Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Lead Projects through PMP Exam Questions" |
"Why:This workshop is for aspiring project managers. Those who hate to memorize PMBOK concepts, and dont want to practice 1000s of PMP exam questions. Lead projects through PMP Exam Questions is an exam simulator. It is AUCs experience of leading multimillion-dollar projects and coaching more than 10,000 PMP aspirants. Unlike other exam simulations where you have a test of memorization. AUC simulator provides you scenarios to solve with video explanation of each option.Key Benefits:Pass Your PMP Exam on your first tryMap Your Experience with PMBOKClear Job InterviewsLead Projects SuccessfullyBecome a Project Economy LeaderFeatures:200 Exam Questions Based on PMBOK 6th EditionVideo Explanation of Each OptionCase Studies Based on Multimillion Dollar Projects Situations to Utilise PMBOK Tools and TechniquesPMI Ethics Questions for Each PMP Exam Domain"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"SAS Advanced Programming Proc SQL" |
"SAS Advanced Programming Proc SQL with 80 Hands On ExamplesDownload DataDownload Example Hands OnAccess all PPT'sSAS Advanced programming is one of the most sought skills for Data Analytics, Data Engineer, Business Analytics, Data Scientists, Machine Learning, Clinical Analytics who are working on SAS tools and looking to grow their career using the SAS tools. Here, HadoopExam Technical Team created easy to lear material for SAS Advanced programming focusing on PROC SQL (Structured Query Language) this is much easier than directly using the SAS Data Sets and make you even comfortable to work on the RDBMS databases like MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server etc. If you are working on the SAS then this is must to learn, you can not skip. Even to given you full practice with the SQL, we are covering 80+ Hands on example in all 13 modules. Hence, we are equally focusing on the fundamental concepts as well as practice sessions. You can see sample video to understand the quality of the material and the teaching style."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Java Programming Introduction for Beginners" |
"Youre looking at the the most useful Java Introduction course. Build the foundation without spending weeks of your life studying. Everything you need to be a Java developer, without the fluff. With over 280,000 students on Udemy and 170,000 YouTube subscribers, Ive has established myself as a top instructor in Java.Whether you are a student crash-coursing for a final (been there), a new developer trying to survive a job, or an established professional who needs to build an app in Java, this course is for you. I dont assume much prior knowledge, but I also go in great depth for a beginner course. Get ready!I dont just want to share facts, I want to share understanding. I want to give you the foundation needed to take on advanced Java concepts. Whether youre looking at your first programming job, need to bring Java into your project, pass the Oracle certification, or just expand your knowledge, this course offers it all in a timely manner. What else? I make it fun and simple!Ive gone through great lengths to teach the world programming. Including Java! Here is some of my feedback around my Java content:Bruh this is going to save me from failing my Java midterm! -Noah PDude this is awesome! What an awesome resource for students and programmers alike. -Josh PYou actually explain the parts of the code, what most code teachers don't! Thanks! -Tris SThank you Caleb for all that you do! I have to say that you make coding fun! AND I have learned things seemingly complex items you've explained in seconds that textbooks/professors have not been able to convey! PLEASE keep going! Please. -Todd GThis is one of the most understandable tutorial I've ever watched. I'm a complete beginner, I may have coded with C++ and that was three years ago and I have forgotten all about it. Now I'm diving into java and I find your videos really helpful.Thank you."" -Leunnamme SDang youre smart and good looking -MyselfCan we really cover everything we need in this course?Most of the code in programming can be broken down to some key concepts and thoughts. This is what we focus on in this course. Will you know the entire Java language? Absolutely not. Will you have the confidence to start developing on your own thanks to this solid foundation? Yes.Dont believe this course is straight fire? Why dont you ask my 6,000+ Udemy Reviewers?Excellent, lively course. Beautifully taught. Couldn't have asked for a better teacher. -Shikha RSo refreshing to enjoy a course and not to be bored silly be a monotone voice. Actually made it fun and easy to learn. now off to build an Azure data factory, wish me luck!! -James DGreat course. The instructor is funny, knowledgeable and keeps the videos interesting. -Ashley GCaleb is a highly skilled and intelligent instructor, delivering well-structured, easily understandable and entertaining lessons. -Sydney Mvery easy to understand even for non native english speaker -Maria KHeck, this course seems so good, Im thinking about buying it myself. Give me a shot to teach you Java. If youre not satisfied, Udemy has a very solid refund policy!Check out the preview video to be certain this is the course for you. Once youre ready, make the purchase and Ill see you in the first episode!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace" |
"The Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace course is the second of five included in the Developing Emotional Intelligence Program, also presented as individual courses for your convenience.Studies show that emotional intelligence plays a role that's just as, if not more, important than IQ. By developing your people skills, you'll have a positive effect on your career.In this course, you'll explore: what emotional intelligence is, how to realistically evaluate yourself, why it's important to manage your emotions, and how self-motivation affects your career.Thats it! Now go ahead and push that Take this course button, and see you on the inside!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Digistore 24 fr deine Online Kurse und Digitalen Produkte" |
"Dies ist ein umfassender Kurs rund um die vielfltigen Anwendungs-Mglichkeiten von Digistore24.Ich selbst nutze Digistore 24 schon seit einigen Jahren zum Verkauf meiner Onlinekurse und anderer Digitaler Produkte.Du lernst unter anderem:- ein Produkt anlegen- ein Bestellformular erstellen- Zahlungsplne anlegen- Rabattcodes erstellen- Rckgabe-Regelungen- Suchfunktionen- Upsells- Varianten- Social Proof Bubble- Countdowns- Affiliate marketing einrichten- Content-Seiten erstellen- verschiedene wichtige URLs- das Digistore24 Plugin verwenden- den Marktplatz nutzen- Integrationen mit eMail Software-...noch einiges mehr"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Oracle's VirtualBox Download, Install and Configure" |
"This course will give you an understanding of virtualization and will the help of free and downloadable software it will demonstrate how to install, configure and then use VirtualBox in a test environment. This course will take you step-by-step in explaining on what virtualization is and how it can help us set up a test environment and then install virtual machines and connect them virtually to create a fully functional network."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Linux Essential Tools" |
"This course is designed for people who are seeking a certification or the ones who just want to learn Linux. It starts off with the basics and then progresses to more detailed and advanced concepts. The course is full of hands-on exercises and quizzes to keep the students engaged.After finishing this course the students should be in a good position to take the certification exam if that's what their eventual goal is or simply apply what they learned to their existing jobs or use these skills to find a new job. This will definitely open new doors for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Automated API Tests using Artificial Intelligence (AI)" |
"Automated API Tests using Artificial Intelligence (AI) course is the first ever course on UDemy which talks about future of API Tests with AI Machine Learning. In this course you will learn how to use Artificial Intelligence to convert your Web UI tests into Automated API Tests.I have decided to structure this course into two parts. it requires students to understand basic fundamental of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the need for AI in Software Testing on first part before we jump into next part where we can deep dive into API test automation and discussed some innovative AI tools that we can use to convert your Web UI tests into Automated API Tests.This course is designed for both testers and developers. Tester who want to develop their testing skills in the test automation with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Developer who want to execute their API unit test in automated way using Artificial Intelligence (AI).This course will teach you how are we doing API testing currently in agile world and then how can we improve that using Smart API Test Generator, which uses Artificial Intelligence to convert your Web UI tests into Automated API Tests. After you have completed this course you should be able to build API test automation projects for your company's applications using Artificial Intelligence (AI). This course should also help you for your AI test automation job interview."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Guide to Prototyping: Engineering Manufacturing" |
"Do you wish to turn your designs and ideas into tangible physical products that you can develop, use or sell? Are you creative and want to take your talents to the next level? This course will springboard your understanding of the engineering world on product manufacture through many prototyping routes such as; turning, milling, laser cutting, water jet machining and many others! Learn how to approach your suppliers with all the necessary information to create your parts, whilst not having the appearance to your supplier of being new to it all! Prevent making some of the mistakes I have made in the past by learning about some errors I have encountered, but also how to handle issues should any problems or disputes arise.I have personally created components for a race car, including suspension, drivetrain and steering, but also I have built a 3D printer using the knowledge contained in these lectures. What will you create with the knowledge from this course?- Learn-Ed Team"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Power of the Subconscious Mind" |
"Most of people are living far below their potential. They know they are capable of so much more. But somehow they fail to live up to their fullest potential. The key is to use the hidden power of your subconscious mind and take control of your life.The following topics will be covered in this course: The Conscious Mind Is LimitedHow Limited Is Our Conscious Mind?The Conscious Mind Is Powerful But Self-LimitedConscious Mind Needs The Help Of Your Subconscious MindLearn To Control Your Subconscious MindJust Because Its Hidden, Doesnt Mean It Doesnt ExistOwn Your Subconscious MindLearn to live in the momentCompile A Subconscious Mind ProfileUnleash Your Subconscious Mind With These Techniques"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"You can do it" |
"This powerful videocourse will provide you with everything you need to finally get rid of procrastination and time wasting and start living the life you want.Knowledge is power and once we understand the root causes of unhappiness we are well on our way to being able to overcome it. Or at the very least mitigate it's effects.Within this guide you will discover everything you need to know to create happiness everyday of your life and also what not to do leading to stress and anxiety.Topics covered:Figuring Out Which Goals To SetUse Daily Rituals to Fine Tune and Achieve Your GoalsMeasure Your Success to Boost Your MotivationLearn When To Scale Up"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Success Rituals" |
"This video course will show you the 10 Key Principles practiced by the worlds Peak Performers to dominate their lives personally and professionally. You can easily apply these same principles into your lives and replicate their success!Successful people have their own sets of principles that they practice daily. These principles are the seeds that eventually produce their desired results. These principles they practiced daily are the keys that unleash their full potential.Here is what you will discover in this course:How to set purpose-driven goals and effective strategies to achieve them quicklyDiscover how to defeat indecisiveness and train your decision-making musclesThe ONE key habit is crucial for long-term success and accomplishments3 core beliefs you must have in order to achieve high-level successSecrets to have extreme ownership over your life and people around youSuccess rituals of peak performers you can easily model to replicate their successesThe reasons why comfort zone can stunt your growth and achieve a better version of yourselfVocabulary of success and how the words you use on daily basis can affect your belief and ultimately, your level of successThe importance of practicing constant and never-ending improvement in every area of your lifeTopics covered:Set Big GoalsMake Real DecisionsConsistency Is KeyNothing Is ImpossibleBe AccountableLive In The MomentBe AdventurousWords Of SuccessBe A Lifelong LearnerTheres No Such Thing As Failure"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Voedingsexpert |
"Wil jij alles te weten komen over voeding? In deze cursus gaan we dat doen!Voeding is belangrijk voor je. Ongeacht je leeftijd is het altijd belangrijk om goed te eten. Er is namelijk niks beter dan een gezond en fit leven. In deze cursus doe je kennis op wat betreft voeding. Het doel is om er voor te zorgen dat jij uiteindelijk zelf weet hoe je met voeding om moet gaan en dat je genoeg kennis hebt om grote gezondheid verbeteringen te kunnen maken."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Acceptance and Commitment Therapy 2.0 for SELF HELP" |
"Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) 2.0 for SELF HELPAcceptance and Commitment Therapy for Anxiety, Depression, Stress, etc. Learn to use ACT therapy for emotional problemsAcceptance and commitment therapy invites people to open up to unpleasant feelings, and learn not to overreact to them, and not avoid situations where they are invoked. Its therapeutic effect is a positive spiral where feeling better leads to a better understanding of the truth.A powerful step by step program to help you:Understand emotional problems is a new wayManage overwhelming thoughts, uncomfortable feelings, and past emotional garbageBecome resilient and equanimousStart participating fully in the life you want Reconnect with your higher valuesRegain control of your thoughts, emotions, circumstances, and mindWith 20+ downloadable exercise worksheets, guided meditations, and premium resourcesThese techniques of ACT can be used effectively for the below as I have included more techniques and tools:ACT therapy for StressACT therapy for Anxiety DisordersACT therapy for DepressionACT therapy for Anger IssuesACT therapy for DemotivationACT therapy for Agitated mindACT therapy for OCDACT therapy for Eating DisordersACT therapy for TraumaACT therapy for Chronic PainACT therapy for ADHDACT therapy for Intrusive ThoughtsWhen I tell people that I teach How to cure anxiety, a lot of people say, but HOW do people achieve real success? Isnt it difficult to cure anxiety, trauma, depression, or chronic pain without medication and impossible to eradicate anxiety completely? Well, YES, it is difficult, especially if you dont know what youre doing. If youve ever wondered how to FAST quit your anxiety, then this is a MUST because it teaches you the how abouts of it. You need the right, structured information to deal with your anxiety and this course does just that.Id like to tell you a story. Its about WHY I do what I do, and why Id like to help YOU achieve a sense of personal safety, high self-confidence, ability to tackle negative weak thoughts and live your life freely without ever having to be anxious again.I have decided to pull you out of emotional pains because I 've been there and it was only making me dead inside. I learned this psychotherapy and became well-versed with this topic so that I can help more people. And it makes me burst into tears when I see people successfully start feeling grounded after my coaching.The reason I wanted to share my story with you is because I want you to know me. And I want you to know that I can help you, too.So do me a favor? Enroll in this course.As youll see, Im helping people overcome emotional challenges by themselves naturally with therapeutic information. Just like I help a lot of people to snap out of pain, Id like to help you.The course will help you to:Identify your Painful Behaviors & ThoughtsAccept your Emotional Pains with Various ACT TechniquesRecommit to your higher values and dream life with Value Determination ProcessHandle your thoughts and mood swings with various cognitive skillsReduce your stubborn emotional pains completely over timeDevelop resilience and equanimityAll principles of ACT Therapy - Everything you need to know about ACTPeople are LOVING this course, and if youre truly trying to heal yourself for good, this course is just all that you need.Heres a list of frequently asked questions, below. 1. Can this course really help me with anxiety/depression/trauma/agitated mind?Yes. I have personally healed myself with it when everything else was failing. Teaching this to 10000s of students has changed their lives too.2. Do I have to take professional advice and medications even after taking this course?Yes. This course is not medical advice. The purpose of this course is to facilitate & compliment your existing treatment plan. If you are not seeing a therapist then this course will provide you with a step by step treatment plan to ease anxiety/depression/trauma/agitated mind.3. Does this course cover all types of emotional problems?Yes. This course is helpful to all types of anxiety/depression/trauma/agitated minds. Although in the course I take prominent examples of Anxiety, these principles are equally applicable to your specific problem.I know investing in yourself and committing to learn this topic can be a small but important step, but I PROMISE YOU that youll be so glad you made itAcceptance and Commitment Therapy has picked up many of the concepts and techniques as it is from these Buddhist teachings such as loving-kindness meditation, Acceptance of bodily sensations, and mindfulness. I have done Vipassana Meditation Course several times and I study dhamma material religiously. In this course, I try to give you a broader sense of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy that no other instructor can.Some of the questions answered in this course are:what is acceptance and commitment therapy?what is acceptance and commitment therapy used for?what are values in acceptance and commitment therapy?how does acceptance and commitment therapy work?how to apply acceptance and commitment therapy?how to cure emotional problems with ACT?what is social anxiety?how to cure social anxiety?what is the similarity between Buddhism and acceptance and commitment?will your anxiety and depression go away?You will also get access to:acceptance and commitment therapy values worksheetacceptance and commitment therapy mindfulness exercisesacceptance and commitment therapy defusion worksheetsacceptance and commitment therapy exercises for social anxiety emotion regulation+ BONUS of CBT Emotional Health Home Exercises!Personal Disclaimer: This course is not a substitute for professional help of medicine, certified therapist, or counselor nor is it a substitute for University approved courses. I am a Certified CBT Practitioner from Achology The Academy for Modern Applied Psychology. By enrolling and applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for all consequences. The certificate of completion doesn't hold any value other than what this platform claims. The student agrees to purchase this course with full knowledge of the above facts."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Linux BASH Shell Terminal Command Basics" |
"Please note: the first lecture(introduction lecture) audio is very low, so please turn up your pc/windows/mac desktop audio to max, so that you can hear the first lecture clearly.Ubuntu Linux BASH shell terminal is used for this course.An introduction course to the typical Unix/Linux Shell Command Basics, meant for beginners, and therefore does not go into advanced details. If you would like an advanced course on this, please let me know.A Unix shell is a command-line interpreter or shell that provides a command line user interface for Unix-like operating systems. The shell is both an interactive command language and a scripting language, and is used by the operating system to control the execution of the system using shell scripts.In computing, a shell is a user interface for access to an operating system's services. In general, operating system shells use either a command-line interface (CLI) or graphical user interface (GUI), depending on a computer's role and particular operation."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Install Linux Mint (Cinnamon) on a Virtual Machine" |
"Learn how to quickly and easily install Linux Mint (Cinnamon) on a virtual machine for your learning/testing purposes.This course is for anyone interested in Linux OS but not sure how to install it. I guide you through the process of installing Linux Mint on a virtual machine using Oracle VirtualBox. That way you don't have to worry about affecting any of your personal data or breaking your Windows/Mac OS. You can safely learn Linux by practicing on a Linux virtual machine.This course can also be used to install Linux on your physical machine/pc, if you wanted to.You will also learn about the correct partitioning of a Linux installation.Bonus near the end of the course(after installation): you will learn a couple of things about the Linux Mint desktop and setup."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Start your own online store now for FREE. (No monthly fees!)" |
"IMPORTANT NOTE: eCommerce Platform used in this course: WooCommerce.This great course applies to ALL types of Online Stores: eCommerce, Dropshipping, etc.You do NOT need any money to start your own online store. You can avoid ALL setup fees and monthly fees.How? See below.Normally, people need to buy a .com domain name and pay for monthly hosting, etc.I show you how to avoid all these fees by setting up a free domain name for your online store, and how to host your online store for free, with the self-hosting approach. With my method you only spend money on marketing, e.g. facebook ads.Benefit? This will save you a lot of money and will make it possible for people who cannot afford the normal online store fees to start their own online stores.NO setup fees or monthly fees! FREE hosting (self-hosting) + FREE domain name + FREE DDNS service.This great course is ideal for people who don't have the money/budget to start their own online store. (shopify fees are high). I show you how to AVOID paying for a domain name and web hosting. Many people ask me about this. You don't need any money to set up your own online store. I show you how. You only pay for my course if you didn't get it free, and then you only pay for marketing if you decide to use facebook ads. That's it. No other setup or monthly fees, except for facebook ads.Problem:Thousands of people want to start their own online eCommerce stores but they cannot afford it, they don't have the funds/budget to pay for shopify monthly subscriptions, domain names, etc.Solution:This course makes it possible for people who do not have enough money/funds, to start their own online eCommerce stores.The course shows you exactly how to create/set up and maintain your own online eCommerce store for FREE without spending ANY money whatsoever. Uses WordPress & WooCommerce to create a top quality online store that is ready to start making sales.You will learn step by step how to set up the following on your own computer/laptop/desktop/pc, at home:A free DDNS service for your free domain name, WAMP, SSL/HTTPS, WordPress & WooCommerce all set up together to self-host your online store.Only spend money on facebook ads, nothing else. This course is perfect for the thousands of people who cannot afford the $29/month Shopify subscription fees. You can always upgrade to Shopify later once you start making lots of sales, if you really wanted to. Even then, WooCommerce is just as good as Shopify, so no need to ever change to Shopify. You can always eventually just upgrade to a VPS cloud hosting service and migrate your WooCommerce store there for highest performance."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Amazon AWS EC2 + LEMP + WooCommerce (Beginner-Advanced)" |
"Course: Amazon AWS EC2 + Ubuntu Linux + LEMP + SSL + WordPress + WooCommerceLevel: Beginner to AdvancedThe purpose of this great online course is to demonstrate an excellent practical example of how you can leverage cloud computing, and specifically with the Amazon AWS EC2 free tier solution, to setup and self-host your own fully functioning online eCommerce store, and spend less than five dollars per month to keep it going.Who is this course for?:- If you're just interested to learn more about Amazon AWS EC2 and practical applications of cloud computing, then this is the perfect course for you.- If you're just interested to learn how to setup a high performance nginx based web server(with SSL) with the LEMP stack on Ubuntu Linux, then you will learn that in this course.- If you're just interested to learn how to setup and self-host your own online eCommerce store, with a very low budget, then this is the perfect course for you.- And if you're just interested to learn how to install and setup a WordPress website on a self-hosted web server, then you will learn that in this course.(Please note that this course requires some level of technical/IT aptitude, to successfully complete.)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Finance to accelerate your startup" |
"The course - Finance to accelerate your startup is designed to help startup-preneurs to build a clear and well thought through system, understanding & strategy around the basic financial elements of running any business.Entrepreneurs who are about to start a new business/start-up or looking to expand their existing business need to have a basic understanding of financial tools like, pricing, revenue models and business planning, to help them achieve excellence in their endeavor to have a successful business. This course aims to help them by taking only a fraction of their time in achieving this target."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Oracle 19C Installation on Oracle Linux 7" |
"As a part of this course you will understand the installation of oracle 19C database on the top of oracle linux 7.This course is designed to give you thoroughly knowledge of oracle 19c Installation.Following are some important things about this course.1. All the session are explained practically and theoretically.2.Installation documents is attached with the course.3.Software installation and download explained practically4.Oracle 19C feature are added with the course"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Shaolin Qi Gong - Ba Duan Jin" |
"The word qi gong have different meaning: working with the energy, become master of life force, breathing exercises. The truth is that Qi gong is all of these. The shaolin Ba Duan Jin in special way increase the life force to give to the body more power in the martial art practice, but this give you also a boost in your health."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Tasting the Spiritual Universe - Evoking Spirit - A7.2" |
"How to: TASTE the Spiritual Universe WITHOUT Drugs, Superstitions or Dying.Here you will learn thinking processes to support TASTING the Spiritual Universe. This is one Course of a Course-Series called ""Evoking Spirit"". It is complete in itself, however, this one is specifically focused on the sensations you taste. For your professor Rev. Devan Jesse Byrne these things are not theory, not arbitrary. He teaches from first-hand experience and mastery of these abilities.Course Key: It is not that you need to perceive someplace different, you need to perceive the same place differently.-----Did you know: All of our courses are unscripted. Each course in the series is so similar because they are recorded back to back. This is an entirely spiritually-guided experience.-----You will be exposed to various ways of thinking that give you very accessible opportunities to open the door to the first-hand experience of the Spiritual Universe and all that is available there for you. Even while the success of this can not be guaranteed, if you are a dedicated, determined and an open-minded individual, it is entirely possible for you to become drastically more aware of the spiritual universe with far more personal experiences then before you started.The largest obstacle to face in this course happens to be the purpose we developed a physical world. This world is designed as a slow manifesting experience to word off fearful thoughts which become manifest instantly in the Spiritual-Universe. As you come to experience it, you will quickly realize it has been some form of fear that jarred you back into the physical experience each and every time. It is because of this, the main practice to learn in this course is to forgive each and everything and person till you have absolutely no inclination of a fear or resistance in your mind.However, you will have teachings in this course on how to examine and identify the aspects within your perception that interprets the Spiritual Universe into the seeming physical one before you. In order to succeed in this course, It is required that you adjust and change your mind about what is real and what is not, essentially turn all perception upside down recognizing the Spiritual Universe is the actual reality and the physical is the actual arbitrary.This course is not about dogma or teachings of any supreme teacher. This is simply to forefront offer the actual process on experiencing the Spiritual Universe First-Hand for yourself and NOT in stories or tales of miracle workers of old. However, in no way are these teachings somehow against any teacher that has come before. First-Hand experiences could not but support any and all religious practices you may have.The success of these courses is not based on the certificate of completion but the individual's honest experience of the Wholly Spiritual Universe. Nor does gaining the certificate of completion give you the right to teach this information but definitely gets you a step closer to doing so. The quizzes and worksheets within these courses are to support your progress, if you miss too much be sure to go back and listen to the lectures before moving on, everything in quiz has been discussed already.This is One Course of a Course-Series called ""Evoking Spirit"". There are seven courses to this series which consist of learning the spiritual perspectives in the areas of smelling, tasting, seeing, feeling, hearing, thinking and communicating. There are seven parts to this series of courses as well as this course has seven main sections each consisting of seven 5-30 minute lectures.Course Key: It is not that you need to perceive someplace different, you need to perceive the same place differently.If you are ready to expand your TASTING sensory perception to exceed the limits of the physical world, This is the course for YOU! If you want to get wholly integrated and Ascend to the full awareness of the Spiritual Universe this entire course series is suggested, with the possibility of other additional programs."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Sing Better with a Private Vocal Breakdown" |
"Get personalized vocal coaching feedback so that you know exactly what you need to focus on to become a better singer. No more guessing about how to sing when you get this private feedback that is especially for YOUR VOICE and for YOUR SPECIFIC SINGING NEEDS. Your very own vocal breakdown will help you to grow, and it's the the same breakdown that Coach Jessica gives to professional singers, because every singer needs personalized feedback in order to feel more confident and sing better. PLUS, once you receive your live recorded feedback, you will get your BONUS singing tool bundle to ensure that you have the tools to make it happen with tailored vocal exercises, mp3's, PDF's, vocal book excerpts, and coaching notes that you can use for your entire lifetime of singing."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Healing Voice Online Masterclass" |
"Your voice is the most intimate and direct expression of your true self and the balance and health of a personality are reflected in the sound of its voice. This vocal instrument, like any other musical instrument, needs proper care, tuning and mastery.When the entire body is actively involved in the production of sound, the level of presence, self-confidence and clarity is highly increased.Your voice is directly connected with who you are, shaped by who you are but also capable of shaping who you are. You will learn techniques and exercises to achieve benefits such as:Stress reductionDeep relaxationIncreased mental stillness and clarityAbility to massage your own body with soundExtension of the vocal rangeIncreased stability of the voice with consequent improvement of expression and self-confidenceExpanded awareness of ones own posture and alignmentMy approach to vocal training is a unique blend of Eastern and Western wisdom and traditions.Whether you work with your voice, for example as a singer, actor, teacher and you are interested in enriching your knowledge with some deep and focused bodywork or whether you practice yoga, meditation or some alternative healing art or you are simply someone who would like to explore the power of your own voice as a healing tool for yourself and others, this programme is for you.This Online Masterclass will guide you through a deep exploration of your own voice from two points of view.One is the understanding of the physiology of the voice and all the parts of the body involved in producing ans sustaining your sound. The other is the experience of how different sounds can affect different areas of the body and how they relate to the central channel of the body.Sound can find its way through blockages created by stuck energies/emotions and restore the bodys natural field of resonance.Breathing the Sounds into the spine will bring light to our potentials as self-healers and conscious beings, awakening the ability to resonate ones entire body in a self-sound massage with remarkable stimulating effects.This work is suitable for all those who want to explore their voice in a deep conscious way; for those who use their voice in their work (singers, actors, speakers, presenters, teachers); for practitioners of any form of yoga; for those who want to experience the energy of Creation within the sound of their voice; for healers, therapists and musicians.The content of this online programme is also part of the Sound Therapy Practitioner Online Training."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Structural Design Specifications MCQ Practice Questions" |
"Structural engineers design, assess and inspect structures to ensure that they are efficient and stable. Structural engineers work on a very wide range of structures, including; buildings, bridges, oil rigs, and so onCivil engineers design, construct, maintain and improve the physical environment, including bridges, tunnels, roads, railways, canals, dams, coastal defences, and so on. The term civil engineer is a more broad one than structural engineer that can include infrastructure such as pipelines, transportation, environmental engineering, maritime engineering, and so on. It was originally coined to distinguish it from military engineeringStructural engineering was initially considered a sub-discipline of civil engineering, however it has developed into an important and complex specialism and is now be considered an specific engineering discipline in its own rightThese questions will give you basic idea for Examination Preparation and/or interview on Structural Design Specifications Practice questions for Civil Engineering.Please Note: These questions are only for practice and understanding level of knowledge only. It is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and/or interview questionsIn this practice test, because of large amount of questions (around 150 questions) some of questions may have repeatedI had to put as 70% pass rate because there may also be wrong answers from my side."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Coaching For Results (Part I)" |
"The role of a coach is to facilitate the achievement of a desired outcome. With this course, you will gain the knowledge and confidence to do this! Many coaches choose to listen, empathize, ask questions, inspire and motivate. Yet the key to success as a coach is to change the perception of that desired outcome.If your client is unable to find a new relationship, the perception of that relationship may need to change. If your client is not successful in their career, they must change their perception of that career. If your client created a dependency on drugs or alcohol, their perception of the addiction mast change. If your client is overweight or out-of-shape, their perception of a healthy lifestyle is unrealistic. If your client is struggling financially, they need to change their perceptions on wealth and money management. If your client has lost faith, they need to change their perception of religion.You will bring a unique and unorthodox perspective to resolving an issue, dealing with a problem or creating a solution for your client. Once your clients change their perceptions, it no longer matters who they were, what they did or where they came from. Your ability to re-shape your clients perception of who they are, will ultimately change your perception of coaching!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Spring Boot REST & Angular + Full Stack Application!" |
"Are you looking for a Job, and your employer is asking for the following skill set?Spring Boot, REST API, Restful Webservices, Reactive Programming, Spring WebFlux, Java Script, Angular, Type Script, Oauth, NoSQL, etcWell, You are in the right place!Spring Boot REST with Angular Is a course that will help you get those skills, in shortest time possible. So that you can, not only apply for these jobs and clear their interview, but can also work on real time Spring projects.If you are an Architect, its an absolute must to have knowledge on these concepts to make right project decisions or to comfortably take part in team discussions.Ive been dealing with Spring Projects since 2012 and on Angular since 2017. Ive also taught/mentored many individuals worldwide and helped them reach their goals.This course is taught in beginner friendly way and the only expectation from you, is that you know Java and some basic understanding of Spring Framework.In the end of this course, we will also create an End-to-End full stack application. So, that you will put everything youve learnt in this course in to practice. This will give you exposure to, how these technologies work together.If you need any help while you are taking this course, I am just a message away. I mean, I come with so much of experience in the industry, for what? Is to help individuals like you, get a better career.Highlights of this course on Spring Boot REST & AngularYou will learn all the essential concepts of Spring RESTYou will learn Spring WebFlux to leverage the benefits of Reactive ProgrammingYou will learn Spring OAuth and JWTYou will be introduced to Spring Boot and its FeaturesYou will Learn Angular and its features (3 Hour Angular Crash Course)We will create an end-to-end Full stack application from scratch!You will gain enough knowledge to start working on related projectsYou will comfortably understand any other JavaScript Framework with easeStruck somewhere while learning? I am just a message away, to help you out.This course is made in beginner friendly wayYou will clear job interviews on this subject (or) comfortably work on spring projects30-Day Refund policy.Why should you learn Spring Boot REST?Pretty much all the modern day applications are built on the principles of REST API to expose webservices.Spring is the most popular framework to build RESTful WebservicesUnderstanding of Spring REST is necessary, before you move on to learn Spring MicroservicesHaving knowledge on REST will enable you to use any third party APIs without hiring a developer.Spring Boot is a framework to create microservices on cloud. If you are learning spring, then its an absolute must to learn Spring Boot. It will allow you to develop spring apps, with a lot of ease.This course will talk about pretty much all the Spring REST concepts with beautiful examples (Including OAuth, Reactive programming, etc), In beginner friendly way.This course will also give you a brief understanding on Spring Boot and its features. Along with examples.Check the complete curriculum below..Why should you learn Angular?Angular is the front end app, that makes REST API Calls to a remote webservice created using spring.Angular is the most popular front end JavaScript frameworkKnowledge on Java Script framework is an absolute must for any job roleLearning about angular will lay a solid foundation to learn any other JavaScript frameworks like React, Node, Vue JS, etc.Although, this course is not an exclusive course on Angular, this course includes a 3 Hour crash course on Angular, that will familiarize you with all the Features of Angular with examples.This is enough for you to work on Angular Projects.What will you learn in this course?Spring Boot REST with Angular will teach you all the essential concepts, in detail and with practical examples (Including, creation of an end-to-end Full Stack Application). The following is the course curriculum.Spring Boot REST with Angular syllabus :IntroductionSpring Boot REST : Webservices Fundamentals32:32Traditional MVC Architecture01:51Issues with Traditional MVC Architecture05:07RMI (Remote Method Invocation)03:16Webservices with SOAP09:10RESTful WebServices13:08Spring Boot (Pre-Requisite Chapter)46:30Spring boot Introduction05:12Creating Spring Boot Project Using STS08:14Project Walk through05:46App Logic08:10How it all works? Creating a Jar archive08:14Spring Boot Features Revisited05:00Deploying a .war File Using Spring Boot05:45Spring Boot REST : CRUD Operations30:44Traditional MVC vs Spring REST API03:47POSTMAN Client01:03API We will be building in this chapter01:27Creating Spring Boot Project for our API03:17getProducts API10:07Get Specific Product02:47Add a resource with POST03:14Update with Json using PUT03:24Delete Resource with DELETE01:38Spring Boot REST : Content Negotiation20:04Content Negotiation Introduction05:09HTTP Header Content Negotiation02:44Request Parameters for Content Negotiation02:02Content Negotiation with Path Extension01:15ContentType01:31Produces Attribute and PDF Response05:40Accept Encoding for Compression Algorithm01:43Spring Boot REST : HTTP Cache17:55HTTP Cache Introduction03:50Cache Max Age04:25ETAG Theory03:44ETAG Example04:13No-Store, Public, Private01:43Spring Boot REST : Other Concepts22:23Partial Update with Patch and sending MAP05:43Idempotency And Safe Methods05:23File Upload and Download11:17Spring Boot REST : Error Handling16:01Error Handling06:08Validation & Custom Validations09:53Spring Boot REST : REST Template47:52REST Template Introduction07:43Json Jackson To Retrieve Specific Info05:25POST Using REST Template08:56PUT Using REST Template03:42DELETE Using Rest Teamplate02:12Rest Template Error Handling11:14Handling Time Out08:40Spring Boot REST : HATEOAS18:32HATEOAS Introduction09:22HATEOAS Implementation Part 104:37HATEOAS Implementation Part 204:33Spring Boot REST : Reactive Spring01:22:29Spring Reactive Programming Theory15:30Implementing Reactive Programming In Spring11:04Back Pressure07:23Responding In Reactive Way04:05Live Stream03:26Flux Vs Mono01:30Parallel Streams04:46Web Client07:11Spring React With MongoDB09:36Spring React MongoDB Working Example07:04Live Stream With MongoDB01:29Testing Reactive Applications07:43Drawbacks Of Reactive Programming01:42Spring Boot REST : OAuth and JWT33:09Oauth Real Time Example03:44OAuth Example04:02Oauth Flow03:34JWT (Json Web Token)21:49Spring Boot REST : Angular Essentials (Crash Course!)02:18:26What is Angular?13:23Setting Up Angular Development Environment Part 107:02Setting Up Angular Development Environment Part 206:21Additional Config on Windows00:34ng-new06:17Webpack04:37JIT vs AOT Compilers in Angular08:39ngServe04:37Including Bootstrap Framework06:22Angular Components14:29Angular Data Binding05:26Angular Event Binding09:47Property Binding And Data Exchange Between Components08:12Services In Angular08:40Dependency Injection in Angular Part 107:21Dependency Injection in Angular Part 202:45Angular Modules06:08Angular Routing08:35Angular HTTP Client09:11Few random reviews on my teaching styleInstructor has great knowledge on the topics he covered.An excellent trainer.I would really to take his courses always .The trainer prepares the student to go in the market and secure a job.This course is really worth it. The tutor has ample practical knowledge and discusses about almost everything that is there to know. I am glad i took this course and would encourage any aspirant to go for it.Good, clear instructor with uncluttered focused examples recommended.On my Java course : Liking the course so for. Very good explanation of each concepts, explaining the fundamentals on each topic, all the way till what happens in memory in each, explaining the Whys in the beginning of topic (which is very important to me, otherwise one would be just memorizing). I liked the authors approach to start with explaining methods and then expanding it to classes, objects and others. This course is good value for the money.Knowledge Notes!What is Spring Boot REST?I dont want to get too technical (Assuming that you are beginner). This was explained well in detail in the course. But roughly speaking, the main purpose of REST API is to decouple presentation from Business and Data tier, so that the same code can be used for both Mobile and Web applications.In other words, a REST API will not return HTML, like in case of traditional applications. But, will return Data. Because, guess what! HTML works on browsers but not on mobile app.Spring Boot on the other hand will help us develop spring apps in rapid manner. Basically, it follows convention over configuration principle. Which means, with spring boot, developers can focus on writing the code that matters and dont have to take care of configurations and other boilerplate code.This is all discussed in the course, in detail.What is reactive programming in Spring boot REST?Again! This was explained well in the course, but to put it simply, reactive programming will reduce the thread wait time on the server. So that, more requests can be processed at a time.If you want to know How! Then, its hard to explain in typing. Its explained well in the course.What is Angular?Traditional apps used to return HTML and so they can be rendered directly on the browser. But, a REST API will return Data without presentation.So then, who will take care of presentation part? Well, you guessed it. Angular!Angular is an application that runs on the browser and acts like a client app for REST API. Angular is much more than just that though! Better check out the course lectures.I hope to see you in the course. Either way, I wish you good luck for your future endeavors!Your well wisher,Karthikeya T"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Apprendre du Vocabulaire : La technique ultime." |
"Long, Pnible et Inutile.C'est comme cela qu'on pourrait dcrire l'apprentissage du vocabulaire.On passe normment de temps devant sa feuille, une grande liste de mots n'en plus finir.Au fil des mots on oublie les premiers qu'on a appris, on a l'impression de ne pas avancer. Que a ne se finit jamais. Pire !Lorsqu'on passe normment de temps sur 5 mots, mais que quoi qu'on fasse, a ne rentre pas !C'est NERVANT, FRUSTRANT, DCOURAGEANT !On n'a qu'une envie c'est de ramasser tous ces papiers parpills sur le bureau et de tout jeter la poubelle !Et plus on travaille, plus on est frustr de ne pas avancer, plus on travaille, plus on fatigue, moins a fonctionne et plus on s'nerve ! C'est un cercle vicieux !Mais ce n'est pas le plus grave.Ce cercle vicieux finit au pire des cas par nous avoir. On finit par abandonner et se dire que a ne sert rien.Alors si on apprend juste pour le fun c'est pas grave !Mais si on a un vrai objectif derrire. Une vraie motivation, un but, un projet bien plus grand.L c'est grave.Ces sentiments-l, ces envies de tout envoyer balader, je les ai vcues aussi. On les a tous vcues. Vous n'tes pas le/la seule avoir vcu ces choses.Et ce n'est pas de votre faute !On a t duqu comme a. Vous vous souvenez l'cole ? Lorsqu'on devait apprendre les posies auxquelles on ne comprenait rien ?La seule mthode que nos professeurs nous ont appris c'est de rpter, rpter, rpter...Mais a ne marche pas ! C'est une mthode archaque, rbarbative, chronophage et surtout fausse ! On a l'impression d'y passer des heures, sans pour autant que a fonctionne le moins du monde !Au contraire, Vous vous souvenez de votre petite enfance ? Lorsque vous ne pensiez qu' vous amuser ?Lorsque on ne faisait que jouer des jeux diffrents. Sans stress.Sans pression.Et pourtant vous appreniez ces moments-l.Beaucoup plus facilement et mme sans vous rendre compte que vous appreniez quelque chose..Le temps passait alors trs vite.L'objectif de cette formation est justement d'apprendre le vocabulaire de faon aussi simple que lorsque vous appreniez tant enfant. Facilement, rapidement, sans mme y penser et surtout efficacement.Vous pourrez mesurer les rsultats trs rapidement :Tout de suite aprs la formation, vous aurez tous les outils pour travailler de la meilleure manire.Votre motivation sera au beau fixe, vous serez de nouveau partant pour apprendre l'Allemand, l'Espagnol ou que sais-je encore.Quelques jours aprs, tout vous semblera plus facile.Une fois tout mis en place (et c'est fait trs rapidement), vous multiplierez vos rsultats par 10.Vous serez soulag de laisser derrire vous les tonnes de papiers aux listes interminables.Vous vous fatiguerez bien moins la tche.Vous prendrez confiance en vous parce que vous rendrez compte que vous en tes capable.Vous retrouverez votre motivation et pourrez enfin atteindre votre objectif.C'est une mthode que j'ai moi-mme utilis.Dans le cadre de mon expatriation en sude, je devais apprendre le vocabulaire sudois le plus rapidement possible, pour ne pas chouer mon expatriation ni retourner en France.Alors je me suis fix un objectif dmentiel, apprendre 100 mots de vocabulaire par jour.J'avais la mauvaise mthode.Je rentrais des cours de sudois, bien trop compliqus pour mon niveau, j'avais mal la tte, j'tais fatigu mais je devais travailler.Je devais apprendre mes 100 mots par jour pour m'en sortir.J'tais lessiv.Constamment stress de peur de ne pas russir. Mon manque de vocabulaire me pnalisait au travail.Je perdais peu peu ma motivation.Une fois que j'ai mis en place cette mthode (bien trop tard malheureusement), j'ai tout de suite vu la diffrence.J'tais bien mois fatiguJ'avais un rythme bien plus matris.Ce qui m'a permis de russir mon expatriation.Mais je ne suis pas le seul que cette mthode a sauv !Prenez l'exemple de Gabriel Wyner :Auteur du livre Fluent Forever (Bilingue pour toujours)Fondateur de l'entreprise du mme nom qui vaut des millions.Grce cette mthode, ce Monsieur a appris le Franais (langue rpute complique) en 3 moiset l'Allemand en 14 semaines !Et vous pouvez faire la mme chose ! Pour a deux possibilits :La faon longue et difficile :Continuer seul(e) avec l'ancienne mthode rbarbative quasi inefficace et qui prend un temps fou.La faon RAPIDE et FACILE : Apprendre une nouvelle mthode d'apprentissage, logique, efficace et viter de dpenser des centaines d'euros dans des bouquins et soi-disant ""mthode miracle"".Que gagnerez-vous avec cette formation ?Un gros gain de temps. J'ai appris les bases du sudois en 6 mois. Je suis certain qu'avec cette mthode vous pouvez progresser beaucoup plus vite.Un apprentissage bien plus rapide et durable.Un bon de productivit norme.Vous saurez trouver le vocabulaire adapt vos besoins quotidiennement et sans effort.Retrouverez confiance en vous et en vos capacits d'apprentissage.Bnficiez des leons que j'ai tir de mes checs sans avoir besoin de passer par toutes ces tapes.Une mthode pas pas faite pour s'adapter vos besoins.Une progression quantifiable et quotidienne sans passer des heures derrire votre bureau !De bien meilleurs rsultats qui pourront potentiellement vous ouvrir les portes d'une carrire l'international !La formation est divise en trois parties :Partie 1 : Comment trouver le vocabulaire VRAIMENT utile et crer vos propres listes de vocabulaire sans y passer des heures..Partie 2 : La mthode concrte pour apprendre RAPIDEMENT ET EFFICACEMENT votre vocabulaire.Partie 3 : Comment trouver le temps d'apprendre, mme si vous tes TRS occup(e).C'est une formation courte mais qui permet justement de la mettre rapidement en uvre et de voir les rsultats le plus rapidement possible, pour ne pas dire immdiatement.Pas comme les mthodes tout-en-un soit disant miraculeuse qui vous font perdre votre temps et votre argent.Vous avez envie de passer au niveau suprieur ?Vous voulez progresser rapidement ?Vous voulez apprendre du vocabulaire sans l'oublier quelques jours voire minutes aprs ?Vous voulez vous ouvrir les portes des langues du monde, du voyage facile et pourquoi pas d'une carrire l'international ? Si la rponse est oui au moins une de ces rponses,Je vous dis tout de suite dans la formation ;)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Learn Python in Sinhala" |
"Throughout this course i am going to develop your python programming knowledge from beginning and starting from basic concepts.Firstly we will looking at how to install Python on your computer.After that we will go to programming directly without boring theories. But this course includes some import theories that you must know for programming."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cancer genetics" |
"Post the infections era cancers are one of the major causes of mortality around the world. Play of genes is at the core of cancer dynamics. The course on Cancer Genetics starts with regulated cell death, gene polymorphism, hereditary cancer syndrome and deals with individual cancers of breast, cervix, endometrium, GIT and head and neck in detail."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Adolescent Health" |
"Adolescence is an important stage in childhood. It marks the transition to adulthood, during which children go through a lot of physical and psychological changes. This course on Adolescent Health describes in detail the Adolescent stage of development and also deals comprehensively with the most common problems encountered during adolescence."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |