affiliate program and Pinterest marketing so dont worry if you dont have any ideaWithout wasting much time just go ahead, Enroll now! Why? Because youre Prudent.Ill see you in the classroom,---Shaimaa"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Sport Psychology 101: Mental Skills for Mastering Your Mind" |
"Sport Psychology is useful when you are struggling in sport and life. However, it is just as useful when you are on top of your game.A lot of athletes put stress on themselves on a daily basis or on the competition day due to their inner narratives, also known as self-talk or what you say to yourself in your mind.In this course, we will cover a wide range of topics so you can be armed with the tools to deal with the stress of training and competing. I have also created a workbook as part of this course to help you take your first steps to guide you through:Goal settingPriority and Time ManagementVisualisationCoping strategiesGetting in the ZoneTake a look at my FREE preview videos to see how this course is structured and my background as an elite athlete and coach.It doesn't matter what sport you play, or at what level you play. These mental skills can be applied to all areas of your life.Slay the dragon, before the dragon slays you. If you're ready to tackle the area of mental skills and sport psychology to improve yourself and get a leg up on your competition, then click the ""buy now"" to get started!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Learn Google Keep 2020 - The Complete Guide" |
"**Update March 22, 2020 - Audio Issues Fixed!** Hi there! Welcome to my Google Keep 2020 course. My name is Kevin O'Brien and I'll be your Keep-Coach! WELCOME, KEEP-ER! Interested in learning all about Google Keep? Then you've come to the right place! Whether you're an absolute beginner or just looking to freshen up your current Google Keep knowledge, then this is the course for you. I'll guide you through all the steps required to get up to scratch in no time, most importantly in a fun and helpful way. BECOME A KEEP GENIUS! There are a lot of note applications out there on the market, but Google Keep is shining through as the most efficient and user-friendly application of them all. Ensure that you're keeping track of your daily to-do lists, must-watch movies and even your groceries! For business or personal use, Google Keep has you covered. I'll take you through the most important functions of Google Keep to help you become a Keep Genius! Together we'll cover Keep's most useful functions including: Making notes and lists Sharing NotesSetting Reminders Categorising Notes using Labels and ColorArchiving and Trashing NotesGrabbing Text from ImagesAnd much much more...I've divided this course up into bite-sized video lectures to help you get on track easier and quicker. Before you'll know it you'll be saving so much time using Keep so you can spend more time on other projects. So put the kettle on, make yourself a cup of coffee and let's get started :)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Social Media Marketing Like A Pro" |
"Everything you need to know to go from zero to pro at social media. This is not just another social media training courseDo you want to learn how to build and increase your online presence? Have a product or service but don't have an audience? Want to sell but have but don't know how? Not sure how to use Social Media platforms like Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter? Then this course is ideal for you!Social Media Marketing is today one of the most profitable and easiest ways to promote a brand or sell products and services.You don't have to worry about looking for information on the most important platforms in several different places. With Learn Social Media Marketing Like A Pro - The Ultimate Guide for Setup Your Social Media Marketing Strategy on Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram and Much More you have a didactic focused on showing the complete step by step for you to start your social media marketing strategy today.This very simple to follow but powerful step by step can increase your return on investment considerably when compared to other ways of marketing.Enroll in the course now and start advertising today using the power of Social Media Marketing.Now's the time to work on your business, improve what you're already doing, and become the social media superstar that you know you are!See you on the course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How To Start and Grow A Successful Clothing Brand Business" |
"Learn exactly how to launch a money-making clothing business and how to grow the number of sales. Its full of useful information that I genuinely wish I knew when I started my clothing brand. There are a lot of clothing companies around, this course will help you to make sure that your business is ahead of the rest."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"5 Steps To Less Stress" |
"Step back from stress and learn how to reduce it in your life. Find how to take the overwhelming and make it manageable, create a strong foundation, learn good habits and how to create more time in your day. See how making small changes can lead to a very big feeling. Stress doesn't have to rule you. You are in charge of your life, get back in the driver's seat and choose your journey."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to be Successful & Happy: Design the Life of Your Dreams" |
"Welcome to the Life by Design course where you'll learn how to create the life you love by shifting your mindset and implementing a series of simple practices. I'll show you how to attract positive things into your life by shifting your mindset, uncovering your authentic self, and pinpointing your deepest heart's desires. Are you really satisfied with your life? Are you still struggling through sleepless nights? Dreading a long commute to work? Do you find yourself comparing your life to those around you? Ready for healthier and happier relationships? Ready for more income and greater career success? Are you ready to design a life you love without compromise?I'm a certified professional lifestyle coach who shares my proven, step-by-step strategy to living a fulfilling life by your own design. In my life, I've been able to achieve both success and total happiness by implementing these 7 steps, and now I'm going to show you how to do the same. You'll learn: What is a life by design?How to uncover your desiresHow to set goalsHow to overcome adversityHow to get what you wantHow to remove toxic people from your lifeHow to live your ultimate dreamThis course is compromised of a series of video lectures, written content, and downloadable activities designed to help you achieve your goals, success, happiness, and fulfillment. Let's get started!Happy Designing!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Despertar dos Chakras" |
"Voc est preparado para viver uma vida feliz, equilibrada, com sade mental, fsica e espiritual? Chegamos a Udemy com uma mega novidade: o curso Despertar dos Chakras, com as aulas gravadas de teoria e prtica para que voc faa grandes transformaes a partir da ampliao da conscincia.Aqui voc ir aprender o que so os chakras, suas cores, como descobrir se eles esto desequilibrados, bloqueados ou hiperativos, meditaes guiadas para equilibr-los, conexo entre os chakras, material de apoio, reflexes baseadas na Lei da Atrao e muito mais!POR QUE OS CHAKRAS SO TO IMPORTANTES?Os chakras so crculos de energia que emitem e recebem energia vital para todo o nosso corpo. Quando um deles se desequilibra, todo o nosso sistema sofre as consequncias, trazendo doenas tanto fsicas quanto mentais (dores de cabea, insnia, depresso, cncer, infarto, ansiedade, lcera, problemas sexuais, dentre tantos outros que roubam a nossa luz e vontade de viver).Os chakras so centros de energia especializados que nos conectam ao universo multidimensional. Os chakras so portais dimensionais dentro dos corpos sutis que absorvem e processam energia de natureza vibracional superior, para que possa ser adequadamente assimilada e usada para transformar o corpo fsico."" (Richard Gerber)"
Price: 489.99 ![]() |
"Le formule del successo" |
"In questo corso apprenderai come espandere le tue attivit attraverso il management supportato da statistiche e formule specifiche fatte di azioni pratiche per risolvere qualsiasi condizione della tua vita, dalle finanze personali ad un'attivit commerciale, una relazione, la vostra produzione e altro ancora. Applicando i dati di questo corso riuscirai a pianificare cosa fare esattamente settimana per settimana per espandere la tua attivit e rimuovere gli ostacoli che fermano la tua crescita. Puoi contattarci a termine corso per prenotare il tuo coaching one to one cos da mettere in pratica quanto studiato in modo specifico e mirato."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Gesnder leben - Mit saisonalen Lebensmitteln" |
"Welches Gemse ist zu welcher Saison zu haben? Was kann ich variieren? Wo finde ich die Lebensmittel die ich haben mchte? Mchtest du dich zuknftig gesnder und kologischer ernhren? Dann schau dir diesen Kurs an. Es gibt auch 24 tolle Rezepte mit je zwei Mglichkeiten fr jeden Monat an gesundem Essen."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Become an Effective and Efficient Email Writer" |
"If you write a lot of email -- and who doesn't these days? -- this webinar lecture series will make you a stronger and more effective business writer. Like the title says, you will become more effective, and you will save time too. From writing process, to outlining before you write, to writing and editing your email messages, this webinar lecture series cover it all, and includes writing exercises so that you can apply what you learn. The webinar instructor, Paul Lima, is a business and promotional writer, business and promotional writing trainer and author of 20 books on writing."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Primeros pasos para INVERTIR EN LA BOLSA NY" |
"Haciendo este curso tendras los conocimientos basicos para que sepas como se maneja el mundo en la bolsa de valores, conoceras porque los ricos compran oro o plata, y cuando es el momento correcto de comprar materia prima, la mayoria de la gente pierde mucho dinero por no estudiar, la ignorancia es el instrumento de la destruccion, tambien hay muchas personas que pierden dinero porque compran cuando es tiempo de vender, o venden cuando es tiempo de comprar, detectar esos momento es la clave del exito en la bolsa de valores, y yo quiero que tu sepas como detecto yo esos momentos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Corona Render Temelleri ve Gereki Render Teknikleri." |
"indirim kuponu----464E8475413703EF537ARender motorlarndan son dnemde ok popler olmaya balayan Corona Renderer hem fiyat hemde kullanm performans ile 3 boyutlu grselletirme sanatlarna inanlmaz imkanlar salyor, hazrladm bu eitim ile bu usuz bucaksz bu dnyaya gzel bir giri yapacaksnz. Ezbere dayal bir eitim yolu yerine deneyerek mantk erevesine uygun ekilde dersleri planlamaya altm umarm sizlere bu eitim ok faydal olacaktr.Eitimleri 3ds max'in 2018 srm ve Corona Renderer'n 5. versiyonu ile hazrladm, malesef max srm 2015 in altnda olan arkadalar ek kaynaklar aamazlar Corona renderer iin ise 2 ve zeri srmleri kullanmanz neririm. erik olarak;* ve d mekan uygulamalar 0 dan finale.* mekanda ve d mekanda k ile ilgili bir ok uygulama.*Corona Renderern kendine zg zellikler.*Kamera ve render ayarlar.*Bir pk gereki kaplama.* ve d mekanda Sisli ortam hazrlama.*Frame buffer ile postproduction.*rnek sahne almas.*Gereki render almak iin neriler ve ders esnasnda bir ok bilgi paylam.Eitim srekli gncel tutulacaktr, yeni ve sizlere faydal olabileceini dndm konular derleyip platforma ekleyeceim.neri ve sorularnz iin mesaj atabilriisiniz.yi almalar"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Treadmill Walking for Beginners by Turi's Adventures" |
"Do you want to improve your mental and physical health but feel you are too out of shape to even begin? This course if for you! We will get our minds and bodies in shape by walking through beautiful virtual scenes of nature including forests, beaches, rivers, and islands. The course begins with 10-15 minute walks, and by the end, you will be walking over an hour and looking forward to it. Think of the long-term changes this course will make to your life. Get walking!! Get happy!! Get fit!! Go adventure!!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop fr Einsteiger / Adobe Photoshop Grundkurs" |
"Lernen Sie jetzt in diesem 10 teiligen Video-Kurs Photoshop fr Einsteiger / Adobe Photoshop Grundkurs. Wie Sie mit Adobe Photoshop Banner, Webseiten-Designs und Composings selber erstellen knnen.In diesem Videotraining werden wir alle Adobe Photoshop Grundlagen und Werkzeuge Schritt fr Schritt durchgehen.Dies ist deine Chance!Es ist soweit deine Photoshop Fertigkeiten auf ein neues Level zu heben. Schreibe dich gleich fr den Kurs ein und lerne den Umgang mit Adobe Photoshop!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |